■ wing Viathittes. --„-AM ERICAN:,-,...„.,_... TUE NY. BUTTON HOLE °VERSE ' . SEWING MACHINE -..,.- In directing attention ' to th eir CELIBRA BIN ATION surroN UOLE k DIMINO , .. 4 _,. beg letre to refer to its wonderful pope • rw••' child re proof of is . groat merit. The increase la tali demand finr thlevelueb alt.l3o_r: hu beep TEN FOLD during the klasetwn "ko , `•,• ant " - ear-before the public. • .1,1, This giand and surprising sis no .4."; in the hist,.ry of gew ing - machi nicc oNc ei and we ' ' ...warranted in claiming that • inti ' flea, mew 1 - 1. IT HAS NO EQUAL, _.., ... rtr. BEING ABSOLUTELY THE to lho FAMILY MACH =1 IN TUE WORLD, And Intrinsically the Chea It is eallg two machines combined in one , and beantlfbl mechanieal arrangemen : both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Or ‘, and Button hole stitch, with equal facility fictionfect It executes in the very best *manner dit exit y Sewing, Inch as, Hemming, Selling Tucking, Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, 01.—U and Sewing on, (done at the same time,) and t ion, Or erseam a, Embroiders on the ede. beautiful Button end Eyelet Motu la all g fabr cry Machine is warranted by the Coto Agents, to give entire anti finetktri. circulars with full particulars and sampl done on this Machine, can be had on applicat Salenr.ma s oft be Ciimpany. 111 Eleventh and Chestnut Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at the the Company gratuitously to all porcha■eis. AGENTB WANTED FREDERICK PAXSON, P W. H. M LNDENII ALL, Treasurer. W. ROBISON, Agent, Gettysburg, Pa BEI May 27—i y THE FINKLE & L LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHI .wrrii NEW AND IMPORTAN PROVEMENTS. 7hr Cheapest thioD ..ifachine i ACIENTS WANTED 1N EVERY TOW A Merit' Cash Premium is offered for eachiocll These agent. aro appointed with great radii ata Get., LID A splendid Paying BUsiness for my _4 genta ! ! Naas* fend for a (lama'. Addrasa FINEZLH k LBON S. M. No. 701 Broadway, New July 10, '116.-Gm _farming Xmpltmtnto, & J. 11. SIIIRMIAN'S REAPERS & MOWER H AVING been agent for Oita machine last Cleo otter it to the farmer this season. It known, having taken the premium at the B. ville Fair, also at the Gettysburg dosing Mate seven others which were considered splend chines, and likewise at the Ginsburg Blowing likvlngeonciaded not to offer any machine th not give entire satisfaction, I have refused a of several oilier machines, and now offer this THE GREAT MACHINE OF TILE &SABO Having tried one myself, I know exactly what do. I could refer you to scores of farmers whs purchased ma:hisses of me, who are highly pleas say this ix the only machine they would use. Extras always on hand, and repairing done Is my place. This is a great cousideration—them can be repaired at home Immediately, and with less cost. Another great saving is the BINDER which tached to this celebrated Reaper and Mower. been thoroughly tried, and given entire satiate,. reoai[inc e loweess hand except a driver. hinder can aka., be attached to the Reapers have been sold; but cannot be attached to any s machine except Shirensan's. t I w ill here 'refer yonto a few farmer,, to d localitiee, who have bought and need these mac • Michael Fiscel, Stephen Got Moses Hartman, Sir. Sterner, Joseph Wierrnan, Mr. Linn, Ulrich Jacob., J. R. Hank Jacob Hartman, B. B. Woodb, Jacob Leman, !;with other, too numerous to mention. - This machine has a self.rake, side delivery Lis warranted to do its work as above recommend Also on hand, SIIIRRSIAN'S SELF-DISCIIA at RAKE, a first-rate article, which we wil -at the lowest possible price. Warranted to give faction. Aim, the COLUMBIA RAKE alwayson Machines can be seen at my bone, tbreemlies ilettysbnrg, or at Mr. Conrad ilnyder's EMU Vote!. LEWIS A. BUSSIM ; Juue3.—tf An THE GREAT Conowago Phosphate PEEPA.RED BY C. IV. BENSON, If, D., LITTLESTOWN, PA. ilj1111: Conowago Phosphate is destined to eta. the head of American Fertilizers. It has al proved its SUPERIOR QUALITIES, and ample d , tificstes of its high merits will soon bp furnish. , tLopublic. The proprietor' will spare no mean pains to make it a reliable and uniform article. • superior to Peruvian Guano, because it is Mt LASTING IN ITS EFFECT and EQUAL TO IT THE FIRST CROP. It does not overstimulate soil, AA iliOgt of the fertilizers in the market do, leave the land after gathering the first crop worse condition than before using it, but it rem riot active fertilizer in the soil, and continues year ter year to show itself on every crop that is pr' the land. • ; The Conowago Phosphate contains a large pare , eke of Ammonia and Phosphoric acid, which are pantie! elements to vegetable food. They either e • dlrettly into the plant or prepare the alkalies in soil to do so. The base of the Conowago Phosph s ,PURE _RAW BONE, completely and thoroog dissolved without the use of any volatile agent. s..sus of the great advantage, of the Conow' Phosphate is that it wilt dissolve the sand in the a* eel the silks tree to be absorbed by the gr, lt4t plant, which is a very Important Ingredient giving firmness and strength to the stalk and grain lt Mill pserist Vv./al/iv and lodging of crops t . • are fur cm up by a wet and warm season, and gristly acilitate the ripening , of the grain and sec it against the rust. figenclee are being established throughout • copotry wherever fertilizers are sold. We are • , staid to Oars It beside the beet in the country. Let an the farther" and planters makeup th minds that they will try the Groat Conowago Ph phite this fall. trite fifty Dollen per tun. BUNBON & 3.1.1118, Proprieto lylk.The Ccnowago Phoeplude being made ve tint. vnd thoroughly dint Integrated, makes It ; veettot i;;; nee lo the drills, and mixes more free with the awl. All Meiners know the advantage fin + ten limn. June 17,186 e. G WELL'S PATENT SELF-ILEGULATIN6 GAIN SEPARATOR CLEANER AND BAGGER, Ulth the latest improved Triple-yea cd Horse Power, either Gcar or Belt, This machine has succeasfully competed with all th best of the different patented Grain Separators, anti now{ has the reputation of being the beat Square ever produced; in fact, the only Separator and C er ever before the public to give general astislactio The machine is conveniently arranged fur haul's' and i h rest ing, being permanently Skid on two who* One man ran easily more or shift it about, so that Is Met half the troablemd a barn floor as a cm= tbreeber and 'baker. It is also easily put in opens Hon. It la simple . easily managed, reliable, donna = hunt - act and cleanly to work by while in operation not making near the dust as the COIIIMIOI2 1111061110 other Separator,. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is n ratiag, &adjudging from the high recommendsokt of farm Cr. that are using them we must come to th cnuclualein that it is the very Machine that farms want. • The following are a few of the persons who hay used this machine, well known, and to whom lb public are referred for further Information: Wm. J. Peters, Flora Dale, Adams Co.. Penns. IVel. near New Or.fossi" 3s.tin D. Flouts, " Gettysburg . it Henry Harbuld, Turk Springs, " Daniel Peters, Bendersville, " o Orders will be received by either of thee. genii as alao by itebert and Hoover, Bait Berlin, or farther 'aftermath:in address ABRAM BURKHOLDER, Agent. Clearspring. Tork ce, Pa. EI=EI NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD. HE undersigned calls attention to lits new Machina gimp, at Now Oaford, dams coast.", widen he Suns pat op, at large aspens*, ttL the detenslastkon to do good and satisfactory 0 3k. Ile w 1 n staaolactut • various kinds of AoRwiTLITTRAI.t MACHINERY, ah so THRSOUING Nabauces. SPRING-TOOTH mcdka; mad will tam the 1111OHNTR &RAPS& WW2 OR aut. torsale. pty as parabl All dasomprtam of . RIPALIUNG data primptly and chom o . He Jua Ja ormaactioa with Ids Mackie* Shop a WI wart la SAW tau, epos which ha will do all kis& a U•artka the public to call and sin hie a trial, ale OSHlRdirm. =IITI WOO /NM IForld. Mu *ay and 'WWI. / € l6 t l T B b 6 rir. Friday, Anigust 7, 1868. DEDICATION - .—The new German Re formed Church at Littlestown, Adams . county, will be dedicated on the 15th of this month. Itsr-The property of FANNY WAGONER, advertised by Sheriff HANN, has been withdraw from sale, the claim having been satisfied. SUDDEN DEATEL—We observe that, on the ith of July last, a former altfrA3ll of this coning, Altos D. Zoos, was killed at his residence in Savanna, Carroll count ty, SERVICES.— Rev. Jour( R. WARNER, of St. Louis, will preach in the church at Ifunterstown, on Sabbath, August oth, at 9 o'cloCk A. M; and in the church at Marsh Creek, at 2.30 P. M. of•thc same day. LARGE EGG.—Mr. WILLtAx A. PlT azn, dt Bendersville, had an, egg last Week, laid by one of his hens, which weighed over 4 ounces. On breaking it open, it was found to contain three dis tinct yolks of ordinary size. ANOTHER RACE PROPOSED.---The Hanover Spectator says the Hanover peo ple are sore over the recent 'race here, and that Mr. DELLONE has challenged Mr. TATE to another trial of speed, at Hanov er, for $lOO. if ORS ES STOLEN.-.Two valuable horses wore stolen from. Col. JOHN WAUGH, near Fairfield, this county, on the night of the 25th ult. A pair of drunken stragglers, in the neighborhood the day previous, are supposed to be the parties guilty of the theft. CAMP MEETING.—The Church of the United Brethren will commence a camp meeting on the 24th of August, 1} miles north of Peters burg, (Y. 5.,) on the prem ises of Mr. lavirrottrorr. We are request ed to say that no 11uckste40 will be per mitted to intrude on the grounds during the meeting. FUNERAL OF DR. GILBERT.—The remains of Dr. DAVID GILBERT whose death wo noticed last week, were brought to Gettysburg on Friday evening last, and interred in Ever Green Cemetery. The funeral cortege moved direct from the depot, Rev. Drs. Her and SCIIMUCKER conducting the services at the grave. Dr. G.'s age was 65 years and 1 day. addition to the race between " , Cashier" and "Siroc" noticed last week, a trotting match took place the same evening, on the Fair Ground track, be tween a Bay Horse owned by JACOB DEI LY, of this place, and a Grey Mare owned by IB,►IAH DILLER, of Hanover, half mile and repeat; the former winning. ROBBERY.—On Monday evening, about dusk, Mr. JACOB BRINKERHOFF, of this place, left his Clothing Store tempo rarily, to go to his residence, locking the door. On his return shortly after, he dis covered that some one had entered the store during his absence, through an open window, and taken a Silver Watch and about $lB in money. BALLOON ASCENSION.—Mr. num ber A. LIGHT , who has been making a num ber of successful Balloon Ascensions, designs making an ascension in Gettys burg,. on Thursday of Court week, the 20th inst., from the Fair grounds. But owing to an Injury to his balloon after his ascension from Mechanicsburg the ascen sion from this place has been postponed. STATE PAIR.—We have received the Premium List of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural society for Its sixteenth an nual exhibition which will be held in Harrisburg on the 28th and 30th of sep tember, and the Ist and 2d of October, 1868.. We see that this county has two representatives on the committees, to wit : Mr. H. J. STABLE, on Class 44, Mercan tile displays; and Mr. McPnEnsot:, on Class 46, Ernenumerated Articles. A LIBERAL ENDOWMENT.—Davis PEARSON, Esq., of Philadelphia, recently deceased, left to Pennsylvania College 400 shares of stock in the Brook Coal Com pany, to establish a Professorship to be named the Pzensos Professorship. The par valueof the stock is $20,000. Ho also left to Rev. Dr. Thirrrzn's church, 300 shares of stock in the same Company for the construction of a new church edifice, provided the congregation shall rinse a like amount for this purpose. ACCIDENTS.—Mr. LEVI LAWRENCE, of Mountpleasant township, met with a pain ful accident on the 29th ult. Whilst back ing his wagon out of the barn, the hub of a front wheel struck one of the doors, which caused a sudden movement of the wagon -tongue in the other direction, striking Mr. LAWRENCE in the face and breaking his jaw. On Wednesday of last week, a son of air. F:RANkLus OsnoaN, of Straban town ship, had one of his arms broken in two places. The boy fell from the ladder in the threshing floor. Dr. Merhorn, of New Chester, was promptly called and the broken arm set. fir• GEORGE SLAGLE, of Oxford town ship, Adams county, one day last week, cut his leg badly with a scythe while cutting oats. jalsThe Copperhead County Convention meets on Monday next to nominate a County Ticket. We notice - in the last Cbrapi/er that Jonx A. ATWELL of Gettys burg, J. W. Becirxwx of Mountpleasant, and Tawas C. TRAVER of New Oxford, all want to be Prothonotary. TOSEPII lifahvirx, of Liberty, aspires to the Sen atorabip, but Will have to wait awhile,-ati the "ring" have arranged to givelbe track to C. M. DuxcArr, of Cluunbersbarg, in consideration of Franklin going for Mc. SHERRY ibr Congiess. PROPERTY SALES.- Jayze BIGHAN has Sold his farm to Messrs. FAHNESTOeir and rearrelar, for $7;1800 cash. Messrs. Pe s; and DuricaN have sold one of thoir building lots, on York street, to Wm. 11. GRUNIIINR, for $lOO cash. Mr. Bocasn has sold to Capt. T. C. Sonars, the I} story brick dwelling on on York street, adjoining property of Jaws Taoast.r.. I. N. Duanonsw, Esq., has pnrchased 53 acres of land, (eight acres of timber,) near the Two Taverns, from JOHN REBERT, for $l4OO ; and has since cleared two acres of the timber, and is building a two-story weather-boarded dwelling house. IMPROVEMENTS .—The spirit of im provement continues in our town. Messrs. Aliortois H. Swore and Jetta WrLsos . have dompleted their dwellings on Citittl bersburg street. Mr. Swots is also put ting up a Cabinet -maker's-Shop In the rear of his dwelling. BERRY MoDARNELL is putting up a two-story brick dwelling on the same 'street. &tanner. Wo potting another story on the "Globe Inn," and otherwise im proving It. lasscritz $Olll/1R Is putting up a fine brick dwelling on Washington street. JAtoos Brook has commence ,1 his new dHigh willUgg on corner of Washington and Kraals., GEORGY C. CASLI/MAN -13 putting ni ) a back building to his dwelling on York street. The handsome Cottage reiddenoe of Joust Born, on . South Baltimore street is ap proachingeompletion, and win be one of the moat, ornamental in the town. The new Professors' Houses on the Col lege Clatnpus, and the large Preparatory .Depertisierit building; known as "Stevens Rau," will b e ebeeplee e d in time for next session. JOSEPH Wears la pulling up a large frame Ware }Louse and Hay-Packing /loam, On Billread Street, near Wilabillt. ton, COMMENCEMENT W WElL—Ne.xt 1 The following is an extract/rein the week will be a stirring one in town by editorial columns .of the ".1)/i2f0- reason of the closing exercises of the Col- oBAT,' , New Bloomfield, Perry Co., lege and Seminary, We repeat the pro- p a , and is deserving o f the ser i ous gramme tor the week : Sanday morning—Baccalaureat e address by Rey. Dr. Valentine. Sunday evening— , Sermon before the Toting Men's Christian Airsoclatkm of the College, by Rey. Dr. Schaeffer, of Philadelphia. Tuesday afternoon—Holman Lecture on the Aug*. barg Confession; by Res. Dr Schniticker, of Nilo' burg. Tuesday evening—Address to the Atninary Alumni, by Rey. S.A. Holman, of Philadelphia Wednesday morning—Junior Exhibition. Wednesday afternoon—Address before Philo. Society, by Rev. Dr. Palk of Andover. Wednesday evening—Address to College Alumni, by Rev. George Parson, of Milton. Thursday mon:dug—Commencement Exercises. The Directors of the Theological Semi { nary will meet on Tuesday morning, and I thb Trustees of the College on Wednesday I afternoon.. Both Boards will have impor tant business before them. The friends of the College will learn with much regret that Dr. VALENTINE, who has been temporarily discharging the duties of President of the Institution, does not see his way clear to accept the . Presidency unanimously tendered to him by the Board. What the College loses the Seminary gains, by his continuance in the Faculty of the latter. This determina tion of Dr. VALENTINE devolves on the Board the election of . another -Presi dent. The nomination of Rev. REUBEN HILL, by the Synod of Pennsylvania, as Franklin Professor, is to be acted on; while the resignation of Prof. WILKEN will require some legislation as to the Ger man Professorship. The now Professor ship endowed by Mr. PEARSON, of Phil adelphia, may also require action. GRANT AND COLFAX CLUB.--On Saturday evening last, the Republicans of the Borough of Gettysburg met at the Ea gle Hotel, for the purpose of organizing a "Grant and Colfax Club." A. J. COVER, Esq., was called to the chair, and J. M. Krtsurn Esq., made Secretary. A Consti tution was adopted, and after an inter change of opinion the election of officers was postponed to the next meeting. A committee was appointed to secure and report upon a suitable place for holding , the regular meetings, when the Club ad journed to meet at the Eagle Hotel on Fri day evening next, at 71 o'clock, to com plete the organization. As our friends iu the townships may wish a form in - organizing their clubs, we annex the Constitution adopted by the Club here, which is briefand covers every thing essential to its proper organization : CONSTITUTION OF THE "GRANT AND COL FAX CLUB" OF THE Borioucirt OF GET TYSBURG. ART. I—The object of this Associa- I tion shall be to promote the election of Gen. ULYSSES S. GRANT and SCHUYLER I COLFAX to the Presidency and Vico Pres- 1 idency of the United States, and the tri umph of Republican principles; and shall be composed of citizens of the Borough of Gettysburg and vicinity who favor these ; Objects and sign this Constitution. BUILDING LUMBER, dc.—The atten- ART. ll—The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, two Vice tion of Farmers, Builders, Contractors, Presidents, a Corresponding Secreanry, a and others, is invited to the large assort- Recording Secrotary.and aTreasurer, who went of LUMBER of all kinds suitable shall discharge the duties usually pertain ing to these officers respectively--one of I for building purposes, to be found at , the Vice Presidents presiding at meetings Col. C. H. BUEHLER s Lumber Yard, at of the Club, in the absence of the Presi- i cornerpfearlislestreet and Railroad depot, dent. ART4III—There shall be an Executive Including Boards, Planks, Flooring, Si dints Laths, Pickets, Shingles, dtc.—Also Committee of Five, who, with the Presl dent, shall have charge of the active op- Posts, hewed and sawed, with prime erations of the Club—provide a place for Fencing Boards, white Pine and Hemlock. its meetings—secure Speakers—and raise His stock Is not only large, but his ar the money requisite to defray the neces- i sary expenses of the Club. rangements are such that he can sell at The Treasurer shall disburse the funds the very lowest cash rates. Also, con of the Club on Orders approved by the scantly on hands Black-smith, Lime-Bur- President. ners' and Stove COAL. tf - _ Saturday afternoon last, Mr. JERENI IA Er D.SlTEs,residing on or near CARDS.—With our new Gordon Jobber and full assortment of Fancy Job Type, the Cold Spring road, in Hamiltouban township, about four we are prepared to furnish, at an hour's miles from Fairfield, notice, all kinds of Visiting or Business committed suicide. On Saturday morning Cards, Wedding Cards, Ball, Concerts and last, during the absence of a portion of his Lecture Tickets, In PLAIN or FANCY family at at a neighbor's, he requested a ors, equal to the best City work. Our female member of the family to light his new Gorden works beautifully, and ane pipe, and left the house. Not returningat be seen in operation any day. night, the family became alarmed and made search for him, which was renewed I SPEER'S "STANDARD WINE BlT the next morning, when he was found TERS."— The undeniable fact that these dead, suspended, by a driving line, to a Bitters are composed in the main of Speer's tree in one of his fields satzt44.4iigaLige from 'pure wine analysed, and recommended to the house. lie had fornied a sort of i invalids and the Medical Profession by the j scaffolding of stones and rails, and appar- best Chemists in the United States, cannot! ently completed his arrangements care- fail in inspiring confidence in the public, fully. Mr. SITES was a respectable citizen in the use of the "Wine Bitters." aged about 51 years, and had served, Sold by Fred. Brown, corner of sth and in the late war. For sometime symptoms of aberration of mind had been noticed, Chesnut sts., and other Druggists. t but not sufficiently marked to excite ap prehensi ens. P. S. Since the above was put in type, we received from a correspondent at Fair field the subjoined account : Mr. SITES had been labouring under mental depression for sometime and it was leered by the family that ho contem plated something of the kind. For that rea son, he had been closely watched; but on Saturday morning the Ist inst., about 7 o'clock, he left home, the remaining mem bers of the family being under the im pression that he had gone to a raising in the neighborhood, whither his son had started to go about that time. No suspi cions were aroused until the return of the son sometime in the afternoon, when learning that he had not been at the rais ing, a search was immediately instituted. Night coming on without any trace of him, it was determined to arouse the neighbor hood and continue the search early in the morning, which was done, and his body found about 7 o'clock Sabbath morning, in a secluded place on the moun tain about I of a mile from his residence, suspended by a leather line frdm the limb of a fallen tree. He was about 51 years Or age, honesty!, ad upright, and respected by 1 all who knew him. An inquest was held on Sun day by Z. AITIEII.9 - , -Esq. MAIL CHATtiGES.—The Post Office De partment has timed a new schedule for the ,route between Westminister and Chain borsburg. Hereafter the mail for West minister will leave Gettysburg at 2 P. M., arriving at NVestininister at 7, and leave Westruiniater at 1 P. M., reaching Gettys burg at 8. The mail for Chambersburg will leave Gettysburg at 4 A. M., reaching Cambers - burg at 11; and leave Chambersburg at 7 A. id., reaching Gettysburg at 12. The above schedule will work very dis advantageously. The Chambersburg mail, which has heretofore left this place,.irn mediately after the arrival of the noon train, will have toile over until next morn - lug, thereby detaining at Gettysburg a full day an mall matter from the Cities and other points for the offices on the route. The schedule, as arranged by the Department, is designed to make the route from Chambersbur g to Westminster a through one, with close conneetionS whereas, since the construction of Railroad lines to Westminster, Littlestown, Get tysburg and Chambersburg, as a through rout it has ceased to have any importance, and should either be divided into two routes or broken at Gettysburg, to ,com mo date the mail service. RELIEF FOR THE SUFFERING POOR AT ELLICOTT CITY.---We have been requested to state that a depot has been established at the store of J.L. Sc for the reception of clothing for men, wo men and children—to be sent to the suffer ers at Ellicott, by the recent terrible flood. Over SOO persons are in great• need of clothier, to relieve present wants; and those of onr citizens who feel able to spare any articles toliatever, are requested promptly to send them 'to Mr. Semmes store. We trust there will bee general response to this appeal. THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP.— Housekeepers and others wanting to buy good Cooking Stoves, the best in the mar ket, warranted to bake and give satisfac tion, or any thing in the line of Tin Ware, Japan Ware, Hollow Ware, Chamber Sets, Bread and Spice Boxes, Ice Cream Free zers,Water Coolers, Coffee Hills, Bird Cags, Fruit Jars and Cans, Waiters, Ike. &., will find just what they want at the W ar ereont of Col 0. IL Hassrau, corn er of Railroad and Carlisle street, opposite She afiaanSer Depot. wad at prices which 41) , ceEupetitign, • consideration of the afflicted : HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS.— "Tills valuable medicine has been in use In our place a long time past, and has perform ed wonders. We may notice a few Instan ces that have come under our immediate notice. Almost every person who has stopped at the hotel of Wm. Lackey, Esq., one year since, predicted, from his emaciat ed countenance and debility, that be could not live much longer. He was unable to attend to business, and for the greater part of his time confined to his room. We re commended him to try the German Bitters, which be did, and to the surprise of all his friends and acquaintances, he now is able to attend to his usual business, and perform manual labor." The case of Henry Asper, a stone mason, who no one supposed would ever recover from the debility of his system, but was looked upon as fast ap proaching the grave, took eight or nine bottles of these bitters during the last win ter, and this summer be has been (to the surprise of all who knew the case) follow ing his trade. The case of William Mur phy is no less astonishing. He, too, was so far reduced as to induce a general belief that the grave alone would be his only remedy. Mr. Lackey induced him to try the Hoofland's German Bitters ; he is now, apparently, a well man, and able to do a hard day's work. We could mention many other cases of a similar Character if it were necessary. To the afflicted we say, try it fairly, and we will warrant relief. "Hoof land's German Bitters" is entirely free from all Alcoholic admixture. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC is used for the same diseases as the bitters, by those preferring a preparation more stimulating. The Tonic is a composition of all the in gredients of the Bitters, to which is atded pure Santa Cruz Rum, orange, anise, &c., making a remedy of rare value, and most agreeable and pleasant. Principal (Vice, C3l Arch St., Philad'a, Pa. Sold every where by Druggists and others. i t PROF. FLTLMER, the successful and prominent teacher of Writing is in town, and we would advise all who wish to im prove themselves In this desirable accom plishment to secure his services without delay. From the productions of his hand that we have seen, and the general opinion exprc , sed, we believe him to be equal to any one in that profession in this country. WASHING COMPOUND.—The atten tion of Ladies and Housekeepers is direc ted to the advertisement of CHARLES H. STALLSMITH, of this place, in to-day's paper, In regard to a new washing com pound, which is said to be economical and labor-saving. POISONING THE BLESSED „int.— This is what the rivals of PHALON'S new perfume, " FLOR DE MAYO," are doing with their atrocious compounds. The Health Commissioners should look to iL It is their duty to abate the ill-smelling nuisances. Sold by all druggests. 1-3 ''One of the few things that the North and South will probably ever fully agree upon is that "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" is not only the best preventive to the hair falling out, but also the finest dressing ever before the public. It richly deserves the "Siver Medal" awarded by the New Hampshire State Fair.—Dubuque imcs. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK.—Having largely added to our facilities for Job Printing, we are now enabled with the aid of our Campbell Power Press, Gordon Jobber, and Hand Presses, to turn out promptly all kinds of Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, inclu ding Pamphlets, Speeches, Catalogues, Circulars, Programmes, ctc v , with our new Job Press. NEW JOB PRESS.—We have received our new Gordon Card Press, and are now prepared to turn out Cards and Circulars of all kinds, Letter Reads, Bill Beads, Checks, Tickets, tttc., in PLAIN and FANCY colors, in the best style, at low rates, and on short notice. Give us a call. W'The attention of our readers is direc ted to the advertisement of COE'S DYS PEPSIA CURE, in another part of this paper. This truly Valuable Medicine is recommended by all who use it. Read the certificates. eow STATE SCHOOL CONVENTION.—The State Convention of county, city and borough School Superintendents met in Harrisburg last week. Forty-five counties and cities were represented, including over seven thousand schools. Mr. Aaron Sheely, of this county, was present, and was assistant Secretary. Among the resolutions adopted, was one that the number of School Directors be reduced from six to three, that they be paid, and that they be sworn to perform their duties faithfully. The State Conven tion of Teachers is in session at Allentown. Os the Ist of August, the rates of fare on the Pennsylvania railroad were reduced about one half cent per mile, or fourteen per cent. The through rate between Phila delphia and Pittsburg will be ten dollars.— The rate per mile for intermediate distances will be three cents per mile, and for chil dren between five and twelve years of age, one-half where the rate divides even, and one-half with 2 1 1 cents added where it di vides uneven. BEFORE Commiasioner Rollins left for New Hampshiri3, he nominated to the Sicretary of the Treasury thirteen supervisors, under the new tax law, for variotui section. of the country. Mr. McCulloch has not made any appointments of these nominees, and may not do so for some time. It is possible that he may not appoint supervisors at all in some localities; u the law is not mandatory in that particular, but leaves the necessity for such officers to the discretion of the See. CuAnus Q. HALPLNis of New York, died this week, from an overdose of chloroform--c taken to relieve neuralgic paing, ,He edited the Oitim, was a pmadmmt During-the War, he was Aistishint Militant General On Gen. Hunter's stet. Re deliver ed the poem at the Nstional 'Cemetery ex ;KV litet Iti atinummeOnaindkProlitmeeisrket: RaUtnera, Thursday 116,14.460. -.- 8 25 @ 920 --.-10 00 0010.£0 ...... 245 40 260 2 40 @ 2 65 , 1 20 e 183 1 25 (0) 1 50 62 80 ..... 0 00 40 0 00 -- 8 50 0 900 0 00 ei 2 50 143 40 14i 17 1 - @ 22i 18 @ 19 Surat Frans, ' Ezra. nom; WRITE WHEAT, REH WHEAT, COEN, Bre, OATS, TIMOTHT-BEED, CLOVER - 81ED,.... ..... FLAX-61ED, BAOON, BEO=lBB, " SIDES, " Hems,. LARD, Goan, Phlla Gettysburg Grain & Previalon ?Market. Gettysburg, Friday Morning. 10 (K) 11 00 @l2 00 2 30 @ 2 75 000 @ 200 1 15 1 25 Boras FL00R,... EXTRA FLOOR,.. WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT,. CORN, RYE, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, .. . ... TIMOTHY BUD, CLOVER SEED, POTATOES, Burn; LARD, Boas, BACON, HAILS, " SIDES, " SHOULDERS, Soar, TeLLow, MARRIED GEYER-TATE.- On the 4th inst., by the Rev. W. R. H. Deatrich, Mr. Henry G. Geyer to Mrs. Mary Louisa Tate, both of Gettysburg, Pa. DIED. ~MIP- O bitnary notices 5 cents a line for all over 4 lines—eash to accompany no tices. HARTEAN.—On the 27th ult., Mr. Hen ry... Hartman. of Franklin township, in the 61st year of his age. HIIDSON.—Noar Hunterstown, on the 20th ult., of cholera infantum, Walter Mc- Beth, eon of George T. and Mary J. Hud-, son, aged 2 months.. /Evil:L-0n the 18th ult., after a linger ing illness, Mr. Levi Irvin, of Buchanan Valley, aged 60 years, 9 months and 11 days. OASTER.—On the 25th ult., :sir. John Oaster, of 14Id3herrystown, aged 70 years. Russeuort.—On the 15th of Juno last, Mr. John Rimbaugh, of Mountpleasant township, aged 78 years. SPIDLE.—On the 16th of July, in Alto Dale, Franklin county, Penna., Harvey David, infant son of A. G. and Eliza M. Spidle, aged 3 months and 16 days. "No bitter tears for thee be shed, Blossom of being! seen and gone! With flowers alone we strew thy bed, 0, blest departed one ! Whose all of life, a rosy ray, Blushed into dawn, and passed away. Thou went so like a form of light, That Heaven benignly called thee hence, Ere yet the world could breathe one blight O'er thy sweet innocence: And thou, that brighter home to bless, Art passed, with all thy loveliness." New dvtrtiscluento. NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminis. [ration oa the estate of Jrstsn tu B. Sam, de ceased, late of Hamlltonban township Adams wanly, having been granted to the us44.rslgnei, residing In ' Liberty township, be hereby givoll n,tle e to all persons Indebted to said estate to call cot make Immediate ! payment, and those havlngclatam ackinst the mms will present them properly authentic-stet for settle- ' meat. E F. FITE9, Adarr. Aug. 7.-eit's A T PRIVATE SALE. .t The undersigned aims at Private Sele the follow , i Attosulie :—Jostra I•: - .. - 1, I'.o's. J Lug Property: \--- . A TRACT OF LAND, in Butler township, on the ' A )C. T s , . State mod, almnot )130 mile north of Middletown, con- i ■ i l t R 111 ER 8 I 1 taintog a little over FIVE ACRES, cleared, on which; _ " • are erected • story anda ball Log Rouse. and • Log ! Stable; there is en Orchard of flue fruit trees; a ' Common eilaape, ai g, las tli, 14. it. The THY TilE spring and Springtionos. The land to under go od i ..r.,) a ALTA VELA PIIOSI'IIATE ! ! : 11E. LE:iTER SEXTON', a wholeimle merchant of 30 fencing, and is in excellent condition. -I.IL EI) FT For terms and other particulate all on the under year", in Milwaukee, one of the mait reliable and signed residing thereon. TT iv C , llll,3,ll,:::CiVany of Abe ce!dn - 4:(4 Guano careful men in the State, nay., under date .1 from Mawanzin, Wis., Jan. 24, I%S. ALTA VELA. xf,szts. C. C. CLARK k Co., Neu, haven, Gana. ' Both myinalf and wife bevel:toed Coe's Dyrpep. i.e Cure, ' C.,:it tir.Y Mr.:: •,....1 - cP....t. ..f A3rmio; lA, .iii ample • and it haa prove) PERFECTLY satixfactory axa 1tem ,,,..u0 i ,,. 1 ... r i t .. 0 ..,,,;,.,.. ~s , ; lb ,„ ,i, j , y, t , t i„,,,,,,, ! ely. I hove NO heoultatirt in *layin g ti.nt.„, haver, t.,(....0..ur..1 0 101,, , ,, gnautity of eJI able ' tiered GREAT BENEFIT fr.,i, it, ..... • . - V Re-Tectrully, BONE PIIOSPIIATE OF LIM E cry -, .‘Fignell) LI:STIlli. SI.:XTON• t...,,,t1ier with P.,ia•il 3,1 So,:‘, the ..-,ntial e:einmitq 01 , August 7.--2 o Notice to Collectors 1 wad pr knot Le excelled. We guaranty tlify t; tr,t COL LSCTOILB of 847 evious year. Mine- pereett. common Axes, pith it4s ral,, tbechopper to • by notified to settle off their duplicates " ur t.rfurs ; NiirSeud for circnlar and ; to MONDAY, the 17th of AUGUST By order of the Board of Coatudesicetera. August 7, 1866.—td Attention, HOilsekeepers ! WASHING MADE EASY HA V Ilt G the agency for Adams county for JACK SON'S UNIVERSAL WASHING COMPOUND. Patented Jan. imam, I reepe:tfully invite the atten tion of Ladles and ht,esetkeepers to It as ttel taut economical and valuable Washing Compound la use. It requires no robbing of Clothes—washes la hard se well as soft water, and doss Dot inJure the most de- I kate fabric; preemies tied Azes the colors; removes paha', grade and stales of all kinds. Give it a trial and you will nag nothing else. Family Rights SI each. For farther Information apply to CUAS. U. ETALLiId.TTII. 'Gettysburg, Pa. Ma . have been informed that parties In never./ parts or the county are selling whet purports to be Jackson'. Compound. As f have the exclusive right to Adams county, all persons are hereby warned against selling or purchasing from other parties.. Aug. 7. 1869.--tf HOWE MACHINES I THE LATEST IMPROVED AND GENUINE Howe Sewing Machines, constantly on hand and for sale at the Store of GEO. JACOBS &BRO., Chanaber,iburg Si., Gellysbarg, Pa ORDERS WILL BE PROMPTLY:NATTENDED TO Machines delivered in all parts of the county. The public are cautioned against parties who use the =Lie of Howe to connection with their machine', on account of the popularity of th• `en nin• Howe.— Remember that there are NONE GENUINE unless they have the hfedallion Portrait of ELIAS HOWE, JR., IMBEDDED ON THE MACHINE GEO. JACOBS & 8110, Only Agnate in Adam neatly Aug.?, 1568.-tt Superintendent's Notice IWILL =smite Umbers at the &Bowing tamed times and pieces, to wit: • Strube% Huntentown, August 16;8 a. a. Beading and Hampton, Hampton, August 2p. m. Ham llton, Hatt Berlin, August 18, 8 a. ak. Berwick Borough, August 18.8 p. m. Berwick tp., Pigeon Hill& IL, Atostll,3 a. in. Oxibrd, New Orford, August 19, 2 p. m. Hoettitpleasant, Bush Bun & H., August 29.9 a. M. Cotinwap, iltoBhercown. August U, 9 a. m. 7- August 21 . , p. m. Ammrt 9a• m. 0 Hu idea's & El., Asian 21, 2 p.: m. littler, Motown, otown, August 24, 8 a. m. Hfapait Wleethironils, August 25, 8 a. m. • ltiengh glaidiersbarg, August 28, 8 .. m. Hutlistkm. Petersburg, August Daimon, Stabs ) toad A . H., August2B , 9 . CO &boot Boom August 29,8 a. m. 19'9 x., August 81. 9 •m. Motp. Sp m. Llb.st,Hiniejnlisto 11. LI., Sept. ' 4,2p. • ' Ylortee B. IL, Sept. & a.m. Mountjoy, Two Taverns, Sept. 12,4 a. in. aDirectors and Minn Mtereateditthe mum are ear. • ili:901 to tined. I weight tappet 'keno Inv sad desieken inpilitbrer to , 101t 0 13140114_this Blettee 44tte1":1.- hbe i. .l2Mhsof imaimmatme Oils year „ Teithen ertil themselves son Ilhattua= tea ke crimu4 b•immusd. Those 4lo : o 2 921., trige/iteAmailimpm Si thadr . 09991919 , INE quitatNF to io99=Kh!ki- pe9ty -49/.10/Isilemottihui". 01401414 Le a Mgf 4, 4 4 1 7a10-46: • • • !i .4 4 ME 1 00 2 10 C 00 125 30 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE -- . , On Friday. Oa 2914 ,by of August, 1868, the sub ' "Emznent WOMell of the Age,' scribern, Executors of the hest will and testament of An octavo volume of G. 30 pages, cur airing 47 newly Ephraim 11.1gy, deceased, will offer at Put 11c Sale, on written Sketches, by Meseta. Parton, Greeley, Iligghts j the premises, the following Real Estate of said deco son„ Tilton, Winter, Abbott, Prof. lloppin, Mrs. E. C. dent, viz: Stanton. Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, etc. Illus- A DESIRABLE FARM . , Situate In Hamilton town• gated with-fourteen beautiful steel engravings. I ship, Adams county, on the Great Conowagn creek, The New York Tranne says:—'.au thoroughly hare I adjoining lands of Henry Hoover, the Misses Dears the publishers dune their work that their volume in dory,, Solomon Hoke and David Brown, and contain. paper, type, binding, cneravings oboes all in the cz. ing about t• 3 ACRES, of which 15 acres are good tine. cellence of Os subject. DD - 70', goes far to remove there- bee. The Improvements consist.of a comfortable twos proach urged against subscription boot;—'only made story Roughcast LAVELLINO HOUSE, with Back to sell.'" building, new Bank Barn, Carriage House, Smoke For descriptive circulars, ke., rehire:a, House, Hog Pen, and other outbuildings, with two S. 31 . BETTS 10. CU-, Hartford, Conn. wells of Wilier. one at the house and the other at the ______________ barn ; abo on the premises a thriving young Apple Or- LAWRENC.I:VILLE chard, besides peaches, grapes and other fruit. The firm has been thorougjdy limed, and is in tk hi g h This world renowned remedy for the unfailing cure of FEMALE SEINIINARY ~ state of cultis. tion. he fences aro excellent: Per sona wishing to view it are requested to call on Mr. Getz, residing thereon. DYSP.EPSIA., , LAWRENCEVILLE, NEW JERSEY. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. n., on sai.l day, 11E NPNT SESSION will commence on Sept. 10 th . when attend :use will be given and terms made known Send fur Circular. C. W. :NASSAU, Principal. by T . . indigestion, •S'icic Headache, .S'otrerne.ss OT AARON lIEAGY, } A FIRST CLASS JACuil ELBERT, / I'''' 'n t°". Acidity of .S'lonz«ch, Ili.ling of Food, Boarding School A r ADAM 0017.8.6, Allefinneer. [Aug. 7.—ts - h'lalttlency, L , cs.litte(le, Trearine.qs, JOung Ladies, • ________ . TN CONNECTION with t!,,. 1r TATP.3IO It 31 A L BOUNTY A CCOUNT 1 SCHOOL, Trenton, New Jersey. Total charges, . ' including blnard, tuition. and book v. 5225 a year. FM' I - 1 1 IN A L STATEMENT of the • circular wtth tu II itrtim!trs, ripply to JOHN S. II A ItT, Principal. st- Bounty Account of COSOW AGO TOWNSHIP, ADAMS CO., PENNA. Is urged upon the attention and trial of sufferers from this most horrible a all diseases. Dyspepsia Star A °Tic lilt iii.a 1 - 11 7- ork& in - „,,,,,,, , ,, , i , ,, E s, f i r ,l l , %ll , l m L y , from T ea . s A ri p r r e ; r l, ra i f „ , ; ll i o r t r o n ti n , F „, ti 11;1 .1 i:1 6 . rif - _ ,shows its ravages in a thousand different forms, in fact, all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, with all DI:. their complaints, such us Sick Headache, Hartburn, rri lIE ALBANY COTTON GIN MANUFACTURING To arnonnt rreolve. on private subscriptith Depression, general sense of uneasiness and feeling 1 CO, Alban'', New rot k, 3 Linnfactur mu of Gen to frost dealt 53,913 90 that you are not well. Food distres. you, rises and end Agrictritnral Maol.in,y, comprising the celobra sours on your stomach : breath Is bad, skin at times led "Star'. Threshing Machin. ; "Starr E a li way . (or To armaint received on private subseriptiou Endless Chain) and Lcrer lio r ., po wers , -.st ar , C o t. to fit Co, I draft 2,2;4 67 flushed and hot; don't hod as it you could move or ton Gins and Cond,„. o . co ,„ , . To amount rr ceived from Collectors of LOUR. stir 1118 Alt, and worst of all, Indigestion or Coast ipa . 0 cut:Ar ,rooycea ....1, t•• tx for Puld e, z ., ;;S 85 tins, are nothing more nor lota than Daypepsla mills ; Vegetable Cuttets ;Horse Hay F dks ; Corn and 3 '. • ': , . Feed Mills; Power Coon ;1,11, 04; l i , ,p„ .. ~,.. ~,, To ankournr,,,,,k rr .I . ll,llCetOrS Or Mal,. Thousands upon thousands suffer and die this way and 1.761 St neither thermielves or physicians know what ails th em We wish ro 011 Ha pami •11'.rr nu, Ili i,,1 or Ftiflu,rB tY ~,, fir l'a):)air.l I•o•al To rthrouht loaned from Ilan and licagy ..... 2,70 d on except that they are surely dying. to our celebrated "STA II - 'I iII:ESHER. ...•,:, CLEAN • ER, which as lately ilai r.. 1 w, e t.,,,,, i, f . „. 5 ,,,,,,,. Ti anm nut : eceived from Collector April 9, Reader wo repeat it, this irr all Dyspepsia. If 5%41 , , ' o•• 173 17 wOold have proofs four statement, if you would save pr to anv 0111 , ..r TIM' 1, i'... 1. , , it. Market. .: ,s corn. , ' ' pact and casily porial la, .en l e in itA constructhai, yourselves s ic childreu from an early grave, it you To arm,unt rr curved from old list of private 'r Gorr pit 06 would have health and energy and strength, again we and 01,01.4,4 easy E.I ~ p, Ice by the moot irrexperi• ""'r'-' To balance collected ON ~11 duplicate 112 b 8 bog you to try one bottle of Cored, an 1 will do Is, al of , :th mar...laud ra; i lity and perteetlan, and e Ai, a m;. tom reel e tie t r „,,,,, ‘1 ,.. , T o amount reeeisod from tax collector of last [nand upon the titre[: ,I• , h., 5 , i,,,,i, dr, ring it. . thlplicat. IV e have made recent on: r V,lntlit, in t hie machine by which we are en 0.:P.1 r.. '. a, ejl.l‘. cloth VI, L f raill under almost any comb', .1. ri of dare...l:ries, and we ATP now using an enti,ly n , -% 'ILA 01 . 1.0110.• device tar CR. relieving the feeder ofd::.,, 0,00 111.AW1114 the ..1.,k-v. ey amount of orde-a 1, ki.l out on Hon of threshing as c,,0,f 0 ifr• and saf e with th e first aft ~;6 7 :;5 ordinary machines it 1..17, in; 4:01 fru as ocutly d e . • By .rumu dr nt of orders paid out ow $6 structiveof health. •••-• on.l draft. These Mathines are f.:.-!.• ~ t. ~ ,i1,0,i, :!,•0 f,r our , By f,es ..f Tr,asur, r Revived "Star” Railway 2 Hors P., ar.r. and for our °Star" I BY Note 1- l i l Francis Null and Lever P.nBlord and S; , 1., ... int..rto For sale by our aser.t • .1:: t dth. ' iers gem•raily. I'. r - BY Note I , " Stv.:nrd Walker full particulars, Send for our I luetrat,al Deso•rivi; rn'i intcr , t Circulsr at'! Price List. r: or, 'p deb BI N a ill ide a , Ey Note pard Abra Lao, Kea,oy address THE ALBANY I: .IToN BIN 31.3 NEPAC. ' al: 1 interest 2 Cal od TERING CO., I'. 0. bras:, 1..„11L my, N. Y. Ey Note pail .1.15 - . Hart and 100.._ o.._ . _ terse[ By ardor paid 0.11,D, : thy order paid Treasurer and hi clic:Hal eXpertha 7 @ CIRCULAR, EOM LVVry that Factory re ' and Patent Grouna,y,f, true and e,rn, alit ma !e• ofuaiturtu ttnsper 1.%) temr.crin; YA.CLIEL STEINOUa. 1 LIPPINCOTT PAKEWELL, J. M. WALTZE, fkrk Sole Mauuractor;•no. For sal, by principal Hanle - are Dealer., WSi•L great Injitci•mente t.) c,; : , pc rate a i gt et in Dywfiepota !Liam - 1 *!..- 1 0 . -T.'" trrt , :r.,,, - 1 , !S . ,G . COO ii, s - Biachstolth'oTeels t •', o '5...0. 9 1 ' t • , Co a° I finding Par a w. 1 6.... - -- ...AL..** lEserodue. 01 ' , Ilbot Ifluancii. i - . ..'""Wri Or ' • IClablassill.alreris Tools. , Tllll ~ • " ifiroosokeopoe's natures BU T 00021 /.N 4 411PW/M11.4x, TAM tlAitlf wr, linking, ef irOst ke I, __ . • ' - ~ltitifilig I tlthightloff• ilists • - ' Wilt be luand raigahh la 81 1 1 44.1.41 'lffemislag r I , iir.a a O',Ex.LX3 .0.? 4 re). - .1.1.1 2 21•0s t 0 / 1 1 DOM Ml 6), - . AVielle9l7,llo .. ~,;„, ... . mem st & 0. s t e,, e gc, 'net , ts itustsltsfolualudedita 1' l 'oo344o,ige o f ee , .r. jai Giaia- 7,,, ! '!.-- ! • - - r aillpistlawest a mentlenedabove , but what •••••••la - .... _4 • glak /1 de / 111 01 4 l''..aa tt b.ii t s scaft 15 • ,g...,4 e thee Store, bury arse Tr mt,. 9 0.t0 t 4 -., rretsvcraitia., 7 ; • $1 per-195199e9 fityllto et is vre with Ptah stodefhadir i r maturegigok ' , v 4 ..cLatt *ea * . _ *go . •elvoesurierAllee e.e.‘rePrAtekile4 Metal peihne. t . ~, intstr. , .1 . ' f0rg.44.1....n7 211/lei 11*110/ Sat•fitillOti I , .1, ' • * 1K03061 in. 11 1 sAtuo 1 I. i Alan, inany mho, caeleavitet••• tisk larch win " ft " -. ' 4°11112 Is AA b• eau IA law our a( fay Om laf the roo t JO" Willeam 4 POW • Nit - 0.• le it 11417 - Alirl I IS, I SOL . . 11. G. f. CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE env 3drertistmenti. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I bave opened an agency for! the SALE OF REAL ESTATE, in connection with my law Mialuess In awitylibUrg and will glee mreonal attention to the Examination of Titles, Con- veyaneine& Investment of money Parties slain to sell, or Coy lariat!, may OW It to their advantage to call. Several - Farm's and Woodland A No. 1, FARM, PRICE sl',ooo A (1000 FAAH, .220 ACRES, FOR t 5,000 A TRACT, 90 ACHES, FOR $1,900 in the neighborhoxl of IA t tyoburg—also, rintaifi In town fur safe Get tyelour4, July 10, lk r. Attorney at 1"" THE Philadelphia Inquirer, Double S'heet, Forty Columns, the Great Newspaper of Philadelphia ! and the Best-and Cheapest Neteva- per in the United Slates, (gt Twelve CenN per week THE INQUIRER Furnishes the desideratum of a genuine Newspaper within the rilettllfl of any month, tug coturnuultx. The Publisher has spared neither pains nor expense to plike the INQUIRER In the I, , ,ni,st rank of the daily Meriting Papers of the United Stat,+; and his anceessint nitric in the past are an earnest d his tern ions at the present, and In the !btu,. EXPERIENCED SPECIAh CORRESPON DENTS are permanently chativnel nt NV. l 4llingt , .n. IlarriThnrg, New York, lldilator°, Cur.,, Aunav,lis, London, is , thU. S. Navy, and at different po:nti throughout Pennsylvania. TRAINED SPECIAL EEPORTKES are Away% .eut to any part of tho Continent where event, of general int,reat may ho transpiring.. THE HOME EDITORIAL. AND U.P,ATORIAL CORPS are unumally varied andefflrient. THE FINANCES AND MARK rrs are fully and CArurtilly reported every day. THE INQUIRER'S LOCAL NEWS is always the and the most authentic in the. City. The af l'cunAylvartia are cartEilly chicnidell in its collltnlll. THE INQUIRER is in.1;....c.1ent in p„ Ii tics, nation al in it. policy, has ever and will always maintain the itJte4rity ,tr uni r ,u as the fund:in - I,c 131 principle in American filch the VIIILADELPLIIA INQUIRER by careful Carrier, erervwl,, or arta by )1•01, Twri or Cent 3 a wk,rk by all :Yews A z.nti. DAILY PAPER, 3 , 1 month, payable in advance " f :Ir,nths, July 17.-4 t 1j eat LStiltf 9i11P5. P UBLIC SALE The und.,.,:4!!!..1, Will and Tel I tA71,11t,,f .nii , pl!..isant town thip, Adams will Id! et Public tz 17 !!,t A UL.,:t ura L 'n th e pro min a , the 1;el1 E-itate consi s tin g a a P. 1.11.51. cootoining abmt 91 her,, of tirit-rate 131,1, situate in 511 , nutplea..iant township aLiresaid, tn.!, of Ab.xander James buttera, Th. , lll:lltWlrsifor and other, The Improvements ci.nind.,f a Double LOli HOUSE, Lot Earn. Spriog don=e. and other noes-nary out buildings. This property has due pr! , p.irtions of and Tiniter, and is ticant Polly - situated, and in a g.. 0.1 'tile of ,Itt,tthr h itt., recently l hood. It kali. watere ti:.-re being tire springs rf eac!illi.tit and nerer.f.iiiiiii.; water, conveniently silent,-Jou the premise.. The larm will be e i !,ne tract with the ex c ,l,ti on ! of ah!nt 4 Acre,. which are cut off by the Public Road hm lin4l,nl i!ernfra mill to Square Corner, whkh whirh will be ...Id q!..l.lsratuly. Thi4 tract affords a fine f °ppm:unity to any Pere, wi.hiui.; to purchase . build- Livoinbly situ 1t,1,1 tl.O r".ld,ttle, and TAISSOLUTION is es,ll,nt quality. i The Partnership h4etof,re esistinz between Pe:s..!, desiring to view the i.r. , , , erte c.iu call on the undersigned under the tirtu of SHE APPEK the tenant,N ECo Ivrlin Z'r ,11 , ,r EnNtl: ';rl7, thereon, or BECHER, of Petersburg, (Y. ii) is hereby dimeol•e.l. -, tdi thane fr,ru ! All per.ons indebted to said firm will please mako payment without delay. Either partner It authorfa,ll at 1 o'cl,ck. P. 51.. of toil day, sit" the name of tike efirm In the settlement of the when Ott .. . be given and,r - r.05 male , known ! business. Said dissolution to take effect from the first by MICHAEL IfLILY, Ear, utor. i day of Slay. 1853. July n.—to July 1.( 6 , ISU&—Cna T«O VALUABLE P_J FOR SALE. t\TCE . . _1 The undo:signed cffers at Priabte .Sale, Lie two 1 .AN ORDIN valuable Farm., v i e . No. 1.--Containino• I FOR TUE . PRESERVATION OP GOOD ORDER. '54 Acres, more , BE it . ordained, and it le hereby ordained by the or lees, on whi.:ll I now reside, in Highland township, and Town Council Of the Borough or t/ettystirg— adjoining lace of ./...im Knox, Jahn Diesetker That no place of Amusement, nor any liar, Sal,..n, btherr, atiebt 1 trom Melllienny's mill, and 1 mile Restaurant or other place Where spirit:ma or malt f, sun the Milteratewri rail, imprure..l with a two.stury Llqn,a are solder turn tahed.phall be kept on.ai w i ili• I-0'..: I101.7:-. , 1:, a .11 lin islo-d, a 1,..g weatherloardiselltarn w ,, ) , w,,,,....,,,,,,, i „ t h e , ,b,„,,,. .s, r .i,,.. : 11., ‘ ,..,,., p,., h , In said Borough later than II v'cl.n.k, P. M., and any i,,,5v,,,,,, 14,: , ,.,.,... ,,r person who shall keep open any such place of *MTh... on. i,,.!tii.,;4; 011 k,c,11-nt . ..2j,riug meet or business, or who 8114 II ern o r forni.oi soy o N Ilof water with NlThlr *ear I. diva II:ng, ....Ural/arils 1 1 rpirltous or malt liquors later than the hair afore of choice fruit. d.r. ! tic or earlier than .lo'clock A M shall • . - No. 2---Contain 26 Acres. more ;- tion thereat Auleit and ' pay . fl;',, ..lollar's4TrL;lio Ito tolf eft, In Franklin townallip, on tl,O r...ul tr o t. um -.id - first offence end ten dollars fence subsequent o n once, rn to 31ummaslirg, adjoin. n,,, food, ~r .10110 Butt, am! Aelleiaa Pay the cest• of PrOsecnehms ; end upon Daniel llotke, Jost ph Rah n and others, improvedl failure to pay such fine and coots shall be imprisoned With. a r.l. aly weatherbbardbd 1 'i story Dwelling, well in the lock-up ur jail for the space of forty-eight hour, X nail ß, fin•sh cal, anew weatherboardtol Baru, a Spring. llonse ; A L. II a Well of gaol water with pump near the dwelling, a - I'. i . 4 8 . . I.' t A o N f l e l L . } . .: yon ag al - It - fog Ordirrd. Ai. i Attest .—JEILL.WIAII CULP, Secretary. Both Farms are is gJod rotEtion, with excellent , Approrod, PETER. MYERS, Burgess. Timber and Meadow; tract No. I having, g. , bd chests 1 ~ July 31 .15LA.--:St DUE timber.. I ImPersuna desiring. to viols' either Farm, or aster. 1 Q lIER FF'S SALE tain terms, will won ../ . .1 the ,ulscriber residing on 5....) truer No. 1. DAVID STUVER. 1 July dl.—dna . ©"T;.I C E . N I have loft my SALII NOTRB with M.J. :feast 0. on ur Arendtsville, Au esllesclo. As they fell due the till. day of August and mpt pep matt is desired, person, Inslebted will roll ols MO.' Cure. JulIN ItuOVAR, July 24,44 LICENSE:—The following' an r - plicatlon• to keep • heatanntt, have been did I sty °ace, with think/xi/fie tit:saber of .14n.te. en will be presented at the Court of Quarter Scallion s, on Ae 3ret Monday of August, 1508: Dt k S.G. Lawiacier., itonnpteatant towethlp. SstifUEL rxsnisa a co.. Gettysburg Borough. WILLIAM NOEL, Reading tow:ship. July 2.4.-3 t A. W. MINER, Clerk. .XEC EITOR'S NOTlCE.—Let ter, TeetantentarY on the estate of Joint Bor. mai; deessuied s late of blattystittra. Pa., having bee* granted to the undersigned, In said Borough, she hem by gives notice to all petit:MS Indebted to *aid eetateto zrA i l, t i T h r =l i Zt e . t Nument, and those Inswing claims upremeert them properly authentlen fed for settlement. JULIAN HOPKINS, Jay 31.-6 t• Knecutrix. . I[4IXECUTOR'S .NOTICE.—Let -.A ters Testamentary on the estate of Fasnitsick e.s.ww, deceased, late of ITuutingt.,n township, Ad ams county, haring beau granted to the subscriber in same township, he hereby gives notk e to ell per soilituadibted to said estate to make immediate pay. meet, mid those haring claims against t lin came tb present them properly anthentkated for settlement. ' ISAAC B. TROu'TLE, Executor. July 31.--Ot R. O. McCREARY, DISSOLUTION. ,tonee iv hereby e, hat the hip between J. R. Aft u.az and AvenLA.t p artners EILLZR, et the lior. ongh of Littlestown, was dissolved on the 16th day of J 1117,1869, so fu as relates to the sold J. 11. 3111. ta.— All debt. doe to the add Partnership are to be paid, and thosedae from the sante disebarwed at Little,. town, to and by the said M. A Jr.SLIAIt, where the Foundry and Machine business will be continued by the, ald M. A. KittrAle, wader hie own name, J. U. . 11 ILLER. M. A. KILLER. Jn 17 24.—. t NOTICE.—The account of Joux I C. GIADY, Commutate° of BALM DII • 1.111• untie, Ss exhibited by Cyrus Diller sod I 43 LL I, 3C iirshy Administrators o (John C. Ornby, deceased, h. been filed hi tho Court of Common Plons of A , lnms county, and will be confirmed by wild Court, on the 17t4 day August nut: 1111/eSlf C4lll/10 be shown to the c oat. trary• ' .1. A. K1TZ3111.1.411t, July Id, Dittfl.--Ito 4.1,411. y. VOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate of JOU Watanr , tats of Menallen township, Adams county, Pa., doct•ttowd, havin g been grant,' to the rindersigued, residing In said township, they hurnhy give notice to all persons hula, ted to said entatolo make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JO, 10.-6 t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Let . ter, TesterSent:try on the estate ..1 N trIIANIEL GRAY/10N, dec'd., late of Liberty township, Adams Conn ty, having been granted to the underai goal, both of Liberty township, they hereby give uoti. e all per sons Indebted to said estate to make Immediate pay. moot, soil thcee having claims against the 11.0111` CO pre. sent them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN 3.IITSBELMA N . , Rs motor. ANN MARIA 011 A Vzs./N, Rxe,ao r July 1.0.-6 t A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—T h o undersigned, Assignee ofJossPo U. Cuts and Wirt of Idavills, Iluntington township, Alum, cuon. ty, Pa., under deed of voluntary assignment. in trust fur the benefit of creslitors, hereby gives notice to All persons indebted to said JOSEPH 11. Cuss to call and make immediate payment, and those having claims to present theta to the subscriber residing iu the Mime plate properlysothenticaNA for settle:neut. A.CLINE, Assignee. July 1.-at 'NOTlCE.—Letters of Mininis .l_ trat ion on the estate of Jon • I it.. of Cumberhcot toartuthip, Adams c..tinty, l'a., ased, having been grauttet to the tindersig,d r,...tling in the said township, he hereby gtvos notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to el.tho 1,41) meat, and thosu having claims against the !Line to pro. seut them properly authenticatud for settlement. DAVID BLUCHER, Juno 1;.-8t• o 8 1 tiers' Discharges. ATINCI procured the proper Docket, I ate prepar ed to RECORD SOLDIERS' DIECLIAIDIES, in ac cirdanco iiit4 a- recent- Act of the Leauilaturo of Penosylennia. Soldiers are cautioned Noiliet delay in this Matter. WM. D 110LTZWoRTIL lic6l,ter Dock,rder ul Actanl3 county June 10.—t In pursnaneo of sundry writs of Venditiotil F.cp ,naa •nd Field Paulas, Issued out of the Court of COllllllOll Pleas uf kl.trus county, Pa., nod to me tUre, t , I. w ill be exposed to Public Pale, at •ho Court In Gettysburg. on Saurda y, the W, day of ,Injti.c! at I M., the follou-ing de,eribed lt,al };,talc, YU: Mows athwart, fir. gtgat llott Ruru M.llllllO lit JA NE r. witwirr: Executrlx 11 C. Siff:AH . l.lR 11. W. NEC Fll.