Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 12, 1855, Image 4

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    mun" rungs-55m
a: _ i :42... “ ~ .
alchmeb gm nm‘hbuq
him, and nl‘ter a fiiw'inomcnlaflie faintly
resumed: “You could hni'llly'bali‘evo, rev
mndjmier. flat the newspupers Gil Pilu
«got him to rein} should have" 131954
him into Inch :g'oiiiu of rago.‘ My Hm
.1240.“f0 contrived. shopla’a/ny. that I
was that w nun-y u); ‘b‘éwtil‘nl hulking
“Emu the; killnve gone perfectly
diltrwhdmgndé I, unobseri’od, loqkiyg 9JI
delighwdly the while. m: ha'! that. "you
like. was revenge! .Whut wax I saying “l"
I h!“ it. fine ,begi‘n ‘lo doubt (he lrulli 01'
lbs newspaper paragraphs—to hoiw, almost.
believe, Juicy wen invent us: and than,“
was I play‘gd the muster-a in. The new»
paper unii'nouncod' (jux- nvlngc—aur‘ 115 m.
Vinyl—JlM Rig and mine: and I
'kam'o flint the rejoicing r'evch-y should
oonyince him lint it nunouncod the truth.
hthcr, his hlry was spblime in its Wild ‘0:-
tmmgannc. especially, oh ! Mpechlly when, l
M. (he ‘chimo Di midnight, \ho loud musid
pluyed the hridnl air you wot of, approprinle
in tho Hepnrtnio of the. \i‘cdgling guests: Ile
lflmhficed, raged; mid I,‘ too,” con
tinued Mucsmln, “ lill kindling animation,
“I twilmpcdz danced, raged, with sympm
theticdclinit'im,'till my Wed mo, and
" l W 430. full slow I [light of steps; hunt
ing duped-fiend, which at once floslroyed
the frpble hope I had kill that moment cute}-
mined at )irolorigcd lil‘c.’l ' .—-
“WI-cinch! fiend!“ shouted Isabella Rio
«gbs, nimble lo 'conlrol/ her emotions. which‘
wu of‘lhe less conseqncncc in; De Qucsauln‘
' {chpood immediately ho cmscd spenking‘
inlp ptrtinl "inwnsibilily.. “ Yul answer—
dou ho'Evc’i-eor are you in deed as well Is
thong“ l Inn-duet i"
. “ A murder-er!" fuinily murmur-xii Qunv.
ends; “why; yes. ith poison I poured
into his Inter 10-dly cm kill’L— ’
, The lady's convulsive scream wu‘ mhoml
by tin loud voices d' seven-Ll persons hastily
umdlng-fiioaéuir. Presently ma door Wm;
flung violently «finen,and cue to view a spec
mudmthalmgn in warm; Quaildmm
spring up in his couch with rumicd life.
” Allvo!"'he gasped-w“ alive !" as hlu fasci
nated glare rested u n the attenuated.
WW“ {nun-93 of Klonzo \ cinnco. Vim
ble in the light of the (orchcs held aloft, hy
his’hthcr End/DD Zorilln. 9., .
.~ ”I“, divel'" fiercely responded Zurilln:
“ the pretended poisonfil‘ this fellmv, (hl
Polo, prod'hred you, was; luckily {or his neck,
u innocent an inter; nnd"—-—~-~—~ A
“ Silence 1" interrupted the priost, bronghl
by Senor Velascjo, a: he flopped forwnrd and
dented”: woodcnymcmx bcfbro DK‘ Que
muhT-“In lmmnrhl will is passing. luck
upon this éuiblcmof the Eternal]: ,motcy."
he ndded, wdpqsink_the expiring sinner.
i" Ind Mo-think‘ofihi’hna pnyel‘ to
1306." A. gleam of intelligence ”211)ch to
flush from De Qucsuh’a rfnrkened eye-And.
_ 3 half smile pu'tLdJu's lips; the min Ino
mi. he had Men backppcm the pillow—
'dcld! . . _
misrgfiammm fitbtfimrs.
In men no friend on mm anon,
N Natl arm Yondfhclrh; IX"
0 fit IN mm uvcn u a,
1:35. nptxhd by Ar! : ,
Farm-numbed a: .4. .. .
For Inc mono: . _
But “I", wit many sighs And Mun,
Alana 1 un.
But an Onemhlacua ~.
*“ 1&2?“ moi: “m“
In "D - mm lb: Father“ g‘no
. To an my wro.
r" _ “A inn“ skull min ynriry
“W Fm: thing than.
‘To thy my Ar, file!" my sigh
By tend-t love.
Then. pun I'll Lnut In thee, v
, Penman-t 'gh u
'1)“ hum Ihkh 9mm: from win“: It“,
4; , .50an Under Wm.
3W_W It Ch!
Hart proof spinal. IWL She prided
Mum her grut mscnsibility, and last
”indifference bad repulsed nu those
.plhnts vho anturcd to offer their uh
“firefly. ‘Thc country wu for her I. veritaf
'" '- No Nina-L: she shunned reunions, Ind wu
only hnppy in solitude. The charms of n
ohouy circle. the plenum" of the world hlll
’ {hr but no nttmtion, md her ruome rccn n
“warner of angling—4n umusénimt
worfln'y‘ol’in unfecling womn.
_She was mustomcd every pleasant any to
station hcrsell‘ It the extremity of the lonvly
idand of Clinton, Ind there. with a hook in
one hand and her line in the otlwr. her tum
wu pulsed fishing. rculing or dreaming.
, by her'eoldnons. Ind who had never ventured
on} Ipoken or written dcclnrntion, surprised
lair-n hor fnvoritc pun-mic, one tiny when he
hid «tame to the island for the purpose of
7‘ ,ifijoylng 3 swimming b'uh. 11. observed
‘ her for 8);ng time without discovery, and
basin] himself with thinkinfl how he might
[turn to his advantage this Kandy mlmsemuut
of angling. 'lfin rovcrios were no 1100 p and
no {grumle In“ he at list liihlpo‘rflw de
.sired ’p‘lsn. a novel expedient, indoodr—ym
they an? nlv'nya most uucccurul with luch ‘
wénwu u [waged tobc invulucflthlc. " '
V The next duy‘our amorous hem rplurned!
To the hind, Etudxcd the ground, made hi" I
Wanna“. find when Mme. Dew. lml l
“mum“: be; new tomcd -pluce, he flipped
{ln} to I rnpoto Ind retired slit-ltd, and
. _ um. hnvlng dlycated himself of his clothing
he entered‘tlw dream. An excellent swim
mer “Ind‘ Ikillful diver, be mated to his
We went: for the sum of hi: catar
' .priu.‘ Ho Inn; to the and o! (be inhnd '
with the greatest pmcaumm, fnvored by tho
clung.- 9933 lpnk And the bushes which
hung l‘heir’dmo foliage above the Miter-s.»—
In hi- 1:: I wu - note folded Ind acded, And
(gar ‘ g nem- tlle spot whore Mmo.'D—~
rial-lam lightly; he undo mm mu lelz
-3 la; a. hook kg .ttichcd w it his new:
_u~D—-‘——, pompiving tho‘ movefmnt
~10! . 9050511))” Lfllh‘wu’" ‘ .
a?“ ~ harem-ow;
pcilmd {loulflcd {he cnpo ,wh‘x’ch, extending
out into the “51911;, sipeflfui‘thbfii from ouch ‘
pther 951 d had regained his post withoufthu
)ensc fidséju’fifls‘pussoge undh- the willow“.
The gluéfl was done. 3 , t
} _ “Mme. D-—~,pulkd inahcr line'aud what
mu her surpr’isn to dbsurve dgngling upon
1 the hub on‘ 11291;, not (he eifiectcd slhificr,
llmf an.m§uxpected lctie}: : , . J
" This was, however, trifling). mu} be: aur
irisé'ficcnme stupéflcllm} when, on detach
l ing the. transfixed billet, ahc road upbn ”I?
[ enhlopc her name ! . ' ,-
So 11an, this letter which she. had mm!
'up nah mlreased to her ! u «
Thh «as somewhat miraculous. 81:59 was
afraid. meulflcd glance acrutinizud tho
surroimd'ulg spade. but theft! 'vus naming m
be seen, or heard ; all mu; still “and lonely
bot“ oh .undmndvuter. 1 u. .
Shg qulmm her Icflflmt (00k Iwiy the
letter. 45 soon as Iho was Alone, and 4:10:-
etcd with hqmclf, and as soon as the paper
was dry-«a paper pcrchtly water-phat, and“.
written upox) m‘tbjndcfiblc ifik—Hfixg unscnlcd
the Letter. :nd commenced its perusal. L .A
..‘;A declaration of love!" cried she M the
[first WOTJH. “ What insulcucc!" . .
Still; the insolonce hul cbmo to "hot- in such
an lemordinnry nmnncr lhat'hcr chrcofit'j’ ‘
would not 15qu her (0‘ treat this lectcf- ‘nsi i
she had so miiny othus+pltllcsgly hum it'
without a reading. I .
No", she read H'thle through. The lover,
who dated his note from tho MW)!!! of Ih};
river. hid skilfully mloptctl thd'nllcgorg. and
introduced himself a; I grotL-squeimmbflaut
of tho Wiley-s. Tho fable was gucefully
managed, and with tho jcsting tone which he
lmfihdoptod'wm mingled n trig/serious, ar
dent sentiment, cxpiwgssed’ \mh beauty and
cloqupncc. I x ~ .
The ficxt dis)" )Ime. TIL—V rqlurmd to
the island, not \filhbuqqnolion and some of
(car. She litre“: her line with I. _trcmbling
hand, nmhihuddored u, a. moment age}, she ‘
perceived the movement of the hook.
“Isit n fiqh? 13‘“ a. lcltcn?” ' '
It was 0. loner. _ K ‘
‘Lilgo..D:-—_:_yas_l_lp helicfefi'iy music,
slill there Was aomcthigg sififiéinfia’k‘fim
n-tuml in all this.
She had an idu of throwing back the lotto:-
inm the strcnm, bu} relinquished RI The
most atubhom Ind haughty woman is nlwnya
diqarmcd in fucu ofrthnt strange _myatcry
which captivates her ixmgiuution. ~ "' ~
This scmndjcttor mu; more-tender, more ‘
1935330113“, mQrc éllflrlnjng 'unn the first.—— i
Mmé. I)-——~ rend it seven! times. and ?
could’not help thinking Ibout the delightful l
mcrwnn who wroie such bowitching letters:
On the subsequent day she (inched hin' ‘
line to (he bank. l left it swimming in tho “
sire-m, while she qtlnlmw to th'nfmg filwe ‘
upon the ex‘ircmi y of the" island. She
matched (0;; I long time, but glw nothing.—- ‘
‘Shp rotumed'w the ithdrew the line
lind there has them
This time In Inlwcr n req outed: It
was, pcrhlpa, premature, jet the unducious
request 6M9“ a full success. Tho reply
in written «her some hesitation, Ind the
hook dropped into the strum, Chrgcd with
1 letter which grin intended ho any nothing,
i und sfl'cctcd a sort of badlnlge, which was
neverthvlui A bullatin or . victory pin’ed
over the infill scxcrity of: woman until then
Mme. l)———— had too ‘h Ihrcwdness
nqfijo W tint her myst 11l corrmpmid
out employed, instead of ‘O, the nrt of I
nklllful diver. Scruplcs cxsily understood
rcstnined her {mm :pprritching that portion
of the bank where she was -m~bhnt the
dfvcr w'ould emerge from the water. _"""
But thilghtnc oflcnera amused her. First.
it. phased her intcllcct, And then her hurt
RM intmslnd; finally her feelmg Ind Im
gurioxlty lmctmc so lively (but. the WI‘O’IO'.
“ Let u! gm up this fining. Web has
pleased me {or the moment, but which should
‘continuc no longer, and ,come'wnh your Ipol
o'fiies m Gluten.” ‘ ‘
’TchEVe'rliawcred '_ "
“ Yes, if you will add—4 Hope." "
The inexonblo Indy replied
, :r my} x run In
we. tacit so“ ..
1 And the word was wriééen. ~
fie young man Ipmr and was not low.
The gm of plmwin ongcd (6 his person u
mucffugp his atyfic‘; and he had made lurh
up“! progress under wan-r that it was (my
to cnmplctohm conquest. on 15nd.
Thus Mme. D———- caught. a hushmd
without. wishing it, and in spite ofthc' vow
whinh shr had taken nut-r to ro-mnnjn—
Holding the-lino, Hhc hmfhccn taught, by the
Hub- - ‘-
‘ Allitllc girl, In the fiunily of my acquaint
‘lnnccm lmcly and precious child, lost her
Smother, M In up.» W) mirly to fix 'ihe lover)
funturt‘s’ln lll‘l' rcmf'mhrmu‘c. She was as
‘l‘rnll us bcmuiliil, and as the bud other heart
, 19031104118 Limjyhthnmo
hher‘a prayer to turn instinctively honou-
Wnrd. The “wot-e, mnscicntiouu, prayer
lnving chilgl was (he idol 6" the bereaved
family. She woulcldio upon the lap of the
friend-who lcok a mother's can! of her, and
‘ -inding one wustul m'ln nboui her :ncck,
would nay, “ Now tell um «bout my upm-
Hm: ‘." And when the oft-bold lnlc lit?! ”can
lrepented, would «my fink, “ Take me into
l the parlor, I Want to In my mummy" The
iroqqgtjtvw‘nfi never refund, tnd the mbction- ‘
Into build would lie for hours, contentcdly‘
‘guzlng on her mother’u mrtrnit. But
3 “ l’lla and mu; aha grew, Inll wcnkly, I
l Bearing all her pain on mrekly
That in lhmn Ilio 1111 l grew denrcr.
{ Al the trlul hour new nunmr.”
Thu. hour came at last, and tho weeping
neighbors anscmflcd (once ”3‘ little one die.
The dew of, death was showy un the flower
:5 in; life’s sun was goingulown. ,Tho little
chest benign] faintly,'spaumodicnlly. _»
“ Do: 'ou knoyv Inchllgffiggwmbbed close
In her citing field that?” dearest ; ‘but it
uw‘oke‘no mlwyh - £122.14 '1 ‘.
. All atonce n nglne§§‘,‘h ”km the up
per world, burst‘pmr .tho~' child’s ‘mlorleas
munknwce.' Thu eyelid» flushed open: thé
lips Jpn-ted, the wan, cuddling hand: flow
up. in tho little Ono’s lust impulsive'oflbrt, I 8
she lookad phi-singly {Mp chem thou.
“ Mothclj." «he cried with gun-prise nnd
mulpott'in her tons, and fraud? 'wflb‘ that ‘
hull; hito her mother’s bosom.) ‘
A 8141:111- strAnn.»—A few dnys since”, 11
flufinnMK-‘M fit‘jng‘mlofig Snnsém atrcct','in
Sycmmcn‘lg, {than he hchfil’tho wllizzin'g (If
a 1m“ mar him, and Mt hishfl {Junk-n1 He.
‘ turned about np‘d saw'mmm “Iqu n revolver
: in his Imm], and 106124511333 in”, and {oqu a
flesh bullet—hole in it. _ ' .
1 " Did yo“ shoot at me '9" asked the Get
.Lmtms “ _ ‘
f‘ chfi’ replied thc’othcr pal-L'y . f‘ thutf,’
m y horse. ‘lt }\ n 5, stolen from {up mocntly.‘
‘“ You must be mistakl‘n," 359's tho Ger
man, "I have owned t)» horse for three
yours." _ ’
\ “ Wen,” says the other, “ wth I como‘lo
look at him, I believe‘l am mistaken: Ex
cuse me sir; wdn'b'j'ou' (Ike 5 drink I",
~, The rider dismquntod unified his,» horse.
The two round a dfinklngmloon flh'cy ({mnk
together, and "pnrtqd fricnds.‘ That is the
California may of making acquaintance.
0:)“ Tln‘ Tray ll'lu'g ltlls {hb follmviug
Mary of Horace (lrccly: “Mr. Grct-ly \vns
trying to rem] .né'icwsnnpor'liy the." dim re-I
lig’mus light! gig. far-tum. :13; order to see,
homiactljgg wiéla ; hull: luugilly hull he (lam
so before 11:6 lamp-u gunner cnmeulonn and
(times! it down. The mtineqtlfi}; bitch was
turned; Grccly missed it up ngniu. The knight
of lhc‘dm‘k lantern: presently came along
again and partly shut 011' the light luy'wliicll
mu philosnp‘hér was reading. firefly reman
ntrnted. The olllvlnl thrust 'lxi‘s lantern in
lin fncc. surveyed him with n contemptuous
: air '1: ‘mo'incnt, nnd replied, coolly, ‘Old fcl~
i low, you talklou xgqgltl” h
UTAH ingenious down=castcn who has
invented n glow him] of “Love Loner Ink,”
which he h liqgn sl-iiing as a safe-mind
against all actions for breach of promise or
marriage. inasmuch as it entirely fildcs from
tho pnpcrifl twp-“mull“ uftcx‘ dnln, mm ro~
gently " done hro‘wn“ by n hrollwr down
eastcr, who purchased onu hundred boxes of
the article, nn'd gnvc him hig lipto'for nineiy
dnys. At the 'cxgvimlimi Er the time, the iii
mlnrmivd‘mfmymmt; but on unfolding
the script, found'nothing but a piecoof blank
paper. The noté had been written with his
ow” ink. , _ '
33““ n lute mncting of a county tempor
nncc nssocintion. in ,ch ‘llnlegshirc, mem
bcm wcl‘c wkcdm relate their experience of
the effects of the new law. One aged and
somewhat unsophisficntcd gcntlcnmn, on be
ing imporQuan'to give his npinion 9n the
sx‘lbject of the local sale and use of liquor,
said. “ Well, I guessmbout. all [can say is,
that I use] to buy mm for two shillings u‘
gum, And they 119 w tn: mé‘ nix', nod it nin‘g
more'n half 9:! good 113 it was won‘t to be
either." He was permitted to sit dc’m‘n.
{IfA young Tenaessenn, who win taken
befom the battle of New Orlénns, on the
night of the same day was ukcd how In
it was to the city. and unfiwcred. “Six
miles." . - ~,_
‘ “ They rcplicgl, “ We wiil' be than to»mor
Town. . ‘ .
“ It is not so far." saidflm, “ but it is a
very rough road.“ ‘ .
“ What in in the way '3” ‘_‘
“ ()M Ibo/cor}; .'" replied the young mu.
A T'lmnxomam'r I’osln. —An itinerant
plumpologigzt stnppgd.g_t a’ rustic farm house,
tho proprietor of w‘hich‘vu busily engaged
in thrashing.
“SW, I am I phrtmologist; would youlihc
m have me examine the hcadi or your chil
‘xi'rcn? I will do it. chew.” '
“ Well," said thu'fairmcr, pulsing bctmcn
two almku, “ I nylhn guru they don’t
neod‘it. 3Tb: old‘ womm combs ‘cm with a
fine booth comb once A week 5"
0:?“Mr. Snowball, I wants to IX you I
question dm ebcning." ‘
“Succeed den." ‘
, Wmmmdvfim-gehfinm,
and don’t hub Eoflln on do topic but (big
beet. what woujgl you any I” ‘
1 sn» inf-4y 'lnuv you I! i! “’hu
should you any.” . ’
“ Why, under (it; circpmstnncc; ob dc case
[should any (lin beat. all.” "
[l7‘ The following advertisement, under
the bud of " )Vifu Waited," in in the Balea
villc (Ark) Naive: '
“An gnl, what’ got a bed, cofi'ee- t.
and skim-m. knowfhuw to cut her hriwfizs.
rnn make a hnnli: phirt, and knows how to
take mg.9£.n§fildmn. an hmuny Mm
until death parts both of uh.” ' .
[[f'nu- Mlowiug singular dqglh .Ippmrs
noticed in g lathlililewr of the N-féhez Cou
‘ ~ , ..._\ ~
nor,- ~ w- .
H Died, of medical qumclgcry, at his father'u
rcsidcnvcfm, Franklin count ,‘ Mississippi
on flié 25111 of October, Suns {M SuuLh, aged
16m?" ' ‘. ‘ ‘ “ ‘
flf‘V’rhis way, (,‘nplnin,""shnutcd an
English soldier J", Inkomunn, “I hm- n
primncr." ~ _ ‘
.. We“, bring him here." .
H I- uhould like to do “rim: the scoundrel
wouLtlct 11’“;ng ‘ Q 3,,
[l7’ In the your 178}. the Legislqmro of
I’cmszylvmis, 10‘ lbflliuh Me prsJico that;
prevailing, passed the following, uflor con»-
aidemhle opposition: ' , ..‘ 1
ResoTvell, That hereafter no mcm'bcéflmn
comoinbo tho thi btrufooged, nor est
his cheese on the steps of mo Capitol.
Bj-“Do you miamka Inc for I waiter ?‘
said an ill-bred, vain and puma-proud follow
when some one “had him!» punflmh tin.
wag near him. ‘ ‘
‘- Néfuinl milumk youlfor ”much-n}
wu the prompt reply. v «
[ll7‘A Wbly 111%«1rinkcr, whd'vua
oipiring, bekged one of 13 {funds to bring
him I 39be (if. wntcr, £9th him, “ On our
Keith-Beds win must be {econcflcd to our
encmicur" ‘
__ “ Why don’t ypunfnthar talus [nowa
fiaper?" aid 9 mun to 9‘ mile boy wgom
hb ca'qght pairorfng pie papa-r rim mudor'»
step. « ‘
“ Cox, hg mid: me to amt," tnumrug
the urchin. '
, . 3...; m
““1551"... L‘:.__..--,__.
r" J
@t @2ll"ersgfltmrhmntu '
~ L ‘23:? il?§%é;€~if_::“’ "I f ;:
- : sGrindin§ (3an Coba. (j; “ ,‘ ‘
- Emmy-swam gf-jlgynxlity
npcpt't‘wbix {gum mks" for grj‘lidmg com ‘cpllusj
“ 005 Crpfilflwg,” .“Corjl and (Niipsj’ )
H Lime (Jimmy) nndfin‘ nughms! knofiw Igig.
gl'nuls (00‘ lmvé' been but to work mukjng‘
mm out, of (mm ooh. V5lll sonwbinly (ell
,uqmlw‘hgfi 7 since it does nppur‘tn us about"
1515 i; a pic.“ of folly as: aw Yankee ingc‘ ‘
unity and «immon sense wt‘m‘guillvd, to
und‘crmkg («y-"Elmo mml mitbf n subslxmw
grfi‘j‘flt (dynlatko. orcrfirqod. It i: possilrzc
{Yuk}. driosh‘ich might digrgst’ com (-0115: tic
otlicr n‘n‘imdl' Emma and i 1“ Guy i‘guld (here
.is no more num'mcn} invcpp‘xcnbs‘lb‘éu' Uwr'c
i i 554, busy Y“Rod nib. \Thc onlymfilde ado
vagi‘uge in feeding cob meal is, 11m the nu}-
miiffi'fi‘finmclffnual have some coarse fibrous
miner mii'cti with the mml of the grain; and
flgobs sbfvve that ’fmrposé, amending manip
\ mcli'wimouk ndding 3:2lthng to the value
of thn gmin in n rmtrid‘re or fu‘lnflng ppint
of vicw._ But why should we 2.70 Mso mm-h
CKpgnsto' hind Qohys, élmu “‘opnu gm“
.s‘boks gully; ’ljmnj up fun“ unongll to mi):
I \u't'h mm] [of .1 Item}; part of (qu Expense: ?
‘ Designs, Corn-mlks,.sm\w and lmy rm: Ru
1 more ‘nulriliqus, pohud Tor M“: J, Hum hob
“ Inc-n). I’robghly this very heat use that can
be mndx- (if (‘oer is fox; final: lnking 03:0 (0
save the nshcs‘ fur the" lnrh (.1115 m Hwy
pbounfl in phlnfli.‘ To {irind them fur mod is
one 61‘ Had follies.of tlds’ country, When more
need not be any scarcflfof furnge for cattle.
fur butto‘r‘thnn shah u‘dry hurfl zmlm'nuco ma
Cori; cubs. ‘ I
Every owner of n film, lot or piece of ground ‘
should hem- in mind the; (ha Lime is at ligml j
for planting out lr‘m‘s. ln lhis‘comxlrykllic l
ju’cscut season of fit ncml nhumln’nvc of {HM i
to those who Iqu (Mini the pains mul lner 1
some years since to supply their pumim ‘
with p. vuriuty ofl'ruil. m'csmuphl m indifl‘v ‘
thou who-arc slill “illmul a plcuiifnl Mlp<
ply of fruit trtss. lo nttungl Momm- ln 141312};-
ing’ nu orchard oium-h (WEE lm S’l'llllll alum»
luloly be about their 1m llllm‘s. Thu Lui'g.
nlficoht'llpplcn Jlutlhfinhhuml in our 1111(th ‘
thip In“. m that.‘ much .(oblimmiy 1) TA:
vor of~the .fnct (lint it need»; only nttcnliun l
to planting to have (he bob! nf'l‘mit trees,
80qu shade and oxnrmculul luvs, which
should also he nttcmlrd to. .Muny dwellings
throughout the o)er nhd in {mr villages
me. without any film: c or prolcclldii frmli the
gun during the lung Ga; 2 of summer, hér'nusg
it has been too nimzh (roublu to plant n true
or “to in 86010 an hula [hem from thumm‘s
rny'n. It is in gill ton lair yr: in mplw n lie
glunlng; And let it be xlmiu mun. ‘
Hunt up the Huck Beds
Boron; the g'rmmtl bcv‘nmr-r; filled \\ uh tm- ‘
t‘cr, And especially before it in closed by f mst. ‘
n Inge gmqunt of mark or earth which in
mind with decaying haves 3nd qthcr vcgcl
tlbl. mtu‘r. fillould lw heaped up, ready to
Wummc‘ yum (luring the-winter, [find
mingled with the droppingibf d( mutir- nui
nuln. By this courm- tlu- manure I'm-11‘ will
be enacted dmlhly¥nlun¥,ll~. and the vrgfln
ble "JIM-um thus ntldud'“ ill furniah n lnrgo‘
amount of excellent foovl in: future cmps.
Do not neglect thin. 11. Ii the cheapest
method of securing what most soils need. In
order to “yield 1.1180 and pmfimhlv n‘lxmw fur
the lang" invggtcd m llnlr vullhnlquhw—
Anuncan Agriruihu 0!. I
anno of the omm CAgp.
Gov. \leghhdf Indium, m} <, .. (mrg
crop is not pnn'wrly :yprecmui. No (Tap
npprmcbcl so puu- I npontnnmxln yield :nd
none yidds Hort-g 5: c prom. The In; rmp
of the UnilcdS tcs in [3130 was o\'crl:’,,ooo,-
000 tons ; that {or 1855 is oslinmtulnt 15.-
000,Q00, which‘iu worlh~8l60.01)f).0(fl, wlulc
lhofiholqmuoncrop in vnlmd “$13,000,.
000. Of this 'cmp more than hdf IS pro
duced by the four States, New York (whirh
yiéids fine-mfl’bf 7317631161?) Ohio: "Tnl
dinnn Ind "lino“: The gmsx (‘mp which is
used for 133311 me is at lam. I»: va’lunfflc, no
hint this single herb is Worth annually more
thin 'throe hundmd millions of Juliana,"
Every inch of rain that falls on A roof
yields two Murals ho (Ivory space tun 'fmt
”Wu”? and soyt‘nty-twu bunch Ire yielded
by the nxlnunlqin in this climate, on n sinn- .
In lurfwo. A bum, thirty by forty feet.
yinldu mun”: 854 barrels. This in enough
f 6? .5611! Gian EJTyEfi‘él? ((5375? '“rWFy
(13y in tho yen. Many of our landlords
lmvc, lmfirfl. athlgunt. flvo llmvs Um
mount. at rooflngwm tlmr dwellings md
aim lmilfllngs, yielding nnnunlly mum than ‘
four thouuml gallons of fan! watt-r, or about
twelve barrels, or about. one hundred fllltli
tlfiymdinfl‘y ul. Ilaély. - ‘
‘ . 53me FOLMO Plant. 1
This plan! Img? Mn huecolsfunycultivated
this bL‘nSUU, by 3 fight in New York cily.
lie pllntcd over twcnly rmjm, in May Inst,
in pot}: it! his‘bnt house, an}! frhcn ho dug
them up in October, they had in some cases.
grown to (In: Icugfhol‘ two feet. All grow
finely. [Phil roothavhlg bccn rcqmnmcmlcd
u g_subslitute for (be common potato, i; am
in' gr'cat demand. It grows fast, can be cul
tinted in Miy climate, nix will day-ell in any
sou, though candy 109 m in prch-nhlc.
.. How mucfi Lime per Acre!
Upon ordinary 111 ml, tlxiitxgr forty bush
els; repeated at ifitvrgufé or two or {hrco
‘ycm, hag been. practiwc’d‘ by “mark" m
Penmyluuia, Delnu are, Maryland and Vir
gihhg‘ Upon swampy ground or soul full or
\Ecgetnbl9 gbmhone’hundrcd b‘lkhl‘lfi might
be profitably lined) though we should remin
mended you to bpply it at my) dragging» and
upon'tho sule'ch. “*1 ‘ ‘
~ try-“rho. mummy; iéfthe iprfipkilm "m
headboard o! s mva'nn the Man? ,
" Mr. J— Ilia-.- aux; ctrried away
' By the diarrhea: and cholm." '
1' UT'M other day B'fimg wag found
mounted on I ladder with his lips pmlml to'
’3: . x I ..u '. . .
mtqlc'grtpph Edges“ .‘ Ha \ng ‘knsi-zlng hm
wife “by “20mph” , ' r ‘ l
’ 1
I’ln: ht» Tmcs.
A F3Ol, (0,5 Farmom. “
0 THE 01am}: ‘ :s o " 0191qu 00.4
T ”manic-ms 1~“ " '
10 um tandem-,1) twang H .m: \
THF wuuzxcmm Dmmcyurxc 1w -n
~,..‘. A H ‘h-An-A‘ -~ A 1
'l'lm pnblj-g} l rvspro'rully inl‘nlmu‘l llml lie fun!
numlm nlJnrm-u‘ Dmnzml‘tiu unwr. in llu'cJllml
in noun" mu "bunt (he 27th of Nuim‘lm.
In 001. inendhyg nu! umlwinkhu: (.0 Ills l‘lvorwlfin
cma‘ulorudun of our {gnaw-sitting. lml «gm; 9:5}
lianlnrly to (In- mmmnnt «m Dining-(4|”fllyw‘hl nn
of Couhgx omxmv, a fmr won't, (‘gpllulw‘mj of mu
onnrfld'fizlll nut [m rmmhll-ml'uul m‘ p‘qwt- Ila pm
lillm will be “my.” Dmeme. mlwmnljug mo
fumlnllwn'ul hull-u pmmulgnml hy Hm I?” Na
timmlbcnrhrnllv l‘miy, llrllcvlnp: that, ha hummus
{"l“th la the wlmln count hwimauz “smut la 54:03;
llun, the surest null mmfcr'gmln m:nnn\lw(-nThllurn
pros‘mfily. mul [MI Hwy nrn culvulu'ml “insure
dig“ xv. punitiun and vlmrnctnr “Lou! Uornnmunl
Under 3111» lwllof we nlmll mum in \‘uflvm'u of Lho
{:xlxrorqfic omm) will: omrgy L’lH‘ uncumplmulahu';
wily ' .'~
In tho Literary and Numfilumrmfibfl 1" Ella”
cndmnnr m fag-ms]; our mmma ni‘h mull nmllum
as will lend to clmtm mg"? (liven. "sum M lnnlmc,
IHn churn nudxennbdnlw "“Ile iml nmmmiu.
W‘q nlmll nlmundumnr In lull’illl [by Agrinulluml
cauunum'lyFf’fl'nnuh I'vnmv M nun “u'u thuir inlur-
ML! mul (Irmmvh M “10“)“ «mt Ila-v. ' l ' '
“plying upon a gmmmm and ”My“ pnblin fur
-ro-o£mu"\on, p\3\llfifl\ll§ uw' nullfinvy, mll lm \u“
""1! he or urmlt-nql‘m rm‘ ..fxnll .‘num [WI-Irv ytm,‘
mul Ilmm ourselves n‘nq our cnlurprluulumn your
ltlh‘llllily l I . ~ a V K.
‘ The \l srcmfi; Ll” In; "pfinlx'd r'my Vimlnm
‘ day mgrnln . iun n Iluulrln:~nn-dhvn\ rlmpl. on slow‘
: Inna l 11133502! {fir M‘ Inmupldawflcmrlhuw,
‘11! the law prim hf SI (M) l“ r rnnmn, if paid LI m}-
\::l:;‘, u‘lzcnvm"?! W Hill h" t-lmrg—l
1 muff”; J; Illv‘leY‘ yn'a
i . Maw. Hump AN]! nmn mm (mom
Tl!!! nmlcmignrrl lms jun! H! ('wal mu! nprm'd at
his wrll knmvu nml chvup nmn-r u h'uuk 01‘ “U”-
u-‘k‘clod und‘n-wrgnnhlv gnmlx, 1v {{Mnna
mm 'mnns “Hum-:1
Dram {3131.5 of \uriuun kinda, unlnm and prices,
1‘ n-hyn-mz, Alpm'm", Ilunduwhng. medmmtu‘.
Mun-I“:- Lninm, (Kaitlin, Hnl‘fllu‘n-hifl‘dy MIMI”,
Nuxl‘nk M: , .(c., M nwlhrutu )uirv» .
' J. ms mm ”3 ,
(‘mmnl of French. an‘lhh mu) Awm‘wnn mhnufac
hire, of all hue: and colt-HI. and of utoxtnm lo him
A ' ('ASSIMEHB. ‘ _
I-‘nréign nml Dnnmsiiv~bu has A superb m liulo, cum
plisiug 11m Inmsl MHH Ah!
. - . \‘l Emma, ,
Ofnlncl:Bnlin.l-‘nxv'y NW Vuhol, .L'
H‘l'f‘h‘ AN“ CAPS, ,
(‘rnmln..Fr‘lrft. l'lmn our! Fi‘nwl Sum: Stucld
L‘ka FE”. In“! I-‘nnm ”I'LJLx'nhil-f-g
For Indian. Mism- and (Elnlrlu-n Mm
READY-M \DI} CL‘l'l'lllM:
A full nmrhnunl 6f COATS uf vumua (alumna,
PANTS nml VBWFS low” the nnmn and vmlmxu
h ".1 v\frl.,'unzl~ra (‘nmu nnd examine fur yuur
.‘ unocrznns I
09112-0. fiuur. I‘lnTnms. Tm (‘lm: I‘mlej Spices of
ull mm: mm or mall "11%;. tin": 4’: ; he, ‘~
0" every Mm) Am) mrlcly. «114 mm! with much care ‘
In mil mcryurémnml in n uni Vhhqumcul Uh) nuts.
IlAuhw Am. ‘
or ill kind-t rmrl (10-rariptiunn', bride: uw‘ry'nfiwr
mick: (cum! m .1 Now.
1 [mpg h filial. QUINN-1n (n lulumui, lmucs’y in.
g'n‘mg M? Wright lunl mn-zu'nv. m“! furniuhlng
good and alien: urflrln I. manhm llh- pdnmn-{n of
llu- lluhli: l n-npA-vH’ullyimitn I.“ In tuna-nu my
3 now 9 mid judgfi fur llln'msuhk‘! ‘
J‘ (‘ “ERR.
(‘orner ol' the Dhmvfid and Alloglu-ny 11kg“,
rm-‘JiJi. n Hellfluntu u
041.1. AND sm: THE NEW 6001151:
I ' hr. w (mm-:1: or Tm: mnwm‘n.
Tho nndommxml mmlbrcmwu'uly ml the a:-
U‘Llian of his old {Hands and mu Influx gcxumlly
to In: ncwflMk ul‘
which he hu lnlelchN-iw-I llu final. 0011.41.43 in
part 0.1 {amour
LADII’Z."I D 1115.“ (:(h )1 IF
Era-r}; Mvim, l’nuinn Trim. thmems, Do
Lam's, Muluur Luflrt- Fulfil. l'llil4. kc.
H’I'AI‘LF. mums
"r hut - full uwmnmt of mob as are nan-11y
kept in nmunlry Ituro, ,- ‘ H
He hm M] mum vnriuly
“001‘s AM) SHOE“. '
. A very large Mock ut' (he most luhsumliul Lmd,
Imd n: In' W - .
I‘uf men and lmyu, and of out; varieiy, very
clump '
A very emcllunl ummwm.
lwnyn ml hnm nu kiml nf (lmcerinr, M as low
pricmv all m x he had Hucwiwrr.
Aml in {mgcrcryluhz mum”; Imp! in - .-:lm'
{"7 Plxn'huer' tun rap-Ilfully Lnulml tn an“
and uo‘lhc new (20min hwn nltomwn Will be
[an] *0 .cndcr‘ufill'uxunn to un'mmn
nn‘r'N -~‘ ‘ JOHV H anl
..‘s; "
_ gr )7 I,;vwl. “I“. ,u ‘iul min A. i?” tum», mad
rv'n'lv‘rv‘i yurmum-m ' ‘
£3l. su plenum- aim unwinucmcnl to than" wi-l:~
it” in «mi [P'lurm In lhnnlw m (in) :m- prmf
tufl'mst lim nchw) a! Imm. will. elk-minus.»
1r n-rv. "va mu) hu lulu J!) ”‘ilvr fir nutnhv mil:
r-unrm‘r in "r H. ll: v rmlmum to mglm W
:: "'ME'ZZUim “'l7? FROM LITE; _
. Al mm! lmlxiuwvnu‘m ”gun the T‘ryfi'uilnufm {am
vl” h) nhl ‘h piulrfreunld ullmlu dunu: (mm‘ iiv,
nn-Jml u! cumin; u 1).: m .n v '3'" ‘ H! mm‘ in~ .i rm
with the (ind-dimly r punt-M. Ml «pom-I'M Pha
-14 o'r llliH" .uupinv limyru ~ '1 in ‘ Mnn-wfi‘pht
.I 77 L. _ um mlnnl in (he firm-l nnynulm: rupl murn MUN“?
1“ gj " m «ix-uuL Any nunflu-x him nunflu Ilillll’ [mm
>1 ‘ ’ :n’ mm In llmn-amh mmln l-l'hvr )inln. rvinuufi‘uui, or
' I} —'' ; ._ ,«~ mhrcd In wulcr nr 011, ' '
‘ V - - (l'xllzt-IQ uni: again; 1‘! 31- im .‘i/l‘vi :0 r'zlili «(111m
- (in ll‘rYflflll n n ne tinnim‘ “-ul’ mi lon ma mvo
e “Lib-TION FARMERS, [LND ALL l<r.uu~ln-‘ ul An hI-l uv ll' 7' "ll”ul": ph 'un a o‘4"-
OTHIIRH [STEIN-bi iii“ , ‘ y H whr‘rn in tin-y are uflnrmi ”(unim- M'l‘uthn Mill n
(10“ .‘v_' fill h‘ Illlh'lib' ' V l Jauyn-rior pmume v' ‘
Tho UIIII'JVSI nud rupri‘lluiiv luflfum ihu i'ann» i y‘iwnmrnmq “Jill right-t In vrnclivu in imlh
on and mu puEHv ur'nvi ily ”C (‘vulrc cnuulj‘. oil-L ”LC‘IIHMI: pru‘um: (hr min In w urliiy "In-mum;
ho u now munufuv‘hum: lhn l." 1 ill ”N, Pixolpgrlphr".
“Uli‘lfiulilhnHL‘”’l'(‘UßY’lbllL'LLlliQ i . No. [25 Aw . nuqq'" ulw\J sum, .
Qua M 0 ”Nil, wlnll (illl-lVl‘hll'l l, l uxnhl~ ’. ~'- __. 4 _ ' ‘ ililil ‘N
Wm‘ifimhfiffiimlfig‘immfii“;¥"h'ulfr;lEWgw ‘ -
Mfr-roll lo um public it hill nlmli “men uni 1117,; ml: DI“: EAR “Aim“
Cornmlenmug lhu coins fmn end in end, and npu- H Thu hluuhin‘; flow-1155i" i m L'Jrfh,
ruling th'm from ”w (' um i I ' Ynulh'n honul‘u-n pink nwny ;
[‘y Wurrnntwl In run mule: lhnn unvoUlchiioi- lint lLirnhan'l pmtflrcw ever i" r x r,
in: In Xho United Sum-u m- timwhrn‘, Eur \ho qunn- ’ 'l’u yum-k nt ‘i'um-‘n lit-my ' -
W'nfmwhvile'l ”will; I! ll L‘nuslruvlcd mlh Thii ilnlirry is nnw ”mm! It) Ih" ‘_ '7
lwu cunnkn so that lvw pvmvm can lum it, and (ha conlmlu! .
ahvil frnm 200 in 300 hunhciu p 0! day 11. c‘an nln DI J S. BARNHAILT,
bu nilActh to hill" puwvr ' Wilh l'uoihlivfi fur ihiguvm al'v um; fairly cqunilml
(‘nll mu! m-c llmn lwfuru [um luuuin; any, nr mrhnhs nmor ulrpmuwi in lsv‘ mluilq A out},
nI am «min you will in "MM mchlthis i moilnw Inn! beautifully blended in} 'hlnud nhmiu ,
' DANIEL J'llilH l n [mrfi-ct «igiinmlmh' nl frulunvs xiymwr’v, and
had? Ilnilciimlc 'i tho planning u'ifi’dt’incillnm to n jinn m turning:—
'---> “k" ~- “4 ‘M"‘~""W" ' v Wv - ‘ ment of Um Dnlilllil‘, am hilly (Alum-la mirth) Ur m.
ENNBYLV'ANIA HOTEL. S. W. COR-i nui'lll con~llm.ntiun hire m.|ny ullu': lrrum-hM uf
ER“ 0! tin “\uuuud, lll‘lh'i‘mllu, (In , W‘NWK‘. "H‘ "In". Huporlalll ruqumil‘i mu truly br-
I’ii —’l‘hiu.lnrgv and calm-nlvnlly lwnlml homo, Mhlllivri by yum nl {irixv'licili quril-ncu mul chm.
liming henn mmpluloly rulanN‘d. ru’mlrml and i Obviyrvnlan. 0! law Iw: lnnu hzui thundiunlngw
(mpmnul. in mm opened mm Mcpmmudutiuuul' “WW Mil" hm“ {ln-nth lhl'y rumlly (-iu-xiuh
i the {while {rho pm‘giulnr of “A” uuwbhuhmum rh'mhi rum mlu-rrhwnm» um; anl lny m withering
rm mildly inl'umulu friends and tho publigflul lluu'l uymlhum 'i'lm um) I'pmk uf Mu, that w
ho it: Ilplu’cd neither palm unr rxpomw mrt'nriur (in); Illlpflrf! bright nnlimrullnm of fins fulnru, in
n u dmgunhln rolyl-nt M all who muy fnwr him wfih ‘ murruw ”11y hu mini“ nluitl tlm hut glowing cm
u call, at he in dctuminqd to I!” nil in his rum: In W" 0i mm"iiily Wily nnl lcuuro your Nuhlfr.‘
Wm their mind and mmwnimm when it i» lmlh oxpMirnl. nnul economical m‘do m?
i‘ m, 'l‘:th will mambo cupplml with (hr 1,4 m 1 )io nub me to In unrh—t the mummy or “muffin
llmt um cough.) "Xi ullonl . ‘ fin? )‘nur luv-mo ln 1: yuiiahwl luyfzmu. in tho ioy
The lluomg nrol rgn and wall venulimul . - {om mum of (204th. \in no om). ballad «hon u,
Tho sauna macaw! Wlih Hm mlnhluhmqfl in rrfi-rm ”HUM M in memory amino dv mm.
[Argo and oxwllom. uni—m clmrgu oi careful and 11l lam-liner in no Iw: will mu- ohnrgu [Plan
ox miOIWNJ infill-IF , i i "Inn [lO, not will u)- vio‘un‘n of limb as have diml
in; also hgu tmclud Ihmis fur lhn nm of curing“ art'flntngwu «ilncmn m lulu-n for rmy lndch
land bum-N iI 1 ‘ f'i‘l'?“ IM H ml, t l I
‘ Sm mi Ill") mm Humdc I 'u‘ dui . . ‘ ' u “w- 0,: I!“ no cap Anibal on v rll
‘ ‘ In Slur! withing than IHI “wrirtfmi (A :h‘ emlro ”f “'7O. “13‘” “T "MIR.- Aim. GOLD 53] at”;
Lnliflfwlllm to ”man (flaring h m with n cull: I.O(zKET& dlxlfmnntnuy on hnmll ‘
: ~ 4“ .0 (ilillniMUH, g, imam on} umm'nml'Appurutnu fumiuhul on
‘ m» LIT-if H “Qih‘hlulr, Pu l‘ I'n‘lfmnhlo'h'mm. A -_ t l
. . . A A. , .———..‘—-A-————«- ._.....,.. m V a}; film, llmhcrhnl‘u Row. second noon'nglle.
LKINTON & JAMES. No. 103 CKFST- on”. P: ' J . mum-u ‘
NUT Hill-vi. ulnno ’l'hliiil (unuiinim‘ um “‘ '‘ ‘ "‘o‘ > 7 ‘ 7 v -~—- ~ ..‘ .A‘p"
Frlulkllll ilnusp,’ inhilmlolphio, imu' mm on huml To PRWAND RWI4H
in good uumlmautut’ nnv‘ mul'vrclem‘iov ’i, PHI .A ELPIIIA 'I‘YPE‘FOUNDRY. N. i
‘ - ”10'1"th ' Lth turner of TIHKDM CHESTNUT Btteou. i
mnnnnmmrml will: cum from an“! m-ll flpnngwl.‘ 4 u , \ ' ‘l, l’liLUUZhl .
th-Wi“ MWWE, uni Nu.) gumlr‘ \mr- Slili mnlinm-n la mnnufmrlum [ill kinda 61' BOOK,‘
"nullwnml nu umx‘ or (ha numb} r‘v'lluuml 'JOYl'ninl FANCY TYPE, of the host quniity, Ami i
l [' “flap ciliwnlol‘(.rnl.n\.riunlyz timing Phjiu- ;“L [.1535 PRICES‘ lag“ GAE“, than F“! nlhcr
dt‘i Ii», In": ri‘lpccmmy ‘3”th WV" "Will"! M” ' Ftuufilryi'm infirli'lllfi‘lj'l 'llialoug ‘cwcr‘ial'mo in the
... __‘_., -fi--- » ~ 7-«—‘-—~‘ “W'” "m .. ,p 54‘ on purl omg no"), nm In llo‘milii of
~ smor 0130,5113“ an macvn. mm; warnm. 1.... h. w momma.“ 3,“.
Whvmm, Lnllmrm‘ Alil‘dni'lrnunn on (hr in? hi» nmuufiwtum. uonlnir’iina muuhc or, mm
Entnln of (‘lMOllllß HIIHAIJJCIL lil'neMl-tLJivvm' tlulynhju u‘ho muuh lulkml n! Cuppiroggwo awn},
Bnuwlhnfi'iowmliip. Qantro ennui}; liwh'uvo boon Tie by! on Imm], mid can lupxcly at a‘v‘orthon no~
“IV-DWI in tha‘un-infflppflunli, purwuu knowing lice, uvury urflolo ulwl in a .find omm, ugh u
thammlveu inflamed in) mm “We will pII‘JAO umlm i ’l'ypiv lfflrcmfiluiua, (lomposmg‘ $.15», J’rua' Ind
myuwnktqfithmo hm!) chu‘mfl will lyrusonfihum V\l Dollop] nlll‘yl, nmllxinn Lny‘ rushes, oth
[)ioperly n l omit-Med fm- ultlmnunl, n , , ‘Ollmlndumlln‘rofloqom ‘l‘mu tnkcu in exchange
, MAlUl.\llET RHEALLER. ‘ fanny; a(.§pwsuv.l.mienwMilli“: uuuil poi“ mund.
Al‘nl‘nillm‘rix ,‘ “"3214“ H"? ‘ . ‘ ,
’ i, 'l', .V'l‘" ’li,,«::l
, nol7l-1t
T ' L
09839139L33£§W£S§°9WW -
' Arronfimcnin rnr Ilm Hex-um! Anmlnl Collu'étion
bflhké imv ind {nulxhlr'lnafgufiml air the din‘ualnn I
1 of Lilemhxgu nnu Art, huvp uqn 'mmlu 'un the must,
‘ Oxi‘unnivo zcnlo. . ‘l. 3.1 , . H ’1“ 11., T l
mun Iowa) sum 3.‘ r a\n emu x-umm
’ g ’ nugwoflufiflgrfixx." ‘ . ,
“hill-1;! origilmliy punt '1 MN THOUSAND Don-w
LAK . .h r h w . '
I 1:" {driving "10 now ofilNlimv. flm dx'mvph)l\‘ Mi
‘flmrku of Alllg‘llimumumumho cnunumgoump; up
1 mnulium- fizvmnr, Imm ”T [urn m “1001‘:le ((mp- 1
inisdmm hu m bbl‘llm‘lhlh \ln muhy 0! the mom dim
T'liuguixdutl Amtriuun Axliuls, Mm m!) maximum
I, mum nf lhx-ir 111 mm. IhmlunH'nZw. Ammix llu-m mu
. lhruwnlhlo Jhum. gunuml by ”w gnu-mm lhlug
lucid lax—Hum" )‘mawm' ‘
5 u £5111“: “ AsuINa'J'IIN, ‘ ' ' -' '
i ' .Ill‘lu'r b‘ulhm of hial‘ounhy,‘
' , , ’l' m ’ Ipm nhor; 1
*n‘mn‘m Wlmmmg, m ' -
>3 :_ K!“ \ Hfho Smtrtsnmn. " ,
A «#ccinl I»me lma \Luilnd linmlin and nude
«men mul’jm liuuua Aallflnmm pr Eoruigu'wofiw a?
A”. “0"!" fiq Bronze and Mar Mn. Mummy and.
Ulmlv’u nhlmygu _- ‘ ‘ ' '
' 'l3:. 111610 l'lmuflmvy lama nmluvgldnlflo enllmq~
lion of «influx! "11.1! Smmury‘ (‘0 he Ilini‘fihnlml
mimmmnng hv mo bum‘ot Um‘Adsmimionvrut the
uéfihd You ' ‘ .... . 5 ‘
1I” 'l'l-IlléHSrnF RIIaKBERSIIIf’, a"
‘9 m 1 m ‘ 'Huoo you n mu it n
{ mm uprnlonfigx “f iMH AFS‘IUIILHUE lift] 0:15:10} 1m?) ‘
Nlo cilllfl‘ mm ul‘ ”Ful'ulluwinfi Mumninvn‘ [”01“th
ur‘ «ml glen n ( qktfi in, (In \lx'uubuliun of ('11,: |
g? "lan nhd l‘uilzlmfi, '_ . . "‘l'
I’ am “(nature mmm toahlmfilwrflcnmmnuftym ‘
nllo In' )Mle Ma Mi: 3;! n pun-3n, Putnam a,
Knir‘irzrgngiur, )Un"k.€,n(ul?n, (’ri’lnm'i: Uodny'u
lmd’y'n’ Dull. nhd ndnl-c'hum'Wnrd‘. ~', ‘
l‘cvona mklrz fl'w mumh'mnldpn‘ nmmnfillufi to
aqwflvo or (ho Mmprinaa 1'0: out: your, nnd to >11);
}'l'rC‘{ll'l'¥flxl the dmxilmli m. ‘ 1
I l”Tl-E! nut pmwdn don'flu! frum the Fl4O ml} mrm- l
1 hcnhirn. are 11"anth Havptwhuq» “Nam Au.‘
fur 1110 01.. ”infirm: ‘ - '
5 , Tm. wu‘mu-fl szzcmmn. ‘
‘ By becoming a mmnlmr of HIV 1U I-N‘ilflllm, nrv
[an All wrmnl-Hl-Il‘l'll'\'l‘3 'l'lll} FULL VALUE‘
in (he nlm wof Flt-HIM}? Mngnn‘nv Lilvnuuro. - {
21L I':fll“| nYhnlu‘r in Numilmliliu inward/1 pur
vlmsing ohuiuo Works 01' Ari, whirl: are» In ho dln- ‘
trjbutod among Jhemsenvs, and M 0 at. the “mo
linio oncolmwn llw Ar|ian, nlixhumlng lhouémfiln
hf :lullnra ummfil lln‘ngoney ~ ‘
l’nnolmin "mummy umll fur mendmnhimwiu ‘
dump gin tlwir Inn”! in MM; an in fu/{Jm'iug
“he mmlh ”my wish (bi annzhm tn cnmmrm‘v,
nmltlmvo flmlolm n-gnlnml n! llm l»)al-I>fl3"0‘h
pron-n! Inn: on Hm rm-oirl "f “Mrh. n rurlifivnlo
llfljll‘fll') lab-[IMO «lhcr “uh llm Mz'gnzinmlusirml,
l \\ {ll7m fi'fiftrdfifi'iny “In M the mummy
‘ 'l‘lxmlu who purrlmm “guinea M. Bonkslorn,
‘ will ulmunu. that by jnmmg (inn Arum-inflow I/nq/
lurrl‘r! t/u' "Luna": I: In] flu- ’l'lrl rr Hi [ln- 11'!-
mm! I/l‘fll’fllll;rlll, MJJAu .vmw prim) the) mm [my
5 tur \hlefilw Mow ‘
nvnntlluhy llluLlnumlCnlnlngnpa gising full dc:-
cri :‘iun', F M Ilrruu upphcuhbn
i‘ur‘Ml'mbonhip. uddrnn .
(‘ é, DERBY, C A. A
M either of tho pfinripnl u ll‘l'd -1.; '
“' Knivkorbrmkrr Mngnzmo" oll'u-o‘ 3H Dmnvlwny,
New York or}. WL-slrrn 001%, Ml} \\ uh-r Mug},
Snudmky, bhio “ nm I'l-M
‘ )Tho In :h'hl l'nomlunl nwzlnlwl It 'lhn ankliu
Lt" lrérdum Man m. n.l.zh.3zanv‘
)Ilm mbrluwr, nluu lunf mulnlmlmllt labor and
('xbcriman H mm omblm In n ur to (ho [mhfin n
nut myh: M P) find. fur uttmflnn in bounty um]
(lllr'lhilny unyhing vu‘r hx-fuln mmlo ’J‘huw "lU
mrM nrr not I’M‘exewl, lIA Dngnurrm'yprn Mo. :lan
may be man In any hglu. 'l‘ht-y uXao [when the
mm llrt‘tlfil‘ny Uf bring 'v
__ ..‘. |MPXZM|S||AHLE "
IL'ing horumhmlly m-lIII'II hulwcvn 2h“ phnm;
which lcnlipg H bmurcd by Imus-In I'm": In Hm
Unilml Sim”, Ul‘t‘lll Hfil’mu and I‘. Mn I', mvt‘}!!:w
(fwd in‘lmumlr-fphln by MI It My, (31191 um! ( m- '
nul 11mg, :uul .
I RUIN, 0.1,
- n! my.
N 0 I'Jfl A‘Rl'" Ht" M. ulum- Hull» I’lu'ml'.l
’lhe “rum mum-u I lmw nluxiuwl m lb: [caduc
lmn or lhme [ln-turm- hm Nmr‘nfml "l 0 rut-5. jo'fl- ‘
only and cum ol‘ cormin u mmlum. uln- m~t only I
defrlmflv by {filling Smu- cv'nunerfl‘ils. hm‘
whu moreover use my trade nmrk. ' Alnhrnfqv-l " ‘
to further lln‘ir diallonnrlhlu omin, umLxlms (hum-n] ,
my.~Tlu'n name in: originated Ivy MI ('nffing nml
”3.99“ m dvhmmlu our doqu 31-“, hemu‘mull)
emanated Jinan... Qml'm) when. A ,Tllflfl “wa
Innke x: [3‘l km on lknglu glam. run! (In: mm \nr
niuh Bring imlnmlinlely in m-nLu -‘. with Hm ,ucfiw .
mml In n nhorl llmn rrm-L. Inml I’ION“D\' vmvrly PHI-1
(to 11. 'lth unblm nu- c-lullmu :1 H mm: (hi ~ inn
" Jam, u dnLy “m mhfly be (HM ugn-i-;(E'J‘&¥duir
pomucmy. I mil lube plum” in wrungw
(how who mall; the n-‘Auxo "1' 1110 nu) [quaint plu
tum, nnd thvy can jm'lgo for themmh M
I haw now mmplnmt my nrr|'v""-nl‘n’fi for llm
produchon nf DM/HLE FM‘F. I‘lz‘Tl'RES, nywt
' Hum picmn'rl yln'um mv'ry our. [qul guv rn’nv
“(I-faction, nhd [An- 1: until my n- vwll na 1: Imrlmit.
’l lxcso Amhmlypw an pnnmupccfl by ("v“umh'l”
jndgvn m hr flu- mnriflt nrhwrmnn‘ in tho 'l'hn
lngmphiu Ari, hmmg A rein-f mul ci'hnncu lhut i‘
nu!) .\<.‘uninhin; . _
’l‘Ln pmprwlur it luv'rwwr. nnnlnh I] by gromtly
Impruu-d Ill'llllu~, An I :mlw v (In I! ~ Mummy, 1 . 4
{rmn Ihn vary «“13th min» b . . ,
H'LL LIFE sinus by an m‘fiw, ~
Wiuh all 1h“ Imm of Hahn-0. and ”1/" In~rmlm my
nf Hm Tmr“ plulv glmu (lm In"; :- m‘:‘n. Lu and m
I'lmtugmpmv p mmmm‘
AMJHUJ'J \l'L’ 5'l'l.lU‘.U.~CHl'll" Imm. be 9cm
tn lm smu- 'ldlwl, ”w H‘hl‘f )w‘n; fully as pcth'w!
nu hl'r v
HA’ All NEW-VD Mali-Ilniiyigglhm'
lung nix momlm lilomlmvu been it‘flllol‘ or Iluumna’ ‘
flmv‘nlqnlux MAOAIINI ovcr- munwwm», -
ll EDJANII ,EIF'I‘Y . Tl]ol]§lANl{.gmmhcra., Tim ,
l'uhhslmra muy unruly n‘upcnlw Illa {not‘ M’le
,llcn hl'tllu un "mull-lei snd omishmt‘lyi inunuinglv ,
my; 'l5 wilh‘ which llmir 0 art: to cuilliuh Is «licmn‘
inst u‘elimlyi il'qinlorlflicning mom 1, hummus M'- ~
lum \lli.,’.'j)\¢y rvllqwli 0 finna'miuu ul‘ liul.‘&imn)m'
w thin pllhllu lhr‘llmlriinnslml oulimlvnou hi map.“ f.
fiporl and wFlciyJilyvlo‘tM lfrcm' fur lhc‘ulnfiminl .
ll“ 11, [mu u l-ml 11l mailing llmr '3“:th Ami publll
Allin" linoml to‘lfln Amvrlunn Poop . , ' '
ll gun ammo) be ncdlwpryy» mil 110 l'mllranm‘h
liml lho'plnn ‘(ylxdilmlunlinf the Milan 0, lvliluh lulu
quovml m upuu smi. will u'oomimmdlwidlluafcms- ‘
ell "whim?! mu? euro.“ 'l‘lib wnnla Imd my; offllln
groin mm vi Uln polfilh will umlliuflo in bu ”(maul-- '
uni; ml no iuhur m mpomn will in) Ibamtl lo givu
Ilium, nary mnnlh, “ll! inn-goal “mount otlhn mum.
inlvmxlingundinalwoilllf literary mullet uriginul
Mill huloulml. in "no ll't fnlm ulul no lilo clionp- ,
Ml. pliuul Spank“ nlul iucn-nsml nttcniiun mil
gliwnya b 0 givm iu lilo no‘usynl ll‘l’il‘l of uriginnl '
'iltlmmml (Mick‘s. (icmiiptivo’dl‘*hmq‘rlului mum-n
mnlJlislm-ltfd incilicnla, prlipnrcd by (he must POP~
ulhr wfilor uild Alcnhmpnlhéd by humming. inyltllu ,
bent‘yllp‘» imlefpilod fistulas. In qvnry [legall
mun; pf (lit! Mug‘nnno l-cne‘w'bd elliugln will he mmlo
loinurclulu ilp nb lily. ila Milli); «ml limpjtmqnvc- »
, {was fur gifnoml roudqm _ ' '
Timing 11. lint null yin complain] the gum van o(
m o mom-l», llmnuu’MAoAzn-n hull n clufiflnlinn ‘
ronicr, l 1 m'im'yflloumnfi, alum win r‘urvnthfl'ml "
E “IWS" Ailnilflbpltllliclflil'n ”or gym-g in nu
ii, l u U! wn‘rlfl. ll u llllz’ dblumflmillb M‘Hii: *
i‘lilplilllml that ll nimil‘boulinuo to mcrilthjuunpul
bllulml and Mill incrcnsinx pmnpcrity.
. ‘Enuh number ol’lllo Mugnrlnoj‘mll ooulnin 1“
uclmo ["lng in duuhla axlumnsfogeh yilur ‘liuu
éumplis up; homily Lmlllmua'nnd rngcu oflim élmiconl ‘
Mimrllnnuuua llllcmlum of the day. x 15“? Nulu
her will comuin‘numrwnaPictorial Illn mu ortm: v
cumlo Plulel nllllu ifnaiilom, n cfiylouu Cblfiniulu of
Curwnl Events, and Ilnpnrlinl olluc-s ul_ llw iur
qiurumt Books ul‘lho Monlh. The Volunml rum
nmnva with llm Numbers for Ji \‘n ami‘llmwlm-n ,l -'
lml minnciiplinna Inny mmml‘nce will: tiny mlmluvr
. 'l‘nunn.——’l‘hn Mag-vino mug bunblnlmwl of Jim];-
scllqrfl, l’rrimlioni Agents, or mm lilo I‘nb'il'l‘lll'lfl nl,
sum n your, or 25 any}. n numbor. Tho Crniimr- \
nnl Volumnn. M comricl'fid, anally houmLLu (Ilnlli,
am will at 82,00 can i, h d Munliu COVOXI mo l‘m- |
niahud a: ”mu who wish i” have their bank llmullcm
unil‘urnllly llouml. 11l 25 men“! Mich. lilnu-n Yul.
IJHI‘H urn now randy lmun . 'llnrpcn‘ Story Ihmkn’
and " llurpcnl' Mugnzlfi ” wiu bu mm In mm Ad.
llywn,,llyr mm ymr. for $5.00 q ‘
Till) publisher: will humily’ 6pm lnmuNumM nu
gmluilmully l 4) Axonln mid l‘nalman'm’u m ll will
mnlm llhl'ml nrrlulgrmonly with than: for ('l'muinllrg
llm Mlluuluo Tin-y will aim nupplyclul.l, nl Hm
,ll'nl'll)‘ M 85,00 n your. or live pun-mm M s 000
Clorgymcn In Hell 13:32.00 ufmr. A . 4
' “Align“ t lilfll'l'l Elifl Pill linllf‘ln
UM‘Y) NUMBER, 0850,) will mmmoncc
lllu Hull: Valium of ,
A Monthly l’rrioxllcnl o! Thirty-two Ouhlvo P 191105.
di'vnlml ('xchllivol to tho but intervals n lhu
' Farmvr,‘ lho‘Jlnnthor lan: Fran. 9mm- wd
Slut-k llmmlur
[ y‘Afow buck Yulumcb hamlm’rnwly bound, at
"SI bu “my ‘ ,
' Anumwkn lulujccla Ironlod in Um JourNt ""1 ho
cum .n‘lmmlml (In: filllnwiu‘ffl . .
’l‘gm Cullhmiumflf the nail, Manure: And {llwir
Application ' Ilc'rripllnm of all new 11'4”leva
[lnplnmcnllnl' Hn-lmndry. «1911 an lo fulllnto and
lIJU'U‘ n llw lALmr of lhu l-‘urm, 'Ducrlplluns of II"
new #111" ‘ um and Tram; "mung and Gun»
lug; Exrmm of lawn; Hutu-aluminm ,
Murkt't “with, [’loth , Howl“.- luld flnnimllug _
l'r-iulngrumlm Amd (Emacs; knot-Icm Bun-nu
l-fwl fur Futile; Hardening, Lin: Slock of Uvmy
‘vII-vrfirflnn. lnrmula. mom-n of Gianni»)? $O.; 'l'llo
Dnlr)‘: Hluluwn uf Agnrulmrnl mu] 1 vlrli-ulluml
“01”,“; Rural “Mutt. Mnmln‘l mtd enu‘omr Ml”
luvlumlulgoau which nru cnhmlnmd Iu mlvm‘ n: :l
‘lnfurm (ho clnwn l'ur Wham 'wu nru lnh'uh': ’Jlm
15‘1“”ngJ'll‘pnrtflwnt will «1m: luv ummrd by A
M. fiI’ANULHHflhc oyiginnl H'Ulur um! l‘mp: n 'ur
of (hn .luurnnl, unisml by n nnmbt~r "F Mninrrl.
‘ Agrlrunumlmn and. )mmuvul Funnel-n, making ;L
M Ilm lump linw, u ur‘ury nlxjvct tn lump lhn
.lngnml clonr fnym nl unmcnu in‘lenmi-I, nulllw'
nurll'r i! In In” yr‘prvln n ralmhlu WWW ~
~| ll H n grou‘vfnllnry to mppnm tlmt “hm an m
dhidual ‘lu-mmrd lhu cdilnr "I an A;x‘
mpvr. hr nut-swirl!) mnsdlutm hlnm-ll' n (lit lat-Ir
of u union unipqcliou £o)in rn'mlerll"
‘ {Villmut llm v-nmmrnyzcmmxt of‘Agfldlfllun‘. nny
«'nunlyr’y, lmweur Bledaud by nature, mm“ ctinlmm
“c- lend Illw'dmm nnmlmn in nu _lpp“culllfl,
gram—and wil ”up"; wompll nl mm- o! 'n
jmrfl’tc, Mum-IF tn Itmttcnycnnlguincd en CLO
uumnl—nut nmlu nu ovcn dunno that hue a pen!-
".1 Lgn lump umlomd w [my for thy reply
()ur Term; of .IS‘uhcnpnuu plans (hfl'Judnml
nut/cm (/1! rear/I Efnll
Magic y, - - 8! oo por mmnm
Wm omg ‘ - - COO “
'[un coplu, . ' - 750 ”
Twonti min“. . . Hno u
All nuham‘ipdom must he in Wllb (he'll-I or 7:1:
numlu‘ruf Hm wflmno I'M-51 filmmurmm with I'm
your ; mud in every one (In Jullnml will be :10de
m. tho upimtinn of thn Hum pnh! for, nukes lho
lubecrifitmhrmnl rcnom-d. '
AMUM. minim A (30 , I‘uMiahN'
- N. 15. com" of ficvonlb mil Mull"! Min-cw
’ ‘ l'hilnnl‘vlp‘n HI
Tufwll'lm n2] L‘nmmnnicnzinn! vrhclln‘r e'hlhrmhw
’fudnt‘m flmuhl Ffi'mmmd mm 2']
lIIJIE acmummc HERMAN.»
The liluwnlh Annuul Vniumn of this ulI-t'ul pub
Mazatlan minimum“ on the Imm” of scpsembar.
Tho “Sr unhfiu ltlmr‘uzm“ 'u w mun-med 1n
|imlirnl nléuml vh 0!!) m Ihc ’mvmulgmh." nf In
f-unnalénn rvlalfh; in (PM Vanna: Bit-chunk nnd
(‘hvmlc Am, lndml‘nul Munhlm‘iurl'l, Ann mullun -
I’J’IIJI‘. Inunnnm [humus-mm]; Millwwk nut] n7l
Injrmm winch um “gilt ul l'r‘cued 54W“ 'uyul
‘Ful 111 vl In mlunn-n . ... ‘
“Wu" ..r [ uuul Hum: ”Puma and nine
'gdmflmd cwu nmk.muludmg umciuf'c‘fina u! n.“
Imm! Mahm- wguchcr um. new ad n ahmfinn
upon Ihwimuh nl nlhnr suhlm'll. v
Tln- mnhdlnhuu In tho Nut-mifla‘Anwricmx mo
nrwng vhr' mm! rmnwnt n-k-nlifla nml prmiull
mamas (lmn. . Tho Edknrfinl depMLw-m. u nu.-
quflr n.kl.l,\}ni7'vd to be cmlluutud Mill gu-at
thvy. um] (A h ~'nlm‘Jn;ninhnzl not anlv far lhv r-v
-run-my And nmmlam nt‘ itsdiuzmkma, but Dr
Hmhzlrlvuucu “uh wln-ah error 1; rululmtic'l -v d
lutm- [hm-non urv ('xp'mlonl ‘
Mr-hnnlcw Imr-nlnn Lnginnnn. Chrm'flk, Tu"
Nahum-u, Axnunhurulw‘n. gm! l’unyh- m «u x)
(untuwmu U 1 lifi‘. Will find lh'o Scil'uuli' A 1 .‘II mm
OMn hf firm! value in Hwir rflpboliro nslllngn [M
Bound! and Hugh-Jam um um: Item bUInIn-«Hvl
dullnu! uluuullv, buhlv‘s ummllng than; {ICOHHIHL ll
Murry of knnw‘u‘gfl. Rh» 05y 'ricncc "f “111 ch m lm~
ymnt [um-16M: -munmtn,> ‘-:\' ‘ ‘ .
’l'huficunfllé Aml’icll in ’uHinlm‘ynoc air ‘n.
Wm , ,‘hrm
ink Imnudlly a cam plo'u um syn-nan vullmm lllnn
Lnued lilh novornllbnnvlml unkind En‘nv'mxv.
lf‘F-tumimnu mph-n acnl. grnlu
AR. 1" ~Bhmln cubs/3r! “in? '32 | our. «r s'!
{m an mnnlhs, {no uanL-I Jar A x muntgl 81., Mr a
year y“
1""! “Klimt ('11:!) um ‘, nud fur Mntcmcnl 01' ”M
flmrlrcn Inmfuh I'rlu‘u nfl‘crml b) thn pubhlhmi.
m trio-mm» Ann-tic m
M Hun» “‘n-aturu mu! Unmln mnm‘y :uni I‘ml
omm Sump: LJmn M paw fur Inhocriynlunn
110”.” should he directed. Voll'pn‘d, In "
ML NN .& (301 v
n.» 27-!“ - 123 Fulton F‘rcol. NM: YUII‘
T 0 FANNY ERN'S 1.000.000 BEAD~
KK‘V , A N 4“ HOOK gMHNG ~Wu hum
1 (In plmuuro ut’nnmunuing (I: we In." In prv",
‘ r'ul “qu publhh Mum: Um m Doembcr, II M"
work 01‘ firliun, cnullrl . -
A mmuxusqxv wan Imm
The In» wnrk. and first. ooydnuoul tale of hub
that uml {Hamming .nuthorw, “ Ruth llulL”
Mhh-rml ‘n ancccu um‘ xmuplrd'lh the amid}: u! M»
ton: 115’ film Jangungl M lJlldin'» pedulinnl, n.
i‘mnwd mom ml'qund numbiun than [any wM'h
I‘M ht‘nn Imclfduring a, under of I oomury "
hit it 13.nmlwmfy,w‘h%.udd'w'uui marih! of
“ I!.th Hull-I!“ Jm‘liimfpm tho numbor of com-m
we have mlrl, Wu 3111! 0 Quit. iwcry body in ”I”
Unimd Hum luu réndfif.‘ ' Al "spouts the Work I“
.hnva now In men, Rain 0' . we mm ,onLy a?!
Ima ~ no“ rel gum" I"
mac: :«mf: fi'ffi 00"“lo Wm only nu"
bin ,buz wont the mputnuon of m «listin—
xuln‘ml nuthnreu. Wu hum; muml fur tthWA
“31050 mm " ’Hrmke n. 3mm amniun 111qu
mu .. W' ' ‘
l! (“fin In mph: 12mm mlmlm of over “I”
L; a Price $1 2.5, an race-i )! of whiah oop‘iwyllk
Fowl: by mall, Hut-gm] IPanah'vd‘b '
‘ . wa'mxalfil’l‘fififi,‘
ow Ymk
$5 9‘ “
It "X:
4 ,A CA W 990”
... wanton: fm- tho patronage l 0 mot-Hy. 7’"
unwell upnn hlm by n mum“ enmmhhlty MM
hupon. hf' attic: uumxtlon’ to Duiinou, 104 «ht-3:".
mutumm 0 "unit um nypmbntion ohm upmnu‘nilrx
pn Ho» llcinfonm hxl (Hands, ordnmora,’und ' 1"
[Enblluygoncmllfu that i 104: prep-nil h fumMl.
01mm hin wul k own mind with every "s°” If
annex-mum an: mug)“, ounodxor. ‘ mum
withing? to coonmnluawm pious out Amt-Mot fluolv
:00?" tz‘nlf' mu, m l mummy: siVOJMW
‘ wton )n .
1 mm ' . WILLIAM mmndr
“..‘“...W ,mkwa‘“
3193 .‘J—v wag» 3W
, ,1] all .fin ”I'm"? . ALA [5 ‘
x-'.~. I ~.‘; ‘v