tit tamer. anb,-Venstkteper MEI • (for the "SIAS LID iNTINEL v* LE anizAsE. The liwver:Spectator has given curren cy to a report list an alarming and fatal cat tle diammie was profaning in parta of . York and Adams contains, and, that fears were On tertsined that itimight be the dreaded Minder pest,,:, The wistiout of publishing reports of this character, ' , knout going into the details of the matter, admits of serious doubt, espe cially at this 'Sawn of the year. Much of the farm-stoek of the country is being sold at; this time, with the sale of which such report: may seriously 'interfere, whether the facts of the case may jeptify it or not. Added to this, thertare many hundreds of cattle fattened , every year in t.itete counties for the city mar ket, in teipud to *bleb, any suspicions of this character might . prove the cause of much • trouble. The *to ill ',the imager; far " Mains county is concerned, are the, following: The disease :has appeared upon one farm--thar oc cupied 'by Mr. Bollinger, near New Oxford. I visited the farim after I learned of its exist 7 ence there, and' heard the facts from Mr. Bol linger himself. t Late in the fall he bought a cow out of a lot of dry cows brought from one of the dairies in'or near Baltimore, which he intended to fatten for beef. After feeding her for about_ four weeks, she began to show symptoms of eickness, and gradually arew worse until she died. After this, two more sickened and died in like manner. These three received little or no medical treatment. After these, four more were attacked. These received medical treatment and recovered. In York county, it appeared on ,two farms —that of Mr. Shne below Hanover about six miles, and that of Mr. Price, in Jackson township. both cases it was introduced by catild hodght: from the'same drove 'as that of Mr. Bollinger, and An no case has it ap peared where nbt thus introduced.. The symptom,' at tliefitliflease are, first ; lane guor and dullness, with loss of appetite, ac companied wilt a palatal cough; :then cos tivenses, with-dry month,' nostrils, and the -- -,usual febrile symptoms. Difficulty of breath whlch teminates in suffocation and death., But one of the four cows diseased, which I sati,emed to have diarrlicest. She seemed sicker than the other three. The'post mortem examination revealed ex tensive inflarrunation of the'-hings and pleura (the membrane 'lining the chest),.with adhe sions-of the fernier to the latter, arid.the for mer covered With gangrene. No other 'parts seemed muck affected by the disease. These facts reveal plainly the character of the disease., is inflammation of the lungs and pleitm, the scientific name of -which is, Pleura 'Prtcumonict: Of this disease there are two Aims:: simple Pleura Pneumonia and Epizo-otic Pleura Pneumonia—the latter a fearibl and terrible scourge to the land it visits. The latter form has never appeared in this 'country to the alarming extent to which it has appeared'in Continental Europe a n d in England. A few years ago the State of Mat sachuSetts was 'h.reatened with its ravages ; but the prompt action of the authorities ar rested its progress. Of its appearance here at this time there seems to be no danger, as the conditions neceisaty to its development evidently do not exist, or it would have spread from the localities where introduced, instead of which it has now almost disap peared from them. There are some facts in this connection which deserve serious consideration. In the first place, the ',tirade in stock of this kind should be the subject of rigid official' investi gation.--Whether -the.cattle brought here were diseased before coming here, or whether they were brought from a stable in - which the disease etisted, I have no means of knowing ; but, certaii.it 4, that a 'disease of this kind has existed for a year or more in the dairies in and around Baltimore, and no one has ever heard of any public action being taken in re gal dto t. It is alio said to have appeared at many points along the roads from here to that place, and in some portions of Pennsyl vaaLt near Philadelphia—yet• no one gives it any concern. The only way to prevent its spread is by "stamping it out"—that is, the appointment of a commission by the State to examine the cae€, destroy and bury all dis eased cattle, and remunerate their owners from the public treasury. gassachusetts did this, and Pennsylvania and Maryland might profitably folio's; her example, if their respec tive legislators could spire time enough from their party strift; to look after the welfare of their constituents. When this disease first appeared in England, it was looked upon with the same apathy t hy the rulers there as it now is here. Ere° men like Youatt hesitated in deciding whether it was contagions or not; but subsequent events gave a terrible decision to that question and compelled them to call it "The Epizo-otic." - The diffusion c reliable information in re gard to the symptoms and treatment of this disease would slab be of much service to the agricultural community. This disease has been introduced Into Bucks county from Phil adelphia in the same Manner as here. The Agricultural Society of that county lea ap pointed a medical gentleman to investigate the progress of the disease at the Society's expense. This is a step in the right direction. I addressed anote to the Corre spending Sec retary of the Society in, order to learn some thing about - the matter:* I herewith send you his reply, which you are at liberty ta publish. D. P. F. itilFutiono' 'Bucks co., Penn.,/ 2d Month, 27, 1868. Devie . P rtataitY, Esq.— . Exarearan Faxurn :—Thy favor, under date of the 18th . lest, is at hand—contents no ted. In reference to the disease called Pleura Pneumonia, or Cattle Epidemic, I think I can safely say that it does not exist in our county to spy very alarming extent— scarcely a case luering come to my knowl edge where proper care is taken of the cattle. But there have been several cases among far mers who have been in the habit of frequently changing their stock by baying of dealers Who buy at the drove-yards in Philadelphia z or wherever else they can buy, as they consider, to advantage. Plenty of good food, shelter, and proper care are among the best safeguards against the disease. We have in our village here an eminent Veterinary Surgeon, P. EL licesteer, who has had considerable experi ence in 6 treatment of the disease, and kind ly furnished me with the following symptoms of the disease, which, for the information of thyself and thy *other Airmen I append:, "In the beginning of the disease tue animal is in a state of languor and dreariness—gener ally separates from the flock. If a much ' cow, will produce lesa milk, and it will coag ulate very soon. On examining you will find her forelegs wide apart so that the shoulder blades and elbows protrude outwards from the chest. The head hangs downwards—the eyes appear dull and in team. The hair stands up bristly, the respiration is short and uneasy, with a heavy movement of flanks and nostrils. Prom time to time a dull, pain ful, and oppressed cough, especially when &wiring or walking. The appetite may yet be good, but during the progress of the ab eam the cough marries, becoming shorter, dry and weak, the appetite and rumination disappears, and the milk ceases entirely. She noir - atm& with head and throat erect, the re spiration is =WS, with a movement of the ribs and f ' nostrils wide open, drink slime flore ogee , and nose, very little, and dirirrherasppears_ . The ani mal bi most cases dies in a few days after the diarrhoea sets in, unless checked. - - Texamicrxr.—Yoe must bear ill mind that this is a typhoid disease, therefore the treat ment must be toning andsstimulants. Seep up the appetite of the patient while the dis ease Very_ runs Its and ydd may be saved." oi l bier • VCam.e sft c dpicult' Society. rine. ti 40 N l ivaacial. F14,g,..,x,vi104.414.:._,8.gx.: OF 9MY541140. NOTICE .. -T6: 7 IIOI,DEAS 7-30 NOTES. 4at tali wbe*.Viriturisliege of colivortini tho A iigitst 1.06 Notts exp!reiArtny inflw's who ['ejected to .Cfel, • vert Into 5.29 Bonds, br sell, ?oat the preiniti ru And the privilege of conerrting. It will bg the :With OP # • 140's mit arigir htJltao nett, Ott& disposed tit le time. Tbloifeaak witl eltber convert, or.Turcbuse, the 7-30,illoMing premium awl Miereet. Feb. 19, 1808.-tf THE FIRST NATIONAL ,BANK LEE GETTYSBURG, PENNA., Is agent for the Bale of the fret Mortgage Union Pacific. Rail Road. 6 PER CENT. GO,LD ItTEREST BONDS., at 90 cents on the dollar, 'Ayala semi-annually at oar counter. An necessary Information given Gettysburg, Nos. 27, 1887.-2 t GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK• GOVERNMENT BONDS,. of all kinds, BOUGHT and BOLD SRVBN•THIRTY BONDS converted IntorIYNTWENTY - BONDS without charge. ' coupguirD INTERERT NOTES - CASHED. The HIGHEST IREMIIIii paid ou GOLD • and•SILYZIL STOCKS and BONDS, of all kinds. bought for persoas without CHARGING COMMISSION. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Internet on SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced I per sent, 5 PER CUT: .fort year, ' 4 PEE CENT.. for 6 months, 3 PER CENT.for 3 months. • . P emu, wishing inibrniation la regard to' 11. 8. Bonds, and Stocks of all kinds, ern invited to give 'unwed!, and we will give , all information cheerfully., • "'- MO J . ' ...-• J. RY BAIR, Cashier. ' Gettysburg, 0ct193,1867-tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK hp - GET'TYSBURG wrcx, A4ow , Interest nn SPECIAL' DEPOSITS as Inflow's : 6 PER CENT. PEB ANNUM FOR 1 YEAR, 4 " " " • " " 6 MONTLIe, 44 . {4 44 44 44 3 4 WILL CONVERT NOTES IIIR"O 6-20 BONDS AS ULUAL free of charge; OASII COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES AND' COITPONE. Will also Purchase or sell STOC&S and BONDS of erery tiede free of chime as Commhtsion, and will at all times paj the RIGURn RRICE for GOLIYAZID SILVER, , and with pleasure transact allibUslttess prom ptly as here tofore pertaining to srwellreged Bank. - CEO. 11,RNOLD, Cashier. Gettysburg, Nor. 6 1847,0 GZO. DITATBOLTON - C. tiaITIBIT. (late of Ctrrsop if Ch.) = (of Thinireir kn.): DUMBOLTON & WIRT, Corner of Bcdtimoi;e - and St. Paul streets, BALTIMORE, BANKERS , BROKERS, AND DEALERS IN Government Securities, Gold, Silver, RAVE CONSTANTLY FOR SALE, U. S. 1881 'BONDS, U. S. 5-20 BONDS, - U. S. 7-30 BONDS, U. S. 0-10 BONDS, 7-30 BOND.V of all issues converted flit. 4-TO's "Paw Ms most favorable terms: Special agents:for the sale of UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS, AND CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS, bearing six per cent. Interest in gold. Sig-Persons wishing to Convert any description of se• curlties, or mute or change. investments, can have the same promptly executed. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS or Sale. SD-Deposits received and Interest paid upon balance' subject to check at eight. • [Dec. 4,1867.-6 m Notice to Capitalists ! PERSONS desiring of investing, and realizing nearly NINE PER CENT., are requested to call at the Gettysburg National Bank , AND OBTAIN CIRCULARS OF TUB • UNION PACIFIC AND AISO CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COB. ORATM These Investments are daily growing in favor and sales increasing. sir•BONDS can be had at all times at this Bank and where all information concerning said-investments will be cheerfully given. Dec. 18,1867.41 J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier. garptuttro and Contactors. WM. CATA.LLSMITH4 SON, GETTYSB URG, PA., CARPENTERS it CONTRACTORS, Are prepared to do all Made of Carpentering—contracting and erecting buildings °fell kind', Repairing, ke: They sop constantly on hand and manufacture order, Noon, sairrritas, BLINDS, usil, DOOR AND ;WINDOW FRAMES, CORNICE, DOOR AND WINDOW BRACKETS, And any other Article in the Minding Line. Seasonedleaterial constantly onlend,experienierioir men always in readineen, ariewoHt exeetited •wit 1031. Orden promptly attended to. SePt. lB . 1867.%—tf O. O:CAMINIIN CARPENTERING. THE undersigned respectfully in. teemthe public that thy beve couguctucca the Carpenting in the Shop brmerly - Tented by George achriock. damped. We are prepared tap do Ara work our Line of basinessaad as riasousble assay Ober estab fah:sent lit Gettysburg. -Wit hope by a strict attention to beldame to met a share of , public patrosage. May 4iklitS7.-tt TO THP: BUILDING AI) ALL' OTHERS WHO WIS.Ef TO IMPROVAI THE undersigned respectfully an *vas the pabili WA Da stlll 4:milliner EDO CARPENTREthirat =MSS &Ibis old stand, on Waat slaue,Setayshossz at all thug to socononodatelhosiwantinganythindue nhl Una. Ha is prepared to feral* all kindest work Ibr building purpose', tri , the best flairriaJ, sad u neatly and cheaply as It oat be dons atlny deur eitablhiseut la the county. Isperienewl Hands ships In radheirr and wort wonted TIM preoptana ateLdluatels. aarrimuzimatitor pot hwers,he Dom b attsullon to hatsaiw tersosies ••Überal share orpihnoutnobirc iby NAT, - llallinglux CEO. dItNOLP, Eskohier GEO. A MOLD, Club le FRESH ARRIVAL OP • DRY GOODS FALL & WINTER WEAR .&T THAI STORY OP SCOTT 44 , i, N, • , Tallp. STOCK CONFISIT OP MERINOS, all styles. DELATNES, all styles. , CALICOES, all styes.MUSLENS, all grades. Cloths and Calohoerso of sit otxleo add dlsslit ,,. Pou'lka mistime good Ckedt and Mr borgaltitjdtottbt gq to A. SCOTT & SON, Oct umbetiampistivit,tdarrig, t Gottobootlsm WM. C. STALL:SMITH, C. 1/. BYALLSMITLI H. H. ROWE OAR MAN - 4 IOW!. N EW B AERY.K - siwrgirr zrsawe asebiuttesataketri;Solstii Wisidaitcm try,li4toitutio tram th* INA Hot stAlet tyibart F lo. odist!intly on haait,thio boot of sits wiLaktaglkoall rub sill/•an~dmrs!~f lftwt.lbrtash t toool.. 'Mita A`Paia4. Aid 104204. ftlie gry 13esds,, Noting, - At. 11 (FA UNE ST.SO OK( 1 1314013 -lig, , 4434thkeirtiot•t6iir '•• ALL S • .1• . ; Ulu I.trgust iu tl4,cueu . !iy 7 f?twifolhut of '0,.'0 ., 0.: D...S#-; MERIN OES, POPLINS, ALPACAS, GINQUAMS, DELAINES, CALICOES, CLOTH'S, CASSIMERES, JEANS In every variety CARPETS, a large dock and very cheap 1311.1.1V15, 411 kinelsand prices BLANKETS, very cheap. QUEENSWARE, the lerest 'tack in the etinuty and very cheep lIIRDWARE and Baddlary t ia all Ita branclitt, at tba lowest =lntel rates. htOCERIES, of all kinds IRON AND NAILS, 011 f S AND PAINTS Will sell GOODS at prices DIPTISO coxernrros. Gies us a all and examine our Monk SIGN'OF THE RED FRONT. Oct. 2, 1867. tf J. L• SCHICK HAS JUST RECEIVED A SPLINDIV STOCK Or DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, MERINOES, •POPL AINS, WOOL DELAINES; COBURGS, and PLAINand FANCY GOOODS o all kinds; which he is selling CHEAP ER THAN EVER: Call at EL W. Corner of Public Square, F(pt. 25,1867.-t( DO YOU WANT CHEAP AND GOOD' Fall and Winter Goods ? "YES !" EVERYBODY ANSWER& TURN GO TO Till NW STORE Mt REBERT & ELLrOTT, . Opposite the Court-House, Gettysburg. DOYOU I sTm l e N r T ee,la i lTner l s,Jeays,Conts, Veit: legs, Gloves, Suspenders, Neck-ties, or and thing else le the gentlemen's wear line Go to HERR= et ELCIOTriI. DO YOU Wag. WANT tr a p and Rood Al Glares, Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, or anything olio &Wired for ladies' wear? Go to REBRET a gLLIOTT'S r: ANTba l 6 = i r i , igh"t- DO YOU v4Aeli7tegl ware Untiorgihts, Window Ilhadaa,ot anything Was of the kind? • Og o MiBEBT ELLIOTT'S. DO YOU . WA And "P a 7".1 will "V* aamartatent' - - At 'mew E.LLPYrtw, Who are wow selling goods at prices that lanai astoubdt. To be convinced, call and see for yourselves. , Nay. 2/3,113VT.-tf dew Fall & Winter Goods E. HITESHEW is new receiving • large stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUE E F 6 N R S D IVRE, ROOTS, SHOES AWE HATS I call tho attention of my customers and-the cons. messily to my Large stock of goods, I ant now offering at lower muse tban they hare been since the war and at which cannot to strike theparchm "s er chism. gis i errery docility for parcluming goods at as low It ores as any in the trade, Ism also prepared to meet corso motion on low prices from any and all gloaters. -es .Prompt blbki4 cones conformity to the lowest market prices is my ta • /I. Peterctonrg,(Y. 8.,) Oct. 8, 1287.,47 urnausw Alston,. Orsekir Omar, ,tratifls o MEE 411.011)StUt erdutWop iMiNNIG - f:IRAMBERSBURG STREET' ' lAA ;16.41 t GETTYSBURG, PA., Clopfcgtion Ve t riodval aid r• Newsr'inepot. Ally kinds, of Confections, egt4l - Oranges Lemons, Nuts, &c., &c., DcdH"F4!l•°"'"d• The Daily Paper&•of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and choice Magazines, •• supplied to subscribers st lowest rates. VALENTINES Plain, (.k : gtpried sty, al lags aims Went Just opened pa - CALL AND .EXAMINE - Sx Feb.l2.—tt l!Mil =MEI ISE M JSLINS, Ff,ANIELS CONFECTIONERY itc4 JOHN, GRUEL, Chambersburg Str., Gettysburg Haying completed his new ledtang, has opened the latgest assortment of Concoctions rrer offered in Ott tyststrg, laclud'ug • French &Comnion Candles Toys, Nuts, Lc., and everything belonging to a fitabclus Confectionery, with special accommodations for Ladies and Gentlemen. JOHN M. MINNIGH Baltimore Street, opposite Star and S'en tinel Office, Gettysburg, Pa. Confectionso4.sil Weds, /ranch and Common Candies, Inas, Oranges, Leaboos„liats, Toys, and Notion gioDer ally on head. Also, Just renelvei a large amortment of plain, commoimPli f*ag all of which will bs sold at the 'ovoid cm& rates. Cal and exam ins. tab. ORNAMENTAL TOYS JOHN M. WARNER lAA s Jnot received from Pbilndriphin tLe ar t ; beat and ehoopeot assortment of ALB S ORNAMENTAL TOYS, TOILET SETS, FANCY CARD D. VISITES, FRurrs, CONFECTIONS, AND NOTIONS OP ALL KINDS, ALPACAS, Gettysburg, Pa IMPOITANT TO YOUNG MEN CONTEMP LATINO A BUSINESS EDUCATION, TO know that this Institution em ploys none but competent Instructors In every de partment, and a sufficient number to itumr• ladividual instruction to all of its students, and being eonnected With ' , Dickinson College," enables it to paint combined Acilithw of the highest order, while the current ex pensed attending a soarer here, are from 50 to $lOO iees -than at similar institutiotui in large titles. Vi's think that wbsetthse• facts ars properly understood by those whip contemplate emoving as instigation of this order, ti', will not be long la diddiog in favor of Carlisle. Voi following mange of Instruction should cow rid Hun t° all, who desks that kind of information moo •- guhrite to prepare them for any of the huisiess pm it lift. Single and Double Baby as atSPidad and Pratliced the various departments et Trade and Commerce, and Banking Houses of the country. Practical and Ornamental of superior Style—givin special attantkm to proper moranent r tn this formatbs and eatibteetioe cif letters, end thereby insuring to e err student a good Current Hand. BUSINESS eArrinarrio. Including the most pros ed and beet adapted methods for aillinalommoalcollat---Negtaland Written. Taught with special reibrence to correct coaspoidtket, without which no student will be qualified toasimmiithii dulls, of a bit chuis accountant.. Taught In alums, using "Dean's Treatks" as a Text Book, ambabelair QIN afoot inocortsaV 1160L1 Informatios Air $ Mishkin Ansa tovedesc ' • • • • are daily practiced in the Actual Busker Department, where the student' in 4:mmo4ll'lth their duties ma. dud an extunidse corranmudsnce, In mate out all 10110.11 from a Receipt, to a hidgment Note 'MILL BRANCHES, Phriaography or Short arodWriting, Ornamental Pea inaaeldp, Pin Drawing, Telegraphing, Natural Mao phy, Geousitity. Algebra. As., Wi htrite imparthti be imparting wand isotractvesntigsa t o h n br a he sfaeataiees , atod. gr stud/mot euterat any Una', and ptl rsue their sours* without IngetTtlPticL Ahr/or farther particniare, writs and receive Circular. Address, A. M. TallliKES,Carthsis, Pa. rah. 186 7- 1 7 .. • BUS BRYANT, smelly* 'it - KLUTIERLYI3 spared -111 I , itioduktlas Rao, 41D11,11as4otim Wi THEORY & PRACTICE inaVood , by mom of Rooks, loolowo Bolono• sod =lke IMII MEE •isdpsost b 7 um kadiiiir burps I.4la'Ot W otty !lWr• IN ,04 PAZITOMUO Ilmis„wir.,4v- • N AND IGE CREAM SALOON next door to Ingle hotel, ICE CREAM supplied on dustiest notice F.l, 12.-lf Diamond Confectionery VA.LENTINES', Commtuial soiititS. DICKINSON AT CARLISLE, PEI.V.NA 4QOK-K4EPAIG PSNEANSITIP NNOLISU GRAMMAR. NERCAZM:M„LAIS , BUBINIBB PCUMB AND, CO7O4:UMNDENCE, g§ CORNER 10TA AND CIIESTEUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA.. YOUNG MEN SIM = MIMI ',164; ail Mats THIS INSTITUTION.. UM o•L' Loam — Willi- 4Lit nix ViuMIL - l it f.lerritittnotottirt:Nrio....4: s' atilt cwiis...) - tv:%kirrcitt.sl; JEWELRY, &C. SOPER & McCARTNEY'S, • NEW JEWELRY STORE, On York street, 'oppenni4 tide httnk, Get- A new and. full assortmorki just received from the City. ' SILVER AND PLATED WARE, MUSICA L INSTRUMENTS ! such as Clf ids, re c#orr kb, also a lik,ti*sal garlz: Way, Wrings, Byes 112.11 i s a#l *wary thiLig belonging to the instratnerits. Repairing and all kinds of work in our line done proniptly.and on reasonable terms. i f irAtt eurk warranted to gire eat latactlon—and all goods sold, warranted to be what they are represented. Now. 27, 1 567.-1 ISAAO K. STAUFFER; • Watehniaker and' Jeweler, No. 148 North 2d at., corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA Alt az,vorlment of Ha tches, Jetveley, Silcc) and Plated Warc constantly on kaad. SUFF . -ABLE FOR 110LIDAY PRESENTS ,(j-aeparring tame and Jorelty promptly at tended to. [Nov. 27,1807.-1 y SEEING IS BELIE VING AT 704 Al?Cli STREET. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS! men SILVER. & SILVER PLATED WARPS, Including every style . '‘---, ..,,,-;-'. ' , and description, made r: 1 2 - • • , e±pressly for the Winter „,:it - i7 trade, which for neatnessVen . - •s • • arid durability cannot be ./. . 411 i, ....... surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail ManufacturinK Eatabliahmeut 704 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPIII.I Sit - ne-plating at short notice. Dee. 18, 1867 Watches for the Million ! ARRANDALII a COs OREAT {TATOU. CLUB VP.ItYBODY steeds a good watch, and wishes to get it 1:4 at the lowest passible price; a horde of swindlers knowing this havecontrived various ingenious devices to get people's money, and then either fail to send a watch, or seed one that is worthiest' as a timekeeper. Alt- BAN DALII k CO. have now perfected arrangements by which, for the small sem of 510,a good and reliable watch tuey boomers's LT obtained. They have forte ed II 0 &EAT WATCH CLUB on theibliowing *lon. Certificates con taining the numbers of all the watches mimed in one wholesale list(which b seat to all applitunts) are relied up, enclosed in envelopes, and sold for 25 cents each certificate fa 44/1111..4215LD to be for awl as will be seen on reference to the hit, none are of lens valneklian.Tert Dollars, whilst some are worth $300. We undertake to send soy watch drawn whatever may he its rains tx $lO, and in o-der that every one may ab... &timbal depend upon gettin g a first elate timekeeper, Are guarantee that every purchaser of One Dollar's wor th of certifknites shall receive at least one fer watch No. 533 on our wholesale list, error p -et free, which is a Ent-clan latent lever, a handsome and reliable watch, to terling silver bunting Quay and usually sold kr s6u. You will certainty tel such a watch; and, br aides, you may get a, Gold Chrdsometer worth &500. We eel) the certitkatea as follows; One for2s cents4.Three for 5 / Cents; Bit for $1; and Twenty for $3. Totbose se^.dingsl, we will send a handsome chain gratis. To those sending $3, we will Benda gold chafe warranted not to tarrileh'in 20 years.— Parties' getting larger clubs will receive literal seats, 'methadon of which may he learned on applka lion. As it is Oar intention to do a strictly bouoruble businesa, and to insure our custurntre from liability to tea, we will as nd our watchesdf desired, without motley, instructing the txptess agent to collect only on delivery If we are dmired to forward watches by mail the money moat be sent U 4 by Bank Draft or Poet Office Order, and ' it will then beat our risk. We will then register the package at our g. et Giles, and if lost will re-place it free of cbarge. If any watch sent is not approved, it may be returned and the money will be r, funded. The reputa tion of our firm, which has been e't,,bll.,hed for eve years, and/swell known in every part of the country. we trust till be deemed a sufficient eunntutee that we will faithfully per f.rat a:1 we reatrne t t. , 40. Ad•lrete iltitsNDA LE A CO., 162 Broadway. New York, Post Office Box. 5.'.3. ( - E. H. 3IL.NNIGII, Chanthertburg street, Agent for Gettysburg. Dec. 2:, 11167.-3 m JAS. E. CALDWELL &, CO., jEWELE 88, NO. 902 CHESTNUT 8 TRE E 7, PHILADELPHIA) f. Manufacturers. and Importers FIRST CLASS GOODS, belonfitaz to the C11610(.81 of Goldsmiths and Silvermiths, Hare remove.] to their NEW MARBLE STORE Extending from OLcittet Street Cr San4ont Street, of fording ample room and aurreoleot screseorire, miring opportunity for a proper display of gods, and Letter means Wr their exarnirmt ion. , With extensive and tarareble arningerneats in this Country and in Europe, we are iu a position to ulna at moderate PLXIID pricer. Watches, Diamonds, Bronze and Marble Goods, Silver Wares, Jewelry, Porcelains, Pla ted Goods, Musical Boxes, arnl every ElescrlPtioa of FANCY ARTICLES. StrangeriCvlsiting the city are cordially invitcd to ex amine our New Store. I.llarch 4,IEGS —Gm wing Ifflachints. THE HOWE MACHINE ' CO.'S SEWrN.G M A C It- INES, 69p BROADWAY, NRW Yoftir. These World-renowned Sewing Ma chines were awarded the Highest Premium at the World's Fair, in London, awl sir First Premiums at the N. Y. State Fair of 1866, and are celebrated for doing the beet work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and bylhe intro dsction of the most &poi-m. 4 machinery, we are now able to supply the very beet =chides in the world. These machines are made at our new and 'parlous Few city at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate super- Won of the President of the Company, ELIAS HOWE, r., the original inventor of the Sewing Machine. They are mianted to all kindle of Family Sewing. and to the use of Seanistreaws, Drees Makers, Tailors, Manu facturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts. (leaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Barnes,, `Saddles, Linen Goals, Hmhreilos, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, cotton of woolen goods with silk, cotton or lined thread. They will seam, ' quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind and perform' every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article sewed. The Stitch, invented by Mr.:HOWE, and made tin thW Machine, Is the most popular and durable, and all Seri lug Machines are subject to the principle invented 'by him. Send for Circulars. SIBLEY k. STOOPS, General krauts, Jamas k Bus., Agents, Gettysburg, Pa: Mare 19, /4917.-4y,' Np. 929 Chapitsita p t., Phil& SEWING MACHINES! THE GROVER dr. BAKER. ,THE SIIST IN USE. These Machines have heron' aukwiell knows that little need be said by way of recent inaadatiri Theyjitaire Obeuthe first prealutn' at All .the late tatbFaids, and are unirenutlly uhnowledged l o b. the BEST ass by all who have tried them. The "Grover A Baker Stitch" and the u Shuttle Stitch" are points that have been attained by no other Machin-- They ere the only Machines that sew and embroider with perfection. These Machines are peculiarly adapted to hmily usa They are almost aliselessotew directly from the spool without rewitiaing, and are simple is their construction.. They are easy to manage, and an he worked by almost any child: Every fancily should have one. SSW saselabpr, Sam sassliate., epd tbsysase wa g . ' D a& their Work bitter than It can be done by hand.. • The undersigned:hiving been appointed Agent for the ab o ve Machines. ilallestablished an Agency in leirlleld, Adams CO., *tare be will always have on hand a supply. persons wishing to buy - will please call and examine for thonuolval. , es. poodle. sad Thread rSill also be supplied:- J. IL WI:TH=OW Agent, kag.16.1856 , 411 r • lilicTol44.4lsasooonkr. Pa gGiE ) limeisre, at. TIN , WATIE ADID:STOITES. THE L'AltditsT ,s'sorttattENT TIN-WARE N THE COUNTY, , S G. COOK'S , . talwittrer Tolley 's); edge sante TED 118 T COCIKING-STOTZEI IN Tall it/REST, among which are the • • • LD DOMINION, :1 • 1 1 , 00NPR0EIDE PMMOMLVANI.L. • NOBLE , • OBLN 000 E, . • 11CONOXITOT. PARIaNT'BIIII.I.f, &e l lAbeitimoOkhor asticieitor kitibmiuseorAlch will As ks IoW as* essatatisor Sae, lathe ,1 • ' • la a NODE CALL AT tVsburg, Penna [Aug. 21.-ly Of every deAcrlption of gartiilmOmitat, Ac : ,i AVID IIceItEART. JOHN Y moat }4 "Best Always- Cheapest rring:nost and Cbeapest, SADDLES, BRILILAS, . • COLLAA'S'atia HARIVESSey at/ kind*, in the thunty, are &twit," tn:l,e fuend,si Um old and well known stand, Italthitur* at, opppOt o.the frestojtathia.Chur* '•(MeCREAIII7'.a.) . • , Our Rldlrig, and Wagon Saddles, are the most subttanVally built and neatest. (Xur Hartle*, (plain krndsiker MOtflifed), at* complete hie v. , v.,. respect Mid warreeted to be of the 'very heat material and work maneddly• Our upper leather Draft Collars, mix trot or Bi.A.T. They - are the best - FITTING end most durable. . . Our Heavy Draft Harness, - • • are meats to °raft% as cheap as they. can be made any e here ant in the moat subatantial manna,. Riding Bridles, Whips, Lsslies, Draft flames, Wiy-neta and even, thing in the line; None. bet ter or dapper. Our prices have beep s>raccto,to th. itoWe4 li • kr.ifetanclatd.. A liberalriercob Lege- Car casWoff all bills lemon Ming to $5 or more. We work nothing but tile bert *tick and will war rant every article turned uut to by iu every respect as re, presented. , Thank/al rnr lAA (Arnie we int Ile ;AI tention tauarpre heat stock. nq a call and examine emcee ANT qtratrtY. D. AlcCll.l./ItY k SON. NEW SADDLI4:It SHOP. ON i'tbe Baltimore Street,. Gettysburg, Pa.—Con stanily on band, VI made to order, all kinds of RIDING SADDLES, irAtiON.biDDLE3, CARRIA lE HARNESS, DRAUGHT HARNESS, RIDING BRIDLES, lOw S. the iowebt May 2), 1W -I C. C A RRIAGE-3LIK ING RESUMED The war being over, the undtrmigned hare returned-Abe CAHMAGE-3IAKING ISUSINESS, at their old ataml. in East %fiddle stre.t, Gettysburg, where they are agnin prepared to pat up work in the moat fashionable, substantial, and superior manner. A lot of new and second-hand CARII.I4GES, BUOGIES, he, on hand, whidi they will dispose ofat the lowest priers, and all orders will Le supplied sai proinptly and satisfac torily as pomade. K."IIEPAIRINGJSI dune With dispatch, and at cbrapert rates A large lot anew and old HARNESS -n hand C.r g al Thankful for the liberal patronage berettifore enjoyed try them, they wlicit and will endeseor to deaerve a large share in the future. Ma) -9.-t CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. TATE a: CULP Are oow building a variety of COACII WORK of the latest and moot approved etylev: tend constructed of the beet material, to which they Invite the attention of buy er... Having built our wort with great core, and of MAL [trial selecte4 w ith special reference to beauty of style ant .lurability, we can confidently recommend the work as unsurpne-ol by any other in or out of the does. All we ant: in an inapec t ion Of our work, to ounvlnee tuose in want of any kitrl ,fa vehicle that thin le the place to but them. 41Z. - Ilt:1'A MIN) in every branch •t aL,nt notice .1,11 Give us •-a:: at ~or Factory, hear the Corner of Wash rv,:t Ch tailteralmr7 atreets,lictlyelmeg, Pa. Jll 11 16611-tf Wiorellancom 13AUGII'S COMMERCIAL MA NI:RES.—We nnn , nnee to farmers and dealers In Pert ilizera, that the fol;ox ins prices have been adopted for the .pr its t se...nt . 11.11'611'S It /IV LONE PROSPII ATE.. Pt ice, tifi per 2,000 Pro. Uti IPS CHICAGO BONE FERTILIZER Price, SSG per 2,0041 , HAUGEFS CHICAG,) BLOOD 31A1CURIC P, VA per 2,000 Ibe. Th ix 14 ell-kut.o p•pular trade-mini trill be found up one very rackage of the above manures. The high estimation it (TMDE MARK 1 71" ch Bar 21111 r Boaz MANCII/J have been held, dnr•.ltg four teen years past, we shall ful ly sustain in the future. Har ing now the entire control of the great resources of the city. - of Ch icago, for furnishing AM /moats and Phosphate yt eWtng material, sks:—Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood, dc., we hay*, in cenneCtion with our works in Philadelphia, the hugest Licilities fur furnishing these masers, at the 'bore low prices. BALTII k SONS, Philadelphia. NORTH-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO., Chicago. JOHN RALSTON I CO., General Agents, Naar York GEORGE W. KIRKE k CO.; " Roston. GEORGE DUGDALE, Wholesale Agent, - Wtimore. Forel' information respectkg the above tenures, aJ:. dress either of the above houses. Jan. 15,1865 -3u WAGON MAKING. TIIE subscriber respectfully informs the ptillic that he carries on the WAGON-MAKING BIJSMESS • In all its braucbes,lt his Shosi,ineurnbeelandtaerasbip. about one-half mile from Bream's Mill, on the road lead lag from said 11.111 to the Ilmmittaburg road, and is pre. ;awed to execute all orders with promptassa. St 'REPAIRING- OF ALL KINDS ATTENDED TO. He also ntainfastwrea HAND-RAKES, SHAKING PORES AND sitoom-HANDLES, for wholesale and xis. tail trade. He hopes, by prompt attention to badman, to merit mid receire. *liberal pahimeire..' Order' addrem i ld to Um Gattysbirtg, reeilve prompt attention. • Avg. 7,1.867.—1 y ~WILLLtlit li. HOOCH. GREAT CONOWAGO MILLS. 10,000 BURIBLB*pity, PANTED reitwided Itimihmtn4o4 The ub n his mills near New Chester (lbroterly called "Walnut Grove," bet now "Great &towage Mills") is - prepared to do all Muds °fern - kin itle tine erltbranumealdbpatch. Constantly on hand, tot sale or exchange, the very best qua/Hies of Kuper, Extra; and'Pantily ' , LOUR, also Rye, Corn and Buckwheat Ylour,. *Di every variety of Mop Ind offal of wheat. Airing a 13AW- MILL attached, he Is prepared. to sa all kinds °number, at theshortest notice. A Amain in need of lember and flour. can put a log upon hfuragon, throw a Am bushels of wisest on the toy, hare the wheat exchanged lir Mier, sad the log sawed, thus taring a double trip—and all because of the new and perfect ma , enemy now employed in these mills. Having Atio best of workmen, be will be able to.•plesse every body. Meat All for past Users be hopes for a 150 a tineence et the seem . U. j. MUD. blew Chester, April 924. leet-Iy. ROBERT' D. 'ARMOR , GAS ~ FrIVER, PLITNIBER AND BELL /ANGER, dart Middlc street, &WA square from Lle Court-koase, GRTTYSIIIIRG, :PA., ' ILL promptly attend to. all ar . dere In his line: Work dOtor Wills most antis. faMofy ma n ner, and at prima as low as can ponlidy bs afforded to make a Hying. • • GA S r.P.E , furnished, as lir as Chaadallars. Woe-tots, Orop thibt a to.; also WATES PlPte atom:fop ani inmt Spigots,' a abort. wiretithlog Wagging to pa or water lize Balm lain& IC &Wired. locks aII MIAs .romersd. (Dec, 11307;41 WIRE RAILIN°G Wire g i i . v guard, Sit none Troithi, l lotney kr. .. ; Iron Itobiteads, Mr* z bin tor Retry =I Pool*" Yards; Babe ma Wire Cloth, Neves, Ponders, Bermea Jo Cookofes, sm i d c a s . ; Heavy Crimped Cloth !be Atikeges; ,, Esablooryo. Wires Ibr WWlowl, b e .: Pe p A insAnassaat. al Wire, Work, to. Every bilkomat.los by abibuolartb• manalketurers. K. MAMMA I , SONII, Na. /1 Korth 811th at., Plailadelphla.; ~.,, . [Yob.ll, 151111,4 y. At&WZL. 01,4 Pabßo4lllllll4ll4olllolllb - t I 1 I 116,1! Asa ilk% •-: BLIND BRIDLES, COLLARS, FLY NETS, &c J. M. SOWN. DINNER k ZIiGLYR Parties eonveyld Maud from the:Depot upon the ar rivals/id departure °temp traia. Norma. bought, sold.„ or exchanged, and always a chance for-bargaina ghee. • Our motto to "fair play awl • .lar attentionpaid to tarnishing Vehicle, *dr= arks Orr 'anemia. datter musebee that by charging sodarately and by itimilakinet imparior acconemodaticies,.we, memo 611 to please every ono who 'patronlaea our entabUide Mea t T. T . 61.1884 - HARDWARE AND 0 II 00 Xll/211 • TEN abserthereleave Jain returned : from tbie antis With en immenseaupply of HARDWARNA 8/101111MW‘ Wilted, there're ofteinget.their ideleteme lie Senhaere lareeti f pries/Wean filename. Oasefoneemeenatell pert o hoe/111411w, Cabinet ffsker'.Tiols „ • Robsekeepat'aitzttirem. ' ' • ' 'Lllkfndeoflion de GROVlElitita..o7 .11. X nil) Ir, 0111,P4lsts , Atit4 Ate. liar if aurtJeldbahttbrd In tbe aural ttepourtmatto 1 4 1 .04mt4 above. bet wkatosa slot tbl•StOre. ; 3 1141 , 7 aloof IlLeibuies nil beta epamodated hams withtooliaaUbtauge,soil Ifinstkeep beams Mad ivory 'arUtifithi to e. *ire to II as Fissitorribiredloteilitigoid'orgialS tesayetluetboves bietlif ties its 41)=. 11. Daus_ /4141)11110144i - *mist 9.7 Vivant!. TkIE {GREAT CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE. •, X. 1866. L. tiE OBEAT. Zingari ,Bitters. Vim woNtraitrut. Ii.EMSDY was discovered an introduced about twenty years ego by Dr. ll.Cheop sets, an eminent Egyptianphysician. lie - -had long aeon and felt the want of some remedy which.would strike at the root of disease. and so pre vent much of the Suffering which tlie human flintily was then compelled to endure. This great question was presented to hie mind every day in vivid colors Gabe moved among the sick anddying, and observed the inellicienoy of nearly all the remedies then In use. Thus be was led to think and experiment; and afterten years' study and later, lie presented to his fellow-man the wonderful Zingarl Bitters. The effect 01 this preparation in the prevention and cure of disease, was so mirvellont and astonishing, that the most datter log marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it. ills name was placed upon the 801 l 01 Nobles, and a gold medal with the following iiiscripi ion —Tir.J3.Cheopsue, the Public heaefactor—was presented to Lim by the Viceroy. The preparatkin ban been aged in several epidemics of cholera, both asa preventivitaad curative maniere, and with inch groat succea, that ft hap been iutrwinced Into nearly all illegal:tend hospitals of the old world. The oil saying that au ours,- of ;.rerentioo is worth a pound of cure, applies with ; see to cholera, and therefore au; remedy .: ..rect us apajatia, his terrible disease vbould 1. ?I. • I peraiitently sued. All pathologists nue' Wee 1)1, I!. I.OIMM acts on the sytetem through Me tim: vny Lion which acts on 01 e *MCI keep.. them In working order, must prev.mt a • tit iiiTo !noi, t lop of the poison to exert lister, i hit effect.. flit. organism: Thla I. true nut only of .it o'oily all other tont/dies, eepecielly the dithi cut I , ria4 The Zinger( rit Ulna to j 11. s 1 SYCLI a trwr.ly an the .bore conditions require. It acts on the litiolt.or secretion and secretion. keeplep up e perfict balance between , them. This Bitters. is composed entirely or root. cud. herbs, NO nicely concocted that every organ in acted npOn ant put In tone. Its taste is pl...maut and its effects prompt and ladling. Numeroos cares of the following diseases have !men cured by it: Cholera, Dlarrliceei, Dysentery, ecrofula, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Ague, Nervous De bility, Anaemia. Female I rregularities. Dyspepeia .Ylat u. lenry, Colic, kc. Price One Dollar perquart Bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street wharf, Harris. burg, Pa. SAil by Druggistr,HotelheeperesndOrocereenerally. gra_G. Y. KA Lit FLEISCH, sole Agent fur Gettysburg. F. RA !ITER, Sole Proprietor Harrisburg, pa hlay 23,118 ff ALL AROUND THE WORLD! The First Premium of a Silver Medal was awarded Barrett's Hair Restorative, By the N. H. State Agricultural Society, at its Fair holden in Nashau, Sept. 20, 18GG. BARRETT'S VEGETABLE HAIR RE- STOIC ITIKE restores Clray I.talr to its natural color.— Promotes the growth or the liwir. Changes the roots to their original orr,tuie action. Eradicates Dandruff and limuJrs. Prevents flair felling out. Is • superior Dm sing. It cuntsica no (Ourlovus Ingredients, and la the most popular and reliahle article throughout the East West, North mud Sout. J. R BA ER KIT .1 CO., Proprietors, by Dr. IL ll,,ruer,Gettyslntrg; J. 8 Tatigh- lotaugh, Tl•sruptoti ; Hartman and Sadler, Prtereburg, Snyder Eon, Littlutoon, and Ltruggiit• generally Vey. 12., iscs --ly SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, Used by Hundreds of Congregations for Church or Communion Purposes. QM Excellent for La(lien and Weakly l'enwns TO USE VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, FOUR YEARS OLD 1 1 111ISPaftly celebrated native Wine is made from/lb 1. Juice of the Oporto Grape, raised In this country. Its invaluable TONIC AND STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES aro unsurpassed by any cellar native Wil7lo. Being tli pure nice of the Grape, produced under Mr. Speet'a own personal supervision, Ate purity and geLainenc.re are gluten teed. The youngest child may partake of its grit. eructs qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to ad vantage. It Is particularly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that af. flirt the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A. WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use Speer's Port Grape 'Wine. Females rue Speer's Puri Grape Wine. Weekly paranoia Sad a benefit by its use. Speer'/ Wines in Boapitals are preferred t. °the is hies- LP - Staid by Druggists and Grocers. A. Speer's Vineyard, New Jersey, Oftce,243 Oratdway Rept. 4, 1867,-ly New York yOUNT'S COMPOUND! FOR TUX CURE OF PUTRID SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA, or any other Inflamniatory or inward disease of the Throat if no of too long standing. Also, SCARLET lISTER. This medicine has Leen tried in THOUSANDS OF CASES in different parts of the country, and has never beet known to if taken in time and according to direc lions. It is warr.nted to cure. Give it a trial and it will speak for itself. Every household should provide them selves with a box of this medicine and keep it on hands. The tures that it has effveted are truly marvelous. IKS.Preps red and sold by Ismail, YOUNT A Co., Gettys burg, Pa ,or by their authorised agents. for sale at nearly all the Stores in Adams county. May 29, 1897.-0 isaesL Toillur k CO. givery GETTY. , 'BURG LIVERY, . SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES• THE Preprietor of these Stables, feeling thankfal for tboliberalpatronageheretotore received, beg al eav e to inf rmtbepnbllethathecontlnne, the LIVERY BUBINESS at hie old Stand on Washington street, Gettysburg, near the Railroad, where he Is pre pared at &Mimes to accommodatepersomswltbanything In his line. HORSES,COACHES,IIIIGGIIB,ac., unlashed st short notice and on reasonable terms, and competent ihivers sent along it dealred. Persons will be conveyed to other towns, or to any place in the country. Ills stock and Coaches are of the Ant class, and no pains will be spared to make passengers comforiable, lie is prepared at all times to furnish coaches for funerals; and also to parties desiring to go over the Battle Field nr tovisit the Springs. Amao—H oßsza AND ]L-II L' 8 willbaboaghtandsoldatalltimeg. Persona deal:Mgt° purchase ituck will find it to their advantage to call on sq andersigned,ae his stock le. warranted to be as rep. ~essutad or no sale. He ' , has a line lot of 'forma and Hulas at present on hand which will be sold on reasons. blaterms. "bay ars soandamlfrectrons disease , and ats guarantied to wqrk - aa represented. Persons will audit to thairadvantag sto =Hat the old stand before hiring Dr puirebastagehiewhers. - May 1867,-.lf NICHOLAS WZAVER • „IHE E A G LE A LIVERY; • • SALE Sr EXCHANGE STABLES Washington Street, Gettysburg, Pa. ADJOINING THE EAGLE HOTEL. THE undersigre4 would reipe' etful . ly Inform the public thit be has opened a wow LIVERY, SALE ILND EXCHANGE SERBIA In this place, and is prepared to offer superior accemausdatlons In this line. He Yu provided Maser( with Buggies, Car. Hagen. ffacka,lagbt Wageng de,of tke latut styles, tatficiont to meet the publi: dema nd. His horse. are all good, without spot. or blemish, and perfectly reliable— none of yourcripples," but accommodated an all of the "R. 40" order. Riding parties tan alwayt be d coo fortable fapmettts tarnished. Parthw, large or small, can getlert what they went on the Mott actwounedatlnig terns. Visitors to the Rattawdeld politely. attended to, end reliable drivers fOrtdatted ff desired. guiltry, at. OurrpenterWoofil. Bhucicipalth'ileols . Cwhi Findlay, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL • • • - • • RAILROAD • Double track route rambles between Philadelphimitad Pittsburg.. Traits lea Sing Gilts 'burg make tke:folkow. Dig connections with this Trunk line: Dirty:shunt leave at 815 a. m. and 1.30 p. Hanover Junction arrive 10.06 " 3.20 " " • leave 10.58 933 a 11arrhborg arrive 12.56 p. m. 11.44 " leave 1.50 " 2.45 a. M Philadelphia . arrive 6.20 ", 7.10 r , Harrisburg Two 1.15 " 12.16 ' Pittsburg arrive 1.20 a. m. 0.10 " At Philadelphia elj,se connections ate made with the trains for New fork, Baton and all Pastern Cities. A t Pittsburg connections are trade ht the New Holm De pot with the trains for all Western Feints. tivLito: further informatiowapply to • EDWADD H. WILLIAIV, Gen. Superintendent, Atto-ni, Pe. ilcsay W. Galas zu, Oro. Pass. Agent. Pill lads. Jan. 29. ISCS a N ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY Ou andatter Nov. 24,15t17, Trains will Wale linnovvr Junction LIP follows: LEAVE NOLTEIW AHD. 12.50 s. m.—D ily for Williamsport, daily (excrpt Sun days) torElmlra,Rerhnler,Dußao , Niaeala Valid and Belo and the Went. 10.fts t. to—Daily (eicept Saud's) ktr Eltuirs,Butalo, 2.05 p. u.—Dally (except 9uuday4) for Williamsport and Erie. 0.11 p. n..—Daily (except.Subdays) for Yea. p. ut.—Daily (except Saturdays) (or liarrisLurg. the West. - LEAVE FOUTIIIVARD. 6.J3 a. 14.—1 y (except Mondays) atoppiugat Nil tots only. 7.37 a. oh—Daily (except Sosd.‘y,) stopping at all Sta liens. 10.2 N a. nt.—Daily •topping et Shrewsbury, Pal k lull. Monkton mud Cockeysville, 3.4 S p. in.—Daily (except Sundays) .topping at all Ste- EDW. S. YOUNG,Geu. P 416. Agent, Bal [IOIOTO, M 4. J. N. DI;IIARRT, Gen. Superintendent, Fah. 3 , ISr.S.—tf H ANOVER BRANCFI RAILROAD, TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY. May 6th,1567, passenger trains on the Hanover Branch Railroad will leav! ar follows : (which makes connection with the trains Oh 11,. North ern Central railway at the Junction.) will leav• I lanover at 9.00 A. H., fur York, Baltimore. Harrisburg, and int er- Entaliatestationa. This train arrive. at the Jonetkon at 9.55 A. M., connecting with the Vast blue A. nth, on the Northern Central Railway, which arrives at Baltimore ■t 12 31) P. 31., and •lao with the Mail Train worth, which arrives at Harrisburg at 12 51 I'. 31 IS..Thla train rettlrat to Ilanuver at 12 M. and arrive' at Gattysburg at 1 P, M. SECdND TRAIN Leaves Hanover at 2.20 P. 31. and arrives 41 the Junction at 3.10 P. 31., connecting with the 30ai1 Train Shuth, Which arrives at Banknote at 6 P. 31. Passengers by this Train for York lay over at the Junction until 6.12 P. 31. 'This Train returns to Hanover at 4 P. M., with paeengers for Hanover, Gettysburg and Littlestown. Passengers leaving Baltimore for flanower.Gettystonrg and Littteetiown, will take either the 3i:ill Train at 8.3 t, A. M., or the Past Line at 12.10 P.M. May. 20,1967. JOSEPH LEIB. Agent. GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD CHANGE OF CONNECTIONS On and after Wednesday, November dth, lddi, Pas seager Trains will leave and arrive •t Get tysb-drc, and make connections as follows• FIRST PASSENGER TRAIN .111 rare a ettyebnrg aj 8 IS. A. M., with passengers for Tort, liarrisbarg, Phila delphia, Baltimore, and the North and II est, arriving at Hanover Junction without change ofcamat 10 . 15, A. M., connecting with the Fast Line South, on the Northern Central Railway,andarriTlogat Baltimore at 12 IN/, nom, Also, connecting with Mall trainfrom Baltimore north, arriving in Harrisburg at 1 00,P. M. Arri.eat tirttyN. burg 12 40, P. IL, with passengers from Harrisburg, Yolk, Baltimore, a nd Washington. Mauthestr, N. II SECOND PASSENGER TRAIN will leave acttythurg at 1 30, P.M. arriving at Uanover Sone, lowa, 3 30, and connacting wlth Mall train Eouth. Arrive la Baltimore at 0 00, P.M. Arrive at Gettysburg at 5 30, P. 31.. with p ItEBlll2 gave from Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and the North and West and alto with passengers from Baltimore and 'Washington by the Past Line North, which leaves BART. more at 12 10 , boon. Passengers can leave Baltimore in the 11.11 train, at 20 A. 31.. and arrive In Gettysburg at 12 40, P.M. Or leave Baltimore In the Fast Line at.l2 I o,tioon, and ar rive in Getty.hurg at 5 40, P. 31. But one change uf cars either way, viz: at Hanover Junction.' Dee- 4, 186 READING RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 25, 1867. Great trunk line from the North and Northweet •lor- Philadelphia, Nevr York, beading. Pottsville, Tamaqua, Aehland, Lebanon. All:ntown, Easton, Ephrata. Litiz_ Lancaster, Columbia, kc., de. Train. leave Ilarrieburg f r New York. an follow,: A. and 8.10 A.M., and 2.05 end 9.35 P. M.. connect ing with similar Trains cu the Penueylvania Rail Road; and arriving at New York at 5.10 and 10.15 and 11.50 A_ M., and 3.40 and 9.30 P.M. Sleeping Carraecompanylng the 3.00 A. 51. and 9415 P. 51.. Train,: without change. Leave llarriaburg for Rer.ling, Potteville, Tanniqme Irlinereville,Avlrland, Pinot:rove, Allentown and Ptrilattel; phis, at 8.10 A. 51. and 25.15 and 4:10 P. 51., etopp:ng al Lebanon and principal Way .t.t t at ior.s; the 4.10 P. M. inak log connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill haven and Auburn, via Sehnylkirl and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Ilarrieburg at 3.55 P. M. Itetarning: Leave New 'folk at 9.00 A. M :12.00 Nwn and 5.00 and 6.00 P. M.; Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. Way Passenger Train Ihaves L'hiladelphia at 7.30 A. X., returning from Reading at 6.30 P. M., stop ping at all Stations; Pottsville at 5.45 A. 11. and 2.45 P.; M.; Ashland 8.00 A. M. and L. 19 noon,-and 2.00 P. M.: Tamaqua at 8.30 A. M. and 1.00 and 8.45 P. M. Leave Putt4Tilie fur ilarriqtalrg. Till Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 7.10 A. M and 12.00 noon. Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves Reading at 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6.4$ A. M , returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.00 P.M Cclnmbia hail Road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 A. M., and GUS P. 31. for Ephrata, Litt:, Lancaster, Columbia, kc. 03 Sandal , : Leave New Tyrk at S.OO P. M., Philadel phia 8.00 A. ST. and 9.16 P. M.. the 9.00 A. M. _Train run ning only to Reading: Pottsville 9.00 A. 31.; Marrlabtirr 5:5 A. M. and 4.10 and 0.35 P. 31., and Reading at 1.60 ■nd 7.15 A. M. for Ilarrieburg, and 7.05 A. M. 11.40 P. N. for New *fork and 4.25.. P. 31. for Philadelphia. Commutation,lllltage, Beason, S claw( and Excur.km Tickets, to and from all points, at natured Rates. Baggage. checked throu:h; NU pounds allowed each Passenger. Readtog, P*, Dec. 4, 1567 oal, umbrr, imr, ter. GETTYSBURG .; LIME KILNS: TLIE undersigned has bought out his farmer partner, Wm. Grum, and now cunt Janet the THE LIME-BURNING BUSINESS himself—at the Gettysburg itne Kilns; on tbe corner of the Nal!road and North Stratton street. Thankful for put patronage, !kiwill endeavor to deserve Its eontino ante, by prosecuting the business u vigorously and once large a scale as possible—always selling a good article sad giving stied measure. Farmers and others may !Oak for the prompt filling of orders. Us also continues the etreting the meet popular lqads. llondekeepere WJ others should gift libel • call. Btackanitt Coal emuitant ly on hat& Lime and Cull delivered anywhere in eiettysburg. Gettyab irg, N0v.20. /861.4 f JACOB MILKY_ Michael Leer's Old Stand PIPTBRBBURG. T. S ADAII3 COEWII; PENA' 4. JOHN AND PETER BECKMAN WOULDW . respectfully announce to - the public that they are me prepared .to fur nish lime in any quantity. Persona would do ',id - to Sire them a call Deane mint elsewhere as they will Lind them accommodatind in every respect. Nor. 20, issr-4m • - REMOVAL • THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. THE -undersigned takes ,plettigur — e in um. nanetincing to the citizens or Gettysbnti and the 'public gmatmlly that ha haaremoted from Ms old roams OW Wee. t Middle street, to Baltimore street and nearly simotteite the 'tore of ltirnestork Brothers. The roam be nom oeitoples, him bees reestaly litted an azartmely kr his business . rho location lam idnsirrhie one mudding Ma to take pictures • la all shades tit tiverthet; sell with • orrec taste unequalled any whet : Seise. LIT B-.LIHEPIIOTOOBAPHEI, of er ery else and deecriptlon, szetate4 la the ha art sty le Plirtleniaratteutpaajairon to tkoCARTLDI VIBITI,end in copying AMBROTTPIII3 and DAGIIIIIREOTTPIifi of deeeasedhlsads. Also— THE GETTY/3MM° OEMS, is now style of picture *bleb hU become vety popular with the public, not only for their beauty, but for cheap ness and cow/entente. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLLAE ees ly. Also--THE FICIOREE, whieh for thearliwytty sad durability are snsurpeessd. Wears prepared to carry on the business In all lte 111140111111U111111ii.,11/1111 luishighadeonsiderablesoimeisuse we ranaeHub to GVARARTZEING rairscr sArnriPACtION. D i n an d mini*. oar Spec:Went saiyadr•ttr a r LE I lair • Juno 21.11180. --- JOB PRINTING, ZXECUTED NEATLY A MUCM'LI. March 18; 1868. pito of Stara. '17:11 SCIIED FIRST TIIAIN R. McCURDY, Elop't CI A. NICOLL& General Superintendent COAL BUSIN-ESS, LIME FOR SALE 138 ES 14'000101 galleito. or mar sosairersou 11 'MS 1 e ttotnlrs This;. Semi' 84111,1 9 1 4 1 11 r .2.5111 W Loy ides. A !MEI E • •; MI II any iew vertistair Jo' WOlin ' : eeigeell,' int Cs*, will is D M° • as Wow *tam SP•cial at nest le Osesiaix Flo.. , MOW 6110 Ei!R2 A CO • LAW, other Iletgissia Can bstaar *tow, Illaitiaosts DAVID LAW,OIIO. er ofOntr. . Romeo May M. • „ DAVID 'A NS! Air and a odor iirooolll Id • • posit* Miami CLAIIi will • • ===zi May 29, tell? DR -J- . W . deo two dam Chittributt„, JOi, t 6a Imithisho Drag Stare,idisee i'mrsonawaif of May Si, MC DR. C LTA' 111 11 TOWN, and at 6ls Mesa, 1,4. NOW all• II li1•111416. JOHN W.: ILI Liman ...I (Worts Xao It• cut at aU ON* BM la will aaaare Xay 111111,111117.• - OSCAR Is eamasetisa pared kr atitissii is I►illIAQ 11111 • cx.ss or 1/.wit ►bad attoatWa to of pobUo ilottysbarivra. QURVEYO TWZMICIRAC. • 0••••7•11•0491 Oleo of OM's!: warma or as O. tiortox hada* to roost,* Mond ty attemmi t 0,044 • Fairfield, • May 1111,1147.747 OHr TEE and N A esiit Pryland IwoMud ry strict estalatfee 'atlas/the. is. ',taloa guars. 111•11 Yq 29,11417"...4f, 110 WILL la • L. DAY sail r• dealt* art to Dorsi* will lone tie& nor & Zeigler. • whits Um rise grin 8 1, 14. ti, umer-at UNITED Y. i. NNW IA EACH 14 EU I il) i i I .g Oct. s, 1ma,27 KEYS! AVM. IC. N 0 THIS Ls 2 - *tea up Is plearisiimad patios of Ow lion. for the PR;gZ2 cassmatiathig Ciiminik k_ plane. Mb WOO lb* .saw • E AGL 0011.11111 et JOlEl+ll, l WA iib .I.llupe9mA, o. airtPid !7T" 1 ne.-4f GETTYB =5 === Threshei ciem i ,Atetnr ari lkiesikest - , sph __ ?mar. loos SON •verytiling lath!" . ws SALS-4 'MOD rII pLuzi JO a 't BON!.