--- lhiliffeltr ir r : 0 ttBZA '8 PATENT SZL4,4I.I6ULATING RAl.ti SEPARATOR , CLEA.NER AND BAGGER, rith the latest- improved Triple -gear ed I for.% Poises, ither Gear or Belt. This machine has enceasertillfg oatupeted with all•tba at of the different patented Ural. Sispacistius, sad .sr has the reputation of bring the beet Separator „pe,atse e d; in tact, the only taparator ahal Chain tr lsetore the public to give ganentt tatittaction. no machine is conveniently arranged for bawling .11 Ihresbing.being permanently fixed on two wheals. e man can easily more or start it about, so that It not Leif the trouble on a barn door at a common trailer and .baker. It is also easily put In opera ", It is simple. easily managed, reliable, durable, s pact and cleanly to work by while in operation, making near the dust as the common machine or her Separaton. Farmert can rest wore.] that 11th. madam* fs uo and judging from the Mei recommendation farm ers that are using theru we must Currie to the .clurdim that it is the very machine that farmers rat Le furrowing arm a few of the ptrwga who have Nt tbi. machine. well known, and to whom the blip ..re ref.wred (or further information: Was J. fete,., riot. Dale, Adam. co., Peun•. ro. Kohler, near New o.ifund " • John D. Houtz. Gettyaborg Ilartkvid, York Spring,., ‘• Daniel t 4 ash hr rec,ired by either of thew* gentle rn, a. also by Hebert and limiter, Last Berlin, Pa.-- .1 lu, t her fat.riliAt lon •chkr.k ABRA3I BURKHOLDER, Agent, Clearspring. York co, Pa. 11=11=1 1 Al'l'.llS AND MOWERS. uDGE.S' PATENT 01HO AND BUCKEYE, BALL ,t COMPANY'S - 0111.1)'S REAPEIt ST. MOWER. AVING had considerable expe -1 ro nee Iu th•• halt of Reaping and Mowing Ma ny.. in thr last f-w year,. I have made It a point • tier to In.tr line to the former that will not whets rooghl) te.ted gire:general AUL! hence a d.,11114.1 the none) for all but what I regard • very be-t In the market. I now offer to the no-r the' a. •ming 6scoot, two of what I conolder beat road:lin,. in aso. Last wwoun I cold thirty. •,( the 01110 11 BUCKEYE Patent which hare en entire ..41left• (ion. No machine has been iro ned, neat her ha. there been any difficulty with any to wh•i, (lacy wetc sold—all paying fur their him& promptly. C,•rtifieates from those who e purchased, could be procured but I deem it un. .-weary—but for information would refer their, tang machine. to any of the following gentlemen .purehased and here Wen using these machined: • b kafrentipergcr, Edward Wagoner, ot, rialer, Samuel Woner, illiam Wert, Jr., ag John Brinkerhon, en) amin Bigh t•.I.• • orn, Raab afghan:. dal Il.•rner, Dr. Goldebonoagh, HerUot, Henry Bp, _ . renr~ oeeph Gelbaugh, Bpanglei, James bfarshall, veep. Calberteon. Frederick Peter, eorge Bushey, Henry We!kart, allied March. Henry Butt, hie machine has been awarded Modals and first e tuna by the Penneylvanla, lowa and Now 'York e raimend by hundreds of County Fairs In all of the country, including the Adams &linty s, having received the firm Premium at Benders in the fall of land, and et Gettysburg in IBM, art best on exhibition. hie machine has met with the moot complete ant , • In every section where it has been introduced, s taken precedence neer machines which bay. etofore ranked as arid vin s. compactneu, light of draft, excellence and elegance of workmanship finish, combined with great strength and to all kinds of work, it will sun ass any m ad = tofore offered to the farmer. The Self-Rake on machine hos keen considerably improved In tin Season, and la warranted to give general satin ion or no sale. THE WORLD'S MOWER ANB RRAPER. • • his It au entire new machine, but Judging tram nutruction and the tostimonlala it haa received.. ill be the leading machine. The gearing is cut out ,•lid Irun, making every wheel and cog exact, tlb up close, and running as true as a clock, which. 'ea the machine mach lighter of drift, and nu Mite. of cog. or wear. The gearing to all do/n.11.5, in t cue the um• se a watch, entirely ezeiuthing or, dirt, or grass, and Indeed prereutisag ueoey g that is calculated to prove injudcus to, atm. m•. evy. To 11, you simply open the lie titian all the g places ure exposed and convouhautiy oiled.— Imre at• all encastal the VALLI • - 4a the gearing ante tu the same way, and when ot;s:ti Lightened dowa--- • I. lau danger of working hose, as is the caws • other machine'. The Company do not hat is ying that thia machine, with proper omit, ttlki • man a life time, which is • . mattes mossy •er should take into conshieratton, Wet% hnislng t e present high prices of machine'. cESTIMONX 01 J&COB. R. 'sso67L6. LINUA.MOILE., FP.11.D . 1., , 643.11=, 1866. a. Wit. iSlacc:—Last yoar 5 purchased ono of ll's WORLD'S R.P.APERA, we' used It last har in in cutting my oats Cartia and Grass and some .7 neighbors, and hats no hesitation In saying It gave use more satisfaction as • combined !as tir% asY L have ever used, although I hair* some seven or eight other machines. s ,•acrd an, atuaraet, atzta clO net hwltats to • mead it as such to any person wanting a first. machine. J. D. TR0111 , ..g. lti It Imo furnish BALL'S OHIO to those witting. machine. can furnish these machines to suit fiansioes s and: sell as single Mcirer• or Combined Multiuse as ers — fielf - BAkto4-Huld-Rake—Dropper—sor Drop and Hand Rake combined. I am alga agent for k'S DROPPYR, which can be attached to any, • of machine. Those having old machines on, and wishing a Dropper can be accommodated.by, tog in their orders early and naming the kind: whine to which they wish them to be attached.. mple machines can Le seen at the maiden :sr od' übscriber, two runs. from Hattrahara. Rare. IF EMU, ur MO WaTCLIOILIe or t:AtiliAN bit t o•Hystinrg, Pa. iso keep on hand • 1-790T11 RAY RAKES, STAT4,44LOUGHAti EEL) CUTTERS AND PARNIN..74-VPIa- RENTS GENERAI,j rmen would do well to exemsh4o 111 7. nesch.hasejr buying elsewhere as j t,e4p bat AO trae constautly on ismul t WI I bAre lifirde At emeuts to have reipadriag doaa la lbw but pos wanner At alwrt tactics awl acealorsto charges. 21.--ato WM. WIBLE. J. H. SIIIREMAN'S 1 4TERS & MOWERS lfiti beau agent for this machine last season, I also offer it to the farmer title season. It Is well it, haying taken the premium at the Benders. Fair, also et the Gettysburg Mowing Match over others, which were considered epic/did KM. a, and likewise at the Dillsburg Mowing Match. 11gram:hided not to Offer any machine that will ire entire sati■hction, I hate refused agencies seral other mathinea, and now offer Mils one as; liE (MEAT 31ACIIINE OF TUE SEASON, ug tried oue myself, I know exactly wh•,a Is w in could refer you to scores of farmer! who hoee aulal machines of In I, who are higl;,4 p i Need and lit it the only machln• they wohla iyio s roe always on hand, and repelling .Ipae here at lace. This is a great consideraliwn—ttientexhimi e repaired at hdhe itumel6,l3.la, and with mach net. other great saving is tl s o .111,1iDgp, whi c h l a a t. to this celebrated Rover and Mower. It has thoroughly trituk,MXll given mails saidslactkit ring to Itextml, hand except a driver. This r can also be attached to the Reaper s which been sold; but cannot attacitt4 any other 'he except kliirsaases, ill here refer 70v,i4 a few &mere, In different ties, who har• Linght anti hied these machinee : gclutel 71,wecl, Stephen Osttler s o ft w tia t t mac. Mr. Sterner, .444. Wier M r. Mr. Lium 4.l,Jar .I„ Hershey 4 I.ltar‘.ne'n, B. B. PftwxUeurn, Jacob Leman, fleece, too numerons to mention. machine has a sell.ralte aide delivery, and • ted to do It. work ••• ab ove recommended. • on ham/. SHIRILIA.NII SILLY-DISCIILROING SILLIER, • Iret.rate article, which we will all knead pomtble price. Warranted to give fatte n. Aim the COLOMBIA RASE alwayi on hand. Limes can be Mon at my boas., Quetzal.' moth • ty /burg, or at Mr. Conrad linyder's Sattlebld LSW/8 A. BUSHMAN, Agent. !EOM EW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD. lIE undersigned calls attention to his new Machine Sllop, at New Oxterd, s county, which he beta put up, at loco *spouse, tb• deterculaiallou to do good Asa welialictory . Le will manufactuce various lauds of GRICULTERAL MACHINERY, TURKS/ LINO hi AC111268, SPILING•TOOTII 8. *c.; sod will keep the DUCH IntXiP/tR tR ou bug. lier solo. remotions of IMPLIRILIiti dose promptly sad y as pangs. baa la commotion with Me Mulatto Amp a Y g,hw MILL, upon which 16 will do all kis& k La that Mae. s Ilia public to call .04 AM* Win . trial, aad 0.(••• 01111 satisfact km, 1&111.-6al JACOB STOCK VIM tarts. HOOP SKIRTS, T. HOPKIN'S "(MN 81A93‘ • "KE YSTO 4 NTX SKIM," • best and COMA Pin UM ?tom Ilooplikirta la t. Tral 4 \ 4 Bklrts. 21 , ' , lmlay, $1.00; 30 andsl3o; 0 sstaga, 111..44. MIS nista 0 20 06 , 06ip, C•ata; 26 igerlaga 95 Cleata ; apriap, $1.26. Warranted in irlfN Yaks" of ITNION 1111311151. ,,, liana from 20 to 50 spring, sus, so sus— six Saga.,2o to 60 spring", am 116 is Cs non Ulna are better thew tbaseaddbyeeket eau a; Ind clam goe•Oamal ad mash lower r OWN bloke of "CILILIIPION lU&TV era 1 W to tabor User Skirt* babas b soS .sly hare lobe efutalotod or work Ina ' " sr sae of Wu bet . ltsaadultorod of lboolleb Stag Iterloga very se. types, mad she 476 of Us* 'Wolk hiatealliga, M serarlog Owe mesa; ter dirsbWto soy *tam Skirt ta teeatry, east um, mon elm* will iner , teiger: Oft Una, and aro rally clasper thy all kain Mir Lipoid try Gest. Thity as biliM taialrely by Ilbashos ta tbroughoat tbait • • wooer at vary faodorst• prim 7i pa beet, ask bter “Hopkin's do not god fat get he """"" eat to order flos s, s tor t eofl, or owes or road to as. Wadies to wal IGO air ail/groat Pedal to exactly ea go u tietieo". w. "Pra,V ad awl eosadao ear srAsoldrif rainvi t wat., 24 2Pric• b umaceyli•and oto ad at , and at Whoissmas the Mun k , • * eis Y. to au orders sboald Us addressed. AdtraWir AID B,ALISSOCI/411214.11cR1y, eth sul 7th lola, Maulpida. WY. T. lICIOVINA. jUL4O. AND FANCY OB PRINTINO, DONX PROXPTILY AT lITAN AND BINTINN. MICR.. t ORPHANS HOMESTELD --On Friday ,' GETTTSWGI BUSINESS DIRECTORY, . ~ Was evening lasrthe . dhildren of the . Nailonal 1 ht *444 'Snai (s. ddrtrUseinextr.) , Orphang' Homestead had a pleasant time ATTORWITII AT LLW. ; iLL-A009 . /tUral /ran, the , programme •be- , IRarigni•Yor $Ha thei, street, t r 7, l4l " arg 7: Ma ' fug specially arranged with reference to a 1 D. Wills, Ou Y Public Square, in residence! rft we. LOST.—On Friday last, a gold Sleeve commemoration of the Battles of July , lA. J. Cover, Baltimore et, near Fahnestock's Store. i 0 A Buehler, Baltimore street, in residence. Button, with the letter Lin black ground. 1863. The evening was very warm, pre- 1 * * • BARBRA. The finder will please return to this office. venting, doubtless, many from being pros- I .1. W. Tipton, N. R. ear. Public Square. _.......____...._____... i eat j yet the large Hail was , about two 1 • BLSZ.I.T. TALL RTE.—Capt. JOHN Lloartalt, or thirds full. The H a ll had been tastefully i 'Newport k Ziegler, Washington st. near Chamb'g. st. Mountjoy township, sends us several { HOOT • SHOLIAILIS. draped for the occasion with National stocks of Rye measuring seven feet, cut 1 I D. Kitamiller A Bro., York st opposite Beak. above the ground. 1 flags, the children of the Homestead, with i D. H. Klingel, seta, between Middle and nigh. 1 the officers of the Institution, occupying , CONFICTIONS, TOTS, SC. NEW JOB PRFSS.—We have received 1 the platform. The word "Gettysburg," ' i r i l i .e i tt7 g i i i ii : n o t i a m we r an s t r u e r ' ;'ot r o a l : g ait Church our new Gordon Card Press, Old are now ' in large gilt letters, was arranged in a semi- John M. Minnigh, Baltimore Street, P ring square. prepared to turn out Cards and Circulars circle over the platform, with "1863" nn- 'John Gruel, Chambersburg street, near Eagle Hotel. of all kinds; Letter Heads, Bill Heads, derneath, and a drapery of national flags. I . w.. C. etnu e : i P t y k TIRS A:t D I. . r c k o w id t It r A e t iO tt E r tl.. , . Checks, Tickets, dcc., in PLAIN and FANCY The boys were all. uniformed in a grey 1 Wm. Chritmasn, West street, near . Lmbersru i rg re .. i colors, in the best style, at low rates, and suit, with officers, miniature guns, .t e. Cashman k Rowe, York street, second square on short notice. . Give us a call. and went through the military drill. The - _ girls wore white bodies with blue sashes. HARVEST.—Oar Farmers are now in The programme of exercises was as fol the Midst of the Grain harvest. The grass l ows: crop has been unusually heavy. The I—Chant by the Children. Wheat and Rye, as a general thing, gives 0 .aycr-ytrot. prOaliae of a good crop, although in some (in concert) by the Children. sections they have been affected some- 4.—Proyers. (Choral and recitative.) Maria Lane, Ps., Little Chew, Pa., Lizzie 13onrtz, Mich., Amelia what by weevil and rust, especially the ^ later grain. • Long, Pa., Sarah Bennett, Pa., Rosa Self, Naomi Metz, Pa. LIFE INSURANCE.—The matter of s—Salutadion to the Flag.—F.Humiaton, N. Y., C. S. Washburn, Conn., L. Brown, N. Y, W. J. Lane, Pa. Life Insurance is attracting more than . IAII.I Hail to the Flag eopeeriesa in might, usual attention. In to-day's paper will Hail to the Flag with the red, blue and White. be found the Card of the "New England S—B•atileful Flayr.—Annie Robb, Pa., Suet* Camp. Mutual Life Insurance Company of .Mas- bell, Pa., Addle Swope, Pa., Lizzie West, Pa , Eliza sachusetts," which is represented to be Sorber, Pa, Maggie Ruasell. Pa , F. Robertson, Pa., one of the best in the country. wm. Emma Limber, PA., Sallie i'arloy, Pa., Bella Hunter, Pa KING, Esq, of New Oxford, is the Agent for this county 9—Gettysburg Battle Saw.—L. Brown, N. Y., Jessie F. C. GARDNER'S child, 'Whose Archer, N. Y., Al2llllO Steck, Pa., Era Brown, N. Y., death from burns wo noticed last week, Ruth Metz, Banta, Mich., Alice Humiston was but 2 years 9 months old, instead of 6 N.Y., Ida Metz, Pa., Minute (Meanie, Mich., Mary J. years. The mother had gono for some D' ll ""tin° ,l ''• water, leaving the little girl in the kitch- h" " ; 0:i'(11alun')l p bvystwheo eChildren.a r Tyn to en, whose Clothes took fire while putting Wallace, Pa, "l P. {real, p y Pa., Arin; p „. P . a chip in the, fire. She immediately ran Humistbn, N. Y.; out In search of her mother, and was [All.] For our flag, borne firmly through the fray, found so badly burnt that she died next Gloriously triumphed, fire years this day day, as stated last week CARDS.—With our now Gordon Jobber, In yonder peaceful home, so bloat. 13—Re narks by Prof. Yuma and Drest Parade by and full assortment of 'Fancy Job Typo, I,y the Boye we are prepared to furnish, at au hour's gby the Children. notice, allkinde of Visiting or Business I I.7.—Benedictimiby Rev, Mr. Ila.mumiracan. Cards, Wedding Cards, Ball. Concerts and The singing wag led by Lieut. Nort•roN, Lecture Tickets, In PLAIN or FANCY cal- Principal of the Institution, with a Mo ors, equal to the bast City work. Our lodian. The "String, Band" was also pros new Gorden works beautifully, and eau .-ent and contributed much to the enter be seen in operation any day. tainrnent. There are about 70 Orphans in PAID PROMPTLY. ome nine or ten the Homestead, which seems to be rably managed. months before his death,Rev. —r. P .• • ER took out a Policy for Li,ooo in the OLD NEWSPAPERS.—There is attach- Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of od to the report of the State Librarian for Philadelphia. The Company promptly 1867, a partial list of the Newspapers in paid the 1E6,000, on being apprised of Dr. Pennsylvania which we have taken an in- B's death, together with $126 Premium, terest in ex.aming. The list is exclusive which had already accrued on the Policy. ' of the papers iu Philadelphia and Pitts- The Card of this Company will be found burgh. The oldest paper on the list is the in our advertising columns—Hs:car J. York RepubMlan, established in 1789. F.saxneroca, of this place, being agent 1 The next oldest is the Franklin Reposi for Adams county. to r t', established in 1703. The next oldest is the German edition of the York Gazette, established in 1794. The next oldest is the Lancaster Inlelligencer, established in 1799. The next in age is the Gettysburg SENTINEL, established in 1800, by the father of the senior Editor of the firm now owning the STAR AND SENTINEL, and the Norristown Defender, established in the same year. Our paper is now larg er than either of our seniors, and is among the largest in the State. We may add, it is furnished at a lower rate, considering size and amount of reading matter, than al most any other. We append some details from the list C MIT T ED.—On Tuesday last drunken Irishmen, hailing from Balti more, made his appearance on our streets, inspired by bad whisky and bad politics, mingling cheers for "Jeff. Davis," "Bob Lee," and the "Copperhead Ticket," with reckless blasphemy. Officer WEIKERT took him before Burgess MYERS, who committed him to Jall for 24 hours, to give him time to sober down. The poor fellow doubtless thought himself in . New York city, forgetting that the Rebel-Cop perhead Convention was not in session in Gettysburg. DEATH OF AN OLD PRINTER.— The Cincinnati papers notice the death of Joit:v MCCIZEARY, one of the oldest practical printers of that city. He wag a native of Gettysburg—his father (..Texts A. Mc- CREAKY) having kept a hotel sonic ao years ago on Baltimore street, opposite the .'Star and Sentinel" office. The deceased worked in the "Sentinel" office, during his minority, under the senior editor of this paper. He subsequently wont West, and for awhile published a paper in Wheeling, Va.., removing thence in 1&5.4 to Cincinnati, where be was largely identified with the Trade Leagues and similar organizations. DEATHS.—JACOB ZrEGLEEL L OIIO Of the oldest citizens of Harrisburg" - ailed 97 years, died on the 30th ult. He was a brother of EMANUEL ZIEGLER, Sell., de ceased, formerly of this place. Hon. W. H. KURTZ, formerly member of Congress from York and Adams, died ro.at York, of paralysis, on the 24th ult., in his 65th year. HENRY DELLONE, of Franklin Grove, Illinois, formerly of East Berlin, Adams county, died very suddenly at his resi dence, at the former place, on the 21st ult. His remains were brought to Mast Berlin, and interred at Paradise Church, near AL bottstown. HOT WEATHER.—JuIy opened time ly in the way of hot weather. All last week the heat WEIS excessive. On the Ist, 2d and 3d, the thermometer registi-red 96' in the shade, while on the 9th it went up Q 0 90°, and on Sunday to 103° ! Towards evening the intense heat was broken by a heavy storm of wind and rain, which came up from the North and East, the mercury going down rapidly to 750. The Storm of Sunday evening in the eastern part of the county did considera ble damage to growing crops, throwing down the grain and corn, prostrating trees, Om The Lutheran Church in New Oxford was struck by lightning, but not seriously damaged. In the neighborhood of Littlestown there was considerable hail. SCHOLARSHIP ASSIGNED.— Some six or seven years ago, Hon. EDWARD MeßuartsoN purchased a Perpetual Schol arship in Pennsylvania College, and g ave to the School Board of the Borough the privilege of assigning the first incumbent of It from the most meritorious pupils in the Public Schools—with the condition that in case of equality of grade in schol arship and general good conduct, the pu pil having the least means should be pre pared. The scholarship was then assigned to Mr. BENZ. E" SNYDER. Mr. S. having completed his studies, Mr. McPherson a year ago generously toneweci the otTer to the Board with similar conditions, and the announcement was made to the pu pils of school No. 1 at the commencement of last term. At the close of the session, *was -found by examination of the School Register that ROMA2COI3 SNYDER had the highest average marks, and the Board ac oordingly,assigned to him tit Scholarship. The Board has also the control of an other Scholarship in the College, founded by Mr. THOMPSON, of Lancaster, but with different conditions—the Board being re quired in all cases to have reference to the means of the pupils in assigning it, This Scholarship is now vacant, we believe, and will probably be given out at theclose of the next term. THE FOURTH.—The Borough author ities having modified the ordinance against the sale and firing of fire-works, ao far as concerns the national holi days, "Young America". held high carni val during the night of the 3d and the morning of the 4th. All night long there was an Meesaant explosion of crackers, guns and pistola,'with occasional rockets. At 4 o'clock, A. M., the day was formally ushered In by the ringing of bells and martial music. The Zousves, Capt. Non- RIS, drilled ,trom„ 4 to 6 o'clock, A. M., firing saint% at regular intervals. The /Paw Bead w asqr °.q...40 as a number of national _airs. The streets were alive at earli. hour, Pli , napartier ,to ,spend the day in the, woods. As the Wore on, the avraltering rays of the sun pouring down ban „a cloud less sky druvesuAtef our citiserur as re mained in-doorOuulthe streetap resented the quiet of a tdriett observed Sabbath ,SPia'ataieca titrited_sza hYoung merles" again took poarepodon of the streets with, their fire work'. Taking It all In all it was a pleas ant "Fourth," no' aceldent of any kind occurring to mar the festivities of the day ,' One three year old chap—the Junior's youngest—evidently favorably impressed with the noise, and frolic, and confusion, wants 10 know when "July" will oome - -........- on his side, fracturing a rib, and prcxluc . PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE.—The ing general prostration of his system.— final Examination of the Senior Class took . Dr. O'NEAL was called in. place last week. The first honor was as- Last week, ayoung son of PI us SNEER signed to A. J. ERDMAN, of Macungie, Pa., INciEn, of Couowago township, fell from the 2d to P. K. EnnmAN, of Centre Val- a log at the building of a now ham, re ley ; the 3d to W. C. STOEVER, of Gettys- ceiving a severe cut in his face and injur burg ; and the 4th divided between E. S. Ing one of his legs. BREMENBAUGH, of Gettysburg, and J. W. RICHARD, of Winchester, Va. The Latin Salutatory was assigned to W. C. STOEVER, the Greek Oration to A. J. ERD HAN, and the Valedictory to P. K. ERD MAN. • Thee closing exercises of the College and Seminary will take place the second week , in August, as follows: Aug. 9—Baccalaureate Address, by Rev. lir. VALENTINE, in morning. Aug. 9—Sermon before the young men's Christian Association of the College, evening. Aug. 10—Memorial Discourse on Presi- dent Baugber, by Rev. Dr. Morris, of Baltimore, evening. Aug. /I—Holman Lecture on the Augs burg Confession, by Rev. Dr. Scbmne- ker, of Gettysburg, afternoon. Aug. 11—Address to Seminary Alumni, by Rev. S. A. Holman, of Phila., eve ning. Aug. 12—Junior Exhibition, morning. Aug. 12—Address before Philo Society, by Rev. Dr. Park, of Andover, after noon. Aug. 12—Address to College Alumni, by Rev. George Parson, of Milton, eve ning. Aug. 13—Commencement Exercises. The Directors of the Theological Semi nary, will meet on Tuesday morning Aug . . 11, and the Trustees of the College on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 12. We understand that Prof. WXLKEN has resigned the German Professorship, .to take effect at the close of the present ses sion. DANGREROUS COUNTERFEITS.-- Counterfeit *lO National Bank notes are in circulation. They are very well ex ecuted, and will deceive the majority of persons in whose hands they fall. The engraving is very fine, and the printing as perfee.tas it could be done. These notes are on the Central National Bank of New York, and on the Ohio National Bank of CinainnatL Twenty dollar bills, altered from fives on the First National Bank of Boston are also in circulation. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK.—Raving largely added to our facilities for Job Printing, we are now enabled with the aid of our Campbell Power Press, Gordon Jobber, and Hand Presses, to turn out promptly all kinds of Printing, from the smallest Card to - the largest Poster, inclu ding Pamphlets, Speeches, Catalogues, Circulars, Programmes, (to. With our new Presses and enlarged assortment of type, we claim to have one of the beet Printing Wilms in the State, and shall be glad at all times to see our friends. A. FULL ABSORTMENT.—The atten tion of Farmers, Builders, Contraotars, and others, is invited M the large assort ment of LUMBER of ail: kinds walkable for boil/ling purposes, to be found at 04 C. H. Bt/rottLitn's Lumber Yard, at corner of Carlisle street and Railroad depot, including Beards, Planke Flooring, Si. ding, Laths, Plekets, Shir;gles, dos.—Also Posta, hewed and sawed, with prime Fencing Boards, white Pine and Hemlock. His stock is not only large; but his ar rangements are such that he can sell at the very lowed cash rates. Also, con stantly on hands Black-smith, Lime-Bur none.and &eve COAL, tf AOrtiCloittleatTorn seville Institut tko,, by declared a dividend or ,3 per mob lisr bud six montba, payable on the lent ' 7—Pc,:n by B—"G.ne. to the war," (Song,) by Lieut. NutroN 12-71, itequiein—Lizzle Boort. Little Ones. Boys [All.; Noble and brave, met thee, 0 rest! EMI York Republican, established in 1789. York Gazette pi ecru en) " " 1794. " (English) '• " 1514 Democratic Press 1838. Hanover Spectator, York Pennsylvan lan, Wrightsville Star, Hanover Citizen, York True Democrat, FRANKLIN Chambersbarg Repository established In 1793. liercersburg Journal, it " 1843. Waynesboro' Village Record, " " 1846 Chambereburg Valley Spirit, " 1847. Greencastle Pilot, " HUG. FULTON. Niceonnellsburg Republican, n —.. BEDFORD lied turd Gazette, eetabllelled fn 1805 , 1818, " lognirer, CM= Sumerdet Herald and Whig, eetablistiett iu 1861 '• Democrat, " 1853 CAI2IIOIB, IC. Danner a Ziegler, Middle aireet, near Baltimore. Tate & Onip, Washington et, near Cbambersbnrg W. K. Gallagher, Beat Middle at. second square. CLOTHINO. George Arnold, cor. of Diamond and Ctusmbersburg et. Y. Canninghbam, Baltimore street, first square. T. C. Norris, Chambersburg street, first square. Jacobs k Brother, Chambersburg street, first square. Jacob Brinkerhoff, corner of York and Pub:lc Square. C. H. Buehler, corner of Carliele and Railroad etreeta Jacob Reilly, corner of Stratton and Railroad. Dr. Wm. Btalismith, Baltimore street, first square. J. L. lllll,Clutmbersburg street, opposite Eagle Hotel. A. D. Buehler, Chambersburg et., near Public Square. Huber., Baltimore 'treat, first square. R. Romer, Charnb'g et., oppoelte Christ's Church. MY GOODS. Fahnestock Brothers, cor. of Bal to. and Middle ate. J. L Schick, cor. Baltimore and Public Square. Duphorn A Quitman, cor.Carliele and Public Square Rebert A Elliot, Balt. it., opposite the Court house. Geo. Arnold, cor. Diamond and Cluunbersburg et. FORGE AND FOUNDRY David Sterner, West street. ➢ORRARDING AND COMMISSION MMES. Bighatn k Co., cor. Washington and Railroad. 13. 8. Benner k Brothor,cor. Stratton and Railroad McCurdy k Ilartillton, Carlisle Street. ISANITI YLRD. Peter Settler, Railroad, East of Stratton street OAS FITTIM. R. D. Armor, East Middle street R0C16128, J.Cress lc Sot, cor. Chambersburg and Public Square Wm. Boyer ik Son, York et., opposite National Bauk. Meals k Bros., Cbambersburg it., second square. Henry Orerdeer, Baltimore et., third square. Wm. J. Martin, cor. otHaltimore and High streets. Palinestock Brothers, cor. Baltimore and Middlo etc Bighorn & Co., cor. Washington and Railroad Streets H. S. Beuner & Bro., cor. Stratton and Railroad eta. McCurdy k Hamilton. Carlisle at. Gillespie k Co., York it., tint square H. M. Paxton. Baltimore street, third square. lIANDWLEZ ♦ND CUTLIST. Danner k Ziegler, Baltimore street, first square. Yahuestock Brothers, corner Bal to. and Middle its LIARNYBeI, AC. D McCreary t. Sop, Balta. et. oppulite Pres. Church B. B. McCreary. Chamberiburg street, Drat square. Jacob firlakerbott, cor. of York it., and Public Square T. C. Norris, Clumborsburg street, first square. B. C. Coboati, Chatribersburg it. E.egle Hoke!, J. L. Tate, proprietor, rumor Chernbers burg add Washington. Keystone [Londe, W. E. Myers, proprietor, Chambers. burg greet, opposite Christ's Church. N. Weaver, Washington at., north of Chamboraburg T. T. Tato, Washington at., noir Eagle Rotel. TARDS. J. M. Cannon,corner of Baltimore mai 3.11J41ii it reet Meals k Brother, York at, east of B trat tort. C. J. Tyson, York street., opposite Netiouel Bank Levi pumper, Baltimore sc., first square. J. W. C. O'Neal, Baltimore street, near 'Ugh PRINTINO e►IICY. Star cE Sentinel, Baltimore et., midway between the Court "louse and Public Square, west a ide. 13107C8, TIAMAILL, AC. C. Q. Bumbler, corner of Carßele and Railroad. B. G. Cook, York at., ne• , 'rly opposite the Nat. Bank Washington Bierbower, N. E. corner of Diamond OXIMI2/1111. k PAPCI HLXGaI. Jersonlatt Culp, York street, wood square waTclatatint. Soper McCartney, Balto. ',trout, flat square. ACCIDENTS.—We regret to learn that Capt. E. MCGINLEY, of Fairfield, had the little finger of his right hand cut off by a Mowing machine on the 30th nit. On the 22d ult., Fn.t:sets COLE, of Buch anan Valley, had the cap of his knee frac tured at his saw-mill, Ho was engaged, with several of his hands, in getting out saw logs. To a very heavy ono they had left a part of a limb, the easier to work it down a steep hill. When starting the log ou a f.lide, Mr. COLE was at the front end of it. Moving more rapidly than was ex pected, the limb mentioned caught one of his legs just back of the knee, and carry ing him with it some distance, struck the knee against a sapling, badly fracturing " 18.15. 1851 " 1854. " 1861. 1864. " 1850 ißsn Mr. C. is doing well. Some ten days or two weeks ago, Mr. PETER FREY, of this place, one of our old est citizens, while removing a ladder from one part of his premises to another, fell A son of JOHN HOSTETTER, Or Union township, aged 15, last week met with an accident while assisting his father in cut ting grass with a reaper. He was sitting on the reaper removing the grass, when the reaper struck a stump, thowing the boy over on the knives, cutting one of his legs severely and making an ugly gash in one of his feet. On Monday last Mr. JACOB HANKY had his right hand badly injured by a circa_ lar saw at the Katalasyne Spring. The saw, which had been recently put up, was being adjusted, when by some means Mr. H's hand came in contact with it, cut ting to the bone and nearly severing the hand. YORK SPRINGS JULY 241 1868. Mr. EDITORS :—We were somewhat startled a few days since by the Informa tion that Mr. E. H/TESHEW had disposed of his Store Room to Mr. JOEL GRIEST for $4,500, and his entire Stock of Store Gooda to Messrs. DRIEST and BOWERS.— We regret the loss of Mr. HITEMEW ex ceedingly, who will no doubt leave our town for an other and more extensive busi ness place. He has been a popular and successful Merchant here for 11 years, and has made many warm friends during his stay among us. Messrs. GBIEST and Bowlats are gentle men of industrious habits, who will no doubt do a good business in that well es tablished place. We predict for them a bright future. sip-Beautiful and of Uniform Excellence. A well-known, safe, and speedy agent for restoring gray hair to Its original color, for preventing the loss of the hair, for promot ing its healthy growth and increasing its beauty, a gradual but certain cure for bald ness, and an essential toilet requisite for all who prize that choicest gift of nature, a bountlittl supply of hair : the above is said by all who use Mrs. B. A. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. July 10—im THE BEST THING YET.—The Medical Profession, after having thoroughly tested Speer's wines, have introduced them into their practice, on account of their purity.— His "Standard Wine Bitters" are equally as pure, and only need a trial to recommend them. Sold by Fred. Brown, corner of sth ant Chestnut streets, and Johnston, Hollo way it Co., and other Druggists. it "Why stand you thus amazed 1 0 " 1 4 0 see a person of your natural beauty with a head of dry, bristling, unkempt .hair!Go pur chase a bottle of "l3arrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative." It will transform your hair into beautiful glossy ringlets. Nothing so efficacious has ever been offered to the pub lic.—Lotiodi Courier. It erflineet Annum is a pretty little gar_ den-dower ; but if you want a whiff of sweet elyetum, you will find the nearest approach to it in the heavenly odor of PHA ion's new perfume. FLOR DE MAYO/ Bold by all ditolats. 2-4 fa'The attention of our readers is direc ted to the advertisement of CON'S DYS PEPSIA CU - 1 is . Ip, in another part of this paper. ''W# tour Vsua *die lin le reannumnded by all Irian use it. Real the coniticatew 10/ CoLL, LIIXDZE, ISMS. IC raran DRUGGIBTS RAU, CLP9, lUCU, *c E=l PLIoTOGRAPIIZICS Ml= ME= AN OLD CITIZEN adV;rtilingentS. Baltimore Grata & Produce Market. A GENTS ro, Baltimore, fltermiely Altomittp. A-1.• to tuna cotter ma 'tat ••, 8 00 Q 900 aggfirorlarrt i rfstßimicni °Omar, 04.:01.0 . 25 Banthollobbli, Agtetts • Z 46 .1 @ • - 2 4° Address, 11. A. WIDDIJULD, Selects' Aeon* • 2:40 '2 50 Julylo.-Inr: , *alone 66` fir 113 A- N alstasilMurtlissta to sell by nun * , • V , 75 V V pie. Address withnfastp GRUB & COMPANY.,ll.l3ohestant Ht., l'hflials. . 80 g 85 July 10.-1 M ' • 0 0 00 @ 0 0000 00 00' CHEAPER THAN EVER. . 0 oo o oo . 13 @, 141 E. HITESHEW • /6 e l 161 11 A\TING' disposed of his Store . 19 @ 211 R •a• hones and stock of Goods to GRIM k BOW . 17 @ 18 ' the B awl grand etermined to redact:obis stock daring Hummer and fall months, will give 14°i GREAT BARGAINS Gettysburg Gratin & Provision Market. before invoicing. My stock of Gettysburg, Friday Morning. 10 °° All kinds of Merchandise 11 00 @I2 00 4 30 fon and comp l ete i n every department, and will be C.° 275 cleeed out at reduced prices. 000.!_d 200 E. HITBSEIEW. 1 15 York Springs, Pa., July I 0,1868.—tf 111.. A II persons knowing themselves indebted to me 1 40 are requested to come forward and make settlement. 75 fIUARTERLY REPORT of the 100 Nose, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFGEITYSBURG. 2 50 , Jcir 8 , MA 6 RESOURCES, 00 ' Discounts and Over Drafts,.. IGO ail 1 70 Furniture, and Fixture5,........ _... 05 ! Current v rrent E xpenses and Premiums,. Stamps, 15 Due from Bunks,. , U. S. Bonds,. 18 ! R. B. Bonds. 20 Cash, SITPER FLOUR,. EXTRA FLOUR,. WHITE WHEAT, RRO WHEAT,- CORN, RYE, OATS, TLYOTRY-BERD, CLOVER-assn, FLAX-SEED, BACON, SHOULDERS, " SIDES, " HkMB, LtAED, GOLD, Phila SurEn FLOUR,... EITIZA FLOUR,. WYEITE WILE AT, RED Wit% AT, ... CORN, RYE, OATS, BIICILWITEAT,.... TIMOTHY SHED, CLOVER SEED, .. POTATOES, Burma, LARD, EGOS, Bawl?, Hems, " SIDES, SIIOI7LDERS, SOAP, 8 Cepitalpaid In, 10 Surplus Fund,- Circulation , -.TS Deposits MARRIED. Duo to D ' anks,..„.._ MITCIEIELL—WIERMAIW.-011 the 25th P r il ' ofi o u un a t n ,' l t / L'`" D g e ' ult., by Rev. W. C. Cattell, D. D., of Eas- Dividends unpaid ton, assisted by Rev. Thomas 11. Robin son, Rev. S. S. Mitchell, to Theresa, eld est daughter of T. T. Wlerman, Esq., all ......„._ of Harrisburg., I certify that ate above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 010. ARNOLD, Nailer. TALLOW, DIED. July 10.--St BROWNING.—In Washington City, on nUARTERLY REPORT of the the 29th ult., Anna Rebecca, infant daugh tor of Thomas and Elizabeth Browning, GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK. aged 5 mouths and 16 days. JILT 8, ISM BURNS.—In this place, on the Ist Inst., RESOURCES. Mrs. Barbara Burns, wife of John L. Loans and Discounts U. S. Bonds at Waahington astute Burns, aged 69 years and 16 days. Baonou.—On the 14th ult., in Chambers- U. Bouds on band burg, Mrs. Susannah, wife of Mr. Peter c, ‘ ,,i„ Brotigh, aged 53 years 5 mouths and 2 Due from 8ank5....... days. Real Ectatc ELRODE.— On the Ist inst., at the Alms L I M"' ...... -.• House, Mrs. Elizabeth Elrode, aged about , 1 ,„„„ 63 years. Expenses, LINX.—May the 2nd, near Clarksville, Howard county, Md., John Clinton, son of Samuel D. and Catharine W. Linn, aged 3 years 11 mouths and 2 days. KLINOEL.—On the Bth Inst., Harry Die- c,. l .md, trick, infant son of D. 11. Kingel, aged 8 Circulation, mouths and 6 days. 001. ti surpiu. Go to thy rest my child, State Circulation,, Go to thy dreamless bed, Gentle and undefiled, Profit and Lou,— With blessings on thy head. Ddend Due to s unpaid, 8atik5,...... Fresh roses in thy hand, Buds on thy pillow laid, Haste from this fearful land, Where flowers so quietly fade For me, 0 Lord ! whatever lot The hours commisiion'tl bring, !fall my with'ring blessings die, LIFE INSURASCE• Or fairer clusters spring,. 1 A grant that still with grateful heart, THE New England Mutual Life My years rosign'd may run, i : _i_ Insurance Company of Massachuietta • 'Tie thine to give or to resume, 1 Cash Assets Dec. lit, 1867 36,062,400 And may thy will be done. , Income fur 1867 .$1,402,628 1.- ATI/Es , , 1....e.p.ti in 1867 ......... -......-. 479,100 Tu!vo.—On the 27th ult., at the Alms , Di h Distribution In 1867, to Policy olden 0, 660 years.oldest House, Miss Polly Tung, aged about 63 Thi n favorite Company is the Mutual Liteht. same° Company in the United States, and is purely WHITE.—On the 30th of May last, Mrs. i mutQsi. It divides with th e policy-holders. all the Sarah White, widow of David White, de. ceased, of Hampton, in the 78th year of ' Surplus & Profits annually her age. WOLF.—On the 20th ult., at the Alms Takes risks in all the various mules of Life and En• Hoare, Mr, Henry Wolf, at an advanced downient Insurance at as low rates, as any Company age. . doing a sale businees. .... All its olc17a: e protected frou ferfeit nre by the . t.t wiol3..usettssoth.teverynglto all the insorance he pays kr. pLECTION.—The Anunal Elec- Losses paid promptly and A-.• lion fora President and Thirteen Dlr,..clors of the • - "Gettysburg Battle Monument Arsociation," aid be held at McConaugliy'g Hell, Gettysburg, on itautay, : without litioltion -litigation. , the 2,)101 day of Jury, 1E44, between the hotire of 10 o'clock, A. 31. and 2 o'clock, P. M. WU, xrca, By order of the Board, D. MOUONAUGLIY, l.. , ecretary. Agent, at New Oxford. Pr ' All .mmunicatlene addressed,to at. as above, will be promptly responded to, sad I will visit any portkon 4 1 OTICE.—The account of Joss !of the country dealtad with the *law of taktag risks and goring Information oft GM subject.. A , 1 C. GRA/37, Conimmittee of Seams Daus, a La. ' Wins'. Le Okbibited by Cyrus Diller and tease Graby Ju4 10.--81 Arktit' - itiirtaa.-14 tltaiiiii4itreal en Me county ' and will be confirms,' by said Court, on Me 171 A day 1 S peers Standard qj August next, unlesx MU.. be sheen to the con. trary• J. A. KITZMILLER, \VI NE lIITTERS t July 10, 18.38.—its i'colL'y. . --- N - 0 --- dew drutistnuntO. July 10.-2 t TlCE—ia hereby given that application has been made to the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the Charter of the . Menallen Building Aso.ociation," and that Mon day the I:tA day of Auguli next, at 10 o'clock, A. Al., bag beau Axed (or the hearing of the same, when it Will be granted unless sufficient cause to the contrary be 111101rn. fly the Court July 10.-31. J. A. 4ITZMILLER, Prothy. NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate OfJurl. WEIGLIT, We of Manallen township, Adams eounty,,Px., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing In midtown:l,lp, they hereby give notice to all persona indebted to sold estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same t) present them properly authenticated for settlement. July 10. ea . -A XECITTOR'S NOTlCE.—Let fere Testamentary on the estate of NaTIUNIZI. Gaersox, dec'd, late of Liberty township, Adants coun ty, haying been granted to the undersigned, both of Liberty township, they hereby gire 406:e to an per. ions Indebted to said estate to make immediate pay. went, and thrse having claims against the same to pre. sent them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN MUS9ELMAN, Executor. ANN MARIA GRAYdr)N, Executrix. July 10.-61 A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The un deraigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Adams county, to distribute the balance in the hands of JLEZIII3.II SCLLLY, Assignee of LEWIS griTIDZA end War, to and amongst the creditors legal ly entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of said appointment, at the office of NoCculaCituf k kaaVra In Oettlaburg, on Munday, the 272.71 day of July n.t:et, at 10 o'clock, A, M., when and where all part too Inter ested are requested to be present. July 10.-3 t J. M. KRAUTII, Auditor. DISSOLUTION. The Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm of SIISAFFER & BECKER, of Petersburg, (Y.S.) Is hereby dissolved. AU persons Indebted to said lirui will please make payment without delay. Either partner lo authorized to use the name of the firm in the settlement of the business. Said dissolution to take effect from the first day of May, 186 e. July 10, 1509.-3 m B ANKRUPT NOTlCE.—Eastern District of Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg, the 18th June, A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby giros notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of 711.ANCIS S. 111LD7.8114111., of Bast Berlin, county of Adams and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bank rupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. JORN PICKING, Assignee July 10.-at W. HOWARD DROOKS & STEVENSON, 31anufacturers of WIDE AWAKE CAPS, AND CAMPAIGN EQUIPMENTS. ho. 119 North Third Strut, PHILADELPHIA. Cape and Capes, of enamelled oil cloth, of all cubes made to order at ahortest poealble notice. July 10.-1 m AGENTS WANTED FOR "WEARING OF Till GREEN."—The most entertaining book published, abounding In Remanoe, Manor and Wit. Agents say it is the best selling book out, as people are tired of the repetition of dry detail' and army reports. ONE sazyr SOLD 58 IN ONE WEEK 44 41 44 92 44 CS 01 la 41 44 152 Liberal terms to agent,. Send for a Circular. Mao, Fatally Quarto Bibles. Best Edition pub lished. WM. FLINT, Publisher, 26 South 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pantos. July 10.-Im . REAL ESTATE AGENCY, I have opened an agency for the SALE OF REAL ESTATE, la conieetion with my law business in Gettysburg; find will give personal attention to the. Examination of Titles, : Con- veyancing & Investment of money. Parties wlstang to sell, or buy lands, mai find it to their advantage to call. Several Farms and Woodland in the neighborhood of Gettyeburg—also, property In =! 10011/41.011/Ei QM t i eb6 q l, 4uli 10,1861,—EL "kw. " "till?*QM MEI I certify that the above report is correct to the bed of my knowledgeauti July 10.-7,t J. ➢MORY BAIR, Gabler. FOR THE WEAK. FOR VIE PALE. }JR blefil.V. l'aft Tl}P. AORD, YOl YEAALEO, 70E SPRING Mt ! No Bitters equal to them !BA._ SPEER'S STANDARD WINE BITTERS, Wine, Herbs and Roots, Celebrated Wine, no well knows, with PERUVIAN HARK, CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, SNAKE ROOT WILD CHERRY BARK, GINGER, arid such other HERDS and ROOTS aa will In all eases *islet Digestfoo, promote the Secretions of the aye te to in toe za:i oral tlnintlehh and giro TONE AND VIGOR TO THE RCTII 31. WRIGHT, JANE P. WRIGHT, Executrix IProut Res. L. P Word, Aron, Drain N., 0.1 Muuu. Bruno k Minimum, Gentlesseni—lt gives me great plauure to state that my we has derived great benefit from the Ole of Co.'. Dyspepsia Cure. She ha. Isenetl fore number of years greatly troubled with Pyspepsii, accompanied by violent paroxysms of constipation which a pros trated her that she was all the while, for months, tits. able to do anything. She took, at your instance, Co.'. Dyis Cure, and btu derived ORRAT RENEVIT YR IT, and le now comparatively well. She ru ga thue medicine us great bleerdng. Truly yours, BLOOM AND BEAUTY I "°-"'"" L. F. WARD. Young and Old, Male and Female An m,o it with Wonderful success. Brings To the pale white llp, To tko thin face and care worn countenance. Cures FEVER sod Creates APPETITE. Try them. Use none other. Ask for SPEER'S STANDARD BIT. TERS. Sold by Druggists and Grosses. Sea that my signature is over the cork of each bottle. ALFRED SPERR, N. 3., . 1 0 241 Broadway, New York. 10—Trade aspplied by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY k CO„ Philadelphia; GEOROE A. KELLY, Pittsburgh and by all Wholesale Dealers, July 10, 18133 THE FINKI4E & LYON • D. C. SIIEdEVER 11. W. BECKER. SEWING MACHINE, WITH NEW AND. IMPORTANT The Cheapest GOOD Machine in the AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY 'TOWN A liberal Cub Premium is offered for each loam/ Agent Those agent. are appointed With groat facility . and satisfaction. A spl en did Paying Business for Travel ing Agents? , Please seed for a CLACCIAR. Address FINKLIC LBON 8. AL CO., No. 701 Broadway, July 10 t Nor York NEW STORE`. NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, James E. Caldwell. & Cot, JEWELF;RS; Have been appointed la Ulla city for the tale of ti. Ws tee Ure g o te uA ll i e ?I t mittarlite to g a in the alt, • and quality. . A lorgoorkolautot toot/Rim" opidimii tbo ittototiottiroal Mau r 4 • wino riitcza. 4 ,t Trek Nark 86101 Ped ar 0 16 of I.lasegr* State° VW* , CALDWUL,*' 902 CHESTNUT ST.- 111114A.DELP1114, KO* 4, IMAM LIABILITIES LIABILITIM =I C 0 L 0 It [Sept. 4,188T.-1y LOCK STITCH PROVEUENTB woria, SPECIAL A(titTS OOP. UAM MP?. 00/IPANICS /IN& ELNCTRO-PLATa mow: ==2=X=E== COE'S.,IFI:O4I,I3IA CURE. COWS 1:48#10MA cIIREk COE'S DYBPRIVA 'CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE COE'S DYSPEPSIA. CURE $108,951 700 1,990 308 21,081 150,000 28,000 23,817 21332,092 21 4-1-14-1-I.IN-Ir 5100 000 00 . 3,820 30 . 89,186 00 134,190 65 2,782 42 1,399 a 1,131 20 • 183 20 Mb world renowned remedy for the untilling cure of DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, Nick Headache, Sourness or Acidity of Stomach, Rising of Food, Flatulency, Lassitude, Weariness, Biliouaneas, Liver Complaint, finally terminating in Death. /332 092 21 Is urged upon the attention and trial of sufferers from this most horrible of all discuses. Dyspepsia shows its ravages in a thousand different forms, In fact, all disorders of the Stomach and Dowel., with all their complaints, such as Sick Headache, Hartburn, Depression s general HIM of uneasiness and fooling that you are not well. Food distremes you, rises and • sours on your stomach ; breath Is bad, skin at times flatbed and hot; don't feel as it you could more or stir about, and worst of all, Indigestion or Constipa tion, are nothing more nor less than Daypepsia.— Thousands open thousands suffer and die this way and neither themselves or physicians know what alit them except that they're surely dyin. Header we repeat it, th Is al l Dyspepsia. If you would hays proof of our ststemant, if you would save yourselves and children from an early grave, it you would have health and energy and strength, again we beg you to try one bottle of 9115,292 79 150,000 00 60,000 00 39,475 15 27,097 58 6,000 00 2,548 75 800 00 309 23 126 87 $43,634 5145,160 00 130,103 00 124,0 2 20 66 17,100 00 4,710 00 1.119 14 2,301 25 1,978 71 1,749 24 Goe's Dyspepsia Cure, *430,634 91 You will IN how SOOtt it will dispel yoar bad feel. tugs and gloomy foreboding.. now coon it will chase away any species of Dyspepsia. How soon It will give you new lift sad vigor, and how soon It will make • will man or woman of you. For your own sake, for the sake of everybody suffering, we beg, we es treat you to try It. FOR LIVER COMPLAINT AND BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, It Ls a goverelgp Ipmedv, while for raver and Ague, and all those disease wfileh ere generated In a miie ado climate, It La a certain prevent hr•and cur. That its wonderful medicinal virtues may not stand alone opus oar statement, we append a few 11111101/CIIIKI tentimoniale from those whose position in society and matation as citizens will place their evidence beyond all question, and carry with them strength and con victbn to the most increlnlons. Us. Ltirria Bapos, s wkoleeale ateruhant of BO years, in M ilwaaki• one of the meat tediahle and tarok' win In *ha kat', says, nada! data Mitwaviza, Wu., Jan. 24, 18611. Mastras. C. G. Culla. 1 Co.. Na. Sawa, Chem Doak amyeelfeed wti baveuead Coifs Dyepepda Cora, it'd It bur morel !>;W LT frotbistary sa s Us. = 44/I WAlVAlri t i w a s ma i taL e tba , t have re- Veßty Meepectfally, • (illipard) LBBTDH SEXTOX. [Fro Rea. MAC AIKEN, AllegAany, Joists pt3Y7tIIIu, Draggles. No. SS Murket Btrest. Pittsburgh Sta:—l take great pleasure in stating that, atter having suffered front dyspepsia tor about fifteen you', at tome periods much pore than other', I have been entirely cured by the or. of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure.— My friend, know that elle!e your my case has been an extreme me. I had great suffering from eating any kind of and on an average would vomit about one-third of my meal. in • sour indigeetlble masa. When the severe atta cks would come, I would lose all strength and become utterly helpless, Some of the attaWcamotild to so severe that days together I would not retain any thing on my stomach, `save a lit tledry tout and tea. For years I knew not what it was to pass Ore consecutive hours without Intense m. From the time I took the first dose of this edicine I cased vomiting, gradually all rareness passed away. and dash and strength returned, and ever since I_ have been able to eat any kind of CM sat upon the table. Six months hare now pasted without any symptoms of the return of the disease . My case was considered by all, even physicians, so marvelous, that Lora time it was hared it might be ilictltione; but I am now so well convinced, that I have net been merely relieved, but permanently enrol, that I can conscientiously recommend Coe'. Dyspepsia Cure to all victims of the Dyspepsia. - ISAAC ALLAN, Itite Pitior al ibo BeiTorOL N. Laura, 411:Fkaay CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. .11aIris„ , 010.4erhe 1167 MIWIS. C. Caws • ome :—ilotog *Po Ow groat booofit de rhod, to woke la 4 ., :SW losooteo•Nr rlirkelr• via Con, I would um: floiostbtog am =i4ro ih i t irovo BkinteL rbroo&bort ' 154, rofa u kf i rtbod Owes Is Bails flee IBA MO • SookAt Woo lio=6loPoVoi, , eqiirV mod mid bo nt* red iter ambited er ski az oft rooloo, I" took woo digo poMoOoldi *icy I world • whim every lbaany Wray it asbud reed, air iomiodloto 0403 116 Ww ileauses or Bowel coreplatate. ' PUIF,t Tbs % e Mr. Dues Is la our employ. sad wer cula von*lbow: , etstwoost Win tue. 1. ARNOLD k CO, Coe's 1311'014 Owe, .: ~ ~~_~ ' " ' 1 *A lb ry abui tar g iptur glifbrr= =1 ,1 7' 4 40 otAbootogooob. - &St* ' emift Ovenrwlntit Sipco Dobbit toLI ' ' ' _ o Ch evARK - 1. 09., ! bob hot:Jobb. . Vow Moak Ot, 'l' ---- il .-- ; ii, tit i MUTUAL -- UP 4 1 1StriPAS011 . CWIPANY. ov*Ditenu t : .. ~, . 921 CHEST ; NT.ITSTRE*Yr, ACCUMULATED CAPITAL 1 eig 2 1,0 0 0 - 1 0 . 0 0 9 . . CHARTER PEfI.PETUAL. . • All the Surplus divided amongst the Policy Holders every year. THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITY OR STATE. * LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY. ga-All lufixtestiou will be cheerfully glum. HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, Agent at Gettysburg, Pa July 1,1868.-3 m New Boot and Shoe Store. D. KITZMILLER & BRO., GETTYSB URG, PENNA., YORK STREET, OPPOSITR TUN BANK. THE undersigned have opened • new Boot and Oboe Store, on York street; Gettysburg, la ttie room recently occupied by gamut k SICCARTNZT, and have Just received from the City • large smart went of BOOTS& SHOES MO GENTLEMEN, LADIES & CHIL• DRENS' WEAR, Consisting of Calf &Kip Boots, Congress & Balmoral Gai ters, Slippers, &c. We also MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOPS—the work being mad• up of best materials and by first class workmen. The senior partner has been in the business for over Id years and personally superintends all work made up. We reepectfully Invite the attention of the public to our eatiblishment, and hope by strict attention to brininess and by selling at lowest cash prices, to glee entire sallattction. DAVD EITZMILLEB, JACOB A. YITZMILLIB June 24, 1888.—tf THE GREAT Conowago Phosphate, PREPARED BY C. W. BENSON, M, A, LITTLESTOWN, PA. TILE Conowago phoophate Is destined to stand at the bead of American Fertilisers, It has already proved Its SUPERIOR QUALITIES, and ample car tificates of Ito high merits will won be furnished to the public. The proprietors will spare no moans or Ppains to make It a reliable and uniform article. It e superior to Peruvian Guano, because it is MOEN LASTING IN ITS EFFECT and EQUAL TO IT ON THE FIRST CROP. It does not over-stimulate the Soil, is most of the fertilisers in the market do, and leave the laud after gathering the Ilrst crop In • worse condition than before using it, but it remains au active fertilizer In the 6011,444 continues yar ta ter year to shoe itself on every crop that Is put it the land. The Conowafo Phosphate contains a large percent egn Of anglicism end Btosiphoric geld, which sent's' elements to vegetable food. They sillier enter directly into the plant or prepare the AMAIN In the soil to do so. The base of the Conowago Phosphate e PURE RAW BONE, completely and thoroughly dissolved without the use of any volatile agent. One of the great advantages of the Conowago Phosphate is that it will dissolve the sand in the soil and set the silica free to be absorbed by the grow ing plant, which Is a very importimt Ingredient In giving firmness and strpngth to the stalk aka grl4.-- ft tpill petvens ate f,;;;1 7 14 and ;6dgirig of crops that are forces up by • wet and warm season. and will greatly facilitate Ms r4snisg of the grain and ACCUIt it against tits rust. Ag.oct.nt are being established throughout the gountry wherever fertilisers are sold. We are not afraid to place It beside the beat in tbs country. Let all the fanners and planters makeup their minds that they will try the Great Conowago Phos phate this fall. Price Aft! DoHlreper_tOA, A If Mfg, Firourietore. 1113 f be ConOweg4.4 05 d Phosphide tieing nde yery fine, end thoroughly distlategret ed, mike L os It con yen tent to use In the dribs, and 1144.4 more freely with the /oil. All farmers know the advantage of tine tert,lizere. June 17, 1868.—ti Buggies and Carriages. REMOVAL. undenialml haa semored his Carrage-ntak. Ina shop wy it • snwt and or !Mills ! t r , t , gottn, tdirg, Ni,., vIlLe Na Ina coattnaa to bond all kinds of work in his line, via: CARRIAGES, TROTTING& FALL. L.VG-TOP BUGGIES, JAGGER IV4 ONS, erC., C Ms work Ia sit put up of good material and by the best of mechanic•, and cannot fall to glee Wis. Action. HL pricesere always reasonable. He solic its orders, confident that he can please. REPAIRING promptly done, at moderate rates. July I, 18114.-.-ly GROCERIES & LUMBER AT PAXTON'S STORE, ON TUE HILL, BALTIMORE STREET, GETTYSBURG, PA. FRESH GROCERIES every week from the City, Prothions, Dried and Green Fruits oral! kinds always on hand, at lowest rate.. FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHEESE. PURE CIDER VIN EGAR, SOAPS OF ALL KINDS, CANDLES, NOTIONS, OONFF.CTIONARIES, BROOMS, Ac.; a/se, TT MBER 9 inch as Scantling, Posts, Shingles, Plank, Ac., contia• ually on hand at lowest living rates. Call and wee. Jane 24.—tf. Journeymen Carpenters WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Goon WAOKS will besiren tor Brat clam tuutds.— Apply immediately to W. 0. STALLSBIITH A SON, June 10.—It Clettyebnrg, Pa. Journeymen Carpenters WANTED IMMEDIATELY. GOOD WAGES kOONSTANT PLOYMINT WNW, ON APPLICATION TO HENRY COMMUN. tleitysburg, Pe,. Jane 24.-3 t GEN'L GRANT -A'G E N T 8 • WANTED to sell the beet and most tellable Life of the (hoarse' of Living Soldier.. By Iron. J. T. thadley, the im mensely popular historian of Washington. Napoleon. Seared II Vs Fermat, Mc„ br 'bait oar Agents can also take orders. Secure an Agency at once bo• bra the field is taken for inGirk.r mirky. ilthi beak is timely ; popular and cheap sudeel/ing epleadldly. Oar termsanezeelled, send et integlbe eheulAr. Ad draw J. U. HUBBARD. %inhibitor. Jam 9/.—its eflo Mestput streeAndle. INFORMATION FOR MAR lan tuns". Tla • ariss i Eraasiso at abis•lls* •Yolai.alid • 00 .' stailL eir UN WSW bomb Cs. stors4 sbaluoilalibbst tibbtosity,;lly a V•ry slap* remedy. is auszloas Ss ebb" baba io banlod lailostko sumo of probisibikalairssollarity .f lasestribla,Te.lt who desire bovill Nisi. boy 4( thip prossiriplioss *sod, '(Mb .1 cliabio,) with ai rostisiss As• ~.y retsiftsb• "M . b as/ Varrrai lad laYa n gs e rs ii " c2 maths= =Mac. sail sociably pros* Ms sparse et rnat retie . Wisp debris, the pnaerlptios fibs will plow MRS. 800 Lit• G 444 • Jess l• lex 411.11rookisZt.T. REWARD.--"&pr t j w ," l "7, • subacribor, on or about Rho 1111 day of ingrair. TIME IMMO c.arnat ;.ass la• ylki . ti!4olororAit Wei salt rod 'Pi NB lagaimfe4 ; s tbiabeca Jig 114. re o• rousit•row.a. etiorr Wolistmuslaribitt; riil If bermNM fol. bre Moved mitt kglediolfir their Mara tope. THOMAS WOMPOILD. SioadltsborgOld, July WA.AIeIP.I4I) AO ENT S: - A i „, ~..4 1 we I N "7 awa ers - , . 4 . •. 4 , wilt' 'fur Tama sa 44del ti .1410,y1.-110 . "wk. W 661 TILE higtAt-m4rlsw,t,prkelt will be plea bi by - • • ' MEM === WM pa, : Ply limit AMASS pakl to 4/setkaos tftfor lOW* to lottutioo oar T 111MILIANITIV WIRTZ Win 'CLOTiIItIS LINZ& Address Axiom:Lax Writ Co., t 6 Wllwo N., "Mos to Dwoonk It., mow, ni. C ROULAR, Ivory Baer that haves our Factory Is Oil Tempered lad Potent Ground, perfectly Ira* and evert, and mulde of uniform temper by uur patent tampering process. RED JACKET cannot be excelled. We guaranty they sill cut 25 per car.t. more than common inm, with ler labor to the chopper. airlisad for circular an/ prices to LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, Sofa Matinfecturera. For sale by principal flardw•are Dnalen, Star Agricultural Works. 'pule ALBANY COTTON GIN ISANI:FAcTURING 1 CO., Albany, New Tork, Manufacturers of Gen eral Agricultural Machinery, comprielag the colob led' Btar"lbresaing Machines ; .Stat" Railway (or Endless Chain) and Lever Horse Powers ; "Star.' Cot ton Gine and Condensers; Circular Croaocut Pan. mills ; Vegetable Cutter, ; Horse Hay Yorks ; Corn and Peed Mille ; Power Corn ; Dog Powers, An., Ac. We wish to call the particular attyntion of 'farmers to our celebrated "STAR" THRESHER urn CLIAN. BR, which, aa lately improved, we claim Lo far superi or to any other machine now In market. It is com pact and coolly portable, simple In its construction, and therefore easy to operate by the moil, Inexperi enced, and will do Its work with marvellous rapidity and pufectlan, and with comparatively the least de. mond upon the strength of the =hula driving It. We have made recut improvements in this machin• by which we are enabled to thorovOly clean Me grain under almost any conahlution of difticultiem, and we Sr. now using an entirely now and effective device for relieving tine feeder of dut, thus making the opus tiou of threolsingaa comfortabloand safe aa with the ordinary machismo it is annoying and frequently de atructiva of health. These Machine, ars made of imitable sleet for our "Star" Railway 2 ROM Power and for our "Star'• Laver Powers for ♦ and 6 horses. For sale by oar agents and dealer' generally. For full particulars, tend for our illustrated Descriptive Circular and Press Ltst. Cortea splints wll please address TUN /4,114 NP N GIN MANUFAC TUD,LNO 00., P. p, Drawer 163, •lbsuy, N. Y. TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. Waimea:lp to remove iLL for Tobacco. This great remedy is an excellent appetiser. It purities the blood, Invigorates the system, possesses great nourishing and strengthening power, enables the stomach to digest the heartiest food , makes sleep rt. trashing, and establish., robust health. Stokers and CAnocro for Fifty Year: Cured, Price Yirly Cents, porttreati on jrus streets of To. bacco, with lists of reference s, testimonials, Au, sant free. Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. B. ADISOTT, Jersey City, New Jersey. -• A WOMAN 07 MATURE AGE, haring brorght op XI. a large family and knowing the care, anxietyand expense attending the same, ham lately come Into the pommies or a esti and simple remedy, whereby wires and mother i may pretest the increase 4.4 gamily to snit their convenience. It Is also • promoter of health, All comantiVcations confidential, and thu remedy sent by mail. Price *2OO. Address Mr., asso, P. 0. Box 91, Brooklrn, N. y, 9'lU Nil NO ILUSIBUG.—By sending 30 smite and I. Stamp, with age, height, color of eyes and air, you .01 receive, by return mail, a correct picture af your future husband or wife, with name and date of t marriage. .eddress W. FOX, P. 0. Drawer Ne. 8, Fut- Now York. for WANTI64. 84;4444h:4 Hew. Eyery boa. ‘6.qty CAtivaole SElyrr Plating Fluid.— Vrod lit_proatichz 6t Pikriilizpositkm. good god & for sainplo. North 6th at., Phila., Pa. Or THE on DOLLAR SALE A REVOLUTION IN TRADE. WE furnish at a uniform price of ONE DOLLAR, such aril Sias 0,11 aroused by *Ter" family, at a leas . pric• theu UM, are sold by any WhOialla le desist in hew York or lostai;i• A g ents wanted to co•opera to with ns to carrying opt • plats Which meets the wants 01 the million, and In the disposal of a lergeand varied mock nt Dry and palmy Gonda, Silver Plated Ware, Watches, Onrpet lugs, Lc. Our terms to Agents are superior to those or any other Arm, sa our circular will ahow. Tpos, gattingnp clubs cam eseureaypieoe ofbeettng, Watch, Silk Drese„Shawl,Sewing Machine. VW) (X 4 • A cheek dasorlithig artlek to be sold Air a Dollar 10 cte ; 20 lor $2; 40 br 24; g 0 for lOC 100 fur 010, sent by Mali. Send moneyby Registered letter. Clrctilary mailed free m any address. Agents Viitlind every. where. Addrm 'roof of our statement that we have made A COMPLETE RE VOL UTION IN TRADE, can be found in the tact that the immense burliness we have built up hail fedi:iced • multitude of mins con nal.Vll to imitate our club system, and some by adver tising the presents they will give to agents, seek, q intecesere Ily. to divert some of our bnsinnee to them. eelyos. this ar,notincetneut simply to inform the public that it will be fur their Interest to pa_ trouiss our bowie, as we still coutinue to CITA NITTA, GOODS AND OM UTA' I/MOO/MINTS TO AGETTS THAN ANT OTHat CONCLIN IN 001 MINIM We sell every description of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, PLATED WARE, JEWELRY, WATCHES, SEWING lIACHINES, Le. , Ac., for G. uniform price of ONE DOLLAR. Circulars sent to any address free. FARRAR k Noe. US and lie sqmnor st.,hoetan. W. K. GALLAGHER WA us prepared to receive Advertisements fur NEW LIST OF FIFTY NEWSPAPEnB PACIFIC COAST, ZYBRACINO CALIFORNIA, OREGON, NEVADA, MONTANA, UTAH, ♦la a New List ol Newspapers, by which we can iu sell an Adrertisonsnt occupying an ' Lich ar spate, to 250 NEWSPAPERS, 'BEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR GEO. P. ROWELL & CO ADVERTISING AGENTS, 40 Park Row, N. Y. July 111 .--at JOHN C. ZOUCk, Load Agent, NW OXFORD, ADAMS CO, PA., Ha* for Sale 110 Ames, Milk, lbws (frac MclithilieSho" Throw agouti, anaitry Saabs * Ogre &took Sun EN PRIIREFYLVAITTA, MARYDAND AND MEM air Pomona whitlow toiteltotool yea igp, Property will do MAY et , #01.00410016411,11K1510 =SEM MILL, MULAY, GANG and CROSS CUT SA W S AXES Common Mokpo, so good so the boot The (COLB URN'S PATRYT) PAUTSBUROH,PENNA TO WIVES •ND MOTHERS THE SUCCESS MARAIS i PLUMMER, 34 liwo•.r It s 801, tot,, Mum ON TIELI 4ND ME TERRITORIES OF IDAHO and WASHINGTON. for 40 Coals web per raoath ADDAIUMSS 110141168 and Zuni Loni. ISMES Son AdvatisOrtllN. 640 ! MILES UNION PACIFIc RAILROAD Are now finished and In operation. 81.ity miles of tuck have bee. laid this irprlng, sad the work along the whole line beetroot' the Atlantic and Pacific State. is being peaked /enroll more rapidly than ever L. bre. More than twenty thousand men are employed, and tt le not impassible that the entire track. from Omaha to Sacramento, ill be finished in 1860 instead 01. . 117 0. The means provided are ample, and all that iiplict/i men and motley ca. do to lecore thecompletko of this GREAT NATIONAL WORK, at the earliest poaalbla day, wilt t. ,tone. The ONION PACIVIC RAILROAD COMPANY re c 01,.: I.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right of way. and all neeesrary timber . and other materials found along the line of its operations. H.—A GOVRRN3I.ENT GRANT of 12,300 sure• of laud to the tulle, takes In alternate sections on Dash 'Means road. Thlo le an absolute donation, sod will be a soon* of large savanna In the future. GOVERNIIIINT GRANT of Culled Statsa Thlrty-nor Bonds, Mounting to frontla,COO to $48,01.10 per mile, according to the dlfilcultlaa to ha surmounted on the raglans sections be built,— The Cloven:argent take. a aocoml mortgage as so rority, and It is expected that not only the inter. set, but the principal amount may be paid In sat- VIM rendered by the Company in transporting troops, malls, ,kei- Tho interest I. no math wore than paid in this way, besides securing a greet Aar. log In time and money to the Governniont. IV.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right to isrue It. own FIRST MORTGAGN BONDS, to aid lu building the road, to the name amount es the U. i. Bends, Issued for the mania purpose, and no mere. Tan Gormaxxxv Phileil" the Ttuotees f.,1 the First 3tortgag•Bondhetifers to deliver the Bonds to the Company only as the coed is complelint and after it has boon examined by United State. Cooomisskniers and pronounced to be in all re. spects • flrst•closs Railroad, laid with • heavy Trail, and completely supplied with vtations, turn. outs, car.rrhope, locomott•es, rare, &IL V.—A CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from the stock holder', of which ever Eight Minion Lroiiars have been paid In upon the work elreadY degas's , ' which will be increased e• the wants of the Core • ploy require. TI.—NET CASE EARNINGS on It. Way Business, that already amount to 31021 i TITAN 1111 1X7111113i on the First Mortgage Bonds. These earnings ire no Italleatiou attic% cut through trate that must follow the opening alibi) line to the Pacific, but they certainly prove that FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS upon inch i property, eostlog nearly three time' their amount, ARE SECURE BEYOND ANY CONTINGENCY The Company have abundant means in their treas ury and make no amid to the public to purchase their Bonds, as the daily subsuriptiopa are entirely eatisfactutit I but they submit that, for entire security and liberal returns, there is certainly no better Invest. meet In the market. The Unloti Pacific 11004111 are for $l,OOO each, and keit coupons attached. They have thirty years to run, and bear annual interest, payable on the fast days of January and July at the Company's Oeflce iu the City of New ork, at the raYte of air per cent. in gold. The Principal Is payable in gold at Wet orlty The price la 102, and at the present tato of go/d, they pay • liberal inzornit en their coat. Tito Com.patty hullers that these Bonds, at the prii. sent rate, are the cheapest eee , trity In the market and men.s the right to mimeo the price at any Bulrscripituna •01 be received in New York. Beacriplions viii boreceived in Gettysburg, Pe.. by the FIRST NATIONAL 'BANK and OICTITSBURO NATIONAL BANK, and In Now York At the COMPA , NY'A 11)11Uk, No. 20 NASSAU sr JOIN 4.01.11C0 k BON, BANKERI3, N.. 69 WALL It And by the Company. Ade ertited agent' througb.ut Remittances sAould be made in drafts or skier funds par in New Fork, and I/,4 hasiis loft! be sent free of charge by return firprar. Rirtics rabrerib• isp Mrdnigh kcal attar, will lank to Mein for their safe A PAMPLIL= AND MAP FOR Ithitil hes Just been published by the Company, giving fuller Inform". tten this. Is possible in au adtartiautueat, respecting the Progr of the Wtirk , 13e Resou f Cee IL e Country traversed ta,v 14. Road, the 31 eans fur Construcliaa, end the Valtp. of the Bonds, which will be seat ha, on appllcatkin at the Company's office. ur to any the advertised agents. JOAN J. CISCO, Treasurer, Now York. June 3,1368, (April 22.-3 m AGENTS WANTED A LL AGENTS who prelate,' to sell, and all parties undery.tS=rebn/I,9Of:IVLGIZST/trlIT'll;Y"14 GENERAL GRANT, DT ALDII7 D. thIIADDSOD, Author •f "FIELD, DUNGEONS ESCAPE," tt "BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI," was written with the sanction of the a iwiriotty rral and is Na only fatty anth.wric and authorirod Biography of him, and will contain s mama of impor tant and interesting matter no Wier Cac,"k Itai or .14 obtain, Inc sirnllieo 41 the ene,,hildiono/ Sorrsnitse arid other letters and documents from President Lincoln, Generals Grant, Buckner, Lee and others, from originals eutruated to the author, and matters a the highest irupurtsuce, relating to the cull ;zurern. mint tine the war, never mmle - publie and au elegont Steel Engraving and condensed life of scucyczn. COLFAX. 2 FULL tACIR ENGRAVIN(I3 The Author Is widely tn..wa as on, a tho m e at truthlhl as well as brillisnt writers. Ho W 4. with UOllCral Unita during most of Lit Western Cantleti,pts, and as Journalist writin;; from - liontiisorter: in Ott Field," was one of his earliest supporters. Ile writes front personal observations and from ma terial gathered fruna channel, opened to hint by - .GENERAL GRANT and his friends. It, contents wilt prove its superir. lty over all others. Don't sell or buy an litferltr work. Look at this tint. Complete to let of Jane, and will mintain eogrev lop of the Chicago Conventko. Circulem soot, end highest commiselonsineith Address PCBLISIIING CO., 11.irtford, Ci s June Il'.--tt ; . :3341 gotireS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposahawill be received by the Lead of Retool Directors fur Ilentiltonblie township until the 15th day et Judy nezt, for the purpotio of buildings, NEW SCHOOL. HOUSE in Fairfield. The Board will meet at I o'clock, P. M e on said day to flee oat the work. Speeidcetiooe .en be *ern by caning GA tit, Dreeident of the itueril. HENRY Id. LANDIS, Preeplent. Casa. J. SIFTON, Secretary. tioly ASSI :GNEE'S NOTICE.—T h e undersignod, Assignee ofJossen 11. Cu and sent of !Mollie, Huntington townti,ip, Adam. rout,- ty, Pm, swim deed of voluntary a.•igeinont. in trust Sur the bettellt of creditors, livrelly Oma wales to all persons Indebted to BIM AMIN" IL Cur■ to CO i mai make Immediate peyotillH, .I,lltl MO. boring C Nit• 10 present them to the stilawillm, residing in M. WA* prOportynuthenticAsed I,r settlement. GEOIta k: a CLINE, Auignet.. 1a1y.1.--dt NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminis. !ratios oar the estate of 81.11.111. 3lrzas, late of Adam@ comity, deceased, having been created to limtas Yet residing in Perry county, ho herd,/ notkato all penrom Indebted to said ertoto to all earl mate lasaradial• pa) wont, and thorn. haring claims agalisst the same will ',remora them properly RetbenticiAd for settlement. Dt DaDaralit, Key., llolt,a`turg, will settle all Oasts aga et said estate, as m Ast. "Rao 94.-4140 y F eu OULK, Adair Ais4TEMENT--BCHOOL TAXES. 406 abolowsittst uIIIT X PAR CANT. will bsi al• Wood ow' oil Sohotil TAZO. fur tLo Borough or 1.10145. whk4 tout' b• re/it:n/17 4f Sibr li r . i e i r F u l:. " O ' ti e istitnr to t 4• Trono war S'SILYAAROTiroys. fluor before ilir lit Airrscieingt. Mader Qi Our board. WARRAN, 14 NAOSAilio,Bocriitiery. (Juno 17.-1(1 ji trcE.—Letters of Admiuia• testiest on the meet of Joss Ist of toernehlit, Ad:uts county, Pa., Jee‘eLesi, bellow base granted to ohs undersigned teeldhis lit the said tmermshlp, he hertby They uutlo. to ell pre emie hy640.140 Mi. *date to VIP* ismitmllste Iwy lemiladlimish 'basin thaw.. moans% the 0•411.• pt.t. pnarml7 sistiteediested For settlement. 7r A 417.40 DAVID BLOCtiElt, AOldt D' ifEINTING ." • ' isigurtm-7 sicactrrEn uvrtiY AND. eattly-.„t4 .1T Title wino. OF SHE MED thik United litste.