=I EM 111 113 6 ' 1 k I Ausittlt to etatt d ths h Or Imu = NIK 41144 ad'. ME CEO 1213 El MEM WENItY MEE! periwig, IZZI2 S. Boat Call, aria IB free in.t MEM . of eveiry all Holes IMSI WIWI'. , rt.) tree? n, RS, , (te., N PS• • 1 tk. EEZ iis, WI aye Om WILL M BEI El UM t th• ill; OM EU o=s at, wilt. Effil ECM ALE + rrl. ble.— ila burg eldlers• lieli and w Mew. swout • We. MEM 9Sil rrms TY' rivattl• jasetioa borough orelklato.l los Slay{ • dr. 3.seceso amity. • I vrll;4 la Ad OLD BM CM ;&•i . .AiYri. l- . - i1ki . .r.1.08. .A44tintl• 4 1 " 1 "; - it JV in,fl6llB. DJtdiAITAHEit —We have tbesaeltny6oly duty of announcing the i=at i r• gmleav L. BAUGTIEH, D. 'D„ (ibilege, - Which toot place last evening about 7 o'clock. Dr. B. suffered severely from acute disease for several years, pradeeirlitch, with theardommexeautive du ties incident to his profession, his system had been enrich broken ; but hieftieing tuoy itnt ViAritifersi other than his most intimate friends knew how muCh.has,uffemi. About ten *~ lksio lie_ took a severe cold which set tled'ite hid thioat and breast, but without specially alarming symptoms until Monday evening, when serious apprehensions began to be entertained. The disease made rapid ,p7igress, terminating in death last evening. :1;4. 1 listAatisz haa been ,connected with Pa. College since its organilation in 1832, first as Profane* of Greek and Belles Let tree, and subsequently as President, suc ceeding the late Dr. C. P. KRAUTH, and the College .is largely indebted to him for its present commanding position as an educa tional Institution. Ills death occasions a loss which it will be difficult to supply. Dr. BAUGHER eras not only an accompliall ed scholar and successful educator, but more --fin was a Christian gentleman. Eminently "sociakkeitiaa in inanuer,gitted with unusual conversational powers, all adorned with the graces of an earnest; active Christian faith and life—he commanded the confidence, and won the lave and esteem, of a large cir cle of devoted. friends. Dr. B. possessed pul pit abilities, of a high order—and for many years commanded a 'marked infinemee in the Lutheran Church, ranking as one of its ablest divines. Ilia religious faith was an earnest one, exemplified by a life of devotion to his Master's service, and adorned by all good worki:', After a well spent life of active, earnest usefulness, he has gond to 'meet the Saviour he so dearly loved, on whom he so lov- Ingly leaned in and sickness and health, Itud whose cause he so earnest tly pleaded from day to day, in chapel and pulpit, in the so , cial circle, and in private life, during a period nearly 40 years. He died in the 64th year of his age. The Funeral services will take place on Friday next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. We have another interesting letter from our always welcome Agricultural D. P. F., which wilt appear next week. SPRING , OPENING.—.Miss MeCes.A.RY will open for Spring styles of Millinery on Saturday the 18th, and invites her friends to call on that day. CQURT.—In consequence of Judge FL4ll len's continued ill health, and his inability to preside at the approaching April Court, Judge BUTLER, of the Chester district, will, with Associates ItozurzsoN and WIKRMAN, hold the April Court. JUSTICES.—Any person elected to the office of Justice of the Peace should remem ber that he must give notice in writing to the Prothonotary, within thirty days after the election of his intention to accept ; otherwise commissions will not issue. The mail routes from•Chamberaburg to ' Bedford, and from Chambersburg to Westminiater, via Gettysburg, have - been awarded to Samuel Brand, of Chambers burg at $1,450 for the formeroind $1,175 fo the latterboth BOUNTY ACCOUNTS.—A.a the period for the publication of bounty Accounts is at hand, it may be well for School Directors and others to bear in mind that the law requires these Discounts to be published in Two pa pers, and that unless so published there will be official default. REMOVED.—Dr. F. E. VANDERSLOOT having dispceed of his property in Gettys= burg, has removed to York, where he will continue his Profession. Dr. Y. has been a citizen of this place for some 20 years, with a large and extended personal acquaintance, whose good wishes accompany him. AcCEPTED.—Rev. 11. LOUIS BAUGHED, formerly pastor of the Lutheran church at Norristown, has accepted a call from a con gregation of the same denomination at dianopolis, Ind. , Mr. B. is a son of Rev. Dr. TUTORED, of this place, and has recently returned from a European tour, some of his letters having appeared in the "STAR AND SENTINEL." He is a young man of fine at= tairrments, and more than usual promise. LEGISLATIVE.—The act in reference to bounties In Cumberland township, falled to 'become a law, it appearing by -remon strances sent In that a majorttyof the tax payers of the township were opposed to the bill. A bill has passed both houses increasing the fees of County officers 25 or 30 per cent. This' Is aditional to the act of 1804, which in creased the tees 20 per cent. These officials cannot certainly complain of illiberality on the part Of the Legislature. Among the acts passed by the Legislative is one known as theeßailroad Liability'' bill, and whlch is beriaeseverely animad verted upon by the preas. It provides that in no case of death by accident on any of the railroads in the Commonwealth, shall the damages exceed five thousand dollars, or In elute of disability or loss of limb, to more than two thousand dollars. It seems to us that the bill is an outrage on puhae right, and calculated to encourage careless ness on the part of railroad officials f iand has evidently been put through by the railroad ring.- • • A bill providing that all city, ward, bor ough and toWnslip officers shall be elected op the 2d Tuesday of. October, instead of the Spring, has passed the Senate, and we hope will pass the-Rouse; The ohject is to aVoid the expense and trouble of two elections in *year, and have but one in the fall, for township and county officers. LECTURES—Rev. Mr. TALLatamit, of PI:Iliad!!Oda, on the eventpxof the 7th inst., delivered the last course of Lectures, for the • Wintei, useler 4he auapicee of the Literary Societies of the College—subject -;IPOur NOW Hotlie." Mr. .TAx#llloo4l has a Ateen appreciation of the humditins, and ' skilfully avails himself of the material at his command to get np a "taking" Lecture. wi F arealed to learn that these Lectures were„a Jammu; financially. Our citizensare under obligations to the Societies for the en-. t er t i a ntn ga Ups provided during the win 'ter, and we hope to have -another course of Leetures•unaer ibe-ilatne auspices next sea- . , We cheerfully give Pace to the annexed card Committee from tine of the Philonia ..:Absean and 21srenikoeMian Societies, who inlet charge of the iatttheir : - , , ..75,9,0b1il duty Of the 01-4' tees ( f.w.. &burg for 'their attendance i IM late Gonne af...Lecarree Jenne of , • Iri• - I 1 ' to the Cionitniltee 'Of the - ' 5.,, '• ' !:1 1 1 . 1, ,r''' .; Societies . .. ti . . - express ttier gmtitude j to -tlis ‘ let deteed • amen -o this place , lb r` thole' eoetident thattneiretfort to - break t . . all lir tr il i k r tPt 4 rile.' bedp ium a rectik the ' .4.OO;_ik;OAOL/O/C.iln, due to these also wbeee sordiaLly entertained lec tures; to Masora Buehler, Spangler, and" Horner, Sad to drahtsestoolt Brea...dor their eolartes; and aaristanal. . • • - . ~. The ikenrnittee ho .the-Cotrse has • ' • • • • - - -on , ,!,.,gaellife" of Sam Weller's Valentine—so as to 4actts • : Wannifirrotrei rizia.t-.1 AisUcinfiti - . ' fl '' ~. SOlat&II '''' •.., ,‘ - • PIIINN' A COLL. / Apr , 10 ! P 4 ozarryantrus ausarrias Distageroar i3t!);.f(st!t - tift'' . Mels!r!!/=k, ;CI) Cto I residence. Mit=h i lT l i a tre t tu 4= 4 D. on Public Square, In ewe. A.Morerpltnnorentreet, near Fahneatork's Btore. p r A4 1411 ItaNmore eleset,,in,Yeeideate.. szmuni.•- J : 'Nlytoss, Easor:Pnblk &pure. • Wanott t'%keler, Wasluagtonst neax•Chambidbarg it • - 11X1 , 2 4 44011:1141MUL D. H. Klingel, Balt., between Middle and High CIIIIIIS uam. • GiplaFti it Trimmer, Booth Baltimore street. ronstcruars; fors, sc.: - A. R. Matey Baltimdre street; Brat moths B. M. Gilbert, Baltimore street, second square. H. Minnigh„Chambersburg st. op. Lutheran Church John M. littnnitth„ Baltimore street, lint square. John Gruel, Chambersb tug street, near Eagle Hotel. CARPIXTVISAND CONTRAMOU. Wm. C. Stedlinnith I Bon, York street, first square Wm. Chritzman, West street, near Chamberstßirg. Cashman 2 Rowe, Baltimore street, third square. , CAIIIIOIII,6C. Danner Ziegler, 31 iddle street, near Baltimore. Tate* Culp, Washington et., near Chambersbner. George Arnold, corner of Diamond and Chambersburg a W. T. King. York it., opposite Bank. F. Cunninglsham Baltimore street, first square. C T. C. Norris, Chai nbersburg street, first square. Jacobsd Brother, Chamberibu rg street, first square. Jacob Brinkerhoff, corner of York and Public Square. COAL, LCUU, 11111, AO, C. H. Buehler, corner of Carllile sad Railroad streets Jacob Reilly, corner of Stratton and Railroad. • . . Dr, Wm. Statistnith, Baltimore street, ant eVart , J. L. 11111, Chambersbarir street, opposite Eagle note! DHLIG9 HRS. A. D. Buehler, Cluimbersbarg st., near Public , Square. Rubor., Baltimore street, first square. B. Bonier, Chambersbarg it., opposite Christ . ' Clairol' DRY GOODS. Fabnestock Broth an, cor. of Ettlittmors and Middle stn. J. L. Schick, cor. Baltimore and Puklic Square. Duphorn & Hoffman, cer.Carltale and Public Square. Robert k Elliot, Belt. at.. opposite the Court-hone.. A. Scott • Song, cor. Chambereburg and Washington eta. Geo. Arnold, cor. Diamond and Chambereburg at. F 01743 A.ND FOLIFD2T ltuv,id Sterner, West street. FORWARDING AND COMXIDSION ROME . Bigham k Co., cor. Washington and Railroad. Q.s. Benner k Brother, cor. Stratton and Railroad McCurdy & lltunilton, Carlisle Street. GROCEILIS, CC. J. Cress if Son. cos. Chambersburg and Public Square. Win. Boyer &am, York et, opposite National Beak. Meals k Bros., Chambersburg st., second - square. Henry Overdeer, Baltimore it., third square. • Wm. J. Martin, cor. of Baltimore and High street.. Hiram Warren, York stree first square. . 8. H. Gilbert, Baltimore street, second square. Faheestock Brothers, cor. Baltimore and Middle streets. Bigham k Co., car. Washington and italiresd streets. H. 8. Benner & Bro., cor. Stratton and Railroad streets. McCurdy k Hamilton, Carlisle at. • HANDWAIi AND CUTLIIY. Danner & Ziegler, Baltimore street, Ent square. Fattnestock Brother., corner Baltimore and Middle Mrs HAINESB, AC. D McCreary k Son, Baltimore at. opposite Pres. Church J. M. Rowe, Baltimore street, third square. OATS, CAPS, 50015, AC. S. S. McCreary. Chambersburg street, II ret square. Jacob Brinkerhoff, corner of York autak Square. r T. C. Norris, Cbambereborg street, t square. 11. C. Cobean, Chamberabarg at. 7 ant 1102.11. A. 1 Eagle Hotel, J. L. Tate, proprietor, ccirner Chantbersburg and Washington; Keystone Konya, W. E. Myers, proprietor, Chainbersburg street, opposite Christ's Church. LIVIXT STA2LES. N. Weaver, Washington et, north of Chambersbnrg T. T. Tate, Washing ton et., near Sagls Hotel. NIBBLE 7AIDS. John Clannon,-corner of Baltimore and Middle streets 3feals k Brother, Ycairst., east of Stratton. - • PIIOTOGRALPHZIB. C.. 7. Tyson, York street, oppoette National Bank Levi klumper, Baltimore st., first square. PallittliEr. J.W. C. O'Neal, Baltimore street, near Iligh PEINTLITG OYPICZ. Star J Sentinel,. Baltimore at., midway between the Court House and PubtieSquare, west side. feIOVIS, 2711rWAZZ he C. U. Buehler, corner of Carlialeaied flatiron& 8. Q. Cook, York it, neerly opposite the National Bank Washington Bierbower, N. E. corner of Diantond. WATCHIMIXIL Soper k !McCartney, York street, opposite Bank THE NEW RAILROAD PROJECT.— Last week we alluded to the project to se cure an air-line road from Philadelphia to Gettysburg, by completiug the gap of 44 miles from Oxford, in Chester county, to Hanover Junction, via Peach Bottom Ferry, which has been attracting much attention in Lancaster, Chester and York counties.— We gave an extract from the Railroad and Mining Register endorsing the enterprise.— The Wilmington (Del.) Commercial of the 4th inst., has a lengthy editorial on the sub ject, urging the importance of the project, and which closes as follows: "We have spoken of the probable exten sion of the Gettysburg road West. This is merely a question of time, as a practicable route for such extension known as the Southern Pennsylvania Railroad, has alrea dy been surveyed, by winch a simmer route West can be had than now exists. Such ex tension could make connection at Cumber land with Baltimore S Ohio Road; and by means of the Pittsburg litConnellsville road with Pittsburg, and the roads centering there. Either of these routes would give the West Recess to tidewater by a route fifty miles shorter than any now in existence.— By an extension directly Weatward, from Gettysburg to Belle Aire, Ohio, on the Ohio River, aiew miles below Wheeling, a direct connection with the Central Ohio 'Railroad could be made, and &Western route; thirty mile shorter yet, made and almost as direct as any so-called air-line in the whole coun- SNOW.—We have this season a realization of the poet's idea of" Winter lingering in the lass of Spring." During the past week or two we have had pretty sharp Weather, ae companed by ice, followed on Thursday by anold fashioned north-eatiter in the shape of a snow storm, the snow falling to the depth Bto 10 inches. On Sunday after noon we had another fall of snow, of four or five inches, mingled with rain and sleet, the mercury going down during the night to 10 deg. TO BUILDERS.—CoI. C. H. Buznixs has Just received a very large assortment of LUMBER suitable for Balding purposes, in cluding Boards, Planks, Flooring, - Siding, Laths, Pickets, Shingles, dtc.—Also Posts, hewed (and sawed, with prime Fencing Boards, white Pine and Hemlock. Builders will do well to give him a call, as his stock is not only large, but his arrangements are such that ho can sell at the very lowest cash rates. Also, constantly on hands Black-anaith, :Lime-Burners' and Stove COAL, with an extensive assortment of COOKING STOVES, of the best make, Hollow-Ware, Tin-Ware, Japan.:Ware, dr., which House_ keepers will do well to examine; Ware room, on Carlisle street opposite the depot. THE NIMROD COOK STOVE.—This cel ebrated stove, second to none in the country, is now being offered to the public from the extensive shop of MAILSRBANIC (it MARTIN, Harrisburg, Pa., as their last and best mod el In offering this stove to the public, this enterprlping firm have spared no pains to make It whet they now claim for it—the best stove in the market. All its combine tions are complete; . and its finish new—mak ing it as well as ornament to the place it may occupy in the house, as It is the most valuable article of kitchen furniture. The numerous testimonials as well as the great sale of Uhl article bear witness as to its ex cellence. It "Zook ta thispiefure, end then on that." Her a yonteheld the infirm step, Th a pallid cheek, iraeHng form, lilatlnited . lid, and a social elm cepher4 Poisoned with the tales of aches, pains, ..ideepless psi glue, and mentat deapondeney. There, langhloghealth.eparklisg gee, Elastic steps, craving appetite, forgotten cares, dealal thin:lights and asobitknri reitaires,. Show ahaeontsaat anit wswilitha pietnre. One took tile Plantation . Bittem—the other They are very beneficial' far weak and delicate persons. orMagnolia Water is a delightful toilet ar fie-retiparior t? Cologne, Mat: . price . GI - Many oar rather 'than tak . mons medicines. All !ho suffer from c folds, tirflatiOn cane Illoncblatnlies orl tiency t• comsomption, will find in Dr. Wioicari!i Balsam of' Wild C'herry ii-terneo as 4iiiii sible to the •patider si abetted' in refrlarlint , clisei . illef f . The 13039 n Is* piese9ti remedy i it Is a lioWerfulicruegy'; it iii tipeedry remedyl It is a tenksly. that cures. ~. , - 1 , it, • A SEYVIIILLENERY beatieen-A*ned Igrif „ 1NV,141 and Dime Jklecc,"„Rn York Street nearly opposite 4: .Yanies - Lutheran bee atdlet'lntir4 tb Trlendbil-sigeltholn ME NNW ALTOIIIIILTI A? LAW. IZZEM ECEZIM FM= r"Eow ill whiter Joster,"-giditt flew become any one when "Beiretia Vegetable Hair Reisanathe occiatonany.kipigui - wilt Imii;tboludr as fresh and glossy in old app as in yo 4 To thla , yalnalde ' article was awarded the only prize medal overapeompet- Rom. - 2 2W.-MiLtea enion- , it - HORSES BOUGH AND SOLD, by Bait- MIL Hamm at his - I' Stables in *Ai of Key stone Home, Gettysburg, Pa. Perstnis wish ing to Eutra. or BUT Horses will coilalt their own Interest by calling on Mr. Humor, who can always be Amid at his Stables or at the Keystone House. Apr. 8,1868.-1 m PHALON AND THE POPE.—Three new Italian bells" were baptized by the Pope a short time ago—thousands of America belles are self-baptized every day with Nelms's "FLOR DE MAYO," the new perfume for the handle erchief. Sold by all druggists. gevitur of the parit,tto. Baltimore Grain and Predate. Market. Baltimore, Tuesdag Morning. ... 9 75 0 10 75 -.11 26 11 75 ... 2 50 @ 810 2 60 e 3 05 1 12 @ 1 20 1 80 @ 1. 82 87 @ 96 2 50 @ 2 6.2 7 50 @ 7 75 2 80 @ 2 90 . 18 @ 20 17.1 @ 17 14i 6 181 18+ @ 19 Supisa FLora, Emu. Flom, WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, Color, RYZ, OATS, TIMOTITY-IZED; CLOPEB-88ED, FLAX-BEIID, BACON, HAMS,... ‘,l " SHOULDIES, LARD, GOLD, Phila 4......... Gettysburg Gratis algid Prevision Market Getersbury, Wednesday Jiarniny 9 50 11 00 'ti) 10 50 2 30 @, 2 50 2 40 ® 2 45 1 00 1 50 75 1 00 2 50 6 00 1 60 i 1 70 40 14 9 15 16 121 12 # )7 so 8 10 Surza. FLOUR, EXTRA FLOUR, Wan WREAT, RED WHEAT, CORN, RT1,... OATS, BTCRIMAT, TIMOTEIT BRED, CLovjut SKID, ...... POTATOI,I3, Burrs; LARD, EGGS, Bsoos, Hems; " ....... " SHOULDERS,... SOAP, TALLOW, MARRIED. GILBERT—CLAPSADDLE.—On the Ist of March, at the residence of the bride's moth er, by the Rev. H. A. Schlicter, *Er. Charles W. Gilbert to Miss Louisa R. IClapeaddle, both of this county. it.OEILER—CULP.—On the 7th lust.; by the Rev. E. Breldenbaugh. Mr. Luther A. Koh ler, of Oxford township, to Miss'Flora Culp, of this place. MTERS—HowrzNo.—ln Arendtsville, on the sth inst., by the Rev. D. W. ;Wolff, Mr. Amos Myers to Miss Susan Horting, both of Butler township. Warsori--Wissixix.—On the 25th ult., in Freeport, Ills, , by Rev. F. P Cletveland, Wm. Watson to Miss Louisa Wissler, formerly of Gettysburg. DIED. Off -Obituary notices 5 cents a line for all over 4 lines—cash to accompany notices. Hoarmt.—Died in Gettysburg, Darke County, Ohio, on the Bth nit., David. Homer, formerly of this County in his 55th year.— Also in Sterling City, Whiteside County, Ills., on the 6th inst., Melinda Horner, wife of, Emanuel Fryberger, formerly of this County, in her 43d year. EThe parents of the above left Adams County, in theyear 1831 , and settled in Darke County, Ohio.) Pisan.—On the 6th inst., at the' Alms House, Mr. Charles Pugh, at an advanced age. Wissum..—On. the 29u1t., in Freeport, Ills,. of lung fever, Frank 8., young.lest son of J. H. and M. B. Wissler, aged 2 years 11 months. gor drtrtiontitutti. AUCTION ! 11111 E undersigned will sell at auction, in room former -- ly occupied by Mr. Owitarotua, in Baltimore ;treat, EVERY NIGHT DURING COURT WEEK, A large Stock of 1)4 °tons, consisting of Cotton and Woolen Woolsey, °Livia, Combs, Oo N'•ek-ties; Ilandkorchlefs, Sturpeadcio, Tinder slake and Drawers, Bhirt•ftonta, Panay Fair and T 1 dirty of othit articles. srAll taxis that are pat up will be mai wlywat DIIPIIORN k lIOXIMAN = April 11L-2t 1868. MILLINERY. 1868. MISS McCREARY 11ASjost returned from the C.lty with a large assort ment of spring BONNETS - & HATS. Also, Bonnet and Hat Trimmings of the West styles, which, with an assortment of fashionable Fancy and Toilet GoOds, shots detenrdned to sell at the very lowest Gish 'prices. BEAD Y-MADE BONNETS will betept on barn , and Bonnets made to order at the Shortest notice. - Xillbleirs supplied with goods to sell again lot the Most favorable terms,and paterns with instructions gratis. • April M1865.-3m nIIARTERLY REPORT ef the NO* ONTTYSNIIRG NATIONAL BANK. Anzetl 1888. RBSOIIIICSB Loins and Discounts ll.B.Bonds to secure clresdation,—....... 17.8.Bontts on ........ Das from Beal Premiums ............«..«. ..... ,Boode, Csa ..... • •••••• - . 148.3.4 r. LIAIILLITIiE . 4 "80 00 Circulation, ...... 1 P M,11 ,1 00 00 Dopodta,l 2o , B4l Bst ! 46,000 00 Duo to 7,468 29 Btato ! ; 6,82200 Damns% —6,3 v, 04 Profit and Lo w, 1,876 67 Dividends unpaid 861 73 'r 6 +14+144+ • I Certify that ilimabove statement is iorresit to tit. beet • of my knowledge mod WO. cub April 1.6.-8 t J. IthIONT BAIL • "FAIWERa, , Attend -t 6 yob . InterOts GETTYSBURG FOIADRY. 'indloceiber wooM inibren btu automat and others, that hob Rill nuaraniefartnn various kb& of onotlngs an d' ldnebbon, tondo to ardor, on !port notfos go* +y , ' ,„ „ , : TIERISAIXIIII AND POWlltp; taLw od Lug Awn eill'AlWinifiaX)lMlUDDJUt QtTttKU, AND NAN 00/11 PLIM , athifieguit6l44:l3ll.4* e ?ig 4,24debin sad - Corst - Ploe kiika; ift• • 1 , • • 1/1510434/ING HOZBII I / 1 .10, " - -ItiliktialiatOrdinussat ,• alao iItPLIMAN'S OEI.I-DM WILROING HOMO BALL - /I win NksetoewiawrllE4inw 11011 1. 1 4 Raitr4 lB .'; Maki. 80B111Mtedisirlerivi4 IRON 444,14[110! .IPletsUidN roteis* er , == . alletW,-^ei 'Claw nal.. ' - • 4 • • 491"4 "V ir rill Aril 15, h ,c4.4x.k Monies paid by William - Statism ith,Treastirer Of bounty accounts of.titraban township, from M mtr ohl r. 1861 ' It° I•brstexy 29,1868: . • 7 Note and interest paid Jaoob L. 0 mew,. 8213 00 Henry 106 00 Blitaboth Testta_ 586 48 J. B. lelty, BK. 445 .20 John 712 85 Christian Benner 638 40 Samuel Sfackiry 159,00 Haney Hoover.. : .. • 588 74 Philip 857 10 E. & M. Graft 514 40 Note " Gettysburg Nat. Bank, use ofJacOb B. Millar 219 00 Publishing accounts, 1867 22 00 Office thee on appeal, paid Prothonotary 3 y litxpenses paid Josiah Benner and John Brinker -10 00 Cash paid for books, stamps, stationery, kc 7 19 Minutiae' flies 15 00 Paid Jonas Robert, expenses of putting in Ta10n ..... ........... . ......... 687 Martin Witmor, expenses of putting in 'volun teers Exoneration. and releases 11 per centaur on assessment refunded to tax Payers Abatement of 5 per cent Fees of collectors Treasurer e salary Secretary's salary Publish.t b . accounts,lB6B Auditors' Pay Services of Director., and expenses connected with bounty fund businens. Philip Donohue, tax paid in by h m and after. wards exonerated and exempted Balance in bands of Treasurer. 1133 Notes OM We, the undersigned, Auditors of Stmh.in lo anable. having been duly sworn according to law, do certify that we have examined the items composing the forego ing account and find them correct, and that there Is a balance at three hundred and .forty.eitht dollars and eleven cents. 111 RED JACKET AXE. We claim it will cut Twenty-Five (25) per cent. more cord wood per day than any other Axe made. M Ems have frilly tried your Patent Axe and find that it is all that you claim for It. It will chop faster than any other Axe that I ever saw, and leaven the wood without sticking at all. I would not chop three days without one for the cost. I need not say any more, for any man that trim one will be satisfied. CAUTION!—The Axe and the Label are both patent ed- Infringer on these patents will be prosecuted se cording to law. Vender's or dealers, and persona using any infringement, are liable with the maker of the in fringement. NORTH AMERICAN STEAM BOIT CO. THBOIIOII LINE TO CALITORNIA, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. SAILING /ROM NEW YORK March sth and 25th ; April sth and 15th ; May sth, 15th and 25th. With New iteenusblys of the Pint Clue. PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANT OTHER LINE, For Inturnastles eddies. D. N CARRISIOTON, Agent, West street,New York. W. IL WEBB, President. CHAR. DANA, Flee Pres. Office—.s4 Exchange Place, New York. XL A PRESENT OF $25 VALUE, OF your own selection, five of cost for a fry days' «mice is any town or village. Particulars sad a gift a 414 fry), uj addressing, with stamp, N. B. CLOUD. MAN & CU., 49 Haaaver st., Boston, Masa We sell for One Dollar, GOLD and Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Silk Dress Pattern,. Carpetings. Domestic Goods, Sc. CIRCULAR SENT FR66, g h ing lull particulars, or ten checks .eat for One describing ten different articles which we will tell Air ONZ DOLLAR EACH. Splendid inducements offered to Agents sending as Clubs. Address, LABONTE A BABBITT, No. 83 tudbury strest,Boston, T• VERY LADY AND GENT in the wertd as• wantiml as _Ca Agerts fur our ONE DOLLAR BALE. A Wages, • cut of Corns. • Daus, • Gamer, and thousands of other articles, for 81.00 each. Bend 2 cents :or 2 checks and circulars giving fall Information. Liberal inducements to Agents. Circulars sent free. RANKIN, LORD I CO., 221 Washington street, Boston, Mass. TRUBSEB.-"SLELErB lIARD RUBBER TRUSS" Cures Rupture, retain" the moat ditScalt wifely and ; never rests, break:4 moves or soils; ehrnys new. Bold by all Drnagiata. Bend for pamphlet, 1317 Cheatunt at., Phila. WANTED, AGENTS, $7 - 5 to $2OO per month, everywhere, male and kinale, to in troduoe the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FA MILT SKWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in • most superior manner. Price only $lB. • rally war ranted for five years. We will pay $lOOO for any ma• chine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than oura. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from Sib to $2OO per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount esti be made. Address SECOMB A CO., PITTSBUROII,2A., or _BOSTON, MASS. CAUTION.—Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast-iron machines, under the same nameor otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. 250 per month guaranteed to Accents everywhere sidling oar /Went Seerkutiieg M tallioaothm- LOW. Write for Circulars to the AXIMIrta WILI /02 Broadway, N. Y., or 16 Dearborn et.,-Chicago, 111. WE ARE STILL. MAKING A COMPLFJ.F4: REVOLUTION sad villas every description of DRY .I.BD SANCY GOODS, !LORD WASS, ISVinfrroV4VrelleB, sSW. TRfl MAC NV, in, for the ntiikate prod of We would impress upon our patrons that our Stock is not composed of second-hand Goods or Pawn Br4kers' on redeemed Stock, but Goods carefully selected direct from American and European Manufactories, the greater por tiop or.which are $140,680 $3 450,00(1 00 . 50,000 00 `ftr,sls4 44 1 25,099 ao e,fto oo 2,60 76 1,000 oo 497 98 ` 402 06 which fact ensiles us to offer our customers better Goods for the money •Shan those who prokas to be "Mariam tures,' lents," or than CAN BR OBTAINED IN ANY . The unpandiefed increase of or' blesithis, end the en dorsement of prominent brislings men and the press in is a convincing proof that we have adopted the and most popubir system ever placed beitre ihe public. Wears the first who bays attempted to Make a eltilwalution in Uvula." by bling tiho pu m b a i dl iar procure gm& in small qqtutitiesslimannfacimme ices, awn saving the oonAm*er three 'barge trivets td• pining through the hands of the Commission Iferchant,_ the Wholesaler, and Retailer. Send Club. of ten or more, with 10 eta. for each do scritittrebaudei settee pier ity or the club Will re Wye i prisslitirorth 81 it itiollivlobeiWng to member sent. = . . . We have also olade,arraagemeots with the GREAT ORIENTAL TEA CO.) of Bolton, go that we can turnhdt our mulannific wire own Goons and a tall line of TEAS at r ai s v gy the mime terms to Agents u though dealing with the company thus giving an ,oppottnnity of WIDE from' the various grades any qtral ty thormay &din— Weals , . pay 'agents the same ceenmiudene ea allowed by. --th° OoTEl la y" -Wit of mkt,with price- Het, and -“THE =A. OUP," soul biony Wrest t PARtER k CO, N00,411* ee nand Pc, Bolt"' TO THE .v. 4..4 b •. S. . ' ,I We A. &Dos tar, q m:oint /toil : ' . NO% t *De Dimp.tkammir it rvizw, . :,- ln I A V, imA idit ru ."llitwor tatit, 4. 1 1 16 2,,,,Littrw _ RA PIAIM 4 ( 15 / 51141 4crea4.4,474 17 4 - fibT'n • One Dollo fax eackArticle: Omer me alibi el* tat il o visaida, ' tor doelitiri chaokit i ohilittg arhatiliatidir tiala4sa Witsftted for Otta, Dollar, with 10 costa lbw mare chief - - - ,;•• ^ ' i 1 CIRCULARS rfatt4CT FREE...s . , ; . ' Praiiiitia worth troth* tifliOktitat - ws,pallirgiolt ag e Ott wadi all ' t •IlagliaWlNallisa 111Wse 7 , Wlirre 00 0 ,-, 4. 41 . 111 " , ry AXTANTBD—ZirgitYWHERSAW* *pile MEW - - lir i - alsw wark,MODerillietts,,W . .... _ , j0W0101 4, 4 Priqiulitt. 7 1010111,0,MaR Casii `4:4, 1:.. - .L -4 . . lin lII= ekStrabatt Bquglity.Aceopt., - , - inillttre Of fitAltanternefflip , f thi settlement of the Bounty Account of said town aptillmyeer IBM . - : »Culled b William iliitllitegth;Trestrarer of the Bounty fund of Strobes' towntalp, from Viral, VW, to Febniery 96, MB: DR. • . , BillWC* aid ill Outstanding tax sine* collected. 212 t 69 Amount of tax assessed fbr 1667. ' fia° 20 Subectlption'recelred of. Wm. .... . 25 00 El! 1:2115 HENRY B. WIANEII, JOHN O. BRINK ERIEOFF, DONOIIUX, . Auditors. April 15.-3 t COLUURS'S PATENT.-JIILY 9,1887 TRIED AND NOT FOUND WANTING McKeeepor t, Dec. 19, 1607 ,prior sale by all Dealers asol the manufacturers, LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, (lueczuoss ro Uniacorr L Co.) .93k cncoers qf (e Rands, IN TRADE, ONE DOLLAR. MANIIPACTVRED.IO& US, airt3RND /OR OUR NEW-LABCULI6.I► I=EM cod} to aanairare SeaGisit obill"t* Our Great ONE;.DOLL'AR SALE DRY 4ra FANCY GOODS; A WATCH, PIECE OF SHEETING, BILE DRESS PAT , • • • TWINS Ac Ate. 22,962 27 Oar ladaelawstadarhig the past few reat",has• base We, now doutAil)iir rates of Premium& Our friends will readily notice our Presents for 80 and 60 Clubs are now more than equal in value to Clubs of 60 and 100 respectively of other firms: 8 10 84 65 WirPLEASE EXAMINE. -611 ArijPerson ordering either of the Clubs mentioned below, can have their selection' of premiums ermine • ted, corresponding is the size of the Club, FREE DF ONE DOLLAR ! 703 40 , =9 03 113 82. . 29 Ou . 20 00 . 20 00 . 600 FOR A CLUB OP 30, (f3.)—One of the following arti clesoir: Detains dress pattern; fancy colored bed spread ;100 view Turkey morocco album; yards shee l ing; striped cashmere debible dress pattern; hooey comb qnitt ; all wool square shawl; set solid gold bosom studs; all wool fancy cashmere pants and vest pattern ; gent's hair guard chain gold trimlngs; silver plated chased butter dial; silver plated 5 bottle revolving cas tor, on feet; set superior steeled bladed knives and forks; worsted promenade shawl; ladies' long gold pluted chain; ladies' gold double ring; gents' heavy chased solid gold ring; solid black walnut work box or writing desk ; ex tra quality balmoral skirt; pet jewelry, sleeve buttons to match; violin and bow ; gent's cardigan Jacket; splendid ebony D eats, ivory trimmings; etiperfor Turkey moroc co shopping bag; ladles' high cut balmoral boots. FOR A CLUB OF 60, ($6.)---One of the following arti cles, viz: Black or colored alpaca dress pattern; poplin dress pattern; one piece of bleached or brown sheeting: engraved, sitvsr-plated, 6 bottle revolving castor; 354 yards superior cashmere for pants and vest pattern; tra heavy honey comb quilt; two fancy colored bed spreads; pair gent's calf boots; 4 yards farmers' good wool frocking; fancy cashmere plaid dress pattern; beet quality balmoral skirt; rosewood brass alarm clock; ladies' all wool cloak pattern; ell ver-plated take or card basket; fur mirror or tape ;ladies' tashionable wool dou ble shawl ; splendid clasped family Bible, 9x13 record page and engravings; 3 yards double width water proof cloaking; set ivory handle knives, with silverplated forks; Bet silver forks; one set lace curtains. 241 26 2' 62 346 11 $6,962 27 FOR A CLUB OF 100, (slo.)—One of the following ar ticles, viz: 4 yards double width cloaking or coating; 2 large, Line, bleached linen table covers, with 1 doz. large sized dinner napkins to match; twenty-five yards splen did hemp carpeting, good colors; extra quantity black or alpaca dress patterns; extra quality poplin dress pat , torus; one large p iece superior quality extra width sheet ing; pair gent's calf boots best quality; silver hunting cased patent lever watch ; one dozen ivory handled steel bladed knives and forks; silver-plated engraved sit bot tle- revolving castor, with ens glen bottles; splendid violin, box and bow, complete; single barrel shot-gnu; Bacon's six-barrel revolver; pair superior white wool blankets; nice fur muff and cape; silver-plated engraved ice pitcher, with salver; seven and one- hall yards all wool fancy caseimere, for snit ; one dozen Rogers' beat silver-plated forks; common sense sewing and embroid ering machine two heavy honey comb quilts; splendid family Bible, record sad photograph page. For larger Club' the value increases In the same ratio. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent' to any address free. Bend money by registered letter. Address all orders to • WM. HEM& ALLEN, HAWES & CO., 15 TEDTMAL ST., BOSTON, MASS P. O. BOX C. Wholeaal• Dealers In Dry and 'fancy Goods, Cullo7 Plated Ware, Albums, Leather Goods,4te.. Se. Arll 15, 1868.-4 t WOODEN WATER 'PIPE , GAS PIPE, AND RAVE . TROUGH! THE best and cheapest articles ever made. Seery body, particularly Parasers and signors, send for a fret descriptive circular awl price list to J. A. WOOD. WARD, Williamsport, Pa. PATENT OFFICES. T - NTKNTORS who wish to take oat Letters Patent are advised to counsel with MUNN k CO, editors of the Antoicari, who bare prosecuted claims before the Pateitt Oak* for over Twenty Voss. Their Ameri can and European Patent Agency Is the most extensive in the world. Charges less than any other reliable agency. A Pamphlet containing full 'alarm:Howe to Inventors, sent gratin. air A handsome Round Volume, containigg 150 Me chanical engravings, and the United States Conics by Cantata, with lints pod itotelpta for Ifachaaics, ed on receipt of 25 cents. Address wets At CO.. 37 Park flow;New York. PITIIIBLIIOII, PA BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR nig NRW BOOK. "MEN OF OUR TIMES" or Leann Patriots of the Day. An elegant octavo vol ume, richly illustras.od .ith 18 D4,612[0'121, Steel Engrav ings, and a portrait of the author, Mn. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. Agents any It is the best and Belle the gnieltest of any book they ever sold. Some .are taking 200 orders per weak. It will outsell "Uncle Tom's Vabia." We eat ploy so general neat , bat pay extra einamieston. Old Agents wilt appreciate this Item. bend for Circulars giving tall particulars. Address HARTFORD PUB. LISHINO CO., Hartliard, Ct. • WATNED—AGENTS, In all parts of the United States for our New Work, "People's Book of Biography," et ONTAINING over eighty sketches of eminent per -1.../ emu of all ages and countries, isumes aewell as ntien; a handeomitOcteso hook of over 6,10 pave- inns. trued with beautiful steel engravings; written- by James Parton, the nuat popular of living authors, whose name will ensure. :or it &rapid isle. Bend fur descrip live circular and aea our Lath terse. A. 8. IiALE CO., Publishers, Hanford, Chun. HOWE k STEVENS PARTLY DYE COLORS. THIRTY DIFFERENT SHADES, all in liquid arm. The same shades, all ht powder form. We advise the use of the Black., Browne and Drabs, In the powder term. ler sale by al. Druggists and Dealers and at the Ilaustfactiory, Boaton,3lass. Bingley's Btstory of Animated Yature 1200 Royal Octavo Pages. 1200 tine eogravit ga. PRICE ONLY $6 10. THE cheapest Book In the world. Exclusive Terti• tory and the largest cosamisaion. Circulars giving full partici:ll.re, terms, etc., also our One poster with SO sample illustrations, sent free on sipplication. Address C. F. VENT k CO., 38 West 4th St., Cincinnati, 0. Official History of the War. ITS ready 'sale, combined watt an increased commission 1. maks it the beet subscription book ever published. •One Agent in Button. Ps,„reporta 72 subscribers in three days. Another in Breton, 103 entwcribers io four days. Bend for Circulars, and see our terms, and a fall description of the work. Address, NATIONAL PUB LISBINO CQ., Philadelphia, Pa. CARPENTERS.—Send for Cata logue of New Practical Books on Architecture and Stair Building. A. J. BICKNELL kOO., Publishers, Springfield, 111. r iPORTANT ,LNNOI3.IkICE3MNT A Beautiful Illustrated Book worth a Thousand Dol lars. sant hose to any addrinnoit receipt of 25 cents, by addrening Professor JOHIV VANDERPOOL, No. 266 Winthrop Place, New York city. GOODSPRED'S POUNTADI PEN, 60 lines written with one pen of Ink. Thebeet thing in the world: &sok gent for 10 Cta• $lO a dig' Pwirsn teed to Agents. 'Addreee 3. T. PRICE A CO., 37 Park Row, New York. • ()NIA'S RI: AGNEW, 260 and 2n2 0111.101 Wig HST., N. Ilse reduced the prices of Teas, Coffees, lingers, Plour sad all ktodeofOrocrotieefroui 10 to 20 per cent. - :.BEST JAPAN VIA, di, BUST lINGLISH .118.1Aldida? PICA, $l. SPLENDID OOLONU TEA, 90c. 1000 bbls PLOUB, all gradwi, from $ll upwardi. .20X001.1doirwaes, all greslos, front 40c. upwards. Coffers; routed and ground, 15w to 400. Sugars. all grilles, at refiners' prices, and everything used la every toot, cheaper and better than sny IM Wks In NSW ParL ffi f TZIA,S IL 'ARN owinplurhianisn store; owns this property, and has no rent to pea: imports and buys at. elusively for cash',. never gaveri note in his life, cones. doently he can undersell arm bangs the city. COD LIVER OIL CREAM . A iriincha fon, width prow's' all thb nut?! tr licremit of Slop's?. ea. 11The !too ell ofkinthe limit, or *molt, asii-.trebt teaaLle tO*l *o le 0 . 084 44grtad, ship aftordtug theystiestiliiib fall beselli of the quint* taken. Is readily token mined with miter, tans *folding th. mekoferiook4 or other . expinlyi or hoftfirl Is r and prat:Mani by thri IC I' !man sion. Fries $1 a bottle. For circulars mit to f kak: 4 4l7lireanidt et, If. Y. . . .. Jul sponsab for t• es , 811FING;G:EIDE ' i - " % *Jr liirikiefigaii inf iie ' etlhdie . a in hand ptltlr• AwdoissOlo . thir . irieraw Si gly ettli lasto ' 14114:teiteldreb u the etietheittend'etadi with 3lßUi thM; aid in lentaeatieleattlfr4eatew helereto WA'at lb. awle tirperflocaearminsaili. - far iflithids of ,lUvallineisig and tt.iiii , :. t.: ":1 . .., ,- ,7 -, 44 —4 ' • + ei t em elPeeneletwitilunderill sell at id ttw blip- '' - Win y,addrintr o tormnit, on tw• Orlitleldedhlid idivilKihrThelfieeins. e. • .#_- . 1 , ' ts ot .10.11111011111 - rharrillgini. Flits, lied tenteryam, it mite: diwanat telheitrednvAddindwN 1 41 0 4 11 . 1 " 1. 1 Ski l* M e" , .• •+ll Ad- _ •-• • i ' . : ,7 -;:p.', Itylfffiqt . tok , +^.. c4 !* • ,1 i ,`.l.t&R i• i ; it ~,, ; . FREE O.F COST. Wd?iFE . II—d.ORNTB FOR AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Ire CAIIIZSI CRAZACITIR, COSDCICT MD Rams, By Hon. ALEXANDER H. STEVENS. seintuts. QjITARTERLT ItEt'ORT OF THE /TM NATIONAL BANICOF SLITTYB7.7. MIS01:1310138. Loup and Dt 0pn564,904 St Omot 63 ornitimo, fliturro, Bajponoe ao l'rominins, 2,419 84 Omit Demo and Revenue 640 06 Duo from Bank, 50d24,637 09 U.S. Bonds, p . 164,000 00 ;61,472 22 • ----- 31336,1030 66, 0apita1..........1..'.....:.„-... .. .. ••• . .4..... -...3100,000 00 . 13 utp100 „ .. , ........«.....---.........: 8.84.3 30 `1717431441:5 4 -'" .. - : : 89440 00 Dap00ft5,.......; ..... 147,941 73 Dub to Bantle. 2,725 49 .. /0 14 1034 lad g arg.tumge,;4.....-.-- T i - .............:.... • 2.77$ 03 $346,3&3 55 I certify that the above stateinent is correct to the best'of in/'knowledge and better. April B.—at OEN. ARNOLD, CaSider, DR. WM. STALLSMITH Dentist, haying located In Gettysburg, offers h,a services to the public. He can be found . gar the present, at the Daguerean roams of Levi !dumper on Baltimore street. opposite Fahnestocks' store, where be Will be prepared to attend teeny coos within the province of the.Dcutist. Persons la mutt of fall or partial rats of teeth are invit ed tonal!. Terms reasonable. idpril 8, 1867.-tf LOST.!-A BALE OF Gp9DS marked W.A.wdbelT. Wright, Sandersville, Pit," and contain ing 1 piece of Kentucky Jeans, 1 piece of mixed Thin_ net. 1 piece of Red Flannel, 1 piece of Genesee, was lost In February lastAetween Bender vine and Gettysburw. The fi nder will be suitably rewarded on returning the Goode to Abel T. Wright, in Ilenderwrillet to Henry Whitmor, Mummasburg; or Spongier's Warehouse, Gettysburg. [April 8.-3t* • OTICE.— The undersigned, hav i ing dieposed of his entire Stock- of Ready- made Clothing and Goods to Mr Passers Cc:smarms, and be- Ing about to retire from Lnalness, retorts his cordial thanks for the liberal patronage extended to him dur ing so many years, and respectfully revisits his friends to continue their patronage at dot ola stand, with his successor, illr. CC 3 / 2 1011AX, shorn I cord'ally commee# to the confidence°, the public. April S.-St F. R. PICKING. garriitgeo, parntoo, DAVID McCREARY. JOHN' F. McCREARY "Best always Cheapest. THE Best and Cheapest, SADDLES, BRIDLES, • COLLARS and HARNESS of all kinds, in the County, are always to be found at the old and well known stand, Baltimore at., opposite the Piesbyterian Church. (MeCREARY'S.) Our Aiding and Wagon Saddles, are the most substantially built and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and silver mounted), are complete in every respect and warranted to be of the very best material , and workmauablp. Our upper leather Draft. Collars, CAN NOT if nut. They ire the beat Fit...ma and most durable. Our Heavy Draft Harness, are made to order, aa cheap as they can be made any where and in the most substantial manner. Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft flames, Ply-nets and everything In the line; None bet ter or cheaper. Our prices have been IiDCCGD to the lowest Using standard. A liberal percentage for cub, off 01 Wu amounting to or more. We work Bottling but the beat ofstock and will war rant every article turned out to be in rrery respect aa preeenUal. Thankful for past favor. we lnylteatteution toeurpre sent stock. 113..G1ve us a call and examine rums AJr uusuww. Jan. Ta.1863.-tf D. MoDEZARY & SON. NEW SADDLER SHOP. ON"tlu"141 Pa —Can ire 84r t irssyonlsnd, to order , kind. of RIDING SADDLES, as low as the lowest May 29,1887.-tt. Adams County Ahead ! THE EXCELSIOR PATENT FLY-NET, Manufactured entirely of Leather, and much neater than Cotton or Linen .IVets. For service touturpageed. BY BUBIIIIOLDER, WOBLEY k HURST J. L. WORLEY, Sole Agent for the EXCELSIOR PA TEXT NET for. Adams county, LTAS constantly on hand manufactured Net, of the above Patent. Alpo, SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, - WHIPS, TRUNKS, BLANKETS, BELLS; , AND EVERYTHING, pertaining to a Horse rornishing establishment. WAGENTS WANTED to sell Territory ibr Patent Nets, also to sell N'ets on commission in the County.— All communications should be addressed to J. L. WORLEY, York Sulpb dr Springs, Adams co., Pa. April l, 18613.—tt • CARRIAGES. AND BUGGIES. Are now building* variety lot' 004.011 WORE of the latest and most approved styles, and constructed of the beet material, to which they Invite the attention of buy ers. Hering built oar work filth great care, and of ma terial selected with special refinance to 'beauty of style and durability, we can confidently recommend the work as unsurpassed by any other in or oat of the cities. All we ask is as inspection Of on= wark,lo convince theta in want of any kind of a vehicle that this is the place to buy them. Agr-REPAIRING in every branch done Mahon notice And on reasonable terms. Give ne a call at our Factory, near the corner of Wash• Ington and Chandatobvul streets, Gettyehurg, Pa. JllllOl2 1867.-4 f CARRTAGE-MAKENGUMM D The warbotng over, the otoiltrefirimilloivereinimsd the at their old stand, in Mast Middle street, Gettysburg, where they are again prepared to pet up work in the most fashionableorubetantial, and impeder manner. A. lot of new and eerand-hand on hand, which they will diatom of at the lowest prices, and all orderairill besupplfedake promptly and satisfac torily as pergola. doge with dispatch, and st cliapest istes. A, large lot of ne t and obi *WM! on hand for 240. • Thealrfallbttheliberiefeehrenn e n- bintobre enjoyed tmr them, solidi sad willeadeevir to dram &lame share inthe futu e. itey 201--K A N T E D'l 200 Coida Black Oa Bark Bp.:4et e t WniicteAt .si.g ih• • $5 twomat PER 'CORD • *ill ha Pala. its "Pair' Neb. katleil-tt $25 s2ls' -.et m. 4 • itor.& e 443.41ada .. ' WAIMCDASSIMIS to moll lb. moot Procitt TIZ ti*ltitti i tdn :Ilk. . ''.. •'. et : 1 7 dim ;adopts skim . get .., ~ . . Zak ... ,...._Sr P etdT tielfol& . . ' '- ' 4 " - .T . • ... ~ vEdirlagim i lr i t,idfit ' .?:% .(''''i'' JOB 10$1SMiting VollebtketillainT'it4o.ol9ll#4l" ftw, *dvitlistwesti. lEHM arr - tiaz WAaON SADDLES, CARRIAGE HARNESS, DRAUGHT HARNESS, RIDING BRIDLES, BLIND BRIDLES, COLLARS, FLY NETS, tke PATENTED 'FEBRUARY I BTH, 1868, TATE & CU LP CARBIAGSMAKENO BUSINESS, CARRIAGES, BOOGIES, tO, iirREE'M:MO4.II3 DAN NER a WIFSLEIL Wants. I &Pi *ditto. Nlbintitifikt&iii ii : erity given' that appllciition Lanham mad* to the Court of COWEPAD e :erneeounty Swab* n of It s Liptßeran h th x 1 848 tha ißird 1848, has town Axed for the hearing of the MUG , a that un less wriliclent *saw to the contrary be shown said cherr ter of incorporation will be granted. By the Court J. A. EITZBILLILE, Prothy. April 1-31 NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given. that aingleatbr am ha t bow mad* to the Court of Common Pieta of A sicointy i to amend the Charlet. oltbe "Upper Presbyterian March of Marsh creek to the county of Yat k," and that the gird Abaday gt•lywit west, has been fixed for the hearing of th•same,and that 111110•11 sufilcient ratite be shown to the contrary said amendments will be granted. April 1.-3 t ELECTTN. The Steak Soldiers lei Milani • donigialfry, en titled, "'The President, Managers in Company o 1 York and Gettysburg Turnpike Raid," are hereby no tified that an election will be held at the Public House of George W. McClellan, in Gettysburg, Adams *manly, Pa., as Thesday, the 21st day of .april next, between the boors of two and tour o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing • President, six Managers and a Treasurer, to conduct the altiirs of the Company, the emitting year. JOSEPH SMYSES, Secretary. March 25. t• NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate of Parra Parrs, late of Latinos* township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, azecutriz, residing in the sainti township, she hereby gives notice to all persons Indebt ed tossid Wats to make immediate payment, and three haying claims against theism. to present them properly authenticated Inc settlement. SARAH PENTZ, Executrix.- April 8.-61 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by tits School Directors of Cumberland townehip, until the third .bsturday in April, from 12 until 3 o'clock, at Conrad Snyder e Tavern, In Gettysburg; to build TWO SCHOOL Ift)IISES in mid township—one to be built at Pities.* • of Brick, and the other at McCurdy's, of Stone. Plans and m ecilications can be seen at Conrad SoLV, Tavern, in Gettysburg, or at the residence of the tary. The Board reserves the right to reject any °roll, bide. A. SPANGLE*, Prowl. N. Liner:its, Pec'y. [April 8.-44 ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. The undersigned Laving been duly appointed A. Cigna., under deed of voluntary sesignment for lb* bow fit of Creditors, by kite:tou.lL EPPLUIAN and Wu% of ifenallen township, defame co., Pa., hereby gives notice to al Ipersons indebted to said Emanuel G. Xpplamas to make Immediate payment, and Wino biniag eleins are requested-to prevent the. meow properly antheatteetoi• fur settlemeut JONAS RAUENZAHN, Initiate I:tenderer'lla, Mar.ll.-6t BEGISTER'S NOTICES. NOTICE .is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons concerned that the Administration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams oonntzeoint confirmat tor. and allowance, on MONDAY, the 20th day of APRIL, 1888, at 10 o'clock, A. M., vie: 117. Flrat sad anal account of Samuel Zeigler, 0 mak& an of the persona and estates of George M. MUICIVIOrt, John Mummert and Eve. E. Mtunmert, minor children of Josephus Mummert, deceased, settled by William J•eoba, Administrator of the estate of Samuel Zeigler, deceaSed. 118. The first and final account of Henry R. Haatler.. Administrator of Andrew J. Smith, deceased. W. D. HOLTZWORTII, Register. Mar. 21—tc LICENSES. THE following application to keep public houses of J. entertainment, bare been filed in my office, with the requhdte number of signors, and will be presented at the Court of Qnarter Bandana, On innuisy, LJkc 20t4 day of Apra, 1808: Samuel Wolf, Borough of Gettysburg, John L. Tate, Israel Yount, " Conrad Snyder, " " 0. " Francis J. Wilson, Borengh of Berwick, Henry Settler John Green, Borough of Lit tlestcwn. • James L. Jones, Win. N. Fluttord,. " ea Joseph Barker, Jeremiah Johoe, Col:lower) townablp, trawls- gram. Cananinand 4 ! Simnel Eicholts, Franklin Ephraim P. Ell Unger, " Israel Little, George Bear, « 4e H. M.-Tome, Lest Pitzer, !Samuel S. Morita, Freedom John D. Becker, Huntington Jane A. Reed, " Preeklin Ramer, Hamilton . " Alexander Benahoof, Harefitonbem Peter Shively, Reuben Stem, • John Kapp, latimors Abrham Fisher, " Conrad Wagner, Mountpkaaant " Charles bilyers,illenellen O. P. House, J. ff. Wiest, Oxford I. B. Hosuier, Robert E. Dix, 'Reading Joseph Tod; Witten Jacob L. Gram, " Henry B. Stone, Tyrone Jo:4mA. R. Esther, Butler J. M. BOWS STORE LICENSES. *MIER J. Martin, Borough of 0 ettysbarg, George F. Ralbnalsch, • 'Michael lIeII7 , Cunowag township. EF.STAUPAIIT LlCOLN'tnitl, Peter Ilettaien, Oxford township. April I. ts A. W. MLNTIE, Clerk JURY LIST-APRIL COURT BLAND /MET. Conowago. Jame. W. Guberuator, Foreman. Berwick tp. Adam Kinnamund. Oxkord. John E. Hersh. Monntpleasant. George Hagerman, sr Henry J. Ham ler, Michael Levinstine, John 1,. Jenkins Hamilton. Daniel Recker. Union. George gate. Metsallen. Isaac Wright. Gettysburg. Wm. J. Martin,JOhn McAllister. Hamiltonban. John B. Paxton, James Marshall. Latimore. Joel 0 riest, Isaac Tudor. Tyrone. John W. Neely. Huntington. W. W. Stewart. Franklin. Elias Spangler. James Linn. Btraban. Lipton Neely. Freidom. John Hamer, jam Cunningham. Littleatown. George Stonesifer. GENET:AL JURY. Franklin. Francis Ogden, Solomon Hartman, Jew Deardorff. Heathen. Jacob B. ideals; Stephen Winona% Eran Cole, Palatka Penrose. Germany. Daniel Oujden, Hamilton rot est. Huntington. Wm. B. Gardner, Wm. T. Job, F. $.-W. Bowers, Joke A. Wiramtd. Conowago. John Waltman. hfonntjoy. John Horner, Andrew Beitler, John Hart inaa, Newton W. Horner. Moantpkaant. Samuel Hilt., Francis Pohlman, Jacob B. Miller. Strabau. Elden Norris, Hobert Bell, Josiah Bonner. Reading. Wm. 8. Hildebrand. Gettysburg. Solomon Powers, Wm. B. Biddle, Bairn' G. Cook, Henry Chritaman. Butler. Jacob Baffeneperger, Samuel Maris, Wass Destrich, Jamb Mowery. Hamilton. Hamilton King, Elijah Spangler, Henry I. Reber, Henry S. Hildebrand. Lathnore. Andrew P. Hyrax, John Wolford, Anthony K. Myers, Joseph Finkel. Cumberland. George Bushman, Henry Batt. Tyrone. _Jecoblowera - lattlestown. Wm. HeSherry. • Oxford. A. J. Bowers. Union. Amos Lefever.. Highland. Bonbon Golden. March 18, 1888.---tc. • PROCLAMATION. -WHEREAS the Hon ROSMIT J. FISHER, President of the soma* Coartsof Common Pleas, in the Counties eomprielng the 19th District, amiJnatice ofthe Courts of Oyer and Ter miner and General JailDeilvery, for the trial vial I. asp. Jul and otheroffenders In the said district, and laLto E. It IZASAN and ISAAC Rosissou, tours , Judges with* Courts of Common P leas.and J nit lc es ofth e Cour te efOyer and Terminar andGeneralJail Density, rot Castilla' of all capital and otb er offenders In the County of Adams— haveissued their precept, bearing date the 22nd day of Jan:, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight bunked and sizty-seven, and to me directed, for buiding &Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessional °flit, Peace and General Jail Delivery end Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, onKondsy, tho 2588 shay of April, 1888— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all the Justkes of thp peace,the Coroner and Constables withintlesAid. Consitrotadiinik tbst they be then and there in theli proper person s , with their Rolls, Records, Inquleittowei Egaminations, and other Remembrances. to de those thingewhich to their olives aid in that lasbaltappertain to be done, and also, they who will pirosecu to &pleat this prisoners that are written 'bathe In the Jatt of the said County of Action/411re to be then and there toproe•entea• !Hint them aoshollbolzW.. . .PHILIP HANN, Mastiff. Mastiff's May Gettysburg, Mar. 28,186!. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LADIES' cOMPANIONIEt,`• TO(DlA)f)riff a T ..-: # I (FiaS; t t PERPUIVIERY, f#C . Y . .OFNA & BOHEMIAN ITABNIS, Tom, &a., &a, &a, 1 47:ArikiniSTELIS, .41.11 a ti :4111A ataset . By the Court J. A. KITZKILLIR, Protby EINE . - gerwarding a se t iIEANINS OrTAWilift t THE undersigned having leased the .L. Werrhostat on t senor or GeSP/Guis, - 11 1 Olot sod the Bel Insaff,, Gettysburg, Pa., wll,l starry au tbs . .Grain Prodttce Bramtes , 10 bradebee. The bisbest'prlcee Wit ;dirty* be pall tor Whima. Bye, Cara, Oat* Gloms, ao tlipothT Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, 'fay and Straw, Dried" Trait. Nitta Soap, Hama Shoulder* miff pjee, Potato*, with sosnliblaff eke ha tlm country Praduea Una. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS • - Te constantly for tale, Co ff ees, Snore, Belau:* l'ltors. l as, Spices, Salt, Cheese Vinegar, Scab, Mostar& Starch, Brooms, Buckets. 'Blacking, Bcsp; Au. Also, COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, AC. • risu .1.0 kinds; Spikes and Nails; Smoking &WI Chewing ?obscene. They are always able to supply a Bret , rate article of Flour, with the different kinds of Feed.' Also, Groand !looter, with Guano* tad other fortlll - COAL, by the bushel, Mt or oar loud. We wit also run a - - LINE °f FREIGHT OARS t 0.0.” North street, SALTAIORN, and 911 Market strata, PLIILADELPffIA.. All goals at *liter of the abmarpleamt all I, be reaoisedand forwarded prompt ly. Goods should be marked 'sßenners' Car."' • " • IL IL 11101/01111 &ARO. April, SOSO& —t r NEW FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. HAVING purchased the extensive Warehouee,Cars, kc., of Cm., k EAenditoW, the tuttlerehmed Intend to cerry on the blieltweee, ender ihd Ana Grille/um k 00., at the old stand on the corner of Wishingion and Rallroed strecte,on a more extensive scale Ilhaaharetolbre. . . We aro paying the highest mark etpricr. for lia!,Flour, Grain and all kinds of produce, /lour aad Need, Batt, lad all kinds of Groceries, kept constantly on hand and for sale, cheaper than they can be had anyarb ere &sr. •• Plat•ter, and all kinds of fertilizers, constantly ou hand, or farnlslred to order. AIiF.A regular Bueof Freight Cars willleave oar Ware honse every TUESDAY NOO2I. and accommodation trains will be nnt ea occasion may require. llyithis ar rangement we are prepared to convey Freight at. all times to and from Baltimore. All business of ilk' kind entrusted to tle,vrUt beyro/wetly attended to!. Our cars run to the Warehouse of Stevenson k sons, 10 north &ward street, Baltimore. Being determined to pay good prices, sell cheap and deil fairly, we Invite every. body to givens a rel. • • • ..laa. 8,1869 M'CURDY & HAMILTON, DEALERS IN FLOUR, , GpOCEBIEW; &r MEIN undersigned *repaying at !hair Wseequense, In J. Carlisle street, adjoining Buehler's liall,the highest pekes ler • WHEAT, ETE 00R11, OATS, EHCEWH EAT CLOVER ANA TIECYTIIY-SEEDS, PO TATOES, ac., tc., and Invite protbeeets to give aim is call beim* eri lin ,; Tbey have constantly on hea4 for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GRQUERTES, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, -ffaliari, /le; with' gilt, Fish Oils, Tar, iloeps, bacon sad Lard, Tobeeons,, ae. Also the best brawls of 1%011i% with VitED of air kin They likewise have SEVERAL VALUABLE PERTILIZERs, Salable Pacific Guano, abodes' Phoephata feel A A Mexlean G nano. Whilst they pay the highest market pricer/bran they bey, they .MI at the lovest living profits. They ask • atuireorpabHe patronage, reeolved to give satisfaction 1a 'Tory case. Raman. lifellifft DY, WY. 11. BAALLLTON. July 3 1867.- t f DANIEL GULDEN, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, LUMBER, COAL, &C . THE undersigned keeps nn hind, at his Ware Rouse, )1.6477111 s" fisadels'slßaties," la etraban township on the line of the ettysburg Railroad s all kinds of GROCERIES, including&spur, Coffee, Molasses, Spices, Ae., w4b Salt PM, Oils, Tobacco, Bacot', Lard, tc. Also, LUMBER AND COAL, inthAin g Iltalldiegtruff, Shin gles,Lathi,Stuveand smith Coal. Alta, Guano , and • Large sawartmen t of Dry Goode, Boots and Bhoea. listemid Pape of all kinds, which he is prepared ta sell at the tweet Wee* - He also pay. the ILI ahem mark-et p Hee Tloqr, , 0 raiu. Corn, Oatkitatekwheat, Clover and Thiotby Seeds, Pota toes, £c., or will receive and forward the mine to market no mein" lesion. Be reepeetfttlly *eke his :Heeds and the public to giro him • call. DANIEL GULDEN. Aug. 21,1867.-tf ittatatio and Netetry. CLOCKS: ,WATCHES,' JEWELRY, &C. CALL Al . . ROPER & McCARTNEY'S, NEW JEWELRY STORE, On York street, opposite the Bank, Get tvaburg, Penna. A new and full assortment just receive.l irom. the City. SILVER. AND PLATED WAR X, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! snob asVtollus. Gultan ' Accordant's, Flute., Flea, Sc.. also the trlmtnings,sla:Neys, Strings, Bowe; Ortdgee and weerythlng behloglag to the instruments. Repairing and all kinds of work in our tine done promptly and on' reasonalde terms. rdirAll work warranted to glee ottledict7ew—and all goods sold, warranted to be what they are represented. Nos. 97, 1187.—1 f ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Watchmaker and Jeweler. No. 148 North 2d st., owner-of Quarry, TiIIILAD.EIPRIA An araoorhatat of Iratelxes, jetoorryi,' and Plated. Ware eattlaantly on , SUITABLE FOR Houpar fiII„EOENTS! .sorßepairhyr of Witches and Javreiry .nroMPtil at tended to. (Nov. 1417.-1 v SEEING IS BELIEYLNG AT 704 ARCIT STREE7.", NEW PRIC E S! . 14W . GOODS ! RICH SILVER & SILVER PLAMED WARM+, - ' Including every ski... " --'---- . and description,. i 4 :a expressly, for the Winter 4 .7.-' ii trade,,which bar lioatne,as _: 41 11P -.. - rr, and durability can.wittiC, A ' - ''' . •liarPlo9434 at : ..• J - ORN 330SPISIAlsi'S Wbo,leads and Retail Maaufsatvingilitaldlidaufn 704,AitCH'S 1 1REIVr - , PVII,ADA'LPITTA ts-plattat atsfilbrt:intiee 110.14, IRO/. AB.. -fir. CALDWELL & CO., ILF TRWELERI4, ;•-• WV: 90:1../ CHESTNUT STR.VET, - : VAi.jLADE-1. 111 1.41, . LE Maaufaoturere and , Xnapaidows Of, qpht dionlidigidli Mt4ti. gmsT z . cL.,A.nvtms, Nikolais to ths Oittedase el t' • ..aimpirtesonwso stidnzi Al,DrAtk. ULE,STORE WiritrikstrAel,""Aarlf-",46, t i : t 2 i n ef• 111ANUIS Jim their examinntion. "A. Allitratliddra r and Ifiversbf• nrilnigninnits in •it 'Ph wo he biliOsillortii..thr ,,, ay'prtrile. . ^ ( Ilistalee• inelaMmleg Mee ..I#l.lolld Marble Clotodei- Silver War % Jewels)", itoreelains, Pis ted,'Cceede4, ?dogma" - , I crz aisitimor amitaktdifil or: asaWe FANffrARTIC listabagolitallsoewo., "t• - • .-11* WM. 11. sionAuc i ALEXANDER COBRAS Llti/ (Log. 21:-Iy 11110 J.... , !5.! . rt