The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 31, 1873, Image 5

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    papera, «ni IWB a false tin-
is cnn veyt.-ii which prove* W»j
r**‘ n ” ion, sufferers: : Itl* not beewse
B rims who wrote ihe arlieles in
5O noMtnowl better, hot Denver:
' ,e ! large harvest from the sickly
B * p! a «b» pour into the city « the
about Ifty daily. She gets them
S sen She does all she ear. keep
long as she can, too selfish tn
hiich the truth. . _
C« in the days before the Kansas Pa-
I I Railroad was built, the only way to,
,fi \ r o '„.rado was by land travel, by
nr horses. The trips from Kansas
Sy to Denver occupied from thirty to
. 7 dsvs. The Territory is now full of
f ’tLs who came in that way—far gone
np by their phy
’ £ . a made their
the land of promise, over the
LV Prttie. .' They aro to-dny ibe
-I pan of Colorado’s population, hale
hearty men and women, able for all
Tcu'ies of life. Then a failure to be
’L wa« a rarity, and then Colorado
•oid her reputation for her curative
and which she will soon lose
!pd»r the present system. •.. .
We fill who have -studied Geogra
)bT jijgt Denver is nearly 6,000 feet
he : level of St. Louis, and, we also
iw. :hat as we rise above the level of
te < ca , the air becomes more rarified;
t j; roaov of us do not know how this
reified air will act on our poor diseased
U ngc. 1 15 Sects are to make ustake deep
tr and quicker inspirations. The sound
est cl lungs are afiected—but the invalid
»ith the diseased lunge will be unable to
take the slightest exercise without being
fearfully out of breath. It is like making
r. worn out machine do double work; the
i-reat probability is that something will
Tbe Kansas Pacific Railroad brings
jssengers through from Kansas City to
Denver in fifty sis hours—here Is the first
>ial mistake. Rushed up to the alt tude of
*OOO feet in two days, Is so severe on the
*eak lungs, that the invariable result is
. a: -be patient will be for a time much
iijse, uniif.he becomes acclimated to the
Dt w &ir. If the iungs are in %bad stale of
.nsease, the point of acclimation is not
reacted only by a metallic coffin or the
yard, or he evades death for a few
lys by going back home to the heavier
|-Ensphere, with Co’o
mdo and a hundred per cent, worse than
when he left home., , j
Fellow invalid take plan. When
y„ t pd.u> Missouri rivet, fall in with an
ox train, drive if you are not too feeble,
ride if you cannot stand that; if you have
iDfiney to spend, buy a span of ponies and
owed wagon; get some jolly associates
id drive at your leisure;! don’t be in 100
ith of a burry. The cure here com
;«cee>, and if you get well before you
men Denver, so much tbe better. Trav
sAvirJr, bunt and eat all the wild game,
ij can geV, you will soon have an appe
e ):ke a prarie wolf, and by tbe time
u reach Denver, if you an: not too far
you will be entirely well; even if
diseaie is deeply seated, you will be
a fair way for recovery. If you are in
i* latter stale, don’t slop in Denver, and
will give you my reasons therefor.
'.s’, After you rough camp life, you
\ to avoid the hotel and boarding
inse ha«b
2cd. Denver, during the summer, is
si vast hospital; the hotels and board
;g houses are full of sick;you meet them
every ttw steps on the street, pale cad
ftvwons and tottering; their lugubrious
conversation fills your ears at ' all times
and places, it becomes very unpleasant,
and will affect your care to be so con
stantly reminded of your own disease.
>ti. The citizens ot Denver have be
tome so hardened to the sight of suffering
and death, and delight so much, in hand
hug their money, that sympathy and
chanty have become extinct virtues in
btever, and are not to he heard unless
£t, My little- experience of tbe cli
rui'tof (.’o’orado, and I have been north
snub of Denver, and up to the moun
ts we? - , is that it is all magnificent and
'k-'gbifui Still, if there is any place
®fvre i; rains oftener, where the sun is
bt -ter, where it is dustier, that place is
tltcrfr. There are many sheltered nooks,
*btre its climate is more agreeable and
’btrpihe scenery is grander than the
brck and mortar of Denver, and the in
*f,!d had better strike for them.
Now comes the question. What shall I
uf ‘L. Just- follow up the life you have
commenced on the plains; if you are able
duty, hire out to some, ranchieman to j
tefd cauie or sheep; you will earn about
forty-five dollars a month and board, and
4 horse to ride. With “your blankets and
%’s provisions strapped on your saddle,
jon are ready fur night wherever it - finds
I would recommend Ibis plan be
fo f all others. If too feeble to work yet,
acd you want to go on the' economical ■
Pl&o, associate yourself with one or two
others-, miud they are as jolly as possible
"bny a tent and camp outfit for about
S!n . ? dollars, go down to Colorado Springs
at >d camp under the shadow of Old Pike’s
will cost you about three dollars
per wee h, each person, for Go
to camp if you. take a notion.
do not let any-one induce you to go
a P the mountains until you are folly
you do not want any more rare
air yei if you h a v e a pocket book well
■Bed, and have not got a pony team buy
°° e ’ ou» for bronco's, you want to be
driver if you undertake to hold
Cities of a pair.) You can then go
1 you please, but remember to make
» ' *
i r
place at night., ~.: y; ••'
To close these reiiharks, I wish to im
press it upon 1 all Invalids ihtendin g to
mine to Colorado, and all others who may
be suffering:
, Ist, By all means come" to Colorado;
don’t put it off;;until you have lost all
hope yourself; break ionse and come as
soon as you feel that the disease is getting
seated/ ' V.: . V..I^vVV : “T,---.
2nd, Startin the Spring of the year or
as soon as the weather settles. ;
3d. Leave the Railroad at Kansas City,
and inake the; balance of the journey on.
foot, or with oxen or horses.
4tb, Pon’t make any long stay id Den
ver. , I-<
sth» Camp out during the summer, eat
ah the rare beef and Wild meat you. can*
and stay out of the mountains.
If yon follow these directions, I firmly
believe the very worst cases may have a
certain hope of prolonged life, and ninety
nine of every hundred wilt be entirely
cured. ''
Then one point more; If you go back
to Pennsylvania, or other eastern States,
-just as certain as yon go back, the old
disease will appear again, probably in a
worse form. Make up your mind to spend
the balance of your days ir. the land that
has prolonged them. Health recovered,,
fortunes are to be made here easier than
in the old settlements, by any one of mod
erate energy and judgment.
In a future letted Twill give some fur
ther information of land of health
and riches, its farm inginterests, etc.
ABBSTB.-C. W. Taylor, Beaver Falls; Evan
Pugh, New Brighton; J. Linnenbrinte, Rochester.
Radical Is the most extensively circu
lated Weekly Newspaper In Western
Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad.
Going West— Mall, 7,46 a. m; Accommodatior
5,40 p. in.
Going East— Accommodation, 9,19 a. m; Mail,
3,37 p. m; Express, 7,07 p. in.
Arrival and Departure of flails.
Western mall leaves at 8 a.m.; arrives at 4 p.m.
Eastern mail leaves at 3p. m.: amves at 9a. m.
New Lisbon mail leaves every Friday, (instead ol
Monday), at Ba. m.; arrive son Saturday, at 5 p. m.
Black Hawk, Bt,Clair, Clarkson and New Lisbon.)
The time is now coming for public sales, and
the place to get hills printed is at Tbk Radical
AND SEED CATALOGUE, mailed trek to all
applicants. W. R. Elliott, No, 114 Market street,
Pittsburgh, Pa. , jan3Mm
Either Ladles or Gentlemen.- If tella
ble, and wanting employment, either at home or
abroad, call at once on. or address, S. Hough,
No. 203, Penn Avenne, Pittsburgh. Pa. jaSl 2t
The sleighing is fine, and our young
pfcopirSlteTtmSTtTf good useof 1 1C- ■y^
The time is now coming for public sales, and
the place to get bil’s printed is at Tex Radical
The County Auditors have, finished
their work and adjourned.
Go to Christy’s
Jack Frost has ' thrown another
bridge across tbe P.hio, for the benefit of
the traveling public. . ,
Tbe time is now coming for pnbiic sales, and
the place to get bills printed is at The Radical,
office. w ' ::
Lecture, —Don’t forget that" Col. Con
well, the able and eloquent lecturer, will
lecture in Beaver, on Thursday evening
of next week. He is warmly praised by
those who have heard him. and placed
high in the list of the many distinguish
ed lecturers now in tbe field.
Go to Christy's,
IVe are indebted to Pittock, Nevin
& Co., publishers, for the- valuable Pitts
burgh Leader , Almanac and Compendium
of Facts for 1873.
Now is an oppoatunity to get clothing at cost
at L. Steinfeld's, Rochester. Pa.
The Conneautville Courier says: The
County Commissioners have contracted
with a New Brighton firm for an iron
bridge across French Creek, at Mercer
Street, in Meadville, similar to the Dock
Street bridge, for tbe sum of $21,000.
L. Sfclnfeld is closing up business. Don’t
forget that he Is selling out at cost. Rochester, Pa.
Go to Christy'*.
The Temperance County Committee
meets on Saturday evening.
Every body in Kaccoon township knows where
Christy's store is, and also know that Harvey will
do the fair thing In a trade. He has a good stock
of goods on hand which he will sell cheap.
The Directors of (he Beaver County
Home have reappointed Captain Wm.
Shroades to the position be has so long
and well filled Steward, and also Dr. P.
M. Kerr, of Raccoon township, as attend*
ing Physician to the above institution.
Boot*«nd Shoe*, a large and anterior stock
of Gent's Boots, bhoei. Gaiters and Slipper always
on hand Made Boots of the best
material. Ladies wear of the test quality: em
bracing all the latest styles in store or made to
order. Misses’ Button and Lace Galtere,Boots and
Slippers, at all prices. Boys and youths Boots and
Shoes in great variety. Prices low as the lowest,
at J. Kennedy's &* Co.* 143 Main street, Beaver
Falls. ~ . jwMMw.
\y e would call the atleniion of (our
readers to the advertisement in another
column, of the Brooks SeWmg Machine
Co. of New York. They advertise what is
indeed a valuable invention, a first class
Sewing Machine for Fire Dollars. /
C. W. Taylor.
somewhat excited over arofhatic
-that transpired there a few days ago. Itj
Appears that a gay dashing wtnower of
Bearer county was In hon^e*]
He went over to Findley town
ship, where he procured a female whom
he thought would'well; answer, the pur?
pose. She, besides being suitable In
qoaliGcaUons.waa air* young, petite and
good looking. He took her to Ws honiej
and she was,duly Installed Intoherdulfes
-as housekeeper. One day.she fancied she
..would like to see her fnenda. The widow
er, with the becoming gallantry of a cav
alier, volunteered as escort, and also ten
dered bis horse and buggy for the Iwr*
pose... Qf coprsn thqklnd* offer \ was acv]
Cepled,aDd the pair Started off jfor thbif
visit. While they were on the road, the
Adonis thought that'he wanted a wife.
He missed his first spouse sadly, so he at
unce concluded to pop the question. “She
nothing loath acquiesced, and they at
once conclnded to have the gordian knot,
tied at Clinton, and be made man and
wife. Now it so happened that they
went to a minister, who refused to per
lorro the ceremony unlessthe girl’s parents
gave their consent. Here was a dilemma
sure; however, as love is not confined in
bare, they at'once concluded to start and
get the consent of the old folks. Another
difficulty here presented itself. ' The old
lady was not at home and without her
consent she could not get married, as she.
was under age. L The old gentleman, her
father, howeverl seeing and thinking
over the situation, gave them the.blessing
and the mother’s consent. They went
back to town, were married, and are now
as happy as love can make them.
We. the undersigned. Painters of this city, hav
ing nsed the \ /bite Lead manufactured by Bey
mer. Bauman & Co.. Pittsburgh, pronounce it
superior to any other White s Lead wo have ever
used, and we would recommend parties wanting
painting done to use it in preference to any other
brands of Pure Leads.
Eemund Griffin, Ed. Cracss,
Geo. Wilson, A. Dabnton,
F. Mangold, Wm. Boyd,
H. Ellis, F. Deihnioeb,
Wm. Goodill, Wm. Raider, „
N. C. Octwait, A. Sherwood.
Serious Accident,-*} ohn R. Mc-
Kenzie, a citizen of Borough township,
while engaged in one of the Van port lime
Bth of January, blasting
lime-mck, after placing the bhwtln,
the! rock and adjusting it he put fire:to
the; fuse, and sought a place of aafety sev
eral rods distant,but after waitings reason*
hie time for the explosion, be concluded
the fuse would not burn, andthsthe
would go hack to the quarry see Wbat
was wrong.. Just while be was leafing
over the charge it exploded, breaking his
right arm In several places, and cutting!
and bruisinghis head very
freely and th an insensible Condition, and
w|g taken to his residence and seemed to
be recovering until within a* few days
since when be was attacked with “teta
nus.” and Is now very low and his recovery
is doubtful. * .. .y * '' A: .Xv- - 1.
lu bis book on Chronic Diseases, Pierce
says of his Golden MeJical Discovery: V
; ‘ God, I believe,has instilled Intotheroots and
plants from which this wonderful medicine Isex.
traded, the healing properties, by the use ol
which Consumption the scoarge of the human
family, may in ite early stages be prompllyarrested
and permanently cared. Ido not wish. to delude
flatter and then disappoint the afflicted by as*
setting that this can be accomplished when the
longs are half consumed as many do who, being
devoid of all conscience, aim To humbug the al
fllcted, that they may sell their often worse than
worthleess compounds.
But if my Golden Medical Discovery is .employed
in the first or early stages of the disease, I kno w
from ample observation and actual test; In hun
dreds of cases, that it will positively attest the,
disease and restore health and strength. .. 4516.
Lecture,*- Miss Frances E. -Willard,
of Evepstonl, Illinois, will- lecture In the
U. P. Church next Monday evening, Feb
ruary 3d,al Subject—“TheNew
Chivalry.” Miss Willard is President of
the Female Department of the north
western University, located at EvCnston.
She is one of the most worthy accom
plished ladies of our country, gud while
possessing more than ordinary strength
of mind, is yet not *“strong:.milled.”
We can insure a pleasant and profitable
evening to all who come; .. Admission 35
cents. . --
Time has proven the Singer to be the best
Sewing Machine in the world. . ;
R. Straw & eo M r Street,
burgh, Pa. 1 j -r. -
We have read, a - letter-to Dr. J. C.
Levte, ot Bridgewater, noticing him un
officially, that he had received a Consular
appointment to JSI Paso,Mexico, and
that-np doubt it would be soon confirmed
if be was willing to accept. The ; Doctor
has signifiedi we to
The following rfcfe
vertisemeht was actually posted up on
the south side of Beaver county not many
years ago;
tha will he a sale-held ft Mr-—— on tnesday
the 29 of march at one o’clock P m he will have
toaell some sheep'some calls and colts; andhay
aid some ma shiners'and bogs and others little
things hardier worth to mention 1
Mr, C, A, Decarme, ol Beaver,
has been appointed to a Clerkship, in life
Navy Yard, at Philadelphia. Beaver
county Republicans seem to . bei. in luck,
and we are glad of it. i
Xine bead «f horse? MQhgmg to
H Chaplin, of Pairvlew,* Butler county,
died within the last three months.
Beie. Pa., April, 1878.
NotU'tf* *
~ Ws borne and family
iik Jjew to buy ■.
he bpiog » n>erehjmt. Not returiiing fti .
the sroput timfe, wanchwas instituted lor
bis whereabouts. Ho wsstraced as far aa
bal thew ali rarther trt4.‘€B ;
'of ’
haie been imiulgedlaielatlve to his dis»
tarns up In - «*4B^fe'.' s^ry
celvedbypr. Cwkl ot ,CMowborg» from'
. jJtdßknjef
. ‘is [if*:-. ■
Thaiop leaving homoßeveralmonlb|»go, b
he , wd r :
ibefe robbed audabducted, being
cardU^*!* Vessel and taken
to CabajFor severaimontbshewas con
fined on that .island by his keepers, but
an opportunity presenting, tie succeeded
in making his escape, and is now hi New
Orleans, without money or the ’ means of
subsistence. He Writes to Dr. Cook fc»r
relief; tjiat he wants' sufficient money to
return bomb to bis family, and tbat he j«
nnable to procure it there. At the same
time that he wrote the letter to Dr. Cook,
be also wrote to his family, through some
delay la the mail, this letter did not reach
them: Be states that be has suffered pri
vations and 'distress of mind scarcely con
ceivable! The town of Canonsburg has
been thrown into an Immense state of ex
citement by this news, and also in.this
city considerable interest seems to be
centered; Upon the case. Perhaps In a
few days >Mr, McDaniel will return to
his hdme, when, undoubtedly, the entire
disappearance and mystery will be solved.
The Lawrence JovrnaL says: Last
Tuesday evening two attempts were made
by some bend in human form to fire the
block of frame buildings on the south side
of the Diamond, in this city. The party
could, not -hive selected a better place
than at »b 4 point to cause the destruction
of New Castle. Had the attempts suc
ceeded, with the strong wind that was
blowing, New Castle to-day, would be
weeping«in sackcloth arid ashes. The,
first attempt was made about half-past
seven in one of the rooms lately
occupied by S- K. Stone. This was soon
put out by&tose who discovered it. A boot
half-past a second attempt was
maderrihis time under the stairs in the
action the
force prim^bClp^^||tp t the Cochran
. house* e? the . bucket
brigade, 1 which, witb exertion, ex
thp flames. , } a ■
r instrument in every, respect.”
Theodore Tilton.Editor Independent; “If ypju
were to ask my children, 1 am afraid they would
say they liked our Bradbury almost as well as
they like me.”
Dr. Daafei Wlss Edith* Sunday School Advocate.
, *T uMf ihe Bradbary Plano. and think, like his
music il cannot be excelled.” %
i Rev. Dr. Perris, Now York. “My Bradbury has
stood longer’ In tune, and sounds better than
any Piano In my District.”
Rev. Dr. Fields. Editor©! the Evangelist, “I have
used a Bradbury for years in my family, and
think there Is none superior,”
SandsStrcet Church Brooklyn, St. Luke’tM. E.
Chnrch, and a host of other churches use the
Bradbury Piano in tfielr Lecture and School
Rooms, also the Conservatories and prominent
Hotels in the United States. ; ~
,lnS« ri »-
ClGthing, oUthing\ feady made
and to order, A iIW ttdclt of all kinds of
gentlemen’s furnishing goods. Now Is
an opportunity to get coats, pants, vests ,
or other articles of clothiog at the very
lowest rates at 8. & J. SncUenburg scloth*
Ing store, New Brighton. Don’t purchase
elsewhere until you call and examine
their stock and compare their prices with
those of other dealers. 8. & J. Snellen
burg deal fairly and honestly with all, and
intend to perfect satisfaction to their
cnstorofers, both as regards style, fit, and
quality of their cloth ing. Try them once
and see if they do not make good their
We publish this -week an interesting
poem by a Beaver county girl not yet out
of her teens, which possesses considera
ble merit and gives promise of future ex
cellence in verse making. We hope that
she will improve her talents and furnish
us with other productions for which our
readers will be thankful.
Miss Frances E. Willard, who is
announced to lecture for the benefit of the
Sabbath School at the U. P. Church, on
Monday evening, is said to be a woman of
superior culture and well qualified to give
an entertaining and instructive lecture.
She has chosen, a good subject—" Toe
New Chivalry,” "which, taken with the
distinguished lecturer,will doubtless draw
a crowded bouse.}
Tfip editor of the Argm does not ap
preciate the value of a knife containing a
photograph view of the Lord’s Prayer.
Value depends upon use, and we suppose
he bad no particular need of that kind of
* a double-edged tool.
Tickets to the Lecture of Col. Con
well on the evening of February 6ib, and
the other lectures of the course, can be
bad at Orr & Cooper’f. Single Admission*
50 cents. For the.course* with reserved
seats, $2.00.
/ijji: our paper 1 to-day Will bo found tie advertise
ment ofa magazine calcd the Bumble See % which
Is an evidence of wbat can be done In the way of
magazine publishing. Although this magazine is
/ornlshed to subscribers at on’y one dollar a yew.
yet every subscriber receives « beautiful Ohromo,
e ntltled the “Unwelcome. Visitor.” $8» larger and
finerthat given with most three and .five dollars
, mtgazfnes. We advise our readers to read the
I advertisement and subscrihe at once; they could
< no-Invert a dollar to better advantage. : :
■- .. !
>„ -i'
.1 l-’i' ■
are always sick. No mao, woman or child is unl
roriatiyin hcaith. ifcodn; tioWever, of the
‘ sickness IndauffeHngwhldlrenderl to a btirdeh;
doe -lo ;<ire4
and oegtecti |4 antidote to the
ending causes of dilate bks been provided. "It
: : v i 'Oiftcienlif NO poisonous
.'lngrid jant;.' is, vegetable.; |fhto unexceptionable
: ptoTOptitc aad l»not u a j»aw
ters will lode havebeenbeforethe wbrid a snt5 ntr *
to fiver
th|t tbowante r aye| 'tens r ,of thensaftdsi • are now
nsinjjt/it who would i harcjbeett in their graves
yean ago had they sot been strengthened and ina
-1; taloed-by >thu rapidi
ty With whlchmlnor ailmentaoftenhecome.when
tonic l* fmonsforjMi Inmed late check wWcb t it
o|T jlead'y ,iji?ordot«. The
sensation of ihe ; elck headache, the net;
Vonsness. the to exertion, the nan*
eep, the confusion of hrni4 the physical debility,
which are intended. tot piernunUh >ns or the ap*,
proafch ofierlons dlShger, are ; invariably removed
a tev doses of the Bitters. 1 he. feme ot the
titeptaration : aa agenuteespeclflc fbr dyspepsia,
b Hlious complaint?, malarijone fevere, rheumatism
and chioclc debility, is asjwide as the world ;| and
in these days of Infamous charlatanism, when
fierce cathartics, that rob ‘the invalid of the last
remnants of bis strength, are advertised as invlg
orants (?), It is indeed a blearing to mankind that
Hosletter’e Stomach Bitters are everywhere pro
curable, and everywhere popular. jan3-lm
! i 1
5 I -; t , ■■
iTfae following kite': the Wholesale prices unless
otherwise noted store rates at me usual ad
vance: | ,■ |
• Hat—f 24, 2fla2Bper ton.
|Mnx Feed—Middlings f1,25a1,36; Bran 1,15 a
iwipercwt. .• ■ T; _'■
Potatoes— BoaBBc per burhel. .-.V,,
J Provisions— Hams, Sugar cored, 13}4c ; Sbonl
dors, 7«4c; Sides lc : Bacon, lie; Mess Pork, lie;
pressed Hogs,Static. .[[]
3 Lard—Tierces bbls |)4c, pails 10c lb.
i Apples—s 2 00a250perbbl.
4 Butter— 2sa2Bper Ip. \ ; /
| Fruit— Apples,4aCcper lb; Peaches, 7aBc ; Pit
ted Cherries, 20a32c ; unfitted, 6aBc per lb.
; Beans—J2.soa2i7s per bushel,
i CaEßtfE—Ohio gweitzer, le&alTcr Goshen, lGt<a
|7clb. ■ | ’I; : ■
; Eggs—3Sa39 pec dozen.
i Flodr—fB.ooa&lBs per bbl.
| OATtf-Mixed, 48c per bushel.
rCoßN—s7asBc per bushel. ■
I ■ ■•. ■ a- ' —; y
§ White Wheat per bushel...... f i 65
c New Red •• V “i. I*6o
-if, -
••. >fc ■
Corn (old shelled) ' J
Ihßdcfewheat, in- .‘.V
“t • ■• . Ji • - ‘ !
«a ta ill ,
?«h W 0 ®
Hew lUcertteewctttsi.
Vi. M.McCreery.aßd J. K. Sandereon.
r tbejOm of J. M. McCREfiRY & CO., , was
lived onthe ; 2oibday of January, 1873. Mrs.
W:'K. Saoderson retking.
All debts dno to the said partnership are to be
ipald to J. M. McCreery, who will continue the
jUioiss at the old st«md^aver 6 Pa. Ry
Few Lots in Briijewater Borangb.
By virtue of an order of theGrohans’ Court of
Beaver county.the üßderitoed of the
(last will and testament ; ofJAMi® PORTER, de
ceased. will expose to public sale, on the premi-
: f AAft HU ■
n . TUESDAY. M\BCH 4th. A. D. 1873, -
at 2 o’clock, p. a piece ofgroniid situate In the
«f Beaver, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on
the north by Mulberry Street, east by locust al
ley, south by Clarion Street, and west - brO tter
Lane ; cob taming about HALF AN ACRE, and
embracing ■. ]Qts omnberGu 18* 19, and 20, ui
Hayes’ plan of lota in said borough, all enclosed,
and hiving thbreon erected .a good frame stable.
TERMS—One balf tbe purchase money to be
‘ paid at tbe confirmation of sale by the Court, and
the remainder in one year from that date, with
lawful Interest therefor ftom-thosame time. -1. C. WILSON, Executor.
Libfary Building, 195 Penn Avenue,
PITTSBURGH, PA. fja3l-lm
Sewing Machine !
Only Five Dollars!
With the New Patent Buttoh Hole Worker
The Most Simple and Compact in Construction,
jfu Most Durable and Economical in Use.
A Model t>) Combined'Strength had Beauty.
Complete in all its tarts, uses the Straight Eye.
Pointed Needle, PelWhwadiDg, direct upright
Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed and 1
GMh Gnlder. Operates by Wheel and on Table.
Licht Running. Smooth and Noiseless, like all
good high-priced machines, flas patent. ..check to
nreventthe wheel being turned the wrong way.
TTms the thread direct from the spool. Makes the
Elastic Lock Stitch (finest and strongest stitch
known;) firm, durable, cloee and' rapid. Will do
all kinds of work, fine and coarse, from Cambric
to heavy Cloth or Leather, mid uses all descrip
tions of thread. ■-
* The best mechanical talent in America and Eu
rope baa been devoted to improving and simplify-
Ingonr Machines, combining only that which la
practicable, and dispensing with all completed
surroundings generally found in other macbinee.
Special terms and extra inducements to male
and female agents, store keepers, 4c,, wbo will
establish agencies through the country and keep
our new machines on exhibition and sale. County
rights given to smart agents free. Agent’s com
ntete outfits furnished without any extra charge.
Samples of sewing, descriptive circulars containing
terms, testimonials, engravings, 4c., sept free.
,: Address
No. 1329 Broadway,
X 00'
j£~ t ¥- 3 !:tz
who wltleugagewiuia* at once. Everything .!
ramlsnedano expensospald. Address „ , .
A. CPU LTKR & CO.. Charlotte. Mich. ,
: $O. v AGENmmNTED v
to sell a BeautlfnlPonralt. In oil colon, of the
Hero of OctlTshßift the tale Major General
Giorob G.MuD><&endtlfor ontDt.or 25 cents
' for MffipIe.CHOt&CCPAWKaT.'TOS Chestnut
drtrcefc r.”-.
tl U'ltoCira IMptslUAl* KU6SIAW Slt»TAiU*
Y—WholeWe tOthr trade. Single Cana sent.
® r M/V &OA per day t Agents wanted r All
fIPJ ■ lU. .©*ll classes ofworklng ipeople, of
either sex young or oldimakemoney at work, for
aslntheltspare moments, or all the time, than at
anything else. ■ Particulars free. Address O.
Stinson & Co., Portland. Mainer :
Bleeding. Itching or Cl*
ceratedPlles that Be
Bino's PtLE Be vest■■>
fails to curie. Itis pre- :
- pared expfesaly to euro
the Piles,; and nothing
eleei Soldby all Druggists. Price $l.OO.
Conditions which impair veiUity—positive and
negttlve electricity—proof that life is evolveu
without union—effect of lobacco—influence -of
flsh and phosphoric diet—modem treatment of pel*
vie diseases, stricture and varitocele. and arrest
of development: ten lectures to his private surgi
cal class, by EDWARD H. DIXON. M. D.. 45 Fifth
avenue. N. Y; 64 paces. 85 cents. “Every line
from the pen of Dr. Dixonis of great value to the
whole human race.”—Horace Greeley.
:.■■■ i V
A book of 128 pages, showing bow. when and
whereto advertise,{and containing a list of nearly
3,000 newspapers, with much other Information
of interest to advertisers. Address GEORGE
P. HOWELL & CO., Publishers, 41 Park Bibw,
New York.
f&St jv Of Eyery|; Description.
I PITTS [ja3Mm
If you would be well and strong; studytbeTlAWß.'
of Life and Health, by reading “THE SCIENCE
OP HEALTH,” the best health journal .published ’
< '-hot the organ of any business or institution, but
an independent, earnest educator of the people;
i in that pertains to the preservation aatregaviing
.of health. Only |2 a year; 30 cents a No.; and the
a splehdldOlL OHROMO. price ts,given to every
subscriber. Our Chromos are now- HEADY FOB
DELIVERY. If sent by mall, mounted and var
nished, ready for framing, 30 cents extra mnet
be sent lor each picture.. Agents wanted at once
iu evefy town. Cash commissions' given. Ad*
dress, at once. S. R. WELLS, publisher,JSSVßroad
way. New York. -janSl-lm
Invite special attention W their
■ r . -■ r - < * ‘
A very large stock of ail the best makes.
Black and Colored Velvets for Trimmiog, &c., 1
black bilk velvet sacques, cloaks
A large st ock of Fashionable Furs, id medium *ad
- « finexjoaJlty.
Blankets and Flannels,
The above stock comprises the
Which we offer at the lowest market price*.
A 1 lechers y City, Penna.
,decls-4m. : '
o ,
All the new shades
At $1 per yard.
Id great variety.
M- i-
* vi:
v<r i ' ft
i: i-i.’.:.
< , c • *7
f • 1