8 FROM WASHINGTON. Bill* Approved—New Sloops of War- Civil Service Examinations—The Sal ary Vote—The Cabinet, Correspondence of the Radical.] Washington, D. C., Mitch 10,1573. Tne President has approved a joint resolution tendering congratulations of the American people to the people of Spain, on ti e establishment of a republic in that country. Also the following acts of Congress: Act to prevent cruelty to animals while in tran sit by K. R., or other means of transpprtation with in the United States. , , Granting rights of way through public lands to Utah Northern R. R. Co, Providing for completion of a military road from Santa Fe to Laos, N£w Mexico. Authorizing the (ionstrnefion of a bridge across the Msseisslppi river, atSt. Louis. Amendatory acts |to reduce internal taxes and for other purposes, i Providing for the Erection of public buildings for post office and other United States offices at Jer sey City. N. J. To provide for the sale of lands of the United States containing coal in Pittsburgh. Act amendatory of the Homestead act entitling honorably discharged soldiers and saildrs, their -widows and orphan children'to acquire homesteads or. public lands of the United States and the amendments thereto.? Act supplemental to incorporate the Texas Pacific railroad company and construction oi its road, and for other purposes. s Suppressing the trade in and circulation of ob scene literature and articles of immoral use. The Board of Examiners for the Treasury De panment will hold a series of examinations, be ginning on the 24th inst., for the purpose of filling forty vacancies in clerkships of class 1, “$1,200;” now existing in that department. Applications will be roceivid till the Ifth inst., and every per son who shall haH have oa file on that day a com plete application showing sufficient m jrit to justi fy the placing of his name on the list of candi dates eligi lie lor examination, will be summoned lo appear. There has as yet been no correct list of the yens and nays in the House on the salary question. On the adoption of the conference report on the. Legislative Appropriation bill, this being the test question, the vote was as lollows. Democrits and Liberal Republicans in italics ; Yeas— Messrs. Averill, Banks Bigby, Bingham. Blair of Missouri, Boatman, Buies, Buckley, Bur den, Butler of Massachusetts, Butler ol Tennessee. Callw-J.l. Carroll , Cobb Cochlan. Ctuner, Cnfcher, Croavl, Darrell, Dickey. Du Bose , DoelL. Duke. Etdrhlye, Elliott, Foster of Pennsylvania Garfield, Garrett, Getz, Gill lugs, Golladay, Griffith. Han co-;!:, //-t.iis.Harmer, Hirker, Harris, Hay, llazel ton ol New Jersey. Uirndon, Houghton, Kendall, Keng,Evn\son, Limpert, Lmsing, Leach , Lowe, Maynard, H il ary, McJ unkin, McKee, McKinney . M.-ycdy, Meyers, Morey, Morphis, Myers, Nagiev] Ktbiack of Florida, Packard, Parker, Peck, Pierce, Derry, Platt, Price, Prindlc, Ramey, Randall, Rice of Kentucky, R-Mnson, Rogers of New York, Rog ers of North Carolina, Sargent, Shanks, Sheldon, Sherwood, Stoss, Snapp, Snyder, S/qoji, Stoughton, Slowed, St. John, Sutherland, Sypher, Taffec. Tuomas, To wo send of New York, Turner. Tuthilt, TwicheH. Voorhets, Wuld-U, Wallace, Whitelcy, Williams ofladiani. of Indiana, Winches ttr. Yoaiuj— lo*2. Nays -Messrs. Ambler, .lecher, Arthur, Barber. Barnaul, Bealty. Be'!, Bird Blair ol Michigan. Brlgit, Bulfiugtou. Bunae:i. Birchard . -DunpbeU. Clarke, Coburn, Conger, Cortos. Cot, Crebs, Crocker, Duels, Dawes. Donnan. Don, Kames. Ely, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, Foster of Ohio. Foster o. Micaigin, Frye, Goodrich, Ilile, Hamblefon, Hundley, Harris oU Virginia. //Wj-s. Haw.ey of Ketr. Ketchum, Killlnger, Ic-wls, Lynch, Mar . *iall. Mc'AeUaid, McCormick, McCrary. McGrew , Mclntyre, Merriam, Merrick, Monroe, Mbiack of Indiana, Orr. 'Packer. Palmer, Parker of New Hampshire. Pendleton. Poland, Roberts, Ellis H. Rusk, Sawyrr. Scofield, Session, Shellabarger, Shoe linker, Sluter, Slocum, fl. B. Smith of New York, J. A,- Sra.th of Ouio, VV. C. Smith of Vor mon-. Speer, Sprague, Starkweather. Stecens, Ste venson, T‘rry. Townsend of Pennsylvania. Upson, Walden, Waldron, Warren, Wells, Wheeler, Wil lard, Wilson -95. •>1 the 102 yeas, 52 were Republicans, and 50 Democrats and Liberal Republicans. Ol the 1)3 nays, 5S were Republican and -it Democrats and Liberal Republicuis; of the 52 Republican yeas, 2d were Sou'hcrn members; and of the 102 yeas. 53 were outgoing members, no! eieoidd to the Forty- ! third Congress. There i- a very strong and sincere i th ; part of soin > Senators as well as some members of the Home to t iking the back pay allowed by the increase of members' salaries. Inasmuch as it would s-e em ov ;i-virtuous for any member-tosingly tike the pisitioa of refusing it. there is somi calk of securing united action on the part of quite a number, who feel opposed to the principle, an i thus mike their dls ipprobcit lon the ! more -emphatic. . j Tnrre is m lob speculation relative to not. !V»u 11 tail on the nure report tiut recetaly the number? of it have foim illy tendered their resig. nitioas,tbis necessitatin' nnv uaniinatioas to the Seu* e. Tin 'fi ction ib out the Cibiaet wo?, however. ?e;tl-el I i-u Fill. soon after the re-elec tion 01 P.cii.lcut Grant Af a Cibnut nueting, ull the mini vers being present, they intorfned him t hat. wishing tod) nothing .vh itever to embarrass him in his administration, they would tender their resignations’ to take effect on the 4th of March ensuing. The President expressed his thanks for their fricnliy feelings, and informed them he had no desir-e tor any one of them to withdraw from their present positions, but preferred they should all remain. Nothing,lus si ace occurred to change the position of affairs a* it existed at that time. The only immediate change will be in the Secre taryship of the Treasury, site t!d the present in cumbent be elected to th; Senate of the I’nited States. Sam. Address of the Temperance Union. To the Voter# of Rwte.r County Your Votes pn the third Friday of thi® month will determine whether dram shops shell be licensed in this county . and the responsibility of continuing these uistiiu tions now rests upon yon. There is no patriot or Christian, who docs not deplore the crime and wretched ness, which the dram shop his entailed Upon society. It has killed more men in onr country than war. It has destroyed some men of rho ‘brightest intellect.. It robs ihe ‘.aniily of its sacred attractions, and introduces wretchedness, degrada tions and vice. It largely increase®, the burden of taxation. It furnishes in >sl of the criminal oases brought into ourconrts. Through-its influence Ihg prison and the poor house- receive a large proportion of their inmates. It rob* society of its in dustry and virtue. It not only makes men useless, but-it mikes them burden some and dangerous to the community. The business of the dram shop becomes lucrative just in proportion to the increase ot tippling and drunkenness among the people; in other words it is a successful business, just in proportion as the bodies and souls of men .are .destroyed- by f .iL Now. the question is, shall sucb% business as this be continued under the sanction of law ? So far as Beaver county is concert ed, this question is to be settled by your vote at the doming election. Some of yon arc happily removed to some iittle dis tance from these haunts of vice ; but the law makes 1 you equally responsible, in deciding this question, with those who live in places which are now groaning under this curse. Poor, weak inebriates cannot resist the temptations of the dram shop; but some of them iq this county, on their sober days, may be heard imploring you to remove the temptation. The wives and children, who by this traffic have been made homeless, have no voice in the decision of this question; but in your hands the law has placed the respon sibility of removing, or of continuing the curse. ' - - • The Local Option Law is not all that temperance men desire; nor is it all that they will yet demand. "But ft & the law. The issue which it presents ; is; one that must be met. The decision will either be in favor of license or; against iC. :: rWe con fidently anticipate a victory-for the tern perance cause in Beaver county. The bor oughsof this county,' which have already voted, have given large majorities against license. But let us make this victory an overwhelming one.. The war with the rum traffic will thereby be made shorter Taxation will be less burdensome. Pau perism and crime will be diminished. Many noble youths, and perhaps some of your dear children may thus behaved from falling into a drunkard’s grave. On behalf of the Beaver County Tern pc-rance Union. J. I. Frazer, ' ■ J. H. Aughey, Frank Edgar, and others, Special Committee. 'T'O book canvassers A SUBSCRIPTION BOOK. Is plain ta’k about the body find ltaj>hysical and social needs Dr E. B. Foote, author of “Medical Common Sense,” of No. 120 Lexington Ave., N.Y., who entertains everybody with his pan. and cures everybody by his skill, is its author. In its thou and pages it answers a thousand questions yon don't want tg go to -your physician about. It is, as it is stamped upon its cover, “a book for pri vafe and considerate reading.”. Price $3.25. and sent, postage prepaid everywhere. Contents ta ble mailed free. Agents "wauled. A beautiful original chromo. mounted, “Throw i'lirsiti to the Doos,” worth $lO.OO. goes with the bo*.k.i No chromo without the book. No book without the chromo. Address MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY. No. 129 East 23ch street, New York. mar'-Sw <1? TO P er day- Agents wanted 1 All q .^L c J. rtt^, 0 te $[ work for us, in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else- Particulars irce. Ad dress G. Stinson & Co., Portland, Me. novB-Iy J3ITTSBURGH MARBLEIZED MANTLE WORKS! PW LIBERTY STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA Also, RANGES. GRATES, De Forest Lima Fort Wayne Plymouth Chicago Chicago Plymouth.. Fort Wayne Lima Forest Crestline .. f Mansfield Orrville Alliance Rochester Pittsburgh /CLEVELAND.& PITTSBURGH R. R. V On and aftet Dec. 23d, 1872, trains will leavt stations daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows; Cleveland 1 Hudson I Ravenna 1 Alliance Bayard Welisville Pittsburgh GOING STATIONS. | Pittsburgh WelUville. Bayard Alliance. Ravenna Hudson.. Cleveland STATION'S. Beliair Bridgeport . Steubenville U'ellsvillu... Rochester. . Pittsburgh.. STATIONS. Pittsburgh Rochester. .. Welisville.. .. Steubenville .. Bridgeport Beliair TUSCARAWAS BRANCH Leaves Arrives N.Phl a.fi 40am i I.oopm I Bavard. 0,45 nvr. .t 4 OOnm Bayard,*2.lo 4 5.00 p. m. ( N.Phila. 3.00 47:50 p m, F. R. MYERS. Genera! Passenger and Ticket Agent. 'r ~ /*►•- 21 «v A JsTEW WAY OP RUNNING CAN SELL THOUSANDS ! ! PLAIN HOME TALK. JAMES OLD, Railroads. RAILWAY.—On and after Dec. fill leave stations as follows: tNS GOING WEST. ~~ EXPB.B. MAIL. EXPB’B. BXPIt’B TKA STATIONS. 1.45 am 7.10 am; 9.10 am 1 1.210 pm 2.52 i 3.40 10.25 , 2.40 5.15 111.45 ; 1.30 pm 3.28 0.51 1.451 M, 3.07 7,00 8.55 4.22 ! 5.09 ; 9.11 9.20 j 5,00 5.40 9.40 9.40 6.10 am 6.00 • 9.50 11.05 7.55 ; 7.55 111.15 12.08 pm 9.05 9.13 12.17 am 2.40 11.00 12.03 am 2.43 4.45 I 2.35 pm 2.55 1 5.05 .50 6.30 6.50 ' 8.20 pm TRAINS UOLNG EAST. STATION'S MAIL EXFB’a. EXPR'e. EXPB’S. 5.15 am, 9.20 am 5.30 pm 9.20 p» 9.15 :2.02pm 8.55 ! 12.50 am 12.20 pm 2.20 11.20 | 3.25 2.45 4.0* ; I.lBam 1 5.15 400 . 5.08 ! 2.27 ‘ 6.28 5.35 * 6.?0 1 4,05 8.05 11.30 AM 0.50 4.15 8.25 12.05 pm 7.19 ! 4.43 , 8.55 2.13 9.20 6.37 ll.fO 4.20 11.00 8.25 I.JOpm 6.57 1.12 am 10.42 3.39 8.10 ■ 2.20 ill.4spx' 4.43 P. R. MYERS, il Passensep and Ticnet A 1 T.ir. ; io.ro GOING AST—UIVEH DIVISION ACCOM. MAIL. EXPB’9. ACCOM 5.45 am 10.50 am 3.35 pm j 5.55 11.00 : 345 6.57 12 12PM 4.*i 8.15 1.35 , 0.20 i 9.30 2.35 , 7.15 10 40 3.40 1 s.ao river division. O^ING ACCOM I MAIL. EXPP.’s. ACCOM j H.3oas !.15pm 4.2Spk 1 T. 40 : 2.20 . S.SO 1-3.50 , G. 20 ( 7.00 J , 0.50 4.20 ri 8.00 .. .-. SSi--- , A . T ’ 4.00 pm 5.18 6.48 ' 6.85 ACCOM 11.150 I 5.25. -j Sfis ; 11.10 , 5.40, j 0.20 THE RADICAL: FRIDAY, MARCH M,41873. r' • *** y- 9- r i - » [ESTABLISHED 1880.] W E lr O H r&- GRIP PIT H S, > Manufacturers ofSaws. - SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. CVEBr S4W WiBRANTED. : H FILE&BELTING & MACHINERY. 3| _@rLIREiiAL DISCOUNTS. ar\ BBnPrlce Lists andClrcniarnftee. y m W E L O H & «B IF,E t i RS, IH Bo.lOD) & Detroit. Mlcfa. Largest OrganEstalilistraient ia the W orli 7 EXTENSIVE FACTORIES. J, ESTEY copies, bonndincloth.for fo. "Samplepopiea, paper cover, malted, post paid, to qny address, on receipt of 10 cento, by the Publisher, HENRY CARET BAIRD, Box 1634, Post-Office, Philadelphia. Seeihefolloicing valuable extracts from press no tice* : ; ! 'i “A very valuable book, and no one intending to paint should fail to read it.”—N.-Y.'.Tribune. “We did not know so much conldpe said on the subject of painting a house until we read this ex cellent book of Mr. Baird’s.”—N. Y. Herald. “A want long felt at last supplied.”—Scientific American. “Not only a necessity to the painter," bdt, valua ble to every occupant of a dwelling.”—N. Y. World. “Bay 35 copies of this book and distribute them among your friends. "'lf they will heed the advice therein, you coaid make no more valuable pres ent.”—Chicago Tribune. •■ld publishing this book Mr. Baird has done a real service to the community.”—Toledo Blade. “We hope the publisher will sell 101,000 copies of this book during ’"3.”—Boston Advertiser. “We have just painted our bouse as advised by the author, and congratulate ourselves that bo dwelling in onr neighborhood excels onta In ap pearance.”—Harper's Weekly, - - . “In selling a sample copy for 10cents, Mr. Baird must feel certain an order for 23 bound In cloth will follow.”—Frank Leslie. “Wc know the town and country paints therein recommended, and can vcfuch for their valnc add the excellence of the “Harrison”, brand Of while leuA,”—Philadelphia Ledger. V ONLY TEN CENTS r- J OCAL OPTION— As viewed by the official organ of the LIQUOR INTERESTS. Subscription $3 per year; Clubs of 10, $25. Address American liquor J ten's Advocate Vo., No. 100 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1> Y SENDING only 25 CENTS to JAMES W. > REMINGTON, at MonndeTillc. Marshall Co., W. Va , you will receive by retsrn mall 500 useful receipts. VIfORKING CLASS-MALE OR FK MALE. $6O a week guaranteed. Respectable employ ment at home, day or evening; no capital required; Tall instructions and valuable package of goods sent free by mail. Address, wltn six cent return stamp. M. YOUNG & CO.. 16 Cortlandt St., N. Y. BUY per day I Agents wanted! AH ni7o iU classes of working people, of either sex young or old, make money at work for ns in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. Stissok &Co., Portland. Maine. JJORRIBLE! 1 suffered with CATARRH thirty years-. and was cured by a simple remedy. Wall send receipt, Eostage free, to all afflicted. Rev. T. J. MEAD, •rawer 176. Syracuse. N. Y. O.RANDEST SCHEME OP THE AGE • 8-99,9-00 CASH GIFTS. 8100,000 FOR ONLY S 10! Under authority of special legislative- act of the 16th of March, 1871. the Trustees now announce the THIRD GRAND GIFT OC NCEBT. for the ben efit of the PUBLIC LIBRARY OP KENTUCKY, to come off in Library Hall, at Louisville-, Ky., on TUESDAY, APRIL Bth. 18*3. Bt this Concert the best ronsicai talent that can be procured from all parts of-the country will add pleasure to the entertainment, and TEN.THOUS AND CASH GIFTS, aggregating a vast total of HALF A MILLION DOLLARS currency will be distributed by lot to the ticket-holders, as fol lows : , * One Grand Cash Gift $lOO,OOO One Grand Cash Gift 50.000 One Grand Cash Gift 515,000 One Grand Cash Gift 20,< 00 One Grand Cash Gift 10,000 One Grand Cash Gift 5.000 514 Cash (4lfts of $l,OOO each 34,000 50 Cash Gifts of 500 k * .' 05 quo 80 Cash Gifts oi 400 “ 32*000 100 Cash Gifts of 300 “ 30 000 150 Cash Gifts of 200 80 000 EDO Cash Gift« of 100 “ + 59 000 9.oooCash Gifts of 10 “ fKLOOO Total, 10.0QO Gifts, ail cash, $500,000 To provide means for this magnificent Concert. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND WHOLE TICK ETS ONLY will be issued. n/ioli tichets, $lO 'Halves. #5; and Quarters. $2.50. EUm i whole-Ticket* for $lOO. Xfducowt On less than $lOO orders. The object of this THIRD GIFT CONCERT, like the two heretofore given with such universal approval, i# the enlargement and endowment of the Pl'BL’O LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY, which, by the special act authorizing the concert for its benefit, is to be forever free to all ritlzens of eve ry State. The drawing 'Will be tinder the super vision of the Tmsteos of tho Library, assisted by the most eminent citizens of the United States. The sale of tickets ha* already progressed so far that complete success is assured, and buyers are therefore notified that they must order at once if they desire to participate in the drawing. The management of this undertaking has been committed by the trustees to HON. THUS. E, BIIAMLETTE, late Governor of Kentucky, to whom communications pertaining to the Gitt Con cert may be addressed. R. T. DURRETT, Pres’t, W. N. HALDEM AN, Vice Pres’t. JOHN S. C \IN. Soc'y Pnbiic Library ot Ky. FARMERS’ AND DROVERS’ BANK, Treasurer. As the time lor the Concert is close at band (April Bth). parties wanting tickets should In their orders immediately if they would avoid the rush and delay absolutely unavoidable in the few days preceding the drawing. Ail orders and applica tions for agencies, circulars and information will meet with prompt attention. IIIOS E. BBAMLETTE. Agent Piibhc L;hra?y. Louisville, Ky, iV? '■ ‘.(p ‘Uvv. JAMES VICK, Rochester, New York, . -ver.*' . • ■ IJiew JTHKgBTv BUQQ,* RICHARDSON, - MANCFACTCBEUS OP food-forting Kactiincry Generally. Specbltiea:—Woodworth-Planing, Tonsueing and Grooving Machines,RlcharaBon’a Pa tent Unproved Tenon Machines, &c. Central, cor. Union St., WORCESTER, MASS. 1. B. WITUEBBT. 0. 3, HCQO v S.X.BXCHABDSpN. gTATIONARY, PORTABLE & BLAST ENGINES. Saw Mill. Flouring Mill and Blast Furnace Mu ; - chinery. H. & F. BLANDY, Newark, Ohio, Bleeding, Itching or Ul cerated Piles that De Hero’s Pile Re*edt Mis to cure. It is pre pared expressly to euro the Plies, and nothing else. Sold by all Druggists. Price f 1.00. USB the Roisingcr Sash Lock and Support to FASTEN YOUR WINDO WS! No spring to break, no cutting of sash; cheap,' datable, very easily applied; holds sash at any place desired, and a when the sash is down. Send stamp for circular. Circular a»d six copper-bronzed locks sent to any address in the U; S., postpaid, on receipt of 50 cts. Liberal in dneeinente to the'trade; Agents wanted,.- Ad dress REISING-ER SASH LOCK CO., No. 418 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. Administrators’ notice. ESTATE OF JOHN BATON . DEO’D. Letters of administration on the estate of John Eaton, late of Moon township, Beaver county. Pa, dec’d., having been granted to tlto undersigned, residing In said township, all persona indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same to present them without delay to the no dersigned for settlement. NANCY EATON, I , dnfrB feb2l 6t JAMES BATON, f Aara ' STATEMENT OF ROCHESTER IN -BURANCE COMPANY. Mortgages and other securities $59,445 00 Stock Demand Notes 30.335 00 Cash in Bank 15,591 59 Office Furniture 115 67 Commission to. Agents... 656 34 Expenses, Saiarics/Ac 1,140 13 Cancelled Policies 3 50 Premiums in hands of Agents 433 00 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Premiums , Accrued interest Commission . $107,938 18 JOHN GRABBING, Jr., Sec’y, feb'2S Election proclamation. Whereas, by nu Act passed by "The Legislature of this Commonwealth, it is made the duty of the Sheriff of every county to give notice of an elec tion to be held at the time and places of holding election for township and mnnicipal officers of said election districts, for the purpose of voting for or against the Act know as the Local Option Law approved the 271 b day of March, A. D. 1873, which provides as follows.' Sec. 1. Be it enacted, etc.. That on the third Fridsv of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, in every city and county of this Commonwealth, and at the annual tnfinilipal elec tions every third year thereafter, in every such city and county, it shall be the duty of the in spectors and Judges of the election in the cities and counties, to receive tickets, cither written or printed, from the legal voters of said cities and counties, labelled on tbs- outside “license,” and on the inside “for license,” or “against license,” and to deposit said tickets in a box provided for that purpose by said inspectors and judges, os is required by law in itio case or other tickets re ceived. shall be counted and a return of the same made to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Ses sions of (he peace of the proper county, duly certi fied as is required by tow; which certificate shall be laid before.the judge of said court at the first meeting of said court after sakt election shall be held, and shall he filed with the other records of said court; and it shall be the duty of mayors of cities ann the li-? lunu-hed by the commissioners>*ail assessors, of his right to vole, whether found iliereon or not, is o'jected to fey any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of tb»r inspectors to examine such person on o,lt h .is to bis qualifications, and il he claim to have resided', in the State for one year or more, his oath shall 1 not be sufficient proof thereof, bur be shall make proof by ut least one competent witness who shall he a qualified elector that he had resided in the district for more thun u-n days next immediately preceding such election, and, shall also himself swear that his bonafide residence, in pursuance of bis lawful calling, is in'said district, and that he did not remove into said district for the purpose of voting therein. Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof if required of his reiideucc and payment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be ad mitted to rote in the township, ward or district in which he shall reside. If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre vent tpy officer of any election under this act from holding sneb election,"or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, or shall inter rupt or improperly interfere with him iu the exe cut inn of hi » duty, or shall block up the window, or avenue to any window, where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such election, or shall use any intimidating threats, force or violence, tvlth design to Influence undu ly. or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from voting or to restrain the freedom of choice, such person, on conviction, shall be fined in anv sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for any term not less than three or more than twelve-months ; and if it shall be shown to the court where the trial of such offence shall be had that the person so offering was not a resi dent of the city, ward, district or, township where the offence was committed, and nor. entitled to vote therein, then, on conviction, he shall be sentenceddo pay a ftw not less than one thous and dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six months nor more-limn Swoyonrs. Tbe said" special election shall be held in each ward, borough, township and district of the coun ty at llur same- time, and between Iho h aura fixed by law for holding tbe annual municipal and town ship elections in the respective districts. The inspectors and jtidge ol the election* shall meet at»he respective places appointed for hold ing the election in the district to which they re spectively belong at the time fixed by law for open ing the anmmi? mtmierpaiand township elections in said district, and eaefc of said inspectors shall appoint otto; clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. In casc-tha-person who- shall have received the second highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on tbe dhy of any election, then the person who shalt have received the next high est number of votes for Judge at the next preceding election shall act aS inspector in his place. And in case the person who shall Itove received the high est number of- votes for inspector shall not attend, the person e?be:ed judge shall appoint an inspec tor in his placo. And in case the person elected judge shall not. attend, then the inspector who shall have reocfwcT Ihe highest number of votes shall appoint a judge in hts place, and il any va cancy shall con tin Hein the board for the space ol one hour afteatho lime fixed by law lor the open ing of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward or district, for which such officers have been elected, present at the pliMje of election, shall elect some ol tbeie number To fill the va cancy. In cose any clerk appointed under the provisions of this act shall neglect to attend at any election daring the said year, it shall be the duty of the in spector who, appointed said clerk, or the person filling the office of said inspector, to forthwith ap point a suitable person as- clerk, qualified as afore said, who shall perform the- duties of the year. It shall bfctho dntyot the several assessors re spectively, to attend at the place of bolding every general, special or township election, during the whole time said election Is kept open, for the pur pose oi giving information to tbe inspectors and judges, when called on, in relation to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at any elec tion or such other matters in relation to the as sessment of voters as the said inspectors, or either of them,shall from time to time require. No person shall be permitted to vote at aniy elec tion, as aforesaid, other than a freeman of the age of twenty-one years or mure who shall have resid ed in the Slate at least one year, and in the elec tion distant whore he offers to vole at least ten days immediate'y preceding such election, and has witbiu tw.o years paid a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the election. Bat a citizen of the United States who has previously been a qualified voter of this State-and removed therefrom aud returned, and who shall have resided in the election district and paid taxes, shall be entitled to vote after resiniug in tie Stale six months. Pro vided •. That the freeman, citizens of the United Slates between twfcnt> one and twenty-two years, who have resided in the election district, as afore said, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall have not have paid taxes. H any person not by law qualified sliall fraudu lently vote at any election ofthis Commonwealth, or being otherwise qualified shall vote out of hia proper district, or if any parson knowiue 1 lie-want of such qualifies* .'eiil aid or procare such, per son to vote, the person offending, shall, on con viction, be fined in any sum not exceeding, two hundred dollars, and bo imprisoned in any term not exceeding two months if aiiy person shall vote at more than one elec tion district, or otherwise fraudulently; vote more than once on the same day. or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to the inspector two tickets to gether with the same intent illegally to vote, or shall procure uuothe- to do so, lie or they so of fending shall, on Conviction, be fined in any sum. not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dol lars, and bo imprisoned for a term not mss than ihrcc noi more than twelve months. It any person not qualified lovotu in this Com monwealth agreeably to law (except the sons of qualified citizens) shall appear at anyplace of elec tion for the puinose of influencing the citizens qualified to vole, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred doi bt> tor e very such offence, and ho imprisoned lor an • teim not exceeding three months. G /e.i unde, mv hail'd my office in Beaver, this ~>ih day of February, in the year of oar Lord, one thousand ek-ht hundred and seventy-three CaAMBEULIN WHITE, Sheriff. SHf-niTF's Office, Beav>;r, Pa., t February 35.18T;-’, f v-i*~ ■ . a j' I.] g HAMIL T 0 N , -B1 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, n The Cheapest and Best Bouse in th e (< Vy The Largest and Best Selected stock of Pianos 46 Organs. TERMS TO SUIT EVERYBODY FOB HOLIDAY GIFTS GET EiTUau \ DECKER Sc BARNES PIANO HALLET, DAVIS & CO. PIANO, CRAMER & CO. PIANO, PARLOR GEM PIANO, OR OF THE CELEBKAT3D Taylor & Farley Celestes Organs, OR THE BEAUTIFUL- VOICED sterling organ "Quick Sales ami SivaV Proves AS GOOD AN INSTRUMENT As Is in the market, at Prices 'hat DEFY COMPETITION, -End oa terms to sail the jnm-hm*?/ Instruments rented and rent allowed togv iows.d the purchase. ¥ For Catalogue and full particulars, tail! coo: ad dress thcMhnufacturer's General Age.-.ts. ; S. Hamilton & Co,. 51 FIFTH AVENL’E, nov29-6nk O CHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMMASV Incorporated ■ by the Legislature of nia, February, 1572. Office one door east of Hoc.i ester Savings Bank, Rochester. Bearer county, Ponn’a. People of Beaver county ran now have tl'.pw property insured against loss Or damage by tire, at fair rates, in a safe and RELIABLE HOME COMPANY. thereby a roidino the expense, tror.b'o and de.'ay incident to the adjustment of losses by sotun-n-ss located at a distance. BOARD OP DIRECTOR?: J. V. M’Donald, George C. Spey . 'ev Samuel IX Wilson, Lewis Schneider, William iSetonedy. John Gnrbine. Marshall SUDonald R. B. Edgar. M. Camp< j.f;. C. H. Hurst. David Lowry, Daniel Breane . GEO. C. SPEYERER. Vr;- J. V. M’DONALDs V. Pr« i 11. J. SpEYSHER, Treas. E. KiiDJER, Sec'y R& w. * Manufacturers and Beaters ia TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 287 LIBERTY STREET (cteSl-lm £yet an agency for thk Bet Wheeler & f iteSOTi Mat®. We are now prepared to,\offer mokv x;3?;.a!. TEHMB ami GREATER IN9aCEMES,TB l*> tRUAIv/; men, than over bclore during our esjn-v.en°; FIFTEEN YEARS in tihe business- No capilo required We stand aU losses anti al~ PCj'';' at our own expense. Horse, Wagon and Outfit ;|r nisned if necessary. SPEciAi/isDUCEMEiCTS-toinen who can (c ns-n TUKIU »WN TEAMS. NOi« is the time to appi? l iJ got ready for the Spring trade. fcbill-lm H. NOS S, PH ft TOG RAP li EH gIA V E K COL Ll’ B MUStVA L J ysTiT Opens its Spring S's.-i.vi ON THE FIRST OF AFIRU - Teachers ol" the count;, wi’l Jo we*: to cor.*'-* pond with the President. ftsbSOJit Jm PRINTING AT THE RADICAL CW -*• BRADFORD & CO We guarantee to sell PITTSBURGH. PA JEN *i I S 0 N. PITTSBURCiH. ' WM. SUMNER * CO . street 1 . Pittsburgh. '• 'a n d R T 1.-.VUI! aaffi-’i ’ T V