twkw n*lfpwah9er - Ig•Fraltti , "la imaisaisaikares*ir ikon •iike *dee W , 6 thdAriliebbo.— ilea 6101114 AO 8131. " 4111601410. Opt Us *-- ,Pialighouro4. ice : the Beet ' ''' ' ' itkalew Tke dillietd* of inteis• vatellaU9 t ° a k '' 04111 i- -, 2. l ,lRPlifilitiflfilifOgs LSO 44' 1 11 " 1111 h 111 0 1.6 "ft or 111111 "diSte "Mete" . riliiiiiiii fillialitAlld itadaksey &dug the eik o f a t* pis" Will fowever make , OPP' • The %est seed wet be grown to full =tar - I:, ity ler th e belt yield of Sops, and it can be t;,,: sod skated for some weeks without 1 • lose r , ; lbsiod•ltiwis miapyo,lll a MOly eatabusta id*eik, tekiiitiesb dose m' *timer ether material at the Caine Me. A Lady in- knee / hops box lit her pooket, the lid of *bleb /dosswooned had got, loose and inlikkia ilkhoundiser clothing on fire. cumin or the :dOiNguln Mgt!, of tinuticku Mhoosseessation whit& New England lady jetsliatsjingo she gook flispingtokly of the 'V tifesulsylvofis which mikeswomen while-wadi fence, and do such light out. door VII& We liolll, see the impropriety or Is , fliell dokSlight out-door west In fine weath- . re, or own fbeding the pip, if there is no owe at Mad to Wind to It., New England l!Edligoace Is ectotnendable, but such "Yan kee intiese" are not. C. Mier eases Wait Aro woe then irs steady increase in the Cultivation of turnipk_ parsnips, beet and `gent . - men who erierfamiat *My are not &mum to go biek again to feecUng with hay sued pelts ezelimhely. There is a great lea *X *Mg cattle for something succulent a milpde, ha the Whiter, that is best met by 4114.ir00M. The anima& thrive better, Mid ethiefitsdgces further, for this change In tbe d feu. :Wahsie no doubt that the cultivation 'Of *otitis geld crops would extend 'much mere eimidly If farauss knewihow easily they e 001 kelnised: With suitable Implements aestl iiribe cultivation can be done by h qms pintris. The only occasion for the ha ad Ime is in the first weeding and in thin a lig out the plant to make a good stand.— Old ground is better thin a fresh-turned sod; stt the soli peed* to:be finely pulverized. We have always bad the best results from deep &wing and subsoUing. Fine compost or eon ceiatrated &Wiliam should be used, one half plowed In and the other half sown broad mat sod banned in. It is a help to soak beet, swot, and parsnip seed for a day or two before sowing. Then mix them with superphosithatie of lime, and sow with a drill. Theme plants make their appearance be low the arm* and the rows are so strongly marked that they can be hoed out with very Star bbsr. The cultivator - Mould be started between the rows ail soon as the plants are visibk Very much labor is saved, and larg er mops are realized by timely and frequent cultivation. Stir the ground between the rows every ten days until the plants get pos session. Parsnips should be put in early , in the spring. Carrots sown June Bth make good crop in the latithde of New York and Butabsgas and White French turnips may be delayed until July Ist. It is easy to raise from IMO to 1000 bushels of roots to the acre at an expense of not more than lb cents a badieL Try an acre of roots.—American deriessidstrig A singie *lain of barley in four years will palm /even bushela.---The Canadian Atm°. Nye that Wailes may be extermi nated in half a down years by thoroughly plowing and cultivating the land, for three years and then seeding it down and mowing it f e two or three years.--Early cut hay contains one half niore nutriment than that made from groat thoroughly ripened. Hay ing should begin before the graseris quite ready to cut, else much of the grass will not be-tit eirly enough.--It is better to buy too)s early in the season. There is a larger stock to, select from and more leisure in which to lode about for the best artieles.--Narrow stalls are eraeltien A horse—and a cow Mill more—Jeseds room-to turn about in comfort. Yaeger and racks should be low, since it is natural : for furbish to eat from the ground. --- Baakelerillow makes an excellent =Mo dal fir wither for fence stakes, and similar =es on the farm.—Artichokes are an excel= lent food for cattle. They grow badly, will not rot, they require little culture and cattle devour them eagerly, stalks and 111.—A weak teien width nth be made for a slight o che its* If pointed over a gravel walk, will kill the grass that is always creeping In tonal* holden Salt sowed over it will an aver an equally good purpose.—Bolling water pursed around thitorit of peach trees 111 Thinfor kißlng the beim ----Lib. endhy with pollen vegetables brings a good return. Root drops especially should have Amer eif room. Thin not theheets, carrots, ate. friely.—Briglit red °kitting often pro voke. Meeks from suilmalo--why, no one Mews. Nudes may be aloided oftentimes' by mimstadm thin —A Maine farmer Inman* that the large profits In keeping ducks Is so We nip:Mood. Ele thinks they, peNlmeteeilmeimm , -416emeer orvondr are not tirmesszy , tatiwir atm" stub of water will do. The larger kinds, Rouen or Ayles holYs await binds to keep;,---There is an art in getnillot tools and the fine principle is *bold them care saws the stone. That sigma bear edge and Me her apt to "nick eet.=---Tbe Xesibe pep= sepoettled repe al efkoittd golventers of the potato rot. 'fief also credit it with Unprovher the Savor mellaeseef tbeenbess. marts ague WErturran. —We And the tollowlquandie ds malting what is claimed to be appraise rpidielsob, in our exchanges., This whims is clowned of Paris white andliiiituriernipurant eurk. Theproportions are **Or liduade of the white to a hair a pound of asThe latter is covered with coldwaterer : Ina in Ocoee/gag care wiSet*dip bawd; - i aserebing until dbaolv ed. ..Ithol*loll4o edited in with :had waterinernOlo" thppruper milky con ihdimici'ikir iiiipltigiag to the walk and the - dialidftlibbillia ad et and. thoroughly . abort . : It le a Applied with a brush in the nen , - , , Adlogkagr tbat Sliii Ale not way air: .:- be as now* moths ors wourin "nieireso , .senswintisoli ogiskaidiwwith. • 4- - stlibr=l=Attitaitil... ph tal n i tender love ellielliNk.l ll /_ 11411100.11-1000104)- and is auninco* irks ,irepwilealtir'%-• /11Mr4 11 blit balt i= "4 :tatt siilibt = FJWAII4II44*. 3. 4 1 / 4 1 = *. r eet ° l ll4 ~,r ,-,*,*, 44 , 01.4 1 0 . bi , r ll oair Adwesp, bo Iternaseb pow 41 41 1 bed. sod trodden upon by the wad. ' ' 4013014341 4n33Tr3laittO ant. Amount. Tainuntorb 8 , 90 00 Thome k 13 10 00 J. LAW* - 25 00 41001.1 Amid 13 10 00 14 7-010-: Crane 13 • - 10 , 00 10 00 - 1%1119 Winter-- ' 14 12 1260 00 lobitre 13 10 00 H. 14 10.00 - 14 700 Dr. Robert 14 7 00 John.... ... ........ 13 10 00 - /3 10 00 Mrs. Brush ..... 14 7 00 Hilary lhals & Bro--.---- 14 1" CO IL 9- McOrcary..- • • •• 24 00 George Jamb, 14 7 00 Ingham & Co.,_Waro' 9 25 01 Wads & Son, Wariboda- . 13 10,01 Wifihun E. Biddle , WusolsraZ.,.. .... -.... 13 - 10'0 A. Warehouse- - 30 0 Geo:O. &A•l•tUitsir, itrunis7W;itec„--- 13 •10 Ilasolltes l McCurdy, War0b05ia04.......-4. - so C. U. Scathe s Mosso and ... 0 25 , Jacob Illsatabor,.. ' lOO Jacob I/I*y,naT nsbaraid 10 20 Banner & Bra., Warebonse.........- 8 80 „Boors, H. Swope, Furniture-- 14 7 mpainwraiNfr 111 1 4 Furll9lll,-.. t ..514 rras 34 , + ... 7 13 B. ( 7009 4 - 4 140141 •00.4.3 - ...-7.-4....-....... 14 Wm. Thontas ..... Boyer & Bon .-.. 13 1 Doper MoOartnay, gra 14 • Bar I Woods-, ... . .. : Duphorn & 12 14 Idvard !enter 14 John 21. 14 Pm& ..„ ...... 13 John WI/ober 14 A. R. Feiatel., 11 Robert Ellett .. . .... ... ....... 13 Geo. T. Etabtleiscb..„ 14 Daudet IClitigel . 14 Mn. Robert Pax t0r...---...... 11 Jame Pioree....---14 Henry Overdeer ...... 13 Wm. J. Martin- ' 13 Denial Culp , Furtattre...... 14 Michael Spangler....---- ...... 9 Jacob Brinkerhoff.-- . 13 Michael tipunitht. throe Store. a . 14 Washington Rierbower, Tobacconist - M 14 JohnsftUnisr..—....- 8. 61. Gilbert - Cl3 - 1111118141;AND TOWNSHIP. Paxton t ...- ...... 14 ire largely Rimy W. 14 Jetob P.Lowsr... . 13 Kral ................ 14 14 Flank 't 8pan515r........,—............., 13 Jana John Little.— --- 14 lila Mary Rielarelsos..---.-- 14 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. Martin C. Overholt:sr ..... Samna' Martin-- ..... Charles H. Bahrtnan..---.„.. Wm. D. Zmmert..... .......... —.-..... ............ 12 A./ Emirs .......... . .... -...- 14 Francis Ethermaik . ......... ....... 14 Peter Hofitannn....- 14 /Nimbi Y Millse...---- 14 Try& . —..—.. ..... . 12 Mallborn k .... 10 Abraham ...... ...—....- 14 R. IL Fonts- 14 hands X. 14 John Ginter. 14 UAYILTON TOWNSHIP. John Win. &Hildebrand Geo. W. Spangler, Zillah Spangle!....., JohnGaiaelmso..— O. F. Ned Daniel Itailensperger..— ...... Jeremiah Goklen.... Jacob Ellra Smith Zppelman..... lanai Shank.....-. Wra-M i1ier...—....„ Edward Staley. LATIMORZ TOWNSHIP. Warner k T. M. Brenaman.... Joel Griest-- Imsatist Feder John Yost ...... ... Samuel J. fiborb— —.. J. k E. Miller.--..........- ...... .. J. N. Smith *co ... HUNTINGTON TOWNSHIP Isabel E. Pllkertoa B. W. Ziegler...... J. H. Mae— Hartman J. F. Gardner.— Wra ... Samuel Latahaw.. Leafs W. Heiken...— John W. Beltzel. 7'. G. Wolf.. =l3 P. &C. Ireatts.— J. F. Houck. Dante' Delap. Michael Belly Vincent .. ..... John .... Barbara Baster ...... ..... ...... A. Wm: Baker McCausland k Co Alexander Litt1e.......... Amos Shealy...- Walken, Starr k Win. Crouse k John Hinkle J. H.Dottera..- .. . ... W. Y. C. &sorb / * Shealy. Yount I Stan t ler .....-.. Young t Bahraini Myers &oder k Son.— Samuel Little.- ... .... David Selrwarts Boone t Steffy-- ..... Mariaml Lefewer-....-- A.. F. Barker ..... ...«..«.... James Crams HestiuDormert Miat IL Penrose. ..... 0. D. lidos- Bluth°Se: & ........... A. I'. ',rigid ........ ...... J. Miser Son.. W. A. Elden Mn.s B. N. Innate' 'W. S. .... . Dploy, Jahn .... David ....„.. ........ .... Abrabam "Award Wentz. Yrs. Wooer , 14 ... 14 1141.10111TONDAN TOWNSHIP. Shield' Zees OverhoUser- Sullivan • Son - —.... 12 - Wertz A Maw 13 OERKANY TOWNSHIP. Lydia Myers ........ -...-..—... HIR/I.IIAN, TOWNSHIP 7bßip A. - Philip Hann...... .._., ICksft High-Hint_ Jahn O. GOber7 Jabs ?Forbade. Jacob IL Taugblobarugit—...----.... 14 Aims 8. 14 BZEWICH BOROUGH. . 14 INVI Z. ............ 13 14 BIBTILLZRB AND BREWERS. Adams Diehl, Gettysburg .. . ......... John Hetutig, Gettysburg 6 Build Rhodos, Freedom townablp—....—_,. 6 Notice II horeby gives to all persons interested In the ereborn otaadiestkm, that !milt bah/ au appeal, at the NV OaftlaGlattysbar on Saturday, ths2oal by af Atm lead, Wiliam Us' holm of 9 4. M. *add P. M., When sad whim* all palm that mar con. sidle themselves aggrieved by sold elassllleatton may at tend. 11316 Tim aboinlre Licenses west be paid on or before the AM day of y, • J. IL WALTF.I3, y Appraiser of Mareantile Saxes for Adams co. Ma 20, 18011.4 t GETTYSBURG RAIL -ROAD. I , Offifi g liqW;iliWylpNA„. oil lac • . May -riW tow mg... o r Traits, vat lonia sad i s at Giatitbars, sad sate soaasetioas as Mary 1111110M1111111111:11t11401 wilijefarsthittpdstftst 11Th 7 4.111. sit or V 114 iI a s mgc e r on- Tart, Ilarmidn i tadpida t Itimi sad titsitoSthas4 11 Wt. lissom Suable wilting 411•10 141,A. eimaiatlef We** raftillia• .1 114 se 6 , 'oavAlits Norpink esseraradhsamaihmtrilvalltalwaresslllaksoon- Ilso, ivilli Stall testi _hem lialtistors ssetb, tirrivilld lit Ilanittaasti "PAIL dirtiest tiettys• baarl l2 ' llllBl!., _ _M'.l y ' Ativ ISM Ilarvidnar& i' "1••1111R11 .- - ' AVM PAIIIIIM: E rx will hawfrtiellystem at LOW, ow & isargr.rasasimus 06...04 . AnteithillidUseye, ran& Arita,* 41 , „ , f.l4lllritb' joseeigentreze S iwteleph Ihilthellortbintemmiitiatick by the Pesthole saditobiltb, boillidtbaikiltla the illeilliati r sti typt4gitift ilitti r em l oa litassaie l a k c P ti t. ' ii ll' a : Ithor - li 4 Vit c atiumiliwg• shun , 414ber ° 11 " 44' 'l - 11 7010741iliCi* , ~,,..,. . - ;al , i i - • . ? 144 .24 Mei lOinAmiw ~ . - ... ,. • ir v Sind tr. • , - , . 1' -. ... .• itovi V i taLt Ale - ' - ' cal Tams, is merisib.* ;.' . ' * ' 7: Ar the year Ink #ri • ~.ijrtitted Ihnbasothez _W ... J7LLNKLIN TOWNBUIP OXFORD TOWRRHIP =Ztfa surcza Towrisme 14 ............................ 14 NOUNTJOY TOWNSHIP MOIINTPLEASANT TOWNSUIP 14 %TYRONE TOWNSHIP MMMMIIO CONOWAGG TOWIIIIP FREEDOM T9WNSIIIP. LITTLESTOWN 1101t01.761i. IdENALLEN TOWNSHIP 14 UNION. TOWNSHIP 14 14 14 .......»......14 ItILADLNO TOWNSHIP IPPILL. Intomust 011144- ROreERVViAI ' i t PL tl* A „;* ;,1: . L . - RELL FAislOgi, • • , - • Middle stred, ci's" twaKt from the Cuart4oure, • GETTYSBURG; F'A:, ULI;4 groittpt,irAttirgna CO on. Aerein his tine. Work done In the most sans- Itictory, tnautier. and ht pFicef Ipst _eimi,pstodbly jmt atlbrdediottfralte TV- • furnished, as..well as f.fbalehdfera,./Deciets, Drop . Lights &c„ also WATlMP)P4flostaCrop and Frost Spigots. and:in short. everything belonging togas or water fix tures. • Bete huig, nlul farrildiatt ft desired. Lockr of all kinds repaired. ' (Dee . Y5 ; 1667.-It l WAGON MAKING. frHE subscriber respectfully informs the puUtc that he carries ,en the In all lts branches, at his Shop, In Preadtun tdwbithlp, nu the road leading from 31cIlleary's - Pcimuldmose to hitt lerstown, at the 11411 Church, and is prepared t.l execute alt orders .srith promptness. OF ALL KINDS ATTENDED TO. Ile also maralfacturas U ND-RAKES, SHAKING FORMC AND BROOM-HANDLES, for wholesa:e and re tail trade. He hopes, hy prompt attention to businers, to merit and receives liberal patronage. ;Orders addressed to him at Gettysburg, will receive prompt attention. Aug. 7,16.1.—1 y WILLIAM 11.1100Cli, INSURE IN TILE HOPE PME INSUITANCE COMPANY OF roirrA- PE N\' • . _CATS Fir.3ILVLS' AND rnellAYlll.) OFFICE: Llcrrim2n's eltrz Square CHARTERED CAPITAL ===M 132918 of eittry description taken f,r eporla ofyeirs, or perpetually, at as low rattan:are CODBIII rut with the security of the Company an , l the plr , les insured, and on as acclnumodoting terms as with auy Company In the country. ; NO DR,EXIL`NI NOTNB4re taken in Ws Company, and consequently, no Asssaainents will be Made un Its poli• cies. blurs than half the entire stock owned by its Of, Deers and Directors. which is a guorantce that Its salting will be so managed as to make it a safe medium for in surance. 7 00 INSURANCE CREATES INDEPENDENCE: a person pays for his own Indemnity, and need not he a Tax on his friends in the event of Eire. Daly: are daigfrous. int—MlJuises promptlyadjustet: and paid without de- Draccrom—Philip A. Small, John A. Weleer, John F. Spangler, IK. B. Spahr, Geo. W. Ilgenfritz, David E. Small, Charts/ A. Morris, W 11. Kurtz, of C., Lewis Carl. LlENitr WELSH, Prceident. DAVID E. SMALL, Vice-President. J. Can, Treastirer. T. K. Winn, Sec'y. gar Appllcatione lur Icenrance promptly attenlial to by the Secretary or arty of the Company's Agents. Anotrz:—Wm. Beltzel, John T. Williams, York ; A. Picking, Get tysburg; Smith & Harris. Wrights. ; T. W. Ilerr, Lancaster; John H. Zeller, Wt. Joy, Lancas ter county; D. Q. Albright, Hanover; N. 7.. Seitz, Glen Rock, and ElClMioger, Mechanicsburg. April 4,-.3m. 7 00 7 00 7 00 El A SERVANT FOR ALL Itoth's Inti».oceinent for Opening, Closi»g and Latching Grates, Ni -Ay begy,t t ta o c r h u o d d t d o w a n jygoant d a d op i e o ra a t o e y d I r a ' s ' ire d bu di: rection front the gate—opened and closed from one point, at any distance from the gate. Thin improvement ie sim ple and cheap, yet perfect and strong; will not be disar ranged by the Fagging of the gate, nor by the frost rais ing the poets; navy be made nt a conntry blecksmith's, and easily attached to a gate. The oh dersigncd, hating the Right for Adams cohety, will sell Tewnghip, and Farm Rights of this Impturem cat. Also, ROTII t SHANE'S AMERICAN LEVER GATE !Ea El —which will be found valuable and convenient to all who have gated to drive throng , i--as they remain by their team, open, close and latch a gee. without the ne cessity of 'getting in the wet or mod. Bur forlier lulotmatiun, Le., address - ISRAEL ItRICK Winne), P. o.,4astui eo. , Pq. 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 Li 13 May 13.-tf 7(O 7 00 7 00 BARK ! BARK ! 1100 CORDS WANTED 1 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 MI BLACK. OAK BARK 7 00 00- 10 00 15 00 15 00 EEO fur will:A La Will pay $6 69 par cord, on dclicary, in good order, at Ids lanyard In Get tyAburg. anted &LAO 10 00 7 00 7 00 KO ROCK OAK BA RK 10 00 7 GO Lc which the highest market pr:ee 'KM be siren Feb. 12.-6 m ... 13 - 13 .. 14 .. 14 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 MARSH GREEK PLANING MILL. THE unlersigned has established a PLANING MILL, on Marish creek, four m lee from Gettyirbarg, nt which he will manurtcture 7 09 7 00 DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES, WINDOW SASH AND FRAMES, FLOORING, WEATHERBOARDING Cluir and Wash Donn's, with everythin g else made at such a factory, and needed iu the buildin g line- The best of lumber will always be head, all thoroughly dried, e Ulu havin g been put up for the purpose. Orders s.,licited, and promptly attended to. Prices as :ow as the toe t At, and every etrot t made to nrcemmcalate customers. 23, 1863.-ly JE REIVIIAH EOM GErry,sw I 1? , Undertaker & Paper-Hanger, Oreplared to furtesh on ala ;rt notice and r •asonula le 7 00 7CO T 00 7'oo 10 00 7 00 7 00 7-00 7 00 El COFFINS OF ALL STVieES. Ile also loans Ott hand a Its.; a assortment of WALL PAPEtt. which he sell. at lowest each rates, and It de• aired, will turniAh bands to rut it on the well. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 PLAIN& FANCY SIGN PAINTI4VG EXECUTED TO ORDER lar York street--a few d4..ors eait qf Luthetau Church May 27. 1868— tf. 10 00 7 00 12 50 10 00 BO AGENTS :TWALTEJtolcfrr,OK;a.iliimllialArAti OP THE BIBLE. TOIL OXLT EDITION .PUDLISIIED IX AXZEICA, COED/NEM ST DE. SNITA . B OWN HAND. ID one large Or volume, Illustrated with over 125 steel and wood engravin gs. enff ald subserlbere, see that yen got the genuine edition by Dr. Smith. 7:to 15 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 T 00 The Springfield Republican says thle edition publish ed by &Imams. Burr & Co.. le the genuine thing. The Cengregationatixt nay., whoever wiehea to get, in the cheapest form, the beet Dictionary of the Dlble thould buy this. Agents are meeting with unparalleled success. We employ no General Agent:, and offer extra inducements to Canvassers. Agents will see the advantage of dealing directly wi,h the PUBLISHERS. For descriptive cir attars with tall particulars and terms, address the Pub• Ushers. J, B. BURR & CO., May 27.-,-Sin Hart ford, Conn.. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 30. ARMY WAGONS . _ ,4 r.P.I2IEATE SALE, AT FOLLOWING PLACNB, 19 AT LITTLESTOWN; 2 AT NEW OXFORD, , 9 JEFFERSON STATION'. sThe above Wagons are all in good order and are well calculated fir &ruling purposes. Price 813.00. Also, a large lot or FIFTH CHAINS, sprt.wpgils, which will be Bold low. Call and see thew. JAMES IL 0 0L/1101.1.4,8,i. W. F. CHOOSE. Kay Lamb Knittinp„a. Machine, T.... 1 , Family Machine that seta up Its own work knits ail sizes, Widens and narrows, knits the heel into the stocking, and narrows oir the toe ceniplete— producing all varieties of knit‘goodsi .frout an Infant's stocking, mitten or gioaata 9 lady's shawl or hood. PRICE Hientraill TO b 8 DOLLAR/11l It le simply durable, easily operated and warrant-it tq sowed In the bands ofitserpintrchaser. 1-. j • t o&YlfiB w..airgb. • = Address, with stamp for circular and sample stocking, • X ORNS, 0 en. Agent, Oa Chestagt . 6 00 6 00 10 00 . aiiiirtiAalwl:ozialimuilitax7irt..,Bo:.,..,LA...,a:.:::...thmiur...fro!azzrzzarolyanor7laTlL,o;.a,l,:rla:' W l O , RAILING, Wire ' - ' . ' ' Dm lame patent Ir i(1- " 1 " 6ehl 1" 44 Tag 1 VV " (I . 6l•4E;totke iron*. i . . ix o njuoi; . . 1,, hnoliaiLl ;kr Atitotimda ytr• - .1, . At 4 I l e .IKog firweitifi r laV7co lt uts. , , aosit, Sims, re: ai .,,,,, , r e•:4 , On*. /a:44-I m . . - near.4Miteirriggl r w 1r w ,..„ .. „. 1 nRa1mg. x1m .44, 1 . . - W , t,:l -...-.. . '..; .Ta • • . ilion . L t 1 r'' IL- Wae IRA ' 4i. j '11444 ;.: ....';: '.' ' La."' 1 4,4,40e4 11 011aka- - , 4, ~,- :: /11•8_ . pe k aati 4 " a . , , , - . „., a lA'a iims. .llo4l3l6 .- .0 I -- X. DpLlt - Alt 8, 2( 46 4 4247:4 ' .19116.0 1 7f,52; 4141114 "' ; ' ... : -.i . -'.'.. ' . ,-. . k • - 0 taa,1 0 . 41,001. , - sumi.p.-...., , „.. rwiglar Pidlimppripirii for aim , , ilikili illit Mike/ NUL ""' 4 .dr if A 1, , . mi r i iit-! iLa Mhaff,t,,,..4 - Li r 4 1 - I f 4 l FillsiT Mix : Apelll,lllol-4r r zeiPdggi ! iiiii vi l dh 14,Fiz *** ll ablringsiletpaktittgo G-A PIPE WAGON-MAKING BUSINESS cfIEP ARINGji VIE SUBSCRIBER WANTS 600 CORDS OF 500 CORDS OF JOKY RU PP JOTIN D. PFOUTZ EMU . a .tf( 14 0401404j. 1.1v).11. • - - ( PirRN rff VOnjOLE . r - 7i2-441t, Ver/inligo/1E HCCOV. 0: 4 14 'La S= yar laird 1L4..10r Ue . Throttle nut tno tmg standing. A Iso, -Bea ItLICT • legti.lllt. This tiedfibie hied In Iti4T4 _41,0.FMA:4:3 (.4 - • ENE .lallifferotit , parti , of :the rotutt7, said les itoseiltamit kneel tbibli'ff Osten. to A hair dud' tie-twang to dine than. It jr warr sited to evil. kllva It ',trial eel it will 'Oast for Itself peed honiesholel tboetd proilde Mims aei res with a lii-- at this manikins and keep it ,04' head,. The 01,.•..... t he it Ive elfektad ato Self: nutresilons, iss„ raps red and sont'by hates YuWM k CO., Oittjt. burg, Pa ,ot by their authorized agents. For salt at nearly MI tbagtote,s Pa Adamseaanty. ILay Ai. Ir•ifi7.--4( • A•C Altb TO TILE LADIES., .... ~ .., lt litit'OAC4B-6101,DEN PERIODICAL Pittif FOR LI FEY A LK+. ; Inhillible In corrietin ' frreireartsles, iti Removing obetritepons of the lottth Tone, k•al whatever reAse, ;awl sawn* inia~iit a Frevantitire pewees Oen Hely shalt - fed, or tve pptising the se, are vautioned against using, these Phis while in that condition lest they Italia* mlsearrisga," at tavrehich setinacilti at;. thslP °pricer soleuter re ts. stionsibfllo, altittfugli Vick m Muesli Slit proient my mischief to health. Pricekt her Rag Ria-Roves 0., . • sd .1 db y J . it, fr bEs,Dr.., g irt, Kole Agent tut Oct. tysborg, Pa. Ladies, tcpsendtaglrtue Slithroggls his Foktolllce, Pis Leto tiff Pike GAF, felentlvkflaDV,AY irantd Aar Part of theconotry “froe of pate..age." • April 21, 19q1.-ly SPEER'6 PO Wl' GRAPE WINF,, L'uc(11111 litinclecdx of COngregatiow for Church or Communion Purposes Execi,'ene jut Lad(( and IV4mtkly Per. ons VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY $lOO,OOO 00 . ~67,421 17 SPEER:d PORT °RAPS WINE, FOUR 'PEARS OLD rillllSinmtly celebrated oath° Wine fi made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised In tit leconat ry.— Its lo•atoable TOXIC AND STRENGTELENING PROPZETIEII arouuirpassed bf any Whir native Wine. Being fit pure uice of the Grape, pr :dared under Mr. Speer's own personal SUpervlsion, its polity and genuineness are guaranteed. 'The youngest child may partake of Its gen erous qualities, and the we:skeet inralld may use It to ad vantage. It is particularly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, nod suited to the various ailments that af flict the weaker sex. It is, In every fespitt, A WIN TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids nee Epeees Port Grape Wine. Females use Speer'. Port Grape Wine. Weakly pkrsays Dqd x brnafit by ita Spear'. n iuu I. hre preferred to oth IM= stirsod by Dr - eaglets an I 0 rocere. 4irl he Trade anpplit.l by Jobason, Holluway t Cowden, and Fzeu4h, Richards k Cu, in Philadelphia. A. Speer's Vineyard, Nes, Jereey, Oince,2L3 Broadway New York, [Sept. 4, 1861.-ly ALL AROUND THE-WORLD! The Firs,.'Preinium of a Silver Medal was awarded Barrett's' Hair Restorative, By the N. H. State Agricultural Society, at its Fair 1:oltlert in Nashan, Sept. 20, I &A. BAR RETTS VEGETABLE HAIR RE- STORATIVE restores Gray I 1 t:r to its natural c•slur runtutes the growth of the,ll4lr. Chao CA the r.t.te to heir orig:nal org.l2lc Etsdic.tte. liindrafr and Ire. PreTantg H.i r fling , QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, NatAalfruita,Sorps, Fahey Articles and NO(10170. generally We sold also keep on hand FLOOD. 2nd PICED-STVIT:i. Raring purchased for casii, we ars prepared to sel very cheap. due us a call and judge 14.,r you rselrdlo. JOHN CRESS, Sept. 25.1867.-tl J. W. 40011 Airto. 41` tr. oits, .110frio#g , i;A:iftt BRoS. -AxiarstocK l .4 11114 G BM OFF'S. PRING GOODS. We aro cointliptly , n4:eiVing nor pud d..1:41.4c al) lea of MRS, ' POPLIN'S, PEReA Lt::t PIQUES, SPRINI4 CLOAK DRLAINk:S. IVNS, • Aid() !Argo' tilthtluog to our-a/um' , ea , ply of C L NG l' A3l S, U.S7, LVS CLOTHS, eAS'SLWE RS, JEANS, With every variety of Go W.- • ,m 1 wear.— •'e har t : c.a;sl'er : 1,:o ‘of of 141624 % ve at gr rt •lt. , ••••1 1.1 it. II A It 1) - W A 11E BUILDING ATE It IA LS Ica feel tt4gurt-,1 ,can t, Oat ;:f Ilic IRON & NAILS at reduced Prices OILS ii PAINTS at low rates GROCERIES, of all kin SIGN OF TILE RED FRONT Gettyhbur;;, Ittyll, tf DUPII.OI-I,N & HOFYILIN NORTH-V,'EST CORNER CENT E Q A I.! E , GETTYSBURG, PA CARPETS. QUEENSWARE. KNIVES AND FORK UMBRELLAS, WINDOW 44- 1.10.11 FORG Et TIIE PLACE. -01 1868, DRY - GOODS! MOST EXCELLENT ASSORTMENTS ISELL for very small profits, and aim at doing a very large linsinel. FASHIONABLE SHADES OF FINE SILK POPLINS. FASHIONABLE 'SHADES - OF FRENCtI WOOL POP. LINS. FASHIONABLE SHADES kW ALPACA POPLINS, FRENCH CHINTZES. PIQUES, PERCALES k LAWNS BLACK SILKS. PLAIN SILKS, PLAID SILKS. SWISS AIL',.."LINS. CONET MtELINS, CAMBRIC. BLACK ALPACCA, COLORED ALPACCA, BLACK ALL WOOL DELAIN. lUSTORI SHAWLS, CASUMERE SHAWLS, TRIBET BRAWLS. morns, CASSIILERS, CLOAKINGS, LINEN DRILL ING, COTTONADE. TABLE COVERS, TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, TOWELS BALMORAL SKIRTS. ROOP SKIRTS. PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERED lIANDKEECIIIEES, REM STITCHED HANDKER CHIEFS. MEWS, LADIES', MISSES', & CHILDREN'S GLOVES AND STOCKINGS. 413'1 stn constantly Teething the latest stylesof Dress and Fancy Goals. My stock , :omprlses eyes thing usual ly round in a first-class DRY GOODS STORE. to which I invite the attention clam public, feeling assured that I can safely challenge comparison vita all other Stores in quality °finds and lowness of price, .1. L. SCHICK. Gettybarg, Pa., April t'.9,1868.—tt NEW GOODS. Cheaper than Ever! REBERT & ELLIOTT Baltimore st. ,opposite the Court House H AVHJast opened& new and large assortment of spring and Summer Goods OF ALL KINDS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SILKS, To mid& they Intik attention—befog determined to nil at lowest-cub prices:— [April 8,1868.—t1 H I ITSEX W'S NEW GOODS FOR . 13PRrNO1F4) SVMMER. Jropqa ion Tam ed crow the City with a largrand * watt oeOcted stork of - • DRY ROOM NHT/i4NA_ - RROCERIES; sae, • VERT SWiR:E. 4 - • • HARDWARE BOOM : i/H0.84./ILATS-41 HILAINER I' GOODS. r call the after on ot my customers and the ccan. nungty to ray targd ether& rem no* offering at lower Vol !Asa they hate heat opine* the. war and at plate witch cannot to 'trills the purchaser as cheap. With.ireryfaelitty ibetenrelharMsimoka at as low Samna' seen; pithtrogAm itunaleepreparedtomeld,emmpatitioni on Ilona Any andall quarters: matkormity to the loweit'iltertedltlitattilitti"' rule.ll,. BITEIBEW. , . 0 .1. 4 k (Y. d.} Ara 29,1Kileir CARPETS (MI a tOC QUEENS-WA lIE i+ In 111 A Ili! Li... 1., tirclotscr to pore.... c •ct Ci‘e al a c:.11 aad Le cc.uv'ac FAHNESTOCK ALPACC.AS. ENIPIIESS CLOTHS. Mtiz , LINS, DELAINES. CALICW-S BALMORAL SKI It 1100 P 8711It1'z, SACKINGS, S II A• W COTTON A b BLACK CLOTHS, TRICOT CLOTHS, FANCT CASSIMERRS, 11.1 u S 1 E R Y„ , StSPENDEHS, , C 10 L 1. A It S EANS, 7 ♦ r 1868. DESIRABLE 01WOHAMS, LA WI!TS, PRINTS; RAREGES; MUSLM,to., .gry ado, &r. ROW & WOODS 'ARE SELLING AT LOWEST PRICES, CLOTIK CASSIME9- 1 , JPIANS, COTTON A c. PRINTS. . MUSIA.N.SI, ILANNELF, CHECK S. kr April Xotiee to Capitalists I DEni:l).N.5 (kni,in ; (. 1 Inveatiug, and rteixing.tiratly -11 NINE CE.Nf, are requeole4 to call at tb• Gettysbury National Bank .1 ND MITA CJECULA RS 01." THE UNION PACIFIC l'1.7.:T1;; R GP.O.t 1) COS. GRATIi Voche iiirclainents age daily gracing in favor and salt MC 44-BONU3 tau 14.11,1 at 311 ti 3103 at 11114 Rank ab., wlirr.• :41! :c,1.41:131 Le elmerfuil3 given Dm. 7 P, IgG7.-tr GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK. Gl' BU! IT ad - . -111 litTY 1;oNI,S iph. FIYE TWENtY itl,,nt COMFOUND INTEIZi:Sr .NoTES The I,Ahl en GOLD to.:1 sitrn ST")..ii. 4 and CuNDF, or all e. fut iut,,ut CHARGING CoMmissioN. PRomPTLy I.:XECUTI:D L LE P44,411.,1 : 5 PI11: CENT. ) yemr, 4 l'Ell ef.:sr. 15, G niontl,, 3 CE \T. for 3 N.., et ...hi: ir.ft.trua-it.n in re{;:tt tl to U.S. Bond., anq st.ttl., 0 ! a!! ki t • e ittd to j.tii e 11.13 Mll4l ‘ve aillLf.rnt./I.on cheerfully. J. }:3IOItY 11. t eil,Litr. C., . HY -1, 1:z. (),t 34. 1,17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYSBURG TICE TO HOLDERS OF 7-30 NOTES • rirl4 :lie A,1411.t ...;:J?::,tea .t; r...fl ri{SLi pe; r:'i 15 Spit IMMO ~ ,51 0, premium end lb. MEM lEEE in J ul.' next. if 1)04 ai• . ...0104) of in time. 11/L.4 sx:11 eitLPr ilvert. or the ailou prea,:tuu 4%ad jr,;,,rt,t 1.*,-1 1 . 1, i,;• THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK GETTYSBURG, PENN A., ay- iitfor llic ~ ; (1 10: of MC .fing MOrifffige I,:nion _Nellie Rail Road. G PER CENT. GOLD INTEREST BONDS, at par with triterebt jays Lle semi-atthullly at uor COT/:,t fr. AU necemeary re:mat ion given tc o,nrt, FIRST NATIONAL BANK G-rilrYsßußG WILL ALLOW Interact on SPECIAL DEPOSITS ste fullox■ 5 PER CENT. PER ANNUM PORI TEAR, Ell WTLL CON VI:RT 740 NOTES EITO BOND; AS I.7BILTAL Jr” o# charge; CAST( COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES AND COUPONS Will also purchase or sell STOCKS and BONDS of every' kind free (d - rgs as tt..mtrtfasittn, and will at all times pay the 111 G IIEcT PRICE MT • GOLD IND SILVER, ;11,..vlure t rir.s.tct all businessprusaptly as herb t,fere perta: fling, t. a well regulated Bank. GRO. ARNOLD, Nattier. Get t ysburg, Nor. 6 1867-tt hotograpit Calltrito. EXCELSIOR GALLERY. PROPTOGRAPIIS, PHOTO MINIATURES A3IBROTYPES, dc., (5%, Stereoscopic Views of the BATTLE-FIELD. sr.F.RE9scapE,y ; PHOTOGRAPA FRA.IIES, ALBUMS GREAT VARIETY, AND AT G.REATZr REDUCED PITS: 4a. Wzdeelin nolleing ldit the bed of its kind. C♦ and examine od dock. C. J. TYSON, April 1,1868.—tf 'Proprietor. R Elll 0 VAL; t VIE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. THE undersigned takes pleasure in a.. announcing to the citizens of Gettysburg . end the public generally that he has removed from his old roams on West Middle street, to Baltimore street and. nearly opposite tbdt store of ifebiertock Brother,. The room he now occupies', has bean recently fitted up *wpm's), for. his 'bulging+. The location le an admin.: , de ono, enabling him to take pictures in all ehades of weather, and with a, .orroctneee unequalled any wberee!se, PUOTOGRApas„ of every Ilan and deacripPon, executed lbd lawn sty to eotina given to the CARTE-DX 118 ITS, In copyingPazticularatt AMBROTYPES and DACIVIRREOTYPSB n odf decensittlfri3odc. ?TIE GETTYSBILIO OW, a new style of picture which has become very Pordar with the public. not only for their beauty. but for awe, nese and coaverdence.- 81.XTBIllf rtbr ONII DOLLAR dil ly. Also.? '1.114 .P O kOXL4IN PILITIIIIO, Whir3Sll4l theirbeantyind - durability Cr. unsurpassed. Weiss proposed to carry on the business firall various bra nch es, and having bad c onablVtabieSPlNgiaag a we run no risk in GILAReLNTEZING PEIiFEt,T SAnszaattos. Call and examine oar Specimal; ;411101444r it r ur seiner.- Jana 21,1868. JOB PRIN'AING,:::, Os mar ' MCUTEP4MA-TrptLigiUkisingina a TIP QPIneX Julie 17, 1868. 'A LPAITA , DELAINEBI LSWNL POPLINS. BRILLIANTS, PEP.CA RS, 4 c RAI.. SKIRT - 4 , chap APRON, PARASOLS, COI;SETS. 1100 P SKIRTS. AC. ,f,inintfini. & s . I) ALM) ~i,l ir,heatL fltn rio F.MON,Y 11.17 R, Nattier Ll,l to It 1:e. tht snni,li th, G 641, A IiNOLD, CEO. ATt NOLD, Cswhier AIONTIIS " ME te..s , U.tRPZL ,ttnuf, " 61110 0 raw SiAie-wrllt f‘'..luesday 22.50 If poi • ~ r lptions ase.g. p .1.1, Miless at lib* IuYI:aTIPI;r rates. A A MS advert 4teW ar. apecialia • • - =l= Cc LICUi4P • El, one-Wf fly v, , rt inlay; mediums,' ton Wont of • euted, and • rt Patoittatac ill be printed at a Vroftosi DAVID A.'. NET AT Liar w all othrr 6,44 iiipOilies at his T „ pnoitsith ' I OS. it. LE prou,tli _.11.• • . , tatdp.c e.• trOffltroon Traler 'nom 61 Dn. Shorbw 1 , Si .4 norm' ye 11 NECCON A • Jolt?, M. ERA i his of I orlice;on Chambers/wig' it altanduar,le .uo“c oT 6alater._ .d 1 .t all ti,m , 1,111,j Arrant 111 , west* L. a a Ana ~titer waiter A• J. COTE • LAW, w pro ; I.lno, bet 4toott Falto DIU Iruore .treat ) AVID Wit LA.W.Oftlea at bis ”feantre Spurt.. ilvf,renee.—ltau.Tirt '2,). 1867. • (ILAINI A, vhs,l will attend the R. ,Q t• eritment, 1 IYrt.t.tut, yontv,, or r , vly tla. L) EMI '2.1,1557 DR. D. M.' E kcated at lIMID the, public., aridly dutst, to 1116 C I I 'nag, pit. J. W.. C. • 41..,•.>rK , the CO at tythurg, !Lay 'zti; rOIN LAW e ti.t. 0:11-e to Cli•Cli t'.. Ltthernu Church, U, S tore. witern he Ktteta.l any 0440 f 1 1n In e• tat Qf full Nhy _ C trAs 11f4n17.0444., 11. TOWN, ►nd otter► at hie house, clatter of DeAr tha flit. WIS. ST Ifi lorsti'ali twthr puoite. Slo.tmn D..gueroan rooms of 1.. opp“lite Fahoottocks' t., Lat.tol to soy mu• I' , ,oluola want 011011 I to ;:dl. Terms tea gust JOHN W. T Iftlt 13ARBER,N t,r.t .iJorto ‘lcelellaa hoe to at 411 tirriegbe nailla hie ,H• • will onaore crAtafacti May 29.1567.. LLJR YOB • IJ VEY A NCKR. T . • C,.n•eyanclies MOD o fli:n COUNTT !Mit r I Ntl OF DM: kitr[cLxs,ur* 11 t.l; dba I y to nod to and ellarg ..,; tras Co., P 11kr2u,1867.-13, FLO U IWILT. he in'Oettep DAY rodFRID.I -ire mu to furuizli tL FLOUR Q ' v, leave th,ir urderA, uer A Zoiglcr, stating to , n the IMMO WIII be; 25, 1867.4 - , Aottl* FA'L CT IM:i3 or . e*Allllll 10 TIN L /AJ-A n Olunlbus, t lut, as ar. Iva! 4or%Autioied \ 1467:-.44 -C visauns t v bast taut.... Pennsy ! Ly JOHN'Bri Th. TARL2 H gimp! f..rd ; the BAR 1. , And ebonite' STA efflueetett with the nit faithful badger. erre Ito the old i n c. 41. Ch.r l M al larch 15,1844.0.70 KEYS" ril MIS NV M. E. FMB is a a mud.* os v .rtian otikstMor, for tho ac stabling attfdisi. cotumodating plbage. Thi die pnljlic, and UNITED ERIE E4:l A LI. &11D11 rvSãlIX7 . C