The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, March 04, 1868, Image 3

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    Marelt 188..
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Getty•barrig. Weiduesday, Elareh
SALICS.—Tbe following salmi of Person
Prdperty, to take place this spring, will be
found In our adFartiaing column :
" 6 Wash", Stratum tp.
Ihestas4 Heaallan tp.
" A. Batts tp.
" 7 .—lier.l7 BP**. "
" " --:lleseaduk Lalakaw, fraakllu tp.
" 10.—[rue Basetscsar, Disk= tp.
" " McCleary &ad Rush N. ISlgham , Freedom tp
w. Saratoga&
" " --Cyrus B. driest, Butler tp.
" 12.—J. W. WriSitts Wgbl tnd tp.
12.—Aadrew W art, Ilighlasse tp.
" —Awes Cash , Bltalmut tp.
" 14.—Alex. D. Ta or, of Joesßolls tp.
" 17.—.1ease Cook,
" " Cook, ork Sulphur Sprhip neat Bret.
IB.—Christian Benner, Shahan tp.
" " —Samuel 8.8 theitaleger,Caahtown near Pahlleld.
" 19.-4431eerge Hewitt, Mesalied tp.
" " —Joseph aLlfierman, Huntington tp.
Slur' no, Union tp.
" —John Cloavet, Huntington tp._
" 28.-,Barah HAW lgonallon tp.
" " —;Catharine anti Charlotte Itanws, Hountplea►
ant tp.
e24.-4' ea Law4r, Batter tp. bear Beecher's.. Fe-
EXHlBlTlON.—Exbibitions will be
given by Center *ills School on Thursday
and Friday- evenings next, to consist of
speeches, music, 4,tc.
REMOVED.—McDostai.n and Wrizaama,
arrested at Fairfield and lodged in jail here,
for robbing the store of J. W., near
Mechaniostown, Md., were, last week, re
moved by the She Off of Frederick county,
on requisition of the Governor.
PitEMlU3dS.—The York SpKings Build
ing Association is 4i successful organization,
the Stock being all disposed of, some changing
hands at a premium. On Saturday evening
last, the money on hand was sold at 33} per
cent. premium. I
On Saturday eirening the Gettysburg
Building Association sold its money at 4o}
per cent, premium.
EARLY TOMA. a E9.=-To have tomatoes
early plant a few seeds in a box or pot.—
They will soon gerMinate and grow very
-rapidly, and when the pburtaars two inches
high, set one of each in boxes three inches
square, or very small flower pots, and give
them the same attention the house plants
get. As soon as all the danger from frost is
over, transfer the tomato plants, which will
now be budded and perhaps covered with
miniature fruit, to pie south side of a high
fence or sunny idle of a building, into _not
over rich soil, and you will have ripe toma
toes in July.
LECTURE.—Oni Friday evening Rev.
Dr. McCame, of Baltimore, delivered in
Agricultural in presence of a large
audience, the fifth pf the series of Lectures
arranged by the Literary Societies of the
College, his subject being, "Industry, its
trials and triumphs." It was a line effort,
i -abounding in brilliant thoughts, classical
allusions, and eloquent vindications of the
dignity and nobility of labor. Dr. McCsorr,
at the close of the Lecture, by special re
quest, read TENstsox's "Charge of the
1 )
Light Brigade," w 1 ich, as also the Lecture,
was rapturously ip lauded.
derstand that COi A. K. MCCLURE, of
Chambersburg, ban accepted the ;invitation
of the Committee of the Literary Societies of
the College to deliver one of the course of
Lectures now in progress, and will lecture
in Agricultural Ha 4 on Monday evening
March 23, on "Mornioniim." Col. McCrxitz
spent the greater part of last year in Utah,
Montana and other Western territories, and
being a shrewd, close observer, with an
neatly clear, practical mind, the results of
observation and experience must furnish his
a Lecture of more than usual interest. His
letters to the New Ifork Tribune, during his
tour in the territories, attracted much atten
tion. Since his return, he has received nu
merous invitations to lecture, but has been
compelled to decline most of them, by rea
son of pressing engagements, and comes to
Gettysburg at the urgent solicitation of the
Committee and personal friends. We pre
dict a full house on the evening of the 23d.
one of the oldest and most respected citizens
Of New Chester, died suddenly on Friday
night last, of apoplexy. Hewes in ordinary
health on Friday, and In the evening went
out into the yard. Not returning for some
time, his absence was noted, and search
made, when he was found In an out-house,
speechless and in a dyingemondition. He
was carried to the house and Dr. IefELHORN
immediately called in, but without avail, as
Mr. Mynas expired lbout2o'clock the same
night. The de ce ased was widely known and
respected as an upright citizen, enjoying in
an usual degree public confidenoe and es
teem. He was in the 77th year of his age.
CONFERENCE.-4The Conferees of Ful
ton, BedfOrd and Somerset were to meet
yesterday to select aidelegate to the Repub
lican National Convention. Fulton had in
structed for Dr. DUFFIELD, and Bedford for
Hon. Joart CzsaNA. l Somerset presents no
name, but would probably vote for Mr.
It is understood that the , other delegate
(each Congressional distilct being entitled
to two) is to be chosen by Franklin and Ad
ams. If our recolltion serves as right,
four years ago Fianklin urged JOHN
STSWART, BK., of ehamberabarg, and Ad
ams Dr. Fe sic of this place, the
Conferees deciding tin favor of Franklin.
Courtesy would thetsfore give the delegate
this year to Adams.
A NIILSANOR.—On Saturday evening
week, during the Pi l renakosmhtn exercises
in Agricultural Hall, many of the .andiance
were annoyed by • u imber of small boys
and girls, who sought admittenee evidently
for no other purpoee than to annoy, by in
oessant whispering,' , talking, shuffling of
feet, Ac. The same thing has been remark
ed on other occaslotili, with a growing ten
dency to mischief. The nuisance should be
abated, and we respectfully suggest to the
College authorities that in future special po
lice be employed with instructions to eject
these youngsters thus misi,halring—or
what would probably bo better, see that
children, unaccompanied by pirents or
adults, are excluded from these pudic ex
publican friends in the townships will no
be caught napping at the elections to take
place on the ROW . of this month Ibr township
officers. These elections are always impor
tant—thls year especially so, in view of
the Presidential contest next fall. Bear in
mind the Secret Circular of WA sacs, the
Chairman of the Copperhead - State Commit
tee, which we published +Vow weeks ago,
urging quiet but effective organization in or-,
der to secureas many/Section officers as poor
Bible. Give them the control of . the election
boards and the enormous frauds by which
the Copperhesaa carried the State last fall—
by which they elected Judge WOOIDWARD in
the Luzern diatrki, where frandently
turalization papers were manufactured by
the thousands—will be repeated•ad tibitann
next fall , Bee to it that this game is block
ed by nominating good and true men as
candidates for township °aloes, and then
eleint them by bringing out a ittll vota. Fore
MORE IiNOW.—It has snowing
more or low for several days, and Molotov
now lies L 6 or 18 inches deep, with intensely
cold weigher—tie meroory yestardsy must
log going down to sero. .
LEGIEILLTIVB.—,Lei Reiic Mi. Mo.
Coss.uoirr read in plan an ast granting $
pension to Jame Column, of Adams omm
ty, a moldier of the war of 1812;which was TIM
tarred to the Committee on Pensions lad
The suppilltmirot to the Act Incorporating
Adams County Mutual Fire Insurance
Com Pry, reported by Mr. bleConAnonv,
has passed the Senate. It provides Air 11 'fl
atbed of 21`iktanagers, and is asked for by the
The Border *of Bill, appropriating $300,-
000 to Adams, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford,
York and aimberls,.Uskoonnties, as indem
nity for property destroyed, damaged or ap
propriated fbr the public service, and in the
common defence, in the war to suppress
the rebellion, the e. 500,000 to be divided pro
rata as a final appropriation (damages, for
burning of afambersburg being exclud
ed) —came up the House last week, on the
reedit:ilea the private calendar, but was ob
jected to by Mr. Mum, of Potter, and went
over. It will come up this week, when the
calendar of obiected bills is reached. We
regret to say our information from Harris
burg is not the imams of the
bill. As a measure of fairness and juaties to
the border counties which suffered so heavi
ly from their exposed condition, growing
out of the inability of the Government to
protect them, the bill ought to be passed
promptly. Upon ihine counties, as shields
for the balance of the State, was inflicted all
tile damage which Bsibel power and malign
ity could inflict, audit' , is supremely selfish
in the representatives of more favored coun
ties to refuse to oontribitte towards making
good at least a portion of these damages.
The Bill changing the time of holding
Courts in Adams county, heretofore notieed,
has passed both HOuses and been approved
by the Governor.
An interesting and lively debate was bad
in the Senate last week on resaitions ap
proving the impeachment of the President.
The resolutions as prepared by Mr. MoCon
auanv and reported by the Committee on
Federal Relations were finally adopted by a
strict party vote, viz : •
.12esolved, That the thanks of the people of
this Commonwealth are due and are hereby
tendered, through their immediate Repre
sentatives, to the Rowe of Representatives
of the Congress of the United States for its
fidelity to the people and its promptness in
preferring articles of
.impeachment against
ANDREW Jonsson for his late acts of usur
That the thanks of the people of Pennsyl
vania are due and ars hereby tendered to
WIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War, for
his courage and fidelity in resisting the at
tempted invasion °this office and violation
of the fundamental law, and his reeolute re
sistance to Executive encroachment.
The supplement to York and Gettysburg
Turnpike Company, noticed last week as
having passed . ** House, simply legalizes
past elections elfofficers, &c., the second see-
Um), which authorized the collection of toll
from all persons using the pik • whether pew
log through toll-gates or not, haying been
struck out by reason of numerous remon
strances being sent in.
GAS COMPANY.—TIie following gentle
men were unanimously elected allows of
the Gettysburg Gas Company, on Monday
evening, via :
President—E. G. Fahnestock.
Managers —A. D. Buehler, H. D. Wattles,
J. B. Danner, W. A.. Duncan, S. R. Russell,
M. Etchelberger.
Rev. Dr. :Aeons, to whom our citizens are
largely indebted for the existence of the
Conipany, under whose supervision the Gas
Works were ereeted, and who has acted sa
President ever since the organizatiori of the
Company, declined a re-election by reason
of ill-health. The annual statement shows
the Company to be in a very prosperous
condition. The consumption of gas during
the past year, realized $4,426.15, being in ex
cess °Pliny previous year. The statement
shows a cash balance in hands of Treasurer
of $1,485.46, after payment of dividends and
working expenses. It Is intended to put up
another bench et retorts, the expense of
Which, with other contemplated improve
ments, will be about $7OO.
ADDITIONAL BOUNTY..fides the act
of July 28, ISM,. giving additional Bounty to
soldiers who served in War to suppress the
Rebellion, it was.ruled that the Bounty was
payable to the soldier himself, but not to his
heirs. Hence when the soldier died , subse
quent to discharge no Bounty could be re
covered. T6/8 is remedied by a recent Act
of Congress, approved Feb. 21, 1888, which
wenubjoin , for the information of persons
interested :
Be it enacted, tte., That if any person or
persons entitled to the bounty provided by
sections 12 and 13 of the act making appro
priations for the civil service, approved July
28, 1866, shall have died or shall die before
receiving said bounty, it shall be paid to the
heirs of the soldiers as designated in said we
in the order therein named, and to noose
other. -
MORNING GLORY STOVE.--43reat ba:z.
provemente in Stoves have been mart • withr
in the int few years by scientific men, Ida
have directed their attention to the work of
securing the greatest amount of he at from a
given quantity of fuel, and It is n< ,w admit
ted on all hands that the bane-burn inn stoves
are beyond all question the moat economical
and comfortable. Of thebase-burn hag stoves,
it is also now admitted by all who have
tested them, that the MORNING GLORY
is equally beyond question the ?LOST ECO
NOMICAL, and moat dudish lo—consum
ing the least coal, easily menet( id, free from
dust, and producing a unifbriniusat which is
equally diffused throughout the room. Hav
ing a mill-grata, they never clog up with
cinders, and being ones started can be burnt
the entire winter without cleaning and With
out letting the Are go out. They are like
wise ornamental, and equally adspb3d for
parlor, chamber, office, hotel and hall. Over
FIFTY of these stoves have tom sold in
Gettysburg and vicinity this winter., They
can be seen in daily use at the Raw .2 Ho-
TILL, and the Wasairicrrort Housa, :and also
at the "STAR AND RIMITENEL" 04‘01116
CoL C.H. 13Inuusa, at the e artier of
Railroad and While streets, he the sole
Agent for the MORNING GLOM", for Ad
ams county. ,
Also, on hand a Lute vaTisty of
LUMBER, Washing Machines, Tin Wars
&c. Call and cm:nine. tf
BITTEBS. 7 . -In the medical world, nowa
days, Bitters are all the rage. In one kren,
or another, under one name or another, they
and their staring advertisements are every
where to be kund,prolamin to cure all the
ills flesh is heir to, Nora hump on the head
to the small pox. Of their Matey in gener
al we know nothin& bet there is see variety
concerning which larluer praise from
e refer to Rodbell% Berman Bitten.. This
is of a mere impuritien of some sort of liq
uor)red bitter hest* andbarks, but a Malik:be
desigited for Memel of the Stomach. and
Boweli•and ox gesstposseir and tualdness.
We have*.rt arab these assertions without
coneolling . those who know, and are
tent to Jude. alai th ey alt rally endorse
We say. \
The above reraarks are copied from the
Editorial columns the Eagle, Pacearafp
the, N: Y. You will recollect that Bo*
land's German. Bitters is entirely fres film
any akholic ilagredilenth HOOFLANDS
GERMAN TONIC is a conibknation of all the
ingredients of the Bitters wink pure Batas
Cruz Rum, (minim 91610, &C. 111$1111111d kr
the same diseases as the IllttmOn was
where some Alclibulic Btimaleat
and makes a preparation delightadbr eati
sat and avesabla' Priacipalolsce,llBl Arch
Bt., Soldirrarrhera.
repealal. attention of Lelia ie brettod
to Wit. T. 1101"KINIt Throe Glowiles of
ligopintisto—tho "Keystono : 0 12fRirms
"and "RSOilifikiii Mitt" 114404freii
thweamt thbilem,
Siri'lliscidef that may be raped is hard to
know." maid Lord Brooke. Bat the :MOM
that do -Blon3d work on the hum hair may ,
be tonher avoided by the nee of ullaneuts
Vegetable Hair Reeteratien" which never
folk to bring back the hair to Its original
beauty.—Roche,ster'Detnocrat. It
That bon is Venable as a Nadu has
long been known, but It is only since the pro
pane= of it in the partiqdar form of Peru
vian Syrup was discovered that its full power
over disease has been brought to light. Its
effect in cases of dyspepida and debility is
most salutary. It
otir The "new thing under the ennn of
which Solomon doubted is PIikLOVE. "FLOR
DE MAYO," that rare perfume for •the hand
kerchiet It cannot be described, for there is
nothing like it in the whole realm of flw
gra& Sold by all druggists. 1-4
"pedal gstirtS.
Las the volcano, Boils `ln Woe to tto, tool and dory
onstente °Me dem intorier. rum,* the eau. et
oath wdreeilog It is only neeeenary to vitalise the stood
byaiapplying it with its We ZieWeet, loon.
THi 141111 MAN SYRUP,
(a protattad sohttioa at 4b. Protoxido of Iron) will do
this onietaally, and eve *ova, vigor aad sew life to
Um whole rptata.
trtraet of a tette: frost Itinr.. itzczais 8. Wm; of Bul-
toe, Mass
'?or yams I was ti @Glister from Boils, so that my life
became wearisome throe `h their fesquent and persisteot
rsearreaas • dually a earbaacle linmed in •the small of
my back. /Wins: programs large pleoesot decomposed
illesh were every or twe out away, and ' the proetn•
ties and pummel diaturbsocs ed the system - were great.
Bears I bad recovered from Ode snack two smaller au ,
bungee broke oat higher up, and I yeoman threatened
With • recurrence et the sufferings to which I bad so
king been suideeted. It was at this time that I mom.
unwed hiking the PERIITLIN SYRUP. I continued
awl lt
taking Nana had mod Are bottles; since then I bare
bed • kind. for ears I was cos of the
graded - Other is gm me Dui"' and
twe rat bat tile reeassiudele reatedy, with a
Alseiresed bitalthre maze, want directly Wale root of the
evil, mid did its week with a thoroughness worthy cf its
sub*lhbad character."
A IR pep pam ph let seat free. the genuine has
4 Psioust Anne blown to the gime.
J. P. Dar:mom Proprietor,
No. 36 trey at., New York.
Sold by all &valeta.
MO boot known remedy for
to ell Its aumliAll forma. Inchidlag Ulcers. Mara%
atlt Mat, CestereapNea, da, le DR. ANDIRS'
YOOINA WATILR„ . pare sobition of lodine witheat
esitatt, dimwitted alter may years ofidentlac research
sad t. Tor edidicatlng humors from the sys
tem It hue no eqsal. Circulars twat the.
36 Del at., New York.
Bald by Druggists generally. 4.-lm
Tat Galt AT PRIZZ!
• mninguaiss, PARIS, 1567 -
Rua Nova, Ja.
Awarded oats Eighty-taro Cbaspetitors,
The Only Cross of the Leek* of Moor
given to
pee TraperieltD•eres,publiebed Is the "Xcedteur Usher
mar (Official Journal of dm Trench toopiraJ Tuesday
1111 July, lalrf, Is these words:
Tabricanta de Machines s_
cadre expossat.
Manufacturer of Pawing
Mach Loss, Xxtdbltor.
Thu doable first honor IA another motor the great in
prodority of the howl Sewing Machla* over all others.
No 23 South lighth Street,
♦seats for Penusylranla, New Jitney, Delaware and
[March 4.-3 m
Western Virginia.
GOMM JACOBS .t BRO., Gettysburg,
Avoids for Adsms Comely
PICIALLY la the *male sex, then lb* lose of the ;
glossy, lain net hair le an. of the must powerful of ell
parsoaal drams. When baldness oreven a deficiency of
Mir exists, we naturally look for • dry and wrinkled
akin, • Ws. coot lesion; wiles not ft:tastily seen, we
ass them la k . Why, then, not cultivate your
hair/ Dome rage it and str eagthen It; or if your hair is
gray or urn It. , natural mkt , can be restored by •
few appiket Wes of Mrs. B. A. Attain Lurilquia (we
stilt flan Ramona or MIMING, (in ewe bottle.) Pries
Doti /oiler. livery Druggist sells It. [Mar. 4.-lus
.LDDICISS TO TIM NERVOUS and debilitated whom
uffedup have been protracted from hidden causes, and
urines num require prompt treatment to render ex [stenos
dmirabla If you swesuffering orhavesnifered nom Moot
, apiary discharger, what alert doss it produce upon your
_l=ahealth Are roe weak, debilitated, easily tired I
s extra exertion prodnauelpitatkni of the
Donn/ Does your liver, or urinary organs. or your kid
neys, frequently get out of order? Is yopr urine Kals
times thick, milky, or tacky, or is it ropy on eettling ?
Or dews apink emus rise to the top t Or is a sediment
at the bottom after it has stood awhile t Do you have
sgsili Whort briathieg or d t Are your bowels
onsetipated I Do you have aof dilating or rashesof
blood to the head t I. your memory impaired f Is your
Wad oenstantly dwelling upon this neglect! . Do you
Seel dullolietiews, shaping, t bad eif company, of life ? Do
ywwish tons left alone, to get away from everybody 1—
Does any little thing make you start or jump ! Is your
=am or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as
Tie Noses= yomeneek as bright? Do you
alloy yourself le seoleg as well Do you pursue your
business with the mime mem t Do you feel as much
coudideum to youself! Are your spirits dull and der
gigovgives to Its of melancholy If so, do Dot lay it to
pegs Ow or dyspepsia. Rave yen restless sightst—
Togo imedi wok, your knees week, sad bare but little
appetite, Mid you attribute thie to dyspepshi .r liver.
liww,readerositabase, venereal diseases badly cared,
sad eszeal esommes,sre all capable of producing a weak
et tberpenrail ompurt. The of
whoa M perfect health ve , make ths man. organs
ness r
thick that those, bold, eledent i energeede, paserming,
suommildbminees.utessre Miriam those whose genes.
live organs are is perfect hernia ? You never hear such
insu onseililie enemies agelenchiell, of nermomees, pal
piintios pf is
Mart. They , are sem alisid they ma,
net momed is bushier ; they don't become mil end dig.
'summit they are always polite and plessaut he the
of Mies, end look you sad them right is Um
ihm—siew• isfyour derememit looks or nay odor mesa
mei shoat them. Ido sot mesa those who keep the or.
pas inisseed by ragusing to excess. These will sot on.
ly ruts their easetketiens, bat also time they do Dui
ages with or far.
How may men Deus badly-rend dleeness, frees the
elleme of Ilabase aad excemes, have brought about
that state of weakness to those news that he reduced
gesevel system go mach as to Induce almost every
other dissuse--idiney, luncy,parelysisomiusiatectious,
in=std almost every other fora of disease which
ty Y heir to, and the real came of the trouble
gamely ever t seurpected,end bare doctored loran bat the
sIrIi Mr i ZIT I TAC Ir T a th llXol ‘B6 l a is a t l bt great
Di a =d W i l e a anielis este kir dissesseof the Diaddir,
Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orissa Weakness, FOOld•
Onspiedste, Depend D.btliq, aad all diereses of the
Uttemy Drying, whether existing is Kale or ).male,
fromwhatever cause origiseging sad no matter of how
If no treatment is sebmitted to, Ocatgamptiou or It
may erne. Our twit end blood are supported
kegs them sources and the health and happine=
tint of Posterity, aepwd. upon prempt see of a
Ileballekre Ist:me Duets,. setabilthed upward of 18
mare, prepared by IL T. 11111.111101,D, Drage*
Mid Desedway, New seed
104 loath 10th street, ork,
IPhiladelpils, Pa.
therm—sl.ll6 per bolas, or 0 bottlee for dedivend
way address. add bar all Drieggietseverywhere.
April 311,111117...1,
IMSIII=II said lix the siitority of Ifm.ll. A. Ale
141IBLIKI,ia ose bottle, over all otiose paeparatione for
the GAEL I trot, Um prompt. quick 'axiom, great
=ll4Mfb, sad rigor tbat it is sore to giro to tits flak, afm smplbsationo, to futons Gray or
Gildte Heir to its sataral color, Imputing to ties Gar •
Geligbtdal eimma, freak, delkste, sad marbastemble la
=l"beamd, is may application wisbout amy
- pospaseakos of tbo, Zak ; without that Wag
dleagsmodsio alphas. odbr Small and complained of
allatiser palwatlisem It. mover soilo the skis or
Maw Ladies mill lad it • etemiani ream loamy to
ism Chair Glair. It maims the. Gar to say desired
od is amiliag, elmmaing to lb*
E s maiag Dam
by l a all erase, dassdinst, and
Sob. Palm ono Adler. Sold ail
111,45 a
dean lonia( dl a, larivas,Dry set Assam areects of
army dassaiptlea. Mirs. Maw Mrs, JlNerriasers, dia.—
lralardida Agora; has al Soeete catalpa to
maps maw ads et eireeltue
met trestooeyeadless. G a ds
p. O. .11.14111 ft, 41,1 ot.,llestaa, Yam.
Pea. Irate
lOZED 1O C>ellTi jill i rp m dadee *tiff° t urd Article,
1:7 hr Ohl DOUAI, alai Sell paltieeiereet the
Ikea Ptentior We trusid. 4,4ldreperoWidi
Tremeathew, neetate. lash Oh*. aat
43,014:14111i C O's
z .
Aslors aamdmoi lv=
a* Ala et- MOM.
jam,.: *NM libr adoby MI Swam.
• . Ogiv 111, I.IIC-4,
8., M*? ,•MOr
rum moor succassrim IaDIMUM THM
Meta Malted in 1836 by one et ow Most Iminont Phy
&clans,' and Darr used throughout de North' &nil foutb
Ameriat, with more pleasing melte ben any t otler
Medicine ince/lee of di/meat Liver, Mold or Sk l, 4 /DIU'
isetion, Ooetiveneee, Wilma Oecoplaints, Rhenntetiewl,
and /*ler and /vie.
thousands of certificates are to oar polemii, giving
detailed socewate of periled eons effected by shim kr
valuable YedMines• They rtgalate the system ewil put
all the functions of the body in a healthy condition;
Bold by an Dranngistu White k Howland, Proprhsiora
Successors to:6r. Join Moffat sad Dr. W. B. /Whit ? New
. „
April 4,16070-Iyeow
Information gaarsataxito pradoca a luxuriant growth
of hair upon s, Id hew' or beardless taco, also a rectpe
for the reutcmbi of Plaplee, Blotches, Melva:we, etc., on
tbeskta, leaving therms sot, clear, and beswebbil,etta
be obtained without charge by addressing
• 11108. P. CHAPMAN, Obemtst,
Jane 3,18!7.--3y 823 Broadway, New York.
Brua's WINIIB are pars Juice Grape Wines and excel
in purity and richness most (dour native vintages. They
are used In Churcheelor communion purposes nudist ho►
Wale for invalidi and convalescents on acco t *fib's!t
purity and reliability. . itsept.ulAy
with the utmost yummy by Dr. J. ISAACS, Ocentist and
Audit, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 806 Arch it.,
Philadelphia, Pa. Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the City and Country can be seen at his °Moe.
The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their pa
tients, as be has no secrets in his practice. Artietial
=Yes insetted without pain.. NJ - clumps made for et.
amination. , [Nov. 20,1867.-ly
The INV. HOWARD A. WILSON will /mod Mee o
dune) toall who dash e it, the proscription with the di
ructions fbr auditing and using the simple remedy by which_
be was enrol of a lung affectiod and that dread disease
Consumption. His only object is to:heaellt the afieted
and be hop...very-sufferer will try ibis pireicriptk*,ai
It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.—
Please address
No 116 South Serum. rt., Williamsburg, New York
Juno 6,11107.—1 y
grotty of the ItillarketO.
Baltimore Grain sail Prod's** Market.
Batipsont, Tuesday arOPltifif.
.... 9 50 @lOOO
..10 50 fl 11 00
.. 5 25 @ 5 37
~ 2 70 4P 2 90
. 2 50 4) 260
. 1 10 @ 1 16
1 65 •1 73
.81 @ 82
3 00 50 3 25
8 00 efi 900
2 75 lg) 2 80
18 @ 20
141 @ 151
11 Q 1211
161 @ 17
SUPER Flora,
BOON, lama,
" Suns,
LARD, ...
GOLD, Phila
•etty.burg Grain aad Pr•vislis Xarket
getilfsburg, Wednesday irerisisio
9 50
t . 317111.11 FLOUR,-
jranu FLOUR,.
Tnicrrair BZIED,
CLoysm SKIM,
BACON, Hems,
SOAP,- -
Cot:row—Smarm—On the 18th ult , at
Conowago Chapel, by Rev. Father Villiger,
Mr. Wm. Colton, of Baltimore, to Miss An
nie A. Smith, of Conowago.
LENTZ—Birrn.xs.—On the 27th ult., at
the Pastor's residence, New Chester, by
Rev. H. C. Grossman, Mr. Samuel Lentz to
Miss Hannah Healer, both of Middletown,
this county.
Redusnota.aa—M vagina' au.— On the 27th
nit., by Rev. E. S. Johnston, William M.
Reindollar, of Taneytown. Md., to Miss Eli
za J. Musselman, of Fairfield.
4 SLOTACRTR—STOVEII.—On the 20th tilt,
by the Rev. D. W. Wolff, Mr. Israel Sloth
our of Straban township, to Miss Jennie A.
Stover, of Mainmasburg.
FIT - Obituary notices 5 cents a line for all
over 4 lines—cash to accompany n0t1,..,e5.
EPLEY.— On the 24th ult., in Straban
township, Mrs. Maria Magdalene, wife of
Mr. Peter Epley, aged 59 years 6 months
and 17 days.
HENRY.--On the 13th ult., at New Ches
ter, Mrs. Sarah Henry, aged 80 years 3 moe.
and 2 days.
JosrEs.—On the 26th Jan., Mrs. Mary E.
Jones, wife of Theodore Jones, of Menallen
township, aged 24 years 8 moe. and 24 days.
EZPNEIL—On the 22d tilt., Mrs. Harriet
Kepner, formerly of this place, aged 29 years
4 months and 20 days.
M.►acs.—On the 19th ult., near New
Chester. Vir.ilsie, son orJaoob March, aged 2
years 10 months and 7 days.
REasen.—On the 16th ult., at Quincy,
Franklin oonnty, Pa.. Mrs. Catharine Rees
er, formerly of East Berlin, aged 76 years 2
months and 4 days.
gnu gliturtionntittis.
NOTICE.—Ia hereby pven to all
perms Indebted by Note t0 . '0111,11 LODGE." to
call with the Treasurer, and settle the as, on or before
the 2Oth of March--as all Notes unsettled alter that date,
will be placed in the hands °fez Aker for collection.
By order of the Trustees,
JOHN HOPP, Treasurer.
March 4.-3 t
Tire!beafters, Wending to move West, wilt sell at
Pubßo Saloon Ansel, din 24th day - ar I E I O4 ade ,
at 1 Veto*, X, at the late naidesee of AWne Reeves,
datauddyto Soiudillionalit township, Aden. county,
Pa., on tin road ladlog fro Eettysberg to Hanover, 3
miles frost the beat plan, t h e fo4iowia3 valuable Per
sonal Property, to wit:
2 PTA-EATII MUCH COWI, geed Elia Were, Cow
and Halter Chains, lot of llonair4ibe Pwittd. Lar d .
Wheat flour by the pond, • barrel of
,Apple Ratter, Pon ton, on, „Tab% Kest
Veseets, a lot of Brooms, new Bann% loser laid 2
son Wont Chain, • Mt of seeciod-hand
Chain, Clock, 2 bergs looking Glum, 'Clhset, 3 Bed
s .3 Stands, Corner Cupboard, Kitehos Oepbowd,
Sink, Stove tereplate Steve, a lot of Clarpetno
hos Pots, a Plat I rons, pair HeckerWok Mod, 2-
Ilpinalng Winds, Reed, The log Queen' wore v Yea
Crooks, and a great many other at Wes.
Attendenos }MI be given and terns siabi kapott, oa
day of Wel/
Join Auctioneer [Marsh 4.-te
The substalber will sell at Pehlke Bale, on Thymic",
the Mk day ef Mara newt, at 1 o' P. fli,, at his ne
s ideate in theatingtou township, A county, Pa.,
at wsennan's AM, 2 nape south of York 11111 tho
Carlisle sad Oxford reed, the Mowing Persona*
ty, to wit:
41108868, 1 Cow, Wagon Bed, Cutting Box, Corn
Fork, 2 tao-itorse Dear Planets, Barrow, a now two.
horse Bled, double Move' Plow, seta of Rind 011111,14 2
pain of Hernese, 8 meta of Batt Trans., 2 Fly Nets, 2
lasessinp, BUnd Bridle, Wagon Saddle, Wagon Whip,
kr.. Also, 1600 Cheetnut Ral end a variety of House.
bold and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of a teniallt.
Stove and Pipe, Cornea Cupboard, 4 Bedstead . , 'Chum
Pots, Barre* Balm, Tobias, 2 Beeps of Sees, sad a va
riety of other articles too uuntarous to peention.
..I,ttirodance will b. Eisen and term made known on
dey drools by JOBP.PIi A. Wlllllll4lf.
A. K. New, Asetkmeer. [Mar. 4.-2 t
IVOTIOE is hereby given -to all
Legatees and other persons concerned that the
Administration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be
presented at the Orphans' Oeurt of Adams county, for
oonftnastion and allowance, on WRDNISDAY, thelladit
day of WARM, 1808, at 10 o'clock, A. "(QM,:
108. prat account of James W. Onbentator, Ihreentor
colas last will and testament of Itdmend T. abernato!
• -
199. The account of John H Benumbs; 9Alaanir
tn*or of Emus' Tam, dimmed.
110. The fret awl anal eatount of Dealel Palau,
of Ann Elise Palmer, (now lloweee,) name
Mad of Henry Palau, deceased.
111. The account of &nth Heller, Athulnhitratikt of
John Heller, dimmed.
119. Mut sc.& Anal account of Mary Ass linanuef,
Ructotrlx of the hat will and Ultimata of Harpret
Otenoner, decreed.
113. Pint mama ofloaso N. Dtrborsw Adodadl
for of the .data of Wood Dorboesw,atelts,doosiood.
114: Tho mou of Coond Adambliotriloir, of
-1,10 sitar ofr nt
Iltultc, domool, Woof Ingligrod
1.147 4 . tlrot it of (harp Dioll ik a tip itzisadaice
tad will so 4 ti•Dassat of LOW Us. Dint and liailaisoceas arida Adkilifilib ,
.DiAtior of Oassatt, dearrooLet lenbas. konalikk
4".114(441. 'D. D. ID)4ifiroa .
Mar. 4,—te
Simisi SAM
2 1 0 @ 2 20
210 @ 2 30
1 00
1 30
1 00
2 00
120 @ 125
11 fi) 12
J 4 old :G
7 @ 8
ftw atitimitstatints:
REBFRT 1i00VF,41:5
Buckeye Reaper '
and Mower—Buckeye
Self-Raker, Hoffhein's Patent—Self
discharging Wire Horse Rake,
Shirerman's Patent—Brand's
Patent Wire Horse Rake
' • —The Rockaway Wire
Threshing Machines,
RIPAIIIING of all kinds done on short notice
Call and see what. we can do.
Beet Berliu, March 4, 1868.---,Lux
NO. 902 CHESTNUT iNT141'.414
Manufacturers and Importers
Of every deeeription of
belonging to the Btudneea of
Goldsmiths and Silversmiths,
Wore removed to Weir
itztandiag troia alwattiat Strict to Banaom Streit, at
fording smile:rocas aid Cowen, itne ecceatotialt
opportaalty fora proper display of goods, ind better
mesas for their examination.
With extensive awl favorable arrangements in this
Country anti in Europe, we are Ina position to otter at
umlaute FIXIM prices.
Watches, Diamonds Bronze anti
Marble Goods, Silver Wares,
Jewelry, Porcelains, Pla
ted Goods, Musical
and every delicriptiou of
Strangers visiting the city are cordially invitrd to ex
unine our New Store. 13tarch 4, 1 Rei`f -dm
The proepoct that the
Whole Grand Line to the Pacific
)tarn never better. The means so far provided for con
exaction bay. proved ample. and there Is no lack of
hods fur the most vigorous prosecution of tho enter
prise. The Company's First Afortipt.oe Bends are now
offered at PAR. They pay
and have thirty ears to ran before maturity. Sub
seri; thins will be received in Gettysburg, Pa., by the
and in New York at the Company's once, No. '_'o,:Nastra
CLARK, DODGE k CO., Banker+, No. 51, Wall at,
JOHN J. CLSCO A SON, Baoksks, No. fa, Hall at.,
and by the Company's advertised Agents throughout the
United States. Remittances should be made in draft or
other funds par in New York, and the Bonds will be sent
free of charge by return express. Parties subscribing
through local agents, will kok to them for their safe•
• A NEW PAMPHLET AND NAP, shoving the Pro
gram; of tbe Work. Resourcea for C4ustruc tion, and Value
of Benda, may be obtained at tb• Company's 015ces ar of
Its advertised agenta,or will be meat free fAI application.
JOILN J. CISCO, Treasurer
for whial he will pay EWS 00 lier , :cord. on delivery, in
good order, at his tanyerd in Gettysburg. Wanted also .
for which the highest market price w - ill be given.
628 '628
• or ' 1 ' ' '
are the beet and CFIZAPLBS Low PRICXD hoop 'ales in
the market. Trail Skirts, 26 springs, $1.00; 30 'primp,
$1.20; and 40 springs, $1.45: Plain storm, 0 tapes, 20
*rine, 60 Cents; 25 'primp., 95 Cen te ; 30 springs EU 5 ;
and 34 springs 41.25. Warranted is everyrerpeci.
"Oar OWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS." Eleven Tape
s: from 20 to 60 opting; 81.29 to $240, Plain, Six
lti i pe2o to 50 springs, from 95 Cents to $2.60. These
Sicrts are better than thaw oold by other establishments
as first edam goods, sad at numb lower prices.
"Oar OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SHIRTS" ars In;
every wiry savories to alletteer ShogriMrte - tetilftee' ttfa
public, and only bane to the examiped se. loom 'to cop-
TiOCO every one the Rat. lfartnattairedh-ef the best
lines-firsished English Steel Spring‘very superior tepee,
sod the style of the melodic truerrings+ mod annener of
securing them 'aqua Lizr dorabifErund excellence any
other Skirt in this country, and are fighter, more elas
tic, wilt wear longer. give more, eatlefaction and -are
really cheaper than other*. &wry lady ;Said •try
than. They are being sold extensively by Merchants
throlighout this and the-adJotning states at very moder
ate prices. If you want the Wit, oak for "napkin's
Champion Skirt.* Tryon do not find theca, ger the mer
chant with whol yon deal to order them for you, or
come or send direct to us. Merchants will Sod oar d*
Sweat of Skirfii exactly irhiit they need, and we
invite Olen turmoil sad agendas our extendve
amortinent, or solid for Wholesale Price List. -
To be had at Retell at Manufactory, and of the Retail
Trade generally - , ind at Wholesale of the Marmfactiner
only, to Whose a 4 orders should be addressed.
Between 6th and 7 theta, Philadelphia.
Yeb. 26. 1668.-10 m WK. T. 110PKIN8.
$25 Agents, Wanted. $25
We want Sratdass Agents to introduce our IMPACT
est and beat itilleNile In the wind' country. Extraord
inary inducement* Wood active aalnonan. Particulars
and sample work furnished on application.
A. J, DUMONT,' Agedt,
Feb. 26.4 m MA rettstreet, Philadelphia.
MILLERS.—For sale a pair
BONI, aim 74Ttrass., isogiorauf _
Vtothgrapk gallerint.
untlerlignecl. tikes pleasure in .
AL. annulment* the citizens of Gettysharg mid the
patine morally that he has removed from hie old rooms
on West Riddle onet. to 54 111 flittr• slrf dad De ar Y
opposite the atertorlshnoMmit al* iTheMaint
sow riempleadiais Men Viamatly fitted up expressly for
klitteastnans. The location Is an admiratilsom, enabling
him tistidorphiflitmatit all shades otireather and with •
otevet7 ais• sad dmatiptkm, •T muted In the tinestit,le
rortleularatteadost yen to the CASTE-DS ISITY,and
intoning . AM and DAGIVERRTOTYPfiIi of
docoundfriendA, Also-
T18141111TTY8317110111 , 28,
• saw styl•Opilituna which, hu become very popular
withthspahatt,9aetoalyfar their bonny , bit cheap
ness sad ourrenience. SLIMLY for ON It 1101.14.11 gat
ly. PINICJIMAIN which for
slur bsant, sun durability sae aninicputed• •
We Ws tailarty; - en bultiesil I Iran 'hi'
=no tisk*
UALZ.14,21110110- . 342711PA=111.
iwationiellif estlipwelineine aitainanW .
subsia. .. • t IoNT-/
BALE A /. '
The subscriber, intending to quit fanning, will sell
at Public Fale, on Friday, the, 13th day of March next,
at 10 o'clock, de 41.0_i his residence in Highland town
tht e T ic h rrc_ h ifyfr:
y os a r 4 M ,l a e ra
I P h ers re on e al Property, via:
M u) . C
1 GOOD WORK filiitSE. 2 31 , icli Cows, 2 pia ng
2 Heifers, 1 Brood Snir, i Shotes, 1 heavy two.hurse Wa
gon three-inch tread—neerly new, 1 two-bursa narrow
tread Wagons 2 pair new ilex Laiders, Wagon Bed,
Spring-tooth Hay Rake tteirlyuiw , revoleing Hay Rake,
Winnowing Mill, '2 Dkitals, Harrow. Shovel Plough,
Cultivator, Corn Coverer, double and sin .2 le Trees, Maui
and Wedges, Axes, 2 sets of itreechbands, Wagon Saddle,
Plough Line, Butt Traces, Breast Chains, Log Chains.
Cow Chains. G rind stone, Oral,, Cradle, Stv•valge yolk;
Ac. Also, Household sod Kitchen Furniture,tousieting
lo part of I oew ten-plate Store nod Pipe, Cooking Stove,
Bedstead, Barrels, and many other art 'cies tun numerous
to mention.
Attendance will be given and terms mode known on
day of tole by • ANDREW WEI KERT.
,Itzussi eptDuic,'Auttionetr. [Feb. 26.-ts•
The aubscraier intending to quit fardnittg, will sell at
Public Sale, on Tuesday, the rut ddy of March next, at
10 o'clock, A.M. at his residence, 1111)13 mile east r,t - the
York Sulphur Springs, on the Tool leading to Brag toit u,
the following 7sinablePorsonal Property, to wit:
1 Ititdob with foal, and good either for saddle
or Itarneas, 4 Cows, two will be fresh about time of mile,
1 two-year old Devon Iltsll, 8 Sheep, Brood Sow, (Chester
hieed,) 4 Shotes. Grain Fan with Screen attached, a good lGO' In , Nareen, Pha, e, liarrowe, double Shovel Plow,
Nurse (lea' e, Shovels. Forks, Mikes, Log Chains, Hod
tera, Cow Ch.iins, Ce.wbar, Dlaul atm W.lges, Corn
Ilees. Mattock, Wheelbarrow, add many other articles;
els.; Iliatiubold and Kitchen Furniture, consist ing in part
Iledtteaas, CL (Acing Stove and Fixture+, Melf. Vs-stele,
Puck•toli Tubs, Sink, a fat of Tin. Atre and a gi est :cony
other articles.
Attendance w ill Le Si Veil and terms made known on day
of sale Ili' •
AnTitoNT K. 31Tcts, Auctr.:•neer. [Feb. fln -ts
The undersigned will mill at Public Sale, on Friday,
the Ruth , t 1 yurch nest, at 12 o'clock, M., at hia residence
-In Iluntington townrhip, Athtme county, &rout 1! i miles
from lVierman's MiII. the folbwing Valuable Vtirsi.nal
Pmperty. to wit :
o'NE 1„10.11SE, 1 set of liars° Ggarl . , '2 .Mihth Cowa r 3
good thrlting SLotes, 11Itl: Cutting Box,
iViigon, two horse We.goli an 1 If.ul, Pkw4, Corn
Volk, Shot el Ptow, !farrow, double and Ain ole Trees,
Spiel and Wile, Buggy II artless go-a) as hew, Log
Yorks and Itakes, Post Lycra, Cow Chain, large
Lion Kettle. Also. Household and Kitchen Vas niture,
ctitnaiidit.; in part of - Cook Stove and Pipe, Ilureitn,
itbieS, a lot of new:lila Bottom Choirs, and many ar
ticle, not herein tnenthpned.
Attendance will be
ay of suit. by
Feb. 26.—ts
pu_sue SALE
The suliscriber,intentliug to wait farming, will expose
to Public Sale, an &iturday, the 14th rOy rj. Miro, next,
at 10 o'clnck, d. 31.,-at the renidence of toloruen &earner.
In 31eri1len toantlap , 1 mile north of Francis
Saw+m ill, the following valwthle I'kt - swill Property, to
1 fl FAD OF WORK HORSCF, all young and will work
and where, 4 Mitch Cows, two of which will be treeh
about t h e •Jay of sale, 4 Heifers suppptyted to be with
calf, 4 Steers and a Bull, 2 Brood SONS. 2 f,ur-borse Wa
gons, one of them broad the other narrow tread, Lime
Bed, Hay Ladders, fontsbitorpe 'Threshing Meiclible with
double Shaker attached. Clever 2:Loisig Plows, 2
Shovel Plows, Corn Fork, Harrow. 31'1>w' Double Trees.
2 pairs Spreaders and Single Trees, 2 pairs Brecclibanda
and Side Plates, psir Front Gears, 3 Blind Bridles and
Collars, Warren Swine, lour•-horse Line, Head Halters
and Chains, Butt Traces, Breast Chains, Horse rake, a
.Mo. 1 Grindstone, and a great many other articles.
.44-atterdance will be given and terms made known
OD day of 'de by
Jeci,n Mlcgcev, Auctioneer.
p 1:1;LIC SALE
On tal , y, (i.e ,f ae.ri. at is o'clock A. 11.
updetsignedOntending , o ink farming, Sti/1 melt
at Public Sale, at his residence in Straban township, 1: 1 .;
!talks welt of Hunteretown. near the State road, the
lowing valuable Personal Property,
WORK LIOILSKS, ti bead oh Sheep crosed with Cuts-
Wald, 3 Brood Sows. I large Boar. I three-horse narrow
tread Wagon, a Sp, ing W.Lgot h Hay Ladders , Wltherow
Plow. Harrow, •Ingle Shovel I'l we. Corn Forks.
and Double Trees, Her No Gears, Bridles. Collars, Cutting
tux, (Irani Cradle, Sled. Grotn.l Boller, Grindstone,
Maul, Wedges, Axes. Corn Ly the buthel. Also, House
bold and K ttchen Furniture, cousisttng Bedstead' and
Bedding, Tables, °ban's. Stove, an•t Iron Kettles,
Meat Vessels, Lard and hard I an, Cr. Bones, Bar
rels, Wash Tubs, and a Nariety nl other artla
Dutneroue to mention.
A tteritlanee will Lo vireo and t.ratm made known cry
,14y of 5:1!.. by A ' , IQ:, CAMBIA:S.
Juitx SrALv.lll7a, AT,
The •ul.a.: her. teh,lith; t. quit, rmiag. will expose
toPahlie 5.4 ty, Co. Yiti, d,3 ir n , f t,
at IL o'clock. A. .V, at Isl. reahlem-e. oh the rued lead
ing. l - i'orn C.t,ht.hrn to Fautield, miles south of the
former place, the f >Hexing ralgtbie Per.wuJl Prurty,
to wit :
I Ll./)D FAMILY MARE,. 2 three year ,ad and .2 two
year .41 Colts. 1 }Bleb Co w+. Jno of which will be freeh
the tiwn of &eta, l Iteirovr,J, youteg Bail. G bud of
young Cattle. d .11 , 3 Falling-top Buggy, fray
Carriage, 3 1.1.,er5, "(arrow, " ace' Plow, double and
single Tres, Cow Chains,.a in of Buggy llarnese. 2
pair, of Ilreechbande, , et of Frout °ears, Plow Gear*,
11}Idlee,Collare, Ifeltere. i rain "Shoed.. C.Yrkm, &c.
. .
the nudivided of L'.4 Acre! of Grain in the Grlllll.i.
It lot of ttc,n, and rnar.y
S - S_AttPndance g . vtn and ternlA mado known
on day of SA M El, S. STI.H:RSIANIP.R.
1':6.1-Lt. D. “t D.,
,t T i y :1, :t r cf ...I. M.
Tao !Cr -i4/J,,1 Lt, .•• 1 - rxrrir. will of:er nt
tri at 1.11 I t .••, it
toil • rr I!. • I
sec Y rls
4 IL/R.1 4 1:5, 1 .1 -I Mar , S with t d, yeail nz
Mild. Gm's, 4 1,, ad owng l'at :Seep. ,;
Chewer t t, , .roe rte Spring
two-h-rse Led . Illy Ladd e r,. Li me ILA,
tooth ifo, Rake, a g. , 04 .11111,, Plowe,
rowe, fo,nble ut.d Throe-horse Trees. Stretcher,:;
wets Brc.echt , alPLl, that, ON e.E.lrse a:
Bridle,. flatters a::1 Cox Chnws. Butt Chains,
Grain Cradles., Mow .ieythes,Lthovels,P.4l,‘,susluther
11,11401.11 , 1 Kitchen
ing in part of a Mali .finny Bide-11,ar,L
churn and FiZtart I, Meat Stacd, and a great variety of
utter art Cltti.
Afir-kttendance will 1., , t given glad terru4 mn , to known
on day or CYRUS S.1;1:1ET.
The undersigned will sell at Public Sale, cu Thurs , icy,
March,lStS, at I 0 o'clock. A. it., on the premises In
Menallen township, Adams county, on the road leading
Dom Bendersville tp Huisfecalsistn e about i mile from
tbsi fOllpwr3ttg Perennil PfiipertT: •
GOOD HORSES, 2 Cows, Itibead of hheep, 1 two or
three-horse Wagon, Falling-ton Buggy, 2 Sleighs, Wagon
Bed, flows, Harrows, Coro Fork,aorel Plow, liar Rake.
Grain Sceeen, iVianowidg Mill, Cutting Be; Odin Cra
dle, Rakes, Forks, 2 sets Ilreechbands. set Front Gears, 1
set Hernias, Wagon Saddle, 3 Housings, 3 blind Bridles.
pair side Leathers, Plow Line, Riding Bridle, 2 pair
Trues. 1 pair Butt Chains, lot of Bee Hives, a lot of Car
twister Tools, such as Planes, Augers, Chisels.and
many other artMlim. to IM—liousielioldund Kitchen Mars;
nitnre, constiffiiig et I Mtelitltada, iifornet, Cupboard,'
Iron Kettle, Ind other articles.
Attendance will be green find terms noule known ou
day of sale by, • , LIEWITT.
Jowl Ifecee,Auctiofteer. . [feb.l9,-.ti
pußLic SALE •
The undersigned in tending,to unit firming, will sell at
Public gale. on Thursday, March 26,1335, at 9 o'ci4o:„4.
lit her i evidence in Menallen township, 5 miles nortla•
west of Bendorsville,nxid One half milernorth of the road
leading fromßenheffilh• to ihe, old Shippensburg road
the following Personal Property, to wit:
1 ONE FOUR-TZAR ca.!) eLLT, well broken to work,
6 With Cows,4 of sada - watts; about the time of
sale, 7 head of °hetes, 7 head of Sheep, two-horae Wagon,
doubleand single Trees, Plow, iihrwel Plow,
Harrow, 1 set Breechbands, I set •Cruppers, Y net Har
ness, Carriage, Winnowing Mill, Rolling Screen, Forks,
Rekee,Orain ShoveleaJeltare and chtink Cow Chains{
Log Chains. Grindstone. 2 :maps of Bees, Cutting Box ; al
so—Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of
Bureaus; Cuphottide, Tabloa, t ßedstesals, and Bedding,
Chaim, Cal-peel:lg, Clock, Cooking Store and Pipe, 3 Ten
'pfateStoves and Pipe, Lard, Bacon by the pound, Pota
toes, and a great many other articles. t A , o nugierons to
mention. also Hay by the ton.
Attendance will be given and terms mails known on
day of sale by SARAH nEutit,..
Jove lli.scs, Auitioneer. [Feb. 42..-ts.
• The subscrlber,intethl log* on It fine ; vein Sell et
Pubdc Sale, drs Saturday tik'S.Sth dal of dfarch next, at
12 cOelnek, if., at hie tesideoce, about mile from
Beocher's Factory, in Butjer township, on fund leading
feArendterille, the f , _Bolting Personal Prtmerty, to wit:
•• 2 WORK HORSES, 1 yenrling Colt, 1 Cow, I Heifer, 2
Sheep, 2gthotee, broad tread two home; WahriA,
• nearly
new, good Seeing Wars, 2 lots: dt
. ).atAee lortant, 1 lei
Buggy Harness, Collars, Blind Bridles, Plow Line, Sad
dle and Bridle, 1 good Bendersrille Pluw, double and
single Shovel "loam corn yotr; Aunt or %hoe Sled,.
Cuttingltox, Grain Fan, Butt Traces, Log Chains, Spru,-
dere, Double Trees, Intl new, Double-Isterpled, Shot Gag.
ring Stove and fixtures, Ten-plate B tote, and . many
A tlendenerr wlll,be given anti terms, kneire ,- an' day O .
sale by t , &Amur:L.l4o,oam -
Feb. 5.-.-ts
- T'ALUAlTGD:rilikscint •
he subscriber, intending to unit limning, Will sell at
bile Sale. on filriday, *6th day of Mardt nert, at his
raiddence in Menatten township, Adams county. one mile
wog pg sendeniviilo, on the Aresultavi Ile road, Ao fel
' blaring, Perste:oil Property, 'l,
DB.our• 3umwits co Vii Jitek, 2 'Ming flotsep,
ono en election t Mtn ere Mine, 4 good SiLlettCowsi, which ,
will be !twat pairly,so lay the time of 'BOA, I Team.-
ter Doll, 2 Calviss,ll Ebeip:l tfrord Sow with Piga, and
it Shotea, 3 narrow tread Wtguat. 1 ,fult4orse, two
irsmiths, ottterioner horse ntrYog Wegow . 2l
fft• Plostir2 DOOM Dimmer ' , 9 34 t,s
UsnOstattattYlVildtAttrlttli VW; double and *Nee'
Trees, Perini Dchntattine;' nirrhure 'Aireed and double
/harness with Check Lines, Urea Geers, Collar* Drhilcs,
Lines, Whoa Elostate, LWig Ohalw,tialentsfadeter,
Mese Powet 11. Park wltlr tack* Shovel er
Barrels aiti9ltittoThidiginAry the *Don. Ala Muse
head and El 'talon Furniture, tonal-tint In part of Safe,
Sink, 6 , Bll4o92o3alatte:4lllointpji 2 sate of Chairs-I
Cain Bohm:o,ll.mM ' ie,, 2 Doreen*, Tables, Stoves,
ono a Cooking Mat , j and extures, a Parlor
thittire, 2 Diluter and 1 Breakfast Tables, Mock; Desit,
Staab, Va i retectio. /r w
rel X' l
eis itliarilfiltaikvices
; ftrtici ' r *k°43
prtervApaAll.Ocksiv..t..l4 , 6trii464
...Allidninttinirr nod, tame 'and
lin°Wll : A .
'.l4mMa t tit; Auetioneer. [Feb. 5.-ta
glitirtg Mit
iron and term 4 made known on
Tbe undersigued, having rested his lune and laboodtag
to moire to Ifey Below wilin' all his Stock sod
ing oterusils, ea Skiturdey ths7bl Jfarch,l7l6Batellt
A. Af.; at his rosidenee in Highland townwhip, •
county, ono mile sopth of Net Wem,and fvetill,a .
of Gettysburg, Including 6 head of Mit-rate DRAUGHT
HOF:St:4, four of them bays, one sorrel, and goo bleak,
averaging about 125111144 and elfin One -Uondltion,
for any market; one of the bola rising 7 years, the other
five thing 6 years; four of them leaden, twu of that
saddle horsee, and allot thentgeldings. Also, a Rowley
Mere Colt, rising three yaws, Wick legs, mane and tolL
A leo I Horse, rising 4 years old,a nest-rate driving bone,
The above are saline s let of hams as will be sold et
any onto sale In the county this spring. Also, Pisa head
of Milt+ Cows, 2 of which will to tea es by of al*, and
of which had calves at the holidays, 1 Helfer with calf,
6 youog Cattle, 6 @totes six mouth* old, a broad-trend
Wagon 234 inches in trendy I•lncb
p re. 6 inch spindle,
ordinary height, nearly se good is new and • Rat-rate
running Wagon calculeted for 4 or Shoises,aboo, a 2 lea
pine pleat Bed; 28 inches high eidoboanis S lathes
high, 14 feet long, 2 rows of eteeples on both skies, being
a number one Bed, built about thins months ago. Also
a good narreer-[sad Wagosolhe 2 ow 3 hanes,with plea
bed,* Bork Wagon, 2 doable liberal Ploughs- iur good ait
.new, 1 Winnowing Mill, 1 thraborso and two-horse
Iron plows, with steel mold-beard, both neatly asti,ll
first-rate Harrows as good as new, 2 Corn Flows with
three shovels goods' new, Corn Co with roller n ear
ir new; I three-horse, 3 two-horse and 6 sine. Trees; 3
four horse Soreaders one either,. Lapses Make, 1 Shovel
Harrow as good as new. .1 Hay Carriage, 1 Carrying
Chain, 1 Fifth Chain and Spreaders of Lseper's make, as
good as new, Wire-tooth Horse Rake good as new, 1
Screw !uy Pitcher wi thrope 75 test long and yell*, 2
Pitch Pork., 3 Bag For 1 1164 Hoek, $ ointe., 2
' Leg gulp car, a let p 1 Cow ( gains, 3 esti odßesschlands,2
set. of Side Leathers, 4 sets of Front Goers nearly new, 2
a. Is or Plow Gears, 6 Collars neatly new, 7 Blind Bridles
—f,ur of them nearly*. good- as new, 1 new
Liu*, 2 four-horse Liner, U pairs of [lames, 1 good Stal
lion Bridle, 2 common Riding Bridlea,6 Choke-strap. 334
inches, 5 Fly tie ts made hut seediest all aped seetetieL
5 first-tate Housing', Wagon. Saddle, Wagon Whip, 7
Leathew Head Halter nearly new, 7 Web Balton but
new, 7 Huller Chains of Leeper's make, 2 sets of Batt
Chains one of them Lover make, 2 pain of "roost
Chain s 6 pairs of lung Traces three of them Leepas's
nuke--Just new, with a large variety of other articles.
I will sell none of the above arti:les before 61117 Of sale,
when all will be sold without reserve. I pledge 'myself
for a fair sale and no' under-bidding 1f Nay ando , bid•
dieg on any article le ascertained and proven, I will AC
theasrtiele‘b? the person purchasing Ft. A craft of
6 mouths will he given on all purchases over $B, alt par-•
chases under SY to be paid cash. A discount will be al
lowed for cash on purchases over $B, at the rate of 7 per
ce ut pqr annum.
I hare also on hand 4 fat Steers and a fat Bun which
wIl I a Terage over lbs also B Ataern which lan find
ing model ataly, which I will sell at Private Bala.
Jacoa Micatzr, Auctioneer. [Feb.l2.—ta
The sahscrilier,lntending to'quit farming, will sail at
; Vu tdir Sale, on .....,tturdaq, the 7th day of March west, at 10
.4i'eluck, A. At, at his tesidencein Straban tcrwnsuip, on
the road leaditiolhoul Near Chester to . the York pas,
amt two ntilea east from lion torstown,
2 1114 D OF GOOD WORK 110111353, both nine yaws
old, 3 bad of lint rate Illicit Cows, two of which will
have Calved about the time of sale 1 two hone wage*
with Bed, 1 two horse family Carriage, with Harness, u
new Cart Wheels. 2 long I' loughs,l double khovsi Plough,
1 single Shovel Plough, 2 Corn Forks, 1 Corn Cower, 1
Corn Planter Warren'. patent, 1 Ilariow, Log Chain, 1
two horse sled. 1 Wheat l'au„l Bowling ecrame,l ground
it.,ller, ) , Grain Rake, Hay and Dons, Yorks, Bake' and
Ladder., 2 Crosscut Rawl, 1 Crowbar, 1 Pick, Mani and
Wedges. Peet Anger and Boring Machine,Post Asa, 1
Bet at coopering tools and Carpenter tools 2 sets of Illnd
Gears, Collars and Bridles, Wagon Saddle., Lines and
Riding Bridles, Hay by the 6 , 0,10 Acres of Wheat in the
ground, :1 Flax-break, Single and. Double Ti...; also,
Household sad Kitchen Furniture,l Parlor Stow*, 1
Corner Cupboard, I Cluck , 1 Cate of D rawer., I Table and
Chairs. and a thousand other articles too numerous to
S.tle to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when attendance
I,e glrrn and teema made known on day of solo by
(Jan. 29.-ta
A "MUM Poaanr. Ancsl4.itte.r
The subscrib,r will sell at Public Sale, on Tateaday,
L /0//s dog of March next, at bia residence in 'realm
township, OW) toile north-west of Creemnount P. 0., this
filh,wing Personal Property, vlx•
lONE HORSE, 2 Cows, 1 Buggy, as goad as new and, 1 floras Wagon. 1 Horse Harness, Sleigh and
Bens, Horse Blankets, Mater; Cow Chafur, Hiding Sad
. Hen, I Side Saddle, Riding Bridles, Fly Nets, Hoisting
itvp es, Grain and Clover ‘lradlee, Grindstone, Wheelbar
row. Crossbar, Mattock, Maitland Wedges, half Bushel,
Baskets, forks and Rakes, Cruss-cnt Saw, Hand Saw,
Planes, Au 'zero, Chisels, Drawing Knives, Shot Gun, lot
inch Phnk, Dung Boards, Scantling and other Lem.
her, 1 trap Bee., Household Furniture, such as Tabka,
Chairs, liedattada. Cuptsierile, Flour Cheat, Copper Ket
tle, Iva, Pots, Barrels and Boxes, good Buffalo Bob.,
Crocks, lags. Churn and Buckets, together with many
art is lea not mentioned.
ale to commence at 9 o'elcck, A. 11., when attendance
begiven and terms made known by
Ali,.— he name time and place, the anderaigned
will ?ell at Public Sale. t GOOD FAMILY MARX. 2 Mitch
Coo cone of which will be treat about the time of sate, 1
yearling Bull, 7 head of Shreds, 4 bead of Sheep, 1 broad
tread f ,nr In.r. Wagon, 1 Lime Bed, 1 Hay Carriage, I
Winnowing Mill, Flaws and Harrow?, 1 Double Shovel
Plow, I Single :.h.wel Maw, Corn Fork, doable, single and
three horst, Tree?, 3 seta Breechtiands, 2 sets Front Gears,
Collars and Bridle?, Wagon Saddle, Riding Saddle, Bai
ter?. Cow. Chaim, Butt Chains, Fifth Chain, Fort?.
Rake?. de.
i 1p -, tq
k tt.llance will be given and terms made known by
IttlEll 31. DIGIIA3I.
[Yeb. 6.—ta
JAC Mrcrt.Er, Auctioneer
'The nitric-Hier intending to relinquish farming, will
WI at Public Ss! e, on Friday the 61.1 t day of March next,
at I/ o • dxk, A. M, at lila residence in Butler township,
Adonis county, about half mile south of Middletown, the
Rdlne lug Pension! Properly, to wit;
11,01tSCS. woof them are Hatches, (Itinek,) the one
4 The other 5 years old, one a Brood Mare with LAI, all
&Middle fir riding, diving or draft, 4good Mitch Cows,
tbrec of theta will be fresh about the time *foals, 1 Bail,
1 Heifer, 1 51cCormick Reaper, Spring Wagon, Hag
Wagon. Hat! Wagon, new !farrow, Plow, Double Roller,
tui...lbirse Carriage, Falling-top Buggy, Post-borer Pram*
and A r..-leigh, flay Fork and Rope, and many other
A li,o—lluaAeleutit and lieltchea Furniture, Oat
bqing in part of Bedsteatto. Talohm, Chair., Cloak, Fine
Move with Fixtures, Parlor Stove, Ten-plate
Store, large kink, Wiest Box, Large Flour Chest, and a
gnat variety of g.iid Carpeting, consisting of 24 yards of
Eng I ieh Oil Cloth, in one piece, 30 yard. of Hall and Stop
Carpet, yards of new Bag Carpet, 20 Step Roda, 4
Venetian Blinds, 45 yds Brussel! Corpoitteg, and a great
many other articled too numerous to mention.
se-Attendance will be given and terms made knows
,hay of sale by JOHN A. SHUGH.
JOIIN 111LNES, Ant inter. [Feb. 12.—ts
The un.leraigned will sell at Public Pale, ou Tuesday,
the loth dare Merck west, of 12 o'clask, IL, at hie rim&
deuce, in ttrabau township, Adams county, oa the road
leading front the Harrisburg road to Reader's Church,.
about two and a half-miles from annterstown, a mai*
of valuable Perecoael Property, consisting of 3 head of
Horses. two being Work Horses, theotheta two-yearling
Cult, 4 Cows.lllelferia Jorge Snood sow, 2 Shestaa
seta of Drettklinads, 2 mite of Proud Seas, 2 sate Traesi,
Cow and Halter Chains, two and thrte-horse Plow, Sea
ble-shovel Plow, Ilarrowskialtivator, Double and dingle
Trees, a large new llay.Carriage, and *variety of other
articles too numerous to mention.
Attendance will be given and terms made known ou
day of sale by J. W. YIDLRIL.
:Joue STALL63l4ll. o Aoct'snier. Glatt. 2L-tae
The undersigned will sell at Public Sale on Tuesday,
the 10th day of Marsh next, al 9 star, A. ,at his re
sidenie, Cnion township, adonis nty, about three.
fourths of a mile north-east of Littlestown, near the,
Bon sughtown and Hanover road, the following Personal
Proger. viz:
Tfi RY ry E MUD OF HORSES, 2 Cotta, 1 three years,
the other two yeareeld,•6 Mitch Cows, 1 lie% two yetis
43145 head of Sheep, I brood Sow, 6 Shots., 2 Wago n., leo& sarrow-itawkattlie 11 4-14 y iletrilAPh sera m
new, Threshing Machine with Itetse-powet and oaring
all in rot-rate order, Winnowlm Mill, 2 good Pktwa,2
Garrotes, 2 Shovel! Pkltlc .vosi Perim Cultivator, I
Buckeye Reaper, Wire day Rake, Spring Wagon and
Gears, 2 sets Gin d Gears, 3 seta front Gears, 4 Ply Sets,
BridleeCollerajjnll,2lpilet,Sittlend Nab*
Single and ThreehorseTrees, ling, Halter end Cow
Chains, Fork'', Shovels, .lakevllattoolist,: Orlodstoao,
Grain Cradle, lot of Hags, Wear Yeast's; Eitteels, about
'SOO weight of Pork and a quantity of Lard by the pound,
and a number ot other articles. ' , •
s3,Sttendaneo wilt lb* tiros and terinolswilo knows
on day of sale by ISAAC RABIIIOA R.
JAOOI/ Iskisr, AnetJnwer. [Jin. 21.-4
The undersigned I steadied ta relinquish]; la triad^ will
veil at Pubic Sale, sa Niteday, the NA dew itf "rah wart
- dr o'slook, P. Al,, oa the premises, his residesat is
Fredei l i ck county, Bd., on the rood from Taieytown to
Moritz% Tavern, about 5 miler Mom the former and
miles from the latter, adjoining laude of Samuel Ott,
Jacob Bollinger, Reuben Maim and Minim imasisting
of SIX ACABS. of lireteratve lane. imerwred with • imp
two-story Leg .Dwelllog, tog Barn, limits
Smote Rouse, and other eas-builditaga, a well of =-
lent Water reser the door, and a Spring swerroniene So
the hoase, also. an Orchard of sham *alit. stall
/M. natio a good 'dilation. for a Bilikeireatith, being is •
good neighborhood and baring • good ran of oeustont.
imettendsoce will be given and terza• •reetele knows
on day of sale by ' JOSSIMI 1 . BOW Xas,
Feb. 17.-ts*
. .
The andecsizaed will .all at Paine Sale. ow Irtridey.
Mc 2134 day qf March west, at 10 Wedeeit. A. M.. It lie
residence. In Union township, obeli. WO IMMO ellit Oa
Llttlestown,otatitstratui Isailititi to Ralsover, the Wow..
inizrzinable Personal Property. viz:
I.IBADOT ITORSIIev, 3 bead of ipa: Cal di, 3 Sheep,
`effhotes.l Breed $0%9 aeon. t 4.1 Of Roy Leaden),
Stone Bed, Bled,' B ironies,' 3 allinverg, Ceftfurtor;
Shovel VI. 2 corn Forks,,, apriag Rake. Buckeye
Romer, Mee Whitlow Jack
Rw• tog alitit;ll.aer Chains, Pow 'a . m.., n om
it, Fly Nets. Cutting Box, Forks, Rats., Shovels, de
ut• beatOrahe jlrißo Iu has, Meat Vessel* Sterride,
Copbcord, Bed. and B‘dateads.asel other Mosaeholdand
K boleti taraitnesa tag unahroos to awriutioo.
Attendance will be given and terms inaoskatown by .
Xab. Orris ,
' •
hi, subscriber. Interseing soled eu.**6 ry hu ll
s i cic aer ref the 18th de qf Moral seek
at e c utyr,. A. et kb reelable* It tesrybkly:
about es. h.IN southeeet of ONO*** lb* Mbiliphir
yaluAle Personal Property. rte:
... .
.stimaDVlt V0111)141 SWIM ... tit...
g!hgad of young Cattle, 2 gal 1 emir IW.,'
h ot ... green sr kis livialet ' tiolii
es =
Imitm A t
1 Carriage, 1 Threshing iltsekkis • .
Iglie.r. ashiliiks,Ginteriellg _ , 1,004
fit te d i tAnde, 4 seta tinsel thsnirolt has - 2
Amy CitriglW! illoniiiiiiv •Chiliseg :s
r too 1044 SOTotim deablicsut ibior thissig. *
('fire coverer, double_. and sAndleXesesh Imo hriag,
resranlitsiandall ler '•_. _ Oil*
I ng Itnglernsittn, Mse—ii im2prt, . • Art.
k• d tosirr. ilusifoillnani: Choi
4,7•Aellilli Fir Ikesist 11112r45 , ' :
linaddlibiltill he slikva and toss imillilkarailay,
' 0111IMITTA X witm....-
.1(.22 STUMM", Anctienere. [Feb. M. ti
Vcrsoullrepolp *go.
The tutorrtber futeu.lo.4 to grit Gamin,L; , t r i l :t sell ou
Pablir ..le. •.a .Thorsd4y, the 123 A 4a, of loot, at
10 o'clock. A. Jl.. of hie mak/ware throe:led we- hails miles
west of Oen) eburg, ioruserly Tratle's 31111 ou 31erth
Creek. the tallowhog Personal Property. to wit:
TUNICS HEAD till 1(414813. ail teleelated 3.f. shim,
.3bailkde or Harness, 2of them Urea eiltlt thei, 4 330 db
Ooira, 1. Bull, 1 Helfer, 6 bead atabeep,l gawk; it Steed
treed bar bares W as, Iliragoa b. 4 1 phlr 'et Ward
Laiklok I flay Oar..
,) pair Hay Lraista,'t marl
Wed, 3 loekaway • 6,
mat ILuases I pals' at. Mad
Gleam 3OM el frost 'are, lava Naas, bilad irkaes,
Collars, 3 Lisae.2 *ldiot *Wes, Wages Whip,. It Ily
Nita. Haltarefiad Cowl:balm, Log Males, kaaga Lock,
Thrashing kfaeblaip,Breset 01.aboa,Buts4raftea,Ppreackaa.
Irwattroagli, Whisowlag MIL Cutting Box, 1 Ulm.
bores Plow, S two bon* Ptow 2,1 Harrow. gOora beta
2 sing% Shovel Plows, Sloes, Doable Dad S Waal Tim;
1 Oral. Drill,! Wire tooth Hay late,! Ihrrolving Hay
Hake, 2 Grohs Cradle., l Clover Need Cradle, 3 Mowing
Scythes, Yorke, lakes, 1 Mattock, Iliarels, Griadstoaa,
liarreaa, Boxes. 3 set of Demi Boards. lot of Davi. Rlllllll
Saw, aid • great mamba. Wolk* actialsa.
SAPAtteadaisea will ba glees and Larvae made Itaolva
ea day of male by JOHN W. WNJOLIL
. 1 / 1 0011 litestar, Astatlarier. Nash 211.-ta
at Ifstidt Ado.
The madendgaed will nil at Private Saba, hie reeideace
oa Dalthaore street--a two story WWI 19101:11111, wh h
Back bitWiag , and all necessary bisprocresseato—over
thing au Ilrst-rata order, p Mooted, sad use y
the moat comfortable private rips lip he the borough.
For home, tr., apply WM. CIIIITZIig N.
Feb. 21.-3 t
I will mll 160 n°lll2B, 2 miles wilt of Itilionitown.—
Thir Timber isprinalpally °brogans Willill same Stark Oak
and Walsall. Tito laird la may at moms sad tho soil
list rata.
TOO Aerie ao be malty cleared sad thaTiatbar wlil pay
for lice Lust sad *teals! .aa a portion of It vitt cut 1000
ha is to the Acre. Thera int two capital Spring 05
'hut. It will be mold In • body Ibr WOO per sere; or la
lota to suft—together it would malt* a sloe Farm tbr, •
mita with mall masa. del„for tom&
4.44r444 JN0.8.: PAXTON.
Fairfield, Pit, Deo. 4, t447.-tt
*thin two miles of Gettysburg, on the Harris
burg road, with all necessary improvements,
and in prime order. I will sell from 100 to 100
Acres, to suit purchasers. Tents reasonable.—
For further Information, app! to
Gettysburg, Pa.
Sept. 18-U
The subscriber, whiling to Rive up the 'homing bash
miss, otters at Pr vete Saki, his valuable TANNSAY,
situate on South Baltimore street, Gettysburg, Pa., ia -
chiding 'hit& Beaus Shop with I pool, and six
handlers; Brick Carrying Shop; Prick and Immo Bark
Will Roam; SS lay away Tetuan the yard, with S Leeches
sad ram to add any addlthsoal nasabar--ostistant m
aim Sag water, sever-lhiling, in tan-yard and shop'.
SitisVlMitery Is located in a region whore g owl Buhl*
simadsat at. remonahle prime. Possasidon ot the Tannery
will bo glven to the purchaser immediately, If dwdred,
with s wpp ly of bark to ron it. .
There Is bmWn a large Two-story BRICK ISW SLUNG
on the property, • lib Spring Howee,Botoke Bowe, Wood
Shed, Bata, Cent Crib, Wages Shed sad other astbuild
lags, with a well of water wed also hydrant at kitchen
door, with rasing water thavaglikprtas Soma. There
le • variety of best quality of growing Grapes and trait
on the premiss& The property ls 1 good ectidgket and
In every respect • most des/rabbi residence and inemseee
Also, will tw sold, A LOT,ON GROUND adllolalasz a
bove, oratelaLagl% Acres more or leas, with an Apple
Cliotionisod a Ilnid•eber Dining and Bathing
entail es It.
Aliool LOT OD GROUND, on the lhowittsbwro road,
one-hat wile tram town, containing 8 Acres, which the
purchaser can also hare, If desired.
theaeons declaim" to view the premises, or ascertain
particalars, will address the sabaseriber, raiding
la Gettysburg. Pa. JOUN WIPIJIBILYN N
TILE undersigned offers at Private
1 tale, the old DOltillN DWELLING, at thaissetion
of the Inaeytown and gnunittablwg boron&
of Gettysburg. The beim Is substantially WILD( state,
and contains twelve large rooms. TUC. strong.
never-falling Spring of first rate water in lb. basement
and PA Atm of land connected wi tb It. The location
Is a very pisasant on., sad with a little additional outlay
this amid Do made one of the most cosakwtable and do.
'arable homes in the borough or its vicinity.
Nov. 13,1 t67-tt 'llll - PP.
I will sell the Farm%
No. 1. Lying on the Harrisburg
sad Gettysbuql rood Oilmen York lipriap sad Iteldlere•
barg, eraitsishsr 11t Amin, r.M Improrsinents, sow
occupied by James Mks., Pile. $26 posessrs.
No. 2. Lying on the Carlisle and
New Oxlbrd road, between lieldhrsbarg and New Ches
ter, tantalising 1445 ACNItli, with geed Improvement,
mow. occupied by George J. Shank. Price SIC par acre.
Terms: One Melt to be paid on tb• delivery of the
deed; the balance to suit the purchaser, either In nub
or in first Judgment Bonds otnot lees than 1122050 r No. 1,
and 8100 for No. 2, to be paid annually wttb Interest.
113.Tbees farms an patented, lie handsomely ■ad bare
been limed.' W. F. BONN 2 R.
*ay 22. 1867.-tt
have ea baud a few T4ACT6 of No. 1. second
band, prismatic's Lands located Base Railroads, (Imlay
Towns, lie., In well settled aslabLorboodit, which I will
sell, wr siclustigs at a Aar pries for Real Istat• is Ad
arson ent,. ?W. • ORO. ARNOLD.
Tab. 8,11166.—t1
firpenttrs and trantratters.
Are prepared to do all kin& el Carpentering— coaktraetiair
sad erecting buildings of all kinds, Repairia f,la. Tio3
cep resultantly ma ►and and murabeilir• enter
wilt. Dow numsti, MINIM DOOR AND
And any other Jrtfck he the ~dims Line.
elessoaed material constantly oo baud. arperleneed wort'
siwap in towline's, and work orsorutod wit
1060mion promptly attended to
840.1*, 1367
0. o.cAnntAN
THE undersigned respectfully in
&me the pablk that they Mee ceeeteeeeol the
Osepesting to the Shop Sernterly occupied by livorto
SeDila*, datameC)re ma Favored t• de aay ardet Iw
any line of basdness and as reasonaLla ai any other astsb
Uslusto‘t m.G•ttysbout
Wiritope bj o strict sUIRIW.II W Wieser& to *twit •
elwie of piddle patronage.
May 21), 1611.-tt
THE undersigned. respectfully in
,A. Onesetb• public oesothwee the
MIAs aid atasdoto West **sot, Gettysburg, sail lareedy
at all Owe ta acoonalodata Most alatlagakitblatOte
aMs Bac 111 hoprepared farsialt Mafia track.lbe
bandit( ',repos* of tbi Uri fiaterlalotid fa neatly
sad dangly as It eaa be doom at sap' atbat .tortibiltbanitat
la the county. ltcperloseoll Nandi always is rsadl mpg's
owl wortgleeited with aramptmesailad Eitastalt.
ilirMtullital kw past I nareyba bora, by attention to
Wigan. tamale, • liberal akar, atpablie patronage.
leidaiii*Nr , nob /tries. kwylilla i .
lems. 110; kola .Sobgeri Wile
ii, Wire
aimi a rtlMM. sad Yoeltry Turd.; Ilreee add raft Vire
OH - S 110:11.237•613a
Arark Ar fa .41, Oh's, eau4 ea.;
awn Oath fin. ms/pro ImOurpes.
illingi *le Sc: PaperinArre Whee.Orseleiest.
AkWiee.Weelt.4te. Beery Ing.resatieu nr addreashi I tit,
1111311.13~Fr0. 31. RA LK Mt * WO Na II ?teeth
..1114101.,PSU•Jeirti‘e - - i1reb.5,1101.-11
'Cords Bank Oak Bark
vidakaa.l N . ii dij
!roil &in
Afl atial. -
4.tS,NIT imovitin•