INES IC. Ili LD. 21 iallti at era of 11l Com• . Is. balld CM EIMELEI Er= ed over RS, ir PACTVIC •d othr r growl tl4 tn.7k lb is . ray MEM ,ISliii 1.1 and an N c 1( re. The. the Firet rurily, to Olida can ulln• e 7 afra 1 N ,(lrtiuii of ill d—hut its thr inter =I 12E199!1 2,4 111 $l.- mold I to.tit , .1 tO CM to 4 r . l il OW Ink' I ern than row! /* e at =TIME IMEI METE MIES ty or :\ elk Principal I it rate of MIMI !NEM f 11..1 \ tie accept - out Bowls 11.41 from lb. romi they Are • roc, ISSME • • I i . hi ell tMI 111 . 4 a.. ...I Ili Ili,, ale .Lich the 121BIE cumg IgII ail the fr ..lui ,I fr, .JI fi tArar, 14 mery. lnst fornmii. ai k x the Pr MIME] the V•I u leant :It sgr111• w Yiirk. Mil ?ES 111 I ES, 1 . (1:1) MEM WM KZ= t LLEKI Mita and the a nlil nxitne ate , - In arty bel'untn be pt Sly for e, enabling and with a inr.lityle BlTE.and YrINKS ul ) popular fur cheap LIAR °fi at Lu It fur in •ll it• 'pullets( imrs for your 11 MICR. sts ! RV. ri Was kaa4.l6 • Li sem b UTTERS Eat. deLill and MU Lab with i • . Elia 20 • I .•" •- Ziw,..,#141 6 .*44.,,,. ,t Mind. 9*, :IL:l3ollbiDi' Widatesi43i May 6, ISO& ;The Butler township_ Bounty Ae toutiticwill . SERVICES.—There will be preaching on tray staionci Sabbath of May, (10t h ), at tbe %trial Creel ' P resb y terian Cliureh,aii. 10 o'- clock,' A. M., by Rev. S. 11. Mcliowrt, of Princeton, N. J. 'Or-There will be preaching at the 'lWO erstown Presbyterian Church, on the thirty fiepbeAli fof this, nu:o4httlpi by. Riy. JS trinefiton New Jersey. j.s.Y - The General Synod of the Evangel:- cal Lutheran Church meet in Harrisburg to-morrow. A large attendancefs expected. The opening sermon will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Hnowx, of this Phice, President of the last Synod. - . • PARTRIDGES,—The Legislatuie pass ed a supplement btethe Ganes law of 1858 fixing the period fn which Partridges may h shot, between the 20th of October and 20th of December, and Increasing the penafAy for shooting "them at any other period to Sportinen will take notice. ACCIDENT, 7 On 'the ult,, tt,sou of Mr. E. .114R3tAN, of '6irioban -township, aged about 6 years, 'net with a serious accident:— lie had gone with his father to the woods, and while the latter was patting.. Aug on the wagon, it slipped and .rolled on 'the. boy, crushing and breaking his leg. ' CANNON.—The National Cemetery As soclation have secured from the 'War. De pertinent four cannon, to be placed . in the Cemetery irounds, at eAch corner of the monument. They are Rebel pieces, .4 pounders, captured during the •War, end will be an additional memorial of the over throw of Treason and Rebellion. A GOOD IDEA.-The Managers of the Agricultural Society are, planting a numbr r of Shade and Ornamental Trees on the Fair Grounds. They Will lie so arranged as to beautify the grounds, furniali reheibhing shade, and yet in no wise interfere with the annual eliibitions. The Managers ales,rve tieh4tedit for the eiaiiiY with which' they are pressing the . improvements on the Fair grounds. -- FIXING UP—The Sabbath School of Christ Church are retnoddling the room oc cupied by them. The long straightseals have been torn up, and semi-eircularblecks substituted, a decided improvement. The . wood work is to be le-painted in imitation pr oak, and other improvements contempla fed. • ' The "Red . :Wen" are fixing np their Hal on Carlisle street, the increase of member ships re,;uiring an enlargement ante room They intend to re-paper, paint, carpet 4k.c., and when completed will have a credi table hall. NARROW ESCAPE.—On Thursday last, '4Vr. FREDERICK MaNTYRE, of Liberty township, had been to Gettysburg, with a two-horse wagon;and after purchasing seine fish and other articles, started for home.— While driving down "Bream's hill," on the Hagerstown road, the horses became un ini/ntig gritile, throwing Mr...Mei:ill - its: vio lently to griciand, and severely bruising \Cheri picked up he was thought to '.be fatally injured.. Dr. O'NE:Au, of this place; was called in, and found that the in • juries were not a„sexiotis as was at first ap prehended, and next day Mr. Ale'lNTritu was able to return home. BUILDING ASSOCIATION..--The annu al meeting of the stockholders of the Get; tysburg Building AsSociation was held in the Arbitration room on Sat:inlay evening, there being a full turn out of the members. The annual statement submitted by the Di rectory, showed the Atianeiatiou to be in a Very prosperous condition. All the old of ficers were elected, viz : President—E. G. Fahnestock Vice President Wrn. A. Duncan StiterdiFY—S. McCreary TreasurerJ. A. Kitzmiller Managers—C. H. 'Buehler, J. W. C. O'Neal, John Culp, of M., Win. ,Chritztnan, John Rupp. It was determined by a vote of the stock holders to issue a new ..seriee of 000 shares, s.oio each, the present menibtrs to have the preference in subscribing therefor. Over 300 were promptly taken. I HPRO EMEI TS.—Prof. E RE ir ART, who some time ago purchased the Vance property, north of town, on the extension of Carlisle street, near the new Preparatory building, having more land than he needed, has been laying off a portion of the ground into desirable building lots. He has also laid out, with the sanction of the Town Conn ell, a new street from this extension of Car lisle street to the •Harrisburg road, which will be extended _ east to Stratton Street and probably west to Washington street. It is also his purpose .to lay out another street parallel with the above one square north.— The lots thus laid out have commanded a ready sale, and it is probable that a number of handsome dwellings whiz° up ere long, Prof..Eunzuwur declining to sell except to such as design to build and improve.— Among the parties who have purchased lots and intend to build, are Messrs. R. McCua ov,,C. H. BUMMER, 9EORGE B. MONVFORT and SAlttnir, NEELY., Messrs . . D. Durnoits• and Wm. H. Kurz have purchased 12 acres, from Mr. &. McCLEAN, on the left of same road, be yond the College grounds, for IRO per acre, which they intend .to lay out in buildizig ]ots. Messrs. G. W. and J. 11. McCLELLAIN: harp sold td A D. IturgLEß, a lot on Ilailroall street,-adjoining lumber yard of C. H. ItuErt- LEE, for 1,000 'cash. ORO. ;W. WEIKERT has purchased from Me39l. FAIINEXTOCK and DuncAN one of the three story brick buildings on Chani bersburg street, opposite Wit— z ßorns's, for $l,lOO. TO BUILDERS.—CoI. C.. 11. BUEHLER has just received a very large assortment of LUMBER suitable for Bulding purposes, in cluding Boards, Planks, Flooring, Siding, Laths, Pickets, Shingle:a. ike.—A lao Posts, hewed" and &Bata, with prime Fencing Boards, white Pine anti .Hemlock. Builders will do well to give him-Ire:all, as his stock Is nut only large, but his arrangements are such that he can sell at the very lowest cub Also, constantly on handy Black-smith, „Isimeiturnene end Stove COAL, with an extensive assortment of- - C COKING fiTOVES, of the best make, Hollow-Ware, Ttn•War4, jaws-Were, 41t., which House keepers will do well to examine. Ware room, on Carlisle street opposite the depot. NA 411,16e64—D0 f9Otf *aaaa.#thin g in the shape of JeweleT i lhiver Plated Ware, •linives, Forks, Spoons, Ceiters, Clocks, Watches, (American or ioreigia,) go to So- PER ik,Melc.4l.EpiET:B on, York, attest, who % - ititsi jail! opened tile largest issoitruent of goods in Chia line ever offered to the citizens of Gettysburg—ail of-which are warranted to be" Aid they araaold for—no humbug or de ception. Call and examine. 2t HORS Bouturr AND SOLD, by BAK us'. }Now, his §tishies TOM of Key stone::,,,ll•Oe;7l4ittY 1554 /TO has also "s very NEM JAM sr eh can he - seen at his stable. ;', April LOTS FOR sax. —Prof. EIIIZILLIrr will offer at public sale, on Frithwodtaxima 1944 jou Oninage7 Acier,!On 0114114 t -*" 76,4_ • rwr PUw gee adTertilealCzat it -sr' El 11:11 •;:11EMORIAN.--We notice in our ex changes, mtimplorpkilatly the religious press, extended, notices of the death of Dr. BAIIGITER, •Preskient - pf Pa. Colle g e, wbh 'gene/pus tri butes to his personal worth, christiaticharac ter, and timinent abilities. The Ll:mango Oestutptit,has a lengthy editiatiel notice or the sieccased, from the.pen of Rev. Dr. &rocs, from - which we make the annexed extract : Wdean never fomet our first introduction to Dr.,Babghet. 'Wilted jtist come from oar home in the South, .a friendless stranger in Gettysburg, with the sad awl desolate feeling of orphanage, when we were met by the Dr. Witio benignant smile anOt warm grasp of wme, with kindly Words. that we still re member, as some sweet m4odrof-our child hood. During our College ! course we were often restive, and sometime* even rebellious, under what • then seemed the stern rebuke, and arbitrary rule of his ,goverament, but Which, seen in the melloiring light of after and more thoughtful years, we were taught to recognize as the most whblesome discipline of our waywardness. We remember grate fully all his helps and guidance in our in tellectual development, and educatioual train ing; but deepest in Mu hearts is enshrined the memory' of his religious counsels, instrue tiona, and incentives, in the great work of our salvation.. In the most critical period of our spiritual and immortal history, we were led to Jesus, through his instrumentality, and in the formative process of the Christian life and charater, next to our mother, we owe more to him, under God, than any other hu man being, tor the fashioning add deterntin ing of our religious character and destiny. ills preaching, so simple, and biblical, so sympatheie and earnest, so'human and yet so instinct with divine life and power, always &fleeted us fur good. Sometimes it sent us to our closet for self-inspection, hum4iation, and prayer—sometimes it quickened every pulse of our spiritual life and sent us on our way rejoicing; and sometimes it was such an inspiration of the love of Jesus, and the hope of glory, that for weeks we felt the kindled aspirations for more .holiness of heart and life, and the glow and enthusiasm of afresh con secration to Christ and his kingdom. We cannot speak for others, but for ourselves we Pat himestly say, that no preaching has ever been td as such a quickening, moving, mould ingpowerf as was ids. Is ii any wonder,-we'shtmid be touched to tears, when unexpectedly we read the an nouncement of 'his death. On Monday, a lady said to us, how sweet and comforting is that article in the OHSERVEM on "Fellowship with God," tell Di. Baugher to wrhe often. On Tuesday evening, we were about to write and request more frequent contributions, but we wereiuterrrupted, and the next day we were startled by the hitelligenee, that he had gone to the vision and personal realization of the saints in glory. He has gone to be with Jesus, and to be hold' his glory : He is beyond all human benedictions. But in grateful remembrance of what ho lids been to us, we bring this sin cere tribute to his memory. We cannot go with the loved ones, to plant the first' flowers of Spring upon his grave, but we bring this memorial flower of the heart, and mingle. our affectionate sympathy with the widowed mother and fatherless children: ANOTHER VETO.—Capt. T. C. Nonnis has vetoed the high prices, and is Selling Clothing, Hats, Caps, Mots and Shoes at Prices as low as before the war. His stock is the largestand best selected, that it has been our fortune to sec out side of the large cities. His stock of Men's and Boy's Fur and Straw Hats for Spring and•,Sunimer, are just opened, and is the Largest and most com plete in Adams county. Give him a call and be convinced. May t;, 2t j..8-It is with pleasure we call the atten tion to the ad vertisernen tin another mil urun, of the Lamb Family _Knitting Machine.— Too much cannot be said in its - firaise.— Quoting the Scientific American —"The qual ity of the'work done by this machine is cer tainly beautiful; not only beautiful but du rable and reliable in all respects. It will knit anything and that tolls the whole story" Moor's Rural -.Wit , Yorker says, "The ma chine is an institution which we can confi dently recommend to thepublic." From the American Agriculturiße--"We have seen this machine work, and think it the best family machine yet made. It_certainly does good work and a variety of ft." It 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS.— We Intended to have called attention to Hoofland's German Bitters advertised in our col WIMP. This Bitters, as perhaps every body is aware, is as much a I , Laplo article with the drug stores as flour is with the grist mills, and. call for it where you will, you cannot go amiss. There is no better medi cine before the - public, it contains noaleoholic Ingredient, commends itself to temperance people, who seek to ftvrial whatever intoxi cates or leads to intemperance— Most people resort to tonics in the spring of the year. Hoolland's stands at the head of them all, and is potent at any time of the year. Those who would come out in the spring with a cleansed and invigorated system, should begin its 1150;110W. The above is the unso licited statement of the Editor of Ole "Pa triot," Waukegan, Ills. 1100 FLAN D'S GERMAN TONIC, combines all the ingre dients of the 'Bitters with pure Santa Cruz Rum, orangiqanise, Sc. It makes a delight fully pleasant preparation, and is used for the same diseases as the Bitters, in cases where some Alcoholic Stimulus is neces sary. Principle Office, 631 Arch St., Phild'a; Pa. Sold by all Druggists. It, per it is not probable that Absalom was obliged - to nso any hair preparation to force his hair to grow to such an extreme length as it is said to have attained. In our day, howevler, people 'quite frequently find it necessary to call scientific skill to aid them in this respect. Such will find their every wish supplied in "Barret's Vegetable Hair Restorative."—Daresport (Iowa) Democrat. It MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S IMPROVED (new Style) lIAIR RESTORER OR DRESSING, (in one bottle.)—Two weeks' trial, and you have the guarantee that:you will not have a gray hair in your head. The natural color and beauty are restored, and a new and lux uriant growth is the result. We hear thin spoken by those who haVe used it, and we predict hosts of hien& for the improved priiparation, and we are happy to state the price is only One Dollar per bottle; Every Druggist sells,it. TO SICKLY PERSONS.—To persons who are weak and sickly, the use of Speer's 11ort Grape:Wine will restore their health and strength. Physicians, clergymen and tem peranee advocates should epeourge the use of the Port Grape-Wine, and thus aid the cause of temperance and moderation. We espee6lly recommend it to ,familiesfor 'its purity, exquisite flavor and healthy proßer ties. Medical men certify to its valuable medicinal powers. . We understand that Mr. Speer has been for years engaged in preparing and perfecting it, and that It re- Auirits a four years' proc ess before it is fit for market.—N. Y. Baptist. Our druggists have procured some direot from_the vineyard. It as excollentl for fe males to use. - it . ',Spring sherry, Winter is areal, • Green lames hang, bat The trown'must ; en he le shaken, ; 7 -r s Labe sad Ihelnedien, What can an old men do but die 1" 'Why,.take Plantationßlipre r ta be sure, end with theta ane*ibiute of life. The old ire uusle,young again, t h e middle-aged re joice, and the young become doubly brilli= int blitsing this_aplendid ; Tanic. Dyspep sia, Heartburr,L+ver Complaint, Headache, Fains t in t aide, "Crick in the Back" and all totn . • .. h.iof 'stomachic toerantionent, ;field at once to the health-giving influence of Plantation Bitters. they Mil strengtitto ihosystent and bunyanCY to thetmind• iorMagnolia Water is adelijigittf,* toilet ar ticle—aapetrior, to OoloAne, atlalf the price. ' • ' May 6.-4 , WERE TOOTH HAY RAKES, of bent nIOg I PPO I TOPO n it !f;le e r r,t ; s Wit ."1411, BOOK NOTI I • l "fi r trd3 ititt A . .--The May number . of • the .Riyerside agazine—the favorite pi ttielyintial' just issued by Hurd &Houghton. :Xts contents are ful '3lllilieatailittefeit oV4iatiterizedtty that! good lista awl tact which - has ttutde the River side so,popnlar. Eight of itstartieleware il lustrated, and besides these it ass -a flue plc tore by Herrick, for the frontLipiece, entitled "Feeding the Calf." Terms, .2.50 a year. address Hunt & Houghton, 459 Broome_ street., New. York.. Taa Liat4%.,irmit . " -- s q .:---A. • very beautiful steel engnaving--"Marguerqi Going to Charch"—leads off the May . There are al o- a beautiful colo F. steel fashion plate, other engravings aid a ; of Music. Among, the IlteraffLeontents, • e note "Evart geline in Prose," by Ma uzzey ; "Ecce Homo," with an illustrati n; "A Dead Man's Rule,!' by Eljzabeth Prpscott ; " Until Death," a new poem by Firence Percy ; "Going to Housekeeping,"try- Aunt Alice; "Edith's Pilgrinmge," by Netoe Carlisle; an article on violets,Fastfionnble licrvelties ('illus trated,) Receipts, The Fashiorts, &e. Term; $2.50 a year. Address, Dagen & Peterson, 819 Walnut street, Philadelpba. GODEY% L&DY'4[I : IOOK, for May, opens With a beautiful steel engraving entitled "Garden ing." The other illustrations are a colored fashion-plate, the usual large extension sheet, an engraving for juveniles, arid a great' va riety of work in the work 11department.— The music is good. Among the literary con tents we notice Phemie Itowitu}d—continued ; The Friends of my Youth, Holidays and Half Holidays, Last Summer. Campaign of the Leech Family, Girls will be Girls, Warn ings, Abigail Shout's Protest, A Week in Kennawhair, Sallie's Mistake, &c. Terins. $3.00 a year. Address L. A.' Godey, cor. Sixth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, Pa. DlEnny'sXusztu,'-- This popular children's magazine increases in interest with every number. ' stories and home sketches, so well adapted to the young mind, are always read with pleasure and. pro 4 by *the little folks. The illustrations, puzzles, &c., are al so interesting features of the paper. It is pulzaished dy Horace B. Fuller, Boston,. at $1.50 a year. GOOD STORDIS.—Part 3 ; just issued by Tick, nor & Fields, furnishes a colleetion of capital stories especially suited for reading on Winter evenings. The contents are as follows: Christmas with the Baron; Stephen Yarrow, —by the Author of "Waiting for the Ver dict "A Family Christmas in Germany," The Chrismas Banquet, by Nathaniel Haw thorne ; Three of a Trade, or Red Little Kriss Kringle, by Fritz-dames O'Brien ; Adventures of a New Year's Eve, by Heinrich Zschokke. With tour admirable illustrations. THE GALAXY, published by Sheldon & Co., No., 500 Broadway, Ne* York, has been en larged, so that it contains fiftyper cent. more matter than heretofore. And 'very excellen ;natter it is too, ranging "from grave to gay,"t —from "The Pilgrimage to Mecca" to "Mark Twain's Late Senatorial Secretaryship," the latter a very amusing production of Mark's genius. 'Under the controtolihe enterprising publishers, the GALAXY has stepped at once to the front rank of American Magazines, and in typography, cbntents and general getting up, bids fair to outstrip some of the older favori ties. It is a capital magazine. Ore Torso FOLKS— a capital illustrated magazine for boys and girls, published by Ticknor & Fields, Boston, Mass., is out al ready for May.. It would be hard to get up a better magazine than this for the young. All whO - read it are pleased with it and as a na tural consequence it is obtaining a wide cir culation. Tax ATLANTre MowTnLt• continues to hold its position in the front rank of the higher class of American Monthlies. TheF May number has a fine table of contents, frotil the best writ ers of the country, opening with an article on the Turf and Trotting Horse in, America, fol lowed by a story "On a Pair of Speetacles,"— A. Gentleman of the Old Schiml—nos. 2 re spectively of Our Roman Catholic Brothers, by Parton, and Lagos Bar, by Win woode Reid —The European House Sparrow`A Modern Lettre De Cachet—Did he take the Prince `ti, Ride—By-Ways of Europe, V, by the always agreeable traveller, Bayard Taylor—The next President, and Reviews and Literary Notices, &c. TWESOE. ct FIELD, Bostop, PublisherS. EVERY SATURDAY, for May 2nd, contains Tennyson's new poem, Lucretins, in full from advanced sheets furnished to the publishers, berides an additional installment of Reade's and Boucicault's Crusoeish roAtance of Foul Play—The Ship's Doctor, by Itirs. Oliphant, and khget Attentions, by Hest* Stratton, and other picked and choice belles lettreB matter from the best English publications, of whose lighter contents it is a judicious eclectic. A FRIENDLY CHAT. A.leene at a Cross Roads N. E. of Petersburg. Mr. A.—Good evening, Mr. M. Have you been to Petersburg to-dait ? I see you have been trading largely, by : oho size of your parcels ; and a new Carpet too, and a roll of Matting. Mr. bought them * the store of Hswratsu & SADLER, in Petersburg, where I can do better than I ftemerly did in Car lisle or Mechanicsburg. I bought elegant Calico at 124 cents a yard, and two nice . Dress Patterns for the girls; at 15 cents a yard, cheaper.than I. could bny in Carlisle or Mechanicsburg last week. But their store was so crowded, that iI had to wait . nearly an hour belbre Icoultbgetowalted on. I saw a number of our neighbors buying of them to-day, who forinerty tr'ifded in earl ii3lo and .Mectnuticpurg altogether; and I will advise you, if you want any Spring Goods, be sure and gobo their otore.. li,For they have the nicest stock of Drees Goods I ever saw in Petersburg. If we difil / not intend to build this Summer, I would; have bought two more of their other nice ?pout Patterns to-day ; but I have made arrangements with them for my Nails and all tho balance of my building material in the Hardware line, as well as my Oil and Paint. ;. Mr. A'-I hive heard a goOd deal about their selling goods cheaper than they do in Carlisle or Mechanicsburg. f It must. be‘ &- great blessing to Petersburg, that such men have opened Astor°, forit wa, mucknoedeld:- For a number of peso, if we wanted to bug s2o worth of Goods, it would pay us to go to Carlisle or Mechanit'slitirg.' lam going` to. Petersburg next week, lend' will give them a call. It is astonishing bat they can keep such a complete assoriment of Dress Goods and Groceries, and sell ahem it such low rates. - Mr. M.—l on sure you wilt !save money f • by so doing, anti - would advise all my netighl, bore to do so. GoOd bye. 1 it • . tli %ealt d ,—.. e e *or an the wea ry, the Editor of the Boston! Record says, "We can most -tuhesitatin t l i recommend the Peruvian Syrup, a pro solutiontif the tinittkizidemtittsei, to alt Ule weak, ,the worn, and the weary, having richly expOri: enopd its imamate., It poseempe all theP (Ma dee claimed font by ifpropiletor." " it weeld be agrees x 'to bay thee Odies,,ul 44 4,0 0 14 lltt. ,ff.. 3 ► ; Pfloollt a bot tle or ?MI6 ink!, porio raPtOR DR MAYO, ,, -te apretif gir/ r ebit be yelp apt to opeaktottmi 040611. , Mug, OTAtt . filling** I 44' MIMI NLW OF WEIGIVIAORICIFQ COII • --- rt.r l 1 4 1 i• eAIitOLL --Pitt' ' J 2. .o.f,calvert College, at New Wipdaor, was se tiomdyjnjuned on be & Ohio Rai'_ roadlast week, probaUly fatally. ' Ctnlroant.inn.--Lest woek, gerbert, son of Wesley Wise, Of Carrude, while returning from school, was knocked down and: , itm over by a wagon, the injuries likely to prOve FItHDIMICY. —Edward Jones, cOlored, eon victed of rape on a Miss Cline. into be hung in Frederick on the 6tl t . of June. Efforts are Making- EA his pardon, otv the ground of doubt as to his guilt.—Joshua Anders iged 59 years', residing four miles from Mechanics town, recently committed !Welk by swallow ing some rat poison; he lingered "nearly two days in-great agony. rRANICLIN.—Mrs. Jacob Mindhart, residing near Orratown, was recently thrown out of a wagon and so severely injured that hoc rimy ery is doubtful—The Obambersburg Re#os tory says that 90 barrels of butter and eggs were shipped by Adams' Express fronOthe Cumberland Valley to Philadelphia ,in one day last week. WABIIINGTON. —On the 25th nit, Henry Rona , had his leg broken at the residence of Wm. neyser, near Hagerstown, while putting a grind-stone on a wagon. , Yonx.—The Hanover Branch Railread Chrepany have declared a dividend or five per cent. on the capital stoek for the last six mouths, and Hinder Scoring FrotBociety a 'dividendef temper cene.' clear of all taxes.— Andrew Schlegel, of York„ . was robbed of $350 one night last Week. The thief entered • throqgh the cellar, got into Scldqgel's bed room,look a key from his clothes at the bed side, unlocked a cheat, and decamped with the money, without waking BchleAel.—Greo. E. Bell, an emplyee on the Northeri : 'Central road, was killed near Glen Rock, while shift ing cars, a piece of lumber : fracturing / his skyll.- 7 Charles Sharp, eniplOyed "at Dilier's in Hanover, o w n the 27th ult., bieke his dollar bone by receiving a heavy fall while engaged in wrestling on the hay loft attached to the stable. THE Cincinnati Con:tmercial has the lowing "The best or several good things circulated here is an unconscious pungency of which Jerry Black was guilty since his quarrel with Seward. Jerry has Mien very savage on the Secretary of State and de nouncing him to the President, said: "WLy, sir, put him one day among honest men'and he would die." As Seward has been associa ting with Andrew Johnson and his Cabinet officers for several years, and Still lives, the 'point of Black's observation is apparent," MESSES. Charles, aster, and Bullock, mem ber of the Baltimore city council, have been expelled for taking bribes in the passage of the ordinance for the issue of additional bonds to the Western Maryland Rsilroad. Othdof ficials are implicated. The whole party are Copperheads of the deepest dye. JOHN' Brooks, a snake fancier, was bitten, in Baltimore on Friday by a pet rattlesnake, and died fifteen 'ninnies after the wound was in flicted. geriew . of tilt parketS. Baltimore Grain and Produce Illarket. Babiatore., Tuesday Norsuits. ~...10 00 iO 11 25 ....1110 @ 12 00 2 80 @ 3 33 2 70 @ 3 NY 103 @ 1 25 1 80 @ 2 10 85 @ 10 2 50 @ 2 02 Srrsit fikorß,. EXTRA FLOUR,. WRITE. WHEAT, RED WI EAT, Coat;, RYE, OATS, Trucrna-SEED, CLOVER -SLED, FLAX -5PED,....:. .. BACON, HAxe,... " " &forums& LAr.n, .... GOLD, Phila Gettribuny Grain and Provision Ilarkess 4 Ge/ I Ydinv, Wednesday Morning 10 00 ... 11 00 012 00 2 31) ea 2GO 2 40 Qs 2 GO 1 00 160 85 1 00 250 6 00 160 @ 1 70 40 SUPER FLOUR,... EXTRA FLOUR,. WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, ... CORE, RYE, OATS, BUCKWHEAT,.... TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVER SEED,. POTATOES, BuTTER, LARD, Eons, BACON, Hems, " ..... " SHOULDERS,.... SOAP, TALLow, Bzwatetto. Baz.a.m—Ztro.—On the 30th ult., by Rev. D. M. Blackwelder, Mr. Leander M. bream to Miss Lizzie T. Zug, both of Huntington township. Dzionnonvv—DAßK.-.-On'the 19th ult., by Rev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. David Deardorff, of Reading township to Miss Sarah A. Darr, of Washington townaip,York county. KALE—KzErAuvEn..—On the 23d ult.. by Rev. B. A. Shorb, Mr. George Kale, of Ger many townahip, to Miss Amanda ireelkuver, of Cumberland township. ' hicKritm--CanAmEn.4—On pui sth ult., at the U. B. .Famonage, In Chambeisburg, by Rev. H. T. Huminelbaugh, Mr. Edward N. .M.oKimtn, Of 'Sandersville, Adams county, to Miss Chtharine E. Creamer of Manor, Franklin county. Mt L.Lna—NAce.--On tbei6th ult., by Rev. B. A. Shorb, Mr. James Miller to Mine Louisa, Nase, of moontpleasant townibip. MOBJUSON—LITTLE.—On the Md ult.,-by` Rev. P. Scheurer, Mr. Frederick W. Moms- ; son to Miss Ann E. Little, both of Adams, county. Itoritiro--linzewenraw.—On the 3d inst., by Bet Dr. Hatter, John M. Roland, to Miss- Elizabeth Brenneman, both of this county. is, fitilr.Obitusuzy DILL notices 5 • omits a line for all over 4 lines—cash to am:employ noUces. MANlKoWsgi,—ln Hanover, on thir 2tth Ult,,, Willtatir`Von IfenikowSki t 'orre of-the proprietors of the Citizen, aged 88 years. MICKLEY.—On the 25th ult. Mrs. Anna Mary Salome Mickley, l ed 87 years 9 months arid 22'days. Hued to see her offirpring to the fourth generation. Waaitaot,—On the 18th alt., near Wank's School House,, Mrs. Palm. Sarah, vtlf.• or Conrad Weaner, aged 80 yearre,i) months and I day, - . . D IDEo. . • • Ihin Noncom BAIiN OP arertinnotil • rbe. iroddeat ant Di:octopi of thfei patt. limes WI u I,OT doctored lead =yea &vilified of POl3ll AND ONE P* "lob 11P.Able On arAlkor tholiels look, tree tem goteisif trovereaseaft *kw. , cisic,ew wobooalkaiiiir. nIVIDEND. •• ' " The . _!'ik:alt•aid Directors' of the 0 61ITTM BUG NATIONAVAIALNit" have this • seml4lllllla . dividend of 81;L PU CJINT. ow Weal illitaltoisav of it4l7. &Tame, wall le, on a 44 *MCP* . lltb inst. Y. Maw HAIR, Cludl* May 5,1868.74 t TOWN - LOTS FOR SALE. . MI Nvmsztt OF MOST D11231341 1 a, BUI•„3-I LDNG, lia'rt • RAI beafieratt at Publtatlatao • 14 . EXT, 'Atriligtic6r , - At 8 . OtcLeCte. • • moo stitaiiiwilWeisiewhit iii,unobala.T.par4sar nor 044, utitttitglawatta Wrillattala • • . ..• ernsw FAHN.EOTOCK BR* SPRING GOODS. We are constantly receiving new and dissicable styles of P/QUEB, czorEs, OA SSIM.?R S, , JEANS, with ',Fry variety 4 Goods fix Men's aid Boy'. wear.— We have added doesiderably to our assortment of We feel amnia we can make It to the interest oT the IRON & NAILS at reduced prices OILS & PAINTS t low rates Clettysburg, ?day6, 1868. If - GILLESPIE & CO., A T the old stand ofJoszeu.B.OU4LbrlE. neat door to IL the Globe Inn, York street, Gettysburg, otter to the public, a full line of soperiori. G ItOCEBIES - , Bogert, Syrups, Sfolesses, Coffees, Tens, Spices, Salt, Ike.; the BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR in the market, with lialtur, Shoulders, S idea, Fish, Dried Fruits, Confection*, &c. A Imo, NOTIONS, In great variety; Cedar and Villow-wire, Baskets. Sc orn, Tobaccos, and a thousand and 011• ot her article". BUTTER AND EGGS, nice and fresh, always for sale.; GILIZISPLE k Co. will spare no effort to plea.. ' and are confident of being able to do so by constantly k eeping • fall and choice stock, and soiling at the very lowest pro. tits. C ourtvar Paonncit wanted, either for the cash or In exchange for goods, highest mark etprice allowed. JOSEPH P. GILLESPIE, DANIEL CASH MAN. May 6, 11166.—tt IT S. INTERNAL REVENUE L.) • NOTICS.—The Annual Assessment for Adams county of all persona liable to tel on Incomes. Articles, In gcbedule A.and ale° of all persona required to pay Special Tea on &minims, having been completed, notice is hereby given that the Taxes • foresaid hare Lissome due and payable, sad will be received at the Eagle Ro tel in Gettysburg. on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, the llith and lath of MAY. PINALTILIL—A II person, rho fall to pay their anneal taxes prior to the 26th day of May will to duly ootified of their neglect for which a fee of twenty (2)) and four cent• for each mile travelled in serriog the au tice,will be charged,, ... 2 80 41 290 ... 21 @ ... 17 Q 171 14. 144 ... 20 40 20 391 Porsons &lug business without having paid a Special Tax therefor, are liable to a Penalty of three times the mou n t of ;ald tax, a flue of Five Hundred Dollars, and imprbasiment for two years. May 6.-2 t THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OP TUX WAR, Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Re A BOOK FOR ALL SECTIONS A ND ALL PARTIES This great work presents the only complete and im partial analysis of the Causes of the War yet published, and glees those interior lights sod shadows of the great coulict only 'mown to those high officers who Watched the flood-tide of revolution from its tuuntain springs,and which were so accessible to Mr. titephene from his posi tion assecond Aker of the Confederacy. To a public that has been surfeited with APPARENT LY SLMILAR PRODUCTIONS, we promise a change of fare, both agreeable and salutary, and an Intellectual treat of the highest order. The Great American War hes AT LAST found a historian worthy of Its importance, and at whose banes it w ill receive that moderate, candid and impartial Ural/Wit which truth and justice so urgently demand The Intense desire every where manifes'ed to obtain this work, Its Official character arid ready sale,trenbined with an increased commission, make it the bestsnbscrip- Sion book ever published. • • One Agent In Beaton, Pa. reports 72 subscribers in three days. Oise in Roston, Masa. , lo3 subscribers in lour days. One In Memphis, Tenn.lo6 subscribers In five days. Send be armless end see our terms, sod a full de acriptioa of the work, with Press notices of advance sheets, de. I @ 8 10 Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 26 South Seventh •t, Phlladelph ia, Pa. Apra Aprils.-3i QOLDIERS, 'TEACHERS, ENER- L 7 GICTIO MEN AND WOVEN, fur the LIFE OF:GEN. IT. S.' GRANT ) By Hos. RBlATC. , DitiflNG,Cbsinnan of tbe Billisuy Commtlitse in Congrees, The Only work of the kind is• sod tinder the sanction and by the *sabot By of Gen .Want.IOIIPGILT. It is OTVICIAL„ mid is tbso most in - toisselyjitterseting blagraphy ever, pubitibed In Amen. on. Thsanthm. is one of the most brilibuit writers In tie etmatty,. Agents will Ind tlils ins nswitcs work of the sesson. Terms, Mink et liberal. To Repro oluakto of tokrltary, rer soonao a CO„ Pabilibero,l42.Eozoloot at,raodelpb to, 119,4 a, ftPia 10 : Pennsylvania THY SIIII.IIIS ta/01 , 1 of Pennsylvania College will oonintesre, Mindy at 11A of /ley, and will eonaipne Thirteen Teeita t Pm , Periklamt edd i N. L. ick, Pronweor. or Rev. 0.7. ZMIRRART. Prep'y Beni. APrik 4-3 t A'CARD TO THE LADIB'S. DDUPONOOI3 °OLDEN PERIOLDIOAL PILLS FOR TIPSFAEIPt. - - IrrielfuWiden. Itemovitlona of aba hionumiy Turns, from whatevep Sod 'Ways imeassafed as a Preventive, Females peen art, Weiland, or those supposing theme. selves so, ire cautioned against using theme Pills while in that condition last they = equiits spiriaraisiaw." af ter which admonition, tbs. Proprlietoeheinunie no .rs • sponsibility, although their mildnani will ehleverit any :sulectiisf to health. , Pr ia SI per Box. Biz Dozes U. Bard by J.Y. TOUR, Druggist, Sole Agent Sri Get tiLdi,blPf St. threusk the Post atm can tinfW(Ponftdest ll 4 ll 7 , ) ' sitT fiv#l ifttlipoonsAvy_ltwauf psnagel 'April SO, 11611.1.17 . 1 0 RSAL,• • AT PRIVATE SALE. • - . , ~10BROVik 0, BTO in 0" •+r NATIONAL Dirri iliggrobiti. .fipttre it th Batik. ApitS;lB67,—tf • E. ~. D. M. EQICENRODE; having :.. ft o4ol, Ai agllAMßalkila , Oren 10 omit** um pubiloOksAol4ollo7 BOW atioation. to his WO; dull.; So akorit^reamoblo shore OCblitl )11.. IMMO. ... ; . (ADAM—ft EN Tt" TONS OP OATS OR WSULAT STRAW at VottYlitmrt A.PPV 10 ISAR B. meatimity. 0 ,T r - I c E N -- - - -f. , . IgA ragar.,t‘cfoLet..;.hi'd...i.i.i. - 54. , n .r, bodut vi soon aspaleev awl wilw. j alis .a *Milo- bill sad WU*. Diting " = "l . 110*.i111.1* Mt witaikr INICIIOII4-lit.isisalk MlNUaribiso Wi1a00 4 0 4 1., . Mg t BM= IfeW dtitrtistmetts. L 1 POPLINS, SPRING CLOAPcniaB,. ALPACAS, DELARIES, 4LLIOOIIIB, LAWNS, &e. Ala tarp oddlsion• to oar nasal supply of GINGHAMS; .31" US LINS, CARPETS, which we eie selhag •t greatly reduced prices. Our stock of Q UE ENS -WA RE la ,romplete. In HARD-WARE and all kind* of , BUILDING MATERIALS, purchaser to purchase from us" GROCERIES, of all kinds Give us a call and be c6nrineed FAFINESTOCK BROS., SIGN OF THE RED FRONT NEW FIRA4 C. IV: AttICOM, Collect . 9r-Ittb Dirtriet, 'a Agents Wmated for SUN. BY HON. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS HATS AND SHOES 1.33 LOWEST PRICES ROWftra WOODS. WANTED, AGENTS. Grand Jury liflort. • the__ out of Quarter 'Sessions of the P Wfantfor the county of Adams: i The Grand T sat, inqnking within and for the Said county of Adams, bag leave to report: That they have visited the Public SuilJoags of the county—that theyJ, are able to reoort ferorably of the condition of the Jail, llnding it in good order. That the game elm be said of the Alma nonce, except alto the apartments maligned to the insane the cello in the inaar hospital being damp and anwhoLotne, calca lated to thwart the efforts and services of the Physielian and theSteward'and his family in beltMfof three ornate', and we would earnestly recommend that mire =Gable atmonunedatiomthreprovided for them. We would add that we krund one of the furnaces In bad order —in Pit, worn opt, and report fovorably with regard to the contemplated improvement, viz, placing a new one In its place, whenever it may suit thet conven ience of the officers having the matter in charge. • - JOGS L. JENKINS. ifortrumni Adam Klaus:nand, Mlcturel•Lavinetine, Gam Ilagerman, J. W..hieelf e James Lint., Geo. fitoneidler, r • Isaac P. Tudor, . W. W. Stewart, - ' Isaac J. Wright, Wm. J. Navin, 4 IL Spangler, . Daniel Backer, John McAllister, James Marshall, John Cunningham, John A. Paxton. May d.--Ze PXRCALES, Lamb Knitting Machine: TS only Family 'Machine that sets up its own work knits all sizes, widens and narrows, knits the heel Into the stocking, and narrows off tire toe complete— predating all varieties of kplt • goodsi from, an infant's stocking, mitten or glove to a lady's shawl or hood, PRICE REDUCED TO 68 DOLLARS: It b siuipk , durabk, easily operated and warrant-Ai ,In succeed ha the hands of every purchaser. Address, with stamp for circular ami t is stocking J.ll. ORS/1, Gen. Agent, 9= Chiestaut at., Phu*. May 6.-3 m AGENTS WANTED FOR DANA'S AUTHORIZED AND AETUEXTIC • LWE OF lILYSSES S. GRANT, Comprising a complete and accurate history of his event. fu&aad interesting career, with as authentic narratire of his itivaluable military sarriceit, adding also an impar tial estimate of his character as a Mas,a Soldier, and a Sintertnau. By Ilan. Cnintsti A. Dertsa,:late Assistant gnib Secretary of War. The Sprinleld Jitiean says "Dana's Life of General Grata is.sure to be the mot It au. thentic and best Life of Chant pnblielied." For platten tare, apply to or address GUIMON HILL & CU, Spring field, Maas., or 19,D. MYERS, 41 Maiden Lant, N. Y. April 29 —4l ' • NOTICE—Is herebrgiven that ap plication h se been made to the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county for the Incorporation of ..Flohr ) e Ger man Reformed Church," in Franklin townshtp, and Tuesday the 26th.dsy of May bus beeb Ilea f o r the hear ing of the same, of which ell part 411 in Intereet will take notice. J.-A. If 1.17.111L1A:R, proth'y. April 2.9 —td NOTlCE.Letters Testamentary -- on the estate of Pri'llt PVITZ, late of Lit imore township; Adam county, deehaaed., bating been granted to the undersigned, Ratecutrix, residing in the saute township, she hereby Ores notice to all pereone iodebt ed tossid estate to make immediate payment, and three having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. April 8.-et AUDITOR'S REPORT In Common Pleas of Adams co.. Pe, April Term, PittS N the matter of the Report of the - Auditor appo:ntsil I to distribute the balance In hands of R. !Solicitor, Req., Requestrator of the Gettysburg lbillromiCoriflurny, on Ids sixth account—upon &Shutt filed and hearing had, it was ordered by the Court that the Report of Audi tor be referred back for further proceedings. N.tice hereby given to all persons In any way Interested, that the undersigned, Auditor, will sit in- obedience to this order of Court, at his &Lee, in Gettysburg, PA • l'rid,3 th,1:41. if May, lR6t. C.,NRELY, April 20.--te • Auditor. N OTICE.—The first and final ac count of Jim% Facsvanta, Assignee under o deed of roluntary 'assignment of JOHN 010T1 1111,1 Wife of Union township, Adams county, for the benefit of Crecti tors, has been filed In the Court o (Common Pleas , f Ad s county, and will be confirmed by Isild Court on fi,e 0A day of May nezt,'unless reuse be shown to the con trary. J. A. EITZMILLEit. April - 22.40 ' N r OTICE.—The account of JERE MIAH ARELLT, Assignee of LEWIA SNYDER and Wife of Liantingtua township. Adams county. In trust for Creditors. has been tiled in the C•uirt of Common Pleas of Adams county, awl will be confirmed by 'Aid Coact, on the 2114 day of May ncrt, aukas came be shown to the contrary. J. A. KITIAIILLEIt, April -I to NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the 'Estate of Lunn Garret, late of Menalien township, Adams county. Pa., iilecmseit, hating beer granted to the undersigned residing in the same place, they hereby give notice to those indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims whist the lame to present them properly authenticated for sett lentgut.. April 22.--GC REGISTER'S NOTICES . _ NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and .other persons concerned that the Administration Accounts hereinafter. mentioned will he presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county. 9.r confirmation anif allowance, on TUEADA X., the alh day of MAY, 1888, at 10 o', A. M., viz: 119. The second and final account of Samnel Brown, Administrator of Elias Freed, deceaeed. P.M. The account of Virginia Brasile:ars, Administra• triz de bunts ono with the will annextd of Margaret Dosh, deceased. 121. The first and Aual account ot Jacob K. Oyl,r, Ad cuini.trator of estate of 'Valentine Oyler. deceased, set tled be Julian Oyler, Adnitalstristrix of estate of Jacob K. Oyler, deceased. 122. The ac annt of Jacob Ladjklidministrator of the mate of Abraham Lady, demised. 123. The Brat account of Abraham Hart, Adatlni.tra tor of Joseph Ilartzel, deceased. 121. Accutint of Jacob Stott, Trustee jrs the ante o the Real Estate ofJarab Woif,dscsased. 125. The first and Anal account of Henry !dyers. Ex ecutor of Jacob Icarch, deceased, settled by Ileoiy Myers, Executor of Henry 51yera, deceased. 12:6. The first and Anal account of ]leafy Knpp nod Juba itapft, Adminietraters of the estate of Elizabeth Kapp, deceased. 127. The first and final account of Joeephos S. Roland, A !min istrator of the estate of Addivon S. Roland. dec'd. l 128. First and final account of John Hanes, Ray, Ad ministrator of the estate of ttaxid Saurbaugh, dec'd. 129. First and final account of Peter Fehi, Executor of the last will and testament of Valentino Feh I, decemsed. 180. First and anal amount of Jacob G. lief lhonny, Administrator of John Tenshlnbansh, deceased. 131. First and final account Of Peter Quichel and John Slowly, Administrators of John Sheol', (of N.„) deceased ! 132. Account of Andrew if,skes, Executor of Samuel Deardorff, deceased. 133. &woad account of Isaac-P. Brinkerhoff, Executor of the last will and testament of Samuel llermsn, deed. 134. /int aocomntofJohn Edward Plank, Executor of, the last will and , testament ofJohna. Plank, decased. 195. Box` ind and Anal Email!. of Peter B. Kauffman, scrvirkg Executor of the laat will and testament of Abraham Brows, doemsed. . 138. The secumfand final accoutit of Frederick Qn 'eke!, surviving Administrator, of the estate of Samuel Gilli land, deceased. • 137. gird and anal account of John A. Swope, A.l miniatrittor of Morgan 11. Slope; decanted. W. D. 110LTZWORTR, Register. April 21—te BOUNTY ACCOUNT. STATEMENT of the Bounty Ac count of iII:MBERLAND TOWNSHIP, Adams noun. ty.: Pew's. FBAACIS BREAM, Esq., Treasurer, in account with Bounty Fund. DR. To Ilnianee DOpticate L. Bookman. 1/165.. 8901 11 " ' " " C. hriver,lB66,-1.......... 1,364 72' U J. Deardorff, 18611... 4162.76' " Omissions " ". 1666. ' 87'42 rnpllcate Jon: Keelsons., .. . .4.. 6; 1 46 59 IsmorA. Bpseider.:; .1106" . 1r0041141 . 1 4 *.;... .. soo oo Dash-ip lands nlNTresstrer as per repor t AVlVieriniripegottril674)oork.aAa.........4.....—. 1,348 80 Interred trona Sept.ll, 1867 to 8 do of acKtit 49 83 CR. By Balance of substitute money paid. Wm. B. Myers Lomas paid Individnabi Interest " Loans paid Bank... Interest and Stamps paid Bank Attontlee /pm.— . . .. ... Printing ' IMpensee of audit ortterod by Court L. Sundry Ordata tgotlea9lo,it 2i;..: &Wham =wail on C. Int - river, 2806 Fees Exoneration. J. twullostf, 18/%6 Fees I , I. AZ niat°Utilti tlf ( . 10 ihWheatO Of J, Zee . tffr. 15 5 1" ' • - 1,702 64 traimar•r's .... ... 25 67 Laes in liter 2,394 et STATEMENT OP INDSSTSTINESS. The debt et reverted by Auditors '..»»:: 11,953 95. Substitute money paid in°. T. Hoffman Jacob E. Shrive", Pater-R,Set Mar and Join; Geode. nsaatia L emtnikend-by labs Gart.."._!"-• -41 1 0 014 Bainallgarld igrirL•scr 100 Of lAA* tuurboxia paid during ibayear.:..4...-4 80, Leavhig propeadiolt 18 Doe as fiftries: Joan Rebert........- Philp Bank ' ,280 2 47* • '' • "0,80113 _ MOMS AIM AS YOLTAWII: Mak to 'trainmen; hands.- .... 2,398 Oi oo 'Duplicate ;ino, Roo- ~ . . , ••‘ . . - ' . ' = $4,1 09 59 Tha.Audltorigtoastbialltlisettimsabove iota aka soadliilwolitaksiltitustriand -at °webs:lead sew.- •011dp, report abst . ,aber aeparsiatti Imp , wart DT itx watmatiour visaed on OW , sa'4llliikasar.lll4) 6 , was 'oweaskiaadtprala~9l94llwasibik , valentasiliso. .wasweasopt lirsswasai. wi Orel* In lias4inang , • Till , - ~, .s.-1 , ''%,- ,:::, ; liritt - 119910099999995b1.051191ratki1hai5kt Asp iihw tow n ship : - 7 4 . : , • `is Ilie.11= 1"--- beieeDenew lbe& ie lmli klif. er- likwelf ot tir t"i tewe - . r way blissow*Wartawill le Sir . . . . ,- ' if .-;„ - ' MIL 411ar ef. see)Aolutdl-,sedgeoleit - still him ;;;"... AT 5v.... ; t ..: '•RA'' if ,•,- . • , .... A:1, .. ," 17: , :. tl . La rfr, . . .....17L i t ... - preNa 1 , - t- I ,; -t 1 t. C ^ 07.- • 1401141Srigc,.. :-4 , :',,44..a ; - 4:6 , , , it ,-, 4V; . _.' ' • ' ° 4.:„ , ~s ~- , ..,., , • 4 11 . 1411 1 41 44 t , - A /?:Znf . 12 4. 1 ' -: .t. A tti -r.. Zn i V.4t 1i . ',l :Z p - , 1." - - 1 „it =EIMMM ew. Vitertionitents• =II AGENTS WANTED Tegai futireo. SARAH PEXTZ, Exocutrir J 0 4 rAll GE rEST, JESSE W. GRI EST, Executors 100 00 ..... „.-. 1,606 00 30193 .. 2,139 80 616 22 . 30 CO 22 73 181 37 174.19 ~ 767 88 U 2144 811 7- =; e t arming gulpirmAnts, &c. REAPERS AM) MOWERS lioi;GiS' PATENT E. BALL& COMPANY'S WORLD'S REAPER Si: MOWER. HAVIN • G, halconsiderable-exptii erica in the trate of Reaping and Mowing Machines in the inettew year.. 1 have made it a point to offer no machine to the farmer that will nut when thoroughly tested glee general mitishict ion, and hence have droll:tied the agency fur all_ but what I regard the very hest in the market. Ino offer to the tanner. the coming Sea. eon, timed what consider the best rnacbin-s in uma— Last esemon lau thirty-Ave of the OULU t BUVREYP. Patent which ye given entire satisfaction. Ito ma chine has been r rued, neither has there been . any di( Acuity with any one whom they were sold— log tar their machines promptly. ‘Cortincates from those Who have porcliased,.could be procured tout Ideem it unnecessary—but for information would refer those wanting machines to any of the following gentlemen who purchased and tweet:wen using these tnachines: - - • . . Jacob Raffensperger, Edward Wagoner, ' Jacob Fidler, Beanie Wagoner, William Wert. Jr., John Brintethelf, ' Benjamin Shelly, William Bighani, Newton Horner, Rush Bighani, Biles Hornier,Dr. Goldsborough, • John Herbst, • Beery Spangler, Joseph 0 elbaugb, James Marshall, .Joseph Culbertson. Frederick Pellet, George Bushey, henry Weikert, Duutel March, Henry Butt, 11111 111 Is machine has berm awatihd medals and Mat Pre miums by the r runsylvailla, lowa and New York State Fairs, and by hundreide of County Fairs In all pans of the compel, focluding the Adams thunrylisirs, having rdeeived the first Ptellif UM at liender.ville In the hill of LtiOn,and nt.Oettyebarg in itibi, o, the best on exhibi tion. nits machine has met with the tenet complete success. In every *action where it has Won Introduced, it has ta• ken precedence. Aver nasehices rblch have hetehetore ranted ail eratcla•ir: to compactness, lightness of draft, excellency, and alegaacsof woakataaship and com bined with meat strength and adaptation to ail kinds ti work', it wlll outlaws any machine herecaure offered to tie farmer. The Belf-ttalie on this machine has been considerably Improved la the hut Season, ant is war. ranted to glee get:writ, satisfaction or no sale. . TUN WORLD'S MLAVFM. AND REAPER, 'This lean entire new machine, bet - judging from its rOnstruction and the testimonliti4 it lice received, it will he the ;eliding machine. lite gearing Is cut out or 'Mid Iron. making ere ry whet! and cog exact, QtJingnpclue, and running es true as a clock, which makes the ma chine much lighter of dr tt t, and no cutting of cogs or wear. The gearing Is all closed in a tight cue theume as a watch, entirely excluding water, dirt, or grass, and indeed preventing every thing that is calculated to prove Injurious to the machinery. To i if, you simply open the Rd when alt the oiling places are exposed and conven iently oiled. The bun are alt encased the same a. the gearing and cut in the same way end when once tight ened dawn—there is no danger of working Loose, as is the vase with other machines. The ,Company do not 'hesitate in saying that this machine, with proper care, will last a man a lire time, which le a matter every farmer should take into consideration, before buying at the present high prices of machines. TESTIMONY OF REY JACOB If. TROSTLE. Littasseas, April 22, IS6B. Ma. Wit. Wilma:—Lost year I purchased one of IL Ball's WORLD'S REAPERS-, ano used it last harvest in in cutting my own *rain and liras, and some of my neighbors, and have no hesitation in @tying that it gave me Mae satisfaction ass, combined inachice than any I have ever used, although. 1 have tried some seven or eight other machine.. I regard it the east machine lu market, and du not hesitate to irk:012.16.01a it as such to any person wanting ativiet-cloas machine. Yours, dc., J. D. TIOSILE. I eau also farm ith DA LL'SVIIO to thole whaling that machine. f can furnish these machines to suit farmers, and will sell as single Mc.cre re or Combined Machines as „Mowers— Self-Rake-4i td-Itake—Dropper—or Dropper and Band Rake combined. I am nl lo agent for Bovre. DROPPECR. which eau be attached to any make of machine. Those haring old machines cm bats, and wishing a Dropper Can be accommodated by sending in their orders early and naming the k•od of machine to which they wish them to be attached. Price [•ample machines can be seen 'at the residence of the subscriber, two miles from ttettysburit, on ❑arriiburg road, or at th, Warehouse of Conctx t Blount. Gettys- Lure, Pa. I mix, keep on hand IV' I RE-700T17 1A RA A" STI.EL)(W)S. FE ED CL - 7 TElt S FAILVIAG JAIME ; ICSTS G Farmers would do well to examine my machinery be tote tea} ing elsewhere as I keep nothing but the best. Extras constantly on bawl, ati havo made atran4o ments to have rt*airing done in the best possible man her at skirt teetice and nesleiate cbargisi. April 2-.2..tul W)L, WE.AVER I S PATENT ADJUSTAW.F: SE:I.r-FEEDISC; ROCK DRILL, ONE OP TILE GP.EATI T IMPROVEMEN , J 1 THE Lein/ the first successful (f tb,opt to upply utachinery to Rock Drilling for blastin' purpo4c.t, 0201 ichick will ?vigil', forsttplitting Roc!: • and drilling holes in Rock for • (tug purpose. PATENTED JULY 111, 1:167 THIS Drill has everything that is den,l in a Rock Drill. It Ists any alumna of ad printability, so that it will stand on any uneven on rtree, where it is persainle for a man to drill. It drills perpendicularly. ur . at any angle nth to dt gterta, and nay depth or , InnenAions required 1".,r it oPerateteasilY. wad with one uf these Machines a man Gall ao n‘e [fibre, of work dour IQ the oldway,ln the same time. la ordiasry Rock it will drill clue hal per rainnte. With this Drill. Yarrners, who hare rough land. can 'clear the rock off with little expense, assay person who can turns wind mill can operate the drill. It can be used4n Celiars, Coal Mines, .•r any place that Rock *met with. gisi 'lke underegued having purchased from the l'a tentee, Wmttty WZATIE, all his interest in said Letleis Patent in and to the State of Penne) Iraqis, are preps!' ed to sell Chanty and Tissertship Rights In said State, un reasonable terms. We have al• u been constituted, by Letters of Attorney, Agents for the Patentee, fur the sale of State Rights throughout the Unitrd Stains Per eons desiring to secure county or Tosinship Rights in Pennsylvania, or to accrue the Right for other :Italia, will address, BELL & WEAVER, nanterstown, Adams county, Pa PUMP WEAVER. ROBERT BELL. Mardi 23, . EAST - BERLIN FIRM. REBERT & HOOVER. FARMING- IMPLEMENTS. Buckeye Reaper and Mower—Buckeye Self-Raker, Hoffh e, 'a Patent—Self discharging Wire florae Rake, Shireman's Patent—Brand's • • Paten t,Wire Home Rake —The Rockaway Wire Threshmg Machines, CORN PLANTERS, TWO KINDS, SIIIRENAN'S PA TENT AND womAruit's PATENT, TORE, GRAIN DRILLS, MOORE'S PATENT— CORN SETELLEII, WAMBAUGTI'S PATENT. REPAIRING of all kinds done on snort nesire. Call and see -what. we can do. REBERT A 1 . 190 V ER. East Berlin, Mardi 4, ISG9:--Ini NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD. THE undersigned calls attention to his new Machine Shop, at 'New Oxitinl, Adams mlty, which . he hair put ny, at large expense, with the determLnation to do good mad satisfactory work. Ile wi Il rumanfactine various kinds of $11.C9 , 19 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, inch ea TIMM:IMO MAORINCS, SPRINO-TOOTIT. RAKES, ac.; and will keep the BUCK EY ri MAMI. ilk kliOW*llli on hisr,for rain thillcriptie4nl ititrA MIST/ &inc. ?Tallith atnl na p istdl3l6. • He.haaaneoaneatkm w hit Hach i pen Slop ft STEAM SAW KILN apes which he will do all of work to that line. Ha s*" the public to eall•audyive him.a trill, sod Je guarinteat full sathilaction. , March 26, 1368.-61 a JACOB STOCK. 04 40 cas by 46 68 gantutro, dating, &c. :ICC A R --k-N D . Et R 0 0 r.. 4.2 911,829 19 alroinbangiber.n.bnYt.Pnitx tamed reom theeetfoli immensesappllnt UARDIVAARA wideb'tlnnturcr offetiltrit tihetroidstand in Anitimore ottairt,ft prilleur ntiO th , ttrya do Oirrytalrinissistiln ptrto OfikLmftlesTools, • Cose.l. Ft stilhain, • hirefinAink t ; 11111011lieanyiheell'oeis, ' • nonsiipeper'iltxturni Allk leistsofiremilei ir,,O.clut ix s or L ILIND Vits;PAlrds;ike..itc. TheretstiolatkltinehNed In the ever 0 depocremente titatOlened above. bnt whit can be 11 4 at ttai Stara- Xtet7 CIO)! of Meehaidesee n b e cc. onretodated here with tootsandnndtese,cnd Ithnielirep *eines Aimlessly *U4014481 theyllne 01‘• no WA it erearepreparedte.liel 441 o edera tub as any etherhente ; • - lotl, It.DANIIFE ,• - • DAVID WillktLltit. lies 29 1841 : ,L4Digs , ,:if A TS IMIM 01110 AND BUCKEYE ME i : is glry Ociedo, cottons, ac. lico'u 40 , DESIILA BLS 1868. DRY GOODS! MOST EXC,ELLENTISSORTMENTs T.. SELL for very small profits, and atat at doing a vary large Bnaltaimil!.., FASIFICOLUILE lIIADM Of ruu regnioN.ADLE Malin OF PlitillUlCO Iron POP- LINS. resinaLtaLs aIIADUS tat ILIP4I.O3A:eOC4INS FRENCH CIIINTZES. PIQUILS, P 30104114 LAWNS BLACK SILAS, PLAIN SILKS, PLAID BILKS., swiss mils - taxa, sAcorisT mostawsithritistc. BLACK ALPACCA, COLORED ALPACKU,IiLLCK ALL WOOL DELAIN. BISTOBI EIIAWLI3, CASIMIR.; 811AWL8, 21113E1' SHAWLS. CLOTOS, CASSIMRES, CLOARINOIL LINEN DRILL ING, COTTON ADE. TABLE COVERS, TABLE LINEN, RAPEEL4TOWELB BALMORAL SKIRTS, 800, BILIRTIL PLADi -LINSN liANDSLRCHILPB , ANISHOIDKRED lIA..DKESCIIIE➢S, 11851 STITCSED HA2fDICLIt- NEWS, LADIES', MISSED', CHTLDENIVB OLOVYJ ♦ND STOCKINGS. , SIN VII constantly receiving the latest sty lota Dregs and Fancy Hoods. My stock ;,onsprises *vanillas. usual ly, Ibuod In a Snit-class Dar GOODS STORE, to which I Invite the attention of the public, Doling assiored that I can safely challenge comparison with another Stores se quality of g ode au4 lowow ander. SCHICK. Gettyborg, Pa., April 22,1500.—tY HITESHEW'S NEW GOODS FOR SPRING AND 81.11111 ER. HAVING Jew retnropd from M. City with.* large sad well *elected stuck of • DRY DODDS. NOTIONS, GROCERI KS, DRUGS, • tiAIIDWARr BOOTS. SHOW, HATS if MILLINRRY 0000 S, I MA the sttenthe Of my' elastomers and the coat munitrto my large stock tt goods, I am now offering at lower rates thaa they's/we been Mace the war and at prices which cannot fall to strike the pnrchaaer as cheap. With every facility De purchasing gouts at is IoM norm si may In the trade, lam also prepared tomcat wapiti:too on low prices from any and all quartilf*: • Prompt conformity to the keret, ameket prices la my established rule. IL HIT 118112 W. Petersburg. (Y. 8.) April 22, 111118.-Lf FRESH ARRIVAL_ DRY GOODS FOS FALL & WINTER WEAR AT THE STORE QP • A. SCOTT ck. SON, =KIR STOOK CONSISTS OF MERINOS, all styles. DELAINES, all styles. CALICOES, all styes. MUSLINS, all grades. Clntbs and CAM% 1 Were, (4411071 es and qiality. Persons wanting good Ounds and fair bailipains await so to A. SCOTT - 1 SON, Chamberabarg street, 2d Square, tiettyabo rg, I.A . CEACM NEW GO.ODS. Cheaper than Ever! REBERT & ELLIOTT, Raltimore st.,oppositelhe Court House, H AVF:jnst. opened a new mud large asnsurtineut of Sj - )ring atid Slimmer Goods OF - ALL KTNDS, CLOTHS, CA S'SDIER.E.C, • • • TWEEDS, ' SILKS, GINCI HAMS, LAWNS,. PRINTS, R.,4R Ed ES, MUSLIN'S, &r., To which they incite attention—being' determine I to eoll at lowest cash prices. (April 8, leC , . —t f ROW & WOODS ARE SELLING AT LOWEST PRICES CLOTI CA3BI It ER., JEANS. • COTTON A DP-8, dr f; I NO II AMS, PRINTS. MUSLIN& FLANNELS, CHECKS, KIRTINGS, Ac BAL. SKIRT?, a...4p A PROS S. PAILASOL9, COKSNTS, floor SKIRTS. April 22.. m DUPHORI Sz, HOFFMAN NORTH-WEST CORNER, CEII THE Q PATE , GEI"rYSBURGi, PA ALPACCAR, ENI PiESS curTtis MUSLINS, DELAINLS, CILICOISS BA LMORAL skIRT HOOP sittefs SACKINGS, U b W Le CGTTONADpi, i LAC durhis TRICOT CLOTH'S,. IPAS;IC V CASSIMERES,, HOSIERY, OI•OVIC..8, t;IIBrENUI:RI4, C 0 1.1. A B.; JIIANt; *. ? 4 ' . •Z. . C , AA It tic tit'c c . , . ENJvW3 AN]) wi.NLA)m . DLL:ft./6, IMMI roßeEr wIV 11.4114 7%4 .:aAX=[l ~, 7669,=f t w A` .N T. 200. Cords Black, bark delivered et San.t uu ItitnhOptetA *lint the ritetjxSrttert.ttt ,rith4l, 00r4014#6 ita tie paid; in , 4,Am • --7Z.l;•:r4irltlia,:kt,--i M Q.O gIICSSW ♦BB A.LPACtd' IS, DICLAINP, LAWN. POPLLNT BRILLIANTS. VERCAtsES, a 4