tie ft DOLT LEAVE TIM FARM Come, boys, T have something to toll you, Como near, I would whisper It low— I You are thinking of leaving the he' mei:lead, Don'fbilitTit hurfW The eitybas many attractions, - Bat Alan& of the view; And' .1 alga, When once hl the - 11'10*x fa,hiobv • • If ow soon the oonrse downward mains. Yoat talk of the mines ofAnstrella, They're wealthy in.,gold..without doubt, Ilut_ab I thelv Is gOl't tip the Ihrna - „boys, If only you'll shovel it out. - The mercantile life Is alts4trtl, - The goods are first high and then low, Relict:rink the old Senn awhile 'lOngef,, ,Don't twin ct hurry to go'? • "' ' 4- ga:nea. The great busy lilTp#oo4llPdAmfilrit, And so has th e brislest diirt, 4 lint wealth is not wadi in ,a day, bop" Don't be in wham/ ea sliort! The bankers and brokers are wealthy, They take In tholr thotusands or so, Alt ..4h ink of the frauds and deCeptions, Don't be in a hurry (0„01-.!_ The farm is the safest and surest, The orchards are loaded. to-day, You're free as the air of the mountains, And monarch of all yon Survey. Better stay on tire farm awhile longer, Though profits come in rather slow, Remembe 4 r yon'Ve nothing' to risk, boys Don't be in a hurry to go! llow TO . BUILD a Cosa-Cma.--It is asked how to build a rat-proof corn - crib. I have one that his stood for over twenty years, and has never had a rat, and but one mouse in it to my knowledge. Posts ten. or eleven lket long and eight inches square ; mortice two feet from ono end & for-side and end-eithi, ' , two inch mortice with tusk. taper post from till to the end by hewing off inside until the end, is reduced to four inches diameter, make smooth with• draw-knife, and nail on tin smooth half way to end, below the sill. Let sills be eight incha - equare; also; andlie ttiem and the rafter pia% strong With moderate in ner ties. Brace well, and lath up and down with three , quarter inch lath ; dovetail or countersink jolits crosswise; lay the floortied board np tbe Inds with ungrooved boards ; let each bent be twelve feet long, six feet wide at the sill, and seven and e half feet at plate, with one and a half feet floor, and if full to peak, it will hold two hundred and fifty busheg. • . I never had an ear to hurt on:aeccutnt of the great width.' If preferred, lay the floor with lath or narrow boards, with room for ventila tion. Each post should stand on stone, about three inches from the ground, and each stone have a foundation two feet square, and below the frost. —con American Institute Farm ers' Club. ' SALT AND LIMB Mi IIfANIINZ.-Mr. George Steele, Of Thomdale, Chester county, Penna.., who is on a farm which was exhausted and its doltivation abandoned. seventy-five years ago, but which has been re-claimed from bar renness by an.improveatystem of treatment, In which lime has been extensively used, in fornis the New York Farmer:a Club that salt has a very beneficial effect his land as a manure for wheat. The primitive rock is talc slate, and the soil gravel, clay and loam. The salt and lime have been applied after., plow ing, and harrowed in ; the•lime spread with a shovel dr ihne-spreader, as soon as Asked, while in a powdered condition, and the salt sowed broadcast, or mixed with the lime be fore spreading, or the limeslacked in • brine. From this experience and observation of the effects of salt on this land, he estimates one and shelf sacks of merchantable ground salt, or an equiValent of dirty salt, and twenty-five bushels of lime per acre, as good for wheat as a moderate dressing of stable amain*, and the grass after the wheat is asgood where the salt and lime are applied, as where the stable man ure was applied. USEM. Hurrs.—A bit of glue dissolved in skim milk and water will restore crape. ' Ribbons of every kind should be washed In cold suds and not iinsed. If your flat irons are rough rub them withi tine salt, and it will makeihem smooth. If you are buying a carpet for durability choose paten figures. A bit of soap rubbed on hinges of doors will prevent their creaking. Scotch snuff put in holes• where crickets come out will destroy urn. Wood ashes and common salt wet with water will stop the crack of a stove.. Strong lye put in water will make it soft 18 rain water. Half a cranberry, it is saki; bound on a corn will soon kill it. . tiontAanta.—We have cut from the Alta eat/Arnim a receipt for the cure of neunal gia, which the editor of that paper claims to have been effective in several cases of his own knowledge. He says : Some time ago we published, at the requeste of a fiend, a receipt to cure neuralgia. Half a drachm of sal ammonia in an ounce of camphor water, to be taken a teaspoonful at a dose, and the dose repeated several times,' at intervals of five minutes, if the pain be not re lieved. at once. Half a dozen different per sons have since tried the receipt, and in every calm an immediate cure had been effected.— In one, the . suffer,. a lady, had beenVfooted for more thada basic, and her physician was unable to alleviate her sufferings, when a solution of sal ammonia in camphor water re lieved her in a ktw minutes. . A Waal:on—ln VALVE.—Few farmers or owners of wagons and carriages, appreciate the value of this little instrument—e wrench —and, &fling to 'do tie, foot minis costly bill in needless repairs and new purchases. You cannot allow - one part of machinery to work loose from its fastenings without Injury to all the Test. At least once a month, every nut and bolt in the running gears of a wagon or carriage 'afrould be examined and tested with a wrench.,,- , th liVrecif4bn, 'the ` earring s . will be preserved" and eccldents atfoided. So important is th 4 that ,tirtillert Weds lare compelled to report to the Ordnance Depart ment how often the nate ire turned up on ar tillery earflap:et—Kansas Farmer. ExERCIES VON IfORNC4--ACCOUee there it little work tbr /woes ..intiag the .winter sea son, they sometimes fail of receiving proper exercise. Do not suffer theta to stand the whole week in the stable, bar give; at least, one hour's exercise dilly. Glveldoppy food at least twice a week, and threw ,a lump of rock ash is the manger, - Tax Pidle,deObis North American ./uis the follow humane suggestion : "If any body watt,ti toi)coo, how a horse feels on bitter • his lame, leyhemt puS &,,trpeken dfon u their ' . Ra, , ~.Usyhag azie thi, Ist the th e , sere itherthe warmed wore r; • 4h - *Alm Thu / /me *Win look thattgliAbiltienhotlaY• %tank HOLDING VP linx.—Mr. L. Morton informs the Rurisl Anseritxrp that whoa hia/cowii trouble him in tlllB, way, Tea hie Up end *ma the enie.of .411 backhopeoilprand of the hips, androam, knrh hard a minute or so t Ms) they. al ways give theli ailk fiery- freely `..etidfirll.lollsl' 4 , ri i tite L- y "%POT!, vitemrstlttigrroN. - WA, 437 Tto-40(1 to 0 'GRA' IE S chimp, Epnid to oar store to Nast York asset lotere ever). thiug fa (air 'tae Oa sold tit a short profit ileerptkta*kiptllia Atlit jAitergrosery, till I r milord tt l er4 S . !" 6 • COMETI OONS AND NOTIONS, • ,fies.4.VclD Alp SEOARS, irodate takes to mimes he goods, CIA paid tar ..3.llrtaars autos sad see THE WONDER OF THE AGE, Warren's Eleotric Churn , • which snakes oftelbarth mere batter thee and .dera Ceara (eat MINN ONO/0 We keep thee (oriels and -kill be.lossal to slum Hap,' Don't bites the Nano. • - HINDRICKS A WARSAW thittplourg,lopt.ll,lll67.-4t BARGAINS • at the 'bow GROCERY IN GETTYSBURG. • JOHN CRESS & SON . itAmu °pseud anew Orotery. in tletigehurs. up the north-west corner of the Publin Square, have mart received s spkudid smartens/sit of TIMM GROCERIES, including Sugars Coffee , IfOleseev, Syrup, Tens. Spires Totem-N.:sit, 11hds, Hama, 81Sonkbon, tc. Also, QUEENSWARE,, :CONFECTIONS , . • Nits, Po tiits,Bospa, Yency'A Melee end Nol bole generally We rid alsobeep on band rcoux bed fllllll-81111 1 18. Hiving purchased for CABII, we are prepared to eel Very cheap. Hive us it call and judge for goers/elves. JOHN CR MA 8,1 Is. latsrAr , - J. W. 111L118 NEW GROCERY STORE TELL EVERYBODY TOD 8E TI;►T GILBERT, e gT *bore the Compri:.House, stud opposite the tempt. Ler Office, will at II you everything la the GROONIT ND PROVINION Lies cheaper than yen ems net It 'elsewhere. annuli, Coffees, Mcdassed, Csstdley Cool 00, Symp., U rooms, *octets, Tuba, Tobacco, Ctgar■, Notions oral lands, IlAll, 11 Vl9, MINDS, VZONTA MLR, ewers on Intud. ( f ire me a call; u I am deter taped to aecomutbdode. INITTNE, ZOOS, and all klads otPountry Produce Nike; for which the highest cash price will-be given. - Don't forget the plane—two doors above the oourt-Tfouse. Dog" pass without ailing, *a I sollitt your patronage. Nay 29.—tf NEW ARRANGEIENTB., HENRY OVERDEER;‘=, On at Hill is Baisiore Sired, Getlysbu r ifi, hi HAS made arrangements to get fresh supplies every week froze the City ant. Is de , tenanted to self cheap. He.invites all to give thaw a can, his stook consists of Groceries, Notkas, flour, Cons Choped Teed, Corn, Oats, fish, ammo Lard, Cheese, Crackers, Tobstooo, Cigars sad gnat; gaga:, Cof- fees, Teas, Syrup, Molasses, Candles, Coal Oil, Flab Oil Tar, Beet Clder, 'Vinegar, stud 4 great rarfety of Notion", Candies, ke., Lc. .The cash or trade will be glean far Coon ly Pn• duce such u Flour, Cora, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, [May Pa, 1867.-tt Rags, de New Grocery Sr, Flour Store. - MEALS dr BROTHER, HAVING opened a Grocery, Flour and Vegetable Store, in the Room formerly cc. copied by Oeo. Little, on West Middle t, they es, reini en Invitation to all buyers to give them a call Everything in their line,.fresh from the city end coun try, will be kepton hood. They are determined to den, our cheap as the cheapest,and as they only ask the lowest INlng profits,they hope to merit and receives liberal Share of public patronage. MEALS BRO. May 29,1886. Grocery and Liquor Store! • largo assorttitent of fine f'GROCEkIES, COtfees, White Began of all kinds, and Brown Sugars, Cheap, prime new crop Orleans Molasses, and al grades of flyurps; Mtn MAOKERRL, best In raarket. All kinds of LIQUORS, rirlioloimle and retail,prime Wine, Brandy, Rye Whisky .ti., for Medicinal and other purposes, in any quantity., yap B:Mishler's limb Bitters. and the "Great Zinged Bitters."; , Wit J. MARTIN, May MIS 1867.-if • Balt:snore st ,Oettriburg WM. BOYER -& SON, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, ALSO, Stone, Wooden and Willow Ware, la.A general assortment of all Goods usually kept in a FAMILY GROCERY. Dec. 4, 1887.—ef • • givtrl Stales. GETTYSBURG LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES. THE Proprietor of these Stables, fooling tlistia for thollbors/pstrooogolsorototore rocatrod,lborrloove tohihnothepubilo thstboooatiouso tho LIMY EMMEN! lilsoNstaad on Wooldigtoo stroot,Ostryoborgotear the Itofiroad, 'Flier° be to pro. pored at all new to aocomisodateporoou rod t baotritbilog to biotin'. . H 011470 , (MACHIN, IIIGITE118,&c., tarnished at short sotlossad as russonsld• term. sad ocrepstent kir erasing elm( Itdosirod. lamas will b. cOnveyod to otbor towns, or. Posey ploasia the country. libstookandCosohasareottholrsi class, and no as be operai 4 asks, pa ssaprs comfortslar: Ito Is yniporod at /MMus@ So tura coaclons folniestrals; and sin) to particodusiting to go our i is tattle atetd or to Alit tholtprlngs. 11,430—Nalle1ll IND MIILID wlll bebonght and sold atalltlines. Porsonedesitingte perchasestock will Ind It to their advantage to caller an landiarsigned, as his stock Is warranted So be morels ,seftleal or sus Wk. He has a Inn lota Horses and Malesat present on hind Irma will be sold on resecone agmens. Shop are sound andiron. front disease, and narantiod to work as represented. Parsons will kg to tkeindvamagetooallat nu old stead baSbre hiring= pavahaahagslamiaare. , May 2P, 1847.--t f Wlo2l(oLaii TEE 'EAGLE' MIRY, SALE k. EXCHANGE STABLES. wasldnores &reef, Gettysburg, ADJOINING THE EAGLE HOTEL. T HE 1132dura t ied would reoPectiul ly Word the pa to that be bai ap•s:4•l • sow aIY, SALE AND EXCldAnan IfLadidt thle • • ad L prepared to o'er repertak atathreodetiose H. has podded hbeedfidtk neestee, ner.• 4. Rooks, Light Wave* he, a( the latest lab tto amtedthsewhile dagetai. His harem o g re an geed,. without wet err blare, sad.padietly , awe dye* add dipplee. bat Alain* Mee add. 1 • a m t earn* aural beseedueodated sad as fortild• sediments to • Parthe,larproodenond with* witatile, treat ea r the mod earearereheung taraa Tbacesto um' iliistw4adi p* itueuit vombiethirges *rehaed ltdodrad. • Partied adeerdie aid *ma the iterehapos jilt or rsad &pram dam, *ye. looded. add* eft atehawed. swan • IbirisqpiAraglirsa. Gerardo As a lad blr dry mil • paid t.: aa T a tdoatioarandabtaki AM. XdrAdda: ,itriv* maw *earn blip pis_t_i_s_idi?egin swarm* awl a ritivo**4psmane', rued on t . Saes every at who Wreaker our atieesia, We- ' • • T.? TAM. 1 1 .0 0 .140114*" init. QYa .i* `.-- :''..-410**,;(ii-fltiv4i:*tiOitif4*l4:4i&t:ooo ll= griki***AvoitoC, li= A A lIN EST 0 e K T : ~ J I.lloli baVr just rsroivid tiudr NEW FALL STOCK, the Itrieet itkthe county—entiskties of DRY GOODS, MERINQES, POPLINS, ALPACAS, GINGHAMS, DELAINES, CALICOES, CLOVIS, CASSIMERES, JEANS, in every variety OAR PETS, • largo stock and tory cheap SHAWLS, •11 kinds and price. BLANKETS, very cheep QUNFNSWARE, the Larret stock le the cpunty very cheap HARDWARE and Saddlery, Is all De hniothx, 14 the Icoceet inarktt rite* GROCERIES, of all k lath IRON AND NAILS, OILS AND PAINTS Will sell GOODS at prices scums oorrnmor. Give as a call sad examine oar stock. SIGN OF THE RED FRONT Oct. 2, 11167. t f SPECIAL NOTICE To All Whom it May Concern KNOW YE THAT DUPHORN & HOFFMAN HA VIC spas bees to th• cities sod b:aight at low prices a fall lioa of Gauda,and will sail MERINOES, 85 cts. to $1 25. ALPACAS, 50 ots. to $1 25. DELAINES, 20 do. tolij 00 PRINTS, best, 12f cents. bIUSLINS, 7 to 25 cents. CLOTHS, $1 25 to $lO. CASSIMERES, 75 eta. to $3 50 BLANKETS, $2 50 to $9 pair. SHAWLS, $125 to $ll FURS, all priaea HOODS, 50 cts. to $2 50. GLOVES, 10 cts. to $2 00 HOSIERY; 1.2 f to TO dents GINGIIAMS, 12 cents Northwest Corner of Center Square, CINTTYIOI7IIO, PA. Doe.lll, 18ff,—tf J. L. SCIi.ICK HAS JUST RECEIVED SPPESIDID STOCK OS' DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES MERINOES, POPL AINS, WOOL DELAINES COBITROB, and Pl i AtNand FANCY GOOODS 0 all kinds, which he is selling CHEAP ER THAN EVER. Call at S. W. Corner of Public Square, "'pt. 11147.-tt DO YOU WANT caw AND 000 D Fall and Winter Goods ? "YES!" EVERYBODY ANSWER& 'MN GO TO TEI 11W STORS Or REBERT & ELLIOTT, opposite the Cburt.House, Gettysburg. ynij 111 .4..4 T = it st i lsood OtiC e r e„ 3 =uoveatupesesee, , Neek•ths, or saythiag An is tits gestlimmia's wear Ils• cle to RIDEZT a IffLUOTTS PeWAllrt±pfia . l= 3l o4 Pea. )11 Pl aty ."erelikom .. .k do grad iar i = rat ? 41" I*" 410 to 1121111:RT ltiktiOrTS DO will IZZa& moors' ,17strYks, InTow libidamwa na3 tnm:lallie klain tp • Yo •U Do ANT dwils! woof , . hair' TM WU/Ws At litill Who aro paw isilleg goody St Prim Oat 11 11,‘ alba& Ts boasiaced, 0.0 sad ...lor yuarealred6 111117041 sRowH IN G LES,Pr fne 8 butlaSimkrrdrat J=u •n fir' e 11 Wrut (MP*. t•-• MIJSLINS FLANNELS &c., &c., &c., Baltinwe Mreet, opposite Star and Sc: fillet Office, Gettysburg, Pa. Confections of all kinds, French sod C...mmon Candies, Pratte, Oranges. Lataoss,N ts, Toys. and Notions poor ally on band. Alan, Jost received a large assortment of Blain, ersamon and fancy an of which will be sold at the lowest cash reit+. Ca sad examine. leb.l2.—tf ORNAMENTAL TOYS. JOHN M. WARNER DAB Just received _from Philadelphia the argent best and cheapest assortment of ALBUMS ORNAMENTAL TOYS, TOILET SETS, FANCY CARD DE VISITES, coNFgerioNs, AND NCIFiaNS (IF 4-44 zaws, over opened in Glettyrbars. Can't his store on Balt non at oppatio rabosatocu. atom. [opt. U, turrAt ALPACAS, TIII anderelinsed has boilglit out his former pintas' r Wu. Omar, and new eenthenee the THE LIME-.BURNENG BUSINESI3 1 1 aso41—nt thoCiettysinug Liss Ulna; o• the corner ot the Unread and North Stratton street, Thankful ire' Poet lalktronir, heirni endeavor to desein ita cOntlisa age% by prosecuting the bulbar u itgeroady and cat as large • ettele-sts poppliple—shrige ogling* pod ankle. sad giving good name. Somers aid others may leok tit the preempt illifitgar orders. • alp aostintes the Gettysburg, Pt AII BIIBENESS' oaring Ow CO east Pc ptlar Rouge l / 4 ahem mg others Omild stve him a all. ,ll l ockvittla Coolcoustssit . MIR* and Coal dpilmreds agribere is G•ttyieurg Gett7sbarg,2lev.9o,llll/1.41' um; BELL Michael. Leer's Old Stand rprzsis raw, & API ifty . 2o tqfqb , 44376 , 4. f AT JOBN AND PETER BECIrmAN WOULD ' . respeotfulbeahnoottee 4 to * Mot inity bU t e posoti l t d" . l7 7 P notrvil= IL to give th out au bllbrogoing ilsowbote at , t : ltoy will tit eitormatoodottiti la :very ram**, - - • g0v.32,18117-ilat _______ _ NEW.LL9O3ER YARD undersigned has opened a taiiiitglit I ; YARD. oa Ebs Zallrga, :Neax Reflire Line LOU; Gettysburg sad saki tbe public le give libei =IL jib remortateut 6 otte oC tite islt awed hen, aaa lb priori afford olds tie malmit thing pr*.. fr. M. WVTJ raz PLAN'S, lack sad toil PO" rhOONIN% sAgpriu . I, 4p, 4p., so it cop. Slaty Wing to lots most; Co.' 114 nabliuk Ar t Plabhuhul. renla ettillete,St psioesArepo4l l4l 4 Ns% tritito.a JACOB piljetpi., effittfilikistkit siftti , FR,I4 1 .11 M4llllMAitigi:i . .4 D R (.3i • FALL & WINTER WEAR AT TIIS Brim{ or . • . A. SCOT 2' & S 0 Jll — rs. 60,1'113T9 Op MERINOS, all styles. DEI„kINES, all styles. CALICOES, all it yes. , M USLINS, 41,gracies: Cwaltnerraut all styles sad quality. Pemba good thamla and fair bargainsrbeadd so fa . A. SCOTT . it SON; Chamberaburg vtraet, 2d Square,, Oct. 9,1861. Clettyaborg, Pa. New Fall .&-Winter Goods ; E. HITESHEW Is now receiving a large stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE BOOTS,SHOES A.Nra 'HATS . I coil the attention .4 raj customers and the com munity to my large stock organdie, I am now offering at tower rates than they have been since the war aad at prices which cannot fail to etrike the purchaser stardom). With every Gtellity for pun haring goods at as low fig ures as any in the trade. I am also prepared to meet corm petimi on tore prices from serend all quarters. Prompt conformity to the lowest market price. Is my established rule. PetelC. lIITESILICW. rshurgAlf. Oct. 1101.—ly tonfettiono, rte.go and potions E. H. MINNIGA, CHAMBERSBURG STREET text door to the Kefstoue hotel, GETTYSBURG, PA., Confection, Periodical and News Depot All kinds of Confections, Can dies, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, &c., aoastantly co hind The Daily Papers of Baltimore Philadelphia, New. York, and choice Magazines,. .applied to sabseribers at koireot rates VALENTINES Plata, elMliC and Fancy, a at ge assortment Just ol.tned AZ - CA LL AND EX A Feb ,M—lf CONFECTIONERY MEI ICE CREAM SALOON JOHN GRUEL, Chambersburg Str., Gettysburg nrit door to Eagle hotel, Baying completed his new ImikHer, 6a• opened the street assortment of Confections ever utrerrti in Get ystarg, itmlud'og French & Common. Candies Toys, Nuts, ie.. am! everything belonging to a Matthew Con Irertionerv, with special accommodations for La tics and Gentlemen. ICE CREA Al Feh.l2.—tf supplied oa shortest polies JOHN M. MINNIGH Diamond Confectionery VALENIC.(NES, gut guider, pot, &t. G - ETTYSBUItG LIME FOR SALE Ittatch***.ltimiya. E E Eler "'Sc „ C A • I4 . / ..'1 ATo . SOPER & hIoCA.RTNEY'S' NEWIEWELIVr STORE, On Yorkstieet, - oppc,Friie - the' Bank, Get . ipsbuey; Penna." • • A new and run asaorilnen• just -frenivoll - „Iron Ulf City _ SILVER, AND PLATED NARA NIUSICAL INSTRUALENTS 1 ..c 4 as Crnitars, Arei;edems, Ilia•es. Fire., ac., alsethe trimmings, ?is: Keys Btrktegs, Dow., gridges end every ilk' 3g bilonging to the Instruments. Repairiko , and aft kin* of work in our tine done promptly and on reuxonable terni4. trir All iork warranted t•6cir« aatihttctiou—and all goods sold, warranted t.) be what they Me represented. Nov. 2T, 18C7.-1( ISAAC' K. STAUFFER, Watchmakek and jeweler No. 148 North 2d at.; corner of Quarry, rjULADELPHIA Au assortment. of Traeehes, .To;trelry, Wlicr and Plaled Ware con.viaolly on hand. BUITALU FOR IIOLW!Y PRESENTS! sir-Repairing ofß'atchonsad Jevrel.s7 promptly at tended to. ' Nov 27,18137.-Iy SEEING 18 EELIEITING AT 704 A 14CLI - STREET. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS! RICH &ELVER, & SILVER PLAtED WARES, Including every 111 3' 10 I, '-'t and- description, made ; expressly for the Winter ss zla - a l - which for neat no. • -.rm.—, and durability cannot be A \ 41.1, • sprpturaed +4OI:W . 119 \VMAN'S - Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing ratabli,hini•nt, 704 WWI- TREET, PHILA DELPHI-I air Re-plating atelott Dac.lll, Watches for the Million ABRANDAf.E k CO'S OItEAT WATCH CLUB.. ETERYIIODY need.* go , AI watch, and 'vistas to get it At the lowest peseible mire; a In.rde of owiroltere knowing this have contrived various ingenioua device. t o get people's mosty,.and then either fail to send a watch, or mend one that la worthless as n time-keeper. BANDA LE k CO. bare now pertecte 1 arraagenents by which, for the mall sum of lids good and reliable watch may becErrstatr obtained. They bare foretells GREAT WATCH CLIIII on the following plan. certlficateac ce _ taining the number. of all The watches named in our sludesale list( which le sent to till applicant.) air mixed up, enclosed In entalepet, mat sold fid :Ls cents ea c h . — !Glary certificate is aamtaNyta to hr for a watch, and so will be mien on reference to the li.t. none. are of less value than Ten Dollars, whilst come are worth 1300. We undertake to send any welch drawn whenever may belts value for 110, and in tit der that every one may ab solutely depend upon gettin k , a flret C/4113 time-keeper, we guarantee that every purchaser of One Donor'. worth of certificates shall receive at 'gust one for watch :do. on our veholefrefe I itit, sent p. 04 freer, slide% 1w 1 kribeldss latest levet,* handeolus /tad tellable watch, in terlind silver hunting OM!, and usualfy sold kr $4O. Ton will certainty get podia watch; med , besides, you tatty get a Gold Chrinsosneter worth /Sod. We sett the certificates ea follower: (hie for 2/ cents: Three for 510 cents: !ix fir $1; and Twenty fur p. To those+, din Kat, we will semi a handsome chi in gratis. To those &coding I. we sill sends gold chain warranted sot to tarnish la 11/ years.— ' Parties getting up larger clubs will receive liberal pre sents, particulars of which may he icarnrl nn applica tion. gs it is our intenrion to do a at icily honorable business, and to insure our customer. fri , na liabiiity to lova, wewlll send our wAtcliee.ildierdrisi, without money, instructing the Express eget, t to collect oelc on delivery. ws are desired to forasnl wetcherty mad, the money mart be sent no by Bank Draft or Poet Office Outer, sad It will then tee at our rink. Ur. will then register the package at our poet office. end If at will ro-pfse• it free of charge. It any watch sent is not approved,it may be returned And the money will low r, funded. The reputa tion (lour firm, which bass been estaldithesi for five years, and le well known In (very tart. of the country, we trust will be deem,d a enitietent guarantee I bat we will faithfully per f..ru, all we nontract to do. All, ere AftriaNDiLE a CO.. la.; Broadway, sew Each, Poet , 1111:e Cie - E. 11. 311NNIG If, Charnbersburg,strcet, Agent for Gettysburg,. Dec. 2',1b67.-3m JOIIN BOWMAN No. 704 Arch Street, PHILADELPRIA, MatioLicturrr awl D.*ler In SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Our Gaels toe decide-11y the cheerit et. to at. City TRIPLK PLATE, No. 1, War.l4, 1,167.-1 y starts, Ziturart, at. TIN-IVARE AND STOVES. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TIN-WARE IN'TITE COrNTY, i Se G. COOK''S, (Formerly ‘odreer Polley's); alsKJaomeot TIIK REST COOKING -STOVES IN TILE MARKET, among which ei•e. the LD DOMINION. COMPROMISE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOBLY POW. ktARLYY 811.147. kr. Alro.many other &Wei." for kitchen cal. which will be sold as low as at any other platelet he county. l li .O. COOK. A pri ECM wart, •HARD,WARE AiD 0 It.6CEltlith TUE suhacribert itaaa j cat t etarnod tram t he aittea with ipippmitispisoruisswAßAtoßOCXElB, which they're oftettag at theirold stand in Baltimore 'treat, at prlcetto salt thetimea: Oa re to:kcessiatdat part of Oarpoatir'sTools. illacksmitlONTeol.s hocrindinge. • Oabfuetliakee4aßis lkdasitkaaver'pFtaturec. G Allk R CERI ZS OF 4.1.1. indsofl Da,on &a 01.1a.Paints. tc., de. Therela noatticleinelndedin the ,semi dotortstssats mautlanail ettkovia bat what can Js ad at this Stop,. Milty Ott, nt Unnbanlc'scan be sc. osstiodalsid hop vith 400lsandandlaitsAnd Hossokssia waaaa 'sue a vitr,* artfel sin Mei din e. Giv• assail MI cedar 4 . 1 . 1 4; QWrCiteNit ill*Zkya kb .0011/* Wait of that - Key'2o 1 litT eatintt TO , THE P a ZIC T EEE-Underai g ned Asko "this method oktiforonling thapablic that thsyntilt carryon tb• Cabinet-making Bus egg • In all kin -veriches, and tbat *bar, noir %-knir*. *lt hind a largo amottatoat of BUREAUS,. KRUSTEAIig robies, corner oppboaica, &vas, .unka, ASYands.Dreamy Buntaus r Males, • 446 Tent *tick= in skirt ervft 0410 t 4 -ON a l 4 I" netanaktng Itne. ALSO, READY-MADE 0 30MNS, ANIX COFFINS ItEADEVO• ORDER. All of *blob *Mb* 111441.4p661,),, ihs old shut& 44 South . PLltlwors uusuet, %poops %Um/humeri, Ts* Two tudoulgood bialmes.4ll), yson az iiii;„ ci a iti the ,buolbsu, nottorltoungolvas 404 elm/ gas cuts ugooa work essay Obeli, Mut bettor. Kr or boatmen snifttbas will Ark 4 it - tis their sderautsgs to i an d boy !hut us, u wlaridotOrmlood. to sop os low m i tionfblo,,tainat the time.. amttAcii 4 =O4E4 Dec. Issr-sm EU. I - iittEAFFER k BECKER rEmistlvito, cy• ,) rpQr4, i. to 005 to kt..Pubm4rpidg in AA. Nis undid* u na belat id the am* t mystaissiers wilt& will totall; tad stamina nisr, stook bd'is Wiz* diewbac R-N IT IT ILE widit!...o , ..sfe,intro s 4 0.4 4 ...r .Jan. 22, 1208,4, -ip÷m l"l = l = 4 '';1411161141 ;0011 1Phoot 'Ail oa lliefoofvfOloosithor of lOorp• fOttkpotos fbr Oat se 142A)41!111111k [Sug. U. S. 1681 BONDS, U. S. r-20 BONDS, U. S. 7-30 BON DS, L': S. 10-40 BONDS, 7-34 lioAliS 'l.ll i.ru , sconrerleil iNto S:Wir wpost the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS bearing pix per crtd. Intereft in gold ST Persona criahing to convect Any . descripia.a of as• _ CUfltiN, or make ar change invertmeals, ow have the -same promptly executed. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS WILL era-Depoeita recoi,,.l and Interest paid upon balances anl.jort to check at sight. (Dec. 4,1467.4 m Notice to Capitalists!. PERFONS. desiring of Investing. and realizing nearly NINE PER CENi., are requested to (mil at lb* Gettysburg Natioual-Bahk AND OBTAIN CIRCULARS OFr TUE ._ UNION" - PACIFIC AND ALSO • • - UI2 4 :TRAL PACIFIC. ILLILELIAD COB. 4E412E2.: These investments are daily E/Tgr 'Ea Increasing. air-BONDS cart be bad at endow at this Hank and' gribert all Information ocumornini said investments eta be cheerfully given. Dee. lA, ISIE.-tf J. IDIOM BAIR, (babies- _ Ong, &I% fi .4001.i1-ntiriVloloo.:ilitAci Coach Findings A t 0, BUEHLER, ➢RtJG & BOOK STORE, JQEL n.z.utusit DAVI buign.u. sTATIoNETtT DRUGS AND MEDICINgg, MRFUNERY AND TOMi:t AVlrkiNTltit MEAtiE4I4TB iroppliea at '1,10 4 7'' . ' Feb. 114 - --tt ' ' HOR PHYSIaL42+7' ANL , ; aloe" and prlg 84orp , 0143111011MVAIR: maxim . rt #13774458M.14, A t . ' Mf !q° * #:. MIS, M 1010111231 ,, VAUNT pAti4„lralit9 40, Tiit r :-? silos* „RAN, SODS,VRNAMOTTApTeIt, LAMPS, 'MU Mt, 4C: PURA LIQUOPIS fbr inddldnai Rurt)Fialts. ' .• Dr..ll.lfrorkaDl4XNA Poillettr r 144oppau All art lanrnet«i itasipasalies, 4gut 8, 1868.-tf brugs B,nd AtEeclicines. -Poß.Pmmo44.-PI4ZEL' , • •RN A W444 00 44 .1 1 111 X 1 4 1 4:4 2 4t i rbllH r- -- old' AO. An tales Ow titko., t4d! anatuuy ro oil t o= 11100 of Inds of 95 AND 5919101 X vong • meat rellatdahoeses, and la prapareed to ancomoo. lists WA costotnernme any llttidlilt PM Mit, PURR, DIIII6II4I.BMIIINCLEttaIk , iq .11 1, “ ot•yery'deserll4lon, a ll tb• Pop** WNW of the day, with a fall aappli kali Par hisiary, Dia Staila, Vatahpass, VINE, Tarp= usustrOils,M 2,tkor with *opt STWotiMir—lseah ma* y Sq l nid „phmthpiit Btor afly on t PiryeittegenWi. kti • rate, ilk thialtaftal7 i 4l PrePsred at an =ll 4ltlonat+l4Flrk so lieirce•afikles peirealft OW r taat oso iro um NIST SOW MI or ioliati 14 411141114116 littii'.ll . l.ll4lY:" ' 1-ate VIRORAIIMS:O •Aik.? 'r , 4-i, , A , rm. , " t mg ' I t 4:lll6VErtly 11/ sr6ll34n'''' t' t5:.)17.41-'lO ?qtr J N: ~if !,}lAfrlt T•r - tsn • ... h.! ./, . ' ',.. - I -•_ - I ,t• .. J. )., : lt; * ,loooo .4 l €ll l ol ' flfiekliiiiit Giatif sl JAI" • bi . l " & Kit*? "" PliiiCttr b CAS' i t 1 • , . ...4 4 w. i i: /..‘ , 5n i ,,, , , - ''Ne+itiet ` l i t • 1 4.4 ii. IF,E.-uay ft.A a - I,liFit. wA: li - P. ' " :* , - -......1 y4 r i.l , kr-...,, itt.....v ~, 30 N • 4 . Wo4li"niisilt 4 )oo,o3l: 3 , If 'tei - be 'suit IR EMI IXit; 'Lli .; i 7 -,. r :-P17,..4.r1, .-., 1 ..r.._z- -- > 1-r a ' ' . 1- -'--'. ' l43 ' " OH ' r•I LiitifialtU tirktiriTgar• 4.i .itnifYifilig: tkutinillift, -.4., , ' I , A ti IVA - FO'A'L E & CO . , - 7- d o x jai 2.04:41441.6.4,4i iitAt ‘ ii,i4 l - t o fii i ,l .1...4 i . " 1 1-11- rciiiiiLaki mi. !tilt " TOIL, '' - ' - -. , r.)- • ih.i.! L.,c•.) ~,V:, J 7, )!...; , '..L !..:,,:s arr.f..? AiTtlq - 24, PO; .E.UItOrCAN XAKUII,IcTtatiRS, Tea fact? C.-2CS I,tutule,n, apkb losttileprumlynt, yin' Ur - ; , ;,,,7....;; , 1. ,; ;, , ; ,; •• . , ~. , .. ~, , .12. i. • , - 4.10' Privil tg e ""."4' : sill; 4 Ak• .Iwr .viilF-it'f' nit i Zar . re.% truernriLiitt;:iiiii=attliC7 7.30'n in:glut jug In June And July next, it not dllulli'lpf gerrittilinin'el"l:aritZT:irh in g," 6"dr A .: Co., La s ig dierel:4;.;l;-•6144-itii,ferllicin sedoi.dttik.to Inlftue. ,Itile Ilank will. eilar ' erurett or numbs... r , . ; ~..1 ;• . ; . 1 . ..! -,i.,-..,,,-• FT -- 1 , beli treollodereputeAettlaalltetint-ill elib.li I t hostaw the74o,nikeius prw!t9l:lls tg . 14 ts tar_ 04. :...... ~.. - • . 11"- Ils r4 eIt t ro uP witidifif*botr . i the diiglu : at wirnl, site prlent 1...4,11,.d8i7ii,t( '• : t ' . 3/J 1 0 , 481401a, Cneletet.:' 47 "1 -th " ftlelell. " ' ill" aulr°ls ^t 4l. liMlii=:M== UM Flftn NATON-AL:BANk GETTYSBURG,. PENNA., Ix agent for the sale of (he first Mhrtgpge Union Paciffc Rail Road. PER OENT.-GOLD INTEREST BONDS, at 90 rent.' on the dollar, payable netni.annnally at tam cuuntvr. All neceisary irdioteralun given. GEO. Ottly.!oarg. Nov.'27. 136 T.— 4r GETTYSBURG NATIONAL. BANK. CIOVgANAIENT BOND& kboky BOUGHT -sad SOLD. SRVEN2IIIIRTY BONl)3eonv-rtedintorTll-TWEI'42Y BONDS without elm rgs. '' COSI POII:CD INTREPT 'SUPER CA HIED. TLe lIIGIIRST PREMIUM prid on GOLD 'MI siLysr: • • - STOCKS and BONDS, of all kinds, bouiht for person without CITAIWISG COMMISSION. ORDERS PaciIIIETLY EXECUTED. tu'err,t on SPEOIAL 'DEPOSITS a4ratterd i per erne-, •is: 5 PE.R CENT. for l year, 4 PER C& T_ fur G toonldia, Z PER CENT. fur 3 tuonthp. Per.rr.. wisldoz Information in tegard to G. $.130134.1P. and Fr tucks of a/t Made. ere NA itrd to give as • call, 'kiwi we will give all Ihroitnailon cheerfully. • . J. EISOET Cashier. Gottyaburg. Oct NI, 164:7-I FIRST NATIONAL BANK GET I'VSBURG WI LL ALLOW in ter eP t au tPECIA L DEPOSITS As follows PER CENT. PER ANNUM FOR 1 TEAR, w u,coN vut r 1-30 !COTES IND) 5-20 BONDS AS USUAL frte of dgtrle: CASII MIIPOUND INTEREST: OTES AND COUPONS Will elan porchare or KeIISTOCKS and BONDS of erery kind free .4 charge as , !.iiminlesion, and will at all time* pay the lIIGII.Berr PRIM: for GOLD AND SILVFItit end re it!, pleaanre trana.ict all tnatneam promptly as here tufere pertaining to a well regulated Bank. GM). ARNOLD, Caahler. G.. 1 NOV. 6 1667-tf Aso. (1..a,.%/t'arson DITAIBOLTON & WIRT, Corner of Baltimore and St. Paulstreet4, I; LTIMO 12E, BA \KERS, BROKERS, AND DEALERS IN Ou ritn - tf:n Srmiritie*, Ni/Per, H.k E CON ST .1 NTLY F(..t SA LE rerabl, trim s Fp rcial 3.zent4 G,r the t L'N I .N PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS, AND RECEIVE PEOSIPT ATTENTION TNT RY%I RETZNUE STAMPS or Sx la CHAMBERSBURG STREEtt, Near the Dhuncrud Robes...:...froni 615 00 to ffio 00 riot ruff. lennine crt - Mink...—. - 20 00 to 100 00 Ltilles!*o4. ", • " - " 10 00 to 60 00 COI jar " 060 to 40 00 814kdriCE , atiti GreorPatterws ' ' 00 to 415 00 = Aldregiiited./opflon C4.th r ..............,... 6 00 to 12 00 jupkicea and Muslin do' r/A filet 4 C 0 to 10 00 - 'o7etichllintinorreol ..... 10 00 to 20 00 Cambric, 400 to 10 00 Balltnirsl and t'llipt re Skirts 2co to 600 611 k and Lout ........... 200 to 600 Sets floe Qnffrotud Collar* 200 to 500 Prier 'of Lisdier'entreir • ' 2 s') to iOO Eartilkstghlefs.tlijk,Virlo,ll.- owl Ernhroirartil I..tuli.r n40.1101)14' L',..4taa. N., 141. Aflk noseand h.ilf p• fair 5....... . ..... .; ... .. : .... ..... Ladles rod flouts'. )1.4i,. ',AI. 'and Cotron Fhlal am! r NA- rr • ; Coat, Vt. , / and Cloth,revidinere..enrli.‘eekin Linen:arid Wotdell Talite White and Colored 1f.,, ha, 1., r dozen ' Wl,it• and LuLles., IT, to 40 .Ylantiels; rdt,sle in Woolen; and 31.crino 2k:nbias 4:lrelands; Wouleu Ll(s.a.!4; i nen sod Muslin Sbeetst;' Velvet ands Morocco l'ortmonairs; Shopping Hags; Wallets; 51.oertchatun Piper; Your and Six 4ilads Pocket KJIIITP,, with prat 1. tcr Wise and ivory handles: frenelielorkor; GIG and Bronze. Siortral Hover; Revolv •,err ; tectwieng Piecle;..Woney Combs; liole Net..; work ilar4s: Silver C .rd C.L.o.a; Albums; nuttily and Pocket :11tfrerrinfe..wir, ic. / We baro n!.,, rec,gvwt a vplendie a.aortairlit of WATCH 'Sold riot Silver liaatfag Gun fur Gent;; Enarneira 7style.fot Ladies, together with Chains of every pattern and - Pets, -of leweiry in every variety; Sleeve :Inttonv, n l Oll/10w, Locirvls; Crorrer;lGUgS of every lime; Brace hit.; Gold Pens, sie.,,tc. tt- - r--3---~+. : =IN! TQE SILIYIRWA RR DEP.& ItTIIENT Silver, Dining and Tea Seta, Castors, Ice Pitchers, Table gpoons, Trt Driuk ing Cups, Cof fee Us Mt, Ten Puts. Cream Pitchers, Sugar Boot la, Fruit Baskets, Ca li/aket4;Cand Beeline, Kenn lielvee.Byrup Cops, 2..alrers, Portruousira. Pie Knives, Fish Knives, Mustard and .Salr Sjx , Ons r Napkin Rings, Erg Stands, Wine liadela, Card Pona,kc. 4 ILtheabove pst orarticles to be sold for it nd each, The expense% are paid by the sale of Coupon or Cer aitlretes naming each article In tit* stuck, and its value. ikestiCertificates 311, enclosed in envelopes, initial up; sod 'W4 it 26 CENTS 'RAC 11-6 sl—Upon *2. IVhaterar article fe named in the Certificate can, be eLtatned MONK DOLLAR. The article will be shown to the bolder of the Certifi cate. and it will be at his option, hether he pays the dollar and takes the artkle or not. In case articles sent by man or ratters are not satisfactory, they can be re turned and the to"ney will be refunded. krery Cretin pte entities the holder to Nome article of sterile; rains, worth mach more than a dollar. In proof tf tlibi I=i=Ml roe iwn hard fur any of our certitimites and ding, any of the fol'owiag artkimee that if yew are one pleased with thearticleor articles named on the certificate. you Cited notliuse rbe 26 emote yon paid kirft: =One Silver plated three bottle Castor, handsome silver plated Batter Dish with plate and corer, Lady'. tihop- Ping Bair. a 6O picture "A 1111•1111 bound In velvet and gilt, 'deg of Tea 4poons ailves plated on e bite metal,set d.ubde plated Table Spoons df F,Prks, Pants pattern (23 yard,' cusimere),pisirilowvitt's Paris Kid tf k.vea, splendid real ldeerichanai Pipe, or solid 16 carat (old plain Ring% • REFERENCES. During the fur years we have LlLlallageutt for Europe an manufacturers, we hare received hundreds of cum niendatory notices from the prem.,- and letters front pri vate individuate, expressing the highest eatiataction with cur method of doing business. We hare many of theme tetitimawials with nam-e and dotes, printed in pamphlet form, cud as we have no +pace for them in this advertise ment, wewill send coddea tree to any addiees. Whenever desired, we will send artlclee by Express. C. al D. So tint the money need only be paid ON DELIV ERY OF THIS GOODS. O. O. WHIT. ( flu nrrtyr, Nry neteitt the entire rreponaibility of money sent by Expre,a, Puff Office Order, or patik Draft. We rea:,t apeuta I:VERA - II HERE to abort] a liberal Ilia be paid, which can be tedrried on ay n. "a... Take core to write year 'name and addrer in a clear, tliPtiLet Land and I.l4rear ABRAM/AI?. 3 OE. 162 Broadway, New Y , Hr. 4t Mee rx-Isuc; Chankbersburg Ntr., Agent for Gettysburgi. Dec.ll,lB67.—Elcs. 11A - UGII'S COMMERCIAL MA NCAES.—Wo annannee to farmers anJ dealers In Vertilizera. that the foto. fog pricea hare been adopted fct t he spring season : Z'L ie 'ell-ittown popular trade-mark trill be found up owe eny r ackage of the abut,* unteurea, . The hlzh estimatt..n in .... h rt h .,e l n r4 ..;eai, cl ou i r M olt i' a u r T BAQE MARK .... 2 . 11 ,!!, 7 .. teeni Y sustain 7 'ar w i in ;ri.fwutee;ehailllTl iog now the em ire control o r t • . the great resources of the city of Chicago, for furniabing ' 2911 [.' Am monia end Phos; hate yivkling materiel, vls.:—.Bonee, Dried Flesh, Blood, &c, we hare, in • . , in Philadelphia, the largett connection with our works facilities fur fitestietting the manures, at the above low Prie.ol• BAUGH I F.ONA. thi!adslPhia- NORTII-WEFFERN FERTILIZING Co., Chicago, ZORN RALSTON A CO.,,,General Ageets, New York. ORONOiI w. LUKE 100., 4 . Boston. °BOWE DFODALE, Whatesula Agent, Baltimore. 3* all information respettir.A the above Manures, *Al arme either of the above houses. Ain. 15, 1968-3 m 'WAGON MAKIN - G. Tim subscriber respectfully informs tie public tl4 he carries ois the WAGONAL&K.LNG BUSINESS • . In et ifebraneher, tt Shop, In Cumberland township, shoat oms-belt mile from Bream's Mill, on the reed lead hut from said Mill to the Sounittsburg mid i and is Fa. pared to'sreesteell order* with promptness. .fiiiruEr G • O • ALL.K.INDs ATTENDED TO. •lle _goo maim foams' LIAND.B.AKXS,, SOAKING NOUS Afttnoom-uAtinpm, for wholesale andre- AM hada • igerhopro.by prompt Wootton to Iburinom 10 omit sett rote*" a liberal' Patronage. Orders addtessed to Ms" romfro prompt attootioa— Aug. 7,1861re,t,7 WILLIAM U. UOUCL - - ROMT D. ARMOR Y ' GAS PITTED., , PLUM.BER„ AND. BELL HANGER, ak'st,A . licitiqs gr ar f :Top' Court-ktae, GtiTYBBV,B(I .PA., ILL prompt ly attend- all or • • ilevll i o 6 lae . .Wovirlicin• in the moot serf& tietpiT rulreTVll,V"`"*"'" Pc."4'73" = 1 3 1 1;indeliere, : l)ineinets, pito trgbie 4c.; alga wirrigt 4P4 Pop% ZIP eat Rfloorliiptiotg, neg a in etthri, everything belonging to i; of Water fix. tures. - Belie hang, and luruisiboa if dean& Leas of all - • , ..Eoeca..26,nenett PatentWn &ribber. WIRE adypitages ,of. ,the Scrubber pywriay °tilers fe — ret6tkettA3Mda,the work km. mierillene tionallyr iinployed; find,Aha; Wren l c apt waits astidlosaitire weak meek beater that. Ana Oise Ary,**liitigAtAlia aims Owe sant 1111164 labogartelfirng sip TUN elotbi a : t _4.th, that it will, hooka giwit isaay-ylsare fly -0 •• ktinthi nen 611.14 the *les; wtitah oars be Cosa wary sully at easy trills* gkiit r t t i t t storeof if Pie Vs . =ow ukuor, oilithiscis4itrott, ysbunr. Ito 6d Abillag dlOYAirlatellfAdnisi /Wasps county, • : . itt na1.20111.-". Gorrtinito,Pa".;2lor,lls, :t.onnt niadoriftnet hawing the abate Swabbers in nee, do , hereby cordhilly recommend them to the public is fully. answering the purpose for which they are intesdecl. r , - J. z..ravar, itatiggi; - 4suamocuuart.•. -7 4 . 0-avaus,r . . 2 44.'4 W. : la / A4M.M.Calik. 41111U/3; A 0 199:141101141 ON. 1 / 4 4 1 0,317,31110 *• l • l The ablarifibmilitrivmmlda asai - ro w kb mslll,ppas new! Un ,A )ll . l MiLdll/04 alma t ivrimit wwewarrailbilk)b • • f 4" tuf rtrik•Zl teb. Abt • • • ikr , best • •:t I 'aakvw; ;;; , • w rifftr "i r i f:Or ) ° l !; 44 ,9 11, juvimbrdmium&stkilluadiski Posited° kV Li kli ttatraa aw a r t '_ ,11411 ~on qtrirsokilk; Ora abw iww Nwk t i ll au ttltat tl e s ta =kw *TIC* mifw •T,P_ ir is ! " 2, 7 , c: *edam, Ithrw)Uto. date "Wm rvetY, • *PIO *woo b. a aw , a , thwij a di 11.-clllllll. selskApril lid s • E.11:1 TRIS OFFER BA COTI'S 1: AST 110NR PrIOSPII AT): Price, UG per 2000 Ibr. Daunirs CHICAGO . DONE FERTILIZER Price, $l6 per 2,005 lb e. BATIGIPS CHICAGO BLOW NIA' SORE. SWC/ p:r 2,000 tre. ta l tiutso,#. DAVID Mc-CRtARY 4f*ays Cheaiieit." THE Besi `andOnapest, SA DD LES, . COLLARS aged .11.4 BREW of ail kinds, in . the• COINII4I, are always to be foetid at the old aad well klinra itild, Italtimory at., opposite th•Preebytetias Mods. (3le C R R,Y 'S.) , Our Riding and Wagon Saddles, ' are the moat I .ah.tantially built mud 1111811111 t. • Our Harness, (plain andsilver mounted), are complete I • ev, ry rampant Lad minuted tolsztooltb• very . beet MA tor ial cod w0rk:114,44. , Our upper leather Draft Collars, out Nor nz BOAT. They are the beat I , IIT/NA sad wet durable. Our Heavy Draft Harness, are made to order, as cheap as they cap be toads soy sphere and in Ole moat sabstaattal =arm. Riding Bridles, 'Whips, Lashes, Draft mow., 113 , nete sad tre.rythlnir Ip the New bet to or cheaper. Our prices have twett ILLCCED to the kweat 11. log etivothetd. A liberal percentage for cub, off ail bills ssouuntlag to tzi 01 lucre. -We work nuttily,' but the beet of stock. and wee r:mt. every article turned utt; to Ito to ovary roopott so Po. preaentetl. Thankful (Cr pant favors we tuvite attention tooor pro. sent +tuck. tij_Olve un &call and examine pawn AST QUALM. Jen. 1'.9.186/5.-tf D. XceltitA ISON. Oft) to 1•1 to 4 OA to 13 00 lEEE= 3-PO to 45 00 0.1 to 4OU NEW SADDLER SHOP. n CPT to ,12 00 0N the Hill," Baltimore Striet,ilettiaburig. .tautly uu hand % ea made to order. kiwi,.( RIDING SA DDLE,&.: WMION SADDLES, IL low as the !Weft( May 11, 1857.-Tf. C AHILIAGE_~IAKING REBLTIED. Tit N at bet pi; 4ebr, the uhdernigtlett h3verestrized the CARRIAGE-MARINI/ BUSINESS at their uld stand, In East Middle stmt, Gettysburg, where they are semis prepared to pat wp Noel In the moat flettiorunble, substantial, and superior autuner. A lot of new end second-hand CARRIAGES, nuuuls,a, AO, on hand, which they will dispose of at the lowest par , s, and all orders wilt be 'untied is promptly' sad satlstsc torily as possible, done with dispatch, and at cheapest rates A large lot of o•w old 11-CRN RS :I o hand tor mal. Thankful fur lb* liberal patronage lberetofore ergo) gal by Went. they eclieit and will endeavor to deserve a large share in the future. May 29,-tf ,ARRIAUES AND BUGGIES. Are ouw building a variety of COACH WORK of the latest sod most MilprcAod styl.a, and colostsucted of the best material, to which they invite the attention buys am (levies built our work with great care, and of a - :trial selected with special refereuce to beauty of style and dursbilay, we can confidently recommend the work as unsurpassed by any other !weer out of the cities. All we shit is an Inspection of our work, to-ouneince those la went of any kind of a vsalcie that this Is the slice to boy them. .4111cS - REPAIIIIS6 in •very Drench done at al.t tultteib awl on rent , onable terms. Give uS a call at oar Factory, Near tha earner at Waal. ingtou and Chambersbarg streett, (I et qtbUrlr, PA. • June 12 1867.—tf 4kLL AROUND THE WORLD The First Premium of a Silver Medal was awarded Barrett's Hair Restorative, By the FL State Agricultural Society, at ha 'air holden in Naattau, Sept. 20, 1866. EABRETTS VEGETABLE HAIR RE STORATIVE restore' Gray Hair tolti natural color.— Promotes the grOwth of the Mar. Changes the roots to their ar or genic action. Eradicates Thuniruff and I maze. ?menu Hair Lltin6 oat. Ts a superior Dres sing. It contaics au Injarions Ingredients, and is the most popular and reltaLlo article thronghont the East West, North ■n4 South J. R. BARRETT A CO., Proprietors, lElOlOld by Dr. IL Eforaer,lyiburg; 1. 8. Moab— iobangh, 1114311)ton ; Llartmieut aad Sadler, Poterobarg, Bayder C Sao, Littlestoirs,Aad Druggiots generally. lab. 1x,1868 —l/ PORT GRAPE-WINE, Used liitutrecht cst caogrregefiewi fry. Ceuris.4 ar Carnal:mica Purposes. ALSO, ../A - olieatfor Ladies and Weakly Person; VINEYARDS, NEW JOSE]`. SPRER'S PORT O'RAPR: Vitti, FOUR TZARS OLIII T Justly celkLuat94 astir. Wise is mad? (max lA* jaico Gs & Opprtp Grape, ra ised this coarsiry.— „ised in its laraitialas ' • TO!'ffe /OM SiIitIiNOTVAXDIft,PROPJUIXIIV3 -are ° A l PirP4ovilikf at4l whir astks in s p. B e i ng ti purer - taco of the drape; produced seder 14. Atpeeee own pereouil supervision, Its puritz, aria jiinninenew are .unaventeed. She Ivotoireat child mint partite ants , tents' puilittes, and the weekestinvalidatay nee It to itd- Ts Ditto, "Ft 4tPoltica — At* , &mantel to the aged and delatated, and wilted to the rakes ailments that at. mottbtiweatgrgm,, It Is, is every mock . • A. 'FMB TO BF. maze') - Invattla iniqiipear's Port Gimp* lgtse,. 7 • Ilessivdee IWe Speer's Port Grigt•Nrbw., ValkOr PgriQuil Anti a Petteitt 4T s Is9.nse. : Speed's 'Wines to Uo iftala ttsw pftgemd Lo veitet airanNl UP Dantean! and arninn. A. 4piwes Vboyaed;Ziw /ankh 011141014 t itzroad w 4 r IMP *. Bdtr77 I it. L: .L GROVE'S - UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC SALVE it MISTER. . This 4 ieesivedlar petal*, remedy 41%. be tespreenk zt-C--..;,.114E tr SOW th aiblhl4 6ll.l lo ll 4:fillaimr ofAdaism edb , tieing It, testify to Agtr— VA tip *aria alegesekt.-Oposswatie l low. itcorlaariawas istlikviakftLyii47orasst=siate sod e aostrseys. C l uist;,.._.. l ktttal, 014 Jwav , f itpsfitries, Iresk4ifiseads, isokas, arringaw demo Pvteseat meads, /itverted Pet "04 clites,ilhosasee•4l4e., ec. i r ra s e c utrious virtaai, sad the wonderikl caret bee pe taiplal • be• published; but the discoverer la Info mite istrilomid* la order Ito Niro slue t o every *sally ho lb .weary. • Prepared ratty try Ow prepeleter, 2115 N. Lombard at., Uattilnerre: !led mid k.l D• RUIPLIat, Pr. 11.-001 - Ma, a : POINKY, Odi!qsbarg, sad by alk•ltOr. ObliPte *fake econty. • • Will "cts: - ii• 7 l l 7 o alios at P.. Andrew Schick min Wileebelpneer, Sch ick. _ air lits,aate aaa pet supply by cense et.l.lVlNie- TRW= 8, at jVhote, Jai, 31,1841.2-4' • ' , C-OMPO UND! iris ciritx or „ T4U.TRED 'or alry °Ow likilatosatory or inward milaiwit Throat If pot of too long otoodimeAllmi'MAlMlllit ravial; Tide solodloloo boo biota . !MOUS-OMS OF . 04)pi7 1,1• different parts of the country, bad biejaiiiikiea ma ! knOwn to WI If taken to ilij dorm it is warranted to civekft ISt vela kr Unit Ivory hosooloo kil afar ho fit than- Itroomith rea a t kr t zords spolio/airarettors tatig,ftiarblicir fir aft al v, , ell Um 14 Admirsomity, Key ISOL-tt ' I OR March , ;1, 185 et. JOHN Y. .11cCREARY BRIDLBS, CARRIA•;E HARNESP, LitAVGITT HARNESS RIDING BRIDLED, BLIND BRIDLES, co LLA FLY NETS, .1a IL 2.0 W K WREPAIIIINGJEIt DANNER & ZILGLICIL TATE k CULP Ptdiral. Allanchotter, N. II SPEgA:S TO USE 4 4., ALSO, CO• A 11 of on nottl • , tha , 44 nua Nuke it=vs .Iwr Osy. bog s " Dee. 111, ...; ; i 1 SHEAS proini64 midis* it mock belbrolkpb. F made to . ardar . dkpitsi. J. A s e tinge sada as Thread (lee ilthneti measers,Oece We, Orli, - Ploeshe r liezekeer the 1 19'1660 id jolt Mil In Dant .1.14 I= =3 r srit, PfY, Jolt ..~: CEO D. 11:3 , tl. "~` om " D A - &WWI **V. DIL` two doors Gad the JOIIS lllet, La Drissaki *Mott Persons fit Mai le H `l "140 at ►b Mtii 1 JOHN. soft door to hi" out es sift awls , will =2l Os° 15E II a t it E l t i of ' • aKt7!ba=s QURY kJ VITA 00r". oft* of • WRITINa AATte 'laving hod to rooehoh 1, oitelesil tO '&14814. Kaye Off Tawl public, amid le prepared EOHc =a2i Nei 29 - . /IMR 014 DAY awl ushe imp to ; analogs Us ear a Z•Wr t whom tie MN* Sept.* in! ad So short sot hood, sot, ' • TO' Tlm• Cabin In nil Its sis hands Wit BURKA Tables, • Stands,► of Ar. FIT i NEM