/ea, loft' , lauell Deft • pro. this. .mud lllbe airy. Woe Ile Is LAN; Field ' lox tip •U oil rep. a sod , ■ed a will En EL tful a DIM this nous , Car tiles, rs sit blr— MITI Ay, • y awl MEI taly nom .146 Ts !Ica .y Dr ill be day ary pl *as been town, txr• ment. t••ent (IF 5 Bur, bn DIN xi SE all mint , t for WM. d ni ME 1112 ORD y o f for fur the! eon rt o r . rt. of sw•.. . 1 o'• Ad- Pr.- COD -7 01.4,6 bkt out t boV out June AO, 1868. Site litarminit 4 #tutintl. . ' w W. SUB-CONTRACT.--Mr.Semunt, Erman, of this pLsee, has taken a sub-contract for eatiying the mail between this place and Westinfnatir. We underatand it lit his tendon to put a two•horee coach 'on the LARGE `BARN.—On Thursday last,VAr.- surriss Busman, in Menallen townahlp i raised the frame work of a new barn, said to bd the largest in that township. There were 152 persons present and everything passed off safely and plemiantly. ABM BROKEN. —Mrs. POWERS, wife of BonompE PowEjts; of this place, met with a Paratil.fianinie of the arm, ablnre the wrist, in Baltimore; lir ThUrsday last., Visiting Druid Bill Park, and crossing a ravine on a foot 'bridge, by some means she tripped, falling from the bridge, and breaking an arm. BEMOVALS.—Messrs. SOPEE tt McCAß rssir have taken the room on Baltimore st., Ars4 square,. maw ly occupied by DAVID KITZMILLER, and fitted it up as a Jewelry Store. Mr. Krrzarn.r.sn has removed his Shoe .Shop to the room vacated by Sorzu & McCArtrz.rwr, on York street, and intends keeping City shoes besides hcme-made work. AFLOAT.—Seveial weeks ago we pub- Used a letter from a correspondent in Santa Croix, over the signature of "Marshall," giving an account of the grounding of the "Monongahela," Com. BISSELL. A note from "Marshal," under date of Map 12 an nounces that the ' old ship is again afloat, much to the gratification of American resi dents of the island. PORTRAIT OF GRANT.—J. H. LarrLE- TtXLIi, of New York City, has published, a superb likeness of General GRANT, and has tinder way a companion portrait of Mr. Speaker COLFAX. The picture of Grant is , very ele: antly executed ;, the rgenablance, both of feature and expression-,. striking; and, as a work 'of art, it will survive the spe cial interest which now attaches to it. Sold by agents. FAST DRIVING.—We have a Borough ordinance against fast driving in our streets, and yet scarcely a day passes by that the lives of children are not jeopardized by its violation, and parents kept, in constant dread. Our public streets are no places in which train or shoW thespeed of fa , t horses, and the evil should be abated at once by a rigid enforcing of the ordinance. Will the Borough authorities see to it, or wait until some serious accident wakes them up? PIC NIC.—A Military Encampment and Basket Pia Nic, under the auspices of the Gettysburg Zouaves and Franklin Zouaves, will be held in the grove near Texas, But ler township, on Friday next, June 12. The Gettysburg Zouaves will meet in this place to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock, in hill dress and with one day's rations, and march to the grove, pitch tents, and encamp until Friday evening. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the Pic-1N is will be post poned one week. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL.--We under stand that the Ladies design having a StraW. berry and Ice Cream Festival in Agricultu ral Hall, on Thursday evening the 18th inst., for the benefit of the Memorial Church enter prise. Besides Strawberries and Ice Cream, there will be a full supply of Cakes, (ix. A pleasant time may be expected. Aside from the delicacies to be served up, the cause Itself apPealli strongly to the liberal. ty of our citizens, and we hope to see every body on hand, with plenty of small change. AGRICULTURAL HALL.--The man agers of the Agricultural Society have deter mined to put up a two story frame building in front of their Hall, extending to the street, to be 20x40 feet. The lower story will have a passage ten feet wide leading to the Hall, with an office on either side. The upper story will be divided into rooms fqr the use of Committees, dx. The Improvement is a desirable one in every respect - , and is credit able to the enterprise of the managers. Pro posals for the new building will be received until the 18th inst. THE ELLINGER Q. FOOTE TROUPE. —We notice that this troupe, which some months ago exhibited In Agricultural Hall, met with an accident on the 14th ult., in New Philadelphia, Ohio. While the carriage containing Col. &ism., Miss Euzs NES TELLS and Commodore FOOTE, was being driven around the streets, the ponies became unmanageable, threw the driver off, ran away and upset the carriage. Col. SMALL, who had an outside seat upon the rear of the carriage, was thrown off, striking his head against a stable and verS , seriously and dan gerously injuring him. Commodore FooTE escaped injury, but his sister bad her beauty, spoiled by a bruise over the right eye. IGNORED.—Several months ago, a U. S. Revenue detective made his appearance in this place, and closed up the vinegar estab lhitunent of Mr. Abut Dram., on the allege gatlon of illcit distillation of whisky. Mr. DIEHL was taken by surprise, but conscious of his innocence went promptly and volun tarily before Judge WArrs, U. S. Commis sioner, at Carlisle, and entered bial to answer the charge. We notice" that the case was caned in the U. S. Circuit Court in Philadel phia. last Friday ; and there being no evidence to sustain it, the bill was ignored by the Grand Jury, the United States to pay costs. We congratulate Mr. Diem. on this vindication of his integrity. WHERE TO BUY.—The advertising col umns of a newspaper are sure tests of bust nesitect and energy, and indicate where the best goods can be bought on beat terms.— Litie business men always advertise liberal ly,and buyers will find that as a general rule that they can deal to best advantage where enterprise and energy are manifested. Read carefully the advertisements, and you will End it pays. The large circulation of the "STAR AND SXNTINEL" makes it notonly a desirable but necessary advertising medi um. Hitherto we have from time to time been compelled to decline advertisements by yawn of the pressure on our columns.— Our contemplated enlargement will give us more room and enable us to meet all de mands in this respect. THE FAR WEST.-.-We are indebted to the courtesy of Senator McCoNsuou v, who has just returned• from a trip over the Pacific Railroad, for copies ofthelOmaha (Nebraska) Tribune, the Denver (Colorado) Tribune, the Rocky Mountain (Colorado) News, the Coun cil Bluffs (Iowa) Nonpareg, the Laramie City (DekoUtTettitory) Index, and the Cheyenne • (D. T.) Leader—all live Republican papers of tke , Fir Weft; Senator MCCONAUGHY was one of an excursion party, who, after g ibe Chicago Convention, passed over the Pacific Railroad to the Rocky Mountains, and plant _ edohe astioual colors, inscribed with the names Of Gamer and Comex, on the highest point reached by the road. The Cheyenne Leader givens detailed aeconnt of the inter esting ceremony. Speechaserere made by Col. Bairn as, of Montama, Mr. McCorr anairr, F.B. AYES, of New Hampshire, and others. We notice 'also that Mr. kfcCoN AUGHT addeeieed a Republican Mass- Meeting at Council Muffs op the 29th of May. pips unu r hiringoarne at last, every body is laying aside tHeir winter rig and sub •e comfortable .:doting.:. Now is the time to get Ready-made Clothing, and Fitancos CUNNINGHAM'S, opPasite the ' i dler mut neatiact" ofAce.,inatbe place to get them. He ai hupg stock everwrumedis Uot liebtarg.'ind mks ,at prime that can't - be bit. 04 / 43 14 4 111 40 01 0 z Yourselves. 2t df q* ago we ea v to is noli tiote7 *0 wefe much irftswiled the Ift*,t. bilge ~h.td been 'eacthd in the roundings under the energetic triministru tion of Dr. SMITS, the - gentlemanly Super intendent. Formerly the Spring was difil '. and sutendeci byi exnafomp h. We foiMi marked r- mation. The grounds have been cleared of undergrowth, and some fonr acres encloaed in a neatpailing fence, with gravelled walks, green sod, and a new substentlarroad lead ing direct from the pike. The Spring itself has b&si carefully walled up with heavy dressed granite, and enclosed in one end of the building Used for bottling—the building itself being a neat and comfortable one, with piazza and office for accommodation of visi tors. We noticed that ornamental shade trees have been putout in various parts of the enclosure, and in course of time the spot must prove one of the most attractive in the neigh borhood. We were somewhat interested in the bot tling process. Everything, from -the un packing of empty bottles to the final pack- ng and labelling of boiei is done in the building—washing empty .bottles, filling with the Katalysine water, corking, label ling, wrapping, packing, d✓c.,—employing about 30 hands.. The whole process is rapid and systematic, the bottles passing from hand to hand in the various processes, with out confusion. The corking Is done very rapidly by aid of ingenious machinery, and it is impossible to withdraw the cork .with out breaking or defacing, thus guarding against tampering with the water after leav- iug the establishment. Most of the em ployees are young girls, who receive good wages. The water is put up for the market in quart bottles,. specially prepared for the Company. These are packed in boxes or cases holding two dozen each. The demand for the water is daily increasing, - and keeps the entire force busily engaged. About 240 I doze() bottles are put up every day, and shipped by railroad to the principle cities, and in filling special orders from almost every State in the Union. Although the Spring is within a mile or two of town, iew of our citizens have any idea of the magni tude of the operations connected with the bottling and shipping of this water. Teams ere passing to and fro, bringing cases of . empty bottles from the depot, and returning with cases with water bottled for the mar ket. 'lt has been found necessary to run special cars through to Philadelphia and New York. The boxes, hitherto manufactur ed elsewhere, are now made on the ground. We may acid that visitors to the Spring aro always courteously' received, and per mitted to drink freely of the water without charge. Between the growing reputation of this remarkable Spring and the attractions of the Battle-field; Gettysburg bids fair'to be come a town of some importance. The of fice register at the Spring records the names of a large number of daily visitors repre; senting nearly every State in the Union, who visit the establishment asone of the "institu tions" of the place. LOCUSTS.—The seventeen year Locusts have made their appearance in this neigh borhood, and in a few days the woods will be vocal with their peculiar music. Last Wednesday, in passing through the grove in which Reynolds fell, near the Katalysine Spring, we found nearly every bush and tree teeming with them. We hear of hogs dying from eating locusts grubs in various sections. Last week Mrs. Buonos, near Cashtown, lost one hog ; PETER BROUGH two, and a colored man named Craig two.— Farmers would do well to pen up their hogs until the locusts- have come out of the ground. Seventeen years .ago these Locusts made their appearance about the 20th of May.— Atter a few weeks they commenced to die, disappearing entirely the last of June or be ginning of July. Mr. DANIEL LEHMAN, of York, seems to have given considerable at tention to these curious insects, and com municates to the True Democrat some inter esting facts. He says that in that neighbor hood they made "their first appearance in 1817 on the 231 of May; in 1834 about the same time, and in 1851 on the 26th of May. For some time moskof them have been about five inches below the surface of the earth, and their protracted stay is attributable to the continued wet • weather. Many of them have died in the ground on account of the frequent rains, and we may justly con clude that they will, by no means, be as numerous as iu former years. In 1817, Mr. Lehman made the following experiment. He took some of tire small branches, where the eggs had been deposited and wrapped them carefully up andiaid them away and did not open them until 1834, when the lo• custs made their apperende again ; and then by the aid of a microscope discovered that the eggs were dead and.had never made the least advance towards incubation. In that year he put a quantity of the eggs in a bottle and corked it up and did not examine its contents again until 1851, when he found the result the same—the eggs were dead and had made no progress towards hatching. From this it is well established that the eggs of the locusts must come in contract with the earth before they will advance to wards We and that the soil is essential to the development of the life-giving property they contain. ' By fre4uent experiment Mr. Lehman has also ascertained that the locusts never de scend further than six feet into the earth.— What they live on, or how they subsist, in their self constituted grave; whether they increase and mnltiply, or remain, to all in tents and purposes, dead all this time ; we believe, has '.ever been ascertained. These singular insects are certainly a wonderful nature pheahomena *lnd should be made a special subject of study. Their coming and going is au object of interest for the curious and scieutflc, and certainly teach a lesson Which hash never been fully and satisfactorily explained. A VALUABLE SEWING MACHINE.— A young lady, resident of Straban township, remarked to us the other day that, she had purchasud one of the American Button-hole Overseaiming and Sewing Machines, and that in case Ole could not getainother, she would not' take $BOO, for the one she • bas.. We can didly bolleve tkese machines to be the beet in the market, and would advise all persons de siring. to purel tase a Machine that is really worth its - weight fn gold to call on or address D. W. R 081502 7, Agent, Baltimore street, Get tysburg, Pa. , It pe-Honseki: good Cooking ket, warranted or any thing Ware, Hollow and Spice Box€ ter Coolers, Colt Jars and Cans, I just what they Col. C. H. Buzz Carlisle street, of pot, and at price :pars and others wanting loves, the best in the mar to bake and give satisfaction, n lind of Tin Ware, Japan Ware, Chamber Sets, Bread s, Ice Cream Freezers, We -Ire Mills, Bird Cages, Fruit Natters, Ate. dm., will find vane at the Ware-room of ratrt, corner of Railroad and rposite the Passenger De , s which defy competition. or "Lb aot•gat in favor,of "Ban *dye ?" It is the kind that it it tie who are Wont* and bald begin. et t failing attiole:--Pt it juries give their verdict" etX's Vegetable_Hairßestor universal verdict of MAIM best in the market; let all prematurely old-looting ince the use of this never 9racind Transcript. It . • Ar4l l "ltiv Yc I the maw of Weft Leda in Mine al MerrstaysiSi 'of dy eittinieette OMR: DikttW derthl.• dame would not contain ony which hawser-mauls totem' Ikaaaits.w: Wild liciancisnd,natble /IMO ta;oadi, intinimunary the mu" atis trtull7 loon* - 5, ‘ FULL : ABOThe .^. • of \ mere, Mgt'M(o4l9ool , sod invited ,to .e 2 ':lttiiieiaiMl°rt':Oi,el4 of WhIBIIR of 19 :for hoildlot , 'purposes, to be --- */1. a JEClturit; mm'e Lumber Mu*, at Corner of Carlisle street and Bailmieldepol, including Boards, Plonia, Fiji:orb:is, Siding; Lath!, Piokete, Shingles, dtc.—Also, ?oats, hewed and saw-• ed, with:prime fencing ifoirda, white Bine and Hemlock. His stock is not only large, but his airtiosomenie artivich that he can the 'very Tared cash rates. Also, constantly on hands Black-smith, Lime-Bur ners' and Stove COAL, If HUBBARD'S COMBINED SELF-RAK ING REAPER AND MOWER.—For salo by Henry Thomas 4r Son. This machine has two driving wheels, hanged joint and folding bar. The self-raker can be control{ led by the driver, and a full sheaf made in all kinds of grain. If desired, the seltrak er can be adjusted to deliver a sheaf at every revolution of the rakes, without any aid, from the driver. We deem it unnecessary, to give any further description, but refer all wishing to purchase to those farmers who, bought last season. tf - ,43••• W e notice an old and reliable Bos ton firm, HARRIS dc PLUMMER, who adver tise in our column "The meccas." They are a Well known and responsible firm, and have incorporated the popular One Dollar Sale into their business as a means of reach ing the masses. They offer superior in ducements to Agents, and their advertise ment is well worthy the attention of our readers, lt XD - Let those who have detected the pre mature evidences of ate—the tell-tale white ning of the locks, the unnatural thinning of the covering which nature designed should be preserved to the period of dissolution, lose no time in securing a bottle of "Bar rett's Vegetable Hair-Restorative," the great antidote to baldness, gray hair and wigs. Buffo 10 E. CpreB3. it CirNo loss can be more 'fatal to beauty, especially in the female sex, than the loss of the hair; glossy, luxuriant hair is one of the most powerful of all personal charms. When baldness or even a deficiency 'of hair exists, we naturally look for a dry and wrinkled skin, a faded complexion; when not actually seen, we see them in imagination. Why, then, not cultivate your hair ? Encourage it and strengthen it ; or if your hair is gray or white, the natural color can be restored by a few ap plications of Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S I3IPROV ED (new style) HAIR RESTORXR or DRESSING, (in one bottle.) Price One Dollar. Every Druggist sells it. June 3-1 m -- geview of the Ittarketo. Baltimore Grain and Produce Market. Baltimore, Tuesday Morning. 9 25 (ib 10 LO 11 00 @II 50 2 50 @ 2 90 2 60 @ 2 90 1 08 @ I 1G 1 80 @ 1 85 80 p 95 0 00 @ 000 OGO @ 000 0 00 @ 0 00 191 @ 211 171 gi /if 14 @ 141 19 @ 19} 139,i SUPER FLOUR,. EXTRA FLOUR,. WHITE WHEAT, RID WHEAT,- CORR, RYE, OATS, TIMOTHY -SEED, CLOVER-BSI:Ty.. FLAX -SEED, BACON, HAMS, I ' SHOULDERS, UM GOLD, Phila Gettysburg Grain and Provision market Gettysburg, Wednesday Morning 10 00 11 00 Cvl2 00 SUPER FLOUR,... Erriu. FLOTH4. WRITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, ... COHN, RYE, OATS, BucSWILEAT, tIMOTHE SEED, CLOVER SEED, POTATOES, Burn; LARD, Eoos, BACON, HAM, " SIDES, " SHOULDERS, SOAP, TALLOW, HARRIED. CRAWFORD-MOORS.- On the 24th ult., at Philadelphia, by the Rev. W. H. Pendleton, S. 0. Crawford of New York, and Joe Eric son 'Moore of Philadelphia, at one time a resident of this place. GISLING—ORCAMER.—On the 2nd inst., by the Rev. Samuel Yingling, Mr. John W. (haling, of Berwick twp., Adams co., to Miss Leah B. Orcamer, of Baltimore co., Md. • KELLER—COLESTOCK.—On the ith ult., by Rev. S. Henry, Mr. Moses A Keller, to Miss Alexina A. Colestock, both of Littles town, Adams county, Pa. Kuvo—MTEns.—On the 12th ult., at the Reformed parsonage, New Oxford, by Rev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. Emanuel E. King, of York co., to Miss Emma E. Myers, of York Springs, Adams county. Krrzmua.x.R—SANDoz.— On the 4th inst., In this place, by the Rev. W. R. H. Deatrich, Mr. Jacob Kitzmiller, of Gettysburg,to Miss Maggie A., daughter of Mr David San due, of Cumberland townahap, this county. SNEERINGER—UNIACK.—At St. Joseph's Church in Baltimore, on the Ist inst., by Rev. Father Dougherty, Mr. William .1. Sneeringer, formerly of Adams co., to Miss Mary Uritack, of italtldlore. Tnour—Rscicza.—On the 31st ult., by the Rev. P. Scheurer, Mr. William J. Troup, of Hanover, to Miss Kate Becker, of Adams county, WAI;TMAN —SCHWA RTZ.—On the 28th ult., by Rev. John M. Clemens, Mr. Edward Waltman, of MeSherrystown, to Miss Lydia L., daughter of Mr. Levi Schwartz, near Littlestown, Adams county. WILLIST—HOWSBERGER.—OD the 31fit ult., by Rev. S. Henry, Mr. Cyrus J. Willot, of - Adams county, Pa., and Miss Margaret C. Horxtberger, of Carroll county, Md. -- DIED. Or Obituary notices 5 cents a line for all over 4 lines—cash to accompany notices. BLOCHER.—On the sth inst., John Blocher, of Cumberland township, aged 75 years, 8 months and 2 days. BucHart.—On the 25th ult., Henry Bucher, sen., of Mountjoy township, in the 77th year of his age. Dnanossw.—On the 4th inst., near Lb: Two Taverns this county, John Samuel, infant Son oelsaac N. and Margaret Dur boraw, aged 3 months and 24 days. WP.IGHT. —On the sth inst., Joel Wright, of Menallen township, in the 54th year of his age. ftw Atlvatistsento. Journeymen Carpenters WANTED IMMEDIATELY. G WAGIS will be given Sr o lint class hand,. dµ vi ply immotustedy to W. C.STALLBMITH • EON, Janalo.-.4( DAVID B. Besssorr N 0.29 April Term, 1868 vs. watimm. lasobsent. • And now to wit, May 26041888, an motion of Al. and W. mann, lege, PlAlntire Attorstea, the °Put grant a rale on the NbMaat Is ponniks of a tract of land &Aide ettsbow toir l o Bl B4 - Adline oontaln 8 Acree_ned 161 Perm neat newnny_ol Cm tP % ie_ leads of Ono. Wolf, Gettysburg and Tart Ternotte co. and others, to appear and plant Intithi meta the 3d DON. DAY 01 AUGUST =CT, A. D.„ IDS, or Judgment will be `tottered. By the Ooort, Janelo.-3t J. A. SITZKILLIOt t Proth'y. TO BUILDERS. Ml= Schaal Diteeton of Berwick township will meet .L at tho Pigeon Rills .Itobeol Bonne on listarday the qf .fens wad, nt Seelisek. P. it, fir the. porpoise of gleing est *PaW a n d iil l / 1 * to Cteittnotor I* U s,' to be Wain agal!lnt The *Ow. most built Prow lit Ist July the lOW Oetober. at mkt of tis*Aits4 PIONS FLU, Sec'j. Juke ler4t tin" . ti:, ~3 ~:~. t D ISPROTP IX that she Is prepared to do CI Undo df plaht tc!tw Drerrmakiag, io., on reasonable terms. ale eta be found at her rooklente on Hies atreet,appaelte qms Fair armada ' June 41, IM—Et AV/Na procured the proper limkatil am pcaparod, If to RECORD SOLDIERS' DISCHARGES, ht accord ance with a recent Act of the Lenislaftira 'of Peanaji mania.' Soldiers' are Cautioned against delay in thie mat ter. Wit.D HOLTSWORTH, Register & Ressordar of adonis Comity. June 10.—tf To Contractors. • SUMW PROPOSALS for the erection of FRONT BUILDING TO AGRICULTURAL HALL, in,Gettja burg. will be received until 1 o'clock, P. N., of THURS DAY, the 18th daytof ME, 1848. Plans and specifications will be exhibited by Fahneatock, to whom all proposal, are to be directed. E. G. FAHNRSTOOK, DAVID WILLS, ' J STARLE, Juno 10.—td Committee. 1 With the latest improved Triple-peare , • Horse Power, either Gear or Belt. This machine has successfully competed with alt the best of the different patented Grain Separators, and DOM haj the reputation of being the best Separator ever pro duced; in fact, the only Separator and Cleaner ever be fore the public to glee general aatletaction. The machine is conveniently arranged for'liatiling and threshing, being permanently fixed on two wheels. One man can easily more or shift it about, so that It is not half the trouble on a barn floor as • common thresher and shaker. It is also easily put In operation. It la simple, easily managed, reliable, durable, compact and cleanly to work by while in operation, not making near the duat ea the common machine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that this machine la no hum bug. and judging from the high recommendation of Lam ers that are using them we must come to the conclusion that it is the very machine that farmers want. The following are a few of the persona who have used this machine, well known, and to whom the public are referred for further information: ' Orders will be reesi44 - 1 by either of these gertlemsn $.9 also by Robert and [looser, East Berlin, ra. For fur tber itbrmation addrelia • June 10.-3 m 'AT GRAND STREET The Larticst and Chcopeat Stock of Ribbons, Silks, Flowers, Parasol% Yin Ladies' Inaletwn e Cor+eta , at bO ctr., 75 eft- sl.oo,and Upwards, Cheap Ve . 311 LLINERS SUPPLIED. EDWARD RIDLEY, 300, 211 and :111! Gs and, eAI, 88 and Allen streets, Fifth Block East from the flowery take 10, 1868.-3 m ADAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Predideut—OeorFe Swope. Vice-Preeident—Samuel R. Ruseell. Secretary—D A. Buehler. Treasarer—E.G. Fahueetock. Executive C.Ammittee—fLbert McCurdy, if A. Pict log, Jacob Bing. Managers.—George Swope, D. A. Buehler, R. McCurdy M. Eichelberger, S. R. Russell, IL G. Fahnestcck, A. D Buehler, R. 0. McLreary, G ettysburg ; Jacob King, titre Kan township; Jscuo Diehl, Franklin; Win. D. Hiner, New Oxford; Wm. R. Wilson, Benderinille; H. A. Pick ing, Straban; John Woltord, Latimore • John Picking. Eastßerlin; Abel T. Wright, Bendenrs ' ille; Abdial 1. Pitt, New Oxford; James 11. Marshall, Ilamiltonben John Ctioningham,Freeclom, John Horner, Mountjoy; Win. Ross White, Liberty'. ..This Company is etmited In Ire operation Int more tLan 17 yea's., and In that period has made butdone as sessmetit, having paid louses by fire during that period amounting to nver $15.000. Any person desiring an lulu. ante can apply to either of the following gentlemen: D. A. Buehler, Gettysburg. E. G. Fahnestock, • Jacob King, Straban township. H. A. Picking, ‘. Ja - ob Diehl, Yratkliu Wm. Ross White, Liberty 11. C. Peters, Petersburg (y. S. 2 30 gi 2 75 2 25 @ 2 35 1 15 1 50 iOO 2 50 G 00 I @J 70 1 .q -The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company. ou the last Wednesday In every mouth, at 2o'clock, M. (June 10, 1868.-41 STATEMENT of the Bounty Ao count of HUNTINGTON TOWNSIIIP, ADAMS CO. PENNA. 14 7 @ 8 19 JAMES .7 )lETCALFE, Treasurer of Bounty Pun! it account with said township: DR. To balance on aettlement, April IR; $6,574 41 To amount received on Duplicate, 1 564 250 40 1.15310 ....... May 1867. Amount paid in Grtlysburg Bank • " Carlisle . Expenses of Gardner and Shaffer's Audit Bonds paid Interest on Bonda paid Orders paid Treasurer's Commission Balance due Township We, the undersigned. Auditors of Huntington tows. chip, Adams county, having andite4the above account,{ James .1. Metcalfe, Treasurer of Bounty -Fond of sad township, do report the same correct an above stated aid that there lea balance in his hands due the townshp aforesaid of the anm of nine hundred and seventy..tso dollars and twenty•seren cents. Witness Our hands tie Ist day of Jane, 1868. MICHAEL MINTER, } • DAVID CARL, Auditors. JACOB LEER, ' LIABILITIES OF HUNTINGTON TOWNSHIP IN TkE AFORESAID BOUNTY ACCOUNT. Due to , -andry persona on bonds A ?SETS OF TOWNSHIP. Balance in bands c ?Treasurer $972 27 Outstanding Tax on duplicate 1864... 394 16 - - - Tax Lesviel for 1863 46,917 34 it Mance of Liabilities over Assets 377 86 ----- 69,295 OS June 10.-3 t TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Carrot, County, sitting in Equity, passed In cause No. 941, whero. In John Ezra Shoemaker and others are Complalualt „ l and Aramluta M. Shoemaker and others are Defends° the undersigned, Trustees, will sell at Public Sale, oft Saturday, the 20th day of Jane, 1868, at lo'clock, P. .114 on the premises now occupied by Samuel Behyltm and designated below as No. 2, the following valuable prof perty, to wit: No. I.—A valuable tract of land lying on the road lending horn Taueytown to Getty* , burg, 3 mile. from the former and 10 from the latter, ad. joining the lands .of David Kephart, John Shriner and others, and containing 195 ACRES OF LAND, more or less. The Improvements cons.st of• two-story Brick Dwelling, a large Bank Barn, a twostory Stone Tenant House ands good Stable, and numerous outbuildings, .'l of which are new. There is an exoelleneYoungOrchare, On this Farm sada sufficiency of Anti Timbek band. No. 2.—A most desirable propert'r lying on the Western bask of the Honocacy on the ro,l leading from Taneytewn to Mtlierstown, 4 miles from the former and 7 from the latter,loljoining the lands or Jacob Shoemaker, Samuel Ott and others, and contain-, lug 230% ACRES OF LAND, more or less. Thelmprovo mints consist of a two-story Stone Dwelling House. large Bank Barn, Tenant House and Stable, all in good repair. This Farm is well watered and 'on lanced, and has on it en Orchard of Choice Fruit in tftliring condition. Also a sufficiency of excellent Timber Land. No. 3.—A WOOD LOT, lying on the road leading from -Emmittaborg to Sabillasville 8. Milos from the former. This Lot is well timbered with thriving Young Chestnut and Locust and, contains 14 *CRIS OF LATiD,more or lee.. Possession will be given of the above Property, if sold, on the Ist of April. 1609. ' TERMS..—One third of the purchase money to be Pia by the purchaser or purchasers, on the let day of April, 1869, and the residue in two equal payments, of one and two years respectively from the said nrst day of April, 1809, to be secured by the purchaser or purchasers ifiw' g their notes with security to be appro ved by the True tees, bearing interest from the said day, . WM. ALBERT Silt MAKER, JOHN EZRA EH ! GEORGE A. SRO "71" JOHN THOMSON. . Mammylcßoamss,Sorry VIVA - June &At Gettysburg, Pa. INFORMATION. FOR MARRIED lA. - . Ulnae. •' 1 "''' . . • r The onderoigned, 'after starecing the eon of el* childish daring e carried life of goo inns, . and a eon. }ant irrnWprity of menetrnate, toeing boor rd. stored • mod.oditine ed in Perfect r.litity by • very ihnpls remedy. is =Motu to nuke Th. Ira -110t - wda Wipe the memo of Prevention and ivgniorril or tilt ahoutruolo. To kit dubs it as win med a copy df the preecciption used, ifreeef.an i orldb . direntiees rig=g , and Doing the t z e. sw u m " - leg m ili i I.lobtoin the PreorriPtielk , silt will oeitthois Y. 'nimble g dm prime miularimlur tiec mectoilorgnat atzar regareo:lnelly. at ogthe • , iimolfr.-4rn ' Ike ficifixqw .T. • _ M Soldiers' Discprgea. GELBER'S PATENT SELF-REOULATISCi GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND Bi.GGER, Wm. 3. Peters, Flora Dale, Adams co.. Penn■ W/11. Kehler, near New Oxford 4, John D. Pfootz, " Gettysburg " Henry Herbal, York Springs, 4, Daniel Peters, Beodernvit le, ABRAM 13URRHOLDF.R, Agent, Clearspring. York co , Pa. CHEAP STORE NEW YORK CITY STRAW GOODS in this City, without doubt. kte Notions, Skirts, Drsrs and Cloak Trimmings, and Yrlug,r, all um!, r regular prices INC'ORPORARED, MARCH 18, 1851 OFFICERS BOUNTY ACCOUNT 1865.... .25 20 1866.... 121 66 1667.... 1,057 18 6,346 78 Wanted. k ' )i' - ir_et price in nvreostc a itoringA N . Juke ‘ _ N;Nr. %mar of Swastostaystmari Pa. • BglV4 . l' l Bl4ogleti I - . 40,00() OR moo Immix gii_wico OtiMMI UT IMLNGLEB for aw l s Dd.NIEL PT.TERS' lOU, 34 attic corm. out of Bonderrrillo, o the road leading frowitosdors. villa to Whlteetown. -Plllll/11111 in want or Illitnalso should not, fall to giro and • col. Ants 3.71m* ' WM. WALLII:Y. Sweet Potato .Sprouts. TWENTY THOUSAND PURE JERSEY SWEET POTATO SPROUTS of the yellow variety; kg eale low at • C. J. TYSON'S limit and Vegetlble Oardens, Gettyeb erg. Awe 3, 1868.—tf CIRCULAR, MILL, SA W S Every Saw that leavem our Factory le Oil Tempered and Patent Ground, perfectly true and even, and made of uniform temper by our patent tempering process. AXES Common shape, ay good u the best The RED JACKET (COLBURITS PA TEIVT) cannot be excelled. We guaranty they will cot 25 per cet.t. more than common Axel, with less labor to the chopper. Wit Bend ihr cetcular end prices to LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL Fele Maas facturers. Fu. sale tiy prlucipal Hardware Dealers. STENCIL STOCK STAFFORD MANUA( TURING CO., 66 Falcon tree New York. Circulai and samples free. AGENTS W MED FOR TIIR Official History of the War Its Causes, Character, Conduct & Results, BY HON. ALEXANDCR H. rTILPHENS. Its ready sale, d with an Increased commis !lon, make It the best mut icription boot ever published. Ooe ageut in Easto n a.. reports 12 subscribers- in three days. Another doston, 103 subscribers in four days. Send kir Circulars aad see oar terms, and a full de scription of the work. , ildress NATIONAL PCBLISII ING CO., Philadelphia. Pa. CSA WFORD'S Stump nd Rock Extractor and Elevator perfected. Bend fo.• circular. d. Crawford, War ren, Maine. WANTED, AGENTS, $75 to $2OO ..per month, everywhere, male and female, to in troduce the GENUINE IMPROVED 00.M1dON SENSE fAIIILYSKiVING MAC/TINE. This machine will stitch. hew, kill, tuck, quilt, ootd, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manna-. Price only 115. Fully war ranted for Ave years. Ws will pay stooo for any ma. chin that will sew a str,roger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elutic Lock Stitch.. Every second s• itch can be cut, and still tits .loth cannot be pulled ..part without tearing it. We pay Agents from 57.5 to 530 per month and expenses, or *commission from xi:lkb twice that amount can be made. Addrses SECOMiI A CO., PI TTSEURG PA., or SOSTON, MASS. CAUTION.—Do not be imposed upon by other parties pattnlng off worthless east-Iron machines; under the same nameor otherwise. Oars is the only genuine and really practical cheap mt.chitte manufactured. CARPENTERS. Bend r" Catalogue of • New Practical Books on Architecture and Blair Binding. A. If LICKNZIL A Cu., Publishers, Troy, New Tork. - A"6 TILE RENOWNED ASTROLOGIST, MADAME If. P. 1 WARDS, from the past don of the Planets at the time of your birth, deduces your future destiny, and al so sends you • correct picture of your future partner, with date of marriage, characteristics and appearance. Gives inform/14km Wiwi or stolen property, tells you the business you are best quallAed to pursue, and sends like ness with all desired info - rnation, by return mall, kir Fifty Cents. Writ* plait ly the date of your birth, and address Madame U. P. W.%EDE, Lock Box 227, Lock. Putts N. Y. THE SUCCESS OF TIIE ONE DOLLAR BALE A , REVOLUTION IN TRAWL TE furnish at a stators} 'price of OS S DOLLAR. T V sorb &retries as are used by every family, at a less price than they are sold t yin; wholesale dealer in New York or &stow. Agenta wanted to co-operate with ns in miming out s plan which meets this we is of the million, and in the disposal ofa large and va.led stock f t Dry and Fancy Goods, Silver Plated Ware, Watches, Carpeting., Sic.— ../cir terms to Agent, are superior to those of any other arm, ae our circular will show. Those getting up clubs can secure a piece of She ling, Watch,Ezik Di ess,:ihawl, Sewing Machine, Ac , tc.. FREE OF COST. A check describing an article to be sold for a Dollar 10 etc •, 20 for g 2; 40 Cur gi ; 60 for gtl; 100 for 510, sent by mall. Bend money by Registered letter. Circulars mailed free to any address. Agents wanted ecerywbere. Address tIARRIS & PLUMMER, Ilam,ver It., Boston, haws. $43.124 4 $4,,;40 X 1,:t15 X 38 4; 4.538 10 1,04 41 • Look ! Li t& ! Look ! AGENTS WANTED—FOR SHAW A FISK'S PAWN BROKER'S SALE, t. whom great inducements are ffeied. • QM 6019 972 a $L3.124 t We will send pop a Sewing llachine or Nice Dree4 free of cost. Give as a trial. Catslc.gnes sent free. /MAW k FISK, P.O. Box 3176, Boston, ?glass LIAVIS YOU TRIED TOWLE A CO'S Nonpareil Dollar Sale ? I F you have not now is ; um. time to secure the great. eat bargains ever offered by any concern in the world. investigate this at once--it will pay. All puttee in the Dollar Sale business advertise to give the beet bargains. best inducements to age its, *c. But the Goods tell the story. The wren"' of Me /lidding is the eating. Terms lower than , the lowest. Circulars sent free. Address TOWLE A CO., i Tremot.t. Row, Easton, Mass. 0.295 10 Proof of our state: tent that we have made A COMPLETE EVOLUTION IN. TRADE, can be found in the fact ilzat the immense business we have built up has itdnce a multitude of atuzLoommase to imitate our club spite a, and Immo by advertising the presents they wilt give t *gents, seek, unsuccessfully. to divert some of our Wiriness to themselves. We make this announcement simply to inform the public that it will he for their interest o patronize our bons., as we still continue to 0117 E szrsa GOODS MID ORZATXI INDUCT,- MINTS TO AGeNTS THAN ANY Mail CONCICLN to 105 5001. sue. We sell every description of DRY AND FANCY GOODS. PLATED WARE, JEWELRY, WATCHES, SEWING MACHINES, Ac., Ac., for the uniform priceo(ONN DOG LAR. Circulars sent to any address free. PARKER k CO, Noe. DS and 100 Summer et , Boston. GREAT• SALE _0 F Dry Goods, Carpetings, BOOTS Sc SHOES, • SILVER PLATED WARE, OF ALL KINDS, ALBUMS, And a variety orminable and melt! articles for sale at One Dollar of each Article. A cheek describing an article selected from our Stock for sale at ONE DOLLAR, will be sent on the'receipt of Tacna Cirri to pay postage.. • No charge for Schedules or Cheeks made at this atablishment. Bend for Circulars, as this is the most liberal sale of tbebind In Um *Santry. Addrem FARNHAM & CO., 2t Friend st., Boston, Mw. TO THE LADIES. [ We are eta Ibr over ONE MUM= Foreign and Donteotk, tersAnd asepreparod tofurnieh the wuto , whole erlib DIPX AO POOR °Mi t ELI& ISWA ' Y,IIIILVWN WARE, FURNITURE, 'W I T sawn NAOKINX,„ he, to., at the nniforen One Dollar for each Article. Door clubs *fie,' !and pwards, for descriptive hrwhtirNhat'edids an be obtained for One with Ifloiste *Mak cheek. • 1 't OIROUIatiKE - SENT FRYE. . ;ftrisetkeamett. trees 'toool lent, tract oftbstio to ageql waft; tithe. • ' ' ' . - . * •11.64matihvifited tai ii,,fri *rig. . ' • ,- • ~-, . - ' , j'OginniAlf, a co., . - 10 Arai Ars* /Way Kw. - 0 00 10040 , .‘ " ' . • . • . • .1i MULAY, GANG and CROSS. CUT 131 PITTSMIGH, PENNA., VLV (i 1 14:4: 4 APA Offit 411441=f k•-• Pt. *1,.• 0.3 r I? AirRoAP. NikA .FREIGHT DEPOT. " _ PETER BEITLER Ts prepared to "wrath padNITE. for ull kinds of BUILDING itNi? .110.NU3IENTAI PURPOSES, •H' : • ott iansonill• rate • - Curbing, Sills, Steps, Ashlers, ortura,e u ts, i cut atiktiutittod II every deaired by best Of work• men. isj..Ordern frOnt a:distance promptly attended to. Jane 3.—tf GRAIN ORADLES. rjEKENOASTIIVANOFICTURE—decidedIy the beat Ur Cradle in uaa—T, baud and for sale by • , 1.% miles south of Gettyebtirg. June 3 -4t 600 MILES OF TILE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Are now finished and cooperation. Extyluilesparack have been laid this spring, and the work along the whole line between the Atlantic and Pacific F rates is being pushed forward-more rapidly than ever before. More than twenty thousand men are employed. and it In not impossible that the entire track. from Omaha to Sacra meta°, will he finished in I €C9 Instead of 1870. The means provided are ample, and all that energy, men and money can do to secure the completion of this GREAT NATIONAL WORK, at the earliest possible day, will be done The UNION 'I frIC RAILROAD COMPANY reeelse: I.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right of way, and all nece•sary timber ant other materiel,' &mod along • the line of Its operations. .lI.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of 12,800 acres of land to the mile, taken In alternate sections on each aide of Ito road. This is nu nbdolute donation, and wilt' be a source of large revenue In the fnture. lII—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of Enitid EtatPs T 1r ty.year Ronda, amounting to from $lO,OOO to $48,000 per rode, according to the difficulties tobesurtnonnt ed on the various SO , t lone to ho built. The Govern moot tsar a second mortgage aa security, and It is expected that not only the Interest, but the priLci . pal amount may be paid In services rendered by the Con piny in transporting troops, mails, Arc. The In. terest is now much more than paid in this way, be sides securing a great string in time and money tO the Government. IV.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right to issue its own FIRST 3fORTOA GE BONDS, to aid In bnildipg the road, to the tame amount as the U. S. Bonds, is• Pied fly the mule purpose, and no more. THE Gor. EaSXINT Pump the Trustees fn the "First Mort cage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company old) as the road is completed; end after it has been examined by United States Com Missioners and pro. flounced to brie all teopeets a grit -dins Railroad, laid with a heavy Trail, and completely supplied with stations, turn:AlN, car.shop3, Icc.ma,,tires, can, de. T.—A CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from the stock holden, of which over Eight Mit►ton Dollarz hay been paid in upon the work already done, and which will be increased a 4 the wants of the Company re quire. , TL—NET CASH EARNINGS on its Way Boalace; that already amouut to )IGRE. runs TILE laitcarsy on the First Mortgage Bonds. These earnings are no in dication °title vast through tr, tic that must the opening of the line to the Pacific, but they c!:- hazily prone that FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS upOn such • property, tort in;, nearly three times their amount, • ARE SECURE BEYOND ANY CONTINGENCY The Company twee - .headset WARS ir. r tilieir and Mato m appeal to the patilia; prireheee their Bonds. Rattle daily subscridthms are entirely satittac. - . tory ; but they submit that, far entire security and liber- al returne, there is certainly no better li.rc,tultat in the market. The Union Pacific Bands are for 31,000 each, and have coupons attached. They have thirty years to run, nod bear annual taterest,,payable on the first days of dolm a., and lair at too qvaipany'd office to the City of New York, at the rate of IN per cont. in gold. The Principal is payable io gold at maturity. At the present rate of gold, these bonds pay an annual inc me on their cost of NEARLY NINE PER CENT.. • A-VD IT IS BELIErED THAT THEY WILL SOON BE Aril PREY/CT. The Company reserve the right to adv.nce the urice to a rate above par at any time, awl will md fill any or dere or receive any enb3cripticni ca which the money has not been actually paid at the Company's otnce be(. re the time attach advatire. Subscri,)tietts will be received itt Gettysburg, r by the FIRST NATIONAL BANE and GETTY:MIMI NATIONAL BANE, qadz, Now York At die COMPA'Sr.i (AITICE, NASSAU t:'•TitEET EEO JOHN J. CISCO t Si*, DINNERS, No. 59 MALL St And by rue Company's ndvertis,d age:b, thr. tigh.ut ti United 'State, Remittances should k znade.in drafts or other Jltufs par in -Yr w York, and the Bonds will be sent free If charge by return txpceu. Parties rubscribiny through local agents, will lool: to them for their safe delivery. -A PAHPLILE't AND YLLP VOlt 1869 has joet L t.. published by the Company, giving. hiller fnformsti. than is possible iu an advertisement, respecting the Pr... green of the Stork. the Resources theConniry traverse by the Road, the Menai (or Construction,And the Val' o( the Bonds, which will Le sent Gee on ar , l , cs,.;:n ~the Company's (Aces or to any of the advertised age. JOHN J. - CIECO, Treasurer, New Yoe: Jane n, 1564 111 E A3IERICAN BUTTON HOLE :OVERSEAMEc(; SEWING MACHINE CO.. in directing attention to their CELEBRATED C BINATION BUTTON HOLE AND SERINO MACHIN beg leave to refer to its wonderful popularity as e v elusive proof of its great merit. •- The ineresse in the demand for this valuable mac' 10. bee been TEN FOLD dstring the tostserca laJntla 01 ;1 first year before the public. • This grand and surprising success i; unprecedeni. the history of sewing -machines, and we feel fully ranted in claiming that .s IT HAS X 0 Rilt',.ll, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE EN VIZ WORLD, . And Intrinsically the Cheapest. It is real)) , two machines combined in one, (by a pie and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, end the Oversearuing and Batten hole stitch, With equal facility and perfectien.— It executes in the rery hut manner every variety of Sew ing, such as, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tdcline Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, Gathering and Sewing on, (done at the same time,) and in addition, Or ersraus. Embroiders on the edge, and males beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes in all fabrics. Every Machine is erarreuteil by the Company, 4e- its! Agents, to give entire sathfisction. Eltontare with falVparticalars and entopies of .• rk done -i n th IllaottlneLeats be linden application at SaLesrOom e of tIA Cbmpaby. S. W. Cbr. iteventh and Chestnut Streets, 'Plaidade/phia, Pa. Instructions given ott the Machias at the rooms of the Company gratuttowsly Mall purchasers. • AGENTS•WANTED^. YRIDERiCIE PAXSOX, Pro 'dent W. B. MZNDIGISHAIL, Treaaprer. D. W. ROBISON, Agent, Gattyebdg. 1N May 91t.—tf SELLIN OFF ! dr ' , kinkily as I esprair wake reentfor wort JE:OCER.I.ErS. AND LIQUOIC.k.;. L,VitilOjari returned from the Gitywlth thelarrs 'add arestrartett asiortment et iew+litexilteni orb"' ed' here, Itettpdet every body to tonkto.tbeir Interco. and buy where they can get the cheapen' mid beet mat flu tilt. CASJI; ,as that, iibluy l 4i i 3 Now a Ikaa a:RIVS qtASPigc, in ti=apit'Ar j ,alr MIA', ' ! -M4 ,ol W i tla „,,, i t a - c -..'1,-; it.: Dried -"R,A;x:-. .E.l9lir l , Oll f ~.uara„ .4411191.' Larga.lot afirigry” gastilagar.oared Rom; 1.10.1-11.14,i ard, Mead and Iterrtokl . ' J , 1 'l4 Liquor be.ctia:htsti,.: ~ istitip,o w or quility, ; from OgrissiOntN4,4lll Pr. JiAnds, ilusitiallia orit lill. sp747lgr v;_t di er„9 th er Row*. Tao* .1 . # plied-wiat Milotwigt - Ottrprlbri, • • strotooro, B o otionco tio ! Lod r.e., • • -=Te k om voragforwiso.- • . k ' : i ll '4l irk* No 17.104,41. saamp#4,amteinit. I d The most. wonderful Athletes cf this or any other n in their Pictunnque and Agile fircupitno, Tcurldl A promjncnt tnemlAr of the illuArturts family thftt have chillenged the adtniretion of the 'World MISSES' IRENE CARLETON and JENNY CAILNEAL. 3I.A.DA3IES SIYORI, BARTON, and UNDERHILL. MESSRS. LARLACHE, POLENSKI, - HENDERSON ? BARTOW 4: JAI loge tiler with a full and competent Corps of Grooms, Equeries, Ushers stud Attond..uts. 31enagf:rie Lisps rtment is mrulg,ekt by 51r.GLOP . GE "ROT PE OF ACTING BEARS .plen'cli(l Oriental Howdah Eleyhent 2tvhile, in aqiich from among the An:Hence will he allowed the novelty erne ELEPHANT RIDE! THE RUNNING BISON LEAPING BUFFALO A 11 ; a1 Ri , 1.4.c.. Act. achieve.] np,a his batt by Ilia Cap Who will aLsolittely M4et him over Gatos; Bars and Obstacles The Procession will enter the Town at 10 ..'clock, A. M Metropolitan Silver Cornet Band, `FANNY,' 'borne upon s richly decorated Car, and the clank Minna of Vent, (Mutat; Tableaux Can 'and Cages. , ADIttSatON - - 50 CENTS ChijdnA 4der y'r4 25 Doors open at 2 di 7 P. Performances to ounzies Initt gra. boa; hetet— • This Matnnioth_ Sheir _mill' exhibit AT O,FIAMBERSBERG. • Frid*1 1 .14ie 112th.• '. : . 4 11 :0 2 MEStrita . , 1 114 .. ,A. ,tortuts 414 . .- ..,-,.:4,15 t.!..-_ , -;... t ..„-i,.... -,,,,-". E t • 1-1 :01,, , 7 kl: - fi..."' ~ ' ''<,r!:_i.A ,.. . -, % g.• I, .;-.MU. . • ' .rialtjfkritarliaile iiikit . ,irrealitkt-it gob . V • ' Rope 3.4.4 t MI - .• stiouttnN• 4 4'4 • p ' ‘.I IPPPZ • . wp WARD'S- _UN tutus .and Menagerie piuipped in,Nl4-Y.lrk City tar the SIPMIKM f 1 with New Catvits, New Vans and Chati. fr+ , ./ (1 9 , 1111ws Beimit4taL agatAppro ate Appointments. r. A AIODE4 EXHIBITION , • In every cerise clam word The follnaing are among the specialties the hisnagement • - hue tha honor of presenting: The Best Stud of thoroughbred horses, The Best Lady. Riders, The Best Pad ' h itters, Thf Best Bare-bac Riders, The Three Best Clozonk in America. TheWonderfzil _Dwarf Elephant, `FAN'N'Y.!" Two years old; 30 Inches high 'weighs ZO pounds; un doubted(). the smallest er.r ,xtiltited in uny country. PROF. THO3IPSON'S GREAT PERFORMING BULL. The Xln!t !Lane Feats of this Animal in the Ring surpasses tA ier , nud bcon. classed Among the WONDERS of the 19th CENTURY. PROF, axe. POREPAUOWS Match 'eel TRAINED, WILD ANIMALS Trreined Anitterthi exhibited to the. emelienee than ettiy exhibited before. Mark the Array of Talent NI'LLE,JOSEPHINE TOURNIAIRE Premiere p'queAtrienne and 31a Itresie Du Clam!. MISS CAROLINE WARD, The "Ma Star" of the Arena. MADAME DEMOTT, The celebrated Chusie Equestrienne. MADAME CAP,LOTTA,, The Dr,hing siml Dann:les.! Equt,triennc and - -price of the Ring." MR.J. DEMOTT, Whose Beautiful and Daring Elnestrian Personation hare gained fur hint the title )f the "Winges!llereury." MR. J. WARD, The Model Clown, Jester and Ilrotemine, the great Mul form Perforpter of the profession. Ac a slack Rope pecan tner and In Plate Spitaing, Juggling, let .Mr.lV-rd acknowledges no equal. MR. JAMES MYERS, The Gonlal and Original Jester. MR. CHARLES MORGAN, Tae Celebrattri Trick Clown. THE ARABIAN BROTHERS, lure and Vats!tinge. THEODORE TOURNIA fit E, FOREPAUGIL TITE COMICAL Herd of .JAPANESE SHEEP. Dwarf Elephant, "FANNY, - wall Lc caparimmcVat each eulf,t,,iianent with a TREE PARAGON OF WONDERS 12111321 ALPIIQNZE WARD°, Constitatlng the most ELECTRIC PERFORMANCE Ever given in a Circle , led by PROFESSOR KANE'S followed by the Dwarf Klephanto • 2 " Ar , .4 1 4 7 11 i•fatr?4 7. -•* AC*" • --4,41.,4 • S REA.PkVMQUBS. . 'AIBs heel. ntinsetlihtswinliWeiet *inmost. I elm oiler it t. • • • If. Havinje l tnit '• '• •• • • 'Arifißmin• iso, Med it the • WWII eleven others, which ware .17" - ` "r" sod Mewl,' an the Of • • # .74 ' '-'" Oaleingocal , .44 ,1 01,PQC tE! ' 114 ' 4 : eV. Mill" 41 fliOrPOon;tNire *event other machined, and 1101 V offer thiamin ine,*te, int ORIAT hteldnl4ll OP V1114114.11*. • 'laving tried one lyeelf, I Ow I iebed I will do. eiffitikt coitid refer yon to mane ofllerstehniedukhaere "arches. ed machises of me, win ere highly ithemeedandna Me Le the only co whine they would nee. - • fettrae always on hend, etkiestr a t i tione tire at my place. This la a peat considers isseebiste:esa be repaired at home immediately, and with mach Isla • Another grist:Owing la the %Inn which is attach ed to this eekbreted Sever - and hieWer.. It 'bee been thoroughly tried, and given entire eatitfactlon--rmpeir. log no tames bond except a driver.- This ,ilieder eon Mao be attached to the leapeyd 410 here hewn sold; bet cannot be &nettled' fo - 'other lesehlete except 8h lreman'a. . I will here refer you to a few dlfertat localities, who have .beught and used these machines : Michael TAM,. &spit* Gather, Moses Hartman, Mr. Sternal, Joseph Whitman, Mr. Linn, Ulrich Jacobi, J, It. neeshay Jaeoh Histinati, B. B. Woodburn, Jacob Leman, with others, too numerous to mention. This machlne,heue a "seltraka, side delivery, and Le wseranted to do Its work as above recommended. Abu on hand, SIIIREMANI suriniscaAßanto 1101‘i F.* BAKE, nrst•ntt• is whicltiers will sell at the lowest passible price. Warranted to give eatlsfse. Mo. Also the COIXIIIBIA RAILS stye:yam hand. Machines can be seen at my house le, miles south of Getty; sberg, or at Mr. Cotirad Ho. - tel. LYN' A. - BUSHMAN, Agent. EAST BE ItLIN FIRM. REBERT &HOOVER. FARMING IMPLEM.ENTS. Buckeye Reaper and Mower—Buckeye Self-Raker, Hoffheln's Patent—Self discharging Wire Horse Rake, Sliireman's Patent—Brand's Patent Wire Horse Rake _ —The Rockaway Wire Rake.—Also; „ _ Threshing Machines, rLANTIer.q, TWO Krsns, 81M41AN'9 PA- TENT ANT PIAMEATGA'S PATENT, TORE, GRAIN DRILLS, liIOGRE'I3 PATtNT CORN SHELLER, WAMBAUGH'S PATENT. REPAIRING of all tirade done on short nodes" Call and see what we can do. . RZBERT t ROOTER. East Berlin, March 4,1868.-4 m WEAVER'S PATENT ADJCSTABLE SELY:PREDING ROCK DRILL, ONE OP TUE GREATEST TIIPROTEKENTS Or THE AGE, lieing the first succeseful attempt to apply ) machinery to Rock Drilling for blasting purposes, ant/ which wilt . maser equally well for splitting Rock and drilling holes in Rockfor any purpose. PATENTED JULY 16, 1887 THIS Drill'has everything that is. dewed ins Rock Drill. It has any amount dr ad. instability, so that it will stand on any. anima stirisce, where it is postiole fora man to drill. , It drills perpeodica la; ly, or at any angle up to 56 do. grass, and any depth or dimensions Totittlred. for Bloat. log It operateseasily, and with one of these Machines a man can do Ave times the •mount of work done in the .'id way, in the same time. In ordinary Rock it will driii 040 inch per minute. With this Drill, Farmers, who hale rough land, can clear the rocket/ with HUM expense, aaantpenum who can tuna wind-mill can operate the drill. It can be used In Wells, Cellars, Coal Mite', or any place that Hack is met WWI. as.. The undersigned haring purchased from the Pa [mew Written Wzavin, all his interest In Bald Latta's. l'attnt in and to the nude of Penns,brae* are prepar ed to seta Cbu lay and Thirniship Rig Ali in said State on la reaeonab torn. We hare also been ennetatuted, by Letters of Attorney, Agents for the Patentee, fur the said of State Rights throughout the United States. P er- SOLIS desiring to secure County or Township Eights in Pennaylearila, or to eeente the Eight for other States, Rill white's, BELL & WEAVER, • 11unterstaara, Adaxasooaaty, Pa. PHILIP WEAVER. WHEAT BELL. }larch 25, 1863.-3 m EAPERS AND MOWERS. DODGES' PATENT OHIO AND BUCKEYE, E. BALL & COMPANY'S WORLD'S REAPER & MOWER. RAVING had considerable experi- LA: ence in the sale of Reaping and Mowing Machines in the but few years. I have made tt a pOthi tO offer nu machine to the farmer that will not when thoroughly tested give general satisfaction, and hence have declined the agency for all but what I regard the very best iii the market. I now offer to the farmer the miming Sea son. moot what t consider the best machines in assmr- Last season I sold thirty-five of the OHIO & BUCKEYE Patent which have given entire sathifacUon.,, No ma chine has been returned, neither has there been any dif ficulty with any one to whom they were sold—all pay ing for their machines promptly. Certificates from those who have purchased, could be procured but Ideem it unnecessary—but for information would relbr those wanting machines to any of the kdkrwlaggemtlemen who purchased and have been using these machine: Jacob Raffensperger, Howard Wagner, Jacob Filler . Samuel Wagoner, William Wert. Jr., Jebn Brinkerhoff, Benjamin Shelly, William Bigkam, Newton Horner, RushAigham. Silas Horner, Dr.Gerdsborough, Jobo Harbin, Henry Spangler, Joseph 0 elbaugh, James Marshall, Joseph Culbertson, Frederick Pilfer, George Bushey, Ileury'Welkert, Daniel March, Henry Butt, This machine has been.awarded medals and first Pre miums by the Pennsylvania. lowa and New York State Fairs, and by hundreds of County fairs fn all parts of the country, including the Adams tlessity Advs. baying received the first Premium at Beodersyills in the fall of leteg, and at Gettysburg in ISO?, as the best oa Imbibi tion. This machine has met with the moil complete seceese. In every section where It has been Introduced, it has ta ken precedence over machines which hay", hetetofore ranked as first rip... In compactness, BOW= of draft, excellence and elegance et . workmanabip and neigh, com bined with great strength and adaptation to ell kinds of work, it will purra.s any machine heretofore. offered to the farmer..PThe Seltitsike on Able machine' has been considerably improved in the last Beason, an.l is war ranted to give,generai satisfaction or no sale. THE WORLD'S. MOWER AND REAPER, This is au entire new machine, but Judging from its construction and the testimonials It has received, it will be the lending machine. The swift Is eat out of solid Iron. making every wheel and cog exact, fitting up close, and running as true as a clock, which makes the ma chine much lighter of drsft, omit no cattin,g Of coo or wear. like gearing Is all closed in a tight case the same as a watal, entirely excluding water, dirt, as gram, and indeed preventing everything that la calculated to prove injurious to the machinery.. To, if, vita glumly °pea the lid, when all the oiling places are exposed end worm lently oiled. The burn are all eneared the same as the gearing said cut in thitsame way, and.w/teti owe tight ened down—there is no danger of working Mose, as la the rase with other machines. The Company do not hesitate in sexing that this machia*, with prayer awe, will last a man a life time, which le a smatter weary ismer should take into con sideration, bears buying at the present high prices of,machines. TESTIMONY OF R. JACOB B. THOSTLIi. LISIOANOItZ, Fain - n.. Co, Mo., Aprll22, 18013. Me..wx Wiaw.:-.l.ant you I punkin* orb Oi Y. Baird IVORLD'd REAPkild, tun , need it bust harvest in in cutting my own Grain and drum and 'tome of my neighbors, and have no haltatfun In saying thrt it gave me more satisfaction sal combined atachice thai any I have ever used, although. I hare triad 'mewl sive' or eight other machines." I regard it the any machine in market, and do not heldtaterto recomwend it as suck to any person wanting a firsbriaas machine. Yours, dfc., J. D. Morris. I can also furnish BALL'S OHIO to those wishing that machine. luso furnish these machines to snit hangs, and sell ae giggle llowere or Combined Machines** Mowers— Salf-Itake—}l nd•ltake—Dropper—or Dropper and Hand Rake combined. lam also agent for BOPSIDROP26I4, widish ate be attached to 'my make of timiebina The,, Lasing old machines on haw, and wishing a Drove/Ana be aceonnoodated by sending In their orders early sad asnang the lOnd of meldsa to.erbleb thy. sash titan to bib Attached. Pries $3O. _ tempts ntsehLose eau ti e seen St the rea d staecriber, two milei from Gettysburg, 011 afeldskirg road, or at the Warehouse of Coma • Agge t ng, amp,. I also keep on hand W.I/Mr/OM EAT RAXZS , 22011, itorkir4 Mum" ourrxity AND ?4Rille6 , nEPL LP. magyrs GMEAZZE dersoni mould do Well to cupnine niy niesblisery b e . buying elet• , here Lithos, nothing bat twebest. 11..tinutOoostaatIr oe bend; awl I wire node arrange bests to bore repelling*** in the beet .rowsliele . nwn low at others sours anti'modistits April 40-4 so WIL.-11/1112. NEW . MACHINE SHOP In NEW OXFORD. ; undersigned calhi atterttke to loafs. mu. °atj Nut ottl a ssaas ' .wksth b• bla ina 'NALL law sh • rot. - natios to do poi a k a sittopiptiry, se Trams Wogs of AGRICULTURAL OM* Ode , acb-40111114%Pi0. 44911R1N1 L .!, ReaU. at," sag win ur • Nuys fp lIIMWMIaran Wu. farads ; : Std, pitat"et.. VEPAIMQ iof a to., • - • , Re aa suarttlas iritsoo ' Ow • urn . TrVer.!tiortU• r • larlitt • '• • ' A% •' na44.lti wkly jr, anti 4 - luaran hie itithoW' thin. r - • • March 2b, '' • JAW. Nos; NEE MEI =I Me