Fiom the Wtirrm Star. Mr. Andrcwi, AS the fubjeiS of the Rights of Man is more generally difcufied than un derltood, and at I am a real fiiend to the dofhine, (in a rational degree) permit me to enumerate, through the channel of your paper, certain rights the people of this country have, and which I hope they will forever strenuously maintain. 1. Upon the difiblutioa of the British government in this countty, the people had an unalienable right to form their state conltitutions, by which individuals gava up a certain portion of their natural liberty, to secure and perpetuate the reft for themselves and their posterity. 2. The great body of the people ip the United States had an incontrovertible right torefign a certain portion of feeble state foveieignty, so as to form a national constitution ; ans to clothe and invigorate this government with fiich powers as to raise the country out of a state of confu fion and contempt, and make it compe tent for the establishment of publick cre dit at home and abroad. 3- The people, having thus eftablifli ed a government for the common good of United America, have the sole right to maintain it againll all secret, wicked com binations among themselves, and open attacks from abroad.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4- There is no restraint, either in the {late or nations/ governments, upon an individual, to worship God contrary to the di&ates of his own confoience—to worship as he pleases is, besides, a natu ral and unalienable right, and there is no power on earth to controul it. 5. As the civil and religious rights of the people are defined by the conllitution al frames of government —consequently, individuals must be protedled in the fulled extent, according to the social compact. 6. The citizens of America are not more bound to obey constitutional laws, than they are entitled to all the benefits resulting from those laws. 7. If the legillature of the United States, or that of an individual (late, make laws which militate again ft the con stitutional right of an individual, he can oppose the will of the conltitution to that of the legislature, and the judicial power js bound to cairy the will of theconftitu tion into effect. 8. As the people of these United States have a right to defend their liv;s and liberties, they have a right equally strong, of acquiring, poffefling, arid pro testing property —but no man, or body of men, can have any pretence of right, upon the new dodlrine of liberty and equality, to take the fruits of their in dustry from them, and dillribute it among a set of indolent, profligate levellers. The Quack Doctors of liberty and equality in England and France, have wrote much upon this newfangled topick; the firft of them who advanced the doc trine, had nothing to lose : but in all my reading I have not discovered an in fiance wherein one of the advocates for liberty and equality has diftvibuted his estate among the needy. Until an example is given by those reafoners, of a disposition of their property, if they have any, in to aliquot parts, between their offspring and the beggars that present themselves to a(k alms, I (hall continue to believe that this position is advanced here, and abroad, by such only as are without pro perty, or by those who consider them selves qualified to head a faction, and through that medium raise themselves to a (ituation of obtaining those profits and honours which emetge out of a state of confufion. " Every experimental philo fopber (hould firft try the experiment on hrmfelf, before he ele&rifies a whole nati on." I am Mr. Printer, a hard labouring man, and, by the sweat of my brow, have acquired a clear eflate of one thou sand dol!ai s—my neighbour Hodge Podge had at lead this sum when he began the world ; but he being a lazy, careless fel low, (and gennrally roasting his shins in the winter while I am foddering my cat tle) is not now worth a (hilling—he daily calls on me for bread, to keep his family from Itarving—yet there is no one so cla mourous for liberty and equality as he is. I told him, in a convetfation we had lately, that if his scheme could take effect it was not likely, on account of bis idle, careless way of living, that he would long enjoy the benefit of my labour—O, fays he, when you acquire more proper ty, we will divide again. FROM THE COLUUBIAXtENriXZL. A correspondent on teeing ibe lift r»f French Privaiceis, in addition co ihe French public Ihips, was led lo ihe following reflexion : A FLY, wltf long had fottnd support, In Hattghty toritain's ttifc&'cohtr, Of late from that tyrannic thore fled, To \ight upon'Colu a't> forehead. Franc t, when she saw the Fly tfn" wing, sufpe&ed that he meant tVJUkf; And ere he'd fcareely' tinSe to Mighf, Or fpii his gall aftd vfni His spite; Her arm, with nerves of vengeance fining, i A battle-ax o'er occan swung : And now, to brush away the foe, High swept in air the thundering blow, Which Jcar'd the Fi. y, bv wind in Jailing* But knock'd down poor Columbi a t fprawfing ' District oj Pennsy l vanTa, to wit. T) E IT REMEMBERED, that on ( £5 J -i-J the thirteenth day of Aoguft, in \ / trie eighteenth year of the Indepen dence of the Umtefl States of America, THOMAS DOBSON, of thefafd Diftrift, harh depofm d in this Office the Title of a Book, the Right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following—to wit : " fRANSACt lON'S OF 1 THE COLLEGE OF " Physicians of Philadkl phi a.—Vol. I. " Part I. Non Jibi fed toti In conformity to ihe Art of the Congress of the United States, intituled, " An Ast tor the Enfcourai/ement of Learning, by feCuriwg the Copies of Charts «»nd Books, to the Au thors and Proprietors of fueh Copies, during the times therein mentioned/' War Department, Augr/ft I ft, 1793. INFORMATION is hcicby given to all the Military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are intitled for fix mortths of iheir annual pension, from the 4th day of March last, and which will become due on the sth of September next, will be paid on the said day by the Commiffionrrs of the Loans, with in the States relpe&ively under the usual regu lations. N. B. The Printers in the refpcßtve States are yequejled, to publijh the abovqin their neivfpapers for the Jpace of two months. Treasury Department, Augufl 10, 1793. NOTICE is hereby given, that Propofah will be received at the Office of the Se tretary of the Treasury, until the 14th day of September next inclulively, to furnilh by contract the follo'ving articles of Cloathing, for the use of the United States, viz. 4,800 Hats, 5, lao Stock 1 !, j, 120 Stock-Clasps, 20,480 Shirt';, 5,120 Veils, 5,120 Coats, 9,600 Woollen Overalls, 9,600 Linen ditto, 19,200 pairs of Shoes, 9,600 pairs of Socks, 5,120 Blankets, 320 Caps, 320 pairs of Leather Breaches, 640 pairs of Boots, 320 pairs of Spurs, 640 pairs of Stocking l :, 1,520 Rifle Shirts. The cloathing to be delivered at the city of Philadelphia ; one fourth part of the whole number of suits on or before the 15th of Fe bruary, one fourth on or before the 15th of April, and the remaining half on or before the 15th of June, 1794. The articles must be agreeably to fiich pat terns as (hall be d'ire&ed by the Secretary for the Department of War. Payment will be made as soon as the whole of the articles (hall have been delivered. epti4S. 83" THE Editor proposes to continue the publication oj the Gazette of the United States y Jor dijlant circulation, after the firjl of December next, on the following terms, viz. It Jhall be pubhjhei on Wednesdays and Saturdays, on paper of the Medium fze —which ft larger than the prcfent. rhe price, Three Dollars per annum,exclusive of poflage. Sub [caption s to be received by the refpeflive Pofl. Maflers throughoit the Union, or such other ferftms as may fee proper to collect them. _ The papers to b; forwarded b\ pojl twicc a week. A'o pickets to contain lef\ than si x papers—and no fubferiptions to be received for a less term than fix 'months.—Payments to be confiantly fix months in advance.—Twenty per cnt. deduction from the price of the Gazette, will be allowed to those who col led and forward the fubfeription money, free of ex pense, in full of all charges for their'trouble in the biifnefs. The publication will contain as vftal, a variety of original effays—foreign and domrjlic intelligence, and a fmmary of the proceedings of the Legipature of the Union, tfc. &c.- Attention wilt be paid to d> [patching tie papers trUb punfluaaly, and Sub scribers mai depend on receiving them as rtiulitrly. as the pofls arrive. INDUSTRY. " SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk of the Diflriß oj Pcvnfyfvania. By Command of the President tffke'VJmted States. Iff. KNOX, Secretary at War, TO THE PUBLIC. June 8. 516 To the Public. THE Editor of the Ga7JSTt* of the Unites Statis, piujwfes pubKlhing the Paper, under that Title, every Evenings Sunday's excepted. Toreuderit interelling a* a Daily Puhli catiort, it fball contain foreign and domestic, coinmerciaf and political Intelligence :—Ef (Vys and Observations, local and general : — ■Maritime intbrmarron :—Pficis Current ol Merchandize and the Public Fund*. Also a summary of the proceedings of Corgrefs, and of the Legislature of this State : —with a (ketch of Congreffionai Debates, &c- Advertizing favors will be gratefully re ceived. T I R M S. '■ To be printed on paper of the demy fiie ; a larger lize lhall lie fuUtituted in Decem ber next. The price Six Dollar's per Annum, to be paid half Yearly. When h fufficient number of Subscribers is obtaiued,the Publication (h ill commence. In the interim, tlie Gawtte will be publifh dd twice a week as iifiial.—Subfcriptions are' ifcfpeftf'ully solicited by the Public's humble (fcrvant, JOHN FENNO. C}'T" Subscriptions are received at the iityl *vern. South Second Street~by Mr. DoiJoß, ot the +>tone Ihuje—b\ other per Jons who are in po[[ejjion ofjvh- Jcvption papers, and by the Editor at his t.ovj'e, No. 31, A'or/h Fijlh-Spett. By THOMAS JOHNoON, DAVID STU ART,b DANIEL CARROLL, Esquires, Commission ers appointed by Government to prepare the Public Buildings, See. within the City of IVaJhinglon, for the reception of Con gress, and for their permanent rtfideme alter the yean 800— A LOTTERY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE Federal City. 50,000 Tickets at 7 dollars, are 350,000 dollar*. LIST OF PRIZES, viz. I Superb Hotel, With baths, ) out houses, Scc.Scc. to cost ) 1 Cash l ditto l ditto 1 ditlo 2 ditto 5,000 arc jo ditto ' 20 ditfo 100 ditto ; 300 ditlO ; 400 4l'J* 1,090 (ditto t^.ooo'dino } —,' 11 i- " Pri*f» £3,1163 Blanks 1,00 o 500 100 5° 2 .5 ?o 10 50,600 By this fchertie at Itajl the arfiount of the tick els will return to the fortunate adventurers, and yet ihf federal City will gain its object thereby* in a magnificent building both for pub lic and private convenience. Although some expence must necefTarily at tend the conducing of the Ipttery, (which ex pence will be taken from the principal pritej the Commiflioners having agreed to prcYcnt in te cum * fufficient quantity of excellent free-flone, together with the best adapted lots for the hotel and for the out-houfes, the value of the lottery entire may be fairly rated at something more than par: In this important instance it will be found, on examination to excecd all the lotteries that have ever been offered to the Public in this or perhaps in any other country. The keys of the Hotel, when complcat, will he delivered to tiie fortunate poffefTor of the ticket drawn aagainlt its number. — All the other prizes will be paid, without dedutt tonkin one month after the dtawing, by the City Treasurer at Washington, or at such Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced, for the conveniency of the fortunate adventurers. The drawir.g will commence on Monday the 6th of Septembe/ next, at the City of Washing ton. Tickets may be had of Col. Win. Dickens, City Treasurer of Waftimgron ; 7haver ££ Bartiet, of Charlcfton, South-Carolina; Gideon Dehijon, Sa vannah ; Mfffis. James Wejl & Co. Balumoic; Mr. Peter Gilman, Boston; and ar such other places as will be hereafter published. N. B. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given for thebe ft tTan of an elegant and con venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and rold Baths, Stables, and other out houses, if prtfenlcd on or before the xoth of April next; and a pre ference will be fiivi n 10 the Ariift tor a C6ty tract, provided he be dirty qualified to compleat his plan. The ground on which the Hotel and out houses are to be erected, will be a corner lot of about 50 by 200 feel, with a back avenue to the flables, &c. Seftio'ns a?.d eftimatts of the expense will be exneftrd with the elevations. &c. eompleat ; and 50,000 dollars mild be regarded by the Architect asthe utmoll limit in the exprnfc intended lor this purpose. S. BLODGET, Agent for the artairsofthe City March, 61.70; This DAY JS fVbLUHf.B, By THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stout Houjc, No. 41, foutk SecmA-Strcet, Medical Tr an fa cti ons OF THE College of Physicians OJ Philadelphia : Volume I. Part I. Price in beards One Dollar. AIJo lardy pvblijhtd by 7 . Dotty,*, DR. UNDERWOOD'S TREATISE On the dileafes ot Children, with general di rethons for the management ol infants from thr birth, adapted both for the use of Medi cal Practitioners and privatr Families. TWO VOLUMES IN ONK. Price sue dollar neatly bound. JMvASVIRVnVEBLVaTMfcMT, JVTOTIGE is hr'rSy *<»*«, that •ropnfaH w 1 * !l>f hi Vft'riir'ed lit tKi otiitr wf t ISc Six+fctif y 11 thi TrrtfUfy, M|>Uit' ftiu|tHortirfay tff "S,-ju Umbet sett TMMthflM tft«r 1# b.iipni , Wl(i«l?'(tfiy , WKqW-f. At «4ty j>Bc« Wrtf Sht itiou-h"6f mpß:«»i*rCK J tk*,»>id'rtHieritouth' .lfligß ' , 3. At »fiy pl»ct01 iolht upptr+jllj oFilte did Big Bij»er, rtrti a the'djW*r MH, q. Ar any placr or plf e* fromthr said upper fafl* to MahoniOp, afid at Mahoning. 5- At awy place or placc* from the said Ma honing ovfr tcv iV Navigation of the river Cayahoga, and at the (aid H«»d Navtgauon. 6. At any place or places* »rom the fatd Head- Navigation to the mouth ol the (aid river Caya- and at the said mouth. 7. At any place or place* fyetwixt the mouth of the jßtg B'.aver Cu* k, to the mouth of the river Mufkinguai, and up 'he said river to the Tufcarowa.% and at the Tufcarowas, and thence over to the Cavahoga 1 irer, and thence down the fair* river to its month. 8. At any olacc or places betwixt the mouih of the river Mwfkingu«n and the mouth of the Scioto river, and ihe inouth of the said river Scioto. 9 At any place or places betwixt the mouth of Scioto rivei Sc the mouth of the Great Miami, at the month of the Great Mmmi, and Irom thence ro the rapids or the falJsof the Ohio,and at the said rapids. 10. At any place or place* betwixt the *>f the Great Miami, *»p the said Miami trt and .at Pique Town. 11. At any place or pbees from Fort Wafh irtgton to Frtr't H«Mfr*iltodVaod ml Fort Hamilton. At any p*ace or places 4*om Fort Hamilton t* Fon Clatr, and at St. Clair. 12. Ai an> p)»ee or placcs from Fort St. Clair to Fort Jefterfon,, and ai fort Jt tf ifon. 13. At any placc or places futm Fort Jr&rfoft to the field ol atl ion oh tbe 4 hot November, 1791, and at the said Id oi 14. At any place or places from live said fuld of action to iVe Miami Villages, and at the M-ami Villages. 15. At any place or places from the said Mi ami Village* to the jails of the Miami 1 wee, which empties into Lake Erie, ana at the said falls, and from thence to its mouth, and at its month. 50,000 eo.oco 15.c00 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 16. At any place or phices from the month of the said Miami river of Lake Erie to Snndufky Lake, and at Sandufky Lake. 10,000 10, coo SO,CCO 17. At any ptece or places from the said Saft duficy Lake, to the mouth of the river Cay*hoe;a. 18. At any place or places from »he mouth of the said river Cayahoga to Prcfque Jfl-, aad at Prefque IfL*. 150,000 Dollars 350,000 59 At any place or places from Prefque I fie to the stream running into Lake £r:c from to wards the Jadaghque Lake, and thcncc over 10 and at the laid jadaghque Lakc,and thence down the Allegheny river to Fort Franklin. 20. Ai any place or places from Pref<]ue Ifte to Le Beuf, and at Le Beuf. 21. At any place or places from Le Beuf to Fort Franklin, and at Fort Franklin, and from thence to Piitfburgh. 22. At any place or places from the rapidsof the Ohio to the month of the Wabafli river, and from the mouth of the said Wabalh river to the mouth of the riyer Ohio. ?3 At any place or places on rhe East fide'of the river Mifliflippi, f'nm rhe mouth ot the Ohio river, to the mouth o{ the Illinois river. 24. At any place or places from the mouth of the laid Wabafh river up to Fort Knox, and at Fort Knox. *5. At place or places frorp Fort Knox tip the (♦ id Wabafh to Ouittanon, and at Oufttanon. 26. At anv place or places from Ouittanou, lip tire said Wabafh, to the brad navigation of a branch thereof called Little River, and at the said head navigation of Little .River. 27. At any place or plac< s from the fa Id head navigation of Little Rivgr over u> the Vil lage. tS. At any r>l*ce or placcs from the mouth of the river Tencflee to Occochappo or Bear Creek, on the said river, inclufivelv 29. At anv place or places from t"he mouth of the river erUud to Nalhville, on the said river, and at Nashville,, 30- And at anv place or places within thirty miies ot said Nalhville to tile Southward, West ward or Northward thereof. Should any rations be required at any 'places;, or within other diflrift,*, not fpecified in theft; propofils, the price of the fame to be hereaffr agrt ed on betwixt ihe public and the contractor. Tne rations to be supplied are to Gonfift ot the following articles, vi 2. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or £ of a pound 6f pork, One quait of fait, } Mwo quarts of vinezar, ( Two pounds ol soap, > P er One pound of candles, } The rations are to be furnifhec! infuch quanti ties as tfoat there ftiall at all time?, during the*faid term, be futficient tor the confumpnon of the troops at each of the said pofls, for. the space of*t least 3 months in advance, in good and whole some provisions, if the fame fnall be required. It is to beunderftood in e*dh tafe,that alUoffes fuUdined by th« depredations of the enemv, or by means of the troopsot the United Staus, (ball be paid lor at the pnccs of the articles captund or destroyed, on the depositions of two or mo-»r creditable chara&ers, and the ceitificate of a cornmiflioned officer, al»xfiajning the circunv ftancesof the loss, and the amount of the articles tor which compilation is claimed. The contract for the above fupplie.i will be made either for on: vear, or ior two years, 3* cna/v appear eligible. Pcrfons to contwvt will therelore confine their ofters to on£ year., or they may make their proportions foas to admit •an eh ft ion ol the term Of two -years. The offers may comprise all the which have been fpecified, or a part ol them only.