The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, October 02, 1868, Image 3

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tied remedy for the onhilllzm corset
Sick Headache s ;Sourness or
Stomach, Rising of Food,
Lassitude, Weariness,
neB, Liver Oampktint,
terminating in Death.
he attention and trial of suffareis
horrible of all dimes... Hsepepi
In a thousand different forme,
of the Stomach and Etowah!, with all
ouch as Sick Headache, Ilartbarn,
I sense of ansallus= and feeling
well. Food distraint,' you, rises and
mach breath Is bad, skin at =mu
; don't feel as II you could more or
out of all, Indigestthn or Omitting'.
g more nor low than Daypepila.
thou sands suffer and die this way and
es or physicians know what alls them
are surely dying.
li, this I. nil Dyspepsia. If you
of our statement, If you Would says
him from an early grave." yon
• • and energy and strength, agile we
• bottleof
yspepsia Cure.
soon it will dispel your bad MI.
• rebooting'. Row soon it will class*
of Dyspepsia. Row soon it will give
Igor, and bow soon it will make s
nof yen. For your own sake, for
...y suffering, we beg, we entreat
emedy, while for F r d Aga%
which are generated in • miae.
• certain preventive and clam
medicinal virtues may not stand
t, we append a few unsolicited
those whom position in society maul
111 place their evidence beyond
carry with them strength and con
y incredulous.
tOn, a wholesale merchant or SG
•kee, one of the 'Mt reliable ant
• e Stets, says, tinder date
Islawarrgs, Wm., Jan. 24, 1868.
Co., Nos Harms, Cbnes.,_
• wife bare need Cods Dyspepsia Care.
PERIPIOTLY satisfactory as • Kern.t. saltation In saying the t we hays re-
SHUTT from Its nee.
Ward, Aran, Lorain 0., o.]
Ives me great pleasure to etatethatt
• great benefit from the use o
She has been for a number ca.
• bled with Pyspepala, accompanied.
ercoultiPetton which so prom
was all the while, for mouths, nn•-
. She took, at your instanci. OW'
• Ma derived 081141,T BYIYSFIT
•ow comparatively well. She re
am a great bias/dug.
!» youre,
C AIKEN, AiterkenY, 212 a
. 1 1=et Stmt. Pittsbargh.
plowman In stating that,.after
dppopeta br aboat 4fteso yearly
woo than others, I hove been
us* of Ooes Dyspepsia _Cars.—
t of LW years my elms ha been
• greet adoring from /*Has
on au overage would VOlllat about
• In a sour Indigestible =as-
would come, I would lose WI
• utterly hotplate. Some of the
ere that for days together I
thing on my stomach. •••• • lit'
Nor years I taw not what Ilk
tiro hours wtthoat Inhume:
• e I took the Suit dose of Ms
insinsily all sonpases
sad stassigth retarasd, and
Wm to oat say kind of ■rods
. eilradg Nair.
by att. eau ylaysida a. a
thaw haw Nara it stied be
now ao
will convinced. that L
reldeved but paraanano2r.
Netting of the D7WWIII.
MAO =Cc.
vat R. Z.Oharch, Allaghaey,.
o EAvali, Cc, Ammo 1. INT
• • lbw lb* groat basalt 4a.
• tist tame atOsea Drama
lay atm Soutatblag ever a
at Mat Manisa, skids'
•thus I saytioyal
t wt• t tsnal until I trial
. dcsa baapag Ithe;
del Week sad war setkratp
solisy that It savellarZ t al•-
inq UAL esseas.
I Wag= ""i
slab Ibir sok
• aillaugasials.
it aa astasalar, w IN OWL
%big tree.
R. 1211KI&D i OQ.
spepsiit Oure
/./ei l k o n r. % t
GlettribtliG-1; 1644, ?-;
.IsTRICT IEEITOI6B.-111 abotber
o •Itimn will be bond a call ibr Grant and
Col Az meetings to be held at the 'Mow
ing paws:
A.readbarille--13attiedey. Oct-S• •
Oasbtown —Monday, - 5.
Drerbatigies Mill, (Latimer. townithip,)—
Tuesday, Oct. 6.
Idavllle, (Whitestown,) —Thursday Octo
Overheltiter's • Steve, (litheralio'll mino
Libertylp —Thursday, Oct: 8.
Brairtown —Friday, October 9.
Hanterstown--" .41 9.
Middletown—Saturday' " 10.
Littlectown— ' 1 - " 10.
tavern—" " 10.
Seven Ste, e—Monday " 12,
New Oxford-- " " 12.
G ettys b urg _. I. II 14 12.
All the above meetings will be held at
71 P. M., and will be filled by two or
more speakers, lIIRESPECTZTVZ of WRATH-
Es. Let the friends of Grant and Colfax
in these districts see to it that prompt
arrangements are made for a full turn
out at all the meetings.
forget the County Mass Meeting, to be
held WEDNESDAY NEXT. All the
Grant and Colfax Clubs in the County are
expected to participate. Gov.- GZARY,
Gen. Bsyils, P. Passau SMITE, and
Cmrrori LLcrn—all speakers of repute
tion=will be present and speak WITH
OUT FAIL. A night meeting wine/so be
hold in the Court-house, preceded by a
torch-light procession of the Boys in Blue.
LOST—On Tuesday last, a Memorandum
Book, belonging to Mr. A. A. Caawrohn,
containing papers 'valuable only to the
owner. The finder will please return it to
this office.
LARGE 84IIIRREL.--Clalvin D. Whin.
ler, of Cumberland township, recently
allot a Fox Squirrel, which measured 3 feet
21 inches in length and weighed three and
one-half pounds. Who can beat itf
SERVICRB.—Tinne will be pros/3111N;
the Hunteratown Presbyterian Church,
on Sunday morning the 11th of October,
at 9 o'clock, and at the Marsh Creek
Church in theatternoen at 3 o'clock, by
Rev. VAN Curve.
CHANGE.—hiCears. Tu-row do
ROBERT A. IPrzas have purehaaed the
_:Dangnerean Gallery of O. I. TYSON, on
York street, and will continue the buel
.nese under the name of Tlr TON ..t hlritas.
- They are both practical operators and
young men of energy.
EQUIPMENTS.—The Borough Grant
end Colfax Club have procured a set of
,Campaign equipments, glazed Caps and
Capes, and Torches. They paraded for
She first time on Wednesday evening of
!last week and made a handsome display.
Lieut. Wm. R. Erevan addressed the
regular meeting of the Club on Friday
evening last. The Club will meet in their
Hall to-night at 71 o'clock. Speaking may
be expected.
of the aeries ofmeetings in this county to be
addreesed by Hon. Joss Czasisa, will be
held in Littlestown TO-NIGHT. Hon. E.
Monza/ma will also speak. A SPEC
IAL TRAM will be run from this place,
leaving at 6 o'clock, with a delegation of
"Boys in glue," with Caps, Capes and
Torches. The fare for the round trip will
be 75 cents. Tickets to be 'secured before
entering the cars. Let there be a full turn
• Onovx, of Union township, tame to his
.death very suddenly on the 7th ult. He
:and his Wife were on a vied to Maryland,
-and when en their return, not more than
is toile from the place they started from,
ithe horse in the carriage tell. Mr. Grove
hurried out to help him up, but he recover
ed himself without assistance. Mr. G. again
took his seat and drove on, but before
going far he fell forward, out of the vehicle,
and IMalediatty expired. XI le
that death resnitc.a Erna. Mammy or nio
heart, excited by the falling of the horse.
Deceased was in biz GEith year.—Cbmpiier.
on Monday night was large and enthusi
astic. President, Hon. John McGinley ;
Vice Presidents, Jacob Mnaselman, Lewis
Wortz, James MoCarney, Christian Frey,
E. W. Harbangh, and Wm. Commers ;
Secretaries, Peter Kready, D. R. Muaael.
man and Martin Overholtser. The
meeting was addressed by Hon. John
Cessna, lion. Edward McPhermon, and
Capt., Charles G. Miller. Our kends in
Hamiltonbazi and Liberty are hard at
work, and will make a good fight for the
whole ticket.
ABBOTTSTOW N.—The meeting at Ab
ibsmrstown on Tuesday evening was a fine
. one, urge delegations being present. from
illanozer, Oxford and Beat Berlin, and
Liana Matnisiasm evinced. Hon. 'John
Cessna, Elm, E. McPherson, Capt. C. G.
Miller and 4,. J. Cover, Esq., addressed
the meeting. The following were the of-
p:restdeat—John Bssby.
vice Preaidents—Dr. Id. D. G. Pfeiffer,
Geo. Jo.vallY, Am, J. G. Wolf, D, B. Haling
or, F . W . 43-tove, 43t30. H. Baker; Joseph
Berlin, Dr. tqloirip Jordy, J. B. Henry,
E. H. gaga, I`. B. Picking, H. Stevens, B.
Spangler, E. Herr, John Doll, J. Martin,
J. Groff
Secretaries—w. geetsgerii.ii, Koehler,
W. W. Hahn, Homey Kuhn. M. Stam
baugh, Jae‘Ob Ham ...4118u Grove, Piul
Hersh, F. W. drove, jr., Charles Hersh.
BOYS EV BLUM—The "Boys in Blue"
met in the Grant and Colfax Club room
on Saturday last. and organized for the
Campaign, auxiliary to the Grant 4t CoHaz
Club. The hAlowing °Moore were elected
President-Wm. R. Byster.
Recording Secretary—A, M. Hunter. -.
Cor. Secretary Joseph Meals.
Treasurer—J. M. Knuth.
Executive Committee—R. M. Schick,
D. W. Robison o• Wm. Piens, A. Bitten.
barter, and D. L. Smith.
Lieut. Bvirrita addritwal the club, urg
ing the importance of the coming election
and the duty of every loyal tiddler to give
his active aid to secure the fruits of the
'toils and sacrifices of the War. It wan
determined to send a delegation to the
great Soldiers' Convention to be held In
Philadelphia Oct. 1 and 2, and the Boone•
taries were authorised to give credentials
to all who ttdght desire to go.
PETERSBURG.—The Republicans of
dm York Springs District are thoroughly
aroused. The meeting on Wednesday
night was the largest held in that district
winos 1880, itelegebieke bein,g prima from
'Gettysburg, liodnl 4 oll. And other places.—
ffhe -meeting was preceded by `a' brilliant
uorch-light proosssion headed by the Pet ,
.ersburg and Gettysburg clubs, with 'three
-drum corps. A ha:Winans platform, deo.
.orated with wreaths, de" portraits of
.Grant, ColfaxolirWlial pa lip by ,
'the Club, from which itbans. Cessna,
-1 10 Phowlion, Mier sad A 4 1 116
,worts! speeches. speeches. The - rwowniirram Club
bad ',minted Dr. G. A. Uhler, A. B.
!Rhoads and& E. Wampler a Committee of
arrangements, who did their work well,
.Th e git Were the °facers
President--Col. J.O. Wolford.
Tice Prialderdit—Hanry Dottarar, Jos.
'Wireman, Jan. E. lipanggler, Michael
iLeer e biiclusel Maher, base Sadler, Ste--
, plum Weidner, Hwy Shultz, Jno. E.
Plank, Frauds °Men.
Becreciriew..4. Flank Gardner, Win. T.
Brandon, Gem, L. Deardorff, Jim. W.
'Gardner, Abe Grove. -
Marshall—R Wriitadler.
Assistant liarshals....Dr. D. Diller, I.
-L. Worley,
aloe adonsimeut to wear column
of Dr; Boblie ceiebrotod liOrle Powder,
ad* Qua,
SEVONIN. I , ' `-• ' .::41te Soy`
=mites hold a meeting in the Chart
, itouseort.Ttittraday evening. last, to give .
fudge Enailiz.i. antic. k. mn itua r. . Z.
an opportunity "lto siallltille thillitleelves.—
Wig PO. 0 40210 09 1 / 1 0 Ate.4 l llo4) : .and
a =upae of Republkount curio"l to hear
i O argunientlitiens t they mau
-1 aged to get together nretgeetable Meeting 1
— oat illm*ilti WI% however; ea the Be
puitionn. meeting of the preceding eve
ning. Both gentlemen delivered them - -
seine et eenaiderable length —both going
it strong on the "Nigger," - "Black Reittb-
Bean Extravagance," and Wholeeale de
ntmciation of Congresakmal legislation,
while both Were as gentle as sucking lambs
in dealing with our "erring brethren" of
the South. Mr Cessics hit the nail on the
bead, when he said the best evidence of
the infidelity of the Democratic party was
to be found in the fact that while its re
cognised leaders and champions have rota
word of denunciation for Treason and
Traitors, their bitter denunciations of the
I Government and the gallant heroes who
put down the Rebellion, constitute the
staples of all the wares they bring in
to the political market. The exhibition
at the meeting on Thursday night was not
an exception to the rule. Both Judge
KIMMELL and Mr. DUNCAN plead earn
estly for a burying up of the "dead issues
of the past," both doubtless believing,
with FnAxx BLAIR, that Gen. LEE, Jos
Jouxsox, WADE HeorroN, Butcher Foe-
REST and Pirate Semmes, were just as
DAN, MEADS, and FARRAGUT, and; that it
would be -uncivilized" and "barbarous"
not to allow these worthies and their (*-
laborers in treason to share the highest
honors of the Republic ! Well, we don't
object to Judge XIBIALELL and Mr. DUNCAN
training in any crowd they please. But as
loyal men we beg leave to be excused from
training with them. We prefer to hold to
the doctrine enunciated by Andrew John
son—that "Treason is a crime and should
be rendered infamous," that the work of
reorganizing the Government should be
given over to loyal men, while Rebels and
Rebel sympathizers take "back seats"—
Judge KimmELL and C. hi. Durroax with
SMASH UP.—The evening Passenger
train on the Gettysburg railroad came near
having a serious accident on Tuesday last.
The engine had been detached as usual on
approaching the freight house, to allow the
passenger car to be switched off on the
side track, when the engine ran off the
track, and before its speed could be ma
terially slackened, ran into some house
cars on the side track at the freight house,
the shook throwing the engineer, Mr.
CARL himara, from the engine, and tear
ing up things generally. Mr. MrLisa for
tunately escaped with an ugly cut on the
back of his head and &severe contusion of
the shoulder, which will disable him for a
few days. The passenger car ran into the
wreck, but without sustaining special
damage. On examination it was found
that the accident was occasioned by the
breaking of a rail about 50 yards below
the freight house.
The track being blocked up, an engine
was sent from Hanover Junction to assist
in clearing it, which was effected some
time after midnight, and the train left as
usual on Wednesday morning. We learn
that another accident occurred during the
night on the Hanover Branch road. As
the engine which had been telegraphed
for was coming up from the Junction, it
ran into a hand-car below Jefferson, which
some nefetir hands had taken to go to Jet - -
ferson. One of them named LooKanArrott,
had the toes of tine of his feet cut off.
ANOTHER.—As the morning train on
Wednesday was starting from the commons
in Hanover, an old man, named Smith, aged
about 70 years, who ran on the track in
front of the train to drive his cow off, was
struck by the cow-catc.har, and thrown
aside, breaking his arm and otherwise
injuring him_
-eta., of Hamiltonban township, while
riding into the Mountain several weeks
ago, met a one horse wagon in a steep and
narrow road. By some mean..!..... LL
-011 the warnn saw the side of
Mr. Ai - am...mos horse, from the effects
of which the animal died in a few days.
Mr. M. was not injured.
FlRE.—About 5 o'clock on Tuesday
morning last, our citizens were startled by
the cry of "Fire !" occasioned by the dis
covery that the Forge property of Mr.
JACOB REILY, near the foundry, was on
fire. The buildings being Haste were
rapidly consumed, the destruction being
total. Mr. REILY recently purchased
the property tor N o soo, and bad made
sundry improvements, involving au ex
penditure of about $5OO. All the mach fine
ry and stock, including several tons of
scraps and about a ton of hammered iron
'ere destroyed or damaged. The origin of
the fire is involved in mystery, as work in
the forge had been suspended for a week
or ten days, in consequence of change in
hands, and there was'no fire in the build
ings.. Lacenalarism is suspected. Mr.
ItmLy„ we are glad to learn, has an insur
ance of $5,000, one-half in the York County
Company and one-half in the Columbia
SHARP.—A friend - called in office the
other day to know whether the "Chicken
Cholera" had been in this regjon recently.
Upon inquiring as to the cause of the in
quiry, we received the reply that it was
o reported, and further that the Compiler
"rooster" ad fallen a victim as nothing
had been beard of it since the Vermont
and Maine elitctions I •
SALES.—Hon, 5,13, Rusiumr. has sold
jot on Stratton strew to Pxt7.l4r T. Cssa-
Aux, for $475, on which Mr. C, is prepar
ing to vect a double two-story frame
L welling.
T. M. BUegtfaxis has sold his Store
property in Bragtown to .10:MPH LEnEw
of Duisburg, for 82,785, Mr. LEBEW Wlli
open a store by the Aret of 4pril.
The '.l3.atalintine Springs company"
have purchased the property of Kr.
Grimes, on the Chambersburg pike, with
in the borough limits, for $5,000; and also
the properties of Mr. Cr, H. Dustman, an d
James Thompson, on Seminary Ridge,
paying for the former $l,BOO, and for the
latter $1,000; also about 10 Acres from D.
MoConaughy, Esq., in the rear of the
Seminary" for $lOO per acre ; from Judge
Ziegler 8 acres for $1,000; Lewis kunnae -
rant 7 acres for $800; also C. J. Tyannfa
Nursery property. 20 acres with improve
menta, for $9,000. The Springs company
now own all the land from Willoughby's
Run to town between the Chambersborg
pike and Hagerstown road, excepting the
Seminary property and a small lot of Mr.
7 0 1 71 SA in Mini Aiwa $s Ireland
pan Of the : Ran, and the Stem
mer' and MePherson properties north of
the pike. They eontemplate opening an
assume • and - probably%erse-car railway
;from town direct to the Sprh4.l.
• Thelarm of Ephraim Hiegy, demised.
in Remake township, was aced by the
_lliteentent, on the the 28th ult.„to Michael
M. Bricker, of York—s 2 se tae .
with improvement_fruntiv
s, at $2B 25 per lam
IL G. McCreary, Rarcoutor, on Tuesday
brat sold the property _of John Brown,
deemed, on Returners street, to James
Bighans for $1,855.
SELLING OFF.—A fine chance for Bar
gains is now presented at the store of Dl7P
nous dr. HOFFKA.N t in this place, who are
selling off their large and varied stock of
Dry Gob& at cost. Their goods are of the
latest styles and best quality. Their stock
of clothe, masimeres, tweet* ate., la exten
sive. They are going to sail their entire
snook, and persons wand do well. to call
early and get the Snot choice, Sa the goods
are selling rapidly. See advertisement.
• *riddles' sad Children's Fumy Pose.
as John randree Popular Fur Empodunz
718 Arch ilk, Phlbdelleb*--Btook huge.
Rad Ns *Av. Give 0411: - It
.001:1Nry FAIL—We went to
press last week while the Fair was_ in
progress, the managers having , continued
'it over Friday, in (=sequence of the bad
weather - . The heavy rains during tits
week Into:tired largely not only with the
attendance but the exhibition of articles....
.many persona who had intended to send
artioles withholding them in consequence
of the rain and mud.wAll things consid
ered the Exhibition was a creditable one:
The attendance on Tuesday and Wednes
day was limited, but on Thursday, not
withstanding the rain, the crowd was
probably in excess of any day bust year.
Thirdrephty in the large building was
attractive, the various articles being more
systematically arranged than last, year.
There was a large collection of Silk and
Worsted Work, home-made Carpets, Em
broidery, Needle Work, Natural and
Artificial Flowers, Oil Paintings, Chro
mes, Pencil Drawings, Preserves, Jellies,
Canned Frult,Honey, Butter, Bread, Cakes,
and an endless variety of plain and fan
cy articles.. The . Sewing Machine interest
was well represented, with Pianos, Cabi
net Organs, Marble Work, &c. We no
ticed a walnut Arm-Chair cut exhibition
by John J. Bingley, of Hanover, said to
have been made in England in 1430—also
an earther Crook represented to be 162
years old. A tastefully arranged cage of
stuffed Birds and small animals, prepared
by Dr. T. T. Tate andH. G. Geyer, attract
ed much attention.
The Stock exhibition was not as large as
it would nave been had the weather been
favorable, but there were fine specimens
of heavy and quick Draft Horses, Hogs,
Sheep, and Horned Cattle, with some fine
The collection of Farm Implements and
Products was large and creditable.
The receipts amounted to $3,027.67, from
the following sources :—Entranec fees for
special premiums $25; life membership
V2O; rant of stands, I ke, $363; rent of stalls,
pl 3; sale of oats, $48.97; sale of tick
'lts, $2557.70. The expenses, including
premiums, will be about $l5OO, leaving a
surplus of about $1506, to be applied to the
new building, paving, &e., which will
cost about $2500. This will leave an in
debtedness of $lOOO to be added to the
$5,000 of last year, making a total debt of
$6,000. The grounda, however, are valu
able, and would at any time command in
cash much more than the entire iedebted.
nese. Twotr three years more of suc
cessful management, and well encouraged
Fairs, will produce receipts sufficient to
to pay off an the debt.
The first premium for the county trot
was taken by a bay horse wined by Jacob
Redly, of this place, $25; arid the second
premium by a brown horse owned by Dr.
E. Sborb, $l5. The $lOO trotting premiun,
open to all, was taken by a grey horse en
tered by Martin Quinn, of York, Vie
condition being the best two out of three,
mile beats. Five entries were made :
Martin Quinn, of York, grey.
Myers de Kemp, of Baltimore, grey.
Cbaa. McFadden, of Carroll Co., brown
Jacob Belly, of Gettysburg, bay.
G. W, Smith, of Frederick co., brown.
On the first heat the two latter were dis
tanced, and ruled out. Quinn's horse
came in first, but the Judges decided in
favor of Myers lc Kemp, by reason of fon
driving on part of driver of the Quinn
horse. Four heats were run, with the fol-
lowing rodult
let 2d 3d 4th
Martin Quinn, 3 1 2 1
Charles McFadden, g 2 1 2
Myers dc Kemp, 1 E 3 3
Time-2.48, 2.501, 2.50}, and Z 53.
The following Premiums were awarded
by the various Committees :
Mass No. 1.
Best stallion over 4 years, heavy draught,
Samuel J, Brady, $l2 00
Second best stallion, over 4 years old,
heavy draught, Christ. Rice, 5 00
best horse colt, between land 3 years old,
Peter Mackley,
beat horse colt, between 1 and 2 years old,
John Forney,
best brown colt, under 1 year old, How-
and Wterman. 2 00
best brood mare, E. Penrose, 500
beat mare colt, between I and 2years old,
Jacob B. Millar, 300
Judges—Christian Rice, George Boyer, John
F. Felty,
Cress No. 2
Best stallion, over 4 years old, Dr. T. T.
Tate, 112 00
Second best stallion, over 4 years old,
George W. Smith, 5 00
best stallion, balween 3 and 4 years old,
John P. Rhodes, 600
best stallion, between 2 and 3 years old,
Philip Weaver, 3 00
best horse colt, between 2 and 3 years,
Chrysostum Eppelman, 3 00
best horse colt, between 1 and 2 years old,
Charles Polley,, 3 00
best brood mare; over 4 years old, How
ard Wierman, 5 00
best mare between land 3 years old, How
ard Wlerman, 3 00
best mare colt, between 1 and 2 years old,
John F. Felty, 3 00
best sucking colt, under 1 year old, John
F. Byers, 200
Judges—Capt. E. Ma,ginly, Joseph Barker,
Henry Nobler.
CLASS No. 3.
Best stallion, over 4 years old, Henry
Fraley, 812 00
Second best stallion, over 4 years old,
Geo. W. Wierman, 500
best pair matched horses, I. P. Diller, 8 00
best pair matched horses, for heavy
draught, a special premium, G. Wash
ington Loucks, 5 00
fastest horse or mare owned in the coon
ty, "Sleepy Bill," owned by Jacob Reny, 2,5 00
second best, "Henry Clay," owned by Dr.
E. F. Shorb, • 15 00
best mare, general utility, James Hersh, 10 00
second best sorrel horse, general utility,
Charles J. Sefton, 5 00
best bay colt, 4 years old, Martin Quinn, 500
fastest walking horse, Jacob Mickley, 5 00
best pacing mare, "Mountain Hate,"
Myers & Kemp,
special premium for fastest trotting horse,
mare or gelding, in harness, best two
In three miles, open to the world,
awarded to horse "Keystone," owned
by Martin Quinn, York, 100 00
Judges—J. C. Neely, Peter kailvely, Jon
athan B. Myers.
CLASS No. 4.
Best. single draught horse, C. W. Griest, $4OO
beat Spanish Jack , 3. P. Dinsby, 5 00
best pair mules, over 8 years old, C. A.
Herbst, 3 00
best mules, between 1 and 2 years old, Is
. reel Garretson,
Tudges—James IL Marshall, Daniel Geise ' I
man, James Hersh, _
CLASS No. 5.
beat 44'reshi,re bull, over 2 years, Wm-
Wible, 800
best bull, Devon and Ayreshire, over 2
years, John F. p.elty, 900
best short-horned Durham bull, between
1 and 2 years, D. Heirtunr, 400
best Devon ball calf, under/ ypar old, Is.
asst Garretson, • 200
bad , Arreehira bull calf, under / year old,
Win. 1970,12, 2 00
best Durban:l' ban 41.11, Rader 1 year W I
beet A o yr b B eehir l"lar e coW, overl Y ." llW4*4 g " Q:
best Devon cow, over 8 years old, I '4 "
Garretson, OD
best Durham cow, over 8 years old, Dew
lel Cashman,
second best Devon cow, over 8 years old, --
James McCullough, - 400
second best Durham cow, over 8 years
old, George Gingell, 408
best short-horned Durham heifer, be
tween 2 sad 8 years old, J. D. Mosby, 400
second best short-horned Durham heifer,
between 2 and 8 yeas old, Geo. Gingell„ 2 Oil
beat Alderny heifer, between 1 and
years old, D. H. Heiman, 810
best ehort-borned Durham heifer, tie
two= land 2 years, J. D. Mosby & Itro., SOO
best Devon barer, between 1 and 9 yam
old, John Y. Felt3'• 840
beat heifer calf, Alderay sa4 Ayriabi re .
undei 1 year old, Wm,Wible, 240
:Tudgels—W. Bees White, Janet, Y, DRAW,
Cornelius Lott.
Cuss No. S.
Beet cow and calf, special premium,
John Bupp, 30 00
best bull, between 1 audit years old, Alms
best cow over 3 years old, Wm, I
best c a lf , under 1 year old, Abu How* j 21)
beat heifer, between l and 2 yea:sold,
J. Fahnestoik,
second beat oow, oval S yam old, Joint
F. Feltlr,
second beet heifer. between I and %yeas
- old s Jacob B. Millar, t 1-04
Judger—John seeks, Eir., Wald/art* p,
ikslork .lames Mickley.
Coma No. 7.
Beet pen of sheep, not lees than 8, South,
down, Ismael Etarreteeck, - sl‘lo
beet plut of limbo, not less Mu 8, Seutl4
down, Israel gorootoon,
• •
beat buck, over I year old, Southdown,
Israel Garretsan, 500
best boar,2 years old, James Hersh, at'oo
best boar, under 1 year old, James Hersh, 3 00
best sow, over 1; - ear old, James Herb, 500
best sow, wder I year old, Jame', Hareb, •t 00
peat pen liboats, 5, three ►months old,
James Hersh, 400
best pair Spanish lambs, special pre-
mlum, Wm. EL . Hamilton, 5 00
best buck, Cotswold, Alms House, 6 00
Judger—Jonas Johns, =silo Penrose, J. A.
CLASS No. 8.
Best coop chichens, lot less than 4, Bra- .
mah, Michaellly, $2 00
second best coop chickens, not less than
4, Cr!.Hies, Michael Cully, 1 00
best 1 pair imported bronze turkies, C.
W. Orient, .§,
best 1 pair English rabbits, W. Atkinson, 1 00
best 1 pair white ban tern chickens, harry
M. Stable, 1 00
best 1 pair fantailed pigeons, John I'.
Wible, 1" 00
best coop ducks, David E. Johns, 1 00
Judges—Geo. Stonesifer, D. Rendiehart, Ni
cholas Wierman.
Beat four-horse farm wagon, Josiah Ben,.
best hay carriages, Josiah Benner,
best horse rake, F. A. Han key,
best combined reaping and mowing ma
chine, "Ohio and Buckeye" No. 1, Wm.
' Wible,
best clover huller, Jacob B. Trostle,
best grain separator, Gelser's Patent,
Abraham Burkholder,
best horse power and thresher, David
best corn shelter, David Sterner,
best mower, "Ohio & Buckeye," Wm.
best submerged water-wheel, netters'
patent, special premium, Strayer dr
best portable fence, Pante! Kauffman,
best lioitheins' combined reaper and
mower, L. A. Bus!linen, dip.
best bark packer, John Musser, dip.
Tudgea—Danlvl D, Gilt, Wm, Bigitarn, Chas,
W. (West.
Best grain fan, Bauglimau,Stoner &Herr, 83 or)
best hay and straw cutter, Wm. Vllble, 300
best throe-horso plough, David Sterner, 200
best two-horse plough, Newcomer& Wolf, 2 00
best grain drill, Baughman, Stoller &
Herr, 4 00
best sub soil plough, Hotter & Steiner, 260
best corn planter, David Warren, 4 00
best 5 pair homes, George Mundorff, ' dip.
Judges—David Warren, Eden Norris, David
Best butter charn, Thomas A. Warren, SI 00
best washing macbine, Thos. A. Warren, 1 00
best grain cradle, It, Sherry-, 1 00
best corn broom, wire tied, Daniel Plank, 50
bestcorn broom, twine tied, Daniel Plank, 50
best hay, straw and manure cutter, Henry
best bay fork, Walter & GlHan,
hest hoisting Jack, Witherow & Sefton, Alp.
Judger—FpAgilek Diehl, Win. Cownover,
Samuel Lobs.
CLASS No. 12.
Best barrel family flour, white tritest,
George Gingell, 22 00
best barrel wheat flour, superfine, W. W.
Witherow, 1 00
best barrel rye flour, W. W. Witherow, 100
best half bushel red Lancaster wheat,
Henry B. Cromer, 200
best half bushel white wheat, smooth
Early YOrk,Frederick Diehl, 2 00
best half bushel white corn, Philip
Weaver, 1 00
best half bushel Dent yellow corn, shell
ed, C. W. priest, 100
best half bushel rye, C. W, Grlest, 100
best half bushel buckwheat, C. W. Driest, 1 00
best half bushel Surprise oats, new va
riety, specialpremium, C. W. Grlest, 2 00
best half bushel Poland oats, Frederick
Diehl, 1 00
best half bushel Canada barley, J. H.
Stable, • 1 150
best peck cloverseed, C. W. Grlest, 1 00
best peck timothy seed, C. W. Driest, 1 tio
Judge—John Weigle, Henry Culp, of P.,
George W. Lott.
LI.AKY No. 13.
best half bushel potatoes, nrst premium,
early Goodrich, Michael Bender, • el 00
oast half bushel Mercer potatoes, John
Wertz, I 00
best half bushel Pinkeye Rusticoat po
tatoes, J. S. Houdeshell, • 100
best half bushel early Buckeye potatoes,
J. S. Hondeshell, 1 00
best half bushel early white sprout pota-
toes, J. S. Houdeshell, 1 00
best halfbushel early Minnesota potatoes,
J. S. Houdeshell, 1 00
best halt bushel early Gleason potatoes,
J. J. Houdeshell, r 1 00
best halt bushel Cute° potatoes, J. R.
Hondeshell, 1 00
best half bushel Strawberry potatoes, J.
beir 3 iWittitlik
Houdeshell, 1 00
best half bushel Peach Blow potatoes, S.
S. Houdeshell, 1 00
best hall bushel early Hose potatoes, J. S.
Houdeshell, 1 00
best half bushel Harriwut potatoes, C. S.
Grlest, 1 00
best ball bushel early Bunkley potatoes,
N. Bender dz. J. Burkholder, .1 00
best half bushel Carter potatoes, M. Ben
der & J. Burkholder, 1 00
best cabbage, 0 heads, :Mrs. G. A. Codorl, 50
best dozen tomatoes, Mrs. G. A. Codorl, 30
best 3 pumpkins, field, Mrs. Jos. Bayley, 30
best red beets, Mrs. W. E. !fiddle, 50
best half bushel mange! 3rortzel, S. S.
best half bugle! long par , n Ips, J. H. Hou-
deshell, 50
best half bushel turnips, J.S.Houdeshell, 50
best early horn carrots, J. S. Iloudeshell, 50
best half bushel onions, Jacob Kinne
mond, 50
best stalk cellery, J. S. llmadeshell, 50
best 3 sweet pumpkins, C. S. Griest, 50
best 3 pumpkins, David E. Johns, 50
best 3 squashes, Mrs. S, R. Tipton, 50
best half bushel yams, Wm. B. Wilsob, 50
1 stalk okra, J. S. Houdeshell, dip.
half bushel Carters, raised from one po
tato, Mrs. Hiram Mickley.
1 largest sweet pumpkin, James Lilly.
seven sweet pumpkins on one vine, Dan
iel Wisotzky.
Judges—John Cunningham, John L. Jenkins,
N. M. Homer.
CLASS No. 14,
Best and largest exhibition of apples, J.
S. Witherow,
best half bushel fall apples, Henry W.
best half bushel winter apples, Win. 11,
best collection of pears, Geo. B. Hewitt, 200
best seckel pears, Miss Ruth Wright, 50
best half bushel quinces, Mrs, S. Powers, 50
best collection of grapes grown in the
open air, John J, Welrich, 1 00
best catawba wine, Dr. E. G. Fahnestock, 50
beat currant wine, Mrs. Henry J. Kuhn, 50
best blackberry cordial, Mrs. Charles
Weaver, 59
best cherry wine, Dr. E. G. Fahnestock, 50
best tomatto wine, Mrs. Henry J. Kuhn, 60
best maple sugar, Mrs. S. Powers, 50
best basket peaches, Michael Frey, 1 00
best peck'cgied apples, Mrs. Jane A. Ma.
best peck dried pears, Mrs. Jana A. Ma-
10 00
&kb', 50
best blookben7 vinegar, J. S. Hoodeebei),
Judger-Col. C. FL Buehler, George Wl,lticbti,
A. J. Cover.
CLASS No. 15
best rive pounds butter, Mrs. Israel Gar
retson, E 2 00
second best five pounds butter, Mt. St.
Mary's College, per Miss Sarah Kees, 100
best. box honey, Dr. E. G. Fahnestock, 100
judges—yl93titi... - e Seamier, Adam Filbert,
Wm. Barr.
IPLAss No. is
best pleasure carriage, Perry . J. Tate, $4 po
best tallin-top buggy, Perry J. Tate, dip:
/ 0 4 1 4 , 3 43 P pUjoy, Perry J. Tate. 800
*.4.8 1448 $ 80 1 Wm. 8 , H . Rupp
be..l 00
~Ki..iAitrrOile, $O Ol4l Premium,
H. W. Dienit; 100
best pair fly nets, : 10 einaa PrenatunZ, L
L. 1
best spring wagon, C.J. aelftens S up '
Judges—T. C. Norris, C. W. H. Rupp.
CLASS No. 17.
bog woolen carpet 18 yds., Dirs. J. Rupp', $ 2 00
beatiag carpet, 21 yds., Jos. Little, weaver, 1 00
beat hearth rug, Mrs. Lewis Myers 1 0 0
best double coverlet, Miss M. J. Fiches, 106
best coverlet, Mrs. Samuel Faber, 1 00
best Dalt quilt, Mrs. Wlil. ma. Rapp, 100
seormg . bot Xnit t quilt, Dirk F. Starks, 50
/i9st 8 .
*Olen lug/ hose, Mrs. Israel
best lair linen hose, Mrs. Margaret Barr, 50
best pair.thread hose. Mrs. Margaret
ca42ghirtbstigh, 50
beet 2 Pali child's cotton hate, htia. Ed.
ward Spengler, . 59
best 2 pair cotton hose, Mis t BiritMgritl ,
Tanghintanah, 60
best ilwoonm mittens, We, Mastwat
ngh._ ; _ -, • 50
,beet mail pen. yarn MOO aad rum, Mrs.
Jane ileipannell,
be.:nsiroottonlme,Mre Annieeweeney, 2
b_estlinenteble ikrrer, MA. A. O. Ifoannly, 1 00
glad beertinue tents ocOrer,./tre. - /Rani
Eterretaon, , , _ • 00
best patchwork Ifni. J. A..llo4ginly, 2 09
second best yitehiectit4ollt, Ms. Israel
rtiarretson, 109
third best patchwOrk quilt, MM.& T. Frey, 60
beet auk gnlit, Mrs. A. /1 1 Atkinson 9121
second best silk quilt, Ms, C, oramipli, 1011
CLAM No. 9
$.l 00
2 00
3 00
dip. No. 10
CLASS No. 11
82 00
2fi9'Efarsh, frizzy, dead-looking, and dif.
g ui lt dress, always result from the use'
of dim upon the human hair. A restora
tive, on the• nutitrarb like the admirable;
prepsrationknowil 6 9 "Barreles Ilegftibw
Hair Restorative," render, I tNA glees, :
and hmariant. —Spriftgfleid -kkgmoftets-
FTNAMIAL.- - PitioN 's
MAYO," the new Pelt:one for the Wtid
kerchief, is cresting coru3idereble excite
mentemong the five.tWerittee, also sowing
the sweet liatteene. Sold b 7 all drUgglitli.
xrws caU attention to the advertisement
of the St. Louis and Iron Mountain , bonds.
They are pronouced to be among the very
best towed and cheapest bonds offered.
tvrer A ca ul CLITE, giottarloo
. •
SZNIS L..'!"'Walf
al I Al_ 0.. spo ß ki:l nisi ... ammo=
reL• rpm Is Ora 0, 1 2 7 *Mtn to Its
' -- Ord glOOd 11 11146 04 UMW always
R. IF, pADIJIB, Prisiket.
.et &Um ErutOry• • Rot. 11..41$
-- -
beet delaine quilt, Miss Bacot Fink - 100
second best delaine quilt, Mrs.& ga e r t e'
best white counterpane, Mrs. A. C. Mc-
best white quilt, Mrs. Henry Rupp, 100
best knit cradle quilt, Mrs. Dr. J. Smith, . 50
best dark counterpane, MissJennle Plank, 1 00
best child's delaine quilt. Mts. S. Codori, 50
best 2 pair blankets, woolen, Mrs. Israel
second best pair blankets, woolen, Mrs,
E. W. Stable, 50
best 12 yds. homemade linen, Miss m sg .
gle Pickes, 1 00
Best 2 pair Linen Pillow Cam, Mrs. Margaret
Thomaii..-.... ............................. ..- ............... . 60
nest t pair Linea /laud Towels Miss Amite M.
Thomas ............................ .......... ................. .. 60
Beet 1 Box Linen Thread Miss Merton Cownorer 50
Best 1 pair Linen Sheets Mrs. A. C. MoCurdr....„ 1 00
Boat 14 yards Bagging JoeephLittle , (Preartr)..... 1 00
Best 20 yards Homo-made Cloth Mrs. Israel Gar.
retson ........................................................... 1
Beat Double CoverUd Mr.. John F. Curren', dlplom a
Best Coverlid Mr+. David Deagy, diploma.
Judge.—Pdrs. Jolla Culp, Mrs. J. R. Wilde.
Cuss No. 18
Beet sofa cushion Mrs. 51. Eichelberger ........ 00
Beat worked reception chair kflu Jails Jacobs— 1 00
Beet worsted slippers bliss Annie W. Horner ..... , 50
Best worsted lamp mat Mn. Jacob W. Cram....„ 60
Beet child's afghan Mr5..0.11. Buehler .............. 50
Beat tidy Mini I.E. Van Patten. ...,.» ................ 50
But wonted shawl Mrs. S. B. Bchmucker ....... 50
Best pair Cloth Slipper", 51r1.11obert Horner . .... 50
Best Infant's Crochet Sack Mtn A.O. Powers...... 60
Best wonted frame Min Annie R. Danner........, 50
But pair worsted Tidies Mrs. 8.8. Bah meeker... 50
Beet piece crochet Miss Mary F. Fink ............... 50
Beat pair worsted scarf Miss Katy ............ 50
Beat sofa pillow Mrs. O. 11. 8ueh1er...... . ........... 50
Beat wonted wreath Mrs. Prank Wilson ...... 100
Beet braid lamp mat Mre.Ottarles llorner ......... . 50
Judges—Mrs. 11. A. Iltmes, Miss Annie It. Danner.
Otsip No, 10.
Embroidering on mtieliti:by Etas Maggie:Kerr and
Mies Jennie Stable being of equal merit each are
awarded a premium of
I Noodle tidy lire. (ho.
1 lace shawl Mrs. A. C.lfeCurdy.
I Toilet Set Mre. 11. A. Hiram
embroidery Mrs. Charles Comfort
wax flowers Mn.s Robert Horner
Wax. work 31Isa K. Willa
Cocanot shell work Mies Lyrlkkifeals
Crochet Collura Miss 51ary Fink.
- -
Shell basket and rust Mina O. Powers ..... 50
Piece embroidery on linen Mies Tillie WierMlll4.. 50
Pair slippers Ida Atkinson 50
Patch-work Tidy Dirs. Mary Craig , 50
Bead slipper watch case itisaSallie V. /1.0..60w.. 60
Caw hair Power Miss Ellie Ken" ...................... 50
Cua .Cell work Sirs ll.L.Baugher
Stand water Mlles Sire. noedel
Leather work frame Mr.. 8. B.Schameker
labas ter Vase Mr.. Jac). Cannon
Embroidered plc. cushions Mrs. M. Eichelborger.. 60
Crochet tidy Miss M. E. EltiTely..— 50
Bur so 4 Ms. Mary. Bailers
1 Shell work Latakia - Mu Sltchbal
1 Locust box lira. Catharine Diehl
Embroidered pillow GUM 311 as Lithe Maghaely.. 50
Elll br old ered las ndkerch lef MISS Lierlie Mc° in I ey.. 50
Photo Album Jao. M. Warner 50
Skeleton cross and leareaAirs. Robert Horner,— 60
Button liaaket Mrs. Wm. E. Culp— an
U. J. Yabneetock, Was IL Deader
0/.4,55 No. 2
Beat Waite made bread Mrs. Ow. A. CodorL $1 00
Second best bomo-made bread Hrs. /I.J. Stable. 50
Best baker's bread Christ. Roffman 1 00
Bast rolls Mrs. Goo. A. ....... ,11
Beat Biscuit Nn. D. MeCamatigby...«. yp
Best jelly cake Mum Tilly Wiermaa 1 00
Best whitemonatain take ifra.Joa. Bayley 1 00
Beet sponge cake 31 rt. Cox 1 00
Beat cocoanut cake 31ra. E G. Fahroatock 1 00
Judger—lfra. Louisa A. Smith, Mn. Dr. Chia. Horn
er, Mn. Bar. Samna! Smith.
• Cram N 0.21.
Best Jar canned currants Mrs. Henry J. Kuhn
Best' jar canned' white peaches Mrs. lienry J
Beat Jar canned dew Lorries Mrs. Henry J. Kuhn 50
Best Jar preserved strawberries Mrs. hr.°. Tipton.. 50
Best Jar preserved plums Mn.s Jno.Flslearty
Best jar preserved crab apples Mr s.David:l3 tern er 50
Best Jar preserved peaches Mrs. David Sterner... 50
Best jer canned cherries Mrs. E. G. Fahnestock.. 50
Best glass quince Jelly Mrs. Geo. B. Hewitt......... 50
Best glass currant Jelly Mrs. Gee. &Hewitt. 60
Best glass green grape Jelly Mrs. hemecis Fisher.. 50
Bnst glum tomato Jelly Mrs. Coe ford
Best glass plum jelly Mrs. Jno. 50
Best glass elderberry Jelly Met. 84110 Williams.. 50
Best glass crab apple Jolly Mrs; David Sterner... 60
Best glass strawberry Jelly Mrs. J. A..ll:olnler.. ISO
Best glass peal Jolly Mrs. J. A. McGinley- 50
Best glass apple Jelly J. g. Wltherow---- ........ - 60
Best canned peaches Miss Ada Mclfillsa 50
Judge.' —3.lns. Joseph Bayley, Mr.. Robert Ranter,
Mrs. Wm. King. No. 22.
Best pickled peppers Mrs. Geo. B. Hewitt
Beet cucumber pickles Mrs. Mary Ann Plank .--- 60
Best mixed pickle. Mr.. IL J. !Noble 60
Best bean and onion pickled Mrs. Chas. Weaver.. 60
Best balsam apple J. B. Witherow 60
8.4 t tomato catsup 6 years old 3traSliko , .. .Yrallir 60
Bost encumber catsup tem AO
Beat laaa each totter Mn. D. 1 002041.0.1 0 -2,nt- "
• 'Leiser mew. J. A. Yiettlahor.—..... 511
Judyts—Mro. Edith Ann Cook, Mrs. AlieeG. Wright,
Miss Smillt Bateman.
Best deLlies Brady C.
Best lemon geranenm Mn.s Jos. Bayley—. . ; ..... 50
Beat hanging basket Mn. Dr. R. 50
24 test banging basket 31 iss Annie Hollinger dip.
But foliage plant Miss:Vary McAllister
Bien velvet plant Miss Rebecca Tate....__ 50
Judge—Mrs. M. EcbelLerger, Mimi Margaret McO In
ley, Mrs. L. C. Cox.
CLAbB \ 0.:4
Beat Nano Steelman k IJollyer J. Gundrum......s4 00
Beat Organ Seven stop metropolitan J. Onntirnt.. 4 00
Jud,ges-31is. Tillie Gillespie, )Iles Altos Rougher,
B e9 t tunity MOH tug machine (S'inger's pattot)L
Strayer 2 I I
Best beef broiler Lstwrenco stud Ad silestserger dip
One stand. Charles t( honorable mention).
Jn,dp's—John Fpp!entan, Tbeolore Jones, B. F. R
Scat display of licrota m 1.1611 0 ,3 D. H. Mingle— 00
Beat display of emoting tobacco J. Craw & Bon— 00
Beat display of chewing tobacco Wm. Boyer b Son 50
Judges-11. D. Picking. Jno. B. Paxton, W. T. nag.
Cuss No. 97.
Paid Best display of drawingsl and paintings Jao.
31. Warner .31 00
Best Wapiti) , of drawings and paintings Henry J.
Stable dip.
Best oil paintings, drawn bye native of Adams
county, 3flu Maggie McGinley 1 00
Best crayon pencil drawing, Jacob Anna Peters. 1 00
Best display of photOgrapbs and ambrotypes dM
between L. Mumper and Tipton A Myers
Beet marble work J. Marshall Cannon 200
Bost penmanship. M. F. Williams ........... --...—... 1 00
Judges—Aaron Shady, Dr. J. W. O. O'Neal.
1 Cue stuffed birds, Dr. T. T. Tate
1 Case fancy'artlcles, A. R. Feist le..
1 Vilna chair 400 years old, Jno.
1 Cage birds, R. D. Armor
1 Wooden chair, Absalom Reamer
1 Cake toilet map, Mrs.Ssssn
1 Child's bedding and doll, lilts Annie Bridden-
bough.. 25
I•Albstm let with malachite, Miss Katy Wills._ 26
2 Brushes, Disoiel.Slank
1 Wax doll, Miss Lf. P. !Honecker ......
1 Crock.l62 years old, Mks S. Mahn:tan
1 Lot chains, Isaac Leeper
l'Keg without hoops, Absalom Beamer..
1 Corn popper, Edward Jacobs
1 Model hay fork, Jno. A. Miller
1 Model rock drill, Jno. G. Lenhart........
Improvement on entrance and farm gate, Jamb
Modle Bee-hive, Isaac T. Shrivel . .
Bat trap, J. Sherman
dozen becks, Wm. 11. Butters..
1 Show case, D. McCreary A Son -.... dip.
Beet robe catakin, David 0 0
String 01 remembrance buttons, Sadie 0. Idtels.
Vanilla Ice Cream of astperier quallthiCti• aid "Mal
premium of. $15.00,4611,10"64
Judges—Assn J. Wllls, Jodeph L. moth, jaw
The attention of onr readeis i„,
tedio the advertisement of DOE'S DYS
PEPSIA GWRE, in zuHlthf part of this
paper. This truly Valuable Medicine In
recommended by all who olio it. Read the
certificates. eow
001 & COLFAX!
OrThe Alabama Claims are now up
again Air adjustment, and the British gov
ernment has expressed itself desirous of an
arbitration. Among the claims persistingly
pressed, are those of the everitresent and
active J. C. Ayer & Co., for the value of
shipments of Cherry Pectoral, Sarsaparilla
Ague Cure, and Pills, in transit for Oregon,
Vancouver's Island and Passim America,
destroyed on the Anna Schmidt off the
coast of South America. So universal is
the use of their - remedies, that they • are
afloat on almost every sea; and this firm is
frequently caught between the upper and
nether millstones of contending nations.
But they are known to stand up for their
rights ? and to get them.—[Republican,
Washington, D. C. it
Nairn! of nit Varloto.
Baltimore Grain & Produce Market.
Ththimore, Thurrday Morning.
8 25 a 8 75
.... 9 75 4 1 19 25
2 15 @ 2 40
... 2 00 qv 2 70
... 1 15 @ 1 28
... 1 45 @ 1 55
••• 72 g 78
~. 3 15 @ 3 25
. 8 00 @ 8 75
2 65 p• 2 75
12 @ 13}
16 Op 17
191 @ 221
20 @
1 41}
GOLD, Phlla
0 E 4 0 9 1b1/wit' Grath 4 Provision 31arket.
Gettysburg, Friday Morning.
10 00
11 00 : @1 2 00
2 30 @ 2 50
000 @ 2 10
r RED WHEAT, ...
CLOVER SEED, .......
BexoN, HA
....... .50
........ 60
" 81Ent8, 16
" SHOULDERS". ... 16
SOAP,. 6 @ 8
TALLow, 10
Bor.LiNciun--WoLroun.--On the 17th ult.
at the M. E. Parsonage, in this place, by
Rev. H. C. Cheston, Mr. John P. Bollinger
to Miss Sarah E. Wolford, both of Adams
CLA.R.u—Orr.—On the 20th ult., by Rev.
S. Henry, Mr. Roderick A. Clark, of Point
Pleasant, Ocean County, N. J., and Miss
' Elizabeth Ott, of Frederick county, Md.
PERRY—BrsonvAN.—On the 4th August,
in Littlestown, by the Rev. S. Henry, Mr.
Samuel Perry of Franklin County, to Miss
Jane Bingaman of Adams county.
SutuvAls—BAsuAnn.—On the 24th ult.,
by Rev. S. Henry•, Mr. George W. Sullivan,
of Germany township, Adams county, to
Miss Elizabeth Catharine Bankard, of Car-
rOll county, Md.
Y•xrle—CaAßßS.—On the Ist ult., at the
residence of Levi Crabbs, Esq., by the Rev.
B. Henry, Wm. Yantis to Mills Maggie C.
Crabbs, all of Littlestown.
AgrObituary notices 5 cents a line for
al over 4 lines—cash to accompany no-
BOLDEIY. .—On the 24th ult., David, son
or Jacob Bolden, or Tyrone township,
aged 4 years.
ECKENRODE.--On tho 18th ult., in Carroll
coon tyr,Md., Mr. Joseph Eckonrode, aged
54 years 8 months and 1 day.
Hoxa—At New Oxford, on tho 28th ult.,
Louiza C., consort of David Hoke, aged
38 years and 19 days.
"She has fallen asleep in the arms of
GELLEFF—Near Abbottstown , on the 2.241
ult.,Leab, daughter of HenryGraeff,
aged 56 years 9 months and 14 days.
LITTLE.— On the 20th ult., at NewSaletn,
this county, John Warner, infant chill of
David Y. and Hannah M. Little, aged 1
year 2 months and 2.5 da.ka.
LtrrLE—On the 29th ult., In this place,
Sadie Gloria, dayghter of John and Louisa
Little deceased, aged 16 years 9 months
and 6 days.
szinumArr---At East Berlin, on the
ult., Henry Shireman, aged 76 years 4
months and 5 days.
-r50e5.,..4. —Ch, the it., very , sudden
ly, at Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Sarah Louisa,
wife of Mr. Ackerman Troxel, and daugh
ter of Jacob Culp, deceased, aged 18 years
4 months and .5 days. Her body was
brought home to this place, and interred in
"Ever Green Cemetery."
;tw Adrertionntuto.
Ladies work. Goal waged and coratant employment
given. D. KITZMILL lilt it BRO.
Gettyelmrg, Oct. 2—t f
bey/burg tamer, occupied by Prof. W Oki.. Immedi
ate pos..ession gi feu. Apply to
Oct. 3-9: W. A. DUNCAN. Agent.
14 1 0 R S A 'L E .
A large and a very desirable BRICK HOUSE AND
LOT In Now Oxford, Adams county, F . A.
Gettysburg, Oct. 2, 15138.-0
MEACTIERS WANTED.--The Schcol Directors of
1. LITTLESTOWN Irish to employ TIME E TEAM
' ERS for the public School of said place for the Winter
LSessions. Apply to
Sept. 2.5.-41.•
AL LL persons Indebted to the lute firm of DIDDLE &
Bestraz are hereby notified to call and settle be
fore the Isfday December nPst, as all unsettled ac
counts at that date will be placed in the hands of an
onkel fur collection. The Books are in the hands of
B BIDDLE, corner of Railroad and Washlogton
streets, who is authorized to settle the same.
0ct.2.-2m BIDDLE & BENNER.
.- - 1 00
NOTlCR—Letters of Adminis
tration oh the estate of Eva Cede; deceased,
late of Menallen township, Adams county. having been
granted to the undersigned, he hereby gives notice to
all persons indebted to said Imitate to call and make
immediate payment,and those having claims against
the sane will present them properly authenticated
for mattlement.
... 0111
Oet. 2.-nt SAMUEL CRIST, - Admen
air The Admirdatrator resides In Cumberland Co.,
P.O ; address Bhepecdatown, P►.
dersigned, Auditor, sppoiute 1 by the Orphan?
Court of Adams county, to dispose of the exceptions
Sled to the account of Jou.% Stocatu and Em Mumma,
Executors of the will of Join:pa Slocum', late of
idonntioy township, deceased, will attend to the duties
of his said appointment. at the office of MoContotivr tt
KILIITTII, in Gettysburg, on Saturday, the 1 171 h day of
Odooter nest. at 10 o'clock, A. ,V., when and where all
parties interested are notified to attend.
Sept. 26.-0 t D. itoCONAIIGItY, Auditor.
. dip
........ ...... dip.
........ dlp.
By virtue of sa ardor of the Orphans' Court of Ad
ams county, will be exposed to Public Bala on the
prandsee, set alluedlig, the 171/1 day of Parker nest, .
410 *be. J. Af. r a certain Lot of ground, situated
Lt the town of liendereville, Adana count, adjoining
lots of EL renroteend W. P. Bice, about 80 feet front
and BCC feet deep, on Mitch le erected a two•story
Prams and WeatherboardedUottestand other outbuild
ings, the mete etas's Crlat, deceased.
Attendance will be giTon and terms made known oa
day of wile by SAMUEL OUST, Adm'r.
Cut. 2.—te
On Thursday the 26th day . of October inst.
The undersigned, intending to remove, will offer at
Public Bali, on the premised; his VERY DESIRABLE
- or thd..hinChnsinain stands in the
town. The e s % , :teatly Mer, • 111111011M17 Brick,
with Beek lig under ttn-roading; the Store.
Room in in ad le ono, Whilst the bmwment Is
fitted up fora Restaurant. The whols Is in thorough
Maly. But% • property rarely Rand' In mutat,
and ell desiring to loweet Wheaki glee this au promrot
The undersigned bwilidoehalhilag tweeted shells ten
Tema ago, tu the bosilmir groat militant's' manner,
tor his own use andtuMlinsty, es he has ever ante
carried on the lisrA i rlioring intskssmltuutdis i.
Ind buten' khan CC/111100•14 would not part
with ittw i l Monti*. I s non ditirtained tO lesvey
hoiewerksa sake Durantiers to con somi, - to ekskthe
prole* , leanelerwei . • ,
ad .to ofigaransak at 1 o'clock, P. DU laid day,
when atWomw will be Shea sad o t ae_
• . 0 /1011
. Sept. I.l.—tt
*Ting dollerstine.dp close oat my anus. gic,cir, of
C o
stC ,,
ZUNI denim= of aadblp4f 4i2 OW
Lars an °Dort:malty by dallaut at m 7 Siam Cosa
one and wino all. M110.441#014).
Clottpbafg, Oot.SlAtf
W. F. CROUSE, Secretary
j WILL 1/171, sT
fur Advatioantitts.
AOENTB 0 , 401 , 2116r0al
AN elegant Menne of rsrestisurrit yd Instreacticto gag
of great. Internet kr riartent,
and a sketch of the Author.
Exclusive territory given Ind large eominiselons.—
For circulars and agency, address the PubiLlieti
BLISS A CO., Newark, N. J.
- -
for Matthew Liale Smith's New Book,
IFYOU WISE to know how Fortunes aremade
and lbst in a day; How "Countrymen" are
swindled by Sharpers; How Gambling Rouses
and Lotteries are Conducted, and everything of inter
est relating to Prominent Yen and important places
of New York, Read. , Read? Read?
A lorgo Octavo Volume, over 700 pages, finely Mos
trated. We want Agents, Aisle or Female, to every
City and Town to Canvass for it. Ey erytiLdy wants
to know ell about New York. No nook ever publish
ed that sells so rafltlly. Canmuisers report immense
We employ no General Agents awl offer the /argue
commission. Bend (or our 32. page circular. Full par.
Oculars and terms to Agents sent free on application
to J. B. BURR a CO., Publishers,
Raftford, Coua.
Clergymen. Teachers, and Superintendents of Sabbath
School& and others to act as Agents for the
A work •r great interest fully illustrated ; also fur the
in two volumes, containing nearly 1500 pages, com
prising the Old and New Testamerits with practical
expositions and explanatory notes, by TNOP. WILLIAMS.
AVEIN' OP Tilt flirllr atroIIMINDATIONg:
From thri late nee. Joel Hawes, D. IL, Pastor of the
First Congregational Church, Hartford, know
of no commentary so cheap that tuntaine to great an
amount of valuable matter."
From her. F. H. Eggleston, D. D., Pastor of Ply
mouth Church,Chicagn, cheerfully recommend
it as the brat eurnroontary on the ,• rrilltured fur m
ina' use." For terms and circulars, address
A. BRAINARD, Hartford, Conn.
ihrlarge OZ:1/11.0 y IlLafrufed .
One Agent hue cold 90 Cordes in 5 Day..
One Agent has said 60 Copies in 3 Days .
Oue Agent (a lady) has gold 40 Copies in 2 Dave.
We employ no mural Agents and offer e.rtra induce.
forums to r all Milerd. Bend for circular and learn our
terms to agents before engaging elmewb•re.
J, D. BURR A CO., Publishers, Ilartford, Coma.
Official History OF THE
Its Causes, Character, Condllct and Results.
Its ready sale, combined with an increased commis
sion, wake it the beet subscription book aver publish.
Cue agent In Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscribers
in three ths3a. Another in Boston. 103 subscribers in
four days.
I 20
1 00
2 71
7 00
Bend for circulars and see oar terms, and a full de
ectiptiun of the wurk. Address NATIONAL PUB—
LIORINO CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
1 000 AGENTS WANTED in all parts of the 11. EL
to sll our immense of n earl ylOOO
ferent BOOKS, e BIBL ES and pacr list roaiti, PR ALBUMS.
Every family wants something from It. Catalogue.
furnished free on application, and.booke bent post-paid
to any address on receipt of price. Caucusing hooka
containing the list with prices, together with blank
sheets and printed heading. for enrolling a list of
names, sent free to any one on receipt of 50 CUP. Any
body can sell 100 to 1000 of these books almost any—
where. Fur term., to agents and other. Information,
address .1. E. POTTER & CO., Publisher,, 614 and 617
8 / 1 840m et . Philadelphia, Pa.
A LL wanting employment can NIT(' • good business
"by addressing DAVIS • Zito., 725 Bansom st,P •
81200 LYIJII RJO,,i/ZipmteaceeliNthe.STAl
porticuiors /rte. Extra inducements to experienced
Agents. Call on or address W. O. WILSON k CO.,
Clerennad, O. ; Beaton, Ma.s., or St. Lord., No.
S * A W S
Circular Saws clone, temper over the whole plate.
Equal t..auy made In th. wont. For sale by all deal.
era and tho makers,
ellia per cent. tent Mortgage Bond.. February and
August Coupons. The awnings of the completed road
to Pilot Knob are now more than the interest on the
entire mortgage. The proceeds of them Bond■ are
adding to the security every day. Over $8,000,000
have been spent on the property, and not over $2,000,-
000 01 bonds Named thus far. The constantly increas
ing traffic ace/Tying oat, with the prospect of con
trolling all the travel from Et. Louis to thehilouthens
Etats., ensures an enormous revenue. The Directors
owns 8-10 of the stock for instalment, and aige lute-sat
ed to enrich the property as well as to economise it.
e: uses.
TILOS. ALLEN, Preeldent , Et.
ovsnx.rallEllll - Male
sera per cent. mortgage bonds, of the St. Louis and
Iron Mountain Earroad, asa good eecurity. The rev
enue of the road will be large, and the administration
of the affair, of the Company is in capable and expert
enced hand., and is entitled to the greatest confidence
of the public.
JAMES S. THOMAS, Mayor of St. Louis.
JOHN J. ROE, Pres't St. Louis Chamber of Cominerce.
E. W. FOX, Pres't St. Louis Board of Trade.
BARTON BATES, Pres't North Misaaltri Railroad.
J. fl. BRITTON, Pres't Nat. Bank 01 the State of Mo.
WM. L. EWING, Pres't of the Mer. N. B. of St. Louis.
DEO4I. REA, Pres't Second Nat. Bank of St. Louis.
JAS. B. EARS, Chief Eng. St. Loais A 111. Bridge Co.
GEO. W. TAYLOR, Prest Pacific Railroad (of Mo.)
WM. TAS.S DJ, Pres't Traders' Bank, S t. Louis.
JOHN R. LIoNBERGES, Pres't T. N. Bank, St. Louis.
A OLPHUS MEIER, VicwPren't U. Pacific Railway.
ROBERT BARTH, Prwil German Savings Institution.
Coupons payable in the city of New York. A limit
ed number of tt.e above named Bonds for sale at Eighty.
five. Pattie. Irving out of the city can remit by draft
or expenses, and the bonds will be returned by express
free of Chargc, Be invite the attention of capitalists
and oft.: s t.. thorn as, in our opinion, a very derisable
insestruoii t, destined to rank as a first-class security.
Di.ri iptivo Pamphlets, Maps and Information can be
15 itlnut et., Ph dadelphia, Agents of the St.
Lou, and Ir,n Mountain R. R. Co.
Iptlia references :— laos Co.; GLw,
BAC:01a Co.; THO 9. A Itiou Co:
S )5 O ter _ll,nth guaranteed. Sure pay. Agents
wanted irutuedintely everywhere [alien uar
Patent IPhite Ware ek.thes Liner. Call at
or adlrr.l4 the WHAM/ WIRE MILLS, Phila., Pa.
Norm—Front reports and Meters received:
I. Tour Axe Is bound to be Tim Axs.
11. It will cut 25 per cent. better.
111. My brother loot one arm in the war, but with
your Axe he can cut as well as any one else can.
IV. If I could not get another, twenty-Ave ($25)
dollars would not buy it.
V. It will rut hoop-poles better then any other Axe.
VI. I would not be without it for anything.
F,,r sale by all revponsible dealers, and the makers,
.N "Soh. owners of the Patents.
...Each $lO,OOO
" 100
5 Cede............. ..... 4
10 " ._.
40 4 •
460 "
600 "
30 Elegant Rosewood P1an0a....„....,8ach 4300 to 3500
35 " Melodeons-- " 75 to 150
150 Sewing Machines._ " 60 to 175
250 Musical Boxes" 25 to 200
300 Pine Gold Watches.-- ........... " 75 to Mal
750 rine Sliver Watches " 30 to 60
Pine Oil Paintings,-Framed Engravings, Silver Ware,
Pliotograpl Albums, sod s lams assortment of
lin; Geld Jewelry, in all valnial at 31,000,000.
PRIZES by purchasing a Sealed. Ticket for 23 cents.
Tickets describing each Prise are sealed in Rarelopes.
and thoroughly mixed. On receipt of 26 Mae Scaled
Ticket will be drawn without choke and delivereid at
our office, orsent by nail to any address. The prise
named upon it will be dell►ered to She ticket-holder
on paymenVf one dollar Prises will be immediate
ly sent to ally address, as requested,reea or re•
torn Linen.
Yba'arill know what your prise is 140-11 1 73 u pay tor
it. Any prize way be c.oc aged for ff./siker i 1 the
same seine. No Blank& • _
wat;Cor moons tan depend on fair dealt ,
Ressazacis.—We select the few follow names
from the many who have lately draws, ♦ enable
Priem and kindly permitted us tepubindi Chem :
S. T, Wilkins, Buffalo, N. 1, 11,000; was A mi t e
Monroe, Chicago„ 111., Piano, valued at $060; Robert
Jackson, Dubuque, levra, Gold Watch,...2610; Philip
McCarthy, Louisville Ky., Diamond' . Chiller . Rum
$000; R. A. Patterwm, Neer, Redibrdr,MWlEllult Tea
Bet, $170; Slim Noma Wallin - web, Stagg 000 gig.,
Plano. SOW ; Bee. P. W. Pitt, CleTabug, Ohio, Meta .
Allan, Mb. .
1, 41 - W•P‘bliall no names million, gatialulon.
flauleells o ll 4 o -- "selidiOns II" , larj;
17. 4 0
eat llagbtlageTAke Sr.,.!. e god' deserve lb
• Favor. ."- - Iritigi rapt* '. Mt
• ni ll'Algifto Male' ';' know them
to be to
w , 1 111. ,21 , 16.25, MS.
oyeeC weak i • Mewl . of ann. gepw a MOO prize.
which WS.S promptly recalvere—Millp Mow, Mnrck
Beradycitralar ifvOittiatat4 nutre - refereatew and
faeorabl natiolocfrowlthgpfeiP laitalipaiteetnioits
•to gr.ogte, SiWa&cebiali Saws package
' Tick Sealed DaTul o P2 ll . 0 0540 0 1 40 1 0- ag ora GUT. Six
ts '; 13 kons2;'sk . .up f •
All letters s hould be saitAnwiritt --- •
Pfleßroadway, N.Y.
TT lo of , nceilett that t a tc i filliflikOTTlMAßlS boa
• I motored mom' d 'o4lik teat, add oissosic,'
Mao any, bitter to* iii..loowa i rt . ,...,it„he
Viv r*L it etwlb and ileart ra4 ih d.61411111 6 11(" eigabiti•V4fIrilt
-Ithonmatiman , Sick EttlikiiU, acid stiti. cure coy Ws--
_oaoasiialog &Our allboolliina liti*eol - likli• blood. It
is ftealtlmended 11 Gelarnint tii'lSltteoi IftesOett of
Voxpeccia iiincloolit:W. Rol -iftifjoisKr 2 :4351
ample witwot44 r "N., cokr.
of Oros %kW an, ir *is monuficfariora - 121 4
[ -4Mictoo- :Solid 1911: 1 1 hoar 4
8 0
by• Situ*. and thwart ;, , ,
& co,; whoirralraivor Astorio, Akar. for wil•W
rineowititet=ilmstiAks64/2440,4!: Arr.whf, TAP
One Dollar Broker store,
Oar stack, oormiatleg of every variety of
Is of ow r owls Importation, or purchased directly from
the Ifannflactuntra la large quantities.
Ilft-Wo were the first to WrOLI3 , OIICe the ode 0 r pod,
nu the popular plan of
Our Sales for the last twelve months bus been
about on. million dollar..
.3.our burincts hat been decided by the Cburtt tzt
this Slate arta United State:authorities not to be a Lot
tery, or a Gift Enterprite, but a regular legitimate
Puke or Sots roe CLUa or $3, a selection of one of
the following articles:-20 yds. Brown or Bleached
Sheeting, auderior quality. Poplin or Alpaca Dress
Pattern. Wool Square Shawl. 291 yds. Doeskin. Au
8 bey Clock, Seth Thomas'make. 1 pr. Gent'. Calf
Boots. White 3farwsilles Quilt. Silver-plated Chased
Castor, with 6 bottles. A Morocco Photograph A ibum
100 pictures. 3 yds. 6.4 Wool Cloth. Silver-plated
Cake Basket. 36 yds. Brown or Bleached Sheeting,
common quality. Also, printed notices of 60 articles,
for sale at $1 ifor each article, comprising a variety of
articles usually sold at retail at prices from $1 50 tq
$6 for each article.
Pea • Dine or $lO, a selection of one of the.. follow
ing articles:—go yards Browner Bleached Shoe log,
superior quality. Dress palerrt, pros $lO. Wool
Lung Shawl. Broebe Long Shawl. 2 yards Black
German Broadcloth. Common SenseSeWing
fell Machine,.
price $l2-4these machines will Lem, eticb, fell, tuck
cord, bind, braid, and embroider, in a most su.
parlor manner.) Dente' or Ladle* Silver Bunting Case
Watch, new. 25 yarde Hemp C.arpstin4. 3 yards
Beaver Cloth. 0 yards good Doeskin. Silver plated
Ice Pitcher. 0 yards Wool Cloth, don. width. 1 pair
superior Blanket.. 72 yards Brown or Bleached Sheet.
lug, common quality, and 120 printed notice' of arti-
cles 2,r sale at $1 each, comprising • varietyof art.s.
cies usually sold at retail from $1.50 to $lO fur each
We hereby Interco the public that we
N. B, are not connected with any of the
this city. All concerns offering a Gift, Premium, or
any azticle trend coat to Agent, or to any one, era In
direct violation of the law, against Lottery. We have
Inibtrintlon; front telLhla authority, that all GIFT
Benda Draft, Patter Morley Ordar, or Reentered
Iltoeure and direct soar letter to
106 Sudbury Street,
Oct. 2-4 t
BLOOD. MANHOOD—nothing so Important p Ben two smps for sealed 72 ease
on the whole subject. d D r. Wa ta rman, confidential phy
sician, 617 Ft. Charles et., $l. Louis, Mo., stands pre
eminently above all others in hie speciality. No mat
ter who failed, state your case. Patients treated by
mail literary State. '
We sell for One Dollar ;
L L OLD sad Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Silk
J Dress Patterns, Carpetinge, Domestic Goods, &c.
giving full particulars, or ten checks sent far One Def
ier describing ten different articles which we will sell
Splewild Inducements offered to Agents sending us
Clubs. Address LADONTE A BABBIT,
No. 83 Sadbru7 Street, Boston, Maas.
j NEW YORKER, the loading and Largest Circulat
ing RuW., LITILLIT and /WM! NZWIPAPKII, begin'
a Quarter Oct. 3. and hence Nose it the ?hone to Bute
scribe / Eight Large Double Quarto Pages, Illustra•
ted,with over a dozen distinct Departments, each ably
conducted, the Beet Talent being employed. Election
will soon be over, when everybody, In both Town and
Country, will want the most Progressive, Timely , En
tertaining Ind Useful Weekly of Ito Class—.Mooted Ruzaz. The 13 Numbers of this Quarter (Oct. to Jan.)
sent, ON TRIAL, for oicir Firm CLNTS i Try the Trial
Trip ! D. D. T. MOORE,
41 Park Row, New York, or Rochester, N. Y.
- •
EMPLOYMENT. —The only work which
Settled, by documen lacy
avideace, what has been NW, written, thought or
done, by
GRANT. The Republican Union Comm itt ee TO ee at Waab—
ington recognize It. authenticity and use It as de
authority, sending for copies of It for that purpolke.—
The press universally discard all othert. We want
Agents for It ill this county. Send for Circular, terms,
An., to BLISS k. CO., Newark, N.J.
The Grecian Bend.
W HAT IT IS, boar it Brew into a national calamity.
IT IB NOT A NEW THING. allitiLtents and
on receipt 0(25 ete. Address GRECIAN
BEND PtIEVO 00., P. O. Bas 672. N. Y. Trade sup
plied by AMERICAN NEWS CO., 117 Nassau st., N. Y.
THE subscriber has put returned from the City
with the
Largest & Best Selected
Stock of Clothing
ever opened in the county, which be la selling at re
markably low prices.
Ills Stock consists of
Dress Coats, Business Coats,
Fancy Chalmers Coated all gills., Satinet and Jean
Coats. very cheap, Doeskin Fancy Chalmers and Sa
tinet Pants, Wool Shirts, White Shirts, Under Shirts
and Drawers, ()looks, &Naiad Instruments of all kind!,
Razors, Pipes, Brushes, Neck-ties, and • thousand
other articles too numerous to mention In a novena
per advertisement. 7 . CUNNINOQAH.
Oct. 2, 11168.—tf
For all the purposes of a Laxative
Perhaps no 000 0111111C100 is so universally required
by everybody as a cathartic-, nor was ever any befbre
so universally adopted into use, In every country and
among all eternise, as this mild bat efficient purgative
Mi. The obvious remain le, that it is • more reliable
and far more e ff ectual remedy than any other. Those
who Lave tried It, know that it cured them; those
who have not, know that It curet their neighbora and
friends, and all know that what it doe. ones It does
alwaye—that it never falls through any Suit. or neg
lect of its composition. We have thoueatuhl upon
thousands of certificates of their remarkable curse of
the following complaint.., but anal cure' are known In
every neighborhood, and we need not publith them.—
Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates;
containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug,
they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their
sugar coating preserves them ever freah and makes
them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable
no harm can ariakfrom their use In any quentity.
Theroperata by their poirerhil infineee• on the he
tarsal vlsosta to purify the blood and stimulate it into
health? eetico—remove thelibatractlons of the stem
aeh,tvagela, liver, and other organs of this body, re
storing their irregular action to heatih, and by cor
recting, wherever they exist, such derangements as
era the Out origin of Meuse.
Minute directions are given In the wrapper on the
box, for the following complaints, which these Pills
rapidly cure:—
should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach
and rotate Its healthy tone and action.
Per LIVER COMPLAINT oodles various symptom,
BILIOUS PETERS, tit should beJudloiously taken
for each C 1114), to th e diseased action or remove
the oturtractions which cease it.
For DYSENTERY or DIAREHCEA, bet one mild
dose Is geninally
end LOINS, they should be continuously taken, se re
quired, Wattage the dhicased action of the system.—
With such change those complaints disappear.
should be taken In large and frequent doses toprodace
the effect of a drunk. porgo.
For PO PPRIESLON • large.dose should be taken as
t prod uces the daired alrant by sympathy.
As astern; take one or two Pao to *emote
digestion and reUete the atantaoh. •
An ocaeakmal does Wands:es the iteeneh end
hostels :iota healthy intkalsreftlioko hr Mores the sarpetitia and
intliyeashoe the erten. it often advantava•
whin one wno manol deningnmeet extent. One • ,
feels tolerably well, often Ands that a done of them
alio snakes him bet deoideally bettoy iron their
cleansieg sad renovating elect on ski digestive ap
DR. J".•C. AYER do CO., •
Practkat atunoldii,
LOWELL, 111.4Sa r U. S. 4.
bu AWrro
. r ul• by A. D. Enabler, Drumlin, Gett
/1684-- ,-
rg, Pa Ibd
To Horsemen & Fanners,
Great- Horse Powder
ma the Toni Gana Chits aad Opes hem ois
Ilagat t sad WU% from au, 16 sts days
so Claiitsrits hex.
lickt by ali:Drugeste.
Vlatdois pressittrauasaila to by
Gilkey fit North stish .1, Ord It**
.FRILAZumPara.. r.
Election Proclaniiiti
WHHILICAS lat and b j ii.,• A. t .• f (14. , r
tunably of this
entitled.`An art t
the General Median. atlas COW own wean ta
on the 2.1 ofinly, 1t199, It is a tal lan I •oa az
Public Harare of such Stern .11 t,., la hal
enumerate lia such notice what alicers two to
ad: I. PHILIP HANN, Sherifrof the Conn
&ma thendiero, hereby give this public nark
Electors ore. War Octant: of Ati4lDS, sib It an
Ht,Wfteet will be bold in said County, on th
or Ocixess NUT, Cram 13t1.0 in th
DlStrlcts, composed of the foil 'wing Towne, I
la the lint district, composed of the 8..
Gettysburg, at the Court House,
in Gettysburg
' In the riecond distret, coinprosed of the tow
I 0 ermany, at Golden's lleboonlauuse, in the tow
In the 71nral district, compared of t h e tow
Oxford, et the lamal e of I. II tlonsaar, In the tow
In the Fourth dint riot, I i Illp,. ki a th e t o
of Lattimore ant Huntington, at tho 11 Am., ,
Reed, In tho tow arlapot II la otlal 4 t, a
In the ?till, dtstrict, sorripose,l ot the I ,u o
Inunlitonla n slut I,lherty tt the Pot•li b, t o .
In Mllleretaaw n
In the Sixth district, e g.t.po, el of th.• bos
Ifutulltoo, at the howl° now oteuidcd by P Ito
the town of Enat Bettie
In the Boveatth district, composed '.l tho tow
Ifenallon, In the Public &Iwo' Lease in the I
In the Eighth district, cantered of the toast
Strebaa, at the house efJacob J. Gruen. In Flume
In the Ninth district, coo, posed of ti,, tow :
Franklin,at the house now occupied by John I
in slid towngtop. '
In the Tenth distriet, composed of the town
Conowago, at the house of Jeremiah Johns, In 1
In the Eleventh district, columned of the to
of Tyrone,at the house of 11. 11. Stone, JO if Id ir I
In the Twelfth district, coutpotob of the town
Ntouncloy, at the house of ?Ire. V. Ilan., iu .41,1
In th•Thirtesntit distrit.t,e, mu, Ae.l .1 Ow 1.,1
of Mountpirarant, at the pubh, +r h•.,1 I, 1,, I
township, situate stt the 01 tw r .., 1,, th ,, ,uo I
from Oxford t aOw To fil t rue, the ih. r r:-u„
terstown to 1/10 ,N el"
In the il urb , nth dtit rut i oolu, a•ol at tIo t.,1
of Reading. All e !eel •of It. M. 1, , , k.. 11, Iti rill ,
In the Fafteroth abstract, comp ~ast of ti e ' ti
of Berwick, at the loth!! eau:,,,l I, o , to Ai 1 la
In the :tub, u. It dirt riot 1 . ..1111..41 11 ti r no
of Preedom,at th Imatie ofS nu ,o 1 11• hal, n, to
In the SI Solace° Lb 11,tsic t,rolop 0,1,4,i he 14
of Uhtulb, at the noose of I no. 1, I 1, a I a.. a a , tot
In tho Eighteenth dist ria.t CJII+P.OI of the 101 l
of Butter, at timpani: r load Imo. in Vidallato
sent townshal,
Niln the
net een tit dietric toruol..,venl ,;!! the too
of Renwick, at the Pigeon 11111 school house.
In the Twentieth distrirt the tow
of Omni... 14w. at th. Lone of Conrad Snyder,
borough of tiettyeLleg.
In the Twenty•nritt dietert. I
ship of iiishiand at Elie Sc Ine vt Lower 1
Creek Presbyt , Ilan Chun It iti I. v dtip.
.In the Twenty-second district on
mutt of Litt lestown At the ..1
In sald borough.
At which time awl plucvn will le clootea
One Auditor General;
One Surveyor General;
One member of Cougreue, to repreo.ot tho Di.
eompoeed of the Conn tie); of Adam.. Franklin.
ton, Bedford and Somerset ;
One Senator, to represent the District c.Lnp....r..1.0
Counties of Franklin and A 41.1111.4
One Member of Atwenibly;
One Associate Judge;
Ono Prothonotary;
One District Attorney;
One County Commissioner;
One Director of the Poor;
One County Auditor and
One County Surveyor.
By an Act of the General Assembly of this stn
Is enjoined upon me to Insert in my proclamat..,
elections the following ~,.item of Laos I
General Assembly, as follows: •
(Act of March 60 IStin.;
SccnON 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and IL
of Representatives of the Conunonweall .4' Pen II
vault Mr/el:terra Aiwiewbly met and it is 1.1,0 by
anted by the authority of the same. That the quail
voter. of the several countiel of this Commonwea
at all general, township, L.,rough a n d 91.,1.11 Fiend.
are hereby, hereafter, antitoriz..l and reimite•lt v
by tickets, printed, or written, or 1,11-tly printed
partly written, severally classified AA a •
ticket shah embrace the pantos of all ..t co ,
voted tor, and to bo labrlloJ . outoide, 1-try
ticket shall embrace oho names of al I state ofticers vt
for, and be labellel -State:" ono ticket 'ban tont,
the names o' nil county cfllcers voted .r, UPI 1 , 0 IA
led ''county;" one ticket „hall embrace tho non ,
ail township (Aileen voted for, and Ito labelled
chip;' one ticket shall embrace the names of 411 bon..
oßlc.erd voted f.r, and he labelled -boron .:11;'• :tint e
class 01411 be deposited In septirat I/allot-I),x, 4,
(Act of Into I. 1.166.)
WITZELZAP, fly the act of 11..42-m:rel. of O m I'M
States, entitled "An Act to amend the revere I In
toff re passed toprovide for the enroliing and rgling.
the National forces, and for cri- loirpsee," and
proved March third, ono thousand eight hundred
sixty.nrc, all persons who have de,erted 0,0
or na- ' ---vice of the United State. '
al service of the United States, and who
been dlacharged, or relieved from the penalty
ability therein provided, aro (keeled, and taken.
have voluntarily relinquished, and forfeited, tb
rights ofcltizetuthip, and their rights to become e
tens, and aro deprived of exercising any right. .1
tens thereof:
AXD WITZIZAS, Pergola, not citlzstts of t h e Pui
States, are not under the Constitution end lan.
Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this C. I nitl..ll,All
SZeTION I. Be it enacted by the Senate an I ILA
of Representatives of tho Commonwealth of Penns
rani. In General Assembly met, and it io herellysmsf
ed by the authority of tit, name: That In all abet!..
hereafter to be held lu this Commonwealth, it shall
unlawful for the Peke or laspect,rs of any each el
tlOl3 to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any p.;.•
or persons, embraced in the provi ,, and sub.)-21
the disabaity Ini posed by said act of ConeresA opycc
March third, one th..usand eight hundred and
five, and it chat! be unlawful for any siuli p- room
offer to rote any ballot or ballots.
Szc-rnes 2. That Reny such Judgo .10.11 n4pc...t•
election, or any one of them shall receive, .r C..1:91.1
to receive, any such unlawful ballot, or l fli.ds, fro
any snob dfsqualilled person. he, or they, .o,otlendin
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conefedi,
thereof, in auy court of growter sessions of this cor
monwealth, he shall, for each offence ho sentenced
pay a fine of not less than one hundred doldir,.alid
undergo an Imprisonment, In the Jall of tho prop
county, for notteee than sixty days, .
Snare. 3. Tux, asay parsons, acpcfre,l i.',
ship, and disqualified :aut. at •1.
hereafter to be bill in this C..nuu-na..,;th.
tender to the offlcers thereof, and to y0t0.3 b
lot or ballots, any person so ofrosoliitg shd:l
ed guilty of a miedemenmor, and yo
Of, in /111/ court of quarter tattoiJi., th i,
wealth, shall, breach offence. be muddied tn lii:.
ner as Is provided in the preceding r 1111, a.
in the case of Aker. of olealott lwrivrog
lawful ballot or ballots.
Srcrlorr S. That Ifany peruai -11s11 I.l' 111.1 1,,
itlade, or advise, any person or
citizenship, and .li,iaanfle.l a, pie!,
balh,t, or ballota. to the ofli:er. of
after to he held in tlake.ann,n,v• .1....111e•r4, I
or /I , lVil3e, ally snell "Clears h. re. 0.,.. . to y ,
balkts. (rum any pore heptie...l •r,•lliii, mi
dheinalitled no ar,reoall. -art.
shall he guilty of is in,1 , 1,11 , :tzt,. al,l
thereof. in any mart r •
monwealth, shall he total...Ll:al ih !the r
- vhled in the secti..a Ti rhil e, .
. .
offlcerw of such electic.: 1::::A A f A : , i;
or ballotc•
AL9o--lii and by Vil 1111 t•f the 1 Ith wo..ti li ~ I 11, .
or Feb. 17th. 1'.. , 39, every i.,r,. IL ,11,..i....,1
the l'eare. oh: ihAll h .: , 1 an: off. - ....r .1; I...'ririlo•ol
profit or tni,t alto!, Th.. 1, , , , 1.L ( I 01, ..,.....itiroor jroh
diary .lepartril. ht ..r il.i, Fate, at ~ I 'Jo. C;wle I St.w.
or any city or. inc..ri. 1 . tt. I d....t i .. r......1.k. 1ba...,...
/ dr
ember of Conzre, Fttl of the i•tate• 1,4 .attlro. otr.
of the :ielect Jr . Cllllll,l (:..ourit of Any .‘ v ....
fulmioueri,farip incori•.t. I.
able of holding or exorciring At 1.1 h•
lice or appoint runt of .111.%,..., 1,....i......,
elmtiott of thi,.Cominolovirtlth. at. I:hat ~
illeetur, or other wr: o 1 any-tn 1 .1,•
eligible to itzly ufll, t, he thou
Atzo—That in tho I:porth Lt t.i.•
se mbly entitl4,l ••Ari Act t, , AI 114
(or other purp•Hog." ai yrorod April 1, - ;,1 %
erred that Hilt:, t
!trued,. to prev,nt any
officer fr4,nisrrving ttjudge, in.iptctt ,••!. k. ,ti an
general ur clectl,,n In On+ C-Init,
And in and by Act or the A ~enid v„I thi
State, pasaed !lie :tie! d.tyuf .I,oy. ;, ,u r , 1 ,.,
that the Ifiapr tont and J tulgek be at the I,l . .wei“t
district, on the day ,t . at.c. .td. At
o'clock In the fdren.,n. in do and perto:nt the
duties required and onjrlittel on Owe, iL and by to
And be it [dither in and Ity On: Act ..r t !,
General Assembly of this :AM:, ah.r.eaid, :het ••
the Judges of each of the Afferent district-1.0 .r• .i•l,
who shall lloyotho ehorto el the certif . , atee of the
number of voter:oocl, shot) have, !den ..• t , f I
candhlate for the different others then wed I
for at their respective ties!, icts, id. ..II m, ••t • tiot,
day alter the eleetion, whlrlt shall he .11 Fnnl t y Tll,
ItlorffOr OCToBLE afiffesaiii, at • the Coui t-hen., l' i, Fe
borough or Gettyeburg, then .111,1 th r'1 1 0' r .11,i!
Statement and certiticato of the o •r
shalt have been given at the different tli , tl',eitt iu Ito
county of ly any per, tet Oa t 1011.104'A1 r,
said. - PGJ GANN :hoe; r.
dherirs offke Gettysburg pt. '2.0, 146 i,
•Election officers will tete r..ot the ....h en
titled "A Further Suppl,toent Io the- .1, ,
this Commona,lith,' di, in
alloy of the Unites Ntatea froal t , ain , t 11,4 co,ooily
been declared uu,111:1I111 /011/i by thi• iii• C.n,rl
of PentisylrAn . .n, exi•ipt a tic Cr it iltilorilitb•ii font
voting persons t. 1,11, <I
and Is now nod and cold with •• eau, pI • tin.l
that all porawo, f.o oieriy oi,.ol.tlitio.liLteroloidoi. wit h
this exception timnol, are Tibet lawful Ntdoti f if ~tlo
wise QUM/1104.
Tegat *otiro.
NOTlCE.—Lotters Testamentary
on the...rate of.Joult ,ItULL, late of throt,te
township, Athhot coottty, Pa., ,levetteett, hot m,ll, . n
granted to the onieraineed,they hereby giro tea tee to
all pentane Indebted to nntd . tleuttn to make lannet,.ti,
payment, and tin...., hat ing cialin• agnintt U.,. k .,, li,
present thee properly sulthonticatud (or tet t lemon t.
Aug. 21.-60
giXIJEL Sum. lives In Tyrone and W,. F.SouLL In
Tyrone tawribb
------- -
NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary
on the K.,,te of Ilan. To tbDICUi 5TE1"1,1,.. 141,
of Lancaster tit Po.. haring been grantiml 6. th• nn
deralcassl. they h.•reby give antics to rll pr, ht.
debt o 3 to said .• y Ate to ~.01 :int! r,4lte UN'
thollo barb. ,•inints agahint the tuns b. pre Ne ny
them properly ,ur newt eatett Coasstlete, ,t.
i'ItllNY E.lioußßll4.l
0.1. Intct:T. ( tors.
XL' tt 4. 0 NtePUP.WttliN, )
isa_The Bret eennel two &wade to ran
eastee,end the to ter in Clettgalmarg.
Atilt; 21 -1;t
• Tim Partnership ber,ttAbro ortstiort s
the noderstanist under the tiros of SUN.\ PrElt
SYCICIIK Of Petersburg, (i':11.) brharehy 4111 , 441 s sd.
An pelisse ttntehted tolp gnu will illeguu• real. ,
,payment wltb ,. ntdelay, l(ltti.i putt., nntls.n is. est
lianas thentetehtrhe Ara In the ',Women: et the
&eid 4ineolation to take affect front the first
day oriftit,
C. M(4.114'011,
It. W. it he'R
. July
OTICI is hereby given to
4. Lewitt!. :tit vtlitir 11, 0,•1:4 t.. it lb.,
Adlefolotrettoit Arriimintit ~•n si l l
be prattled t itrel, t e /114:
worui.riv. t , rg 11, the tint,
.11101(1101.14 sect. at M.,
10.8iegt , audio-a ac,...uht lit Ito,
•AAatfelsteet..evf lint Jiituala Wilnott,
1t37. Tee Tina 01 T11t.".•
Maack. Karen tot 'tf rbrid
148:Mbe tiros monetet ibletteem,
Valais. of wilt. of tltteittners Weeeeed.
W. 0.10111 AltltTll, illesktee.
veleirmumiAmi AND athiunig
..! . I.or 11,11
111, 011.. ill