A begat trip. N.- -The Annual Elec for* rtwddent and Tiditeen Directors of UR' , nra Bettle•flekl Memorial Alltlacintien," will .1! :ceduantahlty's Hall, Got tysburg.. me 11.31 of AO. 1568, between the heurs C ...And 2 o'clock, P. trier or the Beard, D. hIceOZCAVAIIr. Secretary. account of Join , nbonittre of F 4! 4E Dula, 41,itt ,4hi.a9, bzilet and Isaac crapy ab.rs t•raby. deceased, ha Lan the Conrt ..f,Commn, I' wag of Adam* county, he I onfirmed he said Conri, on Mr 17th day t. 144 con•e be shntrn to the can. .1. R. . 1 , 6 S ,4t, TlCE—is 'hereby given that 1-ern Mule to the Court of • I'kto of Adaresrennty. for the Charter of •nollen Ihfildin ^ As,ocfat fon,".and that Alan ' 714 day ff _1 < . t of 10 0 - eke); , A. fixed fix the hea . rino of the same, when It rant.) unleas sonvient cOllOO-to the contrary Itv the Court -::t_ KITZMILLER, Ptothy. CI(; E. t ters Testament ary , n. estate of Jog. Iramttr, late of 3lenallen A 3 tir, deCeased, baring been t tio• en.lcrittittekl. residing in said coirrisb4. odo git'e tlot to ,11 itt , sonsindebted to %LI 3*, EMI' payment. and those ba r in ~me to pri .ent them propert y ,rated f mcrt(lria,n t. 311 . T11 31. .1 A N 1 F. \VRItIII 1,, Executrix ECITTOIZ'S NOTICE.—Let r,7 . 10 t , :l711 , 11 . 1 on the estate of NAT/TAMIL or Liberty t ,, unsbin,A,lntris cone ,g 6.. n granted to the undersigned, both of ton n*l4, they hereby give notice to all per to amid estate to snake Immediate pay- I 'tlt. boring claims against thesnmetopre ;,-01+Tiy authenticated for settlement. JOHN 11 . 1 US 9 IlL3ILIN, Executor. ANN \l)], I.I:A.Y:ON, Flxecntris. )ITOIt'S NOTICE.—Th e un stop-duns! by the Orphaoe' A iuns Attity, l e distribet e the betene e i n t dr:REM/AU SIILLLT. Assignee of LgwL, ..1 Sftrr ., to and amongst the creditore I th, aft,.ll to the dutien of amid tbi. t.ttice r,t Me , 'oti stunt. & KliArru t%,. _7th (lay of July 7,71, and all parties toter. t,) be pres , ..ot. J. M. liftAUTll, Auditor. ;Kit ITT NOTICE. --Eastern tri,t of Penn.ylvaain, Ilt (let tyllbllrg, thr P. A . p. 7SAS. dersigned hereby gives notice of his aoint .lgttee of kaaNC pp L, 8. Illizteassa, of Eng not, of Adams and State of Pennsylvania, id District, who has been adjudged a liank , lue own prtition by the District Court of ,pNIN PICKING, designee :ICE TO CONTRACTORS. still Ito arrived Slit• Board Or <.1,444 MEI ===t2IMEIIM J. H. SHIREMAN'S REkPERS & MQWERS THE GREAT Conowago Phosphate. PEEPARED lit r. 111,MON, Jr, 1)., LITTLESTOW N. PA ° #arittigi, - - Buggies and Caniages ()v A. MHZ wribboarbalbiave l f hie earebow.h. bfk AV lZetteL.w il i ttllZA l4 o:lll7l . l4 l • l 44 4 :i w bb CA RRIAGES ; TROTTING ifc I ING-TOP BUGGIES, JAGGER WAGONS, Ita, &C. • His- wort is all pat up of rod atatmlal am by the beet of amehaalaa, malmasoll AU to Oa ssU.. Action. Übe prices ere always reasoitable. • Ita:tallt• its orders, emollient that twain plaits. • BRPAIRING promptly 4arto, st aotronlie na44. Jul? 1, 196&-4/ CARRIAGE -MAKING RERNED The war being Inert 11 101, llaiffigibetliene remote the CARRIAGI44IWLING at their old stand, la idiot tUdadaillodt. where tho aro IptaiPtSidc! 1 1, 401 P wont hi 16 Al t fraddonatoto=a and saparloo tionoar A lot of new add - ha mom, ea, , . on hand, which they will dfimme of at the loweei prices, and ill orders will. be sappliod as promptly and natishetorlly aa possible. eIIirREPAIRING4I3 done with dbipateltoind at cheapest rates., " A large lot of new and old ITASNESS hand (or sale. Thankful for the liberal patronage beretolbre so- Joyed by them, they eollettand will endeavor to de. serve • large *herein the future. May 20.-tf • ,MAJIMMIhk TaitOLltll.. DAVID IicCREARY. JOUN P. NaCRICARY "Best always Cheapest." THE Best and cheapeeti, SADDLES, RRIDLW, CO.LZ.dii'S and, HA R NESS oj kind 4, to the aunty are always to be thand at the, old and ltio/ail stand, st.,oppcwitethePteebyterian('linrrb . Car 11 ,C Irt p A 7 1 7 ) Our IthlLug and Wagon Saddles, are the most substantially built and neatest, Our Harness, (plain and silver mount ed,) are eamplete la every respect and warranted to ht of the very beat material and workmiusblp. Our upper leather Draft Collars, Coll NOT nr: near. They are the boat FITTING and most tinrable. Our Heavy Draft Harness, are made to order, as cheap as they cant,* made auy whore and In tho most rabotantial manner. Riding Bridles Whips, Loshes,Draft, flames, If !peers and *combing in the Itne; better or chropr. Our prices have been nanrcan to the lowest lirlng standard. A liberal percentage Ibr cash, MT all bills 1111101Intiog to $5 or more. We work nothing but the best of stock and wiU warrant story article turned out to be In every rowel as represeuted. _ Thankful for past favors we tuella attsntlon to our present stook ma lye as a call and examine tat= mgr quatairy. Jan.29.15G8.-tf D. McCREAIT & BON. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES TATE I CULP Are now building • variety of 00ACII WORK of the Latest and most approved styles, and ponittratt ed of the beet inaterla4 to which they Invite the anon. tfon ~of buyers.. flaring built our work with great care, and of material selected all* special relhinsase to beauty of style and durability, we can conAtket iy recommend the work as tuumrpassof by any other In or out of the citing: AU we ask is an inspmatkus of our work, to convince those in want of any kind of • vehicle that this is the place to bay them. sa-REPAIRING eiret, branch done ni •horn mottos and on resionoble terns, Givens a call at oar Factory, near the corner Waaldngton and Cbanthersburg streets, Gettysburg, Pa. stwing THE AMERICAN BUTTON - HOLE OVERSEAMINO SEWING MACHINE CO.. In directing attention to their CELEBRATED 0011• BINATION BUTTON HOLE k SEWINa MACHINE, beg leave to refer to its wonderfni pcpniarity u con. clusire proof of Its great met h. The increase in tho demand for thlirainelleansehlais hos been TEN VOID (tiring the Mµ wren vomtilia of Ha first year beibre the - "This g , oinii nn4 surprflingiwrats in tinprecedersird in the histnry of sewing-machines; and We feel fitly warrant-4 in clnitnine, that it HAS NO EQI7AtI BEING ABSOI4UTELS THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN UTE WORLD, Antl Intrinsically the Cheapest It Is toally two machineamenblited in one. (bye sim ple and bearitifig mechanical arrangement s ) making both the Mhuttl^r hock-etltch, and the OTATestaing and Bolton hole stitch, with equal facility and, pwr feet fon. It execute. In the eery twit manure every n. riety of Sowing, each as, Momenta& Tucking, Stitching, Itraiding *Ad Quilting, Gathering and Sewing on, (done at the alma times) and in will. Mon, OveriamMes Embroider' an the edam an 4 mete. be:math' Button and Eyelet Moles In all fabrics. Every Machine Is warranted by the Company. cc P Agents, to give entire iatkfactlou. Circniara with full rr.rilaulano and pomp lee of woo, dale nn this Machine, run be had en appileation as th• Salesrooms of the C Top,ny. IV Ow. Eleventh and Chestnut Ntr,,r, Ph iladelph • Instr:ctio3s glyea on the,Mw•ptgo■l I the Comymny grottniton.ly tatil pelrlia■an, • AiiIIINTS Pi ANTE', if REDBRICK PAYIIO.S. W. H. StraneNHAlL, Tersanre.r. D. it. ROBISON, Gel iyota rg , fI MAY . 27-1/ THE ,FLNKLE & LYON LOCK STITCh SEW IN( MACHINE, WITH NTW AND IMPORTANT ISI PRONTAWPI3. The. ilheapria Goon Machine in the IVor/d AGE N'tir IV A NDOID IR, ~CYItY cow 4 . libfral Ctimb Prfin 444641 for met, Incld Lem,' • *!.ll4biali,e,ititt* • .:+ N INNA'Arft, 3,11 , Ul l ida:; B4l, f 4 '" (4 w. K.YIALEArtUrX