MertitAßT. JOHN' F. MeCILRARY • t t always Cheapest." Best and Cheapest, rs, ( 7 0LL.4.1tS and, of all kiwis, in the County teehe twind at tbt AM' *441 'known timbre et., oppoeite tile Presbyterian Ohara . kIkic_CREARY'S.) iding• and Wagon saddles, ~,st eat Lailt and neatest. mess, (Ma in and silver naount - won. in every rovect and warranted to he y befit motorist and workmanship. per leather Draft Collars,_ 'C uasr. They are the Lost Firma suit vy Draft Harness, to order, as cheap as they canto, wade any- In the most substantial mannal. Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft ly-nets and everything in the line; None e per. eei atiiv.ixt, to the lormt timing standard. .1 percentage for cash, off all billsamounting k noP. log but the best of stock end will very article turned out to be Is esei7reapect LI for p,t fat orn invite attention to our « no a roll and examine PRICV3 ANT' QUALIty :1td14.-11 D. McCREARY & BON. tills County Ahead I XCELSIOR PATENT FLY-NET, , t,t,red entirely ;of, and heater than Cotton or Linen ,Fbt veryie - • tinsurpatuted. ENTET ISTIT, 18C8, ritKitULGrr, woitLEy ,t GROVE. ' LEV, Belle Agent f.r the 'EXCELSIOR Pd• TENT NET ter Ad:U:IIP Sounty, Istiottly ou hand manuteotitt-ed Nets of the • Patent. A 1..,, ESS. • I.I.ARS, BRIDLES, TRUNKS. BLANTiETE, BELLS, A3D RYERYTLIINO , s !forme fare iAing establishment., ..N'TS WANTED to .l 1 Turritory tut Patent to soil Seta on commission in the County. • meat ions AiL utaid be eddrused to Yuri Sulphur Srin.l. L. WORLEY, SCS..—tf p gs, Adams co PA. lAGES AND BUGGIES TATE az CULP 71il•iing a c aria of COACH WORK of and inest ntyles, and construct lit material, to which then Invite the atten rs. Having , hun o t nr work with great' f material selected with special reference of style and durability, we ran confident ,ll,l the work as unsurpassed by any other f the rifle.. All We ask is an !Limpet-Oen of o eanrinc e th,e, in want of any kind of a it this is the place to buy them. AIR/NO In every branch done at short on reasonable termi. cal: at our Factory, noar the.corner of :scot Chimbersburg etreets, Gettysburg, lEBEE A GF,MAKINq RESUMED 'dug over, the undersigned have reenined 4.RRI AGE-MAKING BUSINESS, stand, In East Middle street, Gettyeburg, are again prepared to put up work in the. able, substantial, and superior manner. and Becund-band ARBIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., Welt they will dispose of at the 'lowest ill ,irdere will be supplied no promptly Luray as p4asible. GrIIEPAIR ipa tch, and at cheapest rates, nor and (Al 11ARN ES'S cn hand for for thA liberal patronage heretofore en• em, they solicit and will endeavor to do "'hare iu the future. DANKER k ZIEGLIR. ie and Carriages. M 0 V AL . ersioeil has re:nut:ell his Ceizzlitge-innk iii to tt e Cart end of mithu• street, Oett]s •nCre he will continue to hulk! all kind. of line, viz: 4 G'ES, TROTTING 41 - FALL "OP II UGGIF,S, DAGGER GO-VS, d•C'., &C. • Is ql put up of good ulaterlal and by echauics, and cannot fall to give Batt* price; are always reasonable. Ile ROM alai be Can please. NO promptly done, at moderate rate., W. K. GALI.AOFIR.R MEI atthts and Jtirttrj. H 0 AT - AL ! of St , PER & McCelany hav,e removed to more Street, next door to Spanglar'e Shoe her.• 014 1,14,1 a choice assortment of WATCHES, (1;,,1d and Silvka-,) WELRY, :II TatePt Rtyi Silver and Plated Waie Silver and Stetl GM ACL E S •tAlintAtturv. Also, Violins, ()ratans, At .r. Va4in and Guitar Strings WI in On?' line flOne able prices as elsewAere, r )1,1 Wed. ro I I, par t fav,,rs, arc solicit a eoantin 01' & 11 STORE '11.17s T STREET, E. Caldwell Si, Co., WELERS, IMCE SPELIAL At;I:STB I= altltA3l MTG. COIPANre ELKTRO-PLATED WARE thrst. go to 1. 11.,:itkJity sup. maxii,t, 111,4 h rtr r.t will he ka,intaih,J, nh) Bui.t at relzut Fl \Ep PIiZCJS W t e 00,Aleidlqa, stkMpad on the base elesseb artlele. CALDWELL & CO IFESTINITT ST., HILAK?ELPHIA. S 6 al C K. STAUFFER, maker and Jeweler; 'w•th 2(.1 at., earner of Qtuirry, 11LADELPHIA )curt Ira lche t, Jetrelry,Silver ted Ware conetantlyon hand. ; ' FOR ITOLIDAY PR-B ENT'S ! bg a Watches aud Jewelry promptly. (Nov. 27,1807.-13, G IS BELIEVING ARCH STEER?, 33 Gwps SILVER PI, A.TED IV3ILEZI, every style aria daschriptlos for the Wintor trade: eux and diniabaltY Minot 1 al EEN BOWMA N 'S Ratan Shunfuteirag Eatab RCH STREET HILADELPILIA. Lit abort notics (Aut. $l.-/ ME , k 411/7 ' tette' 6 ,? - 4 - Alsrp - Jalpipcorr.-fn Our 1.1(7AN COUNTY, AR,F3O3 CONVEX- brief notice last wee Alt 111115 a 1111 .di . k or the. exercises TIOTT:=The Repriblicart Convention met ''' - ' , connected with the Ccd.leriVaii*Prieer37, .ln Agrioultnral Hall on Monday last, and Itartalimatere Ostaili &Reed** lilltararc t , we necessarily , in the •Ittiiry' 'of gbing Id ' in n i ft‘inizad by appOinting Tosuart Bee.: ' - --' '' ' rearciaite' I, 41stressitlfetaitsi. press, omitted several items, which we NEB President, Capt. Wm. Jorims and Sem Ikon]; 9 00 • 9 50. . now im supply. - Veswe .CPBono Vice Presidents, and EXTRA FrAtig , • ' - o .10,50 •u,,vo. 4 T m p , e c t A o l n u T m a to ti r iyi th: ven Tl9l nir it a r er E.e ttt m e ina ati. : Capt., H. 15'. M.lsrmyCkE and G. Lf , DRAi. wmirs w 0 9-4 T - 4..?..tric 1 ,80, Doirry Smelteries. The following Itele: atite.„3slltati"' .;i '''a -X 'B.: ' ' , r7s' dress by Rev. Mr. Holman. Rev. F. W. gate§ aliened and toakseata : G oss,, • 11 121 lii , 1 22 , Conrad, D. D., was elected President; i Getlyabury-Dr.Cherles Horner, Wm.R. Eyster. BIN --.-,.- , , k - - L z i*„ . f as -0 1 aci , - - - -, n.-=•••-”.. , :,,:- ,__ I Rev. Wm. M. Baum, D. ti,..Secrotary ; ' Ctssiberksetrt-Gea. &Stoves, Wm. G.Black. atsS, '62 0 ser and Rev. C A Hay, D. D., Treasurer. Thai. Littlettoum—L. T. Mehring, Jesse Ickes. „.. . Mr. Dimm was selected to , deliver the Germany-Solomon Menges, Martin Stahl 4. 414110T1/IMBIRD, .-.........,..1 0 ;151 . 4Xt ,:ir .S 00 . , next Alumni address. Ikattior-LNewtott Darboraw, Jeremiah Roarbsagh I A O TraIIiFED, -4 , -.'. re 25 ' 0 873 The ,Alutntni of the College met on Blountpkruczni—Joe. A. Eckenrode, J. A. C. Kindlanb. FLAX -SEED, 0 00 @ 250 Wednesday evening, after the address Conewa tu Jesse Manan. Vincent O'Behl. • BACON, SHOULDERS, 141. @ lii by orf.q.....vrzn, gi ng ,J. Leaf s fil mes Rev. Mr. Pa.usOrrs, and elected the follow- ; Berwick Bor.-Henry Kohler, John 11. Flickinger. a{ SIDES, . , . -17151) 1 . 7 i ing officers : ! Hamilton-4w% Q. Swart:, N. B. Picking. . i f Peactin l y-C,apt. Wm. Jones, John. W. Townsend. " Hams.. 2if @ . M. President-Hon. E. McPherson, LL. D. LARD, 18 @ 19 . Huntington-John D . Becker, o , n . W.W.Stewart. • Vice PresidentB . -Chatles Horner, M. D 1 L. Lott re 2. V. Worley, GeoL. D rl • • Rev. A. C.:Wedekind, D. D., Rev. H. L.. ' , .Mena/ien-Jacob Pater, 11. N. Kinnigh. 'laugher. I .Prankrin-D. Heckler, J. A.Rebert. Secretary-Prof. M. L. Stoever; Ph. D. Zakr--Israel ahank, Samuel Dietrich. Treasurer-H. J. Fahnestoek. Howititonban-Adam C. klusselman, John Johns. Bishop Clarkson, of Nebraska, was elect I Liberty-Simon P. Stover, P. Krady. 2 , yr -john 7. muck, Henryso Spang r. Prof. ed orator for next year. Union-George Basehoar, Henry Petty. Strabass--Josiah Benner, Robert Bell. Prof. STOEVER presented the obitu_.,arv• record for the last year, which embraced Nominations for the several offices the following: were made as follows: F. R. Anspach, D. D., of Class of 1839. Congress-Hon. John Cessna, of Bedford. Prof. Wm. A. Kopp, " " a 1843. ' Senate-Col. -Win. D. Dixon, of Franklin. H. C. Eckert, ISI. D., " " " 18-16. • Anembly-Col. E. G. Fahnestock, Gett'rg Rev. S. J. Berlin, " " " 1858. -CharleaG. Miller, M'tpleasant. Capt. H. N. Minnigh,Menallen ~.J .W. Ebert, i 1 I I S i 1859 . , Appropriate reference was also made to jadge_john Picking, Hamilton, John Wolford to' Latimore. n. the death of the Rev. Dr. BAUGHER, who John Brough, Reading. had filled the office of President for nearly Diet. Attorney-A. J. Cover, Gettysburg. Prothonotary - J. ymiller, Gett'rg. eighteen. years, and was connected with Commissioner-Jacob Musselman, Ham the instruction and discipline for thirty- iltonban. seven years. On-Thursday the Phrenakosmlan Social I James W. Barr, 3rtj oy. John Eleagy, Oxford. ty had a Re-union, Hon. EDWARD MC- Capt. James Mickley, HANOVER COLLEGIATE INSTI- Pisratsost occupying the chair. Rev. T. Franklin. - TUTE.-We invite attention - to the Card _ t Jacob G.Baseboar,Linion T . , !rirus was appointed Secretary, and of this Institution, the fall session of Rev. R. S. FINK Treasurer. On motion of - . David Shriver, Cumber which will commence Sept. 1. Rev Mr land • Rev. Dr. VALENTINE, it was Resolved that ' • . Director-Jos. A. Eckenrode, Kteleasant. Kooss, the Principal, is an accomplished au effort be made to raise $lOOO, to be in- , Ephraim D. Newman, .1 , ranklin. and successful Teacher, of enlarged ex- • Vested by the Boad of Trustees, the inter- ' Auditor-John H. Flickinger, Berwick Jonas Starner, Union. perience. Besides the -usual English est to be applied for the benefit of the branches, instruction will be given in Library. Mr. McPnErtsox started the 1 Borough. G subscription with $5O, followed by others, reek and Latin as part of the regular as A Franklin ,S'uercyor J L me t. Osc:ar ßebert D. McMillan, Go ' tt'rg ! course-_ __ __French and German extra. realizing mo. A Report was submitted I Jacob Diehl, Oxford. _-.....-.........-:----- Capt. Win. R. Eyster, Dr. C. Homer, PIC NiCS.-A Pic ? Nic will be held to- by one of the active members exhibiting morrow in King's Woods, near East Ber- the general operations of the Society since Gen. W. W. Stewart, I. N. Durboraw, and 1 lin, clay and evening. The East Berlin the last Re-union. The following state- Jacob Pitzer, were appointed a Committee and Littlesto ment has been handed to us for publica- ' wn Brass Bands will be pres- to draft resolutions-and report at the affer ent. Refreshments on the ground. noon session. ved On motion adjourned to 1 o'clock. A Harvest Pic 'Cie will come off ut the Phrena tgi c t , t e l ie n ty um l br of re t e n ei embers whoashtown Springs, to-morrow-to be con- during the-last seven years is 24-appoint- : tinned during the evening. Suitable meats 19. Total number of members of music will be provided and refreshments the Philo Society who received honors on the ground. j during the same period 7-appointments 5. More than three fort.hs of both honors The Union Sunday School of Benders- i and appointments were taken by the ville will have a Basket Pic Nis iu Wil- Phrena Society; of the Freshman Prize, son's Grove near Bendersville, on Satur- I the awards stand-Phrena 33 , , Philo 5. Of the three Hassler medals, 2 were taken by day, the 29th of August. The public are Phrenas, and Iby Philo. Both the "G men* invited.•.,..- Prize Essays" have been awarded to the —....--- Phrena Society." The Philomathtean Society also bad a Re-union ou Thursday afternoon, Hon. Joni , : E. SMITH presiding. An ad dress' of welcome was delivered by the President of the Society, and interesting letters read from former members. A sketch of the organization, progress and present condition of the Society was read . by EDWARD T. HORN, one of the present members. IC was organized in IS3I with 16 members, and has now on its roll over 90. Tile Library contains 4SOO volumes whichis annualy replenished by the inter est of the "$lOOO Library fund," besides a Reading Roomfor the use of the members, where the leading journals of the country may be found. The Society has alsb $2OO in_' vested, to be applied to the refitting of the Hull in future.. Addresses were made by a number of honorary members, formerly in active connection with the Society, detailing interesting reminiscences of its past history. The following is the action of the Col le,ie Board on the subjects indicated : - RESIGNATION OF PROF. WILKEN. Whereas the Rev. J. F. 11'/LILEN, Prof. of I German Language and Literature in this i Institution, has been constrained to offer , his resignation, the Board, in accepting 1 the same, hereby expresses, its .regret in I thus losing the seryices of ono whom it has uniformily esteemed as a faithful and conscientious teacher, a frank and genial I companion, a devoted exemplary Chris- 1 tian, and an earnest and steadfast friend of 1 our Institution. In severing his connection 1 with us, ho carries with him our best i wishes for his future suess_ in whatevur L 11311.1 &LW ....vra May can LULA GO labor. Resolved, That a copy of this action be sent to Prof. WILKEN by the Secretary. DEATH OF MR. STEVENS. Resolved, That the Board have heard, with sentiments of deep regret, the an nouncement of the death of Hon. Titan- DEUS STEVENS, an early patron of the Institution, and a member of the Board from the date of its organization. Re-setred,That wogratcl'ully acknowledge the •valuable services and the constant Inendship of the distinguished deceased, whose earnest devotion to the great cause of Education will claim the gratitude of prosterity. Peso/red, That a Copy of these resolu• 1 Lions be forwarded by the Secretary to the flomily of the deceased. ! DEATH OF JANTOR HOPKINS. PCSOired, That we gratefully acknowl edge the kind Providence that continued, for so' long a time, to the the College the valuable services of the deceased. Resolved, That in the 'removal of the deceased the College has lost a most faithful and efficient officer. Resolved, That we desire to place on record our appreciation of his long and devoted services-his strict integrity and honor-his uniform and gentleman ly deportment among the students, and the high esteem iu which he was held by all connected with the College. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family, and also published in the papers #f the town. Gettriburg. fir} Anirost . 2l. ises. CAMP-MEETING.--The colored Camp meeting in Wolf's Grove, near this place, will commence on Wednesday next, Au gust 26th, SE RV I C ES.—Rev. Josura WArrou will preach in the Marsh Creek Church on Sabbath Aug. 23, at 10 o'clock A. M.; and in the Church at Hunterstown at - 3 o'clock . of the same day. STO,I,WC.—A mare belonging to DAVID P. 13yrr4its, of Nfountjoy thivnibip, was stolen on the night of the 9th inst. A reward of ;30 for the return of the mare And f,f200 for the arrest and conviction of the thief is offered by the York Insurance Company, in which the mare was insured. TO BE FORWARDED.—We are re quested to say that the box of Clothing, &c., for the sufferers by the flood at El licott's Mills, will be sent off during the coining week. Persons desiring to con tribute will please leave their contributions promptly at Mr. Sell ICK . 8 Store. _; ; ,,- - The friends of Grant and Colfax held an enthusiastic meeting at - Waynes boro, Pa. last Saturday evening. Speeches were made by Mr. VOLNEY ROGERS, the obliging telegraph operator, and others— We regret that we have not space to pub lish the speech of Mr. ROGERS, as it was very able and deserving the consideration of all who have the love ot their country at hear.t COUNTY FAIR.—In another column Will be found the list of Premiums to be awarded at the nest Fair of the Adams County Agricultural Society to be hold in September. The premiums have been in creased in nearly every department, in many cases a hundred per cent. But for the fact that the Society is in debt, they would have been made larger yet. The managementhope that the citizens of the county will immediately enter upon prep arations to make this even a more success - fill Fair than that of last year. County - pride, if notiiingelse, should stir up gen eral interest in its behalf. The work on the front building is pro gressing rapidly, and Mr. CHRITZMAN, the contractor, expects to have it finished in time for the Fair. • - The grounds will be open for the train ingot horses during two weeks preceding the Fair. AUGUST COURT.—Court is still in ses sion as we go to press. The following cases have thus far been disposed of: C=! Ashland Iron Company vs. Enoch Le fevre, John Green and Tohn Vanhyning.— Replevin for 400 tons of unwashed Iron Ore. The Jury found for Enoch Lefevre, one of the defendants, arid for the Plaintiffs against the other two defendants $600.95, f•ubject to the decision of a point reserved by the Court, whether the Plffs., being a foreign corporation, can maintain this suit In Penner}rania. James G. Spaulding vs. Levi A. Caskey. Action on a sealed note. Verdict for the Plaintiff for $143.87. QUAILTEE SESSIONS Commonwealth vs. William H. Anders. Indicted for stealing S 5, property of Henry Pensyl. Deft. plead guilty, and was sen tenced to County Jail one month. Cora vs. Same. Indicted for larceny of various articles of clothing, property of Jacob C. Peusyl. Dell. plead guilty, and was sent to Eastern Penitentiary for one year. CoDI. TS. Same. Indicted for larceny of watch and money of Henry Pensyl. Deft. plead guilty, and was sent to County Jail 6 months. Corn. vs. George Randle. Indictment for larency, ignored by Grand Jury. Com. vs. John Lochßidge. Indicted for larceny of watch and money, property of Aaron Wolf. Deft. plead guilty, and sent to County Jail 6 months. Com. vs. Ammon Lease. Indicted for Adultery, Fornication and Bastardy, on in formation of Elizabeth McFarland. Dett. plead guilty, and sentenced to G months in County Jail, pay a fine of $26, and to pay proseeutrix $4O lying in expenses, and $1 per week for support of the child until 5 years of age. Com. vs. George Willard. Indicted for larceny of Enver spoons and ladle, proper ty of his mother, Louisa Willard. Deft. plead guilty, and sentenced to County Jail three months. Com. vs. Adam . .11oelter. Indicted for larceny and receiving stolen goods, prop erty of Lewis Complain. Deft. plead guilty and sentenced to County Jail four months. Com. vs. John O'Cettf. Indicted for lar ceny of shoes, property of John johns.— Deft. plead guilty, and sentenced to County Jail four months. Corti. vs. John Murphy. Indicted for Assault and Battery, on person of Philip Hoffman. Deft. plead guilty, and sentenc ed to,pay a fine of and costs. COM. vs. John Boblitz. Indicted for selling liquors without license. Deft. plead guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of ,$ to and costs. Com. vs. Edward Wentz. Indicted for selling liquors without license. Defendant plead guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of of $lO and costs. COM. TB. Henry Reeser. Indictment for selling liquors withont license. Defendant plead guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $lO and costs. Cora. vs. Charles Wolford, James Bow ers, and Wm. Trout. Indictment for Ma licious Mischief, on inlbrmation of henry Ileag,y. Ignored, and prosecutor to pay costs. Com. vs. Jacob Johns. Indictment for Larceny. Ignored by Grand Jury. Corn. vs. Abraham Trostle. Indictment lbr Forcible Entry and Detainer, on infor mation of Peter Bchler. Dell. refused to employ counsel and claimed the right to de fend his own case. The Jury found the de fendant not guilty, on account of being of unsound .mind: The Court ordered the defendant to be committed to the Lunatic Asylum at Harrisburg. Com. vs. Simon S. Bishop. IndictMent for misdemeanor in office. Ignored by Grand Jury, and prosecutor, Dr. R S. Sims, to pay COOL Com. vs. Geo. W. Weikert, Reindollar, cud others. Indictment for forcible entry .and detainer. „: XndlcUnentignored, and pro secutor, Dr. R. S. Sieas, to pay costs. Corn. vs. Mary Zenner. 'indictment for Assault and Battery on information of Lena Betzell. Ignored, and proarientriz to pay costs. COM. TS. Lena Betzeillnd Mary BetzelL on information of Mary Zenner. Indict ment for itaaanlfand Battery. Ignored, and rosecuttiz to pay costa. • . DEATH OF MR. STEVR).:S.—On Mon day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, (the hour fixed for the funeral services of THADDEUS STEVENS,) the stores and places of business in this place were closed, the bells tolling from 2to 3 o'clock. We are glad to say that our Democratic fellow-citizens, with two or three marked and malignant ex ceptions, promptly united in this tribute of respect. Court was in session, and after the current business had been disposed of, Hon. M. 111CCLEA.N rose and, after refer ring to Mr. STEvENs' former connection with this Bar, his eminent legal abilities, and national reputation, moved that the Court adjourn and that an appropriate minute be entered on the Court records. Messrs. McCoNAuour and WILLS follow ed iu fitting tributes to the memory of the deceased ; when his honor Judge FISHER ordered an adjournment of the Court and a tninuto of the proceedings to be entered on the records—preceding the order with a generous and eloquent tribute to Mr. STEVENS' eminent legal abilities, and the marked courtesy, frankness, and high sense of honor, which had ever charac terized his professional career—always courteous to the Court, and commanding the respect and admiration of the Bar, which he honored by his matchless elo quence and gifted intellect. NARROW ESC APE.—One day last week, as two little sons ofLEwis A. BUSE( - IAIV, of Cumberland township, were playing on a pile of unthreshed oats in the barn floor, one of them met With a pain ful accident. In sliding down from the top, he fell into an iron fork, one of the tines of which entered his right cheek and came out at the temple. Fortunately it passed along on the outside of the bone; otherwise the accident would doubtless have been fatal. His little brother with unusual presence of mind in one so young promptly pulled out the fork, and then reported to his parents. The injured one did not suffer much, end - next morning Was lively again. The escape was truly a narrow one.—Chnipiler: IW"Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restora tive" is a perfect and miraculous article.— Cures baldness. Makes hair grow. A bet ter dressing than any "oil" or "pomatum.' Softens brash, dry and wiry hair into beau titul silken tresses. But, above all, the great wonder is the rapidity - with which it restores gray hair to its original color.— Savannah (Ga.) Republican. The attention of our readers is direc ted to the advertisetnent of cog'S WY& PEPSLi CURE, in another- part of this paper. This truly Valuable l!ifedlOne is , receded b ail who we it. Read tbe The Convention re -assembled. The names of the following gentlemen wore withdrawn from the listof nounnees,viz : Assembly, Col. E. G. Fahnestock; Com missioner, Capt. James Mickley, David , Schriver ; Auditor, James A. Robert. I The Convention proceeded to ballot , with the following result: =1 lion. John Cessna—unanimous MEM Col. W. D. Dixon—unanimous ASSEMBLY ISt Charles G. Miller H. N. Minnigh... John Wultord .ASSOCIATE RIDGE John Picking 33 John Brough ....... 7 DISTRICT ATTORICE A. J. Cover—unanimous PROTIIONOTAIIY J. A. Kitzmiller—unanimous COMMISSIONER. ISt 2d .15 23 . 8 4 .]4 14 . G (withdrawn) DIRECTOR OF ISt 2d Ephraim D. Newman.2o 31 Jonas 5terner...........0 Joseph A. Eekenrode.l4 (withdrawn) Jacob G. Baseboar John Heagy Jacob 31usselman.. James W. Barr AtDITOB John A. Flickinger—unanimous 'MITE YOR st (Near D. 3lcMillan. 20 Jacob Diehl 19 On motion, all the nominations were made unanimous. The Committee on Resolutions reported artrardsevlrcusirsril, I adopted: Resolved, That the Republicans of Ad- 1 idns County ratify the nominations of GRANT & COLFAX, and of HARTRANFT & CAmPRELL,..for National and State offices, and call upon all law-abiding, honest cit izens, to sustain at the polls the policy of Peace, Economy and Liberty, which they represent. Resolved, That we are not in favor of the Democratic policy of Universal Taxation, but demand that the nece.ssaries of life, and that land and its products shall, as far as possible, be relieved of all taxation, and that the luxuries of life and the active business of the Country shall be made to realize the money necessary to' carry on the Government economically adminis tered. Resolve", That the Country is now enti tled to have Peace, and that's election promises peace, early and dura ble ; but that the policy of the New York Convention invites to War, and will neces sarily load to great agitation—to the serious injury of the Nation in all its interests. Resolved, That we hear with alarm the threats of Southern Democratic Revolu tionists ; and that we call upon the people to "crush out" this incipient Treason, by placing in the Executive chair the Chief who met and overthrew the late Rebellion when flaunting defiance in the field. Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to steady ceaseless work fur our National State and County Tickets, till the - final victory be won in November, and the Country be put beyond the dangers which now threaten It. Resolved, That while wo recognize the claim of Franklin Co., to name the nomi nee for State Senator, in turn, according to usage, we regret the loss to the District of our present able and faithful represen tation in the Senate, the Hon. D. McCos- ALTOHY, who, by his fidelity to his public duties, and hie devotion to and vindication of the great principles of the Republican party, has justified our choice in his elec tion, and endeared him to the friends of the Union throughout the District. Resolved j That we tender to Hon. WIL LIAM H. ItooNrz, our able and faithful Representative in Congress, the expres sion of our warm approval of the zeal and fidelity with which he has served the Dis. trict, his steady devotion to the principles and policy of the Republican party, and his earnest support of the groat measures of national policy which have so pre-emi nently distinguished the 39th and 40th Congresses. Resolved, That in the death of the Hon. THADDEUS STEVENS Adams county has lost her most generous public benefactor and illustrious citizen, advocate and Rep resentative—Pennsylvania the most gifted intellect that has graced her Halls of legis lation, and the founder of her noble sys tem of Education, by public schools; and the Nation its leading Statesman—the "Great Commoner"—whose master mind has exerted the mos tcontrolling influence in the National councils—grasping amidst War and convulsion, the principles of right and liberty imperilled by the Rebel. lion, and bringing order out ofanarchy by inaugurating and perfecting those wise measures of Reconstruction, which assure tq our Country a future of peace, liberty and prospertity. Col. F. B. Picking, Peter Shively, and Dr. Robert Horner were appointed Con gressional Conferees, with instructions to support the nomination of Hon. John Cessna, of Bedford. Col. E. G. Fahnestock, Gen. W. W. Stewart, and Col. C. H. Buehler were ap pointed Senatorial Conferees, with instruc tions to support the nomination of Col. Wm. D. Dizon,of Franklin. Col. Wm. King was appointed Senato rial Delegate, and L N. Durboraw, Esq., Representative Delegate, to the next State Convention. On motion, the Convention adjourned "ne die • • JOSIAH BENNER, i'reet R. N. Mumma . Cit. L. pimaDower t Secretaries. Pennsylvania College, GETTYSBURG, PA MITE Pall limaktia of Pemmylvanhi College will be. gin on Thursday, We2adh day of Scalmancr, and continue thirteen weeks. In addition to a large corps ofProhesors, the Institution is tarnished with ex tensive Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, and ilookagical Cabinet. . The new Preparatory Building will be ready Tor oc. minty. The room* to this Department will be tur n/Atha/. ZiPeillier aidnallnlOrßooks and Stationery, Iron SOS to NS per temion. Muds on piano autra... , I ,4ol3sPerrake — paitroairaM;sainii _ Lt• TAPOMNI , rk,, oreddass, ."*V.124411.411.91,1 4. Peigelpil, GOLD, Phile Gettysburg' Grain ik Province' Market. Gettysburg, Friday Morning. .. 10 00 11 00' On 00 2 30 @ 2 50 000 @ 240 1 20 1 25 75 1 00 2 50 6 00 1 00 30 SUPER FLOUR, EXTRA FLOUR, WRITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, RYE, OATS, BIIOAWHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVER SEED, ....... POTATOES, Burman, LARD, EGGS, BACON, HAMS, " SIDES,.. " SHOULDERS,..... SOAP, TAU.ow, BYERS —PLANK, —On the 13th inat.,_ by Rev'. W. R. H. Deatrlch, Mr. John F. By ers to Miss Adaline Plank, both of High land town4hip. GATES — SANDRIL9.—On the 9th inst, by Rev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. Henry C. Gatss to Miss Maggie H. Sanders, both of Adams county. Ilouck--RArpnNsrEnonn.—On the 19th ult., by Rev. D. W. Wolff, Mr. Ro - .vard Houck to Miss Alice Raffensperger, both of Butler Ownship. RESIT — GOBRECIIT.—On the 2d the, by the Rev. Samuel Yingling, Mr. Daniel Luther Resh, of York county, to Miss Eliz abeth Gobrecht, of Adams County. ZlliN — BEßßummErt.—On the Bth inst., by Rev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. J. E. Zinn to Miss .17,14 A Ann Borkheimer,• both of York county. 1 o'clock . P. M DIED. Obituary notices 5 cents a line for all over 4 lines—cash to accompany no tices. ALBERT.—On the sth inst., John Eman uel, infant son of Mr. John Albert, near New Oxford, aged 1 year and 14 days. BARER.—On the 16th inst., in this place, Charles, infant, son of Charles W. and Louisa M. Baker, of Washington, aged 4 months and 5 days. BlEsEcumt.—On the 10th inst., Charles Walter, son of George and Amelia . Bie seeker, aged 5 months and 15 days, BLJun.—ln New Oxford on Tuesday .1 1 11 , morning last, Israetta, daughter of Israel and Susan Blair, agod 1 year 9 months and 18 days. My Mother, Sister, Brothers—to you fare well ! I am going to heaven, with Christ to dwell; My stay with you was short, but still It was my Heavenly Father's will Prepare the Way and follow me. -\ Dear Ettio, thou art gone to rest, We 'll ott times think of thee ; We know that thou art with the blest, Where thou eati'st happy be. I W. 11. B. EPPLE3LIN.—Near London:vine, on the 15th inst., Minnie Grace Eppleman, aged 3 months and 25 days. LITTLE.—On the 14th inst., In this place, Mary Annie Love, infant child of William Z. and Amanda Littlo, aged 1 year 8 months and 20 days. McKussEv.—On the 15th inst. in Mountjoy township, Misa Esther Makin ney, In the 74th year of her age, POTTOEFF.—Ou the 16th inst., In C'ash town, Anna Kate Pettorff, aged 1 year 10 months and 19 days, WILLIVEII.-0/1 the :All inst., at Tren ton, New Jersey, Mrs. Julia Id., wife of John C. Williver, and daughter of E. J. Culp, late of Gettysburg, deceased. WILSON.—Near Bendersville, on Tues day morning, August 11th, of dysentery, George Emory, son of G, W. and M, J. Wilson, aged 2 years 3 months and 231 days. AL L.— sty Wrote down an infant's birth, Then added, ore ho closed his. Book, Too beautiful for earth. And when the reaper, Death, - by, He read the words an smiled; Then gently folded in his arms Our lovely little child. We wept, but angels sang; With bolt and glad accord, They welcomed the transplanted dower In the garden of the Lord. - We wept;'we will notweep, When all our days are run, And at the Gates of Paradtso We meet our little son." gew Adverliottututo. NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate of Jolly Snru., late of Straban township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned,they hereby glee notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment. and those having claims against the gamete present them properly authenticated for settlement. S A.l LTEL SHULL,' 111 - 11. F. SAUCE, J Executors. Aug. 121.-Bt. . Sssit. - rt itlnt.3.l. lives in Tyrone and W3l. P.Snimh In Tyrone township. NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the Estate of lion. THADDII77 Brnixxis, late of Lancaster city, Pa., hating been granted to the en dereigned. they hereby give notice to alt pentads In• darted to said estate to call and settle the same , and to Omie having claims against the tame to present them properly authenticated for settlement. - .41`irtIONY11. ROBARTB, O. J. D ICH EY, Executors. EDWARD MaPIIERSON, ty3„The first named two Executors reside In Lan caster, and the latter In Gettysburg. Ang. '2l.—Gt COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, MALE AND FEMALE. REV. 11. S. KOONB, A. M., Principal. 31118. C. IL KOONS, Amistant. THE exercises °Sahli Institution will COZILMOAC.• On theist day of September next. Thorough lostruo lion will he given iu Greek, Latin and Mathetuatics, as well as the common and higher branchesof an Eng lish education. FRENCH AND GERMAN EXTRA. Apply to REV. 11. S. KOONS., A. M., Principal. Hanover, Pa., Aug. 2t.-2t PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. The undersigned, Executrix of the last will and testament of Jotter llopelans late of the bOrtluill of Gettysburg, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on Sat urday, the 291 h day of August inst.,'at 1 o'clock, P. X., at hie late residence at the College building, the fol• lowing valuable Personal Property, to wit: ONE GOOD MARE, 1 yearling Colt, lone-horse Wa gon, Buggy and Harness Sleigh and Belle, Ten plate Stove and Pipe. Alr.tfght Stoves, Table, Cupboard, Iron Bedstead, Clock, also Flay Ladders, 1 Pork, 1 Plow, and a great many other articles too numerous to men tion. Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of sale by JITLIAN /LAMM& Ang. 21.-ts Executrix. DR R. B. ELDERDICE- An ' Announces to has friends, and the public, that he has returned to NZW BALEII, and resumed prac tice. Office at the Hotel. McKnonTSTOWN, P. 0,1 Adams county, P.. July 17.-8 m FOR SALE,. A CLOTHING STORE, WITH A WELL SELECTED STOCK, GOOD RUN OF Custom & first-xate Stand: igg...lnquire at ti!iit Oine:l4 REGIISTEIt'S79`9VOES. , NOTIOSI is' hereby given to all Isgstees and other pp..mone condoned,. that the` Administration Azooants heselwfta ssotkeed will be presented at the Grans' Clout a Mims Amity for confirm* 0n.T41, tliam gay of ne7,110 olavok iff trip • . lee. The distend AnalOttaiddiumblit inttieca Throne, Guardian ot • Bastend, Johs;.ing et Deardorff, miser children_ 14 itm,w4 M. The account of Lewis Smith and .&41er B. Bind er,., Executors of the will of Pour H. Bad bawd, 158. The amount of Alward Lang In Long, Executors of the wino( John Long,dt4s: . i 169. The ealoantof angles Mieklehligneggor of ' will of Daniel Motley, deceased. . " '' ' 1 IGO. Tiretaooonnt °Um= Legirregaliuggitototladt . .. - s WfileL late of Iltdoiginnwhip,Ads _ I lin. Tint and final vomit et" - . Aliiii% - Actudiddrator Of WA/Vilt - , - .1 ' DD. The Sort stiptuttotilloielK clOitrit. I of tits ust. willcad *wino et Aiiiii _ a . _snuff " . 1 1438 . 1 Ntes•bmargvarlroOTAIIOir,Rookitiff liihn ilndits,detteg r - - :';• , , W. D. 110141W01111 8 ' --,. .., ..- - Rte. ID, 11420-40 8 @ 8 MARRIED HANOVER twv ' • ertiOttiltidOe 1 7 -AL YAW& 2 11114U:I dr, FARM AT PRIVATRSAL.E. .Ths linbecriber trlsh*gtsitrent billow on eaceitint othlishealtila;oirersat gate his yaps, tole Property,. sititstsd istidigiertg totragidg„ Adams etinnty, Pi:, lalles,soll2S ormutima, kW,* IMMIL Thallatinicaboat .A cres 72 !and, " - nteatteie; -*bout b ilifithOt i r m ste "Id 04 by isma..Thun, Roads, & 0 • 111.26 %Seto Piiiiiration. Vlore is • groat varsagtis Ott liiitigrainhes. The Sighting ore huge terowttwy Mitt Divelling Menai with Madtbultiltbg, Doubts Leg Barn, 'Wagon Shed, Hog How, Spr ing Roue and all othernecessaytitabu , lugs. The Mills are on Middle creak with sufficient water tome the year reload, the 11 Rouse is 60 by 40 feet, 3 stories high lower story 's*one, the balance fteme wooden niter, Unlit In the most substantial inallties Power. !Overshot Wheels 13 gist high, con- -taws g jaw" of - Burrs met 2 pairs oit Chopphig guiles, Wetter lath al the machinery and fixtures in a first class Merchant and Or/st MU. There is also a new Saw Mill attached tripPic geared, capable of sewing. 300 164 dr Mk Imiabisr per bear. h e A b ove mul e are in 'a goodnaignbothood for grain being within 2 yaws of aasoll's Tract nail Timber; atm, ter &hoots, Churches, Markets, Sc. Price end terms made known by calling an the sub. 'crib er o n the property or addreseint him at Fairfield, Penna. ETS&DISIIL. Aug, 21,1.3d3.-6m MI TWO VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The underlain:rod oter at , Private gate, their two Tat liable Late, YU: No. I—Containing 15 Acres, more or less, In Cumberland townsip, adjoining lands of Dr. Study, Georg° Rowe and other. about %mile from witherowp. mill, (known as the property), Improved with a two-story Log House, with a back. kitchen, a Barn part log and the other part frame, iwostory Spring House, Carpenter Shop, Smoke Horse; and other neormary outbuildings, a well of never-failing Water, with pump, at the kitchen door, a /cling Orchard of choice fruit, Ao. No. 2—Containing 11 Aores and 43 Perches, more or lige, adjoining lauds of John A. Lohr, George Dull and others in Cumberland township, improved with s two-story Log House, with ljitchen attached, /frame Stable, Carpenter Shop and, other Outbuildings, a Spring of good Water near the House, good Orchard bearing frult,.t.o. hfinot sold before the sth of IVhrenther, th e a t ) , properties will be offered atTublic Sale. Any person wishing to view the properties will call on the undersigned residing on the property. PETER IIOOPNAOLE, HENRY HOOPNAGLE, JOHN W. 1100ENAOLE. 4n6.21,1866.-td* PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM, The andel signed, Executors of the last will and Testament of Isaac Monfort, late of Straban town ship, Adams county, Pa., deceased, will offer at Public Bale, on Saturday, the 19 1 A day of Septemier nest, al 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, the valuable FAKE of said deceased, situate in said township, on the road from New Oxford to Carlisle, about 3 miles from the former place, adjoining lands of Samuel Wagoner, George Cashman and . othere, containin g 153 Acres, more or lee's. The Leafirovalnsitta are a two-story I, STONE DWELLING, with frame Back-building, a good frame Barn, Wagon Sheds, Corn Crib, Spring Home, Wash House, and other outbuildings; a Spring of I never-failing Water, an Orchard of choice fruit, &c._ Thaiarna In good order and in good cultivation, having been recently limed. There is a fair propos , Goa of gam! Timber and Meadow land. Persons desiring to claw the premises will call on i cileOrgo ES, !if oatrvrt, reolding close by. The Linton Pacific Honda run thirty years, are for $lOOO essch;aud have coupons attached. They bear annual iuterest, payable on the Brat days of January and July at the Compauy's olhce in the City of New York, at the rate of six per cent. In gold. The pried pal Is payable in gold at maturity. The price is 102, Is urged upon the attention and trial of sufferers and at the preseut rate of gold, they pay a liberal in- from this meet horrible of all diseases. Dyspepsia come on their cost. shows Its ravages In a thousand different forms, la fact, all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, with all very important si,usideration in determining the their complaints, ends as Sick Lfausdache, llartburn, value of b..uds is the leaga of tuns ih-y bare Id Depression, general sense of uneasiness and feeling that yen are not well. Food distresses you, rises and It Is well known that a long braid always commands soars on your stomach ; breath is bad, skin at times flashed and dot; don't feel as If yen could move or a inusii higher price than a snort one. It lettere to as- stir about, and worst of all, Indigestion or Constipa e Ging more nor less than Daypepeia.— same that during the next thirty years, the rate of Wio n lisa ar ndsi g ulso t n thousands suffer &addle this way and interest in the United dtates will decline us It has done neither themselves or phyticUms know what ails them in Europe, and we have a right to expect that such exlcleePattle r tia . S e th re ey e a a r t err t ely ?ray. Dyspepsia.l If you six per cent. securities as these will be held at as high would have proof of our statement, if you would save a premium as those of this si ,vec h m eh t , whi c h, i n yourselves and children from an early grave, if you ISG;', were bought in at from go to :al, er cent. above would have health and energy and strength, again we par_ The export deumnd alone may province this re- Leg 3 , 11 to try one bottle of sult, and its the isenieef a private corporatliu, they are beyond the reach of political action. The Company believe that their Duals, at the pre sent rate, are the cheapest serer (trill the market,and S the right to advance the price at any time is reserved. pUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Subscript loam will be received in The underalgned will also offer at Public Salo, on Saturday, the 'Srd of October nett, (alb o', on the premlies, twu Lots of Timber Land, one con tainiug 6 Acre., the other 9 Aorta, lo Dicrjuson town- ' ship, Cumborlsod county, adjoining 111.11111 of Simon Yeatte and Wier', being mostly prime young Chest nut timber. ♦ttendancp will be Oren and terms mode known 011 days of sale lt7 (11EOROE B. 510liFORT, JOHN P. YELTY, Executors. Aug. 21.—tn• In pursuance of an alias order of the Orphans' Court I' (Adams county, will beexposed at Public Sale, on ; GEITTI'SBURO NATIONAL BANK, Pricing the 25th day of September nest, at 10 o'clock, A. If, on the premises, the Beal Estate of Christian ; cud ii. New York You will see how soon it will dispel your bad feel- Mumelman, deceased containing of several tracts ,AT TIIE COMPANY'S - OFFICE, NO.. ne NASSAU ST., Inge and gloomy forebodings. How soon It will chase sheets in the townships of Harelltonban and Liberty, '. away any species of Dyspepsia. How soon lb will give mfollows, to wit ' den DT yea new life and vigor, and how soon it will make a wel man or "you o own ke, for No. 1, The Mansion Tract, con- JOHN J. Erse° * SON, BANKERS, No. f.O WALL St-, the l sake of everybodywomanof auff;rinFg,r wyeour beg, we entreat ' taining 120 Acres, more or lees, adjoining lands of ; ou to try it. ! Maj. John Musaidmari, Joseph Reed, Michael Kugler, And by the Company's advertised agent. throughout y and others. The Improvements are a large two's tory I -;. the United States. Stone lionise, Stone Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn , Orlb, and other outbuildings, with a wailer water near' Ressittancsi should he made in drafts or fund, the dour, also running water in the Barn yard; a Saw ; par in New York, and the Bonds 'trill I, mg free of Mill, and also an excellent Mill scat with good water- I c A„ sre by return Parti n CSIATUIS. subscribing th rou gh power. There le a large quantity of tine limner, ..FOR LIVER COMPLAINT AND , local a fient.t,well look to Ll,en, for thei r a.'!. dehoc'y. Cust, Poplar and Chestnut. There are several gruur riee of excellent lime-stone on this tract. 23. land ie ' A PAMPHLET AND HAP FOR 1663 has just been BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, Inc goon state of cultivation, with a guest Orchard, : published bythe Company, giving - fuller information and a large Meadow. Tom's creek runs through the tract. There is also a Log Dwelling House and L og them is possible its an advertisement, resists:ling the Stable on thi, tract. Negress, of the Work, the ResJurcee of the Country No. 2, Tract contains 190 Acres, , traversed by the Road, the Means for Construction, . It is a Sovereign Remedy, while fur Fever and Ague, more or less, adjoining lands of Mal. John Musselman, , and the Value of the iton "s, which will be sett free out and all those dieeasee which are generated ina MLA- Jacob liready, Jobe Pandersready, and Tiact No. I. The ; application at Hie Company's W Ilk climate, it is • certain preventive acid cure.ham, or to any of the That its wonderful medicinal virtues may not stand Improvements are a two--atory WeitherbJarded House, , ~,I„„;,,ti ag en t s. That alone upon our statement , we appends few nneolkited new atone Bank Barn, an excellent Spring of water , two Orchards, one of which is new, a Log Tenant ' JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. testimoninlafrom them whose, position In society and 'Roam, an excellent Meadow sad a proportion of good , Angina. 21.—tf reputation as citimme will place their evidence beyond Timber. Tom's creek runs through this Tract. ___ . all 'ration, and cowry with them strength and eon , vies on to the most inmedulorts. Attendance will be given and terms made known on ' day of sale by t Fine Custom Made JOHN MUNSELIIAN, 1 w wi e` .., , DAVID BTRWART, j - r w' By the Court—A. W. Minna, Clerk. (Aug. 21-t a j --- BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE MIL LISTEIL Suros, a wholesale merchant of 30 year., in Milwaukee, one of the most reliable and I carefuL men in the State, Ram under date ' The undersigned offers at Public Sale on Saturday, ,3 1 / 4 Watrizz, WA., Jan. 24, /US. Me 12/14 day of September next, his FARM , situated : I 312•111te. O. O. ClAltw k Co., New Harm, Clone In Huntington township, Adams county, Pa., contain- I I Both myself and wife baTeused Ooe's Dyspepsia Cure, lug 21 Acres apd SO Pescbas,, aU limed and in good eel - 1 All the LEADING sryLXS op band or wade to 1 and It has proved FOLRYZCTLT satisfactory as a Bef. 4.,,..144.„„,/„.14.r"r_a_A„b„........ one Mi tir i p rt irest ...1 •11"ud Bin. do- I ...--.3.--.----------- ------ ' - giiii - ClEiArnillizinw - x . 7(l7"ne. .... v.' '- wens eau .444.4, ew we -•••-• -..... . tinted Price Lint wish I warnctia‘s for eel( measure— ' Pert' Baspectfully, - Sam and all socalsary outbuildings, all newly 'bunt; I F (Signed) about 3 duos lu pod- Timber, a natar- titles we tl 1 went ' , era on receipt o f p., (mice Lid ,.... with good water near the door, a fine young Orchard, i IC, to Bale will eamseacts WO o'clock, A. 31.,wikesuttead aoco will begivon ond terms made known by Otos° 31.81 . 1178, wbo is authorised to sot for me. 13 AMIMIL EtalraLTICE. The undersigned:also offers at Privet* Sale, hie val uable Farm., in Hunt i ngton township, Adams county, Pa., cite mile south of York Syringe, on mad leading to Hanteratown, containing 75 keret, finprovedtt a good two-story Log House, Log Bans, Wash House and other Improvements; • thriving young. Orchard of choice fruit ; two wens of neverAlLing water, ac. Petsions wishing to view the premises or ascertain terms, will call' on the undersigned residing thereon. Aug ilLeti GEORGE M. SMITH. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The thin, of Daniel Fidler, late of StraLari town ship, Adams county, Pa., deceased, will eel! at Public Bale, on Saturday, Seyleuatr 2801, 1869, an that:lota.' kw, near this BUM road, about 2 miles north of nun. that valuable FARM, situate in Straban township, adJolnlig holds ofJohu On iden , John Feeeer, John B. Galbraith, John Ileagy sod others, contain log 155 Acres, about 25 Acres of Woodland and et duo pro. portion of Meadow. The Improyements aro a new twoatury Weatherboarited House, a Stone Wash lions.,Log Barn with Sheds attached, Wagon Shed, Corn CI lb, Carriage Bowe, flog Pon, and all other autbuildinga There lea well ot excellent Water hear the door, a$ one at the Barn. There Is an Oreliard of choice fruit on the term, consisting in part 01. Ap ples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Ac. The land is under a good state Of - cnltlratlon having been limed, and is under good lancing. Persons wishing to view the property before the day of sale will call on George Fidler residing on the premise.. ' Sale to eonkmence at 12 o'clock,ll.,on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Aug. 21.-ta THE HEIRS. puBLICSALE. In pursuance of a decree of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will be offered at Public Bate, on Sat urday the 12th day of September next, at l o'clock, P. M., on the preinbuie, the Real Estate of John Hart man, de ceasal, consisting of TWO TRACTS OF LAND, No. I situate in Latlmore township, adjoining lands of Paul Troup, Jacob Myers, Peter Binder and the Public road leading from Beat Berlin to Recital:Ovalle, contain ing Eight Acres, more or lea, improved with a two story FRAHM WRATHY,B.BOARDED lIOUSX, frame out-kiteheti, a good tram. Barn, with Wagon Shed at tached, Dog Pen, a good well of Water near the house with Pump, a good Orchard with all kinds of choice If The whole le under good fencing, end is in a good state of cultivation. This prbperty is near Me clumiceville, and also near the Bermudian Church. NO. 2, A TRACT OF LAND situate in Reading town ehip, adjoining Lauds of Henry Nell, Peter B. Kauff man, David Binder and others, containing b Acres, and covered with a variety of good Timber. Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of male by . . PETER B. HAW/FAUN 2::'rx'r ay the Court—A. W. hulerzi, ' , Aug. 21.-ta FOR SALE A VALUABLE MILT, PROPERTY, with 60 ACRES of choke Land, on the Turnpike . lead. Ing from Abbottatown to lisnorer, one mile from the former plate, known no Hollinger's 31111. A LBO, ONE OTHER MILL PROPERTY, with 40 ACRES OP LAND, or 120 Acres as may b 4 desired, on Marsh Creek, 6 wilts south-wsst from Gettysburg, and known as Elandoe's 11111. ALSO, A MODDI, FAR*, 231 ACRES OP LAND, inc high state of culliTatlen, 100 bushels of Lime to the Acre, No.l, Budding, 2 miles west from Oettisparg. t , ago. - AILRNOLfDI Gettysburg, Aug. 21, 1868.-4,4ta A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The enbeeriber erishee to sell at Petvate Baia ble valuable Farm, aituate in ;freedom trernshfo E dam' county, Pa., on the road leacAng from writes Tavern to Fairfield, adjoining BOIS WWI% Andrew Redd, Nem tabg White and other*. The Farm contains 182 Acres, 'boot 80 Aoter_of _yak* are god Thnber.anga.falr =p ion °Meadow. The Irgyorein en t tv o c a r a a monabritsTl22ll 110Trir87 (neirlj nay)) a large Burk ilarn.,lFajoa Shea. Carriage a ft" nog'effir :TbrirCliihi, and. all other nomaarg ns gb in x ..4. There iitA near-falling Spring at Vs* i n the eliar fl a !fella& ths barn. There le an Orebard of shoat grango4 , t, The l m c ipm i • - p. and we lly' Any to parchas• 4 !urn . - ' . s .„, WI to th farm *a ilia puregli a , ir 7; . cillyes.,bravaiss, -- - ....._...._ Any pfertgaZgogbeW 9). fritr.Wilypipkv, J. ti. kouctit. Animt4LAW!oilmo. . . pv - 4 C 8 Ajj E V AL tr Ait LA•l'ili Btf . - 01 , A . i . h ' pAL tiorna: s t, it o t 006.1„ Ow r 010 V &, _ .. 40 , " 11 - 14 ,41, 4sl 0 , . k50. , V v ,,,P,t2, . 12 'h do ... - I* km of mid ei.0.A.4, ii.', a - V ow = iiille i t i n u i dA lL —till " b the rad Amal Twoliwa to ar.the !in.., ii . . ~. oft!, follillislik;jar itralvf. . 0 ; ' ; ,T - mo "4 14 1 :1 4 00 4 4 0 TY L01rgiA4 4 0;.. 7 -'' it' ' * .4. tilfid asroti;r% ' :.." • .-* -ii_. 4 '.oteholce frulC . ( Sr ... • ' Aplicgi" , --1' wrot hial 4.16 i''' • b TrOi llo r 4 tt kr.' M l 4 -. lit *Mt o * r, alld'll}. Fff: .. 1 109,P T , Ilfg: viiiiiiiktve sad kin/M *nip* afilds l / 7 . I. IC ' • CO - 4tlimmltrik' , . . =3 ~Y~3- V N o I L PAC LP I IVA - I ara - A D "Ate now 84100 and in %legation. Although this road la built with great rapidity, the work Is thorough ly done, and is pronounced by the United States Ocas. entailment to be drat-elan in. every respect, before it (..accepted, and before any bonds can be Issued upon it. • • Rapidity and excellence of construction have been securedby a complete divirion of labor, and by Ca tributing the twenty thoinand meh employed along the line for imeg dietaaces at • once. It is now pro bable that the 11 7 holi Line to the PACIFIC will le Completed in 1869. The Company kni 4 re ample mean. of wh rah she Gov. .ernment grants the right of way, and all necessary Umber and other nutterials found along the line of Its °pa - rations; also 12,800 acres of land to the mile, taken in alternate sections on each side of its road; also United States Thirty•year Bonds, amounting to from $16,000 to 848,000 per mile, according to the diflicul tits to be surmounted ou the various sections to be built, for which It takes a second mortgage se security, and it Is expected that not only the interest, but the princlpni amount may be paid In services rendered by the Company In transporting troop., mails, An. THE EARNINGS OF THE UNION PACIFIC NAIL ROAD, from Its Way or Local fluidness only, during the year ending June 30th, 1888, amounted to over i FOUR MILLION DOLLARS, which, after paying all expenses ray much more than : enMciant to pay the interest upon its Bowls. These earnings are no Indication of the vast through traffic that must follow the opening of the line to the Pacific, but they certainly prove that First Mortgage Bonds , pot; lini;il a property, coating nearly three timer their amouut, FlusT NATIONAL, BANK .t/4 33 .3-.,utli Sixth Pt., sibore f".4ltittitlt, PHILADELPHIA Augu.t AGENTS. WANTED FOR MEN OF OUR DAY : TITS Lire of GRANT. COLFAX.,and an the leading men of the nation, (olcr 60,) in ono roblrbe, by Dr. L. P. Rrockett, the popular 141ograpLical Editor of n Appleron , tCyclopnedle.'' Over (lot/pages awl 42 fine steel portraits. The only codipletc or reliable work of the kind puLliehed. Price v./ an. Any intelligent mad or woman can clear i I per month. One agent made fisn, in lee weeks. Send for circular. Address ZIIIO LER, aIcCUP,OY CO., Pr.1,11,7,ert, Yh ilmitl,42llll, Yu., Cia:iquati, 0., eh Ilt., or St. M. • LAng.21,1.469.-tini Harvest Pic-Xis A (311iLND HARVEST PIC-WIC will be hod at C•%QIITOWN SPRINGS, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST •'.2 'Suitable Mit+le will be provided, and Refreshments can Le bad on the greutd. The public are rupectful ly invited. The Pic.Nic will be continued during the eveuing., with Music and Dancing. The grove will be li,hted, •I. SHDKLY; 11. SToVeTt 11. Bhuh — ilf„ N.DIESECRED, Committee. Aug 1 -3t E. W. CLARK & 00., BANKERS, NO. 3 S. TIIIRD ST., PHILAMLPHIA, _1 L 3GEN TS NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO Or 11111 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, States of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Is s corporation Chartered by Special Act of Congress, app roved July 25, 1865, with a Cl.teli Capital of One Million Dollars, and Is now thoroughly organized and prepared for be •loess. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who are invited to apply at our office. Poi! particulars to be had on application at our of. flee, locatod in the second story of out - Banking limns, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully doscrlbing the advantages offered by the Company, may be had. Applications for Central and Western Pennsylvania to be wads in B. 8. RUSSELL, Manager, Towanda, Pa. E. W. CLARK & CO., Na. 35 South Third Street, PIULADELRIA, PA Aug. 21, 1808.—Iyin AGENTS WANTED. LIG RI'S te WAD 0 IVA'qf GASAT BARELLION. CONTAINING Thrilling Adventures, Daring Deeds, Startling Exploits, and Marvelous Escapes, of Splits, Scouts and Detectives. The cheapest, moat comp'eta and intensely intcreet ingvair book yet pabliabedi containing over 600 pages and aatnerona engraving*. Price only $2.15. Send Rik circular abd terms. Also, PAMILY QUARTO BIBLBB, best edition pub- Wined. WILLIAM FLINT, Publisher, ' - No 26 S. Seventh, Philadelphia, Pit. Aug. 21.-lm GETTYSI3URG FEM A T:bl INSTI TUTE. ' The Ant soil= of Ws Institute will commence, 0 Prigslay WA/raw of Septonber next, For informs , Mb with rgsrd to the oottool t APPLY to 1/135, ErltrzE, Principal, MISS - I,ONOWItLL or WY. IL STECIR, A. M., Assistants. Avg. 14.-4 N 0 T E Tho Elo - bOol Directors of thunberland township Ifni meet at Normal School ROOM in Gettysburg, on SaturdaY, Atefitie 290, qa ll , ciock; .' tar the purpose of toapkOing 1118A01411118 to take charge of Nee seeeral etheols in said leriinstfip, BY oiler of tlas Board, • - • A.SPANGLIIII, 'Preeldent. N. C. Emma, Secretary, [Avg.l4.4t ISSIII2/1 HALL'S VEGETABLE SIOLLIAN HAIR RENEWER. baabiol th rommdfal mopictio * a wobble compound. - ILI. lIESTOnt ORO /UM TO Ira ' I1 will !mop gold& drOmJaillyacmg... , 100 = "41::: - - 1 •4 0, R+ 44 fitir lob itttnA*9 4 . 4 dr.• )1 1 4 , 11attif , Wag 1.,/st. ==== === 1 ,7,:..6:0 - 111rE S OF TIFF ARE ENTIRELY SE!liliS WII. P. EARTLZTT, Ml= 1211=1 Cat'S ;DYSPEPSIA COE'S DYSPEPSIA ' CURE. 00E%4 , D 183 47113' .; COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COESI DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S! DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURB COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE , Thle world renowned rennet) . for the unfailing cure of DYSPEPSIA, Indigeclion, Sick Hecidache, Sour7us., or -frailty of Stomach, Rising of FOod, Flatulency, Lulsitude, Weaeincqs, Biliousue.9B, Liver Cbmplaini, finally terminating in Death Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. IFront Rey. L. F Ward, .4 . 00 n, Lorain CO., 0.) Mrnszne, Senoso k LAnureanna, Gentleanen,—lt glees me great pleasure to state that ray wills bu derived great benefit from the ace of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. She has been fora number of years greatly tronblell with Pyspepala, aerompanled by violent paroxysms of constipation which so pros• tented her that she was all the while, for months, un able to do anything. She took, at your instance, Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, and has derived GREAT DEN EMIT ?ROIL IT, and is now compatatively well. She re• gardr OIL; medicine as a great blessing. Truly yours, Jun. V.l, 181 n. (From Rre.l.4.4AC AIKEN, Allr.ohtny, Its.] Joaffen Funinnta, Druggist. No. at Market Street. Pittsburgh. Sri:—l take great pleasure In stating that, after having suffered from dyspepsia tor about fifteen years, at some periods much more than others, I have been entirely cared by the use of 001I's Dyspepsia Cure.— My Meade know that of late lean my case has been au extreme one. I bad great suffering from eating any kind of food, and on an average would (omit about oneshird of my meals, In a sour Indigestible mass. When the mere attacks would cam is,d would lose all etrength and become utterly helpless Some of the attacks would be so severe that for days together I would not istain any thing on my stomach, saves lit tle dry toast and tea. For years I knew not what it was to peas five consecutive hours without intense pain. From the time I took the first dose of this medicine I ceased vomiting, gradually all eoreneis panted away, and flesh nlnd ettelleth returned, and ever Mine I have been sWe to eat any kind of food set upon the table. Six months have now nd withent eta symptoms of the rings of, My caw ease , wae empieered by.' all, mks phyeicia=To marvelous, that for a time it was feared it might he fictitious; but I am now so-well consisted, that. have not been merely telleved, but permanent*. cured, that I an oeuedentiom4y recommend Cool. Dyspepsia Cure to all stestinsof the Dyspepsia. • i) AIKEN, - Late Pastor of the Bearer $t- M. AUedilettek. VOMOtilit) VA Dip VIM :i . tati DI Nick Maas, a., J aolI; 1967: 3119013.9. O. 0. 01.1 IX t Co. atone: Beleg eazieue,beei Champed bemede de rived, to midst la sideadlog thioildereofOsees Diarstr sia Cure, I would date rayfsid. Sestddietoir craw a year ago, I bad a Tlolott—attaa/ D. Matey Luied eight weeks, dmdag which time I emplityei threer ate, bat eiwt aorta I Itiett Code Cwt. Theattor does lodpet. feel `I took It tikes easy. toe a inek tat cared ; sod I believe today that lam . tog attaakod-la a alaular wig Wows" we dose which pot the al I mow . Wally to keep It ea case at Rammer or B oil}''" . _ ro WESTERN - PRE-EMPTION LANDS. TRACTS recoad hand, proomptlea Lands located near Rail roads, °many Towns, Jtc., Itt well settled neighbor. band.. which I will soil, or exchange at a lair price *a Roar moats la Adams twenty, Pa. Fob. 6, 18616-tr puma° SALE OF VALUABLE REAL 64, PERSONAL ESTATE. CM Beittrday the 6/.6 of B7dmitiorr, alp o'clock, 4.Y. The undersigned, Administrator of the SAM* of Jeremiah B. Bites,datamet w seU at Public Sale at the late reeidenm of mkt seemed, In Harailtonben township, Adam. no., Pa., about 4 miles northwest from Fairfield, the Ibllowing valuable Property, to wit: MIRE 000 D WORE HORSES, one of them • food family horse, 2 Huth Cow, and 3 young Cott a 3 Hoge, 1 good Jour-horse Wagon, 1 good falling -top Brmy, Woad Ladders, Stone Bed, Hay Curium, Plows, single end double Shovel Plows. Harrow Grain Fan, Cutting 800, 2gOod Orel Cradle., Forks, Shovels, Pick, • No.l Log Chula , LorChains, Bough Lock, Spreaders, doable and single Trees, 2 sets Breecb bands, set Front Gears, Callers, Bridle., Lima, Riding Saddle, Side Saddle, • set of Cooper's Tools, a lot of Carpenteee Toole,Azes, Saws, Plan ee, D rowing Knives. Work Bench, Blacksuilth'i "Vico, Ac.; alio, • • lot of good Oak Boarde, a lot of Chestnut and Oak about 46 cords of Wood, part Hickory, • lot of Shio lee and Staves, the crop of Corn and Potatoes now la the ground; also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, consietlos in part of Bedsteads and Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Cupboard., Cam of Drawers, Stand', Noble cook Stove and Fintures,ten-plate Stove, Pipe, Queens. ware, Tubs, Barrels, Boma and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Attendance will be , given and terms made known on day of sale by OEO. F. SITES, Adm'r. Also, at themms time and plane will be mid the following Real Estate of laid deceased, ronshaing o 160 ACRES, 'store oe lees, of which aboat 40 ACRES are cheered and in a high state of cultivation. The balsam Is covered with thriving TIMBER, such as hickory, Chestnut, Oak, Lc. The Import. merits are a large new Twolaary Log House. doa ble Log Barn, Work Shop, Smoke lieuse, and necessary outbuilding,. There Is • never-faother g Spring of excellent water at the door, and &mere' others on the farm. There is • great variety of Fruit on the premises, • large Peach Orchard, planted butt spring, Apples, Pear., Cherriee, Grapes, kc. The Farm te conveniently situated, a public road running through it and In a good neighborhood, clue to Mills, Churches, Schools, Markets, to. Teems will be trunle:known on the day of rale. Aug. 14.-ts TILE 11EIR8. Alile•amparr copy. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The subscribers, Executors of the last will and Tea. Lament of Nathaniel' Grayson, Esq., deceased, will °a fer at Public Sete on the premises, on Tueeday, the 251 A dayof ,Septerieber next, the Farm of the maid de cedent, situate In Liberty township, Adams county, Pe, adjoining !author Lewis Wertz, John Nunamaker and others, on the Public Road between Fromittsburg and Fairfield, and containing 150 Acre'. Improved with a largo Two-stay weatherboarded Dwelling House, Smoke Rouse, Log Barn, Carriage Hones, pump O at Pen and Saw Mill, an excellt roduive rchallogM and well or never-falling waeten p r with pump at the bonne. Tom's Creek runs through the term. The moil is good and the premlies are convenient to School Houses, Mill., Stores, kc ' rendering it a desirable location. There are about 60 Acres of Timber land covered with Lonna, Chestnut and Oak.' Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when attend mace will be given and terms made known by JOHN MDSSELIIAN, ANN MARIA GRAYSON, Executors. Also, at the same time and plus, the subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, all that vab. uable Tract of land, adjoining the above, late of Eliza. bath Grayson, deceased, and containing ISO Acres.— About the one half Is heavily timbed. The Buildings are a comibilable Lot Rouse end Barn with necessary outbuildings and an Orchard of choice fruit. Aug. 14.-ta ft3llanover Spectator copy R EAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers for sale the following Rea Estate, innate in Middletown, Adams county: No. 1, A Lot, containing half an acre ground, fronting 132 feet on the Berlin road, on which lea good twoortory FRAME ROUSE, with back building, a wall of never-failing water at the door. a 1% story Frame Shop, which could readily be made Ca to a good dwelling, a Frame Barn 24 by 40 feet, with floor and two mows, suEldent stabling for four head of Cattle. a Hog Rona; and all other necessary ont buildings ; also, a lot of fruit trees, inch:Kling apple., peach,Cherry, pears, grapes, Ac. with firer:thing in good brder. There is • running stream of water close 7. No. 2, A tract of land, conven ient to the above, containing between 10 and 11 Acres, adjcp lands of Was Roth, John Rather, aid other', in a state of cultivation, having recently been lim twice over, and under good fencing, with a thriving Orchard of about twenty full grown apple trees thereon, a good proportion of meadow with a spring of water, This tract produces sulllcluit hay and pasture for three bead annul*, beside leaving Bac Acres for the raising of grain. No. 3, A tract of Timber land, within 34 of a mile of the above, near the Berlin road, adjoining land of Geo.Rer,Jaciib Gardner, 0 so. Group and others, containing BIGHT ACBBI , well coveted with heavy Umber. Thin tract if cleared would an swer very wall Be fanning purposes. -ma r the y ekiwore offend toetither_ or ...v....A mores: Persons ■fehlu to Thrif this property Will pietas call on the nibecrittcr, raiding thereon. LESTER SEXTON 1111114iletown, /Input 1868,-4t A VALUABE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE Ow Friday, the Siith day of 44144 1888, the nth. scribers, Ittectiton at thelltzt will and testament of Ephraim litt•By, decensed, will offer at Public Sale, *a th•premisee, the following Real Estate of said decee dent, viz: A DESIRABLE FARM, sittate is Hamilton town. ship, Adams county, on the Great Conowago creek, sding lands of Henry Hoover, the Misses Dear dorff, Solomon Hoke and David Brown, and contain ing about 83 ACRES, of which 18 amen are good u m . ber. The ImproVetnents atheist of a comfortable two. story Roughcast DWELLING DOUSE, with Back buildin new Bank Barn , Carriage Home, Smoke House, Hog Pen, and other outbuildinp, with two wells of water, one at the house and the other at the barn; also on the premises a thriving young Apple Or chard, besides peaches, grapes and other fruit. The farm has been thoroughly limed, and Is in a high state of cultivation. The fencer are excellent.' Per. sons wishing to view It are requested to call on m e . Getz, residing. Bsmen. Sale to commence qt I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will bo given and terms made known by AARON IIEAGY, , JACOB REBER; " -en " ° "' ADAM OASIIIt, Auctioneer. [Aug. 7.—ti AT PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offers at Private" Eale tho follow log Prop orty• ; L. P. WARD L TEAM' OF LAND, in Butler township, on the State road, about ,ne mile north of Middletown, con taining a little over Fritz ACRES, cleared, on which are erected a story and a half Log House. and a Log Stable; there Is an Orchard of flue frult trees ; a Spring and Spting , bouse. The land is under good fencing,and is In excellent condition. For terms and other particulars call on the under signed residing thereon. Augcut T.—gat lIBLIC SALE The School Directors of HandMalden township will sell at Public Sal on the premises, dot rittiddY, Ne lsi day of nest, al 1 o'clock, P. X., the Public School House , in "airfield, with the lot 'of ground upon which it stands. Also—it Stove. AlkirTerms will be made known by HENRY M. LANDIS, President. Citazira J. Sirens, Secretary. liar At a delock,P. M. of same day the Board of Directors will meet to employ 9 Teachers for said township. Play 31.--td TWO. VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE Tbo undersigned offers at Private Sale, Lis two •atuabte Parma, nla : No. 1--Containing 54 Acres, more or hr . on:hich nds o l f t. j ay n re i s c i n d:, In j il o ghtlid township kikci adjoining bout from Meilhen l tig's mill, acid I r mile from the itillerstown road, improved with a twogtary LOG liOUSli,well dnlabed,• Log weatberboarded Barn with Wagon and other g Rouse, and other outbuilding"; an excellent g ingprlngnouse, and well of water with pump sena the dwelling, 2 Orchards of choice fruit, Er. No. 2—Containing 26 Aores, more or Man in Franklin township, on tbe and from llW townto Ilammasbort. adjoin Ing !nada of John DAM* Unites, Josopir., Kuhn and other; improved mitts noratymnaltnelmantnil% story Dw.ur trail fin okad.larare intylertrilltarn, a . l2nrlng !yaw • a Well if s Mirstarlattb gssiTap rsiirdiadweiting, a Oodkord, IF We farm peel* good - osatiltl ancellant Timber slot Moullow tract No. 1 atlas good the* nue Unsberst ell—Petwoo doodling . to vi.V either`l/arm, or ascer tain team will toll cor the robootibor residing on tract DAVID STOVZII. - 11.—ans iku rriter CLASS PARR AT PRIVATE SALE, two miles of Gettysburg, on the Har risburg road, with alt necessary Improve ,menta. sad lu prime order. wlll sell from 100 to-180 Acres, RS, mama% Ter ms reasonable. For 1 .710 Sept ~10-If Gettysburg, fa. out Mts. I nevi/ ON wan) st IMF OF No. 1, 020.41U1NOLD S. GALT, Agent for the Heim P. W. KNOUSS RACHEL STEINOIIII !!!.tai ltd geroonal *des. Ernie BALE OF VALUABLE • REAL PROPERTY. kair lie umbroineel, Uvular of the kat IVII and Teo ait ed Prins Keit, late of lifountpfessaut town isounty/h*, demand, mill sell at Public Days ZIA ma seas meats of said our .1 lupin nit, on the decedent, cc/minding =of* _ °candelas about GO Acres or Aretinte o In Yountplement township aforesaid, laud, at Alexander Young, imam Dutton, Thanes timesilko and others. Tito happorements koala of* Double LOOMOUS it, Lot Ban. Spring House, and other necesseary oat buiwthp. phis property bas doe proportions of 1 1 4 1 1110 W and limber, and is beautifully situated, and la • geed state of cultivation, Inkin beim recentiy lime& It Melee well watered, tbere b e etng five springs of excellent mak never•lkillug water, conveniently Caned on tie prissism. • 'old the except km of about 4 Acrea, which are cut off by the Public Road leedbur from Etesieft's sul/l to Scup Career, which which will be sold separatel This tract affords a sae opportualty lo aey person wishing to purchase build. ing excellent favorably situated on the nastaktrs, and! la o qiudlty. Persona &atria, to view the peoperty oan can ea the tenant, Mr. CIIALLAN 1311Wria nodding thereon, ot upon JAOoI Munallim., who thee a short distance from sank. Sale to 'evilcommon t I O'clock, P. M, of said day, when eigendeoce i lmem m and terms made known by RAU !MILT, itzectitor. July 31.—t0 AMIABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE - -.• The natiersigued offers at Priestte Rale the Farm on which he now - reddest In Butler township, on the rued leading frost Dell's XIII to ididdietown, about 1 mile Rows Arendtaville, adjoining Janda of John Hanes, Wm. Taylor, sad others,. and containing 100 ACRIfS, more or less: The Improvements conalst of a twrestory LOG WEATIISRBOARDED 190 with a Kitchen attached, • good Frame Rank Barn, Carriage Rowse, Shop and Spring Roues, and other outbuildings; • good well of water noar the door, and • running Boring in the Spring House; • thriving Orchard of Apple and all kindsoi choke fruit. The property is in good condition the land In a fine state of cultivation, and the buildings in thorough repair—the dwellkig being sufficiently large to sc• con:la:iodate two fetallios. About 18 Acres are in Food Meadow, and about 25 Arr. iu Timber. It I make It les on th • e Conowagro. The oration and surroundings very desirable property. Persons wishing to Tin the premises or wortals. terms, will apply to Fite subscriber residing thereon. June 24.—ft DA:NIEL, ARENDT CHESTNUT TIALBER LAND AND RAILS tur sale, one sad y i ofn mile from Bendersvill• on the Pico drove rood. The hind le Lim/ and smooth. The rails are of a good quality of white chestnut. 1116.Ca1l on Jacob B. Thoaitia living at the laud, who Le enthorizol to soli. Tr. Aug. 14-2 m D. D. Ui ..., „farming 'utplittutntO, ‘zr J. H. SHIREMAN'S REAPERS & MOWERS. H AVING been agent for Mile machine last season, I afro otter it to the firmer this season. It in well known, having taken the premium at the Benders. Mlle lair, also at the Gettysburg Mowing Match over seven others which wore considered splendid ma chines, and likewise at the Dillsborg Mowing Match. Having concluded not to oder any mach irICI that will not give entire satisfaction, I hare refused agencies of several other machines, and now offer thia on e ne THE GREAT MACHINE OF THE SEAr,ON. - . Having tried one myself, I know exactly what It will do. I could refer you to wore, of farmers who have purchased machine, of me, who are highly pleased and say this la the only machine they would use. Extras WWII)/ on Land, and repairing done here at my place. This is a great oonrideration—themathine can be repaired at home immediately, and with much less east. Another great wing le the IHNDRII. which Is at. lathed to this celebrated Reap er and blower. It has been thoroughly tried, andgiven entire eattefact ion— requiring no harvest Lan except • driver. This Hinder an also be attached to the Reaper. ankh Lars been sold; but cannot be attached to any °that machine except Shiremates. I will here rater youto a few farmer', in ditTere localities, who have bought and used thesamaehluee nt Michael Place!, Stephen Gatti's, Moses Hartman, Mr. Sterner, Joseph Whirman, Mr. Linn, Ulrich Jacobs, J. It. Lieruhey Jacob Hartman, B. B. W,cal burr. Lema Jacob n, with other. , too numerous to mention. This machine Las • "elf rate, side delivery, and is warranted to du its work as above recommended. Also on hand, Ast 'AIRMAN'S SELF-DrscHARG /NG HORSE RARE, a fret -rats article, which we will sell at the lowest possible price. Warranted to gin• faction. Also the COLUMBIA RAMIS always on hand. Machines can be seen at my house, three nallee smith of Gettysburg, or at Mr. Conrad Snyder', Battlefield Hotel. LAW/5 A. BUSHMAN, JUDOS.— tf Agent. FARM IMPLEMENTS. WILLOUGHBY'S GUM SPRING DRILL. T1,1,11i.—,Dcf,2.747.,"1,1,77t t zl e l of Drain Can htraish thaw with or without the Guano Attachments, Guaranteed to do good work. Also, the Harrisburg Fannig Mill midair' Sew York. Equilr as good u the milli!' formerly sold In tttla county. iIIiPARAYOaB AND lIIIIESIIMItg, CLOWN& NUL. Lass, STEIL PLOUGELB, AC., ?ARMING IM• Nor 46 PUladtanit • 14/13r Aug. . W3l. DIDLE. • GEISER'S PATENT HELY-REGULATIEG GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER, AND BAGOEIC-. With the latest improved Triple -pea ed Horse Power, either Gear or Belt. This machine has successfully competed withal/ th• best of the different patented Grain Separetors, and now has the reputation of being the best Repenter ever produced; in fact, the only Separator and Clean. er ever before the public to giro general aatisisstlou. The machine is conveniently arm/wed me haulin g and threshing, being permanently died on two wheels. One man eau easily move or shift ft about, so that It Is not half the trouble on a barn floor as a common thresher mad altak or. It le also dully put in opera_ (ton. It Is sinap le, easily managed, reliable, thimble, compact and cleanly to work by while In. uperation. not making near the dust as the common outshine or other Separators. Farmers can rest emoted that tills mcho., i, an humbug, and judging from the high recommendation of Rum era that are using them urn Illcat come to the conclusion that it is the very machine that farmers want. The tollowiwg are • few of the persons who have used thin machine, well known, and to whom the public ace referred for further inf. .rmat ion: Wm. J. Petro, }'fora Dale, Adanis co., Wm. Kohler, near New Oxford o .1 John D. Pfoutz, " Gettysburg n lieriry Ilarbehl, York Springs, o Daniel Peters, lienderaville, Orders will be received by either of these gentle men, as also by Reber( and Hoover, ?last Berlin, Pa.— For farther information eddrese ABRAM BIIHKIft./LDSR, Akrnt, Glewrspring. York cn , Pa, Jute 10.--4 m THE GREAT Conowago Phosphate, PREPARED BY C. W. BENSON, le, D., LITTLE/MOWN, PA T UE Oonowago Phosphate to destined to ;and et the head of American Fertilizers. It h,u already proved its SUPERIOR QUALITIES, and ample ger tiAestes of its high merits will soon bo to this public. The proprietors will spare no moan■ iir pains to snake it at reliable and uniform article. It is superior to Peruvian ()nano, becomes it is lIOR LASTING IN ITS EFFECT and plum, TO IT ON THE FIRST CROP. It does not over-stimulate the soil, as most of the fertilisers In the market do, and leave the laud alter gathering the first crop in a worse condition than before using It, but It remains an Settee fertilizer In the soil, and continues year at. ter year to show Built on every crop that is pot ie the land, • The ConOwasto Phosphate contains ft large percent• age of Ammonia and Phosphoric acid, which nee es gantlet elements to vegetable food. They either enter directly into the plait or prepare the alkali, s iu the soil to do so. The be., of the Conowogo Pleaphate a PURE RAW BONE, completely and thoroughly dissolved without the use of any volatile agent. One of the great advantages of the Count% ago Phosphate is that It will dissolve the mod in the sod and set the silica free to be absorbed by the MOM lug plant, which is a very lutportatt ingredient in giving firmness and strength to the stalk and groin.— R will prowess Ms folitay and lodging of crops that are forced. up by • wet and warm seseon. 1110 i r lid greatly facilitate toe ripening tif Lila grain and ar,ul.• if against Me nat. Agendas are being - established throuattsut tbe country wherever fertilisers Sr. fold. We era not atrald to place It beside the beet In the country. Let all the farmers and planters makeup tbeee naiads that they trill try the Great Conuvragtt photo !hitt bah Prin. filly Dollars per ton. MUMS h MAIM, Proprietors. Int..Ths C ooo wago Phoephett belie, made very fine, end thoroughly disttritegratsd, ( paten It eou vetamt to Ise I// tkfld Weep more freely Etb the moll. All femme home the Sillrantage of fine tartllvera. dune 11,1h68.—t NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD, • THE undersigned calls ittention to Ma mow itaeldoe Shop, at Nati OaSauk *WM coup ty, which he has put up, at Weave:ma, with tlio dttetagnalloa to dO ilond wt aatialsotory Yolk. U, VIII maaalliolut • Tarawa Wolk of • 4.42ductamm.AL 11.1.0BINERY, Iv, TIM inantimurrn lillakb.; sail wilt Imp svogra's ILIPXR Iv, baakwass sal a. dlapapl*WpJ ..muoar 0f 8./PAIRING ilalkaDro"PilY*" aalale. 101 eonaintloak arltkt h/a Machluo Shop a ono at w miubkh do all km& a 'work Oat Wyeu. nom iv klilaalta gip pane to call sad gin him a trial, mu) be Tia ts.a.— aysll aatlablatlaa. CAMP 'MEETING, lIE moraberai6:4o4yaburg =ld rork Cingit at lbirC 4 0141 Mt Mamos b lambi 004 Meeting at Wolf • about mile from %disabling, sommoreciner dinaselop e aim daite WEL 1F•4414.44 eoriftdiasitatfon gerisilon Mama sod I. Publk 4144/14 ogaay ktedwiU 64 Woes. •4 as 4446 s permission aS file • RSDIK 11011111801, Pratilest: Amon 11444, • Clow sr. 4. Wort, ' 14.-4 I JACo4 , jig