The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, February 12, 1869, Image 1

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    "Vire &ban.
2 tried and popular Itemeilly fC anal* eallall
elation of the public. As olten es the 'oar
and, Ch. proprlatori annually - oaks their
a pm**, and remind them thatamOt+pt fya
p requ'red for the health, comfort ant sus
the fomily through the long end tedious
vOnter, Coes Cough Balsam should not be
• •tisr years It has been a household mecil
• MC thers sox ion% for the safety of their
all who safer from any disease of the throat,
lungs, cannot afford to be. without it. la
o the ordinary four ounce so boug fis the
• ROW tarnish our mammoth Dimity Moe
hitt will, In common with the other 'Lee, he
II Drag &ore,.
• will be Amid invaluable, and may Orris
upon In the moat extreme ease'.
times, cf all who have audit fur thus tarri
during the last tan years, Is, that It In
cl levee and cures It.
our threat wet with the Datum—taking
ten—niad you will very loon And
•to a steady rel i ef wh e ret reatedy.--
eed giving.
• Lille&
'clay procuring and Immediately taking
b DaLam, when troubled with any of the
ed diticulties. They are all premonitory
of Ommumption, and if not arrested, will
ter sweep you away into the valley of
which none can ever return.
worn enlferer hu found relief and to--
that her life has been made easy and pre—
he use of Co.'. Cough Balm.
know the article, and it needs no comment
t is for sale by every Druggist and Dewier
in the United . States.
le PrOprietors, New Haven, et
Read. 11 Re t ad 11 r
orld's Great .Veriaect4r,
's Dyspepsia Cure.
.. •a la prottoancod by Dyspeptic, ai tho
twatody that will sorely ear* that ag-
Altai malady. For year' it awitpt ow Ito
carryhog bolore - It to as untimely gran*,
yspepsia Cure has come to
the Rescue
Dpaicpßia, Sick Headache,
vs or Acidity of Stomach,
Food, Flatulency, Lits-
de, Trearine.g.l, finally ter-
mi4tfing in Deal
. cur by We point remedy, aathe pr
Al ough but fi ve year" before the
is tbl
erdlet of the mares? Heed'irltst
a of Dillwatikee, rye:
LF.ST.E.B 8EZ70.7f , qf ifiluqutkee.j
Wa.. Jan. 21.,1565.
G. Cidiaa t Oa., New at." Oath.
tad alio bathaaad Cles'sDysupsis Cue,
• Pl9l/BOTLY satisfactory u a Ram
hatatattaafn. yth; that vs bays rop.
T swan from Its us.
ss7 lissustftity,
es. L. P. W.I.RD, Avow, Lorain Or., o.]
41 rosittraw, Drunddr, Cleidsamt.
gives me great pleasure to Mate th a t ,
&wind great 4emtat tram thaw ot.
CUM She ham been gm a iintabor
to:ended with Dymiegiala, accompanied •
reval eofconstipation -which sit ?Tw
at she was all the while, be month, na..-
tbing. She took, at yous lastsmim Goes
aad has derived GRIM leirlattillt
4 a now comparatively welt. She re
tches as a great blessing.
%Truly yours,
bmi! 14"%olat.11,1".:Z•J''b244:0L"'
fat fa dos ooltatry will toll rm. if you
Ma to faffialra, .tlfatollll , Oa bays
117aloopfda Oar* kola aifs fa
salad probe of Its groat afallidaal oh,
s Dyspepsia Op
lairablalkis ha all mai etritanliaa,
ellaWrOa.*Water arlidat sad
= ,m. y*• mostly arviayulkir• al
0. 0. MARK CO.,
GAD Propeeters, Now lima. CI.
Gettysburg, Pa.,
t for Adami county.
Reif 14141.041 d“
iARPER, NeinfiliSO*l
sonnrioiut aft rtraninb
it red, bdoeoes tArtCburt-homseatid Diamond
Gfttprbars, Pa.
Tar STAII age 811N2INEL is pn6lisbed every Fri
o.), morning, at 12.00 a year to *deities ; of $.4.b 0 if
not p ail within the year. No snbscriptions discon
tinued until all %restates are paid,rinteta at the orr•
t lon of the publishers.
ncelTlESiXtlrri. are inserted at reasonable rates.
A liberaldeduction will be matte to persons advert'•
sing by the quarter, bat (rear, Cr year. Special no.
tices 1,111 be inserted at special rates, to be agreed
Atirriso circulation of thi3vai anw,Brarnmitie one
half.larger than that ever attained by any newspaper
n Adame connty; end, se an advertising toadlona, it
cannot be excelled.
Jou Woax kinds will be promptly executed,
-and at fair ratea. Blanks, Cards, Pampb
leb., tc , in every variety and style will be printed at
notice. TAMS CASH.
'groft,soioad &r.
n- • LS W, will promptly atten d to collectioniand
til ot entrusted to biiscare.
!I:e Fahnestock and Danner and Ziog.
er's .t ern, . dalt itnore street. (1 ettysburs, Pa. .
May 29.156;.*
sEy tT LAW, will promptly attend to collec
t Ion• tad all other toltAinesa entrustetlte 3,is care.•
)11e,tt iiie reai•lonce in thethredenny building
spposite tbn , 'ourt house. (Gettysburg, May 29,1867
AT LA W",ollacq at his residence Irttb•Smith-ess
cor of Cunt re Square.
.try 1.0,1867
CLAIM AGENCY. —The', under
igued trill attend to the eafleeGonrd' claims
against the U. S. Government. including Military
itotiatie, U Kick Puy, Ponsiuus,Forago, Ac., either In
the C .urt of Claims or before any of the Departments
at \Valhi Delon.
. .
\l ay 29, , H 67. Attorney atLaw,Gettyeburg.Pa
Witt promptly attend to Collections, Conveyances,
Writing or Deetia, Leases. &c., and all other -lAsioess
oatrulted to Menem.
d7') ice on Frederick street, at the of formerly
ocloplo.rby Drs. Shorb, Kinser and t llehring.
May 20, 1838.-1 y•
Attorneys and Counsellors,
n ..1000NIUG1-117 has associa
• &Ie3JOEIS3I. HBAUTII, Bed., In the practlU
of the 1 raw, at hla old office, Oho door west of
Drug store, Chambersburg street. •
Special attention given to Salts, Calleetloni and
Settlement of Estates. All legal business, and
alms to Pennons, Bounty, Back-pay, and Damages
aintt U. ttates,at all times, promptly and efficient
attended to. -
L cud warrants located, and choice Farina for sale
nod other Irratilrn Stat rlioY. 27,1937.—t
Having located at NEW SALEM, will attend
to all branched of bia profeaeioa, and will be found at
hfe oilice when not profeseiunally
Adam. county, Pa.
TIR. J. W. C. 0/NEAL
llas his Omce at his residence% in Baltimore
street, two doors above the Compiler t):lice.
ilettysburg, May 29,1867.
having located in Gettysburg, offers his
services to the public. Office In Baltimore street, In
room above Confectionary, where he
will be prepared to attend to any cat* within the
provincu_of the Dentist. Persons In want of full or
•rtia.jatiut truth are invited to call. Terms reason
able. f April 8,1868.
tis t, °Mealy Clhambersburg street, one do/in west
of the Lutheran Church, nearly opposite Dr; IL
110rner's Drn Store, where be may be found ready
sad willing° attend any case within the pro Vince
et the Dentist Persons in want of full Setsof teeth
are invited to call. , [Day 29, 1867
a.B RGSUMED the Practice of Medicine in
J.ITLESTOWN, and offers his sorvicee to the public.
Office at his house, corniy of Lombard mreet and
Foundry alley, near the Railroad. Special attention
giroa to Skin Diseases. [Littlestown, N0t.13,1801
Tarriagto, gtarutoo, at.
"Best always Cheapest."
T HE Best and Cheapest,
lI4RNBSS of all kind., in the County
are always to be found It the old and well known
stand, Baltimore at., opposite the Presbyterian Church.
(Nice REAR Y'S.)
Our Riding and Wagon Saddles,
are the most substantially built and neatest
Our Harness, (plain and silver mount
ed,) are complete In every respect and warranted to be
of the very beet material and workmanship:-
Our upper leather Draft Collars, ,a
ca.N No? as sIAT. They are the beet FITTING and
moat durable.
Our Heavy Draft Harness,
are made to order, u cheap u they can be made any
where end to the most cabetantial manner.
Biding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft
Hemet, Fly-nets and everything in the line; ..Wome
better or cheaper.
Our prices
hare been ZIDTIOZD to the lowest firing standard.
A liberal percentage for cash, off all bills amounting
to $3 or more.
We work not': ing but the best of gal and will
warrant every article turned out to be In everyreepect
as represented.
Thankful for past favors we Invite attention to our
present stock.
vitySl iTe me a call and examine ruczs Akar QUALITY
Jan.29,1868.—tf D. 2dcCREARY it SON.
The war being over, the undersigned Lave resumed
at their old stand, in East Middle street, Gettysburg,
where they are agate prepared to put up work in the
most Gishionable, substantial, and 'superior manner.
lot of new and ~ond•hand
on hand, which they will Steppes of at the lowest
price., and all orders wlll be supplied as promptly
stall satisfactorily as possible.
dons with dispatch, and at cheapest rates. ,
A largo lot of new and old HARNESS on hand for
Thankful for the 1.64erel patrorutge heretofore en
.loynd bp theta, theyaolicit asd will endeavor to dem
. .terToll. large share in the future.
May 29.-tf • DANNER, t ZISGLER.
Buggies and Carriages.
:adored 11 le arT
berg, Pa., where he will aosatiotta to build all kinds of
.worl in his line, viz
WAGONS, &C., &C.
Ills work Is sit put up of good material and by
the best of Eh Ica, and cannot fall to give salts
faction. His prlceears always reasonable. He solic
its orders, confident that he can please.
RRPAIRING prcaoptl7 doaa at moderate rates
July 1, 11168,-1y
is now betiding • vadat, of 100ACII WORK of
the latest and snort approved ets
l k es, and construct:
ed of the but material, to Which e invitee the atten
tion of buyers. Haring built work with great
care, and of snaterialeatected with special reference
to beauty of styli, and durability, he can confident
ly recommend tha work as mum by any other
In or out of the cities. AU he asks Lan inspection.of
Lis work, to convince those In want of any kind of •
vehicle that this le The place to hely them.
airRILPAIRINCI In every branch done at short
notice and on reasonable terms.
Ofre me a call at my isatorY, near the earner et
Iffaahington and Chansberabarg street Gettysburg,
Juno 12.1167.—U. 4
gut and e firt VII,UMW.
. , Oi"Wan. ~
P i
roo co-Ptidnt *lt
..... I
Vo • .
Sec tet‘gi • ..,.; iiiiiitkiot t ,„_ .
Treiture—E.o: tralinoccom.
Execatitotlomm#o44-114bget Noenrithit. &Pick
lug. Jacob King.
H‘caeti.-41•01Knittillitc.iik- &Jkludgar,oll.lloCket.
dy, a. 11,- Rump, .114 11 ,60 , =ZA
Hint, Strifttaiatoir i
H. • . Making: Kb , * ii; - A 1 . GINA&
Wm. Hem Whit 4, Minty t 'MAI 1 4 .41,P ,
Ka:ridi Comps my Is limited in its aiiiiistiore til 130 -
..ounty et Adam. Ix kr low ta - 1116,1 k
than IT Yam, mobist 044poriiiillima: iii.
sosomiontAtortag paid mom" byllitodtartim $ Perk , /
ammuti 4 K ( 4 ) allariANlS. Am ikowalbollslagia_ .
intone* tar is igig attkir Of .41b0 anillcitlimikti , f.u.t
Awns Oussav id 7 . 0 411,Willigg
b• Coss_Pishet lb. la 4 . iitgiNzsgollik
t I o'clock, F.ll. - - - - r ..04,100"04:
VOL.'LXIX. NO. 12.
gal and gersonal *ago.
fbe undersigned. Adallutotrator of dm Meat° of
Moses Myers, deceased, will sell at - Public 'Sale. on
Thursday and Friday, the 4th and bth of_ March next,
at 8 0'c10c4.4...V., at the late resideutut of deceased
Lethnore tothethip, Addmi count }• , re the road
leeoing from DeardutPa to Wollortrs lilUI, about two
miles northeast of Petersburg, (P. TS.,) the following
rsineble Personal Propecti, to wit:
I GOOD FAMILY IiCtSE, rising 6 years old, and
will ride any gait and Prot in harness, and tea very
nice trusty driving horst, and wilOwork any place he
is hitched, I fine two year old Cult, and both nice
Bays, 3 Mitch Cows, all young, and two of which will
he fresh about the time of sat or shortly after, l one
se Wagon and Bed, 1 Spring Wadon, I Rockaway
Buggy, 1 Falling Top Buggy, I Sleigh and Bella, 1
Plough, l Harrow, Shovel and Fork Planate. double
and single Trees, l one and two horse Spreader, Cow
Chatty", Halters and Challis, Log Chula, Bakes. Pocks,
Shovels, Mattock., Peck, Hoes, 1 Winnowing MIII, I
Corn Sheller, 2 Bow Hay Carrlay.e., the one a 'two
horse Carriage, the other Is calculated for one or two
borsee,2 Yet, of Light Wagon liminess, 2 seta Buggy
Harness, .1 net of Front Gears, 2 Houston., 2 Blind
Bridles and Collars, 2 good Leather Fly Note, 1 Side
Saddle, 2 Riding Saddles, one of them now, 2 - Buffalo
Robes, Hay and Straw by the ton, about 7 acres of
Wheat in the ground. Also, a lot of Millwright and
Oarpentei Tools, consisting in part of Broad Axe,
Chopping Axes, Hand Axes, Augurs, Chisels, PiaLIOIS
HUM Sawn, Steel quarea, Steel Blade and Beset
Squares, Braces and Bits all kinds of Monl•lng
Sash Plan.. Punnet Planes, Match Planes, Work
Benches and Screw*, Screw Cutter,Taming Plane,
Cress-cut Saw , 2 Grindstones, Gran Cradle, Clover
Cradle, Scythes and Smiths, a lot of Poets, a lot of
Plank and Boarde, lie. Also, Household and Kitchen
Furniture, consisting in part of 1 Bureau, Secretary,
Book Case, Tablas, Stands, Chairs, Bedsteads and
Bedd lug, Corner Cupboard, Kitchen Cupboard, I Desk;
Quilting Frame,Cook Stove and Fixtures, 2 ten plate
Stove and Pips, Stove and Pipe, Jars, Cane, Baits,
Tubs, Barrels, Meat Stands, Ac., 100 yards of Carpet
ing, Wool and" Spinning Wheels, Chests, Locking
Glasaes, '2 30-hour Clocks, 1 Rifle, 2 Copper Kettles, 2
Iron Kettle., Iron Pots, Earthen Red Queens 'Ware,
Tin Wars, a lot of Smoked Pork, Lard, a lot of Pd•
eaters, Sausage Cutter, Stuffer and Lard Pres., and a
variety of other articles too numerous to mention.
Attendance will be given and terms made 'known
Adm'r Of Moats Myers.
Jan. 22.—ts
The undersigned Intending to move to this West,
will oiler at Public Sale, on Tuesday, /he lath day of
7Sbruary neat, on is. (Atm of W.B Brandon, of tuatod
about 3 :alley - northwest of Petersburg. the following
volatallo Personal Property. to wit:
4 1111 AD OR WORK HOMER, two of them being
sfares hear] with foal, 1 Colt, 5 b - aad of Cows, 5 head
of young Cattle, .2 Brood Sows, also • a full stock of
Farming Utensfis, as follows. 2 four-horse broad tread
Wagons, I Opring Wagon, 1 Buckeye Beeper and
Mower with Ca trake, Wire Horse Rake, Grain Drill,
Threshing Machine with double ,Shaker and Horse
Power, Fodder Cutter, one-hall interest in Clover
Huller, Corn Sheller, Wind mill, Ploughs, narrows,
;hovel Plows, Corn Forka, Bring Forhs, Fitch Forks,
Shaking Forks and a variety elf other articles, A !so,
I Buggy suitable for ono or Mao horses, with shalt,
and tongue. ] single and 1 double set of Harness, 1
two-horse Sleigh, Sleigh Belle, Bled, Ilay Ladders,
Fifth Chain, Log Chain, single, double and three-horse
Troes,l Flay Fork and Fixtures. Also, at the tame
time and place, the subscriber willoffer his Household
and Kitchen Furniture, consisting ot Chairs. Tables,
Cupboard, liothaeada, Bureaus, Stands,Clock, Lamps,
and a lot of Glass, Stout, Tin and Earthen Ware, to
gether with Stores of all clescriptions,Cooking Stove,
1 tetoplate glove, Parloraind Chamber Stoves, Water
Cooler, Fruit Cans, WasliTubs,]tubber, rink, Buck
et. (ton and wooden), as wells. a lot of other articles
of interest to all 'Housekeepers,.
July 24. 1863.-4.1
bale will commence at 10 o'clock, A. Y., when at
tendance will be glyon arid terms marls known by
The undersigned will well at Public Sale on Friday
the 19th day of February next. at 10 o'clock, A. X., at
his reidence iii Highland township, ou the Wm
formerly owned by Wln Or; and now Paul dowers,
on the road f,om Cisbtoirn to Fairfield. 3 miles from
the former stud 4 from the latter place ' a satiety 01
valuable Personal Property. inelddlng4 bead of Work
llorites,l two yearling Station Cult, 4 bead of mul c h
Cows, 2 of which will be frock on day of Salo or short
ly after, 4 Heifers, three of them 2 yearlings and I
one yearling. 1 Cali, 1 tine Durham Bull, 4 years old;
also, I two years old Durham Bull, S !laid of Sheep, 1
}trot-rate fotir-horse narrow-tread Wasun, as good as
new, 1 Wagon Bed; alio, flay Carriager, Wood Lad
ders. all in good order, 1 good Reaper, 1 Roiling
Screen, Fanning Mill, 3 Plows, 1 harrow, double and
single Shoved Plow*, Corn Ooserer, Bows and Rakes.
Forks and Shovels, I set of Breechbands, 2, set, of
?lOW GOATS. _Bridles and Cellars, Halters, ines, 1
Wagon Whip, Cow Chains, Log Chain, single and
double Trees, 2 Spreaders. Dung Hook, Dung Boards,
Boxes, Barrels, 1 Clover Seed Cradle, 1 Slowing
Scythe and - .Etnatkl Side Saddle., 1 lading Saddle,
about two or three loads of Slabs; also,, at the same
time a Parlor.S tore, 1 Table, about twenty yards of
bran new home-made Carpet, ratter beeil is use, 1
first-rate Rockaway Buggy.
Attendance will be given and terms made known
The subscriber, ioleadiair to quit farsoioci will self
at Public sale, on ThandfaKlStit day ofsiTtfrrtiory,
180, at his resideuee in Hainiltotiabah tosi*ltip,
'roiles west of Fairfield, foe fallowing Persouai Proper
ty, viz:
2 ROOD BROOD 11AR118, both of which are with
foal. 2 good Hales, 1 three year old Colt and 2 two
year old Colts, I. good Mich Cow., three of which
will be fresh about the auto of sale, 8 fat Steer., 2
Bulls, 1 a two yearling and lthreo yearling, 8 head of
youngCattlr, 1 good four borne uarrow.troad Wagon,
1 Spring Wagon, 1 pair of Wood Ladders, 1 Lime Bed,
1 pair of Rail Carriages. 1 Wire-tooth Hay Hake, 1
good Grain Drill, 1 .Winnowing Mill, Cutting .Box,
Grain Shovel, 3 Barshear Ploughs, one of which is
good three-horse Plough, Harrow; Cora Forks, double
and single Morel Ploughs, single, double and three
Horse Trees, Orilla Cradle, 2 pairs of Breechbands, 3
pairs of FroulGears ' Wagon 'Saddle, .Itidlitt, Saddle
and Bridle,Blind Bridles, Collars, Halters,Cow
Chains, 44-sgChalns, Fifth Chains, Rough Lock,Brreed
ers; Butt Chains, Breast Chains, Wagon Line, Plough
Line, Wagon Whip; elm, a lot of Blacksmith T , els,
Household and Kitchen furuituro, and a great many
other artlelestoo numerous to mention.
TRaDII3:—A credit of twelve montfia will be given.
Sale to commeuce at to o'clock, A. 31.
Attaatont Sierra, Auctioneer. Par.. 16.—tae
Theaubscriber will sell at Palate Sale, on nada',
Cho Ifiti day of Pe !ovary next, at Me residence, on the
Oxford mad- one mile east offlunterstown, in Straban
townihip, Adams County, the following valuable Per
sonal Propertfivik
3 HBAD OF WOES HORSES, two of them young
mares with foal and very valuable, 5 good Milch
Cows, some will be fresh by the lime of sale, 3 young
Heifers, all with calf, 1 large Durham Bulk 1 Wagon.
suitable for taro or three horses, Lime Bed, good as
sew, only used a short time, Play Carriage, a good
Carriage, suitable for one or two horses, and in good
condition, Combined Bell-raking Reaper and Mower
Ohio and Buckeye.(Dmige't patent,) almost as good
as new, used only two masons, also a Hand-raking At
tachment belonging to it, which will be sold with the
Iliietarle,' Grain Drill, (Wambaugh's, make, York,)
nearly new, Lancaster Wind Mill, cleans fast, and in
good condition, Wire-tooth Hone Rake, 2 Ploughs, 2
Harrows, Corn Forks and Shovel Ploughs, Doable and
single Trees, Stretchers, lot of Cow Mains, Log and
other Chains, lot of Hay and Manure Pork*. 2 seta of
Breecbbands, Front Clears, Collars and Bridlot, Car
riage Harness, Linea, Au., also a good Riding Saddle,
and a large number of articles too numerous to men
Bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A M., on said day,
wtkennttendence will be given and tertno made known
JOHN STALL/SMITH, Auctioneer. [Jen. 15.—te
On Honda p the tun of March next,ot 10 o'clos . ., A.M.
The subseyiber bavlna sold his and intending
remove,'W sell at Public Sale, at Ile reside:mein
Highland township, (Weigle's the following
valuable Personal Property, to wit:
1 -COW, nearly fresh, 3 Shutt*, Sled, 1 Band Screen,
1 Rollime Screen, 1 pair small Scales and Weights,
1 ogehel Measure, 10 Store Boxes, 2 long Ladders.
Maill and Wedges, Log Chain, 2 Crowbars, Digging
Iron, 2 Sampson's Jack Screws, Corn Shelter, a lot of .
Iw Mill Tools, also a set of Carpenter and. Cooper
ols.vilth 2 heavy Jointers and Drees Hoops, Cross.
eutliaw,lat ol.Dry Lumber for Mill wright work,
Such as Cogs, Fhafts, a lot of ,Plank of various size.
1%, 2,2, 3% and 4 Inches , lot of -Oak Posta.lot of
Locust Posts, lot of Wild Cherry Boards, lot of Bee
Scapa, Post Boring Bench. ilkutching Mill.' Hay by
the ton. - Also, Household and El :then Busnsiture,
consisting to part ofd Bedstead., Bureau, Corner
Cupboard, Chairs, Tables, 3 tan•plate Stoves, 2 Pot
Reeks, Wool Wheel, 2 ileckals, Barrels, Tubs, Fire
Voice, and a variety of other articles. '
..Attendance will be given and term. made known
on day of Aisle by •
Vie undersigned, intending to quit farming, y ill
seltat Pubilc.Sale, od Wednesday, the 3rd of Merck,
at hie residence In Butler township, on the road from
Middletown to Ball's Mill, onamila from Arendtsville,
the foilowieg vreduable Personal ?manly , to wit:
2 BROOD ILIB,IO, heavy with faille Colts, Spar
Hogs and 2 two year old, 3 Mitch Cow's, two of which
will be fresh about the time of sale, ahead of young
Cattle, 1 a this young Bull, 12 bead of Sheep, 1 three
horse Wagon bed and Bows, 1 Spring Wagon,,a good
pair of Bow ladders, Spring Wire Bake, (kln Pan,
Cutting' Son, Pk/Wl, lin' TO*, double ,nd single Shovel
Ploughs, Oprn 'Rork and Clore Coverer Sleigh and
Media, Jack Acres, Law Oluio, Cow CIiMIL, double end
single Trees, barks, Matidelossmil Roar,' lot of Oates,
2 sits it 8t5e•624222,1!tet of front Ovum, 2 Riding
Saddles; Collars and BMWs of tU klidls, nailer and
, Halter Chains, nada great variety of Mita. too num.
emus to suniMen.
Bale n 6 0001110416C0M m o'clook,'4l.lllt. Whim attend
ance will be given and tame rands known by
Jam Hens, Auntloaser
SALE • - •
pulmArc AE OF
no andornignod !mending to quit 'orating. will
. soil at .roWeolVis Thawed). 414 4014ay qf Nardi
11.4 Is kilikkilaWati Ilia 01 ~ Mod lam,
,lbOoaavago towoohip, Adonis wavy, Pa., 'the Ibl,
rinc valuable Puma! P wit:
. 1 . or:.
ii Asispairk . - - ,.a aimr ; . to
, xibth chivrs t iagitr it by ibis
at *to. 4 IlowliCoNik illielbi,4l3tooro; thhw and boor
iti lla 44k-:=4l Philiti" fl= ll4 Itt riThL hs•
pal *
cod Rona Egotror. 11 U4sbair,: ail&
Ilmirrz Arabi NA. "Ws ' isollo), Cyan flier,
ONO raLftryg. ilkarrowsilifibintat -
APO; AOIMI, M. Y. MIN driabia alai Ida& Um,
. _ Tog, - me iom Oirwillarbia, Woot Mod,
14. I.lllolldrinallignow._ GoloOlir
I , jl 14 =4,
. .11 . , = m t,Zii nd inis .
' -
las , madding of 3 Ms sail Bildraiia4s; auk
-*- Wes WI ,i Alta
1 tir.
a a ged nangiag
_of too
i, , ftligilloiAlgolit - Wirigbili ..--
.:- i: 014. i. 00134/4/00. I rr
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Ittal and Vtroorint.,#alto.
The snlircitber will sell at Public Sale, on Friday,
the 260 A sf February, 1569, at 9 o'clock, A. M.. at his
residence, in Straban township, about 2 miles west
from Hun tallow u, on the road leading to P ine II rove,
and 6 miles north of Gettysburg, the following valua
ble personal property. vis
TWO WORK" HORSES, 3 Colts, ono 2 1 .4. one 2 and 1
one years old, 5 Milch Cows, I Steer, and 1 Bull fatten
ed, 313elfern lienvy with calf, 1 Devonahire Bull, 134
ye6rs old. 1 Bull 8 months old, 1 Steer year and a hall
old, 6 Heifers 2 years old; 4 Sheep, '2 Brood Sows which
will hive pigs about the sale. 4 Shoats, 2 Broad Tread
Wagons, 1 a nix-horse Wagou, 4 Inches Tire, 1 a three.
horse Wagon 3 inches Tire, 1 Buckeye Reaper Berlin,
a Threshing Machine four-horse Power and Thresher
and aShaker,l6 feet long Wire Rake, Winnowing Mill,
1 Drill, 1 Sled and 2 Sleighs, I String of Bells, 2 sets of
flay Carriage, 2 Stone Beds with Fide-board', 3 Plows,
Shovel Plows, 2 Harrows, 2 Corn Forks, 1 good
Shovel Harrow. 1 Bong, Double and Single Trees,
Wbeelbarrow,Log Chain and Fifth Chain, 2 Belo of
Breeehbands, 2 sots of. Front Gears. Bridles and Hal
ters, Breast Chains and Butt Traces, 1 Wagon Saddle
as good as new, 1 Riding Saddle and Bridleus good as.
new, 1 Mattock and a Crowbar, 1 Cross-cut Saw, 2or
Axes, 2 or 3 Scythe and Snatbe. 2 Grain Cradles, Maui
and Wedges; also, a lot of Cow Chains and new Gried•
stone never been used and n lut of Augers, Collars and
Mould age. Forks and Shovels; an/ also. Household and
Kitchen Furniture, consisting of-3 Bedsteads with
Bedding, 1 [Wrenn, 2 Tables, 1 Kitchen eui.boal d, 2
Wash Benches and a lot of Chairs, 1 template stove no
good as new and Pipe, 1 first-rate Washing Ma• bine, 1
Meat Tassel and a lot of Tula and Barrels, 1 few
Foundlund and a great ninny articles too numerous to
. .
All mums under $5.00 cash,—on all sums over a credit
of 11 months will be glvirn with approvid stem ity
Jowl' Suctsurra, Atte t ioueer. (Dec. 2.5.-ts
LARGE SALEPERSONALOF 1.; 1.1 ( 3 ) 1 1 , , F .1 ] ,
. Theanbscriber will sell atFublic Sale, on Tuesday
the 22rd day of February nrot, at Lis residence in
Filed= township, (on the farm tormerly owned by
David Sheets,) 134 mile west of the road leading from
Getlysbarito Nunemaker's Mill, 5 miles from the
foimer place and 4 milereast of Fairfield, the follow
ing valuable Personal Property, viz:
HORSES. good for either draught or travel, three of
which are No. 1 Brood Mares, 10 head of Horned Cat
tle. among which are 5 Mich Cowe, one of which will
be fresh about the time of dale, and 1 large two yea:
old Bill, 10 head of Cottawald Sheep, among which
is a Buck that le beat by but few in size, symetry of
form, fineness and length of wool, 1 four-hone broad
tread Plantation Wagon, 1 good three-horse narrow
tread Wagon: 1 Lime Bed, one ot Ball's Ohio and
Buckeye Combined Self- eking Reaper and Mower,
1 Grain Drill, Spring-tooth Ilay Rake, Horse Hay
Fork and Rope, Cutting Box (Honey's patent.) Win
nowing Mill, 1 pair of HoyCarrlages, 1 set of Black
smith Tools, Circular Saw, Cross-cut Saw and Wood
Saw, Barshear Plows, Single Shovel Plows, Double
Shovel Plows, Corn Forks, Corn Coverer, Harrow, 1
large three-horse Cultivator, 1 single horse Cultiva.
tor, 2 pair of Breechbands, pair of Front tit ors,
Bridles and Collars,l Biding Bridle, 2 Side Saadi..., 1
,Basket Sleigh, ft or 10 good cider Barrels, 1 Grind
tone and Fixtures, 'single, double and-treble Trees,
Spreaders, Brawn Chains, 3 pair of Butt TIRCEY, Mat
-Son, Maul and Wedges, Crowbar, 1 Its o•borse
Sled, 1 pair of &mks, Plitees and Auirrre,
Grain Cradles, Broad Age, Hand Axe, Foot Adge and
Falling Axe, Jackarter, Cant Book, Dung llook,Log
Chain, Fifth Chain, Cow Chains, Halters. Wheelbr•
row, Sledge, 1 large meat Vessel, Grain novel, cau- •
sage Cutter, Farmer's Dinner Bell, 1 Mahogany
Bureau, Tables, Chling, 2 Bedsteads, Writing Desk,
2 ten plate Stoves and Pipe, 2 Bides one of which is a'
smooth bore, slot of Bags, and moo} other article,
too numerous to mention.
Sale to cuannence at 9 ,'cluck, A. 31. on said day,
when II ttradatsce will begisenaud terms made known
Jan. :12.—ts
The subscriber will sell at Public Sole, on Trwhfay,
•He 16th da# of February next, at 9 ~•c1,c4., A. if., at
her renideuce, iu Harniltonbar towniilrip,Adainse,Wa
ly, Pa., about I mile southwest of Poirothi. on the
road leading from Fairfield to liagerstow n , the follow
ing voluatil• Personal Property, to wit
6 HEAD OF GOOD WOltK HOBBES, three of which
ere good Brood Mares, 9 head of Colts, four of which
are and one s!‘', years old , 2 1111 Th Cows, ntl of
bleb will be fresh in the Epilog, 9 head of young
Cattle, 1 Bull, 9 tlbuteo,2o brad of good Sheep. Broad
tread Wagon, two-borne Wagon, Epriug•twn It I Is) nod
Grain Rake, as good as new, Threshing Hoc blue, ia
complete order, Winnowing Mill, Spring Board. a
Grain Drill, 2 pair Wood hoillers,. 2 pair Hoy Carri
ages, 2 Bander:Ai% pl ows, 3 Cliovel Plow', 2 Curo.Furks,
2 Harrows, double and .:solo Toe:s, Wheeiborrow,
Fifth I:Loki, Cow Chains, 2 oat of Breeeklands, 4 set
of Front Li ears, Br'dles, Collars. Halters - and Chains,
Breast Chains, Butt Traces, Wagon Sodali,, Wagon
Lime, Carriage Lihce Forks, Rakes, 541oreid, Cutting
Box, 5 Housings, as rod as new, and a lot of Bacon
by the pound. Also, Household and Kitchen Furni
ture, consisting la part of liedotoads, tables, Bureau,
Chairs, Cupboard, Meat Vessel. Cooking Stove, lot of
Flax, and a great many other article'. Also. 40 Acres
of Groin, more or !eye, in the ground will be offered,
TERMS OF EALE eqcosci Tido boilars and
under, cub; all tLat - a.Wount a credit of eleven
months will be glean on notes with Osmond security.
JacoaMicxixT, Auctioneer. [Jan. 22.—ta
The undersigned intending to quit` farming, will of
fer at Public Sale, on :he aitta of Feb next,
at 10 o clock, I. 6E, at their residetice, in Liberty
township. on the road leading lraom Fairfield to Ern
mittaborg, *boat two miles from the former place, the
following valuable Personal Progaerty, to wit :
2 WORE HORSES,lbeing an excellent Brood Mare,
2 two•yearling Colts, 6 Milch Cows, 'several of thew
will be fresh by tirmi of Sale, 4 Sheep, I Brood Sow, 1
Boar, (Cheater White,/ I four horse brortalt.c.i: Wag
on with. Bed. Bows and Trough, 1 four horse Wagon,
3 inch tire (nearly nea.)t t rtseat Rockaway Buggy,
1 Sleigh; and Bells, Wood and Ray Ladders, 1 .Self
discharging Spring.towth limy Rake, I Oulu Spring
Grain Drill, I good Threshing Machina and Horse
Power,(nearly new,Ll limn-ming Mill, Cutting
Hoz, Plows, 1 Marro*, Shovel Plows, Cultivator,
Corn York aotngle and double Trees,Spreaders, Rough
Lock, Lock, Log and Ctaw Chains, Jack !crew, 2 pair
of Breechbands, a sets of Front Beare ' Wagon Lists,
Wagon Saddle, Cullen,, Riding and Blind Bridles.
'Halters, flonsino , Shovtis, lurks, Maas, Crowbar,
Digging Iron , Bledgc, Grain and Clover - teed Cradles.
Mowing Scythe, 2 Grind-tones. Dung Hook. Stares
and Reading. Also, Household anti Kitchen Furni
ture, consisting in part of 2 Cooking Stores, Corner
Callaboard,Bwia, Bedsteads and Bedding, Boxes, Barrele,
Tubs, with 's great variety of article! too numerous
to mention.
Attendance will be given and tcrrni made known
on day of sale by
TACOS Sliciur, Auctioneer. Pan. 29. tn.
The undersigned will sell at Public Sale, On Taw:-
day, Feb, 25, 1809, ht 10 o'clock, A. N., at Lie resi
dence, in Highland township, Adams county. Pa., 1/
miles wrist of °loges Mill, th e following Personal
Property, to wit:
s WOKE HORSES, 1 a Mare with foal, 2 first-rate
Mules, 1 yearling Colt, 2 Mitch Cows, 3 Heifers, 3
notes. 1 four-horse Wagon,3li inch tread,with large
English Fled,Skdeboard and Bows, new Lime Bed, new
Wood Ladders, new Hay Carriage, Pail Carriage, 3
glows, 2 Barrows, 1 Threshing Marldne,llorso Power
?rap, sines and double Shovel Plows. Cultivators,
or . Forks, Log, Lock. Fifth, Breast, Halter, and
01,,,tu5, Rough Locks, Ice Cutter, Butt Traces, 2
sate of Breechbaujs (nearly new.) 4 sat:: cf Front
Gears (all good,) Sp, enders, double and single and
Treble Trees, Jockeying Sticks, 1 first-rate Cutting
Box, Post Angora, Work Bench and Screw, Jack
Screws, Cross-cut Saw, Maul Wad Wedges, double and
single Bitted Axes, pant and Dung Hocks, Wagon
Whip, Heisting Ropep, and antlers, Bridles, Saddles,
Collars, Halters, Linis, Wheelbarrow, Grain Cradles,
Scythes and Booths, Grindstone, Hay- nod Dung
Forks, Grain Shovel, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, and
great Many articles the numerous to mention.
TERMS OF SALE:—AII sums of Ten Dollarsand un
der, Cash; all over that amount a credit of Twelve
Months will be given on notes with approvedsecurity,
Jacob MiCPSY, Auctioneer. [Jon. 29.-tst
The undersigned, intending to quit farming will soil
at Public gale, on Tuesday ike 23rd of February next,
at 9 o'clock, A.ll, at his residence, in Stroban town
ship, Adanis county, Pa., 4 rollas north of Gettysburg,
1 mile to the right of-the Carlisle toad, the following
valuable Personal Proper t y. t o.w it:
. .
4 MUD OF WORK HORSES, 2 Colts, 1 two and 1
one year oid in the Spring, 8 Mulch Cows, 3 Heifers,
whit Calf, 1 Bull, 7 head of young Cattle, 6 bead of
Sheep,R Brood Sows,l four horse narrow tread Wag
on, I Bata and Harneas, Sleigh and diatom., Thrash
ing Machine sod Roue Power, t3pring-toothJlay Rake
(Pratt's Pateot.) 1 flay Carriage and Ladders, 1 pair
Wood Luldets burded op to haul Lime, 1 Lime Bed
with bows and cover, 1 Wagon LW, I Bled, Ball's Ohio
Reaper,l Patent Hay Pitcher with 73 feet of one inch
Rope, Grain Drill, 1 Flax-brake, 1 rat of Wagon
'Boards, 3 Plows, 1 double Shcrvel Plow, Corn Forks,
Spreaders, single and double Trees, 1 Harrow, Forks,
Aaiun, Shovel, Mattock, to rate and Cloverseed Cradles,
Scythes and &alba, I Otyttlpg Box, Breast, Butt, Log
and Cow Chains, Biota of flieechbands,B sp - ta of Front'
Gears, Housings, Bridles end Collars. Wagon
SaddieUnt Whip,l Metal Bell, at the same time will
be offered 3 Patent Fruit Drying Rouse, and a great
Many articles too nunisrpos to mention.
• TERMS 01104L11---, 4.llaturis of Fiye Donate and
under, Cash; all over that amount a credit of Twelre
Monthswlll be giro Ot) notes with approyed security.
Jour STALISEITH,AtIetIOtteer. (Jan. y9.—tie
The undesiditaid, intanding to quit farming will
-sell at Pablin Sale. on WadnePlay the 102 day af'
March next, at it o'clock, .d. M., at his reiddeuo• in
Strobes township, Adams county, Pa., on the York
1 tzspes. two ise emit of Gettysburg, the following
ho Sonoma Property. to wit:
4 TA WOIIII HORtM, 4 head of Milo Cows, two of
width will be fresh about the tim e oftap, e o4d pi
ang Cattle, i Bull., head or Sheep, i Hain
trwskd breed, hard to beat,) I good Brawl sow ; , 2
breed o li o 'Wagons, 1 a four borne (nearly new,) the
other tor ire or rig' bona, I good one *Wagon Lime
B e d w ith &wax* Cosa, 1 flat-rate Hay Cjuri na
with Poplar '-lkininn, t W o g I ;widsrg, 11511 CarriagN
Peed Trough, 1 Vire- take, 1 pod Tbrealting
Ilatkine, tar horse Power with 14 (set of Shaker to
il' gasser and Mower, 1 old Wfanawths ISIS, Cut
1 1 . _ ya w , pipopthp. al* D1414 - 34ows, Harrows,
;/' anima Plow i i k,i 'j s,,, kon = a lattipt chltoptur, own
jack . wireardi lot of old
Living Hoards, itingbp toil illoaltho .Tralari three
1 w a, ha l m spreidurs,CoWtho/kr, rink • Cam.
I -
. 1 , 6 ,, Hiker, Outtatreidt mid Olsw ftii4ll nig
Alt Rom Owl, . *oak Oratrsf Nalsers;: Wition
Whip, Wagon liwkile, Ms Saddle, 5 Isom Lige, Plow
L i u ., Rousing", Porte,' Shovels, ibitteeka, Brain
Cradle asStit,'Un7 bt ta• we, 2 Stacks at,
Corwtaidexpi 44 ph A1 16.11w ,
1. 7i, mitic ,,,,....
~ ChOr;
~...,.....4 '...:. , .,.;x7
, sijo . Assi . se b st c t ai tle& z. vst**4.4
r or . a4l e ,Z r e :- ' .. Wiiii" or S
. ..
.. t v" isd terms made known
I t il
oar day' et 14' .' " _
.., ,
_- ' 112111*F .
zoom wasunntic Marmskssr. - . Jusligneat
Seat and gtrsonat Shiro.
Tile undersigned will sell at Public Sale, en Thurs
day, Ms 4118 day of Mit rch nos!, at ID o'clock, A. It,
at his residence In. Mountpleasont township, Adams
county, Po— rear the Bonsughtown road, three miles
from Oettyabnrg, adioining properties Of Frank Budy,
George Howard and J.aepb Spangler, a variety of val.
noble Personal Property, emisiating of 2 110888,
one rising R years can't be beat in the county for
trotting, driving or working, 1 Bay Colt, rising two
year., sired by theeetobrated Tamerlane, 2 Cows and
1 feller, one fresh by time of sale and the other two
shortly after, a yearling Bull. 2 fitl. Brood Bows
which will have pigs t.y bet of March, a 21anny Reap
er, Windmill, a rood two-horse Wagon, with Box
and Sideboards!, a Bret-rate nay Cordage, two-hone
Plow, Shovel Plough, Corn York, sot of Breechbands,
Front Georg, Side, Saddle, Collar., falters, Halter
Straps, Blind and Sliding Bridlea, 2 Pal r of firstrate
Breast Challis, single, double and treble Trombone
Wagon Double Tree, Openitlegs, Rollins. Maul and
Wedges, Mattock, Axes,Balies, Dung and Pitch Forks,
Dung Hooks, Fly Note, Mowing Scythe, Spreader,
Planes, Drawing Knives, Au _era Sawa, Grindetone, -
Shot Gun, Bedsteads, Tulsa; Flat _era,
Sot bf old Iron,
with a variety of other articles too numerous to men
On alt Berne over $3, a erolit of 10 montliv will be
Oren on notes wills approv'ed security.
.I . Oll'S STALLS3II7II, Auctloveer. [Jan. 29.—ta
The undersigned will well at Public Bale, ett Satyr.
day, the 27th day of Ethruary, at 1 o'clock, P... 11., at
ht. residence, in Cumberland township. Adams coun
ty, 2 . miles west of Gettysburg, rear the Chambers
berg turnpike, the following valuable Parsonal Pro.
petty, to wit:
2 GOOD MA lIES. heavy with foal, 1 yearling Colt,
2 Mild] Come, 1 8011, ayt dr old, 1 Getter, 1 Calf, 5
Sheep, One bores Wagon Andean. Grain `Drill, Threat
log 31nebine end Power, Plow, Harrow; Cultivators,
Log Chain, Cow Chains, 2 set Froot,floa rs, 1 set Car
riage Harness, Wagon lied, 2 tipreaders, Ae. Also,
II oneoliold and Kitchen Furniture, eon elating ln part
of 1 Teo-plate tifore, Coal Stove, Cuybtkrd. Sink, Set•
tee, and a great many other articles torrnomerLus to
Attendance will be given and terms tnade known
on dny of sale by
.Lous CALDWELL, Auctiuneer. [Jan . 22. —ji
The undersigned will sell at Public Salmon Friday
the 12111 day of Mare!, nerd, at his residnuen in 3lena l•
len township, on the ',ell leading from Reodersaille to
°tiara Mills, about 2 miles from Render's°le and 1
mile from Centre Mill, the- following Valuable Per
&mot Property, to wit:
3 HEAD OF WORM HORSES, two of them Marts,
heavy with foal, one yearling Colt, S Lead• of good
lltich Cow-, 5 bead of young Cattle, 10 head of Sheep,
four•horso broad tread Wagon, 1 two and three
horse narrow Tread Wagon, 1 English, Wagon Red
with flown, 1 Lime Bed, 1 pair of Ilay Ladders, t pair
ref Il.ry Carriages, 1 pair of Wood Laildells, 1 Thrash
ing 3lach:ll°,l Reaper, 1 Orals Drill, 1 Morse Rake,
Winnowiog Mill, Plows, Harrows, stogie and .double
Shovel Plows, two-horse SW, florae Gaari, Wagon
Saddle, LoAl:hain, Fir th Chain,iftretchei,llaltersanil
Chain, Collars and Bridles, Cos Chains, single and
double Treed, Hay fy the 16n, and Potatoes by the
Elle to commence et 10 o'clock, A. M. ou cold day,
wton attendance will be elven and tettut mode known
The Ful. , criber, intending to (oft farming, Will sell
at Public Sale, on Thursday, Me 2:lth. of February.
next. 010 o'ciock,.A. M., at his residence In Straban
township, Adam. county, Pm, about 3 mike from
Hunt. rstown on the rood leading from the former place
to INlummnsburg. and 4 miles north of liettysburg, the
following valuable Pereounl Property, to wit:
2 6001) WOltii HORSES, also a I Stallion aging 2
yeare, I Mitch Cows, sere@ of them wilt be (resits about
the time of sale, 2 head of young Cattle, I Bull, two
sod threcellorse narrow tread Wagon with Bed and
Bowe, nearly as good aa new, I pair of Wend Lad
ders, I Screw Power !trope,. meanly ea good as now, I.
new Wire-tooth flay Bake, Sell dincharger. 1 Car
riage, I Sled,l Land Roller. Ploughs and ilarrow•, 1
Shovel Plough, double and tingle Twee, 1 @preader, a
lot of Oeare,Collars and Bridlea, Core Fork and Coin
Coverer, anal a great Enkny all id. • too ralcutfutpo to
TERMS OP SALE :—All aoma of Five Dol. . and
wider, CLiet. ; nit over that animot a credit of Twelve
Menthe will be givers on nutty with approved hcarily.
Join S'EALLS3IIIII, IClCtiOrletr. [Jan. 22 --ts
The eubseriber will *ell at Public Bale, on TrallV
day the 211 A day of ~ f,:bructry nest, at his res.dence
in freedom township, Adams county, 3.4 mile south of
Bream's 21111, the following Personal Property to wit:
2 GOOD BROOD HARKS, with'firal, (one of them
a grad driving animal,) 2Si Bch Cows, 1 Helfer, 1 Bull,
1 Brood Bow, 2Bl:ultra, 1 four-bona Wagon, I three.
horse Wiicou, Beefier, Thresh lug Machine, W I cd.mill,
Rolling &seen, GraZu Plough.. Irma, cul
tivator, Germ For ii, Doubts above: ?hen
s iff Car
riage, Ledersea. Wood Ladder, Liars rid, S leighs,
Sleigh Bella, Threshoree Ttse., Bootie and Single
Trees, Log Chain. Cu. Chains. Horse Goats, 5.110na
lags, Single Harness, Corner Cupboard, iltchea Cup.
board, Table, Cola Barrels, several Scope Doca, with
a great many other articles too numeroait mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. , 114 on said . I .y,
when attendance will be given and terms made know ti
At the ac.xa time and place, the undersigned will
sell I good Draught Horse, 2 HE riming two years
old. lot of Sheep. with a number of other articles not
meal lolled. GEOftGE W. SCOTT.
Jan. 22.—ts
The subscriber will sell at Public Sale s on Wednes
day the 241. of. February nut, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at
his residence in Stratum township, Adams county,
about 1 mile south oast of Lower's htlll,,an the road
leading: frum Lower's Mill to If anteratown,on George
We leer's farm, the Personal Property, to wit:
3 MA ICES, one of them with foal to a Jack, &bead
{lnch cow, three of them fresh, 3 head of young
Cattle, 2 fine Shore., I two-horse Wagon and Bed,
Sprint; Wagon, Flow, Barrow, single and double
Shovel Plows, 2 Feta ut 11 reechlotnia, Front Gears, '2
Cern Forks, patent Wino-tooth Hay Bake, 2 Sleight*,
G r i t o,,t, a , Forks, Bong Boards single, doable and
treble Trees, la set Boat and I set Breast Chains,
Wheelbarrow, Grain Cradle, Cutting Bo ,Cow Cba fog,
Grain Cradle, Scythe and Suath, Forks, Spreader,
Spread, Culler., Bridles, Check Linea, and a great
mane articles too numerous to mention,
TERMS OF SALE.—AII stuns under Ylve Dollars
cash ; all miss over, a credit of Twelve Months will be
given on notes with approved security. .
° al - aa E W WOL➢.
Joint STA.ualtini, Auctioneer. • Van... V.—tit.
The undersigned having rented his Farm, will sell
at Public 84k, on 21tc.,day and .Wsdise.sday, the 161 k
and 17th days of March next, at 8 o'clock, 4. IL on
each day, at his residence In Butler township, 2 Miles
east or ArenatsriCe 4 the following valuable personal
Property, to wit
0 WORK ftoß6llB, three of thorn brood mare*, will
work well any place you bitch them, one No. L draft
horse, 2 young Stallions rising three years, 2 one
yearling Colt., 0 Illfeb Cows, 2 Heifers, : 2 Bulls, 10
Sheep, Y four-horse narrow tread Wagons, 1 Buigy, 1
Sleieh. 2 pair of Fray Carriers, Lime Bed: to.. and
Feed Trough, 1 Reaper and Mower, I Steel.tootb Hay
Sake, 1 Threshing Machine, ,and florae Power, one
Bret rate Winnowing Mill, I. Cyttleg Box, 1 Flax
Brake 1 Skutching Ilneh:ne, plows and Harrows, 1
Shovel Harrow, Shovel Plows. Cora forks and Corn
Coverers, double and single Trees, Spreaders, Jack.
sr ter,Cutter and Rough Lock.l/ifthChain,Log
-Halter and Cow ("halos, 1 string ofSleigh 8e115,2 pair
of Breenbbands, 3 pair of Front Gears, Wagon Whip,
Wagon and Plow Line., Wagon and .tiding Saddles,
Riding and Blind , Bridle., Plated Ha ass, Halters,
Housing,. and Collars, Shovels, Dung ifooks;-Fork.,
Rakes, Wain Cradles, Slowing Scythes, and Snails,
100 114 unwashed Wool, 100 bushels of Wheat, 200
bashes of Oaft,3o bushels of Rye, 600 bushels of Corn
Rare, 60 bundles of Straw,l6 tons of Ilay,and a great
many articles too numerous to mention:,
TERMS OF SALBs—AII aunts of IRS and under
cash ; o rsr that amount a credit of nine months
g iyen op natal, ultn appro r ea security.
dons Hama, Auctioneer.. JONAS Rom.—ts
'The undersigned, intending to quit farming will sell
at Public Sale, on Thursday the 4th day of 'March
next, at 10 o'clock, A. it., at his residence, In Mount.
pleasant township, Adams county, Pa., on the road.
leading from Littlastown to Bonaughtown, about 234
miles from the former and about the-same lifetimes
per ty, $
from th o
e latter place, all bin valuable Persons! Fro.
4 GOODwtt;
YOUNG WORK . IfORS.ES, one of }hem a
Mare hoary with foal. 1 very fine Colt three yearietd,
5 Mitch Vows,l bull, 1 [leiter, 1 three and fonrhorse
narrow troad Wagon (goad as new,) Lips Had, Ha*
Ladders, Sled, Sleigh, Threshing liaztitne gad 'nom
Power, 1 Reaper and Mower, Corn hheller, Fanning
Mill, Field Roller, Romeo Rake, Plows, Barrows, Cul.
Gra tors, single and double Shovel Plows Corn Forks,
stogie, double and treble Trees, Spreaden, Breech—
bands, Front. Gears, Wagon Saddle., Bridlee, Collars,
Lines, Housings, 'Flatters, Bott, Breast, Log, Halter
and Cow Chains, Forks,Rakes, Grain Cradle, Scythes
and dnaths, and a great many articles too nnm,erous
to mention. - '
4ciendence will be given and teeing made known
on day of sale by W11 4 LT.414 rgigswr.
Janos 4.11711. MiailOffefw• Fisk. 2s•—ta,
ON THURSDAY, the 18tb day of.FEDISUARY next,
th e subscriber, intending to remove to the Weet, will
ecU at publip Sale, et We rcuidOnem, In gbarabeuMurg
street, iseit door to the 4.1 Home, Hettysbartle
th e fallowing miable Pmeottalitroptog 4 T:l;
I SPLENDID YO RK yaw', new, b tke bog
material and by the beet workmen; an excellent
PIANO ; Bedsteads, Bureau, 'Makin, Dergetlng,.Cop'•
boards.Marble-toD Wads, Ratousion Timms, Looking
Glasse* Window Blinds, Slake, Bewleug Mar-kiwis,
Goat P4of, 4M. l ;%Pg6g. 444 datatnt: 4 1 %tlik.f4lior
Stare, [Mali Hook 'Sioye," Tenopitime. Stink, with
Hueetta•ware,Hisimwarie • OPocAmPleillS• Pots, Pane,
Kitties, abdother articles of momekod ad Kitten
Furniture, too numerous tbertentloa. • .
Also atthe samei time and place, tint Ilhgr, Para
ittire,'such as 2 Sae Cutting Bosnia, Walnut . Disk,
•lirge Looking Glam. ma* Cludnurs,
Vaatlap, Ba Thread; sad way obit/saints,.
Sale to aoe 040 .0.= . 1.,ka0i lase 'filkT;
when attesedmice will Inetivete pa — maloilkalown
by - alflollB.
4a-Ait indebted co-grnp 4- ano• TP•
quested to enakei MIND 'Mike 101101011111.
must be closed, by rayon of remorkl-
Jan. DA-13 •
• i
- pußLias.4.4g py i lthatittv
Jr- Ulf.
The imbecriber will Nil at labile Bmls. on India=
2 g t llig = i= toornehl "k gg
" at:L *4 .
•st Is P. 3 0 /33#
kr, Pa., ladle swath of isauftwme, b. follitswiit
"mei* Ihrilirt to wit:
1 11011 Wit IttlaoLalle two
old owe 1 aim Ora ,
Ostaki . 1 mei et
c. Al- too Ilwalop.
h. win be Om sad twos
NA skis basal Op
Jam llL—tie M! O.OIMIT.
gsail and gtrsonnl
pull Lie SALE-OF
The undersigned, intending to quit fa , mlng, will
eell at Public Sale, on Tuesday the 9th day of Morris
:neat, at 10 o'c.'nek, A. N., at his residence in StrePan
township,•24 miles from Gettysburg, on. the road
leading to Benaughtown, the following Personal Pro
perty, vie:
4 BRAD OP HORSES, one of thine a Brood Mare; 2
Colts, one rising 3 years and well broke to harness,
and the other two years old, '3 Milch Cows, some of
which will be fresh about theatres of sale, 2 Balls,
one of them a fine large Bull of :Clod stock. 5 head of
young Cattle, 8 Sonthdown Sheep, 1 Brood Sow, 9
Sbotee, Sheep Sheers, Threshing Machine and new
Horse Power, Grain Drill, Mgr° Tooth Hem Rake,
Screw Power Reaper, Corn Crusher, 1 four horse and
I two horse Wagons, Spring Wagon, a good strong
Pedling Wagon, a two horse Family Carriage, Sleigh
and tfellst two and three horse Plows, 2 Harrows,
Shovel Plows, Corn Fork., Ceirn Coverer, 2 Hay Car.
riegee, Stone lied, Windmill, single, double and treble
Trees, 2lx g Chains, Cow Chalon, Halter. 4 . 4 , 4 01
Breechbande, 4 sets of Front Gears, Oct of Double liar.
nem,- Singlo Harness, Callao., &Wee and Saddles,
Maul and
Crowbar, a first.rate Circular Saw and Frame, 5
Clover and
inches, 3 Grain C raffle', Mowing fleythes,2 Clover Cra
o lcn os ng . to t r .s k e s,.. , D lo un t g o( o 2. o o :: :
Timothy Sieve., Grain Shovel, Filth Chain, Butt lad
Br east Chains, 2 lour bone Stretcher., Spread, Dung
Boards, 2 Steps of Bees, I Roller, 4 Fly nets, with a
number of other articles.
On Tacidny the 151 h day of Nardi, at 10 o'clock, A.
.31., the undersigned aDI alto sell, at the tome place,
a variety of lierasehold and Kitchen Furniture, MIA
BISting of Cook Stove, 5 ten-plate Storrs and Pipe,
Bedsteads, Tables, Bureaus, Corner Cupboard, Eight.
day Clock, Chests, 2 Wood Bozos, Meat Velvets, Bar
rels, Tube, Churn, Washing Idaabine, Ir. a and Capper
Kettles, Crocks, Iron Pots, Look' , g Glare, Pictures
and Frames, it It of Books. Stands, De-k, Ac . Ale°, a
Scat rate hallows, Anvil , Tongs, Llammer, 4 Vices,
Benches, Planer, Saw', Hand Axes, prat e .,
[traces and Bite, Athiero, Drase(ag K [Aire, Chisel.,
Compteses, a lot of now and old Iran, Level : Pouch, a
lot of Huai.. and Filer, Griddstone, Seui.ige Grinder
and Bluffer, and a •arrety of article, too nuinehins to
Asredit of tee months will be given on pn 7c h,.
over t 6. on notes with approved security.
Jwts 3TALLEIIIIIII, Auctioneer
Ttuamodersigned, Executors of the Eatate of John
Shull, deceased, Jute of Strewn toiroolop, Adams
county, Pa., will sell at Public Sale, on Ir. d0 , ..c10y,
the 2rd day of March, 18(59, at 9 o'clock. A . M., on the
premises, on the roedleasling trout New Cheater to
ttonterstown, 2 miles from the former place, the fol
lowing ealnable Pereonal Property. to wit: •
3 11ORSES. 2 of them floe Brood Mare., heavy with
foal the other a flue horse rising 4 yearii, well broke
to middle or harness,' yearling Colt.; brat-late lliich
°ewe, all young, 3or 4 of them w3ll be nosh about
time of sisla, 3 Bulls, Fat Steen, 2 ltrinid s... ws, 5
Sheep,ll Shotes, (oar-b. rse narrow-tea 1 Was .n on l
Bed, one-h,,ere Wagon and Bed, 2 pair Hay Carriages.
one entirely Ileir ' purest flay Bake. Threshing ta
di Ina acid II ori , ePowei, with clientele SL.O er att.:ch.
Plows, 2 harrows, Shovel Myra, Corn Perk, Ccrn
Coverer. Chains Ruller,Stans Sled:
don ble,and single Trees, Spreaders. .7 it,k bore A'. 2
Sleighs, find , / Van. Cutting Box, Sled. 1" bi ell O row,
Grinditene, ernes-cut Saw, Maul and tv,iiri 4, ood
Saw ' Axe., Auger s , Ironer and Pincers, G rain Shure!,
Shovels, Forks, Dung 11..aAte, Grain Cradles, Clover
Cradle, Scythes and Mnths, Clover ?love, 2g 13417,
halt bushel Measures, Crowbar, 800 feet Pine Boards,
'Oak Plank, 2 set Wag, n Board., latoll"tnciug boards,
2 pair Bretchbands, 2 palr Front Gears, 4 Riled
a, Plow Lines, Liouslogs, halters , Cow
Chafer, Paddle, Flax Bake, lot of Flax, I,liter, 4
Mile Barrels, 2 Meat Vessels, he., 11 oy by the ton
Also, Ilousilmild and Kitchen k'urnitns e, ing lu
pert of Tablee, Chairs, Bodoialdi and 144-
ding, Corner Cuplaserd, Cook Stove, Ten-plate Stoves,
Jan, Cans, Boxes. Barrel., Carpeting, Spinning and
Wool Wheels, Cheat, Looking Oloas, 1r Kettle,
Disliest,Dougli tray, Back , ts,T inwarn,Baskess e tigu saga
Cutter and Stutter. Crocks, Mee, El Ade, hum, by the
pound, nneinti•ny other articles too humeri,* to men
Attention, will be given and term, mod, k n,yrn o.
tloy cf saio by
/Ilt, EL =ar LL.
SitL LI,
tion. Ex
The ander,,lgnedre,hling in lli liand ip, 1!,5
ruike Butts Seltlu, and I!.i miles w, St nt
Seven Stare, on the Perm now aten-tt by ld.cluse I Iter
pleb, fortnerli known as the Ilhea Farm. will sell at
Public Bale, oo Saturday the CA ,in .hurt/ I.rxt,
al 9 o'ciac,/.4.1. .31, the folks - lug Personal Property,
to wit:
I WORK HORSY, 2 Number One Melee, which are
well hrolive, one rising 5 and the other r, years,
Mach Cone, aii of them will be fresh about toe time
of sale, 1 Devonian,. Bull two years old, 4 head of
young Cattle.: two and 2 ono yearling., 4 head of
Sheep, Sew end Pissi I four horse broad tread Wagon,
Lime Bed, flay Carnage*, I Carthage, r Leigh, three
horie Plow, Harrows, alciele end double Shovel Plowe,
Corn Yorke, Breectabasda ant Bide Plates, Front
Heart, Blind Bridles, Collars, Wagon and Riding :larch
dies, Ply Nets, Halters, 1101110131" Biding Bridles,
Buggy 11 mueu,Gear, for a onehorse Wagon, six-horse
.Wagon Whip Jackertor, Grain goose! Yorks,
114 k,ea, N.5... 4,14 , likniss. Grain Cradle. Scythes =4
stuitlta. Dula and Heise - hatter . Ihrea
Batt and LlOw Chains, doable and
treble Trees, I Combo and goutity Premium Grain
Pan, Peed.irungb. tmlfantsbel Measure , Grindstone ,
Meat Veniels. floueetiold furniture, inch as
Cook Store and Allow, lot of Pipe, Bedstead, Deak,
Book Case, and It great many articles too numercare
to menthol. Also, the one-half of ID Acres of Groin
and CIA Acres of 11)e in the ground .111 be sold.
Attendance wall ho given and terms toadeknownou
day of sale by
JAcon 311ccur, Auctioneer , . [Vet). 6.—ti
The undersigned, Assignee of Samuel Beecher and
Wft utafer d:teel of vol,,ln.ry .t.seignin:mt for the
benefit of creditors, well tell at Public Bale, Ott Tiie&.
day the tith of March net, 0110 o'clock A. cu the
premises, a TRACI' OF LAND, situate in Butler
township, Adams county, Fa„ 1 mile south-east of
Arendterille, containing 57 Acres, more or lee. ad
joining Weds of George Bluebengh, Jeremiah W,
Diehl. Samuel Lawyer, and others. The improvements
•contitt of a new tvc..,,tcry FRANI:it DWELLING,
Backtwilding,..ziosll:Arn, and other outbuilding, a
tbrislug y 0 n,,,; On a Well ~f water near th e
hous e • chow 1.0 acre., “re in excellent Timber, thetal.
ance cleared .A coke 0-mow/tiro
runs through the fern, : there is a three-story Pap,
Mill, which has rein ntly Leen undergoing thorough
repair, but the repairs to not yet complete. There
le good watar poster, mid the Paper Mill hes been long
and favorably known to the pittelic. Th. property
will be told entire or in parcels to snit purchasers.
At the mute time and plate will be sold a two Ponta
Wagon, Truck Wagon, a lot of Straw, a lot of Lumber
DOW and old, Boards and Plank, Steam Boller 1.5 , feet
long and IU inches wide, 130 groom of Middlings,. lot
Woolen Wags, TwLne,Old Iron,Csstinge, Sbaftings and
Gearing., it heel barrow, .hovel., Barnes., Grain Cra
dle, Gun, and a groat many articles too numerous to
Attendauca will be given and terms mad* known
on day of Sale by
JERI:MIA!! W..lnglit, Assignee.
• 0AN117.1, Law STA, Auctioneer. (Feb.
work True Deneccrat insert 4 times and send
bila °dice for tolled ion.
The undersigned, intendieg to quit farming will
sell at Public Sale, on F, :day, the 12th day of Marth
nest, al 9 o'clock, A. Al, at bur reeklence, in !Umbria
township, on the 1 - ::tk furnpike, near Gulden'' Sta.
tion,half way between Gettysburg and Oxfrord, former
ly kr:OW[las Comic:Ws Tavern, the following raluable
Personal Property, to wit
6 WORK ffOR,+ES, ;good stoc.L o ) one of which is a
No.l three year old, also a Colt one year old, 12 bead
of Horned Cattle, among which are some good !filch
Cows, the balance are Bulls, Steers and Heifers, I
Brood Bow, 2 good fur horse Wagons, I broad the
other narrow [real. Spring Wagon, Threriblug Ma
chine and Horse Power, Reaper, Wire Tooth Hay and
Grain Rake, Gum SpringGrein Drill, Roller, Cutting
Box, Roiling Screen, Sleighs, Belle, Harness, 2 flay
Carriages the one le and the other 20 feet long, 2
Plows, Harrows, Double Shovel Plows. Corn Forks,
single and double Trees, Spreaders, Jack Screw, Feed
Trough, Cross-cut Saw, Breechbande, Front Gears,
Collars, Bridles, Housings, Riding Saddles and Bridles,
Wagon Saddle and Whip, Wagon and Plow Lines, Hal:
tors,l2 rafts Cradle, icythse, Asee, Cirludatone, Log,
Butt and Cow Chums, hay and Manure Forks; alio,l
large Kitchen Table, Bedstead, and a great many
articled too numerous to mention..
TERAIS OF SALE.—AII cut's oAfive dollars or un
der, club , all orpr that a credit.oFtwelve months will
De given on note' with appeared ssourity.
Jona Brett:saute, Auctioneer. [Jan. 20.—ta
The undersigneadixern tor of the estate of Fred
erick Sarney, late of licruntroy tosinittip, . Adams
coa a t ,, d ec e a apd, will sell at Public Bale, an Mon
day. tA t grb day of Nardi opt, a; 9 o'i
Baltimore lor,k. 4,4 ,
at his late residence, to the right of the
turnpike shoot 3 miles, and 2)4 Miles east of IlOrner'm
Mill, the following Personal Pfwerty, to wit;
1 FAMILY Will: withfoal i 6 head of Mitch Cows,
4 umfers, 1 Bull, 6 Shot's, I Bow, • bud of Sheep, 2
Wagons (one • four horse the other a one horse,) Bug
pAtireeb ing Machine and Power, Buggy Rake, Drain
Drill, Fodder Cutter , Wfunowing Mill, Cutting Box,
Cultivators, Plowi, !narrows , COTP Yorki, doable an d
single Shovel plcAfs,Plax-braka,illefgh„ltay c akrulge,
Bpreadire, double, single and treble Trees,. Forks,
Rakes, Shovels, Fly Nets, 2 Ladders, lot of Bap * Rol.
ler. Boards, Bled 5 ; Crowbar. 3 sets of Breechbauds,
gape gsdd grS10.0•11, p . 1 1 Sousa , Bridles, Camas, h ,103 p
1, Breast,pa t.t Mid claw Chains.rgo let o f p an 144111 in thewind lot o
Oats, Cors,6 bushels Clorerseek• lam of
Lard,Slßoaps of Bees, gc. Also Hooliadd an difra
a a as iatioa In pso of Bedsteads, Tablas,
Clutire,Cspboard, Sink, 2 Clocks, Wood ab 0a, n,,..,,_
big, 1 Coq Ilk" an d T hr ni T ra,AO 151MTkiti
RIM OPtifter Wattle ' s /rolliiissew
blue/ 1 1'1 1 0a: PO !VP" b l l O7 •ST I Z I ZMO
iinip"r to ihentiint,
Attendance Ir a; be sleep and terms made known
JOHN 811111MITEs Auctioneor•
ptn3T4c sALF4 _ •
.4.• OP I:A=4,BU pant... Mar vo „ luto #
Tb. nadaratgaid totoadtaa to ramova west, will sell
at Public Itede, en 'tido!' the Lie day J Nore3 next,
an e s i w k s A. it, at his reeideaae A inbatikliatewa
-3 mike .oath -wast of Caabtown, oa the road
1 :trout tha lonia ftleateParbalpitailicaute.
IV ir4Mr%4 lo ,i w
. a Er 0 .1 of I le
freo- v ot the ir j g ra k it ell,...d .1
eivcia- vow% atrAiiilig,= 4 4
so • '
C..w CUM" , ( *Patel Woad.
Iwo drat@ Axes,DiedfhOt Ulan - IN an d
tfastkiallettoalte, 1 pair of ton% sw at wedge ,
Also, "Honaldloid Furuitanautittil ia part °f
uns.; dmiiir 14rapboora. - ilibuy -Mazda, Bed
stmak.olo44l,Lßoollart Cook alarm mod Az
-4.".1112,1211a#9".11"..' 1 ° P1 1 1 ,11 4- 1 0beets,aock,
T001gag.31110103,4114ar • -al= Dinar May
Snag& ,_ • - Gabiltd. and 13013
bit, g la k eltleirou fotaaat'
0,00, loLof goo* visivo yh t , mild
sea tp,Neld Satokaa,r3fotThoil,
..,. _ ;boo. Woo!. Caoleabar-,PI .1-
*mi . MI R lot
.#4 1 40,11 10 = Staatlarda,
ni x,
.. ._ litril 14 131 7 . SD , IMPrtile to
2 a 1 tia4einst Win "moss iiViiit
as 01114104 AlltitiatAll KOHL
lima IMin t Ancticmosr. , f 74. L-41
;hie a ftar and Jtutinel.
Dear little violet, urider,the anew,
Whatever you dream there, I twin would
know ;
po you ft ear the rustle of coming spring?
Do you feel the sunshine slied froin her
boos the swallow's first note thrill you
through and through,
Till you wake from the art Mil and wish it
were true?
Do you and the erveus Whisper together,
Of the day of the minth, and the pleasant
Of the summer that was, of the summers
to' be,
Of the robin's long pause, and the gnats'
:mystery ?
Oh, I long for the sunbeams to pierce and
d issolve
All these drifts of snow.--your being above,
For the . t.itarin rains to won you into the
For the south-wiini to sue you with att its
Fur I hen will you waken Irom ont your
And I ring the fon•alten remembrance.
JOHN cp„Ess..
[Feb. Z..—t
"An aunt from the country 1 Oh, George,
I can never endure the infliction !"
Emily'Penflird paused in her occupation
of fastening blue ribbon upon the crown
of a jtinty strawboucet, fur Emily was
but a milliner's girl, pretty and graceful
though she was,aud just at present she was
doing "extra wi;rk," to earn money to buy
sundry articles . of dress, termed by ladies a
For Emily Penford was engaged to be
married, and the stalwart, nobly framed
young man who sat beside her, carelessly
playing with her spools and scissors, and
tape measure, was George Martin, who
would hardly at that moment have exchang
ed places with the Crown Prince of Russia.
What though he ivas but a journeyman
carpenter ? Didn't he someday look forward
to the dignity of a shop of his own?' And
was he not strong as Vulcan, and handsome
as Apollo ? And more than this, had not
pretty Emily Penford promised to be his
George Martin looked at the gathering
cloud on Emily's forehead with considera
ble perplexity.
"Well, Emmy, I'm sorry myself; I know
it would be far more pleasant to live by
ourselves, but my poor old uncle is dead
and Aunt Bridget is all alone in the world,
and I somehow feel as if it were my duty to
make a home for the old lady. You see, I
am the only relation she Las except Cousin
Isabella's folks, and they utterly refuse to
be burdened with any such piece of anti
"There are a great deal better able to af
ford It than us," pouted Emily. -
"Better able: of course they are,but I've
always found through life that it is not alone
the 'best able' people who are willing to
assume the duties and responsibilities. The
mattar is plain enough—lsabella and her
husband decline to do anything for Aunt
Bridget, and I can't see the old lady home
less, or in want, so long as I have a cup to
drink, or crust to eat. So I have written
to her to come and live with us, as soon as
we are married."
"Without consulting me r
"Without consulting you—fur there was
no time to be lost, and I knew my little
Emily would not fail to acquiesce in what I
considered best. There's plenty of room
you know, for I have rented a whole floor,
"There will be plenty of room," said
Emily, with her cherry-tips compressed in
a manner George Martin had never witness
ed, and her blue eyes sparkling, with °min.
iou.s light, "for if your Aunt Bridget comes
to live in that house, I - never shall."
"Emily ! Why my darling
"Don't. call me your - darling," said Emily,
impatiently, withdrawing her hand from
George's grasp. "A man who wants to
burden his wile's home with disagreeable,
old-fashioned relations, against her wishes
—a man who is -so selfishly inconsiderate
with regard to his wife's comfort, should be
more sparing of his affectionate terms. Of
one thing you may be certain, George Mar
tin, I shall not marry you if I have to marry
your auut also."
George looked into the pretty indignant
face with b the grieted and startled look of
one who , has unexpectedly found a foul in
sect in the heart of a rose.
"Emily, I can't give up my old aunt—my
mother's only sister, who brought her up,
and bestowed more than a paternal care
upoa her, while quite young."
"Very well, then—of course you are pre
pared to give me up ?"
"Do you mean to say, Emily,after all our.
affection, the weeks of our engagement, the
happy evenings we have .spent together,
you would cast me away, rather than make
the trifling sacrifice I ask? Do you mean
that I shall understand you thus, Emily ?"
`q (UV
"Then I have read your character wrong
ly, all along ; and I suppose our engage•
meat Is at an end.?"
'"I suppose so too," said Emily, trim
ming off the raveled edges of a ribbon bow,
with a hand that never trembled the least."
"Good bye, Emily—l sums°, now, I
ought to say *in Penford."
Honest George went down the stairway
with an odd, stunned feeling; soon, alas, to
resolve itself into active pain. If the world
had suddenly turned itself the wrong way,
and the sun unexpectedly risen in the west,
he could not have been more puzzled, con
fused or bewildered. If Entity—the Emily
ho 40 deemed so perfectly Otultiess--Twas
essentially selfish, then the world was a
Be went home to the common, little,
third-rate boarding house which he had
soon hoped to change for a cozy home of.
his own. Jenny White,the landlady's step
daughter, Met kick 10 thelopy.
"you're too bits for tea,
.oeorge, but I
can get you a cup in no time," said Jenny,
whit-fully. She was a fair, delicate looking
girl, with gave browntyes, and hair brush
ed 411100rily away trOm an oval &toe,
"Thank you, Jenny! I feel tired and
faint," said George. "But what's the mat
ter ? You've bees crying!"
' "Oh, it's nothing,!' said .Tsßny, trying to
rifitn44- 1 1SI iwrgßutarY nigh; `only mothe;
110 bard with-me, end—aud-> she saki to
d Jibecould:not-support - me any longer,
and .1 most go out sewing." -
"It's a shame," said George warmly.
AB Jenny, ftghtfooted and skillful, tinned
about setting Philekllloving cuPeillreParing
littlefrp`plementary meal for his benefit,
be thought him thrifty, and careful, and
industrious the was—how the'roses on her
_pretty cheek filed through O y er-work, mid
lack of necessary reeriation, Arab. won
dered 'that' he had. never before observed
how pretty Jenny Mite really Was r
"I dread the clump - very much," mid
[From Merry Museum
Jennie, meekly, as she poured on George
Martin's cup of tea. home has not
been a very pleasant one,,since fdher died
—it breaks my heart to think of having no
If Jenny W bite bad been & heroine of
some novel, 51,4 would have burst into a
storm of grief at this juncture, but as it
was, she winkcd very hard, and kept back
the tears !
"Jenny." said George Martin, with a
sudden inspiration, "you're a good little
girl, and I like you • very much. If you'll
marry make a home for you!"
And within just about month of that
rainy April evening, Mr. Martin installed
Jenny White in the ",econd floor" he had
rented and furnished, wadi reference to an
other taste, and looked with a pleasant
smile at her bright enraptured face.
"Oh, George, how beautiful BiLs is," she
exclaimed, with her brown eyes full of
happy brightness. "And how snug—even
down to the geranium plants in the window!
Dear George,how thoughtful you have been!
And I shall be so glad when your Aunt
Bridget comes to keep me company in the
long days when you are away. Do you
think she will like to live with me, George?"
"She would be more than mortal if she
did not," said George, looking tenderly
down upon the contented little being, .and
mentally contrasting her svith. Emily Pen
ford. —People cannot help liking you,
• "The hot bread is very nice, Jenny,but I
like Graham crackers," said Aunt Bridget;
"and the hash is seasoned too highly;hesides
I think there is rye or parched peas, or
something in the coffee—l can't drink such
trash :"
"I can make you a cap of tea in a min
ute, Aunt Bridget.'
•'\o, no, child—the tea George buys ain't
what I've been accustomed to. And I
wish you'd have the coal stove taken outof
my "room, and an airtight wood pat in."
•`Yes. Aunt Bridget."
- And Jenny, it's confusion to my head to
hear you singing about the house. I wish
you'd leave it off."
"I will stop, Aunt Bridget, if it makes
your head ache...
"'ruin% that alone," sighed the old wo
man, but the pisen air of them geranium
plant kind o• sets in my lungs:"
Jenny cast a regretful look at her favorite
flowers, all flushed with umbels of beauti
fu~i bloom.
I will send them r,.unt.l, to my step
mother if they annoy you, Aunt Bridget,"
said Jenny, meekly.
And so they lived. Aunt Bridget was
oldfashioncd, cross and whimsical ; in fact.
a dail crown of thorns. but she was George's
aunt, and not for one instant did Jenny fail
in her dutiful forbearance.
Once, Emily Pentlord meeting young Mrs.
Martin in the street with her aunt, went
home to have a good laugh at the old lady's
"Such a fright," said Emily—"a poke
bonnet, trimmed with snuff colored satin,
and a hideous brown pongee dress, without
a sign of crinoline ! Well, I'm glad I didn't
marry George Martin, nor his odious old
backwoods aunt ! People say she has a
good deal of property laid up, but I can't see
any symptoms of it."
But the time came when Jenny was des
tined to be still more severely tried.
Aunt Bridget fell sick, and grew more
petulant, irritable and exacting than ever—
but when she died, with her headon Jen
ny's arm, the girl thanked Heaven, that
she had been gentle with her to the last!
"Jenny," said George, with dim eyes, "I
shall not soon forget this ordeal through
which you have passed.'
And Jenny was satisfied—to her mind,
her husband's approval was the sweetest
guerdon she could know! •
"Here is Aunt Bridget's 'will,' in a leather
pocket book, under her pillow, George—she
told me where I should find it," said Jenny,
a little while subsequently, "Will you
p!ease to take charge of it!"
George glanced' over the quaint and for
mal document with a rather curious smile
on his face.
- "She leaves you her wardrobe, Jenny,
more particularly her brown Pongee dress !
An important bequest! Well ! poor, old
thing, it was all she had to give. Put it in
the rag bag, Jenny, or give it to some pov
erty stricken soul!" -
"Indeed, no," said Jenny, reverently fold
ing up the ancient - garment, "I'll put it
away and keep it for Aunt Bridget's sake!"
".jsabells and her husband will feel very
badly, when they learn what an inheritance
they have lost," said George Martin, with
assumed gravity. "I wonder if they will
come to the funeral?"
But nobody followed poor old Aunt
Bridget to her grave, in the quiet shadows
of C-recnwood, except Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin! The dead leaf fluttered down at last
from its feeble hold on the trees of the world,
and there were but few to mourn its fall !
Years passed on—and the little round,
dimpled laces began to cluster round George
Martin's hearth.
"It takes a deal of money to feed five lit
tle children," said he cheerily as he counted
out the market funds, for 'his thrifty wife,
"hut there isn't one of 'em we could spare,
eh, Jenny ??"
But when, one dreary November evening,
he was brought home on a shutter crippled
and helpless for months, from a fall from a
scaffolding, poor George thought the future
looked very unpromising.
"It's for you and the c.hlldren wor
rmying-i" he Bald tN his wife "we haven't
laid up a cent, though we've always lived
comfortably, and now, Jenny, I don't see
what is to become of us."
"Cheer up, George," said the little wo
man, bravely ; "we'll do well enough. I
know of a plane where they will give vests
to inake l and I can sew in the evenings I"
"What, sew In the evening, after you
have worked hard all day long fbr me and
the children I"
"I shall not mind it, George!" said Jen
ny. "Dear me, its nothing to the work;
used to do before we were married!" •
So Jenny kept the household pot boiling
by her own Individual exertions—made,
and mended, and patched and darned with
unceasing patience."
"Why, Jenny," mud George Martin, as he
lay on his conch watching her busy fingers,
"Surely that Is Aunt Bridget's Pongee dress,
isn't It?"
Jenny laughed.
"Well, you see little gate needs a - new
dress to appear tolerably decent •at school,
as we have not the money to buy one,
I thought I would just rip up Aamt Bridget's
bequest and see what I could do with
Bee—it is quite fresh and brigbk on the
wrong aide, a little old fashioned to be sure,
Mit Kate won't mind that."
As Mrs. Martin spoke, she cut the lin
ing away from 'the skirt with.,:)iersktigni
`lWieful¢drtSilei in
.4 10 "1" BB l4 ing4ll.:"UP- 1 1 4 211 41../1
ell 2 4tata4 " ilt4 in o b lon g4, l " ekl bt
-imPcm.4teji44ClXBF4l4 b 44 *opt l ow
illik* " •
"Brown pope!! let me see, Jenny," said
WHOLE NO. 3548.
George, suddenly remembering the number
less eccentricities of his aunt, and vaguely
fancying be did not know what,—"why
they are really bank-notes, child I"
And they were bank-notes—lives, tens,
twenties,—even fifties The lining of the
old Pongee dress was literally covered with
them, heady sewed In, so as to be complete
ly concealed from view. For the last, few
years of her life, Aunt Bridget bad been a
walking porte-monnale,and Jenny no longer
marveled at the feverish malty she was
wont to betray about the brown "gown,"
as she called it, at night.
"Well, this Is curious enough," said
George, 'lwe can now account for these
fleeting rumors of her wealth which we
fancied so erroneous."
"How much is there, George r question
ed the beWildered Jenny.
"There cannot be less than three or four
thousand dollars," said her husband, "see—
here is a hundred dollar bill close to the
"Ab, Jenny, Aunt Bridget had a mean
ing when she made the will bequeathing to
you, her - truest friend and tenderest nurse,
the old brown Pongee dress 2 I am glad now
that I did not destroy the paper. I wonder
what Isabella and her husband will say !"
"George," said Jenny, reverently, "I
think God has sent ns this money in our
time of need. I had not enough left to pay
the rent, and I dared not think about the
doctor's bill."
The tears of fervent , gratitude came into
her eyes as she spoke.
Little Kate bad a new dress to wear to
school, but it was not the brown Pongee.
Jennie Martin treasured that up in memory
of old Aunt Bridget ; while Emily Penford,
Cousin Isabella, and that class of people, all
exclaimed with one accord :
"Who would have supposed"such a thing
possible ?"
As if tact were not often times far stranger
than fiction !
AIM 801720 E
Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Wins her
attention. away from the more serious ques
tion of female rights, and talks about well
bred babies in the last Revolution : _
We are constantly asked, If women, vote,
what will become of the bread and the ba-
In view of the heavy bread, and badly
cooked food we find on most tables, and the
shocking mortality among infants, we con
template with wonder and pity the blind
faith of man in the maternal culinary intel
ligence of the "weak-minded" who have
no inspirations beyond Recker's flour, Mrs.
Winslow's soothing syrup, and Wheeler da
Wilson's sewing machine. Geeing that
women have devoted themselves through
the ages to domestic economy and tailed, as
miserably as men have in the art of govern
ment, we have, after mature thought, come
to the conclusion that Just as the woman's
enlightened interests in political questions
will improve the state, so man's skill .and
science are necessary to redeem the home
from its present disorder, disease and death.
If there are two things we thoroughly un
derstand, they are babies and bread, and Var
our knowledge of both these divine arts we
are indebted to philosophical, scientific
The only valuable work we ever saw on
Infancy, was written by a man, Andrew
Combs, of Scotland, a close observer, a
sound thinker, and a learned physiologist.
We shall never forget how tempest-tossed
we were when we first found emelt' the
happy possessor of a man child without the
slightest knowledge of what to do for his
comfort and protection. An ignorant nurse
fidgeted round the room day and night,
sang melancholy ditties,- and rocked vehe
mently, while the child cried continually
with a loud voice, and we wept, prayed,
and philosophized by turns. Reasoning on
general principles, we at last came to the
conclusion lltt'inuatuch u the child was
large and vigorous, there must be some
mistake on the part of the. nurse that he
was not quiet and comfortable. Accord
ingly we fortified ourself in that opinion by
a faithful reading of what Mr. Comtms had
to say on babies in general. The result of
this consideration of his opinions was a
prompt revolution in the whole nursery de
partment, and a transfer of pain from the
baby to the nurse, who stood humbled and
chagrined as she saw her time-honored
Wit= summarily set aside—the pills, pare
goric, catmit, and cradle driven out, - while
pure air, sunlight and common sense walk
ed in. .oh.l what Sighs, what groans, what
doubtful shakings of the head, what sup
pressed laughter and whisperings in the
hall we heard during the B r at few clays
after the inauguration of that dynasty of
health, happiness and rest to that new born
When the three hours' cry begun that day,
which ancient dames assured us was a cus
tom that had been faithfully kept by all the
sons of Adams from time immemorial, we
ordered the little sufferer to be promptly
stripped to the skin and put in a warm bath ;
that brought instant relief, after which be
was dressed in a few light garments hung
on the ahoulders,with no swaddling bands,
no pressure on the lungs or bowels, and laid
down to sleep. He was fed (according to
Combs) every two hours by day, and but
once during the night. After that we had
peace, though internal vigilance on our pad
was its price. The custota Of Orman babies
up is tight as a ;Irma la both cruel and ati•
surd. We Mimi the antiquarian who tor-.
toted Out amt.- born in that 'way, why she
did it ? `.`The bones of young babies are w
soft and their flesh so tender," isid she, (UM
their are in erdialoUll 441 agar W . dissolution un
leas tightly pinioned together." We soothed
her lixtrk by pointing to the fact that colts
and calves, puppies and kittens, all lived
and flourished without bandages, and, for
the benefit of the race, we said we would
make the experiment on one of urge low*
If bablea are regularly fed, bathed and
comfortably clothed, and in a pure atmos
phere, they will be quiet and healthy. The
ignorance of women on those aubjeots is
truly lament*, •Wo have open children
a year old that had never tasted waterothen
they should have it half a dozen times emery
day from the hour of their birth.. We hate
found beers who have workt4 WWI del
comiihtin bitterly of belay disturbed' at
night by crying children ; hence the com
mon use of itirs. Wintilow's spotaktitimw
which only tends, in *ma the ittigable
condition of the nervant - ifikam ~and per.
=nand) , weeksu %gamin. •
Yontig nietheas %%avifauna twain. that
this lin e Windwungawn aggefaxont.
wing : old led, :who lam Anis tad=
knows jns, law lasaogila Oat to Wegoasit
pilot-f *au* 4 1 the Pidhi ls er-116-
kamiOnneikietAaiabla sboadannialYtaP
Is talltioatuflailv KNIO *WW I ' NAN
ignakpgas_ncgadanal%sad .twolat who
andirelldnh9l l * l l l l 'WSW*
San awl lanskinaadrxileimut
at Alada Id4ataPEAtu *WAIL: i•di It"
. M ni gr itl OS S i t°ll ",7 l lWkirel.:
_-- - -
RPM MeV" Vilma for
colnyliipmit MKS ce49I4ILMI 01
• ills *wrt.
Bitting lit a station , the other day,. I Lad a
Mlle sermon preached taste in the way I
like; and report it for you& benefit, be
came Irtanklit one of the beautiftil lessons
whidt* all *mkt learn; and taught it in
sunk st: natural, simple. way, that no one
could MITA It. It was a bleak snowy day
the train was late ; the lildles'-room dark
,strioky ;au the dozen women, old and
young, who eat s waitlog impatiently, all
looked cross, low-irpinted, or stupid. I felt
all three; and thought, as Booked round,
tlial my &Mow-Wimp were a very imam's
ble and tminkiresting met. •
Just then, a Worn:old women, *taking
with palsy, came in with &basket, of little
wares for sale, and went about mutely of
fering them to the sitters. Nobody bought
anything, and the poor old soul stood blink
ing_ot the door a minute, as if reluctant to
go Ont into the bitter storm again. Sbe
turned presently,: and poked_ about the
room, as if trying to tied 'smoothing ; sad
then a pan lady in black, who' lay as if
asleep, en a sofa, opened lies eyes, saw the
old woman, and Instantly asked, in a kind
tone, "Have you lost anything, ma'am
"No, dear. I'm alooking for the Damn%
place, to have a warm 'fore I goes out win,
Hy eyes .1a poor, and I don't seem to Had
the funiice nowheres."
"Here it 1 ;" and the lady led her to• the
steam radiator. placed a chatr,and showed
her how to warm her feet.
"Weil r now ; ain't that nice ?" said the
old woman, 'Troia:lg her rugged mittens
to dry. "Thanky, 'gear; this is proper
comfortable, ain't it? I'm most froze to
day,. bean' lame and wlmbly ; and not svi
lin' much, makes me sort of downhearted."
The lady smiled, went to' the counter,
bought a cup of tea and some sort of food,
carried It herself to the old woman, and
said, as respectfully Ind kindly 'as if the
poor soul had been dressed in silk and
thr, "Won't you have a cup of- hot tea ? It's
very comforting such a day as this."
• "Sakes alive ! Do they give tea in this
depot ?" cried the old lady, In , a tone of in
nocent surprise, that made a smile go round
the room, touching the glummest face like
a streak of sunshine. "Well, now, this is
jest lovely," added the old lady, sipping
away with a renal. "this does warm the
cockles of my heart."
While she refreshed herself, telling her
story meanwhile, the lady looked over the
poor little wares in the basket, bought soap
and pins, shoe-strings and tape, and sheered
the poor soul by paying well for them.
As I watched her doing this, I thought
what a sweet face she bad, though I'd con
sidered her rather plain before. I felt
dreadfully ashamed of myself, that I had
grimly shaken my head when the basket
was offered to me; and, as I saw a DNA of
interest, sympathy, and kindliness come
into the dismal faces all round me, I did
wish that I had been the magician to call it
out. It was only a kind word and a friend
ly act ; but somehow, it brightened that
dingy room wonderfully. It changed the
faces of a dozen women ; and, I think it
touched a dozen hearts, for I saw many
eyes follow the plain, pale lady with sudden
respect.; and .when the old woman, with
many thanks, got up to go, several persons
beckoned to her, and bought something; as
if they wanted to repair their first negli
Old beggar-women are not romantic ;
neither ere cups of tea, boot-lacings, and
colored soap ;—there were no gentlemen
present to be impressed by the lady's kind
act ; so, it wasn't done for effect, and no
possible reward could be received for it,
except the ungrammatical thanks of a rag
ged old . woman. Bat that simple little
charity was as good as a sermon to those
who saw it; and I think each traveller went
on her way, better for that half-hour in . the
dreary station. I can testify that one of
them did ; and nothing but the emptiness
of her parse prevented her from "comfort.
lug the cockles of the heart" of every for
lorn old woman she met for a week after,
How TO Know A 0130112.—" Mother,
mother!" cried a young rook, returning
hurriedly from Its first flight, "I'm so
frightened ! I've seen such a sight !"
"What sight, my son ?" asked the rook.
"Oh,white creatures, screaming and run
ning, and straining their necks, and hold
ing their heads ever so high! See, mother,
there they go!"
"Geese, Ey son, merely geese," calmly
replied the parent bird, looking over the
common. "Through life, child, Observe
that when you meet any one who makes a
great fins about himself, and Wei to lift his
head higher than the rest of the world, you
may set him down at once for a goose!
A VZRY GoOD Lrrrur, Box. — Little Wal
ter Craper is a very good little boy accord
ing to all rules laid down for very good
little boys. Last Sunday he asked his
mother to go down to the Gould &. Curry
Reservoir, which his mother refused, It being
the Sabbath. Good little boys sometimes
cry a little, and Walter began blabbering.
"Why, Walter," cried his mother,"l am
astonished I The idea of you wiking
go down to the reservoir on the Lord'atoly
Sabbath, to go a swlatmiag wit)/ a lot of
bad little boys !"
'Boo 1" blubbers Walter, "I didn't
want to go swinandln: with 'em ma ; I only
wanted tb go down and see the bad little
boyis get drowned for gift' a swlmmin'
Sunday—boo boo!"
A siuts*sr girl in Nashville was triad and
convicnkffor stealing a diamond ring from
her employer. Notwithstanding her con
stant declarations of innocence and her
bitter tears at the disgrace, she was sent to
jail on merely circumstantial evidence. A
week afterward her employer, • while put
ting on a pair of boots which he bad not
worn for several days, felt someiblitrin one
of them, and upon an examination hr dis
covered his "stolen" iing. The girl was
Immediately released from Jail, but what
can recompense her for the indignity she,
bas suffered ? • • •
"Jos PREISTII9O I" mkt/rued an old lady
the other day, as sheinand over her spec
taclee at the advertising page of a country
newspaper. "Poor Job I they've kept hint
printing week after week ever since .I first
learnt to read.; and If ha won't tha most
patian teat man that ever moos he wee
could have stood It ee bag; nohow,"
A. ampasix Amazon, on her way to a con
vention. aaked fors seatla a crowded of.
An old gentletusar, Veldt keen dies, iticptir
"Be you one of the wean righters ?"
"I bar" aaatiated the undaunted heroine.
".D0 you believe that a woman has 'the
ante sights as a man?" "I do," (emphati
cally.) "well, then, stead up and enjoy
'eat like a man," •
Art 'American travelling in Uwe, aged
a German lady if he might help...her to a
broiled partridge.
"MAO" (No) the lady replied.
"Nina ? My deastmadam,latajauvy that
I temott aocoutedate you, for there moldy
six in the did!, bit you eta have theisi to
hitiAst with." • , • ,
AN editor wrote a leteilag NS*to_ Use
ask sex itt the cozen of7tiqi Ise
or geven t iel "l l o4rinifii (ond
of beans.".
- When the P4471€1011144 fie
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I )l4 , o4l4titittbe'
tliitelßets 'ate 6'o
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KO* 1111:101**Wad% coillintealsis
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