itIPOOt )1 1 1 0 1 1 141 raeirr . CiliE OF erotic, The sadden. inaugnratiori of okl Winter, With his white mantle and biting ' breath. should Induce farmers and others Who are neie allowed a resting spell to give their at- Istpdon to Stock. Plenty of emploYMent can .thes be rim, th comfort ofyouranlmals In i'retiuta. sad when spring arrives• you will hge the, satistaction of surveying it healthy and thukooking stock, and not. be compelled Wk Moe them up to a marketable state after the breaking np - of the winter. It is not eeim :On tia At:00ot or shorten r the time of Ito& *else they are !With' time non-pro :luctive. Their health annives are often put in jeopenkhy / slichicerlsesneu atArtheir use fulnesatiettly elvistri Unpaired. Horses should he well attended to at this season. - -A good clean litter of stray or leaves makes them comfortable, and increases the maittire pile when a new bed ling is required. T-heY'sdll7,l3:B, ,be rubbed 4 1 . 4 fter use,. aid the currycomb frequently Applied. Ex ert* is conductive their health. Horses be come vicious and intractable by being kept up too long, butin no- case over-work them.— Sore, moths hrhorses are often frequent, sod can be prevented by warming the bits before putting them Into their mouths; a good plan is to coves. the bits with a piece of stout leath er; the month is not then cut, nor the skin taken off , the tongue by the frostediron. Give them sloppy food, and don't neglect to salt them 9ocsaionally. Carrots are also rearm= mended es very nutritious. • Cows should be well housed and fed plenti fully. It' milk is desired, a good feed if sugar beet!, or rutabaga, with , a free use of pump kins and roots , will produce it. Where steam ed food id riot need, boiled pototoes or Indian corn will be itumd acceptable. , Cut bay put into hogsheads or troughs, and and if couple of buckets of boiling water pour ed upon it, immediately covering it up close, anperinitting it to remain for six or eight hours , before tbedlng,, will- be fund to be a verigivitefal and nutritious food for milch 'cow', Who' will amply repay ;their' principal and interest, for his additional labor and care in furnishing them with such a de- Xtveo or three ,times ,a week. It is taken kw granted that those who take die tgre tio'Ock oat their cattle are duly aid prop erly gibehered and fed, also extend the neces eery cue to keep them deco; forwithout ihe work is only kill done, as neither man or beast can thrive when covered with' filth. If ateow is dry, don't neglect her on that aeoxputt, or you will most likely have a scraw ny :calf; Salt your hock once Or twice a week. Oxen should not be allowed to feed with the weaker. animals, as they ilways desire-the lion's 'hate: The currycomb is also !recom mended for them as well as horses ; a healthy action of the skin is produced, and with health comes coltentmen t and gentleness. Ccilvea vequlre special care,. if you. would have them good. Give- them corn meal and bran daily, and keep them supplied with hay and corn fod ler. Don't confine them to a close pen, but provide them with a shelter when they desire it. If not weaned, ttep the mother in good condition, as she requires ex tra nutriment on account of her, charge. Colts should be fed on mess, brewers' grain . roots, or anything that will keep them in a growing eentlition: Plehty'of - sloppy food is INtilled by them, and *Tee pmes per day is not too often to feed them. Treat them with puttleness, and use them to being patted 4.nd eatessed, as they will then 'be more easily ' broke to harness-or seddle, and grow up with no vicious habits to be corrected. Hoge and Sheep require a warm shelter, good, substantial food if you are preparing hem for the butcher: Give them salt occa sionally, and keep a clean litter of leaves or straw for them. Poultry will be found decidedly unproduc tive at this season without proper care.— Young chickens grow tough and hardjr by ex posure to the weather ; laying hens will refuse to lay, arid thus become a burden instead of a profit. Don't keep many hens unless you are prepared to give them accommodations and food. By warmth and good feed a hen will lay double , what she otherwise would. Let them haVe t lime and, gravel, and keep a box of wood ashes for them to roll in. Good, dry quarters Is what they desire. Chickens tire very soon on any one food r variety is what they like. Barley and corn, or scraps from the table and most kinds of viketables and meat, boiled, they will est with" avidity. All refuse mea .m .• rs will be found to their advantage if given them twice a week. Don't overfeed your fowls, as apoplexy will kill then off faster than is profitable, but manage,to keep their Maws with something in them,• and they will be content to keep to their house, "and not fly all over the premises and freeze in the snow. Water should be kept where all your stock can haie access to it. See that it don't freeze over for any length ortime , so that they may gruffer for the want of it. SOILING vs. Ptaresma.—Let me recite the ezperbmces and practice of a friend of mine. ciomWinto possession of about nine acres - of bunt. ht the neighborhood of a good market, made by the demands .of a large literati insti- Onion, he cast about as to what wait to be done. Two cowl and a horse were the stock in trade for neat cattle. He was oblged to pay each season, for pasturage, what' it was I - thought to be worth, and at the same time it was no small job to drive his cows bark and forth. - That determined him, to keep his cows in the barn. The greatest trouble Was the rapid ,accamulation of manure. BY good husbandry' he properly secured that—be kept Ilesding4t to his crops. Finding his crops in creasing he added ' another cow. Another cow only made more manure. More minute, husbanded in theeame way, made more crops, and the third year he adtled another cow. Now began another serious difficulty. His barn was ' Fulda, Still, at the end of the foniih year, he put in another cow, arid set himself it work tb up a new barn ,; and when I last saw, him be had a new barn with moderato improvements, of good sine, a horse, a pair of cattle, and five cows,—and yet had not thongltt Of buying more Jana, hut wanted more coin. Now, people who do not want a large accu sal/2101cm of manure and a gradual increase crops, should not adopt that style. But it seems to me that, for our towns, where home steads are In ernall lots and not easily procur ed, no better course can be pursued than soil-, lagihs *MS sail at the same ti th e filiettlng the soll.--ifew Engiarad itomestead. SMIZTERINCI eseitr.—From the experience of au English fanner it ball been demoinurited, tbailbei‘red *beep eat •cee-ettrd km* un imed.cake, sadism paUmd less of turnips per 4sy. .411,nd yet notwithstanding this, the in- Wreareol those housed, compared With lbw *Av, not, was as fourteen to nine. An agnailt , ionsysauet, advantage is derbied by shelterincontle. j , iblilllllllll 111 Emair.—Willhun P. Hayden l i ma lalbrawthe Maine Farmer that:aq torts of:wit root, alum, and tobacco, to • getber, will care the entitles or nasty owl• In 'beep It should be forced up , th e Male 01113141716 W , ' i elothift : Soia*Aliod:itwrters At b; 0/4118' Mlyg t its shy .p/Atli ;43 got gm, • FALL ti-NIN_ ; f 4 .O,GQ43I)S CHEAP FOR CASH. 'Fran want a cheap Over coat, go to NORRIS. IF you want a good cheap De" Coat, • go to ffiflllllVP F on want a good Everyday. Cost, • ' ' ' ' •go to TfOltßlB'. IT yo n want a goo pair ofPasts, ' go to NOW". iv you want a good cheap Yeti. • "-Ole NQlntl3' IF you want a I'l93ll'os ABU, 110, Itito I F yeti wants late Fall Style Cap. ' go to NOREIV. IV you want a gtiodlialr of flout" twfiliolts; g o to TOCIR.IIIt. tf you wont a FASIIIONABLN NBCII4III ORRIS'. ," ' ,• • go'to N i • rjhAt want • goal retch Calf do to 1410111118'. you want a good Vercelli, ' IF yon . Want good raper Collis", Ro to 111:1111111r you want i &Wettable salt of Clothes, . go to IffIRRI.r, you wantinythtut to the Gentleman's go to NORItIIF. I P you want a gOod SMOKE:" go to NORRIS*. 1p yen want good HEAVY' lIITDRII4IIOTAINO, NORRII'; Also —4large stock of CASSIMEII Hs IN tv i rcz, Personspeeterlog th e goods to Reedy made Clot , 'as 'be aceotumodated at the lowest caab price. Oct. 9, 1187.—tt TRIO. C. NORMS: Nelv Boot: and Shoe Store. NEW GOODS AND AT LOW PRICES. IIE undersigned Lea openeila new Boot and Rhos T (!tore, up BALT/310RM EMMET, one door south at the Presbyterian Church end nearly opposite McCreary's Saddler Shop, where be otters an attractive amoorstnent of goods in his line, all new and selected. wi th the greet:- est care. Ile hes LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITSELS., LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL BOOTS. IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTLEMEN'S CALF BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S RIP BOOTS, G ENTLEIIIINTF , posungss GAITERS, GENTLEMEN'S nIFPERS, ALL STYLES, GENTLEMEN'S BALM-ORALS, GENTLER IMO ; BROGI ANS,. 'km. MISSES' CONGRESS GAITERS, misarr . BALMOILiL GArrERS, MISSES' MOROCCO ISA.L.MOICALS, xc kc ,Am.. -- BOYS' CONGRESS GAITERS, .loyr CALF BALMORALS, • AOYir 5R00.41.18..t0" de. 'AB will sold lathe 'mining' /Pang profits. Buyers, from town and country, are invited to call and examine goods and prices twititelinrcliMilltig eisewbere. lam de• termined to sell clidetp- - -S MIN cheaper then any other Louse in the county. By strfct attention to business', and dealing,Fairly and siaoredy, with•errve7ooo7, I hope tio merit and receive an encouraging share of publin pattba age. The MANVFACTITRING of Boots and lbws will bei carried ow, In all Its ttraneries.4 Boots, Shoes and Gaiters made to order Also, Boob" add Shoe ants own mann ' facture constantly on hand. 'Repairing dune on. short noth.e—and no effort spared to give satisfaction. Nona but first clams workmen employed. Having a lifedAmei experience at the businees,l feel confident that I can please all who may call. D. 11. KLINGEL. Gettysburg, July 31, , PICKING JUST PROM THE CITY ! CLOTHING! , CLOTHING ! 4kices Reduced I. Reduced ! Reduced ! with . iC an oKr ING, just from the city„ • atotts stock of new CLOTHIOTIONS, - offers bargains of the inostluttoolshlog character. To prove the assertion, ail he asks her - COALE AIM SEE! 0 ' and judge for thameet COLTS, PANTS, o_ver Coats, Black Cassimere Pants. Black riot* Coats, Fancy Casein:tent Pants, Cloth Sack Coats. . Satinet Pants, C4lllll IMP. Sack Coats, Tweed Pants. Satinet Sack Coats, Tweed Seek Coats. ~ VRSTSI, NOTIONS, Cloth VCI, 4; loVelo, INsuspenders, Cassunere Vests. Black Gloves, Satinet Vests, Handkerchiefs, Velvet Vesta, - Neck Ties, Carman Vests. SprtniStocke, Paper and Linen Collars. Le CLOCKS, - .. ALSO, Right-day Clo km.' Violins, AceJrcle,mo, Thirty-hour t'lock a, Flutes, Fifes, Alarm Clucks, Violin Strings. (leak Clocks. Trask. and Umbrellas. 6 Bating at the kitut mud lototte &din*, PICEING can mall .t tim very LOWEST pi ten, No doubt ittspat_lt Everybody mays no, (Nov. 6, 1667-tf NEW GOODS., GEO. ARNOLD has now opened a LARGE STOCK of RE A M ADE CLOTHING, mostly of his own manufacture, consisting of all n4sa of COATS, PANTS & VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, HOSIERY, &c., AT PRICES TO /MIT THE TLMU. Sir Call examine and Judge for you reelves.-113 ' Oct. 30, 1867.—tf NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHINO AT BRINKKRHOPe STACKS 07 ;;HiL---1-E CLOTHING FOR PALL AND MIME WRAP., which he is selling at such prices u Damn* fail to take them off very rapidly. Call and Jadsk for yourselves.— To look at the excellent matarlai t tietafal canto g,, and neat and oratodautial mining And "thitt to get his low pricer - Callen cannot hdp tint ban When they see ttao much to their interest to do so. • . He has Coats, Pants, Vests, °fall dreg and 'mastitis, Haim, Boota and Shoes; Shirts, of all kinds, Hosiery, Mores Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties,erarats, iNnen sad emperOollers Baspsadets, Brushes, Combs; . . . Trunks, Vslime, Umbrellas, Feast Halves, &gals, Smoking and Obeying Toberees„ Pipes. Stetiomory. do. ; Clocks, Watcbes, Jewelry, wilh a tbonean and one other articles, entirely too wouieniue to detail Me news paper advertisement. lie ask. the attentloa of tls public to bin sew Meek, confident ..that Is will please-mud so one sea or will mil *beeper. Betel forget tlesdiumo—comerot Terk attest end the Diamond,Osttyshapst May 29, 1867. • JACON BRINKERHOFF. New Goods I CHEAP -CHEAPERO-cHEAPEt3T ! IF you wish to buy good and ohetp a, Goods. call at aA 810 & DWO, &TORN, en' note'. in Chantberebatire Gettyebieri. Wei have the very beet selectionedgewski,:mich ai &LOTHIII, Tiiritifek &O.„ tile Mash* can On duce and are determined to sell them at cheap as eat be said anywhere in WI, R . lF tip ! ,, 41 , n wishing to have them cat met,etatneelt free of charge.— Those dad deg (lolls eatiie o,tmewhie W Miconloodated 'ye i4nunt 114 fieri( OM beet Sia So be L imed , anywhere Neiman( in idiot we aey. W have on hand the vary bastandt durable szwnia MAC [UNIX, aad aaalwaya mal," laNala au pada en. fall sathdlietfos Ovals el 14'400=tai thhke.— Call sad examine. We warraft Owns tote am belt la Mas 29. MT FALL STYLE OF At FOR 1867: . 1{:8.A.;13,Y iTAII jut 111011111•6111.billill.S.• samor4iffst.4 II a ATd, Including the vow latent anytane Casifinfro in &kr* Bate. sod also a Ivor supply of Saa and law priced Waal HATS and CAPS lot Yea sad BUTS. He isvi t teablio ffirolo and thiejniblia to= sea , i,!; MEIteILVIT ZgLO)MIO. ES CLOTHS, TWESDS, and other =salvias fa Kies vhod and mod up, `; • tpordareast iboreneWo.. • , • SATISFACTION *MIEANTED. Wort 0100 oollgted ton Conon ,o porolhoothoir Omit eifewlltors. f l oh llT .., .., . , liisifisk , dattna. ''' 'Awmisr.-ty MEI TINt.WARE AND STOVES. TEIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF S. G. COOK'S, ME REST ONIKtNO-STOVES IN THE MASKIII I I, ; anion; which arsi OLD DOMISIDN, COMPROMISE. PENNtIYLTAICIA. NOELS 1300 K. Set/NOM - IST. TSARIST SUMAS, &c. Also. many •lt,ier articles fur kitchen use. which will be solll a* for aim; auy other lilacs to the count-3% R. G. eOOll. Apr 11.12.18841. stoves, Tin-Ware. &e. 7 &e., lIIIIIt public wry tuvited to call ant examine. my itn .1. mouse stock of goods go to NORITV DT THE STOVE LINE : Waverly, Noble Cook. Royal COok,Barley Shoat. Orient al, Aewart's Cook, Ornamental, ilxrelator, Prince Ro nnl end the Forerrilll pmking Stover. "ill for coal o wwd.— Tliegilo varletilinare a selection from the beet and In t popular Cook jug Stoves the market affords, and are all warranted to give entire satisfaction. Also, a very large varbay of Parlor, Saloon and Shop Stove& for coal or wood, including the celebrated Morning Glory. the Vol. can, Oval Meteor ; Round Meteor, Dial, Violet, Gem. He gtalallori Comet, Egg, New :47rg, Parlor cong, Fire - Brick and Orates, for coal or wood, always on hand. IN THE TIN-WARE LINE : Tha . ' assortment embrace everything teCe4Hlll'y for titchen'bk. household purposes. including a large num ber of couv - Statent yet cheap articles of new design which intuit be seen tube appreciated. The stock is so large and varied that those who have nut visited the establish ment have nu conception of its extent. In addition to t`le ordinary kitchen utenails, it Includes Battling Ves eels, Toilet Choamber Sete; -plain and fancy, Chamber -Buckets, Bros.! and Spice Boxeir, Nett and Coffee Canis. tens, Deed Boa 60. Spittoons. Tumbler Drainer', Bill-bead Boson. Waiters Ale Cart lers. WaterNelers. Slaw Cut• tem-Borne Lampe, Jelly Moulds, pudding-, tent Nutmeg Graters, Contb CANYLlinn.Grant-Flottes and A II C Plates, Ash Buckets, Floor Sleeves, Birth Cages, Spout Beatle s Coffee Mille, Latiterne, Bastieg SNine, Large Fork.. Candle Sticks. Candle M, tilde, Copper pers. Wrought-iron Frying Pt in, Stuenthing Irons, Foot Scrapers, Coffee Roasters, W aMrd Irons, Snuffers. Dinner and Auction. er Bells, Egg Beaters Oilers, Fluted Fun nels, Coal 8 [eves. Glaas- top Fruit bans, Flaiustop Ft uit Cans, :..ell-sealing Jars, &c., kc. Tin-ware made to order, and repairing promptly attended to, by the best of work men. IN THE HOLLOW-WARE LINE: Cast-iron Pots. of every size and variety, for stoves, Por celain Kettles, for cooking and pteeerviug, Tin-lined Kettles, fur ditto, Oast-iron Stew Pans, of every size end variety, Porcelain and tinned. with a thotnistini and OUP other articles impossible to enumerate In an aVertise -went. bornbug, them, elx7 . Th,, DOTTY'S WASh-, DIAMOND CHURN."-. The public are invited mice,. lie guarantees rose. exceeding low litotes. COMr a.. eariosit). If you d.. not want to t o r . *end, .tub A. 16u7.--t.t GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD. On and after 'Wednesday, November 6th, ISST, Pas seniter Trains will leave and arrive at Gettyab ti g, and make connections 44 fellows: FIRST PAS/3E1 , 108K TRAIN will leer. Gettysburg at 8 16. A.M., with rsmengers Gm York, flarrieharg. PLila delpbk, Baltimore. and the North and it est, arriving ai Hanover Junction with et changeofeare, et 10 1!.. A. M.. connecting with the East Line South. on the Northern gut r4l 'tail way, and arri •ing at Baltimore at 12 noon A leo, ronneeting with flail train hum Baltimore north. arriving in Hart teburg at 1 00, P. IL Arrive at Getty'. burg 12 40. P. 31., with paseen k ,ers from Harrisburg York. Baltimore, and Washin gton. SECOND PASSIENGER TRAIN will lenxo G ttyaburiz at 1 30, P. st., arriving at Hanover Junction at 3 311. and connecting with Mail train oath. Arrive In Baltimore at II 00, P.M. Arrive at Gettyiiburg at 5 30. P. M.. with passengers from Philadelphia. nil the North and West and also with passenatirs from Baltimore and Washington by the East Line North, which leaves Mit/- More at 12 10. noun. EM Pasaengere cau leave Baltimore in the Mall train, a 8 20 A. M.. and arrive in Gettyebnrg at 12 40, P. M. Oi leave Baltimore in the ?sat Line at 12 10. noon, an' Cr rise in GettyAblirg at 5 40, P. U. But one ebouge of car either way, viz: at Hanover Jnnetion. Dre. 4, 1867 H ANOVER RR AN'ell. RAILROAD, TIME TABLE. Uri and after MONDAY. May 6th,1867. passenger trains on the liansieer Branch Railroad will leave as follows: FIRST TRAIN (which makes connection with the trains on the North ern Central railway at the Junction.) sill leave Hanover at 9.1X1 A. M.. for York, Baltimore, Harrisburg. and inter mesliatestations. This train arri•es at the Juncti•sn ai 9.5,1 A. M., connecting with the Fast Lino d nth. on the Northern Central Railway, which. arrives at Baltimore at 1230 P. M., and slab with the Molt Train North, which ars Pres at Harrisbctig at 12 51 P . M t This train retort's to Wu:lover at 12 M. a nsl arrives at Gettysburg at 1 P. H. 1. 4 SE. OFD TRAIN Leaves danover at 2.20 P. M. and arrives at the Junction at 3.10 P: M., connecting with the Mail Train South, which 'arrive. at Baltimore at 6 P. M. Passengers by till. Train for York lay over at 'he Junction until r 6.12 P. M. 4441—This Train returns to Hanover at 4 P M.. with paaengers fur Hanover, ilettysburg and Littleetottn. Passengers leaving Baltimore for Hanover. Gettysburg and Littiestown, will take either the Mail Train at 8.33 A. M., or the Past Line at 12.10 P. M. Hay. 29, 1,67. JOSEPH LEIB. Ac. ut. READING RAILROAD Great trunk line from the North and Northwest for Philadelphia. New York. heading. Pottsville. Tamaqua. Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac.„ Trains leave Harrisburg fa* New York, as follows: At 3.00.525 and 810 A. NI- and 2.0 l and 9.35 P. m connect log with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Read, and arriving at New York at 5.10 and 10.15 and 11.50 A. H„ end 3.40 end 930 P. Nl. Sleeping Cara accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and 9.35 P. M.. Trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading. Pottsville, Tamaqua Mineral - 111e, Ashland. Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadel; phis, at 8.10 A.. 11. and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopp ng at Lebanon and principal Way stations: the 4.10 P. M. mak lug connections for Philadelphia and CLlumbis only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave klarrisburg at 3.55 P.M. Returning: Leave New Yot k at 9.90 A. II ,12.00 Noon and 4.0,i and a 00 P II.; Pniladelpnia . .at 8.15 A. If. and 3.30 P. IL Way Passenger Train learei Philadelphia at 7.30 A. IL, returning frau. Reading at 6,30 P. M., stop ping at all Staticros; Pottsville at 8.45 A. M. and 2.45 P • • Ashland 6.00 A. M. aad 12.19 noon. and 2.00 P. M. Tani/Nina at 8.30 A. 31, and 1.00 and 8.45 P. M. Leave 13asquebei Reading 7.80 A.M . Pat 0.. at. 6.46 A Oclumt and 6.16 On Elm 011114.00 wing only 5.26 A. M. and 4.10 and 9.35 P. M., and Reading at 1.00 and 7.15 A M. for Harriaburg, and 7.06 A. M. 11.40 P. Si. for New York and 4.23 P. R. for Philadelphia. Commutation. unease, Beason, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all polnta, at reduced Hates. Saispge checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger, Reading, PA, Doe. 4, 1867 WASHING MACHINE Tan undersigned offers for nle, the TOWNSHIP EIGHTS of Adana comity, for DE LONG'S PATENT, which la the caurnie, tIitXPLUT and nit WM that es yet been aired to the public. The Rights will be 14 cm rsimmisible terms. This Isis too opportunits 'tor energetic men' to make GOOD WAGES manntacturing or ielling theca michines. A sample machine will he thr Malted Any person who onrchameo a Bight, if desired, a coat. enlist the store of Dunham 41 Hoffman,N. W. for agnate, whore the machine! may be wet and tried JACOB& • BRO FRANK D. DUPRORN Gettysburg, .1m 26. ltaft.--ef • NJEW BAKERY. .11 N NWPORT ZIEGLER Ikrhsltitaittaltery,Serith ifititlit%ton tr., hal fiquire *tat t,lit Putt tX4,l,tiittystilir4, . Oatatantl o 11•14.tatt6est ot • • :• • • Dread, ftriesslresttlagft soh Stead will be sirvedevety an•ril iiii,bytisvilagtholiausesand realdene•sat ths Balory every effort inad•Aiipleouli.. OIVI A CALL. tioro ;4.1644. ATTENTION ZOUAVES T IL INT farther orilere, the "GET IMIIII7BO ZOSTAVES" meet et their Armory, lorhinatiemaied detail/MCI WIIIIIIIISDAY MN/ KO ,actignelock, apd rya& suss the TRIED /AMYL. DA ot~aah *oath at 10 ("cinch, A. IL . • By corder of the Captain Oct. 9.,tt WK. R. ennui, 0. B. 'PO MILLERS.—For sales pair a of CROPPING STONES AND OKAILINO—oIoo a BONI Mali n.ICIIMIL Require 11 of . G. . 9411/IburiO4,llHr ILU • ql , • ASalr'11110104" ' - ••• "-- ,V41116110611* • *gat Z*Fati'at• TIN - WARE IN THE,..cOITNTY, (Formerly inch...yr Colley's); also eonie ot tention Is specially directed to three Tfl luabl. pa which ha id agent. and about which there is no can be etteated by scores who have used " UNIVERSAL CLUTHES-WHING ER, LNG MACHINE. and - the rehhrated tll sod examine goods and " everything In his line at tt, are, to gratify your - No trouble to skims Xioto of Zrarti. CHANGE OF CONNECTIONS R. McCURDY, Supt WINTER ARRANGEMENT November 25, 1867. G A. NICOLL& nimerail !Superintendent Washing Wthinto. THE BEST gateri. Craftlief Cakes, Protarls, to oigalthes and-tygdrp. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &C. CALL AT < SOPER & Me Et r NEY'S, NEW JEWELRY STORE, YOr7; stkvet,' opposite . the Bank, Oct , tllsbuiv, Penns. A new am - Chill assortnion• just received horn the C 11.3 SILVER AND . PLATED WARE, - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! melt as Guitara,, Accordant,, Pinta', Files, hr., also the t.rfmnif njra,r iz: Kap, thrinsa, Bowe, Bridges and !very th Lig telonagnir to Ito Inetrnutenta. • Repairing and all kinds of 'Work in our line done promptly and an rectsonnble terms. isir All . aork .4* r *Hred to tire. eat fafiction—and all Roods sold. warranted to in what they aretaptaaented. Nur. 27, 1587.-If ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Xo. 148 North 2d at., coener of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. • An as..lorlment of Watchg, Jewelry, Silver told Plated Ware constant/yon hand. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS /Firßepairing of Watches mod Jewolry promptly at teittlt.,l to. (Nor 27,1861.-1 y IFTS FOR CHRISTMAS & NEW kir YEARS A SUPERB STOCK OF FINE GOLD AND SILVER 'WATCHES, ALL WARRANTED TO RUN, AND THOROUGHLY REGULATED, AT THE LOW PRICE OF $lO EACH, AND SATISFACTION GUARAN TEED'. 100 S'Olid (told Hunting Watchesn'so to $l,OOO 100 Matte Cased Gold - Watches 350 to 500 100 Latllis' Watches, enameled 100 to 300 2/.1.1 uold Hunting Chronometer Watches.. 250 to 300 'TX) Rohl flouting English Levers 200 to 260 300clold hunting Duplex Watobes 150 to 200 5000o1d Boating American Watches 100 to 250 COU Silisotqlunting Levers 60 to 160 Om Sliver Bunting Dui lows 76 to 250 500'Ooid Ladies , Watches • 50 to 250 LIAO Gold II unting Lapines 60 , to 75 1.004/Miscellaneous Silver. Watches 50 to 1100 *2.600 limiting Silver Watebea 25 to 60 5.000 Assorted Watches. all kinds 10 to 75 The above stock will be dispueed„pf on the POPULAR nits PRICE PLAN. giving .very patron a On. Go:dor Solid silver Watch f r $lO. without regard to Tame! Wain HT Deo. & Co., 161 if roadway, New 'York, wish to immediately dispose of the above magnificent aiock. Cer tific,tes, naming the articles, are placed in sealed en vektice, and well mired. Holders Cr. entitled to the ar tidies wanted in their ceeificate, upon paymem of Ten, Dollars, Whether It beta watou worth $l,OOO or one worth less. The ret an of any of our certificates autitle• you to' the articles named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and •11 no article salami less than $lO is nanuto on ant certificate, it waist once beaten that this is nu lottery, but a straight forward legitimate trainer thm. which may be participated in even by the most fas tidious. A single certificate will Decent by rnalldpost paid, upon eceipt of 2.5 cents, live for $l, eleven tor SZ, thirtythrea and elegant premium lur 5.5, sixty-six and more valuable premium for Sid, one hundred and most superb Watob fur 415. To agents or those wishing employment, this is a titre opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted bust •ess:Atily authorised by the Government, anti open 1. , the most Lelieful scrutiny. Watches sent by Express, vita bill for coltectit, on delivery, so shot no dissatisfaction can possibly uecor Try us. Address Wlt T, Wit/TREK a CO., Importers, Oct. 2.3.-3 m . 16t Broadway, New York. Watches tor the Million ! ARR ViDALE & CO•1 G”.E tiIVATCH CLUB. EERYBODY needs a good watch, ancheishes to get I at the torrent possible price; • horde 0., swindler* knowing this have contrived various ingenione 'devices to get peopil's money, and then either tail to send &Watch. or send one that in worthless as a timekeeper. AU RA N DA LE A CO have now perfected arrangements by which. Jro the small sum of SID. a good anti reliable watch may be crAyster.r obtained. They have formed ti K KAT WATCH CLUB on the following plan. (' raining the numbers of all the watches named in our lora.-mwir list t uhteil is sent to all applicants) are mixed op enclosed lo envelopes. and veld for 25 CfrlitAl esiett.— ver) certificate is welltitANTlD to be for a watch, and as willbeseen on reference to the list, tame are of lees value than Tru Dolfare, whilst some are worth s3ou. We undertake to scud soy watch drawn wheever may be ifs value for $lO. and is o . der that every one may at,. eolutely depend upon until"). a first elms timekeeper, we ynarardue that every ptitchaser olOne Dollar's worth .1 certificat es shall receive at least one fec watch No. C 3.3 on our a bolessla list, sent post tree, which if a Brat-this tried lever, a handsome arid reliable watch. in telling silver hontioo case, sod ritually- sold fur 140. You will certainly get inch a watch' ars•'. beetles. you 'bey get a rot...ureter worth $`..00. We t elt the evrtiliCat,ef so (Wk. , : one for 25 cents; Three for 5) cents; Six lot all ; and Twenty for $3. To thotteetr.dingsl, we will send a be chain gratis. To those scolding 1.1, we wilt sand a gold chain warranted not to tarnish Mai years.— Parties getting up larger elute will receive literal pre bents, particulars of which may be learned on applica tion. A•it is oar istention to do. • strictly hola.flibie 1.011 , 4041.11, and to insure our enstomees from liability to owe, we will send our watches, it desired, without money. lust ructiug the Express agent to collect only on delivery. If we are desired to loeward watches try mail, the money must be sent to by Bank Draft or Post Office Ord r, 'au wi I thee Le at our risk. will then register the package at oar post tither, and if loot will re-place It true of charge. It any watch sent is not approve.), it may be returned rind the money will be refunded. The repute troll of our firm. which has been established for five years. and is well known in every part of the country we trust will be deemel a sufficient guarantee that we will - Lutbfully perform all we contract to do. Address ARRANDA LE A Co., 16.1 Brueolvray, New York, Net Office Box. 5,2155. Dec. 1661 .-3m SEEING IS BELIEVING AT 704 ARCH STREET. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS! RICH SILVER-& SILVER PLATED WARES, Includina every style and description, made =4 expressly for the Winter trade, which for neatness l er and durability cannot be "."" surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment 704 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA rit-Re•plating at short notice. Dec. 18, 1887. s JAMES E. CALDWELL & • , cr , ARE NOW READY ✓ . WITH THUM 7117, Entire Importation . CHRISTMAS GOODS FOR THE - PRESENT SEASON, to which they moat re trolly Invite - the attention of those yhtithig Phi's delfdlik,eagtreeting an early call, before the chntreet ar Cele* are - selected, and the harry of Holiday baslnees prevent" tbarmful attention they desire extended to all their visitors2 , The stock of W ATOM KS, DIA MON_ PLATICD GOODS, C EUROPIUM 111 JEWELS f. SILVER-WARE, 8. BRONZES, AND - 7LT INN, of every description, offered this iss exceeds to richness, varletyand beisity, r,. previous year. An examination 'of our goods . prove interesting io parties from the country, mo.t invited to visit our establishment. ,rders by Letter, or inquiries respecting goods and pricei; will receive cowered and prompt attention. Goods care fully pec at and f rwerded. ERIC= GREATLY RR DUCED TO 80IT THE TIMES. JAMES Z. t , ALDWIILL As CO., Jewelers and Silversmiths. Zio. 822 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Dec. 18,1867. (pct. 23.-3 m JOHN BOWMAN, No. 704 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer and Dealer in SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Our Goods are decidedly the cheapest In the City TRIPLI PLATS, A No. 1, Mar.14.1567.-1y Cabinet Waking. TO • THE PUBLIC. THE undersigned take this method 1- of inform his the public tliat they still carry on the Cabinet-making Business, in all its versed braitcliss, and that they now have on hand • lark* assortment of BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, 212btee,. Corner Cupboard*, &yea, ~rinks,. &wide. Drpaiting Bureaus, Paairs, of Jiff rent kinde.;• in Mort ..everg thing in the Cab'- - net-making tine. ALSO, READY-MADE COFFINS, AND COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. Au of which will be taished peomptis, al the Add Masa i on eolith Baltimore sines, appall*" Winetn muerte Tan nery. The naderehmwd hawing had over 80 years ex perience la the business, Setter theressalses that they eaa mate as good work as say otheen,if not better. Noe beginners and others will Sod It to• their adnasteige to cau and buy from nu as we are deteetaboed soma as Mer as posstb le to stilt the times. • GARL.h()/1 1 Dec. 1111,1887,4 in tOOMI3 ! BROOMS! . BROOMS! e underitgeod eouthstom to itaatfootoro Stoma ot Me old etabd le Carlisle etre t adied4fr i etheed Depot. Reedit hay* dating the felra WI dd. ididd , ,,end will be obi. to tarnish thin* WHO pa ititriuL. v ows am. to order or on the Ault. Potoolttlistioi Istellt *IWO do well to ipo Up oval.' 00t.10.111n ALUMS. - ; ,, )(i.lipts l• intaAtir or irrninuts Amlroitiwrivt AMERICAN CYC4OPZDIA . . A POPULAR DICTIONARY OF GENER AL KNOWLEDGE. 41101 KID RIPLEY . AND CDARILIS A. DANA. AIDED ITT A svorsoca ann . , costs or WRITTIS, is ALL 711ARTI11111 07 SCITIMS, ART, AXII LITTIATORT. In 16 largerkoluMei, Bvo. 750, rlqu s ble-column pages in each volume. Tts leading claims to public consideration which' the Nee American Cyclopedia pommies may be thus briefly stated "1. St surpass., all other 'work* , in the fulness and ability of the articles relating to the United Snitirt. "2 No other work contains ee rolidbill bklira^ phies of the leading men Of this and other Tuitions. In this reqpict It is fir superior eve; to the 'More bulky gnryclopsedia Britannies. ` ' .8. The best minds la this country have been employ ' el in enriching it. page. with the Whet data. and the most recent discoveries in every - branch of toandtketnree, mecbanicii. and geuerel science. It is a library In Itself, where every topic is treat ed and where information tan be gleaned which will me able siersdent. 'rhos is so disposed, to consult either ace thoritiee, thus affording bite an Invaluable key to kpowl edge . b. It is neatly printed, with readable type, on good paper, and contains a Most copious Index. "O. It is the only work watch gives any thing ap proaching correct descriptions of .citles and towns of Amerks,or embraces reliable statistics showing the aintierful growth of all ,sections," , every one that reads, every one that 'tangles in so clety, is constantly meeting with allmions to *object' on which he needs and deities further; faidematlim In conversation, in trade. in professional life, on the farm. In the (*wily, practical questions are continually arising. which no man, well read or tud,can alWayesatisfactorily answer. if hicilities for reference are et hand, t.bey are consulted, and not only is the cnrio.ity gratified , and the stock of knowledge Increased, but perhaps inhirmation to gained and Ides, ate suggested that will dire ctly Con tribute to the business enemata the Party concerned. A Cyclopedia is preeminently the *ark for nor coon try and generation. This is the age of steam. No one has time to grope among a hundred different works fur every little tact required, without the certainty of find lag .t Ili last. With • CycluMedik embraciug every ton ne', able subject, and haviog its topics al phate itically ar ranged, nut a moment Is lost. The matter 1 - a question is foetal *Vane. digested, coal. used. stripped of all that is irrelevant and nunal edutry, and v..rifled by a comparison of the beet and. Moreover, while on. ly me. of fortune can collect a fibrin y complete in all the departments of knowledge, a Cyclopedia. worth in their fur purpose. of , eference at beet a t atamand vol umes, N witoin the reach of all.—the clerk, the mer cbaut, the professional man, the farmer, the mechanic In a country like ours. woere the humblest may be call ed to respousible positions requiriug intelligeoce and general InCrusation, the value of such a stork cannot be over estimated. PRICE AND STYLE OP BINDING In Extra Cloth per IA .V.... 00 In Library Leather a Oa ' In Half Turkey lihrrocco .• 6 60 - -La: Half Itriaine, extra gilt ~..... - 750 In lull Hot. Aatiglat, gilt added ...... •--- •• gOO In Pall Jiti/ata " to IV THE ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA. SIX VOLUMES NOW., OUT The same price per volume, and uniglrm with the New PUXL - WIED OHM VOLUME ANNUALLY IZOLgTRIIIIIIO ILL.TBI lIIFO TTTTT iTt3lll OF EACH TZAR —TALCASLIC AS / RORK or utrwer "It la an enterprise of Immense value to the public. and °coin to be in every library, publio and private, ae an lo valuable book of reference—At/do and Arra, AS. batty, Sew York. -We ran confidently and conociantinaely recommend the . A r onord Cyclopedia' to all who would have an ac curate and readable LI WAr o (con tampers ry vents cheer at Mind and ass safe work ofreference "—inning Travel ler. "IVO indeed s most excellent work. It is thorough rerhible, aid jaet such a w,ric tot Is greatly needed. fithfurttoosicler of Lattwolant events. too uumetow• to be retoesitowted and of V.:loinch servant to tot loat."— fietwituut itailigfaot Lleakr. In Extra Cloth la Library Loather In Bait Turatio ... . In - HMI Rasaia, extra gilt In Fall Mor. Antigua. gilt t.lge* In Full Russia !OLD BY SURfACRIPTION ONLy, We ara, in want of GOOD Wr the' above Work, to vr"firini it will aff.wd a handwona 1 1,104 in old& intuit...ob. iieriptions. Tama nude knows on 'application. Wa - r.) so publish the kdlowlng by •nticrtpoon, and f,' whicht walnut' 'gouts: HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN 'NAVY riURING TIIC G AT Resettaus. lu tan vole „Price BE each, TUE MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY OF THE. RE BELLION. 1 irbl Price $O. THE COMPREHENSIVE DICTIONA RICO'? rriN BIBLE. Now pohilehing in 2,1 Noe.. of which six lure ready.— Price 3 0 ant* each. ANC/ ENT HI/STORY. In 1 vole. Psine 50 each. THE HI/STORY 0, TU E UNITED STATES OF AMER/ - CA. In I veL Price $5. THE CYCLOP:EDIA OF WIT AND II CMG R. Edited by William E. Horton, the celebrated Comedian, 1n '- vole. Price $5 each. THE REPUBLICAN COURT. 1 vol. Price E.:, CYCLOP.RDIA OP COMMERCIAL AND IieSINESF ANEi eal. 2 vole. Price $4 each. A CYCLOPEDIA OF DRAWING. Dumbed as a Text- Book for the Meehan ie. Arch Hoc t. Engiu ear, and Sur veyor. let I vol Price $ll.l. sir Send to the Pohlad:ten .or Circa laze end Terme. D. APPLETON A CO , Pablithere., 44;.: and 44.5 Broad way, New York. Ort.l 6,1667.-4 m 525 MILES OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, RUNNING WEST FROM OMAHA ACROSS THE CONTINENT ARE NOW COMPLETED This brings the line to the cistern base of the Rocky Mountains, and it is expected that the track will be laid thirty miles further, to Rains Pass. thehlghest poled on the road, by January. The maximum grade from the foot of the mountains to dee summit is but eight feet to the mile, while that of many eastern roads is over one hundred. Wolk in the rock-cuttings on the western slope will continue through the winter, and there Is now no reason to doubt that the entire grand line to the Pa cific will be open for business In 1170. The means provided for the construction of this Great National Work are ample. The Unites] States grants Its filx Per Cont. Bonds at the rate of frorrisl6,ooo to 548,000 per mile, Ror which it lakes a second /kolas security. and receives payment toe large If not to the full extent of its claim In services. These Bonds are batted as each twen ty-mile section it in Jihad, and after titian been CUIVI1i1)- 44 by United States Commissionary and pronounced to be Is all respects a first-class nod, thoroughly supplied with depots, rspainahopa, stations, and all the necessary rotting stock and other equipments: (Aug. 21.-ly The Crated /Mates also mak, a donation of 12,800 acres aloud to the mile, which will has ammo of large reve nue to the Company. Much of this land t o the Plane 11 among the mom %utile in :the worli, and other large portions are covered with heavy pine threats end abound In coal of thiptept. The Company is oleo authorised to luaus its own first Mortgage Bonds to an amount, equal to the issue, of the sernment and no more. Ron. Z, D. Morgan and Hon. Oak • mos are Trastem for the BoridholdinkandfieUter the Bon. , • the Company only, as the work powwow, so that theY altel ,, tys ?sprang an actual and productive value. The authorised cap of the Company la One Hund red Mink* Dollars of whl Aye mlitkniskars been Mild in upon the work already don& Earnings of the ?Company. At present, the profits of the Company are derived-on ly from 1410,1 trolly, but, tide is alreat;y much more than suilltipektef pay the Interest On all ; Mee' Bonds the Company tin hone, If not another 01 Us were built. Tt Is not doubted that whin the raid is completed the through traffic of the only Bee coopecting the Atlantic and Pa cific States will hs large beyondflonecedeut, and, as there will be no competition, it can always be done at profit able rates. by this House ebrts orally 'swot but 10 are J 1 It will be noticed th , .t the Union Pacific Railroad in fact,a Goarranwit aawk, bent ander the supervision of overas4tit ?Risers, and Id a brim extent with Gar *raiment missy, bad that Di hoe& *is issued ander Go. vernmeit direction: It isbellevad that tro dailies as drarity 11 so caret*, vat rde , Sly no other is based upon a larger or moreilihnibliproperty. As Ma Company's First rtgage Bonds‘ an offend ler ebe moot 90CIS11TS ON Till DOL, LAB, they are the cheapest weeny In the market, be to more Una 16 per Cent. lowa. thin U. a.Stocks,— 6 Thai °P i PER (CEN T . IN -GOLD, or inre,r3ll4llPl2 0211 T. upon tint investment. Rib. mink et 1111 be received in Oattyisberg, Pa.,by - , PERM NATIONAb BAWL and 'I& arrnsaima tf.tirioxmamor., and In Now Tait at diet:4:ooll'a Otßoe, No. 21 Naomi street, and by CONTINZHEAL NATIONAL BANK, No. 7 Nassau et.. CLASH, DO6OIk 00., ileakets, No. II Aalt it., JOHN J. MOO It 00N, Bankers, No. 33 !NI st,„ and by Uteoousnaa7'S selrer*ld AIM* ihetlfillte*t the United States. Beusittanas should be tends In drafts or other itnedsipar he Now Toth, and OWtrontbleill bested free of chug, by return express. Bridles subscribing through local spats, will look to them for their safe dio. • • At NMI PAMPHLET AND NAP.shoutig Um Promo ' , Saki Waal iis . seArma for • Ciamanieoaa; sad trala ' Dam* 'SI ba obtataed IA th• Daapaay's Ca m 1 or f its ad;rarDairl.Aranta, or skill be *4W D* 4akipallkia ti 4 . • ' • 4011 IN 17. MOW Nivainati DIA 11.1111• Ala Ns. UV:. I al tilYw IDITZD Iti CononeoeA to 1461 Ausaickx CYCLOPADLA per OR I 6 00. ; . 830 -- 7 00 00 . to Vilsteitheolc WASHINGTON LIBRARY CO., PHILADELPHIA, Is Charleroi by the State of Peoueylvaale,sed OriP°ls*/ to ald ut the RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE . . i loft EDOC4TLIGI GRAIITOCISI.7 I SOLDIERS' AND BAILORS' ORPHANS, 1 rncorponited by the , SW. of New Jersey, APRIL Bth, 1967 SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR THE WASHINGTON LIBRARY COMPANY; BY Inwrus OF THEIR CHARTER, and la ACIORDANCE WITH ITtll PHOVIEROAS. will dixtributo THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS EN PRBSENTS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS ON WED NF DAY, JANUARY BTH, 1868, AT PHILADELPHIA. PA., Or ,Tett:the• Institute, Riverside, N. J. ONE PRE-:En WORTH $40,000. MNE PRESENT WORTH $20.0t0. ONE PRESENT WORTH 810,000. ONE PRESENT WORTH 15.000. TWO PRESENTS WORTH $2.500 EACH 4 Jim' many other large promote. the whole amounting to 8300,000. For fo!l schedule of Preficnta. ace circular". scut free cni application. Each Certificate of Stock to accompanied with s BEAUTIFUL STEEL-PLATE ENGRAVING, WORTS MORE AT RETAIL TRAN THE COST OF = And aloe legatee to the holder a TitERENT IN THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR Any rfreon bending as ONE. DOLLAR. or paying the Mamn h. our lira! Agents. will receive 011111' diately a flue trot Plate Engraving. nt choir. from the inilowing rand One Certificate of Stock, i nanrlng One Prerfent In the viREAT ONE DOLLAR I.:ICI:ACING!, NO. I.—"My Child: My Chili:" No. 2.—'They're - -Saved: They're Saved!" No. 3.--0111 eeinuty..i.T..; or, the Karl/ buys of the Revolu awl." Any person paying - TWO DOLLARS will receive either -a the fullew int( floe Steel Plates, at choice, and Two Cer- Once.% of Stock, thus bec. ming entitled to :rec.' Pre sent.. • TWO DOLLAR EVIP.AVINGS. "in.l.—"Washington'sCourtahlp." No.*Z.---IVaebing ton'. hurt luterview with his Nlother." THR4R DOLLAR ENGRAVING:.. Any person payinz TURKS DOLLARS will rrcelre the beautiful iitael Plate of "HOME FROH THE WAR, - and Three Certificates of Stork, hemming eatittA to Three Presents. FOCR DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any perform paying FOCR DOLLARS rereire the large and Levut if& Steel Plate of "rug PER/LS OF OD% FORRFAIIIERS. - and-P-onr Cortiticates of Stuck. entitlog thew t•• F•w Prawns. rn•e DOLLAR E.NGRAVINGS Any pernnn who pays feIWR 01,1,Aitt , the huge sad apieredid keel Plate "THE MA RRIA9e CF POCALIONTA end Five 1 fertillee t, of`Sttrk :!um hye Prevents Eagrarince Rad C.rtiNtas , lehrerNl to each anlawrll..r at or LOCAi Agemira. or v•ot I•y µapt I.4id, exprea4.a. way or.1?14,1. - 110 W TO OBTAIN SHARES AND EN- GHAVINGS Srmsi orderit to us by mail. encloning from 11 to $29. eithrr by Pima Mtn or ins regirtered letter. st our risk Larger amounts Ptinold be sent by J•aft or rip/not. 10 share. with Eugrari Orr 3 sharer with rinnru•inun LO shares with Eugra•ings Sfrarse with Engraringr. I tNt rirtree with Engravings Loral AGY4iTi WANTED Hiroo:bow the United Etates. 'THE RIVERSIDE LNSTITL'TE, Sltnnte et Ittterevide. Sterilmesee Nee. J.roe.y. 1. 031111141,11 fur tl.e - 4111171.0110 of gretuitoush etiticetitott the etn.s of ttecrtam-11 -rkiiers and %mimeo of the United St A I PA. The Kestrel ofTre.teee coirti.te 01 the SA-eking well. ke , mrl Misers, of PeneltitrAnitt sod New Jersey:— W*l. WILLIAM B. MANN, Di.triet trornov..hiladelphia, Pa. HON. LEWIS R. BROOMAL,L, Coirwr 0. S. Mint, and p., , rder of Philadelphia. Pa. HON. JAMES M. SCOVEL, New Jersey. HON. W. W. WARE. New Jrr,er. HENRY GORMAN, Esq.. MENESEiiMiI Of Joy, Coe Co., Philadelphia TITAIMILY DZPARTXZET. WASUMTON. D. C.. April 18, 18$7.—Office of Internal Revenue:—(laving received satisfactory evidence that the proceeds of the enterprise etlWlfl (lett by the Washington Library Company will be devoted to charitable uses, permisaion is hereby granted to said Company to conduct with enterprise exempt from II charge, whether from epecial tax or other duty, E. A. ROLLlNS,Commisrinner The Association have appointed u Receivers, !desire. ORORO is A. cOOK & tb.:l3 South Third z-bseet, Philw delphia,whese well-known integrity •nd business ex perience will be* sufficient guarantee that the money Intrusted to them r ill he promptly applied to the pun. poise stated. PHILADZLPIIIA, PA., Ably al, 1867. To fhe O f ficers and Members of the Washington •Library Cb., N. S. READ, Scar"fati • 6rartsess:-0,1 receipt of your favor of the 15th inst., notifying ns of our appointment as Receivers for your company, we took the liberty to submit a copy of your Charter, with a plan of year enterprise to eminent legal authority, and having received his favorable opinion in regard to its legality, and sympathising with the benevolent object of your Association, viz: the educe tion and maintenance of the orphan children of our soldiers and sailors ofjhe Rit erside Institute, we have cenelu led to accept the trust, and to nee our beet efforts to promote so worthy an object. Respeetkllly, yours, &c., GEO. A. COOKE k CO., Address all letters and orders to OEO. A COOKE & CO., BANKETtg. 3a South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa Receirers for the Washington Library Co. IS. IL MI! NIGIT, hog. 7.-Sm. Gettysburg. Patent Gum Scrubber. rilE advantages of the Scrubber over all others is—let, that it will do the work in one half the time usually employeKi: '2nd, that it requires much lees water and does the work much better; 3rd, that It will rinseand dry the floor at the came time and save all the labor of wiping up with a cloth; 4th, that it will last a great many years, by renewing the Gun.., which can be done very easily and at very trifling esomese. se Scrubbers for sale at the store of IT. M. PAXTOS on the Rill, Baltimore street; Gettystoori, the undersigned being the duly sppoicitad Agent for Adams county. R. B. PAErON. Owirrsause, PA., Nov. 16, 1867. The undersigned haiing the above Scrubbers in use. do hereby oonlially reootsonsad them to the pantie Asktly answeeng the parpoin fig which they Are intended.. J. L. TAT& DANIKL H. KLINGEL, IBrANLYOUNT, 3. 0. BORNS, H. D. H:crgr, W. E. AITIIRS. Nor. 20,1867.-6 m WAGON MAKING. THE subscriber respectfully infor o lus Al• the public that he carries on the WAGON=MAKING BUSINESS In all Its branches, at Ws Shop, to Cumberland Coins/AM, shout onto-halt mils from Brsem's Kill, .on the madjad los from said MITI to the. itmudttsburg raid, and Is pro pinpd to execute all otters Itlth promptness: sir REPAIRING-IN OF ALL KIND& ATTENDED TO. He ids° znannfteturee HAND•RAHZB, SHAKING VODKA AND BROON-HANDLItiI, Ike wholeeate and re. tail trade. . : • _ He hopes, by prompt attention to bnoinots, to merit and twelve a liberal patretne. Orders addressed to We at aottyvberg, trill !votive m oot lineation. IM.-1-1, • WILLIA HOOCH. GREAT CONOWAGO MILLS. . 1 0 , 0 00 B ream OP WHIAT WANTED The undendgned Win; remodeled mad "*lilt fade thins lett New Mesta' I brined, called' winbet Grove:^ but now flatted liceormgo. prepared to do all kinds of work is his tine with unusual dirpawk Construitty on leand,ler aele or erchan - ga. the verYbeet guilt he of Super, Satre. tad 161114 noun, mioligr., Corn and Buckwheat floor, with ovary variety of Chop sad offal of wheat. • asw MILL attached, be Preimrad taps oflamblr; attbil shorted 'nottec'''A farts* in ailed Inbacanoldloor: uus put a, lag von hieweges, throwe fe w bilebala of wheat pn the top,. DAV* the whsal weellaYred kw Saar, and thole* eitredle this Mot* • dpuble teip—and Loewe of the Raw sad. perooopabi. eldniii now dteployell ru . thesi Mine. - • fl beit - of wcirknieri.lie4ilrbe :bre - to '0,4 env, body. Thankful for pot fawns hwane. kitseie t!s!iol Nei antler, aprilfl4, tiliglornautintL . HOLIDAY PRESENTS: DRY GOODS! FANCY GOODS! JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. Worth over $2000,000! . All to be sold for OYR DOI, LAR RAUL ARRANDALE & 162. narumwar rnsw TORT AGENTS FOR ET! OPEAN MANCYAMEERS, Announce. that In eonse44le i nce of the orer44 , cking of fenneneeynantity of ORS and PA ACY 00010 hare been consign I to them with instructions to be cleared for Immediate cash. et any sacrifice. A. & On., here. therefore,. row. yen to offer them according to . their ordinary system of basiLessitt $1 each, without re. gard to ralue. The follow Mg lief shows the original wholesale prices °femme or the arti..les which they now offer at il. Rear, Wolf, end Floffnio Robes from $l5 00 to 550 00 latent inrs,l3able, Vanua or Mak.— 20 00 to 100 Oti istdiee Muffs " 15 01 to 60 00 • ". Bilk and Odin Dram Pattern. Remo and Met ptiee Alpacra and lfuelin de Lalnee French Morino. and Twill.' Cambric, Thibat "n , l %Oink. • Balmoral and Elliptic Skirt. silk and LAC. Veda Sete floe Cuff'. and Collers Pair. of Led 66' Corsets Handkerchiefs, S ilk, Ptain , • lle~ur.i tched and fluthrokered I.lllel/ Lawn: prr Llllll.ll and tirnte' Cotton. W•. L,o • Silk Iliyiempi half p• r ;mire Lkdirtiati , l and Cotton Shirtd anti Untho,,hit,: each.. Coat, Vert , nl.,ott Vittrrt, u. " Clot h, and Don.k in LiOviil awl VW Gov, r. Whitt. and Colored ',tarn N•ifrilt4 ,, DS. d.rzen . molipn, White and I, 13 bleucheill, per Flaunt Is: Sh .vids in %V.)lett ; rolk and Merle.Pdas or Clouds; Woolen 1i0 ,, i/14; 66111koli; 1 Wen and 181,U: Velvet and "If .eflei . o POrtillen.liee; ShOppteg SAKI; Wallets; Niesrachaiun Pipe*: Four and Blade Pocket Knives, with pearl. [ortolan and ivory handl...a: French Clocka; Gilt and Bronae Sianical Bose,'; Revolv ers; cowling Placer: Fancy Combs; flair Nets; Work Boxes.: ellver -rd Cases Albums; Family .old Pocket Bibles; Opera Glosses. lie. We have also received a .plendid assortment or WArciLF.l4, 4iuld awl Silver Hunting Covors for Gent Envmeleil do. tor I,adtes, n.grther with Cholns of every pattern and style. Sete of Jewelry in every variety: Sleeve :int tool tnck•ta; (r'- es: Rings "revery kind: Brae.. kiwi Gold Pew+, Lc.. wc. THE SILVERWARE DEI'ART3IENT Silver, Dining and T.. Sets., Ice Pitchers, T. 414« Spixus. Tex S one. 4;oblets, Drinking Cope, ter Urne. Tea P..t.. Cream Pitcher., Sugar duals; - t ti,,sk e r s . Cake fta.l