TIM-of.,?rtiniunts. 'llk quilt beat - detains quilt Counterpane pdr woolen blankets ad best '• to yards bouto-wade linen to yardalleen diaper to yarits tow linen ....... ...»........ horm . -made stint ........ ..... lira t: PeWilig thread ."•• CLASS NO. 18 IVOIISTED WORK. iy f wnrstc.4l work • ...... tk..l-1c I 1,E.11, mt . t fl , wrr v,t, mat ddld o: eto t chil.ras.fgh,m ttlY vrt I.n. -Hill t mur•to.l CLAss No. P.'. ENIDROIDLRY AND FANCY WORE t knit gnat nibroidery on mn,lin embroidered 'kin silk slipper • crochet tidy lace shawl embroidered case pillow cutbrolderettbaudkerch let child's cape tut ,Llered collar 9.A nil II Or wax flowers I.d : •.4. , .1 ...... It. qtl/. r ' clttun Iwekct but Leal cuvh . u,41. CL l+9 No. .21.) azadt bread Ilti be.t lire loavas baker's broad tel rest potitpl, npooge, fruit, jelly, lady, foyer, Id, wilrer, marldki, 31adincal, me antaln and - .watt rnkea , eai:h ................................... E nudging:lr rakeiv, macaroons, Jam , . Cll N. 21 preserved strawberries, gninees, rho,. pine -apples, apprieots, s. crab apples, cherries, citron Sc,. cash.... currant. quince,ra,pheery, apple, c a ir.. fo „ t , illebtary and peach jelly, each brandy peach ,, canned t °Mime, peaches, pears, corn, Tries, Sc., each.: CLL., N.. 22 • appb , peach, pear quince nud tomato but , each pickled cucumbers, pepper:. tomatoes. can leup•, plums, united picklos, each tomato catsup CLt 1 No 23 est variety roses, verbenas, each... 60 .0 bent varieties ("sillies, roses varieties German asters, pansies, collection rein -house plants, by one person, floral anent,, each ... 00 Intel boilviet ......................................... 60 he most beautifully arranged basket of urs CLAI,s No. - 3IUSICA L INSTRUMENTS t• tat, , I . ~tt a it , t ordnn CLASS N 0.25. NET WARE AND It INTENTIONS - aricty of cabinet ware $2 00 ruing machine 00 as cutlery, 11,t, i I premium 2 all inventions and improvements of household y, having valuable properties, and not included any of the foregoing heeds, discretionary pro dipl,quas, may be awarded. CLasa No. 26. HATS. BOOTS, SllOll3, CLOTHING,fre. ispbty of hots and caps $1 00 isplay of hoots and shoes 1 00 • isplay amen's clothing 100 • i,piny of segars " 1 00 4 kplay of w tucking and chewing tobaccos— 1 (0) iztt4s undo iu the county ......................... 1 CLAES NJ. 27• • I'AINTIN“S, PENNHANSIIIP, of drawings and paintings ............. $1 00 aspday of oil t i drawn by a nut IVO .1111/. C•lttht y 1 00 • di, CJIOr painting ......................... ..... 1 pviwil drawing ............ .•• ........ 1 00 lily of photographs itod tuubrotypeit..... 2 00 ipt/ nud ,uatuvut4lFtinting Ot) 0: 1 .eunntaitshio 2 C 11.) lISCELL A—NEOLTS ARTICLES. 1 00 t , octely invite, the exhibiti,n of any and every lino may to useful or convenient in the practice fieniturr. or Horticulture, or be the product al tick- and implements of convenience in the damestic or rectal life, or (trail the pro ;11:11 t and .bill, and for all such things of merit, .glt not tatuntetated in the foregoing list, pre , or diplanao+ may he awarded. l; I:LES AND I ZEGULATIONS. 1.1 e•, ,il, “neallf..l for, for thirty days ~f the lair, taltall be deemed donated to 1:1111:1, .11:tilLot ho awarded when the Ill] LBW Or 01/14 un worthy. I I I wles mint bo luArked with cArds,N;hkll:l Till I y the :,e,iut.iry, designating cities %nrl and th,o cards must not be removed limit Annt.:.n; Utuntuitteen have I:intellect their ati . - ut ,• t2.•unnittee trill take every possible f,rk,_„l,i..gof ail articles on exhi ;,, an t r L, and arrangement, but the ty w,a irA be 1 ,, ,p for any toss or damage ay ' c , or. They dc‘irt, exialblt,lra to give per atiL t the, anirooln or article,, and at the ,1 the lair atte:nrl t_, their nrawval. anima! vr Ott icle thall ha taken out of the Fair Lb.', w itb cut the leave 01010 President. n &Horn nro Clpt,tvd to obey the Marshals ty in p•odu, mg their stuck, when instructed. ,aid ;my person pr,ving refractory Will be CoMpetilig. ctIt1111:41 or :II tick e. ill be iisligne t l a place on the ot• eel 31 tl.e :Aro 11,1ti1., ay tile regulation. Lathe will not b. A:v.! inti.licatin, drinks. itinixicateil upon the Fair Grounds, .11.; Is 11 at.., rderly tuatincr, shall be immediate t!, ,111;.t end ,•Vi re I•X31.1.10 irlll In' made of ouy oiler, TioketY. Interfere with the j . ,.lilges, Ili l'eprwuptly eat] mh,cl from • 41,1 :111.‘ c1,11,t 0, to the regularity of the : au) ether izeportat.t matter which the cow -I,ol.”,ouipotent decide, they to may it o n, tho ,titla. Pretil,teltt. PRICES OF ADMISSION, cdniitting nogg, igslssatimanied Inure. and miner ',JUN O. iad c, IMO gentleman during the ............. $1 00 an, 1,30.. 4“11/11,ii3O ...... .............. und.r ten years cd llt ............ or rl, vehicle, gentleman iudy, 1.11.1,k 0a ............................. I.h:ill.] 111,0.1 iu thew ............. ..... erg ,. or' leasure vehicle, gentleman lady, single admissicu ................. ..... JJi pers..ti them ................ re tickets, udmitt Mr, man and borne du tbs Fair. in addition to Lundy tickets... , ticksts, admitting one-home buggy or urc vcnrcle, gentleman and lady, during 'am in addition to family ticket............ tondmß[iugtwo-Lone buggy or vehi :entleman and lady during „,„ t o nuditicn t.. famil y ticket ........ :cants 1., pleastu e tickets required to gird evi. nal the obtained family tickets. I,,,ticketn required to be bird to the A nd sids the horse's head, to acold (lot cotton T. hi. it trictly required to keep upon the , I treat by the Board of Matta.g,ers, and nt tbe times designated by the OFFICERS A V CEL ULLBST,Preeident, Al,lll.lthr, Vice Preeldept, J. IN 17 • , 11.6. Ito,orcling Secretary, 11. J. Z,SAiiLE, Uorrerrouttlng Secret/L..3', 1.). Rt.u, 'Treasurer, t LLYILL P6XRC.36, JoNAs 7 kIIN, %VAS. IVILLE, Jour; It. Meglaw,„&x. NlArmbal--..Jurt:4 Ltualcaoi.Dr.a. 11.-t Tcgallatiec OTlCE.—Letters Testamentary the estate of JWIN Stall, late of Straban Adsso, s cunn ty, Pa., deceased, haring been ~1 to the huay -Ave notice to !VOL, J to said estate to make immediate eat, and th.se haling claims against the same to. .t them properly authenticated for settlement. :SAMUEL SHULL. t Executom, SHULL, f t c:.:.l:rre Ir . Tyr,u and Ws:. F. F•IICLL In JTlCE.—Letters Testamentary Ee:ate of flou. TILLDDVII BTEVZI(a, late .a •: , .Iv. having been grant ad to tho I. give notice to all perit;za lu. a.. 1 e.tuto to call and Lettle tho trz.m.e, and httiug clainri against the same present r , pctly authenticated for Reuter:lel...L. ANTHONY E. ROBERTS, O. J. DICKE'," laccut.rs. EDWARD Nlci'llinlSON, :he fast. uattua! two Executkik rclide iu tan, and the latter iu tlett3 al.urg. ip . iTlCE.—Letters of Adminis tratiou ou the r t.lteot JER.1.1112.1t IS, S/TLS, isti, of Mimi township Adams county, teen gratitetl torte uutlervigned, resitting Pt y townsbip.l,, nerrby give, notice to unpersons e,l to ~td estate to cull nod make immediate .nt, iad these hsnug claims against the same rear ul thoat I.r.Terly nuthentm steel for settle (3l:oltti Adfu'r. ECM -ECU'IOIt'S NOTlCE.—Let :erg Testanontary on the estate of Jonn BOP- Lite of tivtt)eburg, Ps., having been toe unJereic.ned, iu ean.ll3orougb, she bare• c, -88, u. ull I.tra.nr indebted to said estate to ..n.tar-Jtste i.nyment, and those haring claims t :opt - e"er:t them properly saittientica e 8.8 tiltnnui. JULIAN o BARI:ss, Jf.xecutrlx, - - ECUTOR'S re.q..eut.ry on the estate of FRlDcalc6 docentiod, Inteot Ituntengton township Ad heelug been grata,' to the eilheeriher 0 tolthiship, he hereby itttelt notice to all per. dobted to ttaLlt•ettette to make immediate pay, ad those having claims against the same LL,' t them properly au [bent kated for a v t t k ment. heal; 11. TithltiTeal, Executor% MEM oldiers . Discharges:. I Nri roc,: th, proper Docket, Lam prepar . t Rt. DISCLIAAGES, is as .tltt ot Act of the Legislature or 6,1.1hre aro catitloa•d against delay 1 / 1 4:tr. - WALD ILOLTZWOETLI, lislester tit Becorder of Atlases couuty, , ISSOLUTION • The PartnereLip hereto fare existtng between dsringned under the firm of SIII:AFFER ot Petersburg. ( Y. 6.) is hereby dissolved. - one indebted to said firm will please make t withent delay. Either partner Is authorised he name of the firm in the settlement of the . Sihd dissolution to take effect from the first lay, 15GS. D. C. EUEAFFED, 11. R. BSCmga. :0, 101.--8 a Wit Ali and ffiintriatt 1 / 1 1 1 Gi lon 1 i ) 1 (n) Gettysburg, Friday; Auguout 2S. MOM EAGLE SHOT.—Mr. Wm. FORNEY, of Mountjoy township, shot on Wednesday last, at the head of Horner's dam on Rock Creek, a Bald Eagle, measuring five feet five inches from tip to tip. _ ANOTHER RACE.— A race will come off to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clockOn the Mummasburg road, about 2 miles from Gettysburg, between "Cash ier," owned by Dr. T. T. TATE, of this place, and. "Lady Jane," owned by F. RA TITER., of Philadelphia—stakes $2013. $2OO 1 00 1 00 1 00 CONGRrISSIONAL CONFERENCE.— The Republican Congressional Conference will met at Malvair.e's Tavern, in Fulton, county, on Wednesday September 2. The Conferees from this county are Col. F. B. Picsuca, Dr. R. HORNER and Ps - rna SHIVELY. EMI CALLED.—The Presbyterian Church in this place has extended a call to the Roy. GEORGE N. JoururroN, of Knoxville, Ills., paying $lOOO and parsonage. Mr. _ JOHNSTON is a nephew of the late ROBERT JQRNsTON, formerly Pastor of the church. He is a young man of ability, and it is understood will accept. CORNER STONE.—The corner stone of the new Reformed Church at Littlestown was laid on the 15th inst. Revs. J. M. Clemens, W. E. Krebs, Jacob Sechler, W. K. Zieber, W. R. H. Deatrich and W. F. P. Davis, assisting in the exercises. The church is to be built of brick, 38 by 60 feet, with a spire. It is to be completed by the Holidays. $1 00 RAILROAD MEETING.—Another Rail road meeting was held in Petersburg, (Y. 5.,) on Saturday last. The Committee appointed to collect funds for a survey of the proposed road reported that over $l4OO had been subscribed. Gen W. W. WRIGHT was authorized to organize a company to make a survey of the route from Petersburg or York Springs, by way of Dillsburg, to New Cumberland, on the Northern Central Railroad. We understand that Gen. WEIGHT expects to commence the survey about the 10th or 15th of September. A CENTENNIAL SERMON.—We have had upon our table for sometime a hand some copy of the Proceedings in the North Congregational Church, Newburyport, Mass., on the occasion of its one hundredth anniversary. The conspicuous feature in the proceedings was the Discourse of the Pastor, Rev. Virmias.ist ANDERSON MCGINLEY, formerly of this county, and now one of the leading ministers of the Old Bay State. The great success which has attended his labors in the important sphere in which he moves, cannot but be a souce of comfort and satisfaction to all his friends. $ 00 4 00 4 00 PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR The Penna. State Fair will be held at Har risburg, commencing September 29th, 1868, and will continue four days. It promises to be one of the largest ever held in the State. The loca?ity is very central, and accessible from all parts of the State by railroads. We are infromed by the Secretary that al ready many inquiries are being -made by exhibitors with great promises of an exhi bition of their articles. The grounds con tain sixty acres and are located on the banks of the Susquehanna, within a con venient distance of the City of Harrisburg, and about one-half mile from the line of the Penn. Railroad. The locality should insure a largo and most interesting fair. SEYMOUR MFETLNG.—The Demo cracy held a public meeting in the Court house on Wednesday evening. After pro tracted drumming they succeeded in getting together enough Democrats and Repub licans (the latter drawn out by curiosity) to make a respectable show, numbering in the aggregate about the same as the Republican meeting on Friday. Wm. A. DUNCItN, Esq., Democratic candidate for District Attorney, onvned the ballin a fierce attack on Re pub - lican extravagance, and was followed by McCLEAN, Esq., who savagely attack ed the Congressional policy of Reconstruc tion. By this time the Republicans had generally satisfied their curiosity and went their way, with sundry Democrats who seemed equally satisfied with the show, leaving E. B. BCEIILEn, Esq., to conclude the performance with a lengthy discus sion of matters and things in general. REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL CON FERENCE.—The Senatorial Conferees of this District met at Graeffenburg on Tuesday last, August 25, Franklin county was re presented by Col. James G. Elder, H. C. Greenawalt, Esq., and W. S. Keefer, Esq ; Adams County by Gen. W. W. Stewart, Col. C. H. Buehler and Col. E. G. Falmestock. "Col. J. G. Elder was called to the chair and Col. E. G. Fahnestock appointed Secretary. The name of Col. W. D. Duos having been presented by Franklin County as a candidate for State Senator, on motion of Col. C. H. Buehler the nomination was made unanimous. Free GO - 1 00 The following Resolution was then un animously adopted : Resolved, That in Col. Wm. D. DixoN, we present to the voters of the 17th Sena torial District, a candidate whose loyalty and devotion to the country have been am ply attested by honorable service as a true and gallant soldier; whose unblemished personal character and stern integrity give a sure guarantee that in him our people will have an honest, faithful public servant —a true Represntative of the popular will— and a legislator whose official action can not be controlled by corrupt or other im proper influences. DAMAGE CLAIMS. —The Commis sioners appointed to assess the damages sustained in the border counties during the war, have adjourned, after appraising the damages in Perry, Bedford, Fulton and part of Franklin. The following is the list of claiins and the amount as far as reeelVed up to the 13th of August: Perry, 3 claimants, amounting to $ 683.85 Bedford, 44 o 3,613.17 igglion, 112 •• " 36,694.39 Franklin, 460 " '' 227,225.74 Total, 618 $278,417.15 Or about an average of $4.10.78 to each claimant. There have been claims as low as eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50), and as high as thirteen thousand four hundred and forty-three dollars and fifty cents ($13,413A0) presented. The highest Is by ex-Sheilff Taylor, of Franklin county, who had a fine drove of fat cattle taken from him by the rebels, near filcConnells burg, in 1863. A majority of the claims in Franklin county have not yet been presented. The- Commissioners will meet again at fifer cersburg on the Bth of September, at Waynesboro' on the 101 h, at Chambers• burg on the 11th and at Shippensburg on the 15th. HORSES STOLEN.—This neighbor hood seems to be infested with Horse Thieves. A few weeks ago we announced the stealing of two horses of JOTIN W AUGH .of Hamiltonban township. On Sunday night last, Estaxuat. WEIMER; of Cumber land_township, lost two ; while several dis appeared last week from the neighborhood of Emmitsburg. Detective Rouzer traced two men to Bal timore, named Charles Messersmith and , suspected of stealing Mr. Waugh's horses, where they were ar rested. The latter is also charged with stealing horses in York county, and has been taken to York for trial. The former will be brought to this place. It is supposed the, gang of thieves operat ing in this county have their headquarters in Baltimore. Several men were seen going down the pike on Sanhay night, towtuds Baltimore, with two horses, supposed to be Mr. Welk ert's. and enthWidasdo Reirltdiesireneett ng was held in the Court-house on -Friday eve- Mpg list under the 'auspices of ttiefl3or ough "Grant and Colfax Club." Capt. A. M. HUNTER called the meeting to order, when the following officers were chosen: President—Hon. J. B. Danner. Vice Presidents—Josiah Benner, George B. Stover, John L. Tate, Henry Com fort, James J. Wills, Michael Sprinkler, Henry Garlach, E. H. Minnigh, WM. S. Hamilton. Secretaries—Capt. T. C. Norrlii,.Capt. John F. McCreary, Lieut. Wm. R:Eyster. D. McCoNAuonx, Esq., addressed the meeting in an able and earnest speech, in which he traced the origin and forma tion of the Rupublican party, growing out of the derrioralization of the Democ ratic party in surrendering to the Slave Power—the attempt to nationalize Slave ry—the Kansas agitation—and its later history, culminating in the election of Lincoln in 1860 and his re-election in 1864; closing with an examination of the character of the candidates presented by the Chicago and New York Conventions for National officers. Hon. EDWARD MornEnsou followed in an able and forcible discussion of the issues involved in the Campaign, which had been squarely presented by the Dem ocratic Convention in its platform and candidates. The New York Convention, in its platform and through its candidates had given fair notice that if the Democratic party be successful this fall, the whole work of Congressional reconstruction would be ignored and the country subject ed to renewed agitation, while Frank Blair iu his Broadhead letter boldly pro claims that it will be the duty of the Pres ident to break up and disperse, by the military power, the Southern State Gov ernments. Hero is a direct Issue—the election, of GRANT AND COLFAX involving Peace and a speedy completion of the work of Re-construction—that of SEY moult AND BLAIR involving renewed agi tation and Civil War. Mr. MernEnsoN reviewed the work of Reconstruction— I the importance of the 14th Amendent to the Constitution—and the financial plank of the New York platform, which de mands equal taxation on all classes of property, and closed with on eloquent appeal to the friends of GRANT AND Cor, FAX to organize and work for victory. The meeting adjouned in fine spirits. McPHERSON'S MANUAL.—We have before us a copy of.the Political Manual for 1565, prepared by our colleague, Hon. EDWARD McP.a - Ensols; giving in compact from, 1. All the Orders, Letters, Messages, and Votes in Congress, respecting Secre tary Stanton ; 2. The Articles of Impeach ment of Andrew Johnson with his An - swer, the Votes thereon in the House, awl the Judgment of the Senate; 3. Corres pondence between Gen. Grant and Presi dent Johnson growing out of Stanton's suspension; 4. Letters, Papers, Testimo ny, Politico-Military Orders, and Report of Gen. Grant ; 5. Digest of Orders of Military Commanders, and General Action under the Reconstruction Acts; 6. Ab stracts of new State Constitutions; 7. Supplemental Reconstruction Messages ; 8. President Johnson's Proclamation and Orders ; 9. Members of the Cabinet and o f the XLth Congress ; 10. Votes in Congress on Political Bills and Resolutions; 11. The XlVth Amendment to the Federal Con stitution and Legislative action thereon ; 12. Financial Legislation of Congress, in cluding the Loan and Legal-Tender Acts ; 13. National Platforms since 1852 inclu sive ; 14. Election Returns from 1860 ; 15. Taxation, Revenue, and Expenditures for several years past; 16. Letters of the Na tional Candidates, 6c., &c. We are glad to learn that the work. is commanding a very large sale. Both the Republican and Democratic National Committees have ordered large numbers. Its fullness and impartiality make it a sine qua-non to every intelligent politician. The Now York Tribune thus speaks of it "No canvasser, no matter on which side, can afford to be without this volume; and any non-canvasser who attends meetings addressed by Copperheads can, with this book in his hand, detect and expose at least six bouncing whoppers in each half hour of such SPC , 2.k t tn wttri-Ar..APPE4l l 6tagqBc ,l JlTs° 9 A, si l knife in one hand and a pine stick in the other, before an orating Copperhead, and just cut a notch for every atrocious lie he utters; care being taken to select a long stick if the chap is to speak over halt an hour." The Manual can be had by addressing Mr. McPuEasoN, and is also fur sale in Gettysburg at the Bookstore of A. D. BLTEHLER-$1 per copy, or $2.50 for the Manuals of 1666, '67 and '6B in one vol ume. RAILROAD ITEMS.—At a meeting of the stockholders of the Frederick .prid Pennsylvania Line Railroad Company, held at Woodsboro', on the 10t1. inst., the following officsrs were elected to manage the affairs of the company for the ensuing year:—President, John Loats; Directors, John Reifsnidor, David J. Markey, J. Alfred Ritter, Lewis Bruner, John Sifford, W. H. Falconer, of Frederick, and Capt. A. W. Eichelberge , and William Rine dollar, of Pennsylvania. The Frederick Examiner says that when the result of the election was announced several of the stockholders withdrew their subscriptions. We presume that the dissatisfaction pro ceeds from an apprehension that the offi cers elect may prefer one of the several routes which divide the public. The Hagerstown Mai/ says that arrange ments have been made between the offi cers of the Western Maryland railr,pad and the County Commissioners of Wash ington county, for the immediate comple tion of their line to Afechanicstown, which will remain for the present its western terminus. Negotiations for the necessary rolling stock are also in progress. The Frederick Examiner says that t project of building's branch railroad from Emmittsburg to the Western Maryland Railroad, at Rocky Ridge, west of the Monocacy, is engrossing much attention at the hands of the citizens of that place, Capt. Irwin's corps of engineers under the direction of Col. Glenn, has just com pleted the preliminary surveys, and their report, with maps and profiles, together with an estimate of the cost of the road, will be ready shortly for the considera tion of the company. Col. Glenn reports the route as extremely favorable for a railroad. It will be about seven miles in length, passing over, for the greater part, a level country and almost a straight line, with lights grades. It is comtemplated to have the work completed by next win ter. Many advantages will accrue from the building of this road. It will not only accommodate Emmittsburg and vicinity, but also the Millerstown Valley in Penn sylvania, and a rich agricultural region and the surrounding populous country, which will add largely to the business and receipts of the Western Mayrland Rail road. pr - " The war between the States, its Causes, Character, Conduct and Besults," by ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, i s the title of a valuable work just issued by THE NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila delphia, Pa. The title indicates the character of this elaborate Discussion which is by the late Vice President of the Confederacy ; and very fully and ably presents the views of the political school in which he has long been eminent. His analys is clear; his re search extensive; and reasoning ingen ious. We do not concur in the gonersl scope of his opinions, but are glad to find them So fully stated that they may be sure of fair consideration before the final verdict of ' history shall be rendered. The publishers sell the book only by subscription, and an agent is wanted in every county. It is well printed, and is illustrated with portraits of Jackson, Clay, and others. BARGAINS.—A fine ohanoe tbi Bar gains is now presented at the store of Dtip sow( & HOFFMAN, In this place, who are selling off their stock of Dry Goods at cost. Beo Overtisement. On Monday evening, the 23rd-inst., a number of the colored citizens of Gettys burg assembled at the Colored Methodist Church, to give an expression of their feel ings and sentiments at the loss of their great friend and advocate, the Hon.,, THADDEUS Sxsyssrs. The meeting was organized - by appointing /AEON RUSSELL. President, HENRY limns Vice-President, and k litssz listao's Secretary. Addresses were de livered by Messrs. Watts, Nelson and Rus sell upon the life and services of the deceas ed, after which the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, God, the supreme ruler of the universe, has seen fit to remove from our midst, by death, the incorruptible patriot, THADDEUS STEVILIS ; * And Whereas, We, the colored citizens of GettyFburg deplore his loss, and recognize in his death a great calamity to our race and to the country, yet we bow in humble submission to the inscrutable will of an all wise Providence. Resolved, That we deplore with inex pressible sorrow and anguish this great loss, which has at the same time robbed the country of one of the wisest and purest statesmen, the oppressed of one of their best friends, the poor of a great benefactor, liberty one of Its ablest champions, the world one of its brightest advocates of humanity—an ornament of the age, to whose memory, virtues and great qualities, eulogies can never do full justice. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be published in the Star and Senti nel of Gettysburg. After which the meet ing adjourned. FATAL ACCIDENT.—A terrible ac cident occurred at Mclienrick's Saw Mill, in Buchanan Valley, on the 14th inst.— JACOB BUCKIEASTEE, colored, was employ ed at the mill to bear off the slabs. Whilst thus engaged, he was caught in the strap which runs the circular saw, and carried over a large wheel, nine feet in diameter, crushing his body in a most shocking man ner. He died about an hour after. His age was probably sixty years. He leaves a wife, but no children.— Compiler. HINT TO LADIES.—It is a distin guishing characteristic of a cultivated woman to adorn and beautify her person. In proportion as she besomes refined or debased, she pays more or less regard to her personal appearance. Tho love of ad miration is, as it ought to be, strong in every woman's nature, and hence it is that the decoration of her person is always l i regarded as of paramount importance. The three most beautiful things on earth are women, children and flowers—each equally by nature pure and attractive. Woman knows she is beautiful, she loves to be admired by man.; endeavors to ren der herself as attractive as posible to man's eyes, and therefore it is that she avails herself of all the benefits of dress and ornaments. Woman is gifted by nature with great natural attractions. Her com plexion is, if not ruined by paint and powder, fair and delicate, her hair abund ant and lustrous, and her form the very perfection of grace and loveliness. Wo man's chief ornament is her hair. No matter how regular the contour of the fea tures may be—how lustrous the eye—how sweet the voice or graceful the form, it the hair be not soft, glossy and beautiful, the chief attraction is wanting. A lady re markable for the beauty of her hair, re marked in our hearing, the other day, that she owed to the moderato and constant use of "Barrett's Hair Restorative" a deep obligation, for by it she had become local ly fainous for the abundance and lustre of her hair. Using it constantly ourselves we can add our testimony that as a dress ing and restorative combined Barrett'a is superior to any Hair Preparation we have ever used. It is reasonable in price too, costing only one dollar for a large bottle full of the mixture.—Cincirmati .Yrinday Globe. lt- BUILDING LUMBER, &c.—The atten tion of Farmers, Builders, Contractors, and others, is invited to the large assort ment of LUMBER of all kinds suitable for building purposes, to be found at Col. C. H. BuEnr,Ett's Lumber Yard, at corner of Carlisle street and Railroad depot, including Boards, Planks, Flooring, Si ding, Laths, Pickets, Shingles, &c.—Also noreer and aavrod-,--1.-kaa His stock is not orVilfß i Vill e a l n i k n rangements are such that he can sell at the very lowest cash rates. Also, con stantly on hands Black-smith, Lime-Bur ners' and Stove COAL. if is a well-known fact that the Cir cassian beauties possess magnificent heads of hair. If its possession can lend additional charms to the semi-enlightened ladies of Circassia, how much more does t adorn the beauty of our highly-cultiva ted American belles. It is easily attained by the use of "Barrett's. Vegetable Hair Restorer."— Washington (D. C.) Chronicle. NEWS OF NEIGHBORING COUNTIES CATXOLL.—The Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank has made a dividend of five per cent.—Wm. A. McKellip, Trustee, has sold the farm of U. B. Shroeder, containing 6S Acres of Land, more or less, to Geo. T. Merring of Westminster for $3,600 cash. CrItI3ERLAYD.—Capt. J. T. Zug has been appointed Notary Public at Carlisle, to sue ceed R. A. Noble.—The Democratic voters, by a majority of 636, have adopted the "Crawford county system" of nominating candidates.—On Saturday night the store of Messrs. Elcock & Son, in Mechanicsburg, was entered and robbed of silk goods and other articles to the value of about five hundred dollars. FRIMCLIN. —John S. Hassler, near Lou don, was seriously injured on the 19th, while unloading some heavy timber, one piece rolling off the wagon and striking him on the head.—James Watson, a well known itizen of Chambersburg, died on Sunday last, aged 80 years. WsstuNoroN.—Dr. Henry Grosh, of Williamsport, has a mare now in the 36th year of her age, which is able to haul four persons from Williamsport to Hagerstown, a distance of six miles, in a little over an hour's time. She can cat corn aswell as a young horse, and does not seem to have any defects whatever in ler limbs. She was raised by James McC( y deceased, and was a racer in her younger days.—David Cram per, of Hagerstown, I lad his ankle so badly injured last week by the accidental dis charge of a gun, while out gunning, as to require amputation.--Col. A. K. McClure delivers the annual address before the Washington county Agricultural Fair in October.—Christian Barthouse hung him self in the barn of Israel Rife, near Hagers town, on Friday last. YORK.—Samuel B. Heiges has resigned his position of superintendent of common school of York county, to take effect on the first of October.—An unusual amount of sickness prevails at York, over 400 cases of fever of typhoid type being reported. The True Don2ocrae thinks the cause lies in some impurity in the Codorus, which suppler the town with drinking and cooking water, and suggests that the washing from magnetic iron ore in Seven Valley may have something to do with R.—Philip Fackler, of West Manchester, aged 67, was fo . und dead in bed in York on the 19th, from appoplexy.—Last week, Mr. L. Meyer, engaged at the brewery of Mr. Ambrose Schmidt, Hanovei, met with an accident while lifting some heavy boxes, one of them falling upon his right foot and severing the large toe. —Mr. Jeremiah Kohler has sold his large hotel on Pleasant Hill, Hanover, to Prof. A. M. Trimmer, of Carlisle, for $5,300.—0n the 11th inst., the body of Daniel W. M. Smith, a son of Mr. Enoch U. Smith, of Chanceford township, was found suspended by the neck from a leather strap, which had been used as a swing in the neighborhood of the barn on his father's premises, supposed to have been accidental. Gonntai. Gaasr crushed the rebellion. The present political contest Is the ecdeav- Or of the rebellion to crush him IConuxtuniated - „ • Nuts hunks and eeirent3r•:9reases axe au credited 'to ono lady at Saratoga. In Utica, New York, ten children were lying dead one day recently from eating un ripe fruit. A WEALTHY gentleman in New York in tends to get up a banquet of horse flesh dur ing the coming fall. Tau men who cursed our dying heroes at Andersonville are now shouting for Sey mour and Blair. Tait hands which cut down the boys in blue on the battle-field will all deposit Dem ocratic ballots next November. Ex-Gov. Bradford, of Maryland, and a large number of Maryland "conservatives" who opposed the Republican party since 1865, intend to support the Chicago nomi nations. NaLsox Cuttings, Esq., a promine nt Democratic politician in Baltimore county, and a member of the Democratic Executive Committee, has announced his intention of voting for Grant and Colfax. Still they comb. A Cmomuert despatch says that the cat tle plague continues to spread among the dairies which supply that city with milk.— Forty-four cows died during Sunday, and thirteen others were reported in a dying condition yesterday. Ir is said that Oliver Dalrymple, who is the largest farmer iu the State of Minneso ta, having one thousand seven hundred acres devoted to wheat, will have cleared one hundred thousand dollars from the last two harvests, which includes the one now being secured. Tun cattle plague continues its ravages in New York and the West. Despite the vigilance of the New York authorities, dis eased cattle continue to arrive in various parts of the State. Seventeen cows, be longing to one dairy, died in Cincinnati on Saturday: The Providence Press says : Mr David Makepeace of Norton, Mass., will be 101 years old in the month of September next. He still does work on his farm, and last July mowed on a wager against a gentleman of 87 years of age, beating him a rod. He has voted for every President of the United States, and intends to vote for Grant and Colfax the coming election. THE difference between the Seymour party and the Grant party is this—when, in I Silt, the latter said, "Carry ou the war," the former said, "Stop it!" Now, in 1668, when the latter says, "Let us have peace," the Seymour and Blair party calls out, "Let us have war." The people who were for war in 1864 are for peace iu 18G8, and vice versa. FP.ANK BLAIR was nominated by the sol diers. Of course he was. General Pres ton, of the rebel army, nominated him. Wade Hampton seconded the nomination, and General Forrest supdorted it. Thus set in motion it carried the convention by storm, and this class of soldiers are to sup port him. The "boys in blue" will leave the graybacks to perform that service. gevinv of the Markets. Baltimore Grain & Produce Market. BaC:intore, Thursday Morning. SUPER FLOUR, ... 9 00 rp 9 50 Earn A FLOUR, - 10 50 evil 00 WHITE WHEAT, 2 63 @ 2 68 RED WHEAT, 2 40 @, 2 50 CORN, 1 22 @ 1 25 1 38 aa 1 55 OATS, GO 75 TIMOTHY -SEED, 3 00 @ 3 12 CLOVER -SEED,.., 8 25 g 8 50 FLAX -SEED, 2 GO @ 2 75 BACON, SHOULDZPS, 143 €S , 14; " SIDES, 171 Q 17f " HAMS,. 211 (0. 23 LARD, 18 @ 19 GOLD, Ph la 1 45} Gettysburg Grain & Provision Market Gettysburg, Friday Morning. 10 00 11 00 012 00 2 30 @ 350 -17‘71TRi, SUPER FLOUR,... EXTRA FLOUR,.. WRITE WEE AT, 7,j. RYE,. OATS, BUCKWHEAT, TIMOTELY SEED, CLOVER SEED,.. POTATOES, Burrnn, LARD,- EGGS, .... BACON, Hems, " SIDES, " SHOULDERS, SOAI', TALLOW, ARENDT—BLOCTIER.—On the 16th of June last, by the Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Mr. Jacob W. Arendt, of Butler township, to Miss Rebecca Blocher, of Cumberland township. FEESER—KNIPPEL.—On the 16th inst., by Rev. J. M. Clemens, Mr. Amos Fee ser, of Union township, Adams county, to Miss Sarah C. Knippe], of Carrol co., Md. MARTEN—CnouL. —On the 23d inst., by Rev. J. Clemens, T. Martin, of lia,gers town, Md., to Miss L. Croul, of Union twp., Adams county. MEALS—Lirrix.—On the 22d inst.,by the Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Mr. George W. Meals to Miss Maggie A. Little, all of this place. YoUNG—VAN PATTEN.—On Tuesday morning last, at the residence of the bride's grandfather, R. G. Harper, Esq., in Get tysburg, by Rev. S. S. Sehmuoker, D. D., John M. Young, Esq., of Topeka, Kansas, to Miss Amelia Caroline Van Patten, daughter of Dr. C. H. Van Patten, of Central America. DIED. , :.'-'obituary notices 3 cents a line for all over 4 lines—cash to accompany no tices. Bataan )Ert.—On the 29th ult., in Union township, Benjamin Harry infant son of Benjamin F. and Henrietta E. Bollinger, aged 4 months and 14 days. BEITLER.—On the 19th inst., Geo. Mack ley Settler, aged 1 month and 27 days. FLAHARTY.—On the 24th inst., Joshua, Flaherty, Jr., of Consumption, at the re sidence of Tames E. Flaharty, in this place, aged 33 years and 30 days. is& - Hagerstown Heralci& Torch copy. HoovEn.—ln GreencaMe, on the Ist inst., Mrs. Kate, wife of Mr. Henry Hoo ver, and daughter of Mr. Wm. Johnson, aged 23 years, 7 months and 30 days. KOHLER.—On the 12 inst., near Ring gold, Md., Mr. George Kohler, aged BO years, 10 months and 11 days. PAXTOIII.-011 the 21st inst., in Cham bersburg, Mrs. Emma C., wife of Mr. John N. Paxton and daughter of Mr. P. W. Seibert, in the 24th year of her age. SELL.—On the 17th inst., Mr. Peter Sell, of Union township, aged 54 years 4 months and 13 days. STULTZ.—On the sth inst., in Highland township, after a short illness Teptha Hamilton, son of Thaddeus S. and M. E. Stultz, aged 10 months and 7 days. LAST NOTICE. The subscribere would again request those indebted to them, to cell and settle their accounts. •ur Books must be closed, and all unsettled accounts after The lot of November, wilt positively be placed with an of. Hoer for collection. PAXTON & MaeItRAILY. Fairfield, Pa., August 29.-41 WOOD FOR BALE, 300 CORDS OAK, 200 HICKORY , AT SANDOE'S MILL. .3.. Price $2 end $3 per cord on the ground. GEO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Aug. 28,1868.—t1 ELECTION. An Election for eleven Managers of the "Ad ams County Mutual Fire Insurance Company,. willb• held at the Office of the Company in Gettysburg, on Nanclay. the 14th day of September next, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. M. Each member being entitled to one vote for each Policy held by him. Sar-The Executive Committee will meet at 10 o'- clock, A. M., of said day. Aug. 26..-td D. A. BUEHLER, Sec'y. A-Ag • STRAY.—Strayed from the pre- Wog of the subscriber, BOITA 881/11104,--a large white one, with a piece cut oat of each ear; air other red, with white fate and white /tripe along the back; one a dun with radish &lee ; and the other red and white spotted. I will suitably reward any on. taking them up, or giving an latorotation 00ncerik lag them. JEWS MELLY, York fiptirgp, (Petersburg), Adana co Pa, Aug. PL-41t C @ 8 HARRIED gew AAvuttogmtlito. sew Sivartisimetto. IDISSOLITTION Tb• Arm of Tau k Cute is thereby dissolved by mutual consent. All parsons Indebted to said Arm w 11l make payment to Pl2ll . J. TAT., wbo will oleo pay all liabilltlee done by mid Pm. August 28,-4t RIIILDING•STOCK. m-w A limited numbest of Rums of the Capital Stock of the MenaNeu Building Association can be obtained by the elitism of Gettysburg upon Wl mediate Application et the dace of the undersigned. arrangements will be made to pay the weekly dues in ettymbrirg upon the shares sold there. Aug. 28.-1 t W. A. DUNCAN. ACTIVE AND EFFICIENT AGENTS WANTED, IN THIS 00V NIT 701 TNT UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. CLAIMING, as this Company does, some advantages peculiar to Meg Agents are afforded an easy and successful method for securing risks. A liberal com mission paid to spats, who must furnish trot-cur references. Address, D. & G loninger, M. D., General Agent, No. 129 South 7th it., Philadelphia, Pa. Aug. 23.—1 m PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICIJL TURAL SOCIETY. The next Exhibition of t►te Society will be held at HARRISBURG, -- Tuesday, watetesdas, Thursday, Frau.% September 29 & 30—October 1, & 2, 1868 Catalogues of Pretuinmsean be had, and information given upon application to tie Secretary, at Harrisburg. The PREMSUriI LIST has seen enlarged, and Is a very liberal one. Excursion tickets will be sold by the principal Railroads leading to Harrisburg, and freight carried at reduced rates. .A. BOYD HAMILTON, Preeident. A. B. LONGA KEIL, Secrctary. [Aug. 28-6 t AGENTS'WANTED TO STU TK Chicopee Sewing Machine. mva f L aw m: : k can t. t l e et c o o v xra ll t t e a d blo for only ELASTIC LCCK STITCH, use. the drop or foar mothn feed need by all first-class machines. It will hem, led, tuck, cord, gather, quilt, bind, embroider, and do every variety of work that can be done on any other raachine. We warrant this machine to be the beat In tie world. It has been de clared to be so by the best judges to be found,and was awarded the first gold medal, over one hundred and twenty-two competitors, at Paris. We will 'give a written guarantee to that effect. Address, with stamp, J. D. ORNE, General Agent, 922 Chestnut et., Philadelphia. Aug. 28. May 8.--43 m AT ALUABE.MILL PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE The subscriber will sell at Putlic Sale, on Friday, the 1814 day of Jeptcmber next, on the premise., In Huntington township, one mile root of Petersburg, on the turnpike leading from Carlisle to Hanover ' Pa, all his valuable Real Property, adjoining lands of the York Sulphur Springs, Col. John Wolford, W. IL Webb, Samna I Stough, and others, known - as the YORK SPRINGS HILLS, containing 91 ACRES and 156 PERCHES. Tte land is in a high state of cultivation, having been recently well limed, with the following Improvements thereon erected—a good two-story Dwelling House, containing 15 rooms, with an excel- lent well of never-failing water near the door, a large Bank Barn with Wagon Shed a Large Grist Mill, five stories high, with four run of Stone, gearing all Iron, and has been recently repaired, and Is rota by two Tyler Iron Wheels. There is alma SAW HILL In good repair attached to the ytilL A lint: orchard of choice fruit, such as Apples and Peacbee. Tlllo property hoe convenient to Churches, School'', &c., and is uuly 1!.i" miles from Lime Kline. Persons wishing to view the property can do ao by calling on the subscriber living thereon. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by ikA..SaleAtire. HENRY DOTTARAR York Springs, Pa, August 2.S.—ti PRIVATE SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM The undersigned intending to quit farming, offers for sale the Farm on which he now resides, near the Carlisle pike, one mile from Hound Hill P. 0., and three miles from York Sulphur Springs and Frampton, Adanse county, Pa., containing 101 SORBS, more or Ins, on which is erected a now two-story Outer Post House, i 4 by :Si feet, with bock-kitchen. There Is a pump of never-failing water at the door, three Sprogs in two of the fields, awl running water in two others; Apples, Peaches, (hid ries, and other fruit trees on the preniimis; a g.,.,41 and new Bank Barn, built in 1066, witlasil oil. r ,utbuildings, Hog and Chicken Honor, Ac. Fit lonshels of Grain have been put on this Inns, ti:., act four years, and live thousand new rails. 11114le are about 30 Acres of heavy Timber land of and Hickory. It al so lies convenient to Mills, Blacksmith Shops, Stores and Poi! o Ihle is o good chance, to the Linn is in a high stare of cultivation, price low; hall cash, balance in payments with interest. lithe above Farm is not I by thefirsf of Decem— ber, it will be RENTED. For further inforruatiot address I. R. SHIPLEY, Hound liill, P. 0, Adami co., Pa. Aug. 3'5 -tf PBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL & c PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned will offer at Feblfe Sale, on Satur day, the 12M day of Sel&ast,cr next, all o'clock, P. M., on the premise., his Real Estate, situate on Seminary Ridge, afoul mile west ofOettysburg, on the Hagers town road, adjoining lands of the Theological demi nary, containing 10 Acres, more or leas—improved with a two-story Frame Dwelling, Frame Baru, Hog Pen, good Well of Water with pump, an Orchard of choice Dia, Ac. About 4 Acres are in good Timber, with a sufficiency of Meadow, Ac. Ala°, at the same time and place. will be sold, two-year old Col 6 2 Lban. Bedsteads and Bedding, • _se iiACleiNA47rlrpet. r tack, Axe, abase. new Wheelbarrow, va riety of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Attendance will be given and term' made known on day cl isle by GLANCE HALLMAN. as my Agent. August s.—ts JOIDJ L. BURNS. 1 ?0 1 00 2 50 VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE G 00 1 00 The undersigned offers at Private Sale the property on which he now resides in Franklin township near GuistOwn and the Chambersburg pike, adjoining lands of Andrew Willer, John Bittinger, John P. Butt, Adam henry and others, and containing 50 ACRES, more or less. The Improvements consist of a two story Log Weatherhoarded Dwelling with a basement Kitchen, a Log Barn, wheelwright Shop and other out buildings, a Well of excellent water with a pump In near the door; also, a running stream through the property, a thriving Orchard of Apples and all kinds of fruit. The property is in good condition having over two thousand bushels of lime put thereon. There is a dhe proportion of Meadow end Timber land: It is also located convenient to Churches, School Rouses, Post oflices and Mechanics, which make it a desirable pro. perty. Persons wishing to view the property or ascertain terms, wil I apply to the subscriber residing thereon. August 28.—ti DANIEL LIMES. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. The subscriber will sell at Public Bale, on Saturday the sth day of September nest, a t 1 o'clock, P.M., at bar residence on the College Campus, the following valua ble Personal Property, to wit: 1 SOFA, 2 Lounges, S Dining Tables, 1 Dressing Table, 18 Cane beat Chairs, Ingrain Carpeting, 1 Bureau, Noble Cook Stove, Vulcan Stove, 1 other Stove, Queensware, Mantle - Looking Glass, and many other articles. Attendance will be given and termsmadeknown by CLARA. 81. BAUGLIER. Aug. 28.-21 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have opened an agency for the SALE OF REAL ESTATE, inconnection with my law business in Gettysburg And will give personal attention to the Examination of Titles, Con veyancing & Investment of money. Parties wishing to sell, or bny lands, may find it to their advantage to call. Several Farms and Woodland A No. 1, FARM, PRICE $7,000 A TRACT, 90 ACRES, FOR $l,BOO A GOOD FARM, 9.30 ACRES, VERY CHEAP A FARM, 130 ACRES, FOR $3,900 A FARM, 65 ACRES, FOR $2,275 A FARM, 54 ACRES, FOR $2,400 A VERY GOOD FARM, 100 ACRES A VERY GOOD FARM, 125 ACRES A VERY GOOD FARM, 160 ACRES A NO. 1, FRUIT FARM. 200 ACRES In the neighborhood of G yeburg—also, property In town for sale Attorney at law Gettysburg, July 10. 1888.—tE Pennsylvania College, GETTYSBURG, PA HE Fall Session of Pennsylvania College will be gin on 27,u - reday, the 2-Ith day of Sepknaber, and continue thirteen weeks. In addition to &large corps of Professors, the Institution is furnished with ex tensive Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, and- Geological Cabinet. The new Preparatory Building will be ready for oc copancy. The rooms in this Department will be fur nished. Expenses, exclusive of Books, and Stationery, from $BB to $BB Per-8 68810 n. "dude on piano exit*, yksijor further particulars, address M. VALENTINE, D. D.; President, or REV. C. J. SHUGART, A.M., peitietpal. Aug. 21or8t. HANOVER COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, MALE AND FEMALE. H. 8. KOONS, A. ItL, Principal. mit& 0. B. KOONS, Assistant. quo o f this Intaltutkm Commence on T the Id day Of ariber next. Thorough instruc tion will be given in reek, Latin and Mathematics, an well as the common 10 4 higher branches of an Bug llsh education. 'RENON AND assault =TEA. Apply to nrf. U.S. KOONS, A. M., 21.-2 t Principal. Hanover, Pa., Aug. yka. R. B. ELDERDIGT, Ag-r .h.. .....r to tox iv hg.tid. t . v s Um_ potato, that Mos at the Hotel. 11, " 4 r""" d 'P/a,. • Man county, Ph, tigli VA* UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD P. J. TATS, OULP Are now ilabdied and In operation. Although this road is built with great rapidity, the work is thorough ly done, and is pronounced by the United States Com miuioners to be Arst-clue in every respect, before it Is accepted, and before any bonds can bo homed upon it. Rapidity and excellence or construction base been mound by a complete dietitian of labor, and by dis tributing the twenty thousand men employed along the line fOr long distances at once. It is now pro• battle that the Whole Line to the PACIFIC will be Completed in 1869. The Company have ample means of which the Goy arnment grants the right of way, and all necessary timber and other materials found along the line of ite operations; also 12,800 acres of land to the mile, lateen in alternate sections on each aide of its road; also United States Thirty-year Bonds, Amounting to from 816,000 to 848,000 per nabs, according to the difficul ties to be surmounted on the various sections to be built, for which It take. a second mortgagees security, and It is expected that not only the interest, but the principal amount may be paid In services rendered by the Company In transporting troops, mails, ie. TLIE EARNINGS OF VIE UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD, from its Way or Local Business only, during the year ending June 30th, 1868, amounted to over FOUR MILLION DOLLARS, which, after paying all expenses was much more than stifilelent to pay the Interest upon Its Bonds. These earnings are no Indication of the oust through traffie that must follow the opening of the line to the Pacific, but they certainly prove that First Mortgage Bonds upon such • property, coating nearly three times their amount, The Union Pacific Bond, ruu thirty yeary are for 11,000 each, and have coupons attached. They bear annual interest, payable on the first days of January and July at the Company's office in the C!ty of New York, at the rate of eh per cent. In gold. The princi pal la payable in gold at maturity. The price islo2, and at the present rate of gold, they pay a liberal in. come on their coat. A very important ccuilderation iu determining the value of these bonds is the length of time they hare to It is well known that a long bond always commands a much higher price than a short one. It ix safe to as same that during the next thirty years, the rate of Internet In the United States will decline as it lute done in Europe, and we have a right to expect that such six per cent.securitisoe as these will be held at as high a premium as those of tide Government, which, in 1867, were bought In at from 20 to 23 per cent. above par, The export demand alone may produce this re sult, and as the issue of a private corporation, they are beyond the reach of political action. The Company believe that their Bonds, at the pre sent rate, are the cheapest security in the market, and the right to advance the price at any time is reserved. Subscriptions will be received In and in New Yurk AT THE COMPANY'S OFFICE, NO., 29 NASSAU ST, JOHN J. CISCO k SON, BANKERS, No. a 3 WALL Bt. And by the Company's adTertised agents throughout Remittances should be made in drafts or other funds par in New York, and the Rondo !will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local agents, will look to them for their safe delivery. A PAMPHLET AND MAP 1011 1868 b. Ju,t been published by the Company, giving fuller information than Is possible in an advertisement, respecting the Progress of the Work, the Resources of the Country traversed by the Road, the Means for Construction, and the Value of the Honda, which will be sent free on application at tho Company's offices or to any of the advertised agents. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. Angus& 21.—tf SELLING OFF The nndearsignal intending to make it change in their businras Blior fly; will sell out their entire stock at COST Mao, GOODS will be 5.14 rrOtr..flega of cost OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF DRY GOODS, sir Pers..ate desiring bargains should avail them selves of this opportunity et once—as the whole stock will liooe Le illeposeil of. DUPHORN Sr, HOFFMAN, NORTH-WEST CORNER, CENrii_R SQUA RE, GETTYSBURG, PA August 28,15t8 —t( FOR SALE, A CLOTHING STORE, WITH A WELL SELECTED STOCK-, GOOD BEN 0E- Custom Sr, first-rate Stand. ;11...Inquire at WI once.. [Aug. 2L-1 R. G. McCREARY, NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons eoncerned, that' the Administration Amounts hervistaftaLr •mentiowni. will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Acimna county for confirmation and allowance. on TUMBDAT, the 226 day of SEPTEMBER next, at 10 esetat...l.. U., des : 156. The tirst and flnal Unawilinikipaccessut eg Gm. Throne, 0121ad111111 of Samuel, jam and Margaret Deardorff, minor children of Deniable Delsll, doomed. 157. The aqxant of Lewis Smith and Abner S. Rind er_Executors of the will of Peter H. Sailtb,. domain& 1.56. The account. of Edward Long and Abraham Loot, Executors of the will of John Long, demand. 169. The amount of Charles Ackley, Executor of the will of Daniel ldickley, deceased: _ 160. Bird account of Leaver, DeAcutor ofJUlui Millet, late of Union township, Adams oonnty, died. • 161. lint and final account of Benjamin Albeit„ Administrator of lkinrgertg account deceased: 162. The Ant scoonstonliotha.4.V• ittimqter of the leat"will and testament of armor, deed, 133. rivet account of WeindY Itmomfar Cf John Sadl er,_ , lBl: Eleoe anctOrmlecoeunt of 3140 W Itnimetiff 144 Surviving of Os last - will andleattlOtatt of Peter Wlittoosit, 166. Aemelot of Wm. R. White and J. R. %Idea, Administrator* of Andrew Whtte deed', W. D. HO NTH, Seiginen . Aug: Si. /8653,4 C • 0 T I 0 E. N The School Diriottaai of Otailiatiaad tnicaablo, wtll mot at Marmot Wool &WM is' AbilaNISY• 44" Ott, at 14. pupae oftaaplairlng 8 T.RIO l . tataloa4ltatip4 ths Noma itaboal ba said 117 a* Iti t ttar N. VW" kuielart• few' akintifinututo. 750' MILES =3 ARE ENTIRELY SECURE FIRST NATIONAL BANK and I= MI the United States. AT COST. NOTIONS, CARPETS, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, &c., &Q REGISTER'S IttOTICES 4tat ititgertental W. I gni alaVtrllol2/0 $/titgl. VALUABLE MILLS dr FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. • The entweriber wish lug to mete from bushwees on account °this health, Whirs at Private Sale his vat . ble Property, situated In Lar r it township, Ada m s county, Pe, 2 miles souther old, known aw mtMt Mills. The Perm con s about 76 Acres of land, about 16 Acres of Which is in meadow, about Acres In thriving timber. principally Locust, and the Wanee sr cept that occupied by Buildings, Dial, 31:01111, A.C. in a high state of calthutlon. Th ere is • greet variety of fruit on the premises. The Malkllngs are a large two-story Brick Dwelling loose with Dackbuilding, Doable Log Barn, Wagon Shed, Hog House, Spring House and all other necessary outbuild ings. The Mills are on Middle creek with mule tent water to run the year round, the Mill Houle is 50 by 40 feet, 3 stories high lower story stone, the balance frame as good es new, built in the most substantial manner, Power, 2 Overshot Wheel. 19 feet high, con tains 2 pairs of Barre and - 2 pairs of Chopping Stone*, together with all the machinery and xturts ha a first claaeMerchantandGristMill. There Is also a new Saw Mill attached tripple geared, capable qf sewing 150 feet of Oak Lumber per boar. The abOve 51111 s are In a good neighborhood for grain being within 2 tallest of Carroll's Tract and Timber; also, for Schools, Churches, Markets, &c. Price and terms made known by calling ou the sub scriber on the property or addressing him at Fairfield, Peons. PETER Drn L. Aug. 21, 1868.-5 m T WO VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE The undersigned otter at Private Sale, their two val noble Lote, viz: No. I—Containing 15 Acres, more or less, in Cumberland towoship, adjoining lands of Dr. Study, George Rowe and others, about N mile from Witherow's Mill, (known as the flyer's property), Improved with a two-story Log Rouse, with a back kitchen, a Barn part log and the other part frame, two story Spring House, Carpenter Shop, Smoke House, and other necessary outbuildings, a well of nereEfailing Water, with pump, at the kitchen door, young Orchard of choice fruit, be. No. 2—Containing 11 Acres and 43 Perches, more or loss, adjoining lands of John A. Lohr, George Doll and others in Cumberland township, improved with a two-story Log House, with Kitchen attached, Frame Stable, Carpenter Shop and other Outbuildings, a Spring of good Water near the blouse, good Orchard bearing fruit, Ac. If not sold before the GA of A - orratler, the above properties will be offered at Public Sale. Any person wishing to view the propert Is will call ou the undersigned residing on the property. PETER IIOOFII AULD, HENRY IIOUF'SAioL Y., JOUR W. 1100PNAGLE. Aug. 21, 1568.-td• ?ÜBLIU SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM The andel signed, Executors of the last will and Testament of Isaac Monfort, late of Straban town. ship, Adams county, Pa., deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on Saturclay,thr 191/i day of &Monter next, at 1 o'clock, P. Jr, on the premises, the valuable FARM of said deceased, situate in said township, on the road from New Oxford to Carlisle, about 3 miles, from the former place, adjoining lands of Samuel Wagoner, George Cashman and otherr, containing 160 Acres, more or less. The Improvements aro a two-story STONE DWELLING, with frame Back:building, a good Frame Barn, Wagon Sheds, Corn Crab, Spring Wash Donee, and other outbuildings; a Spring of never-failing Water, an Orchard of choice fruit, itc.— The Farm in good order and in good cultivation, having been recently limed. There is a fair propor tion of good Timber and Meadow laud. Persons desiring to view the premises will call on I George B. Montfort, residing close by. The Undersigned will also offer at Public Sale, on Saturday, the 3rd of Ottoter next, at lOo'clock, d. if., on the premises, two Lots of Timber Land, one con• tamping if Acres, the other 9 Acres, in Dickinson town. ship, Cumberland county, adjoining lends of Simon Yeatts and others, being mostly prime young Chest— nut timber. Attendance will be given and terms made known on days of sale by "•• " " GEOROE R. MONFORT, JOLIN P. FELTY, Aug. 21.—ts. Executors pUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE In pursuance of an alias order attic Orphane' Court of Adams county, will be exposed at Public Sale, an Friday 41111Mith day of September nest, at 10 o'clock, A. X, orrne premises, the Beal Estate of Christian Mnsaelman, deceased, consisting of several tracts situate in the townships of Ilamiltonhan and Liberty, as follows, to wit: No. 1, The Mansion Tract, con taining 320 Acres. more or less, adjoining lands of Maj. John Musaelman, Joseph Reed, Michael Kugler, and others. The Improvements are a large two.stary Stone House, Stone Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other outbuildings, with a well of water nese the door, also running water in the Barnyard; a Saw Mill, and also en excellent Mill seat with good water power. There la a large quantity of floe Timner, Locust, Poplar and Chestnut. There are several guar rim of excellent lime-stone un this tract. The land is in a gooa state of cultivation, with a good Orchard, and a large Meadow. Tom's creek runs through the tract. There is also a Log Dwelling Rouse and Log Stable on this tract. No. 2, Tract contains 190 Acres, more or less, adjoining lauds of Maj. John Mussehuan, Jacob Kready, John Sanders and nact No. I. The Improvements are a two.atoryWeatherboarded House, new Stone Bank Barn, an excellent Spring of water two Orchards, one of which is new, a Log Tenant House, an excellent Meadow and a proportion of good Timber. Tom's creek runs through this Tract. Attendance will ba given and terms made known on day of sale by JOHN IfIISSEL3IAN, L Admre. DAVID STEWART, By the Court—A. W. 1111rrix., Clerk. [Aug. 21-te VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE The undersigned offers at Public Sale on Saturday, the 12th day of September nano; his FARM*, situated In Huntington township, Adams county, Pa., contain. ing 25 Acres and 80 Peaches, all limed and in good cul.. tirating order. one mile west of Round Hill, adjoin ing lands of Abraham Fickes, Lewis Smith, J. 11. Fink and others, on which are a two-story HOUSE and Barn and a/1 necessary outbuilding; all newly built, about 3 Acres to good Timber, a never-failing well .2211 N eelis water luau the door:a nub young Orchard, Sale wild commence ettros,..----, sacs wil l begiceDrt te r m sm ade k n ow n by Gsoacs M.Buxzu,woisuorzedtoactruo. =I The undersigned also offers at Private Sale, his val. sable Farm, in Huntington township, Adams county, Pa., one mile south of York Springs, on road leading to Hunterstown, containing 75 Acres, improved with a good two-story Log House, Log Barn, Wash House and other Improvements; a thriving young Orchard of choice fruit ; two wells of never-failing water, Ac. Persona wishing to view the premises or ascertain terms, will call on the undersigned residing thereon. Aug. 21.-la GEORGE M. S3IITH. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The Unirs of Daniel Fidler, late of Straban town ship, Adams county. Pa., deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on Saturday, September 2 4 3f/i, ISBS, on the prem ises, near the State road, about 2 miles north of Hun. terstown that valuable FARM, situate in Straban township, adjoining lands ofJohnGuideti,John Feeser, John 13. Galbraith, John lleagy and others, containing 125 Acres, about 25 Acres of Woodland and a due pro portion of Meadow. The Improvements are a new two-story Weatherboarded House, a Stone Weah Rouse, Log Barn with Sheds attached, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Carriage house, hog Pen, and all other outbuildings. There is a well of excellent Water near the door, and one at the Barn. There is an Orchard of choice fruit on the farm, consisting in part 01 Ap ples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Ate. The land is under a good state of cultivation having been limed, and is under good fencing. Persona wishing to view the property before the day of sale will call on George Fidler residing on the premises. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, 51.,0n said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Aug. 21.-te THE ILEIRS. PUBLIC SALE. In pursuance of a decree of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will be offered at Public Sate; on Sat urday the 12th day of September next,all o'clock, P. if., on the premises, the Real Estate of John Hartman, do ceased, consisting of TWO TRACTS OF LAND, No.l situate in Latimore township, adjoining lands of Paul Troop, Jacob Myers, Peter Binder and the Public road leading from East Berlin to slechanicary.lle, contain ing Eight Acres, more or leas, improved with a two- story FRAM:: WEATRERBOARDED ROUSE, frame out-kitchen, a good trams Barn, with Wagon Shed at tached, Rog Pen, a good well of Water near the house with Pump, a good Orchard with all kinds n ot choice Fruit. The whole is under good fencing, BEd Is in a good state of cultivation. This property is near Me chanicsville, and also near the Bermudian Church. N 0.2, A TRACT OF LAND situate In Beading town ship, adjoining lands of Henry Nell, Peter B. Kauff man, David Binder and others, containing 5 Acres, and covered with a variety of good Timber. Attendance will be given and terms mode known on day of sale by PETER B. KAUFFMAN, Ei'r, By the Court—A. W. Clerk. Aug. 21.-te FOR SALE, A VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, with 60 ACHES of choice Land, on the Turnpike lead. lug from Abbaltatown to Hanover, one mile from the former place, known aaHolliater's SOUL. • Aso, ONE OTHER MILL PROPERTY, with , 40 ACRES OP LAND, or 120 Acres as may be desired, on Marsh Creek, 6 miles aoath•wsst from ettyabarg„, and known as Sandoe's ALIO, A MODEL PARK, 251 ACRES OH LAND, in • high state of cultivation, 100 bushel' of Lime to the Acre, No.l, Buildiup, 2 mile. west from Gettysburg. GRO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Aug. 21, 111110,4 A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE Th illlilitte 1311 tat Pei sn ras es s rode Sale, his valuable Hann Malta in /readout township, Mame county, Pa., d o*. roadlnallind tronilloriss's PavertaT to lalrficld;adjWtig Ban Illtite;Andiewltaid,lhos isderitraite and others, Thislanneontalle ACM, about 30 Acne of whicit are god Timber and s fair proportion of The Improvements consist of a large two.mott muirnotrsE(nerrly sew,) a urge Bank Barn, Mom Shed, Carriage Solna, Uog Pens, Ilkinithibe;anit *IL Caber noonntrY ruktinildiags. — There is a noyentall tog Ber,ing at water in the. and a well at the barn. Meek an Orchard of about 1430 trees of excellent trait. The lar4 is under good. cultivatkin, good fencing, and welPeatewad. Any Piro:at triaddi bliPardikatin We shoal* nes' fall to call and snstbk him siathaptuallinaar yip re alive a bargain. Any.person ittahlt.? firm will platen miU on the Eindialloll6 Y.K. HOIIOS. Augusi2l,l3Blde2oka • 710610DM10 of '• •• "' YIICLU4BI4S FActii4 • mFOTE BEM prime , SALE OF VALUABLE REAL PERSONAL ESTATE Oa Saiurday the 511. of &plem!cr, al 9 o'clock, A. M The undersigned, Administrator of the Eat•te o Jeremiah B. Sites, &weaned, w ill sell at Public Bale at the late residence of fetid deceaaed. In flamiltooban townahlp, Adams co., Pa., about 4 miles north-west from Fairfield, the following Tali:table Property, to I wit: TIMER GOOD WORK HORSES, one of them a good family bore*, 2 Mitch Cow, and 3 young Cattle, 3 Rog, ' 1 good Mar-horse Wagon, 1 good fkillngtop Baggy, Wo9d Ladders, Stone Bed, Gay Carriage, Plows, mug% and double Shovel Plows, narrow; Grain Fan, Cutting Box, 210m0 Grain Cradles, Forks, Rakes, Shovels, Pick, a No.l Log Chain, Lock Chains, Rougb Lock. Spreaders, double and single Treea,2 seta Breecb bands, mat Front Gears, Collar., Bridle., Lines, Riding Saddle ' Side Saddle, a set of Cooper's Tools, lot of Carpenter's Tools,Ax et, Saw s,Planes,Drawing Knives. Work Bench, Blacksmith's Vice, al., a lot of good Oak &MM., a lot of Chestnut • and Oak Rajl abont,l6 cords of Wood, part Hickory, • lot of Shing le, and Staves, the crop of Corn and Potatoe. now in the ground; also:11000)01d and %lichen Furniture, consisting in part of Bedstead, and Bedding,' Tables, Chairs, Cupboards, Ca. of Drawers, Stands, Noble cook Stove and Fixturee,ten plate Stove, Pipe, Queens ware, Tabs, Barrels, Boxes, and a great =toy other articles too numerous to mention. Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of sale by ORO. F. SITES, Adm'r. Also, at thesame time and place will be sold the following Real Estate of said deceased, consisting o ISO ACRES, more or less, of which about 40 ACRES are cleared and in a high state of cultivation.— The balance Is covered with thriving TIMBER, such an Hickory, Chestnut, Oak, &c. The Impove. meats are a large new Two-story Log House, dou ble Log Barn, Work Shop, Smoke House, and other necessary outbuildings. There is a never-failing Spring of excellent water at the door, and several others on the farm. Thero Is a great variety of Fruit on th• premises, a large Peach Orchard, planted last spring, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Grapes, 6:c. The Farm Is conveniently 'dismal, a public road running through it and in a. good nelithborhood,ch as to Churches, Schools, Markets, he. Terms will be mads.known on the day of sale. Aug. 14.-ts THE HEIRS. sa-Compars copy. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The subscribers, Executors of the butt will and Ter fitment of Nathaniel Grayeon, Esq., deceased, will ol ter at Public Sale, on the premises, on Tuesday, Vie day of September next, the Farm or the said de colent, situate in Liberty township, Adams county, Pa., adjoining Is nde ot LewieWertz, John Simemaker and others, on the Public Road between Emmittsburg and Palrlleld, and containing 150 Acres. Improved with a large Two-story weatherboard.] Dwelling House, Smoke Douse. Log Darn, Carriage Milne, Ito Pen and Saw Mill, an excellent productive Orchard and well of never-falling water with pump at the house. Tom's Creek runs through the Form. The soil is good and the premises ere convenient to School House., Mills, Stores, de., rendering it a de.i rnble location. There are about 60 Acres of Timber laud covered with Loon., cineateut .111 (NOW. . Sal:, to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when attend since will be given and terms made known by JOHN 511:SSELMAN, ANN MARIA ORAYSON, Executor! Also. at the same time end place, the subscriber will sell at Public Sale, an the premises, all that val uable Tract of land, adjoining the above, late of Eliza. bethGrayeon, deceased, and containing 150 Acres.— About the one half is heavily limbed. The Buildings are a comfortable Log House and Barn with necessary out buildlOgS and an Orchard of choice fruit. S. GALT, Ang. 14.-te Agent for the Beira. ileLlianover Spxfator copy. R EAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE The subscriber offers for sale the following Real Estate, situate in Middletown, Adams county: No. 1, A Lot, containing half an acre ground, fronting t 32 feet on the Berlin road, on which is a good two-story FRAME MOUSE, with back building, a well of never-failing wntar at the door, a story Frame Shop, which could readily be made in to a good dwelling, a Frame Barn 24 by 40 feet, with floor and two mows, sufficient stabling for f,nr heed of Cattle, a Hog House and all other nece.ary out buildings; also, a lot of fruit trees, including apples, peach, Cherry. peace, grapes, a, with everything in good order. There is a running stream of water dote by. No. 2, A tract of land, conven ient to the above, containing between 10 and 11 Acres, adjoining lands of leaac Roth, John Rather, and others, in a good state of cultivation, having recently been limed twice over, and under good fencing, with a thriving Orchard of about twenty full grown apple trees thereon, a good prrnilrtion of meadow with a spring of water. This tract produces sufficient hay and pacturo for three head of cattle, braids le, nig five Acres for the raising of grain. No. 3, A tract of Timber land, within Y era mile of the above, near the Berlin road, adjoining land ~f Geo. lieu, Jacob Group and others, containing EIGHT ACRES, well covered with heavy timber. This tract if cleared would :ta mer very well for farming purposes. All the ab..ve are offered together or separ.,te as may suit buyers. Persons wishing to view this property will please call on the subscriber, residing thereon. 3llduletown, August 7,1565.-6 t WESTERN PRE-EMPTION LANDS. =1 TRACT'S OF No. 1, aecond Land, pre-emption Lands located near nail roads,County Towne, kc.; in well settled neighbor hoods, which I will sell, or exchange at a fair price for Real Estate in Adams county, Pa Feb.5,18C4,-tf rvyt, VALILNIsLr FARMS FOR 1,31L1 TLe undersigned offers at Private Sale, ILi tw•, valuable Farms, viz : No. 1--Containing 54 A cr es, more or lees, on which I now reside, in High:an' town,hip, adjoining lands of John Knox, John Biesecker and others, clout 1 from Mcllhenny's mill, and 1 mile from the Millerstown road, improved with a t wo,tery LollloUSE,well finished,a Leg weathertaarded Born with Wagon and other Sheds,Spring inone. and other outbuildings; an excellent Spring loSpring Houle, and welt of water with pump near the dwelling, 2 Orchards of choice frail, k c. No. 2--Containing 26 Acres, more or less, in Franklin township, un the road front Hill town to Mummasburg, adjoining lands of John Butt, Daniel Ileikea, Joseph Kuhn and others, Improved with a newly weatberlmarded story Dwelling, well firoshed, a new weatherboarded Barn, a Spring !louse; a Well of geed water with pump 'soar tho thvlling, a young thriving Orchard, dc. Both Farms aro in good condition, with excellent Timber and Meadow ; tract No. I having good chest nut timbers. IMPersons desiring to view either Farm, or ~Acen. twin terms, will call on the sutscriber residing on =MB July 31.-3 m A FIRST CLASS 1' A.R3I AT PRIVATE SALE, Within two miles of Gettysburg, on the Har risburg road, with all necessary improve ments, and in prime order. I will sell from 100 to 160 Acres, to suit purchasers . Tcruis reasonable. For further information apply to WM. wifiLL a Gettysburg, ra. Sept. 18—tf k DESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY . AT PRIVATE SA_LE. THE undersigned offers at Private Sale, the old DOBBIN DWELLING, at the junc. tion of the Taneytown and Salm itt sb urg roads, in the borough of Gettysburg. Tho house Is substantially built, of stone, and contains twelve large rooms.— There is a strong, never-failing Spring of Bret rate water In the basement and 134 Acres of land connect ed with it. The location is a very pieasant one, and with a little additional outlay this could be made one of the most comfortable and desirable homes In the borough or its vicinity. N0v.13,1 647-t1 JOHN RUDD. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE, The undersigned offers at Private Salo the desirable property, situate in Freedom township, on the Em mittablirg road, near Moritz's Tavern, containing 20 ACRES, more or lees, improved with a two store DUMB DWELLING cud Back-building, Log Bate and other out-buildings, on Orchard of choice Frnit of all kinds, a well of good water convenient to the door, and other improvements. The land is In good order, sail the locatf. o a desirable ono for store or mechan ical bulkiness. Any person desiring to view the prem ises will call on IL 11. :knolls, residing, on first adjoining property of Robert :a c c e nt,. T enn . res ., onsble Junerim ELIZABETH JACOBS AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers at Private Sale the follow ing Property : A TRACT OY LAND, in Butler township, on the State road. about ine mile north of Middletown, eon taitang a little over FIVE ACRES. cleared, on which Ira tweeted a story and a half Log House. and a Log Stable; there is an Orchard of flue fruit tree*: a Spring and Spring-house The land is under good feerieg,and is in eXCeilent condition. Nor terms and tither particulars call on the under signed residing thereon. RACIIEL STEINOUR. Magnet 7.--2 et p lIBLIC SALE School Directors of finmiltonban township will •el! at-Public Sale, on the preinise4, on Tuesday, Me la day of S'eptember next, atl o'clock, P. if., the Public School House, In Fairfield, with the. lot of ground upon which it Maeda. Ala--a BLOM% OiIerIPONI sill be.nambekoomas mum H. LANDIS, Preablent. -Caehbeh.Y.Bionms-• Hateretary. _-rnarAX3o,4oe4E'...M. *Me day the Board 01 Directors win. meet.- to 1000.0; 0 Teekcherd for said townie*. [July 31.—t4 11510IIRLIC SALE OF VALUARLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, undersigned, Me - cut:is of the last will and temboleto of Jong lIOtiMAS Late of the borough or GetlaffelooLeed,_ wilt seD:it Public Salo, on .9ht ite4sjith dal etr 41110ginst., at 1 P. M., ahltfalette,lvehh}ecteE3hige College bonding, tin, rot- Pereolt4rl l ioperts to wit: D MARD,ljearttot Co , lt, 1 one-horso and Elllolol4l*Daltr,Ten - plute ale Cold-toned, ',et, I Plow, 'rota to men- ~ w j h ~~ taming Vmpltintott, &( FARM IMPLEMENTS WILL() TT CI II 1" IA GUM SPRING DRILL. Tile! tillinedut e Dc h i a i r l igl i n s gTo7 l iarT:l,Ve ' D k r i l7l l : ""'" Can funk!' them with or without the Guano Attachmehts Gawrwiated to do good work. Alin, the Harrisburg Fauuig Mill caul* la New York. iquelly ►e gnat ►s the mills formerly eolJ In this county. SEPARATORS AND TTIRESHBR.4 , CLOVER, GUI, LERS, STEEL PLOUGHS, kC., FARMING IV. PLEMENTS GENERALLY. WM. WINO:. For sale by AWE. 141.-tf REAPERS & MOWERS. HLN AVO been agent for this machine leaf 110•400, alreoller it to the framer 1 11 , 1116. m, It IN well known, having taken the premium, at the Renders. vllle Pair, also at the Gettysburg Mowing Match over seven others, which were eoneiderwil epiendid roe chine., and likewise at.the Dilisburg Mowing hatch. liavingconcluded nut to otter any machine that will not give entire eaumhetion, I have refused aßeoelre of several other Machines, and now offer this ono as TUE GREAT /LACHINE OP TD.E SP.A.yoN Having tried ono myself, I know exactly what it will do. I could refer yon to score. of (armors who ha, e purchased machines of me, wboare highly pleased 3.1 say this is the only tnacbhwthey would use. Extras always on hand, and repairing done here at my place. This is a great considerat ion—themach ine can be repaired at home Immediately, and with urn: i less CO.;. Another great paring Is the BINDER which Is at. Inched to this celabrateJ Reaper and Mower. It has been thoroughly tried, and given entire satisfaction— requiting to harvest hand except a drivbr. This Binder can also be attached to the Reapers a hich hare been sold; but cannot be attached to any .414,1 machine except Shirensan's. I will here refer ynuto .4 few la noire, in .liffoloot localities, a ha have tisught and used I hope,• 111 a it Michael Placed, Stephen iliti inn. Moses Ilitrtinan, Mr. Sterner, Joseph Merman, Mr. Lion, Ulrich Jacobs, J , It. ilershey Jacob Hartman, B. B. Wo,elharo. Jacob LaMar), with others, too numerous to mention. Thls machine has a self•rate, side delivery, sod is warranted to do Itstislerk as above recommended. Also on hand. SIIIHR.MANott SELF-DISCHAR./INtl saunas • assil-sedwawalels, which we will sell at the lowest possible price. Warranted to givo satis faction. Also the COLtIMBIA RAKE alwayson Machines can he seen at my house, three Mlle/ south of Gettysburg, or at Mr. Conrad Bn)der's Battlefield Hotel. • LEWIS A. BUSHMAN, June3.—tf Agent. THE GREAT Conowago Phosphate PREPARED BY 0. W. BENSON, ;11", D., T ILE Conowago Phosphate be.dentined to land et the bead of American Fertilizer•. It Lae already proval its SUPER/OR QUALITIES, and ample cer tificates of its high merits will soon ho tarnished to the public. The proprietors will spare no mO3Oll pain, to make It a reliable and uniform article. It is superior to Peruvian Guano, becanse it le AIORI: LASTING IN ITS EFFECT and E.II'AL TO 110 N THE FIRST CROP. It dews not overstimulate the 1011, an moil of the fertilizera In the market do, and leave the land after gathering the Spit crop in a worse condition than before using it, but it remains an active fertiliser In the 4 , 11,and nitinuee year af ter year to show Itself on every trop that is pot in the land. Thu Conowsgo Phosphate contain, a largo po,cent. age of Ammonia and Lodi.: acid, Nviii,•h are es sential elements to vegetable f oil. They oithor outer directly into the plant or prepare the alkali, in the toil to do so. The base of the Conowago Plioapliats s PURE RAW BONE, completely and thoroughly dissolved without the use of ally volatile ageot. Ono or the great EUIVIIIItaiZ, thr C.w PhPhosphatehi that it will dissolve the sand In , tit, soil and let the alien free to be ai,orb..l by the grow ing p lant , which in a very Impi.rtaLt logr,•li , nt in giving firmness and strength to the ,toil:: aril ft will prer!ite the r•l e ,pr abet are force, up by 3 wet and war, awl W ill greatly facilitate lia ripening grai n :and s , sire if walnut the rust. _ . Agencies are beiz , egtabli died thr,p ut the cut:tutu wherever fe n rtilizer, ar• We aro not afraid to {dare it br,,kle the beat in th• runn try. Let all the farmer, and plantors makeup their minds that they will try.lho Crvat C ,, n.,t - ngo rho., phate thht Price fifty Dollars par ton. =I BENSON k MACS, 1 . 11 , : ivtorn. MThe Ccnowa, Phoeuhao made vry fine,nd thorough l y ..11stinte A r r ated, ) make+ it con venient to niter in tho drift+, and mute, mon o freely with the soil. All (Aril - lent know the .1 v.int.ige fine fertilizere. June 17, 1.011.—t f GEISER'S PATENT SELF-REOCLATIN(; GRALV SEPARATOit, CLEANER AND BAGGER, With the latest improved Triple-lue cd horse Power, either Geor or Belt. This maoldne hassuceessfully competed with nil th best of the different patented Grain :separators, and .now has the reputation of being the best Separator ever produced; in tact, the only Separator and Clean er aver before the public to give general sati,laothm. The machine is convennntly a rranzed fur hauling and thrething,heing permanently fixed on two wheel, One man can eaally more or shift it about, su that is Is not half the trouble .0 a Lamn tlo a as a c.,11., lion. It is simplo! rosnut;rd, compact and cleanly to work by while lit .pll,, not snaking near the dust as the Conn , ❑ m. , chim• -r other Separators. Farmers can rest ii,sure4 that this m.tchws„ humbug, and judging front tho high recounturtidatt.,ti of firm err that arc using them we Jurist Comte to conclusion that it is the very machine that frtner, want. The lullowinz are a tow of per/4011 v, used this nischine,_ well known, and to whom t public are referred for further inforninti,,: IMEMED • M. J. Peters, Flora Dale, Adams Win. Kohler, near New Ozrolti " ‘ 4 John D. Pr,utz, tiotty9bnrg Henry ll.s.rbubl, York Springo, Daniel P00r.,, L'cuderspil l e, , e a. Order4,will be received by eitliN• 0( w.on fir men, as also by Robert and Mover, East Berlin, i's._ For farther Informati,n acidr,sa ABRAM BUItIiIIOLDEB, Clearspring, York . =ENE NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD, ESEBISZIM T HE underBignerl calls attention to his now Meelane Shop, nit New I'M, Ademe County, Which 44 has pin up , et With the drtrrmlurtlou to Jogood alit rat tetiOry Work. HO W 111 inahufactitt a ”itriousi,inds of AGRICULTURAL MAC lIINE I t , ouch as THRESHING MACHINES SPRlNti.Tuoill RAKES, ic.;_and will keep the RCC6 EYE REAPER MOWER oil har, for sal a. All descriptions of REPAIRING dour promptly and as cheaply as p3asibl,.. Ile has In connection with hie Shop STEAM SAW MILL, upon which he w ill all kinds 0 work in that line. He asks the public to call and give Lima tr io, he guarantees full satisfaction. March 2.1, I 868.—Orn E. W. CLARK Sz CO.. • BANKERS, NO. 35 S. TIIII2D'ST., PHILADELPIIIA 11 b.' Nl2 It L Ari FOR THE NATIONAL LIFE INS 1..r1L1 NCE CO me UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AS'eates of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey, Tho NATIONAL LlFtt INSIMANCI: I'AN a corporation Charterod by Spenhil Art of ~. ,wromd, approcod July 2.3, 1863, with Cash Capital of One Million • Dollars, 1113,1 le now thoroughly orgenkocl and prep red for I. Liberal terms offered to Agent,. and are Invited to apply at our °nice. Fat! particulars to he had on applieat 1,0 .11 ,d• flee, located in the second story ,f our Banking where Circulate And Peniphlots. folly deeeribing the advantages offered hy t he Company, nrey Ino had. Applications for Central and l'..stern Penneyrr.t./ a to be made to B. S. it usAr:r.r... Manager, Towanda, E. W. CLARK (4.. Co., x.. 35 South Third Strert, A, PA Aug. 21, 1808.-Iylu Fine Custom Made BODTS AND SHOES All the LEADING STYLES on hetul or tl..it. M.\SOTO. Film' Axed St LOW FIGURES. An 111.1 trilled Price List with inttractiowe tor .011 t merit sent on rsrelpt of Post Ms ,itlin,. dugoAt 21,180.4.-1 y MEN OF OUR DAY : Liven o f GRANT. COLVAX, i and.all the leading wee of the flitioll, (0,01 . SO,) io one rellyne, Ly Dr. 4. P. Drockatt , thr9umular likurraphicei rwlitar ut cApplclun .4 CYCl_Sll 6 =:' Over 00U page, and 42 lin. , , e .ll)ortreits. Ilteeely complete or.rellehle tr.,rk,411 the kind publiabed. Price Teri N.. Sid, lal . Any Intelligent men or wmuan can clear per month. One agent made ,p avu tbr circular. Addrest ado known PIONS tecnt i x. BAILS •tile Al th• wit, Th• 7.llll4Lan,ilaCtraDt rubli.hort, Rb iladelpkia. Pa., Qtaiclansti, 0., Chicago, or St, Pnii22-364 • rAsg.4l,l4OC-41fil W laDd D. QITT. J.. 11. SIIIRRIIA.N'S LITTLESTOWN, PA. JACOB FOR GENTLEMEN I= '0.3 South Sixth rt., above Clo-stout PIIILAPELNUA AONNrS WANTED FOR