The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, July 01, 1868, Image 2

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    . .
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'l . : 5' ' i
Itigh e id 6.14 seitriAmmord 4a,
Jail .milk allisie kagligelliiiilleigiall
V a gS
~01 1 1 -1 9 41 0..4 111 ,6.4 1 4. . .'i
= a ar i d = "i r si a A r li t ,
jail* jarlOillba - 4111 al." 1 400 11 it ,
~A vegaiker iirraliikilplia 011Nar Webs .4, 1
ago. i_'. r •' . , ' ‘ , ~* %, -;• te _
ailaiiitimi4nistiel VAT l ZAltiiiiiiiiiiiii siiiiiitiOa,
I"°,lbi'bwo"Alif Ql " rl P ic Ke ra lO a f RforAiits• '
—"---- ---- _ ---4-:.
.1 . 1"..r:');:r VW& 'PnantirlArrryt ( • ';; rr
• - 1110111%.4LMITIrtalli 01141 1 161 G
r t' • -
, a 1
rot AiVitOß titX k a
Scli Atli. FAL:
- iiri• - 104.401r , ckikiiiet l / 2 044* - 14i, st
aIIaTZSV*I t 41)1.! • mx., f f
• r: *HMO letiour imsestAmibistibm No*
zu r tzv i trart i zrzi
1 4 1 4 1 =Miggiritts=i09 m 411
ftl'i ix
":" .`; • '
st l4 l .4% eq i P;4*.4 •
OHM " i 61.4 •
litricetwam,. • • -
Iran tekediday conOliiNt*
tWPailt-dll6 UhlSiilliblittief Übe 4160
to4iur. Th"b•Shietittetkeof 004W**
a**, Veliad
pubil*knixialtutn Wedfuiechrylo
jty iefereube to then** euhethile.
hip ileeu ilue r nUibi
ilitirriiuteu leave Gettyebutg et Mate*
outitubseributs tn all parts of
the county will reactive their -paperii
ppOurodY on Saturday, with the lateet
news Our nut lame, therdoPe, will be
on Julylo, buttesui of July IL
THE Munn of the Election in Allud
eippi, On the adoption of the new Con
stitution, came in slowly by mum of .
the election 4salitlibtdi!w for several days.
ssimif/dtbehig thelionteof
yrs, treason ib v rampant - the:wide-day
aft Rowse during' the' Rebellion'. The
Cepperhead gleaners 'Wade .a 'desperate "
!Okla defeat the- Cmultitatiowand pre
llaoii of Um iftittei-
A toeing - other dodges 'reit:flied to, they,
what httothecampelgn chatting to -be,
libetaxiiilubiends of the calmed men,
*rotate d colored "Democratic" clubs,
and put adore& "Detiocratic” orators
on the .stump, begging for colored votes
for the "Democratic" ticket. The &roe
ite creed of the Northern wing of the
party, that this le eselitsively a "white
man's government" and that "niggers"
ave no rights - Which white men are
bound to respbet; Was eatehdly ignored.
After itieeins that the n tineetion I L of
the rightftaneht of % - tiloielt sttiiire,"
according to 1 54iiiiiAlifte Ithito4; 04, de
pends etithAy upon"" bow the "nigger"
Anticipating a heavy colored vote for
the Democratic Uri*" under Ude new
**ft the loer4V l4B l4vii - for .some
da y e beezij,_. jubilant
.:thePo 6 oo a 4 1
brilliant !iotory. liweyer,
v erg ma'am if theli hoPes- were to be
46s_h ed• Oven Mbtassiitek, .ibiLietkuma
indicating a close vote and: the probable
adoption of the constitution.-
bc;:oiXiiktniocia 'ix lab o rr.
"The C art Gib
bon, misted by their white friends, i i v i r o ill i Ze
a grand bashecne_st the WWII. on
June 13. That'll= mloredi'lanuxua*
and the white citizens of the coma ,as well
sa our friend's in XelTerson and is, white
and colored, are be:tfally te to at
tend. Thera will'aperkin' g dating the day.
Dinner will Deserved It: Imre Velook.
A will bapub li shed in the next
issue Of 4lar{farct."
President of adored Deinocratie Club.
Jour; Duane, Secretary.
— Deatorratio4gAektrtil Pert Griblon.
We clip: 44a , above 'bola a Late paper,
publheed-La- before the late
@Wiled itt lihettrStittc
We pelht Itrto show the Ospperheadt
ot Atha= county how theCkipperhesdi
of 100%40 twit the boloiem lieetto
them !seolored•people,"' Not
"niggiver They call tbeasselve& tho
while :friends •of the'•eolotted- peopieti
They meet -thein• in Public . ' sakinblitee,
upop - terms • of-equality. They' join in
public prociteeftinal Nay ' They .
"int the seine public table with them !
They hive the aline •speolitenf - addeekt
them ;' lie -: elOwn• r iw-the softie- pelititti
bed; aid ii•e ill' rind - CoPpitheeide
getter! , 4 .: •
In PentwylvanTe; 04e Cops, hare -Pot:
repelled the sante xosult; .. „:4101
_Otkett tocuneort witlien.e 4 and fither
original Abolitionists and to dodge neva
sufrOle44.4hek.Natiogili) i:/44f011p it
indiesterttev are pnepudnty :to .Afge.:lo3'
fulnoijitirfor the•Pephiti!itc-WOpeWak
the 140 3 10 1 `W/flake .14 4 4**
is pot yet settled. But it Is settled (that'
the di , e`ll 074 tb be 4;t!"
kituatir CorSilibia4lo*PlTl .1 ;•:
WE Bee dtatattiat.*
man of the Coppettlead - litete Centrei
Comtbittee, ininneed4 Mend 1i Pitts. ,
badir I kW irteitlriP *Wait It itinnidi
bet ilaqtaPr-ettreY
jaunt' 'Onint Mul CoiplAx ; am& 4O ;
peeve it be detnenettsted tha Ulf
t h e Ni 6l 44ik l it*t h ei 448 4V*
pollftwuknigwisor4OV'etaiwoof thee
w 131$1t!* sti_dr*tf . tejaa
ty-five or
rili464-ifiri Opp) fc..., r,.. °BO — 4 / , '" : q iii ,
m i ll t r! / # 6 i l T9r,Ovir2o, 4 4 l trifil f a . , Ur*
I ,rattitrtilon't4l6.,lmebaiiii
- wirdedloltimum - r..."bi — tzelai,
°fir ~.. ..'fi T -; ' ; 8 , ,, • A
, l . s u. . .
4 I '' /" t /' t, G4)**
164d a
4t r, trrai 1
ty. We ;' l tt k
'' : "iiitti4Va.:
ed, that k -wi'. . vs die benefit
or j a w am i ll o• ism rmw 2.-..,,
. 48 1 1 r
everfooniftiiaid , bweithip - Nii 4 ollo.l
cuciame_ as 'ikokaite
mom* vriso riettivount,-.
iikorm9lopc#44l4,4l**, : mpi
pip *frit*. • fur. „. j
On T
veto of
77 ."t' • • - - 1 -lw Cow
-1412an Itzr ev3he a,r veto of
tt Ust week.
ji f a „aad CosionsTfissedreEk t lasi ;one
. r i.„, ........,,,, „.1,, :,... ~.._., ... t
I 7 AlN'ertne,glittilfillq;4l4itr^ilig
i lll c lLlTi n kt !,, s;' : :40 1 - s t - gh.fh t yeritle'
' . —6 . 7" W il l ~ ' X . :4 j ' ' sl l l, " , Ati t Yi . :4 4l ?
I nyOt;inGille 4 e t i fit e .j„Qc4; ye, k . ,-ik ts-
Ai t u aO l itlte*./1;!/0 . I,) fi,:
'Aiiials ' .{:I1 an inkmbera ,Id
la{ - •7 .ll 'e , y'..'l ,, It '7. il ..;7' ~...c. • . -,
trail,„7ll 4 ,7i?,:llP ‘l fd.„ i! , liel!
t t implivi nue, par, tbe
1 0% ' 1 4:1 74 0:4*?. 7 * lig. AAliii - itot ie
44441 /Pgfc`l °f t if t#4 l42 ll,o . .P.;* -
V 1144, t 9 /7 Y.: {.s4; P ° 9 14 4° 3 04
Amehl l 4 2 ent i9 o 7ffh,fi the PeLPXeieth;
befoii , their/epreseutstltin are quilt
, tO..
•Alid„ .7)13.9,e 4 _ P ri x.. - r /Wl!reh 1 4X.
E44l lllg lai liFi 4 .o 1 4 01 fi l t-4e On 04'e-..iith
713 4, t otOeS.: 2 SPit
.. tC4 / 3 6 4 9*-, The other
1 States will soothsfaww. i I.'ng, work, of
! Re-ecnstrpetion snes bravely , on, despite
6111 0 41 4 11 4,' Yetßeli{ latd CelVethead
Pinirit4fgi• • But , amp States remain to .
keirtcciletrligatait .Virgtehs,. Misidosirm'
uutTertie{ :,. . _ . . 1
c The:? hither naminatatiOttliessiOr d
Sxs^rnE, of New .Irmiro. , 3tnistousta Mt:,
bilk,. Audi Yesastr „Femurs _a* Internal
RawittistriComplatioster;, la, M.
1 florsitafar I Neither will be eonfirrned.-i-
I f 'bttopit waehive partial thalnapseali
lanat movement, Fiala* being larkely
soAxelkup-withibe Whisky: Mug. .€. ;
, 71.5. &MR Ways And Means Vtazintsit{{
44e 406-Wedassalay x ,icued. to: , posts :
•l Weed, ni l si , . nerialott of the , tariff
to next session.
- , 011, , 33e1d51y the Hone got. theou ji t, ,
With:Wake* Ilkic bail, and it mow: p
to theilenate{. The tax on Whisky , is.
evidasenttei Weans a gailoa. The. duty
on hespottatieegars was Warmed, be ~ V
per lb: net layer eentad valorem. Two.
grades deCtoteneo aws taxed 32' alit ' l 6
cents tier pound , respeetl vely',-anii , eigani
at the uniform ate at% oft per thoitseind.
There is Swint" Increase of the tar on
&palsies. and ehnulation' of National
bank.- The bill has yet to palm the Sen
XA f ia
The Governor of South Carolina has
issued' a proclamation op vept ng the .
Legislature "on the 6th of July. The
Lotitsiana Legislature amembleq on
Monday, 29th instant.
Gzi..W. Forooti.tho Port Pillow trutaliet,
le a delegate to AA Democrotic 4tb. of July
, A ORILA2 many Germans who .044 the
DeMocratic ticket in New York; • Last year,
ars now organising flee Grant and Colikx.
Is Philadelphia on Monday the Democrats
held their delegate elections. There *se one
emsnier,4ereral stabbings and many* riots and
IT is said that the Deinocrats bare adopted
the apple blossom ai a campaign badge. The
'Lebanon Cburier says that it will 'be worn
oh the nose.
Lirr"it' be paarig for eternal reprobation
that the / :1 4hdicPtcr 1 44 4 44iirtYmr after clamor
ing for three years tor-the restoration of the
seceded States, voted In a body against the
bills for their reconstruction on g republican
basis, '
.Tai Germans ist New York city, whose
desertion of the Bepublieaa . party in mese_
quence of the liquor question had caused the
immense Democratic majority there of late
years, are sow going ea reasse,, for • Grant,
sod.organizingtheir Grant clubs. ..
Tara New York Haricil tbe'leadttili Dellw
cratic organ, thinks the Demooratits party is
anxious 4o recruit for it from the colored voters
of the South, k expresses the opinion that
there has hope kr the Democratic party un
less it can yet a good part of the negro vote.
Thus the "white man's party" is at the feet of
the negro voters imploring their aid
Trni editor of the La Salle Preas an
nounceslhat although he-imbliehes an inde
pendent press, be intends to vote. for Grant,
"because we belle's that Grant is letter than
the party that nominated him ; because we
regard him a in honest inan, do:iv-headed,
common sense man, Who answers his wife's
descrirlon of him while be was hammering
away, af Richt:6ond, a" ( dreadfully obitinate
. , ,
f L YOUNQ sir) who works in a shop in Mau l
chester, li.'fr.; at one . dollar day, and whose
brother ,ws.s' se work Worc,ester, Xass,, at
the time of the last election, wrots to him to
be lure and ague hope to vote, as she fe.ared
the Demorits would carry the day. 'The
;day beforc election, taking the cart for MO,:
snit and thence. to Worcester, she started of-- -
kC did not sPpetuel foundlim, &44
cape ' wi* That girl for a
young to4ii 7111.;:iants* goodwife to he look
hig, after.
Tun sPProach of eitother Presidenti alelec
lion is ogling oatoltheirbitling-Pissase *albs
.Copperhes4 leaders who tied before the deist
of the rebellion which they.helped, and. sym
pathised whit, and we have ACM s prolonged
bilsi !rem; the, wily and rensnble serpent,
,ilaratlo Bey shrnir of New York lie thinfts
the Domommerthe only ,dooter who swami'
the ptddierdthedeini, and in Shia he lan*
InberaliS. gr OW ; VA* Win s ito
hailltkantidsonmof thanallow;
liberties, _ .
Tammy* Swim hit t prepared; for ewe
stUties et = how: mien *avail* Piefideat,
it hew* irittch i e win present*, thaltetwe i
, 1116 illeVatilileviisrpe the , Pitteillest witp!
• hittilig gelbsehesents , Ai the
Seieth without estiscati (loaves the bee=
• d with eseriattotretthe itewkwittiriPaw"
ilikto Wird with eitig itetwietwits obieue.;
Uwe erelehgteds thelieetherti-Ousee ;
she &web With nitseweileptl* his:pay
Wisitke affittibirstistitistWethessis . sili
*mit !threes' -*With thnoeleseslast
Weeds hes fiethoilei Atidivingtilds artietss j
issatiddiodctlik sedidoti - •-1
• Twat-sae bat voiparsteeiht thesppropelii
-.Btelleitrowen e
Ist higtithe ilia *lib *de fix ilivoneatrk irk!
iticritiiggie 016 torbellioa 4ibti Os Mier -
Avis - Who ittrepEth Were
Geherellisiitlyitelitabtr bide
Abel*d whoefvet faith 'sr ii+thitt !
I the itilitifittlalMr,"Wlstelrlt- failed to
• 0 1 tlib! 141 d bct
• lit; be biotin ter triv a 14*
*theiefthilialbe +mai
iliVikkei eat Waif ire behealbe
&ink' "fa Akposiativisa ,
i► li be liar fivici-"aemessareor
, - 7.lrzyr, ... . ' • . 40 , 46.41n0L i
1 '' ceitik j *W4e F .ii' ' - 1 / 4 111 0 412r , ,
I ; iiik**Wbbilik .. ' 1 1 E 4
' ''4li6 lß 0- fit
. ' '.
vs Oki‘ANlOsit e. , '
, - wings 41407 - 54 NOP
niewentio, aii n d - il • :4) , t ,; itirrlrtertli r ,•:, 1
yonaalt me to the rebellioi
ai:from teattaitoii - the'
memory of the five hundred thopillpp, prima
patriot') who died that their corlaCri iirgta 114
illtutlerttornt/017: 44 11 )1..1r 44 - 41 0 Thertst -sweet
9ht.Muthe tosk,ext,to . ehtit
ahY - e.ratfillMike FAckliri. , ahtVotill.uhUN find
01frutli 41 4 114M - P40414.11e; War - rg - laW.aak
tck tmO si tAibremt44o o ,Pit)nerlfertstft-slnd
rArhifcwfWc.tfieirl!!ak e
P l .4nktt'aight4 l 443#44 l a 4ttdtreVOßfd with
PrOcI4I.II44I.°E4.4)?&CIPIAtsF9Ps• and
who only.. Wif#:fciTA:4.lTo,ll*P.Wil#W4 to
overthrow the Governmetit, I tell you frankly
;Di Yoke 48 1 141 3 5 t _the
Great -C,R4ittlMA)4Pki,Ac morehaw
ed fur ourpieservailop as a nation to
aniotherliting Man; and • who 'has written
his pi:MN - dee With the'pqiot of his wont on
the patiLnaf re,c43;4, aral"!iiivaniped his fide
,rbel l iiat4al - heari; 1 'till
you plainly do Wit. clit'irett have
some little:,gratiwde left a The' exisning four
years will, in my jn . gement , e most
dangeronaandeireatel to oar lightly; and
ere nntschaVesme at Ibeh!ovil.°F the Govern
brit, will he equalte the emergency; o
jvc of a ;crushing
.r,”9llloffin-,AF,!444"gfus h andmust be at
seek only
intot7lat:: l 4,4e, lupe* R r, national
Oectni(l:• I rteild
.saa that , ir I live
until RoVClp,t)erito 4 , l , : ean tbe - pp l l7.
Peqiitz, G o d o r Rusts for ihe rectitude
of tttr, illintlons, I)ellevirt . f
anal be
sewing`. 41,A11 i4 ! e 7# P!.T an i t Y a n d
P 4 X 24 ,1 1Y7:1 4 019 . 0g , tee PecemitY
viltiO,nsesfar above ooniinitiOnat PhafrOnets
Pflthl:ltiAemudiN•reluOPh every PatfiOtic
ot i kfu !° OP 0 8 44i Y —161 '4,1 17 * r4Y. vote,
Dcuiocrsi alwa ys been, for the
incorruptible patriot, the best 'Sedge' of char
acter':aril the best thinker I know in the
tinit'edßtaies; 'Clyssest. Grant, acid go thou
and'dolikewise, counting it a great privitegei
"I would rather bate Gnat; tf bee sthittirsel still,
.. !nen eadverarPf ovrae;
1,1,001 rather, are Grant with hi. good lloneal will,
Man coolein sweiyinteassaarae
utu, daubs atitaii mama' seTbee:cht eite terwiA,
And he •ho doeiree can read them afar
ffi etwewielmh a,4le IA baoseritkihultd
k the 0f,41a404.--AgF Nialunal SW."
Joel. So.—ln view of the remarkable pau
city °fixeren—Tv:wallas:it or othersvibe—st
tacked to true pall for the "Conservative" Sol
dicta' Convention, we have bees at a loss to
know iustolutt tbe World means when it
says: Pin that hobliors'cuprention we shall
not see the prospetogasntlers * * * but the
battle-searreci .wer-.worta campaigners - *
• who have been familiar with the ringing
volley and retain tharge of 13ontbext rides."
On now, however, looking; over .the list of
delegates le the Convention, the Military por
tion of wbom will doubtleso participate in the
"soldlenr gathering, we hod ma explanation
of our cotenveraryte language. Hero an
some of their names : N. B. Format, General
In the Rebel army, and the 'butcher of Fort
Pillow ; B. H. Hill, General in the Rebel
army ; John B. Gordon, General in the Rebel
army ; Thomas Price, Oeueral in the Rebel
army; Z. B. Vance, Am -fighting General in
the Rebel service Nnde Rounpton, Oysters]
in the Rebel army ; J. G. Ramat, Rebel spy
during the war ; Robert Odd, Rebel agent for
the exchange of . prisoners. —Y. Y. Com
Gzsgf:44. liorastritse•writou.mie4pr in Levi,'
to one written by &twain Fowler, itt Which
the latter denounced him for his support of
the impeachment movement aa a iv colutionist,
in which he gires.Lait details of an interview
between him pallet ifstnitiOr itIGG ! He
states that after Iris Milwaukee apsech in -that
year in favor of, Imptschinant, Fowler travel
letiliser hundred sham ton:test him, and urged
.the picifristy sad necessity of keeping spate
movement Inaumwatml by that speech. In
the presence of a young: man from Tennes
isle, who deadbed Johnson's private character
and career as -Military Governor to gametal
Butter, Senator Fowler demanded. impeach
ment as the only safety of the loyalists of the
South, and added that none but a Southerner,
particularly a Tennesesean, could appreciate
tbe great necessity toe ths removal of the
John A. Bing Lam was serenaded at
tdo *ate iu Obio, recently, and iu response
delivered a speech c.oncludiag as follows
"rhough the President is not removed, as
he should have , been, he i§ neyertbelery ad
monished that he is not the 'peoples master,
nor above their laws. The peope need not
be diaccesaged—the .11 ut_ their betide,
owl tusier the lead, the hero of_the century
they may achieve in the birthing elections, by
ballot, arlictory IM as sweat iii
to the future of _the Reindilic, aa that which
they did achieve in 1866, under the same wise,
patriotic and heretic leader by .the bayonet.—
igti Cite Brea& PeoPle
wha saved o:c.k`fit.Bub)if! #ni Pre
we by laws. tlbem tq the final'cUrdilet
of tirSB *fitly- ordain; by-theft-election decree,
from %Adalberto:la es appeal. that the penti
leg -ftenendineat to •tbe 001016011.4*1 of tip!
United States shall be part Of the Supreme
Jaw - of the land, and thereby foreier secnre
-the !rational intekrity and establish • that Joe
4i6e_witichlbe Ltnstitution.:araa .ordedued to
nththiish, and, upon the due observance of
teal Ale peace and safety or men
and nit' " - •
Tpc Copperfietyls i roic , ss, tiW sneer at !tlep,
Griht,beeimse h'"hiialteen the'taishing bus
iness.' They can respect no
,one who is nut
an aristpciat. 'flain people adwTre men who
lave been ecaineeleerwith' thi• litiiiineing, In
terests. T.hfilit the CopperbWk do not like
tbe.seneitigP . grVe%qtant . P. old tilisinegei
:The' -
eet!Sk4eiliat . be will J;r 4 le 4 job
of tanniii. 41 licyeinbe.r . " , fin 'a Tikter" anal,
~ , gusii ever be'rx)ifieriikaieti.,"Be 011 yua
the hides of.ibe.lB4TfikYY,e4.,4,P?ueerirelives°'
ancl - "Deinociati - 1 ' in a manner r'i pordinee
them , tba; ,be 4 a {tp!;feFt i'vdorkuniui. .No
L lONclier tbeii - vainble"i4;`oe4hti bi' a t a nner
101019 g ter
,„.._ ....
: voir v ia Avapfuln .440berzt, rxte `men
.were iterigerft.o4#o4ifec, liallet of ggiat,
8e1Y414 .14i4 tkE49l*(Mtis bk.
.0 1 e , goilleP7 .
..!Nitt RINIt'T*4 I III44OII AO• WWI'
eakt# 13 0544 1 . 4 444 1 1 0 41Tetr#44A4e4. -.ew e
. .
, -, 18e 04 409-8 4 104,AbeDe4 4 19e4WA.140
0 .4 8 4.4 4 1. 1 *!e•_Plku .
..* " C1 eXez99 4 4t.4 11 .4i7°,
LKIPPIit 4 ) 4 4 RY1 46 4 40 4Yr. gleY ' would )9.-
PAYTTotfaihl l 9k 4,1%;;..Pt1tf/lIMY iiee; l2 lq
pre Wb11 1 4,7_, ,fo4,lvotgmiebe fnt
- , 4 l,A4PuPloilefoi IfleflAVL.. r6 o * NffPPY"i"
F e beft .,t bAtlt be , Plqb . eT4) Tqcs:rg9/;1 9
4, t , w06 4Ye!49'”5-uPR I ?"*
Of Yeatr#l i . nve%.4PY
have "'Oleg to
.say 4 5 1 444 11 blelek' 70LT - A r.i'vet/ 0 0
Ppd.. " .
jr4N9Pia*SaPAUtrfi ii 43 ii i e l c,i4i d # 1,11 ,.
firimorktireti *PAPA Sueftie!lnAeßf be
fo l!4 o l 4 PgßeiNiPet r e: ll ;!,.b° ll 4b*ders /41
,Sergooil ‘ 4li' d ,.. tonr I(ke repAeton ;
lyiii ; I
.„, ~. 1 e , i 0 - # an:diabelikt's
' Arl l Wr; l #4*iiiia
tcmpA,„frer.,ffittiv .
F • 7 1 - " f A # Pgletr4. ef,...441.2,121-iLlisll:
. ....8;0. —nacar "1: irm 11 - Er - - - /IF ,--. E ,
3 tIVC 4
MO rfra Air' : ••
tra , ri liel i tt. ;Jo wt ., i til
igiara...... P r P.1L, rhn ,.., A ,... -- 11 , ) ,..
Ls . _ f I
4- 4 , lo 4Pfihilie Aitletkifl.4l*,o444l4.# 7 44 1 '
. .
ig last month.
- finirarnall pox iirepidemiC In many - parte al
Tas crops in ,Ilamouri are !nip cent, any
7.,1:c. t s
lire iii rieutationZa Wishington
That the President is not &stilled with the of.:
tidal iilt4 bi tt tlittleigilteiatti." l
Tim sebooltnabittr is vnpopnlar in Tennes
see' .T.'?B *4 - gitlx! I P l a.u. l 4l l W4T l 9f.i,Nfo ex,-
terminate ail such7gharaeters. .-•-
Eissair.CV Kitsaa I;enoldirreiiikei of the
MormottCbuteh i .rdiedJ at - sBait , lirdtteCity oh
the r2trofilikailt. ; ,
Mn. A,DEalrac Wasj ' k
lied 4 i XF3YArk bit
Thursiiky by ae"biaratingOt a grimikone:
ON Wednesday night a man named Rohr
well, while int*eated, lea'thr i origh t s L iailrcatei
bridge, tifrar . jr_9ll. - W,ufk, , s4a th e
neighborhOlii l "4 . AaTiisburg. *IA was - killed.
Mss. Abrenato.Lieeohr and, her little son
"Thacklie" will sail for EurnPe in - a short
time, tor the purpose of staying with some
friends in Scotland. •
(Events, Gills 4 and family: , left - Wasthing
tnn on Monday' on a prlstato trip• ,through
the West as Cheyenne. lasts:poets to
return to Washington in about. a ntotith.
EIIWARI I * . *ANTITN; who' as secietiry
War bad htindredit
.rnilitorts or'plltus at
his dispOsal; Is a poorer to-day tb6 when'
he first accepted the posiiion. '
Rsv. Dr. Draftlehl • sen., "of Detroit, was
stricken with patalysis on 'Wednesday lass
while addressing the International' Conven
tion in that city and died Eqine dS l y, aged
74years. "
, _ •
'n0,9 , 44110;1 froW &UP.)hits aft the North
west Is to the etlect that , mpg' Of Ail kinds
never looka...Aaches.__prarasiain, while the
breadtkolgspaini , pladatei 'al largely in ex
c'NlPr!inT P5. 0 1 (44 1 1 NWTI.,
Dintrzna4hestOrat of Thunday, lEthinitant,
Henry - Webb, - near East New-, lAriftl;3ltl.,
whilst ploughing In his field, w as struck and
killed by lightning, Ills clothing was entire
ly consumed by fire.
.14e. Alfred Lee , a colored resident of
Georgetown O. C., died the other day, bear
ing to his family a fortune of three hundred
thousand dollars, w Bich be bad amassed in
the flour business.
15 Philadelphia, on Thursday, a youth of
thirteen years drank five y. laws of lager, and
was then drowned in the Delaware. The
partied who sold the unfortunate "laq the li
quor have been ureiited.
Tux Boston steamer on Wednesday, from
Norfolk VA, carried off two thousaud barrels
of Vegetables, and left almost as many bar
rels on Shore, which she was unable to take.
The dally alliprOenta of vegetables from .:Cor
folt to tile northern i.iticq is now cry iarge.
A caw rifle has made its appearance in
Paris, called the Ravageur, which, according
to the assertions of its inventor, eclipses both
the Needle gun and the Chassepot, and can
be tied forty rounds per minute, pr Y4pn per
A rtGvaLis machine has recently berm in
vented lity a gentleman of East. Sumner, Me.,
which cute thirty-seven ahingles per tninnte,
and can be made to cut forty thousand per
day, Only two hands are required to oper
ate it •
Few people know whit( an empire Texas
is. It would make twenty five New ITam
pahires, or more than five New Yorks, or
nearly six Petnssylvanlas. It , le newly three,
times as large as the island of Greet 13ritain :
and nearly half as large again as Prance.
ME Commencement at Princeton College,
Princeton, New Jersey, took place on Wed
nesday. The fonds of the College have been
increased t0",35n,000 by private subscription.
John. C. Green, a retired New York mer
cuant, has placed In the hands of the Trns
teps $lOO,OO in United Atat,es
GENERAL Grant has issuedau order to Gen
eral Buchanan, commanding in Louisiana,
directing the removal of Governor Baker and
Lieut. Governor Voorhees, and the installa
tion of the Ilepublicr4l Gi.vernor Arl4
Governor elected at the recent election.
// has been said that Chief Justice Chase is
about ti, abandon the Iteilubligunt, and try
the Pernocnitic party. Tnis must be.amis
lake ; for, if be wattte4 to pry the Pelnqmitie
party ? wouent he try Jell. Davis.--bdroil
GratgrAL Shemin its reported to hare said ,
in conversation at fit. Laub' on Tbutaday,
that there is nothing to be apprehended, from
the Indiana on the plains ; that they are
,peaceableluid quiet, and• that more murders
ere committed in any large city than by In
3IC/10141i ZOLLINEMR, a well.known and
highly respected citizen of ilarriaburg, wa
„run (war yesterday atternocm by the pawn
ger train. from Philadelphia, and had both
legs taken on; The accident occurred with
in a square of hie home. Be was attempt
ing to cross the tract at the time.
Tax Glrasd Lodge of good Templets held
Its annual aession at Williankpi•rt week be
fore last oomtnencing on Wednesday and clos
ing on Pridarevening. Three hundred and
ten kkigesin th!sBtate werepresented. • Don.
Simon B. , Obase, of Susquehanna -county,
was elected presiding officer for the , easuitt4
70. 14 and Mimi. L. S. Wright reelected-O.
Tun culture of oranges and itimons in
Oil Want*. is , a success. Seine Mee •af tbe
44 : si otraugle•or lemon plantation in beating
P e`rt • ..ifortaad'hy quoting•the wholesale: pri;
eat of tbeie fruit' in San Pftneiseo its Mid
tkprily 1868, who:tate best Los . Angeles. ism
one were selling for $&O :per thousand, ..and
thek beat °magas &loci for *SO , pee thotaamci.
A taitQACT of one' thotarand dollars 'is - left
to the Hera/tied 'church' oi itinp:clr;
lereey, by=tits' Will of Jacob - S. - Tiger,
Qeised; upon ' tlentilitton that' the . - ehiirch
onna-he kept ireelVona-Canadi,tbletletrehil
64* the groWth 'otsich r(?*
weeds are' ed any extet t,';'115:6& tha
Teiz statue of 141ither, 'erected 4 omit*
commemorative, tt 1 ,the444:9p44, • / 148 lll
augurated on Thartiday, • Tim Xhitg of Prtut
aiaand4lan, Coma Itreseed, and a
vast 'chimmurett , skpeople. frost all parts of
•Xtitype „Anturica. Selves oCartilleiy
- Were4leetlaviten,the anttne wee turrailegi p end
& isystimmits aftawrosla sus bit-seranstlestui
imsrvelatit. :
, filits 'kw& tiortioitittsitfilwait the' %the
'ef bite 4toritif Vitel tielte itatiehie Tee!.
piir; id Flitilklelpltla;aoi Tiiitretty, iiveidd to
'> 'bows. Atte ; does. .ciedsoostiatkok '4O the
Mat orerisitassasdkilthat lotty.Qntimpagd a
asf , this illrodowfbood• wait in lbw an& out:
seeds% 4(414, ctaithtitytapiesortfo, 'filtharmos
WoutplafirllPtie4llo isiasy-impbstar s v. bdiditsit
C 03140 szoopiaL
Ories4trtitt Milettia*
iyt theuiiiiialkiiiiilteksits , 111 1 . 1 ' Bik° •
'!"" IPP93(.r4ALTer Ix Ng!
.114 lifteing.—The Cpncord irotfteur says
tat - •t. a 3en i t •,j,
ma • y 2, • t . t, •, 1f ony thb
honest vote of th i ti : •been eut, would
lave had a clear majoriV4 PIM aril ENO ,
TAttrotee t tiotA4 l #l4d that' thru fitouptuld
fraudulent voters were cast for John G. Sie;
1 "79 e d tije: toitietarri
Stacy, they returned 700 more votes thai they
bad stable polls, while in the 129 Reptablicen
sew*, the number of votes returned was
2,127 leas than the number utnitible polls !"
A tarns from OregMW written on the dei
of electir, effplftes the Democratic victory `
, 11t 0ti1.,*0040.*
'~~ f
_ington, im .
stwr_thsk warrisige /31114ey rcmoved to Illinois,
Where, in the course oC time, he bought a
I°: l 4)l44ll l l4fift4trirefOltis wife and
two M. three children ck - tO Bloomington to
started with *IN._ fitralifornla. A short
distan beyoisti M &II Mike City be was cap
turnloff the Flat-head i lncgens, and his cattle
Wllttaaeffi I diiiiiiericatineid hi miptHity+ Islome
eight or ten years., : ,,During all this tithe his
friends heard not a word from him, and he
Ftirik)eitpAsisdthi aid ;deast.t , lia.ther hit:anti:no
: 11 i9 wg4 1 1 5 14 1 4. 4 W., 01 ' 41 '9°4 * diverea, and
.wits roarr c iud nbnut s.rar.agot. at 4 removled
with geihiish4d yo Iltinols; and now comes
the sorrowful - part Of the story. On Thnri ro
Om Oiliest. f lynelk.„aers t hp illitehell tfoin
[',ilia/4M/, Ibitteritisixtedid Mit fitber'S (John
Shirley's), hear Bloomington, in bright an
ailbell:49r hiLlPS,iaceitPii*llli Ida beloved
wife and'children Oink - When told that his
'Wird itifs Married; he wept - likes thilL We
learn that itehas written:hie late-wile a letter,
&Niel that he tuts the oldest Oahu ; but the
courts can afford no rebid. So csdeely did
the "redskins" keep Mr.' Shirley coisfined that
1 1 0 Anteir•lrard a•word of the:rebellion until
he made his escape only a short time ago.—
Re bears upon his person unmistakable evi
dence of baniareatment, but he considers this
a small matter when, compared to the loss of
the Mettler , of his children."
— Tiptommt, ,, L - The Mg Sandy (Sy.) Herald
co f Jime 18 says .-v-"On Sunday last, a than
named Clark, who lives near Keesor's Rocks,
on Sande, came to town and got drunk, went
home and began abusing his family, and kept'
it up butt/Vl* hoar is the night, beating
his wife, threatening to shoot her, the chil
dren, or scene one else;befots the next day.
He put a gun into the mouth of one of the
ehßdrett and threatened to shoot him, but an
older boy hie:it:iced. the gun away and took it
from him. Re than sent another child some
where in the neighborhood of his house to
get another gun he bad there, loaded, all the
thile'voivlitg he'would kill some one. While
, the child who gone he polled his bed upon the
14091 - aild laid down, when the mother, for
feiWnfter.,life, or that of her children, seized
an axe and wrack hipi leveret Wows, the Ann
of which proved fatal, he not moving afterbe
ing atrnek
"The woman and her family were arrested
and brought into town on Monday, and , ex
amined before Judge 'Norris. The evidence
proved that the set was done to save herself
and children from murder, and they were dis
Tug St. Paul Pim says that Q 4 54tklitY
last the three children of Mr. B. Schreiber,
of Mankato, Minn., asked and received per
mission of their parents to go out walking.
They were three very bright handsome little
boys i aged thirteen, nine and seven years.—
They passed along down the bead of the Min-
nenotai ilea r to a iietinded plc, yolk% 'the one
aged nine determined to .. go to bathing.—
While doing so ho gut beyond his depth and
counheAced to drown, The eldest brother at
once tan to his rectte, but in tke strait tie
, eatilently Bata that both would lose their lives,
for when the little fellow on the alvire started
in, he called to Mini saying "Don't oome
near us or father will lose all his boys togeth
er," In a few seconds after both sank to the
bottom, The alarm was soon given and s
prompt search made for their bodies. They
were recovered lo about half as hour, but
life was entirely extinct. The two little fel
lows-were tightly It..eked in each other's urns,
having died while tints holding each other in
a death grasp.
Tricker, elm 711841)31, W4S lately used at tit-
*gam New Yark, 444 sGateaced to he hung
In Angnet rev fbtpolsoninghiswife. About
yearago he procured a. policy in the Con
necticut Metsi Life insurance Company, the
policy being for $.5,000 and covering the livim
of himself !ld wife, the survivor to have the
money in etße of the death of either party.—
Mrs. 14-iaiin wits then in good health. Soon
atter the policy was obtained they removed to
Lockport, and she died there in September,
after a short and violent illness, Mason's
conduct who., no went to collect the I MU'
ance money excited suspicion, and the body
of his wife Wan disinterred and found to con
tain poison.' Hence his trial and conviction.
irrow tke poivimport Oar"? Oyzette, Jt Ge 14.
G.u.kaseoersiiii---We received a call last eve
ning from Levi Higgins, Esq., of Chicago.
He was ott his way home from the West. He
reports tlust . Lite grasshopper crop in tits vicin
ity of Des Moines will it the present time
yield full fogy bushels to the acre; that when
their hare attained their full size the erop
willaverage sweaty-five or eighty bushel&
They are rgale1)10 their way eastward at the
rat' of forty Mlles per (ley. The little ras
cals are not et all dainty 4h4iut their food, but
relish dog fennel arid smart weed with a per
fect gusto, Mr. H. reports many farmers be
fisheart,euud ut he prospect at not realizing
anything filen their crop this season. Many
talk of selling out unless the plague is stay
Hovse,of Commons, on Thursdav, the
Ref 4 - 44 4: bill was restd for the thdrd time
and pltettei. In tite tlown of Lords an excit
ing debate took place on the question. The
bill will hardly pass the latter body, in which
case Parliament will be dissolved, and an ap.
.peal. be n:tade to the electors of the kingdom.
The Minlptt7, not surrender their posi
tions, uniessilseatea is a new' election.
'Put pork-pailisno se- St, Louis offer to give
$l,OOO in pri;es KW* beat, breed of hogs to
be exhibited at , ti*,' at:Lillis Fair, which be
eps on the Oitober; The burst prize
r tite .:best boar and
riot: ttlV 'breed, 'wig& frit plgs of'same
Weed, 'not to , bbever ala montini old.
A WIN w#er silys that the
committ€Vap iii the alleged
9,Rd9 peplusnen,itip9upted a
•U, hicialWfli the 'Bes.baid i Au
ilito's6lllet. Lllnder theiam.drUongress an
the . floicre nunttpsyntp aaryice were
to receive 0300 for bounty and 'allOviance.-i
-subsequently a . law was passed pro viding!hat
vpt . 4ruld - .paid to -A e
owlsersittt ho eritered tbelervibe. It
appearst&hatAKClerit in tiogAseond Ailditor . 3
ogce 48144e#4999 9f Ws /104 t:
nearly a milllnn.of gioilars toparties c
to represent negroes musters into .the service,
said parties martin iliOne tie owners or
said ileferlitt hE ilin6 they were mustered
Ana no t
tto a;aI.4:2IAW Tl-;i1
- ii2:4
addition& J:
lk.dford; tin- tegisiainre.
CARROLL.—Charles B. Roberts, Esq., di
Westminister, was prostrated by sun-stro'ke
! • ises-weeirr
prortclin, Il A gtf al "rr o'l 1 - / '
C r l7llllßELlND.—tiev. Dr Edwards, of Balti-
Atiole,i4alpenfilctfljerofesilog of Pillpso- , :
41.111f4lielklitditture kin l '
it : 0 1 ,440t ikiiin g tee
make up ,the ,$3O -NW*ed to put 14
Mont Alto Railrbad under contract.—A move
meal id-being 4146 1 rrit jai tibia between,
Mercersbttrg and Ilagerstown. —Two ly9it, t ,s
of, 4 3l4ctrgeT.lambaugli, ne4tiliktnetilxitcr *ere
killed by lightning on the ov i ening of the 23d
ult., while iti field.'
FILEDERIOK. —Gov. Swan has commuted
the punishment of EdWard.TMles; ebnikeed of
rape. on. Miss Cline, to impfiaonment' for lite.
—Stephen Howell had hiti thigh broken near
New Market last Week, 'While raising a barn.,
—Ninety shares in the Frederick National
&alit were sold' at pbblic sale' Lk week at
$20.50, and hl 0 shares at $2l —par value $l.l ;
and 11 shares of the Farmers and Mechanics
National Bank at *.so—par, value *25. —The
Frederick and Pennsylvania Line Railroad
Company was to have organized on the 13th
D. Wigwag, cif -
lien - of Frederiek died sinldenty a few days
LANCASTER.—Last week two children of
Michael Welsh, of Columbia, crawled undet
aArali of cars standing:on-thetni t elc i teth
er some chips; the train started, nearly sever
ing the body of one aged;, years, and serious
ly injuring Op. onset.7 , —Atlitild of.tAanlos R.
Young,, '3lountjoy township, died on the 13th
ult., from. eating ,Lue i fer,rnatehea. —A son of
Fliswman,' aged 8 jealsi, as drouned
In Lancaster on Wednesday. while bathing in
the Conestoga.
WA B 9tsorox.—Sainut;l L. Weisel of Wit-
liamsport, Md., is among the newly appoint
ed Cadets to West Point. —The colored Ma
sons of I;lagerstown hail a m. 9191819 14 cra
Isioditesclai last attended by colaretl lodges
from Charriberatturg
17th ult., the Trustees of Antietam Cetnet cry.
met at Sharpsburii and re-consldered the rtl3-
olutlon in regaid to tite burial of the Rebel
dead; final action wal postponed until No
Yalta. new - e.atitolki ebntale is' to be
erected in Hanover, on the site of the old one:
bridge on Hanover Pirancli Railroad, near
thc ,l•t;nction, was bttrned on the 20th ult.
31aj. Frederick Jletgar, of Hanover, aged 83,
died on Weduesclav last, from the effects of a
fall the Ftlday previous.-44.1 t week the dis
tilleries of George W. Ruby . .Ida - m K. Bo rt-
_ -
ner, and William Foust, of ShrewsbyT town
ship, were seized and einsal by S. It! -
yelitte offices, for alleged frauds in distilling
and removing Wttiskei . the
Afew.iiseels sin.e:AhOdialiffeiy of P.
Bartholniai and G. Wr Noedel, in North
Codorus townslip, was also seized and closed:
—CO the 81st ult., the Carpenter Shop et An
drew Gotwaldt, York, took fire from a match
carelessly thrown on the floor, and was corn
sumed with all its contents. —On Tuesday
night about 2 o'clock a fire broke out is the
Tin Silty ef C. Q. E . oitcatep,.lrork.i cie%trcy
ing it and the dwelling cf W. E. McLaugh
lin acljuleing; the inmates of the latter hay-
log barely time to eseape.—John Adams, in
jured by the explosion of Johnson's powder
mill, has died.—A little girl was bitten by a
mad dog in York laf.t week.
: -
' -tt: 144=-1- H $
- A in rrr(growers -A:ssociation, - toinpOsed
of some of the most prominent gentlemen of
the State, is estOlisbiall a fisrnx iP Franklin
county, at the base of the North Mountain,
which Is attracting some auention.•A %The
farm contains 214 acres, said to be admiribly
located, and peculiarly adapted to fruit grow
ing,. About 170 acres are under cyltlyation,
planted with apple, peach and pear trees to
the number of 12,000. The ground between
the trees is occupied with other crops. Six-
tee!! acres have been setepartim• "apes and
striliberi l ies, slid a like t ate icor flArf and
srandard pear trees. The grounds are laid
out in blocks of four acres each, divided by
avenues forty-two feet wide, with a central
avenue one hundred feet wide. We notice
anion % the list qf stock hf.lcy-s the wines of
elloar34 9.:ll.4 l orneri Jitnes : loldir=4l
others well known throughout the State. It
is wise to encourage the cultivation of fruits.
jpecial fatiteti.
Every one at theme kola the necessity of something to
tone wp the system depri med by mental or bodily exhaus
tion. At such times let every one, instead of taking
alcoholic or medicitilf stimsdantr, which afford only ■
tempurary relief, reinCgorato hie debilitated .state by
the natural tonic elements of the
PEW:MIAS liTill3Pi
or rr•tected Solution of the Prorosido of Irm, which
vitalizes nod earlehee the blood by sarplying It with Its
Life Element,lion.
Being free from Alcohol in any form, its eiseryistop
stied" are notfollowcd by corstrposeditty rent:run, but are
permanent, infusing snacsonr. vision and NW LITZ into
on parts of the system, and build lug up - an Laos C9N
WM. 0 iiTERLING, Es q., of Ponghkeepele, N. I:Jaya:
.Since taking the Peruvian Syrup I feel better, my
strerigth Is improved, My b..rrelt are regular, my ap.
petite drat rate.
There is an old Physician in this city (older thin 3
am), who has been is the Drag business years,
who has wed the iyrup for three months, and gives it as
hti decided opinion, that it is 'the beet Allerattrelonle
Medicine he ever knew.'
' for LTSPZPVIA, Dun LIT?. and Ft Intainiteagg.
P•liniaa 14 rUU asspecJOe Ts page pamphlet sent
froe. The genuine has uPtatrwiew 871CP" blown in t h e
.7.P. DINDNORN, Proprietor, No-08 Dry et, N. ,
gold by IQ Druegista,
...- - rofela air& oiler 'Net4ti Yea ektifti-ine-
J.W. Roan*, E„ q., e prominent lawyer of Parker*.
burg, W. lie.osys: "I bnd . .. . • ~ •
;dila exosamoseed Cab tasire. A117481107.114V15t
Xy Alrasl4 Throat and was moo eastiotoosur
wI a wa4 mans. , 4 1 4 04/4 1 44 1 i,
saved lay
Circisbus, yowl toAli4Osisdy:ll/
May B.—ln; 1 Slut. g,,. J. P. IMO/AWL; Proprlobio;36
'For safe by Druggists genes-414.
C 941-: • •
licankaufaetarad front - PRIIIIL4-
TERI kW. aad nay be az=
.462N011. for aid• by alibi
[May 16.
Jai). 1.-2 s
• - resl
One Trains* On_Ati 'Mires by mail..
R. P. RA LIWINN4 Pillyidetars, Nsabna, N. R.
June R....1m
Tc To 14 N3R
423 —1 ONLY ONA
t • 1 . .. A- 1
pri , •!;z . !
WI aro selling &US 2 /04.15E, 401 7 end Am, Goods sd
• 4 i•
n 6 be o ea and nisei
SPa fel, 484 1 7.40 4 % 04 ,-, i let
;44 •
and T
, liprneke olpi Va44 - f — liallizrpre-Str et,
1 ' Or
Stand. and
S "at, offekr A
A 1.
i n• gr e oll= 4 14%
awkort cuwelstlng in Part of
411 :4tt1f—T5U1 1 14 , 14 . 314[T.
7. tatiAl:St AND DRST rxrtns mmarrr.
...TO3 orT,A*II9I•EB...
COIA ATM imtiorri RE AtrvEittoft 90A P.S.
rowixrs minx?:. PrA6l l .4B—Tlll , l BEST AND
roirrZT, ELLa, DA LE'E
111,SIClitt3 AN 1) 'Cu! .N •.‘u, 1' 111.11 C II ANTS SUP
Ibtaidaf: "11 , 14/42.4.1 . 41 ALI. 1 , ..11M+ ui LtIF Xllint. Nip' LI
DRUG: & 1100 K: 'STORE,
I. •
nx#rßf ilEiCIANTS‘trep r4itt H t iwhol.sal•
city prices.
Ifbb. 12.—a
Y gICIAN AND D121;0611ST,
Offlee :111,1 Drag N4are.o CHAN STREIT
!‘ ' bi.ALIIII
• - COAL OIL, SC,, Sc.
PURE LI4UOR3. puritse4.
Dr. R. 111 rneei 0 LIET, s rciN t We remedy chapped
hand., rough skin, lc.
Anna- litwar.ante....lputa and ganuina.
Jan I, ISM.-tf
I Start - , in Brames Ea' ileanycalult;m4 - Are st„
11 -a.
Avßtc, .opeiiel a mew DRUG
STOUT; and Ailed ft np to the best style. I offeray
atocir of pare and freak Drawl, ' to
.the cftftens of Littler.
torte and vicinity at the Invent mirket retro, consistisa
fn part of
Drug* and Fancily • zWediciartg, Pure
leiy /Kir* for Medicinal PurpoBc*,
Patent M - cdicines, Horse
•- " '-rdnolLsra,t • ;
Pure Spicas, Dyitand litor Stuffs PerfnmPry,Tnih4
Soaps trige t s. , Il.fultsw.46wtaciut crshair
t.. ry II Mar. d
l' ' Tor soft water, c rir warm. Clf.tres trashed wffh
this &RP MitenureAejaimutlfutkyvohite without . boi*rg or
least.. 'We ie sbe 'beet ieeee hvAtio.• Try it. 11 b
war its *9l • t. Wive :be hinds or fabric.
LitTlestrotref, ' JAM w.lll CREnB.
The war being t Ter, the undersigned have revonsed the
at their old stand, in East Middle stre-t. Gettysburg,
fliers they ere again prepared to put up work In the
must fsabieuable, tuber/stabil, and superior taaanit.
lot of new and serond•hand
on hand, which they will diap.:ze otat the lowed yrrev,
and all orden will Do supplied as promptly and eatisnike,
done with dispatch, and at dh ea est rates'.
04 4 ,
ladtf not 41 ot Amiss ..4141 (or rale.
Ttut that it** uolgthat*cdtte e0 0 ).4
• them, they solicit and wit I endeavor to dewy. a large
hare In the future.
May 29.-tf
_ 11
I XstlAiip AlttiliAlt.
_, i JOON 1....40Ck1id1T.
(( Best always , heapest. . ,
THE Best 4.nd Cheapest,
BRIDLES, - 4 -
HARNESS of all kirids, in the County,
are alwrosite be ltmeet , sg threldeled swell tgpown stand,
Baltireote et;, op ylositi dill PfeebyttetiaimMtlgeb.
(MpOREARY' 8 .)
oyr Riding and Wagon Saddleiii,
are the`nsett snbstanually hrolt owl neateet.
I nil' mess kitil ' a7tll iiit,'W 7iliij . i;i7Ed),
are2IW EL
TO I i c hti tTl "6 ll . l
OD e rfAlor ePi lladhlrl 4 ." Ctlhe °I
0 or4e f ith ter p mf4 coitus,
„rtf„l . l l.' Thilillre oh teIhIFIIPTINGI aid poet
Our Hem . .ll#rpft BArnes% ~
are made nit °ied a cheap 14 Therein tie made any
where and in the most substantial manner.
Riding tirfdies, Whips, Loshes, Draft.
Vi.i.cotel44eranttthian, to the line, Aim, bet
ter or elle4ese. - Y
°ti c r i f e4 4 l .l ' 1 ; , ~.1
,i. ,
havebeen tannin , to the I.4cid. 111 /Llg 41.11i11/4T11: j
A liberal percentage for coat, off all billvamortotlog to
We work nothing but the best of Stock ind will war
rant every eructs turned out to be in every , respect ae re.
Vranken! kir pratefirreora raraiazlts arab:stint' to our pre.
is. Ire na !Loan arid exasigius ?RIM 4X1‘,444140T.
Ja0.211.114111-te".- " IX itd7llllkLY k belle.
••••-‘ " - TA.T.t'&. - crett. • •
W. and b lle p m t y4Jaty
ftet .•01X WORC of-ibir aratbdisa
e , t constrne ta t 4ftrsmate to which Me
the attentlonSfleny
ere. Ravin; befit
.or t .m a
r itftyLre, aced of al.
aerial Went& Witt.* Nutty of style'
and durability, we can corthdently recommend the work
tie a g PSLVT , t i T r A 3 :4I, I C l 'V t 7atittv.
s fla action of r * eunyllea Lowe in
,weetefeely Ittrel.lertalalsls Alps& ills. is Ike Vacs to
bey them, •
.•'„ • . • .
in eseactebestneb dodo atabortnetlee
and on reasonable terms.
, ••.-Ia,ITT•S •
Gill UR te,l l . l ll4.tutgeticAtary,tte corner of Wash
sitow and ..,weiNYMWWslelfttjaltrg, Pa.
•••• e' Ste. •••• ••
Joel 1 •
Alittnts- County , Ahead
Mintiflatanne &Wetly ci/ Leather, and IntiC.
744. 441.11424 Oattali ar ifinest Nets.
2rwr serbfee sonmapansed.
perinnrca ITZBIWARW IBTH, 1868,
J. I.;wojiLimpia..4itaut typ 42413Z510R,PA
45 1 ar Ad0 8 ° 4 1 3 a tt , J
HAS constantly ou hood mamillieturod Not, of tht
above Puma. Also,
44011 i': , .‘,l34.lec7tii)fiv A 4'l'
111 V
:. , ,I•g11111191L-- ,
Y .p. .4 1.1,47.-)1j
• . 11* i . •`i ~4.,s d..... 1
_ rillarratia
,esibt tailelfeiodi hirlfrilliktealiiiikligiler i
' • "-'
irrAAMTS WANTED to oo Torrltolt Ibr Pat wt
low Moo to osil low ow
Atll easakirateadou sigoullgilr
tkraas ~ .t Nitalierit4 cantailitli'Mi,•,llgaTlak
r.wr. 3 Idyl I N
-N7401! i V...A.I I MIAD I • ~..,-: ; : ~:e . - -:,
.1 ,4,,,.
ir tio,
1 4 /ra the Muth, nd
G 7; ~ C TYSIICT 11U.
Medical advice without charge.
ftiv 4dictrtititwrnts.
Are now finished cud in operation. 8i sty tulles of track
Moro hNtt laid this spring,and the work atoag th e wi,„l,
line between the Atlantic and Pacific States Is bein g
peeled forwitdmore rapidly th,in rrer before. More
that) twenty; thittiomnd men are employed. and It is not
ittrpositbis that the entire track. from Omaha to Sacra
mento, will be finithed In instead o f 1 . 70. rh,.
means provided are amide s and all chat energy, men and
money can do to aecnre the c. , lnp'et ion of Ott.
e;:irlivet ponsif , lu day • a ill be done.
I.—A GOVERN:RENT GRANT of the right of way, arid
aA tit re-ury timber mini 'Aber matetinta 4 and along
the !lac of Ite operationt,
°OVER:OIIINT GRANT acre. of laud
the nil's, taken In alternate sections on each side
of ita road TL:a is n , 41),.111(,. donation, and a ill
tin a sourer of large reyeaui• in the tutors.
11l —A GOTEICSNI EX L . GRANT of United St tt, Thir
ty-year Bond., anscunting to from f10,0.r3 to $48,000
per mile, according to the tliflirtiltiewtobeturnsemot
i,l on the vol ions au tiona he toil% The Govern
flint a'at.t d mortgage as security, and it is
czpocted thAt not °NTr the interest, tut the pi it,ci•
vat amount only by paid in Reel-hes rendered by the
Cotnpany in transporting troops, rnnilt, le. The in•
tere.t 1. now much mare thin paid in Om way, be
great Living. In time and morn to
the ti f,t•tn tarn t
IV.—A rit)VP.RNM ENT ( IRA]T.•f the right to hone it.
own FiltST RN:NAGE ROMS, to aid in building
the raid. to the same amount as th- 13 8. Baud., in.
vied fir the S2tive t.urreare, and no mine. Tux Obv-
ZaNlilEtr Panama the Tinst , .,es td the First Mortgage
llon.lbuld:ia to deliver the Ronda to the Company
only an nil road to cvnlpl.ted, and after it has bees,
examined by United States coaliMartionera and pro.
[lounged to be in all reo pec to a llnit class Railroad,
toil with a heavy Trail, and completely sni•plied
atatiot.s, turn r,h , ear—hops, locomotl•ea, care,
hold( r, nf whit II ' , per Eight Dranarr ha,
te,ol l paid In nprin th- wot k alrradv atoLIP, and which
aril! he Inc reai,itl as the rrantg f the C, nipany
CA ft EA ItNINIiI 4 mi it. Way
ta manic THAN THE INTIELET on the
First Mortgage Florida. Theme earuinga are no in
dieathm (eft!, cast thrattoli tr.'ffie that moat follow
the opening of the line to the Pee atq bnt they err
tainly prcere that
'spun such a pc l .l , lty.r..ting us , srly three Mr. , * their
amou Llt,
The Company Lace ahuudant meant in th,ir trvounary
end wake no appeal to the public to purclime their
Bowls. as the lAily sub.cri:ti-nt are entirely nalii.tae,
tort; Lit: thy nutiruit shot, a security anti fiber.
al return•, thrr+ is cettaitalp u .bttt,r. icre‘tcrpent in 'he
The Pacific brAnall , Ale foril,ooo each. aaJ bur •
coupons atttckel They have thirty year! to Min, and
bear aLnual Interest. payable on the first day. of Jana..
ary.arl July at the Company'. Office in the City of Near
Vock, at the rate of six per cont. in llto Principal
is payable in gold at maturity. The price Is 102, and
at tlie present tad. ulgol.l, tlioy pay a 111*.val incume ca
their ',cll.
The Leiiet lieu these 1.1.h.1 a, a t the present
rate, aze the cheapest security in the market, and re
serve lbw right to advance the price at any thee. Su'.
erriptions p ill be rectoreti in New
iSetburiitions will be rece'rett ie dettyaLurg. Pe_ by rev
i 1 E 7 1"1 -4 317Rri NITIONAL LANK
ll_ in NCV( YOCI
At the e( ) ; IPANI . ri :TICE, No. CQ V . i.:LBAO :orittlk:
.14N J. CISCO SON. DAN ERS. 511 WALL `.,,t
And by the Company's alrerti,e.l agent. thrtatgkont th•
-- slilinatanseser etweski be sovde in drafts PSC., frintl4
par in Nei? Park, mid Ow Banda will be sent Ir,r rj
charge by return express. Parties settscrsbirog through
loan( agents, self( took to them for their safe &darer).
• PAMPHLET AND MA! 1 , 011 1868 has just Lee.
peblithed by the Company, giving fuller InfonnatioL
than ti pomade is. an advertisement, respec Hag the Pro,
grime of the Work. the Resources th e Coun try traversed
by the Road, the Menne for Construction, and the Value
of the Ronde, r bleb will he sent free on application at
the Company's °Mere or to any of the advertised agrasa.
JOHN J. ClACO,'Preiesurer, New !oak.
(April 22.—km
Sono 3, 1885
sell the best and moat reliable Lite of the (ireateat e.r
Llrina Soldier* . By Hon. J. T. Headley. the (h a m
Ix/tiler Historian of Washing km. Napuleoo,Brscrsd
Fenntit, ore., kia our Agents citi aka take or
dere. Secure an Agency at wore before the tieTd is taken
for inferior aurae. lhi. INX,k is time)l; popular and
Wrap naldwainon spienthdly, Ow terms unexcelled, Newt
It ttiCe fur cut:l:l4r. A tl6l rena
June 24.-30
Xtgal gotittS.
i~OTlCE.—Letters of Administra-
A. Sion, on the *dale oltialtAW Mints, :ate of Adams
county. deceased, having been granted to Henn' FouLl
residing in Perry aunty, he hereby glees notice to
persons indebted to said estate to call and make
ata paymsat, cull those haring claims igitiust Ike wisi•
will present theta properly authentic ited for settlement.
r-sq., iliettysburg, will settle all claims
against said estate, as my Agent.
June 24.‘,-ett HENRY FOULK. Admr.
An abatement of FIVE ran CkNT. will be al
lowed on all School Taxes for tho Liorungh of ()attys..
bur g , asseeaeal for the current year, which may he paid
to the Collector Wm. fictan. or TO the Tr. asu , er L . I.
Faneradifoca. on or before the to day of August ne:2.—
Ey order of the Board,
U. WARREN, President.
.7. F. McCeekr.r. Secretary. [June 17.-t1
Thsre will be an Kzersonatiuu at applicable for
the Common Schools of ..ettymoJrg &mom District, In
the , chool Building. an Fricky /A , 101 A day of July nest,
at 10 o'clock, by the Con- ty Wipe+ Intendant. The
Bumf] tarot at 7 o'clock, P. M. of mane dey to elect
U. WARREN, President
J. F. MCCILAIT, Secretary. [Jane 17.
NOTlCE.—Letters of Administra
tkat on the estate of Joan ittocasw, late of Cum
beriand township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned residing la the said
township, he laertby Aires notice to all parsons indebt
ed to said estate to make Immediate payment, and these
haring clanns against the same to present theta properly
authenticated for settlement .
June 17.-6 t
Soldiers' Discharges
jjAVIDN7 procured the proper Docket. I am prepare
J.JI. to 14r1.1.01,D SOLDLDDS' DISCHAKOES. in see. rd
mare with a're , eut Act of the E,giskltare of Penner!'
reale. Soldiers are Cautioned against ti-tai In this mat
Register k Dec. rder of Adams county.
June 10.—t f
rrlIK County Commissioner. take this method of la
formlysg thwTax-payers of Adams meaty that the
IWO Altpo• ities no lamer allow - abat,ment fer early
powwow oistste Tatted—bat odd Ave per tient, is the
quota of each county that dues not pay by the let of
Anapest. ?been:am .saJoaers therefore ere notice that
In order to meet Ude demand, Tax payer* tbrunghent
thin county will be expected to pay on OP babes the lira
DAY 0/JULY N laT--othorwise Bre per cent. must be
added by the Collectors In all cases. By order of Com
missioners J. M. WA !AM, Clerk ,
• 7 . i.
eve, guibtr, ghat, /cc.
Tax undprelgued haJ bought out his tomer parlboor.
Wu. !arm, an 4 now continued! the
tbaCiattyabarg Lana Mies; on tins COMO('
thaitaLlosad and Marti Stratton street. rhaaltflel I
Jimett patronage, howill sondsaiv• to damns it. swains
*nap by prosionting tL Inssinwas rtgoroosly sad man
largo • scale as pondbl•—•lwitys selling a good &reset*
and giving gait maniere. Ampere and others nap look
Pitoith Into' of orders,
- ,
He also continues the
Al' l -t§! l ame 14641 ' / T*WPGra as
*Om should givs bin s calk lifirekno tti Opal oCrsta.
kr es hand.
Ws* and cow **aim isynoare In o tfiriburi-
GeV Abe% NoLint Wolf Wien
L'L1t...,1 'S'ate.4
A. 11. rillßlLAßD,PciLliiNlier.
.400 ei eetriut street . Phil.
Go , ttyibie
Literary E
re in;Nt On Sii
or business 1
the 4th. Th:
d to 7 A. M.
t or sap. that
kreper, at A
the sting of
exercise s of t,
nary, conels•
young ladies,
ternoon next.
,arCit pt. .1
ernville, has .
for the next
gramme and
ranged, and •
Hall will be
for thew° elll.
Intereßted in
&eared to be
Cltlta, Son of •
land town hip
ly cutting his .
iftvering• an •
in, who iecu
to build a railr
Western Mar •
west of Mon.
road will be
through a tine
the students .
charge of Mr. •
day last. E
attending, but
thing passed o
be glad to leer
Town Council
ough Ortlinanc
log of Firewor
eept the nation
2211 of Februar •.
our now Gurdo
prepared to tq
all kinds, Le , tto
T4ckets, he., in
the he style, a
lien. “ive us a
Illt I I)GE CO
the building of
acrusi the Big I
ing from Hunt
recently award.
olinnerg, to PIT
belonging to 'f
place, while be
wagon, took fri,
down Mist Mid
Stratton, break
flimsily slipped
Ho was subneq
he Nvai valued
'neat at Mt. St.
mitaburg, took
and that at St. 1
attenclauce wadi'
ercises very Ia •
guiabod visitors
ING, of B&W. ,
York, and PCR
speak of the
crop of grain tL
our Farman; a
crops being tin.
prospect' for a
but we regret to
Lion" the weevil
appelrance, th
CA RDS.—Wi •
and full ansortan
are prepared to
all kinds of V
Wedding 4 .3ards,,
Tickets, In
the best el ty Wor
beautifully, and
any tiny.
has Just return.,
tells US that Ia '
per Sandusky,
thrt ving Hymen •
feet around WO
the CaliGurnia t .
one. A. &tansy.
would make aae
lavt, the yours : - •
N La residing on
3 miles from tow
esa Jane. aged a
timed, causing •
Tho mother had •
time to do some •
her abeenee by
clothing of the e.
bly from the chuit
mother's return,
Willi burned to •
terribly. Dr.
in, and relieved t
ponetble, 4etth
paper says a ne
farmers is on the
fere(' Is a wrough
into a hollow a
W hick wonderful
have got bitten
coat more apiece •
iron. Ai these
understood to be
up through the .
York, in order •
Pennsylvania an ,
ere would do we
them. Papers d •
trona' pockets wi
swindling sche ,, .
of the West &boa
generally known
its last session,
the "Adams Co
with power to but
at or near Petersb •
the Northern ' •
Cumbertand,or w
Road at or new{
er column wilt be
theoornmissiOile .
on the 2.3c1 nit., at
have preliminary
an early
a rich and
try, whlirki,
Lsh a large
sudiAent, we .
road self-austalai
the heed at . Itwk •
may prove a • •