cm 111 13 0 WA TEO RE El ms. and all • Ited. ler, SEM 1111'.., a. REM d . it pr,; -I) "(1T BEM %. It ES =II EOM EtXi DS, It E , EMS I hi t hi. ) viler Ai ME dto . z- Mii to N G .E. nst AW• thA • th • ct r ttcn+6Ae MEM `...t 1,4 • tan nth' au rire• Mt t nt 1 41 hie kind Our t7tr. rth to pry rYtl-). 109 El INSI en.e. la hit, dt lIEM ME HI 11. Fi•L Als, 11 RS, nd A A all tAry ay aak yir ,Afactlun Hi &C. Notto• .wnailp of TIMM MUM ." sot of Orin, Piga =mike t and I he. DX ESL d~~ $l, ' ' r 0 - alud4F, lEEE ao. be COOL. Ti 41- trot* U 6 01,141, pop -or erne Mitt ' *Mint!. LAiitl "”Irrifl,tity April s, 18ss. NORMAL Stt ElOOL.—Suyerintendent SuEELEY'elsiorikeitii3ehtiol opened Gn the Oath ult., wily e taro attendance. • IZIPBOVEkENTS.;-14. Davin \ BLuir. naucetz is abontereeting a< handsome reel 'de`nee on West 1;1411. street. SOLD.—DAVID L. TOPPER has sold his prcperty in Highland township, to Mrs -Lotns.t. Wistatn-B}/ acres; With Improve • meats, at $BOl • Ti NNY...S.-odr thanks aro duo to lion. Suro:s cAlitErfto:l - and Hon. War. IT. Kooxrz, for Congressional. document», and to Messrs. Jfcen-Nitscllll` and _lila:Tzar, for Legislati4 favors. - - Ai PORTA NT: —The attention of mem- . ett. !i f *, No: 9, G A. IL," and those • ' who hfive made application to* membership, Ee directed to "Special Order No. 3," in mil. •' itdvertising columns. ' , . ERROR.—The stable, with , ' horses, Lite., harut n this place °a -tho night of 2.11 ult., belonged•to the firm of DANNER. ct. Zueu-i r.nit, and , not Judgo Ztaut.un alone, as erroneously stated in our notice of the fire. COLD SN;kr.—Tlie pleastint weather of laFt week was succeeded on Saturday Hight by change of temperature, Sunday morning: showing 'considerable Ice about pumps and water courses. We notice-'that a heavy snow storm the north western States.;„ `2II.+LNICS.—We tender our thanks to those Of our friends who, during the past week, • "remembered the Printer," in meeting their April engagements. We have still soiliebedvy bills to meet, And hope that those indebted to the establishment will-Avail them - left-es of the approaching April Court, - o s tittle up, and thtis relieve 10. . REVIVAL—Seine weeks figo/111 interest ing-religiousfeeling was developed among tho young men attending Pa: College, }which has quietly boen deepening, and extending,- lc 11ng a seriei•ot'ineetiug for inquirers, during the past week or two, and which are being continued. A number of young Men, have alreadY professed religion, about 20 having united with the Lutheran Church, rtev Dr. hay Pastor, on Sunday last. I=:2 I. 0. 0. F.—The following persons have been elected officers of "Gettys Lodge No. 124 I. 0. 0. F.," for the ensuing term, viz : Itdbert M. Elliott, N. G. ; Charles Zeigler, V. G Wm. K. Gallagher, P. G.; Wm. C. Stallsmlth, F. S. ; James McCreary, IL S. ; E. Yount, A. IL S ; John Rupp, T. This Lodge has, during the past term paid out over $llOO for benefits, charitea; etc., and has an invested fund . of over, ;5, 000. The,pgicerp !'Euion Encampment, No. 126 1..0. 0. F.," for the ensuing term; are : R. 3f. Elliott, C. P. ; Charles Ziegler, H. P.; William Chritzman, S. W.; James Mc- Creary, S ; Edward Menchey, F. :Sleets Ist and 3d Monday each month. C lIANGES.—We notice following busi ness changes in this place this Spring: A. R. FIESTEL takes the Toy and Notion Store .of J. M. WERNER, on Baltimore street—Mr. W. retiring from business. I , '„aiNcis.Ct;NlNatrAu. has purchased Col. 1". 8.. PICKING'S Clothing Store, and will carryon the business at tile , old stand, on Baltimore street.. Wat. E.. ILIDDLE retires 'from the fikin of BIDDLE and BENNER. H. S. BENNER has taken In his brother OuvEn,' and the busi 'ness:will bo carried on under the firm or H. S. BEN ER and Baortu;.r . t. WASHINOTOII BIERBOWER has removed his Segar and Tobacco Store to the Dia mond. ' , Mr. Ilmtnatx retires from the firm of LIENDRIX and Nrannr.:S - , Mr. rtittA.k WAR REN continuing the business in his own 11131313 Messrs. Mli e tts Bso. hati•e moved their Orocery store from Middle street to Chant bersburg street, in the Ninestedt property. Mr H. OVEIIDEER has removed his Gro cery to 4ivnew brick" ,on more street. LEGISLATIVE.—The following Bills, re ported by Air.. AIuCoNALonY, of local inter - est, have passed the Senate finally: • An act granting a pension to Chailotte McMaster, widow of a 'soldier of the War. of 1812, from Adams county. .Also pen ! stuns, to Jacob Comfort, John L. Burns, Joseph _Hernial, joli Baltzly, Henry Bricker, Henry Little and Jacob Brewn,all soldiers .Of the war, of 1312, from Adams - county. " • • Also an natio in corf orate the Mount Rock -stud' - Iftmover — Ttrrnpflte - Road Company with 4uthorl6tito en nstructa.turnpike from Mount Rock, in Mountpleasant township, to the: Oarlislo,tß tit pr Kieln Ltenover. J. W. fitibermator,-.Vrfme.itkßohlman,.J. E. Smith, E. S. -Riley, V. C. : Snireiiiiger,,, D. - Gehierinam e Ct.o;.&_mitb, Deyirie are !appointetiTommblionera to receive sub . Ascriptions and organize the company—the a:lnstruction toLe csinun r eneed within one year and to be completed within three years. An act to authorize the achobl - board or Straban township, Adams county, to sp. propriste the surplts of,the bounty fund in (heir hands to, sehool purposes, with provi= 'ion for refunding taxes paid hYce.rtalhiwY" sous in military service.- Axi stet: tiv netlidriie Gettystnity ) , the ' . ,P 111 5. 1 1 1 7. And the ,Littleatown rail :laved companies 40 establish n union passen !Age_ty Appot, and to, change ,portions, of their • rcusiinto oonnent therewith. - 14ci ~also read in lnee „by 13f r. . NroNn (Nl4 r , . od the 27th nit: Mali an - am ib ritalipp! td pitig and judealent aid additional Yeturn Asys for tiriita iwthe oonitaeivon t pleas 4otithe. Nineteenth Judiaial diatnict. Act fo extend the time.for the payment of .the letirelnient 'taxon in 'act incorporate . :,14 4 /-PtelkitePtitg and ChaMberahurg. railre . .eonneetiorrousd'iricretteipzthe flambee, of torruribtaione' Also, an act to antbor t ize Jacob Shoalr, !..1441tis Children`,' Vfluzdtliw county, -to mum" him paternal smartie of "Schalt"' „,:,,4,1a0, an ant, to -extend the time fcir the , pa_rinput of, the enrolrneht tax on an act to incorporate the Battle House and Mineral • "SpringhWitlering-place Ocanparly, app re! "Adpr114111;1861: '' ' a' • • „man, an act, .te ,tend the time for the • , payment of the ehrolment tai on an act ,to ”ineerperato the Ads= County ' raihead compapy,apitroaxed.4l4a44 ,1863, and to - add to the maniberof eommiesioners Wanted 4/1141gd:a9t: Also, an act to authorize ieclorafor Mirl;Morl4 9 . Adams cotiiity/40 AVAWAnalASirassited to' - procure Tottniteers - Va t *94 t4e iSlteitePtipi#kr that purpose. . e new ogistry-briv,Ao provSnt a Rile- P.4,4l,loo4_ , fri:iidsia• VI A" lA— . PeP -pasiamilbyr4itsCoppetrdurng the Igt, reti , yi36l: 1 piiiised - bri! ches n of • the Legislaturq. „ . l . „TAR digag - refireii`oe to l3aunties iziet berland townshipauxo 4e9qAMlVPd;i l6 'as to subtaitst it qualified Tot -4", ,t.. 1 4 11 13 4% 4 1 % iittel If appro , re,gthe icto i ttlW,llo !WOO'S& 4rise Boileriteiwtrift Olittlltilg.;:B4#l44 Atk-41 1 -tArwrooon, it hare tbo Mouse, provicl "166 Potent Of cxnumissionsis to appraise the damages, ite, . 714: tax so: BEAUTIFUL AND OF UNIFORM WI.. J ,, PLICR% --A wall-known, safe, sod spee-: 'fly agent forreotoring gray;hair to . Its origi nal color, fripasventing the loss of -the hair, forprompting its.healthy growth and Ing beauty, a 'gradual but certain etiriler taldneri,' and an essential toilet requisite for :all xire that . cheiceilt gift of nature, a -beautiful suppl,rof hair; the above is said .use Mrs. 8. A. Allen's Improved Vie:to 41'0' /fair Restorer or Drawing, (in one bOttle.)' Every Druggist Sells It. Price April 1-44 m plerlxrwer has re roved is , Seitkr Stoire Diamond, one of the best locations in the town. 24r. B.'keepn the very beet brands of Segarsand Input*, and Ifteri ' - "tit weed" wilifind 'just whit they want at his store. He is agent for the cele-' brated , Wunend (Vs.p Tql3seco Wefts, and preildi;es io wholesale cheWini Tolkacco low r,lliatn it,gob erjoight " Cities. : Give hini a call. Ci'"The blushing tomolttea of it Wiwi; Maid' are v)orq .enlis by luxuriant head of hatt. Onglxiale of "ligirrett's,yeg -citable.: Heir fikakbtaltiiirr Atilt ;slide* *e mostivondertal' TOW 4117' V*9lll°- 44 - . inillipezisable article of tlet4olletoda le aid vernally a*htp.tffileu*arf.#lo)eury. it Or- ' V .4110 1-The'llildevittulk 1.1 ati tiraViiis intiti - littelc of itt ; motjavi Altr."ol - • ag& Ogg te r Arbon Vainest, return'. tarlbe patronage ermandeik _ _ • --.. Is''VW ItaiLlitO.A.lL-Wii:•hare several - Altetirgt . . c . 'Tilt 1' times t 4 . times noticed the movement for the bulld- flog of a Ralirobd from Pearthbottoin Ferry ea' ^:, illailitillasergread ilisittakt the Susquebanpa, to Hanover Junction.— mums% Awake berstas. The 'pinged wrong* * 'good 1 deal of mien- &ants num,. ......«.!*•••••• 975010 75 lion in the southerii- ' part of York auk Lan- • Ihraa. Marra, 11 25 ell '74 . , . g, taster counties, much confident* beteg ex- Warm WISI!". ,---f---i--t• --. 446 -1 V. ' ' o. ''''' pressed in the success of the enterprise.--; fun' Wifitai," s 1 2 40 •0• 290 It seems the movement is in the interest of Coss , 1 11 0 1 Y 0 , . tui . sir line road from Philadelph i le. to Get- Rya, 180 0 1 89- tystinrg. A late number of the, Railroad ,0AT8.,,.., ;1 12 it 9 4 -avid Aliisarg Regester has an aittcle on the Tu g y r . %in - B oo' , ; 1 240 4, 262 • ~ subjetif,iii which occurs the following par- el ...1.01r2E-811D, 7 50 0 7 75 a: raph : FLAX-112ZD, 2 80 0 k 2 90 - "An airline from Philadelphia to Getty'. Bivog, HA 11, traui ' 1$ :*F, . Pa burg passes through Hanover Junction. Front Gettysburg east, to Hanover Junction, `` &Diet ' N f g I .r." . 1 L 30 miles. there is railroad in operation ; and " Bacans**ar' ' l 8 op' 14 from Philadelphia west to 0xf0rd,.46 miles, L ; 17.1 ®t l9 existing naiLsage is available. From Oxford ABD, it is saidthat 14 miles of new road Will car ry the line to the Susquehana at Peach Bot tom, whence-30 miles of road In York coun ty, making 44 miles of new road, will ren der the line continuous from Philadelphia to Gettysburg, 123 miles. The Gettysburg Railroad will not forever atop at Gettysburg, whereas the Littlestown Rlroad in Adams county will undoubtedly be connected with the Western Maryland in progress to Hag- - erstown, and with the Frederick Railroad to Frederick city." KILLED.— On Friday afternoon last, one of the repair hands on the Northern Central road, named MILLEn, was run over by the down train, breaking his right leg and lace rad nwhis head badly. The train was stop ped, but the unfortunate man survived his injuries only a lbw Initiates. Mimes's hearing was defective, and it is supposed he did. not notice the train 'until it was very near. 110 was seen to step . from the track, but probably becoming confused immedi ately retured, the train pairing over him. MAIL LETTINGS.—Among the recent Mail Lettings, announced by the P. 0. De— partrnent, ter four years from the first of July next, we notice the following: Fred erick to Gettysburg, David Agnew, $945; Frederick to Littiestown, John H. Spalding, $347; Frederick to Sabillasville, Wm. P. Gover, $344; Westminister to Emmittsbnrg, Samuel Smith, $Bl4 ; Westminister to Union ville, (via Deming's) Thomas Fogle, s3Os; Hanover to East Berlin, Jesse'Myers, $2OO Hanover to MeSherrystown, A. W. Hart, l $225 ; Gettysburg to Hagerstown, Rufus Haywood, $900; Gettysburg to New Chester, Jolm M. Tate, $164 ; Gettysburg to Idaville Perry J. Tate. $260; . Gettysburg (by Table Rock) to Idaville, Perry J. Tate,B2ss; York Sulphur Springs to Yo*, E. B. Myers, LAWFUL WIFE MURDER may result from excessive labor in the duties of house keeping.. No man will be accused of it who applies his wife with an American Button hole, Over-Seaming and Sewing Machine, for ho thereby lessons hers labor and eaves the cost of it in, the manufacture of his own Clothing. D. W. Rconsorr, Agent, Gettys burg, Pa. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD, by Skm rni lianas; at his Stables in rear of Key stone House, Gettysburg, Pa_ Persons wish ing to SELL or BLIT Horses will consult their own interest by calling on Kr. Hamm, who can always ha found at his Stables or at the Keystone House. Apr. 8,1868.—1 m A NEW MILLINERY has been opened by Mrs. Inwin and Miss McCain on Cork Street nearly opposite St. Jamea Lutheran church 2 - They will be glad to have thOir friend's give'them a calL April 8-2 t Among the great reforms of the day in the manufacture of Stoves, none claims the thanks of the housekeeper so much' for neatness, durability, and completenpss as the NIMROD COOK STOVE, manufactured by MABSHBAICK and Malang', Harrisburg Stove Works. It combines all the modern improvements,such as rev . ersible crosspiece, failway front fire doors, complete anti-dust arrangement made of coat Iron instead of wire, and hence much more durabicarod not. liable to break or - burn". this stove is claimed as superior to any other stove of the day iu the uniformity with which it bakes articles of every description. It is now having an unprecedented run in our State. For sale in Gettysburg, at C. H. BUEFILEICEI Stove Ware room. It TO HOUSE-KEEPERS.—Young folks and others,. who are preparing to go to house keeping this spring, will do well to make a call at Col. C. H. BIIEHLER'S-Ware-rooma, near the Depot, Gettysburg, Pa., - .Where, in addition to a Large varietrof the mostapPniv ing COOLING STOVES,It 04 Roo* and Chamber Staves; can be fettad x a 'pry large assortment of every kiwi of TM-WARE, Hollow-Ware, Japan WartC s roiletand awn bet. Sets, Bread and Spice Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canisters, Waiters, Coffee Ml* Wa ter Coolers, Spittoons, Pudding Moulds, Flour Seeves,Candle Stieks,Smoothhiglrons, Egg Beaters, Fruit Cans, Jelly Monk's, and a thousand other articles in , the Loose-keeping line—all of which will be sold at lowest cash prices. Call and eTurnino , tf "Look on thispidure„ and Men on Mat." Here you behold the Infirm atop, Up pallid *Mk , waiting form, , lintasted foOd, and a social atmosphere ,Prilsommi wJ tII tba Weser saes, mans, • Sleep iMs nights; and mental deepandenc7. There, laughing health, spa rkling eyes, Elastic sta PO:Morin g appetite, forgotten area, Genial thoughts and ambitious resolves, Ethemahroonttast and mark the piatati ' One took the Phu:dation BlUera , —the other didn't: They are very beneficial for weak and delicate persona.. orMagnolia Water is a delightful toilet ar tiore:-4thciesior tOlogite, at . hainhe Pike. April 8.-.2t GOLD, Ptak.. Gettysburg Grebe awl PrevioNafflifearliket, Geggrabwrl, Weiusday lkiriit y A 9 00 11 ao so /0 5 0 210 0225 2 10 Q 240 • 100 80 70 1 00 2 00- , 0 00 „. 1 60 1 70 40 Bursa Erna WEITZ W . H.ILT, Rstt Wireat . Cow, Ryz, Ohm, Tntarwr Sun, CLOVER 8 : 111D, Pcrrrross, LiND Baas, BACON, Ham, " Sims,.. " Suour.Drank.. SOAP,... TALLOW, I[AssIED, • . . HAatmew—Rsor.—On the 26th alt.,- by the Rev. Dr. Hauer, Hr. Jamesliannan to Miss, Mary Ann Reif, all of Abbottstown: KIIIIIEL—MYERS.-04 the 24th ult., at the Reformed Parsonage. New Oxford, by-,R,ey. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. Joseph Kimmel, of York county, to Miss Amanda. Myers, of Reading townshiP, this' unty. LASHELL—SIEWARD.—On the 25th ult. in the Lodge room of "Excelsior Lodge, I. 0. G..T" Mason City, Illinois, by Rev. S. S. Martin, pastor of the Baptist Church. MO. James A. Lashell, formerly of Gettysburg, to 111188 Date Seward, orMason City. Ditratmaner—Bsck.—On the 19th nit., at the house of the bride's father, by Rev. W. F. P. Davis. Mr. Jonas Mammon to Miss Louisa Beck, of New OFfoid, this county. DIED. - Obituary notices 5 cents a line for all over 4 lines—mat to socompany notices.—On the 26th ult., at New Chas ter, Mrs. Rachel Bercaw, aged 78 ypre, 3 tnonthssaid.l7 *Lys. KAurneArr.—Con the 3.lst ult., in this place, Martha Kauffman, infsnt child of William and Margaret Homan, aged 11 months. Timxim—On the 21st ult., in Oxford tp , Mr. James Timinins, aged 77 years. WIEN OR TUE SUDDEN - DEATH OP YRS. MART Ile- CIIRDY Mai': tremendous hoar, when Hawing life Against disease supports unequal strife; When this kir scene of stabiliser, things Appears al,ke to beggars and to kirp ; When the freed soul kids worldly pomp adieu, And immortality appears in view; Calm and amnpoe'd the saint radius her breath, While God-like virtu* smoothes the bed of death. Thin* kat bloesoms la existents here, Its proper action's In a higher sphere. - Thum are the Joys which rizteons deeds obtain. Thy lost, sad moaner, Is to her a gain. Oh! mach-loved Monad, bow envied was thy fate, lull were thy days, sad lengthened was thy date; from self approving oonseisseo terrors cease, Aed death b suede the tainleter of pesos:. The silent passport from this state of pain To endless Mks, where God and angels Dolga. ' J. E.. G gen? attivertiotuitntO. ----- FOR SALE AT PRIVATE SALE so SRA ROI OF STOCK to the . MST NATIONAL BANE of Gettysburg. Ittoptire at the Beni. • - n. WM. STALLSMITH, Dentist, having located in Gettpletrip, teen hie services to the He amber *wad ler the present, at the Datearese.rastas of Levi Moamar,* Baltimore street, apposite Fahniwtocke store, where he will be prepared to attend to any we within the province of the Dentist. 1'•111114./ in went of fellerperit a l sole of teeth ate lova , edbran. Tema reasonable. (Aptil 1367.-tf 'EMI—A' BALE OF Goons marked ebbed T. Wright, Itendiencills, Pa.," and amain. lag 1 piece °Mistook,. Jewsl pies" of mixed Pk*. bet 1 plea of Zed.lionnel, plifire of Cafttreih.fto lost February last, between beidencille and Gettysburir. The finder will be enitably rewarded on returning the Goode to Abel T. Wright, la Sandersville: to Entry Irthisot, Momalasburyi; or Spangler's Watchman, Gettysburg. [April 11.—dro - - I G. A. R. WSOTAL OZDIM Na 3 ALL Members ot.Post No. it, GAIL," whir may, be in Admits scataty are sanmatly requested to bepremat at the nest uteetlig; to be he we lestearkey osseillf test, at 7 o'clock, to trauma business of Impartaaou. Allparsous who hare been proposed for iamaberstdp are notched to be pre.; and for Initiation by that We" Or they trill hare to be re* . n n i sai R. a OSelsl--1). R Some* I. A. AptlVEr-3t . , nIIARTERLY REPORT QF :i. NOV flu? NATIONAL BANE OP 0 4 11M/11111 t 4 &pmat 6, 1868 /118-201TBCZB.-`*/ Loanfand ...... .... . . 364904 81 Over . DT 13 Furnltnrs, lixtuno,lizpomai and Premiums, 2,414 64 Cob Items and linvorene etampi,----.. 640 06 Dun fromßloke not - -24,66709 U. L 161,005r00 .... ' •,4n6 22 51544,560 65 ,4100,000 oO 3.661 30 mAmnias Capttal,._ Circa•,oo D•P001 44 ,-- --••••-- 7 .4=4 " ..-- 0: - J 5 Din to M0t2,726 49 . Interest and f 2,778 Ott Al A. • • • 4. t nut is «wrote to the az MootMg, aid,belhe ; • ' rt OW. ARNOLD, Oita!tier. Aaril 6.7-at • . • • r a GivierST I=2llll R. 6 'MEALS & BROTHEL rtivii4koutliteir I. on Stpro.ibib• inions9449l:olintt7.• I Obataboribirt street *Li r e Only propos% to' imp eon stint ty on blunt ? J 4 R FIAHJR, FEED, NoTi-ort ; & c. Also, VISITAILIS la sea seek fresh from tho l ifi g lad sad cottltrt.' IffittAhild Wise. StoStapoo4salfdalltis eoljt ofiltthobosoll fito- Ito, they bopo to Ilierlt sad rocelyo libond .he rs of Publertroltalto. • , IMAM A BRO. April I.lll6B—tf. „ • .-. .1; NE , G-0 • OD S . Gireaper r lllo -Iver I , 1.1 ~4 .; 'Os ••; 1.64;4.ew REDERTW,ELLI.OTT, Erg Jog opeasdairga assortmeat of BPPX . PAn tillit k i t Gan tY F AI; riltincurtly";--•-'` cA&snresE,% TWIREDS, SILLY, I°l, X . k tL , erzsit?zsims, ..,„„3,44w2f4 'Utz Ofiiw i% A kurivlitutrie r f BAARGEfi . r.u.s-va 4:11 :0 o,4ot'svilitawst4 *Oa 11 , 6,wr _a &O L WM. ilia To wild' thoy &oho oitostlloo—boil MA at *NA plpet 1,138114.—t ME He will keep on benOrtbe beet BRANDS, and bat partfectureFfr prinesiaiie throeighwit 941000 Re win e‘iiat aniAtWbblieeai4 end retail. He is also the agent for the Richmond (Vs.) Tobacco Wpg lhaVt.bilMilligilatacia, at whole sale lower than it can be bought in the city. RataimiMr the dlue , In theDlamond, between Brio* er k iir P %Or e Ma . C*C l4 4*. UOiej•l READY-MADE .CLOTHING. THElrloriZiakiiiH4he store of P. B. ,P4inir 44 on Ba Ittraprersyrert.9 • ttrlbufg, ipptlitteithArtar slid tienti6l"a d , feeyectt a ltr Img forme Lie friends that he is prepares . to nel t l. Reaily-Mado :Clothing, :61 12i 12i 7 8 10 COATS, SHIRTS, CARPET SACKS, All of which wttl be sold et LOWEST CAISETEATIS. CHANGE OF FIRM. THE undersigned having leased the Warephottle on the corner of Stratton street and the RaOroad, Gettysburg, Pa; will carry on the • • Grain & Produce Business In all ihrbiwnehee. The highest pikes- will - always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Conn, Oat,, Clover and Timothy &Mai, Fanged. Sualie, May and Straw, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap, Hams, igbou idem and hides, Potatoes, with everything else In the country produce Ilse. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS constantly for sale, Coffees, !Sagami, Moisasei, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Cheese. Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch,, Brooms, Rackets, Blackleg, Soap, Ac. Also, 00.aL OIL. fish 011, Tar, tc. 71811. 14 kiwis; Spikes Auk ;SmoirAng and they 'metalware able to ripply a tit rate artkle of Flour, w fth the different kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Plaster, with Guam' - and other fertili sers. COAL. by the bushel, ton or car load. We srfo also run a LINE , of FREIGHT CARS to No. 77 North street, BALT/MORN, and HI Market street, PHILADELPHIA. All v igoode sent to either of the above places will be receiv and forwarded prompt. ly. Goods should be marked "Bean err' Car." H. 8. BENNER k BRO. April, 8, ISdff —tf NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate of Prism Piss; late -a Lattimore Tiriewimp, seam. to Lb* undersigned, Jlmacutrig, reokUng' In- the same township, she hereby giros notice to in persona indebt ed tesaid estate to make Immediate payment, and this* haring &dun agllnstlise mime to present thew properly authenticated for settlement. April 8.-8 t Baltimore, street, Getnntbtav, Penna., ijAi completed his new Store Hones &adjoin- cetera od from the cit with a fresh and wail s el ected stock of Goods , whic h he respectfully invites his Moods and the public generally to call and examine. , Ms itxk consists of Ivor GOODS, N02701V cuipaz,- wut6w AND 'etrithii-wiiii„ tt.ol7lt , COHN YEAL , FEED, le. trade will be given for Floor, Corn, IX% Potsdam, Hotter, Eggs, Lan!, lags, &c. Awn t, . . • Let all the Peopl-eilome 1 , Fancy Goo cis and Co' nfectioni3ry ,Store rrHE nitdersigtitql; hirvineboitght ant J. K. Warner's Fancy Goodeasa Cootectioneri Store, on Baltimore street, nearly oppoilli „ta 81 4-4" 4 Q ck- V Store, Gettysburg, invites the public's McfrOnate: large mut fa tha„ !Walk - has been, ,no -iiikert will be ” " I Q re p a tti( l .l4P4P,P-iAllfiiiiikjiitiUMJrabla , r, WriGjaVur JIM& Ogark ; PortZlioe, Pick . . fistobals, es, Pecker - `tObeters, 1 China Toys, Chow-chow, Pocket Cutlery; Fancy Cake*, Jewelry, , • ''• Firma fertuissre, Chess, Wine Biscuit., Brushes, • Musiroon Firfareety; • Fire Works, Soaps, Pep" Moist; • ' Wiffing Pipers, Fruits, „ Envelops, Jiff* ' - ' • Tobacco & fe,'Acv • MI ; $ 3 0, 36 0 55i ma. Stoie. "Teo F ll mE4 o :m 3 TOO buPin9?ti," , C Hs 'dß font! n tithing at the 1 9 11 4V ide Pouibie iniairbol n inntnitlitl e minallptedinu toiling aim," and an theretbro _lreffns . barnaandoniler. Come one --wan sill A. R. VEISTKL. • - 44krikikiMi--1,-4,•.- • raXcEmoll, .y,IIQTOGRAPIIS, PHOTO.MINIATURES StireActi the BATTLEFI • 'E'rt sTEREosco.F.4,s , ~.tvgrro:uwaTaludEsi,-, * e. '4%,,ifilyprek•A , ,t KMSRMIII 5 , 1i:41 • , IN 4 • • a vn vARIETT, ;IA; (11. 1 144T.L4 ALI litArtitlf, ti alr detl,oo l lPCbdUilas64o.llll kind. Cali sad elit4emt . _ s pVc i, .7 ( MIV, Apra% . prop& se w =I Witintltite " qq • , lot t .64 . r 4..04• 11.- 1 iv4Pl4ll+44a4A•ll3vW b c' • 3 1 7 1 11!110.14.1 3 r ifawi ,vmativrit - 4 -ANOWMFA 9 *Pk dIC 41114.0.:: Ittit 0 4:if 111.4 sis4rA,. 4,441 1-7nl,3ra.orw, Wit ::14 A.t.o"Kar , K :ANS Z li ,, f jimmaaalit AND OISORAM 1311116.01141 Per sale at Oa !I:retries, Ordway". ffprilL4ll ESE EMI g „r , T5: 4 ,7. . tintu t o . . f - D4 I'4)-Nth SEAR 3_ sTpRE. .17 ,ii t ieo it 71i L andirsfine.i Lie rsnlovod bio Btiii ' tit4;ro to tke 1.01111-11cArr Till' if/ill:Mb, -. EVEIT - T l lBl3.l.lRia; • ' yaws leo soh irootfillittasee - *lb* `Online patrottogo. 4.4P1D11r 190,44whimillefas mot. : C4M444‘. Angt-Q.9,MTENIENT, suld*iptockpf Sews among the moitchoOaagd aide - < •••••• •. ..o. • • factory. WASHINGTON BIERBOWEH • - !:. ' .41W/11,1943fit CHANGE OF 'FMK Or A vps, PANTS, DRAWERS,- UMBRELLAS, BUFFALO & GUM SHOES, &c. syrir 8,1868 FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM SARAH PENTZ,Jizecatric. GOOD NEWS! HENRY OVERDEER,-- ;BE 8E1.4 calif,. GR 0 CERIES:; AMBROTYPES, ace-4-tt:;"- gnu . 44vertistmento H ; U _ B R - S DRUG STORE: Porney'a old Stand—Baltimore Stree4 EMUS n /*IRO ptuleasedDita oleand ponntai Stand, and laid in an nkHz• l 7 him and fresh Stock, °Bet 1 1l amortment, tantaßitla4 In payt of, pavaraerb sAmuar aintroimsa. • • PATENT rotb/CINI3—A LAME ABBORTRENT. PURE LIQUORS A WINES FOR MEDICINAL PURPO. SPICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS. L 5738- IIYFB A DY/ 1 4TUFFIIOW t vinvints , DYES. racnftreis DYES, XND THE ANILINE DYER—THE CHEAPEST AND BEST IN TUB MARKET. ALL :THE -NEW AND XLEGAIRP PERFUMES AND TOILET ARTICLES. CONATE'S, op OTHER SUPERIOR 80/PE. FORNEY'S HORSE POWDERS—THE BEST AND 01111APEST; ALSO, POUTZ'S, BELLS, DALE'S PERRIAN,BTONEREARER'S AND ROBERT'S. STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. CIGAIR,TODAOOO AND SNUFF—THE BEST BRANDS: PHYSICIANS' PREMIRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RE CEIPTS CAREFULLY COMP'XNDED. PHYSICIANS AND: COUNTRY MERCHANTS SUP PLIED AT REDUCED RATES. Medicioies furnished ar ALL 110C3.8 OF ?HZ :11010:. Airlo, 18438.-0 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LADIES' COMPANIONS, TO.I L ,E 8 - E T 8 • WRITING DESKS, PERFUMERY, FANCY CHLNA tt n BOHEMIAN VASES TOYS, &C. &C., &a., AT A..R.FEISTEL'S, Opposite Falinestocks' Store: Gettysbnrg, April I,lBBB.—tf VESTS TRUNKS DRY GOODS, QUEENSWARE, CARPETS, &C., &C., A fill echoortonent constantly on hand and for eldest the LOWEST PRICES DIJPHORN & HOFFMAN'S North-west Corner . Centre Square, March 18, 18118 'l' l / 1 8 ORIAT . • AMERICAN COMBINATIO-V BUTTON HOLE OVERSEAMING AND • • SEWING MACHINE: IN warranted to execute in the beet manner every variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording , Tucking, Braid. lag, (lathering, QntltinBf Vvegseniping, Embroidering on the admit and la adilthnt makes bft.dttful Button and Eyelet Holes in all fabrics. IT Mg • • • BECLIG ABSOLUTELY TITE BEST FAMILY MACHINE , TE . X * lllB MOW, . • ' - And intrinsically the Clieawst, • - , iite boo woribweed iw wee by simple '4.4 Ineebanitej arrongesetent. Wei . , inn wi th full par, •tkollenrPlee ofwork done on this Machine can be hadging saeo on appliestion at the . - Office of the Agent et 3. M. Warner* Confectlynary sod.,Earieeylitore;Ealtimore st., Gettyelmrg,Ta. • -.lo9,lBPliff, Agelet. • MAE Mackinaw warranted I year; knit firafructions gives gratutitiowety krail purchileent . March 18.-3 m " - Adains Colutty Ahead 1 -.4 THE EXCELSIOR PATENT FLY-NET, 7/484Wfaitnred entirely of Leather, and ma& , • seater than Cbtton , or lihsen Nets. Far service"unattrpfumed. ' • • PATURID FEBEVANY 18* 1868, ' BY BBMIBOLpIit, rrifAr Ivimurr. J. L. WOBLEY, Sole izeue eke XXOBLRIak p 4. TT , -TENT NET , for. , Ait" - . epee% . ASIx4W - tattyoh . .. hind. _itutati facialal . Nets ei the Slinaxs , ' i t . .is 1. ` . l. ~...., * . l (alinnti , - , A 0 "Pi : ..N: •:" - ~ -_ t ':.: , •• 4.114- . 1 base :i.•37Th .414tinfit • :-: :: 1- s f : - .' ..:, • 1 st ;. : - .. , ..1 - ' • ,,- ' l ,. ' • ' 4 1 ' ' ' ''' ' ISM' ! ' '''' ArAfii NTS WlMPll4Sheit Note, alateteutillPidlest, • * ''. ,' 17 AlikeeemaltielliOrellblilthe " $6 ,4% ' bee,liTi.ii.ic 11,1 , 4 FN. 4. - , - t• - , -:. 4t , ,, , t -, - , ktt l-7 : , , L . s,..ll r ailiiltaPbtt " ee. . April 1,1868.—tf = ~. t :ll..jyir., - iiCIIINV• 84 . 61c'' . :it' 4 , :.3 W•r61:114 ~,,: j.;:,.i., ;.., . , 4 ; '.. I . 0 1 ila 41 Ai.:s,Z.X.a. rA ......473 : (.7 , 4 7 t,! ,-,,,,., t; iiiiirgg . Va li lA a a e i • ioi kt = tak, lieriptimpyiKrargiVititiatimi; om ' XIIIIIIIIMMeiariIIak4 ., ilt irel.' 'Oii4k ..._ ' 7 Weil good and satbilictori r wog* ' i r B msalketia• wakes kinds of -• , I .....:0;.: -1-,—iv.-/ ' •• •••I.lli;4:+o.'“aaiiii hob au TXIIIISaING XAMIIM I / 4 - RAKllB,4ka ; and will ENV XX , tiOWIR eakiali2,___,, All dasgrlptloes dFMWA.M''lllensio pazisptly sad alwaptr a. =Me. t i littril i t "-- Mad* or *. swift - a» aabii ilFs a trial, sad As waraatestiall satistaction . Lack tip Me—ft •ATAOOII WOOL =fl= GETTYSBIJBG,.PA, Bell at'ae door NOTIONS, CIETTYSBITRG, PA. Itl3 g4rithotmeof. £4!Trairr ADJtSTABLZ BELF-YZIDING ROCK DRILL, ONE Or THE GREATEST IMPILOTICHEETS 01 THE '-.Zeintiihe "rat snicatiftfl attempt to apply machinery to Bock Drilling for blasting purposes, and which . will answer • aqua/41. welt for splitting' Roak and drilling holes in Rock for an.P 2 4 17 / 9 40. , PATENTED JrLIC 1867 • THIS Drill has everything that is desired M a Rock DrilL. It has any amount of ad instability, so that 16 will stand oe any uneven surface, where It to possible for a man to drIlL It drills porpondlontarty, or at any ands up to SS do dteos, end any depth or -dimensions required for Blast- lt ocetutesusally, Ann with one of thisie - Machinue man can do Ave times the amount of work dons In the old wahht the' ease time; In ordinary Rock it will drill one inch per Wirt*. With thinDrill,'Permere, who huts/ roigh . land, can their the reek off with little expellee, !many person trim can torn* wiwtralll can operate the drill. It can be need in Mlle, Cellars, Coal Miner, or any place that hackie met aritn -11(!)-The tuidonigned having part-Lased Goa the Pa tentee, WtEitax Weariai all his Interest In odd Lettets Patent In and to the State of Pennsylvania, are prepar ed to sell Chanty and Ibionahip Bights in bald on reasonable terms. We have also been constituted, by Letters ofi Attorney, Agents for. the Patentee, for the sale of State .11,Igh ta thronshout the gaited States. Per sons desiring to secure County or Township Rights in Pennsylvania, or to venue the Right for other States, will address, . . _ BELL a: WEAVER, m pß az l cil Ll 24 72 B6g AV ._aimi in llunterstown, Adams county, Ps ROBERT BELL. EAST BERLIN FIRM REBERT & HOOVER :FARMING. IMPLEMENTS. Buokeyo Reaper and Mower—Buckeye Self-Raker, Eioffheln's Patent—Self discharging Wire Horse Rake, Shirenaan's Patent,—Brand's Patent Wire Horse Rake —The Rockaway Wire Rake.—Also, Threshing Machines, r CORN PLA.NTERS TWO XTSDIS, SHIREMAN . B PA TENT AND WAYEAUf3B . B PATENT, TORY, GRAIN DRILLS, MOORE'S PATENT CORN SHELLER, WAMBAUGH'S ..... PATENT. REPAIRING of all kinds done on abort notice. Call mid see what we can do. REBUT k HOOVER. Rut BetUt . 4 . March 4,1468.-4 m BARK ! BARK ! 1100 CORDS WANTED I TIIR BUBRCRIBBR WANTS 600 CORDS OF BLACK.OAK. BARK , for which ha will pay $6 00 per cord, on delivery, in good order, et his tanyard in Gettysburg. Wanted also 500 CORDS OF ROCK OAK BARK, for which the hastiest market pricerwill be given. JOGN RUPP. Feb. 12.—Elm CARLISLE, PA. VISITORS to Carlisle will find the very beet accommodations at the Pennsylvanii, -Hotel ) Kept by JOKY SEAL r; on the corner of North Han ono' and Lordlier litrcett. The TABLE is ralipthed with everything the markets at ford; the BAR is stocked with the finest Wines, Liquors tc, and the lards and .S T IrL IN G connected with the-house mein charge of an experienced ad bttik' holies. halve the old PENKBYLTANTA a trial and be con. since& Charges always reasonable. March 15,19ea.-6ek Purtsunrsts, March Ist, 1868. I'VE beg to inform you that we are prepared to Misr I V for your inspection our usual assortment of 'MILLINERY GOODS consisting of the NEWEST SHAPES ID Straw, Silk aid GIMP Mats, Bonnets„ *c.; 'Velvets, Bilk Geod., Ribbons, Vlowere, Feather* Inctw, Crapes. Blondes, Bnida, Ornaments," tc„, 41. c. We shall be hap py to wait on you at otrg Mora, or - receive year oners.— Prices low Or sash. - Yoan,Ac. 11. WARD, Nos. 101, 105 and 107 N. Second at-, Phila. March 11.—lm TINWARE, THN largeit l e a pt well made rerwsas the city coastantly an had also • general amortment Hons. Furnishing floods, :Country starskeepers will And It to *sir adyantageto call. JPIO. If. MELLOY, 723 Market street, Fhtladelphia, Match 25-Isri I ftlabs. IVAN TED! 200 Cads Black Oak Bark delivered at filmdom& JIM oft flank drink, daring the coating llamvier, for which $6 00 CASH PER CORD Will be paid, qa delivery. 1ett.11,1488.-ti IiIiftONLIMUL $25 Agents Wanted. $25 We want first•class Agents to introduce our IMPROV ED STAR 1311USTLE EISW/310 kLAOH3Ng. Tim cheap est and best Machias in the whole conatry. lhatreord- Miry inducements to good active saleshien. Particulars and sample work furnished on application. A. J. tIUMOTT, Agent, dab.PA.-3tit 830 Atch street,Philaielphir ixTairran :tame to sell lbe e 6 mat I V cal and durablnpelta Mar bro t kre the 41111111 Nr3 aCILDRITTENS; ly celebrated tor their remarkable eaibinty and antlialtrOldilf ,ProPer ties. ?bead Panama put np m bronze abdgflt elide bares, mil rapidly and pay a lame pralit to the agent: cards, with . Pens, forwarded on receipt of 10 eta. Mr mama free Iddreaa CH.M. S. Gam; 413 Obeetant, it, Philadelphia, Pa. " ' (April foal, gloater, pat, 4e. GETTYSBUItG LINtE •Tlllt linden/6nM 'tine betted ant ht!itoipterpartner Wu. and noW ooptialles the THE LIME-BliiiNtNG BUSINESS titharp-s,t tkilieur . ”rg Uwe Iff;ll44a,,Polkne ot gleiAiQicead and rico& ,stnittlxt %imam i n 1 1 4 11 PstfttOlt 4111 ° will* *Pi t l or IPActre Its ix7, ll Th in . mice, b 7 Prasecaiiii she biudaftitaavigerasalyival aim* largos reale as posaltdit mango good article t ood.strilag par . 1 afaarato. Airman aad.ottra samy 'oak for the #ro ill* iordi ; Eill;;;;;MIMIN 04) , Ard2+-BN tti• • • FM. •- • - X Wontmie'llibit :On* VOI - 'jtititadjitei - * 1 _ , 400.0,4#1. 4.0 1441 i 616 4:046ir0a 4 t; Ordporrikaieci.4f ' - FOR - SALE OR nfr: 42.1 r:/. -,1410). L'7'l4ll: , . -, itUattitt i liektg Ir► . Bit K':»L.L'rz• 2 - 4:74 it*XL*2: . • uwrzatistao Hating completed his new banding, bag opened the latest assortment of Confections ever offered In Get tysburg, includ•ng French & Common Candies Toys, ltints,tc.. and everything belonging to • first-clam Confectionery, with special accommodations- for Ladles and Gentlemen. JOHN M. MINNIGH Baltimore Street, opposite Star and Sen tinel Office, Gettysburg, Pa. Confections of all kinds, Trench and Common Candles, Treats, Oranges, Lemons,Nnts, Toys, and Notions genes ally On hand. Also, just received • large assortment of plain, common and fancy all of which will be sold at the lowest cub rates. Call and examine. leb.l2.—tf PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE ICIIINDRY AND OTHER REAL ESTATE. The undengned, assignees' tif XYANCIL G. and tilliOTH nun Eermstsx, will sell at Public Bale, en Otterday, tie 11th day of April min at 12 o'clock, M, on the premises, in Sandersville; Adams county, Pa., the 10l Loving valua ble Real Estate, to wit: THE TOUNDET, known as "Sandersville Foundry.. aim 30z125 feet fire rooms of which are finished suita ble kg. dwalling•honse, with Moulding Boma, Wood Shops, he. Also, a six•horse Engine In good w"Tkinif onier, 1 Iron and 1 Wooden turning Lathe, 1 Chuck and Drill, 1 Circular and 1 Whip Saw. Also, a fine and large assortment of patterns, comisting of one, two and three horse Plow Patterns, two and four-horse Threshing Ma chine Patterns, Cook and ten-plate Stove Patterns, Pat terns ibr Saw Mill and Grist Mill Gearing, and many other Patterns too numerous to mention. Said Foundry is favorably situated on a half acre of ground and is ready for working at any time. tthe mom time mod place will be 'obi Y ACRES, more or km, of good Woodiand,2 mum west of Benders. yulerse, odJoining lands of Jaoob Bear, Henry Mee, and oth. Attendance will ba given ad tams mad* known ow day of male by Xarch 18.-4 A FIRST CLASS FARM AT PRIVATE SALA it two miles of Gettysburg. on the . Harris burg road, with all necessary inrproyements, and in prime order. I will se ll from 100 to 160 Acre's, to snit purchasers. Terms reasonable.— For further information, apply to minx, Gettysburg, Pa. Sept. 18-tt FARMS FOR SALE. I will sell the Parma, • No. 1. Lying on the Harrisburg and Gettyetsrrg read besween York Springs end Soldiers. burg, containing 121 ACRINS, with hoprcrrementa, now occupied by James killer. Prksi 225 per acre. No. 2. Lying on the Carlisle and New Outwit road, between tleldierehro r. and New Ches ter, containing 145 SOUS, with improvements now occupied by George.). Shank. Price SSC per acre. Tonne: One half to be paid on • &theory of the deed; the balsam to salt the northeast, either in clash or inArethadipmest Bonds *foot tans than $2OO for No.l, and $4OO for No. 2, to be paid annually with interest. legXhim•Sums are patented, Ile handonnelyandhete been timed. .1W . Y. BONNER. May 29.1267.-tf 1 4. DESIRABLE T 0 1i r ..11 . PROPERTY AT PRIVATE- SALE. . . • THE undersigned Offers at Private Baba, the old DORMI DWELLIBG, at thwinnetion of the Teneytown and lieunittederrg roads. in tie borough of Gettysbarg. The boon is auliontitially built, of stone, and contains twelve large rooms. There is a strong, manc-thiling Spring of Int me wain in the basemen and I% Acres of land connected with it. The location is a very pleasant one , . and with &little additional outlay this could be made one of the most comfortable and de sirable homes In the borough or its vicinity N0v.13,1 67-ti JUHN RVPP. WESTERN PRE-EMPTION LANDS. I Was on hands tow TRACTS of No. 1„ second bawd, nio.waption Lands loaded Maar 11 , iiroadil. County Towns, Arc., in wilt settled neighborhoods, which I will sell, or exchange at • talx price for Beal Estate In Ad ants anaty, Pa, . 43110. ARNOLD. Feb. 6, 1168.—rf • TO THE PUBLIC. TN E undersigned take this method n f ormins the public that they still carry on the Cabinet-making Business, in all its varied branches, and that th 7: now have on hands buys sunortment of - ittatlMES =BEDSTEADS Tables, Corner etspboards, Safes, Sinks, Stands, Dreitsi'ng Bureaus, Chairs, of different kind*; in short every thing in, the attri net-making tine. Also, BEADY- E , COFFINS, :AND COFFINS MADE TO ORDER... An of which will be mikes promptly, at the old stand. itouth Italtlantrestreatioppoalta WhtelsrennsgraTan p = 6 7l 4 l i. te in timi chngr oi rv i lig had )ears th•e. can nuke seawall work many others, if not hotter. New De~taners and etlminvriß to ihar advantage to call and bay Item us, as we are determined to sell es low as possible to iron the timer.. liki**l6 SIIELOTER . BECKIA i - -• irtimtußG, d.,) f ir° trallitreooll-W4Wriebisagil7oolllß , UMbthill 'lgh t l YtT f tl i T ,ths9"airF • n•Par tii ". l s l 2V Vl t teta , gilli *mini our IFITMN I T IJRE /..., 1 V I • ';* folvetions, repo and E. H. MINNIGH, tEtAidBERSBURG SVIEET, nest door to the Keystone Hotel. GETTYSBURG, PA., Confection; Periodical and News Depot. The Daily Papers of Baltimore Philadelphia, _New York, and choice Magazines. All kinds of Confections, Can dies, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, &c., &c., constantly. on hand ICE_ CREAM & CAKES supplied to Du/allies and partiee at ihertest rates March 24.—tt CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON. JOHN GRUEL, Chambersburg Str., 'Gettysburg next door to Eagle Rotel, ICE 'CREAM Yeb.l2.—tf supplied on shortest notice Diamond Confectionery. VALENTINES, pal Ostate Alalts. - tflAM*ffiNi,Lk..--.. , ---- &blot waking. . . . . IT :~, ._ I=sl ' - tat4tiPtai WV 4, 4 2 7- ' . nal 011) SINTML OriPM 2I 73 • OTICE. —Notice is hereby given thatapplkstioubsbess earls to the (kart of Common Pleas of Adsate county ihr the iteerporatioa of BL panpe Waage**, Lutheran Cbtteh to the Borough olUttleetowa,—that the Ihkil inerlq if has been axe& Ihr the hearts* oftte ease, cad that un less relleient cause to the ecolissrthe alone* aM char ter of incorporatkas will *granted. . By the Coati J. A. 11211 WWW, frothy. April 14t. r\TOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given dm application has been made to MI Chita of Common of Adams musty, to aleerd the Chatter of the "Upper Presbyterian Church of Mar* . creek in the county of Tot It," and that the third Mei *ye Apra next, has bees &zed tar the bearing ofthe seassotad that nukes etaltielli Mlle be shown to Our contrary saki amendments will be granted. By the Court .7. A. YISZNILL2/, !Why. dpril 1.4* URNPIKE ELECTION: The Stockholders in the Turnpike CoMPIIY, en. titled, "The President, M am a M and Cesepawy et the 'York and Gettysburg M," at* hereby so. tilled that an election will beheld at lb. Pleb& Zones of George W. McClellan, In „Clettystratrg,, Mew conaty, Pa., on litesday, Me SW day q/ iseid,lbetweew the hours of two and font recto* Y. M" Ibit the vary's** of electing a President, six Managers and a Treamater, to conduct the attars of the Company, the swain( year. . JOSKPLI SMYSVI., Secretary. March 26.1 e NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.- The partnership heretofore etlitiog between the and under the lino of ilaimatou Waxaso. fa a n Origami. please make payment wit hout W ma. imilibiod to 'Maim will ay...a those maim. minima thi mama will mama to le haying r *Mila n/6ot. The business will be coational at tho mom stead by Thum ViIIIUM JOHN RINDRICNJI, March 25,41 ILIMJAM WARIBM. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. The undersigned having been duly appointed An. siguee, under deed of voluntary aaaanatentitw the hens fit of Creditors, by SIMIFITIL G. Itsrmasar end Win, ot If mallet/ township. Adams co., Pa., hereby Wee notice to al 'persona indebted to said Imam' G. Sppleman to make immediate payment, and thaw having claims are requested to prevent the same properly euthestlestmt for settlement. JONAS RAIINNZAIIIN, Astiore Binderavllleyllar.;l,-66 REGISTER'S NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons ooneenteel that the Adults Wrath," natant' hereinafter nessliketed vill presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams mmanty, kir confirmatior, sadallowanee on MONDAY, the 12th day of APRIL, 1868, at 10 o'clock, A.. IL, els: 117. That and final arcannt of Samuel Zsighsr, guardi an of the pennies and estates of George IL lefammert, John Mummers and Eye i. Idamatert, Rinse Andres of Josephas Hammett, deceased, settled by WOW= Jacobs, Administrator of the estate of BeinneiZAgier, deesased. US- The fi rst and final account of Henry R. Hasler, Administrator of Andrew J. Smitb, dammed. H. O. HOLTZWORB, legister. Mar. 25—te I .THE folio ing aptilitatione to keep public, looms of entertainment, ye been Sled la my ode% with the requisite number of µgoers, sod win be grammad at the Court of Quarter Seeslona, on Awls% as 20t1 day of Apra, 1868: Samuel Wolf, Borough of pet tribttrg, John L. Tate, " Israel fault. " a Conrad Bnydes, " " 0. W. MeClailen. " " Francis J. Wilson, Borough of Berwick, Henry Kehler, John Green, Borough of LitUestawn. James L. Jones, Wm. M. Raiford, " • " Joseph Barker, " Jeremiah Johns, Conowago township, Franuie Bream, Cumberland ':' • Samuel 'Mho! tz. -Franklin a Bphraini P. Bittftigur, . 1 Israel Little, If " George Beer, " H. le. Jones, " ." Samuel B. Moritz. freedom John D. Becker, Huntington " Jane A. Reed, " lratkiln Berner, Hamilton a Alexandar Itenaluxi4 Hatelltanbas Peter Shively, « Minima Mau, .4 4 • John rha m Fi Kappsher, iatimor, " e . Ab . Conrad Wagner, Mountpleaanut " Charles Myers, Dennlien 4, • 0. P. Haase," • J. FL Wiest, Oxibrd .. I. B. Houser .- '.. Robert H. Dix, Reading 11 Joarph Todt, Btraban 14 Jacob L. Oran, Henry B. Stone, Tyrone John A. U. Rather, Butler :• STORE LICENSEE. J.Martin, Borough of Gettysburg, thou/ Z. Kaltditisch, Michael Rells, Conowng township. RESTArRANT LICENBSS. Peter 'Hoffman, Oxford tawnallifp. April I.—tr. A. W.MINT22, Chu* JURY LIST-APRIL COURT . GRAND JURY. Cononego. James W. ()alternator, 70/1141111111. Berwick tp. Adam Kinnemund. Oxford. John R. Hersh. Moen leesant. George Hagerman. er., Henry J. Hem Jain L Jankltut_ . Union. George Hale. Iteration. Isaac Wright. Gettysburg. Wm. 3. Martin, Jelin McAllister. Ilsmiltonbau. John B. Paxton, James Marshall. Latlmore. Joel Griot, Isaac Tudor. Tyrone. John W. Neely. • Huntington. W. W.Stewart. truants. Elise Spangler. Jammu, Linn. Straban. Tipton Neely. Freedoms. John Harper, John Conninithassi. Littlestown. George Stoneelfer. GENERAL .71111. Y. Franklin. Franca Ogden, Solomon Hartman, J am , Deardorff. Menallen. Jacob R. Meals, Stephen Wlreasam, Tree Cole, Elates Penrose. Germany. Daniel Golden, Hamilton /01 est. Huntington. Wm. B. Gardner, Wm. T. Job, T. N. W . Bowers, John A. Wireman . Conowagu. John Waltman. klomniimT. Jobs Honor, Andrew Bottler, John Hart mad, Newton W. Horner. Main tpleasant. Sanznel Hilt, batiste Pohlman, Jaro l. B. Miller. Btrsban. Eden Norris, Robert Roll, Josiah Renner. Reading. Win. 8. Hildebrand. • Gettysburg. Solomon Powers, Wm. IL Riddle, Mame O. Cook, Henry Butler. Jacob Rallieumwrger, damsel Harris, Michas Bearish, Jacob Mowery. Hamilton. Hamilton King, Elijah Spengler, Henry B. Reber, Henry 8. Hildebrand. Lattimore. Andrew P. Myren, Jobs Wolibrd, Authors IL Myer% Joeoph Picket. Cumberland. George Bushman, Henry Butt. Tyrone. Jacob Bowers. LaUestown. Win. lir.Bherry. Owlbrd. A. J. Bowers. Union. Amos Lefever. Highland. Reuben Golden. March 18, 188&—te.. SHERIFF'S SALE In pursuance of sundry write of Veudltioul Itepolass„ leaned out of the Court of Common Plum otAdamweetem ty, Pa.,acid to me directed, will be unposed to Public Hale, at the Court Hansa, in Gettysburg, et its, tilt wk., the 11th day of Apra neat, at 1 o 'clock P. M, the fol lowing described heal Relate, viz: A TRACT OP LAND, annals in Cumberland townehlp, Adams custatbreansa, adjoining lands • fJamns MeCuHaugh, Inuse meardorit, Wm. Itess, and others, containing 106 Amu, more or tees—lmproved *Rh a Two-story LOCI HOUBII. leg Bars with Sheds attaches, • Hog Home: Corm Oritr, ie.; a spring of never-falling wato near the batty aka a Immo Orchard of apple trees, besides peach - lad other fruit trees. The public road treat Gettysburg to Mhddlebiene rune through the property. Ten urea are ,la timber, and there is a soleclent quaatity of meadow ea theater's described farm. Seised and taken In ezeoutlosi se the real anat. °Wholes Price. Also, A !TRACT Olt LAND, 1 • • abate in Butler, tohneiip, Adams °musty, Pa., mftola- Ina lauds Joeeph Taylor, Ferilluand Bath. Sm./ goser,and wattles* Aerie, more or' Res—tiapreved With • Tsr,o story LOG DWILLINGI • HOOD, • go ; about two acres are woodland, the balance gr= end under fence. Then is a swag of water tik a. pro miser—also &number of fruit Vasa Bepcad and taken in examilon as the rest deaths *Mufti PUILIP 1/erdf Sheriff's Wes, Gettysburg, Mar. 25.-te4l .1111.ftit , 71 .Ten percent. of tbe purchase money boom all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over lannadkakilr after Ike property is Strtiek down or 'von tkifture tooomply time with the property Will be agaft pet uplift' tale. pROCLAMA.TION.—WiIiazes the Don. Donor J. Funzu, Presit r it of the *event Cour toot Coutskon,Phsais, to the Goan caughteing tins 10th District, and Justice °Rita Courtirof °mead Ter , miser atuttleneral Dellverycfbr the trial Of ell cap ita and therolfand era fit the sostil ' and luau 6. Rufus aisd lasso &suttees, 63 t rs., Judge/ash', 00111 U lei:Warts ofOyer and Terinne.r mule 1411 Dellyer,y, for the &slaty( all, tapas* andotitir *Monster* In theCtrevityofldatne— havalschti their precept, bearing date the nod day of AIL, in (hi year of our Lord one thousand el ht hundred mad siztperrres. and Wan dtrestedolb g a Court of Coqunon Pleas, and General Quartet Sesslose of thle PeacisandGenerelJait Del !very and Court of Oyer and . To,Trouer ; at Gettysburg, On ifooday, the nth dstraf APra; 1866 trams 38 ;lESSiIt.OrVI24 to all the Jdittiosse itlioPeeeeyttl• Coroner and Constables w1314_6061.4•41 ColpttJ oi Adorns, that they ha then and third !albeir Eproper person, , setts their WA* Zeoes4a, levideltiose, War and other Itereesphrundes to. de Woo Ethftisrsbh their *Moos aadiartkat Ito bedou „e and said aka, gin who*U~ lll ,ri alfai th: irdimerribiasirimirMaiatirtbe rillll6 the' id ' galtbt ofMagas,arishobethotaawitlip ritepreerecutssa• gatsstiDMp tithalltieJust. • - MIMIC lhertiri Mks eateroburg4 . , 'RE . - f ' ' , Wil Ner 34 AC:NINES! l' • . . ~ 4lk I ; ! .. - t vi 6i i ~l igia_o4oVEß Ai BAKER. L 'sr wars um IlL.Thoui Mach bee bate_ beep% =Atm skis stie awed be mei& by Way of Is . Ur z d takan i t a b i r r ant menienin i v Volt Br 10.000 byrj idle. how i ka aka Alta " and tbe '"air MA r A p r , ate that hay,. been attained by soother llir ey are the only Machine* alert *mood tilt! perfactlon. Th ane Moobilmor aro to 1 11 9 111 .7 use- Thf.tartalainrullatt• non ON ismg , Id llotio mai Noi • - 1 a • =a m......trav irui5; . 142,2r ...., ...4 „„.......wQr. ..., --it & 1 M efil4M111.4"11 1 : 14 14 y w1 1 : 141r 000t i allie tlarttpl ailli I N ..Aso 0,....1.... es.-I,ooooi &Id 'AMA sin . 11. Aitill l ll94, , u. . _ . ' . WEE sgtot N.cititto.' LICENSES. .)fttnat SEM=