- ' - ummknsmijud.; Axis. 'ilk IsllB. Idseserk ltrirroMi little budded 4:10- tinned 'here the other dup. - which may be of inform' to your readers.A young man, by name PRANK Lantussu. while sitting qtdetly before the door of his place of business was auddenlyaccosted by amen who had just stepped up, with-944k Frank, how's Grant- and Colfax?' Or being carelessly answered, "all right," he'commenced in the regular - "unterrilled manner," denouncing Grant& Ckdhix and every lover of the Union, concluding by telling Frank that he.(Frank) had fought on the wrong 'side by being in the Union army, and that he was one of the Country's destroy= instead of defenders.— When he said this he was standing imme diatelyin hunt of Frank, but in less than zuf time was men getting up about the middle of the street, and striking for the nearest corner, and disappeared from view. This ends ,Act -Ist. The curtain was "drapped," so was the anti-war-man. Act. 2 a s tiF e r ;o ui nsiats of a trial before the Mayor, k gets tots of Democratic justice—is fined $17.36, for the itle i pee. -9r course be did not like this, and felt lit tle sullen at the thought that after fons'Nor five years' bard fighting for his country— against rebel's, he had to take their abuse— or pay them well for the privilege of resent ing. But Act. 3d suddenly lightens the prospect. A letter is placed into Frank's hands, and enclosed in the same envelope was found $17.35, the amount of costa. The letter ran as followS : Dear Sir :—By the enclosed you will find that the same issues which the friends of the Union believed in and sustained during the last war, are as immutable as ever. The part of those principles to which the above has reference, is that part which provides for the payment of all debts occasioned by the whipping of rebels. The principle is the same either collectively or individually. Hoping you will not receive this as a matter of charity, but as a duty, and that when you make any more shots for the Union, YOU will make thew an count equal -3,y well, we are Your Friends &c. I just give you the letter verbatim, as received by Frank. Yours truly, A. S. When a gentleman asked a celebrated divine the other day how long he had been in preparing a certain sermon in which he had displayed even more than his great average ability, the reply was, "A life time, sir!" So if any one were to ask Helmbold, the celebrated New York drug gist, how long he had been in building up and' perfecting that admirable system of advertising which has made him, beyond question, the peer of the merchant princes, he might, with propriety, reply by point ing to the long years that have elapsed since, as a beginner in life, he first invested his gains in the columns of the newspaper press, with a confidence that, like bread cast upon the waters, the returns would be both ample and sure. And, while yet a young man, Heimbold finds hinself a mil lionaire, with a business upon his hands which, despite all the contingencies of trade, is constantly increasing. How much of this success is due to the liberal and ex tended system of advertising, of which this gentleman is the most prominent represen- tative, is not difficult .to ascertain, and is the best argument in vindication of a sys tem which, it is due to say, is every day gaining ground among the live and enter prising business men of the country. Ilehnbold's drug store, No. 594 Broad way, New York city, is in all respects a model establishment, and is pronounced by all who have visited it the finest on the continent. Among the specialties which Helmbold has placed prominently before the public are his now famous Fluid Ex tracts—Buchu and Sarsaparilla. These fluid extracts have been endorsed by the medical faculty, and are quite generally used by physician's. in their private prac- tice. They arc, therefore, genuine pre parations, and as such arc entitled to public confidence. Buchu has long been pro nounced by physicians one of the beat diu- reties known to science, and as compound ed in Etelmbold's Extract is doubtless the - - ten specific for those affections far which it is reoornmende(l,—Exchange. TAKE LESSONS FROM YOUR ENE EOM Mr. Wallace, the chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee, makes it convenient to attend the con ventions held by that party In the dif ferent counties. Itecently he addressed a convention of that kind in Pottsville, wh'ere he addessed the faithful in the following language: I come on business, and if I can meet you as I wish, it may be productive of good. What business is more important than that which tends to the preservation of the lives and property of citizens? I ask the same attention to this in- the spirit which you attend to your private business. The successful merchant attends strictly to the details of his business; likewise the mechanic and the farmer. Politics is a business and must, it we wish to be successful, be attended to with like care and fidelity. Organize from the bottom up, not from the top down. We must pay close attention to the details.— What are those details? Simply, to write down all the names of all Democrats, of all Republicans, and of all doubtful voters.— Have an executive committee that shall at tend to this. Subdivide your election dis tricts, and bring all the weight of your in fluence to bear on the doubtful ones to change them. Go to work and don't blow about it. Do it silently. Hold your tongue about what you do. There is always some one in a locality who is weak-kneed. Go at him carefully and fix him. I come here to urge you to this work. Don't depend on shows, processions and meetings. They don't amount to any thing. Go to your executive committee and it will give you useful work to do. If you fail to make converts, why resolve to organize the Democracy and go as a phalanx to the polls. Take warning by the falling off of your vote in 1867, by Demo crats staying at home. See that every man comes to the polls on the do of election. Bring them if neecessary. This work will tell in its Influence in the coming election. Attend to the men ready to be naturalized. The chairmen of the State and County Committees are powerless unless you join with them and assist. If this work should be done victory will be won. I come to impress upon you the necessity of organiz ing. The material for the work is in the hands of the County Committee. Porta clubs, and.-remember that if we carry the Keystone Mate in October, the West will yo for Seymour and Blair. turning point as October. Let ItepublicaziS - caul OBe,,aw , - A./4e Al' ONCE lannrssovi paper states that a - new bug has made its appearance in that State, whose mission it appears lib be to destroy the potato bug. It is described as being fiat, one-third the size of the potato bug, and yellow or reddish, with black spots. Its mode of operation is to thrust its sword like proboscis into its victim, which is then dragged off to be devoured aj leisure. DILICA.7II persons °nett outlive by half a life-time the robust and the strong, because they feel compelled to take care of them selves, that is, to observe the cause of all their in-feelings, mid habituallyavoid ti “Weill In iplckle noW,” s man In a crowd. "A regular jam," said another. "Heaven preserve us," mourned an old lady. A lux named Tease has married a Miss tirosa id St. Louis. He teased her until she aimed she would'nt be Cross any more. MAT 01 : 1 4;WitiCil contents a maul when youth and follies are pal, can be counted ',success, and all else is failure. MARRIAGE IS like t mOnse-trap, once get into it and you ire in for it, with% very slim dunce of getting out. WHAT Is that by losing an eye has noth tag lett WS awe A.Beihs AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Mt "Eminent Women of the Age," An octavo volume of 630 pages, containing 47 newly writtg Sketches, Means. Parton, Greeley, Giggle. son, ton, Winter, Abbott, Prof. Hoppin, Hrs. IL O. Stantonjanny Fern,Grace Greenwood, etc. Illus trated witr Treen eautiful steel eugraving.s. The Ne w Mk annte nays thoroughly have the publish done their work that their volume in paper, binding, engravings, above all is the ea. of tit sulaect matter, goes far to remove there• proach urged &gablet subscription books—bully made to sell.'" For descriptive circulars, &c., address, -* S.M. BETTS & CO., Hartford, pen'. LAWRENCEVILLE, NEW JERSEY. THE NEXT SESSION will commence on Sept. 100 Send for circular. C. W. NASSAU, Principal. Boarding School for Young Ladies, TN CONNECTION with the STATE 1. SCHOOL, Trenton, New Jersey. Total charges, including board, tuition, and books,ST2.s a year. Po Circular with fall particulars, apply to JOHN S. HART, Principal. Star Agricultural Works. rrillS ALBANY COTTON GIN MANUFACTURING 1. CO., Albany, New York, Manufacturers of Gen eral Agricultural Machinery, comprising the celebra ted "Star , Threshing Machine. • "Star" Railway (or Endless Chain) and Lever Horse Powers ; "Star" Cot ton Gins and Condensers; Circular Crosscut Saw mills ; Vegetable Cutters ; Horse -Hay Forks; Corn and Feed Mills; Power Corn Sheller' ; Dog Powers, kc, kc. We wish to call the particular attention of Farmers to our celebrated "STAR" THRESHER AND CLEAN ER, which, as lately improved, we dal= is far super!. or to any other machine now in market. It is cow. pact and easily portable, simple in its construction, and therefore easy to operate by the most inexperi enced, and will do Its work with marvellous sapidity and perfection, and with comparatively the least de mand upon the strength of the animals driving it. We have made recent improvements in thismachine by which we are enabled to Moro:Wily clean the grain under almost any combination of difficulties, and we are now rising an entirely new and effective device for relieving the feeder of dust, thus making the opera tion of threat:tinges comfortable and safe as with the ordinary machines it is annoying and frequently de- ' structive of health. These Machines are made of suitable sizes for our "Star" Railway 2 Horse Power and for our "Star" Lever Powers for 4 and 6 horses. For sale by our scents and dealers generally. For full particular', send for our Illustrated Descriptive Circular and Price List. Correspondents will please address THE ALBANY COTTON GIN MANUFAC TURING CO., P.O. Drawer 162, Albany, N. Y. CIRCULAR, E very Saw that leavea our Factory Is 011 Tempered and Patent Ground,perfecay true and even, and made of uniform temper by our patent tempering proceea. • A X - E S RED JACKET cannot be excelled. We guaranty they will cut 25 pe r chopper more than common Axes, with less labor to th. /Oil . .. Bend for circular and'prices to LIPP.Oi - UUTT & BAKEWELL, Sole Manufacturer". For oak by principal hardware Dealers. With great indaeemeat■ to agents to co-operate with tie in our Grand One Dollar Sale Sheetings free of Cost to our Agents. Watches free of Coat to our Agents. Sewing Machined free of Cost to Agents. Leather Goods free of Coet to Agents. Liiien Goods free of Cost Went. Agents. Silks and.43hawls free of Coet to Agents. Boots and Shoes free of Cost to Agents. Dress Goods free of Cost to our Agents. GREAT DOLLAR BARGAINS of our CUSTOMERS Send for our circular. Agents wanted everywhere Address HARRIS & PLUMMER, 34 Hanover street, Boston, Maui. WE ARE ON HAND, And will sell more for the money than any Dollar Concern in the Country 'Maur inducements for forming Clubs are more than double that of any establishment in the country. Tor the proof of this assertion, please examine oar Terms to Agents, which are as follows : carefully and compare with the terms g,r getting tip club; as advertised by other establish ments. ANY PERSON SENDING US TWO DOLLARS can receive for the same a selection from the following articles:—Two (not one) 50 picture Morocco Albums. 2 pairs (not one pair) of Congress Boots, 2 pieces (not oqe piece) of Pante Pattern, 2 (not one) 5 bottle Re volving Castors, 2 (not one) worsted Breakfast Shawls, or any two articles (not one article) from oar exchange hat. We Will also send 20 printed notices of artick: for sole at one dollar each. ANY PERSON SENDING THREE DOLLARS, can g receive for the same a selection from the followin art icles :-15 yds. De Leine, 1 white 51arseillse.Vilit, 2 (not one) 100 view Turkey Morocco Albamii, RI yds. Sheeting, Wool Square Shawl, lists (not one set) Gold Bosom Studs, 2 (out one) 'Flair Guard Chains, with gold planted trimmings, (The trimktings of these chains are advertised by other concerns as Gold, which is a deception, as they are all of them gold plated.) 2 (not one) silver plated - chued_Butter Dhhes, 2 (not one) silver plated 6 bottle Revolving Castors, 2 sets I (not one set) Steel Bladed Ulna and forks.; one) Worsted Promenade Shawls, 8 (one c..) lonto e rid plated Cludoss ladies' solid Gold ?...ings, 2(not one) gaiter heavy chased gtild plated Rings. (These rings are advertised by other concerns as solidgold; which fa a fring upon' the pub.. tic.) 8 (not one) black walnut Wont um'e!o;3l=o3 Desks, 2 (not opal nto t ' qualit gat sets (not WO of Await, and SleeVeThitteugi -- • 2 (not one) superior Turit43fOceig.... 2 pairs (not oniS) 02ey We will also send '4p yirsw , • sale at ass dollar *Set .AlfY OEM nut receive lior the some a selection trout the oflowing article. :—A black or colored Alumna Drees Pattern, a Poplin Dress Pattern, l place of Brown or Bleached Sheeting, 1 asgraved (6 bottles) silver plated Revolving Castor, 4ds enpartine Causalmere, extra beery large sized White Quilt, 1 pale gents' Calf Boots, 4 7as. good Wool Frocking B _Snot one) best quality Balmoral Skirts , an sight as lock, made by Seth Thanes, 4 yds. double width Cloth for ladles' Becks or children wear, a silver plated Cake or Card Basket, Per bluff or Cape, Woof Longßhawl, sPleadhl clasp Family Bible, 4 yds. (nbt three yds) doable width eater proof cloaking, 2 mots each (not ruse sat each) Ivory Handle Knives, with Silver plated Yorks, 1 set or Lace Curtains. atite these hints; ire will also sead 60 printed MUeee ej orticta for sok at oat dol/ar each. ANT PERSON SENDING TEN DOLLARS, out re ceive for the mme a selection from the folio arts. the yds. (sot four yds) doable width Cloth kw Cloaking or Costing, 3 (not twn)Bleached Linen Table Cloths, with 2 doz. (not one dos..)lium Dame* Nap kiss, 30 yds. (not ,yds.) Hemp Oarmaleapor extra quality black or colored Alpaca Pat terns, 14 yds. extra quality 'Poplin Dress Petterna Silver Hunting Case Watch new (not emend bambed), 2 dos (not one dos.) Ivory handled steel bladed Knives and Yorks, 1 pr. superior Wool Blankets, atm Par Muff and Cape, 2 (not one) silver plated engraved Ice Pitchers, 9 yds not 7 .4g e.) , Wool Ceedmare Ow suit, 2 dos. (not one doe.) stl butsliver Plated lab; Common Sense Sing Le (the real article, not a base imitation as mod by other civ ie rl i s et: p t two) Roney Comb Guilts, 2 (sot one) Panally Mbles. Ws ssise amidprieted Medea for $2O snicks fir sak at one dollar each. POE LARGER CUBS TER TALIIR ntamisis IN THE SAME RATIO. Our stead Goods is allinew and in good order. .The reship of the hoeds is Mites then thou used by eny Mbar meows della ceresb7.— We are or the opinion that, alter reading the &bore mirietimunent, some puttee will COON to the conchh. Mon that the have been setionly amissdkaby some of the bums Gi n miscues in thls city. - We cannot offer to thepersen eandlng no the largest unonnt of money fors month, a AMR of atom or Watches, as that lea violaibie of the Liwagedast Lot- Series; bat in addition to the shove Sterol tens; we will sell oa r one who may wad as 210, eleven de, item exchange ilet, &El to be sent Lions or der; and tor $2O we will Neil tieenty-two unclog from ear azrebernp Wt. all lobe sent to one order. airdloney seat by iligAstered Lettere ar by Postal Money Order, or Draft at oar MIX Ontologuse sent P. address. P. Again will Seem sent as erbst Anse have apatite their tows or city, and theywill renatire ear most sineers Amok& THOMAS L. FENNO ar, CO., Noe. 52 and 64 Elm Street" Bwke, list" a ._ ~~~~~: riallajg i i 1141M—Bealles t nin, IL J. `DmusAlint lonia at the Diphiammi stry,..ti4 .d. horns Malit fnr bet sad t I ings• Plib• Tits Tory best .a frO o~ttoera is connactloa vrilik's pissasat I= 6l lM:biew beighis Sept. 15th. ForOwdram ur ms , • kin, 401Ett ..1- 116Alkst. AGENTS FOR the Stamisrd andGo maurn or maimit, sad BUM • took for Mel ,libilory swg a work of present Wired sad poolroom, WiPso.lfe Democrat or Conservative ma so wttbontit, — Or boot last andorstaadlas of the brow Won the owwir7 tiwithout mean lc Agents ara e a r o the best opportunity to mate ISOM ever bed the orostirs sol see oar tame AMT= =ofthevrork. tINITID MN= arm 00.,411 Brame otroot, New Tatar - AGENTS WANTED riOH the filandard OicW W OP IXON. SCHUYLNII.OOL7AX. iroNepe id to s just andentending of the petit:ll24 , lmm of the day and endorsed bra* leedersolthelistsfirlinth party. The claim of this stiiteintan to the gratitude of the nation are so clearly est forth in this Tohunettutt none of his admirer. can afford to be without •copy. Bend kw circulars and See our liberal terms. and • fun duet Lion of this greet work. Address lINITZD BTAT YIIIILIBEIT4O 00., No. 411 Broome at., New York. AMIN= WANTED NOR "THE BLUE-COATS, And how they Lofted, /bred and Died lor the Mice, with &bases awd Incidents iw the Great Rebellion."— It contains oser 10.0neAlogravizep and 600 Pricethe widest and cheapest war book pub= only 82.60 per copy. Send stir circulars and IN our terms, and fell description of the work. Address JONES BROTHERS & 00., Philadelphia, Pa.; Cincin nati, Ohio; Chicago, Ill.; or Bt. Lout; Mo. LAWRFZICEVILLE FEMALE SEMINARY A FIRST CLASS MILL, MULAY, GANG and CROSS CIIT SAW S . Common shape, u good as the best. The (COLBITRAPS PATXIP2) X - E PITTSBURG H, PEN. NA., WE HAVE COME rPta6. _Jot. notices of articles for -.at BENDING FIVE DOLLANS,(not six • ZEE MB it ESTATE AGENCY. I haveopened an agency for the 4,• ?F EBTATN, • barisedim with* law! Wino= tat Ciattpliang and wrn attaitkin to tam ' - Examination of Titles, Con- veyaacing & -Investment of money. Parties wishing te oath or kai Leda may lad it by their advantage to WI. award Farms and Woodland No. 1, PAIOX $l.OOO ♦ GOOD /ABM, 25%) ACM, TOR 26,000 • 1"11•01', 90 maims, TO; $l,BOO In the neighborhood of Getty'burg—also, property In town lb r sale Attorney at Law Get tntttirg..7nly 10.1861 E—tr. FARMERS!!! TRY THE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE! pie composed principally of the celebrated Amino ALTA VELA. Contains three per cent. of AMMONIA, an ample quantity to give activity (ffthout injury) to the vege tation, and a Large quantity of soluble BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, together with Potash and Soda, the meMatial elements of a COMPLETE MANURE. The high reputation It has obtained among the many thousand farmers who are using it in preference to all other kinds, is a mire guarantee of its value. 'PRICE $56.00 PER TON. Send for a pamphlet Address TEE ALTA. VELA GUANO CO., 67 Broadway, New York. July 31, 1868.—1 y BUILDERS Look to your Interest. m u& undersigned still continues in the Lumber ba l. slims, at his old tend 3% miles east of Emmitts btivg,llll., and has a s large'stock of wellemuoned WHITE PINE BOARDS dr, PLANK of all qualities and prices ; also, WHITE & YELLOW PINE FLO01?- ING, SHINGLES, ,PLASTE.RING LATHS, PAILI2VCS, &a, also, an assortment of Groceries, Nails, Glass, kc., all of which will be sold at the lowest possible figures.— Thankful for past favors be solicits a continuance of the same. A. WAYBRIGHT. July 24, 18811.-2m* FOR . SALF 4 T HE undardgned wishing retire from bgriueu,will cell the agtlrs ) !lock and Ilztaree of a Sret elan Millinery & Notion Store: Splendid opening for • Endrioneble Mllllaer. TIMM! easy. For particulars address MRS. M. DAVIS, July 24.-Sm Chambereburg, Pa. Hand Book of Politics for 1 8 . BEADY IN JULY. (JPEOIALLY adapted for ass In the coming Pran dential campaign. Will contain all the matter In the Political Manuals of 1866, 1867, and 1868. Com piled from onlcial sources. Will give the whole Po =mak Action or VIZ GoTzliwitiLVT, and of Parties, in cluding Impeachment, Reconstruction, General Po lines, Platforms, Acceptance of Candidate., Ac., from April,lB66, to July, 1868. Tables on Debt and Taxa tion, Revenue and Expenditures, Banks, Southern Re- Otration and Votes. Election Table, from 1860 to date. 400 pages, Svo, cloth, $2.60, poet paid. The Political Manual for 1868,eeparately, cloth, $1 , paper cover, 76 cents, poet paid. Subscription, will be received at the Do ,k-sore of A. D. BUEHLER, Gettyabarg, Pa. [July 17.. t Attention, Housekeepers 1 WASHING MADE EASY. HAVING the agency kw Adams county for JACK SON'S UNIVERSAL WASHING COMPOUND. Patented Jau.10,1866, I respectfully invite the atten tion of Ladies and Hotmekeepme to it as the most eceneedsel and •IllaSbk• WasWtig *lmpound ra use. does not inJure the most de licate fabric; preserves and Axes the colon; removes paints, grease and stains of all kinds. Give it a trial and you will use nothing else. Family Eights RI each. For further information apply to CHAS. H. STALIAMITH. 113„..I have been informed that parties in several parts of the county are selling what purports to be Jackson's Compound. AN I have the exclusive right to Adams county, all persons are hereby warned spinet selling or purchasing from other parties, Aug. 7, 1868.—tt GRANITE-YARD; GETTYSBUROCA., ON RAILROAD, NEAR FREIGHT DEPOT. PETER BEITLER Is proposed to furnish GRANITE, for all kinds of BUILDING AND MONUMENTAL PURPOSES, at remionable rates— Curbing, Sills, Steps, Ashlers, Posts, Monuments, Ceme- WBlocks, &c., &c., cut and finished In every style desired, by best of workmen. I EMI .Orders from a distance promptly attended to. June 3.—tf JEREMIAH CULP, GETTYSBURG, PA., Undertaker & Paper-Hanger, I. prepared to furnish on short collfo ar4l reasonable 111=r1 QW.ZIVS.OR.ALL STYLES. lie keens on hand a large assortment of WALL PAPER, which he mensal. lowest cub rites, and if de• aired will tarnish hands to plat lion the wall,' PLAIN & FANCY SIGN PAW -72f154.3T,0 rITETI TO oft,im.iip York ir!reet7aao £~r# 4 ~ 45 w.utkariin mir Vr ... & FEED. T WELL be le Gettysburg with lionr.ke,erery NON 1. DAT and FRIDAY le meth week. Persons who may desire me to furnish them with either FLOUR OR FEED-STUFF, will leave their orders, either with John L. Tate or Darner .It. Zeigler, gating the kind and quantity wanted, when the tame will be dellyered at their dwellings, by SW. 2b, 18041.-41 GEORGE GINGF.LL. ROBERT D. ARMOR ) GAS FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, Mad Middle sired, AQ/a amen frow tAo CbartAcww, GETTYSBURG, PA., WILL promptly' attend to all or dm in his line. Work dace In the puma maths beton inicanw, alai at prices as law as can possibly be idrords4 bowlike a living. GAS PIPE inraiskal, as .well ma Chandellen, Dratkats, Drop Lirl . e.; also WATER TIPI, at Top lad Prort g and,in short. everything Wmeng to poor water (:tomes. edD 121 ella h and hawk& if desired. Looks of an bads rapairaa . [Dar. 25,1807.4 f ~~t~ 1~Yli:~~/A~41i~1II LIGHMII SELDOM tif ORRA2'REBELIJOLT. ri °STAINING TbritUng Adventures, Dazing Deeds, V Startling Isr*ite, and Marvelous Beaspou of Spies, Sonata and Deactires. no obsesses; molt consptets and Intensely Irderesd, Swim book jot published. eoutalatugovor 600 paps sad 111111111110411 ongreeinga Price' only NM Seed ler circular and terms. Also, /MOLY QUARTO BIBLE{, bestedltiso pub. litho& WILLIAM- FLINT, publisher. No. IS & Sevently, INsUadisighla, Pa. Aug. 21.4-Ina GETT YSBURG FP.m A TAI The met sonisi of this Institut' will onzussnon ess niSsl4 . llo Ws* ► Valistibfr ow Nor lamas- Ott , wive Mori ts P - 49 51 411 1 19 • or 6411.6140 4111110.461 TZB AT GRAND • - (S AP STORE t Nzwr)lo(VET•r• •••• , -,TAlf.Zoipve*eneftpligapstat Stock of GOODS .in Otis city, without doubt. Millinery Goods, Gibbose, Silks, lionsis, Parasol'. Yankee Notions, Skirts, Drees and Cloak Trim. ' minis and Fringes, all nnderrognlar prices. UAW Whalebone Genets, at 50 eta., 76 ets., $l.OO, and upwards, cheap. iiirKILLINERt3 SUPPLIED.-18R EDWARD =LIT, 800, 811 and 31134 Gl and, 66, 68 and 70 Allen street', Fifth Block Nast from the Bowery. Jane 10, 1868.—lbn GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF CONNECTIONS Oa and after Monday, May 11th, 1868, Passen ger Train* will leave and arrive at Gettysburg, and make connections as follows: . . . FIRST PABBENGEHTILAIN wlllleaveGettyabtuit at 8 16, A.M., with passengers for York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North and Nat, arriving at Hanover Junction without change arum, 1110 15, A.M., connecting with the Fast Line South, on the Northern Central Railway, and arriving at Baltimore at 12 30,:n00n. Also, connecting with Mail train from Baltimore north, arriving in Hartilburg at 1 00, P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg 12 30, P. M., with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore, and Washington. R. G. IioeRRARY, SECOND PASSENGER TRAIN will leave Gettys burg at 1245, P.M., arriving at Hanover Junction at 2 40, and connecting with Mall train South. Arrive in Baltimore at 6 20, P.M. Arrive at Gettysburg at 4 20, P. M., with passengers from Philadelphia, Har risburg,and the North and West and also with paseen germ from Baltimore and Washington by the Past Line North, which leaves Baltimore at 12 10 noon. Passengers can leave Baltimore in the Mail train, at 8 90 A. M., and arrive in Gettysburg at 12 30, P. M. Or lease Baltimore in the Put Line at 12 10, noon, and arrive In Gettysburg at 4 20, P. M. But onechange ofcars either way, viz: at Hanover Junc tion. R. McCURDY, Stip't. May 0,1868. READING RAILROAD, MONDAI, AUGUST 3d, 1868 Great trunk line from the North and Northwest of Philadelphia, Now York, Heading, Pottsville, ' Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin,Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Wiz, Lancas ter, Colombia, Az., Sc. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows: At 2.60, 5.26 and 8.10 A. M, 12.20 noon, 2.05 and 9.36 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 5.00, 10.00 and 11.45 A. M., and 310, 6.55 and 9.50 P. &1.- Sleeping Care accompany the 2.50 A. 31. and 9.36 P. M.: Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Minersville, Ashland, Shamokin. Pine Grove, Al lentown and Philadelphia, at 810 A. M., 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal Way illa tions; the 4.10 P. M. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. Eor Potteville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via. Schnylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 P.M. Returning: Leave New York a t 9.00 A.M., 12.00 noon, 5.0,) and 8.00 P. M., Philadelphia at 8.15 .4. M. and 3.30 P. M.; Sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 A. M., 6.00 and 8.00 P. M. trains from New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at? .80 A. M, connecting with sim liar train on last P 011216. Rs 11- mall, returning from Reading at 6.30 P. 31., stopping at all Stations; Pottsville at 7.00 and 8.46 A. M. and 2.45 P.M.; Shamokin at 5.25 and 11.20 A. M.; Ashland 7.00 A. 31.,12.43 noon and 1.65 P.M.; Tamaqua at 8.30 A. 31,2.15 and 4.35 P. M. Leave Pottsville, via. Schuylkill and Sosquehanna Railroad at 7.10 A. 01. for Harrisburg, and 11.90 A. AI, for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves Reading at 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 5.13 Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Potts town at 0.45 A. 41 , returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P.M. Columbia Bail Road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 A. M., and 6.15 P. M. for Ephrata, Lilly, Lancaster Columbia, &c. Perkiomen Ran Road Trains leave Perklomen Junc tion at 9.00 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Returning: Lear. Skipipack at 8 10 A. M., and 1.26 P. M , connecting with simlar trains on Reading Rail Raid. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 P. M., Phila. delphla 8.00 A....sLand 3.15 P. M., the 8.00 A. M. Train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8.00 A. M.; liar rhiburg 5.25 A. M. and 4.10 and 9.3.5 P. M., and Read. log at 1.10, 2.65 and 7.16 A. M. for Ilarri•bnrg, and 7.08-A. M. and 11.4.0 P.M. for New York and 415 P.M. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Rs cur elan Ticket', to and from all points, at reduced Rata. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. 0 A. NICOLLB, General 8 upertutendent Reading, Pa, Aug. 3,1868. A. SERVANT FOR ALL Roth's Improvement for Opening, Closing and Latching Gates, MAY be attached to any gate and operated from buggy, team or saddle, by one hand, in any de aired di'ection from the gate--opened and closed from one poit t, at any distance from the gate. This im proretnerA is simple and cheap, yet perfect and strong; will not be disarranged by the sagging of the gate, nor by the frost raising the posts; may be made at a country blacksmith'', and easily attached to a gate. The undersigned, baying the Right for Adams coun ty, will sell Township and Perm Rights of this Im provement. Also, ROTH & SHANE'S AMERICAN LEVER GATE —which will be found valuable and conrenient to all who hare gates to drive through—as they remain by their team, open, close and latch a gate, without the necessity of getting In the wet or mud. Fur further Informstion, address ISRAEL BILICKILL 'Amy o.—Sr Stxmoffllell T. U., MUMS CO., !IL JOHN C. ZOUCK, NEW OXFORD, ADAMS CO., RA., Gettysburg, Pa. Has for Sale 150 Farms, Mills, Foun dries, Machine Shops, Tavern Stands, Country Seats, Store Stands, Town Houses and Town Lots, IN PENNSYLVANIA, MARYDAND AND OTHER STATES .ItV'Tersone wishing to purcluirer well u /ell property will do well to call at my office, or address by letter, u they will find it to their advantage Jane 24,1868.-4 ms . MARSH CREEK PLANING MILL. THE undersigned has established a PLANING MILL, on Marsh creek, four miles from Gettysburg, at which he will manufacture DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES, WINDOW SASH AND FRAMES, FLOORING, WEATHERBOARDING, Chair and Wash Boarde, with or,lar,ything else made at such a factory, and heeded in'the building line. The beet of lumber will always be need, all thoroughly dried, a kiln Laying been put up for the purpose. Orders solicited, and promOtly attended to. Prices as low is the lowest, and every effort made to scum modate crlstaroere. JOHN D. PFOUTZ. May 20,1868.-1 y WIRE RAILING, Wire Onardsfor Stone Fronts, Asylums, Sc.; Iron Bedsteads, Wire •••.; •-• Webbing for Elb.lop and Poultry Yards; Brase Iron W i re Orr, 7.t0t., Sieves, Fenders Screens for (kg s c . Heavy Crimpe d Cloth tog-qgs-' - Ari ' estera; LandYCApe Wires Sr inagVyAir% maksrq'lkix*Oniamental Wire Woek,§a; formation : lipg addressing 'thq, lump. WAripai.k 84"113, IScrO• dekeb.6,1868.-ly. - FOR _MAR RIED NF° 9 DIATION LADIES. The undersigned, after suffering the area of three children during n married life of fire years, and a con stant irregularity of the menstrual', having been re stored and continued in,perfect regularity by a very simple remedy, is anxious to make known to married ladies the means of prevention and regularity of the menstrual,. To all who derire It she will rend a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with di. rections for preparing and using the same, which they will Bed an intelible regulation. She hopes every married lady will obtain the prescription, as It will coat them nothing, and certainly prove the source of great relief to many. Ladles desiring the prescription hue will please address MRS. SARAH R. CLARYIELD, June 10 —3m Box SC Brooklyn, It. T. Wool Wanted. THE highest market price will be given ibr - Wool, by DIIPHORN & SOIIWAN, N. W. canker of fignere, Ciettyslnkrg, Jake 3.—tr gooP Akio. 628"°°" SKIRTS. 628 WM. T. HOPKIN'S "OWN MAKE" osErsToRE SKIRTS," are the beet and Oakum: Low Pima Hoop Skirts in the market. Trail Skirts, 26 spin" $1.00•. 30 springs, 3/30; sad 40 goings, MAUL Plain iikirb, a sprte, 20 evangel, 30Pute; iikeprinip,96(honts t 60 g 55,31.16; aid 36 *dap. 31. W. Werroded *s eve qtar m gr e ClN Make' of "ONION SKIRTS," lieu Pat T a T i ntLroolje 1 0 5 80 0 111111 X, from t 0 9, t , 0 o ttz $2.00. These ars better than thosesold by other establillunests as ant class goods, and at me* lower , prim. "On r OWN Make' of "CHAMPION SHUTS" are in every way superior to all other Heap Skirts beibre the public, and only have to be examined or worn to °amines every one of the fact. Mannhotorad of the beet w ilnen-finished English Steel Sprinp, very in• perbar ta, and the style of the mobile fastenings and manner at securing them imrpase for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this country, and are lighter, more elastic, will wear loops. Five more satiabcbon, and are really cheaper than all others. Shwa bay sktadd fry Una They an being sold extensively by Merchants throistions thb and the adjelning stabs at very moderato prices, /f yen want the bawl, ask ibr .Hopldn's Champion Skirt." If yon do not and the, get the merchant with whom yob deal to order them Los you, er twine or bind greet to as. Merchants will and our dlNerent grades of Skirts molly what they need, and we especially invite them to ;all sad examine caw extensive assort meat, or sand fats Wholesale Price List. To bilked at Retell at Nannateto e ry and of the Re tail Trade generally, and at WhOesele of the Mena ihstwer only, to edam all orders should be addreetaL sad 1i631011T AND Nitialonall idADa. M PT, esk o Mk W. 70;44" 1 1 . = rpm SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Land Agent, Mil ..eturers. M. Sixth at, Phila. 0 ITN .1"41 COMPOUND'I PDX TUX MX OP PUTRIDSOBR ntltilla INIPLUIXNZAs . air imgr- Xmas of the Threet,ll. gee l . abo,llOAXLIff PlTSX.Plalisarbefia • TaOtraililThet4 OASES, beam known to if tit to ditstalossi. It Is varfaatad to sm. Glyn= m and It winos*. br 'bait Ivory hciasebaldshoabl prorate assails". with a basal Oda sadlets• sad heap buly on it hands. The eve that It has elteet•d are sad sold by lialda UM X 00, Oat. tyst4=ln by their aatbarlsad agents. for sale at netitiy all Om atoms la /dams 6ga:iv. Kay 211.1147.-tf MAU YOT & 00. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DUPONOOII GOLDIII PIRIQDICAL PILLS YOB FEMALES. Inaßible in ourrecting Irregu larities, &miming Obstruotious of the Monthly Turns, from whatever Cause, end always sneeessral as a Pro. ventive. Females peculiarly satiated, or those supposing themselves so, are cantimed against using these Pills while in that condition lest they 'quoit' mirear siege," after which admonition, the Proprietor IMMO no responsibllltr, although their mildness will prevent any mischief: to health. Prfte $1 per Box. /Vs Boxes $5. Sold by J. W. 1111117,1, Drsoriet,llole Agent for Get tysburg, Pa. Ladles, by sending him St through the Post Mlles, can have the Pills eel!, (confidentially ' ) by Mall, to any part of the countri "free of pottage.•" April 29,1808.-1 y ALL AROUND THE WORLD! The First Premium of a Silver Medal was awarded Barrett's Hair ReStorative By the N. H. State Agricultural Society, at its Fair holden inNaahan t Sept. 20,1866. BARRETT'S VEGETABLE HAIR RE STORATIVE restores gray Hair to its natural color. Promotes the growth of the Hair. Changes the roots to their original organic action. Eradicates Dandrul and Humors., Prevents Hair falling out. Is a superior Dressing. It contains no-injurious ingredients, and Is the moat popular and reliable article throughout the East, West, North and South. J. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietors, Manchester, N. H. Vl_Pold by Dr. R. Horner, Gettysburg; J.B.Taugb inbaugh, Hampton; Hartman and Radler, Peters burg ;:Snyder t Bon, Littlestown, and Druggists gar letk. Ig, IUL-1y THE GREAT CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE. L 1866. L. THE GREAT Zingari Bitters. fp111.9 WONDERFUL REMEDY seas discovered and Introduced about twenty years ago by Dr. B. Cheopsue, an eminent Egyptian physician. Ile had long seen and felt the want of some remedy which would strike at the root of disease. and so prevent much ofthe suffering which the human fami ly was then compelled to endure. This great question seas presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as he moved among the sick anddying, and observed the Inefficiency of nearly all the remedies then In ase. Thai he was led to think and experiment; and afterten years' study and labor, be presented top his fellow-man the wonderful Zinger' Bitters. The effect or this preparation In the pre vention and care of disease was so marvelknu and astonishing, that the most liattering marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it.— Ms name was placed upon the Roll of Nobles, and • gold medal with the following inscription—Dr. B. Cheopaus, the Public Benefactor—wee presented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in several epidemics of cholera, both as a preventive and curative mene t:ire, and with such great encomia, that it has been in. troduced into nearly all the general hospitals of the old world. The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth • pound of cure, applies with marvellous force to cholera, and therefore any remedy that will protect as agalnet this terrible disease should be freely and persistently rued. All pathologists now agree that the cholera poison acts on the system through the blood, and that any combination which acts on the excretory organs, and keeps them in working order, must prevent a eu Cadent accumulation of the poison to exert its terrible effects on the organism. This is true not only of cholera, but of nearly all other maladies, especially the different forms of fever. The Zingari Bitters Is Just such a remedy as the above conditions require. It act, on the organs of excretion and secretion, keeping. up a perfect bal ance between them. This Bitters is composed en tirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ Is acted upon and put in tone. Its taste is pleasant and its effects prompt andlasting. Numerous cases of the following diseases hare Wen cured by it: Cholera, Diarrhma, Dysentery, Bc4idula, Typhoid and Typhus lever, Fever, Ague, Nervbrui Debility, Anaemia, Female Irregularities, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Colic, Ac. Price One Dollar per quart Bottle. Principal Depot at the Waluutetreet wharf, Hat rleburg, Pa. Sold by Drags-We, In i kiwe and Oreeirew. endly. '133612"..7. to may 29,1867. Rarrt•bort, Ps. Speer's Standard WINE BITTERS! FOR THE WEAX, FOR THE PALE, FOR THE SICILY, FOR ?HE ARID, FOR FEMALES, FOR SPRING USEIII Offi - l' , To Bitters equal to them !-ESP,, SPEER'S STANDARD WIVE BITTERS, -MADE OF Wine, Herbs and Roots. Speer's Celebrated Mae, so well knows, with PERUVIAN BARK, CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, BEAKS ROOT WILD CHERRY BARK, GINO SR, sad each other HERM aad ROOTS u will t• ell rear assist Dlgestkm, promote the Becretkaa of the op". tem in the natters! &manias, sad gine TONE, A VIGOR TOTEM Young and' 00, Male and Female ! AIL as it with wonderful Sllceer. Briny COLOR To the pale whit* lip, BLOOM AND BEAUTY To the thin face and care worn mantesteue. Oates /EVES. and Create* APPPraTI. Try them. Bee none oth.er. Ask for OPEPLI,B STANDARD BIT TEES.rre S'ad bY Brilitt le e et_ I - 4 , w 0 1 G en . See that my oi or d er e e rk of eac h bottle. Passaic, N. 7, mad 243 Broadway, New Tack, ihs..Trade supplied by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY k 00., Philadelphia; GEORGE A. KELLY, Pittsburgh and by all Wholesale Dealers. July 10,1868. Rept 4,1867.4 y gludograph aIX tB. r w wi rm,w r m, PROT'O4BAPH3, PHOTO MIXIATURES AMBROTYPES, Stereoscopic. Views of the BATTLE-FIELD, STEREOSCOPES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, AND ALBUMS GREAT VARIETY, , AND AT GREATLY BEDUeED PRICES. ws"al la "alit hat the hereof Its kind. can lad ezoralae oar stook. • 0. J . TYSON, April I, 1141L—tt proprietor. R EMOVAL! THEGIIT TyssuRGMLIGHTGALIIIIRY. TIM undersign ed takes pleasure In announcing to t da tum oftlettrlinti sad the public Mond i r that k• hes reinoved *oat Ids old rooms on West hi ddie to Saithnore street and nearly opposite the li Realism The rooen he cow oeespieea me boonfitted up expreudy for his business. The lo cation an ad • minable one , enabling kho take picture" In ell an ahadm y wh o e f r w e I d e , ,a with ""taa"lnglanad L/112-LIKI PROTOORITHB. of OM ofoo owl Oulettio 'executed in the taut etyle eartieular anon to the Cht.MaDi• namend is copying MB d&V euzll bearbarrissal. Abe*. , 222 warplane latin4 a new style otplature valet ba g biome verypepa lar with the public, not only br their beauty, blu er akaaf M a and a elfoolibma. Auxrus be On an POllO/14121 PlO nue w e ••iiir iNtir sa and &TIMM, agt ity,il : IdOKrn. BOOTS & SHOES, LINEN COLLARS, COTTON STOCKINGS, GLOWS, HANDKERCHIEFS, POCKET BOOKS, T keep Gentlemen's Wear of all kinds and will sell than at the Boot and Shoe Emporium, BALTIMORE STREET, TWO DOORS ROUTS OF ME PRESBYTERIAN Taz undersigned bas just returned from the city with the best and . cheapest variety of Boots, Shoes and Guitars, for Spring and gummier, ever of tend In Gettysburg. His stock consists of LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITE RS', LADIES' COMMON GAITZRB, LADIES' KID SLIPPERS, all styles, LADIES' MOROCCO BALMORALS, IN LAILGIL VARIETY. GENTS' MINOR CALF BOOTS, GENTS' AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS' KIP BOOTS, GENTS' CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTS' CALF BALMORALS, GISTS' SLIPPERS, all styles, GENTS' BROGANS. As., At. MISSES' CONGRESS GAITERS, MISSES ' BALMORAL GAITERS, MISSES' MOROCCO BALMORAL'S, Se., Se., Se., Se. 1 BOYB' CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORAL/3, BOYS' BROGANS, Ac., Am. INFANTS' SHOES, all styles, IN LARGE VARIETY. Also, Boots and Shoes of hlsowi! ensannicture 00b. ♦ll will be sold at the lowan living profits. Buy ers, from tows and country. are invited to call and examine good. and prices before purshasLog where, feeling confident that I can please ell who may call. The MANUFACTURING of Boots Shoes, and Gal ten, will also be carried on, in all its Muncher, as be lora. Repairing done an short notice: By employing norm bat first.cLiss workmen, and using nose bat the choicest leather, be feels confident of maintaining his Ibrmer reputation. Certainly nothing will be let un done to deserve It. It -Tbankful for put favors, he solkita s continu ance of public patronage. D. H. ILLINGEL. Gettysburg, April ^Z, 1863.-tf THE LATEST STYLES 07 SPRING AND BIIMMILIt Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Jut realised by ROBERT C. COBEAN, C7tamberaburg Street, First Square, GETTYSBURG, PENNA., Where the public can find a large and varied awn ment which he is selling cheap. Re also manatee. tures and repairs HARNESS, of all kinds, promptly and on reuanabje terms. Bridles, Halters, Trunks Valises. Whips, Cigars, and a variety of no. How, give u a all [April 29, CUNNINGHAM A 1,4 W _y l u ti r : A n IN STILLING I C.HTEAP CLOTHING AND Gent's Furnishing Goods, at his Store BALTDIORE STREET, GETTYSBURG, PA. The pail* are respectfully invited to call and ex amine his large and well selected stock of Goods • Awe purchasing elsewhere. COME ONE AND ALL,. • and treat yourselves to a good snit of Clothier. July 31,1868.--tf SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING. GEO. ARNOLD b•• now owned • LARGE BTOWC of READY-MADE CLOTHING, mostly of lawn mannnwhoe,ecaudsting °Waft's./ COATS, PANTS & VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, • HOSIERY, &C.; AT PRIORS TO nu TER TIRES. •i"O•ll,e:•mine matijodso for you rsolvasMia April 22. 1868.—ti ALFRED OPIUM, New Boot and Shoe Store, D. KITEMILLER & BRO., GETTY§BURG, PENNA., YOBS BMW, OPPOSITE THE BANK. mHI undersigned hays opened a new Boot and 1 Shoe Barr% on York street, aetromarg, in a nd trona rsoently occupied lay Bosom ittaintmeir. nd bay* just neared host the any • lam, assort. nerd at BOOTS& SHOE§ ton GENTLEMEN, LADIES it OWL DRENS' WEAR, - Consisting of Calf &Kip Boots, Congress & Balmoral Gai ters, Slippers, &o. W. also MANIITALTURB TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES—OIe work being made up of best materials and by list clam workmen. The sauna partner boo been in the business Sar over 16 pars and pasairdly soperlateads all work mad, u p. we reepectfally halt* the attention of the public to j oar establidunent, and bops by strict attention to basinais and by selling at lowest cash prices, to ere entire satistsetkm. BLVD, KITTAILLUIL Jaa•24, 111611.—1 f JAZ08,A.1.122/dmjui, NEW CL - 0 4 r HING AT ZOOMMRHOFF'S: STACKS OF THEM ! . =O!1 , ooroor of Or Disomind and boa Jost returned hum the city with innumally attroottv•moortment or OLOTH/NG POE IrPRZNG & &MKS* WILE, which he will sell at such prioss as cannot fall to take them of very rapidly. Qui and judge for your. selves. To look at the excellent matal, tasteful cattle g t and neat and enbenutthd sewing, and then to pt kb low prloss—oallen cannot help but buy, wise they see Mao aux& to their interest to do so. Us lisseosts, Pants,:ffesta,ofall styles and stated. alea , Rata, Boots - and shoes; eith7oof all kinds, Hosiery, Glove, Handlter eak Ties, °mate, Linen and PiiperOellara, lose deer, Brushes, Omaha ; Snub, Valises. iltabtellas, Pocket Knives, Beam !hacking and Mewin Tobaeeoe,Pipes, Stationery-lte, Cloths, Watches, Jewelry, with a thousand and imeetiMeartieles, entirely too numerous/ i to detail la .a newspaper advertisement. Me esti tEI attention of the public *his nilii a , andident that it will please-Ind re, oat cep 4911 dieiller i , Dow3ferffett eplerw—oorner o or Stinting fllelflamond 6 f 1) . *Up. J 40014 M. • READ -QUARTERS FOR CLO TIII NG, SATS AND CAPS, AND Every, kind of Gentlemen's Wear, SUCH AS PAPER CUFFS, EVER BOSOMS, TRAVELING SACKS, InktBREM, A R, CANES, &c., &c. LOWEST CASH PRICES ALSO Boys' Hats & Shoes, in great variety. tai.Blre me a all before purctuuMg elm, when Apdl 22, 186T.-tf TARO. Q. NORRIS KLINGEL'S CHURCH. 'tautly' on hand El ogibist ow, situ* at. BOOTS AND SHOES. NSW ESTABLISHMENT. TV' leregired has erected nom fbr Boot andllhoe liataddlalnneW4 , oe-et., sear the Itailroed Station, in Mien he ma offers lbe We, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slip . pers, &c., &c., kr men, women and children, of different et lea and prim. He lis• a Awe eseerbseot to select from, aid will sell every article at the mulled profits. WOkE tIADI SO 011D18, of the best materlale and vockananahle. Beery effort made to render eatction. The patronage of the peddle Is seticited. OLIM, end select from his stock or leave your mou ton. In either cue you cannot 'Unto blinks/W. July 17,18438.--17 JOHN N. HZILINO. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLE OF HAT.S FOR 1868. S• S. M'CREARY frosh sad general seeortmeat ot J HATO, inedading rho very latest style. flan S il k Geadmere, and Soft Par emu • and alw, d large /apply of dna and low priced Wool HATS and OATS Air N en and BOYS. Ile lathes Ms Meade lad thopublie to eye him call. [April 92, 1147.--ti confections, gm, 44000, at. Let all the People Come 1 `Fancy Goode and Confectionery More. -_-... THE undersigned, having bought out J.lll. Warne es Fancy Goods and Confection. cry Store, on Baltimore street, nearly opposite Fobs *stocks' Store, Gettysburg, Invites the public'. panto. age. Large and tasteful as the stock hu been, no effort will be spared to render It still more attractive and cleanable. He now offers Writing Desks, Plain Candy, Work Boxes, . Fancy Portiblks, Pickl do., eit Satchels, Bardines, Pocket Books, Lobeters, China Top, Chow-chow, Pocket Cutlery, Fancy Cakes, Jewelry, FerenaCrackers, Chess, Wine Biscuits, Brusher), kinsman do., " Perfumery, Wire Works, Soaps Pens A Pencils, Combii, Writing Papers, Fruits, Stivelopea, Nuts, Tobacco t Snare, Symp., to to.,tr., "TOO NIIMIIIOIIII TO O ME NTION." He intend, to sell everything at the lowest pout. Die prices. believing that "entail profits" bring "quirk sales," and are therefore best for buyer and seller.— ..Come ooe—como all !A. B . FBIBTEL. April I, 11368.—tf THE VERY BEST! Bierbower's Segar Store, GETTYSBURG, PA., NORTH-ZAFT CORNER OF THE DIAMOND. THZ undersigned, thankful for put Lyon, ra speetfully calls the attention of the public to hla imoortmeot of Segars, Smoking & Chew ing Tobacco, Pipes, &c., which he is prepared to sell d the lowest Wring prices, WHOLESALD AND RITAIL. Ile wtil keep on head THE BEST BRANDS, and will manufacture for gen eral sale throughout the County. Remember the piece, In the Diamond, between Brisk arbor, Store and McCießees HoteL WASHINGTON BLIKELBOII7I Aug. 14,1868.-0 E. H. MINNIGH, CHAMBERSBURG STREET, next door to the Keystone Hotel, GETTYSBURG, PA., Confection, Periodical and News Depot. Tho Daily Papurz cenalltnnore. rnuauelptua, New York, and choice Magazines. All kinds of Confections, Can dies, Oranges, Lemons, nits, &c., ccestantly on 'hand ICE CREAM & CAKES supplied to h nlli es and parties at shortest rates March 25.--tt, PH(TOGRAPH ALBUMS, LADIES' COMPANIONS, TOILET SETS, WRITING DESKS, PERFUMERY, FANCY CHINA & BOICaI,i.N VASES, TOYS, &C., &C., &c, AT A. R FEISTEL'S, Opposite Fern estoeks' Store. GottTilburg, April I,lS6&—tf JOHN M, MINNLGH Diamond Ctmfectionery & Ice Cream Baioon DALTIMOBII Street, two doors above Conti* Square, Gettysburg, Pa. Raving returned 15.0111 the city with a full stock ofConisctionery, I will nil at them.y keel* profite—including FRENCH & COMMON CANDLES, Lantons, Nu et, Toys, Notions, lc., and nay thing barging to a first-class Confectionery, with OAKES • it D AND LYNONADZ. Also, ICE CREAM supplied on short notice as 9o.—tf CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM SALOON. JOHN GRUEL, ChambersburgSt., Gettysburg, nett door to Nagle HoMd. Having completed Me my belkliag, kas opened the et let t assortment of Coalectioas emir oared to pet. erg, Melodies ENCH AND COMMON CANDLES, To ff s, Picts, do.; sad everything belonging to a find elau Oonibetkeera, with wadal sooommeastioas ibr Ladles and Genthnnan. ICE , CREAM supplied es shortest nods leb.l2.—t[ JO: is aintvart, TIN-WARE AND STOVES• THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TIN-WARE IN THE COUNTY, S. G. COOK'S, (Formerly Andrew Polley's); &bosom of TIM BEST 0001LING4TOY28 IN TSB MABXET, among which are the OLD DOMINION, COMPHOMIKM, PINNSYLVANIA, NOBLII COOK, ' DARLRY Kali" • BCONOMIST LW, mazy ether skidoo for RIK us, which will be moldMw is at say o th er plus la th• comity. Aril 09041. M.. ..0....4 4 , 11 60110 i Sams, U. DIIPHORN & HOFFILLN, NORTH-WEST CORNER, QENTRE SQUARE, GETTYSBURG, PA. ALPACICAS. IMPRIMIS CLOTHE, MUSLINIS_ DRUMM, CALIOO/3 OiIIORAMI, BALMORAL SKIRTS, WOOS SKIRTS, BACKINGS. SHAWL/11. COTTONADZS. BLACK CLOTHS. TRICOT CLOTHS FANCY CASSIMERES, 110811 E RY, GLOVES, B II B PRNDERS, COLLARS, .1 NIA N 8 , I. I r ii::El CARPETS, QUEENSWARE. KNIVES AND YORKS, UMBRELLAS, WINDOW BLINDS air• DONT FORGET THE PLACE. -64 April 22,1868.-tf CHEAPER THAN EVER. E. HITESHEW H AVING disposed of his Store, House and stock of Goode to GRI=ST 2 BOW; =Land being determined to reduce his stock during the Summer and fall months, will give GREAT BARGAINS before invoicing. My stock of All kinds of Merchandise Is full and complete in every department, and will be closed oat at reduced prices. "lark Springs, Pa., July 10,1808.—tfRITES/18W. l .All persons knowing themselves Indebted to me are requested to come forward and auks settlement. FAHNESTOCK BROS. SPRING GOODS. Wa are constantly receislng new and desirable styles of BILKS, POPLINS, PIQIJZS, BPRING CLOAKINGS, ALPACAS, DIGLALN7,B, CALICOES, LAWNS, ac .Lo large addittocut to our usual .apply of GINOIIAMS, MUSLIN'S; CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, JEANS, with every variety of Good; for lien's and Boy's wear Alfa hale Added eciithr fa.'" CARPETS, whkh we are selling at greatly reduced price. Our stock of QUEENS-WARE U complete, Is HARD-WARE, and all kiwis of • BUILD.TNG MATERIALS, We feel matire.d we can make it to the !Merck of the purchaser to purchase from u■ IRON & NAILS at reduced prices. OILS & PAINTS at low rates. GROCERIES, of all kinds Give az • call and be convinced FAHNESTOCK BROS., SIGN OF THE RED FRONT Gettysburg, Slay 4 1 868. tt NEW GOODS. Cheaper than Ever! REBERT & ELLIOTT, Baltimore et.,oppoitite the Court Souse, H AVE jailopened • new and largo assortment of Spring and Summer Goods OF ALL KINDS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SILKS, 012MZA MS, LAWNS, PRINTS, BAREGES, MUSLIN'S, dec., wliidt they inviter attentlor—being determined to seli at lowest oath prima. [April 8, 1868-0 1868 ~,,,,,,., 1868 DRY GOODS! MOST EXCELLENT ASSORTMENTS! ISELL for very small profits, and atm at doing s vary isms Business. FASHIONABLE SHADES Or FINE RILE POP LINS. FASHIONABLE SHADES OP MINOR WOOL POP- LINE. PARSIONABLI BEAM 07 ALPAMA POPIMIS. mg= cmNINNA, PIUS'S, PIRCALLS AND LLWXL BLADE RUM PLAIN SILKS, PLAID SILKS. SWUM MUSLIMS, JACONMT MUSLIMS, OAKUM BLUM ALPAOOA, COLORED ALPAOOA, BLACK ALL WOOL =ant. RUSTON SHAWLS,OAMIXIMO BRAWLS, UMMMT MfAWLEL OLOTUSMASSLIDIBS, CELOAMINOS, LINKS DRILL- ING, OOTTONABB. TAM OOVIES, TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, TOW. BALMORAL BRUITS, HOOP BRUITS. PLAIN Linn ILANDMI)MIIB,IMBROMERXD lIABDICIIRCIain, Mll3l EITITOMILD HAND. NIXIrIS, LADINP,3IIBBIIB', s OHILDRZNINLOVNB, AND lITOONINGS. Sa-I am constantly recetrin the latest styles of Dress sad 'lam, Gtotle. 111 =tootprtoee emy thine usaally bead hi • Dix GOODS STOW, to which I Invite the , atteatttet of the pubnO, satatod that I can Wily &emu* OMP.* 411/ °Ow Skin* in quality um of price. • . CIL 6 , 144 10 / 14 7 *Oft tOtPAi .EMZM Vtattitio. THE PINKLE & LYON SEWING MACHINE, WITH NEW AND IMPORTANT 131- The Cheapest GOOD Machine in the A liberal Cash Premium Isofferedforeachlocal Agent Them agents are appointed •Ith great hatllty and satisfaction A Splendid Paying .7lizeiness for Trave Please lead for a Ctarnaa. Addrim July 10, 'OB.-Gm BUTTON HOLE OVERBEA3UNGI SEWING MACHINE CO ., • In directing attention to their CELEBRATED COW. BEVATION BUTTON HOLE B SEWING MACHINE, beg leave to refer to In wonderful popularity as con. elosive proof of its great merit. The increase In the demand fur thisvaluable machine has been TEN FOLD during the /an SCAM 111011 MS of its first year before the public. Thhe grand and surprirtng mem is unprecedented In the history of sewing-machiner, and we feel fully warranted In claiming that BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE It Is really two machlnescombinecl in one, (B 7 • 'fin ph, and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Ovarseaming and Buttonhole stitch, with equal facility and per fection. It executes in the eery but manner every vs, riety of Sewing, such as, !lemming, Yelling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, Gathering. and Sewing on, (done at tk• same time,) and la addi tion, Overusing, Embroiders on the edge, and makes beautiful Batton and Eyelet Boles in all fabrics. Every lischine ie warranted by the Company, or its Agents, to give entire ass I•isetion. PERCALES, Circulars with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had cn appilcatton at the Salesrooms of the Company. O)r. Eleventh and Chestnut .Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at the rooms o the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. W. B. MirDZSELLU Treamrer May 27—ly HOWE MACHINES I THE LATEST IMPROTED AND GENUINE Howe Sewing Machines, constantly on hand and for sale at the GEO. JACOBS &BRO., C7zamberBburg St., Gettysburg, Pa. ORDERS WILL BE PROMPITAY'IATTENDED TO Machines delivered in all parts The public srecautioned nitwit pert who uce the name of Hairs In connection with their machine., oti account of the popularity of the genuine Howe.— Ramamber that there are unless they have the Medallion Portrait o ELIAS HOW JR, IMBEDDED ON Tith: MACHINE E=1,11.11.11! ° FARMERS, Attend to your Interests GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY.' THE subscriber would inform his customers and others, that he is still manufacturing various kinds of castings and Machines, made to order, OD abort no. tima such as lituurszeas AND POWERS; (live different sizes of Powers,) CLOVER-SEED RUL LEES AND BEPARATOIIII,I)ORNFODDRR OMURA STRAW AND HAY CUTTERS; CORN PLAZITELIES: PLOUGHS,. each is Cut Ploughs, Barthiar lgoodis, Ithiettlll and Corn Ploughs; the WIRZSPRINO HORSE acts, the latest Improvement EIMILIMANT DISCHARGING llama RAKI,. Re will Miewissiseasliwtare NOUNS AND - RRAPINS. NATAL eOBIIWII fix Ma Prows, DION =Wm for Comotorios or Perches, with emir else in his lles, sit as km rates. I IL A °sabers. Warm. - NM April 14,11118.—if DAM I& gallon, Casting, at. H ARDWARE AND QlOOllll3 Tails ob s erfberahairoJustroftfood frost this dila. with so 'moons* supply. of HASDWARE • GIU:1-. 0101/XB, which the offering at thelrold stand In Baltimore MVO, at prices t o suit th • times. Our Ito:* consists la pars of Oarpeater's Tools. Blecksmith'ereS l 4, Coach rtßaing Shoe/lading', Cabinet Maker's Tools, lloatekeeper's nature' Allah:di of Iron de Git 0 CARII3 OP ALL XINDZI, OnstPaloti,he.,de. Therds hositichalbeihded lb* went department' aseatlonsdalwnrabut what can NI has at this Store. ',vary alsasof Xsabgalcso can be scosamodatsd hare with tools ud Sadists, Dad Ilmwekaspsos eta .lad *wort article's' tludr Glvo miscall as w•artpreparad tonsil as her *fouls asaayothsr houlateftha l h t 30111 Ital 11, INT. 5E2E3 LOCK STITCH PROVENENTS. World. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN ing Agents! ! FINKLE It LYON S. M. CO, No. 701 Broadway, TUE AMERICAN IT HAS NO EQUAL, LN TIM WORLD, And Intrinsically the Cheapest. AGENTS WANTED FREDERICK PAXSON, President D. W. ROBISON, Agent, Gettysburg, Pe. Store of of the county. NONE GENUINE 610. JACOBS £ 110., Only Agent, for Adams toasty toundry. Nnr rock HASPZII, norunegi iMIiES TW ON PV3I4 Tat BTU aano Somas day morning, at $2.00 a via la not pall within ani year.- 11la tinned until all arearagan ara lion of (be publlshirs. DrIZTLSIXIXTII ars tarlaWill, d liberal deduction will biallta sing by the quarter, haltrari- Ices will be Ineartad all 1,81111114, upon. elrenlidloa et M half larger alms th at raw ettald I n Adams tasty ; sad. am an id aultiot .les Woa&ef all klnditertll be end at fair rites. I3aad4ll.le, lets, Lc., In every verietranit ity short notice. Terme CAM/. grettootonal ga R. R. B. ELDERD •Ml- 0 Announces to hL Mende. he hal returned to NEW BAUM, We. Mice at the Hotel. ItaKetionerrown, P•0 - •,} • Adam. county, Pa. DR. J. A. AMU.. flawing located se lipsw to all brooches of his, prolreasSems, Ala sass whoa not prolleakotaar bIoILmoVIIITOWII, P. 0., t Adams county, Pt f D R. D. M. ECKEN located at HEIDLIIBBB to the public, sod hopet fry strict touloaal duties to merit •t patronage DR. J. W. C. O'N Has bLs Odle• at Itta r street, two doors above the Omni Gettysburg, May 29,1891. JOHN LAWRENCE 041e•InChaintiersburget of the Lutheran Church, near! Dorner's Drng Store, when be sod willing te attend_ any ogee of the Dentist. Persons In watt are lorlted to coil. • DR. C. W. B 1 Iu AS ROOMD the Pelletloco .I.I.TI,ESTOWN, and alien Ws Office at Us bones, cornet of foundry alley, near lb. Railroad given to Skin Diseseee. CLittl DR. WM. STALLB let, bivi*g located In G. services to the public. Ile cash* ent, at the Dagnerrean rooms of tinore street, opixelte ram will be prepared to attend to. • province of the Dentist. ' • • EMIMI=I DAVID WILLS, • AT LAW,olflce atblareablen corner otCent re Square. Reference.—Elon.Ttuddias It May V, 1867. C LAIM AGENCY. signed will attend to the • against the U. 8. Government, i Bounties, Back Pay, Ponslons,Yor the Court of Claims or before any .• at Washington. R.G. May 29,1867. Attorney atls, J OS. IL LEFEVER, .4 ITO urnarrows, 1. 14111 promptly attend to COlteett Writing of D•ed•, L nem*, te., and •n trusted to hie care. ii - Once on Frederick street, at oc-npiesi by Drs. Sborb, Kinser and May 20, 1865.--1 t• D. WCONALURT, Attorneys and Cou n Mc CONAUGIIY -i•-• • ated JOUNlit. Katurre, of the law, at his old office, ono ddo Drug store, Chambersburg street. Special attention given to Ent Settlement of Zetates. All 1 claims to Pensions, Bounty, Sack against U. States,at all times, • • ly attended to. Land warrants located, sod dote In lowa and other western Install. A J. COVER, ATT A. • LAW, will promptlty antra. all other BaeiaeueotrustWto hls °dice betweee l'alinestoelt •Dd rr's stores, Baltimore street,GetB May 29,1887. 'AVID BUE NEY kT LAW, will proallpit ttonr and another business entitling Sir Office at bis residence is the t opposite the Court Muse. [Getty usintos JOHN W. TIPTON, ABLE BAILDSR, North- Diamond, next door - to McClellan rg,Pa, where.he canal all Um to •tlema in an be•lllea. illWolin •acelleattitlitant and wi ll taint Give pima all. May 29, 1867. QURVEYOR AND 13 CONVEYANCER. The and. ken out a Conveyancer's LAMM, with the olDce orCOUNTY BURY the RITINO OP DIEDS, BONDSA' ARTICLES OF AORZIERN OF BALISS, Utiviegbadeonslderable ezpiYN bopra to receives liberal share o nese promptly attended to said eb Post office addreei Fairfield, Ada Hay 29, 1987.—tt Carptuttro and Co I=l CARP ENTE 'ELE undersigned re: a• forte the public filet they hi Carpenting in the Shop Ibrmer# Schick, York street. We are yr In ourline of business and u t ostabllshment in Oettystmeg W. hope by a strict. st tcmtioti to • share of public patronage May 20. 18437.-If WM. C. STALLSM GETTYSBrizre, CARPENTERS do CON ♦r. ptoparsito do ill kinds of lag and erecting 6101,111m0 of ill ki They tow constantly on. 11604 kr order, DOORS, 01117 TESS, !ILINDS. wprnow /HAMM, 00 WINDOW And any other A Hide us Saammed material coadantly am workman "Iva,' In radium, so _ with &oaten. ft. Order, prplaptly itteuded ME Cl. 11. Rept. 18, 1867r4f TO THE BUILDING TY. AND ALL* WHO WISH TO THE undersigned ree bract. inane undersign ed heill CARPENTEIu*orkIi at Ills old stand, On Wed suss ) _ ready at times to necononnint e thing done In hie line. B. Is • th tw and : 44. 7 t k iri tto ind or u k mrbu .ti t y w i l p any other establishment.! Wean Hands always In readineo and • pttnaptnete and &glitch. airThanktottor put forors,lsm ep boo:amos to meta* Ilband itt roomy". IMO= Aar► NEW B: N EW PORT, & echanical Bakery, Corner ;wry II ladle streelr, Gettysburg. Pa. the but of BREAD, CRACK ER3 RE Pupas visiting Watt Pried Ii tog their ism tifi =q. XIV': effort =Ws t• GIVE U 6 k