The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 09, 1873, Image 1

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    Be atr f r jjjßf Ert'Viral
■ / « published srsnsaithr. ... per annum nsr adtance.
'•'•■ i ; §.1873. : :
gem • ; :-. -- »° imperial 1 •
— ■ famous Labe
'"'NT The Basical Isppbnabedevety Friday morning-; group r which? celebrates the re
st ? >?; v;;:; i; ,I% mK^^^^''^'^ai':tLnaa~o( .Switzer-
Oh« Y«ab, colossalgroup became a point
$ rv v U ■ S sight seers, a
the Austrian
Faperidhiqmimnefrfe atrimgyyiry by their sgility and courage.
tton bf.toeb the Chamberlain entered
the publisher* onlees in seemed spotted with black
Professional or Business Cards, not exceedingly in
itaes of this typo, fB,oojperaßnn». -;.?.; A;.- -,4 “ I *V
Advertisements of 10 lines or less, »1,00 for onoi !*lowlf increasing in number,
insertion, and 6 cents per line for each additional; of beauty and color surged
insertion.* "• •’ in the diplomatic
l BAILWAY.—On and after March
trains will leave station* as follows:
I. o.ooam’ 9.10 AM 1.;30p»
2.62 7.82 10.25 2/40
5,15 10.25 1.30 pm 5.23
6.51 12.19»M B.tfT 7.00
8.55 3.15 5.09 9jll
VAr 9.20 4.00 5.40 9.40
fHe 9.40 -5.55 am 6.00 9,50
.... 11.05 7.40 7.55 U. 15
„ 12.03 pm 9.00 [ 9.15 19.17 am
2.40 ! 11.50 12.05 am 2,45
4.45 2.35 pm 2.55 5.05
;;;;; .50 ! s.sopm
trains going bast.
statiokl MAIL;gSPB T a.KXPB>,|BXPa ; ».
TiSam! 9.20 am 5.80 pm; 9.20 pm
9.15 12.02 PM 8.55 i 12.15 am
! 12.20 pm! 2.20 11.90 600
2.45 1 4.07, I.lBam 8.05 pm
4.0 0' I 5;08I 2.27 957
VAr 5.35 ! 6.50 4.05 11.10
fDe 5.00. vX 1 6.50 4.15 IJ3oam
640 *7.19 4.48 111.06 PM
‘ 9.20 7 9.20 -6.37 2.13
11, , 11.00 . 8.38 4.20
-2.50 pm I.l2am'HL42 ''.Bo
44)0 2.20 11.45 AM 8.00
Orrville ...
e ort Wayne
Ciicago-; ••
fort Way ll ' 2 ••
lima -
OrrvUle. • •
Richest er.
(General Passe user and Ticket Agent,
(y On and after Dec. 23d, 18«, trains will leave
sVion* daily, (Sunders excepted) as.follows;
8.30 am 1.55 pm 4.00 pm
9.43 3.03 5.18
■10.15 3.38 5.48
;; - ... m.i0... 4.13
11.44 . 4.44 ' ■ 1
'I.IOPM 6.00
• ■ '3.40 8.30
*. •'•■-u if A iistf rii|'
T 12.12 pm SMSf 8.00
... 13.45 6.14 8.45
1 . 1.55 7;15 10.C0_
... 5.45am r10.50AMi 3.35 pm
... 5.53 ,11.00 3.45
6.57 12.12 PM I 4.45
8.15 | 1*35 : 6.20
9.30 2.35 i 7.15
~ 10,40 ! 3.40 ; 8.20
__ Lj_ L _j 1
| ACCOM j mail. :rxpb’«.:*«>o»
Ravenna. •
Alliance —
Bavard. ••
V; '.'.-ri11e..... r .:. -
Bjvird ...
Rjvenua .
Br.dieiiort .
/’"’sVireh I
r.xh?iU'.T. I
P" '
1>?1 Ljir
Leaves Arrives
N. lO'-am & 1.00 pin I Bavard, 9.45 am & 4 00pm
Bavard,l2.lo i 5.00 p. m. |N. Phila. 3.00 a 7.30 p m
General Passenger and Ticket Agent.
1- —After D :cember -PM, 1872, Trains will arrive
ind depart as follows:
Trough Trains Leave Through Trains Arrive
!T ion Depot: Union Depot.
i’ i( Tir Exp’s, 4:30 a m Mail Train, 1:05 am
MV 1 Train, 7:45 a m Fast Line. 1:35 a m
Cn-v.'o Ex 12 20 p m Pittsburgh Ex. 8.00 a m
t:c innati Ex. 1:10 p m Cincinnati Ex. 8:40 a m
I’ai't'ielp’a Ex. 5:20 p m Southern Ex. 12:40 pm
V.i-t Line. S;5O p m Pacific Expr’s, 1:10 pm
Way Passenger, 0:50 p m
un;;- No i.
0:40 a m
Ac Walls No 1
No! 7 "05 a m Brintoii Ac. Nol,
WN No 2, 10:20 a m'Wilkinsburg Ac
V No;!. 11:45 am
.asburi: Ac
N' •: 2:40 m -Johnstown Ac. 10 10 a m
V.', - Nut. :!;20 p m Walls No 3, I:lspm
’ •. -•own Ac. . 4:00 p ai Walls No 4 0:20 p m
1L ■ -nn Acrom- Wilkhisburg Ac
n>4ai"nNol. 450 pm No 2 4.45 pm
'on Ac. No 2 5:10 p m Walls Ac. No. 5 5:55 p m
il:lst>.m Brinton No 2, fi;so p m
• •on Ac No’! 0:20 p ni Brinton Ac. No 3 7:25 p m
V. - Ac.No.O !l;t)spm Brinton Ac No 4 ll;10pm
( . c ijo Express. Cincinnati Express, Fast Line
' H::moti Ac. No. 3 leave daily.
1 :■ aw Expros daily. except Monday.
A n'h t trains daily, exccnt Sunday.
IV :;;.• Kxprc-- leaves Pittsburgh at 2:50 a m ar
( •.•at Hat ri-burg at 11:40 am; Philadelphia 3:30
; r.. lii timore 3:00 p m; Washington 5:40 pm.
• •' 5 .’i V tc:!l p m.
1 aA; leaves Pittsburgh at 12.20 p ra;
- llarn-hnrl' 10.20 p m; Philadelphia 2.30 a m:
'■ V ■:.. 010 a in.
I • • ni'.atj Express leaves Pittsburgh trt 1:10 p
1 ’ •- o Harri-burg 10:45 p m; Philadelphia 2:50
H timore 2:15 a m: Washingtons:ooa m. New
\ ’K
‘ ■ 1 O M 111.
■i .ieiphia Express leaves Pittsburgh at 5:20 p
: '-s at 11. arris hurt; 2:55 a in; Philadelphia 0:55
New Vnrk 10:14 a in.
Low !e ive- Pittsburgh at S:sopm; arrives at
i: ': !5 am; Philadelphia 0;50 am; Baltl
-1 *' >< l am; W.u-himrron 11:30 am; New York
1 iirch Trains leave Wall's Station every
' a a m.reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 am.
. !■-' Lave Pittsburgh at 12;30p in, and arrive
■ L.- >!atiun at 1:50 p m. Leave Pittsburgh
"i arrive Ibinton's 10:30 p m.
'.GY Hi KK P OFFICE—For the convenience
V' i : nf Pitt.-burgh the Pennsylvania
■ i 1 iap.iny have opened a city ticket office
N 'I;! i h aver ne corner ol Smithfield street.
■’ 'll:- “al'li Tie'ket>. Commutation Tickets
a. Ticket' to principal stations can be pur
any hour of tlie day or evening at the
a-are chanted at the depot.
-- - ■ 'vi;; >v checked through To destination
•:! '»>•!« ;U!( j tesidences by Excelsior Baggage
n "' (i U)1 order'left at the office.
r ’ 'Cin-r in format ion ftpptv to
i AssATT. • D. M. BO YU. Jn.,
( " :.ei ,i 1 Minager. Gen. Pass. Agent.
LLEGHEXY valley railroad
Monday. July 15th. 1872. Three
Ti.,ki- liaily. except Sunday, "’ill leave
“■a- Piu-iuirgh. city time, lor Franklin,
Hull. .ld and all points in the Oil Regions,
and Central New York.
Leave. Arriv c
7.10 am S.3spm
,10.40 pm 0.15 am
10.50 am 4.45 am
0.40 a m 0.30 a m
0.30 a m 5.05 a m
11.40 am ‘i 10 a m
3.26 p m 10.30 a m
.*. 5.00 p m 3.55 ain
.. 0.00 p m 5.45 p m
. 5.50 n m 7.20 p m
train leaven Pittsburgh every
110 a iii. arrivin':at Parker al 11.25 am.
- if.T> e- Parker at 4.40 p m. and arrives at
r v ••
■ ' r„
■u ,\f . . . .
irS-> Ac
- Ar
' ■’ Ar
' lV "ih- Ar
s ’!•') pm.
’run'H ind from Soda Work? (Sunday)
at a m. and leaves at
~ l>l -LO. LAWRENCE,Gen'I. Supt.
A\ , Ti kel Airent.
* I
i 6.30 am : 1.15 pm; 4.25 pm
! 7.40 i 2.20 , 5.30
, g. 50 ; 3.20 j 7.00
0.50 4.20 i 8.00
11.00 5.25 I 0.05
11.10 , 5.40 i 0.20
6:30 a m
7:30 a m
8:20 a m
0:10 a m
No 1
Walls No 2
Of Venders of merebandise In iheCoun
( ty of Beaver for the Vear 1873.
John Parvis 14 P H Beckert 14
Simon Snitger &Co 14 James Park 13
A Wynn 14 Robert Snead 14
OrrS Cooper 13 north sbwicklytwp.
JB Clark 14 AMMecklem 14
James Allison U new Brighton boko.
Robert Tallon 14 G Kverard . 14
1N Atkins ’ 14 John Gibson 14
James Moore 14 G F Siemon 14
Thos Allison & Son 13 Robert Houston 14
Henry Uerz 14 RStefufeld 14
Small & Atkins 14 M ScMff' 13
John Border 14 W H McDonald 14
J M McCreery 13 Evan Pugh 18
Mrs JH Bence 14 S <fc J Snelienbarg 10
James Fbißis 14 H H Mills 14
G C Atkins * Co 14 E Roberts 14
BOROUGH twp. JF Mitchell II
William Harrah 14 Michael McGlanghlin 14.
Baker Reed . 14 Thomas Morgan 14'
Thomas Wagoner -■ 14 T M Smith 14
bbidgewateb bobo. Philip Martsolf 13
James Barbonr 14 CP Hunter 14,
James HDoberty 14 Frank Longnecker 14
A Brehm" 14 CU M s 14
Harvey Brown : .IS AD Gilliland*Ob 11
AS- J * - t!3 J 8 H erg or t 14
B S Ranger' 12 J B Anderson 13
B Mulhelm * 14 A Hanauct ‘ 14
Stiles & Javens 13 S Merrick & Son 14
A C Hnrst 12 Charles Coale 14
big beateb twp. J S Winans IS
J H Witherspoon 14 William Kennedy 9
Scott* Co 12 Agnow Duff 11
Hudson & Patterson 14 L S Ripper 14
BEAVER FALLS 8080. Boots & SwlCk 14
F R Rohrkasle 13 J H Mann 13
JG Hunter 13 ABestwick 14
Q W Smith 14 ffm M’Cowl 14
John Rebeck 14 S N Park 14
Mrs E King 14 D Updegraph 14
L B Chidsey 14 J W Nippert 14
Ward & Cleland 14 Hiram Reed 14
R S Newton 14 J P Edgar * Co 14
David McClurg 14 James Roney 14
Mrs R B Clark 14 J P Carey 14
Samuel Musser 14 S H Andrews < 14
Charles Levi 14 W E Walsh 14
Robert Dnncan 13 Hertzog & Beam 14
William Reed 14 A Bert 14
R A Craighead 14 W A Dinsmore 14
A Fleming 14 Ethan Thomas 14
H Ramsey 14 new galilee bobo.
B F Knowling 14 A F Reid 13
W W Duncle 14 J B Johnson
D Stewart & Son 14 R J Stinson
Bruce & Briefly 12i R Porter
14) OHIO TOW,'
14; J A Cogley
14 D M Irwin
14i M Grim ~
14|JM Kennedy
14jJ H Warrick
14 Ihomas Russell
14iAber & Reed
14 TG Boyd
14 Thomas Watson
141 St. CLAIB 8080.
14 iS A Craig
14 t'B Biddle 14
14 David Smith 13
TT .... M - ,»otftinnMTim mn —-
W H Hunt 111 Samuels Taylor h
W R Malr 14 industry Twp.
Joseph Camey 14 Mra. JohnJackmai l 14
Ira B Duncan 11 J N 4 O i Aber
Azarian Inman 14 James Russell 14
Darlington BORO a twp James Allen 14
Freeman Butts 14 PHiLLirsßtmo bobo.
j C Doff 14 L Le Goulon 14
R G Cook 14 L Knapper 14
Mrs J B Kerr 14 C F Kercher 14
Curry & Brother 14 W J Porter 14
Moody & Co 14 ROCHESTER 8080.
S \ Brickcr 14j William Smith 14
Bebout& Ink 14 SFiarp & Hoffman 10
freedom BORO. I Whisler & Linncnbrinkl4
S Morgan 14 J G McCatcheon 14
M D Fisher 14 H S Hibbard 14
.J B Cheney 12| Hillfinger & Co 14
1) E Lowary 13. J S Winans & Co 14
A Wilson 14 JohnS Veder 14
U H McCaskcy 141 William Carey 14
ECONOMY TWP. S J Cross & Co 0
Henry Gross 14 Henry Lapp 14
McConnel & McKee 14 J N Hankins 13
franklin twp. Coe & Darragh 11
E Antenreith 14 W W Johnson 14
oreene twp. Charles Huth 14
Charles Calhoun 14 Abraham Silverman 14
J H Delhi & Co 13 Andrew Daig 12
Trimble & Co 13 W D Johnson 14
J K Todd 14 Bemjamin Pfeiffer 14
Joseph McFerran 14 John Linnenbrink 14
David Rt-msey 13 Speyerer & Sons 0
Wm Elliott 13 James Alexander 14
Brunton A Hall 14 George Streit 14
John R Cowling 14 Robert Mears 13
harmony twp. Campbells & Rath 14
Ilcnriri & Lcnz 14 Thomas Reed 14
hanover twp. a boro. JohuF>mith 14
W H Frazier 13 John D Coffin 14
J Morrisson & Son 13 RAcrnoN twp
M L Armstrong U James Scott
uopeweli. twp. M Springer
Calvert Jfc Patton 14 Ft Hall
independence twp. J H Christy
W Leech
Todd A Bruce
& Son
M A Town sen
C C Wbisler
Joseph Deemer
John Sterling
1 & T Ransom -
H C & S R Patterson
John P Cowling
J Kennedy & Co
Patrick Regan
HB Ewing
H C Pnrvlnnce
Aiv Pay (China firm)
Jas McAnlts
Mrs S J Watson
John Elmer
Compounders of Medicines.
beaver bop.o Morgan Craig
John Moore 3 W Gilliland
Hugo Andriessen 3 K Steiuleld
G McCook Smith 3 Thomas Swearingen
B B Todd 3 11 S Hibbard
II S McGoun , 3S C Ilanncn
Ur E Kendrick &Co 3 T Kennedy &Co
ohio twp A T Shallenbcrger
.1 A Cogley 4 John U Coftin
U M Irwin 4 xkw (iitu.EE boro
J 11 Warrick 4 Charles S Dunlap
W Grim 4 ST ( lair boro
iiAKLixr.TOX boro S A Craig
Beboul & Ink 4 frankfort boro
, KLKenah 31
Billiard Tables.
John Boswell 2 Hart Darragh
II H Mills 2 James Osborn
Brewers and Distillers.
beaver falls boro
Volk & Falk
Jajnes Anderton
rociiesteb Twr
Gotleib Cline
The Court of Appeals will be he Id at the Com
misMouers 5 Ollice. Beaver, on Sati rday, the
H.'th dvt of Mat. IST3, and Licenses are to be
paid to the County Treasurer on or before July
l' T . IST3. R- F. McILVAINE, ,
apriVtf Mercantile Appraiser.
My wife. Isabella Garvin, having left my bed and
board without just cause, the public arc hereby
notified not to trust her on my account, as 1 will
pay no debts of her contracting (JARVIN
South Beaver tp., Beaver county. Pa.
One BLACK MAKE (Ohio To S a), five years old.
sound, in £ood condition, fifteen hands_nl?li,nn
tr-iined and will pace a mile in about, three pain-
S 4 SW P or L K.CI.AKDSON, Smnf' >
Ferry, Beavercounty, I a. mar-«-u_
T M. FI F E & C 0.,
Manufacturers of
of different styles and finish.
e»-The Designs are of the latestnatteras and
are highly approved. Being chaste an oc^,TO _ ly
■t Conrad Welsgaber 10
.John F Mailer 8
All advertisements, whether of displayed or blank
lines, measured by lines of this typo.
Advertisement* ,by the month, quarter or Jp&t
received, and liberal deduction# made in proportion -
to length of advertisement and length of time 6(:
tfpeclalNoticesinserted atnoag loca. itemsatifr
cents per line for each insertion, unless otherwise
agreed upon by the month, quarter or year.
of 8 lines or less, 50 cents for v
insertion, and 5 cents per line for each additioi
Marriage or Death announcements published
of charge. Obituary notices charged as advertise*
meats, and payable in advance.
Local news and matters of general Interest com
municated by any correspondent, with real name
discloeed to the publisher, will be thankfully re
ceived. Local news solicited from every part ol
the county.
Publication Office ; In The Radical Buildisu
Corner Diamond, Beaver, Pa. 0 ,
All communications and business letters should
be addressed tO' HHITd CURTlSvßeavor, Pa.
Page I—Venna Exposition—Political Gossip.
Page 2—Elective Affinities.
Pag* 3—Mr. Adams’ Eulogy on Seward-On Orig
inality—High Prices at the Bxposltion*-Sbooti;
ing Stars.
Page 4—Cheap Freights—Vindication of Phelpt,
Dodge & Co. —Political—Washington Letter.
Page s—Local Items—New Advertisements.
Page 6—History of the Beaver Valley—Pearis of
Submarine Diving— Postal Cards.
Page 7— Housef and Farm.
Page B—Miscellaneous.
Brilliant Opening Spectacle.
Full accounts of the opening of tbfc ;
Universal Exposition at Vienna^,ThUtli^!
./tap nar<mmni(ta fin<t.
addresses of the Archduke Charles,, the
Emperor, Prince Yon Auersperg, and the
burgomaster of Vienna, have been tele
graphed to this country. Among these
are the descriptions of Edmund Yates, the
English novelist, and John Russell Young,
the well knowp correspondent, who have
sent to the* New York Herald separate
accounts of
Mr. Young, in his account of the open
ing, says:
Vienna was shrouded Ibis morning, in
cold, unfriendly skies, which did not con
tribute to the splendor of festival of peace.
The clouds threatened rain, and the Dan
ube was ruffled by sharp, piercing winds;
but in spite of the disagreeable weather
the Viennese were out early and gayly
honored the long expected day. Early lih
the morning the guests who were invited
to witness the opening ceremony of the
great exposition were bidden to be in the
exhibition building at ten o’clock, as the
royal guests were expected at twelve.
The people who could not gain entrance
to it crowded the avenues near it. Under
the noble trees of the ancient forests of
Hofburg, the palace of the Emperor, to
the exposition building, the palace of the
world, were eager, hurrying throngs. As
became a day of peace, no soldiers were in
line, and only an occasional guardsman,
in dark Hungarian costume, was employ
ed to point the way. A thin line of citi
zens, in holiday dress, fringed the path of
the procession. Smiling, faces, coyly
peering into the imperial carriage, were
greeted with a welcoming smile in return.
Over the different wings of
the flags of all nations fluttered in the
winds and mingled their colors in friendly
contrast, our own, as seemed fit, consider
ing recent events, Union do,vn. As soon
as tne vast hall, the size of which comes
slowly on you, With a full sense of its im
mensity, was opened, the surging multi
lude began to fill it, crowding from twen
ty opening doors. Without and within
the scene was exceedingly animated, in
some respects exceedingly picturesque—
and Vienna, though its welcoming day of;
spring has often been celebrated with
great pomp and magnificence, never be
fore witnessed a pilgrimage to the Prater
so brilliant or so magnificent. The effect
produced on the mind of the visitor by a
first glance at the inside of the exposition
building was not agreeable. The raw
frescoed walls seemed to weep with oozing
frost and rain. The high organ obtruded
naked menial pipes, which well-meant
banks of greenery would hide. Every
where everything seemed misplaced.
There were statutes, castings groups and
canopies hung with clothes and carbets,
producing a most grotesque effect.
France, as a solemn and preposterous lion,
. eacti beaiitiful grandee provoking
wondering comment aa sEe
loher place. ■
gle glance one saw the courili
iplendofof an ancient throne
id by quaint and innumerable
decorations, insignia of the
races which obey the decrees of
v' The multitude took every
color. -Swarthy warriors in the
/el: of the Danube; Poles, Bun
mdßohemians in the costumes of
ntiry; and the dress of the armies
ol the World, our own genuine
jHherabsent nor forgotten,
Complete the picture. The
NWs a surging sea of color.
4ra thc eye was met by a great
ralmept, black, orange, green
velvets, bices, waving plumes,
tng furs and gold and silver
II the sombre multitude took
Wks of Tillies and roses,
, the* deep rich color of the
broken lusty cheer,comes, like
rockingtbe multitude with its
• Slowly paciug round the
er green hanging branches
;]y. placed shrubbery, the
ty is seen exactly as the hour
Gorman Princess Victoria,
fain jba, Behind is the -Imperial
Ger rjuCe jjreuci ma, m mn>o>,- ra
uniform, striding along
with a stalking gait, and escorting the
Empress Elizabeth. Then comes the
Prince of Wales, who smiles and bows,
especially as his ears catch the lusty home
cheer from the British group. Following
his royal brother are, Prince Arthur, bis
fine blue eyes beaming with pleasure; the
members of the imperial family, and the
great officers of state and the household
in gorgeous array, with fringed flunkeys
trailing after them. They move on to
the dais, where, in a pleased, smiling
group, they form a marvelous combina
tion of light, jewels, laces, and superb cos
tumes. All rise as the imperial party as
cend the steps, cheer follows cheer, and
then the whole multitude is still. Tbe
quiet continues while the Emperor turns
from side to side making a grave, serious
bow, and the music changes into Handel’s
grand anthem, exquisitely rendered. Then
there is another rock and surge of the
crowd right Into the imperial quarter-
It is with the utmost difficulty that order
is preserved, even within the sacred lim
its. The music lulls, and the opening ad
dress is made to the Emperor. It is clear
ly spoken in a few gentle phrases, but no
one hears it. Then follow the responses,
music by the splendid orchestra, giving
in turn the national airs of every country
the grand imperial promenade, and the
sensation is finished.
The English correspondent, Mr. Yates,
thus contrasts
with the Central Park, £Tew York ;
Compared with the Pra
ter is less picturesque, al
though pleasantly diversified by wood
ami meadow—just now, It is true, beauti
fully fresh and green. The Bois de Bo
logne is likewise more pictures.que’, but
the Prater avenue is a finer drive. With
Berlin Thiergarten there are few points
of comparison. The Thiergarten is a
large forest, a solitude just outside of the
Linden and the Brandenburg gate, that
can be reach from the center of the city
within five minutes, while the Plater
combines bath forest and meadow, but
lacks the quiet majesty that is connected
with the Tniergarten. True, the Thier
garten has nothing better than the muddy
Spree in the shape of a river, but the
Prater is washed by the “beautiful blue
Danube,” which, by the way, is gray or
lead color, I hardly sknow which. The
park is selected on all occasions by the
Viennese for their great festivals.
The exposition building stands in a
large enclosed space of the Prater, five
times as large as the Camp de Mars, on
which the Paris lexposition stood. On
the space from the entrance to the build
ing six fountains send large jets of water.
Tastefully arranged lawns and flower
erot. walks with hesitation,
,Jr i' : ■ . ’ ■ '
beds greet the eye. To the left is a long
row of low buildings connected with the
director general’s bureau; to the right a
similar row, for the police, &c. To the
left further west, the jury pavilion; to
the right is the beautiful imperial pavil
ion. Wherever the eye is directed are pa*
villons and ornamental structures. Wan
dering amid the trees of the spacious
grounds one is met by constant surprises.
We enter a veritable fairy land, although
it must be admitted that imagination has
to complete some of the instfpctures, even
though it is the first of May. Fantasti
cally variegated structures, with cupolas
and minarets, take us in spirit to the Ori
ent, and to the hieroglyphic enchantment
of the Nile, to the peasant huts of Alsace
and Lorraine, to the plains of Hungary,
to the steppes of Russia and to the school
houses and wigwams of America. AH
people and religions can find their pla
ces of worship in this Prater world. A
Greek chapel, a Buddhist temple, a Ro
manian church and the Turkish minaret,
may ail invite the faithful to prayer be
fore entering the sanctuary of industry
and art.
la my description of President Grant’s
inauguration for the Herald I painted
glowingly the festive appearance present
ed by European capitals on gala days.
Any one who bad read that picture, and
y?ho happened to be present here to-day,
would have thought my real name was
Ananias. The houses of Vienna are bare
as robbing. There are no flags on the
roof tops or across the streets, no Veni
tian masts with flying streamers* no drap
ed balconies, aqd no triumphal arch until
we have reached the south or main en
trance of the exposition building.
The Republican State Convention Com
mittee has decided that the next conven
tion shall be held August 13, at Harris
burg. Two months will be ample time
Commonwealth the reasons
should support the Republican nominees,
and if the Democratic journalists cannot
in that period expose all the corruption
that each candidate possesses they should
not attempt the job. The candidates to
be selected are gentlemen who can prop
erly fill the positions of Judge of the
Supreme Court and State Treasurer, and
already several persons have been named
for the first, although it seems to be un
derstood that Judge Paxson ot this city
will be the choice. The friends of Judge
Butler, of Chester, and those of other gen
tlemen in the State equally deserving are
laboring to secure the elevation of their
respective favorites, but we shall be much
mistaken if our own worthy member of
the judiciary is not chosen. As for State
Treasurer nobody yet is spoken of in con
nection with the position except the pres
ent incumbent, Mr. Mackey, who has
given unqualified satisfaction, save to a
few disgusted individuals who could not
use him for their own pecuniary advan
It is generally understood that Hon.
Edward M. Paxson, of the Court of Com*
mon Pleas, will receive the nomination
for the Supreme Bench, in which case-a
prominent and eligible candidate for the
position vacated by Judge Paxson will be
found in the person of John Dolman, Esq.,
one of the most successful and careful
members of the bar of Philadelphia. It
will be remembered that Mr. Dolman ran
for District Judge last fall, receiving
about 11,000 votes for the nomination,
being second only to Mr. Briggs, who
was subsequently chosen Judge. In ap
pointing Mr. Dolman the Governor can
not fail to keep up thereby the high char,
acler of the Court for integrity, wisdom,
and judicial fairness.
Delegate Temple, of the C institution
al Convention, asserts positively that he
did nBt refer to Judge Ludlow in his re
cent remarks upon the Judiciary. So far
as we are concerned, we never thought
he did, and that thought is proved to be
correct by the fact that he will not deny
that his reference was to Judge Paxson.
Mr Temple has a huge work on hand—
that of cleansing and purifying the Demo
cratic party, but he will find his labors
immeasurably increased if be attempts to
villify Republican Judges, either because
they are Republicans, or because one or
the other of them may have given a de
cision which has been unpalatable to
The Democrats cannot yet make up and Colfax were the only ones who seem
their minds as to the best course to pur- | ed touched to the quick by the sense of
sue during the coming cimpaign. None I disgrace. The rest brazened it out as they
of their number have yet thought it pro- j have the supplementary action—the back,
per to announce themselves as candidates • pay grab,
fur positions which they know it is impos
sible for them to secure, and the impres
sion is, that whatever rulesmay be adopt
ed, the party wil|| quietly fall in when the
so-called Reformers- blow their bugle
blast, and after securing nil the. nomina
tions they can upon the ticket, will poll
their votesolid with the individuals who
luxuriate on Chestnut street, below Six
teenth. "
The appointment of Stale "Senator W®.
A. Wallace to the Vice Presidency of the
Southern Pacific Bulroad Conapany is
one which cannot fail to- be of advantage
to the enterprise. Although we have al
ways been opposed to him politically, we
have never failed to recognize- his legal
ability and personal qualifications, and
while we do not regret that we- lose such
aa active Democrat from the Staje, we
do regret that the Commonwealth will be
deprived of such an intelligent citizen.
don’t beljlbve hem.
Republican voters must be careful how
they swallow rumors that such and such
a candidate has withdrawn: from the field •
There is scarcely a day passes that wfe do
not hear that so and so has decided' not
to run, and yet, in every instance, wo
subsequently ascertain that the report baa
been placed in escalation simply to tem
porarily advance tbe interests of some cue
Mr. A. A. Hauke’s friends are laboring
indefatigably for tbe man of their choice,
and everj Republican of the Eleventh
Legislative district is by this time aware
that be desires to go to Harrisbnrg next
winter. Mr. Hauke is engaged in mer
cantile pursuits, and although a hard
working member of the party has never
received official recognition.
Mr. Charles W. Shuff.of the Fifth ward,
is a candidate for Assessor under the new
law. Mr. Shuff is president of the Nation
al Union Republican Club, and a member
of the Ward Executive Committee, and is
endorsed by the leading men of the Re
publican party. He is eminently qualified
The friends of Samuel Davis, Esq , are
urging him for Common Council in the
Fourteenth ward. Mr. Davis is a young
Republican of the ward, of considerable
ability, and his friends claim that be.wi'l
receive the nomination, which-is eqiy-va
lent to an election.
Harry Hahn, Esq , of the Fifteenth
ward, is ■ announced as a candidate f*r
Senatorial delegate to the State (jonvea
tion for the Second Senatorial district,
composed of the Ninth, Tenth, Thirteenth
Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Twenty Ninth
Mr. George Handy Smi'th. the present
Representative from the First district,
will be a candidate for renomination, and
claims that ’his constituents are so well
pleased with his course last winter that
they him back. *
Mr. Josephus Yeakel,
Sentinel, an accomplished gentleman and
earnest Republican, will be a candidate
for tire Legislature in the Sixteenth dis
trict. If chosen, he will be a satisfactory
Ex Representative Cooper, of Delaware
county, will probably be nominated for
State Senator. He is in every way quali
fied for the post, as he has abundantly
Among the gentlemen spoken of in
connection with the Judgeship of the
Court of C )ramon Pleas in case there is
a vacancy in the fall, are Mr. Dolman,
Wm. J. McElroy, Samuel C. Perkins and
D W. O’Brien. —Philadelphia Sunday Re
Hon. James Brooks
The Pittsburgh Commercial says; Tne
death of linn. James Brooks-is announc
ed. He had been in delicate health for
some time and the nervous anxiety occa
sioned by the Credit Mobilier investiga
tions undoubtedly aggravated his malady.
He exhibited a sensitiveness in regard! to
that transaction which might have been
imitated by other parties at least equally
implicated with himself, but the ordinary
politician is made of course clay, and Mr.
Brooks was no ordinary politician. He
was a man of rare information, a clear
\ thinker, fine writer and elegant speaker.
He was the leader of the Democratic par
ty in Congress and commanded respect
no less by the vigor which he always dis
played, but by th'e courtesy which he uni
: formly exhibited in debate. lie has died
\ at the age of sixty-three, and the recollec
-1 lion of the causes which embittered his
, last days will excite a feeling of sympathy
! for his memory. Of all the men connect
| ed with the scandals recently agitated, be