T lte.ffitittltitils Istiiiiittl: Orgill**l, Friday, Sept.'. 1868. CORRESPONDENCE, Letter trona Tennessee•—The Sian—lloetnooraey and the Negro-- grant the hope of the South • Ms: eats, Thaw., Ang., 18, led& Berretta or "STAR & SENTINEL" :—En jelosed find $2 to renew my subscription to I your valuable paper. I cannot think of eloinewithout it. I have been a soldier and am not disposed to surrender to the blatant Rebels who but yesterday en deavored to destroy the Government., ana who today are as defi...nt in their treason able utterances as ever. The Only safety for the Union mon of the South is in the election of Gen. GRANT. Your paper comes to me as "a bright and shining light," in this city, where we are compelled to listen the treasonable utterances of such papers as the "A.valanch" and "Appeal." I send a'retr copies of both, that you may see what "Democracy" is down here. „also enclose you a communication, from Col. Wm. H. Fires, published in to day's "Bulletin," which, if not too long, you might oopy, for' the benefit of year Northern Democrats, who discredit the ex istence of the murderous and lawless or ganization known as Kux-klux. ' Colonel FITCH is a well known resident of this city—Republican Presidential Elector for the Bth district—and no man in this com munity would dare to question his ver acity. It is the habit of the Rebel Press down here, when some ono or other of the more glaring atrocitiekpf these Ku-Klux come to light, to gloss over the outrage by charging.some groundless offence agains t the victim and allege the murder to have been the action of an indignant mob or the result orpersonal grievance—all this to cover up the tracks of the Ku-Klux. A few days ago they hung a negro near Ath ens, and the Nashville Banner promptly comes out with the common story of "rape," "outraged honor avenged," dm.— It so happens that Col. F/TCH was a pas senger on the train as it passed through Athens, when the Ku-Klux boarded it in full regalia, and ho thus describes their appearance: "I was a passenger on the Tuesday eve ning train, 11th inst., from Decatur, Ala., to Nashville. The train on stopping at Athens, Ala., at 10:30 p.m., was boarded by an armed band of men masked and otherwise uniformed. Five of them were in the car in which I was seated. One re mained at the rear door, a hero they en tered ; four of them passed through and one of them returned through the car, leaving it by the same door they came in, thus passing twice through the same car. They asked but one question, and that was, 'ls Brow nlow in this car ?' This they repeated frequently. I have stated that five word - in the car I was in. The conductor, in reply to my question, 'how many were there in the patty,' replied, 'about thirty, I should think.' I confess that up to this time I never for a moment believed in the actual existence of an organised baud of Ku-klux. 'Seeing is believing.' I was wrong in the past.— Now the fact was well known to all the passengers, to the cancers of the train and employees of the railroad company. Why should the Banner try to suppress the truth? Why not admit and deplore it, as all good men must. For the information of the curious, I will describe the fantastic dross of these assassins: They wore long gowns, reach lug quite to the feet, rather loosely drawn in about the waist by a belt of the same material as the dress, which was supplied with sleeves of the style of an ordinary shirt sleeve. From the neck there was a cowl or hood mask, completely enveloping the head and face. Small holes wire per forated opposite the eyes and mouth of the wearer. The material of this disguising uniform was that of cotton cloth or mus lin, in stripes of white and very dark blue, (as seen by the candle light,) possibly by daylight the stripes would be' white and green. These stripes were alternately placed, and of about four inches in width, running from head to foot. The eye and mouth holes in the mask were covered with red binding. Tho bolt around the waist was of about three inches width, equally divided by the colon!. of the suit. No other head dress was worn than the striped cowl above described. This seem ed to be a part of the main dress, and that it was simply drawn in about the neck.— They carried each a large sized pistol, Colt's n,avy in size, in their right hands, which were cocked and capped ready for instant use, as they passed -through the ear." Tho lawless outrages of this murderous elan have produced a reign of terror in many parts of the South, of which you have little conception. White and color ed Unionists are driven from their homes, hunted down like dogs, and murdered in cold blood. Good citizens stand aghast, paralized by the boldness and extent of the criines, and deterred from denouncing them, lest they bring down on their own heads the vengeance of the Ku-Klux. In the papers which I send you will find a bitter, vindictive speech of Gen. Forrest of Fort-Pillow massacre notority, deliver ed before the Democratic Convention at Brownsville, which will give you some idea of the treasonable spirit which char aoterizes the Democratic party in this re gion. lip with you, I notice the Democracy go it strong on the "white man's govern ment" policy. Down here their leaders are moving heaven and earth to secure the votes of negroes, professing to be their special friends. Colored Democratic ora tors, in the pay of these leaders, address "colored Democratic Clubs," and white And colored men mingle harmoniously inaPemocmtic processions. The Compiler and other Copperhead papers North, I have no doubt, carefully withhold those facts from their readers. God save the country from the rule of such a party! We all look to GRANT as Our only hope. Yours • I" IN 1860 the Southern fire-eaters threats t;: ed rebellion if they ailed. They now threaten revolution if they succeed. THE POWER OF ELoorriow.—Prof. Chif fhb, one of the foremost ehicutionists in the country, recently appeared before a Quincy audience. Among otter pieces he recited the welt-known little poem "Twenty Years Ago." The poem introduces two friends and schoolmates, one of whom has been re cently visiting the old homestead, school house and play grounds—and he gives his impressions to his friend. When the elocu tionist reached the stanza following, the utterance was slow and thoughtful, as if tty ing to meat the name of the old play The boys were playing the same old game— beneath that same old tree 1-110—rforget—the—namejust now ; you've played the same with me— I )n the same spot—lwo:splayed with knives by throwing—so—and--so— `2lCa'Zisc speaker made gestures and mo tions describing the game, an old gentle._ man in the back part of the house arose, and said distinctly, "Mumbley peg." It was io re a l to the old man that ho thought he would help him out of his diffinelty by suggesting_the name. Of course it brought down the house. AN architectural inclination—'ll -4 1 n ing tower at Pisa. Tun most cruel revenge is the disdii n or a possible vengeance. Tu right man in the right place--a hue band at home in the evening. IL =warm editor in one of hia papers Says ; "For the effects or Intemperance, ice our • • . # . I • SELLING - tDFF ...-. .. .T.-.-',......_t... ._ TLe unklearalgned tplindOwto 4011 . 4 a tinfflO their beano. shortly, Willedtont their entire Stock at C 0 S. T Many dOOll3 will be NO regerdlan of cost OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF DRY GOODS, Oa-Persona desiring bargalus about' avail them- selves of this opportunity et once—u the whole stock will Boon be disposed of. DUPHORN & HOFFMAN, NORTH-WEST CORNER, CENTRE SQUARE, GETTYS.I3IIRG, PA. August 28,1868..-4 U FAHNESTOCK BROS. SPRING GOODS. We are constantly receiving new and desirable styles of 1113331 PIQUES, SPRING CLOAKLNGS, ALPACAS, DELA INES, CALICOES, Also large addition§ to oar usual supply of GINGSAMS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, JEANS, with every vartetj of Goods for lien's and Bojs wear We hare added considerably to our.assortment of which we aro selling at greatly reduced prices II &RD-WARE, BUILDTNG MATERIALS,,- Wo feel asativ.d we can make It to the Interest o IRON & NAILS at reduced prices OILS & PAINTS at low rates GROCERIES, orall kinds SIGN OF TAE RED FRONT Gettysburg, May 6, 1868. tt NEW GOODS. Cheaper _ than Ever I REBERT & ELLIOTT, Baltineprest.,oppoeitethe Court Houle, FI AVEJ net opened a new and large auortment of Spring and Suminer Goods OF ALL K I N D S, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS,' SILKS, GINGHAM'S; LAWNS, PRINTS, • - BA REGES, MUSLIN'S; &c., To which they invite attention—being determined to sell sklowest cash prices. [April 8, 1888.—tt 1868• DMRABLI, 1868. DRY GOODS! J. A. W MOST EXCELLENT ASSORTMENTS ISELL for very small profits, and aim at doing a very large BI1111:1088. FASHIONABLE SHADES OF FINE SILK POP. LINS. FASHIONABLE SHADES OF FRENCH WOOL POP- LINS. FASHIONABLE SHADES ON A.LFACIA POPLINS. FRENCH CHINTZES. PIQUES - .PERCALES AND LAWNS. BLACK SILKS, PLAIN SILKS, PLAID SILKS. SWISS MUSLINS, JACONET MIISLINS, CAMBRIC. BLACK ALPACOA, COLORED ALPACCA, BLACK ALL WOOL DELAIN. RISTORI SHAWLS,CASHMERE SHAWLA, MEET SHAWLS. cLoras,:cessrmEßS, CLOAKANGS, LINEN DRILL• ING, COTTONADR. TABLE COVERS, TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, TOW ELS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS. PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEF'S, HEM STITCHED HAND KERCHIEFS. MEN'S, LADIES', MISSES', I curLDnium3LovsB, AND STOCKINGS. derl am compliantly receiving the latest styles of Dress and Panty Goode. My Mock comprises every thing usually 'band in a Arm-class DRY GOODS STORY., to which I Invite the attention of the public, feeling assured that I can safely challenge tfunpari ilon with all other 4Stores in quality of gads and low ness of price. J. L. Acansog. Gettyburg, Pa., April .29,111641.--tf CHEAPER, TERN EMI E. HITESHEW . H AVING disposed: of his Store foam and stock of Goods to * GRUM BOW IRS, and being detersolood to redoes Ms stook &that the Bummer and Salt months, GREAT BARGAINS beton favOitille• 117 'leek of All kinds of Merchandise le fall sod complete Id deld7 defortmull6 l ad win be closed cat it reduced . givjaajne • York Springs, Pa., July 10,189110-4 is.A.llpampa knowing ammisolooc 11/ aN 1141.14.,1 941.8114011 1111M111.111 ;~;~, A 7.1 =MI NOTIONS, CARPETS ; QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, &c., &c POPLINS, PERCALES, LAWNS, Ac CARPETS, Our stook of Q HE ENS -WA RE Is complete. In =I the purchaser to purchase from us Give a• a call and be convinced FARNESTOCK BROS it • • FARM IMPLEMENTS. WILLOI343I.I3r'S StRING 11Rn:et. , altAiLtds - rola any,poti of tbsibrlll. thostwith ctswlthshat uane Atachidettts. QaaiautaCd to dp good wotk. Also, tam Harrisburg Fannig Mill made in New York. liqnslly as good u the mills formerly Bold in alit county. SIPARATORS_AND TEIRESIIR CLOVER MIL. LEAS, STEEL PLOUGHS, &C ES ,,., _TASKING IM YLESIENTS GENERALLY, Toir sale by Aug.l4.4f J. H. "SHIREMAIT'S REAPERS & MOWERS. HAVING been agent for this machine last season, I oho offer it to the farmer this season. It is well known, baying taken the premium at the Menders- Mllelair, also at the Gettysburg Mowing Match over seven *than :which were considered splendid ma chines, and likewise at the Dilleburg Mowing Match. sting concluded not to offer any machine that will not give entire satisfaction, I have refused agencies of several other machines, and now offer this one as TUE ORIUT MACHINE OP THE SEASON Haring tried one myself, I know exactly what it will do. I could refer you to scores of farmers who have purchased machines of me who are highly pleased and say this la the only machine they would use. Metres always on hand, and repairing done here at my place. This lea great consideration—the machine can be repaired at home immediately, and with much less cost. Another great saving is the BINDER which is at tached to this celebrated Reaper and Mower. It has been thoroughly tried, and given entire satisfaction— requiring no harvest hand except a driver. This Binder can also be attached to the Reapers which have been sold; but cannot be attached to any other machine except Shireman's. I will here refer yonto a few farmers, in different localities, who have Lanett and used OA le machines Michael Fiecel, Stephen Moses Hartman, Mr. Sterner, Joseph Wierman, - Mr. Lino, • -Ulrich Jacobs, J. It. Hershey Jacob Hartman, B. B. Woodburn, „ Jacob Litman, with others, too numerous to mention. This machine has a self-rake, aide delivery, and is warranted to do its work as above recommended. Also on hand, SHIREMAN'S SELF•DISCHARGING 'HORSE RAKE, a Bret-rate article, which we will sell et the lowest possible price. Warranted to givo satis faction. Also the COLUSIBIA RAKE always on hand. Machines can he seen at my house, three miles south of Gettysburg, or at Mr. Conrad Snyder's Battlefield hotel. .. , LEIVIII A. BUSHMAN, Jane 3. tf Agent. THE GREAT Conowago Phosphate PREPARED BY C. W. BENSON, .31, D., LITTLESTOWN, PA. TLIE Conowago. Phosphate Is destined to roind at the head of American Fertilizer. It has already proved its SUPERIOR QUALITIES, and ample cer tificates of its high merits will soon be furnished to the public. The proprietors will errata no means or pains to make it a reliable and uniform article. It is superior to Peruvian Guano, because it is MORE LASTING IN ITS EFFECT and EQUAL TO IT ON THE FIRST CROP. It dose not over-stimulate the soil, as most of the fertilizers in the market do, and leave the land after gathering the first crop in a worse condition than before rising it, but it remains an active fertilizer in the coil, and continued year af- ter year to show itself on every crop that ie put in the land. The Conowago Phosphate contains a large percent. age of Ammonia and Phosphoric acid, which are es sential elements to vegetable food. They either enter directly into the plant or prepare the alkalies in the soil to do so. The base of the Conowago Phosphate s PURE RAW BONE, completely and thoroughly dissolved without the use of any volatile agent. One of the great advantages of the Conowago Phosphate is that it will dissolve the sand in the soil and set the silica free to be absorbed by the grow ing plant, which is a very importaLt ingredient in giving firmness and strength to the stalk and grain.— It will prerent the falling and lodging of crops that are forcer, up by a wet and warm season, and will greatly facilitate thcripenin,a of the grain and eCTIITI tt against (he rust. Agencies are being eetablisbed throughout the country wherever fertilizers are sold. We are not afraid to place ft beside the beet In the country. Let all the farmer, and planters makeup their minds that they will try the Great Conowago Phos phate this fall. Price filly Dollars per ton. BENSON & SIAU3, Proprietors. VL..The Conowago Phosphate being made very fine, and thoroughly distintegrated , makes it con venient .to use. In the drills, and mixes more freely with the soil. AU farmers know the advantage of fine lertdizers. June 17, 1668..—tf GEISER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAGGER, With the latent improved Triple-rhea ed _MrBe Power, either Gear or Belt. This machine has successfully competed with all the Lest of the different patented Grain Separators, and now has the reputation of being the best Separator ever produced; in fact, the only Separator and Clean er over before the public to give general satiatactjon. and ;Ming, being permanently fixed - on two wITX. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that it is not half the trouble on a barn floor as a common thresher and shaker. It is also easily put in opera tion. It is simple, easily managed, reliable, durable, compact and cleanly to work by while in operation, not making near the dust as the common machine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that this 'machine is no humbug,andjudging from the high recommendation of farm erg that are using them we must come to the conclusion that it in the very machine that farmers want. The following are a few of the persons who hare need this machine, well known, and to whom the public are referred for farther information : Wm.. 7. Peters, Flora Dale, Adams co., Penne Wm. Kohler, near New Oxfoid " John D. Matz, " iiilettysbnrg " Henry Harbold, York Syringe, " it Daniel Peters, Benderarille, Orders will be received by either at theae.gentle men, as also by Hebert sad Hoover, East Berlin, Pa-- For further Information address ABRA3I BURKHOLDER, Agent, Clixrepring, York co., Pa June 10.-4 m NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD TILE undersigned calls attention to his new Machine Shop, at New Oxford, Adams county, which he has put up, at large expense, with the determination to do good and satisfactory work. Lle will manorkctuz e various kinds/A' AGRICULTURAL MACIIDTLItY, ineh as THRESHING MACIFINES, SPRING•TOOTH RAKES, Ac.', and will keeplhe BUCKEYE REAPER k MOWER on Bane for sale. All descnptlons of REPAIRING done promptly and as cheaply as pmalble. He has In connection with his Machine Shop a STEAM SAW MILL, upon which he will do all kinds. o work In that line. Be asks the public to call and giro him a trial, and be guaranteerfull satisfaction. March 25,1888.-6 m JACOB STOCK.. TivetT GETTYSBURG LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES. TIIE Proprietor of these Stables, feelingthankfal for the I Iberal patronago here- tofore received, begs [ern to inform the public that hecontinnes the LIVERY BUSINESS at his oldstand on Washington street., Clettysbn rg, nea r the Railroad, where he Is prepared at all times to accommodate persons with anything In hiallne. HORSES, COACHES, BUGGIES, tc., furnished at short notice and on reasonable terms, and competent tit !vent sent along if desired. Persons will be convoyed to other towns, or to any plies In the country. Mesta:lt and Coaches are of the first due, and no pains Will be spared to make passen gers comfortable Ile is prepared at all times to furnish coaches for funerals; and also to parties de siring to go over the Battle Field or to Tura the Springs. ALSO-HORBDB AND MIILBB Will bebor,ghtand sold at all times. Persons desir• ingto porches° stock will find it to their advantage to call on the undersigned, as his stock is warranted to be an represented or no sale. lie has a fine lot of forces and Mules at present on baud wtdok will be sold on reasonable terms. They are &wind and free from disease, and are guarantied to work as represented. Persons will Audit to tkel rad vantage tocallat the old stand before ldringor purchasing elsewhere. May 29, 1967.—tt NIOMOLd9 WEATMI THE EAGLE LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES Washington Street, Gequdwurg, Pa. ADJOINING TBF EAGLE HOTEL THE 'undersigned would respect ... ftdiy inform the public that be baa opened _ • sat BAL.II AND =MANOR STABLE fa th/a place, and is prepared to offer superior ac. comniodations in this line. He bas p maid ed himuslf with Buggies, Darelager. Racks, Light Wagons, to, of the latest Myles, sufficient to meet the public dis• mend. Me hones are all good, without spot or blem ish, and perfectly reliable—acne of your "old mire plies," but all of the "2.4tir order. - Riding parties can always be accommodated and comfortable equipments furnished. Parties, large or small, can get Nat what they want - on the most accommodating terms. Welton to the Battlefield politely attended toy, and reliable drivers Welshed if desired. Partial conveyed to and from the Depot upon the &I rival and departure of every traill. Dories bought, sold, Cr exchanged, and al a chance fir bargains gives . Our motto is "fair w playsay and no gouging." IMParticular attootioli paid to farstildeig To -1470:1' recheoloraoivotitaf4 saki Nod ikormiabiair impacto 7 r soonanoasigiuy . amumbilkatib e". 7 COI 1 91,: Mdsor m 4" ‘ si HEA= ti4 l 4 - Aii NG , mas AND CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, Every kind of Gentlemen's Wear, WU. WIBLE LINEN COLLARS, COTTON STOCKINGS, POCKET BOOKS, TRAVF.TJNO SACKS, I keep Gentlemen's 'Wear of all kinds and will sell theta at the LOWEST CASH PRICES ALSO Boys' Hats & Shoes, 11121.-3 ire me a call before purchasing else where April 22, 1867.-if KLINGEL'S Boot and Shoe Emporium, BALTIMORE STREET, TWO DOORS SOUTH OP TEE PRESBYTERIAN TIZE undersigned bas Just returned from the city with the beet and cheapest variety of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, for Spring and Summer, ever of lured in Gettysburg. Ills stock consists of LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' KID SLIPPERS, all styles, LADLES' MOROCCO BALMORALS, • IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTS' FRENCH CALF BOOTS, • GENTS' AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS' LIP BOOTS, GENTS' CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTS' CALF BALMORALS, GENTS' SLIPPERS, all styles, GENTS' BROGANS, kc., tc. MISSES' CONGRESS GAITERS, MISSES' BALMORAL GAITERS, MISSES' MOROCCO BALMORALS, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. BOYS' CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORALS, BOYS' BROGANS, tc., tc. INFANTS' SHOES, all styles, • IN LARGE VARIETY. Also, Boots sod Shoes of his own manufacture con stantly on hand. All will be sold at the lowest living profit.. Buy ers, from town and country, are invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchasing else• where, feeling confident that I can please all who may call. The MANUFACTURING of Boots Shoes, and Gai ters, will also be carded on, in all its branches, as be lore. Repairing done on short notice. By employing none but tirstclass workmen, and using none but the choicest leather, he foela confident cf maintaining his former reputation. Certainly nothing will be left un done to deserve It. gmabankful for put favors, be eollefts a cantina tame of pnl.lic patronage. • D. 11. KLINGEL. Gettysburg, April 22, 1868.-tr • THE LATEST STYLES OF SPRING AND SUMMER Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes , Just received by ROBERT C. COBEAN, Chambersburg Street, First Square, GETTYSBURG, PENNA., Where the public can find a large and varied asscrt• Inept which be Ls fuelling clieap. Ito also manufac ture. and repairs HARNESS, of all kinds, promptly and on reasonable terms. Bridles, Halters, Trunks Valises, Whips, Cigar., and a variety of no. Gone, give us • cult (April 29, 1868.-ta CUNNINGHAM AL WA YS AHEAD IN SELLING CHEAP CLOTHING AND Gent's Furnishing Goods, at his Store IN BALTIMORE STREET, GETTYSBURG, PA. The public are respectfully Invited to call and ex amine Ids large and well selected stock of Goode be fore purchasing elsewhere. COME ONE AND ALL. and treat yourselves to a good suit of Clothing. July 31,186£1.—tf SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING. _ GEO. ARNOLD has now opened a LARGE STOOK of READY-MADE CLOTHING, mostly of his own mannfeetnre,eonsisting of all sizes of COATS, PANTS & VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, • HOSIERY, &c., AT PRICES TO SUIT TECE MIES. examine and Judge for yotirselveLlie April 22, 1868.—U ' New Boot and Shoe Store. D. KITZMILLER & BRO., GETTYSBURG, PENNA., YORK STREET, OPPOSITE. TILE BARK. THE undersigned have opened a new Boot and Shoe Store, on York street, Gettysburg, in the room meetly occupied by BOP= A MCC/arum and have just received from the City a large assort. ment of BOOTS& SHOES _ 0 A GENTLEMEN, LADIES & CHIL • DRENS' WEAR, Consistinc , of Calf &Kip Boots, Congress & Balmoral Gai ters, Slippers, &c. We also MANDFACYCRE TO ORDER, all kinds of 1)0078 AND SHOES—the work being made up of best materials and by Ant class workmen. The senior partner bee been In the business for over 16 years and parsomdly superintends ail work made up. We respectfully invite the attention of the public to our establishment, and hope by strict attention to brisineu and by selling at lowest cub prices, to give entire satisfaction. DAVD KITZMILLER, JACOB A. KITZMILLER. June 24, 1868.—tf NEW CLOTHING AT BRINKERHOFF'I3. STACKS OF THEM 1 BRINKERHOFF, corner of the Diamond and J • Task street, bujust returned from the city with an anusaally attractive amortment of ournarta YOB SPRING & WEBER WEAR, which he will sell at such prices as cannot WI to take them off very nyidly. Call and judge for year selves. To look at the excellent material, tasteful cutting. and neat sad substantial wiring, and then to set his low prices—caners cannot help but buy s when they see It so mach to their laterals to do so. He has Oaahi, Pants, Veers, ofall styles and mates* Ws. lists, Boots and Shoes; fity of all kinds, Illadery, Gloves Mutter. chiefly Nook Ties, Chavate,Linen and Paileraollar% Buyeedem. Bradlee, (kasha; Trunks, Vallee', Itmbrellas,PeekerKsivu, Bum; and OltelibsTolueutlXlFesinakinfx7.63, Oloalte • Hatrihell, Jewelry, with a thonsaad and mid allbetWitslisivinitarlity inumensi4to &tan a arsmrapso 401106dalsht' Be mite lb* Ultimates' of the gob l i n U) ids new 4,csadest •that It will please—and SO olio M ihn : IM •• Del vii %teephitermuiriver • s9Q Wkall CM!. Xis, "on, to. ihRTERS 1 107 AND SUCH AS PAPER CUFFS, PAPER BOSOMS, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, umpßzLLes, CANES, &c., &c in great variety THEO. C. NORRIS CHURCL' K 2 BOOTS AND SHOES. N ZW.RIITABLISHMA'NT. has _ Vatted a new blinding, ikir cane be sib, s' ';4. • •It dbluneet, re OWN* et., tbi I 4 • Illemaretn Offlyelbarg, where h•neer -.1306t; Shoes,Vat ers, Slip pers, &c.l &c., • tor men, woman and children ot different styles and prices. He bas a los amortsisent to Idiot from, and wilt sell story article at the smallest prodta. WOBJF. WOE TO, OWE, of the bat *at.aiaia sni mostsment Every aged 'made to render settstramon. •p• oink* eublic la mot/cited. Call In, and sel nom his kor leats your mew are. In *ilium tees you ante* flint* be teased. July 17; lead..-17 JOHN M. REELING. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLE OF HATS FOR 1868. S. S. M'CREARY H AS jot received a fresh and general assortment of RATS, incliding the very latest style. Ana Silk Cassimere, and Soft tar flats, and also a large foPPlYof fine and low priced Wool MAUL and CAPS for Men and ROM lie invites his friends and the public to give hima call. (April 22, 1867.—tt Contertiong, &Ps) 40tiono, Let . all the People Come 1 Fancy Goode and Confectionery Moro. THE undersigned, having bought Out J. M. Warner's Fancy Goods and Confection ery Store, on Baltimore street, nearly opposite Fahn estocks' 8 tore, Gettysburg, invitee the public's patron age. Large and tasteful as the stock has been, no effort will be spared to render it still more attractive and desirable. lie now offers Writing Desks, ' Plain Candy, Work Boxes, Fancy do., Portfolios, Pickles, Satchels, Sardine*, Pocket Books, Lobsters, China Toys, Chow-chow, Pocket Cutlery, Fancy Cakes, Jewelry, Ferona Cracker., Chess, ' Wine Biscuits, Brushes, Musroon do., Perfumery, Fire Work/ 1 / 2 Soaps, Pens k Pencils, Combs, Writing Papers, . Fruits, Envelopes, Nuts, Tobacco A Began, Syrups, Ac.,Ac., Ac.. "TOO NUMEROUS TOO MENTION." He intends tome!! everything at the lowest pouf. ble prices. believing that "small profits" bring ' , it:tick sales," and are therefore best for buyer and seller.— Come one—come all! A. R. FEIBTEL. April 1, 1868.—tf THE VERY BEST! Bierbower's Segar Store, GETTYSBURG, PA., NORTII•EABT CORNER OF TIIE DIAMOND. TIIE undersigned, thankful for past favors, re spectfully calls the attention of the public to bis assortment of Segars, Smoking & Chew ing Tobacco, Pipes, &c., which he is prepared to sell at the lowest living prices, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ire will keep on hand THE BEST BRANDS, and will manufacture for gen eral sale throughout the County Remember the plac e t in the Diem ond, between Brink erboffa Store and McClellan's Ifotel WASHINGTON BIERSOWER. Aug.14,1868.-tf E. H. MINNIGH, CIIAMBERSBURG STREET, next door to tha Keystone Ilotel, GETTYSBURG, PA., Confection, Periodical and News Depot. Philadelphia, New York, and choice Magazines. All kinds of Confections, Can dies, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, &c., &c., constantly on hand ICE CREAM & CAKES supplied to families and parties at shortest rates March 25.—tt PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LADIES' COMPANIONS, TOILET SETS WRITING DESKS, PERFUMERY, FANCY CHINA BOHEMIAN VASES TOYS, &a, &a, &a, AT A. R. FEISTEL'S, Opposite Fahnesiocks'Store. Gettyibarg, April I, I SGB.—tf JOHN M. MINNIGH Diamond Confectionery ct Ice Cream Saloon BALTI3fORE Street, two doors above Centre Square, Gettysburg, Pa. Having returned from the city with a full stock ofConfeetionory, I will sell at thevery lowest profits—ineludlng FRENCH du COMMON CANDIES, Oranges, Lemons En in. Toys, Notions, Ac., and every thing belonging ' to s first-class Confectionery, with CAKES, MEAD AND LEMONADE. Also, ICE CREAM Hey 20.—1 f luPPliett on short notice CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON. JOHN GRUEL, Chambersburg St., Gettysburg, next dcor to Eagle liotel, /laying otospleted his new betiding, hasopened the largest assortment of Confections erer offered In Get, trebtirg, Incladin g FRENCH AND CO Toys, Note, .te and every MMON thing belonging to a for Confectionery, with special accommodations for Ladino and Gentlemen. ICE CREAM Feb.l2.--t[,vow on shortest notice. MOM Xittinft, at. TIN - WARE AND STOVES• THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TIN-WARE IN THE ,COUNTY, S. G. COOK'S, of (Formerly Andteir.poney's); &bow" TEI 2187 13001 0641'0013 IN WARM, among which &Me* OLD 1 1 011010,01, 001011011/87, • Plosturz t VANlO, ' IMMO 0001, JuJuant alraLt. Ao h .' • souso P 2l nithat *Sidman. Xikbas ww, whfith wp 141110. O. O 00 L.AL add ell Nu iwy outs! plwo fa ottia t . . . ; Phini, THE FINKLE & LYON SEWING MACH IN E, WITH NEW AND IMPORTANT DI- The Cheapeat GOOD Machine in the AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN A liberal Coal& Premium aoferedforeaehlooalAgent These agents are appointed with great facility awl gatieflictlon A Splendid Paying nuaineas for Trave Pleats° send fa a Ciaeotii. Addreas July 9, 'BB,-Gm BUTTON HOLE OVERSEAMINO SEWING MACHINE CO., in directing attention to their CELEBRATED COM BINATION BUTTON HOLE L SEWING MACHINE, beg lESTO to refer to its wonderful popularity as con clusive proof of its great merit. The increase In the demand for this valuable machine bas been TEN FOLD during the /art Jere" motathr of Its Brat year before the public. This grand sad rurpriring nieces: is unprecedented in the history of sewing-machiner; and we feel fully warranted in claiming that BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE It hi ?tally two machines combined in one, (by a able pie and- beautiful mechankal arrangement,) making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Oversmusing and Buttonhole stitch, with equal facility and per fection. It executes In the rrry bat 'wanner emery va riety of Sewing, inch as, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, Gathering and Sewing on, (done at the same time,) and la edit tion,Overseanis, Embroiders on the edge, and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes In all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its Agents, to give entire setiefeetion, Circulars with full particulars and samples of wort done on this Machine, can be had on application at the Salesrooms of the Company. S. W. Cbr. Eleventh and Cidein ut Streets, - Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at the root= o the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. W. H. MOIDZXHILL, Trearsrer May 27-17 HOWE MACHINES 1 THE LATEST IMPROVED AND GENUINE Howe Sewing Machines, constantly on hand and for sale at the GEO. JACOBS &BRO., Chambersburg St., Gettysburg, Pa ORDRES WILL DE PROIIPTLY'ATTENDKD TO Machines delivered in all parts The public are cautioned swami parties who me the name of How to connection with their machines, on 'tumlt of the popularity of the genuine Howe.— Remember that there are unless they have the Medallion Portrait ir ELIAS HOWL, JR., IMBEDDED ON THE MACHINE. Aug. 7, IEIB.-ff Attend to your Interests GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. pHB subscriber would inform his customers aad others, that be Is still manufacturing various kinds of castings and Machines, made to order, on short no tics, such as (five different sines of Power) OLOVNIW3JIED NUL. LUZ AND BE PARATORS,COUNTODDNR 0 072133 STRAW AND HAT CUSTOM; CORN PLANTRIB: PL 0 UGHS, such so Cast Ploughs, Barshear Ploughs, Bideblll and Corn Ploughs; the WIRE-SPRING HORSE RARE, the latest improvement; also SHIREMANI ISELP DISCHARGING HORSE RAZE. • He will likewise manulketnre MOWillii A.ND RUMS. MIMI, BMWS for Older Premiss, IKON BAILING for Cemeteries or Porches, with everything else in his line, all et low rates. ICSAIL PO—A One.borile Wagon. DATE) 81)U1<& Apra 11,1111.-U gaidwart, Sunny, lc HARDWARE • AND AZ0011212 Talk übsoribershavoins tretunied from tho dna with an lantana. aupply of HARDWAILI *GM altsles, which they sr* offorin gat android stand in Baltimore street, at prices to snit the timits.Ouf a to:A' consist. in part of Carpenter's Tools , ItlactunitleaTools, Ooack Finding 1311 o e Findings, Clabinot Maker's Tools, Bausektopees iixtures All kindest Zinnia 431 0 OXEIES AtLi KINDS, Onibralltd E dn.,49. Tbordenoartlelelnedsitd In the several ascartaaeste saeatioaid above. bat mist am b. bad at Wilton: leery tool. Kabuki can banalaseadatbd hen with and Indium sad Heftsla ea _ tad every artleleta theta Ulm Otto asacall umentiompand &Nana+ Pirlr Ibreadisomayothsr bonseastoftb• s y t. DAVIDE SOIL ll•Drika""rb FerWillet Sea* lIUMW. LOOK 13,='Ml PROITEMENTS. World ing Agents ! ! FINKLE A LYON 8. 31. CO., Na 701 Broadway. THE AMERICAN IT HAS NO EQUAL, IN TILE WORLD, And Intrinsically the Cheapest. AGYNTB WANTID 7BIRDSSICK PAXSON, Presidia:it. D. W. ROBISON, Agent, Gettyabarg, Pa. Store of of the county. NONE GENUINE GEO. JACOBS A BRO, Only Agents for Adams county foundry. FARMERS, TLIZZSREES AND POWERS; yourvri 8 COMPOUND! YOB, TIM was PUTRID Kanazawa; ncriuttaa, or ottwor lafiwts. tr, artawentibesso of Ih• That If sant tea Abs , TAMIL Intiontimlichasista THOUSANDS OF OASES, to diferoat torts of the eogntry, and his ism: Men known to dal if tams hi them and aii•ording to direetkess. It is warranted to elm. Give it a trial and it will speak Ibr itself. Xviry hastsehold amid sd• thiansolvs• with a box of this insdfeine and it oinart•lons.n bands. The ram that it has efheted are ilt&Praparsod and sold by Tinian Yonne k Co., CI et rill ra ea . tbstr ai r a tilotised age i nts. For Iday 2141817,4 f UR& IF014 1 1 7 ;lt CO. A CARD TO THE LADIES. TIE DOPONOOII GOLDIN PERIODICAL PILLS JJ FOR FINALES. Infallible In correcting Irregu frities, Rarnoring Obstracciona of the Monthly Tarns, ma en erbetever Canoe, and always auocitaafal as a Pre vtive. lassie/ peculiarly situated, or those supposing themselves so, ars centkeed spinet using these Pills while In that condition lest they "invite wiscar raw steer which minwoltios, the Proprietor as pr tunnyty although their tuildnear will even aniachlef to health.. Pries Wpm Box. Ex Boxes $5. Bold by J. IL EMBER, Druggist,Sols Agent for Get tysburg, Pa. Ladies, by sending him fl through the Poet office, can have the Pills sent, (conlidentLellyo by Kali, to any pril 29 part of the oconstry."free of postage ." A, 1944.—1 y ALL AROUND THE WORLD! The First Premium of a Silver Medal was awarded Barrett's Hair Restorative, By the N. H. State Agricultural Society, at its Fair holden in Nashan, Sept. 20, 18GG. o;fAtitl4444l s :elpintillaDe:turet4l STORATIU restores Gray Hair to its natural color Promotes the growth of the Mir. Change' the root' to their original organic action. Eradkatee Dandruff and Hunters.. Prevents Hai falling ent. Is a superior Dreaming. It &Malmo no InJuriona Ingredients, and is the most popular and reliable article throughout the East, West, North and South. J. B. BdERETE A CO., Proprietors, 1111‘.8old by Dr. 8.. Homer, oet tymbarg ; J.B. Tangb- Inbaugh, Hampton; Hartman and Sadler, Peters burg ;:Snyder At Bon, Llttleatown, and Druggists gen erally. THE GREAT CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE. New York. Zingari Bitters. mais WONDERFUL REMEDY was discovered ••• and introduced about twenty years ago by Dr. 8. Cheopene, an eminent Egyptian physician. He bad long seen and falt the want ofootue remedy which would strike at the root of disease, and so prevent much ofthe suffering which the human fami ly was then compelled to endure. This great question was presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as he moved among the sick anddying, and observed the Inefficiency of nearly all the remedies then in use. Thus he was led to think and experiment; and after ten years' study and labor, he presented to his fellow-man the wonderful Zingari Bitters. The effect of this preparation in the pre vention and care of disease was so marvellous and astonishing, that the most datteri ng marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it.— Ills name was placed upon the Boil of Nobles, and a gold medal with the following inscription—Dr. g. Cho:pens, the Public Benefactor—was presented to htm by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in several epidemics of cholera, both as a preventive and curative meas• ore, and with sticii great success, that it has been In troduced into nearly all the general hospitals of the old world. The old saying that an ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure, applies with marrellons force to chasm, and therefore any remedy that will protect rut against this terrible disease should be freely and persistently used. All pathologists now agree that the cholera poison acts on the system through the blood, and that any combination which acts on the excretory organs, and keeps them In working order, most prevent 'sufficient accumulation of the poison to exert its terrible effects on the organism. This Is trite not only of cholera, bat of nearly ell other maladies, especially the different forms offerer. The Vogul Bitters is malt each a remedy as the theme conditions require. It acts on the organs of excretion and secretion, keeping up a perfect bal ance between them. This Bitters is composed en tirely of roots and helix, so nicely concocted that every organ is acted upon and pot in tone. Its taste Is pleasant and its effects prompt and lasting. Numerous cases of the following diseases have been cured by It: Cholera, Diarrhma, Dysentery, Scrofula, Typhoid and Typhus Never, Fever, Ague, Nervous Debility, Anaemia, Female Irregularities, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Colic, Ac. Price One Dollar per quart Bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street wharf, Hai risbu Pa. Es.G. P. KALB/MUCH, bole Agent for Getty.. burg. F. 24.11=11, Bole Proprietor May 20, UST. Ilarriebnrg, Pa Speer's Standard WINE BITTERS FOE THE WEAL, 101 THE PALIL, IVE, THE MELT, FOR THE AGED, FOE mum° /OR SPRING USE! !I No Bitters equal to them ! 1 SPEER'S STANDARD WEE BITTERS, Wine, Herbs and Roots Speer's Celebrated Wine, so well know'', with PERUVIAN BARK, CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, , SNAKE ROOT WILD CEIRDBY BARK, GI:KOLB, agd such other HEIRS and BOOTS as will In all cues assist INTIMion, promote the Secretions of the qe• Lim In the mutual channels, and give TONE AND VIGOR TO MIR Young and Old, Male and Female ! AN we it with wondratil anceenn. Brings COLOR To the pole whits lip, BLOOM AND BEAUTY To the thin bee sad care worn oonnteannos. Cures TETER and Creates APPETTII. Try them. tree none other. Ask Mr SPINE'S STANDARD BIT TERS. Bold by Druggists and Grocers. Bee that my signature is over the cork of each bottle. Passaic, N. J., and 243 Broadway, New York inuTrade supplied by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY CO., Philadelphia; GEORGIC A. KELLY, Pittsburgh and by all Wholesale Dealers. July 10,1868. [Sept. 4,1887,1 y photograph galltrits. EXCELSIOR GALLERY PROTOG.RAPII,9, PHOTO MINIATURES AMBROTYPES, &a., dr., Stereoscopic Views of the BATTLE-FIELD, STEREOSCOPES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES ALBUMS GREAT VARIETY, AND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. StIPW. drl iu aothlagbat the beet of itekhol. Call sad exasalae oar stook. C . J . TYSON, April I,ls6ll.—tt Proprietor. REMOVAL! THEGETTYSBURGSMIGHTGALL7IIty. Esundersigned takes pleasure ianounalug to theoltisens Gettpleug and the public. generally that be has moneyed toga Ms mid mos =West M iddle street, to naltinsore street. and nearly oppositp the Store offahnestoek grottier* The room he now occupies, has been recently fitted up expressly ibr hie business. The location is an ad mirable one, enabling him to take pictures in all shades of weather, and with it oorreetnesennevugled any whereelso; LITZ-LULA PEOTOGZArEII, of every else endileseriptiscemeil in the inert style, oartlealar attenlfta yen to the IMETYmoi- VIBITa a _ad in copying BOUM sad Di. QUIRENOTYPBS of decessedirriends. . TEI OUTTIBUIS 0130, $ ipw. style estiotar• which has booms very pops iortai disribue, sot esty Eir Ibisidiy,batibr D opip OLIAE. eolpi And CITATIM6I6OII: Kann INS ONE eats. Ai10.4201 pTa. THESE,' irbioE for their beauty and durability are jaaell: titan.• MarKbeater, N. II rob. 12, 1868.—1 y I. 1866. L. THE GREAT -MADE OF ALA gPEZR, AND 0410,ctUnstmo. GRANITE-YARD, CMTTYSBURG, PA., OR RAIL AKAR FREIGHT DEPOT. PETER BEITLER el s prepared to furnish GRANITiI, for all kinds of aITELPING AND BIONIIMITITAL PURPOSES, at reasonable rates— Curbing, Sills, Steps, Ashlers, Posts, Monuments, Ceme tery Blocks, &c., &c., cut and finished In every style desired, by best of workmen. .Orders from a distance promptly attended to. June 3.—tf JEREMIAH CULP, GETTYSBURG, PA., Undertaker & Paper-Hanger, I. prepared to furnish on short notice nod reasonable . terms COFFINS OF ALL STYLES. Heals° keens on hand a lar.re asrortnitut of WALL PAPER, which he sells at lowest cash rates, end if de- Eked will furnish hands to put It on the wall. PLAIN FANCY SIGN PAINT ING EXECUTED TO ORDER. apYork street-a few doors Sea ofL'utherau au) ch May 27, 1868— tf. FLOUR _& FEED. yWILL be In Gettysburg with Flour, &c,every MON & DAY and FRIDAY in each week. Persons who may desire me to furnish them with either FLOUR OR FEED-STUFF, will logy, their orders, either with John L. Tate or Danner & Zeigler, stating the kind and quantity wanted, when the same will be dellrered at their dwellings, by Sept. 2.5, 1887.-t( GEORGE GISGELL. ROBERT D. ARMOR, GAS FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, Batt Middle stred,halfa square from the Court-house, GETTYSBURG, PA., WILL promptly attend to all or der. in his line. Work done In the most antis factory manner, and at prices as low as can possibly be afforded to make a living. GAS PIPE furnished, as well as Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights lee.; also WATER PIPE, Stops. Top an I Prost Spigots, and,in short, everything belonging to gas or water Daturas. Bells hang, and furnished If desired. Locks of all kinds repaired. ( Dec. 25,18,87.-ti FARMERS!" TRY THE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE ! , TT Is composed principally of the celebrated G unno I I from i AL TA VELA. , IContains three per cent. of AMMONIA, an ample quantity to give activity (without injury) to the rep& 1 tation, and a large quantity of soluble ! BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, Itogether with Potash and Soda, the essential elements sofa COMPLETE MANURE. ~ woe hi g h reputation it has obtained amon g the many j thousand farmers who are using it in preference to ' all other kinds, lea sure guarantee of its value. PRICE $56.00 PER-TON. I Send for a pamphlet. Address i T y ITE ALTA VELA GUANO CO., 57 Broadway, New York. July 30,1868._ Hand Book of Politics foi 186 8 . • READY IN JULY. (SPECIALLY adapted for use In the comicg Presl i dential campaign. Will contain all the matter In the Political Manna's of 1866,1867, and 18113. Com piled from official sources. Will give the whole Po- LITICIL ACTION OF TIN GoTIANX/NT, and of Part lea, In sweiwo. April, 1865, to July, 143. Tables on Debt and ' Tax; Taxa tion. Revenue and Expenditures, Banks, Southern Ite eatratlon and Totes. Election Tablet from 1860 to date. 400 pages, Ste, cloth, 42.50, poet paid. The Political Manual for 1568, separately, cloth, S 1 ; paper corer, 75 cents, post paid. Sobncriptions will be received at the Bo ,k-store of A. D. BUMMER, Gettysburg, Pa. [July 17.-t Attention, Housekeepers ! 'WASHING MADE EASY HAVING the agency for Adams county for JACK SON'S UNIVERSAL WASIIL'iG COMPOUND, Patented Jas. 10,1866,1 respectfully invite the atten tion of Ladles and Housekeepers to it as the most economical and valuable Washing Compound in use. It requires no rubbing of Cluthes—w ashes in hard as well as soft water, and does not injure the most de licate fabric ; preserves and fires the colors ; removes paints, grease and stains of all Linda. Give it a trial •nd ion will nee nothing else. Family ights 4 , 1 each. For further information apply .. to CMA.s. STALIo3MITH, 13 I have been informed that parties in several parts of the county are selling what purports to be Jackson's Compound. As I have the exclusive right to Adams county, all persons are hereby warmed against selling or purchasing from other parties. Avg. 7, 1888.—tt BUILDERS Look to your Interest. nillE undersigned still continues in the Lumber ba dness, at bis old stand, 31,4 miles east of Emmi tts• burg, ]ld., and has a large stock of well-seasoned WHITE PINE BOARDS & PLANK of all qualities and prices; also, WHITE & YELLOW PINE FLOOR ING, SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATHS, PAIL INCS, &C, also, an assortment of Groceries, Nails, Glass, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest possible figures,— Thankful for past favors be solicits a contin flan co of the same. A. WAYBRIGIIT. July 21, 1689r2me FOR SALE. . Tag,..ii:edrtireftlr to wbhing andr t r h e t t i 'ro re m s o b i us a in fi e r ss ii claw Millinery & Notion Store. Splendid opening for a fashionable Milliner. Terms easy. Pot particulars addreas MRS. M. DAY'S, July 21.-2 m Chamberiburg, Pa. JOHN C. ZOUCK, Land Agent, NE.W OXFORD, ADAMS CO., PA., Has for Sale 150 Farms, Mills, Foun dries, Machine Shops, Tavern Stands, Country Seats, Store Stands., Town Houses and Town Lots, IN PENNSYLVANIA, DIARYDAND AND OTHER STATES *it - Persons wishing to purchase as well as sell property will do well to call at my office, or address by letter, u they will find it to their advantage. Jane 24, 1868.—tm• A SERYANT FOR ALL Roth's Improvement for Opening, Main, and Latching Gates, MAY be attached to any gate and operated from taiga, team or saddle, by one band, in any de sired direction trom the gate—opened and closed from one point, at any distance from the gate. This Im provement Is simple and cheap, yet perfect and strong will not be disarranged by the sagging of the gate s nor by the frost ratting the posts; may be mad. at a country bisckamith'e, and malty attached to a gate. The undersigned, haring the Right for Adams coun ty, wIU sell Township and Farm Rights of this im provement Also, BOTH k SHANXI AMERICAN LEVEE GATE —which Will be found valuable and convenient to ell who have gates to drive through—as they remain by their team, open close and latch a gate, without the necessity of getting In the wee or loud. For thither Information, da„ address IfRAEL BRICXXR., Measlier& P. 0, Adams on., Pa. May 13.4! INFORMATION FOR MAR . BIRD LA7)138. The undersigned, after suffering the cares of three children much married Lie of Ave yeas, and a con stint ty of them enstrealn having been re stored continued in perfect :gratuity by a very maple remedy, Is anxious to make known to married hags the means of prevention and reglad:Hy of th e neustrtuels. To all who deelre it she will send a cony of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with di notions hr preparing end using the rune, which they will And an regoleilba e hopes every Diarried lady will oblahi the prescript Sh ion, as it will gut them nothing, and certainty prove the source of fres will p groat reliehew f to n= i4 Lattleolleiddog the presulpthfft MBE. !Amu* OLASTIELD, .4111 'kg 511, fr00k1,4111.11 • pistellattous. • • - . . MARSH CREEK PLANING MILL. THE undersigned has established a PLANING MILL on Marsh creek, four maestro. Gettysburg, at which be will manniketure DOORS AND DOOR FRA3IES, WINDOW SASH AND FRAMES, FLOORING, WEATIIERE OARDING, Chair and Wash Boards, with everything elm made at such a factory, and needed In the building ulna. Th. best of lumber will always be used, all thoroughly dried, a kiln having been put np for the purpose. Orders 'arAlcited, and promptly attended to. Prkea as low as the lowest, and every effort made to accom• mcdate customers. 3Ly 20,1869.-1 y WIRE RAILING Wire finardsfor. gtone Fronts, bil,!; y e Asylums, Au.; Iron Bedsteads, Wire . .... - Webbing for Sheep and Poultry Yard*: eines sad Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Screens far Cesar Ores, Sand, Sc., Heavy Crimped Cloth for Spark Arresters; Landscape Wires for Windows, de.; Paper makers' Wires, Ornamental Wire Work, Sc. Every In formation by addressing, the manufacturer.. M. deIphia.WALKER * SONS, No. 11 North Sixth st., Phila- GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF CONNECTIONS On and after Monday, May 11th, 1868, Passen ger Trains wilt leave and arrive at Gettysburg, and make connection. as follows: Mar PASSENGER TRAIN willleaveGettyvburg at 8 15, A.M.,with passengers for York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North and R est, arriving at Hanover Junction without changeofcars, at 10 /5,A.M., connecting with the Fast Line South, o n the Northern Central Itailway, and arriving at Baltimoreat 12 30.:ucion. Also, connecting with Mall train from Baltimore north, arriving in Harrisburg at 1 00, P.M. Arrive at Gettysburg 12 5 P.M., with p3Asengors from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore, and Washington. SECOND PASSENGER TRAIN will leave Gettys burg at 1245, P.M., arriving at Hanover Junction at 2 411, and connecting with Mail train Eolith. Arrive In Baltimore at 5 211, P.M. Arrive at Gettysburg at 4 20; P. 31., with passungers from Philadelplia, liar risburg,andthe North and West and also withpassen gers from Baltimore and Washington by the Fast Line North, which leaves Baltimore at 12 10, noon. Passengers can leave Baltimore in the Mall train, at 0 30 A. M., and arrive in Gettysburg at 1230, P. 31. Of leave Baltimore in the Fast Line at 12 10, noon, end arrive in Gettystinrg at 4 20, P. 11. Bat onechange ofcars either way, viz: at Hanover June tion. A.McCURDY, Buret. May 0,1518, AT GRAND STREET CHEAP STORE, Is; E W YORK CITY. The Largest and Chcapc,d Stuck of STRAW GOODS in this City, without doubt. Millinery Goods, Ribbons, Silks, Flowers, Parasol., Yankee Notions, Skirt., Dress and Cloak Trim mings and Fringe., all nnder regular price.. Ladies' Whalebone Corset; at 30 cts., 73 eta., $l.OO ard upwards, cheap. WY - MILLINERS SUPPLIED. — {66 EDWARD RIDLEY, 360, 311 and 311!;,Cts and, 60, ti and 70 Allen streets, Fifth Block East from the Bowery. June 10,15E3.-3m AGENTS WANTED. LIGHTS& SILIDOWSrf tAc GREAT REBELLIO.N CONTAININr TLrllling Adventure!, Daring De, ds, Startling Exploit a, and Marrdous Escapee, or Spies, Scoots and Detectives. The cheapest, moot compete and intensely Interest ing war book yet published, containingover 500 pages aid numerous engravings. Prict only /2.75. Send for Circular and term!. MAO, FAMILY QUARTO.BIBLE3, beet edition pub. WILLIAM FLINT, PEWMaher, Nu 9u S. Seventh, PhiLulnlphis, Pa. Attg.2l.-Im Fine Custom Made BO:OTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN All the LEADING STYLES un Lana or mule to measure. Prices axed at LOW. FIGURES. An lllus 'usintoo Q, OLIN W. TIPTOA ABLE BARB EE, North-1 Diamond, next door to llcelalL burg. Pa., where he can at all ti to -mend to all hrtzlneeetn t,allent sanlitant and w 111 In, Give him • •11. ACTIVE AND EFFICIENT AGENTS WANTED, Mae 21/, IBG7. trated Price Lint with inetructions for Bel( meesure- went sent on receipt of Post Office address August 21, 1863.-1 y UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. CLA IMMO, as this Company does, some advantages peculiar to Itself, Agents are afforded an easy and surcessful method for securing sulks. A liberal com mission paid to agents, who must tarnish &rat-ems afcrrace, Address, 1). B. Ulopingcr, R. D.. General gent, An: Jun nontn et , Pa. Aug. 28.—1 m AGENTS WANTED Chicopee Sewing Machine. TILLS machine is sold complete with table km wily $35. It makes the celebrated EL kSTIC LOCK STITCH, uses the drop or four motion feed used by all first-class machines. It will hem, fcll, tuck, cord, gather, quilt. bind, embroider, and do every variety of work that an be done on any other machine. We warrant this machine to be the best in the world. It has been de clared to be so by the best judges to ho found,and was awarded the first gold medal, over ono hundred and twenty-two competitors, at Paris. We will give a written guarantee to that effect. Address, with stamp, J. D. ORNE, General Agent, 929 Chestnut at., Philadelphia. Slay 6.--411 m Aug. 29 =ZEE Notice to Capitalists ! PERSONS desiring, of instating, and realiring nearly NINE PER CENT., are rev:traded to call at the Gettysburg _National Bank, AND OBTAIN CIRCULARS OF THE UNION PACIFIC CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COS. GRATIS These investments are daily growing in favor and sales Increasing. AV-BONDS can be had at all times at this Dank ind where all Information concerning laid invest ments will be cheerfully given. Dee.113.1867.-tf J. EMORY" BAIR. Cashier. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK• GOVERNMENT BONDS, of all kinds, BOUGHT and SOLD. BEYEN-TIIIRTYBONDS conyerte4 into FIVE-TWEN TY BONDS without charge. COUPOIIND INTEREST biI_TES CASHED. The HIGHEST PREAIIIIM pa id on GOLD and BIDER. STOCKS and BONDS, of all kinds, bought for petvoaa without CHARGING COMMISSION. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Interest on SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced 1 per cent 5 PER CENT. for I year, 4 PER CENT. for 8 months, 3 PER CENT. for 3 months. Persons wishing Information in regard toll. 8. Bonds. and Stocks of all kinds, are invited to ere as a call, and we will give all information cheerflally. J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier Gettysburg, Oct. 30, 1867-tf THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK GETTYSBURG, 'ENITA., Is agent for the &tie of the First Mortgage Union Pacific Rail Road. 6 PER OENT.QOLD INTEREST BONDS, at par with Intereat'payabla aeml•anooatt7 at oar counter. All neceecary Information given Oettyeburg, N0v.27, 18.67.—tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP GETTYSBURG Lassen on SPECIAL D.SPOEITB as Ibllows! PIM OINT. PIM ANNUM 7 21114111 0Nr Art s, 3 is 0, " 8 WILL CON MT T.SO NOM INTO -2O BONDS AB XrintAL ire* IV awl*: ceint column) terriluier wens k ciotreom will olortirobsioe ee EMUS sad DOM of every kind free or cbAry aa Comailaaloomd wlll all Visas pay the HICIWTHir 141103 tr GOLD AND SILVER, • and with *nun transact alt Imaisissrproutpill keteialbre portant:is W. well regulate! biak. WEL ARNOLD, %shier. ettipbArgiNaT.ll 180141 JOHN D. PROUTZ WM. F. BARTLETT, 11 South Sixth it., above Chestnut PIIILADELPIIIt IN THIS COUNTY TOE nu EiZIMEEI finanrial. IMELEM 0 80. ARNOLD, Osahler WILL ALLOW r ,pmArrum B z'Zt r• d red, &My EIZIEMIt THr tic 41t0 9i.111:192 . d.ey morning, at $2.00 • year Ilia p. 611 within the year. timed notil al} aromas's-. !ton or the pnblish.n. AM'f.B.TNEVENTS orelieurrt A liberal Jr luetlim wqrbel tio,t br ilia quarter, hilt • Ices sesil I. inserted Ai upon. 44-The eirsalakkoi el h I( larger than that ever at In Adania canals ; olb4, cannot be excelled, Joa Woai of all 1'6,4E11 ; and al fairr navel. liand.l,lllo lota, ar , in every Tarlety a abort notice. Terms CON. Vroftsoiatua 11R. R. B. ELDE Ant , ancet to hb tried he Li, rt•torne , l to NKW 8A •t the liut•l. ?tin firrtOWN, w P.0,1' A4..1.1* unty, Pa, 1)11. J. A. ARM' Having locoed UI Ui to all branches of bls profs 11 ill Mlle. whoa bat pro Ile K sia furrows, P. 0.,1' Adams county, Ps. I It. D. JI. ECK2 located •t to sho pub/ir, au,t I,pes t y it re , ; , .1.31.1ntil 4. to tritrit piltr.,:i. 11 R. W. C. 0' If II Lie Utlic• nt by I, et, IWO g.l,ll . ll:kbat• th• Ilya) ekbUig, M.Cy :"J, 1547 j WIN LAWREN ti.t, in Cliamber.bll ..r the Lutheran Church. n ll,t Drug St , ,re, where ht nJ willing to 'attend pny C of the Dentilt Pt•ritons taw mre for itett Itt DR. C. W. L I \3Y.M ED the Practic LITLF:3TOWN, and offers Li Otn,e at hla hou.e, Cqruot Youndry alley , war tha Raflrt glron to Skin Disealea. [Litt VID WILLS, AT L W.Otlce at hi, resid cur ,f Centre Squar•. s i. , y lio7. CLAI3I AGENCY Igned will attend to lb •,tiosr tits U. B.'OOVIMIURSO Berk Pay, Pension*, the C , Ollrt. of Cliales• or before • At Washington. flay 29,186. A ttorney J OS. H. LEFEVE • A I, I TT LESTOW Will priintptly •tteud to Coll Writing of Deeds, Leases. de., entrusted to hi• airOfflee on Frederick .troet ...c--spied by Dr , . horb, 6loser 1,46R.-1{• ACtorneys and C n NIcCONA:UG El -A- , • ate.' JOIINM. KRAUTI. uf the law, .4t hia old omca, on• Drug xtort., Charnberaburg at ree Special attention gireu to 9 S,ttlenieut of Eatatec All Claim. to Pen.ion9, fhpunty, On. agaioit gust. at all Una's, p ly .[tended to. warrant• located. and c 6 in lowA•Tal other western State AJ. COVER, AT . • LAW. will promptly •tt ill cal", Ba.lillain entrusted to I lite, between FahnestoCk a sr . . It orre.ll.tltialore atireet.o-, May '1V.1667. AVM BUEII NEY VT LAW, will proin • “thcr ilfirolnce At his rr.idonce In ti .oponite Lilo Court Rola, (0.1 QURVEYOR AN • Ly CON VEYANCER. The tt • tun out a Convoyancer'a Mean ith the office of COUNTY 8U the Itt rINGOF D NEW, BOND*, A RT IC LES OF AGRENSI /laving badeousldersbleexp•i: hopes to receives liberal abate 1101 • promptly nttoutle4l to and Post office address Fairfield, A May 'l9, (Carpenters and Q =9 C .1 R I' E N T THE undersigned r a- f..ria piiLlic ti lt they Carve ntiug in the Shop furtuerly York street. We are pre In onrllue ofl.usiness and u re establishment ,ta Gettysburg IV, hope by a strict atteati.o t • share of public i.tronaire NEAy 29, 1867.-n WM. C. STILLS GETTYSII URO CARPENTERS & CO ♦re prepared to do all Code of Car I og and erecting bnlidings of sal They keep constantly on hand [NEM DOultS, BIIU TKRS, BLINDS, WINDOW FRAMES, COILNI WINDOW ;AMOK And any other Artiete snthe Seasoned material coast/wily 0 workmen always in readinses with dispatch *l.llr,lors promptly •I totaded IME EU! Bept.lB, 1867.—tr TO THE BUILDING TY AND ALL 0 WHO WISH TO I rIIIIE undersigned r: forma the public undersig ned be All CARPENTERING at his old stand, on West street, ready at all times to sceommods thing done in his line. Its !apt kindsof work tor b. in pa • • terial, and as neatly and cheaply any other establishment in the co Hands always In read/ oar and p rompuumps and dispatch. aiil - Thaukfo I for past favors, he to buCnoot to receive a liberal roil age. 29, 1867 oundry. IMI Attend to your GETTYSBURG F '1"1 oir'e,bgarttriaZlTldiaatilt of caatiugs and. Madames/1y made tico, such as THRESHERS ARD (flye different sites of Power., LERS AND SEPARATORS,OO STRAW AND HAY CUTTffRS; PLOUGH ouch ue Gut Ploughs, 11,tribear .Coro Ploughs; the WIRE-BPI:LINO HORSE the fated Improvement; also t DILICIUSGING I.IOII.6IIRMEL. Ile will Likewise masullectote MOWERS AND RE . METAL BMWS far Misr Pr I m ßON rytklng RAILING lot (Amost kis lins, all it 1114—A Osabars• 11V Apra 11111110-lf