tis - : . -, s . „ 77 - 0 taint el • Wedkneedny, June 17, ..Ailvietlierliwird others. Interested will /NM 1"..,00156,utiK. the aTIP* I6 F eP,V 1111; tie* •1:411e " 11TH.Al* BENTIIirEIA" is 1440 king: other •-porpte paigiblied -41 the Connti; being OnnaLweeklinhy Mot leis,-than J 1,0 o. were • . . I~'AirfrtleetaeAtr; to 'esedre immediate lit tentlon . muikt fa..before tue,dal zuoro4. N . A.TIOiNAn TICKET. PBESIDENT 411 EN. CrLTSSF,S B. oIitANT roa. VIOE-PitFSIDIMS 1F1*36 NCH U Y LER COLT% X I=llll STATE TICKET FOR RVIGTOR GENERAL OWL JOAN N. HARTBANIFT. Ptat SMITEYOR GENEEAL 'tit. JACOB N. CAMPBELL GRIM AND VICTORY The Stake and Sehttsied for the Campaign E,NL'AItGEMENT For.some time we have been hampered by the press of advertisements on our columns, and have been compelled from time to time to decline them for want of room; We have the gratification of announcing that we have near ly completed arrangements for the Ex- LARGEMENT of our paper, which will enable uti to meets the demands of busi ness men, and at the same time increase the amount of reading matter. We expect to make the enlargement in a few weeks, not later than the Ist of July. This step will involve a considerable additional expense but will enable us to furnish a more interesting and effective sheet dur ing the important campaign on which we are now entering. With this brief announcement we solicit the activeagen- cy Of our friends for an increased circu lation. TERMS . ,P*oo PEE 4 Udi s IN ADVANCE. AtirAny of ma present anbacriben will receive a credited' 60 cents on their accounts for each new name they Ley send in with theamonnt pranbacription (MOO) in advance—in other word; a ,antics[ of 50 cents Jur each new unalecriher thus soot to aa. FOR CAMPAIGN UNTIL NOVEMBER 15. $0.65 3.00 5.00 Smour, Corr FITZ COPISII, TEI COPIES. THE Copperhead press quote with evi dent relish, a remark of the London Reonomist as to the extent and variety of taxttban in this country, to this effect : "A ninety-ninth part of this interference in England would have caused a rebellion." _ Evidently,, the Copperheads feel they deserve great for not having risen against the tax laws. One thing was sufficient to prtvent it. Copperhead of fice-holders hal-made a good thing out of the collections ! Our taxation has been heavy and va ried, but the expense of suppressing the Rebellion made it necessary. This the people understood; and because they un derstood it, they submitted to the tax, .. cheerfully. This fact, so difficult of com-__ prehension to an Englishman, is perfect ly plain to an American as an indication of the Inherent strength of popular insti tutions. • The people are willing to pay taxes imposed by themselves as with ns.— They don't like to pay taxes imposed without their consent, AS in Europe. THE Cambria Freeman, Copperhead organ, in speaking of impeachment last week, laid : "The acquittal of the Presi dent is perhaps due to Chief Justice CHASE more than to any other man."— It might have added that the failure to try JEFF. DAVIS is "due to Chief Justice CHASE more than to any other man ;" aria for a reason which the whole world can now understand. This was part of the "bargain and sale" between CHASE and Joutrsox. - CHASE, however, fears to car ry it out, before the next election; so, last week, DAVIS' trial was postponed by him till November ! The trick will not con ceal the purpose, nor shield the parties from the degradation their conduct in .volves. TILE if °lend Table, a conservative pa per, gives the Democrats some sage ad vice respecting the mode of conducting their campaign. Their danger, in the view of that journal, is notsmall. "They have no powerful, available man, none 'at least; whoie name has yet been serious ireonsidered, to match against General GRANT for the Presidency. There is ev ery appearace, in its tangible result, of a repetition of the MCCLELLAN campaign of 1864. - To do better than they then did, the Democrats must 'work much harder; Iniiiitlevelip resources and expedients ttntirieti z. b*lbre ; must gain the aid of trairiaiiiid vim:pa/hies not yet marshalled in their service." Ton Confederate bond-holders in Eng landlfre atiliticipefnl of getting back part of their money, invested for the benefit of the Rebellion. ' 7>bat ivtJl depend upon the result of the next Presidential Election. If the Cop perheads elect their candidates, and suc ceed -in defeating the XlVth Constitu tiOnal4Antendrneut as they threaten to do ~ t here it littledoubt that some cow pessuatlonWeill be voted to Rebel bond hod a re , gi w 44 lb" Re 1;* 1 slave-owners.— itt. tWs ,AO4 ffinir , kiecret purpose, we Oftigaminleatipnd Ondiferocious hostility to tbeAlskeeilment whicit is Intended to prevent that result. THE Pitteburginqnsblic, &Johnson pa perirhaa the impudence to appead the viitikliag men of Allegheny county :to vote that ticket iipon .the ground that JOll/1110N "dot may willing, but anx ious to sigh beep a proliibltory_tariff, bill." jfouromn ..and., always bat twat , , ,an aziiiimprtiellikullat, is a Southern Demo. nratierrikinlider, d has thrown hup r. ennal and r• ..fiusisee, all his life, sw ifnit • 013 . 1 The Repaticiaitate ment i•- 7 false, but, in the face of JOHNSON'SJOHNSON'SII - ri . 4 4 :i r ee , n•d, is undoubtedly dishonest— . . 34 f• Kid • 81sT cia iititeraori , a Rebel per eecution of Union citizens in the Squib hasagransallinew features of Zeroeitgr.l welnuararaletTAND pre tin Waskt mutton oss t has !mewl/ received a lOtteg referring to Rebel atrooltiesouisi *sprig that "Usk IfoliklogresgegoßitcanaiSreldige oarsongillbilaittif UM would; riot: up wave agilliiidise eel or eitermlissts ask s ', gebetin Use hull" ENE e t THE TROUBLIIIH Olt E HIS , 'OCCASIONA%i -. f ,- ington to the `Phila.,., la 'o. e- scribes the trot 4 tkles o-- i - .- .60.,. , , growingiikt ortheir I•ti 8 ...e.'‘ ~ &I and the difficulty to armonize on an available candidate to contest the Presi dental struggle with Gr t .N. GRANT, and remarks : • ; - The rebel Democracy in Congre* are he-. coming Fe - Wive 'and suspicious each ritEer." They mitten° headway with all the aid they have received from Andrew Johnson 's : acquit tal. They are embarrassed by the compact unity of the Republicans on Grant, and by the dissensions resulting from a host of can didates for the Democratic nomination.— They fear Chase, even while they stand reedy to swallow him, negro suffrage and all. They dread Hancock, and shudder before his praises of Stanton as Secretary of War, and his officious eagerness to assist in the sacrifice of the sainted 'Mrs. Stung. They would take Dix, if he had not said so much aginst rebel lion—a sad introduction to such an adminis tration as they hunger for, and a very possi ble prologue to a disappointment too terrible to contemplate. In private conversation, they do not hesitate to speak freely, though in public they are bitter enough. But you will note that they hide their own miseries by attacking the Republicans. Unhappily this game cannot be continued. They must turn to their own household and set it in order, if they would do anything for them selves. • Meanwhile the friends of Pendleton are working desperately. They see that there will be no cheating with him as a candidate. Re carries no doubtful banner. He wears his creed on his sleeve, and speaks it like a man. His champions say : "WC want no McClellan who is ashamed of our plat form, and no platform that will be a shame to our candidate." If a soldier is needed in the Presidency, they say; "Give us Grant, who has not engineered for the office; and if negro sufrage is necessary, why should we be asked to do what the Republicans will do without us?" There never was such a begging for office on the part of hungry politicians—such a frenzy to sell principle for place. The effect of this Democratic auction of all honor and consistency, in exchange for pat ronage, need not be anticipated. I see it every day in my intercourse with independent men at the Capitol ; and you may be sure, if it disgusts the genuine hard-shell Democrats, who believed in the rebellion, and still believe in it ; it will bring thousands of votes to Grant trom those who never did believe in it, though they are Hot willing to be classified as Radicals. The complication would be complete, if the word complete can be applied to confusion worse confounded. Look out for a speedy dissolution of this motley organization.— Held together only by hope of office, and ready to barter everything to get office, the moment the leaders get into the open field with their candidates, they will become so much of a laughing-stock as to induce uni versal wonder that they were ever expected to make a formidable opposition to Grant and the Republicans. The Democratic journals, says the New York Tribune, are greatly exercised about Gen. GRAFT'S speeches, and predict dis aster to the country in the .election of a man who (they say) cannot make a glit tering oration. One of these carping critics is Gen. 8. B. BUCKNER, .now the editor of The Louisville Courier, the Chief PENDLETON-Democratic organ of Ken tucky. Editor BUCKNER sharply re views Gen. GRANT'S style and ideas, and thinks he won't do. But Mr. BUCKNER possibly may remember one little speech or composition of Gen. GRAIN - T. It was as follows : • • To Gen. S; B. BUDSNER, Confederate Ar my : Yours Of this date, proposing an armis tice and appointment of commissioners to set tle terms of capitulation, Is just received. --- No other terma than an . unconditional and immediate surrender can be accept ed. Iproposc to move immediately on your works. I am, Sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, t GE.Axr, 4., ( mmanariny. Gen. Brcictimt called these terms un generous and uncivil : but he made haste to accept them. For once, at least, he clearly comprehended Gen. GRAIIT'S style. Some time afterward, Gen. GRANT was visited in his camp before ViCksburg by. Gen. PEMBERTON, who was anxious to know upon what terms that city could be relieved from a siege just then pending. Here are the speeches: PEMBEBTON.—Gen. Grant, I meet you in or der to arrange terms for capitulation. What terms do yon demand? GP.A NT. —Vreconctitionhi eurrcnder. P EMBE moN. —Unconditional surrender:— Never, so long as I have a man left me. I will fight rather. GRANT.— Very well. But Gen. PEMBERTON reflected 'a little, and as soon as the full force of Gen. GRANT'S brief speech became clear to his mird, he, too, made haste to comply. Again, on the road to Richmond, after the battle of Spottsylrania Court-House, Gen. GRANT indulged in a speech or dis patch In these tolerably clear words: "We have now ended the sixth day of very .heavy fighting, and the.restdt to this time is much in our tirvor. * * * I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all Sum mer." We believe that Gen. LEE was in no doubt as to the meaning of this speech. I'f he was, those doubts were settled by the next which we shall quote of Gen. GRANT'S speeches. The scene this time is at Appomattox Court-House : "I propose to receive 'the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia upon the follow ing terms." . We need not quote the terms. It is enough to say that Gen. LEE very clearly understood them, and lost - no time in complying. DAN. Slums, Ben. Butler, John W. For ney and John A. Logan are now the leaders and managers of the Radical party.—Cop perhcad Exchange. Yes, and , all of them were "leaders and managers" of the old Democratic party. SICKLES was the Idol of the New York Democracy. BUTLER presided over the Democratic National Convention in 1800, which nominated Breckenridge. FOR NEY , a - as the "Warwick" of the party in Pennsylvania for years; whileLoaAs contributed more than any other min - to roll up the enormous Democratie major ities in Southern Illinois. All four of them, however, abandoned the Demo cratic party because of its infidelity to principle and betrayal of the Republic. When Democracy merged Into Cdpper headistu, SICKLES, BuiLER, PoRNET and Looert, with thousands of other honest Democrats, revolted and joined the Republican party in its determina tion to squelch treason and save the country. All honor to them! Tux Admitllettlatb* at Washl ll lo4F ll6 engaged talug to make *panic. It bee previously dwind ~Cougress. . false est iniutelkwhich dtU'Ve that body to heavy taxation. And-it-has used, tide surplus of revenue- obtaitted • ota /WU& Str. the bonded debt to the enormous -amount of $266,185 1 12.1 , iatite last 411te pears., - - Congressisdetersitast ilO Wghten taxa tion, and revive, bruduesis, end,etep the absurd effort to compel, the, gewitioti who bore the brunt, of •khe Rebellion t. 9. pay the debt contracted:MAW% •Poster-r tejr are to derive untold tentetlite*Olintr saciriftats. Let tome 'of the bardeallUtthe 'debb fall Willem for .pterinent. /I,l* few year*,•tba•'resources:Of title want* , juattf,t,' ftivillbe time entail" to ego* , mare revenue, and pay part of tee debt. GM GRANT'S SPEECHES HEADQrAIITERS ARMY IN TUE FIELD, CAMP SEAB DONELSON, Feb. 16, 18G2 mei larg ic" party, who find in these p,pt can; genial utterances. Thesuccess-of BRICIfi beyond that of any "Demopratic"Jourd el in the cehntry, has brotiglit a tittilber of imitators into the field. We haVe * before us a ccppy of a,rocent issue of the St. Joseph -(lllesouri).Degity.Vindicutor, flying the natne or (.:GEORGE H. PITNDLE TON as its favorite for President., which seems emulous of sharing the ribald and blasphemous utterances of the La Crosse Democrat. It boldly endorses the- mur derous opemtions of the "KU-Klux Klan" organization, and gives the fol lowing advice to the Democracy : Fight to the last, fight to the death, against the outrages, degradation, the horrors, which are all summed up in that master-piece of hellish iniquity and malignity : -Radical Reconstruction with Scallawag Constitution I" Let it be distinctly understood that every villain who supports it, is your enemy, and you, his! Cast him out of your employ ! Spurn him, though dying of hunger, from your door-step . Hurl his rile carcass, when dead, from consecrated graund ! Fight on ! FIGHT ON ! ! And show yourselves worthy to he kinsmen of the heroes who fought with Washington at Yorktown, and with "OLD STONEWALL," at Manasses ! Again, speaking of the National Re publican Convention, and the Genera Conference of the Methodist Eptscopa Church, recently in session at Chicago the editor characterizes these bodies as Grand rendezvous of cut-throats, harlots, loyal parsons and high-moral vagabonds! In a Chicago wigwam, the old Sangamon gorilla (Lincoln) was nominated for the office which enabled him to rend the Union asun der, destroy the noblest government earth ever sew or ever will see, trample Liberty un der the hoofs of his nigger janizaries, and blast forever the proudest memories, - the fond est hopes of thirty millions of freemen ! From Chicago came that squad of canting bible-whanging scoundrels who revealed to him "the will of the Lord" concerning the prosecution of the murderous, theiving nig ger war! From Chicago came his heaviest backing of pious groans and prayers and substitutes. And yet with all her faults,-we pity her ! Lustful, robbery, rape and bloodstained as she is, what has she done to bring down upon her wretched head the visitation of the past two weeks? A North Methodist Conference and a Jack obin National Convention, all at once ! ! Bishop Simpson and Dog Figney ! Carpet-baggers, Samboes chicken eaters! And yet this kind of ribald blasphe my has been found to pay, finding for the journals which utter them the talis manic "See-same" which opens for them ready admission to "Democratic" confi dence and approval. By the way, we have another "specimen brick" from POMEROY himself, in which the La Crosse Democrat sends greeting to the Methodists of the country, on the occa sion of the assembling of their General Conference at Chicago, in this wise: There is now in session in the city of Chi cago, a nondescript, black and tan, rump Radical, politico-religions mob, known as the Quadrennial Conference of the Methodist Church. It is komened nominally in the in terests of the Methodist denomination, but really in the interests of the mongrel party, and with an eye to the interests of Grant, who is a candidate of the Methodists. It will remain in session until after the Chicago Convention, and will add its nasal whine to the chorus of damnable discords that will hail the nomination of the azure backed butcher. It is eng i neered by the infamous method' who, in collusion with Gen. Howard, the other reverend ruffian of the Freedmen's Bu reau, took possesion of twelve hundred churches belonging to the Methodist Church South, and turned them over to the niggers and convict preachers of the North. • • • • • • • Roost high, oh ye feathered beasts, for the chicken eaters are come np to the grest city. Guard well the back doors to your gin-mills, oh ye dispensers of benzine, for the throats that are enveloped in white choker% are often athirst. Look well to your four-footed beasts, ye that keep livery stables, for horse flesh Lath ever a powerful attraction for the Methodist deacon. Look well to your wallets, oh ye who trav el in the street cars, lest ye lose the lovely patches of ragged paper that have symbolized money ever since the time that these nice shepherds have furnished inspiration for the political machine. Look well to your mustard caps and spoons of shoddy silver, oh ye maidens who doth dispense the juice of the hop, for the bible banger cloth delight to labor with the nymphs. who are profanely called beerjerkers, and the pockets of the brethern are capacious. Mount a two-barrel gun within rangeof your clothes line, oh, ye thit have much -rai ment, for the .colporteurs have a weakness for square tailed shirts and embroidered under clothes. Place none but tried men on guard to-night, oh, ye who set up free lunebes for Tour pa trons, for the hymn squawkers do go for all things which are free. Guard well your watch tower, oh, ye pub licans of high and low degree, for in beating landlords a Methodist circuit-rider can double discOunt the "oldest inhabitant." And, oh, ye unsuspecting Methodist breth ren of Chicago, hearken to our warning, and go mighty slow on your itinerant brethern trom the country, for they will rencag on you the first deal. Brethren let us pray. Our readers will excuse the re-produc tions of these infamous extracts. Taken as they are from so-called "Democratic" Journals of large circulation, with nu therous subscribers in Adams county, they must be accepted as types of the new "Democratic" gospel.' Decent men will shim a party that finds its 'accepted exponents in ribald slandefers and coarse blasphemers. OIiGANifiED 111161DEil. The Copperheads of the South are still at their bloody work of murder. Last week *e received news of the murder:of Ulnae Republican leaders, two In South Carolina. 'One, Mr. DILL, member of the legislature . of.Soutir• Carolina, a- na tive of the State, and a gentlemanof.nn impeachable moral character, and anotho er, Mr.' W. J. Bilker; of Barnwell, S. Mesa member elect, sadiBoheolleommho stoner of his carroty. Both were .killed at their homes by assassins. The third , murder was In Letilibleli, and the: per; son kilted was. the Republican candidate for Sheriff Misprint:l. 'He WAS shot, While standiagat his gate. The Rebel prate In the Brintb eonnive at these murders; ai4 lie CCriperhead papers,in the !!!outhipr,ma rrilirrntion of P 2- Pn:!? • - • - 1 .4 0 U the , Xeite4tieu 9 ( . 1 4 1 41e Si ll 4 l . the 01 01 'Selli.4 4 40ti - ot tile!r-Ci._ =AI the'ePiatttencti &Or 0 W E 1: 121 4PAY044 13 1 toN WOO MICOW4K - ParAbik.44A/U Yet ( iDeolnerakte PoneYiltanetiPl the.ao makeithiallnposeiblos,. folieribitakite & 1.) 4.f The-NANO SOcuNklndear!-thitytimeral eAdentelan-bn Wei* foil Gni* L inniriforThe IEIE. 'N.: in etie - of lite ed Otinirervative /tieldit looligheine irellinibeflireilie debts % , 1" hod vide nitic whine they hed meowed during Ore . • lisr.their loyalty, and 3VhclitithOrtoiritt tamptito, keee-ragtthe bEUot fro tht to "71: f ,•: = ..rict, at Lafayette, has nomi nated Hon. G. S. Orth for re election. - f ir ?fr alta se ihcteo!. (Iva ego, semis io be breaking down.—: Tins New Yottifpiellb Club, led by Isaiah Rynders, bus deciared foe Chase. John blot rissex : peg * for Pendleton: Thelittnfirk inavilabitt ititiiho:bbYbreiiking44il/. Hon. Wiliam 31,-00 i nverse, of Connecticut, a ruculper , of tie, Dc nocnitic National Com inftteellas-ttinnbithickt Ifis Tinto*" ke to lote 'for General Grant tor President. OntanAtCrintribrd, commanding at, Louis ville. repudiates' the use of his name as a sup porter of Judge Chnse tor the Presidency,— He says he la eartirstlyin .favorf of the elec tion of General Grant. THE New York Woad says that a decent self respect requires-the Denier:a, - to say nothing in tneir national platform on the sub je6t of negio'suffrage. What the Dennicratic party is to Its rallying.cry of "down with the neero" is not explained.- A 3IEETING of the friends of Judge Chase was held atthe Continental Hotel, Philadel phia, on Wednesday, to take measures to press'his nomination for the Presidency by the Democrats. lion. IVni. S, .Prioc, of Philadelphia, presided, and among the Vice Presidents were Senators Di xon • and Doolit tle. GE N% N. B. Ponansr, the hero of thO'lfort . Pillow butchery, is one of the Democratic delegates from Tennessee to the New York Convention. His service to the, party consis ted in the murdering in cold bleod of a regi ment or two of !marbled colored . soldiers of the United States after they had surrendered as prisoners of War. The Alabama Do_mocratic State Conven tion, which rnet'last week and chose deleuates to the New York Convention, passed a rescs lotion tendering "tbo thanks of the Southern people to Jeff Davis for the unflinching cour age and unsurpassed ability with which he acquitted himself of his official oath to defend the Constitution, and paying- to him the re spect of the Conventrori as a patilot and in eorniptible man." GENERAL GRANT is supported by CYRIT il lustrious soldier in the Uu:.on--Sherman, Meade, 'Sheridan, 'Sickles, Geo. H. Thomas, Hooker, Pleasanton, McDowell, Canby, Emory,Schottad, Mosrer, Ord. Ifs Heck, Kil patrick, Logan, Rawlings. and=a host of vol unteer generals; many of whom have hereto fore beett_DeMOcrals. , Genera llancock is the only :rosily Mrtinent officer who' seems willing to train with the anti-war Democracy. Hon. Immo N.. Morris, an old and promi nent Democrat of Quincy, lIL, who has re peatedly been hynored by his party by being placed in high official position, haring sever al times represehted his dlstrict ,ih Congress, made a speech in Quincy recently, in which he declared that the 'highest welfare of the nation demands the electi on of G,•ll: , ral Grant to the Presidency. Tax Democracy are In a quandary . . They don't know whether to nominate a Democrat or an Abolitionist as their rmidential candi date ; whether they will stand on. a platform of gold or greenbacks—go for repudiation or for paying the National obligations in hard cash—whether their battle cry will be —Uni versal Suffrage" or "a White 31an's Govern ment, and down with the nigger." The party Is in such a desperate strait that it is ready to agree to anything and pominate anybody that promises the faintest show of success. rf; EteDUblipal ..sr n- b., ye nomirtatedlor, syor, Gen. Elector 0. Tyn dale; President and Associate Rages or the District Conn, J. I. Clark Hare and M. Bus sell Thayei.; for City Solicitor; T. J. Woirell; .ntroller, S. P. Hancock: Receiver of Taxes, Richard` Peitz ; Prothonotary, Capt. Richard Donegan. On District iitttnitey there il e a split, one party nominating -the present incumbent, Win. B. Mann. and the other Isaac - Hazeltuust. Heists. O'Neill, Myers and Kelly hk,ve Ixeurernorainated for Congress. Benjamin L. Berry is the Repub lic= muldidate Ist the let (Randall's ) district. The Buffalo E.Aptees gives us this col umn : U:S GRANT, ULYSSES SYDNEY GRANT. UNION SAVING GRANT, USUALLY SILENT GRANT, UPRIG HT STAITsm AN GRANT. UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE GRANT, ' UNEQUALED SOLDIER GRANT, CI FPNCriDLY SIMPLE GRANT, LINIFORMIIt SUCCESSFUL GRANT, UNANIMOUSLY SELECTED '.RANT, DIBTR UREDLY SERENE (GIANT. UNCONQUERABLE SPIRITED GRANT. UNIMPEACHABLE SERVANT GRANT, UNINTERNITTING SMOKER GRANT, UNQUESTIONABLE SOUND GRANT, UNFLINCHINGLY STEADFAST GRANT, tFNOOMMTIONALsURRI,NDEiI GRANT, UNAMBIGOUSLY.STRAIGHTFORWA RD GRANT. UNITED STATES PRESIDENT GRANT. SONE months ago the Pittsburg Post,' one of the most respectable of the Democratic d pa pers of Pennsylvania, containe a leader un dor the caption, of "The Duty of the Demo cratic Party in a.Certain Event, - from which we except thesalient paragraphs without any. further comment. They speak for them selves : Suppose that, contrary to the wish of some of the leading Radical' Black Republicans, who want the — office themselves, General Grant should be nominated for the Presidency by the Republican party, what course ought the Democratic party to pursue ? Ought we to nominate a Man in opposition ka Gen eral arantl,l Ought we to :,eAarge. him , with being arienerng to hi, vountry, or in favor of Unjust meattatee, merely beeauße he may have reivived said nomination ? * * * 4 , * We are inclined to believe, that more de pends upon General, Grant now. than upon a_riy other individual in the. 'United States, We believe him to be far etsperio, to the moilority of the' far-sighted politie4me who - gave been ruling the nation without bringing peace or economy to our legfetafithi. y e t i : • . : ..• .. • iliLaultaaw r. I judged, zikb nd • ~ s so t figras fcayti the people of all sections of the Won.. • • _ What better thing can we do in case of General Grant's nomination by the Re publ*wenpoirty thenstli VOTE FOR , fits FOR THE PFtESIDENC ? Our aim Bhoukitortto stmgblon, his hands i; to Ten der him as much asposs ible independent of y and to ELECT HIM AS THE PRES IDENT OF IFIE: unani money, so much the better. WE SOLEMNLY BELIEVE THAT IF THE PEO PLE GENERALLY OF TH6 PNIVAIVTES CAN . COME loos - 04 birpiasiutg It MITI ON GENERAL GRANT, IN REGARD TO THE PRESI DENCY IT WILL BE . TEEN HAPPIEST TIWN vqc OUR COUNTRY THAT 'COULD O&rn. The future . good effects of this course.are altuost incalcu lable. We earnestly ask our Democratic friends everywhere to consider this subject carefully. *itiactiolriaite r i -fil 0.1Vq1% 4,. !,4OrigAiWil-icegl'ega lion at umeptace poieonm On Sunday, 7th inst. The !church was celebrating. 4 lorehmst. 'Themest %ad been prepared in a copper kettle, !i110w44101440114441 Ott f#l.6l l quid Riad become oxydized. All who partook of it twettl•bfikiestuestoritsedived-tht saibet t ormiating pains. Medical assistance was at once summoned, but it was a long time bean the entire number?! 1440 t theilttedeggalgde OPRo l lilieNlfolikW, About tw enty or me number wire regarded as in a danger :ous conditkm, but none - have yet died, and it 4! 4 1 , e PAY1 1 0YA PPM - . 1 1... It ••.1 Pstoi *.t subt Hon. Reve nominated by .President Johnson as Envoy HVraonliviryi akoter f i en i potent i al7 toVasiltufot aitaifid domlnsiii&l'as at once . . , . . .. ji ,Wooll,y . tl4O cp , ittiiita , c igus ~ mritpc4s ?, ..i.v lio efluktft't6t i gstify taa. eiholfbtisd 'Atiatters and was pormuitted _for - contempt, has . been disehurgett listing finally agree :4 to skies: be fore the committee and answer its questions. . tin Monday, the, House , adoptedt a resolu tion offered by Mr. Shanks, ,of Indiana * in structing the 'Cortnulitiwitni*ay Ti and tins to' report irnirted ° latery . a separate. bill for ,the reVision. of ',tlic'taxese on distilled bPirits and tobacco, -This.setion will probably carry the general tax,bill over to the next session. The Senate has passed the joint resolution authorizing officers and soldiers of the regu lar or volunteer service,. or those who have been honorably discharged from the service, to wear on public occasions the distactive badge of the corps in which they,servc4 - /fitt ing the rebellion. The bill continuing the Freedmen'S Bureau in existence has passed the Senate. ' The Managers of the Impeachment will re port the testimony taken befoie them con cerning the means used to affect .Itotes on the afficles of iMpeachruent during this week. They say they will prove conclusively 'that had the vote been taken sooner the President would certainly have been convicted ; :hat Nita lasl, irotp %tasgevert.iectired; r i a t leout telik Ili:Aws ',dike the vie vies tiken tn the eleventh article, and that some of his counsel are seriously compromised by their associa tions and knowledge orthese , eorruptions. Some of the testimony will not be very flat tering to Pendleton, who, it appears, was especially anxious for Johnson's acquittal. The-bill to admit the States- of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisi ana and Florida to representation in Con gress, has Passed both houses, and now vies to the President rot his approval. Should he veto the bill, and thus attempt to deprive the States mentioned of their proper ri...preseuta tiou in Congress, there is no doubt of a two thirds Ite.publican vote in the Senate and House to pass, it over his objections. An im nression prevails that he will allow it to be t, conic a law without his signature. In tuldi lion to the States above mentioned, Congress has also passed an act for the admission of the Senators and ltepresentative from Arkansas. Mr. Rollins; in his letter tendering his res ignation as Commissioner of Internal Recnne, upon the appointiment and confirmation of his successor, give 3 as his reason therefor the appointment of parties as Collectors and As epators,pr whoy unfit I, the, le —kid reputation of the Revenue service( and to the refusal of the President . to ruinove, - others "even for the grossest misconduct. - Mr. Rollins speaks quite plainly, and iu effect puts. on record. inf, an oflicial- firm tlte fact that the PresiSent has prostituted the internal reve nge serviq, th.4royed its efficieocy and of fOrded facilities for the gigande frauds ikerfie tra ted on the Government, to order to reward political Li p friends. GENERAL EWU. TAE Penn4lvania Mmliest Convention at Harrisburg has voted 31; to 1 Spin.~t admit ting female physicians.' PREPAZATIONn arc making in England. to establish a college fur young women, the buildings to colt about el. 1040), JOHN LEWII, of Troy. N. y„ while betWe,.. two ears-. at Harrisburg, last Friday evening. Tux Manehestor Ifirror Fags all the _ tions'are farbrable for ail immense apple crop in New Hampshire this season_ • Govi.exon HoLDEN, of North Carolina, has issued a proclamation convening the Legisht tun on the firs! of July. Cini'Ato &ant 'has deil l tied ihrit-'• a leit graph company is responsible for error in the transmission of a despatch, even if the - des:. patch is not repeated. Tux. Republican journals in California (has bolted during the late4Mate campailguitave,ali placed the names of Grant and Colfax at the headof their columns. • Ix West Bradford township, Chester coun ty, Pa., on Thursday last, three children of Chas. Anderson were burned to death by the explosion of kerosrin i e oil, wit h which the eldett elefenlitars agll., wha trying to kindle a fire. A DWELLING near 3ledina, N T., was entered on Monday night by burglars, who tied, and giNg,ged th! , iennates_anilioartied off $lO,llOO in government tonal. Iteli t uiylars being pursuel, three of them wen captured, and the - money was recovered. DISRAELI has at length resolved to appeal from the Liberal majority of the House of CuninOns to lite people. garlifunetat pill 'be dissolved in October ; the elections will taie place in November, and the new Parliament will meet on the 19th of December The electoral coritest'is likely to be one of the most excited and most memorable in the his tory OWEtti4,4 bctih, •i 41•41/, look upon ft aid' ft'ed battled burt.~ thfpow er of the Tories and the reformatory spirit of the. Majority of the people. TIIE example of Booth in this country seems to have given an „inpetua • throughout the world to the practice of political assassina tion. Purforpfsdespatches announce that Printsldiuliaaffliettrier ne Batiks, 4'44 shot dead in the public park at Belgrade on Wednesday. The assassins conflated of three men, a father and his two sons, all arm ed with revolvers. At the first fire the Prince was •killed, His -cousin, who accompanied lkhni , w4 alottr nlital; , nnd r, a !laugh* NI Mt. letter wounded. Two of the assassins were, subsequently arrested. The assassination, wni9h l 4,d,cTetteo prn i ftuutd: L iras attri tollieintrigites ofthe TorkMUov eniment, Prince being a artisan of Rus sia on the Eakterninektiort ) t ,COrriE•DiSPME , Dq 1 ?- 1 •9 1 )ffi• 7-Tbe spoils Journal, speaking of affairs in Tippe canoe county, diet State, says • terrible and , baled , epidemic has broken out amonk the cows inihe nortitiastern, part of thii/conn ,ty and they, are ) , off v RH Othlie eldwid iit this Elglib9roll9 o 4 9 Wild, 424,w). nth of the ei tty , kite dfotivithin •terrdayedeenri eral have died in the city proper — We d'ii ease is raild elict)-theianimia being apparently well to the morollesf .11d before • , man , dowri by the an hobr or two after milking. tom noticeable is a stiffening of OA It pi} an inability to wt lk, after will epeedily ensues. Af ;tei Math become offefuiive r -a green sickening `emetika4Sli*4g wag moo Aigekglo l . l 4l. l ol4 l ll l ooll mero okt i tnt e li t*ltret li r V iksvive been ms s ,thop thisreirlieW 441* 944 1 01( "' Wk WF discovered been t is =a 1. • Arrik- - ,-.4VP0116.1111•9 .101111. • 0 11417°/ 12=t t illat t , 0 18. 2_,L ar ", ormisammibt ultimegaivaimpin 67 be iamb' *POW WAtailittittr I PSALON'S new the wet /ezetioermairineel Won" Sold torqftiAttt l ittlVfMtr fr:4 inst., which he attempted to climb'while - the train was in motion.—The dwelling of Abral ham Shaffer, In West Providence township, inst. ,i vivtr. 014 Cauttor.t.'aerfillastcltVo V i ftßaughman, in Baughman's Valley, Carroll Co., Md., was robbed on the night, of the Bth inst. c of G4ds-', tea very - large'amtnint—estimated at sevfrol 4 ? 114 9' °Pe. of 4,4.:5914,9110'54. arresteu - on the following * day, with a portion ..of-thegoods.._ • CrynErm.t.so.— Samuel Miller, residing near Big Spring, was killed py, lightning on 6th inst- , - - tfAnfel"Sin'det'sori, of Frank ford township, has a cow which recently gave birth to a calf without either eyes or tail. FREDERICK. Tyler .% son of the late Dr. Tyler, of Frederick, died suddenly In Thilatielphia o ten thoiltd.init. t iavhere he was visiting. His remains were taken - to Freder ick aud.interred on the sth. As. the funeral was about leaving the house, Miss Mary New port, aged 60 years, an inmate of the Door's family for the last forty years, died suddenly while sitting in a chair. She was in good health and was adjusting a piece of crape on a hat, whenaleathstrueirher_down. Yonte.The following gentlemen 'hive peemetecti* director§ of the J..liknosv . ,§av , - ings Fund Society: henry A. Young, t3oorge , Slagle, Joeeph- M. Greiner,. Edward . Bair, David Wortz, David 31. Myers, Henry Wirt, Jacob Wirt and Jacob Forry. —George , Willis, aged GO,. committal , euiciiile hartg- Eng himself to a tree near Goldsboro, on the 4th inst. • Suent:rmtv Seward has at length found a *man worthy of his steel in, the Eruperor,,of China, who writes a letter to our governtuent , covering tsventy foes in length lay two. felt 41 width of royal parchment. The odds appear heavy, but we bet our bottom dollar on-Sew ard. He will either Witt Mc( 1 1 2 tit •rof"of ttnas Or pCrF . C-1 4- " Husbands, Love your Wives , " and'give thdert 14119toii )8111411 csinffer ing from Nervousness, ,general, DebAty, 1 1 1 1 1 00.1$P1 1 41 1 ; or: 1 02i. `Si_010*11 d and one diseases to which the weaker sex is liable. 'Airing youxtrek** experienced the benefit of their use, extend tbs blessing to other , . This invaluable tonic will chase Hypochondria or - the Blues'.'.s--give tone - to the damaged nervous systom—gotnly, stimu late languid secretions--dispel vapors and illtrtif,'ltal generally !mild nry die Irani cella atitution. For eseh sex BM sli sgee 11Wis gentle stimulant and a refreshing conlial.— Killiops of ,bottlet pie, soy daily t- iskyri the ro,ndiit I ",i, .te eir3ragnoliaNrater fit defightfult toilet ar tidlo.--einiverklor to. Cologne, it bkif thel , Prite. June 17 , --'t (4 - 11yapepaia and t; 'are two •y, —monsters trent which,. a 4 .'• • "' .. e Assn is heir - to • ••-•:: • • Ays••• tf. Ake Peruvian Syrup, arp • "•• ng,the pretnxide luf ken. is ••• led iiVir‘ell-wabliabed remedy; and in all its maailOfd *ma, Dr.',11. - Anders• lo dine 1 Water is a , specitle. If th ose ... afflicted will try theie'ren4edies they 16)1 thank ns for calling theft attention to them. t sprrial DISEASE i !MN, SCA .4? I pnonrctAlCky BALDsEIN! The use of MILLI 17814/fref*m SIC!WAN LIAM itPqWER, Ili restore tr to it'a ?Aloe and preina4te Its growth. OtteVriitta•herfre he OW isief Piier ft* ;toff? ' it. P. HILL s CO„ Proprtetoza, Nimbus_ N. H. June - ri e 1.0. (taib DO We are selling Sitl.a. Sarn i , 4 tl , Aratuf Fu - ney euxis of erery description, aim* St/tam Ina% 4.7rAililire, Kt/rad& ElWelleift: from 38 to3so l l:44ittfrtebl charge to agents seeding clubs of ten sod upwards. Ciefp sant free to any address. • WY'lfrirreo . I :tit* . 44G'. :4 1574071.2 ° A. • DRAYNEIB6.IILI EMI= 'IND vaTANNIT,.IErad tills tin abbot ouitmila by Drs.illolibialliteirbabb AlatifshAawnwerly of Lwriamilfhlialliatia Iro.llloo.lfitifit4 Philadelphia, Pa. Testimosasiolboaa4bo bola relkiblo sources In the City and Constary cut be seen at his ofiltaai The medical (acuity are 'totted to roccootponp WNW pa. . *lents, aajie hal we swarms is Ws- Imaiiss. eyes imparted without pain. No obazipP, umbarfot. 411- amination. 1N0T40,14PF.-17 --- • - - - 81.r.ta's aro iltreinice Once Wintaftlid "'col la put-Armed rtehaeal most of saw naaws•wfwmirim. They aroused la Oka rebaalkor ociankabk , aputipaisa And in has., pttala for inland* and convalescents bp - seep t ofthak purity and ridiabliitt.' ' , (Sept.le.ly • .1 • ;lEw =As Aroo HOWE SE 4 WING 4 MACHETE COEPANY Air E 11.1 UL A, iv - A T Takiiitrit ll4 er - , The;Otlay cAiNfettireitiVei ihrblitki amid ' ney s .~' 4112 /4PAIS ISAWitka WPIONii4: I pey,lmpseial Deerswql? l, l l ,* 111!1 i!i,; !triVi..!,f,TifinrtrAfir sal" eal f ficbtl nal of.lsl,k,ipm .) pir. TitredAY, 2d Jitly, 1867, in these words: - 461111ds tachines a ELIX3 now; JR. - ' 'dr° lisnutatt' urer of Sewing Bfarhinits, Exhibitor. This doable *it hit e adalltier Viribritaftlitigfilewit petkority of the Rows Sewing Machine oparaVitigto. ';1•4 0141110164111113 et, Age A lAt+ l2rf lf ili fPf 4 4 04e4awar. . [March 4.-Zni d Western Virginia. Axoyin A 9 BBBR 0 4•10 r Agents &r Mims aniatr i Pr 4:;] /A- -4 Ispoorpea seam, slava dismilagie tiath t-keitak.As : kftaitif , A alcoholic or beef al stiasulants, which &ford only a rettitnt;ftettirm immaitrirte&banatim4 tapift44-11 JAhti, S.Pirnq *it VI or Protected Solution of the ProtAcigsvAka i m e h vitalises and enriches the blood by supplying ft with its We Zle t witAliiibil. Beth free hum Alcohol in any Arr., its efteroisity efotiareiterytativatitebritipa l iwith e te r i s , MN* pummel% haftniogi sahliolittetinna liseedsahlift all parts of the system, and building up an lii get "IV _ e. Wei T Byilli/dßil, MR, hr teeptle, LT. x . rays: "ISkiii it& be#llb Porretitt iseN IWO; 'lb paTheths list nite. . re Is an old Phyirdift city (older than I !w), rho has been hi saw for 40 years, who Ma asid the 3yrep thr three Month and fess it u his decided opinion, tlut elf* and FOULS W hippl i tir a ira j a ll VVAirititiiintSVONfiraishiWilitetrin sod by pH DA m bit s . 1e lees 0.1:-,Onsoi Attrifida Cared eller &ego Pease ailifTtiAt. J. W. Holum, Isq., a prosahmint lawysi OrParkers berg, W. Va., says: "I ktil 37 zumaso CrieiLie visa oommanood ibaking_Do...utras , /OMB WATIBIL •My,preast, Throat and A rne 11Itftise aoaatrww song.— us now • well man, and am mitited Loins* Water : awed my I c* sa • alma Dot* fa r;rd to tbk needy win be seat free. UMW) Cp=3l4 o,4o Dw avow Tog*. ..asimperto, til r6lll :llVieri bigamist/144a totlftahr 4 JJA A Ca ars , e meg ea Owes hall tug* .6461,1 i 1140 MEI = puckeye Rewr an Mower—Buckeye iteik - 4 1 kTrA linkein i eiPaten'tr4elf, discharging Wire Horse Rake, Eibitetranes Patent—Brand's atent Wire,Horse Rake 4—The Rockaway Wire Rake.—Aleo, :) v 4iA j e ' It ke nes, _I.?: )11 , . cops PLANTERS, TWO KMDS, lIIIIRMIAN 8 PA. f i Megrairrn ltommiest's-rierarz. GRult,)=Liz, 3vuongB PATkiT --7Cr2LIaWN wPW?tt r OFfS PATENT. krtitliJanotevaignea , ealia -attention to t Ohfont, Admits co hi r 4 F e Ac t illi pit a bir lr ir•up•nott, with th• ;do - and catkhectory work. He wi H man Yitioitrtto hada of PHILADRLPIIIA, PA., lakArr% sycan i mim erarsiff art urtupripor thioraviil4s4nat* on an.. Bala All descrytioris of ILSPAISING does promptly and as cheaply a. pmaibls. Ha SAWt cvf,plF Ve m a ks the Obi cto call and give him a l trial, and he Match lIIIIIIIMMEI _,..:.L „,J...14. SIIIAMIAN -- :0,, V APE ' R I S . Si MOW E RS: uAWN° be , naik nt 41 /Ile i lns 6.t arum, I Lk aliskritlat ti•erilp Intow tkiil iTtees., J.s te wall known, haslngiskett maippwinkrist eake..an • Pair, alsokteastt llow i etea l. zp e_r_s•sen others, w Imetin sad likewise seta': . ir coo. !Ii VR al g to% • *lO 1! "s e r il e e ll et% 1. ' Eftwow s .. JOberlts , .: 1 , IMIIMOWIIII,OI/ 3i1i11111116011, , ~• „ is; ,•• • , Soidgi.iF ;! . 41.-. - v-tri,:t • tat 1,4 •• _ow acmsh i erask= ere P a lat u rr • lam This is s vest '' Bothers peamilgairmbitiroilikich la &Mon. ad to thin otlebinted 'tiny-. 1 / 1 11r. It ban bees h ' ilinf — aatiatartion7-rogidr. ins ion eon .bobs h • old; bat t Ittlresaa'a. • I will bare referyou a:mem brawn, la dillrereat localltlea, who hare be ught and weed Maw milldam : MIMI ~ - ; 4 leitiet.4l: , ' Joseph Mammy Xr.. Mira, '. J .k,,E! .7' , .igfiliblital, ' Jacob Liama, , !Ad IMMO Illttlibillamaitindialiatne n ~ ) k, Me notehine has :warranted to de its W/OWlialt1111111=114 14 " ! Also ea ti.ad 1111.18.11L1t SONAI4IIIIO !the lows* panibl• prim WwineMdl l s ta rai tint. Also lb* 00tII111111&AMtaum il . Matiltlaes as be wen at , albs math ,afeettyalatill If isar eteL ass—ti .. . —.- :. Ark illtir. Aft Iklit,i , --i .:4 pgi.;) 5.t , '1 , q,14 're : . ,!,.... `L....gaz A"..t.yei Deimj the first suceesajul attempt to apply • ditaplpery ter i lfaFkiThfilipg r ibiafing • *)cottiWaesi -"abater 4148149er of ually well for splitting Rock .../13t4g1ir.4113111415)1).91e,t,, „,) PATESTED JULY 16, 1807. einirythisig t&it'i is desired in a Ruck Drill. It hasany amount of ad- Justabilit),~ii eleven surface, where it hipoiiiiraerfix tat iH. It drills perpeudicuk.tx, or at any angle up to 55 de ;crew,. tithlitny d1,t46l dittuittflous retittlred for blast, tug It 91 ,12 100mnYt, ark" lilt one of thee' Machines a man can do We fete thafanionnt Of work dune In the ohd way, he, Itte tune trio. ,In ordinary Rock -1%, will idrilterterlieti pito itinn With Ilia Partaara. who have toned land, can clear the rock off with little expense. assny prowl, who can mica etlilJ.taltl can.operate the drill. It can be need 41 Wells. Cellars, Coil Mines, or coy ,p4tptt tliet kook to art with. tioLTlth.titiderafgried having purcha•ed iron, the Pa -Ileiteety WlLlidix Wurzel!, ail hie fatereat le said [AMA, Sated iaaedtotheBattieof,Pratalleanlt, are prepar• ed fo cell Chanty oat! rm.s hip hi in said State, on tethaiWebte teems. We liar.- t'.,, to, n comitituted, by , Laaters•lftAttetriey, Art•ttl- r .r the Patent.e, for the atOoof Statit4iglate thoeitt.tkott to. t)..it...1 Stator. Per. ton• desiring to ecru, c Riglslo In Pennsylvarild, or loafed. Ito. tt •r other z , tatre. triq'addtety • LIE.LI. NEA VElt, HMO errl. ' 11. .k.l . sns• rointit7, P. 40 L I 1P . 3 '' e l;. KOBKRT BELL. L REAPERS , AND MOWERS. YiabGEW PAT NT (Am AND BUCKEYE, E. DA,141, & COMPANY'S v - , Lt WORLD'S .REAPER k MOWER. fi A TING c'onside'rable e:iperi ence In lb elate cif Beeping and Mowing Machines in 00 Net few years. Pliers mad. It a point to offer no machine to the farmer that will not when thoroughly Undid give graeral aatiefiet lon, and hewn have declined theagenry for all Lut What I regard the very best in themnrket. Piratir Offd to the termer the coming Sea son. two of what I consid;r the best within-a in asis— Last s-ason 1 sold thirty•tive of the OHIO! BUCKEYE Patent which have given entire satisfaction. Ito ma chine has been returned, neither has there been any dlf fiallty.,With any one to Islam they were sold—all pay. tog for their machine: promptly. C.srtiflcates from those ertiO hare purchased, could be procured bat I deem it unnecessary—but for information Would refer those wanting machines to any of the following geallemen who Diarghard.and have been naing these usachlians: Jacob Itaffeneperger, Edward Wagoner, Jacobmnel Wagoner. ` Jlhn , Brinkerhoff, Wvi)mein a' ' ehisinin ii;e4l:r. . Main Bigham, Newton rlornvr, Rush Bighato. Silas Horner Dr. Guldabooestrb, Julia Stehle, . - ' •flettrylikpangler. Joieplißlolbsogis, • • James Marshall, Joseph Culbertsi u. Frederick Pellar, George Bushey. Ileur7 Weikert, Andel Monk; Henry Butt, This machine bas been awarded medals and first Pre, mkt mashy the - f'ennsylratric lowa and New York State Fairs. and by hundreds of County Fairs in all parts of shooonnts,y, including the /doss Cbsale, Ants, haring received the first Premium at Bendersville in the tall of 1866, awl et Cetty•bure in 1967, an the best OA exhibi tion. his mach i ne has wet with the most cowplete success. .ffbeery seetlon where it has been introduced, It has ta. ken precedence over machines which hare hettitolor• as lot clan, In compactness, lightness of draft, ei Manta ft,d'efragance of workmansbi and finish , com. • .• • lefffilltreetatreireir =Prod to afftlnill of work, it will snry any lasciiim haietafpre offered to the farmer* The OP Mb Ude , winchtne has been considerably Improved In the last Season, an! is war. ranted to stye pliers/ entslhction or no sale. ;*l4llol4l3'.3llointa iiiD4EiPAOR• This is an entire new machine, but judging !rum its eunstructum and the testizooniali it has received, It will he the leading machine. The gearing L cut out of solid Mon. making Wine, wheal mod aog exact, fitting optics., and running as trite as a clock, which maker. the chine lunch lighter of dr.ft, and no rutting of cop or "went. 'the getrtaght ail closed in a Vila case the same ILI 11 watch, enttrelyexclodlng water, dirt, or grass, sad indeed preventing everything that is caknlsted to prove . 11114111ti00111 to the mach leery. Te it, you simply open the lid whoa lathe alias . ylataa are aimed sad COUTPU. iently cited. The bars are all *sassed the game as the Agettlog Lad cut in the sane way, sad whew owes tight ened dory—there la no danger of working loose, as is tb4411/1111 91Ab other aweeal ass. The Company do not hesitate in retying that fhb machine, with proper care, pirt test • an • life tine, 'skid" I. a matter every gawp - should take into cuaderatiou, hefore baying at thio present high wipes of machines. TRIFTIMONY OF RKV. JACOB B. TROBTLE. Leensnoan. raztex., 00., Als April t 2, neg. Wia.!Weager,—Lad. year I purchased one of K. Ball's WORLD'S RRAPItRd, and used it last harvest In ta cutdisgeny ow. Grain and Grass and swam •f' my inisiberk $54 have aokirmatition in sayiag that it piss its dada eatielacsios ea a combined Nitschke than as, I have ever used, although I have tried mass saves or eigliteabM. nehlimat.. f regard it the BUT machine in market s ,de net hediate to recommend It as each to any person wasting ahem-class =whine.. Yours, re:, J. D. I c=4•ll A1 # 11...L'E,41.110 tut Imail wishing that =white. .." I aui thereat ditties to edit inners, and will sell ea single Mowers or Cam bind Machines as Mowers— Self-Rake—H .nd-Rane—'Dropper—or Dropper and Haad We combined. lam she KT" for B O P I rB P .l " ll 4L mw iiHti erne lie *idled I. lay auto of aweblail. view mid meleweles ea limasi, sad wishing Dropparean seameneutimi by swami dbeir ardere ear* led naming the kind of machine t 3 which they Wish than to be a ice $3O. • „Mgtecepig pi emu st tbeiresilloltpr ape '4"L P:4I 2W 'Pr tiro fa Get few Gettysburg; 'on Harrisburg mad, or at the Warehouse of Coar.s.a a Bic mix, Gettyr %rice, Ott %salt iwalssvore 11:47 JUKES, srw mouGHs, JUSDICIFF272B AMA PARMIAO GULNERALLE Farmer+ would do well to examine ay machinery be ' blegthadsedd tlr ha*, an *bade sae i f ga flqr g "dote In 'the best iktaialb ner at short notice and g!odimate charges. April `22.--3m WM. WIBLid. EAST 'BERLIN FIRM. RpTAT:fr._ HOOVER FAR41.121 7 (1 LIEPLEMENTS. RgPAIRING of all ki* &ma do abort notice. 'CB . r Alid See what we can do. lutaukt A iIeOVIA., Hernso March 4, 18114004:41 ACHINE -81101 1 . A AT NEW OXFORD • AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, lila: 17, 1868. Ono* fieptetanto, at. GLUM§ PATENT Sztriusannum GRAIN SEPARATOR, CT.TUNER AND DIGGER, WWI the,late.st improved Triple -geared Horse Power, either Gear or Belt. Thb machine hat succesisfnlly competed with all th e bee" of the different patented Wain kbparatere, and now has the reputation of being the best Separator ever pro doted; in fact, the only Separator cud Gleaner ever he hire the public to give general satisfaction. The machine le convesdently arranged for hauling and threshing, being permanently fixed on two wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that It Is not half the trouble oa a barn floor as ■ common thresher and Author., jt is also easily put in operation. It is simple, easily managed, reliabl,, durable, compact and cleanly to work by while In operation, not making near the dust as the common machine or other Separators. . Tanners can rest assured that this machine Is nohem hag, 'adjudging from the Malt recommendation o( farm era that are using them we must come to the concleskm that it li the very machine that farmers want. The following are a few of the persons who hare used 'vets machine, well known, and to whom the public are referred Alf further information: • Wm 3. Peters, Flora Dale, Adams co , Penne Wm. Kohler, near New Oefi)iii John D. Mats, " Oettyaburg a liarbold, York Springs, a Daniel Peters, Bendersville, " Order' will be received by either of tbe.e get tirtaut, as abk, by Hebert end Hoover, Zest Berlin, Pa. /or fur tberlt.fimnition address ABRAM ECRKHOLDER, Ageut, June 10.-4tu Clean/prior, York co , Pa gads, prugs, DR. JAMES CRESS, DRUGGIST, Store in Brunt's Building, Baltimore st., LITTLEST° WN. HAVING opened a new DRUG n-a• STOkit and fitted ft up In the beat style, I offer my stork of pare and fresh Drnai to the citizens of tittles town and vittlalty at the lowest market rates, ronalsilna In past Drugs and Family Medicines, Pur e Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Patent Medicine', Horse Powders, Pure Spices, Dyes and Drug Stuffs, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps and Fancy articles. A lullassortment of Brushes, Stationery, or all k lode. Cigars, Tobacco and Sault Electro•Maguetic Soap will wash with hard or soft water, cold or warm. Clothes washed with this Soup &remade beautifully white without boiling or lnelng. This la the best Soap in use. Try it. It la warranted not to Injure :he hand, or fabric. Littlestown, May 13,—1y JAMES CRESS. DR. R. HOR_NER, PHYSICIAN AND DR UGOIST, Office and Drug Store, CIIAMBERSBUItO STRRIef GF:TTYSBITRG. Medical advice without charge DEALER IN DRUUS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, mrA I' lON ER Y, PERFUMERY, SOAPS; RR USEIES, TOIL ET ARTICLES, DYE STUFFS, SPICES. BAS• ING SODA, CREAM OF TARTAR, LAMPS, COAL OIL, &C., C. PURE LIQUORS for aedlcinti purpose*. Dr. E. Ilornar's OLISN, a reliable remedy f chapped saude, rough skin, te. All art las warranted pare and genuine Jan 1, 1348.-tf A. D. BUEHLER DRUG & BOOK STORE, CIUMBERSBURG STREET, Sear the Diamond STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS DR trOS AND MEDICINES, PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS AIIiiirCOUNTRY MERCEIANTE impplied at wholesale city prices. /eh. —t f HUBER'S DRUG STORE. Forney's old Stand—Baltimore Sir el, GETTYSBURG, PA LI AILIhd purchased thin old and popular Stand. and AA laid in an entirely new and fresh Stock, offer a fEtialsorypent,consistingln part of MEMO' AND FAMILY MEDICINES. ' PATENT MEDICINES—A LARGE ASSORTMENT. PURE LIQUORS k WINES FOR MEDICINAL PURPO APICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS. [SEE. DYES k DYE-STUFFS—HOW A STEVENS' DYES. EXCELSIOR DYES, AND THE ANILINE DYES—TR E CHEAPEST AND BM IN TIE MARKET: ALL THE NEW AND ELEGANT PERFUMES A.ND TOILET ARTICLES COLGATE'S, AND OTHER SUPERIOR SOAPS. FORNEY'S HORSE POWDERS—TILE BEST AND CHEAPEST; ALSO, FOLTZ'S, B LLB, DALE'S PRESIAN,STOEBBRAKER'S AND Rosnrs. BEAEIGHILEY ON ALL KINDS- C10 , 138,7'034.000 AN DONSIFF—THE BEST BRANDS. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS AND EMMY RE CEIPTS CAREFULLY CONnUNDILD. PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS SUP % ' I I PLIED AT REDUCED RATES. Medidnu furn id• al AT ILL HOLMov THI NIGHT. XigAt lkil at the door April 1,1868.-t f ittintrg. MILLINERY. MRS. LOU TATE .I . ZSPECTIIILLY informs her friends and the public 116 generally, that she has jest returned from the city with THE LATEST SPRING STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, &C., is the Millinery line and that she is prepared to make and repair BONNETS, HATS, *c., in the most faeldona ble styles. 111M.Mor place of bneinese is in Dr. T. T. Tan's aim 'Donate In Chambersbarg street, Hottysharg• April 22.-2ats 1868. MILLINERY. 1868 MISS McCIMARY II AB Just returned Ivan the C.t7 with a hrge smart al sentof spring BONNETS & HATS. Al a / 4 Bosset sad Hat Trisawhogo of. th• latest style■ which, with an assortment of Gashlmitable Faney and Toilet Goods , stiofs ileteiostbed - to soli at the Very limiest cash prices. READY-MADE BONNETS will be kept oa boo*, and Bonnets =ado to ardor at the shortest notice. Milliserairappikid with goods to silTagala oa the mos t ityorable terms and patent with instructions gratis. April Id, 1868.—gia 18 - 68. New 'Styles. • 1868 ROSA M. MONTFORT, Wtmations the limy badness lo HUNTIIIB 16' = TOWN, and having returned from the City, is pre pared to do any pork is the 1111111nory line, promptl HATS AND BONNETS . ottlielatest stew. Also, Hat and Bonnet TILIMMLNOB tor role, whi* having been ;manhood for cash.. wilt be MlfLYe~ff'Ubenil &dilation non& to thiamin, Oak to Ladles' Black and White CAPS made to order; als o, fine‘daweee,Yethr, °tee LATEST STYLES.— 417MDrum and Dime Pattern.. 1.- -2nt ljardturt, Cutlery, it. H ARDVIA.RIC AND 4110.0zAllei • TH*sabesrawrts havejes t returned from tits title with eetatzetlessepply of ILUIDWAYBA olionzaris lriorol 1 1 $ t heir old stand ja popp ies street,r i sisk eltetilmos. , `Oerria*lslitibifla part et - Oerperitor'eToel . Illackeseitbvreets 001;sh /hidings, too! tudiare , Caltiaoltiakar'.Tools, , gorrekesperliltialitnok ) All kipdsofiroi de OR 0 CNA/ /13 OP 4ZZ JCINDS, loata • c., ft e. Tit sr tl anotortiattiaaladoa la ilia amoral dwartsaaata amattos*aborsant "bates% So ad at that Stone. Ninny clue of illachiales can be se, atatatolataithwriwitittoakaittAlladiaga i sallliassake e p tor , seas ladovery srtielidi gkehlhic Oho aim call • w ayttrraredt o el!ssrow erase!' SIM othinheir . • a. - 10A,v11 , 4011. • 1Pc11, 11 1#:': 1 , at - ' .slC,‘ Irei to, 0' • • • • : CITE June• 1 12'4 Ain la e atral6oT. FESTIVAL— ry and lee Crea Ilan to-morrow ( of the Memorial ' CV - The ipAtentk) It., i 3 called to • next, at 8 P..11,', olikers, to eery term. ?$ - SlionaaL ship, recently ••• a brick yard El , wood, oak and p Average of pearl hauling wag don. sTRAWSKR. lerstand the Lad terstown Sunday Cream end Strati town, in the pi benefit of the S n. Saturday oven I n • 64 o'clock. Best berries all kinds, SOLD.—W.v. Farm In Frartidt improvements, Mountain land, $7,000 etuth. Atstutem KEE I )x ford townshil with improveme Nfr. J AC , Al ST/1. curtaining aer ant township, to RAILROAD.. road and LIM aro both urging Frederick and P A meeting wa the WI inst., wh EICUIELBEROV!, Were appointid The route propo the Maryland' pam through ough. and follow to Frederick. ys"-Ifon. honored with the editor, for the p artok de Got Act tion of high llte tion. Not amen, feels somewhat i ing as It does the vania Press, an I tor of standard only trouble - ls sight of under shadowing bent) FINED irr street driving on Balti the Borough .0 from the country of the ordinance required fine ant to notice eviden. ties to enforce t ple4 will break our public Are- the speed of faet ELECTION in se.,siou at PU nomination of lin Professorstri has nominated position made N Pmt; Nit:Emmy( Hotly Pastor place. The no the Board of T next meeting the nomination was rejected ment of Frankl under tem " )NOWAG• the attention o advertisement . of Littlestown, manufacture o "Conowago P. tlernen are fav iness men—Dr eel practim►t ch; relations botwo A..atoplo of th in ont parties interes. MosSrs. 13ENso. works shortly, demand for the enterprise may not only rower. benefit the a: , county. SC/10011 AI Board met last ing firnax W CREAM( SAC Treasurer. N twwFwv>d for and one for, same as lag . pointed Coll , • been appoint , : till the recast Of JANIKJi A. - An abateme lowed on till paid on, or next. The Board July 10, to el • year, ezami at 10 o'clock. A The Sehoobi September. HUBBAR ING REAPE by Henry T • has two drivi folding bar. - led by the led an kinds ce er can be adj • revolution of from the dri to give any f• wishielf IP P . bought last. „ret-Efo • good Cookin ket, warm , or any dill" Ware, Ho bo and Spke 't 'ter Lbeleni t Jara and t• just what Col. C. EL'S Carlbdo pot, and at 741-It is them, that. eye, and Mower, we 01 market, the great oompacts . Wrsue ,S there a4nk roman. it 74' titutl tke Fawseuk * Ile hais fibs yeburg...,