i.B LOCAL ITEMS. j, H. Clirl*sy, Holt post-oMce, willtecelve llkinds of produce .in exchange ‘.or goods, end will pay the highest prices of the market. JPfce. thermnmeter» on Thursday, In dicated nineteen degie«i below zero. j, h. CJlartoijr* of Raccoon township, has on band and is constantly receiving a good assortment of goods, consisting of dry good s, groceries, boots and ahoeSjhardware, etc., which be will seii at the very lowest cates. Quick sales and small pntfte is his motto. A Beautiful HandwrUlng.-There are hnt few of onr readers who would not like to ac quire a rapid and beantllnl handwriting. for there is no one accomplishment so highly prised as this. ,Tbe business colleges of the country have afforded the best instruction in this branch and have succeeded' In producing the most accom plished penmen. The nest penman in America to-day is Prof, tiaskell, President of the Bryant & Stratton College ofManchester, N. H. There are few lovers of the beautiful art of penmanship, who have .not hoard of this wonderful penman and many have seen specimens of his skill. His large specimens have attracted great' attention In New York City and throughout the country where they have ht en placed on exhibition. He is how engaged day and nighf sending out Copies lor self instruction, which he writes him self expressly for that any one can learn to write at the home fireside. These con tain full printed instructions, and ate pat up in large heavy envelopes and sent by mail prepaid for $l.OO per package. They are all numbered and so lolly explained that no one can fail to learn rapidly from them They have been ordered by thousands . —not by poor writers alone, bnt by the leading teachers of penfnanship throughout the United States and CasadaX Onr readers would do well to write for 4 package, as nothing so complete, j4heantifuland nsefttl for self-instruction will ever agaltrbe offered them. Another c&t load oi Chinese arrived at Beaver Palls last Monday, who are to be introduced, we understand, into the shovel and other factories. In regard to the experiment of Chinese, cheap-labpr thus far, the Pittsburgh Ecminq Chronicle says. ; “The experiment now being made at the Beaver Falls Cdtiery Works of sub stituting Chinese labor for the American workmen formerly employed, does not promise tobea success. The hostility at first exhibited to by the people of Beaver Palls is not abating by any means, and while there seems to be a dis position to discountenance any unlawful measures, there is a determined and deep rooted opposition to the scheme. How far this conservative element may be able to control matters, in the event of further importations of cheap labor, cannot be Stated; but those who arc anxious to avert violence, hope that the C onpiny will be convinced that they hive mtde a very serious mistake in the milter. It is al leged that even now they are experiencing difficulty, because c >nsum -rs are averse to encouraging the employment of Chinese ]abor v If this statement is c »rrcct, the company will soon be cmpelled to ftc knowledge that their experiment is a failure. ‘•We copied from The Beavek Radical oMastweckan item statins? that a com mitlee of w »rkingmen from the cutlery works had visited Eo momy with a view of interviewing Mr. Lenz, who was re ported to be opposed to the employment of the Chines?. The gentleman was not at home, and the committee was accord ing- Jy v disappointed. A day or two since Mr. Lenz went down to .Bnver Pads, and interviewed the workmen. He stated that the Economites, as a Society, were not aware o! the project until the China men bad arrived. He also states that he was opposed to the imvement, and ex pressed the opinion it w mid prove more expensive than if the old workmen hod been ret lined, ft is claim id. by persons owning property at Beaver Fills, that the value hash jen decreisjl fully one-half, and-they contend that the experiment has j entailed up m them m »ra dim ige than if the works had been rein >ved away from the town entirely. “It would seem that the Chinamen are not as tractable as the Company Jwould desire, and every few weeks some new trouble is fomented aAiong them. One .Chinaman seems to have caused so much trouble that it was found necessity. in order to maintain harm my, to dischage him and pay his way back to California. It seems that “Too Sharp,” had learned j to sppak the English-language with con-1 siderable fluency .and being of an inquiring | turn of mind, had been, on a tour of inves j ligation among the stores of the town j with a view jf ascertaining whether the | goods furnished by Ah Chuck’s agent; were as cheap as they could be procured j elsewhere. It is said that his luvestiga-i lions revealed a condition of things de cidedly unsatisfactory to him. For in stance, he objected to paying five dollars for a pair of three dollar shoes, or ten dollars for a pound of opium, when t,he samp could be purchased for seven or eight dollars. He informed his fellow Mongolians of his discoveries, and as he refused do keep quiet, he was ir inaptly discharged. After his discharge he re mained about for several days, and his in fluence see ned "to be more powerful for evil than while in the employ of the com pany. He re r u«ed to leave the place un less his return passage to California was paid, and finally, accompanied by a law yer, he visited t ! »e office of the Justice of the Peace with a view of enforcing that j orovision in bis contract with Ah Chuck, i -i- = ; —Number ol hogs slaughtered In Cincinnati Anxious to get rid of a trim esoi ' faring the past wees, CLfiVi; total since November mer, the Co iipany agreed to pay his way ; lgti 5^571.. back to California, and “Too Sharp’ de-j _xiie Lake x»nniy (Indiana) Infirmary was de parted for the Pacific coast on,Friday last i gtroyed. by fire on Friday. Two Insane women A few such characters among the import- perished in the flames. < ed lab ircr-» would soon make the company -The owners of the steamship Eric, lately re . 1 ..." if fhPV have not ported burned at sea, have received a confirmatory stck .d ihe experiment, if they have not (^lchfrom thcPnrw!rof the vesBel ; already reached tlisten , _Tj, e r j Democrats o r West Virginia are mat stch.r-uu clothing stoa-'. He I* sol! , in? flarce -h* iugontiiWd. «••• • •; -r: .A GENERAL SBW& i —An effort Istoelng msdein Philadelphia tofonn a Soldiers' Colony, to toe Joeated on one of the ; Pacific railroads. The membership at present numbers one hundred. On Saturday evening Uet, amu mooting of honorably discharged soldiers, under the auspices of the Philadelphia Soldiers* Colony via held at Concert MaHvat which Cot. Forney pressed. Addresses ,were .delivered toy the President, ex-Governo.-Pollock, 1(a). Calhoun, and others, *ll expressing conMjnae Inthe object of the organization. An association of ibis kind should be an extensive one, andtherels no reason why It stoonld notbeprosperoner ' ' —Another tremendous newspaper syndicate is to be thrust npoh-the aalion’aqaiet political arena ft ia toconaist of Marat Ualslead, ofthe Cincinnati Commercial; Henry Wstersoa, Louisville Courier- Journal; Horace White, Chicago 2Vi6wna; Sam 'Bowles, Spriagtteid Republican ; and White law -Reid, N. Y> Tribune ; to megt in New York soon to discuss the political ‘‘Probabilltes 1 ’ from;hlBtori cal standpoints. —A. destructive fire at Darien, 6a., January S 5, occurred in the Court House. Public records and other property were burned. —Steamer Nick King, bound to Pioridq, strnck a snag and sank near Darien Friday night. The passengers and crew were saved. —A special from Raleigh, North Carolina, says: A bill has traduced in the Legislature, granting amnesty and pardon to all offenders under the act punishing as a telony the going In dis guise, under which the members of the. Ku-klnx bad been apprehended. ' . : —The tnneral of Lord Lytron'took place on Sat onlay. Among the distinguished persons present were Baron Selborn, Gladstone, dost Ice Cockhnrn, Bight Hoo. Childers, Viscount Jtanfteld. Veron Harconn, Hepwdrth Dixon and Miss 35. M. Brain non. Doan Stanley read the faheral services. —lt Is aadentood that during the recent inter* view between the Postmaster General and Repre sentative Farnsworth, Chairman of the Committee on Postotßces an! Post R »ds, thi former intimat ed that he would revoke his order requiring double postage in esses where put ial postage on ly bad been paid, provided he shall be sustained by the Attorney General, whom be would consult on the subject. If, however, the Postmaster Gen eral shall not do so, the Committee will accom plish the object by the passage of the bill hereto fore agreed npou. —Col. William J. Bolton, of the 13Ui Regiment National Guard of Pennsylvania, has been 1 ap pointed Major General qf the Second Division, vice Major General John P. Hartranft, elected Gov - ernor and Commander-In-Chief. —The interest on the bonded debt of Harris burg is $31,000. —The average pay for school teachers in Leba non, county is—Moles, $46,00; females, $'29,36. The average attendance loeach school is thirty. —Senator Sumner is still quite Teeble. It Is doubtful if he will appear in bis seat in the Senate aggln this session. His attending physician still visits him twice daily, bis last call being at ten p x„ when l>e injects morphine into the Senator's armtoecable him to sleep. —ln the House of Representatives, on Saturday, on motion of Mr. Bingham, the bill providing for the holding of a District Circuit Conti of the United States at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., passed—yeas, ninety-eight; nays, fifty. - —The statu* of the newspapers of Blair conr tyonthc “Local Option” question may be put -down thns: the Radical and Register squarely , against license ; the Tribune slightly against: the Denncra ', Standard and Echo non-committal, the Sun slightly for liquor. —The Picayune, In an editorial on the political complications, says: "Tor relief we look to the plain, palpable, un mistakable interests of the Radical party, and to avoid an issue before the country on the Louisiana outrages, to make Durell shoulder the harden of his illegal iniquities, and thus to relieve General Grant and the party of responsibility—to set- aside the injunction and withdraw the United States troops and allow the people of Louisiana to have their own government and to manage their own affairs under their own form of government. The Picayune was long since pronounced an In disputably Republican journal. —Dowager Empress Amelia, of Brazil, died in Lisbon last week, aged sixty-one, She was marri ed to Emperor Peter 1. of Brazil, in 1829. —Queen Victoria has subscribed eight hundred dollars to the fund in aid of the survivors of the Northfleet disaster. "? ' —The London papers say that from n postmor tem examination in the case of Napoleon, that while death was the result of the shock tram the operation twice undergone, added to the sevefe suffering which folio ved on each occasion, and all acting upon a c institutional state already desper ate, it was not due to any miscarriage of the oper ation itself. The disease of the kidneys was pro nounced to be of sa eh a nit are. and also so ad vanced, that it would any case hive shortly ter mined af itnl result. Death followed within twen ty minutes from the time the Emperor was seized with the fatal symptoms, he having been ancon scions throughout, and. of course, also insensible to pain, and spired from the pangs of death. —A Washington dispatch says: Messrs. Mc- Millan and Uiy, contestants for the Kellogg va cancy seat in the Ualted (states Senate, w-fll act In their own behalf and for their respective parties. They will bo nsslstsu by outside counsel, bnt dur ing the sessions of the Senate Committee on Priv ileges ngd Elections these two only will bo al'owed to make and examine witnesses. Lynch and Longstreet representing the Kellogg Returning Board, Mitchell and Southward, the McEnery Returning Board, arrived from New Or leans. The latter have brought with them three large trunks full of documents, supposed to be returns of the recent election called for by the Committee. Governor Warmoth stated that he had been in consultation with ninny of the leading Senators and Representatives, and expresses his belief that the Senate Committee on Elections will report a measure givlng Louisiana foil relief. —Several person* in Washington were surprised on Saturday afternoon by receiving dispatches from different cities saying reports were ip ex istence that the President bad met with a terrible accident. Thatn rumor so thoroughly unfounded should, have had extensive circulation became a theme. «l much comment in newspaper circles. The President was to the beet of health Saturday afternoon. Washington was more than usually de void of excitement and the rumors which have reached other loedities had little or no circulation there. —Opponents of the repeal of the bankrupt law, representing principally the Southern States, have been active abo.nt the Capital for the past few days, and expect to arrange a compromise, postponing till January 1,1874, the date on which the repeal shall take effect. - ■'* • ■: To : OTUf,*:, " ; ;,:v, '■ / ' pw jdgbtihledaie. : Toltirtcn"wttliittent!oi» to ■' ~;; What MUl«rlud to sa7. ~; With loßy.high-toned eloquence. The lecture was most grand, IdeaswerOflneiydrevrn.iffldhß Of language hadcommand. To an Intellectually circumscribed And shallow mind like mine, . There arenoise thonghtsthatdid resalt • v : i From the lineshe drew so lino; That first creative power had planned. With finny tribes, td Oil the deep,. * From ocean’s depths to coral stnnd, Where groveling insects creep. ' The whale, the sword-fish and the shark, , With hqmbertess tribes together. And for a livelihood, qnotb nature, ~ r Jnet let \bem eat each other. Now there's the forest wc havetpide, , To decorate the hilly land, . 1 We’ll fill with havage beasts of prey, > Was nature’snext command. So animals of every,grade, : ••: 'j jj-V" In dreary glen we find,; ", -v ■ And on the mountain tops tfaey dwell. Of every name and kind.',. With animals we’ll fill the’ forest, And let them dwell together, And for a llying they, also. May kill and cat each other.' To flit in air the fowls we’ll make. Of every tint and hue. And give them wings that they may fly In the ethereal bine. Some shall subsist on fruit and grain. Some shall their kind devour; We’jjrinakesome meeit and innocent. And some with savage power; ; Some, quadrupeds dud worms shall slay. And some shall fishes eat: \ Tuns with these lining things ’twoaW seem Creation was complete., But, mi l ’t’wont do, troth old dame nature, Here's remnantslefl of every kind— Economy. our grandest law,. Some use for these must find. So a spacious crndble was formed, By nature’s magic hand, I And Into this the scraps were placed By her divine command. Some scraps remained from boasts of prey— The lion, the tiger, end the hear. And many from the sheep and goose, And some ftom fishes rare. so parts aad particles from all. Created things were placed,. In this mighty crucible, That nanght'shbnld go to waste. And hy the bidden wand of Time, According to old Nature’s plan. This heterogeneous mess was mixed For material to make "manJ Again did nature’s volcli come forth; ••Now, hark ye to my plan— In our own image let ns form The superior being, man; “And with those attributes divine, Mercy, Faith, Hope and Love, We’ll mingle human nature here. That hei may dWell above,’?,.. J Tims ftom this conglomeratgAoile, ; Of animate creation? " Mankind are daily seni ahnSwL, .’'' . Through every land and nation. Some spouting like the monster whale. Some roar like lions load, Some like the eagle soar aloft* And anchor in the cloud. ( Some prowl, like rats, round public cribs. While others fleece the sheep, Some, after glittering ruby gems. Plunge in the bnny deep. Some men, like curs, do growl and light; Some, like the cat, with wiles, Around their victim sport and play. All masked in friendly smites. Dandies, we see, ape foreign styles; The Grecian bend will do. To make ns think that Some folks trjr To excel the kangaroo; Some move majestically aronnd. As does the graceful swan. And some are harmless as the dove. Some gentle as thefawn. Many greedy men we find on earth. Who represent the hog; King Richard was born with teeth, they say. To snarl and act the dog. And filler adds, that Martin Van Looked like an old gray fox. With flashing eye and canning look And well trimmea curly locks. And with tenacious bull dog grip. Grant holds his Ideas line, And before he’ll yield one point of his. He wilt fight It on that line. That Henry Clay was like the eagle. With lofty, soaring mind. And 'tween man and lower animals Resemblance thus wo find. ■ Andy Johnson, Miller said. Reminds him of a donkey— -1 trembled in my boots with feat He'd make me out a monkey* y. o. e. L. Stelnfeld Is Beilin? out al cost loqult bu siness. Go to Christy’s; he is a Clever fellow anii , give yon the best kind of a bargain. O. L. EBERHA&r. WORD WITH YOU! To Injure Against Accidents To Leaae Tont House, To Hire a House, To Buy a^arm. To Sell a Farm. Any Legal Writing Done, Do not tail to call at tho office of If You Want EBERHART & BED I SON, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 333 BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON, scpt97-ly ' Beaver Comity. Pa. C Til per day. Asents wanted ! All O■;.^^^-h^d^foatrhTOnta, Mwttrt:Sqpmn t ihk e«kfwW Plonie'i 'I conscientiously believe' lha* your Plano ,is in every respect a mott magntyeeni Instrument. ' RespomMe Agents vanted ■ ADDRESS " '::S- ; DOAJJE & frING, 'V. ’ -:.y QSLT ONE DOLLit! The- BUMBLE BEE is a handsome monthly magazine, of thirty-two large pagesbesides the cover, printed on good paper, and devotodtothe instruction'and entertainment of the American people. The price la pat within the reach of all, being only i ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! Every subscriber receives, mailed free; 'a pte mlnm of a beautiful cbromo, IBr 17, entitled the j, ; “UNWELUOME VISITOR.” ‘ That Is what la commonly sold in the picture stores as an eight dollar cbromo; therefore e«ery subscriber to the Bojcbib Bke receives tbe value 61 >or Itodf * ' i We want In every locality of the United States and Canadas, good, active • agents, and to each portions we will pay liberal commis sions or large premiums, . CHILDREN from |ep to fifteen years old, make excellent can* vassers. Send for full par Icnlars.and don’t forget to send on yonr own sabscriptlon, so as to obtain the magazine .for yourself, and, the beautiful ebromo. . : Address ■■■ .: JanSifit " BUMBLE BEE. Albion. Illinois; ,r::;:’i878. ' ' ■ : 'J'HB $E W YORK TIMES. DAILY, $10; SEMI-WEEKLY. |3; WEEKLY, |2: DAILY, WITH SUNDAY EDITION, $l3. ] A Political, Literary -and Miscellaneous News paper. A REPUBLICAN JOURNAL, Devoted to Reform in Municipal, State, and Gen eral Government. , i: THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES. A PAPER FOR THE PARMER. t A PAPER FOR THE MECHANIC, A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. IN CLUBS OF THIRTY, f 1.00 PER ANNUM. Terms for the Weekly Times for 1873. One copy, one year. *2 CLUB RATES: (All to one Poatoffice address.) Five copies f 1 CO Ten copies 1 25 Twentpcopies l io Thirty copies I 00 And one extra copyto each dab. , . For every Club of, Fifty, one, copy of T, THE SEMhWEEKLT TIMES To the getter-ap of the dab. the names of subscribers are requir ed to be written upon each paper of the Club at one postoffice address, ten cents for each copy ad ditional to rates. -- - In accordance with our last prospectus, the ‘spe cially reduced rates for 1872, viz; Weekly, per year.. i —\.. t ft 00 Semi-Weekly, per year 2 50 will be maintained for all new subscribers renew ing prior to the Isth of Janaary, 1873, when the 'above Club rates will take effect. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES will contain ' Select Editorial* from the Daily Times; General "News, Domestic and Foreign: The Proceedings of Congress and the State Leg islature; Full and Interesting Correspondence; i i Book Reviews; The Choicest Literary Selections; White Its most Prominont Features wifi be a COMPLETE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. With Original Articles from Practical Farmers; Full Reports of the American Institute. Farm- ere’Club; . Complete Weekly Market Reports; Financial. Domesiic Prodnce, Live! Stock: Dry Goods and General. AS A'FAMILY PAPER, The TIMES will have no superior; it will be free from all appeals ta vulgar and imoure tastes, and may be ealely admitted to ev t ry domestic circle. AH A REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. iTbe TIMES will he devoted, as in the psst. : to an Intelligent and firm support of the Kepnbli* : cad Parly. Its course in reference to the Tamma : ny Ring, at a time when all the other daily papers ; In New York obstructed and discouraged its ef : forts, attests Us sincerity in the cause ol Reform. ;The TIMES stood alone in demanding Reform : from 18H9 to 1871 . and there is no sincere and hon ; net proposal for Reform, tn any branch of the Gov : ernment. which will not bo heartily supported by the TIMES. THE N. Y SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES la published every Tuesday and Friday, and con tains nll'thc agricultural and literary matter or the weekly edition, and a fall and careful compilation of editorial and new» features of the Daily. TERMS OF THE SKMI-WEEKLY TIMES. One copy, one year #3 00 Two copies, one year.... . 5 00 ten copies, one year 25 00 And one extra copy free. Subscription to either of our editions received for a less length of time than one year at the yearly rate. These priced are invariable. Remit in drafts on New York, or Postofficc-Money orders, if possible, and where neither of these can be procured, send in a tegistered letter. All Postmasters are'oblig ed to register letters when requested to do so, and the system is an absolute protection against tosses t>y mail. Address THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York City. QRPHANS’ COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of the corinty of Beaver, the undersigned Adminis trator of the estate of DAVID NELSON, late ol Greene township, iff said county, deceased, wlil expose to sale ; by public vendue or outcry, on the premises, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, A. D. 1873, at 10 o'clock, a. the following Real Estate of said deceased: Consisting of a parcel or tract of land in the TOWNSHIP OP GREENE aforesaid, bounded north by the Georgetown and Pittsburgh road, and.lands of Samuel Nelson: east by land pf William Campbell: south by land of John Mb- Canley’s heirs, and west by land of Isaac Raton— containing FORTY ACHES, mote or less. Twenty Acres of which are cleared, the balance well tim bered and all well watered. ,< TERMS —One third of purchase money In hand , on confirmation of sale by the Conrt, and the hal ance in two equal annual payments, with interest front date of confirmation: to he secured by bond and mortgage. janlo-3t , | .. win yr.u b&oison. jgXECUTOH’S NOTICE. ESTATE OP GEORGE NEELY, Dec’d. Letters testamentary on the estate of George Neely, deceased, late of Economy township, Beaver connty. Pa.. having been granted to the undersigned, all persona having claims or demands against said estate are requested to present the same, and those indebted thereto-to make pay ment to me. ROSETTA SHAW, Ex'rx., Petrolla, Batler connty, Pa., or to DANIEL NEELY, Baden, Beaver county. Pa. STR A W. The HIGHVST CASH PRICB paid for OAT STRAW* opdeUvsry,*t the r ' v r 'BOCHBSTKR GLASS WOHKS. Hf*w SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Janl7-6t H. W. NBLSON. Adm'r; : I»ABSEiO-;' : * V \ for thernalUy. ikirge prices allowed for Second In Exchange. ; .-_V S ; n,--.- < ’ The American Piano ha« deservedly become a popular Instrument. for imoGCßsieft territorj. 423 Broome St. < K. Y. a fja3l*6ra |ft# ga«ertlsi»w«rtjs. rpHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK JL IN BEAVER COUNTY. ■ a 5 : -o. ■,, O'S »-CK r :l fc/- I ft! ' S? • U Cl-'.. • -A ■eg ■•■■ : 5-6* . g ; of I ** S3's ; S 05 ft ' S In ' » « orf , SSS « ; «• ” c> 5- fe; v . 3 ft? , I -it gf / §&i ■ . < a Cg £ *>v- < ; T C a'' f-' x ffi ■■■a -• S •’ ta r r - —* r' rr o =; a; s i_- ss • 2 < S ?:- * 4 * s ■ If I Sfc * : .. < « £ - e ~, a < q s f g S - ; * £ 't a<» a * V J. LINMENBKINK, novls-lm RoctresTKß. Pa Great OF THE 1380; Paps Written by 20 hfnt Authors, including ' 40HS B. eOl GHj aW» HOKAGE GREELEY. This work 5s a complete history of all branches of industry, processes of manufacture, etc., in all ages. It Is a complete encyclopedia ojF arts and manufactures, and /is' the most entertaining and valuable work of information on subjects ot gen eral interest ever offered fo the public. We want Agents in every town of the United States, and no Agent can fail to do well with this book. One agent sold 133,copies in eight, days, another sold 368 in! two weeks. Our agent in Hartford sold 39* in one week. Specimens sent free on receipt of stamp. AGENTS WANTED for the FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pages, 250 Engr firings* An: interesting and amnslng treatise on] the Medical Hnmtmgs of the past andpresent. It ex poses Quacks, Impostors, Traveling Doctors. Pat ent Medicine Venders, Noted Female Cheats. Fortune Tellers and Medium's, and gives interest ing accounts: of Noted Physicians and Narratives of their lives. It reveals startling secrets and in structs all how to avoid the tils-which flesh is heir to. ; We give exclusive territory and liberal com missions. . ■, For circulars and terms address the publishers. , J. B.UURR & HYDE. Hartford, Ot., or Chicago, 111. janB-ly ROGERS’ PREMIUM P HOTOG RA P H GALLERY ; NO. 70 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. PA. ■' Photograpfasot all Styles colored in Oil or Water Colore. Particular attention paid to making Cop-; lee of and enlarging old Dagnerreotypes ana other Pictures;; I '. . ' , ifeblTti-ly JAMES R. REED & CO., WATCHES. CLOCKS AMD JEWELRY, NO. 63 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PENN’A. FINE WATCHES CAREFULLY REPAIRED. aagSOSm. BO. ~ Nation*]. Bank of BbateuCounty, ) "New Brighton, Dec. 31, iwa. f , The Board of Directors Of this Bank have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT, out of the profits of: the last six months, payable •n demand, free of all tax. . JanW-St Read by everybody, THE BBAYBB BADICAZ? Industries NITED STATES; I 500 Emrarap' DEALERS IN DWARD HOOPS, Cashier. 90. irtjs. S / ?AM I LTD N 51 FIFTH AVBNCB, PITTSBUEGa. Pl Tfie Cheapest and Best Some in thth The largest and Beat Selected stock * Pianos w*d logo tol the j*ur chase. ' For Catalogue and full particular- ra’i oner dress the Manufacturer's General Agent#. S. Hamilton & Co aov2lM>m. £ O C HESiTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPAQ Incorporated by the I legislature o; Pena»i nia. February, 1873. Office one door «i*t of- 1 ester Saving# Bank. Rochester. Bea**i- o* Penn’a, People of Beaver county can now have l property insured against lo## or damage by fn fair rates, in ii safe and RELIABLE HOME COMPANY, there*'} - avoiding: the expense, trnnbe and* incident to the adjustment of losses by coaw located at a distance. " EOAUD OP directors: J. V. ‘McDonald:! George C Samuel B. Wilson. Lewi# Schneider. William Kennedy, John Grsebine. Marshall M ! Dona Id P». B. Edgar. M. Camp,Jr.. C. B. Hurst. David Lowrv, Daniel Brenner. * 1 GEO. C. SPEYEBER.P* J, V: M’DONALP. iT H. J, Speyereb. Treas £, Kklber, Sec'y. P ARM FO R SALE A good farm, situated* in Briirht<.s; Beaver county. Pa. about six inilea loan . adjoining lands of Jacob Coon. ,T .°p 3 . a-b George Dawson, containimr O>E , AND SIX ACHES, eighty acres cl-ued aa good state of cultivation, the balansc "«-•»- ed: said farm heilonsin§ to tKo lieu# « Givan, deceased. The Improve men: - onju isesarea good ;two story frame dweMD-,, 18X42 teet. combining «sven room# mn e ;: barn and stable. wagon sbed. grauery “ necessary outbuildings; two never Hy™-. Of excellent water in the yard. the « hl. Marshal). Joseph Albree. w 'J'HOS. KENNEDY & CO SCCCESSOBS TO WM. BI'ECHM* ROCHESTER, W* duugs, mbdicines and chkmh FANCY & TOILET ART! Pres ./ > BRADFORD & CO ; i i OR THJS BBAITIfTL WU’SO Wo guarantee to so!'. 51 A VENT E, Pittsburgh, pa HEALERS IK OKGES. INRUSHES AND PKBFC 1 PAINTS, OILS AND DTI riptlons • t . i 672-1/ ’