C •t.f And Ea scd. 11E1 lug lib 111M 4k. iscd of ....1 aril Uois I WU I! Sad- ra- I am betiz WV., btekl hone per- laair t-1 ly no of Jowl ega, Ur. to, u al • rrh, own urg •!de WI R. 1-ta MEL his Wit ar, arty tut and led, root- All y ES ay, his t 0l I #tat •Atti *Mind. Gettysburg, Wcineaday, March 118, 1868. REPUBLICAN KEETOI46I TO-NIGHT: The Republicans of the ißorcMgh will 'meet TO-I.+ZIGIPT (Wednesday) at the Eagle Ho tel; at 74 °clock, to nominate a "ticket to be supported on Friday neat. By order ot v .• • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. SALES.:—The following sales of Personal Propertydto take place this spring, will be found in our advertising column : March 13.—.A;ndrew Welk eit, highland tp. 13--Amoi Cabbman, Siiittban b. Taylor, Ofloaeph, itenallen tp. honk, tattui l iore tp. " —/eitan - Cook, Loft 13nlphur Springs near' Brag, BIM " " —Clayton Chamberlin, llamlltouban tp. " Benner,;fitiaban tp. . " " —Beamed B.Stoticsker„Casbtowu near Fairfield " 19.—Oeoige Hewitt, Menalled " " —Jolie4h A. Wietman, Bentingtodtp. " 20.—Jubq Kent:lrina. Union tp. " " —Joh4 Cleaver, lletutington tp. - 'Q " Zi—B. F. Kepner, Butler tp. " :M.—Sarah lleller , Menallera tp. —Catherine awl Charlotte neever, sot tp ' I. , ,'.—John Irwin, llighlnnd tp. 2.—Samuell.awrer, Butler tp. near Ileecher'e Far $ REVENUE TAXES.—The attention of those concerned is directed to an advertise ment in • regard to Revenue Tax 4.ssess mouts, by, llon. Win. McSherry, District Assessor, in another column. Appeals from erroneous assessments will be received until the Nth instant. ELECTED.—The Rev. E. V. GEIWART, D. D., of leancaster, has been elected by the General Synod of the German -Reformed Church, to fill the chair of Didactic Theolo gy in the *ercersbnrg Theological Semina ry, made vacant by the death -of Rev. Dr. If A n BAIT° EL Prof. GERUART was fornierly Pastor of the German Reformed . Church in this place, and is a gentleman of marked UNION DEPOT.—A bill has been report ed in the State Senate authorizing the Han over Branch, Littlestown and Gettysburg Railroad Companies to establish a union depot in Hdnover. Thts is a capital idea; which we hope will be put through. At present,• tin) transfer of passengers at the depot in Hanover, often amid rain and mud, is a nuilanee, cf which there is constaut complaint. The erection of a joint depot by tho three companies will cure the-evil. COUNTERFEIT .2.5 CENT NOTES.—A largo numberof these notes are in ciregla- Lion. The Yam the best executed counter feits of this denomination yet manufactur ed, and are calculated to deceive the most careful money takers. The bogus currency may be known by the paper being a trifle lighter. The vignette of kcssenden is, at first glance, Tully as(correct as the genuine, but a close scrutiny shows that it is a good wood cut and not a steel engraving. SUDDEN DEATH.—On Friday night last, about 3 o'clOck, Mrs. FRANCIS 11., wife of JAMES E. PLAUARTY, of this place, White attending to'ordinary domestic duties, com plained of dizziness in the bawl and propos ed to retire. While disrobing herself, she fell to the Boor speechless. Dr. O'NEAL was immediately called in, but after lingering. until 4 o'clock, Al M. Mrs. FLAIIANTY died. We understand she had been in usual health until this sudden paralytic attack, having partaken of a hearty supper. She was 44 years of age. AN INTERESTINo LETTEII.—In our Agricultural Department, on 4th page, will be found:an - Other of D. P. 1 0 .'s;interesting letters—the subject treated of being the new Cattle Disease, Pleura Pneumonia, &c. As these letters kayo commanded a good _deal of attention,;in and out of the county, for their well Matured thought and practical suggestions, We deem it due to the author of them, to say / that the writer is Mr. DAVLD P. FORNEY, 412 intelligent practical Feriner, residing in Conowsgo township. He has our thanks for his contributions; which, we trust, will be cor.tinued, and would be glad to hear from ot'aer practical farmers on kin dred tonics. COL. M'CLURE'S LECTURE.—Hon. A. R. McCr...viat, of Chatnbersburg, will deliv er his Lecturie on Mormon/4in, in Agricultu carnal', on Monday evening next, the 2.1 d inst. Col. MeCt.truu is ti good talker, a sharp observtr, and an unusually interest ing lecture tray be expected. This is the last opportunity our people will bee to near him, as in May he leaves for Colorado Ter ritory, which will be his fatnre xesiclence.— Single Tickets 35 cents-to be had at the stores of A. D. BIIEEILICR, R. liolcrEn, and M. S£ANGLEd. The remaining Lectures of the court/ will be delivered by Prof. KIDD, of Cincin nati, March 31, and by Rev. Dr. TALLINIAGII, April 7. M. E. CLEURCI.I.-"—The East Baltimore Aimual Conferenoe of the Methodist Epis copal Chnich i rnet in Baltimore on Wednes day last. On. Friday the Committee, to whom the mpch agitated qinetion of Lay representation•had been referred, submitted the following report, which was adopted : "Whereas the subject of lay delegations has for ma ny years agitated the church ;and whereas it was submitted by the General Conference of 1860-td a vote of the male members over twenty-one years of age, and to the Annual Conference; and, where as It waadiaaPproved by a decided majority vote of the •male weathers and ministers, and notwithstanding, the subject continues to be agitated by the friends of the measure; and as the introduction of lay delegations into the Genecal and Annual Conferences, or into the General Conference alone, ,an organic change svbiCh been conaldavd by some of the best minds of the church in the laity and ministers of doubtful expedi ency ; therefore "Resolved to the .East Baltimore Conferr mice, in Conference assembled, 'That we will consent to lay delegations being incorporat ed in the discipline of the church when the General Confq•ence shall present a well-de fined and feasible plan e which shall be sub mitted to our ministers and members, mate and female, for their adoption or rejection. as a majority of their votes maydetOrrnine." Revs... : Hanry Slicer; Thompson. Mitchell, Joseph France, B. H. Creever, John H. T. Posh, W. L. Apottawell, -and - T. Barnhart, were 04444 *legates to the General .Con ference whichlusetnhles in Chicago in May • • next. . The Committee, to whom bmj boon refer. red the proptelitionlo diVidethe Conference made an adveiise report which wee adopteti by a large ltfa4ority. wtta be 7 lected for the nest annual meeting. Rev. J. B. MAIc ihtus_been appointed Agent to prosecute LIU movement for the erection tithe Gettystm , rg Memorial Ohmrch. Among the ;appointments mule by the Baltimore Conference South, which has else been in semoloi in-Baltimore, we notice that of Rev. HUAI iretrair'for Hagerstown. , Rev. S. M. L. Cossos, of the Baltimore Con (orange North, goes to Fairfai, STA CaTlf y(**l4abilititted and "worn :put," and want somethit% t l ; . k tone up the •orge.rn), instead of wing.stimulants, take Dr. ders' lodine Water, most ,pclferful ing agent and ristorstive. it permeates the entire system, 'hid ft* iffect is permanent. W . The "new thing under the up" of which Solomon doubted is Paismes 4SZOR DE MAYO," that we perfume for the hand kerchief. It cannot be described, for there is nothing' in the idfoie 4ealre of 0 France. Sold liy all drugieta. „ 1-3 ACCIDENT.—As s , iF Aa GRArram wag passing over the bride° which crosses the I:termin/oat /4 10 .tbilfer* primps, es .Friday, - h thn' hM,d &honk the bridge gige f stryi preittslinjg*r. 01Lt.- 'that and a young' atm Id& iri, r sinfi all of his stock, into the stream, which, at the time, was full of iloatingliett. , The hones. _becoming unmanageable, several of them , were severely injtired. The young man With Mr. GBAILA.II vas badly hurt. The bridge, was 'ins very dangerous :oono.ltion, the middle pier baying been taken away by the ice, leaving the span, 04 feet tong, unsup ported. M. OILLHAX, being a stranger, was not aware of the einculition of the bridge. We are told that the managers of the turn pike had been notified of the fact, but left it in this unsafe condition, thereby risking fife and property. TO 1101788-RTF4'ERS.--Young • folks and others, who are.fring to go to house , keeping this•spring, do well to make a call at Col. C. a 13111GLER'S Ware ioome,. near the Depot, Getty burg„ Pa., where; in addition to a large variety of.the most approv-, frig COOKING STOPS, Bitting Room and Chamber Stoves, can be found a very large assortment of every kind of TIN-WARE, Hollow-Ware, Japan Ware, Toilet and Cham ber Sets, Bread and Spice Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canisters, Waiters, Coffee' Mills, Wa ter Coolers, Spittoons, Pudding Moulds, Flour Seeves, Candle Sticks, Smoothing Irons, Egg Beaters, Fruit Cans, jelly Moulds, and a thousand other articles in the house-keeping line—all of which will be sold at lowest cash prices. Call and examine. tf a'Has Nature an antidote for acquired diseases ? The PLANTATION BrrrEns, prepar ed by Dr. Drake, of New York; have no doubt benefited and cured more .persons of Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Sour Stomach, Loss of„Appetite, Sinking Weakness,-General De bility, and Mental Despondency, than any other article in existence. They are compos ed of the purest roots and herbs,earefhlly pre pared, to be taken as a tonic and gentle stim-„, ulant. They are adapted to any age or con dition of life,. and are extensively popular with mothers mid persons of 'sedentary habits. or3lagnolia Water is a delightful toilet ar tide—superior to Cologne, at half the price March 11-2 t ,CrOne didlar looks like a very little sum to pay for a preparation that will effect such wonders as'are always achieved by `.llarrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative," now so popular throughout the entire country. liikt no one be without it. This is the only hair prepara- tion that received the "first premium" of a silver medal at the State Fair in 1666.-Ifan chcstcr 1L) Union it RAKERS.-liEui THOM . AS tt SON AI have a limited number of Brandt's Horse Rakers for the coming harvest. Farmers wanting them, will do well to send in their orders early. [rnch. 11.-3 t 1 : 1 1 - AttcntiOn iS ititted tO ArliT Uiltri GOODS —all kinds—advertisement in this issue, by 11. WARD, 103 N. 2d street. This is an - old and reliable Louse. ; ; ; ; ; PIiEMIU MS FOR NEW SUBSCRI BERS.--Our friends will. bear in mind that any ono of our present subscribers sending in the names of four new subscribers, with the cash in-advance (tq per annum), will re ceive a credit of one year's subscription on their own account—in other words, for each new subscriber sent in, accompanied by the cash, a PREMIUM OF FIFTY CENTS is 'allowed as a credit on present subscriptions. Some of our subscribers have thus paid their own paper for two and three years in ad vance. The same opportunity is offered to alt. Who willl signalize the new year by doing; likewise ? gerittv of the litarkett. Baltimore Grain and Prodnee Market. BaMmore, Afornfn9. ... 9 75 QlO5O —ll 00 @ll 25 ... 5 25 @ 537 ... 2 GO @ _ r 2 80 ... 2 GO @ 2 65 ... 1-08 @ 1 17 .. 1 90 Q 1 95 79 :@ 80 SUPER FLOTTE, EXTRA FLOUE, BUCKWHEAT MEAL, WHITS WHEAT, RED -WHEAT, Coax, RTE, OATS, TIMOTHY -BRED, ~ CLOVER -GEED,.... FLAX -SEED, BACON, " SIDES, " SHOULDER% LARD, GOLD, Pllll9. Gettyippurg_qraiiß agidrrov#l.on Iltarket GelYsbris - W ed r! 1 . 4 Y ' 11 " Ii "g 8 50 - 10 00 2 .1 0 ota 2 ...;,10.•23Q 1 00 , . Siirzx FLOUR, • EXTRA FLTErs,..••- • ••-- WRITE WKRAT,;..g .. .. BED WiißeT; CORN, YE,.. OATS, .., TINIOIIIT SEED,. CLOVER - SEED, ...... PorNipgs, . ....... ..... . BACON, HAMS, " "" 511017LDER1.3).., SOAP, TALLOW, /IW3:IIMD.. ALWINE-LSPANOLEB.—On the 2:lth - of Oew tobor last, by -lbw . . hit% IDeneeker, Mr. E4l - .f. Alwitle to ADlss Lizzie 4.t. Spangler, both of this eorinty, . Buciten--Mitarcoiii.ti the sth by Rev.-14„,1J Attlemata, Atir, geAlZ* 01 1 W 4toOlter fo Miss Emma C. Hollinger, both of Hanover. . .k HocKENsxrrier—BoLLENGEß,—On the jitb inst.. by Rev. /. M. tilted, lir. John J. Iltekenemith to Miss Mary Bo ll inger both of Frederick:comity, Md. • - KLErpra--FtniT.--AL the lattheran Par-, nonage; in Arensltavillit, on the 17th Inst.; by. Rev. M. Snyder, Mr. John E. Klepper. of Cumberland co., to Miss Carte K. Fur& of this. county. - ' •• Lona-- ltlirEit.—On the Bth inst., at the residence, f Wt. Mimi M. Hufford, .43 , Rev., Selleury, Mr. Jas. A. Long to Miss..,Mary' E. Hamer, both of Littiestown. STOVER—WIT.MOR.—Ora Pe . loth friar-4 by Rev. D. W.. Wolff, Mr. lamp Stnver;ofrum berland township, to Miss Hannah Witmor, of Straban township, this county. WOLF —Butorck—On the 2d ultott thews 'deuce of Henry - Black; by Rev. S. Henry, Ms. .Win. if. Wolf to Margaret 11. Mack. both of Carroll county, 741241 " 1— Pans.••••QA the sth inst., at the Ev. Luth. Parsonage, Littlestown, by 'Rev. B. HenTY;lrr. Feline's S. .Y.' , Zhan to MSS Me linda S. art, both of York county, Par M i t il !!t* ; 3. T.. jeer-Obituari notimat 6 ,nentil j ii ni n e toll all over 4 lines--easltio acenmpfsnr Hoov ~--oi the 26th nit., near New 'Cheat r, Mrs. Catharine Hoover, aged 65 years 2 mantas and 17 days. Hoomrsi.—ln Wood Miry. Bedford enmity,. on Wl: 9th of Ocenherlast, Jso6b P.• Hoover,. Joi''.therl st or this place, aiNtl Yearl s -I , IRM ad ,10 da ys. • IfortziaiLLantr-Oh the 13th inst., In this lance. Jacob Kitzmiller, aged 35 years, .11 niontlui and 23 day". .L.Tmliporro l tr. AAt :Hanibilvilfe, Brown iollot 7 9• 13 /4 4 4t , 391 h - )(Wok 441 a. of John, fAvlngaban, foe. Stay: thtsimpokr,ftiod abolot 64 r Lark ; iTne-Leit lapis my* tlNg l atto l / k i)...A4y z ' and 17 34 ••••K iaraarvir. ___ On Hanover, Mrs. M ary . _ •rflor w 4 )9r. : ' age d 18. 71 .zs 'and 10 rcigning. ...... 2 75 @ 300 8 124 g 8'824 2 75 @ 2 80 18 @ 20 12 @ 124 ..... toi @ IQ 1610, 164 FEZ - " - THE GREAT AMEBICAN COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE OVERSEAMING AND • • SEWING MACHINE. Ir witrranted to eiteeste in tha best manner every viriety Hemming, Felling , Carding, Tucking, Braid. Init, Gathering, Quiltingg , , Overseaming, Embroidering on the edge.iand la ad4Wau.sakes beautiful Butbsis aid Eyelet Holes in all Ditalcs. IT HAS PO EQUAL. MING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY - MACHINE ) IN VIE WORLD * , . And Intrinsically the- Cheapest, Ihr- ft it two Machines combined in one by a steeple and beau iifidinechanical erranotood. • .Clrculars with fail particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be bad on application at the • Men of the• Agent at 3. AL Wavntes Oonesetkmary and Variety Store, Daltimoie st., Get/tyaburg, Pa. . D. W. ROBISON, Agent. GlLAGlifachlues vrarrinteal yeltr,.and instructions given gratntillonily to all purebaserta For sale,l First dos letter "A" Siteker FAMILY , BEWL.N43 MACHINE. VERY CHEAP. Itareh . lll,-301 - 1 40 65 1 00 2 00 7 50 20 . 0? k 26 . 85 11 a , . 12 • 15 14 iG 7• 8 • 10 WERSTER'S DICTIONARY A peewit, to every intelligent. family, stadect, teach er and proftwsional man • Ithperkc, thmost respects, to any other liglish.Dic. Watery known to mo."--.lres. &two P. Marg. "TIN NM, Vulvas is glorloule— It is perfect—lt. dis tances and dense competition- F lt leaves /KAMA" to be desired."—.l. FL Raymond, L L. .7A, Prat of Yousear Coil Sven former should girt his sons two or thrseaguue rods of ground, well prepared, with the avails of which they may buy it. Every Illechatife should put a reedit , . Big box In seine conspicuous place In the hoses to catch the stray pennies ktr the late puritan. Lay It upon J our table by , the side e ich t the B chth ible; it Is a better' ex y wh pounder than mann tit be ezpventders. Massathasette Life Boat. In one vol. of Imo Royal tPubUlhad by G. A C. myttaviri v iktringileld, liar,. • Bold by • tilt Booksellers. Also Just published WEBSTIR'II NA. =N tarttAL PICTORIAL. BLCUONAIiY. 149_ P a ges, Or.- ",, Pride*: .. • . [Nara 11-2 t 'WANTED.—Agente for the sale of : Lloyd's Great Maps, Cali Maki 'tom 4 to 4/4 tolbuie PortoA r t g riT oo • -0 5fi10,.714,005. TO COAISMIIPTIYMM • 4,81117. EDWARbih. "NifILSON vied thee o ) total who doh, it, the prescriptio• with the di rediongliwbekingseadablng the idrOlanvelody by which Ditties eared 0t • lute elbetkon that dread diocese Ceastimptles: 'Mb colt Abet to to %eat die filleted ateib•ziy minor rql try this preectiptioo, as k 191 beibtas; wed bay Iwo,* • liefehlro—' W. =WARD 1-112L110M, 'No 166- 'nth Soeo•Get 7 Vilitusahargjbeer r . , i , , loforwiilitaa stridipewbewiltettarbatirrewth of heir rlt km. • Glee a re*, FM3 gitut, Nuntstants, W/0 4 . I witlbe In Peterabtut, (York Spri _ );trots tha 27th ofNareh, until the 10th of APJitly. .next, for es pupas' ofaailleentoilsodons sag trigilMakast. • All persona Indebted to the ites'itni "at Gemixri It Mumma, will please tck take settee, as thabsaisser must be settled up without delay.. J.A.GARbSsit. March 18.-8 t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • • .DitOKI6ALB will he received hy the Baud of School J. Directors for Highland township, until the 11th day of Aprft wend, fbr the remodeling of School.bmise No. 1. ,The Board wallas,* at I o'cloCk, , P. X., ea said -=4; give out the work. Specifications am hewn by ceiling mt the President of the Boatel. DAVID sIIwART, President. G. C. Itaarzna, Searetaii. - Etter. 11-41 to CARLISLE, PA. VISITORS tot toauc Carlisle will find the very beat axomaaopa at tba Pennsylvania Hotel, jepe bir JOHN REILLY; os the earner of North I Gm. arsil Lottifier &nets The TABlaboupplled with everything the markets at fiord; the BAR is stocked with the finest Wines, Liguori ate., and the Yards and STABLIN.G connected with the house are in charge of an experienced and faithful beetle'. tar Olve the old PRRNSYLVAITIA a trial and be ccet 'laced. Charges always reasonable. March 18,1868.-6 m FOR SALE , A N 0.9 PENNSYLVANIA COOKING STOVE, le first El..•rate order, and srerythhst complete. It wil l mild low. Ilnquir• Cl 'lran AXD Sirannie omce. Kara EL—St • • • PRILADII.2III4 March lit, 1848. W R beg to inform you that we are prepared to offer for your inspection our usual assortment of MILLINERY GOODS conalitlen of the NEWEST SHAPES in Straw, Silk and GIMP Rats, Bonnets, tc.; Velvets, Silk Cf.sosts, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Ruche's, Crapes, Blondes, Braids, Ornaments, e.c., tc. We shall be hap py to wait on yon at our store, or receive your Milers.— Prices low for cult. Yours, &c.. If. WARD, ' Nos. 101, 101 and 107 N. Second et., Phila. March 18.—Im PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FOUNDRY AND OTHER REAL ESTATE The undarsgned, assignees of KILIYULL G. and Taiorx aini EPOTIXAN, will sell at Public Bale , on Saturday, the 11th day of Apra Wit at 12 o'clock AL:on the premises, in Bendersville, Adams county, Pa., the 1011-ming valua ble Real Estate, to wit: THE FOUNDRY, known as "Bendersville Foundry," size 80u128 fast, fire rooms of which are finished suita ble for a dwallinglmrse, with Moulding Room, Wood Shops, Ec. Also, a six-hors. Engine, in good working order, 1 Iron and 1 Wooden turning Lathe, 1 Chuck and Drill, 1 Circular and 1 Whip /law. Also, a tins and large assortment of patterns, consisting of one, two and three horse Plow Patterns, two and Ear-horse Threshing Ma chin* Patterns, Cook and ten-plate Stove Patterns, Pat terns fur Saw Mill and Orist Mill Dearing, and many other Patterns too numerous to mention. Raid Foundry isfavarably situated on a half acre of ground and is reads fur working at any time. - At be same time and place will he sold 7 ACRES, more or less, of good Woodland, 2 miles west of Benders adjoining lands of Jacob Hear, Henry Rice, and others. Attendance Will be given and term. made ktumn on day of sale by JONAS R, f ArANZAIIN,I Assignee. . HENRY EPPLMAN, Mare 18.—ts JURY LIST-APRIL -COURT GRAND JURY. Conowago. James W. (hibernator, Foreman. Berwick tp. Adam Kinnonound. Oxford. John R. Hersh. Monntplesoant. George Hagerman. sr, Fleury J. Iltqu ler, Michael Lerinstine, John L Jenkins. Hamilton. Daniel Becker. Union. George Kale. Menallen. Isaac Wright. Gettysburg. Wm. S. Martin, John McAllister. Hamiltonban. John B. Paxton. James Marshall. Latimore. Joel Oriest, Isaac Tudor. Tyrone. John W. Neely. Huntington. W. W. Stewart. Franklin. Eli/LiSpangler. James Linn.. Straben. Upton Neely. Freedom. John Kerner, John Cunningham. Littlestown. George Stonesifer. GENEe.AL JURT. Franklin: Francis Ogden, Solomon Hartman, -Jacob Deardorff. Measlier'. Jacob B. Meals, Stephen Wireman, Fraud, Cole, Ellsha Penrose. Germany. Daniel Gulden, Ham Mon Fo. est. Huntington. Wm. B. Gardner, Willi T. Job, P.S. W . Bowers, John A. Wireman. 'Conowagu. John Waltman. Monntjoy. John Horner, Andrew He ft ier, Job') Hart ' Man, Newton W. Horner. Mountpleatant. Samuel Hilt, Francis Pohlman, Jacob B. 11Mer. &robot). Eden Norris, Bob Belt, Josiah Benner. • Reeding. Wm. S. Ilildebrand. Gettysburg. Solomon Powers, Wm..Z. Biddle, Saw nel O. Cook, Henry Ch Montan: Butler. 'Jacob Bafforraporger, Samuel th.rrls, Michael Deotrioll„ Jacob Mowery. Hamilton. licadleca Sing , Elijah Spangler, Henry B. Saber, Henry S. Hildebrand. Lathaore. Andrew P. Myree, John Woltord, Anthony K. Myers, Joseph &eke'. Cumberland. George Bushman, Henry Butt. Tyrone. Jacob Bowery. Littlestown. Wm. Mc:Sherry. Oxford. A. J. Bowers. -Union. Amor Lefever. Highland. Booboo Golden. March 18, 1868.—tc. APPEALS U. S. Internal Revenue Taxes. yonca Is hereby given that APPIALS will be 'stole n ed relative to any erroneous orexceidms valuations or assumments returned to this dace, to the anent list of Internal Berena• Taws for 1868, at the Ulla' of 3. C. Neely, Neg., IN GETTIMBII6O, on TUXiitMAT, the 26th day, of MAII4II, 1061, for persons residing-1n Ad ams county: The lista and assessments will bi open to the inspection of all parties interested, from 10 o'clock, -A. M., untll4 o'clock, P. M.,' of said day. Alt appeals are required to be made in and most specify the particular cane, matter or thing respecting which a decleion is requested, and state the ground or principle of strew complained of. WII;SfeSHERIT, Ammar 16th Dist. Pa Littlestown, March 181.11,1868. OIT TUJC ,BESTI UN-A.1=46-Inm xi.i.mmurr.D. OVER MOO FINE.ENG►RAVING}S 0.'1)00 Words and Yeaningi not in other Dictionaries 7 , 7•7 a~# DR .Y •GO:O-DtS NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, C.AItPETS, &C., *C.; 'A fall aamortment constantly on hand and fur sale at the LOWEST PRICES. DUPITORN,& HOFFMAN'S North-west Corner Centre Square, L'ETTYSBURO, PA Larch IM, 18i:8 MUMMASBURG Mutual Fire Protection Society. ._2OO MEWBEUSIIIP FEE Whole number of polic hi. in farce belied daring the Receipts from all sources...._ Expenditures...„ Bal•nes to Treasury Board of Directors—Z. W. Stable, Henry J. Brink er hoß, Peter tiboll, George Thomas, Michael Dietrich, Robert Watson, Jacob Raffenrperger, Michael Dietrich, Jr., Barnet al ;ere, Jacob H. Plank, Wm. B. Gardner, John Mickley. E. W. STAHL'S, President. Janes Rgsrp..l., Secretiry. [March 18, 1668.—i1t WE ARE COMING And will present to any person sending na a club In our Great ONE DOLLAR SALE OF DRY and FANCY GOODS, A WATCH, PIECE Of SHEETING, SILK DRESS PAT TERNS, tc., do FREE OF. COST. Our.inducemente daring the past kw years hare been ECE2 We now double our rates of Premiums. . Our friends will readily notice our Presents for 30 and 60 . Chtbs are now more than equal in value to Clubs of GO and 100 respectively of other .firms. PLEASE EXAMINE.- day person ordering either of the Clubs mentioned" below, can bare their selections of premiums emumins ted, corresponding to the size of the Club, FREE OF ONE DOLLAR FOR A CLUB OF 30, (s3.)—One of the Billowing arti cles, viz: DeJaine dress pattern; fancy colored bed spread; 100 view Turkey morocrealbum; SO yardesheet inn; striped cashmare detains dreaa pattern; honey comb quilt; all wool square shawl; set solid gold beam studs; all wool fancy cashmere pants and vest pattern ; gent's hair guard chain gold trio/fogs; silver plated chased butter dish; silver plated 6 bottle revolving cas tor, on feet; set superior steeled bladed Mites,' and Mras; worsted promenade shawl; ladies' long gold plated chain: ladies'i gold double ring; gents' heavy chased solid gold ring; olid black walnut work box or writirmdeek; ax traguslity babnoral skirt; set jewelry, stervenattomiso match; violin sad bow ; gent's cardigan Jaskol; apidadid ebony D flute, ivory trinnalage; superior Turkey moroc co diCopitig Ing; ladled' high cut babooral boots son .4 CUM OP 1:44 - 06.}-oae of the. &Allan/ail anti. clue, vin: Black or colored alpaca dials pattern:lo44ln dress pattern; one Piece of bleached or Wm; engraved, silver-plated, 6 bottle revolving' cibr3d; yards superior cashmere for pants and vest petters; ex • tra heavy honey comb quilt; two fancy colored bed spreads; per gent's calf boota; yards farmer's' good wool frocking; fancy cashmere plaid dress patinae ben quality bahnoral skirt; rosewood bran alma clock; ladies' all wool cloak pattern ; silver-plated cake or curd bract ; fur mnff or or cape ; tsehionable wool Ikea- We' shawl fiplendid clasped family Bible, II:12 ten* page and engravings; 3 yards double width water proof cloaking; set ivory handle knives, with sliver.phdad forks; set silver forte; one set lace curtains, FOR A CLUB OF 100, (210.)--One cf the Canoeing ar ticle., viz: 4 yards double width cloaking or coating; 2 large, line, bleacher! linen table eovers, with 1 des. large sized dinner ranking to match; twenty-tire yard's - pima, did hemp carpeting, good colors; extra quantike or alpaca dress patterns; extra quality poplin drew= taros; one large piece superior quality extra widtk leg; pair gent's calf boots beat quality; sliver , bunting. cased patent lever watch one dozen ivory banaliid egad .bladed knives and forks • silver-plated engraved six bot tle revolving castor, Atli cut glass bottlesoggeidld violin, box and bow, complete; single barrel ettotegun; Bacon's six-barrel revolver; /Ilir superior white wool blankets; nice fur muff .. and cape; silver-plated engeitrid ice pitcher, with salver, seven and one half yards ell wool fancy caasimere, for cult ; one dozen Rogers' Wet choler-plaid forks; common Sense sewing and embroil. ininn_machine ; two heavy honey comb quilts; splendid family Bible. record and Photograph page. • For Larger Clabb the value increase/ In the same ratio. • Catalcos of Goods and Sample sent to any address thee. Bend money by registered letter. .• Address all orders to ALLEN, HAWES & CO., 15 rEDNRAL ST., BOSTON, MABB P. O. BOX C. Wholesale Dealere In Dry and Fancy Goode, Colter], Plated Ware, Albumin, Leather Goode, &0., Be. Much 18,1888.41 1000 AGENTS WANTED In an part of the Vetted states, to sell oar Smmtaes list of nearly 600 different BOOKS, BIBLES and FROM" GUM A.LEUMS. Every family wants somealtlngfrom it. Cataloguer furnished on application,- end books sent post paid to any addressee receipt of pries. CatThskig books containing the list, with prices, together - with blank sheets and printed headings for enrolling lhit of names. sent trim to any one an receipt of 60 - centa. Anybody tan tell from 100 to 1,000 of tbeeeloookraP most anywhere,. For terms to agents and other In formation &Wrest JOHN 11. POTTER CO., Ptibtiiilits; NOS. tritaniVlSH Ransom street, !halidelOW. AMATEUR CULTIVATOR'S GUIDE KITCEE.N AND SLOWER GARDEN,. _ WOW )2.IUPY: _ A D2SCRIPTIVY work of 140 pages, fully illustrated XI. with a beau Writ colored gleteand , loo AnZtblits, talaNng a Hat °torsi 2000 - *Wetted of - 'and le Seeds; also, 110 varieties of the choicest Wrench Ify=4 " o Whi lst : su m Sae Novelalei, both ettb•Pewor sad Yegetab bonl will be glued donealbei att; tllei *bole work. 'bound In eloth,2eokiad a tlatly, price, postpaid 50 eta. Man' comer lAgiet• d• eta Addreee WASMITTAIe CO , nortitultu Ball, Boston, Mass. THE RADICAL. A ItIONTALY MAGAZINE, devoted to Erw Thought. Prioet , :feer.4reeuta, foe ;eonev ii i; by. Add HE I Mum - ..LidtV or drr ."'", ie bi ldoet l cilik* Silbed " rfit Wm* meelbsesaal Me moderate. /Mem tikieN Peindagtos, Y. J. tin ! r 17 . 1 • HENRY C. iiOWEN'-' No. j NPEKMAIV ,strkpit THE 111.1MIEEIT REI4I/#OITB WEEKLY' TEE CREAPEt3T =MOUS WEEKLY TEE IdiEGEBT CIRCI7LA.'I4OI4 114 THE WORLD. Price $2.50 by Mail, $B.OO by Carrier in New York ant. Brooklyn. SPECIMEN COPIES,SENT.GRA2'4C ITS CASH RECEIPTS LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE , ITS CASS RECEIPTS the past sin months larger thin ever before daring the corner ITS CASH fth,CRIPTS darin the pest three moths larger than over Warn ITS CASH RECEIPTS in Jbefore. anuary Luger than over PROSPERITY IS UNPRECEDENTED in the his tory at raligksas journalism. ' IT 18 TITR ONLY PdPRR BOLD to any extent by news agents and booketores in all parts of the country. • IT ENtPLOYS Till ABLISIIT WRITER/I in the 4;cern . try. TS ARTICLED , ARE ALWAYS READABLY., racy sad practical: not dull, Metaphysical, . 'lad limpid. T PAYS MORE FOR ITS WERILLY CONTRIBII TIONB than any other TISRU religious papers in the country. IT HAS TIME ABLEST CORNEBPONDENTS In all IT DrIN'T PILL UP its cclamns with "scissors eontr TT DIBC[IBBEB BOLDLY and tearlessly all riligioas, wire, &ad polities! topics. ..-1,288 IT HAS MORE ORIGNIAL CONTRIBUTIONS and other reading matter than any ether weekly rellskias tattier. 32,743 81 • 2,833 03 Tfl WRITXBS are amen from all the leading Chris time denouttnattoolt ...... 208 78 RRADRRi3 are the thinking, progressive, wide awake alai most active meta and women of the times. IT AIMS TO RE A CHAMPION FOR TRUTH and IT IS AS RADICAL A 8 TRUTH . •od jastira ran make lt, ILO means tabs Somlutap and , forever. IT IS UNSECT ARIAN and wassay seeks Cbristias ITS EXPENDITURES the present year will be far treater than ever Debra. IT WILL 'HATE MORE SPErIAL DEPARTIfIIiTB than over before. . , IT WILL lie rE MORE IRELIGIOLI" NEW' than ante befura. IT WILL TAKE A DECIDED :NTKRAIST in Who caul hwg great Pleghleatial tostest. T WILL NARIZISTLY SEEK the Motel, political sod rellgkas intereeti of the arbole people - ot the aaticet, irrespective of gawk,. rotor, or cooditioe: IT WILL DIACTIBB TIMELY ALL 11 1 1NANCIAL KAT TlOOl formalnlii" anima IT WILL UMW that mry eogogoinent and oblige gallon of Ote eafaal4l it'll peastrty, met witch gad, ae agreed. T WILL OPPOSE, ostler primal Ftrainuttanceir, any Wittier contraction of the conency. T- WILL NOT AS IN ELUTE to live political power to those who base been rebels. T WILL ADTOCATI: WECONSTItIICTION on • basis (mt that only) or exact and Impartial Janke., T WILL OPPOSE ALL POLITICAL AIASXIIIMMING and machlnerreakulated Wingert, tee standastof llatkatal boom and Intevity. IT WILL CONSIC63TIII ITEXLIP with all Its power and influence to the great work of moral, polit ical and religious mama and Ctuiatias treeiloas, pub inarl4l aver. IT IS TUX PAPIa. YOH NAMPA HATING woolly proines and market reports and - prices admit. T IS VIZ PAPER VON BANK :BELP and Capitatiata, having wesklj nosey artkino, Anaemia! news, Wal6 straatipandp„ ans. 2 IS THE PAPER IPOR EIBECHA NTS, treißee. weekly dry goods reports, with Wait quotations sod paters) prices current. IT IS. TUE PAPER POE BUSINESS MEN of all dam es, having weekly dimensions on • buslnam matters. T I 8 A GREAT FAVORITE WITH CHILDRILV, bar lag 'PIRA 17 slot tee from the , ablest writers. IT IS TUE BEST ADVERTUU:NG XEDIUM, it le be lieved, In the country. WS ASK NG SUBSCRIPTIONS to support us as a char itable Institutfea. WE ASK TRIUNES to help us to Incresalog our circa lotion and osefolneu, it they bailors we are doing good—and not otherwiso. IVE EXPECT TO CIITI3 IN EVERY ,NlTlftlEtt OF the paper through the year readlig mat ter to the exteut of may ordinary . ..l3Bd volume of 300 pages so:3 at the book atom. WE EXPECT STRAY 1317B.SCRIBEE of ibis paper to may that the money pats Ibr THE INDEPENDENT Is the Best Investment of the Kind W. expect to have a !mid meeenre of success in what . we ahail this todv. We evect . arkiinpposiUna ,front, rival newspapers, Nome erlticisintfollinistakeskeinde , mesa, inane taainnodhrg twain!, tire ate nistbeej, sad lots of !advice, as mud, from all qoartars; but, notwith-, standing, we expect to lira and thrive, and do , n no , good; perhaps, than ever White. ! • RED JACKET AXE. • COLBURNB PATENT.-JULY 9,1867. TRIED AND NOT. FOUND WANTING. We claim it will cut Twenty-Five (25) per cent. more cord wood per day than any other Axemaie. Ras hare fully dried your Putout Axe salt Awd that it is all that you claim br it. , trill chop later thaw say other Axe that I ever saw, add leaves the wood without tabbies at all. I would Dot chop throe days without °motor the cost. I used not se any mom br any lUD that ATOM 0110 will be WY. We. CAUTION I—The Axe and the Label are both patent ad. 2 . lnhidsore en theeapeeheate will ilea.peoewetad as cordi rrto law. Venders or duality, and persons mho; any tnfkiapaent, as WV with. the -sada/ref lb. in friuyeeteat. • /drier sale by all Dealers and the maaafeetarers, gPIINI*MIf.PME AV I E W ,If (Swoweems TO LVTIOOOI2 a Co.) 1H 4 4 7itlij'Agidiai, • rarsuson, PA. uoin. Amens ly_wm. z . mum* BEMS DlClMoicuir =s,,msrll.—WilUser by Till ettliesatillstkordsked Divtais ht M.M. and Angelo& slllllllmeitiillft earllllllllll4,api Waal Is ass tarp Octavo voluaim. Pries $3 SOO.- 111111101 MlMl)Oomminias fT inri gasp. We Imoikrair generals gitate istimemserts to AMOR &MIK irMW iced ; ; ,Ote Awl ► p My; I runwidir, NEW YpRK. , IN THE WORLD: IR THE WORLD. THE PAST YEAR por.ding pimriod. parts of the country and Europa. butioos." equity =I EVER "MARIE Nat ,Nlitertistatitto.. 11. E.; INDEPENDENTI Price $2.60 per Aunum to Mail Subscrib ers, or $3 by Carriers in New York and, Brooklyn. liEglir'F..' BOWEN PUBLISHER, O. 5 BEEK24AN STREET, NEAT YORK. Great Number this Week, FEBRUARY 6th. . - . • ATTRACTIONS AS FOLLOWS TOO FABI , -- 0 140 .81.011 r; Or what the greet masses have don for lreedoin and ,whnt peg propose to do. By How. HENRY WILSON, Unita! Mates &hater frees Mass. GRANT AND COLFAX rulpßisr#TATivic PrflitlC MEN, the People's choice Co r PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT Tendencies of Reaction.—Wounds of the War.—Taxation.—The Party - for Freedom in Peril. By Rev. T. M. POST, Bt. Louie, Mo KEEPING ALIVE an Appeal to C7aistians, By Er. THEO. L. CUTLER, D. D., Now York. PRAYING IN THE HOLY GHOST The Great Experiment. By Rev. 0 80. B. MERTES, D. D , New York. Letter from Washington. Election of Gen. Beatty from Ohio. The first gun at the White House. Hopeful *drifts from the South. New Hampshire and Connecticut Elections. Bripretne Court on Bkiermatictet lon. The President and his Cab inet after Geo. Otani. Speaker ^ol6Ys receptions, ete. ••••' By our Washington Correspondent, D. W. BABTLETT• TIIEs•LOST IMAGE: Chapter IX of an Original Story. Written by an Orthodox Clergyman expressly for The Independent, and destined to be, we believe, one of the snost - popstiar,waey and instructive series'of contributions ever given to a religious newspaper. BOSTON ,CHIT-CHAT Baton never says die. Religions Prosperity. Ar Crown of New Ragland. • Gould's Andrew. Law and Disorder. A Ttick on Meant Harrison, Grey, Otis, etc. By our Boston Correspondent BABITE, One of the ablest and most spicy writers In the c entry HENRY WARD BEECHER LS: OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. The Guardian Angel and Norwood. ' By !VAN POUT. DECEMBER WOODS An Original Poem. By JOEL BINTON, Amenia, New York A COMPANIOI4 FOR THE WINTER MAPLE WOOD FIRE. Yakima by a "Bleiseeloll Black Women." A STORY WITHOUT A MORAL 7w Children. By ABBY SAGE, Charlestog Mw EDITORIALS, AS FOLLOWS, TUE TONGUE OP PIER, or EXTEMPORANEOUS PREACHING. QUEER TICTORIA'S EXPERIENCES TWO WATS OfP LOPING— Loving the Good and Loring tic Wicked TEM MIMIODIST BISEILPS- Thompson, Morris, Jrnea, Scott, Simpson, Baker, Ames Clark 1 - ,Or. Kin,ley, lalward, Thomson—"as aids sus we any Quist - bin Denomi nation can bout." AN OLD NEWSPANDI—The Federal Spy and Daily Advertiser, of Dee. 2d, 17 TARNATTONAL COPYRIGHT. SHALL WE LOSE THE EXCLSK LAW' WEEK OP PRAYER. EDITORIAL NOTES. PERSONAL NEWS PEW YORK AND VICINITY. RELI9/ n Otra_ mA Te xamp LICIEN IK I2- (MEDAL NEM& MINISTERIAL REGISTER. SAABATLI lICIREMEL • FOREIGN NEWS. PEBBLES. • sELscrion. COMMERCIAL ..AND PISA A - CUL DEPARTMENT AS FOLLOWS: COMMEICiAL k ETNANCIAL-TALC, NEWS, AND GOSSIP IN WALL STREET-IMPORTANT NEWS FOR CAPITALISTS, RAMIE:ZS, AND BOU NCES mrs-maztrr MARKET- CUM A L PACIFIC RAILROAD. DRY GOODS REPORT—DRY GOODS QuoTATIoNB-.. PRODUCt MARKSTREPORTS,PRICES CUR REYIT—ERW YORK CATTLE MAR ILET—FAM.MERS' COLUMN. TIIE WHOLI COMPRISING Attractions never equalled in anyalker Religious .Newspaper. GREAT P-R-EMIUMS. Howe Sewing Machine. We lase made a special contract with the Howe Sewing Mathias Oompatty to ft mit& their world- . . reaowoot madame ma a remium for New Subscribers THE INDEPENDENT during the present year. ♦ny person who will send on the •amevof twentybnr sew yearly subscribers, at our regular subscription prim', (see teems as above) will be presented with one dr ' these celebrated =chines, 'the lowest prke of whkh L NO. It will be packed and ship ped by express, or otherwise, u directed. We simply want the names (with the money) of has ty-iotrt persons who do wot take our paper, and who real ly subscribe ibr it; they may beefed onset a tine, ur all together; they may be at one post-oMee, or more than one—we are only particular that they /Mall be bona:ede new subscribers. Any one person subscribing for 21 years, or any Iwo persons Ibr Wear; or any three persons for 8 years, will ba entitlid to the machine under above offer. Persons intending intake advantage of this offer, and winding the enb.Aber,' names as they obtain plans state in each instance that they are sen ,on this um:coast. All imbeeriptlons sent under this ober g height with the numbers of our paper Mum anu cut maws or Tex MOM. Renlittllll4l4 . s Mat bipardiar post-ollee.moneporder, bank-cheerespram (peld). . • .CARRICISTER'S BOCK, STX MONTHS at Me Willuit HOUSE. Am/person who:will wad the Dementia new subscriber for Tax Inntnumutr forme year, with the money, will be pt imouted with Shhi book. It will be sent by soli, postage PeSdi, ordelivered at the desk of our publishing otOce. subsealben, not in anew% ott renewing their Subscripthee„ and sending us ility cents extra. will also be presented with a copy of the book. We knee already 'given away MOM thilla Wave thnXIMIDd copies of this re• meltable 'Wm*, and the demand continues unabated. It ought to be In eyery family In the country. The re• .tall price at the book•stors is $1 60. OUR YOUNG FOLKS The demand for this periodical continues; and we hope miry lually which is not already supplied will at once allow us to,present them with a copy for one year, on the simple waffitiowthat • new irubecrtber with the money he met us. 'Old Tailwinds, lonia arrears, wilt Wrap. plied abo, if they wlli, on renewing subicripdaiis, maid us fifty omits extra. No more - appropriate or value bbezteent could be desired, or one which would be so loekedriari front mouth to thaath, thiamonth• y magenta &brilliant stortsit Wastiful Mu/trio (lons. The publisher's price is 8100. XL • A PRESENT OF $25 VALUE, .. Olt yaw own eeleetion, free ot cook, tor a knit days' maks in any tows a sots eft mg fres, by addrealwwitite&weii, ./ILD; MAN k 00., 46 Rasioviirre.lioda ..Eiree.' • 41 ,4 '4 O xii.n WORlCrii—warinars, wiectianier, eas, nod intepAß I aim" piepared to far. akh "oh with wkipiwripwatat year beraws—the wilds or= welia ,, your spar* moments. HarA ass new lasitarbist GO ameaeo lever ewer L i am& earsed aa by m t e = of eitllv=ar au the r u g thosewbo will devote their Whole - tine to the !malaise, ad, that every person who sees this notice Rig wain Sok address sad twit them wank make Oa Jbliowing , nriparalteled - Wer : To all who are aft irelteetidkarwlth theballases, I will seed y 1 a to a plarjrte . isolable et :writing. Full indiatak 'seat frit. Simple seatrind! tor 10 ors. AMIN. C. AlSigrir AMP" Ana:writ wArprEn FOB ... wlilll gierroaitethOWASßlTailtirall Map," I Xi, Oixass, Gam boa, Omen , Au lkwatas, :By Boa. ALIXANDII3I, H. STIVIIII!., ; i lb *ld elonliiiwtor gall ready ob. wo With book as la m vi Tz= k r s=aktriri = 1.. . bierbees oaks work. Abbe. NATIONNL rum CO, 11404111011411. AGE 004 'A' A01.0,' . Zassvitt i s * ° ° "*"", rill , 1.• =NM NORTir AMERICAN STEAM. snip co. Tnacnieil tun To 041E41:vim & VIA PANAMA OR NICARAOU.4.. r 11141,1N1N PROM OW Yolk i • -Mach sth' and 25 . t4 ; 'April sth and 15th • May,sstft, 15th and 26th. With New Steamships of the Hirst Chum PASSAGE LOWER THAN. BY ANY OTHRIL LINN. Tor Information address D. N CARRINGTON, Ageet, 171 West street, New York. W. H. WEBS, Nerldesii. CHAS. DANA, Tide Pres. Onas-64 Itzehange Nue, New York. TUB ONLEBRATED • "ESTEY" ORGAN , WITH VOX HUMANA STOP. Pronounced by all who have beard It the most natural and beautiful Imitation of the UNMAN VOICE ever yet In tel:Maned. J. RUBY, ,1,C0., Brattleboro, 'Vt., the can tina! Inventors and Manneactsrers. 417 Broome at., N. Y.; 275 River at., Troy,N.Y.; 18 North 7th at. Phila.; 115 Randolph et., Chicago. C A' P ERON' S IMPROVED BRICK MACHINE. IT USES CLA Y directly from the. bank (water hang used if no 4 asMciewly moist). Lt !empire the clay thoroughly, prows it Into the malady and name the brick out of the moulds ready to be hacked up, without dry_ini; meths yard, Baud for Ilidstrated Clrculu to C. B. NWMII, New Milford, Conn., sole agent for Pennsyl vania. Manufacturer's office, No. 5 Murray at., N. Y. GUANO. No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Best Soper pkawbate, Pare Ground Bone, FM Guano, Plaster, Phosphatic Guanoa, fur isle by GEO. X. WRITE, 160 Front, at., N. Y. 1 i)„,r” Per Day, &re. No money In advance. Agenta wanted everywhere, tailed I our Intent Everlast ng lttallie C7athes-Lines. litlrtal A lOWAN C0.,182 B'ilway, N. Y., 16-Dearborn it., Ch icago. WANTED— SALLSMSN to Ousel (. ., r a Menu Attar log Company and Belt by sample. Good wages are guaranteed. Address. with stamp. HAMILTON A HO WY, 4111 Chestnut, at, Philadelphia, Pa. WHY WILL YOU WORK FORUM PER DAY and be bossed round, when you can engage in an easy and lucrative businem that will pay you from $4 to i 6 Per day or. $2 per evening, it at leisure. You won't he sorry Wynn send 10 cents for full particulars and sample. Addrem ORO. Pr. MELLEN, Lewiston, Maine. EAST BERLIN FIRM. REBERT & HOOVER. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Buckeye Reaper and Mower—Buckeye Self-Raker, Hoffhein'a Patent—Selfdischarging Wire Horse Rake, Shireman's Patent—Brand's Patent Wire Horse Rake —The Rockaway Wire Rake.—Also, r. Threshincr Machines, CORN PLANTERS, TWO Rlik;Dii, SIIIREMAN'S PA TENT AND wAusAraifs PATENT, TOOK, GRAIN DRILLS, MOORE'S PATENT— CORN SHELLER, WAMBACGII'S PATENT. 4 1EPAIRINO of all kinds done on short notice. Call and see what, we can do. REBERT A HOOVER. East Berlin, March 4, BARK ! BARK ! 1100 CORDS WANTED I THE SUBSCRIBER WANTS 600 CORDS OF BLACK OAK BARK, for whLh he 162 pay 66 00 per cord, on delirery, in good order, rit hie tanyard ie Ilettyaburg. Watite.l also 500 CORDS OF ROCK OAK BARK, 63; which the highest market price will be given. JOUR RUPP. Feb. 12.-6 m BOOK TABLE. 628 HOOP SKIRTS. 628 W3I. T. HOPKIN'S "OWN MABE" are the best and Cimsemrr Low Paten Hoop Skirts in the market. Trail Skirts, 25 sprier', 01.00; 30 springs,. 51.20; and 40 springs, $1.45. Plain Skirts, 0 tapes, 20 springs, SO Cents; 25 springs, 05 Cents; 30 sprit, ga, $1.15 ; and 35 'wings 01.25. Warranted ill every respect "Our OWN Make' of .lINION SHIRTS," Eleven Tape Trails, from 20 to 50 springs, AIM to $2.50. Plain, Six Tapes, 20 to 50 springs, from 115 Cents to $2.00. These Skirts are better than those sold by other sitablishmen to is Fist class goods, and at much lower pricer. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS" are In every way superior to all other Hoop Skirts before the public, and enly have to be examined or worn to con vince every one of the fact. Manufactured of lb. but hues-finished English Steel Springs, very superior tapes, and the style of the metalic fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this country, and are lighter, more elas tic, will wear longer, give more satisfaction, and are many cheaper than all others. Every lady Amid try them . They are being sold extensively by Merchants throughout this and the adjoining dates at very moder• ate prime. If you want the best, ask for .llnpkin's Champion Skiro.^ If you do not find them, get the mer chant with whom you deal to order them for you, or come or send direct to us. Merchants will Cud our dif ferent grades of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially incite them to call and examine oar extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List. ' To be had at Retail at Manufactory, and of the Retail Tree geoerally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom an orders should be addressed. MAY. lIYAOTORY. AND SALESROOM, 628 ARGIL ST., Between 6th aLd 7th Ma., Philadelphia. Fab. 26.1588.-10 m WM. T. 110PKINS. WANTED! 200 Cords Black Oak Bark delivered at randoW. Mill, on Marsh Creek, derini the coaling Sampler, for width . $5 00 CASII PER CORD will be paid, on delivery. eb.6,18118.-ef HILNICY CHROrSTSB. $25 Agents Wanted. $25 We want fintkciass Agents to introduce our IMPROV ED STAR }MOTTLE 81f WINO MACIIINE. The cheap est and best Machine in the whole country. Extraord inary Inducements to good active salesmen. Particulars and sample work furnished ea application. A. J. DOMONT, Agent, Feb. 21!...-tics 630 Arch street,l;biladelphia. rI I O MILLERS.—For sale a pair .a. of CHOPPING STONZB AND 011ASINO—also • SOME MILL MIXTURES. Enquire of G. E. BRINOMAN. (tettysburg, Oct. 9.-11" A FIRST CLASS FARM AT PRIVATE BALE, Within two miles of Gettysburg, on the Harris burg road, with all necessary improvements, and in. prima order. I will sell from 100 to 160 A.cres, to suit purchasers. Terms reasonable.— For further information, apply to WIS WIBLE J Gettysburg, fa. Sept. 18-ti k DESIRABLE T O'W PR LL OPERTY • AT PRIVATE SALE. TIIE undersigned offers at Private Sale, the old DO B IN at thejunetkut of the Toneytown and Rmmittsburg roida, in the borough of Gettysburg. The Mom Is inabstuntially bullt,of stone, and contains twelve large rdoma. There Is a atrong, ,neaer-adling Spring of first rate water' in the basement and 1% . Acne of land eonnectod with it. The location is a very pigment one, and with a little additional outlay this could,he Made one of the most comfortable and de sirable bomei In the borough or He vicinity. - 7Ativ.13,1-07-tt JOHN RUPP. FAR - ..14.8 FOR SALE. , - - I will sell the farms, 'No. 1. Lying on the Harrisburg sad lietlysborg road heiweee York Sprinp &mil:fiddlers. bnrg,.oobtaining 121 4.011.313, with heprovetneots, Dow oeeppred by James Miner. Flee $25 per acre. -No. 2. Lying.on the Carlisle: and ai r . omrd road., weep lieldiersaand New Ches t tar,ltekttalabg now oeehpled by George J. Ils‘ peg acre. Terme: flee half to he paid oe tb $ delivery of tba deed ; the balsam la Oa PerekliNre or he 1r judgmeit Made afoot 1 that eteu~ Ne: I, mad *Weft N 0.2, to bi paid asettelly with interest. wll:2ltelethtrees ere petweted,-/lebitallemodepabaft bees • : Itj.Wmts, Kai 1114115..-tf . • !WM' ,Pitrunigr LANDS. ,444 .4• 60 7.=1411r ?t s lia sy= pe., in viditiwioiliiiioTi` IWO* lit A .AllaSidtrat ti tA, roc' ;`+' • IPPPAMWIINP• ME pui Nictriantunto. "KEYSTONE SKIRTS," NW totatt „faits. • _ • lortordjug austs.. •-- NEW FORWAItDING AND COMMISSAON 410U8E. -• • HAVING parchaaed the exteass — re Warehotteo,Cara, de., - of CUP ItBIM= U an undersigned Intend Weeny on thaendatels,m! firm of HUMAN& Co., at th• old wand 40a . of Washington and Railroad stremits,ena mom italleaddy• seals tbaa beretokire. Ws ere pay Is g itie highest market price fbr no; nage., Grain and all kinds of prodnee. /bar and leod,Sialt, 11214-111, kinds al Gosorriet, kept' cametently on hand and for sale, °beeper than they ewe be had anywhere site. mitten and all kinds of fertilisers, constantly' OM h and, or furniaked to order. Ned Mosta? Hagar/relied Cars wiTtleive oar bona, orrery • 11J/LBDAY NOON, and accensmaniselea trains will be ran as occasion may require. v l jo li t tbla ar rangement we aro prepared to convey. Prsi at AU times to and from Baltimore. All bailees, tkibt kind entrusted to u, Will be promptly attended to - estreara run to the Wareboase of &aroma° A Boas, la/lemma. Uoward street, Baltimore. Being determined to pay rod plisse, well cheap aad deal fairly, we 111110.41111 body to give u a call. WM. N. 11181111A114 • ALBXANDEL COBB4II, Jan. 8, 1868. JAMBI 810 UAW . • M'CURDY &HAMILTON , DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, G.ROCERIRS &e. 'PUB undersigned are paying at their Wag* house, la, 1 Carlisle street, ulfoining Buehler's Uall, the highest prices for FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, dBLVILWRIAT • CLOVER AND TIMOTUT-SZEDS, PO TATOES, and invite producers to give them a call beam.* rellieg They have constantly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Sugars, Ac., with Halt, Tisk 011s,Tar, Soap, Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, Ac. Also the best brands of FLOUR, with FEED of all kinds. They likewise have SEVERAL VAIJABLE PEaTudzkas, Soluble Pacific Guano; Rhodes' Phosphate and A A Mexican Guano. Whilst they pay the higheit market price,Li sU they tiny, they sell at the lowest liviug profits. They ask sr 'bare ofpublie patronage, resolved to give satisiketfoi in every ease. ItoisEßT 81cCIIII,OT, WIC 8. HAMILTON. July 3,16(17.—if DANIEL GULD.EN, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, LUMBER, COAL, 41tok. TIII3 undersigned keeps on . hand,wl kb Tamagni'. 1 known as "Geadca's Stottow," in Straka's township on the line of the Gettysburg Italtrosd, an khichtor GROCERIES, • including Bogor, Cons, Nahum, Spiess. Ike, with Eisit Fish, Oils, Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, Lc. Also, LUMBER AND COAL,. including Building Stuff, Shingles,Lallia,9tovaanl Mask smith Coal. Also, Guano, and a - large asadetimot of Dry Gonda, Boots sad Room Ilataand f l aps Wan Wads; - which be is prepared to sell at the lowmt prices. lie also pays the lifghastmarken pricefor Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Clover and TimothyEllaVaisa toes, kc., or will reeetve and forward the seise t o at on commbsion. respectfully/asks Ids the, public to give him a call. DANIEL lILDIS. Ang. 21, 1867.—1 S W. E. BIDDLE 100,000 8118118. Grain Wanted; NEW FIRM AT THE OLD WARE -- - HOUSE. WM. R. BIDDLE k CO.would inform the public that they have leased the Warehouse on the cor ner ofStratton street and the Railroad, la Gellt,yelmirg i where they will carry on Till GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in snits branches. The highest prices will always be paid Mr Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried 'nit. Nuts, Soap, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes!, with es erythhig else in the country produce line. • GROCIRIP.S.—On Rand, for sale, Coffees, Segarlis Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Clieswe, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms. }ickets, Electing, Soaps, kc. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, Sc. FISU'of an kinds ; Spilt eased Nails; Smoking end Chewing 'To baccos. They are always abla to supply *first rata article o Flour, with the different kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Plaster, with Guano' and other fertili. sera. COAL, by the bushel, timer carload. They will run a LINE OF remain CARS from Get tysburg to Baltimore once every week. They are pre pared to convey Freight either way, la any quantity, at REDUCED BATES. They will attend, ildestred, to the making of purchases in the city, and delivering Gm goods promptly In Gettysburg. Their cars ran to the Warehouse of Nathan Roop & No.l2BNerth Howard street, near Franklin, Baltimore, wherefreight will b• received at anytime. They invite the attention of the public totheir line ' assuring them that they villagers no effort to accommodate all who may patronise them. Apring.lB64.—ts BIDDLE A BEEN ER. Tatinet Vtaking. TO THE PIT LIC. THE undersigned take this method otine,nulng the public that they tem.: l imy on the Cabinet-making Business, In all Its Tar icd branding, and that they now hare on hand. large asiortment of BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, Tables, Corner • Cupbocircla, Safes,Sinks, Stands, Dressing Bureaus, Cairs, of different kinds; in short every thing in the Cabi net-making line. ALSO, READY-MADE COFFINS, AND COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. All of which will be finished promptly, at the old stand on Booth Baltimore street, opposite Winebrenner's Tan nary. The undersigned haring had over 90 -years patience In the t:ohms., fatter themselves that they can make as good Work many others, if not better. New beginners and others will And It to their advantage to call and boy from as, as we are determined to sell as low as possible to omit the times, GARLACH A TRIMMER, Doc. 18, 1841,4= FURNITURE. SHAFFER & BECKER PETEIISBITEG, (Y. 5.,) PENNA., Are prepared to offer to the Public, anything is their Ilan as cheap as can be bad In the county itek..Porcbasers will do well to all awl examise oat stock before buying elsewhere. FURNITURJ made to order. "Repairing done neat, cheap &ad with dispatch. @oohs, @rugs, Vtediriuts, At. A. D. BUEHLER, DRUG & BOOK STORE, CIIA3IBERSBURG STREET, Near the Dismund STATIONERY OF ALL . KINDS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS. AIIirOOUNTRY IitRItt7IANTe. supplied at wbdlesais city prices. Fob. taut D.R. R. HORNER, PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, Office and brit' store, dUAMBN4I . IIB-Uitti STR►tt`, GE . r.r.,)Cti 813,1491. f*Aleitt oulvice Without iTharjge, DEALER IN . . DRUOS, .11IRDIOINES, PATENT MRlVicemo.- TIONRRT, PERPUMRRY, SOARS, iIItIISIIRS,.*LI -: ET ARTICLES, DYE STITP7R SOCIEk iIAN• IRO SODA, CREAM OY ?Ain**, LA *A„, • COAL OIL, AO., Ile. . PURE LIQUCVgI br. IMO 6110111 purposes. ' - Dr. B. limner% OLIO *reliable reined, e chipped balm* rousbakta,,lta.. • All art larirarraitedlare and genuine, • • -16101.-if -- FAILVSTVLE OF HATS' FOR 1867. S. .49.'?A'OBEARZ: HW3 Nil retelved • from& sod reeirtio vimapt.ive a AMA, lifolladisr „,7 i =lore and Soft /or :shfi t e dorg i s d tow priesd Went aose. Invit+shiplt , .714, 11 404 .4 11.4% 11. S. ISIDINSR r; 22, 1116&-tr a' .