II U tls L edi N3l =ln aou• jaw* 10, Lc: s _ t and MEI TIE IREI itl• u. 4 Zia BE trains 'oirp : \tills rioTer iuta•r nn at •u IL• II:110re which OEM - Lath, lbis P. 31. lilt II sburr 8 .t. , Pa e , 11110 rg •t Phila. in tit A.M., btrti notan. ,rth, ettyo— bare, .Lurk I, and Inoue . with North e and Ilattf- In t at 1. ' Or Jar. hart t k. •yua,. Road, 50 A ying • I. Ladd; g at mak- For ylkill t 9.55 001 end I+ at ht(T -45 4.. J ELM town P.l[ latl.! ru n - bn Tr t 1 . 100 p. II BM MEI UM ir3l CIZI MEI to Car -1 la Aad I It. Sty An. iviiiimas, •- • . 82/flows greet, Wawa — Cliout4bowe and Divaptvi, Mai* *lO/414M0X f 111; BrAJt , A*ll Si TIJ a la published evezy W*oll o 4 . ll 4,olpWilleheluteg ibrikbe Itrot peloLirltldis the year. Xe sub seviptkuis ilseonthmed until arraeragi* are W41,4140104444441m10ftm .I.osluCnomajass laseited st ressmoble rates. &liberal deductive will be made to per. TOW adiertlabag by Sits woke, half year, tic year. Special sotto, will be batertod at special raids, io bb-agoted *pea. • ' ' dr The eirealatlon of Tun STA* N IS.L la owlitlf Urger thsa that elver attained by say newspaper ia Adams county t sad, as as ad= rertlsing medium, it eaaaot be =celled. Jos Woaa of all kinds 'will be promptly =- seated, and at fair rates. Hard-tdils, Stinka, CO* Pamplgeta. fie.. in every 'snow aad flee will be pillaged at abort notice. Term, Casa. ss &MK at. D. arooraveaT, - Altartseye wed Cowisettors. RMcCONAUGHT. has amooitted • AWN IL 1 / 1 41VIII, liaq.. to the pwattiasiftba I aw,ands old antra, awo dew vest at 1ft21111611111111 Drag seam Clumbraanarg stead. 'Pedal attend= errs teems, Oalladamandiates; meat of latatima lard tandaest, and eitaiwte Plop elm. &waft hwakillar, lad rielmarmi What U. !take, at an Wawa, paumptly tadraieboatty attaadad Oa. Laud warrants located, and duke lino fir sal, la lowa aad other wait/bra Stator. 27, 1161041 J. COVER, ATTORNEY" AT Aa. • LAW, trill pram y &nand to oolloctioao mid all other loslaeol to lb am. Oma botitooo - Nalsootodt sad boaltor mai *torso, Bolt/more otroot,Oottysbottc, Ps. [May= DAVID WILLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Moe At big residenos bake lloutlmint six , t er °Maitre Spark M Asionmicw—W III?. ea.naddeas Stens% Laseeiter,N6 ay 29,. DAVID A. IaTERLER, ATTOL NIT AT LAWwt eased to - and di other Immiessiee le Mr se. 41.080 s at lee redliobee *be dim • posit* As Court Hoeft. [astlyebeql74= CLAIM AGENCY—The ander. the tr i . 1111 9, 1 vW Waal tali* asßealkkoa addle Pay, Panaloaa,P Ika,„,:otalsat la Omura al or before say albs la at Waddja. 1.111. ItalltY, Nay Mi,11167. MU/mixt lA*, lilapetyabati. Pa. DR. J. W. C. (MEAL lie w. Mew at Ms reeidesee lialtliasec stmt. two doors ewe Cliwipaor, Olio& Gettlibuil, lbw 11), JOHN LAWRENCE HILL, Den strusiolfte dour soot et Ala Luthiras Musk ~Rost. Dr. a• UMW* Drug Starsorlioro Is mayM liamuoi romilywillisgto attend sty our within time provisos ad tM Bilsaist P arsons In waist of fall sots of tooth aro invite' WWI. May Valle, DR. C. W. BENSON EL T EA.,=l,.. i p x ..m...fir e k ter lia UMW pule et him bonne, earns of Lombard mitniet said ey, near the /area& attention Otte Miasmic [Lit thIIKOWL Nat: IS, UM !Him% gait JOHN -W. TIPTON, FASIRON4- el , ILO I 1/.lllllt,Neetk4lo4 00410 V ooze door to at el:lieLlaa's illotoljesittieburgAN, MIS* he eau et all noise be found may to &need etroM Melts*. N. bus stem excenstalm will esearft se,tietactios give biai • •11: -may ek1•47.- • OSCAR D. MoMILLA.II, 1011R277,1 AND OONTITANCER. Is canoodles with the glove bole at al tines pn► wild to attood t. th. WRITING OFD ROND4 ZZLICAIDR, ARM. MRS OF AO WORITRIff AND CLZR 136 01 &ALM Hearin had eoashietehie elmtlee to the eloret, ley Whitt sheathe to butane he hew to aril I Mena aloe of public patresoge. .C►lrg viestestito. Reatikata, Gottyttstri.ra. - Pam IL MAI QIIRVEYOR AND LICENSED CON )," YSTANCNIZ. Tim isadest WW2, OcHiTspitaoses 01811011USIII With 11W s18a• •IGOIINTY iiUmMol.patised laths • WRI ♦ TING OP DRUM, WORM, . WILL aTIOLIti CHI AORRRILIIWP, OLWRIVIRIP 07 WM, RC (Laving had considerable experiencela Ms line, bobs,* to receive& liberal share col patronage. nueineesipresigt ty attoaad to and charge, reasonable. Peatedllee /airfield, Adersa 00., Pa. J. I.IrIT/Moill. May 21,11147.—1 y OH ! YES ! OH ! YES ! iutdersim e l hayina takes out So A witiowier's , elders portion to Or public, awl would reepeetZlaibria the public Ail kJ la prepared toattood pros y beldam la Malta* By *riot eateatioe to be bow to raider oath* estliiteetiaa. pil6Ctiergeo wilt be atoderats, sada& faction guarantied la all CAWS. • May 211, 11147.—tf. NOTICE. IwaLtie 1. amiyiburg with Moor. Me Mal MX DAY sod YEILDAY in such week. Parses yaw Mil deal ro toe to Dumb& time with either Now or reedeitelli, oer lsevolleir otter; either kiwi th two Jobs Otiose/ or Ds wive.ee the sea wi l et l Selikt, goa b ete the delivered ed ter tbeirda mes te tedl, Sept. SA, 13117.-tt °DORSI is and fkatinininti. UNITED STATES HOTEL, OPPIIIIM as T. Ik lON EATEN s WiTTITITIX I 2. DZPOT, EACH STREET, BOSTON B Y F. N. PRATT, TORLITILT OT THZ AZEILICKAH SIMMS. Oct. f, VICLAy KEYSTONE HOTEL' GETTESBURG,P A. WM. E. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. NOW. OPEN. THIS is a new House, and has been 11 tite4 up In the most approval .ts.. Its lessaisa In preaseal and cosentd•at, Wag in the Start tritons portion of the town. !veep arrangement has lama aide for the sesoannodstion and ocsalbrt of guests, with mile stably' stSibelead. With agmarisabed sasesab. and Se, commodatims Mork% to shall ass wry sadsme to phase. This Hotel is new span he the ealastalassal ad th e pablignaad Iva Madly salleit• Asa% stilebilopstruk age. ! flag 11, UM EAGLE MOTEL. 'the largest sad as* esassedisas a .6LIITBRIMS, PINK. OGILIIii GIP JOHN L. TATS, Proprkdes. grAa Omagbakte Nomipire mad DiYpirtk, is Dep,Cout iitrivel mad 4.pses•n of NMI load Tr Chantal amenals, and reanaabis charge& Meg IS, .1111a.4t =I GETTYSBURG YOUNDRT, lutw== 4 "ft-bi-es•mt. ft * .r" gaga aad MaNdaskaietr i =ort M Threshers and Powers, OW* sod liseasslimma lasheise Oak gel% Alehals. l i kagia t MIAMI Magi* ear 1446/14 WOra•A4+t Wire-spring Horse Rake, lk Wait teepeoressug are 1104e1 Aerate kr OUR Prone" Tree NMMeg fkr Pink" everrikk g eke le kk be • 10E lIALI—A light fisainese i pas. • Wawa, an Row. 4 Mar 11,—W pre, N AND FANCY.' JOB PB/2/:2'llf4t soma risomPTLY AT • rtiF WOOD unnuctiOnws: ikepeem Ms. Jlllllll s 01.41 Z IMAM ALUM% Olumrimilig. Teta 06. Pa. = C All2l°lll. ithssza WOW 0011111111 of SALltliOltil Allib lilt MID Drat si , ...irroirrs TIM must-note*. 441rtritatned, SUZY 01111011a11.11'011 111 ; 01K mama GiMMlmm# IaIUrWE YARD lastan.. 414triikw. nem *9l are invent Imereellik all Nab elf Wir Ma% 441164 Iti&iiieiN . 15440,1414. r•. • • is Ow ikeetosi amp as do thappipit.— .411.411orkasioali *53, 444110041114 fit IPS j• • • • • : - r:ft 4 f... 1 s'` • • , • • • • 4.1 4 3 . # • 4 ( ' . 1 LA , #4. 1 / 2 - • - , . •• - , -• I t 11111 ' I , ; Yt'4. '! V -, : - • \ • .I'. )• • •."• — I 4 't • , 4101 ; yt , ). 411 . t • - . • , OEM= VOL. Lam.. 18. 1111X.1111XISIMI. RECONSTRUCTION. /7 YOU WANT TO BUY GRaCERIES - • lierspossetemoritire la NM Tett itesseih. , gift laser Mao ern be NM at • don prigs. Ikeriikkalkipt •OM ear snowy. will)* Irma awe. Om CONFECTIONS AND NOTIONS, roa 4 t,cco AND fillSo4lll3, m inmase. was ba widrew iambi ask Mil At ad at. 1111110allsors ours ad soil THE WORMER 01P THE fie, Warren's Electric Churn, vh - kik asks" iiii"ramirtk may butts: tam no gam Omni (oultet smis cessic) Wi Pig Wm brads sad wslll Mrlatlto *ow OM& Diet begot WI; t i t ILIEWICKII W - • BARGAINS at the maw G-R 0C E 'lt Y IN GETTYSBURG. iOHN CRE&S k SON 11.1 1 •••••d•••7=etty•blr . ,= r•oid..d• pplindid amortmemi at 12,112 .1"4 ' -GROCERIES, Imbidiag llown,o9lll•94lll9lB9sisik WM, Tom S t ir". WS, Fisk lIIm9 absoldenotr. at.,, 9 ,IIII WWI r PtV C S :WM , t _ l i g iNS ; Itoli , indb.degio, ithaig , Ankh. lad =M I". Wi=i,l9ll l i o N u gr od =lad c alffli 9• 1 9 pawed to. ma , foritsup. ilhonieli sall sodliwike 1hr j Z1991999. MPIPL 16.111111.4 i - J. V. MPS. NEW GROCERY STORE! TILL IMICIMISODI TIM UM !VAT GILBERT, Tri pp raMoe llMOontaeste, awl 'ie Capaso , V --AllO V. ma IZ I e ge= ;t e r = a l ' eager% Odhasaliasassa,, • eiliall , moeal OIL lir.Pe. Teams, Ileatotip, Tabs, Wow*, Agars, fabbe, RAW,IIIIII, OTOTIIIIIIII, TINISTA. si ithe T beta. apbompasiu. sad ail bioda se elmoinin Preatim beitir, for wile& the MOW *mai jpibm •1111 be stns. Doe& loriebt 46010 skim the Oesrt4icasio. Din't pi, meet calllks I suiliall=psisemp. Nat NEW ARRANGEMENTS. OVXRDZILR„ Oa lb an lkaliMmrs Arad, / I. ti IRAs made arrangements to get beila ample' every mak frau die city am le dia tanalaal to mil dam. Bs imam ail to ska Sam • all, Ida ateak madids liatiaaa,ftwar. Ca' es Charaii 7/04 ow* oho, insk mon lard, libarak (lora Mi swan sees, Old lam, Sm. ilaaassa, Ceadlaa. O.• 1 04 0110 00 tar, Iladaldar. Vimpar, sed a great meaty at Addhara, Ormillak ire. illah• ore oe Inas mat I. Omit *sr Omraty Div eies midi as net, Cony Ow, Dettar, PoOkers. Mr, .110,11111.41 New Grocery & Flour Store MEALS a BROTHER, HAYING opened a Grocery, Flour sad Tapdsids Dior., Is tits Zama foraketly so •*1144 by Goo. Isittle,sa West 11111110, stmt. Mei saw toad as Invitation to all Soya' to 'lvo Mom a ca 11... livaytiiiag 1* their lbw, bath ham t. city sad apia. tgy,edllbe Wit fad. - They we detershked as sely ache* he lb, elteepeat,ead as they way auk the hewed brims proato.thoy bops to omit sod naive a Itloni Mara Opaline potroaago, Ma 7 27.1714 Grocery and Liquor Store! A tame assortment of fine - GROCERIES, Geffen, WkGe Sugars of al kiads, dad It Geors, sirup, rpm' sewer. Odom Id olegese, sad er grades aye*" ; /4101311 E, bails gartist,. All blade et LIQUORS, iiikorsesis ea. relail,prisa• Who, Grandy, ay* Whisky a., dad attar purpose, la say IlisittitY• ars. Sialgee• Hoek Bitters, sad Ike .fireet Nagai Bitters, WU. J. liAletric Way kli e liff..4l st, Gettysburg WM. BOYER & SON, DIALERS IN GU/00E1M, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, Aux), Sow, Wooden *d W lion . Wan, A. general assortment of all Goods usually kept in a FAXILY GROCERY. Dis4llBl.4t Nada Oft. 'MUM :WM= CLOCKS'. WATCHES . JEWELRY, &C. OALL AT SOPER Sr. 316CARTNETS 1 NEW iIMVIII.EY STORE, On York ifreet, opposite ale Bank, Get tysburg, Ittom A new and full aniostanest fait reoelsed ingli the OltY• SILVER AND PLATED W4Era, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! tent sellohne, lihrltars, Asoendedea, t hikz e i Needs. fists: KoNklerbiltharrnit rmrithiag belonging to the Instrument& .I=iwti end all kinds of work tot our line _prompt anti its reasonable s. erau wort **m ly ated to giro oittlelhetkoa—e term nd en goodooold, worroutod to b, *bat they ere represented. Noe. 27,1887,11 ISAAC K BTAUFFER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, No. 148 Nora 2d se., corner of Quarry, assortment by Watches, Jewelry, Sava. and Prated Ware eftseassely on hand. SUITABLE POE HOLIDAY PRESENTS I iliaritopoiling of lrottioto sat" Jarviff oreimpft mi lkmaid to. • • , " 5 " ' . Z. SEEM IS. BELIEVING AT 704 ARCH STREET. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS! 7111 CH Ram & stunts PLATED w&zis, Including every style sad description, nr k: si expressly for the Winter q a - 1 - trade, which ksr neatness 1 111 zra and durability cannot be A -- surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wbokoala asd Rata Wasatacterisg Mai)Wound, 704 ARCH STREET, PHIL4DIMPIII4. afiruilauegat sheet mattes .Dao.lll, Watches for the Million ! AIiINDII.I & 001 Gala WATOR MM . ETTIMODY aside a good Watch, sad willies Se it at the lowest hoesibie price; • herds et lasteing tits bomb oxiafrived various lagesdeue to PIPIT nesey, *NI that either Sal to see aweigh, oromil ma Om to wroth** as a there.lbsegeo. AA 1111DALII & 00. hoes .ow per an=ul= middy he theiteudlsma ot ii o.egood sad my be WILIONF Minos the .....eitiwwebtalosd. 'They havelemed a 0.111.11 T bilowtag ph* Carthleates cow hdahvg the somem efail tillo maw& In our Wheiewhe distil/hi& is swat a agphosata) ore *WM •t ia rld At •••• 10 1Pea , mad sold nor II oats each.— certifies* is wastrel:a to boilara watdt, sad as evil sees es rebrewee to the hit, woes aro of less vol.. this Tat ballato, whilst nom era worth ItIOIL— Wo snadarbke to mod soy watch dram who Mer arty baits sub* St Mond is rise that orerruse nay ab solutely dsmad met getting a first Moe hae-kager, Weguersatio that every punhoser efOee Delkuirmeth of renames sludi receive at Ismoves be watch Se. hill ea oar whebeale Ibt, Wet pest free, which lo a lirst•dais MOM Meroshooliscom sad irtits waorkia i Aber Ideating am, sad saually sold br 14114. Ts= sortably get molt is woke; and, Weide; MI say 7 pet a I held Oltrestomer worth hOOO. .We evil the sor billowy Owe kw hi coats; Three for hi arts; Stu he M 1 Mt Twenty MIL To them 111„we will send asloodsom dab gratis. To those St,, .. will ite phi abets twoorma4od oco to tavola Partin getting bow dale will males illswal v = sea*, partlealus dvidelt my be loomed ea Usa. /Lilt is ow' lotootimo to de a shish, hoseable hustases, sad to *sure our esokosses from liability to ase.wourlitmad our meassibro, thisetnet, without ssagairy, Imetructill= 4 , lllllmil WO hi Mier* My as &Amy V ink K e w to lkirword watehoshy mil the west be mkt as by Bask Draft or Poet aimOrd= it we dm heat °aril*. We will thee' tow pasksm at orre pest old*, sod if lod will r it fr the ee Kamm limy watch seat Is ma apyrov It my be rstoraed sad the mesa will be rehollet. rued& tits ass* lint.. which issa b0t0..000 IllorAttt loon. and bee tinolowa ia fivery past of the eoustry, NO Mod will he hosed a sulkies& gummutee that wo will thithblly parkins all we marmot *de. Address IABANDALI & 00.. In Broadwa,y, how Tort, Tose Ohre Box, kW. Siirm. H. MOMIGH, Cbambenalurg street, Agent for Gettysburg. um. sr, issr.-na JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., R. JEWELERS, NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA., Manufacturers and Importers Of ovary deseription of FIRST CLASS GOODS, belonging to the Business of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, Hove removed to Omar NEW MARBLE STORE , Ibtatading from Cheataut Street to fleas= atreeaeg r lahlkag anaple room aid earraskset atoomeortes. g masts Ibr r opportanity :1 3 = ti rley of golds, and afa With sateodee and &Torah", orratagasesta it this Ositiary sad fa attrope, here in s position to of* at mosistate paw, Watches, Diamonds; Bronze and Marble Goods, Silver Wares, • Jewelry, Porcelains,Pla ted Goods, Musical Boxes, mad every desuiption of FANCY ARTICLES. Two. the sity ars "WWI, W104161)2; our Now Vara Mirth 4.180. NUM • no. danairciad MAIM BUSINESS COLLEG:E, altyArrr, STRATTON rwomirs 0011111111. lent•ARD YOUNG MEN M ent! be Oa Closeting aosiajoit BUSiDdell sa THEORY' &. PRACTICE "MI" kir 'NMI at 'Woo saa tw ard!Y Poises *Per. THE INSITIVIION solieniri try tii hoibi *mistime amave iKi Cnty 1 1 ."11" iicainw AT - Aikr in EL 1441 I T CW4 SO / 1 la a Cria LA la. ;"" ===2l WING MACHINES! ve r • beam " nog ~ -gl i e tgartn m illiii Omni sall — CiMilew - , 48 mow IllimiNpllis VAIMMEMZ VIV I = bet 6i tt ' aro ale sn e i thave bon 44001 1 al l aiit• I. 40-110091. ..., . 4 101111441011114111 At emir asistrridielk. . ~7 , ,, , ie ltat 2. 0 1= 6 1. 6 =. ~ • * 4,6 = . 4z . zromiwoggi "Vitzkimintiniaahhiiii • t A 4100 . 16 , 46 .,:n- t. . PHI ADE,L PHI A PHILADELPHIA. Piiii IIK:=IN DOLL 611' AUr TO TIM= y- ~. ME G,ETTYS I URG, PA., WEDISTESDAY,MARCE GEO. JACOBS &„BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS, OMnil;kmlbinv - Street, Pct., CLOTHS, CAEISIII4IB, l t WEEPS, Of all styes, and best (juality the market can produce,furn ished cheap as can be sold in the country, which will be cut out, if de sired, without extra - - charge. Goods made up and. warranted . Also. pole Agents for Adams (Monty for The Howe Sewing Machine, The most paled & reliable in America ! The highest pretnitnn—the Crone the. Legion of Honor, and Gold Medal-awarded at the Paris Exposition, 1.867. Tbo Haws lilaclilso will do a larpia variety of work in War style dual say alum alaahles and dodos all am. patltkok for stmpllefly sad sass in worklaf. Call sad oxesalao than. Clrealara costalalat pricy pat, as bs kadam applkatioo. f10b.12, 141111.4 f URRCHANT TAILORING. , Aym. CLOTHS, CASSIMERIS, TWARDS, arid Weir materials in. Men's Wear, tarnished mad sad up, to order, oa abort Notice. SATISFACTION WARRANTED. Week also selleitsel bum Customers, a parekause their Good• eisambrtro. W. T. RING, Yost strata, opposite tba Beat Joao 12,11107.--ly (Aug. 21.4 y NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHING AT BRINKERROWS STACKS OF THAVII!, CLOTH ZIG rox PALL AID warrss WIAR, whale be Is ssillag et web pier as samba Ml te take thew Winn reptily. Naiad Aida. or f to bolt at th e rxestlest, lassuria% tastiest Wittig. sad Rest sal sebetaatial sad ties to get Ms low priess—adlere moot help bay, whoa they see It so meek be their interest to do se. Hs has Costa, Punta, Yeats, atilt styles and matartalai Hats, loofa sad Sims ; Skirts, Mall Maids, Hoslary, Glover, Hsadkarslitstb, Neck Tles as.i Ormta, Liam sad Paper Cois*, Sespeadon, Isualt Combat Trunks, Valises, Untrestedi, Pocket Knives, Sevin, Intoking and Admiring 'rein ens, Peen, /thence). de.; aledn, estedes, • t o sad one ease dnedi, sierely too minierodes to detail s seers ism advennisesen„ Be asks Oki stand= ea* public to his now 'doily asaiirat tladltlrill pisies-411si no ass au or will MI gmr. Doan( tk orptYolic !;11 Diumospit; J 002 111111ZIJUION1. Soldiers' Head-Quarters At 110111111' STUB, is ths Awe to get your FALL & WINTER GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH. Il yew groat a cheap Overcoat, go to NORRId. r yea wait a good cheap Dress Coat, to No ,e Jr you want a good Everyday Coat, go to BOEHM, r you want a good pair or nuts, r Yon seat a good cheap Test, go to NORRIS' 11/ yoga want a FASHIONABLE HAT, go to NORM' I F you want a late Pall Style Cap. to No Er. 1 . 7 you wait $ good par of Boots or Stw, go to NORRIS'. r yoa want a FASHIONABLE NEC[-TIE, p pa: want a good Preach Calf Halter, asle P you Tara a good Mainvlls, go to NORRIS'. IF you wait good Paw Collars, gop? to NORRIS'.to NOILEIC N IF you want a hahlosable snit of Cloth go No . llyou want swain In the Goatleinaale r you wait a good SMOKE. go to NORRIS'. its.o wo NOtlr. .17 you waat good HUTT LIND t go_to NORM/P. Also—A largo stoc k of CASSIIIXIBELIF THB PRAM fr ousprefori t z at ortto Bes est i t y-enadoClothlng, osn Oot. 11, Ildt.—tf TI6I, 0. NOIIIO3. ~-. ... New Boot and Shoe Store. -- NNW GOODS AND AT LOW PRICES. Tzinkagrogim has opened SOW Boot sod Slum we., Oa TlllOll 5T11.112, oloodoor booth of tbelfronsa March and surly opposite ifolkoory'o Mew whore he offers as &Ursa/ire samorthadiall airgoolls la thot, all no* sad oolottod Irtth Oho grant ed cm. H. Iwo LAME' (MOUSE a= LADIES' BALMORAL G LADIES' MEMOS airriits, LADINO , BALMORAL ROM IN Laden VARIETY. • GINIELMMIM% 0111 80011, fiIdtTLEILIIPS LIP BOOM OIMLEMBEnt OONG*U3 oximmaignl RLIPan i6 ALL. BM* OMMTLEICON'II Rd OIENTLIDISAVYIIOIOOABB, ha. Mir COMMIS 0 BALIRMAk G AI ML ' EOM MOROCCO ALMORALe, 80. itc.. WA' 001111111111 OAHU& BOW CALE BALMORALB, BOYS' BROGANS, ft., do. AB will bit aohl at the lowest !him pram. B alm , a i m wan sad easatl7. cc* tavited be can aad mamba IV* and PAM tNlSßMthatahass. 'lan de- Seradaed to lan obesp—a UM* thaa say War bassita astaty. E ra stria • tobvibm, ,, di wise hirly aad via everybody, I sm. to iseeft sad twelve aa nooanieng abate of isabOo os- Tha of Boole ale Oboes wiU be eanted as, au les betiatima Bahr, nom gad paws =o order. Al, Roots aid Shoat Midi ova awasor adisteat#, oa Mad. lepothiat 4)1 1 . es shot 'asilierriatio saws lesold÷? eaemsa. Nato latikaiit clam workussa • Mavis( • ille•time • tbe bagasse, eel oamfdaat that I can Saw an who auiy oalL D. XL/NW. • Reababarg, July al, lar.-tt NO LING • 7 -` -111SIIILLING ' ' ' o;lploodid OVER COATI AT 006? c moot of. Druu, trodasik lEEE =I • , gii:ERTB, DUVzRf 3 , CARPET SAMir r ' • . , 1 ~:: ..:Z:4.-71•"1":""'? „illguPWW,A4l,lllsuoinote,„ita...o -garafronotaxwatiiiiiiiir tosiiii•iiii:etc;fthita iiiimbano iick %Roe. atiiiiiii.- • . ' - --: '' '.. ,t 44 , - irtitite UG I -L--; P.,ea i - L. 17 7 -zit'xitrt lit , e6yettitefigi) 4 , 14 t INSe4t MI afdt door to Kyoto's Hetet TO FIT. go to NOILRUY, PICKING %LOAD firrers &myosin Itatit, 4 ll“ ae- Veatsotall Ninr Is thsitue to Aar 14194,111111, e Com oli• r&i• '‘ftiMb% MIE BEI ROBERT C: "COBRAS: reefilyedanolir f!applyqi Ras Cips BoOtg Skies . . o f ute r F m.. 7 . ; ty pricaL ie;l;l6 W U. tn a trillie nsa . at HARNESS of all kinds; 4Prosuptly sad ea rem/ukelele tame. -Brioldek Halters • lifhlpa, !Yanks, Übe* Tobacco, Clainiii bait aidly/I aid, la win Wyatt boaidiciai to those who raffia' *oil ra , • - - - zigbuodrarahipe2 nom. 20. IL D. lILIEDALI, .4a#o4 .Itd lows farrooillok. 1101104:1Pd dialed fro. the iw Of irogerikroftualltroasissdliol It m*o~ Si mead them u • soot ramble too*, to al who, Mot from nt debility or km dhows ilirOce. %Am Miff/4. • ..;.:Talur, wain. •;* P. ri9PRIe ..:r. ~ ;;;., ejk i virjoN••:.: )ff ... . it ro4 tl b order to pVt paean. PaliballaiplilAloala lir : ....la i, • 0, , 11,0101. to armadaa will Wads 4 " ,4, . , aa.114 1r p by all Droplets aadl anises la AND "With reference to the .Pung-Skuy (wind and weasel the position of the Cbbasedweil inA Public &POW Ind itcutu ar, Wilco hely seietteitititiela • oath kootalte und' bine a iktitheat eon. item the North =tee drat I 011.1 'Pawn the Booth Igo good! Mielterbig hill it i the best he the good Pung-fhie. 'Amy beet and junk centesita haler (sosi the Pittp•Mtv) in the ' fm totelemduttteetted ion star and aiegthestesitotthe boat.' 'On hag &Atilt triel*i monied as good kat , Ikellonsowab 'Aso tow borrowed s tootibas .1 neighbor, promising to' return It at *ht. WWI Wei** bs rwu test away sat dat asid r eesididast iris h hems usm bite riot, ars hiiistartell he sib itdel that his brothers absurd - the teed rettamd. After lie bad owes lathed pee Abed=be is galosh todliumil that* bedsit bees carried *the swim Hs isea tan& dimmed •to think that his petmilse ibe sot bins bars persaaded •to go to alaiNso thst ha id& rim emir and tarry 3he,itoero Nina B3r - 41terilgin he misspe , JratioStleuneneasit toheribund I , JO* aleogobillbeitibm earth Ste it, be let Whir itheribigibboel woritsbiop pat .Asher 010 wiebinrieilipe lair MIL But bow Vs* low bieeerwite ID bed Nen the deer. "Pi oWella killVered. from the Plats 444104111kbet Who nldr the bikled gat 41111 fw?litlieWlindflOrkied lag Ike" 1:1Olt Me,* WaPiast Wakindliii• an 10 1 41100ak 0 4:Whei ;Ma °mod Of tame, agborAino aissiview prompt Oing imam, lit llama, impagelt, gig colkirsiwitibismilgidassa, ait.ina,ghost ilualwargosPlarebsmil ragissibilelp 'aZdirast..timisillOsessaisisioamseethi uk aim* prim beriii • set, low it. illiebTeemeliatee WA* walshedill vOikatiraigh*, amide vougArs. .111.••• dopgiehaelPmetiasiadavaip boomer pm* )1046 •se - mar 4 1 0,04114 1 11:01 1 10 41114 iiiidiet; Aid* ILINVIP I IOOIIO.II** ,, I • "You would not take kdOkk ttarosttpqnodd a young bidtriamnidellithalll4ll. donning, a , Weahr ailtswatle tr , 3,1! „• ;,;$ itAiiirmiFsirpol.:l4 .lt c! _ . air WPM IP • • • the • It t rk" , :*" a vti P " 'tatiPW pp! -litat 'and *Mind. Um $W slid Senthisd. vita MPS= SIP MN StunS. Ir. Bowsaw WinT• • 1_ The world is mixed with many anon - Ot.~og pleasant and pain ; mai amigaima nom bath lon mid ens . TO lizinr Jerk Ulaireorhod bride. Smoothing I Arany biilow-kand toil : la tholinand otridt. tiat both 4,gbar. ,and love are the imuttlet and ition Of an nanatwinadd U 6: ThatAabeloe tha griep.lbr hero, Whiek wears ad body and rant; whne love's the rust of ideal minds 4aininpu7'e polaosdn& howl. Thca achiamy twain and whirls again To adhowthe ialaty,alknowni That reaching the share, where eternity's door • Maybe poweedby the spirit , alone. Perchance, the Mare Will unfold The pleasure without the pain, WSlAAPanied stz!*ss of • world of etre MI! nOt, tbe4ohlug brain. Wbene'er Such musing thoughts stink And tits world looks darker to me, When there beams monism of a happier time, Midst the cryas of our misery— . Blends with theme dreams a soothing °elm, free altos is heirrerid to ntik,) ?was man—perettsase M 4reeaus—poshaps In thineo.-but It points to thee. JUlko at morn or atintrjaight That fees is flitting "keg, Whilst the light of that eye, like the bow of the sky, Breathe" annabba mai &edam, and song goinatinm it Nam in pinioned drama, That the media artist mythic Which barrio labia bout joy and pain In times binwildidne sum— That gosiggf-thig gimma Mad good, More wad, than g Heart's trampa 7 - Has saaniblanno in Sae; but, play, pardon mak I'm dramningagaia,pincimum • *Er. II We find is the Shioggas IQ ve Letter wine enlelleall from a pamphlet withal by N. T. Yates, araeorsing Odeon religious be lief* the knowhelgo ot - whieh woe gibed du. ringa long worse of atissionst7 laborhr that ountry. Roma of the fleets staled are rery curlew "It would appear their the Taotdeta, Budd- Maimed Con Man philosophers and prisms 'brlnt their meligten of the present day down to the Axon of aneeettal worship or tributes due to the dead. 'They believe in the edstence of two worlds, one the world of llgOd Chiaa)end the other the world of dark- nem, in whieh men live alter death.' 'They all believe-110 them is a, chance of evading their just deserts in both worlds, for they menet emeeive of any higher degree of pre sidium in the part of the authorities of that world ths@ what they We illustrated beihre their ma' by the nets Of the andowitise in this.' %wording to the Chinese a man has three souls ; mkt la the bead, one in the chest sad one in the lower ertreaddis.' 'When a amet laird-he iv amittioaterameiretho self of an the injuries 'oelideli he may have thought himseff the subject.' Hence the large contdindions of din (celestial money), by afl who Mt that the dead man has aught against him. 'The prkstir, the interpeekers sad agents of the gods, like the amadarins of 'tide world, aro ever, on the alert for an op pommity to sivereM the rkh.' Yet they only propose to extricate the unfortunate Chinese ' in parptoey from preterit snaring • there. ford, to smooth - the road hi the dark their constint .cry 'jai give x give ! until one's • weakllly 'lichee are waged in ths future task. "A man who his had bra head cut off is past all pripdag or mint mosey _for, an ima ktil MOWS can secure the head again and Mitch it to the body in this world, so that, he can makes respectable show la the next.— T4eff titat the dead, who have no one to esaifios to them, are wands:lag about in a fixdorn maim, liks beggar.. , asking for Ike maws of support. and =Amt.' "It 1* estimated thst, 104M0,000 ars ex pended annually In encoded "whip. "The living are thp daysiof dm deed.' 'Theo is net a tithe of thamonsy eApended, sr thought bestowed, on Bmldhista and Confuelaidan combined %albino is on ammetral worship. If the 'Nonfat system is not in cawing of it, its only an adjunct to the worship of the dead.' WHOLE NO. 3502 impraesr moss. - Low simmer, while reekling in New Or ients, a youth who stood five feet eleven and thnsojuartons in his stockings, and halted front some .cop the-Wabash, was invited try.' fiend to dine at the same house where I was boarding. This was the Mosier's first vhdt *war tom borne, and he told his friend, who was In the produce butinesi and had purchased his cargo 'of corn, as they took their seabtat the table, that he expected he would mew him all the sights in town, as he wanted to let all the folks at "hum know aborkt It." The servant' brought a dish of soup ; and, observing a gentleman nearly op posit* put considerable catsup in his dish, our Homier pointed to a bottle of pepper sauce, and asked:his neighbor what it was. "Spiced vinegar," wu the the reply. "Waal, s'pose ye 'bite a feller by handin' it along.° "Certainly," was the answer. The Hoosier took the bottle, and commenc ed dosing his soup ; but as the sauce did not flow very freely he took out the cork 4 at the same time observing to his friend : 'Kinder close Wks yer 'Lappin' with, to put each a plaguy little hole in that to pre ye* a feller . " taken' much of the stuff. s'pose it comes high, don't it ?" During this time he poured nearly a wine glassful in his soup, and taking his spoon, he dipped it fall together with several peppers, sad put it in hLs mouth. The nett instant he squirted the contents of his spoon across the table into a French gentismtm's bosom, and bawled out : "Wallet Water! Snakes and wildcats ! Give me some water I I'm all afire !" . "By gar, as !" exclaimed the Frenchman, in a ragejtmeping from the table. "You have vollid my shirt, my vest, Asir ! Spoil every thing, sair t By gar, I shall see about this, saki" In the meantime the Hoosier had seized a pitcher containing Water,and taken a tremend ous dsanght. Betting down the pitcher, he eyed the Frenchman for a moment, and then yelled : "Coxfound your old shirt ! S'poee I was goin' to burn my beards out for you or yer shirt, you mean cuss ! Come down to the boat, and 11l give you one of mine." was with difficulty the Hoosier's friend could allay , the Frenchman's rage, and set matters straigtotagain. • lint ever after, flpiced vinegar" was a by-word and sufficient to set the whole table in a roar. MISMIDZIIIETOOD TEX. Tz IT. -A. worthy dea con hired a journeyman farmer from a neigh boring town for the smnmer, and induced hfin—although he was tatulcustmned to accompany the family to church, on the Brat Sabbath of his stay. Up on their Morn to the deacon's house, he asked his hired man how he liked the preach ing. He replied : "I don't like to hear any minister preach politica." am very sure you heard no politics to day," said the deacon. "I am as that I did," said the man. "Mention the passages," said the deacon. "I will. He said, 'lf the Republicans scarcely are saved, where will the Democrats appear " "Ah," said the deacon, "you mistake. These were the - words, 'lf the righteous scarcely are saved, how will the ungodly and wicked appear ?' " "Oh, yes," said the man, "he might have mad those words, but I know deuced well what he meant." A Qiikitzs Arritaxrrz.—When the Erie ca nal was gist started, the subject of investing in it was disaissed in a Quaker business meet ing, of the men. It wai opposed by an influ ential member—no other'tban Elias Hicks— on the ground of its being a speculation.— Among etherobjections, he went on to say— " When God created the world, if he had wished panes, he would have , made them.' , Thereupon "a weighty Friend" (one of their terms) rose up, and said slowly, in the inton ing voice in which they always speak In meeting "And Jacob dig-ged a well," and gat down. As Charles Lamb and a friend were pass ing through the lower purlieus of London, 'they saw two women violently scolding each ether from the • upper windows of their re spective tenements, which happened to be on opposite *les of the street. "Why, these wo men am. never agree," remarked Lamb ; "they are •rgainghom opposite premises." Ds. ARNOLD once lost all patience with a dull 'choler ; when the pupil looked up in his face sad said; "Why do you speak so an grily; sir?. Indeed I am doing the best I cut." Years after the doctor used to tell the story to his children, and say, "I never felt so ashamed in my life. That look and that speech I have never forgotten." Poison give, s domestic scone, called "The Tables Turned," in which a little girl and her mamma are in the drawingroom, a nurse just entering. Nume--Did yon ring, ma'am ? Naught* tittle ' Girl—No'; I rang. Take mamma away, please. She is yet* cross and dliagnitable. 0143 of tho MO/It oriental of juvenile hi- Tendons wolf that of little Fanny, who, in stead of saying her prayers at night, spread out he alphabet on the bed, and, raising her eyes to heaves, said, "0 Lord I here are the letters. Arrange then to suit yowaelUt A 43111110 AL old bachelor, who firmly believes that ell women have something' to say on itddeeti‘ recently asked a female Mend, "Well, madant, what 'do you hold 'on thlr (pastime of *Male t" T 6 him the iady re 11 1 18 .! 3 d4 ~I hold my tongue." chwa - w!u, ailed to name the proc laim atoneed 14 the Bll3la Alter Wart al 16110hiril 141.14iyen., answers, one little fel called.out., - "Well,. Thomas, what prec ious/kir:lei have TOG fOwnd - ?" "Biimatone," ihe rePl3%. trim alradestnan in an Ohio city: stirl" l o toldi - tdvereiliztolt, "Matters of acsiel supplied with voile at coat; if iiter . areelAisnention the nizi to their con- Bon cuus speaking of a highly ormrxmact home, whose proprietor was not particularly :111re7 to set ha gilding admen • • • : AincjimiD bet sisiltk f0r410A‘ 1 934 WM , " P 4 14 in Jot. fore A..sibsw I motto away, sbel.dmi*ALD3e s 1 04,III:Pousod we Awing vtimbli.okiJOß4Wout holt, to cook; goci Iv* bor ions lip, .44.0.14 v Ilup! 50* SaA.i 14014!!,i ,•. . „ .TOl. . *ix leithdrenw all the thuds to attend a drew: lEEE ~ f I M. Paul B. Du Chailid, the celebrated Af rican explorer, recently gave the first of a market bursa, on African exploration.-- Ilkimidtlk•kiri - is "The Gorilla-and ks Habits, the Gibbon, Orang-Outang, Chimpanzee;_and the afilinity ofibese to Man." The lictur er, in his introductory remarini,'' kid the re gion of Africa through which he had traveled, - and of which he propoaed to' speak, lay on each side of - the equator two or three degrees, and extended to a point not far from la de grees ad longitude. The journey lay prin apally through dense fonds, which were traveled for miles without hearing the void of a bird or anything to break the awful silence that reigned supreme 'Nuts and ber ries were there in abundance, and it was soon learned that this was the country of the goril la. M. Du Chaillu then recolluted his first adventure with one of thesS animals. There were five persons in the company at the time, and coming suddenly Into the presence of is huge male gorilla, they fired upon him, but were so greatly excited that they all missed aim, and the animal escaped. Subsequently he killed thirty-one gorillas at different times. A popular superstition of the African is, that the gorillas have once been men, but have changed in sem unaccountable manner to their present condition. The roar of the prilla is terrible to hear, sounding at first Like distant thunder. Sometimes It is like the sharp, quick bark of an infuriated dog; only a great deal louder, and gradually assumes the character of a deep, rumbling noise, re minding one of the faraway thunder before a great storm. When enraged, the animal beats his breast furiously with his hands. M. Du Chaillu's former impression that the gorilla was not gregarious, has been wholly changed - by what he observed in'very recent explora tions. As many as ten breve been seen to ' gether at one time, living In pairs. At night the female sleeps in the top of a tree, and the male, as her protector, on the ground at the foot of the tree. They cannot be tamed. He tried the experiment eight times and filled. They seem to hate the sight of man, and can not be made to eat our food. One day he shot a female, and took from her company a little gorilla, with white complexion, and smooth, Straight hair. Little "Tommy,'' as the captive was called, remained with the company for some time, and became so far civilized that he would get drunk whenever an opportunity was afforded. He seemed to acquire a sort of notion of the rights of pro perty; for If any one took his little red cap, or pillow, he would cry loudly and piteously until they were returned to him. Chaillu made an eleborate discussion of the affinity of the various species of apes to man. In doing so, he said that the arms of the gibbon reach to the ground ; those of the orang-outang to the ankles, of the chimpanzees a little below the knees, and of man to the middle of the thighs. These apes all have thirteen ribs while man has but twelve. There are nine teen bones if a human hand, and the same number in those of the apes. The thumbs of the latter are joined to the first fingers. The hand of the gorilla is shorter than his foot, and in the latter, which is nothing but &great hand, there are the same number of bones as in a man's foot. The teeth of the gorilla, chimpanzee, tic., are thirty-two in number, and after the canine teeth have been worn down, they appear much like the teeth Of a human being. When the gorilla'grows up, a ridge, an inch or two in heighth, grows out of the skull, and runs directly from a point above the nose back to a level with the top of the ears. With reference to the brain capacity, M. Du Chaillu said that the average in the gorilla is 28 cubic inches, (with very little growth from infancy) and the highest t 4 cu bic inches, while in man the capacity of the IQwest average is G 3 cubic inches, and that of " the highest civilization 114 cubic inches.— The head of man sits far easier upon the ver tebra) mina= than that of the ape. The structure of the vertebral column of man shows that be was from the first intended to walk. erect, while that of the ape shows an allaption to the use of "all-fours" in locomo tion• M. Du Chaffin closed his able lecture with the most emphatic declarations of his belief in the superiority of man to, and his ‘listinct difference from, the animals' of the African forest of which he had spoken. Philadelphia Ledger. PROF. Scutons' Ecclesiastical Almanac give the following statistics The total population of North and South America is given at 72,873,402 ; -of whom 42.793,000 are Catholics, and 27,583,000 are Protestants. The population of the United States consists of 31,499,891, divided into 25,- 000,000 Protestants and 4, 500,000 Catholics. Except in the British possessions, the Catho lics are in a great majority in all other parts of the continent. Europe has 287,066,174 souls, divided into 67,051,000 Protestants, 146,230,000 Catholics, 70,000,000 of the Greek communion, 3,300,000 Jews and 4,800,000 Mohammedans. Asia is credited with 798,- 635,504 inhabitants, of whom 723,000 are Protestants, 4,680,000 Catholics, 50,000,000 Mohammedans and 500,000 Jews. Africa is credited with about 188,000,000 inhabitants, divided into 1,077,000 Catholics, 1,732,000 Protestants and'4,992,000 Christians in all.— The Mohammedans stand for 100,000,000, and, excepting 500,000 Jews, the residue are Pagans. Australia and Polynesia have 1,439,- 050 souls, of whom 1,050,000 are Protestants and 350,000 Catholics. In the United States the Baptists number 1,094,806; the Methodists, 1,144,763; the Congregationalists, 267,353 ;. the Refortned DUtch Church, 67,846 ; the PresbyteAns, 638,619 ; the Lutherans, 832,155 ; Unitarians, 13,000 to 30,000; Friends, 100,000, and 13,- 786 in England ; the Shakers, 4500 ; Adient ista, 80,000, and Mormons 60,000, besides 20,- 000 is Europe. MORE PATIRNAL Ram - minor:gm or PRANT. —tie second Installment:of anecdotes of the early days of Gen. Grant, contributed by his . father to the New York Ledger, contain a lbw stories worth repeating. One is that Ulysses once bet he could jump twenty-fire feet.— He won the _wager by leaping from a bluff of the required bight into it layer of soft 4 inud. When quite young he wait driving some ladies in a wagon over White Oak creek, which was swollen with the rains. The ladies grew frightened, but the youth, with the pluck that luta always distinguished him, said, "Don't steakl-I will take yon through safe;" and be digit.. The first book he ever read was a life prWashington. He was then between six and seven years old. When twelve his heed was examined by a blindfolded phrenologist, who said, "It is no very common head. It o il an extraordinary head. 4 Would not be strange if we should see hint Presklentof the United States." The biograpber also says:— . "Nottiithshinding he 'has served so long In the army, I never knew or beard of his using alotofane word.". . Wmts tea nee watch for- chances, one man miketalitiMSir• While ten men wait fur soublahillg to:issu up, one turns something up; so *ldle ten hdl, one succeeds and Is called tinstre luck, the fkrorite of fortune. Titer ii no !nett like pluck, and fortune most fascias --lhOee who Are most indifferent to fortune. .t ' A a woman, wet enough with a, osur no t, In he; ve, a waterfall ou hor hetuka ore*lik her, ,hack, fluty apriuga skirl-JO& thocs , !E4a•nOi°,l.l 3 Lher head ? • • r 4Cirikuiy, what makes you go aweort", t ireolytitictoxl 'Outdo zoo .r Sons fishermen nee cotton , for - bait 1,01640 11011111 IMMO , N. DE ERAILLE AND THE GORILLA