The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 24, 1873, Image 5

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ageto.-C. W. Taylor, Beaver Falla; Evan
j>n P h, New Brighton; J. Wnnenbrink, Rochester.
Radical la the ntort cxtendvelF elrcn*
lat *d Weekly Newspaper in Western
Cleveland & PltWburßli Railroad.
mnng iK«r-Mail, 7,46 a. m; Accommodation
5 40 p. m.
Ming East— Accommodation, 9,19 *. in; Mall,
5,37 p. ri* txpreae, 7,97 p. m.
Arrival and Departure of Stalls.
Western mall leaves ai 8 at 4 p.m.
B&stern mail leaves at Bp.m.;arrives at 9a.m.
Kew Lisbon mail leaves every Friday, (instead of
Monday), at Ba. m.; arriveson Saturday, at S p. m.
Bisct Hawk, St-Clair, Clarkson end New Lisbon.)
Sleigh for sote--Inquire of Dr. J. C.
Levis, Bridgewater.
Tbc time is now comlngfor public sales, and
tbe place to get bills printed is at Thb Radical - , r - .v
Take Notice—To Gun Subscribers.
_V»’e have a very large Subscription list
on oar books which we would like to have
paid op- Will our friends pleaseatiend
to -his matter at once, and send ns Jfbat
isdue, either by draft, post-office ptdeot
registered letter.
*,-f'J. ~r;~.S ■' \
Booln and Shoes, a large and sdperlour'Btock'
of fern's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Sllpper slwayf
cn hand Gedts\Custom Made Boots of the best
Material. Ladies wear of the beet qnalily. em
bracing all the latest* styles In store or taade to
order. Misses' Button and Lace and.
slippers, st all prices. Boysahd yoothaßpotftand
shoes in great variety. Prices IoWSS the”, lowest,
£• J. Kennedy’s & Co., JL43 Main street, Beaver
t janKMw.
Commissioner** Appointment*.—Tbo
Commissioners of Beaver countyf havemade the
following appointments for the present yean Clerk
to Commissioners—John McGowri; Counsel—J. It
Ear rah • Manager House of Refuge—S. J. Cross;
Physician to Jail—Dr; Jno. C. Levis; Mercantile
Appraiser—R. F. Mcltvainc; Janitor—Cicero Tur
ner., The appointments are excellent, and will
meet the hearty approval of all good Republicans.
The time is now doming for public sales, and
ike place to get bills printed is at The Radical
We have received several interesting
communications whiph came too late for
publication. Will our friends hereafter
bear in mind that all communications, to
insure insertion, should be sent in by
Tuesday, and earlier if possible. It is im
possible for printers to do everything in
one day.
Col Conwell Is meeting with the greatest
success-next to Nasby.—[Cincinnati Daily Times*
Mr, John iJßUjger, of Georgetown,
haspurchased an intermit in the Beaver
Contenatke, and."henceforth the paper
, will-be under th'ejointcontrol of Bigger
&¥lliiams. Mr. Bigger is a, member, of
the gome what dist ■- famsy of
Uiat name in Hanover towoship.and is
in the south western
P’od reputation as a staunch Democrat
acd; an honorable man. We wish him
success in bis new undertaking.
Col. Con well has been an extensive traveler
sndoneoftbe ablest correspondents in the conn’
;ry. His book upon the Coolies entitled “Why
and How the Chinese Emigrate,” is the best book
it the market fdr ftt kind.—[N. Y. Herald.
Admitted . —Robert $l. Agnew, son
of Justice Agnew of the Supreme Court,
and a member of the bar of Adams coun
ty, Pa., was on Wednesday last, on mo
tion of H. Hice, admitted to the pi act ice
of law in the several Courts of Beaver
Go to Christy's
The time is now coming for public sales, and
the place 10 get bills printed is at The Radical
A. It. Moore, Esq,, Tidioute,
Rev. Walter Brown and iady, of Steuben*
ville, Ohio, and Dr. A. R, Thomson, of
Cabal! county, West Virginia, persons
well known in this community, were in
Beave: last w?ek on a visit to their
Go :o Christy's
Capt.j. s. Win a ns, of New Brigh
'a,n ’ hdS appointed Major General of
the Nineteenth Division of the State Na
onii! Guard, comprising orgaaizilions
the c unties of Beaver, Butler and
Washington. We congratulate the Gen
eral on ai> deserved promotion.
As .12 author and orator Col. Cohwell has won
• tiocor —[x. V. Tribune. '•
There are three thousand and twenty-
S‘ilJitr’6 Orphans being educated
y this State. There has been expended
or education, maintainance and clothing
? ! l^ese Orphans’ during the past year
5467.260.32. .
Vfr yb°dy in Raccoon township knows where
* Btore is ’ an d also know that Harvey will
of ® tairttlln ? in a trade. He has a good stock
goods pc hand which he will sellcbeap.
e listened iast evening for the fifth time to
tanrtf° EWel18 " LeBBonB of Travel,” and under
a rroo the committee that it was the 168 rd nepr
' ° ofu in the Sutes.vit is eoodforasmany
•’ 88 tbe enthusiasm'of last evening well
es —fConinne Journal. .
Couwell, —This gentleman wixo
10 °pen the Independent. Lecture
lr se in place Feburary 6th, went
m oston t 0 the army ns a private. By
> with the,dailies of that
hl . e soon wade h imself known to the
'c, and at the close of the war the
. 0& Tr *nkr sent him round the. world
? correspondent His forte is said to
T poo e£criptsoa > “nd his lecture entitled
Travel " affords him > fine
Wc‘ U,n ' It ' V t 0 d May his talent Jn this
Money. andJtfatHntony^HAm*
ing fok Cash—Sharp Operations—An
Unsuccessful ’ SchiaiE,—Some time
since & tnannsmed Jesse E. Porter came
to this city, with his wife 'and family,
and pat np at one of onr principal hotels. |
He had formerly been engaged as a clerh;
for *.hotel 1
died, leaving his widow in comfortable
ctrpaj^^h^^^'^er^^i^ho^iS'« man of
good address and fine personal appear "
ance, imadOove to the widow, and was
not. long ;in ascertaining that his atten*.
time. and early last winter the -family
moyedto this ; city, asstated. /They- re*;
mained here pnly aboot three roontba,"
daring which time he spent, or gcb rW df
frequwUlyof i; go}iag, into ; .business, , jjjiy
anything While here. His
who ls a niost estlnteblewoman, and 'arf
deotJy aitached to him, was willing tb
make almost any IsbCrifice for bis sake.
■;snpf ;
e to
, tks £' .f'T' '* • k * ' '-■'* 7
A •; throws
some Ifgbbttpolpi^ opera
tiona ■
Shortly after- six q|clrthk last evening
officer Hoffman,' oftbe fjquthern Station,
while passing alongShaj-p street was ac
costed; by Margaret Morgan, bat better
known as Lizzie Johnson, who informed
him that she had been, robbed of font
thousand dollars In green hacksr Shefur-.
nisbed the officer wiiji a description of tha
party whom she suspected of haying com
mitted the robbery, and in twenty min-,
utes after receivmg the information, the 1
officer bad Captured his man and the mon
ey. He was taken to. the Southern Sta
tion House and gave,his name as Jesse E.
Porter, of Pittsburgh, and stoutly affirm
ed that he did. not steal the money, but
that bad it placed in his pocket, for
safe keeping, information of the arrest
of Porter was conveyed 1 to complainant,
and upon her visiting this. Station House,
she stated tq Captain Delanty that she
had known the accused for some time,
and that under the promise of. marriage
she had been induced dlspqshof A&Q:
same money stolen by : Porter. The iic
cosed attempted to show that he did not
steal the money, and handed the amount
above named, less sso,l.over to Captain:
Delanty, and when Miss Morgan slated
that she had lost $4,000, he drew, from his
vest pocket a fifty dollar note and handed
it to her with the remark that it was not
her money, but that he would give it to
her tu makeup the amount stated to have,
been taken from her. Miss Morgan, after
conversing a short time with the accused,'
was disposed not to prosecute him,but Cap
tain Delanty deeming the case one requir
ing further investigation, ordered Porter
to be locked up for the n?ght, The accus
ed is a fine looking young man, was dress*
ed very neatly, and protested in the most,
emphatic manner that be did not steal the
money, but that he removed it from un
der a bed for fear that it might be stolen
or lost in some other manner. He will
have a hearing bdbre i Justice Nugent
this morning. PUttburgh C<mmercial t
VUk imt.
No w is an opportunity to get clothing at cost
at L. Steinfeld’s, Rochester. Pa.'
The Harrisburg! correspondent of the
Backs county Intelligencer says of Beaver
county men :
“There is a good deal of speculation
about General Hartranft's principal ap
pointments. Everybody takes U for
granted now that >l. 3. Quay, of Beaver,
will of the 1 Commonwealth,
to succeed Col. Jordan. ;Quay has achiev
ed considerable notoriety as a habitue of
Harrisburg during Legislative
and other public occasions, and has been
for some years an active jjolitic’an. r He
has just sold' his newspaper— The Bea
ver Radical—to Senator. Rutan, Which
is taken to be a sign that lie is going into
other business. - The ease with which
Beaver county men get Into gp'od places
Is becoming proverbial. You don’t seem
to have many such in your ancient conn*
ty of Bucks.”
L. srelnfcld is cJoalDgnpbaßiness. Don't
forget that be U selling oat at cost. Rochester, Fa.
■- •• : .• ;■{ - ’■ : •.■■Vi : "'• V W '"I,
ji v/s;
' The East Liverpool Gazette says:
Anxiety concerning iheywhereaboalß of
Mr. Ed. Donds abd Jamw & ! Stewart, is
felt; hy their: left febfne
about two montHe Sloce tO sell ware. The
last heard from about two weeks
since, when they were 5 itj; on r
their return home. It Is presumable that
they badT a snug sum of money, and suspi'
cions are entertained that they were
foully dealt, with. ?be affair certainly
seems very mysterious.. 1 •;.
J, H. CbrUtyj of Raccoon township, baa on
band and Is constantly receiving a good assortment
otgobda, consisting or dry goods, groceries. ; boots
and shoes, hsrdware, etc., which hewui selJ-atthe
very ’o*e»t rates, fjnick skirt «& small profits Is
hiambuo, . ; I . i:\-2f :.i
r IVkcsecond
“Woman’s Era or the - Divine RepuWic,”
■ was de Hvered, according to -
meat, in the Presbyterian church bn last
Friday evening to a crowded bouse. Tbe
gifted lectuierdevetpped nbe
though more thoroughly, as he advanced
in'his previous effort and applied the sub*
Ject to the complete enfranchisement' of
woman. 'HP analyzed the intellectual,
moral and physical constitution of women
and men, and showed how each have
something of the other sex* ahd fa con*
struct ion were dnalistic, but that certain
distinguishing elements in each sex pre
dominated, and : these determined their
separate spheres and indicated the uses of
which they are capable Industrious arts,
Phi|o«fphy, histones, r rel and |polb
ticsafe 'the "oot-growth J nf buman Func
tions, and a careful study of what has
thus been UPreveal tbe char
acter of the forces that Jrave. been active
in moulding the different civilisations of
the world. The dnaiistic being that runs
through creation is ;tbe masculine-fern -
nine being., Man la not all of the ,mascn- ;
line and woman all of the feminine.
Each has more or‘ less of the other, ’ and
the character of their influence upon socie
ty depends upon the predominance of
the feminine or masculine nature. In re
gard to worth, the. feminine nature was
the highest and the last to arise to its'
supremacy. The masculine nature had
for providential reasons predominated
heretofore in the world’s civilization, but
nowi tbe feminine nature, of which Christ
was the perfect representative, was to
appear in all its beauty and power to
lead in tbe millennial period of which
bards had sung and prophets spoken.
Tbe feminine nature was in
divine iove, while tbe masculine
sented self-love. As love was better than
self love, so woman was superior to man,
and in the dawning era would reign,
through love, over all. Tbe effects of this
reign of love would be the abolition of all
kinds of slavery, reformation of existing
methods in tbe treatment of the unfor
tunate, especially as regards both out
casts and criminals, tbe prohibition of
the liquor traffic and the general refine
ment and amelioration of the human fam
ily. But, as tbe indispensibie means to
this end, women must become voters and
hold the power that shapes the policy of
the nation., She must have a controlling
voice in public affairs, and then this love
nature which has been excluded, will as
sert its divine origin and the majesty of
its power. You can not divorce the na*
lures without injury to both; they comple.
ment each other and like two hemispheres
make one whole. The lecture was quite
lengthy, and -w6 baVe sketched * this from
memory and know that we have failed to
.do justice, .fudging „fropi the interest
manifested, and tbe' generous collection
-raised, we thfnlc tbatbqt h the lecturer
rnunity. ’ r: '- '
Last Wednesday a Company of Ger
mans of Beaver Falls;' acting:as a commit*
tee of Workingmen of.said place, went op
in Economy to have an interview with
Mr. Lenz. - one of the: trustees of the
Economite Society, fcnd who, as reported,
is strongly to the introduction of
Chinese labor info .Cutlery. This
Committee did not flad the oldgenlleman
a|l home, but Mr. Henrici was there, the
Stber trustee, and to. him. the ■ members
resented 5 their complaints wlthddi re
living,very much satisfaction perhaps,
elxcept advice to go home and mind their
(justness and every thing-would soon be
in a properous condition. Jnst how this
prosperity is to happen and who are to
prosper he did not explain, and the Ser
mon workmen are compelled to await the
return of their friend and well-wisher,
Mr. Lenz, to obtain further light by which
to dispel the gloom that now rests upon
their prospects.
At an election of elders held in the
Presbyterian church of Beaver Falls, the
rotary system was adopted unanimously,
and in order to put it in operation, the
three oid elders were; continued, one for
two years; one for four years; and the
other for six. Three new elders ' were
elected one for two, one for four and one
for six years,faking the board of elders
to consist of vi t : Parkison, Frazier,
Thorne, DotrdS, Stewart and Bracken.
The oame plan Wil - used in the elebtion
of deacons, resulting in the election of
Morrison for six years, Craighead for four,
Cline fbr two;
; A .Sad man who. gave
his haine as Edward Sbanehnessy, fell
into a fire on last Sabbath near the Little
Beaver,B. R. b/idge, west o f Gew Galilee.
The fire was built near the'track for the
benefit of the watchman of the road, and
Shaughnessy, who seemstobe a stranger,
asked the privilege of warming himself.
It is thought while so doing he took a fit
and fejil into the fire. .. He was terribly
burned about the body and head, sink ‘ bat
very little hopes are entertained of bis re
covery by the Dr.
Shnrlock. The unforinnite man was well
taken care of by ex;Sherlff Gnebing at
his residence inNew Galilee,—Pms, nth.
Bank Directors Election,— The
annual meeting.of the stockholders of the
National Bank of Beaver county, took
place in the Banking House, New Brigh
ton, on Tuesday oflastweek, and the fol
lowing directors were elected to serve fpr
the ensuing year: John Miner, R, E.
Hoopes, R. Bi Edgar, Benjamin Wilde,
M. Darragh, G. W. Hamilton, G. S. Bir
ker, John Stiles audJainefi Duncan.
the Me*
■ M£ j
fading, caominto;.,bulled ofi
watafe .^M^ghl,,
no ow A»JBe smSk tWiilwC 3t
morning. 26u£ uh.». his 1 jre-
n sl^tcßTnkl
*?* .«s%’ &$v Is*s'
hanging by- theneck, witharope baiter.
taken ; from one pf tfip. fer«ea, anS
thrown oyer a l^m-some seven feet high,;
withlbUi knee%tobchipgthe. stable floor/,
was the- lifeless remains of her unfortu :
natefather,cold, stiff and frozen, bis feet'
anti legs the knees s flown , resting ‘
wholly on the stab le floor. be !
must have died' irery gradually, kf at' any
time during the period ,of dying be could
have artesied death by rising to bis feet,
or helping himself up by the logs of the.
stable wali.frhich bis i»ofly almost touch
ed. Domestic difficulties are thought to
he the cause. He leaves one child,
two step children, and a large train of
relatives and friends to mourn his untime
ly end. An inquest was held by Justice
Andrew Labtz.
Burgess—A Q McCreary: Assistant .Burges?—
James Hood; Council-Martin Motzgar, James iL,
Fessenden, Wm U Hood, Herman Eckbardt, Danl'
Barnard,' H M Meyers; Judge of Election—O H
Noble: Inspectors—B P Nowiing, A P Wolf, N M
Macomber, School Directors—J R EaklnChaaD
Benonf; Assessor—J H Fife; Assistant. Assessors
—J|R Hoopes, PGRohnrcaat; Auditors—W C Pies .
senden, Wm Shannon; Constable—Jaimes Houston.
Majority agiinst license—lls.
The following is the reshlt of the election in
U S Johns was elected Burgess, J M Alexander
Assistant Burgees, Win Boggs High Constable.
North Wabd. Council—R KHodpes, R, KRH;
D W Bwick, R,ft2;l K Campbell, Lid, 144>4; John
C WhUla, 0, IG9J4. 'pf
Cooper, H, U 3; Jos Reeves, IK, TO. , Inspector—
Jobnß Williams, R, f>; 67. School
Dlractoir—B *T Reell, Ri A Mc-
Gowan.R, 169; Tbos Miller, D, 74. Constable—
Wm Boggs, H, 119; W C Powell, D,-70. For ii*
cenre, 84; against license, JTO; * * ■. ~^
Middle Wabd. R, lit*; A
Bentley; Jr, R, 130; A Daff,'l'H; 102; Thos Mellon,
D, 90. Jadg« Of Elect AraddJo. R, 91; G
PBleaon,.%isr. Inspector—Hiram'Reed, Jx. 88;
recMrr-jR r Mihtf,'R^^ i S N Rv6o. A*.
William Hunter; against
license, 120. f.V; : * '
States Patent Office to James
M. Conkle, of Beaver Palls, for a Rotary
Engine, described: Stationary rings pro
ject inwal l from i the or
outward from a stationary Centre, to form
rests or export for the valves or steam
rebatmentsjUhe piston or rptety head, re
volves around said projectings orsupports.
Henry. Schipeman was accidentally
killed on’Taesday at Ran, f>y be
ing thrown with his wagon over an on
bankment. The road was .covered with
&e r j|anjk
carrying the horses with it. One horse
rolled bn Mr. Schipeman find; jc|Med him.
The companion who was with Uln escaped
without injury.
Mr, John,Whitta, of New, Brighton
was injured by an accident
on the P. C. &;St Lonis raUroad,on.Tj|«|*
day. His relations received a dispatch
from Ffazieraburgon Thursday-stating
that he was getting worse and to
His sister left immediately to see Km.
, i Our recent article oil L<i&loptioo re*
.. B ir* | celveft complimeatary noticea by
.aocao* ,/j he press oflheStatet' -i;;/,v ; . - r :r: '
The Etectioits inßeaver Falls
and New Brighton, —The borough
elections in Beaver Falls and New Brigh
ton, which took place no Tuesday of last
week, resulted in electing good men, near-'
ly all Republicans. There was something
a contest In each pjace over some of
the offices, and the license question, but
in no respect was it political. The follow
Ing persons were elected in
sotftd. thoßoace—Wm B
Lemmon, R, -1 -
Bentley; R,
vert, D, 86. Jndguxtfviaj^
8B. S
Hunter, D, 10.^1^'ooipl^^^-t%^^ : PTown- ;
r, 37.
Constable—W ip
TO; s%■:
' 'j;j .-~y ii : ■%’ ■’• : >
* • - —-r.
Safe Harbor Lodye, jSb. TfK),l. O.
0. F., located at
stated mee|iil|f, passed lbe fojlpwing resn
lulion in regard topical Option,- r >
Besotted, That -we 'believe It Is; the doty of
every advocate of the cause of Temperance to use
his influence to sustain -the cause by voting at the
ensuing electlonagainstthe granting of license for
the sale of intoxicating liquors in Beaver county.
Keep the ball rolling. We hope to
bear of similar resolullonSbeing passed
by every Lodge and Society in the bounty.
Men and brethren, we urge it Upon you
to work earnestly. A triumph of this
great moral principle will be no political
triumph—but one in which we of every
party, have .an equal interest. Work,
then,,for the. good .of liiecommon cause,
arduously and unremittingly. L.
In regard to the-rumor, that a black
band iron ore vein had been discovered
near Smiths' Ferry, op Little Beaver
We understand lliflt it;% not without
foundation, and the. vein is said to be
located ou Mr Foulk’s farm, on the right
bank of the stream, about four m iles from
the Ohio river.
A Patent was issued from the United
;.- v » r .- _x'y■
“Inwaya thataradarfcand tricks that me vain”—
; • Tot be punctual Id tto be success fa I—at
least in, the majority of cases* Seeing
that we have joist started in a new year,
ilt may not bet amis to coasldechow much
jofi bur happiness, how much’ of others*
happiness, andhowmoch the suocess-of
iOnraelFesandothersdepend nppn punc
tuality. r e»eiy: calling: in : life
would do well to be always; found on the
pnnetaal. list. >vlf yon: are: a miioiater of
the gospel, pnaetaaUty Inessential Are
yoaj ft: pUyelciaft ? thenjpunciuallty adds
infinite; valuetoyour profetelon.Yuo
cannot be a successful lawyer w Hfaont be
ingpuartaal.ASA teacher, or educator,
t . o-
!ÜBjCtoftlity i 8 lndi»pen&»ble. Ia foci*
nmchaots.msDufactufers. uniats, and
lasi* .bat; not feast* feborbrs—yes,all,, 06?
difference :what .their avocation ihsiy be,
will always be benefitted by being, punc
tual. Young man, who ever you are, if
yon are forming rales of action for life,
let punctuality be one of them—-one you
intend to observe.. Be punctual at school,
in church, in business—whether that busi
ness is making brooms or making match -
es—be punctual ip the fulfilment of all
your promises, whether to your God, U*
your fellow-man, Or to yourself. In order
to do this, never promise to do anything
that you believe to be wrong, and always
use every available means of obtaining
knowledge about the character *of the
business your promise may- be based upon
before making it, then you able
to act discreetly in the matter, :
The, drones of society are never punp
tual; they are proverbially stupid, wait
ing, Micawber-like, for something, to turn
up—never thinking of even trying to
turn up anything, unless it is an ace; jack
or a glass of whisky. However, they man
ifpst a cunning promptness
bills, but lose all of that canning prompt
ness about the lime their bills are doe
Tbe pupctual men of society should spot
these doles* scalliwags, these self-same
blood-suckers, who derive their suste
nance by the labor of others, and thus in
crease the proportionate cost of every ar
ticle consumed by bpuest, punctual meo,
by making those bard-working, honest
men pay enoughjmqre for their merchan
dise to account for the losses by the bad
debts, contracted by—well no matter,
there Is no name in any decent vocabnla
ry by which to designate them, without
resorting to Billingsgate or thief slang,
and that we will not do. But if yon dp
not wish to be classed with that same
black list, always be punctual.
To get a glimpse of the various schemes
resorted to by those, who are never known
to be punctual, to avoid paying their bills,
just spend one or two days with a collec
tor, and you will not only be amused but
astonished. j9oe, day spent in this way
#rta convince any sane man
that a blessingbut
■'an absotutenec^ty.
Lei us all, be punctual; let us
come to tima In. pay iogstnall.'trifling debts*
—every one of them—and see how busi
ness men, will thereby be enabled to pay
their larger debts without trouble. As this
ia'an illustration in business, so we might
carry but the illustrations religiously and
socially* and always prove punctuality es
sential to success. Me.
: lab to C. Stelnfeld’s Clothing store. He is sell'
tog out at-cost. '
. The Waynesbnrg Republican is out in
aft neW dress with bright paper and new
type, and so enlarged as to contain one
third mbre reading tnatter than before.
We are glad to see manifested on the part
of the Republican such a progressive
spirit. : -
!<• Stelnfeld is selling out at dost to quit bn<
We are indebted to the publishers, for
the January number of the Penn Monthly ,
Which is more than up to its usual ex
cellence. The articles ; are Well written
and of general interest, especially the
leading one on the Cdnstitutional Con
For Coughs, and Consumption, in
its early stages,nothing equals Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery. ’ 613.
J. JR, Eby, Esq,, of Harrisburg, has
been re-elected President of the State Ag
ricultural Society. The next annual Fair
will be held at Erie, commencing on the
23d of September.
Qnery.-Wby do all other Sewing Machines
draw their comparison from the Singer ?
Answer.—Because the Singer is the standard
Sewing Machine of the World; •
B. Stbaw i Co.t No. 10 Sixth' Street, Pitts,
borgb. Fa. i i > •.
Citizens’ Prohibition Executive Com*
mltfee Meeting.— Pursuant to announcement,
the Citizens’ Prohibition Executive Committee
held its first meeting at the Court House on last;
Saturday evening. The committee was organized
by electing S.‘ B. Wilson Chairman, J. Wcyand
Sectary, and Q. W. Hamilton Treasurer. After
a-general Interchange- of opinion it was thonght
advisable: to enlarge the committee, where upon
the names or Smith Curtis, S. B. French, M. Wey
and and B. B.Dangherty were added to the Ex
ecutive Committee. That body is now composed
as follows: • ••
Samuel B. Wilson, M. S.Quay, JohnF. Bravo,
£. P, Kuhn, J.B, Bulan, J. Weysnd, John Canghey,
B. M. Boneboo, J. B Harrah, Frank Wilson, B. I.
Imbrie, William Orr, K. T. T#ylor,|3fel), W- Uamir
ton, I). Singleton, F. Chamberlin
White, Smith Curtis, S. B.Frencb, M. Weyand
and E. B, Daugherty. *
Smith Curtis, Esq., was elected ion additional
secretary to the Committee. The best of feeling
prevailed among the mctSbere, and active effort
was promised on the part of ail. After which the
committee adjourned to meet at the same piece on
Saturday ' evening, February,at 7 o’clock.
3s.': ■■;
drive his team across the railroad
at Beaveyfclls, was caught by the
which tore the wagon op and caught hinij
on the cowcatcher and carried him two
hundred yards. He was injured probably
fatally. " 1 ’ % ‘,'y ■ ■ p-.'
OU *. Me-
Donald&Co. hereobtained a good oil
well on the PUher fern* near Ohiovilte,
eald lo be from 15 to* 20 barrels per day*
Another Wg well is reported on the Mo*
Laughlln fane.
JTe regret to learn that Sheriff Dayis,
.bfjfcaGiehce 'coiautyi ledt ‘ Svr&drajr Vf■:
; pneumonia. ! He was a‘,‘ bravesoldier and
tttdty Wounded while in the army., Gov
ernor Hariranfl has appointed, lo flll the;
nnexpired terin, William DAvte, brother
of the deceased, whose appointment,' he*
having been deputy Sheriff and being ac
quainted with the business of'the office,’
will glyeenttre satisfaction. -
Wm. E,- Witson has sold hil entire
interest in the Washington Advance to M.
A. Cooper & Co.
Go to Christy's; he Is a clever ferfowvand will
give you the best kind of a bargain.
In onr paper to-day willbo found tbe advertise*
ment of a magazine caled the Bumble Bee, which
is an evidence of what can be done in the way oC
magazine publishing. Although this magazine i
furnished to subscribers at dn'y one dollar a year,'
yet every subscriber receive* a beautiful Chromo,
entitled the “Unwelcome Visitor,” fB, larger and
finer that given with mostthree and five dollars
magazines. - We advise bur readers to read the^
advertisement and subscribe at once: they could’’
not invest a dollar to better advantage.
Onr,Bodily Infirmities.
Physical infirmities are the lot of all. Millions
are always sick. No man, woman or child is. uni
formly in perfect health. Much, however, of the
sickness and suffering which render life a burden’
tojso many of onr fellow beings is due to care*,
lessness and neglect. A mighty the,
eading causes of disease has been provided. It,
as harmless as it is efficient. No poisonous
drug enters into its composition. It is nn unde-
e 4 stimulant, tonic and aperient, of which every *
ingredient is vegetable. This unexceptionable
preventive and restorative medicine is not “a new
thing under the sun.” Hostetter’s Stomach Bit
terswill soon bsvedieen before the World a quar
ter of a century ; and It is not too much to aver
that thousands, aye, tens of thousand,?. are now-;
using it who would have been in their graves
years ago had they not been strengthened and sus
tained by this wholesome stimulant, The rapidi
ty with which minor ailments when
neglected, obstinate diseases, is well known; This
tonic is famous for be immediate check which it
gives to thote breeders of deadly disorders. The
sensation of languor, the sick headache, the ner
vousness. the indisposition to exertion, the nau
sea, the confusion of brain, the physical debility,-
which are intended to premonisb na of , the ap
proach of serious danger, ate invariably removed
by a few doses of the Bitters. The feme ol the *
preparation as a genuine specific for-dyspepsia,. ,
billion a complaints, malarious, fevers, rheumatism.,
and chtonic debility, is as wide as the world; and.* :
}n tbete days of inlrinous charlatanism, when *
r that rob the invalid or.the las*
remnants ofhiß strenglh, are advertised as fnvfgr >
it lain deed *b Jessing to nrankind- thßt
Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters are everywhere prof:
Curable, and ev#ywhere popular. jonS-lm '
j ;
J. H. Chrlaly» HfeUpost-offlce, will receive
II jkinds of produce W exchange for goods, and
wdl pay the highest prices of the market.
BHANER-QDTERMUTR-On the 17th, Inst., by
Rev. Jno. Brown, at Knob. Beaver connty. Pa.,
Mr. David P. Shaner, to Miss Annie C.'Gnter
nrate. '
NASH—On Tuesday, January 21st- Mr. Frank
Nash, of Greene Township.
White Wheat per bushel
New Red *• “ “ •
Rye “ “
Oats “ “
Corn (old she lied) “
Buckwheat ••
Letters testamentary on the estate of James
Porter, late of Bridgewater boro., Beaver county,.
Pa., bavins been granted to’ the undersigned, ■ all
parties knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate are requested to moke immediate payment,
and those having claims against the same will pre
sent them properly authenticated for settlement.
J. C. WILSON* Ex’r.,
Brighton township.
The BUMBLE BEE is a handsome monthly:
magazine, of thirty-two large pages besides the
cover, printed on good paper, and devotod to the j.
instruction and entertainment of the American
people. The price is'put within the reach of all,
being only 4>
Every sabscriber ffeceives, mailed free, a pre
mium of a beantiful cbromo, 13x17, entitled the w
That i/what is commonly sold in the picture
stores as ah eight dollar chromo; therefore every
sabscriber to the Buhble Bee value of
. |9.00 FOR $1.00!
- We Want in every locality of the United States >-
andVanadas, good, active
and to such persons we will pay liberal commis
sions or large premiums.
from ten to fifteen years old, make excellent can
vassers. Send -for fall par tenters, and donn forget
to send on your own subscription, so as to obtain
the magazine for yourself, and the beantifnf
cbromo. . Address . -
janS4 6t BUMBLE BEE, Illinois. ZBBBHABT.
To Buy Property, :
To Soil Property,
Yrar Goods Insured, ■
Year Life Insured, .
To Insure Against Accidents
To loase Your House,
To Hire a Houso, N x
To Bay a Farm, X
To Sell a Farm,
Any Legal Writing Done, x
Do noj fail to call at the office of N*
septKMy Beaver County, Pa. -
If You Want
4. V
: -
fl 65
1 60
| 70
1 00
-'V \/W
W. L. BEDI80N.;