gassing 3alto. REA.I 4 ESTATE VATE SALE. • offers at Private Sale the valuable ••sestrevotdes,idtwate In Haat/1410n emaity. about Latina south of linarioates Milt , atecdolitg land. of Jemo Wionaaa Hamm Wier ocewthqr taaca or un. to are a twomory Pei's', sad jr ai Dwelling, with a Log ilteltent at ., Wagon Shed, Cora Orib, a Prato. Shop, and qther outholhliage., lima" Inge, one of theta ouirmalant Uhl Young Apple Orchard, shoot lAO eta, about 25 bearing Pear tredlf,ltdid re Ira lei r p ropertlon ofgo alMhober ere ere betweec 4 , ?...10 end 5000 young ureery, which will be sold with the fling to %lug the riretnistis residing thereon. cperty hr4ot gold by the last of Oct be for heat. JOHN CLEAVER ALE VALUABLE PROPEETY. Mrs of the estate of John Hukik de. t Public Bale, me .4alarniar the PM • tide. - an order of the Orphan,' °curt the ilouse and Lot vs* °coupled ma the West aide of CitrUebt street, north bounded north by an alley, kY other property at maid estate trout. by 40 teet deep with* two *bleb bas been recently fitted up, located is very 400mb/earn a ro4 0r.614.: for public Maness. - u. 1-itohase , property ;trill do well ,e/ouve. , Ahe A.l P. 31., whansttoad• %era. known by , ANN!,BOHR, Adm; • FRANK D. DCNIORN, Atbsi.T. LE v A Ll' ABLE PROPERTY. scree of the Orphans' Nur! of Ad ndsreigrred, Guardian of the minor Lansinger, deceased, will cell at catchy, the 31st day of Octobar wort, flse premises. a Lot of Ground, Littlestoen, Adams county, Penna., RetattaW's Addition, fronting 40 .0 street, and 00 feet in rear, with , adjoining lot No. 2 on the north on Omelet and south. The Improve- good two story Franke Dwelling, e , Choke fruit trees, grape vines, is desirable, being neer the pnblio I be given sad terms made loci% ofi LANSINOZR, anardfaa SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM. intending to quit farming, offers 00 whieb be now rmides. near the tail* tram Round Bill P. 0., and York dulphar Springs and Hampton, contour/thug 101 ACRES, more or ted a new two-story Outer Post t, with back-kitchen. There is • -irking water at the door, three he fields, Ind running water in two weber, Cherries, and ...other fruit Men; • good and new Bank. Harm, h all other outbnildingsi Hog and c. Sire , thousand bushels of UM, this term in the last four years, and sails. There are about 30 Acres of dof White lOak mid Hickory. It al t Churches, Mills, Blacksmith SOst office. This Is a good chance, high state of cultivation, price low; On payments with tutereat. •. is not sold by theArit of Decal 'TED. • Wm address I. R. SIIIPLEY, Round mu P.,13., Adam. co., pa UABLE FARMS FOR SALE, d criers at Private Bala, Lis two : ntaining 54 Acres, more I dud reside, in Highland township, John Knot, John gisseiker and Mcliheody's mill, and I mil. odd nud , icuprored with j twoatory ualiod, a Lug n eatherboardod Earn other :•hede,Spring House, and other excellentiipriog I u Spring Mouse, and puwp near the dwelling, 2 Orrhaadll ontainHiag 126 Acres, more in township, on the road from Hill ,burg, aidioiniug lands of John Butt., °sepia Kuhn rod others, improved titer hoartletll% itory Dwelling, well retire:Damn:led nate, a dpring House; mar with pump near the dwelling, A retard, at. _ e in g,ual condition, with excellent tract No.l having good chest- triog to Th:Nlr either Fartu.,or Ancor ettll un the euLae,riber residkkg on DAVID EITOVIS. LUABLE LOTS - FOR SALE al °ger at Private Sale, their two vat ontaining 15 Aores, more erland tow oinip, adjoining landirof ge itowe and others, about %toile from kknown at the Myer'. property), two-story Log House, with • hack. • part log and the ethr part frame, ng House, Oarpenter Shop, ittuuke er ueceasary outbuildingei a well of 'at er, with pump, nt the kitchen door, d of choice fruit, de. Containing 11 Acres and re or leas, ittljutoing Londe of John n A. ...11 and ol.libre to Cumberland toWnship, Loc. llouto.. wick tg. mew • e Otable, Carpenter anop ead other a npring of good Water e nehrthe House, eating it Ac. fore the *it .tioresuber, the above be *Mond at Public Sala Salting to flew the on/penile' will call •,.• ell residing on the property. IIthMINAGLJi, /11.NUY 1100INACiLS, TABLE MILL PROPERTY, of choice Land, uu the Turnpike load. town to honorer, one mile from the own a* IT)llinger's 31i11. A LSO, TILL PROPERTY, will. 40 ACRES J Acres aa may be desired, on Marsh tb•weet from Gettysburg, and knowit .4 LSO, 11,231 AORNB OF LAND, las !sigh , 100 boshols of Limo to the Acro, 2 titles west from Gettysburg. 0110. AItZfOLD. g. 21 , 1868.-4?im ABLE FARM AT PRLVATE SALE wishes to sell at Private Sale, Lis tease In Freedom townaldp„ Adams is road loading from Mortta's Tavern Wog Boss White, Andrew Reid, Flynt then. The Fenn contains 152 Acres, which are g,od Tiulber and • foir dow. The Improvements consist of STONE 110 USE (nearly new,) a large • Shed, Carriage !louse, now Pens, all other necessary outhtilldnigs.-- ailing Spring of water in the cellar barn. There la an Orchard of about lent fruit. The land Is tinder good fencing, and welhwatered. hia r w patella's a+ farm shoald no t rm as the purchaser will !o bing to view the farm will please J. N. HOUCK. • CLASS FARM -AT PRIVATE SALE, es of Gettysburg, On the liar with all neeessarr improve prime order. I will sell from . es, to suit purchasers. Terms r further information, apply to . W3l. WIBLE_, Gettysburg, Pa. STATE AGENCY. ned an agency for the ,RFAL ESTATE, my law ballast's la 0 ettys burg • • atteatlon to the • in ttles, Con ing & Investment of money. R to sell, or boy lands, say ihad It to to call. Several and Woodland PRPC,Z $7,000 oillsB, 4 soll ii,soo .igao =Ras, TEXT CIIKAP anis, POl sa,oqp •11118, 101 130176 Mill, 101 02.400 PAllli, 100 ACJIZS FAL DX, 125 • YALU, 100 AOll.lll T PAUL, $OO ACILSS • of Clettyolls*-44110. property 1 R. G. IIeCRRAAT, July 10.14 4.-tr. " " Yu 11"1 T I CE. •vroigtiad having Work:medal hilelliagter , Noma. Tirms • and Idlmia,,Atemetkg. Monte orb!. frienda They are both fel Deguerreotimiath, awartaeas .and . tad will give make malallialloa. both stomata tamy takyktY• vale! thaalm to the rib* , Sr UM. e ex tehded to ma, and request all per , am to call and make genitalia at - ,0. J. MON. PAY UP ! ttd to lb. late firm °Ultima t mottled to call and iettl• b•- e eisatiater sax; as all aamottiod as • wilt b• placed ha the hugs of - ma Seeks on la the tootle or tome of Itattratel end Weektntos • • •to Nate the Beam EDNA i VENNZR. •• - , `'rl4l(ll7, VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR BALE.—Tomorrow, • property belonging to John Hoke's estate, will be offered at public sale. See advertisement. , BEGUN.—Thew.: CM the Write Rat - ;LI, connecting the town with the gataly - . Springs, has commenced. A number of !Inds are at work on the western end of the toad. DEcuvroKitAT, RE1T°4 2 4 4 4 161 " declined the Professorship . ' in the Theological Seminary at this place tendered to him by the Board. .TEACEIEBS' INSTlTUTE.—Superin tentult 4 1 1 11 4114. 11111 W sidlekthe mink Teachers' institute, to la Ge!,triborg on Mowiwillov .9. lieeiiiiirtisement. EDUCATIONAL.—fhe school direc tors of Idountioy township are erecting three brick apbeol bowies, to Lake the places of the old buildings at Rook Creek. Two Taverns, and Homer's. They are substantial structures, and will be 'applied with ntie‘desks, benches, Qict " REUNION.—We understand that ar rangements are being made for a re-union, on Tuesday next in this place, of the offi cers and privates of the First Army Corpes, especially thb 3d division. Quite a number are expec'ed to bepresenL,--- This Corps opened 'the Gett3isblirg . and it is probable our citizens wUI be °ail % txl on to extend to them the hospitalitlemo the town. COM bitußfixoHEßS.:—By the advertisement ,in laliara paper. it wilt be seen that the CommissiOners appointed: to amass the damages sustained in the border owintlea during the Rebellion, will meet in Dlllabnrg, Oct. /15 ; Gettysburg, Oct. 20, 21. Ky' 22; Hanover; Oct. 28; York, Oot. Si and .26. Peri Ons having claims will do well to get them ready ibr presentation. MEETING AT THE TWO TAVERNS. —A meeting of the friends of Giant and Colfax will beheld at TWO TAVERNS, on ThUraday evening next, at 7 o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by IL Inman, Of Tennityivania, Capt. Mc- MA non, of N. ,York a and iwora H. Wu, BON,' of Washington, D. C. All three Of these gentlemen were in the Union army '- Capt. McMahon lean eloquent IriAmati, and lost a limb in the battle of Gettysburg. Mr. Wilson is &native of Adams county; sula favorably known to the public as a Washingtim correspondent. Let there, be a large turn out. - • MENALLEN AT WORK. —An active . working "Grant and Colfax Club" Mu; been formed 'in Ik3ndersTille with toe following °Slicers ; President—Wm. B. Wilson. • Vice President-4NI T. - Wright. Recording Secretary—Wm W. Blocher. Corresponding Becretsrp—Geo. W. Wil- SOD . . Treasuree;-Jonas itsunzahn Executive Commit!4e—or.Vt. N, H. Mini nigh, siinote! )4 - eatis t ) :lL:T. (tehinsin, Wm. S. Cart, an Wm. Mottort. This is a strongliat of (Moira, and the Club startiwith a good promise of aetivli work during the balance of the campaign. PREMIUMS AWA.RDED.—Adanie county was, well ralweateded at the Chem , bertabarg Agrtetntural Aar. Dr. T. T. TATtra horse NNWthy" took the first premium /*lc% ‘"- - • ' awe tcznx horse,-of thisplace, Aims Arrant Sang to the Silver Cap for the beat Lady Equestrian, having rid den , ' , Cotudiler, 4l on non • FIRE AT „EAST 13: • --an list Saturday night a Ore broke Out in the large store building in East Berlin, Adams county, occupied by. Mr ., brand, merchant,. The entire building with Its contents, elongating cif 'a large assortment of dry goods and groceries, was burned to the ground, The building belonged to the Rev. Mr. Deininger, and was insured irithd •li guittentftriiw Haven'? for $2,300.. Mr. Mildebtand bad 'insur ances on his stook to the amount of $7,000 as follows : In the Hope of York Pa., e 3,000. In the ' Maryland, $2,000. In the Home, New mock, s3,ooo.—York True Democrat. MEN PENNS)FINARIA: dor.44Ec+E.—This Institution open several weeks ago with a large accession of new students. The new Preparatory building; although 'net entirely finished, is sufficiently advanced to be occupied by students. Rev. Wm. Rots, Ph . D., a graduate of the University nfiNtiiiiiilijies4Glermany, ha; been temporarily appointed Professor of German, and has: enteited on the dbdurzge of his duties, making a very favorable Impression. Rev. H. L. BAuemcs, oradimisptthr has accepted the Greek Prolittisorship. Wit . will not enter on this discharge of his du-. ties until next SAL/B.—The follgying Pop iriar isles have recently been made in Abbottatown 1. F. Kcehler *old his house and lot to N. P. Griest• for $l,OOO ; Mrs. John M. Wolf a house and lot to Tempest Wilson - for $1, 7 500 ;'Michael Stt Wager II house and lot to Washington llfetsgar tbr Peter Miller a house - andfOtts Mrs: `Sewers for $975; Win. Bittlnger, Esq., a house and five acres of land to Samuel Biztentr4 . for $l,BOO. George Jacobs has sold his property, on Chambersburg street, to M. Flower', It $5,000. John Rapp has sold the; o)4 "nobble property % at interims** et Tiannitsbori and Taneytown roads, to Henry Heck for $l7OO. - Jamb Maine'man has sold his Maria Furnace FarntMHasnilton township, 130 Acres, to G Asktiv, of Franklin county, at 1418per'aire. The Executors of Ifattni9lol Sbat • • deceased, "hiiikricireare - fronte AIM in Liberty township, I .so:4oectilthaiiiol, of Maryland, at 125 per acre; and Farm adjoining, 150 AcresetoPaxtonji. of Liberty township, it *WOW acre. - MINING OPERA.TIONB, I 44y9 Jutting , in the Harrisburg Telegraph of the inst., a aonuilft. !Kan latasatirim in this county, giving a detailed account of the organization and opersztean sifs tabu company under the title of "The Calcine Company of Pennsylvania," the officers being as follows: Pasident—Mulla Early, of Wm - 3i* Pa. Secrefsuy—J. L. Hew** of LlME town. Treasurer—George Storkesiktr, of Lit tleotown. Directors—Daolel S. Early, of Hum mebitownt ' and - WWI& /Whir aird Blocher, of General Superinieltdeekk-WOL Yount* of Littleatown. It is stated that the cquogly hes /mini 1,000 acres of land in Frederick:and (ler roll counties, Md., on the line of the w - tern DiamisadiAkelircad e and intandito develop° the Mineral resources of ' hat region, which is said to be rich in htne the iron ore, slate, various kinds of Mar ble, copper ore, mineral paint, °okra, ,b 3. AlthougUlPl4lll hen* stinting of ail this until advised of it by the letter in the 'Telegraph, Afiraplitie Cc r icalinny may re alize its most sanguine elpeditkll/6. 14AY0," the new Peri= lit kerchief, is cresting . meat among the five-twellie", AIN %NOW ftlie sweet els:teem lieitig I s l .-Or t V '-"" hiMiZMielit—Alline mu. Republican tneetingi-ware bald in the following glatricla, all well 'attended; midaddressed by the gentlemen named : IDAVELLX Preeldeitt-4acOPOriner. , • Vice FlVigtitl44 l 7 - 4AOb-itamm, jobs CiltiOkleesStenleF ! Chttnent Stenh*ieek er, Stephen E Weithiei, Joseph Sampson, JOhn 'Steidneir. - • • Seeretmies. , -Wm. B. Cart, Watson Sadler, Theodimelones, Abraham Meals, Wil liam fickA . R.W. Sadler, 'Wm. raping: Wm A4dramedo .byter. A. J. Diver, Seq., anat. . R BRAGTOWN. President— Jesse Leas. - Vice Presiferits—:.Waldn Hoops, Nathaniel Binder,-David Smith, Jacob Comfort, deoriti W. petters A. IC Myers, Freder ick Wire, Eli Bushey, Daniel Kicker. " Secretaries—Mahe B. Sal Neer Bin der, T. M. Brehnesnan,ldjr.lifygs, Abram Chreubsier. Arldn;sel by A. J. Cover, Esq., and D. Wills, Esq. MIDDLETOWN Prealdent—Hezuy Fehl. Vice Presidents—Henry Hartzell, William Bream, F. W. Kamm, John Shugh, Samuel Lamer, Michael Detrich, Samuel Eyster, John Wert, William Crum, Hen ry Lupp, John Heather, Jacob B. Trostle, John Markley, Elijah Wright, Noah Snyder; William J. Peters, Jacob Y. Bushy, Samuel Smith: Thema/ :Blocher. Secretarles--John Minter, Daniel Walter, John Omer, Moses Cram, Samuel Hoff man, Oliver Blocher,JohnLower, George Wolf, Charles Walter, Peter Group, Nash Camp, John Peoplee, John Wright, A. E: Shank, Jacob Steve 2a. Tames Walter, Henry Detrick, Howard Houck, Jesse Ebert, Andrew G. Koser. Addressed by A. J. Cover, Esq., D. Wills, Esq. LITTLESTOWN. President—David Schwartz. Vtce Presidents—Jacob "idly, David Bow ers, Rotes C. Darters, Jacob Pitzer, Js cob Grass, Fred'k Bittinger, Joseph Asplc, David Little, Isaac Staub, John Hartman, Samuel P. Young John Sellers, Samuel Weikert, Henry Colehonse, Sam uel Camp, C. Summers, Dr. It 9, Seise, Joseph Barker, W. M. Merrick. Seengalit- F: baker, Samuel Base hoar, Wm. Yount, Bans Wilt, Joseph IL Letevre, James =A Lefevre, Thad's Blocher, Daniel R Seigle, Hen ry Miller. Addressed by Hon. Ndwand McPherson. - MORITZ'S TAVERN. Presidelitaeob Myers, Esq. Vice Piesidenta—Phineas Rodgers, John Patterson, Daniel Meads, Samuel Moritz, Peter r_loofnagle, Capt. Samuel Whitey James Bighorn, Nicholas Houck, George Young, J. P. Bighorn. Bocretaries—Wm. Scott, Win. G. Black, Charles Shiner, Abram M. Waybright, John A. Lynn. Addressed by D. McConaughy, and J. M. Knuth, Eaqa. 13RVEN STARS. ' Preiddeut--W. McCullough. Vice Presidents--John Almit, Solomon Hartman, Charles B, Polley, Hugh McGAIT. Bar- Samuel Gledn, David Shriver, Amos Lady. Seeretar3ei-4rederiek Hanky, Jolla _Hart - man, V. K. 2ttelbeny, Jacob Comfort, Dr. J. Carpenter, George B. Stover. Addressed by D. Wills Esq., Lt. Wm. lit Eyeter. uauti 1.16(1 wen neraided with se much pomp, and which our neighbor of the Cbatpife.r declared would be "one of the most inlposing demonstrations ever witnessed in this region," proved a miser_ able failure. A long list of marshals had line the various delegations, who were on hand at an early hour, while "Fenelope" ever and anon thundered out the sum mons to the faithful to get ready. The faithful tied been invited to "come In earth. in Wagons, carriages, buggies, on horse back, afoot—any way and every way." and to bring withltem "flags, banners', 'hick- Okes, wreaths, everything that might con tribute, to the grand display." But they didn't come! Whether because the Gall I wasn't loud enough, or because the faith ful had become disgusted with the news from Vermont and Maine, we have not learned. A few wagons, freighted with men, women and children, and an oc casional "hickory," were all the response that could be heard or seen. For awhile anxious eyes peered out Chambersburg street to get thefirst glimpeeof "the dele gation of mounted men, wearing sashes, and each bearing aloft a handsome stream er with the name of a State upon : _it," which wee to come from Chambersburg, aotlompaned by "a capital brass baud," and which was to have a "very Hue effect." But both delegation and band cruelly lkiledloconie to time, and the disappoint ed-leaders swore tkeriilaY.. thel*ith ful who came in good faith to see the remised show scattered through town in utter disgust. At 2 o'clock, the meeting was called to order in front of the Court-house, num bering probably as many voter; as attend- I ed the Republican meeting on the preced ng Wednesday, and was eutentsively ad- • dressed by Pima/max, defeated candl elit(' for Governor of Mains, Eel P. Noa- Ton of New York, and G. W. Ban WEB of Chambersburg.. These gentlemen de- I voted themselves to the usual routine of Democratic argumontation, "the nigger," "Republican Extravagance," "Debt," "Taxation," do. By the time they go t through, the crowd had thinned , off—some in search of bad whisky, and others search of home—whereupon it was deter: , mined to abandon the outdoor night meet- ing, and go into the Court-house. The "grand torchlight procession" turn ed oat to be lonia 30 voters and about an equal number of boys carrying Chinese lanterns. who paraded the streets to call ISdltbl faithful again to the Court-house, when the same gentlemen held forth for several hodrs in firthcri elucidation of the profound subjects dimetneied during the day. About 9 o'clock, we stepped In the Cond . -house and found Mr. .I ;, ir.titurtuty in the midat of s, profound on the quantity of knived, piper and general Meidlinifery, &c., that should constitute the legitimate alkinance of members of Con gress, addressed to an evidently wearied, sleepy audience who about half filled the Court-house. '4le-whole thing was chil ling, and seemed to be a prenionition of diameter that, swatted the Copperheads on Tuesday. NOW IS THE TlME.—Housekeepera can economize by laying in their winter coal at once, we freights are now lower thatithey will be a month hence, and Coal will neoelemilrriee. Persons desiring tc 'save Money, will do well to call at once on Col. C. H. Bureuza. irbo Prelliredle furnish all kinds of Rove, BilotiMMitit: and Lime-burner's Coal at lowest market' prices. tf AT WORE.--The friends of the contem plated Breech Railroad from Emzolusettrg, are vigorously pressing the movenient.—„, The following persons were yesterdliy selected to' manage the , matter :—Rey. Francis Rutland, oflit. Joseph's, Rev. John McCloskey, of Fit. Nary's, Daniel G. - Ad- dew, joabui IlloUer, and John Biggs —all energetic, influential men. jelt-A celebrated llorw York barber • - neet I)lx4i- Mace, tbat s teutbs of . freocnera preferred bib isms th eir .. *pm . d twit& "Barrett's - Hair Hato; m e r e , to ether setteatcsr, Witiettii tititloo deetatld tree front doSiengt-- 2VorDiffif/ Waif. " It NEM THE MORNING GLORY.—CoL. C. H .thrsarata, has received a large usiortiinent - of -these &moue base-burning Waves; which on the moors of economy, oleanli -1 noes, easy management s and sePeralutil ity atand unrivalled and defy competition. The great 'demand for them last season taxed the - capacity of the Manutheturers to meet the *demand. They are• mach ifn. - proved and will doubtlessare long take the place of all other stoves fox parlor, office store and shop. Call and look at them, at the iVareroom on corner of Carlisleand Railroad street, oppoldte the depot. Also, on hand a full assortment of the Lest varieties of COOKING STOVES, including the Spear,Noble Cook, Waverly, Oriental, Washing, Barley Sheaf, Prince Royal, Royal Cook, Excelsior, dui. dr.c., all WARRANTED to be gdod bakers. If not satisfactory, they can be returned and the money refunded. Also, a large assort ment of Hollow Ware and Tin Ware, Doty's Washing Machine and Universal Wringer. Call and examine.. tf Mr/ WILL YOU SUPER—When the remedy bt so easily procured/ If you are Debilitated ; If you are Nervous ; If you have the Dyspepsia; It you have no Appetite ; If you have no Energy ; If you never feel well; If yogi have any ail ment proceeding from weakness of the digestive organs, use a few • bottles of HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, and you will soon feel life a different person, "Hoofland'e German Bider*" is entirely free from all Alco4olic admixture. HOOF LAND'S GERMAN TONIC will cure t h e same Diseases as Hoollands's Bitters, and is a compound of all the ingredients of the Bitters with pure Santa Cruz Ruin, orange, anise, dtc., making ono of the most agreeable and pleasant remedies extant:—Principal. Office, 631 Arch SL I Philad'a, Pa. Sold byall Druggists, It NOW'S THE C. COBEAN is now selling his Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, at greatly reduced prices, in order to make room for his Fall and Winter stock. Persons in want of any thing in this line should call. He also keeps a No. 1 article of Trunks, made expressly for his trade, Valises, Carpet and 011 Sacks, ike. The public wiil.Sud at his establishment any thing they want in the gentleman's fur nishing line. Give him a Call. Store on Chambersburg street next door to Jacob's Clothing emporium. sept.lB.3t stir The attention of our readers is direc ted to the advertisement of COE'S .DYS PEPSIA CITRE, in another part of this paper. This truly Valuable Medicine is recommended by all yho use it. Read the certificate& sow Tax butchery of negroes at Opelousas turns out, By the admission of the Rebels theniselves, to have been even more gross and inexcusable than our first accounts in dicated. An editor, it seems, had spoken of a display of Rebel spirit at political meet ing. By way of showing that there was no .Rebel spirit, they cowhided him. The negroes gathered to protect him, and he, trusting to the laws for protection, asked them to disperse. The Rebels then took possession of the town, sent around their patrols, disarmed the negroes, and thence forward had things all their own way. The Rebel account says "it is estimated that over one hundred negroes were killed, and about fifty wounded." And it is added, quite naturally, that the peace-loving and orderly whites, whom these riotous negroes are keiping in constant terror of their lives, lost,,"four wounded and none killed.' "'az usually well informed Roman car ?ondent of the Pall Mall Gazette an -^ authority that the (Ecu • _ ~f the pal Church of the wows. _ Roman Catholic Church has invarMory denied the validity of Anglican orders, the COIMSEIOII MUM icy it m Angl ican instance must be consklered an extraordinary one. Tits President has issued a proclamation appointing Thursday, the 26th day of No vemitier, saayiay of National Thanksgiving and - of prayer and praise to the Almlg,hty. Among the ispeetal 'reasons for thankfulness set forth is that "ve are permitted to hope the long-protracted political and sectional dissensions are at no distant day to give place to returning harmony and fraternal affection." 4tvittv of flit warkets Baltimore Grain 4 Produce Market. - BeiLamers, Thursday Morning. Bursa FLora, 7 50 tV 8 50 Earns FLoun, 9 50 @lO 00 WmTE WHEAT, 2 23 @ 2 35 RED WineT, 2 70 @ 1 95 Com, 1 20 ® 1 30 1 .55 @ 1 56 88 g 75 TIKOTHY-52311% 3 15 @ 3 371. Cr ovsa-eESD, 8 00 @ 825 2 65 @ 2 75 BAomr, Bffour.Dne, 131 @ 14 stßze, 16 @ 17 HAm4;..., 20 22 LAID, 201 g 21 GOLD, Phila eettysbargilisin & Prevision market. Geaysburg. Friday ileraing. &Mut nous, 0 00 Errs& FLotra, 10 00 01i 00 Warn WEgAT, 290 fp 2 60 RID WSZLT , — 200 0 200 00z0r,75 ••,•• 1 20 OATS, 55 90 Trwarsr 2 75 CLovint 823124 POTATO/M t •••••••• . ' *** Burma, Bees, 20 BADos, auce, 20 Smss, 16 16 Som., 10 " 13nominzsa, 6 8 TALLow, NARRIED. Burr--Ehrtnime.)--On the 6th inst. by Rev. J. A. 8011, Mr. William Butt to Miss Elizabeth Snyder,. both. of. Cumberland township. - GurrLizto—Witio•rzusm—On the 6th inst,, by Rev. J. A. 8011, Mr. Francis A. Ointling to Mrs. Maria Wisotzkey, both of W Gettysburg. itury—A.llNOLD.—On the 6th inst., at the residence of the bride's , father, Bluff ton, Ind, by Rev James Greer, Mr. John B. Welty, of Pittsburgh, (formerly of Gettysburg,) to Miss Sallie L. Arnold. DIED. - Wobltuary notices 6 wrote a line for all over 4 lines—cash to accompany no tices. Lrrriat—On the 18th instant, in Balti more, Mrs. Martha O. Little, daughter of Ephraim Hanawa , and wife of Rev. Geo. 0. Little. d 41 years and 1 day. She awnitty 4bti " in Jeaus i "Nipp'd by the winds nanny "blast." Baltimore @us lease copy. mArrnir.—/rt .Ohio, Sept. 9, 1868, Mrs. Margaret en rtin, Wife of Mr. John H. Martin, and oldest daughter of Mr. Simon Butt, aged 21 years 8 months and 6 days. MOORRELD.—On the 10th ult., William Moo of PetPetersburg,(Y. 5.,) aged 77 yearsr head,, 11 monthsancill days. Thadeoeased was ohe of the most respectable and in ilttential•citizens in the county,' honored for his integrity and worth, and will be missed by a large circle of warm friends. NWELB.—Near Bendersville on the 6th inst.. Mrs. Sallie in the 66th year 'tif her age. Bwam:m-0n the - 4th inst. Florence @warts, daughter of Henry. mat , Jane elarte., aged 4 - amenity and 2 Bdaye. Wiaasar.—On the sth of August, Anna Mary Elziabeth, infant daughter of John T. and Sarah C. Wetkert, sod I week. Watanar.—On tjta Ttit Inst. Ida M hafenttiangitter of John - T. - and Sarah 0 . Weft's, aged reelnt and 4..deya The lord Mal • - FAHNESTOOK BROS. NEW FALL G041:18. Juat received a largo end 'teen Detected, Stoik of Fall and Winter. Goods DRESS GOODS of new 'tying and of every variety, D 0 M E.S-T I 0 S CLOTHS, AND CASSIMERS, C A R P E TS, We hive just recslved additions to our Q UEE'NS-WARE, of our own importation Hardware and Building Material to Jupply every want. ••• OILS & PAINTS at low rates. GROCERIES Otir Stack 'comprising almost everytiiing which the consumer may need—parties In want at .Goods can b. supplied at low rates by patronizing the well known stand at the SIGN OF THE RED FRONT. FAHNESTOCK BROS Gettyeburg, 0ct.16, tf APPRAISEMENT OF Notice L hereby given diet the undersigned having been appointed by Ifni Excellency, Join W. Geary, Governor of Penneylvan's, Commiesloners to appraise the Damages under the dot;of April 9,180, entitled, "An Act fur the relief:of GA citizens of the Counties of York, Perry, Adams, Cumberland, Bedford, Fulton and Franklin, whom propeply was destroyed, dam aged, or appropriated Fir Gls public service, and la the common defence in the wer to euppreis the Rebel lion," will meet at the 1. , 11n,w lag pinto" for the pur pose of complying with thel,rovisious 01 said Act, to wit: AT DILLIBBURO, YORK COUNTY, ON FRIDAY, oiCTOPEA 16T11, 1668. AT GETTYSBURG, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20TH 21ST AND 22D. AT KANOYIK. FRIDAY, OCTOBELZIRD; YORK, SATURDAY * MONDAY, OCT. 24T11 t 2STLI. The Commissioners *ant it to be distinctly under stood that no churge is wade fur Bleat Abetracto.— The petitions are prepared by Claimants at their own expellee, and are nut faruished by the Board. Persona con present their plailqa at the pleas, of meeting must c,nreultut. The following rules will be strictly adhered W In the adjudication of claims by the Colnbatibicnera I.—Applicanta for dawag , •e wi.l apply to the Clerk. either at the headquarter. in the various Conntlea; or et Harrisburg, who will furnish thcw•with blank Ab etracta, which will be requirtil to be tiled in addition to the detailed stationistut. 2.—Applicacits nil bto required I. make e t a, tailed statement of their hams elmaifying and enum erating the different articles, and gielng their differ ent T‘l 3.—They will also be requi,red to state the time, place, manner, and direct cadses or their loam, and whether they were caused by the ticpredatioutor the rebels, the demands of the liarcruruent, or the races. see of the Union soldiers. A .ecoud meeting of the Beard will be held, If ' , wring, at which time additional informattori from ikteitti:PAVlAVert A. E. ELT, ll D. W. WOODS, rConm.i...doners W. b 15 (X)D3, J Attest W. Mcittliszt, Clsru. Harrisburg, Pa , Teachers' Institute THE Adams County 'Teachers' Liuttltute for WS, I will To Lela in des Court lions"; Get , tyaburg. commencing on diond-sy, Noun/awe 9/2,. at .7. o'cksek, P. NI , and closing Friday night, Nor. LI. All teachers, school directors, and frietels of educa tion are invited to uttund. No expense or pains will be email,' to make the exercises Interesting, practical and prr.fihilds, and the in. tniction to be given will be jerit surd' an tom-I,rs 1. in with advantage put halo practice in A foil cope of Lra cows locturt•ti and instructora ime h e e n ti , etired. Thu law contemplates that boards of directors shall grant teachers the time to attend the Institute and conut it U.. , tt:111, ae teaching, and it Is hoped all will do so. Friday will be "Dlrecturs' day," when matters and questions relating to the duties of ech..l directors will be considered. The committee on Permanent Ckrtlflattes will be elected un Monday afternoon. Ar rangeotente bare beet made for a reduction of rail— road and hotel tire to all whomay attend. It la ear. ne.tly desired that evury dist, lot be lnily represented. Let not a single teacher be absent. A programme can be had on application to Oct. 16,1888-Li pußLic SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The ondersigned, Executors of the last will and tes tament of Peter Herniae, deceamed,will sell at Public Bale, on Wednesday the 4th day of November next, all eclock,P. AI, on the premises, the FARM of mid de ceased, situate in Beading township, Adams minty, Pa., adjoining. lands of Jesse Dotterar, Jesse Leaa, Jacob Nell, rder•rd Derehy, and others, on the State Road leading from East Berlin to Dillstown, about 4 miles from East Berlin, and about 2 miles from Brag town, containing 140 Acres, more or less. 't he Im provements consist of a twoatory Frame Dwelling Blouse, with backbuiblio'g, a large Swim Bari; Corn Cribs, Wagon Sheds, Spring lima!, with • Dever-fall tog well of Water convenient to the house, • Cider Press, large -hop, a good Tenant House, and other outbuildings in good order; also an Orchard of rime. &nit. The Punt is under good fencing and the laud In a high state of cultivation. About Si A.cres are In prime Timber, mostly heavy White Oak, with a fair proportion of good Meadow. It lies within six mile. of good Lime RUns. Any person wishing to view the premises can call on either of the Executors, residing close by, Attendance will be glean and terms made known on day of sale by 1 37} PETER.IURTMAN, l Executor , JONAB LIOLLINGEB, Oct.l6.—tt PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 7 00 80 85 The rubseribers will sell at Publio Bak, Priday, the 6th day of November nert,at 10 o'clock,' A.. M, at 'their residence in Cumberland township thtee•fearths of a mile laugh-east of Witherow's mill, the following Personal Property, to wit : 2 mum COWS, 2 large Hogs, Winnowing Mai, Plow; Marrow, Sheet! Plow, Corn Fork, Double and Bin& Trete, Wheelbarrow, 2 Grindstones. Mattock, Shovels, Crowbar, Grain Shovel, Grain Cradle, Grass Edythe., axes, natters, Cow Chains, Forks, Rakes, Stoat Vessels, Tubs, Barrels, Boger, Hay by the ton, lot of good Bags, Machine) to make Yokes, loi. of Gar trr d e l" r T era bi i r 3 urga s Steelos !het plate• Dil, B a t a o u v i et a and I d tu Pfp e Z 1 Cook Stove, Bedstead*, Beds and Bedding, Case of Drawers, Chest Desk, 2 Stands, Tablee,Ch4ro, Kitch en Cupboard, Donghtray, Chain, Wool Wheel, drat. rate E fah Way Clock and Case, Rifle, Looking Glassee, Wood Box , Copper Kettle, Iron Kettle'', Bake Pans, Buckets, Kraut - Knife, Table Linen Dishes, with • general variety of HoussitoM and Ki tchen Furniture. Attendance will be given sad terms 'made knewn on day of sale by PETER EOOIIMAGLE, JOHN W. HOC/NAGLE. ABSALOM Bzrru, Auctioneec. [Out. le.-tee SOMETHING NEW IN NEW 'CHESTER. , MU. KING hshast returned from the Olt, with it fine assortment of BALL A.ND wz,vrza BONNETB AIrD NAN ; also, Bonnet and Hat Trimmings. WI and eel Ws amine her stock. . g10t.10.-4t • CLOVER HULLING. HAVING understood that Wm. J. PMers and Wm. Bream have been phi= I have no right to hull clover with Millar A 's Pareutile_par ator-in Menallen, Tyrone and Buller tormehlish I der sire to, give notice to the public' that said statements are not true ; and that I not only have the rigllt but am prepared to hull clover in any phut* I. at. lit, and am prepared to assume all the reaponsibaity, d do the work to the satistect ion of overYbudi__ JACOB B. TRUBLE' . Oct. 16, 13C .8.-3t* NOTlCE.—Letters Tegtamentary on the estate of Penn ilantgan, bailor itosiling township, Adams ecronty, n40)0041444 baying been granted to the undersigned raekting in saki township*. they hereby give notice te ill persons indebted lkinnin' estate to make immediate paytoaht, end those heater elaimingetnet the same to prate* than properly an thentioated kir eat element. ' ' PrIIIR HARTMAN, 1 JONAB HOLLINGIR. J lar44 Oct. 10.-6 t JOB PR]'.NtIAO,.. or arm pasoarreum samounD lawny? AND MUM AT THIS OInCJ ' . 11111111112 !,.... sit reduced prices, a full amOrtment, o largo Stock a full stock of ⊃ to bawl DAMAGES AARON RIIRRIX, County NV. SA* &kaftan:want. ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS. First Mortkage BONDS OF TIUS UNION.PACIFIC • RAILROAD COWAN}. 850 Miles Completed. A limited amount of the /list Moetcacs ? G oa- of the Union Pacific ReiWNW Company are offered to the public, as one of the false cad matt prctitald. invest ments. . - 1. They are a Arat mortgage upon' the longest ►ad moat Impcirtant railroad In Mb eomiiry. 2 By law they can be Issued to the Corn any on ly as the road le completed, so that the represent a real value. 8. 'Their amount Is limited by tot, of Coogren to .1,1111 Halton Dollars on the oath* Pilate Hall o Or art average of law than ittOo,oooPor 4. Hos. B.D. Morgan, or lite_VW* SlaleaSenate, and Ron. Oakes dues, of the Italie States House of Representatives, are the trustees for the bondholders, Lose, that all tbelr Interests, ire pratetted. b. Fire Government piranha's, 'aiPoluted by the Vreakbent of the Unitel SLstel, gas responsible to the country for the management d Urrafkinr. 6; Three United'States Couisiliabinters must certify that the raid to well built and equipped, and in 411 re 'poets a first-clam railway, before any bends can be is sued upon it. 7. The United States Government lends the Compa ny It*.otru bctods to thitsauto amount that the compa ny, iwnte, for which it takes a second mortgage as se curity, 8. An additional aid, It makeis an absolute dotuttiOu of 12,800 acres Of land to the mild, lying upon each 'Woof the road. 9. The bonds - pay six per cad. in wild,and the prin cipal li also payable in gold. 10. The earnings from the local or way Imeiuma were over Foos MILIIO Do/I.IW last year, which, al ter paying operatln; expenses, was touch more than eudlideat to pay the 'Merest, Throe earniug3 will be vastly Increased on the completion of the entire lute In Ha. 12. Ro political action can reduce the rate of inter est. It moat remain for thirty yeara—tre per rani per 0111111 M, in gold, now. equal to between eight and nine per ceut. in currency. The principal is flan payak in gold. If a bond, with each raarantees, were issued by the Government, Its market price would not be Lengthen from 20 to 25 per coot. premium. As these bonds are issued under Government authority and eupirvieion, upon what Is very largely a rjoe em ,„,, ut work, they must ultimately approach Government Pates- fo other corporate bonds are made e, secure. 13. The luxe will spun be arhanated. The sales have sometimes heentalf a million a day, and nearly twenty millions have already been sold. About ten mallets mote may be offered. It Is not improbable that at same time not ill 4 distant,all to tnnondet of the bonds the Compaay Oak. Mane will be labels by some combination of capitalists and Withdrawn from the market, except at a taros advance. Toe long time, the nigh gold itaterut, and the perfect security, must make these bond 4 very valuable fur exisnt. All the predictions which the alllcars of this Com. patty hays made in relation to the program and bug. new lacteal of their enterprise, or the value and a& Tepee in the price of their stenititl.a, bare been more than Confirmed, and they therefore soigeet that par : ties alto desire to Invest in their bonds will „had it th their advantage lode so al once. The price fd. the present is 102 and secured inter est at the rate of six per cent. in currency from July lst, aud oubscilptiens viii be received In Oettyeburg, YIBBT NATIONAL BANE aud OEITTeIiCRU NATIONAL BANK •ud iu New York AT THE COM PAN Y'b UFFICE, 2.• NASSAU ka, LEM JOILN J. Cr co k SON, !USK IMP, No. 59 WALL St, Awl by the Cuturruy'l advertised agenla thmughuat the Uuited apit•e. Bondi not frtt, LEIS plrtiessubacrating thrc.24 b•cal agents, will kok tt, Mt., for their safe deist:cry. A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP WAS ISSUED OCT. let, eunteluiog • report of alto wygroas of she er...ek to • . --t date, sod a more complete'stateaseut iu rebetioL • east be gsveu su an ad • — , lication at (1 EL' L 141.0 Fbr Diseases of the Threat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Cot (d, Whoopin g Cough, Bronchiti,, Astitinct, and Contrumption. Probehl4 never before In thenote history of medi cine, has anything woo N./ widely and 0./ deeply tilson the confidence of uninaisel, as ton excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. through a bog series of year., and among most of the races f mon it has risen higher and higher is their estimation, as it has be come better known. Its uniform character and pow er to core the various affectirm of the lungs and throat, have merle It kseisru ai a Tell:mil protector against them. While adapted n. milder lunar of die rues and to young children, it is at the same time the molt effectual remedy iLat can la given far incipient admumptiou, and the dengesous effectiaus of the throat and lunge. As a provision against sadden at— tacks of Croup, it tl.ould Le timid in every family, and indeed as all are - , tuertittea subject to colds and cough., all eheuid he ; ',prided Nab this an tidote for them. Although settled n it thought (bearable, stilt great nurutsere of casts obere the dimasso seemed settled, here been completely curd, and the patient reatottel w sound hearth by the ',Wary Pixteral. So complete h Ile mastery over the disonaers Of the Lungs and Throat, that the most ...Initiate of them, under the Cherry J'ectorui they subside and illappear. • 9:n fors and Piddle Speakers fuld great prosieshm from it. Astlasa Is always relieved and Alma wholly Mated Dy it. ' Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in small and hequent doses. So generally are Its 'Virtues known that we need not publish the certain-etas of tuna here, or do more than areurd the p tic that its qualities ale fully Inaltstaimed. Ayer's Ague Cure, • ler Pimp awl "Agate, Intermiticat hoer, ,chili Jrm, -Beseeihuid Ayer, /hoe, Ayer, Perla:Mai or Bilious Neer, efb., and 'i.tderri all ne ufertions which arise from istalariour, marsh, or mica/ludic poisons. delta name Implied, it does Cure, and does not r e m Containing neither arsenic Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poimuoui substance what ever, it In Miami any patient. The anmDor and Impottaioy of lta tune In the ague districts; are literstly beyond Accoubt, and ire believe without wallet In the hiatory of Ague medicine. Our pride le gestate.' by the selidowledgments we receive of the radical cares effected lu obstinate mores, and where Other remedies tow wholly tailed. • Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or tntveb log through miesulatic locatiiies, will be protected 'by taking the AGUE CURB daily. War Liter CbatptainO, arising from thrpidity of the Liver, It lien excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into heeltay &Utley. Fox Bilious Dieordereand Liver Complaints, it lean excellent remedy, prOdoinng many truly remarkabl e cures, Whore other incOminee bed failed. Prepared by DEL T. C. ATER. 41 CO., Priosk a l doolyticwiChemiehs, towall, Alan, and Slid 111 round the world. rAucz, $lOO PER BOT 2 ZZ. Nor We by A. D. /Mahler, Dregeirt, Gettysbu r g. Pa. Ukt.2, tstrs.—asa STEREOSCOPIC VI WS, ALBUMS, E. & H. T. ANTHONY & C 601 BROADWAY, NNW YORK, invite the attention of the Trade to their lateness sa• **aslant of the above , of their own Tobii eca a ns pm«. fared and taspeciation. We pabilah over Phut Thousand AubJects of Stereo scopic Views, istoludlog: Maws, ' . ktanunoth Care, Cuba, Catskills, Central Park , New G mui d a 'Judson, • Trenton Yells, Venezuel a ," ? White Mosittakw, (treat West, The Amt., %atavism, Housatonic, Chins, Barely JoOmar s, 'Van, West OA ‘nstantan eons, *cow , ke 4 ! e Our imported Views embrace alam ~ . ~.,.._e . Including the choicest productions of wii - i. ii;f r _ln, G. W. WThron, Leigh and other' °guinea pb am i lg: cm cerashiklug of , Ireland. gPatA, Tit Pompeii, Bt. m u d , I= 7 ceetnl Bay. - Ting, roatehablettu, Oomp s i m Nafilsos /Wow, Switseehail, BMW, Prams, Neff, r i ot= Haililaasium; . TEE LANDS OF TEES BIBLE, A new and intensely interesting wiriee. Also, ib laminated and l'raneparent View; en great variety:— We are a l so exclusive Agents In America for unib. RIM'S GLASS VIEWS," of which we have did aseortment. Agents for Frith'i Buries of VI 16% in. e Views in 13wAlariand, th e linh it at woo Waled, Au. pB Inantlhann :fay largely and haves large stock of the but Oyler e t the fowoo i rages, PiiOTOGICAPIUO ALBUMS.—Oar biar ie h e , tero of Albums ia well known throughout the count r y parka. in viand's and beauty to owed allthers. . All we sell are nwie in our "Mom aro oat etyma andifibrent from thoseof say other maker.— Buyers alwald not all to see our stock %bre making their purchasim C'll B. 0 .M 0 8 . . • Thea•bouWal *tures, that =pot to* ,h., willow the 0010 Oa Patatinp, atfoaa^. mag i ma luster tram Paris, v i m) , o w ih and supply the tradlaVla raZ realm . ~ ' ' I. aH. T. ASTROOT a r 00 . , 601 Itrardwa,ydN ew ,f ai t. aymt Mahar?' of PhotorlOhte )lAtahls* 0011.111,400 p u11 ti% 2 4 ,- R.NALislopan, COE'S COtrGlif - This lung trial and popular Remedy ii agalo called to the attention of the public. Le Am; as the year rolls around, the proprietors annually make their bow to the people, and remind them that amongst the many Wage required for the health, comfort and ens tenance of the family through the long and thdlone soon - the of winter, COl's Dough Befetun 'tmid not be tagoteat. ", Tor years it hae - been 'a hossebold medi nd mothers anxious for the safety of their chil drsn, Whointler from any dilutes of thethroat,. cheat and cannot afford to be without it. In addrtion to the ordinary four ounce so long In the Market, we now furnish our 'mammoth family al se hattlegi which will, in common with the other else, be found at all Drug Storm • FOR CROUP, Thaßalaim will be found Invaluable, andSnay always be railed upon la tbe mai eutram•eases. WHOOPING COUGH. The testimony of all who bare weed it fur this tern hie disease during the last ten years, Is, that It in variably relieves and cures ft. SORE THROAT, _ Keep your throat wet with the Balsam—taking lit tle and often—and you will very coon find relief HARD - COLDS AND. COUGHS Yield at oat* to a steady use of this' great yeanady. It will ancaloed in giving relief where all nalor ro madlea ralied, SORENESS OF THE THROAT, CHEST AND. LUNGS. Do not delay procuring and Immediately taking Coe's Cough Mum, when troubled with any of the above named didleultlea. They are all premonitory symptoms of Coneamptiou, and If hat arreeted wlll 1001:10/ Or Islet II weep 3011 away Into the valley of shadows from wlilch none can over return. • IN CONSUMPTION, luny a careworn stilTvrer 6,11,141 relief and to day rejoice+ that her life bun beet made Play and pro• kluged by the une of Coa3's Cough 11.tlant The people knew the article, and It needs no rotranent from us. It is for safe by every Druggist and Dealer In Medicines In the United States. THE C. G. CLARK CO., Sole Proprietors, New Haven, et Read ! Read ! ! Read !! ! THE TTE . ...s;TION of the PEOPLE. This preparnti•.o N pronounced by byvitreot‘ce as "lc only known remedy that will el uruly rare that ag gravating and (N.! malady. For fp.S.ll it s wept ua ita fearful tide, carryinz helot, it to an untimely grave, its millions of Rufferets. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure hUs come to Wp , i , eh: f.,1,1,1c/w, AS'oitrn,o4 or Acidity of big of Food, Flat le lelley, lrearine*A, finally ter- Are we surely cured by this potent remedy, u the pa tient tukea it. Although bat flea pairs lwfore the peep le, what le the verdict of the mums. t Hear what Lester Sexton, of Milwaukee, says: [From LESTER SEATON, of Rilloaukte.l liawAtiess, Wis, Tan. 24, 1868, Blssasiis. C. G. CLARK k Co., Sew Haven, Conn. Both myself and 'rife have used Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, and it baa proved PriltFECl'Llf satisfactory as a Rem edy. I have NOlrsitstion in saying th..t we have re ceived UEEAT BENEFlrfroiu its use. Very Respectfully, • (Signed) LE,'STNR SEXTON A GREAT BLESSING. itßev. L. WARD, Aeon, Lorain Co., o.] P. s. Strong cf. Arbutrong, Druggist:, Ckreland. Otrelleatont :—lt gives me great pleasure to 'tato that my nitb lbw derived great benefit from the use tl Co.'s Dyspepsia Cure. She has Seen for a number o. years grimily troubled with Dyspepsia, accompanied y violent paroxysms of constipation- which irx pros trsted her that she was all the while, for months. un. able to do anytking. She took, atour instance; God^ Dyspepsia Cut* and has derived GREAT BENEFIT FROM IT, and s now comparatively well. She re• perdu this medicine as a great biassing,. Truly yours, i5n.13,11368. L. P. WARD. CHROMOB QLERGYIELEIV:. The AST. Ramo Anuoc, of Allegheny, testifier that it bu cared btu, after all other remedbot had haled. - Any druggist- in the wmutry will taU you, if you tat* tbs trouble to aspire, that 'ray one thatbusr a bottle of Owes Dyspepsia Ours from them speaks is the Meet unqueArged rubes ot its great mailettal teas. , . Coe's Dyspepsia. Cure WUL be Screed terratumble be an cow of Dieltebeli Dyoratery, UOUO, enamor Oomplatoto. GOO* tom. to Act 'eery dbardeeed amnion of tbeitimeett. Bold by Prestos Io city or omen aftotYlrb+ >so at' ill per Bottb; or by oppliatioit to 4 4.. TN+ • 401 g . • • i ()et. to 001. ► a 01. t 6l l Prwidogra IN SHORT, 'ALL.ED TO Tak; the Rescue iftinalivg in Death, DRUGGISTS !tw Athintionsunts. The indiserther will .11 at Public Pais, OA distarday tiE ibl day of Nowaber ae.rt, at 10 o'citek, A. M., at his residence on the liendersvine mad, three mil. from Clottymbniw, the *glowing Pen:alai Property, vii 6 HEAD OF HORSES, hicluding two Stares 4 years old sad three Coils, two of them 134 jean old and one a sucking Colt, 2 Hu.. n, 2 Mach Cows. 4 bead of young Cattle, 2 narrow wheeled Wagons, 1 tourtunra nearly new, 1 two-butso Wagon,' Pines patent slew_ sr, Windmill, Ploughs, Liagrows. Penble and dingle . 'Noon, Forts, Rakes, dbaichi, moo', ijone (tears, Uay by the ton, Corn brills busing, with • inset Ta. r fete of other articles too numerous to 1110011.100. Attendance will be given awl Cannip tutide tiowlloll day of sale by turorm. Jaws idicitsr,. A uctioneer. .111,4 g. E. W. CLARK St, Ca BANKERS-,' NO. 35 S. THIRD ST., PHrr.4p ETYMA, UENERAL .4 GRATTN • FOIL TUE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 121E0 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR VIZ States of i l enneylvania and Soullzein New Jersey The NATIONALISTS INSURANCE COMPANY • corporation Chartered by Special Act of Xnpreem, approrodlnly 25, 1304, with a Cash Capital of One- Million Dollars, and is now thoroughly urganis,l and prepared fot bu adtsisas. Liberal terms offered to Agt , talll.llllieltore, who are invited to apply at our Wlice. Fut! particulars to bo bad nu application at .nr of. flee, located in the secoutl story of our Bank lug Hutt; where Circulars And Pstuplalots. folly describing lilt , advantages offered by the Company, may be bad. Applications for Central and WeAleru Penueylvanla to be made to 11. 8. RUSSELL, Manager, Harrisburg, Pa. E. W. CLARK & CO., ar? Suuth Third Street, PIIILADELIirA, I'd Aug. 21, 1868.—lyin AY_ER'* l , HAIR VIGOR FOR TUE RENOVATION OP THE HAI R . The Great Desideratum of the Aye A dressing which 1:::at once agreeable, healthy; and ettecinal for preserving the hair. Faded or tray hair s tam 'restored to is Original color and the .710 t, and freAruu I you/i. Thin halt. le thickened, hair checked, and I , aldn,dd qtvn, [hung?). not always coral by it. nae. Nothing Can resturu the hair where I= the fulliclu, are deattuyetl, cr. the Lula atruirtried mai dec.:tit:J. But y utL aa rou.tilt cAu ue,N by this application. 4 fAlliug the hair with a pnotty itnlitnertt, it Will keep it de:in and vig,r: oTh. Its oci:itsioual use Will prevent the hair from turning ,ray Or ,11; and ,usequently ',revolt Free from !hum, delatr.riune subltances which mike swiss preparations dangerous and Injuri— to tbo 'oar, the Visor con only boot:tit but no harm it. .It waisted merely fur * HAIR DRESSING, notbleg elke can be found 4.) desirable. Contninini neither nil nor dye, It d,ea not soil white cambrir, and yet huts koger on the Lair, giving It a Itch nia.nly luatra and it grateful perfume Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTIcAL Lt. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS •y-PRICI: 51.0 .fig oi-Yor •sk Ly A. U. 1.11,111. r, Druv4i,E, Gottys burg, Ps EXCELSIOR GALLERY. I'IPTON & MYERS ^ f' J. Tyson. Sterensciv", BA TILE-FIELD, .Tl - :ILE.OSCOPEc-;, PllOl OGRAPII FRAMES, AL B L GREAT VARIETY, A.ND A7' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. i Y. .:eat in n..thtt,g the be.t of its kind. Call and riAln i Copies eau lm furui•hed from all negatives ever ta kes at this Gallery. TYSON'S OLD STAND Oct 9.—tf MERCIIANT TAILORING The public will Ind at AI. rlt. KING'S In Yo 'k street, opposite the Bank, GETT YSBURG, PA., MATERIAL of every Ilescriptkm for men and boys' wear, of the beet qualities and latest styles. say.Garruents tor men and boys' wear made on short notice and it sore fit guaranteed inAll respvetl. Persons in boy lug their clothing should not forget to give as a call as we sell cheaper than the cheapest. Qrt. 9, lIARTERLY REPORT of the Nat tILTi'f'SBURO NATIONAL BANK. Ocronza 5,1666. . RESOURCES Lonna anti Discounts, -13.9.110nda to secure etreulation,......--. 160,000 00 12.8.800 d, an haed,..... 50,00 00 Due front tinks, E.2,0:3 94 Cash, 24,08 51 Beal Estate 5,000 00 Premiums 2,543 75 Taxes; 1,252 47 Bonds,. 80C 00 Cash Items Including stamp's; -561 48 Expen5e5,......._..... ... 345 67 LIABILITIES .146,160 00 130.600 00 110,264 30 17,100 00 7,037 42 Capital, Circulation,... Deposits, Surplus__ Discounts.-... State Due to Profit and Loss, Drvhiendo unpaid,..... ........... I certify that the above report id correct to the beet of my knowledge Mai belief. o.—gt J. EMORY lIAIR, fIUAATERLY REPORT of the MX, condition of the /LEST NATIONAL DANE 011 6111TTYSBURCI, on Monday morning, Oct. 6, : RESOURCES Los.34.Discpunt and ...••4110,925 09 150; 0 00 00 Other Bondi. 6 . 000 00 . .. . . DUO from National Barikii.. ..... ...„.... ....... 8113 b 80 rucutture and Aspenia, 1,88',•1L Cash, 18,816'.3 I.I6BMITIES. ..Diann ... ..... Proflts*ll,,at... o Orentattoo. • Due td.litit'ional Ditidandi ...... . .... • ta?~ai6a is Certify that ti.e above statement is garnet tothe bust of my knowled4o awl bklet - CIET. ARNCII;Dt.- Ciablar. - • 'Oct. ck.—qc • TWO-STORY WHATILEIIROAIt.DBI) . UOVsE greet, lerif •.li We oftWellei 'of ircit. The let, is GO. Feet train with I etable,haa ;•ltergseeily4 yrettef O. '' ' . ,'• ' • 173, 1AWKAI l li _ . w"Armitt',l—frui aaimar.* 3, to Ogrthor 194 a ottoittottotenya Marmot.- ttooo. sooty . to- -- , - -s latatototri., • *tilt dirstmtuto. - Rey il. .ertiottuentA - . . n(tENTB WANTED YOlt Mir KANN'S GREATPICTORIA L WORK' TILE ORIGIN AL. "ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS,"' • B r- Store AN elegant volume Utmost merit andJustrue lion and 'i nc Dollarroke of great Interest Itir ell readers, WITH 300 BEA.IITIPTU ENGRAVINGS and a sheath oftNe Anther. lizolualve territgey given and large onromitaions.— for circulars and agency . , -address the Publishers ULM 00., Newark. N. J. AGENTS WAN ft") tor.itattbew thde Smith's New Book, BUTSECUIZASHADOW in NEW YORK. Ito Mali es_ know how Porturiesare rustle .and lost' ids day Hew 4 Countymen" ere and LOthtrt sw es in ar d etnln g =", r alid e " rog a gthin; 6r oVrtirr. eat relating to Prominent Men and Jinportant-place of New York, Nazar Read! Amid/ SUNSILINE& SHADOW in NEW YORK. A large Octavo 9011=10; over 700 pages. finely /Has. Ws want Agents, Mole or FC311610, lu every City and Tciwti. to. Caasaas fbr It. Iresybody wants to kuow all about New Yost. No kook over publish ed that sells so rapidly. <>Lammers report immense sales. We employ uo (It:Dural Ageula and offer the krrjert comet intion. Send for our Tr-page circular. Full par. titulars and terms to Agents cent free on application to J. B. BURR k CO.. Publishers, • flartford,.Conn. WANTED. • Clergymen. Touchers, and Superinterultnta ofSabbath tichools, and others to act na Agents for the Wulf. OB woziugas, A work of grant Internet folly illustrated ; also for the •COTTAGE BIBLE, AND FAMILY EXPOISITCHL lo two rolymei, Coptairilug nearly 15LKI pay., 0010- prlelng the Old awl New Teetamenta with imitates' expositions end explanatory netts, by Tues. WILL.Ltalt. A .11W Or THE SECOMXIVIDATIO.7IB Front the late Rea. Junl Hawes, D. D., Pastor of the Firat,CongregatfoGai Church, Hartford, Ct.--.‘l I. no wr of uo cenonantary so cheap that contains so great an amount of valuable, matter." From Rev. F. 11. EgliLayton, rfD.. pastor of Ply fantail Church, Chicago, III.—"I chenrfnllyrecommend it as the best cottimetltary on the rcrlptures for gen eral um" For tarots and circular., atklrces A. alt A 'NASD, Ilartford, Conn. GRANT AND COLFAX. DOOK A CIENTE WA::TED FOR HOWLAND'S GRANT . ONE Larye Octavo Volume, Finely . One Agent has sold 90 Copies in 5 Days. One Agenc Imo sold GO Cop ley In 3 Days. One Agent (a Indy) bag !MU i 0 Copies in Z Dn. a. We .110Uy no 0 anntAl Ag antra and odor extra. induce. meats to canvassers. Bend Cur circular and learn our terms to agents before engaging elsewhere. J. B. BURR & CO., Pubbahers, Hartford, Como, AU ENTe () -1 history OF THE W ar Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results. BY 110 N. ALM:KANDER 11. STEPHENS. Its ready sale, combined with as increased commis. Mon, make it the beat subieriptton book aver publish ed. One agentjo Ramon, Ps., reports 72 subscribers In three days. Another In Boston. 103 subscribers in four days. - • Send for circulars and sae our terms, and a full de scription of the work. Address NATIONAL Pt/I— -LI:3111Na 00, Philadelphia, Pa. 1000 A t f ellon B r W ita il. m 'il i ED . f i ta t t o lisartis o y f 1000 d(F fere= BOOZE, BIBLESaud PFIOTOCIAAPII ALBUMS. Ev. ry family wants somethlrg from it. Catalogue. furnished free on application, and books sent post-paid to any address on receipt of price. Communing books containing the List with price., together with blank sheet.. and printed' heading, kre enrolling a list of namen"sent lien to any one on receipt of 50 eta. Any body can Ball 100 to 1000 of they books. Almost any— where. Uor terms U. aquae and other information, .uldress .1. E. POTTER & CO., l'ublLshers, 014 and 011 Saerloto pit Philadelphia. Pa. LL wanting employment can have a good boainesa Il by addressing Davis k Bao., 72.5 Baneom et.. Phila. 1 7 00 A YEAR TO AGINTE to sell the SCAR / SIILITTLE SEWING MACILINEEL Full particulars fr , e. Extra inducement/ to experienced Agent, Call an or eddies W.ll. WILSON k CO. CI ev O. ; Bodon, Mara or Et. Louie, No. U I 4 c 1.1 -L A R AW S • Circular Saws of elle temper over the whole plate. MVLAY, MILL, CH.OB&-CUT AND GANG. E g nm ,0 Any ulatir iu the word. For sale by all era and number,, LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Pa. ST.. LOUIS IRON MOUNTAIN AILROAD COMPANY'S Seven J- p..:r cent. first Mortzsge Bonds. February and Autrupt Coupons. The earnings it the completed road to rdut lincde are now inure than the interest on the entire• niertga;,... The of Bonds ire the security .•very day. Over $5,000,000 it toe been spent un the pr,perty e and not over $2,400, vfoi maser thus far. The constantly increas ing traffic of carrying oat, with the prospect of con trolling' all the travel from St. Louis to the Southern States, ensures an enormons revenue. The Directors ount 8-10 of the stock for inr.3tmenr,and are inter.est ed to enrich the property an wt II as to economise sts eXp(13.15,11. .t. y Tiloll. ALLEY, President, St. boa* Mo. We, the und,slgned, cordially recommend these ner cent. rnortt age Londe ' of the St: Louis and • u s it road. sea good security. The rev -- sod the administration • •-mi . expert . ===l MIMI= JOHN IL I,ION BElttiEr., Pres't T. :4,11.12, Ai ULPIIC3 M KIER, Vice-Prwet U. Pacific Railway. itollEßT BARTH, Pree't German Savings Institution. iJay awe in the city of Yea lark. A limit• ed our. ter of the above unwed Bond. for ea to at Eighty. n partieo living out of the city can remit by draft or expenses, and the bonds will to returned by express free of chargvs. We invitethe attention of capitalists and others to them as, in cur opinion, a very desirable investintut, destined to rank as it first-class st,urfty. Descriptive Pamphlets, Maps and fulmination c.tu Le had on um to TOWNSEND. W fiELEN CV 50.,14/9 Walnut at., Philadelphia, Agents of the St. I. ,, ufm and li..n Mountain It. it. Co. Al S P6illadt•l; , ll:3. reft , reure,—CtMaltli IRON CO.; Co fW BAC , ,N Y Cu.; Tuos. A 1111AttE A Co. )7.,t ► Per ikalit guaranteed. Sara pay. Agerit. kJ wanted immediately ev.iywheie to sell ”nr Pot , nt Et:IT/di:l/w White Mire efothes Lines. Call at radir.. the II ARD WIRE MILLS, Phila., Pa. RED JACKET •AX E • NOTES—From reports and teeter. received: I. Your Axe is bound to beTns Axe. It will cat 25 per cent. better. 111. Sly bri . ,ther lust one arm In the war, but with - you^ h to he can cat as well as any one else can. IV. 11l could not get another, twenty.five ($25) would out hay it. V. It will cut hooppotes better than soy other Axe. VI. I would out be without it for susrthing. Fur sale by all responsible dealers, and the inaliers, LIPPINCOTT & BzUMWELL, PITTSBURCIIi, PENNA. air Sole owners of the Patents. GREAT DISTRIBUTION BY THE I.EITROPOLI TAN GIFT . COMPANY! $159,2W7 06 CASH GIFTS TO TUE AMOUNT OF v250,g00. EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE E. Cash 0 in , ... 10 " 20 I. 40 .. 200 300 450 600 " X 0,015 58 30 Air : want Aosewood P1ik12011..... ...... Hoch WO to 4500 35 " - " Melodeons " vs to Iso 150 Sewing Wu:Linea " 60 to 175 230 Musical Mixes " .25 to 200 iioo FFne Gold Watches " 75 . to 300 750 Fine Silver Watches '• 30 to 50 Pine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, Silver Ware, PhotogrepleAlnunts, and a large asEirtment of - Pine Geld Jewtity, in all TiLitl.l at 51,000,000. A CfIAACH TO DRAW AZiY OP TILE ABOVB PIITZES bs purcbatsing a Sealed Ticket fur 25 cents. Tickets deNeribleg eacL Prize aro Ruled in Envelopes and thorl , u - ply mixed. On receipt of I:5 ctn. a Sealed ricka belrawri without choice and delivered at oar °Rico, brseut by aria to any address. The prize earned up:a It will bu delivered to the ticket-holder 'on payuleut of ono dollar Prizes will be Immediate ly seat to any addre,s, as roquested, by •zpress or re turn mil. 4,302 00 2 ; 136 10 ..... 2,271 z 5 .7 ..... 1,004 73 $1*3,013 S&. • • . • You will know whatyuur prize ii t lorn you pay !Or it. Any lulu snag be exchanged for another of the ItLIIIC rulrro. rio Bunks. • *3l.our pations min depend on fair dealing. flestastleute.—We select the few fellowiug times from the mauy who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted vs to publish them Wiiltins, Buffalo, N. tl, $1 GOO; Sitac Annie Bonnie, Mimi/0,111., Piano, valued at 5050 ; Bobert Jackson, Dtibuque, lowa, Gold Watch, ;MO; Philip 'McCarthy, loulsoille KV; DistraondAlasier Bing, MVO; It. A. Patteronti o N ow Radford, Bass, Silver Tea BM,. 5175; Mist Emma Waiwnrth, 2dilwankee, Minn, 5500 ; Elf,. T. W. Plot, Cleveland, 'Ohio, Melo. A1in„11125.- Akirwi t publish no mimeo Without parmiseiou. OPMpla or MIS raW.--"rboY • ,0 'Wing the ' , MP' edt I/01MM; the inn is reliable, and deserve their oneness:li 18:644 IW/inns, Yeb. 8,1801. ~W eAva tyr.,usinod their system, and know thous to to a raw dvid.u g /Jerald, Fts _4,1808. • '..Litst Week a 0 isle! of our, drew a 1500 Prize, Ptlttl Was promptlytreelviiii."—Daßy Nava, Ala rr k Bond for CltCnla g,iv..ius many intlre recervimea and favorable Pollees twin lse,prvoi. Lihstal tuAtmentents [iv-Agents. Autisfaction guaranteed. .I•Nory of Sealed Marsh/pen contains mot von nIF T. Biz Ticket! forit; 1.3 for $1; 35 Eir 51; 110 1:,r515, • 511.Litterar shiOuld hot eddies*. to $11f062 12 ...JlOO,OOO 00 --• 3,820 3 2,655 1:i3I 90 Fo ar .. 102 oil I•X' Is emeedsol WM the iti - sktilNGAlt 1 Birr ERS hue .„1„ mootoiod lioso dlooosaii Wth *Out. .fto , :g 4,1114 16111 ;1nf . :1 , 54v - Oak- Atir the !mato ~,,,$.l ti, Ira. mood ilOtqlork the woiat forma of form, Y0v.,:00ui.., Liver *IA Heart oftoesi*, Chronic Llioxtiu,4 D i pq,,fo, ithioncomittottt, ..,11WIloadoolkos *ad will into sily di.- salik,„ .*Mistog Matkilf.'_ .., dtWitlllrEtt MAK of 11. 61.5. d. It o.v...6l'666ghtsouthoilif 001V111011 of Brutes , Mcsairrs of .di5k. 6 0 4 0 2 , 1 diTtlept .eitd Pll.r&hlu . s ,s o a s ,ata . 4e #W,., ,PrflPfiltdr OD 0110 W DOM Worn relit:kw. lan " 11 " t Isif ethic Pitt,* tA/111116CtUrefll In ' ''. • ' r"4"."'004 .it Port mom. Soto , i rEibt , a =,57. /Maar, Batotor - osio'A polo fur Wsiek w eugoor Lasicommigs,Lit. r: Rano* it Cro., ado Pro. 5 6 IfOolk Irmat at , Phllsilelplils. PP PUB Tow Tr,tlenr Plach $lO,OOO " i;e4x) " EO3O 100 CM 11ARPIA, 'WILSON 173 Drwislwmy, N. V.. UTABLISIi#D IA ISW our atOk, ;;;Teittiog or every variety of DRY AND FAA,NtCY GIQQD,S, BOOTS AND sDOESi SILVER PLATED WARR, CLASS WARE; WOOLEN & REAM CARPETINGS, STRAW MATTINOS, and PROTOORAPR ALBUMS, fa Or oar own Importation,. or prirclot.o.l directly. troller the Mari tahot at vnr tare. qn.ntillei. plan n o ir to VIIIIIIIOPCP the Phh, Of rats onlaWAnrwtre ONE DOLL Xlt FOR. EACH ARTICLE Our Palm for tree Lost 11Tetio about one million del 1113.0ur &wines, ,as Nam deebial by th , (h,r, ql tfliJ Stale and Gitit4 Stales to Le n eery, or a Off Arneei bed a regular isgifino &wines,. TEAMS or SALt /Olt CLUB or 13, a beteCtlOU of one or the following articles:-SO yds. Drown erlll,mehc.l Sheeting, snderlor Poplin or Alpaca Drees Pattern. Wool fiquare Bhattll. 2 yds. Dueekin. Au S Day Clock, Seth Tbonsastruake. 1 pr. fleet's Calf Boots. , White Marseilles debit . Stlver•plitred Chested Castor, with 0 bottles. A Voice,. Photograph album 1110 pictures.. 3 yds. 4.1 ~,Wool Cloth. air ere- plated Cake Basket. :n; yds. Cr.,,, tleneloot She. I tpg. totnmou quallty. Al.°, printed hot list of tAI Artie!, s • fur tato at St for oscu 4.l"licte, tat :04. At Artickr usually sold at ret tit o rout I ;•.o to tar each article. ros A CLC/1 Jr $lO, a tolertil,4 Of 1;4o, Of iht f„i lug articles y rids Brown or 11Ie it. hod superior quality. Brees patent, price flu. "Woot Gong Shawl. Broch,s Long. Sh.ta4. 2}.,eta Blach (lemon Broadcloth. Common SentlaSowirer 1 nc ;:,,,., price SlB-:--(these nisch hies wilt Lone, ttitleat 11, luek, quilt, curd, bind, braid, and embroider, h, a nivst ea. perior manner.) Gents' oil...lite 81:rer 11,m floc ('two Watch, new. - 25 yards JJemp Carpeting' ; catch Bearer Cloth. 014 garde good Doeskin" Silver plated Jce Pitcher. 0 yards Wool Cloth.: due: width; 100 superior Blankets. 72 yards Brawn ca BlatOtettgbeelk. hut, uournott quality, and 120 printed UotWell_ oa else for sale at SI cxen each, pfleinw • ". • doe usually saw • article. n u. silo; roz", :1:1; N B. We . hereby In f.trut Ilse Itl tL that wo _ • • .0 not 00 0000t101, WI 111 any ,if tha GIFT ENTERPRISE ONE DOLLAR CONCtatya in this city. All concerns offering a Gift, Pron ;., ni , any article tree Of Cost to Agent, to soy on-, aro direct violation of thalami against Lot Wry. We have information, train reliable authority. that all GIPT CONCERNBINTIIIB CITY WILL ISE CLOSJID VP. BY TUE OTATB POLICE. • .A..FOR ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS ..1.:!ito FOR OUR CIRCULAR. Bend a Draft, Postal Money urtkr, ~ r R.4,1 , 1enr.1 Letter. Be sore and direct soar letters to ANDREWS & CO., 10G Sudbury Street, BOSTON, IM SW Oct. 2—it • on the w hoio subject. hr. Lilly liCiati, 611 at. Charles it., St. Lmli pre. eminently above all °there In his speciA!.ly. N., taut - ter who tailed, state your cam:. Vutiento ti .41 by wail in livery State. - Dollar, We sell tor One l f:10L1) and Silver Watcbrio, Sewing M.icliineg, Sdlt lT Dresi Patterne, Carpetlnge, D r omeAtic lion CIBCLLARd :.ENT FREE, givin4 full particulars, or ten chediesent i . ri)ne 1 / 4 4. ler describing ten different artic lee which we will rep for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Splendid inducements offered to Attel.P. 16,18./ /UK . I.* Clubs. Address LAW/NIT HA !IHLT. No. S3Sudburs Strettclt..wn, Mew.. MULE HALL CAMPAIGN OP MOORIN ltl'ltA 1. 1, NEW YORKER, tho Leaslin,: and Largest City lat ingg 11.17111.1. L. LlTlTlAarnntl VAIIILY NtUSl't vrt, I,a;; a Quarter Oct. 3. attel 11<1.0 .V,AIO i. 16 Tine to .`”th irrlbe: Eight Largo Double lL,atto Pa4es. Illuetre ted,wlth over a dozen dint inet D;•pertrneuta, L4E:II 1114 y conducted, the Beat Talent being will noon be over, when t•••ryilody, I.y 1..•114 t• Country. will want the nn et Pro4r,si Tio.••ly. tertaining and Cenral Weekly 4 its Co BMW- The 13 Nproberi .I,i kludrt,,,:u,.r. t o eent,GN 'MIA L. Or WILT Flrry Try the Iris( Trip ! • D. B. T. MOGRE, 41 Perk Ituw, Sew Yuck, •,r Rochester, N. Y. • • • evidence, what Ills Levu Vir it 641, t L. m Jit .. o T i d•hu, by OUR NEXT PRESIDENT, la A. D. Ric itAnne..tei PERSONAL II Isl.o ILY o 'r U. ()RANT. The Republican Union Cutumi t 4.e ,tir,ti- Ingtun recognize Hy authenticity and ns "1.1 a nthority, sending for c..plea ”f th It purl,..,. TAe press unirerway WA:aril all We 'wont Agent. for it In thie county. Send ternio, Lc., to CU, Newark, N. J, _ The Greeian Bend. \ \ Til ll7,ll l 4 b,:t7.4.Lt it,AA-v,rtt Trtatment. A smAll vuLi no prothsely . dant by man on receipt 0125 ct,. It FDA AN BIND PLIVILIi Cu., . 0. Luc 672, N. Y. T:l*,l,.,,cp plied by AM Mil CA:N NEWS CO., 117 t.. y ciFITTYSBURG RAIL ROAD Arrivt At • Thusrei2ht Trlit, Wi ... • ' leare.l Iranovernt 4 .5. M., nrriv,r, •14 •t, rt, tt. 10, A. M. ut,up,,,r4 r'r 4.1 M. R. , Rept. 25, 1.0,. La(i6' Fano Furs 1 . AT JOHN FAUEIR A ' Fit3 l .ll,theil FCR If Anti' ,tc r): No. 71S A RCH STREET, PUtLAOELPU rA Ilse tow lu Stoc of my °Wu ln,po, 1 M, ufaelate, nue of the largest an uir.t Al•lt: Com of FANCY FUlt;4, for Ladies' anid Cil ren'm Wear, In the City : _ A 1..., n fine asetortmetd Of 'lents' Far Chive., I Am enabled to dispose of my at very reAsim. able prices, Anil I would therefore solicit ['ro t , my friends 01 Adams county and vielhity. Sir-Remember the Name, Nnineer not Stye, l ! JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 Arch 8t..ah,7 Oa t 401(th side, Phila. y-I have nil Partuer,.no connection with tiny ot 13 or store In in Philailqlphtn. . [Oct. ..-4m 1868. MILLINERY. 1868. MISS McCREA ASjnxt retarnoa from Ow Cit'y with , I H evrtment of Vall BONNETS & H A TS. Alen, Bonnet awl Tint Trimming. 17i 1110 I .(4 . 44i -4510 with an assortment,. di faohinnal,l4 Fancy and Toilet Goods. She is gintormlavol to aril et do •-• REJDF-31,1DE ruVNEM will be kept on bend, and Itunnet,tta,lt. in end, i at the shorteet notice. 31111Inom supplied with torh, to sell npon moat &ratable terms., and pat-tams with in.tro,tion,t gratis. - lSept. 1 i.7=-31., lii 0 It. - S A E . A large and a &afraid° I.lltleji noose, AND LOT in New Oxfuril, Adam* ciinetnya. Getlyoburg, Oa, 2, IsllB.—tt WANTED IMMEDIATELY.- A JOUR sia.3rAN :1110101AR, Ladles work. (hsxl wages and constant e.0 1 .t.•,;,. of given. 11. KITZMI t.LIILt lilts. UsttylLirg.. - tot. 2—tt • • fo - tires. NOTICE.--letters of Admi)lis • tratiou the relate of }ivied ?dream, moon?) late or Lotimorn township, Adams county, - Pa., deceased. haying been granted to the ntolenho• ' ed, he hereby ,;ir," notice to ell persons indebted to said estate to make itemnetllate psynteut. and Ih , on• haviagehtlotr.g..inat the sane to preaatt thew pally authentli Atm:l - fat Nettle-men,. MItAXKLL't• P. SLAPBA A dip•r. 0009.-at reaidus iu Wailer I v ., 0., PA. NOTICE. --Letters of Adiuinis. tretion OP the estate of kV's" en*. .it late of Shruallint toirmslalp.Allottunr:ount v. 114.4,17 1, 0% emoted tothe rtmleceignied, he beret), gi , t's tO all &noes Indebted to mitt titiito to cull tun! write Immediate paymuutoutd thee having claim . the same will prevent the proporly auLhel.tScaltd for eettletasal. • Oct. t PANIUKI. A.1:10r. /h erbs Admtalntrntur c.i.16. n estloll.llhtt.l P.O , •adrosa Stiopordott , ..w . l . l, he. ItEGISTEXt':-. , .MrI'ICES. 1.. V °TICE is hereby. given tii 311 1 Legatee. 311 :“t ht. I 11 , 74v.ti .. , 11 13.'1, I•, • . ,1.. , AG•oihottc.,l,l•4l le.c..ouhe !trot 141x1 r ,t, nip , . ' ,' ill bo preyontO,l • t ihailoolook tn. , ' Court .•f t t off o to oo ro4 Cieldrollitiooll awl 01t00,v3n,....05t NI 1111/ I V.. o I. 1 . 1111 day or iii.:,-euircii ...., ...t in .1'C1. ,,.. . , . A Ai , , ,/.. WO. Flaw, .4,1 Mood .6e , nrot , t ror II on. (; 1 o ..10. Cl-. o II ...,,,• Admini.dr.‘ior :•r It•II 1 hh' '„, 3 '"` ''' ' l '.' .. le:. 'no, nisi olooL,Maillt of Tik /UM ..I ~. .„„,k, ~,,,,,,, C " , If. Cook, Extvocurs of l'Iovoi•CI I:00,, dooe&e,pit_ - I.IY. Th. ttOot .CCOOlit• Or itolieklue.ily,+ey kautihike trotri ‘ .01,..i It. ~f Ilneullton. qutew .44,g,,„..,„„,,,, W. D. UOte . 4WoltTil, lik, cot.= r. Jet. 1ti,186.4.- . .-to . • 11 6011 • S. ,vili. - ' r '.,pot itkli 4 .th foiol.l, ' id SO ' ,; - , 1.1 •. 1 '.• ' • • IklkS'iloC4klltre , it o• - "Alaitt s ... _ _ _ • 1.,,1 ",. kOt . o dm . C x i* . e :it:. • "'PO/glum h. • • - ro•e• k t000..1•3•40 ' h ' 1 1 ." .... lel titViiittar. . ', • ' .. • • • ''. Al , .t, . . ' . Iti4. I. rii. Rolgiollor k w•ee•reteir of 4 •111.81....“1.41'. 4111111K4/ CIASO. .A.1:Nol..1).