Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 11, 1793, Page 536, Image 4

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    Treasury Department,
Amgufi 27, 1793-
NO TIC C.i> hereby given that i»opstait will
be received imiil lht ijb day of OA>ber
next, inelufively, by David Henly at Knonville,
in the lerriiory iouih Weft of theOtnoj InlllM
supply ot all rauoot which may be required for
the ufa ps (be Uoucd Stats», tram Itairldiy of
January to Hk thirty-Sift day of December,
1794, both dayt incltifive, at the plaeea, and?
within the diftrUb hereafter mentioned, via.
1. At any place or placet from the mouth of
the River Teneffee to Oecochappo or Bear
Creek, on the said River inclusively*
«. At any place or placet from the mouth of
the rivw** Cumberland to Naihvillc, on the said
river, and "S Naftiviile. .
3. At any or placet wtthtn thirty miles
of said Nashville I? the weftwara
or northward theredf,
4. At Bledfoe'tLick.oT any place or placet
between the said Lifck Nashville.
*. At any place or places irom Uledfoe's Lick
to the crof&ng of Cumberland civer, along the
new Trace, at or near the great SaU Lick, and at
the said eroding place over GUmberKnd river.
6. At any place or the laid tracts
from the eroding of Cumberland river to the
mouth of Clinch river, and at the said mouth of
Clinch river.
7. At ajiy place or placet between the laid
month ot Clinch a*d Knoxville, arid at Knox
-3; AtKny place or places on the north-wrft
e*n frontiers of Wafliingtou and Hamilton dif
tr'.£fi, io the Territory South of the Ohio, fiom
|V mouth of Clinch to the Virginia line.
q At any place or places on the (outlier n
frontiers of the kid d.drifts of Wellington and
10. At any other place or places in the tern
tory South of the Ohio, unit herein mentioned
The rations to be supplied are toconfmol the
following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour, -
One pound of beef, or £ of a pound of pork,
Half a ji»l of brandy, rum or whilky,
One quart of fait
Two quarts of vinegar r loorit ioni.
Two pounds of soap f
Onr pound of candles j
The rations are to be furniftied in such quan
tities, at that there shall at all timet, during the
said term, be fufßcient for the consumption of
the troops at each fort or other stationary poll,
which is or may be eftabl'fhed for the space of
at least thre« months in advance, in good and
wholesome provisions, if the fame (hall be re
It is to be understood in each cafe, that all
losses sustained by the depredations of the ene
mies, or by means of the troops of the United
States, (ball be paid for at the prices of the ar
ticles captured or deftroved, on the depofi'ions
of two or more creditable chara6ter c , and the
cernficatfcof a comrniflioned officer, ascertaining
the circumftancct of the loss, and the amount of
the nrticlet for which compensation it claimed.
Those who may become proposers are re
qut fted transmit without delay to the Secre
or Treasury duplicates of their. propofalt.
>pofala wijl be at Knox
>c • -rfaid 4 where the said David Henly will
make known the offer which is accepted, and
will conclude the contra#.
Trealuvy Department,
jiugt/Jl 10, 1793.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Propol'als
will be received at the Office of the Se
cretary of the Treasury, until the 14th day
of September next inclusively, to furniih by
contrast ,the fallowing articles of Cloathing,
for the life of the Unilcd States, via.
4.800 Hats,
j, 120 Stocks,
5,120 Stock-Clasps,
50,480 Shirts,
5,120 Veils,
5,120 Coats,
9,600 Woollen Overalls,
9,600 Linen ditto,
19,200 pairs of Shoes,
9,600 pairs of Socks,
3,1 2") Blankets,
340 Caps,
320 pairs of Leather Breeches,
640 pairs of Boots,
320 pairs of Spurs,
640 pairs of Stockings,
1,523 Rifle Shirts.
The cloathing to be delivered at the city
cf Philadelphia ; one fourth pai tof the whole
number of suits on or before the ; 15th of Fe
bruary, one fourth 011 or before the 15th of
April, and the remaining half on or before
the 15th of June, 1794.
The articles must be agreeably to fueh pat
terns as lhall be diretted by the Secretary for
the Department of War. Payment will be
made as soon as the whole of the articles (hall
have been delivered. epti4S.
War Department,
■dugufi !ft, 1793.
Information is hereby given L aii the
Military Invalids of the United States, that
the sums to which they are intitled for fix months
of their annual pension, frnm the 4th day of
March last, and which will become due on the
sth5 th of September next, w>H be poi<j 00 the fa id
day by the Commissioners of the Loans, with
in the States refpeftively under the usual regu
By Command of the
President of the United States.
H. KNOX, Secretary at War.
N. B. The Printers in tie rtfp'Mive States a*e
feque/led to publifli the aiove in their aew/fiafer s for
the Jpace of two months.
May be bid at SAMUEL COOPER'S Ferry.
To the Public.
THE Eultor of the Gazette of th* United
States, proposes the Paper,
under that Title, every Evening, Sunday's
To render it interesting as a Daily Publi
cation, it Ihall contain foreign and doniettic,
commercial and political Intelligence Es
says and Observations, local and general :—
Maritime information Current of
Merchandize and the Public Fund». Also a
luminary of the proceedings of and
of the Legislature of thi^^tate':—with a
Iketch of Congressional Debates," &c.
AovEiTtaNC favors will be gratefuljy re
ceived. f ■ ***
To be printed on paper of the demy size ;
bat a larger size lha.ll be fubftitutedin Decem
ber next.
The price Six Dollars per Annum, to be
paid half Yearly.
When a fufficient number of Subfcribefs is
obtained, the Publication (ball commence.
In the interim, the Gazette will l>e pubViHi
ed twice a week as ufu&l.—Subfcription* are
refpeftfully solicited by the Public's humble
Subscriptions are received at the City Tavern,
South Second Stjeet—by Mr. Dobfon, at the Stone
Houje—by other perjons who are in pojjejfion oj Jub
fenption paper and by the Editor» at kit nquft*
So. 34, North Fifth-Street.
MOST earneflly requtfls those •/ his diflant Sub who are in arrears for the Gazette, tQ make
payment asJoonsi pojjible.—Thofe persons who have
receivedfubfcription money on his account are dtfired
to remit the fame. The arrearages for the Gazette
have accumulated to aferious amount—Serious, as
they are the only resource to dif charge
engagements incurred in the p/ojecution
penjivepublication. Philadelphia, Jun< t6.
Seat of War.
For Sale, at M. CAREY's Store,
No. 118, Market-street,
A Sheet Map of the
French, Austrian and Dutch Netherlands, in
which the progress ot' the present War may
be traced. Price three eighths oja dollar.
And a Map of the Three Northern DHtrifts
of France, divided into Departments.
P> ice i of a dollar.
Vlaps of the United
States :—Any public spirited gentlemen, pof
felttd of materials for correcting and improv
ing the Maps of the several States, will lay
M. Carey under very particular obligations,
by communicating them. He is in immediate
want of some for New-Jersey and Delaware ;
of w.iich States he is now preparing Maps.
Guthrie's Geography:
The subscription for this wo k will be con
tinued open, at the present rate of twelve
dollars, till the firft day of November next J
after which, it will be raised to fourteen dol
Augujl 14.
District oj Pennsylvania, to wit.
TK E IT REMEMBERtD - lh2t on
(is) ihe thirteenth day ot August, in
\ ' '/ the eighteenth year of ihe Indepen
v dence of the United States of America,
THOMAS DOBSON, of the said Diarid, hath
deposited in this Office the Title of a Book, the
Right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the
woids following—to wit:
" Transactions of the College of
14 Physicians or Philadelphia.—Vol. I«
\* Part I. Non Jibi fed toti."
In conformity to the Ad of the Congress of
the United States, irttitulec), <l An Ast for the
Encouragement of Learning, by securing the
Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Au
thors and Proprietors of such Copies, during
the ti&cs therein mentioned.'*
- CAtDWEUytorlMji
City of Washington.
January 71b, 1793.
A NUMBER of Lots in this City will be o\
fered for sale atau&ton, by the Commi
fioners, on the 17th 4ay of September next.-
One fourth part of the purchase money ia "to be
paid down, the residue at three equal annual pay
ments with yearly interefton the whole princi
pal unpaid.
JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the
Extras of an Ast ot the General Atfembiy of
Maryland, concerning the Territory of Co
lumbia, and the City ot Washington.
44 Be it tna&cd, That aay foreigner may by
deed or to be made. take and hold tanas
within that paYt 0} theJatd Territory which lies with
in this State, in the fame manner as if he was a citi
zen of this State ; and the fame lands may be con
veyed by him, and transmitted to and be inherited by
his heirs or relations, as if he and they were citizens
of thi> State: Provided, That no foreigner fhal! y
in virtue hereof be entitled to any jue thei or other
privilege of a citizen.*'
J an - '9'
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-street, Niw-York,
THESubfcriber intending to cpnfine himfclf
entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of
STOCKS on COMMlSSlON,begaleave toof
fer hisfervices to his friends and others, inthe
line ofa Stock Broker. Those who may please
to favor him with their business, may depend
upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmost fide
lity and dispatch.
Orderr from Philadelphia, BoAon, or any
other part of the United States, wil 1 be ftri&ly
attended to. >
Commissioners appointed by Government to
prepare the Public Buildings, &c. within tlie
City of Wajkxvgton, for the reception of Con
gress, and tor iheir permanent residence after
the year 1800—
Federal City.
50,000 Ticket 7 dollar, are 350,000 dollari.
I Supei b Hotel, with baths,)
out houses, &c.&c. to ci»ft J
1 Ca(h Ptize
l ditto
1 ditto
i ditto
2 ditto
10 ditto
20 ditto
ioo ditto
200 ditto
400 ditto
1,000 ditto
15,000 ditto
SB> BUnkt
By this scheme at leaji the amount of the tick
ets will return to the fortunate adventurers, and
yet the federal City will gain its object thereby,
in a magnificent building designed both for pub
lic and private convenience.
Although some expence must neceflarily at
tend the conducing of the lottery, (which ex
pcnccwill be taken from the principal priK)thc
Coinmiflioners having agreed to prefcnt in re
turn a tufficient quantity of excellent free-ftone,
togtlhcf with ihe best adapted lot» sot the hotel
and for the out-houfcs, the value of the lottery
entire may be fairly rated at Jomttntng more than
par: In this important inftancc it will be found,
on examination, to exceed all the lotteries that
have ever been offered to the Public in this or
perhaps in any other country. The keys of the
Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to the
fortunate pofffrffor of the ticket drawn aagaiofl
its number.— Al! the other prizes will be paid,
without deduction,in one monthafterthc drawing, by
the City Treasurer at Walhinglorl, or al such
Bank or Banks as may be herealter announced,
for the conveniency of the fortunate adventurers.
The drawing will commence on Monday the
6th of September next, »t the City of Walhing
Ticketa may be had of Col. Wm. Dickens, City
Treasurer of Wellington ; Thaxer & Bjrtfel, of
Charleston, South-Carolina j Gideon Denijon, Sa
vannah; Messrs. James Wejl £# Co. Baliunore ;
Mr. Peter Gilman, Boston; and at such other
place* as will be hereafter published.
be given for thebeft Plan of an elegant and con
venient HOTEL or INN, with hbt and cold
Batbs, Stables, and other out houses, ijprefevted
tmor bejort the toth oj <iprii next-, ami a pre
ference will be given to the Artist for a Con
tract, provided he be duly qualified to
com pleat his plan. The ground on which
the Hotel and out houses are to be ercfied, will
be a corner lot of about 90 by 200 feet, with a
bcick avenue to the stables, &c. Stftions and
estimates of the expense will be cxpefted
with the elevations, &c. compleat ; and 50,000
dollars mult be regarded by the Architect as the
utmost limit in the expense intended lor this
purpose. S. BLODGET,
Agent for the affaiis of the City
March, 61793,
Hercule De Sercey,
from Ltogtne, IJluiti oj St. Domingo,
M AKES and fells all fo>t» of Mugs Jacks,
Porringers, Cups,Stew-Pans, Lamps, &c.
in Tin, plain or japanned—He also pnends old
tip wqrk. . Aji be worki cheap, he bopci for the
public rooouiagcmcnt.
No..a®, K,icc.ftreet, near Front-street.
June*?. .
Donoinquc, travaille
en fer Blanc, de tome forte de manieres a
corcvmande et a bon marche.
A Philadelphie, ce 22 Juin, 1793.
No. 23, Race-street, pres From-ftreet.
Philadelphia, July ift, 1793.
NOTICE is hereby given to the members of
the insurance Company of North Ameri
ca, that the Dircttors have declared a dividend
(to this day) of fix per cent on the amount of the
firft instalment, and of one per cent per month,
on the sums paid towards the second and third
instalments, calculating from :he firft day of
the month following that in whitfh these pay
ments were made. The Dividend will be paid
to the Stockholders or their Reprefcniatives, at
the Company's Office, (No. 119, south Front-
Street) at any time after the 7th inft.
As the members of this Company ure much
dispersed throughout the United States, the Printers
in the J'everalJlates are requejied tcfigive the akuve a
place in their netvjpapers.
At the Stone HouJe t No. 41, foutk Second-Street^
Medical Tranfa&ions
College of Physicians
OJ Philadelphia :
Volume I. Part I.
Price in boards One Dollar.
Atfo lately publijhed ty T. Dobfon y
On ihc diseases of Children, with general di
re&ions for the management of infant* from
the birth, adapted both tor the life of Medi»
cal Pra&itioners and private Families.
Price *ne delicti natly bcuxd.
5,000 art
Dollars 350,06©
or THE
NOTICE ishereby given, that p<<>poUl« w;ll
be received al the office of the- Secretary of
tbe Treafory, Unlit ihe fourteenth day ot Vp»
timber next inclulively, for the fiapply ot all
Ration* Which may be required for the use of
the United States, from (he lull day of January
to the thirty-fi'ft day of December 1794, both
daya inclotive, at the placet, and wnkio lb»
diftii&s hereafter mentioned, vie.
At any place or places betwixt York-Towu
and Carlisle, in the ftace of PennlyUania, and
Pittfburgh,iat Pitt(burgh,Yol k-town&Carlifle.
2. At any place or places fru»m Piuiburgh t«
4he mouihof Big Beaver Creek, and at the mouth
of Big Beavtr Crtrfr. •
■ Al any place or placea from the f»M noat|
(b the upper falU of the said Big Heave#, ud at
the upper faHa.
4. At any place or placea from the f<id »ppw
falli to Ma boning, and at Mahoning.
5. At any place or placca from the said Ma
honing over to theHeatJ Navigation of the rivet
Cayahoga, »nd atthe laid Head Nav gation.
6., At auy place or placo trom the said Head
Navigation to the mouth of the said river Caya
boga, and atthe said mouth.
7. At any place or placea betwixt the mouth
of. the Biff Beaver Creek, to the mouth of the
rivr Mulkingum, and up the said river to the
Tufcerowaa, and at the Tufcarowaa, and thenctf
over to the Cayahoga river, and thence down thtf*
said river to its mouth.
8. At any place or places betwixt the mouth
of the river Mulkingun anri the tnouth of the
Scioto river, and at the mouth of the said river
9. At any place or places betwixt die mouth
of Scioto river & the mouth of the Great Miami,
at the month of the Great Miami, and trom
:henc« »o the rapid* or the falls of the Ohio, and
at the said rapids.
10. At any nlace or places betwixt the mouth
of the Great Miami, op the said Miami to and
at Pique Town.
i». At any place or places from FortWafti
ington to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamilton.
At any place or places from Fort Hamilton to
Fort St. Clair, and at Fort St. Clair.
12. At any placc or places from Fort St. Clair
to Fort Jcfferfon, and at Fort Jcfferfon.
>3. At any placc or places from Fort Jcfferfon
to the fiejd of aaion of the 4th of November,
1791, and at the said' field ol adtion.
14. At any placc or places from the said field
of a£Hon to the Miami Villages, and at the
Miami Villages. _ '
i£. At any place or places from thefaii Mi
ami' Villages to the falls of the Miami river,
which empties into JLake Eric, and at the sard
falls, and from thence Co its mouth, and at its
16. At any place or placcs from the mouth of
the said Miami river of Lake Erie to Sandufky
Lake, and at Sanduflcy Lake.
17. At any place or places from the said San
dufky Lake, to the mouth of the river Cayahoga.
18. At any place or placcs from the mouth of
the said river Cayahoga to Prefque Ific, and at
Prefque Isle.
19 At any place or placcs from Prefque lOe
to the ft ream running into Lake Eric from to
ward* the Lake, *nd ibcncc over to
and at the said J ada.ghque Lake,and thence dowo
the Alleghany river to Fort Franklin.
20. At any place or places from Prefque Isle
to Le Beuf, aud at Le Beuf.
21. At any place or places from Le Beuf to
Fort Franklin, and at Fort Fra&klifl,. and fro*n
thence to Piufburgh.
22. At any place or places from t<he rapids of
the Ohio to'thfc mouth of the Wabafh river, and
from the mouth of the said Wabafh river to the
mouth of the river Ohio.
23. At any plaee or places on the East fide of
the river MifGflippi, from the mouth of the Ohio
river, to the mouth of the Illinois river.
24. At any place or places from the mouth o§
the laid Wabafo river up to Fort Knox, and at
Fort Knox.
85. At any place or places from Fort Knox up
the said Wabalh to Onittanon, and at Ouittanon.
26. At anv -place or places from OuHtanoti,
up the said Wabafh, to the head navigation of a
branch thereof called Little River, and the
, said head navigation of Little River.
27. At any plat e dr placrs from the said head
navigation of Ifittle River over to the Miami ViU
At a«»y ptact Or places from the m«»«*th of
th e river TeneflTee to Occochappo or Boar Creek #
®ii the said river, inclusively.
ag. At any place or plages from the mouth or
the river Cumberland to Nashville, on the said
river, and at Nashville..
30. And at any place or places within thirty
miles ol said Nashville to the Southward, West
ward or Northward thereof.
Should any rations be required at any places,
or within other diftri&s, not fpecified in thcle
proposals, the price of the fame to be hereafter
agreed on betwixt the public and the contra&or.
The rations to be supplied are to conTift of the
following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or } of a pound of pork,
One quart of fait, }
Mwo quarts of vinegar, ( IQO ration ,_
Two pounds ot loap, f r
One pound of candles, )
The rations are to be furnifhed in such quanti
ties as that there shall at all limes, during the said
term, be fufficient tor the consumption of the
troops at each of the said posts, for the space of at
least 3 months in advance, in good and whole
fame provisions, if the fame shall be required.
#It is tobeunderftoodin each cafe,that alllofTc*
fufliined by the depredations of the enemy, or by
means of the troopsof the United States, shall be
paid for at the pi ices of the articles captured or
deftroyed,on the depositions 4 of two or more
creditable characters, and the certificate of a
commiflioned officer, ascertaining (he circum
fiances of the lofs,and the amount of the article*
for which compensation is claimed.
The contratt for the above (upplies will be
made either for one year, or (or two years, as may
appear eligible. Persons disposed to contrail
will therefore confine their offers to one year, or
they may make their proportions so as to admit
an elc&ion of the term of two years.
The offers may comprise all the places
have fpecified ? or a part of yjiem oily.