rtiagts, giantess, at. kcalltAßY. .1011 S F. McCREARY. Zt always Cheapest." 465 t and Cheapest, BRIDLAY, COLLARS and, 'ESS of all kind., is dhe Cbunty t, te !bond at Um old wed wall known t AIM. .t.. opposite thi Prankrtatian Mirth. McCREARY'S.) ding and Wagon Saddles, toot suNqautially built and mamma. mess; u)/a in and silver mount ,m ploto I o every reepect and warranted to bo beet araterial and workmauship. per *tattier Draft Collars, .1 Met. rboy are the 'beat FITTING and. Avy;Draft Harness, to order. al cheap u they cattle" oade any . in the moat autotantlal Mlllll6l. Big Oles; Whips,. Lashes, Draft = and averytbiug 111 the line; None CO3B napalm to the lowest living standard. percantegs for cash, off all idllsantoonting .rc. k not4ing bat the best of stock and will very tide horned on ttohe in every respect otvd. I for past favors wollovit• atteaticin to gar as a r...n and alumina PILICZN Aar 01rAZZIT D. McCRIMAY &SON. ins County Ahead I_ - CELSIOR PATENT FLY-NET, tureid * entirely of Leather, and nettle:- than Cotton or Litien • ts. :For service .tinsurpoasea. , RNTID rEnnthrr 18rn, 1868, RIEIOLDER, WORLEY A GEOVIL .Kl'.l3ule Agent fur the EXCELSIOR PA TENY NET fur Adams county, itantly on hand ruannfiictored Note et the Pat.pt. Alw, . . ESS.I • CLAMS. BRIDLES. ,WILI ES. • ; TRUNKS. ; BLANK BELLS,ITS, • • AND EVRRYTHINCI, to 4 fork furnishing establishment. 'T$ WANTED to .01 Territory for Patent .sell on •commlssion in the County. matlions should be addremed to J. L. Yofk Sulphur Spring. , : Adams ORLeoE., Y Pa. • on. -0 f LAVES AND BUGGIES. TATE & CULP • a variety of COACH WORK of int poet appruved etyleti, arid construct. t material, to which they invite the attem re. ;liming built our work with great selected with special reference I stria and durability, we can confidant id the work ae unsurpassed by any other the' cities. All we ask is an inspection of cu * lnes those in want of any kind of • t tl ie is the place to buy them. MANG In every bratieh done at short o .asonable terms. all our Factory, near the corner of an Chambersbarg streets, Gettysburg. KC r-tf ies and Carriages. ' ; M OVAL. rbified has removed hI Carzlagaenak , kilt! e e.t.a end of Middle street, Getty*. !era he will euntlnne to build all kinds of :net I • qES, TR 0 TTING & FA.LL OP BUGGIES, JAGGER II'4IGONS, &C., &C. Is all put np of good material dina by :organics, and cannot fail to give sails prfrea are always reasonable. Ile aolic .titisent that he eau pima. ausuptly done, at moderate rates. IS. H. GAI.LAGIIKB. A9 -MAKING RESUMED Ingi.user, the undersigned bee. resumed AGE-MAKING BUSINESS, 1 tnl . , In East Middle street, Gettysburg, •re gain prepared to put up work in tb• 31.1 , suUstatntial, acid superior manner. nu vecunit.traud 11l IAGEB, BUGGIES, AC., kik they will iliopose of at the lowed II order. will ho eapplieil al promptly tot* ae pomible. OrItEPAIRING.EIk spe#rb, and at cheapest rates. ..t Sf new ;Lod old HARNESS un hand fur for the liberal patronage heretofore ea ,in,Othey eulfcit and will endeavor to do obir.. In thn future. DANNER • ZIEGLER. rtring Itlachints. THE AMERICAN HOLE OVERSEAMING AND • . i• CO . , 'q MACHINE • r k at t lien to their CELZattATITD °OY- U 1N HOLE A SEWING MACHINE, efe to Its wonderful popularity as eon ( Igreat !net it. e in the demand ( or thin valuable machine So L dering th. List seven months of its rut A putdic. 41 seirpritin9 SUCCSIS is unprecedented of eiwing-mechinee, and we fool fully lalithig that Tilt AS 21'0 EQUA L, IWLUTELY THE BEST I 4 Y - MACHINE IR TIM WORLD, trislcally the Cheapest. naach Ines combined In one, (by • eine. ul fnechanleal arracgement,) making orl..ock-stitch, and the Oversewnlng etich, with equal facility and par te!! in the reel best manner every ve• au ea. Hemming, Yelling, Cording,. inlraldlng and Quilting, Gathering tdo at th e came time,) and la add 4 . E brolders on the edge, and make. • u mall Eyelet Holes in all fabrics. le:fterveeted by the Company, or Its entire seti.factiou. 1. fell particulars and samples of work c ran be had on applicatkm at the • e Coppany. 7rienth and Chestnut Streets, Phfadelphia t Ra -ire* oo the II whirl* at the rooms of at lously to ail purchaser'. EIfTS W ANTED Ft YDYHiCK PAXSON, President Treasurer. W. {OI.IISON, Agent, I.tii.uti,g, pa. & LYON LOCK. STITCH NO MACHINE; t.ND IMPORTANT IM PR VENENTS. IGOOD Machine in the World ' AMMO IN tvpity TOWN. mar., is vetted kw asAlktil Asstd. ippataled with wept lhality wad v a t/ ihainets for Traver i Agent.,! 1 AJJrey l }4KLE LUON 8. Y. CO., ' No. 701 btaWwy, Ilfinir York FANCY Pi;INT.INO,, 7i ' 2OArPTLT AT Sierrain °Ml34r ftiv a C/Wiwi. Clettpsbutrg, Pride", Jul" ei, Iss*. PROPERTY SALE.—Mfr: J►xxs MC REART has sold one of his Malin L'its i Washington street to Pima OvsR .ER, for $250 cash. Mr. OVkILDRBR - 111 , - rids to , build this hill. STRUCK BY LIGHTNINEL—During o heavy thunder storm on Friday last, valuable horse belonging to Er.; HART* trr of Franklin township, was struck by ;hthing, and killed. PORTRAIT OF. GRANT.—We are in bled to Messrs. BARTLESON and Co., 5 Minor street, Philadelphia, for a very le portrait of Gen. GRANT, engraved by x. SAirrAirr, one of the best yet issued. iey desire canvassers for this county. ;e advertisement. fMPORTANC ORDIN A. NC E.—The )vro Council have adopted a new ordi. lice, which will be found. in another ;lutnn, providing for the closing of all '.rs, saloons, &c. where liquors are kept r sale, atll P. M., and forbidding the to of liquors earlier than 4A. M., under ascribed penalties. HORSE . RACE.—Yesterday afternoon lace took place on the track of the Fair ounda, 400 yards, between "Cashier," T. T. TATE'S sorrel horse, of this we, and "Siroe" owned by Mr. I. C. CLLONE, of Hanover, the stakes being )0.; The race attracted a good deal of at; n, and a considerable amount of betting place. "Cashier" won, coming in out 80 feet ahead. RON ORE.—A fine specimen of Meg tic Iron Ore, from an Ore Bank recent open-al on the farm of JOHN C. Mazur.- , near Centre Mills, has been left at this .ce. About 60 tons have been taken out 8e the bank was opened, three weeks ), the vein increasing in size and pro se. We understand the bank has been sed by parties for tho use of Wharton's 11:18Ce. '`lfE FLOOD OF FRIDAY.—Iu an er column we give details of the great xl of Friday last, which was so destruc at Baltimore, Ellicott's Mills, find er places. We regret to learn that our 'nd FINE HERBII, doing business on rth street, Baltimore, suffered a good I—the damage to goods, dr,c. in his es lisliment being estimated at about $4,- rORMAL SCHOOL—Mr. SHEELY, inty Superintendent, advertises the 1 Term of his- Normal School to open Monday the 10th of August. The ob of this School is to qualify Teachers the practical work of education, and institution and drill have special•ref ace to this end. As but a limited über of pupils will be taken, early lication must be made. rc NICS.—A grand Harvest Plc Nic I be held at Cashtown Springs on Sat ay, August 22, free to all. Suitable sic will be proyided, and refreshments be had on the ground. . Basket Pic Nic will be held at Camp's ods, on Saturnay next for which spec nvltations have boon issued. Social Pic Zile, for invited guests, will ,eld at the groveof HENRY LANbltl, near rfield, on Saturday, August 8. NLA.RGED,-_- 7 We are glad to notice . our neighbor of the Cbmpiter, "pro ed to good works" by our example, enlarged his paper to a size approx l ing that of the "STAR & SENTINEL." I now a respectably looking paper,— improved in appearance—wish, we Id say as much of its politics. A. little s-ing" is pardonable under the cir ustances ; but our neighbor oversteps mark when he exultingly declares the piler to be "the largest in this Con isional district." To have kept with :le domain of truth be should have ed —"EXCEPT THE STAR & SENTINEL.', LECTION OF TEACHERS.—On Fri evening last the Gettysburg School rd completed the election of Teachers he ensuing year, viz : )01 No. I—John H. Wert. ' " 2.---Miss M. A. Warren. " 3 " Carrie McMillan. " 4 " Jennie Gilbert. " 5 " Emma' Aughinbaugh. " 6 " Mary T. McCreary. " 7 " Nancy White. " 8— " Sallie Frey. EBB FANNIE MCCREARY, who had ge of school No. 3 last year, declined -election. is Board have determined to organize cachers' Institute, to meet regialarly ing the term, twice a month. CCIDENTS. , ---On Friday last a son of JOAN H. MAJORS, of Straban town , fell from a hay stack, breaking his , which was set by Dr. HORNER, i Wednesday last, Mr. JOSEPH WIBLE, hls place, met with a serious accident is new Warehouse on Railroad street. 3g on the upper story, and making a step, he fell through two sets of jolce the cellar, sustaining a fracture of 3ral ribs and a severe bruise on the 1, producing concussion of 'the brain. was picked up Insensible and removed is residence. Dr. C. HonNER was call-. n, and Mr. WIBLE last evening was ug very well. ipLUSTRATED C A TALC G E.-- ors. R. H. ALLEN & Co. of New York, :ars in Agricultural Implements, For ams, Seeds, &c. have issued the 15th ion of their large ilbistrated Catalogue, it a complete Price-List of every article tamed therein. It is a handsome vol eof nearly 300 pages and about 600 11- rations, printed on fine tinted paper, contains what is claimed to be the it complete list of the latest improve ata in Machinery, Implements, and all Tools for the Plantation, Farm and 4en,(that has ever been published. It also a brief notice of the best Seeds, HE ended article on the bast Fertilizer; v used, and a summary of the various eds of Domestic Aminals, handsomely abated. Being an expensive publics ). the publishers cannot afford to issue ratis but will mail a copy, post-paid, tb person remitting $l, (loss than its act: cost.) Address R. H. ALLEN St Co., s. Box 376, New York. HE NATIONAL CEMETERY.—The - a Lodge at the Soldier's National etery has recently been much improv .y adding another story, with an onus ,. tal French roof, and a broad portioo and the entire building. The change • relieves the heavy appearance of original structure, and gives it some • of a.Rottage appearance. •e monument to be erected on the ands will probably be put up this fall . . Hammon, who took the contract, the main shaft finished at his works " eaterly, Rhode Island, and rehdy to shipped as soon is the statues arrive m Italy. The large statue, represent the Goddess of Liberty, for the top • monument, was shipped sometime • from Italy. The other four, intended the base, were nearly completed at the &dykes, and will be shipped soon. main shaft la to be of white granite; statues of Italian marble. The dedt . . of the monument will be deferred Lit next spring. EW JOB PRESS.—We have received new Gordon Card Press, and are now .pared to tarn out Cards and Chettbus all lands, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, : . Tickets, &c., in mars and FANCY ors, in the beet style, at low rates, and short notice. Give us a call. A, 7 The high price of Shoes makes it an Ject to know who keeps thebeet. d Every e who don't want the worthless Shoes of kee mak e buys them at Row & Wows' re. They always have the best, and fir morocco Shoe or Gaiter or a nbxi for a child the best place to get it is w WOODIP and no masisk4l4lool - THE NEW POST-OFFthE LAW.—the p0et...0610e law passed by Congress last week Introduces some now and important changes in the mode of conducting the business of the department. •11 provides for the return of all letters on which the name of the sender is ex/oteed,lfoot * 444- ed for within thirty days; reduces the fees on money orders.; doubles the compenah tion of postmasters for the payment of money orders; allows weekly newspapers sent to regular subscribers in the county where published to be delivered free Of postage from the post-office nearest the Place of publication ; authorizes the issue of duplicate money orders for such as hate been lost ; makes it felony to counterfeit money orders ; makesv it felony of high character to use postage stamps a second time knowingly; declares that it shall lie unlawful to deposit in the post-office a 4 letters or circulars concerning, lotteries or gift enterprises of any kind on any pre text whatever ; establishes - a blank agency in the Post-office Department at an ex pense of $5,000 annually, and abolishes all other blank agencies; empowers the Post master General to negotiate and conclude an international money order arrange ment; provides that the sureties on bonds of defael ting postmasters shall not be liable unless the government institutes a suit within three years after the final settle ment of accounts; allows certified copies of postmasters' returns to be used as evidence in courts on criminal prosecutions; au thorizes the Postmaster General to pre scribe a uniform for letter carriers, and makes it a misdemeanor for anyone else to wear the same, COUNTY CONVENTION.—By the otllcial o call of the County Committee, In another column, it will be noticed that the Reputleteao County Convention, to norni- 7 nate a County Ticket, will be held on Mon= day the 17th of August—the delegate elecj tions will be held on the Saturday previ ous. As Court will be in session on the 17th, and the Court Rootn may be other wise occupied, the Contention will meet' in Agricultural Hall. We hope that our Republican friends will see to it that the delegate elections are well attended, and: judicious men sent to the Convention, who . will give us the best possible ticket that,: ' can be selected, a ticket which shalt com mand the hearty support of every voter to the county who is opposed to the rev olutionary policy inaugurated by the. Rebel-Copperhead Convent ion which re cently met in New York. We are in the I midst of a great political crisis, and the present is no time to gratify personal preferences, or bandy compliments in the nomination of candidates. Let every thing like faction, or dictation in the inter-' , eat of individuals who may have private "axes to grind," be frowned down, and delegates be elected who will go carefully to work, select the very best candidates, and give us a ticket which, by reason of4s worth and strength, will command DEATH OF DR. GILBEB.T.—Dr. DAVID GILBERT died in Philadelphia on Tuesday evening last, after an illness of several months, aged about 6i years. Dr. GILBERT was born in Adams county, on the Koser form, in Butler township ; grad 'uated at Jefferson College, Canomburg, Pa. ; studied medicine with Dr. Jens x- WON, in this place and subsequently at tended lectures at Jefferson Medical Cul lege, Philadelphia. Helocated at North umberland, Pa., ass PraCtising Physician, but after a year or two returned to Gettys burg and resided hero, practising _his 1441 7 . feasion, until about 18 years ago, whexilik removed to Philadelph is, having been elected Professor of Surgery in the Med ical Department of Pennsylvania College. He was a than of more than ordinary tal ent and energy, and was in the enjoyment of a large practice at the time of his death. Durink his residence in this place, he was actively identified with the Seminary and College, as Director and Trustee.— His remains will be brought to Gettys burg by this evening's train, for interment in Evergreen Cemetery. PORTRAIT OF GEN. GRANT.—We have received from A. 11. IltainAnn, No. 400 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, a copy of Marshall's engraved Portrait of General GRANT, recently- published by TICKNOR ..Sz FIELDS. The engraving, is made from Mr. MARSHALL'S celebrated painting execut ed at the headquarters of the General in Washington, and presents all the tine points of tba4 ittoomparallo work- Itis pronounced by Gen. GRANT'S friends one of the most satisfactiory portraits brought out. It is sold only. by subscription, and agents are wanted to canvass for it in ev ery town. Being Sold low, it ought to com mand a ready sale. A. H. Ilunitaan, 40) Chestnutistrect, Philadelphia, is the Gen eral Agent for Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. GRANT ANli COLFAX CLULIs. notice by our exchanges that our poi it Mai friends throughout the State aro act i \ e.y organizing for the campaign, by the fyr mation of "GRANT A.ND COLFAX CLt:m:." The "Boys in Blue" are also re-organizing and preparing tocompleto the victory tiny achieved in the field. We trust the friends of GRANT and COLFAX in this county will go to work at once, and form active work ing organizations in every township. Let one or two active men in each district lead off, and the work will bo found easy and practicable. The Republicans of the Borough meet at the Eagle Hotel .to-_ morrow night to form 3 "Grant and Colfax Club," and thus inaugurate tk ) good work. THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP.— Housekeepers and others wanting to buy good Cooking Stoves, the best in the mar ket, warranted to hake and give satisfac tion, or any thing in the line of Tiu Ware, Japan Ware, Hollow Ware, Chamber Sets, Bread and Spice Boxes, Ice Cream Free zers, Water Coolers, CoiTee Mills, Bird Cages, Fruit Jars and Cans, Waiters, &c. &c., will find just what they want at the Ware-room of Col. C. 11. BUEULER, corn er of Railroad and Carlisle street, opposite the Passenger Depot, and at prices which defy competition. tf CHEAP.—Now is the time to buy Ready made Clothing; as FRANCIS CUNNING Ham is offering a very large assortment of all kinds, at very low. prices. It would be well for persons needing anything in the line of ready-made clothing to call at his store on Baltimore street, opposite the "Star and &Wind" office, and examine his stock, beforo purchasing eleswhere, if they want to save motley. it orßeautiful and of Uniform Excellence. A well-known, safe, and speedy agent for restoring gray hair to its original color, for preventing the loss of the hair, for promot ing its healthy growth and increasing its beauty, a gradual but certain cure for bald ness, and an essential toilet requisite for all who prize that choicest gift of nature, a bountiful supply of hair : the above is said by all who use Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. July 10-1 m CARDS.—With our now Gordon Job her and full assortment of Fancy Job Typo, we are prepared to furnish, at au hour's notice, all kinds of Visitiitg or Business Cards, Wedding Cards, Bell s Concerts and Lecture Tickets, in Ptatapr FANCY col ors, equal to the best City work. Our new Gorden works beautifully, and can be seen in operation any day. BUILDING LUMBER, dtc.—The atten tion of Farmers, Builders, Contractors, and others, is imPited to the large assort ment of LUMBER of all kinds suitable for building purposes, to be found at Col. C. H. BUEHLER'S Lumber Yard, at ocirherof Carlisle street and Railroad depot, including Boards, Planks, Flooring, Si-, ding, Laths, Pickets, Shingles, ttc.—Also Posts, hewed and sawed, with prime Fencing Boards, white Pine and Hemlock. His stock is not only large, but his ar rangements are such that he can sell at the very lowest cash rates. Also, con stantly on bands Black-smith, liimit:-Bur- AsmiVilad Steve COAL , ADVERTISING AND ITS RESULTS. —No better moans to make one's goods, wares, and merchandise, !Ind their partic ular merits, known to the world, has over been discovered than through the medi um of newspapers. Whetherconamercial, polittae4..llterary, religions, of whatever 80 , 4, party, or authorship, all have their circulation and influence. How many successful business men could be enumer ated who owe their high pecuniary posl 7 , tlon `td advertising alone ! How many plucky firms are taking the load, monop olizing (*lain lines of business, 'simply by jtiliOious advertising! There is not in existence an article of value that is not worth publishing to the world. We have now in mind one firm of which we can speak with certainty. We refer to the house of J. R. Barrett ,tz Co., of this city, the gentlemanly and popular propri etors of that indispensable article known as "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative." Two years ago this preparation was scarcely known outside of this section ; to-day there is not a city, town, or borough this side of the Pacific, where this excel lent "Renewer" is not known and appre iated, and is, we learn, rapidly supplant ing all others. lo be sure, this prepara tion possesses real merit, and is far re moved from the thousands of vile nos trums which constantly flood every mar ket. It also received the endorsement of the Agricultural Society in 1868, which awarded its highest premium (a Silver Medal) ever given in the line of patent remedies. Yet "Barrett's Hair Restore- tive" . owas its success and present position tu a great degree to advertising. Manufacturers and proprietors of any article of merit should not fail to resort to timely and judicious advertising, that they may not only reap its benefits, but at the same time confer a priceless gift upon the community at large by the intro duetion of their happy and valuable dis e-uverics.—Manchester (N. H.) Mirror. It ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK.—Having largely added to our facilities for Jar . Printing, we are now enabled with the aid of our Campbell Power Preas, Gordon Jobber, and eland Presses, to torn out promptly all kinds of Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, inclu ding Pamphlets, Speeches, Catalogues, Circulars, Programmes, &c. With our new Pressei and enlarged assortment of type, we claim to have one of the best Printing offices in the State, and shall be glad at all times to see our friends. BARRETT'S VEGETABLE HAIR RESTORATIVE.—We Hpeak from exper ience, having given a practical trial to this renowned preparation. No other hair restorative has ever receiver' or deserved rc more universal dmand than Barre'l's.—' Pittsburg Commercial. It NEWS OF NEIGHBORING: COUNTIES FEANKLIN.-111ram Overcast', of Cham-* bersburg, was found dead near the railroad track at Gabby's Crossing, on the 22d inst., supposed to have been occasioned by sun stroke, as he bad left the harvest field but an hour before in apparent good health.— James Lesley, formerly Cashier of the Bank of Chambersburg, died in Philadelphia on the 14th, aged 74 years.—Thomas Merklein, form6rly of- Chambersburg, last week at Altona attempted to kill a daughter of J. Fletcher Seibert, also formerly of Cham- bersburg, lodging a ball in her shoulder, and immediately shot himself; he had pro- I; posed and been rejected.—The Greencastle I,Ec/to vouches for the fact that last week, as James Cleary was drivine along the road, ! the mercury indicating 103', his attention was drawn to the fact that all four of the wheels between the tire and lelloes were smoking ; driving into a creek, and examin ine the wheels the felloes were found to be distinctly charred.—Elias Foust, aged IT, while running down hill near Cashtown, on Friday last, fell and broke his arm.—The Copperheads of Franklin county meet on Tuesday next to nominate a Ticket; the Republicans will nominate on Wednesday. Fee mmick.—The lower part of Fred erick City was entirely submerged by the flood of Friday last, damaging property to the amount of about $1,000,000. The tan-yard of Mr. Bentz was completely cleared out, as well as that of Mr. Loafs.— Myer's livery stable, together with a ;MlD her of valuable horses ; Beckley's bakery, Ana - cid, besides Hart & Keefer's lumber-yard and a lot of furniture. All the bridees across the creek were carried away, entire ly disconnecting the southern and eastern portion of the city from the remainder.— Below the town large and numerous crops of wheat and corn were swept away, and all the mill dams in Bush Creek Valley iva:lled nut. Mrindaiy and Abm ' Lam 11. Mumma, of Hagerstown, each had a horse stolen last week, the thieves being tracked towards Virginia.—Henry Wolt, of Williamsport, died in Hagerstown, on the 18th, from sun-stroke.—On last Friday J. A. Suntan, near Boonsboro', fell from a load of grain; breaking his right ann.—The Cum berland Valley Railroad Company are sur veying the ground between Hagerstown and Williamsport, with a view of extending the road.—While John Fridinger was driv ing on the pike near Hagerstown, on Sun day last, with four children, the horse ran off, throwing Mr. F. from the carriage, . breaking several ribs and otherwise injuring him; the children, with remarkable pre sence of mind, laid down in the vehicle and escaped injury.—Henry Landis, aged 14, was drowned while bathing in the Antietam, near Hagerstown, on Sunday last. YORK. —Char] es Glatfelter, of Glen Hock, bad a sun stroke while at work on a three story huil‘li lig, dining the late hot term, which affected his brain; he was taken to the insane asylum at Harrisburg a raring Maniac, where he died in a few days.—The Methodist Episcopal Sunday School of Hanover will pic-nic on the banks of the Conowago, this side of New Oxford, on Tuesday next. GovEnson 13rownlow recommends the Legislature of Tennessee to declare the Kuklux and other murderous organizations outlaws. He says that he cannot neon"- naertd the removal of the political disabili ties of the disfranchised of that State, as they have shown no signs of repentance *their misdeeds. A RALLICOAD bridge of eighty feet span at Slatincton, Pennsylvania, was carried away by the Ireshet on Friday night. By ten o'clock on the Monday night following a new bridge of one hundred and thirty feet span was completed, and. the cars running over it. • Tun Pendleton Democrats are said to be consoling themselves with the reflection that while Pendleton could not be nomina ted, Seymour cannot be elected. Tun Western Republicans are circulating photographs of Frank Blair as Republican campaign documents. Tun IT orid speaks of . Horatio Seymour as a "patriot." This is an allusion to Pat Riots in New York in July, 1863. SnyltOrrit's physician says he is likely to become crazy within a year.. Beware of Blair. num. +lObituary notices 5 cents a line for all over 4 lines--cash to accompany no- BOLTON.—On the 28th inst., Mrs. Cath arine Bolton, mother-in-law of John Hoff man, (of P.), in her 76th year. HoorNactrua.—ln Cumberland twp., on the 16th inst., John J. Hoofnagle, aged 76 years, 2 months and 10 days. Suumb.—ln Straban township, on the 23rd inst., John Shull, aged 61 yearat7 inonths and 6 days. FOR SALE-.A. I'lolo, PV the make of Milton & Konen, Louisville. !Cy,' carved rosewood frame, sevenoctavos, d‘stinguish brilliancy and sweotmess of lone, and lane unaffect-- Isd by change of temperature. It was imrclrseed* lit fie over a year ago for s47&—wil I be sold for &400. for further Information apply to oStar at' Sentiner At* fJuly 4/.41 falleita Nulty et the !Outdo. Baltimore 'Urals & Produce Market. ?pgUintere, Thursday Morning, •4. 800 Q 878 . 9 25 010 00 2 10 0 2 47 2 00 * 2 - 40 1 18 . 1 22 1 25 0 1 50 70 go 80 000 0 000 ~. 8 50 0 900 0 00 4111, 2 59 14/ 0 14k 17 ijd 17i 21j. % 22 17 @ 1 8 SUPER Fr.ouß,:: Ernie FLOUR,.. VPmia WET, .. Rsn WHZAT,..., CORN, RTE, OATS, TIMOTHY-SICBD, CLOVER -SEED, FLAX -SEED, BACON, Su.,otrizons,.... " BIDES, " HAMS,. LARD, ~„ Gore, Phi!'.. Gettyiburg Grain & Proviakon Narkeitt Cellystnsre, 7Hilay morning. 10 oi) ~ 11 00 @l2 00 . 230 2 75 000 @ 200 1 15 1 25 SUPER FLOUR, EXTRA FLOUR, 'WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, ... Corm, RYE, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, TIMOTHY GEED,. CLOVER SEED, .. POTATOES, Btrrrmr, LARD, Eaos, atooN, HAMS,- " BIDES, .. SHOULDERS, 50AP,.... TALLOW, g.tw Adverttstatento. PLA XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Let ten Teetantentary on the estate! of JOHN HOP• ZINC, deceased, late of Gettysburg, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, In said Borungh, sbe here by glyes nutice to all persona indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the some to present them properly authentica ted for settlement. JULIAN HOPKINS, July 31.--nt• Executrix. XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Let .A-4 Mare Testamentary on the estate of Seinen= S. noWEItS, deceased, late of Huntington townehip, /id eals county, having beau granted to the. mbscrlber in same township, he hereby gives notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC It. TROSTLE, Executor, duly 31.-6 t AN ORDINANCE - FOR THE PRESERVATION OF 000 D ORDER. BE It ordained, and it Is hereby ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Gettysburg— That nu place of Amusement, nor any Bar, Saloon, Restaurant or other place where spirltous or malt Liquors are sold or tarnished. shall be kept open with in said Borough later than 11 o'clock, P. M., and any person who shall keep open any such place of amuse— ment or business, or who shall sell or furnish any spiritous or malt liquors later than the hoar afore. said er earlier than 4 o'clock, A. 31., shall upon con victlon thereof forfeit and pay five dollars for the first offence and ten dollars far any subsequent offence, and shall also pay the costs of prosecutions; and upon failure to pay such fine and coats shall be imprisoned in Cho lock-op or jail far the space of forty-eight hours., ALEX. SPANGLER, President c t Council. Attest :—Jittatiau Crlz, Secretary. Approved, PETER AYERS, Burgess: July 31,1888.-38 „ W ANTED -A FEW GOOD AGENTS ADAMS COUNTY, TO SELL SA R TA .1.2 Y -S SPLEYDID EYQRA VI.VO OF GENERAL GRANT Tlfla Engraving is meeting With rapid ales vebererer Agents have , Lam appuiuteJ, and all Wishing to secure tarrlt,ty should do ao at once. W e arc'offering extra Indurentente to gad and ex perienced Can•anera. Agehts selling the Life f Grant slitnahl have this fine picture with them. Fur terms, &c., saldress • lIARTLESON L CO., Minur street, PhllaSelplllo CUNNINGHAM ALWAYS AHEAD IN SELLING CHEAP CLOTHING URI Gent's Furnishing Goods, at his Store IN lIALTIIIORE STREET, GETTYSBURG, PA The public are roTt,tfully invited to call and ex amino laia largo slid wvll et lectol 3t0,4 of ci0,1.14 Lo- tare pnrchming oliewhere. COME ONE AND ALL and treat youreelres to a good suit of Cleating July 31, 1969.-t( FARMERS!!! TRY TILE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE! IT iscomposed principally of the celebrate,' Oman° rom ALTA VELA. Contains three per cent. of AUMONIA, an ample quantity to give activity (without Injury) to the rage teflon, and a large quantity of soluble • BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, together with Potash and Soda, the essential element. of a COMPLETE MANURE. The high reputation It has obtained among the many thousand farmer, who are using It in preference to all other kinds, lea sure guarantee of its value. PRICE $56.00 PER TON. Send for a pamphlet. Address TUE ALTA 'VELA GUANO CO., LI Broadway, NewTork. July T WO VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE - The waders:o4,d offers et Private •Sale, Lie two minable Farms, vie : No. 1---Containing 54 Acres, more or loss, on which I now reside, In Highland township, adjoining lands of John Knox, John Blesecker and others, about I from Mcllbenny'e mill, and 1 mile from the Milleretown road, improved with a two-story LOG HOUSE, well f 3 niched, a Log weatherboarded /tarn with Wagon and other neds,Spring House, and other outbuildings; an excellent Spring in Spring House, and well of water with pump near the dwelling, 2 Orchards of choice fruit, &c. No. 2—Containing 26 Acres, more or leis, in Franklin township, on the road from Trill town to Mumma*burg, adjoining lands of John eatt, Daniel lieikes,.Josoph Kuhn and others, improved with a !Jowly wea therhoarded 134 story Dwelling, well fin whe+l, anew weatherboard.' Darn, a Spring a Well of good waterw ith pump near the dwelling! a young thtivlng Orchard, Sc. Both Farms aro In good condition, with excellent Timber and Meadow ; tract No. 1 haring good cheat- nor timbers. *3l.Pereon■ desiring to view either Farm. or Ascer tain terms, will call on the subscriber resitting on tract No.l. DAVID STOVER. July 31.-3 m PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL PROPERTY The undersigned, Executor of the last Will and Tee. Lament of Prrga Nom, late of Moineslasagne row a • ship, Adams county, Pa., deceased, will sell at Pnblie' Rale, on Thursday, the 271 h day of Ailt next, on the premises, the Real Estate of said dec ed ent, consisting ore PARM, containing about 00 Acre■ of itrat•rate land, situate in Monntplestast t . ownaiiip aforesaid, adjoining lands of Alexander Young, James Dutfers, Thomas Stonesifer and others. The Improvements consist of a Double LOG HOUSE, Log Barn. Spring Howe, and other necessary out— buildings. Thin property ties duo proportions of Meadow and Timber, and is beautifully attested, and lea good state of cultivation, baring been recently limed. It 'Bale well watered, there being fire springs of excellent and never-failing Water, conveniently situated on the premises. The farm win be sold in one tract with the exCeption . of about 4 Acres, which are cut oil by the Pub' le .110 ad leading from Seneft's mill to Square Corner which which will be sold separately. This tract storks a One opportunity to any parson wishing to purchase build , ing lots, as it is favorably situated on the road.slde,and is of excellent quality. Persons desiring to view the property can call on the tenant, kir. Cassias; Symms". residing thereon, - or upon JACOB Next, Esq., who lives s short distance from the same. Salo to commence at I. ORO, P. it., of said. 'day, when attendance will be itPeeti and larunitnade known .by - MICHAEL RELIT, Executor. July 31.—ta ptioBLIC SALE . The School Directors of Muniltonban tovrnshlp wfl lull et Palate Selo, on the van*" on TuatadY, the let day of Septcedwr neat, a[l stock, P. it, the Public School House to Fairfield, with the tot of ground upon Cu* it atanda. Also—a Store. Apirrerms will be made known by MINIX M. LANDLS, President. Celsius J. Saner, Secretary. - 1i At 3 o'clock, P. M. of lame day the Board of Directors will meet to employ 9 Taacheri for sekt township, TsVvit 6'''oll , amat on gtiv g4,dvertismuto. Superintendent's Notice. I Bat, examine Tatham' at the fallowing, num ed tim and places, to.wit Hubteratown,-August.lll, 8 a, la. Raisdlog and Hampton, Hampton, August 17,2 p. m, Hamilton, Rut Berlin, August 18,11 a. m. • 'Berwick Borough, Amur st HI. 3 p. m. Berwick tp., Pigeon 11111$. IL, August 19, 8 a. m, Oxford, New Oxford, August 19, 2 p. m. Mouotpleasaut, Bush Arms. IL, August 20, 9 a. in Conowago, McSherrystown. August 21,9 a. tn. Union, Schildt's 8. U., August 21, 2 p. Llttlestown, August 22, 9 a • us. Germany, Gulden's &H., August- 4 4, 2p. m. Butler, allddletown, August 34,8 a. tn. Ilenallen, Bendersrills; August 26, 8 a. in, Tyrone, Ileidlersburg, August 28, 8 a.m. ' Huntington, Petersburg, August 37, 8 a. in. • Latimore, State Road S. H., ugust 28, 9a. in. Cumberland, Normal School Room, August 29,8 R. tri. Freedom,Moritx's 8.11., August 91, 9 a in. Highland, Church 8. IL, August 31, 2p. m. . tiltMlitouban, Fairfield, Sept. 1, 8 a. in. Liberty, Grayson's S. H. Sept. 1, 2 p. m. Franklin, Florb'a 8. U., Sept, 6, 9 a.m. hiountJoy, Two Taverns, Sept. 12, 9 a. in. Mal Directors and others interested in tbecause are cor dially Jerked to attend. I woishi respectfully call at tention to the law and dectsioue relative to Teachers' Certificates published in thispaper of a late date. higher grade of qualifications will this year be re quired. Teachers will prepare themselves according. ly. No private examinations can be granted, and no certificates will be renewed. Those who fall to attend the regular examination in their district will he re. quired to attend a special public examination hereaf ter to be announced. AARON SILDF.LY, Co. Supt. Gettysburg, 3111731.-3 t Court Proclamation. WrIIEREAS the Ilan. RUCKS J. FUSCH, President )' of the several Courta of Common. Rims in the counties eomposing the 19th District, and Justice of the Court. of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in said titlark t, and Isaac E Wlaaraaandlsescßoan. sow, Negro, Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, . and Justices of the Court, of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and' other offenders in the county of Adams—have Weed their precept, bearing date the day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and • six-eight, and to me directed, for holding .Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Courts of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Monday, Vie 17th of ; August, 1861— NOTICE IS lIEREDY GIVEN to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and the Constables. w ithiti the mid county, that they be then and there in their pro per persons, with their (tolls, &canto, Inqalsitiens, Exam (nations, and other Itetuem [murices, to do thou, things which to their offlcee sad in that behalf appen , min to be done, and ale°, they who will prcksecnte against the 'prisoners that are or then ehtlal be in the f Jail of said county of Adams, are to b then and there t to prosecute against them as Shall be Just. PIIILIP 11ANN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Clettystrurg 'July 31, 1.963. 1 00 2 50 6 00 1 60 @ 1 70 7 @ 8 BOUNTY - ACCOUNT_ IN A L STATZMENT of the Bounty Account of CoSOWAGO TOWNSILIP, ADAMS CAL, PENNA. MICRAEL REMY, Treatturer of Bounty Fund in ac count with stun°, train April, Mt to June 1, ntis : DR. * To amount receive, ou private eubscriptlon to first draft e53,9.:3 00 To amount received onprivate eubscrlptiou to second draft 2454 67 To amount received from Collectors of Boon. ty tax fur 1864 err,as To amount received from Collectors of Boun ty tax for 1868 acd 1866 4,761 61 To amount loaned from Hart and Ileagy 2,70.1 To anioutit t evil veil from Collect,' April 9, 1866 17,3 17 To amount received from old list of prhato subscription 101 05 To balance collected on old duplicate 112 08 To amount i.e.:lead front tax collector of last duplioste .3,627 8.1 CR. Byl4lnonnt of orders padd out on first draft $G,387 By amount of orders paid tua second draft 14,014 40 By fees of Trealurer weleed By Note paid Francis Nutt and intere4t By Note paid Steward Walker and intereat ...... • . . 41 , 4 00 By Note paid Abrnhar♦t Kea and Interest 2.6t4 oa By Note paid A. W. Ilart and in. tereort . By order imel C011ect0r.......... .._ By order paid Treasurer cldental ex hies We, the undersigned, Auditors of Conoicago town ship, do certify that we hove tills day examined anti audited the bounty account of Michael Rally, Tr.na ttier allow:tor Pond of said township, ard find a bal. &ace of sixty O.diurs and filly nine cents in his tritids, (which be has paid over to the School Fund for Cou owago S. District), and that the rprezolng statement is correct acid bared on data fitrn belied the Ati , lit,c of Conowagu township, April 9,IAGA, as lappet:- oes towt. skip book, When statement was made; as slay on Ea, vouchers, subuilt te-1 to us to day. AMBROSE Eta - NE. 010. t. ) Anditcre. PETER EI".'sTER, ) Attest :--I.oiccu Bucktc, Township Clerk. June 1,1,63. [July 31.-3 t fit II B ALBANY COTTON GIN MANMFACTURING CO , Albany, New York, Manufacturers of Gen eral Agricultural Machinery, comprising the celebra. ted - Star' Threshing Machines ; Star' Railway (or Endless Chain) and Lever florae .Posters ; "Star" Cot ton Gies and Condensers; Circular Cross-rut mills ; Vegetable Cutters ; Horse Hay Forks; Corn and Feed Mills; Power Corn Shellers ; Dog Power.. kr., Lc. We wish to call the particular attention of Farmers to our celebrated "STAR" THRESHER AND CLEAN ER, which, as lately improved, we claim is far superi or to env other machine now in market. It is com pact and easily portable, simple in its construction, and therefore easy to operate by the most inexperi enced, and will do its work with marvellous rapidity and perfection, and with comparatively the least de. mans upon the strength of the animals driving it. We have made recent improvemente in this onKhine Normal School, y which we are enabled to thoroughly clean the grain b under almost any combination of difficulties, and we i are now Using an entirely new and effective device for relieving the feeder of dust, thus making the opera- I 'T HE Fan Term of tic Gettysburg' Normal School will 'Teo oti MONDAY, AU/LUST 10. A few more , lion of threshfugas comfortable and safe a. with the student, of bolls ewes can be reconeed.- The c o w.; y, orditteay inaeliinea it la annoying ;wad' frequently d.. pleasantly lidcated. Is well supplied wSth tfee-heen-of) etructlve.f b,ealih• furniture, apparatus, neaps,' eharts, sod a 4 rots ; Th." 44 Ximminal are Wade oteultable Agee fir mix excel! kat facilities to those aiabiag , gaalif3,it nem- "Star" 11111 Way 2 Horse* Power and for our "Star" Lever Pont:4,lot 4 and 6 hones. selves either for teac hi ng lividness. A comp at ' nasint cot h. b een a taak a „ ; .1 Latin. w ilt , For sale by Our agents and dealers generally. For be taught, if desired. full particulars, send for our lLtastrat 154, . Ill'AlleraTwecr°T"l6:l,llb2l:,N.Y.Al4ll4."- eUnce. Application shoortt 10, made ;early, person or by letter, to 810 RE WARD. TIIR abovo will be pahl to any person t•lv]oz the subscriber ouch Int , rmati,n as wit: le al t the detection and conviction (AO.. person or V, W. 1., who Lave upon several occasiohsrohled my . PortaLlo Forge down the hill at my quarry, and injurlu- ' it In orbor ways. PETLItBEITL ER. July 21.-Zt Jnly 24.4 t FOR SALE t r ar ' t " s n l o u t ' s ' l9 " 2:i class Millinery & Notion Store. Splen.lid opening tor - a Milliner. Terms easy. Yor particulars *lkea J cOy 24 —2m BUILDERS Look to your Interest THE undersigned still condones to the Lumber Lu anima, at his old estrod, 33", miles etst of timmltta burg, 31d, and has a lint6'stock. of well-seasoned WHITE PINE BOARDS & PLANK of all (panties and prices; also, wirrrE .1,- -YELLOW" PINE FLOOR INGT, SHINGLE% PLASTERING LATHS, RAILING% also, an assortment of Groceries, Nails. 0 laPs, &c., ill of which will he sold ;44 ths lowest potsiblo figures.— Thankful fur past Faso:: h, sulleitq a contionan co of the same. A. WAYBRICIT. July 24, 1111814-2tu4, o.POROUGH SCHOOL ACCOUNT. . YATINESTOCK, Treasurer in account with Get tysburg School Dm•rici, from June 1, 1807, to June 1,1868. Balluee due on thud (rate of ts6s 1866 ..... Amomat of Dopilmite of ..... .. Received from friviti , Appropriation. for Tnitioo Bivimico duo Treaaurcr, Juno 1;1889 Balance dna Treatnror, June 1, 1067 564 40 Temporary Loan paid Bank* of Gotty.burg- 400 00 Amount paid Teachers 2 .107 00 " Janitor ' 60 00 " " for Piloting 50 00, Peel, Stational', At 316 06 Repairs ... ...... ........... ............. ... ............. 116 56 Quit Rents 8 60 Debt and 1nter...t.... ........ ...., .... ...- 302 70 Collectors' Peer • • 114 45 Abatement 110 42 Exoneration., 1566 and 1807 72 11 Trenlarer'iSalary,.........- 4217 DA mce Outiitaiellng an Deplicate of 1065_ 01 02 •o " 1800..: 41 24 " 1567... 675 12' Atrium./ bt Hail,!lug Dobt, Intl° I,IS 8 $2.740 00 Audited, end pub, Sued by enlevwf the Iluenl, WARREN, President. J. P. IldeOzzoirt, Beentary. [July 17.-4 t Philadelphia Inquirer , Double Sheet, Forty Columns, the Great Newspaper of Philadelphia I and the Best and Cheapest Newspa per in the united States, at Twelve Cents per week. THE INQUIRER - furnishes the desideratum of a genuine Newspaper within the meow,. nf any member 01 the community. The-publishes tite ;pirated neither paint nor expense to place the llNQlliittiß , in the forenwet rank of the daily &torpid'. Papers of the United Status; and hi. stiecieurhil , rts In the past are au earnest of his In. teittione at the present, and In the future. EXYBRIBNCED BPSOIALCORRRSPONDRNTR are Permanently stationed lat Wasnh4ton, Herristoorg, Now York, Baltimore, Calm, Antepona, London, in the D. S. Kim, and at different pints throughout Yennsylvanti. • • - ' TRAINED SPECIAL REPORTERS are always lent to any part of the Confluent where events of general Interest may be trataiplring. TER HOME avowal, AND . REPORTORIAL OAPS are not:usual:glad and afacieut. • TIM FINANOINI umparrs aro fully and caraftgly reported ernrj dor. • TXQIIMEII'S LOCAL ?MSS is always tho fullest AM thn most authentic in, the CUS. The af. fain of Pennsylvania are carefully chronicled in tea columns. THE Ml:Mang la independent in polities, nation. al In Ste polio), has ever and w Midway. maintain the integrity ot the Union ia the fuudamnntal pri ß eipl e In dmericnii•litatesmanahip. .. • Prices at which the PIIILADRIXIII S . INQUlltilt is served by ottetitifiarriors everywhere of scat by hiall t .Terelle Mitts a week, and sokU by all-. News 'Moots. DAILY PAPyill,..s 50 for lmonth, payable in advance. " aim 424 00 211 60 4406 2'4 EOM ME f. 9 AARON SiIk:ELY. liettyhburN, PA MRS. DAVIS; Chambtrshurg, pa. $l4l 02 561 14 3,140 27 317 94 18 41 434 57 $4,613 35 .$4,613 35 THE *lv aktivtrtionstats. BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW ESTABLISHMENT THE undersigned has tweeted a ewer building, tbr a Boot and Shoe Iktahtlehutetit; ou Carlisle st, near the Railroad Station, ha Gettysburg) where he nowuders lbr sale, Boots, Shoes„ Gaiters, Slip pers, &c., &c., fox men, women and children of different styles arid prices. He has a fine assortriiintt to select from, and will cell article at the smallest profits. WORK NADIR TO ORDItR, of the best materials and workinanshic. Every effort made to render satisfaction. The patronage of the public is solicited. Catlin, and select from his stock or leave your meas ure. In either case you cannot failto beplrased. July 17,1888.-1 y JOHN IL RRILINO. • REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have opened an agency for the SALE OF REAL ESTATE, In connection with my law business In Gettysburg and will give personal attention to the Examination of, Titles, Con veyancing & Investment of money. Parties wishing to sell, or buy lands, may find it to their advantage to call. Several Farms and Woodland A No. 1, FARM, PRICE $7,000 - A GOOD FARM, 220 ACRES, FOR $6,000. A TRACT, 90 ACRES, FOR 81,803. In the neighborhood of Gettysburg—also, property in town far sale. R. G. McCREARY, Attorney at law. Get tyebnrg, July 10. 1868.-4 f. ry; TO $2OO PER MONTH SALARY paid to I Agents, male or lemabe, to Introduce our PA TENT EVERLASTING WHITE WIRE CLOTHES LINES. Address Arsenals Wtaz Co., 75 William st., N. 1"„ or 15 Dearborn it,, Chicago, 111, CIRCULAR, MILL, MULAY, GANG and SAW S , Eery Saw that leaires our Factory to Oil Tempered aniVTatent Oround, perfectly true and even, and made of uniform temper by our patent tempering process. A X - E S Common 'shape, as good as the best. The RED JACKET (COLLIE - ENS PATENT) cannot be excelled. We guaranty they will cut 25 per rect. more than common Axea, with leas labor to the chopper. air Send for circtilar and prices to LIPPINkYTT & BAKEIVELL, PTITSBURG El, PENNA Solo MarmLenrrre. For sale by principal Hardware Dealers. Star Agricultural -Works TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. WA ARA,TED to 10,7710cA ALL DWILLt for nbacco. risia I great remedy Ie an excellent appetizer. It purifies I the irktigurAtes the system, possesses great mairLshing and strengthening power, ermiales the stcrn ad. to digest the heartiest food, makes sleep ro freshing, and mtablithee robust health. Smokers and Mtcere for l'ifty ears Cured. Price Fifty Cents, past ire,. A treoti.e on the injurious egrets of To ! haceo, with lists of references, testimonial., Lc., sent firm. Agents wants'. `Address Dr. T. h. ABBOTT, Jersey City, 'New Jersey. TO WIVES AND MOTURRS. 11'5..11 AN OF MATURE AGE, haripg brmi,sht op argt• fon Sy and knowing the Cll7, anidetyand attu:liug the ssltilo, )11, WW1)" COlllO into the possession of a safe and atroldervmetly,selereby srivhs and mothers may proven ate loarease of family to edit tt.s.f gita , misnce. It is also a promoter of health. All e..annuniontions confideiaial r and the remedy sent by mail. Price V/K. Address Mrs. 11. REED, p.O: hos /3n, N. Y. r I 1 1118 t 8 NO 111;31131.70.-13y sending 30.1 cents and nizti age-, height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of your future husband ur wife, with name and data of marraiga: Addre;s W FOX, U. Drawer No. 8, Fub tonvilla, New York. AGENTS WANTED. Something new. livery Aim tly wants it. Gslsanlc Silver Plating Plaid.— Received Ist iwsluinm at Parts Exposi don. Bond Wets. for supple. Mums .t Co ) . T/ Northlth rt., Philo, Pa. THE SUCCESS OFT((:;()NE DOLLAR SALE A ROOLUTION IN TRADE. F: at a uniform price of ONE DOLLAR, tt r i 4 e it.' b, l i l:t ' iclee am aroused by every family, at a lees price than they are sold by any wholeasle dealer in New York or Boston. Agents wlf Med to no in aing out to plan which meet. theco-operate wants of the mil l io n, and in the disposal of a large and varied stock of Dry and Fancy Goode, :211r,:r Plated Ware, Watches, Carpet -4,c. Our terms to Ageuta are superior to those of any other firm, as our circular will show. Those getting tip clilbgt can aecure a piece of Sheetiog,Watch, Bilk Di ess,Shawl, Sewing Machine, Lc otc., FREE OP COST A ehee4 describing an article to be sold fur a 10 ets ; 20 fur $2; 40 fur $4; GO Mr $0; 100 fur $10„ bent by mail. Send moneyby Registered letter. Circulars malted free to any address. Agents wanted every. where. Address ITARRL , k PUI3X [ER, C 4 Hanover st., Baton, Mesa Proof of our statement that tee have made A COMPLETE REVOLUTION IN TRADE, tan be found In the tact that the immense business we bee" built)* bas (educed a multitude of SMALL CON claim to Imitate our club system, and some by adver tising the presents they will give to agents, seek, un snccesaftfify. to divert some of oar business to them. selves. We make this a memo cement simply to Inform the public Umt it will be fir their interest to pa tronise our house, as we still continue tomes Barris GOODS AND GRILIM trbinsmonsrs TO AGENTS TILLS CST CONCTNN SH Tse HOUNIXII. We sell 11T ery description Of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, PLATED WARE, JEWELRY, WATCHES, SEWING MACHINES, *e., ie., for the uniform price of ONE DOLLAR. Circulars sent to Any address free. PARKER k CO., Nos. cig and 100 Sommer st.,Boatou. We are prepared to receive Advertisements for a NEW .LIST OF FIFTY NEWSPAPERS ON TILE PACIFIC COAST, EMBRACING CALIFORNIA,. OREGON, - NEVADA, AND TIIR TERRITORIES OB MONTANA., 14.T.A11, , • ~ IDAHO and WASHINGTON. Also chew List of Newspapers, by whlcit mu, easkia sat t on Advertisement oeMayyjng. au Inds of spate. LA , 250 -NE w§pArts, Tor 40 Orate each Parmoo4b+ OrSEND STAMP FOR MCULAR. ADDRRIMISB GEO. P. • ROTFILL SCCIL ADVERTISING 40 Park Row, N. Y • July 36.-4% • tiskZi ADAMS '' .COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INOORPORMIED, MAROC 18, 1851. . . OFFICERS. Preeldent.—George Swope. Vice-President—Samuel R. RomelL Secretary —D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—R. G. Fahneetock. ineentise Committee—Robert . McCurdy, 11. A.Pick- Ineinb King. - d9.s.ge Swope, D. A. Buehler. R./deem , irlichelbergyr, B.R. Russell, B. G., Fahnestock, A. D.; Buehler, R. G. Ectreary, Gettysburg; Jatob King, Btraban township ; Frederick Diehl, Fninklia• Wm. D. Him., New Linked; Win. B. Wilson, Bender.: Title; H. A. Picking, &robin ; John Wolford, YAM more; John Picking, East Berlin; Abel T. Wright, Bendernille; Abdiel F. Gilt, New Oxford; Jame. 11. Marshall, Hamiltonban ; John Cunningham, Freedom; John Homer, Mountjoy Wm. Rom White, Liberty. 11(1..This Company is limited In Its operations to the county of Adams. It ha boon in operation tor more than 17 years, and In that period has made but one rir masment,haring paid lame, by tire during that period amounting to over $15,000. Any person desiring an In. anrance mut apply to either of the following gentle men: D. A. Buehler, Gettysburg. B. 0. Fahnestock, Jacob King, Straban township. H. A. Picking, " Frederick Diehl , Franklin " Wm. Ross White, Liberty. " • B. Q. Peters, Petersburg (T. 8..) itirbThe Executive Committee meets at the mike of the Company, on the last Wednesday In every mouth. at 2 o'clock, P. B. Rune 10. 1888.—t1 THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE, INSURANCE COMPANY 921 CHESTNUT STREET, *2;000,000, All the Surplus divided amongst the TIIN ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN TOR LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY eirAii Informal.lon will be cheerfully glrea HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, Jali_l,lBBB.—.3m gooks, pigs, Vedirints. DR. R. HORNER , PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, OSlce and Drug Store, CHARBERSBURO STREET GETTYSBURG. Medical advice without charge. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, STA TIONERY, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSHES, TOIL ET ARTICLES, DYE STUFFS, SPICES, BAII• INO SODA, CREAM OF TARTAR, LAMPS, GOAL OIL, AC., te. PURE LIQUORS for medicinal purposes. Dr. R. Horuer'i OLIEN, a reliable remedy for chapped hands, rough skin, At. All articles warranted pure and genuine. Jan IL 11368.-If • . CROSS CUT A. D. BUEHLER, DRUG & BOOK STORE, CMIMBERSBURG STREET, STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, DI?UOS AND MEDICINES; PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS COUNTRY lletßellANTS supplied at wholesale city prices. Feb. 12.—tt DR. JAMES CRESS, DRUGGIST, Store in Brant's Building, Ballo., at., LITTLESTOWN. HAVING opened a new DUG ETC/RIC and fittest it up in the beet style, I offer' my stock of pure and fresh Drugs to the citizens of Littlostown and vicinity at the lowest market rates, ocrueletiug ha part of Drugs and Fancily illedieines, Pure Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Patent Medicines, Horse Pare Spires. Dyes and Drug Stuffs, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps and Fancy articles. A fan assortment of Brushes, Stationery, of all kind; Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. 'Mr Mooro's Electro•Magnetie Soap will wash with hard or *on water, cold or warm. Clothes washed with this Soap are made beautifully white without boiling or blueing. This is the beet Soap in use. Try it. It is warranted not to injure tile Lamle or fabric. Littleetown, May 13,-1 y JAMES CRESS. HIJBEIt'S DRUG STORE. Forney'a old Stand—Baltimore Street, GETTYSB URG, PA. HAVING purchased this old and popular Stand, and laid in an entirely new and fresh Stock, offer a full aaaortment, completing in part of DRUGS AND FAMILY MEDICINES. PATENT MEDICINES-A LARGE ASSORTMENT. PURE LIQUORS k WINES FOR MEDICINAL PUR SPICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS. ( POSES. DYES & DYE-STUFFS-ROW A STEVENS' DYES. EXCELSIOR DYES, AND TILE ANILINE DYES- THE CHEAPEST AND HEST IN THE MARKET. ALL THE NEW AND ELEGANT PERFUMES. AND TOILET ARTICLES. COLGATE'S, AND OTHER SUPERIOR SOAPS. FORNEY'S HORSE POWDERS-THE BEST AND CHEAPEST; ALSO, FOUTZ'S, ELLS, DALE'S PERSIAN, STONEBRA %ER'S AND ROBERT'S. STATION/MY OP ALL KINDS. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNI:117-TUB BEST BRANDS. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS AND GAMILY RE CRIPTS CAREFULLY COMPiUNDRD. - PHYSICIANS AND COUTINLY DIERCIIANTS SUP- PLIED AT RwoucED, RATES. ArediCht4ll /114,71i.Med A? ♦LL BOOM 07 rag Nloll.i. Night BelL al thi door. April 1, 1868.-tf FURNITURE. D. C. SIJEAFFER PETERSBURG, (Y. 5.,) PENNA., Is prepared to oder Joni* Public, anything to We line is cheap as tan be had in tbe ooenty. ne...Peirchaesre will do well Waal and examhee mT etoeithefore burying **where. FURNITURE !lade Warder. -Idepairiagdone mat, cheap and with Ahltehth• NEW 11-AKgItY. MiWPOETtit Z4GLEIL limbo"kat Balmy, Comer Wailangtoa and Ewa MOM* streets; atitystairr, Pa. Camas/41y- qv hand the bll of ZB.XAD, Phnom vtiehing freak lnied will be vern4 every bs bowleg theirneeios.evet resklehcovot. the . Story offurretuvhotoptoeimi. GIVE US. A -CUL. gut and girt Vasuratta. 01 PIIILADELPIIIA, ACCUMULATED CAPITAL CHARTER PERPETUAL Polley Holders every yea, CITY OR STATE Agent at Gettysburg, Pal Near the Diamond Powders, gabintt eking. IL Lott. Berwick tp. Jatult Both 13411.-t, lt Li w bort mere. i. Simnel gaol, -1 CLUJ:ERRS, CLAKZS. 141.1VHLJ% , greed gotta's. L A ~,..... .... , :. N 0 'T I C E . I bare left my SALE NOTES with Maj. NMI O. Cute. near Arendtatille, for collection. An they fall due on the 'au day of Avast, and prompt pay ment is dosired,periona Juthibled win call on 11114. JOMI 1100NR. July 21 .-3t ICEgSE.—The following ap -1 plic^tion s to keep a Restaurant , hare bean Al ed la willv, with the requisite Lambe*. of doers, and I be promoted at the Court of Quarlerileeslons, oil I 4te artt Aronday of ..kspest, 1858: D. A 8.0. LAWRENCE. Bloonpleasant township.! SAMUEL PlBllllll. A CO.. Gettysburg Borough. I July 21.-3 t A. W. : 11 INTER, Clerk. I[I. I SSOLUTION. D Notice le hereby Oran, that the partnership between .1. 11. MILLIS and M.A. Kauai, of the Bor ough of Llttleetown, was dissolved on the 16th day of July, INS, so far as relates to the said J. All debt. due to the said Bartnenthlp are to be paid, and those due from the same discharged at Lit town, to and by the Said M. A Kausa, where' the Nonndry and Machine beslueas will be continued by the said M. A. /LULU, under his own name. J. R. MILLER, July 24.-3 t N. A. KELLER. • OtICE.--,The account of JOHN C. altt•T, ComutmMee of ROLM DILL/M, a La. natic, as exhibited by Cyrus Diller and Isaac °nay Administrators of John C. Graby, dedeased, has been filed lu the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by said Court, on the 17M day of August next, unless cause Ito shown to the con trary• J. A. KITZHILLER t July 10, 1865.—...ne Proth'y. NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate ofJOM WILIOUT, late of Menalien township, Adiuus county.Pao, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township, they hereby give notice to all persons I ndebted to mid . estate to make immediate, payment, and those having dal= against the Milne to present them properly authenticated for settlement. RUTH SI. {ARIGHT, JANE?. WRIG If July 10.-0 t JANE?. RXECUTQR'S sere Testamentary ou the estate of NATutsizt ()RATON, deed, late of Liberty township, Adams coun ty,havingbecugrantedtothe undersigned, both of Liberty township, they hereby give notice to all per son. indebb-d to mid ...Mate to make Immediate pay ment, and three having claitet against the same to pre. sen t them properly authenticated for settlement. JOiIN AIESSELMAN, Executor. ANN 3IARIA GRAY:SON, Executrix. July 10.—Gt. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—T h e nutieriiigned, Assignee ofJossru Cumr. and Wirt of Idsville, Huntington townehip, Adams coon. ty, Pa. , under deed of voluntary assignment, in trust for the benefit of creditore, hereby gives notice to eIP persons indebted to acid JOSEPH 11. CLINE to call and make immediate payment, and thaws having claims to present them to the subscriber residing in the eame place properly authenticated for settlement, °SORGE A.CLINE, Assignee. July 1. -et AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The nudersigned, appointed Auditor by the Or phans' Court of Adams county to make distribution of the balance remaining in the hands of JOlla 11212TE.9, Em., Administrator of the estate of DAVID Sounetrou, late of Tyrone township, Adams county, deceased, to and among the parties legally entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice to all persons interested that hu will set in the discharge of him duties under said appointment at hi. Lance in the Ikaeugh of 0 ettya bard, on IV. el tozday IZIIS cloy of ,fugust next, at to oclock, if. Jnty DAVID WILLS. OTlCE.—Letters of Adminis il [ration on the estate of SARAH Ilratts, late of Adams county, deceased, haying been granted to Itasar Fouur residing in Perry county, he hereby gives notice to all persons Indebted to toid estate to call and make immediate payment, and those baring claims against tho same will present them properly authenticated (Jr settlement. L. McCoriat:our, Esq., Gett)stinrg, will settle all claims against said eltate, as my Agent. Jane - lIF . SRT FOULK, Admr. - - ABATEAIENT-SCIIOOL TAXES. An abatement of FIFE rEg CENT. will ho al. lowed on all School Taxes for the Borough of Gettys burg, mseseed for the current year, which may be paid to the Collector Wu. acme, or to tho Treas urer E. el. FAILNESTOCIE, on or before the la day of Aayttit hoot. By order of the Board, B. WARREN, President. J. F. McCatsus, Secretary. [June 17.-td NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminis ..L., tratiou on the estate flionir Btocnris, late of Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, haring been granted to the an lersigned resoling in the said township, he berLlty giros notice to all per- sona Indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against theomme to pre. sent them properly authenticated for settlement. DAVLD BLOCHER, Adner Soldiers' • Discharges. HAVING procured the proper Docket, I am prepar ed to RECORD SOLDIERS' DISCHARGE.S, in ac cordance with a recent Act of the Legialature of Pennsylvania: Soldiers are cautioned against delay in this matter. • WM. D HOLTZWORTII. Register & Recorder of Adams county. June 10.—t f DISSOLUTION. The Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm of tiIIEAFFEE 13ECHER, at Petersburg, (1 - .3.) is hereby dissolved. All persona indebted to said firm will please make payment without delay. Either partner ie authorized to use the name of the firm In the settlement of the business. Said dissolution to take effect from the first day of May, MIS. July 10, 18G8.-Itm S HE R IF F'S SALE In pursuance of sundry write f Pundit ioni k:sp man and FiOri Paelal, issued tut u( the I;. - urt ..1 Common rte.'s of Atlalus county. Pa.. anti to me till rct,d, will be exposed to Public Pale: at the Court ((once, In Gettysburg, on Slturd.zy, Srh day of A uglist nut, eitiCcloc7:, F. M., the described K.I P.state, ♦iz: A TRACT OF LAND, situate In Botha tJwnsliip, Adams county, Pa., adi jolninglands of I sane ?locker, Moses Ilaffensperger, Jac.4 13aii,her, and others, containing lvo Acres, more or lees, intrirored with a Twe-stnry Stan, DWELL:NO , HOUSE, Stone Kitchen attached, Bank Rain, Log 51 t, Smoke 'loose, Spring other outbuildings; a serer-:ailing spring of a ,ter near the buildin and an Apple Orchard, other ft uit, oa the premise.. About 17 acres of the tract are Woodland, heavily tindiersil; the balance cleared and under I,nc,--trith a sufficiency of Mead. cm - . Seized and taken in execution as the roil estate of Fanny Wagoner. ALSO, A. LOT OF GROUND, situate in the town of Fut B, rlin, A.!:uns county. frr.nting i 5 feet ou /114 street, and runningback to ~n alley 2u het north, ,eh,..ining the Harrisburg real on the we,t, Ind J. Henry fhltn on the curt • itn• Walt n large Tu ,44 , .ry Brick DWELLINCI 1101.75. F.,, with a One•st.•iy Grirk Bock Building at.. tacked. The house i, new Aul iu It business part of tho town, and Is now occupied am a Brig Store.— atot taken in execution as the real estate of Dr. Jatil. A. Armstrong.. PHILIP HANN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflice, Ciuttylliurg, July 17.—ts 4Ten per rent. of the purchase -money upon an '0,4 by the ;Iberia' !Oust be pant over immediately after the proprrty is struck down or upon failure to wntidy therewith the property will 1, again put np or •. REGISTER'S NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legate..., and other persana concerneJ, that the Administration Account. hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of A dela, county for confirmation and a I loWitnre, on MONDAY. the Mb day or AUGUST next, at 10 o'clock, A. Nt e •ic : 143. The fleet nod (loaf aecouat of Ileury J. Vyere, Adanni.tratcr of Andrew Wulf, &rens/el. 144. First and final seeotint of John d. Brinkerhoff, Executor of the last will and testament of Margaret Brinkerhoff, tloce,srl. 145. The fret and until itrooura of John Wa:boy, Troitee for the onto of :;.taco of lfenry D. Rex, dereAsed. rirmt and lin‘l a7,nnt of George B. Brandt, Ey,nt,r of the lust Will awl trntatneut of Christian )1111m, ,I,efiso.l. lii. The secund and final :I,count of:Imola Frey and Willi= foyer, Eneoutors of John George Kershler, deceased. 143. The flnit and final account of Henry Bishop and Henry linir,Lilinifitstrators of the estate of Adain Spitler, deceased. Tho account of Androw Polley, Guardian of Henry Reuben Stallsintili, minor eon of Peter Stall smith, deemed. 160. The first and Snot thol,oolll. of John B. Ghronia• ter, Administrator Estate of Jocob L. °lmmolator, late of Latittoire tser., deem:ed. lot. The acconnt - of it J. blartin, Administrator of the Rotate of .11...1ei Murray, Ilecoalied. 152. The fli sr i.ecoititt of it liJah Warren, Executor of Rio will of I..mc Warren. Into of Houallen twp., deceaeid. 153. The first account of Ann E. Doke and P. D. Dephorn, Ailelieistrators ofJolin Doke, deemed. Thekkardianstsip account of Charles B.Wrlght, Guardian at -crab Ann, 1.11. La W., and Albert J. Cook, flack - , of the minor children tit Jesse Cook, late of De nation WMtaLip. drreascil. 135. The Uo.irtilanaldp account of D. McConnugby, Gnat,Mai of Martini J. C. Neely, oneof the minor children ufJ. :Zoel7, deceased. W. D. notzzwouni, Register. July 17, 1863.—te JURY LIST FOR AUGUST GILA.ND JUICY. CUIPOWftKO. Marital , ' Bally, ture.iten. fluntington. iii Bochum:air. flanitltenbrin. Ebenezer Maginiy. Syron. Martin Itall'ensporzer.' Monntplessant. Fruncit X. iitnith, John Rekenrode Leyte Will. Franklin. Isaac Bucher. Krutillen. Nicholas Abel I'. Wright. Gettysburg. John Caitr. of af., Janice J. Will.. Ikerwick bar. John M. Wulf. Nit,thistown. Joseph Barker. Weeltilton. Albert Storm. Strabazt. Philip A. Myers. John Wertz. Union. Jeremiah Uitt. Comberlanil..• Francis Brow, J. Wohley Lott, Wm 4a ITN g...‘ t. JURY - Gmeitysitarg. Aohort. Martin, John Winebrenner PlitsboittaCOurf, Edo trt *achy, Abraham Stott, W 1.111.1%. King. • • . bl'oantjuy. bow Lightner, Peter Ontdortf. o.lloWagO. Francis 0. Eneoringer, Oregoly DeUone, John King. _ Cut:garland, John Hamilton, H. P. Bigham, Darla W. Homer. Berwick tp. Isaac Wolf. . , Han:diem Nicholas Sioyhansh. Hatter. David Bricker, leenc Shank. Oxford. Alex. IS, liners, James F. ,Neely, Simon Slagle. Wading. J. Henry Myer', Thomas N. Dicks, Wm. Jones.. Union. Daniel OeLleluttn. - Yranklin. Capt. Judi, Mark, Mary Itlokley. Tyrone. Llenre .7. 'Myers, George Hackie', John 1. - Houck. LThortr. Paxton R:Rey A. Roo Ranter, John Nun nargaker. Igitimure. Arnold gerdner.Jaeob P. Asper. Mountplearant.: Jai/melt. 0 itt. i Germany. tArnt R. Rudolph*, Wm. Hatter*. ! Huntington. EisS. Oyer*, Abraham Sheffer. 1 'Keegan:. Plehiinis Rodgers. Strabsta. .Titeoltr Stag. &wand k Gilliland. fiqrwlik hoe. *nary Nobler, Win. kifttlaisr. flecniltonban. itutue O. Meope.Panbel.Altioeker. • cl , ".tere. Clamp Dakar. July Itee4e . NEW MAC-1-11J-NikloP, • T tHE hunis deigned -villa attention o' sew rs Machhke Sh p op, at Adams county, which be has pat u, at larg New e ex°tilted, with the dotartninutiou Mate, mtjamloiy work. Bo will thihtUltellite uariuulltioda of AGEBRIMRAL MACHINERY, etteh •• 'PLlRlddinfa.lllACMitltt, Ittittemmem RAY Act and alit ha" BIJCIrRY/t MOWCII. on hut. for sale. All diecerptioh• B.ILPAMINGI donteprutptly mid u cheaply as papal.. Ila haa la commotion* with him Machine Shan • &TRAM SAW MILL, upon wild& ha will d• all Veda of work la that Hue. tl• &aka the publle to eon and glee Wu • triat, mod he_puarauteee full satlafacttoir. _— M 25, 16611.-41 m GICIBMWB PATNNT asumoutarpra GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND .RAGOKR, With the latest improved Triple -gear ed Horse Power, either Char or This machine luis sacossefullycompefed with sighs best of the diluent patented Grain seprettlint, now bu thereputation of being the best ever produced; in hot, theonty Separator ailjras.l - ever been the public to give general satialutkm. The machine Is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing, beingurmanently died on two wheds. One man can easily move or shift it about, on that it Is not halt the troubleon a barn floor as a common thresher and shaker. It la also email, pat 111morit lion. It is Simple easily managed, reliable, durable, compact and cleanly to work by while In operating, not making near the dust as the common macid or other Separators.ste Fanners can rest assured that this machine la be humbug, and Judging from the high recontamination of term er, that are using them we must ocone to the conclusion that it is the very machine that ferment want. Th e following are a few of the permute who lave used this machine, well known, and to whom the public are referred for further Information: Wm. J. Peter; Flora Dale, Adams co., Penal. . Wm. Kohler near New Oxhii d". • " John D. Plaits, " Oettyabnrir 11/ Henry Iliszbold, York Springs, 4 * Daniel Patera, Benders ville, Orders will be received by either 'of these gentle- " men, as also by Hebert and Hoover, Bast Berlin, Pa.-.. For further Information address ABRAM BIIREHOLDBR, Agent, June 10.-.4131 Clearapring. York co.. Pa. Conowago Phosphate. T EM Conowago Phosphate to datelined to.stand the head qt American Fertilizers. It has already proved its SUPERIOR QIIALITIEIR. `and ample ref= tilicates of its high merits willsoon be furnishes( to the public. The proprietors will spare no means or peel to make It a reliable and uniform article:- It is superior to Peruvian Gonna, because It Is MORE LASTING IN ITS EFERCT and EQUAL TO IT ON TIIE ,NIRST CROP. It does not ovenstimnlato the sell, as moat of the fertilizent In the market do, and leave the land after gathering the first crop In a worse condition than before using It, but It remains an active fertiliser in the soliLand continue. year af ter year to show !Welton every crop that is pat in the land. The Conowago Phosphate contains a lugs/ percent. ago of Ammonia and Phosphoric acid, which ars es sential elements to vegetable hod. They eitherenter directly into the plant or prepua the alkalies In the soil to do so. The base of the Conoerago Phosphate 8 PURE RAW BONE, completely and thoroughly dissolved without the ume of any vidatile agent. One of the great advantages of the Conowngo Phosphate is that it will dlmolve the rand in the soil and ea the silica free to be absorbed by the grow ing plant, which Lea vary important ingredient In giving firmness and strength to the stalk cud grain.— /I mill prevent the falling sat lodging of crops that are forces up by a wet and warm season, acid will greatly facilitate the ripening of the grain and secure ti against the rust. Agencies are being established throughout the country wherever fertilizers are sold. We are not afraid to place it beside th• beet in the country. Let all the farmers and planter) makeup their winds that they will try the Great Conowago Phoss' phate this fall. Price fifty DoMars per ton. BENSON t mAua, Proprietors. igS,The Conowago Phosphate being made rely line, tad thoroughly distlutegrated, make. ft eon voniont to nee In the drill. and mixes more freely with the soil. All farafkri; know the advautitige of fine lert liters. Jcne 17,11468.—i( J. 11. SIIIRtMAN'S REAPERS & MOWERS LTA VINO been agent for this machine but treason, I ./.Inbo ofter It to the farmer this season. It is well known, having taken the premium at the Bender.. silk Fate, also at the Gettysburg Mowing Match over graven others, which were conaidered splendid ma. chines. and likewise at the Dilleburg Mowing Match. II .vitig concluded not to oiler any machine that will not give entire satisfaction, I have refused agencies of e -semi other machines, and now offer this ono es TILE MI AT MACHINE OF THE SEASON Haring tried one myself, I know exactly what It will do. I could refer you to scores of fanners who have purchased machines of me, who are highly pleased and say this Is the only machine they would use. Extras always ma hand, and repairing d , ,ne here at my place. This Is a great consideration—tbe machine can he repaired at home immediately, and with much Ina tots. IX C. SIICAFFER 11. W. BECKER. Another great earing La the BISDIR whirls is at tuned to this celebrated Reaper and Iffbeeer. It Lax been thoroughly tried, and given entire satisfaction—. Pion ung nu harreat band except a driver. This ❑finder can also be •ttachet tb the itespere which hare been sold; bat cannot be attached to auy other machine except Sii i rroten.7. I bere refer youto ii few farmers, in d Mortal localities, who have !Aught and used these coachiaaa Michael Piece!, /Stephen filettistr, Moore Hartman, Mr: Sterner, Joseph Wierman, Mr. Linn, Ulrich Jaeolta, J. It. Hershey Jacob Hartman, D. B. Woodbury, Jacob Lamas, with others, too rimer-As to mention. TLls machine lase a selPralte, side delivery, and Is warranted to do its work as &base recommended. Also on hand, SIIIBEII A IS'S tiELFAMSCTIABGINI) 11012.31? BARR, a 0 rat-rate article, which we will mil at the lowest possible price. Warranted to give satis faction. Also the COLUMBIA RARE always on hand. Machines can be seen at my house, three mile, south of Gettysburg, or at Mr. Conrad Bnyder's Battlefield IloteL LEWIS A. BUSIIIIAN, Jorie 3.— tf Agent. 17 .1,1,tiABLE PROPERTY AT. PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers at Private Sale the Yarn, on which ho now resides in Butler township, on the road leading from Dell't Mill to Middletown, about 1 mile f. out Aratultsv tile, adjoining lands of John Hanes, Wm. Taylor ' and altars, and containing 100 ACES, more or l ee.. The Traprovernenta consist 01 a two-story LOG WEATILIiItiIOAKIAID•LiKKLIe INO with a Kitchen attached, a good trams Bank Barn, Carriage House, Shop and Spring House, and other outbuildings; a good well of water near the door, soda running Spring is the Spring Rouse; a thriving Orchard of A pple undall kindsof choice fruit. The property In in good condition the land In a Ono state of cultivation, and the buildings In thorough repair—the dwelling being sufficiently large to ac commodate two families. About IS Acres aro In wood Meadow, and about 25 Acres In Timber. It lies on the Cooowngo The location and surroundings snake it a very ilealnib le property. Persons wishing to view the premlaca, or ascertain terms, will apply to the subscriber tesldirt thereon. June 24.-2 m DANIEL ARIINDT. At FIRST CLASS FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, it 113 two miles of Gettysburg, on the Har risburg road, with all necessary improve ments, and In prime order. I will sell from 100 to 160 Acres, to suit purchasers. Terms reasonable. For further Information, apply to W.M. WIBLE, Gettysburg, Pa. Sept. 18—tf TO PROPERTY THE undersigned offers at Private Bale, the old DOBBIN DWIILLINGIO4 the Jetic , lion of the Taneytown and Rmixtittiburg roads, In the borough of Gettysburg. The house Is stibetautially built, of stone, and rentable twelve large rooms.— here Is a atroptg, sever-felling Epee( of drat rate water in the bategterri and 1% Acres of land °mime ad with It. The location is a very pleasant one. and with a little additional matey this coahl be wade ens of tho most coutihrtable and deal/able banal ie the borough or its vicinity. • N0v.13,11,0f-ti VALUARLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE ELALE. The undersigned oiersat PthniCsi, We the desirable property, situate in Freedom ,township, on the Nit mittsbarg road, near biotite., Tavern, containing 30 ACRES, more or Mos, improvid with a Miro Sot- PRAME DWELLING and Reek-building, Log Brun sad other ontMarldingkon Orchard Or choice Mal all kinds, a well°, good water aullTmieut to lb* Jeer and other improvement. The land is In good order and the locative a destrabi• one for wore or maellao ical business. Any person desiring to view the pm*. isodi will call on H. 11. JACOBS, reidding' WIN adjoining property of Hobert .bicUurdy. TM= reas onable June 17.--3 m StaZA MI JACOBI NVESTERN PRE-EMPTIORLANDS. I hare on land • few TRAMS of No. I second band, preemption Leads located near Rai I roads, °minty Towns, Ac., In well settled aelialtiir liooda whkh I tlll mit, or asslisami ai a ler lido* for loud Distate In Adam. anent], . 41170. yeb.x.,l26B.—ef lOtawattoglutlttp, at. H ARDW A RE ♦ND 0 I.OOIZIN R II V r o hear there her eine t returned Prom the dale* with en inuneure aupply or riAItDIVARX QV°. ORRIKB, which they're offering at 0.14(141 staid its Baltimore 'tree; at prices to suit sb• thew. 01111. atozk eousiste in part of • arpent er's Tool s . illatikemith'rteole, Oeaok/Indlsig • Shoe ?Indio's, - Cobloot Moksr's Tools, Vlonsakoortes Ti startle Alllllnde Of itballiti b i. OR o cxx tza 07 4%L KIN "0114Psinte.te.olea. thereta•eartielel the /overall department , naeuticuadeboys. Can be bed at thin Store. Kvery diesel' itt te s ea be seenonmetatad bore trltit tents 1 11 . 1hlialleil, and iloneakeepere can dud cetCery artte tit tbiat Uno. Give uescall as ssooSsiOripossw t o i.it u di nv brood' isoniathst hosiss..o,telsaspots, . . TIALIPTIMIIbaLItIL JOU P. DAM* Kisige /116/ ata gaintilf folptenstats, dr AT NEW OXPORD teti JAOODATOON Belt. TEE GREAT PaILPAIIXD By C. W. BENSON, Ar, D., LITTLEBTOWN, PAS .ettt otirtt cfaito. A. DESIRABLE AT PRIVATE SALE JOIN IIZTP. al