.permit mt without i crimp to dtaw thit inference. Sevcithelels certain pcifoni, a&uated by riewt which time will develops despairing to fittack my principles, have descended to perfon lal abufe—ln hopes ot withdrawing iiom'me that cfteeoi which the public feel and avow lor (he representative of the French lepubhc. The) pubhlh wuh great warmth that 1 have uifulied you and thai 1 bave threatened you with an peal to the- people, as if you would permit any one with impunity to treat you with diliefpcfl, or as if the slightest hint of an appeal, which, a magistrate deleaving of his high othce, lhould ardently desire, w« to you the greatest olieiiec I could offer. It is become necessary, Sir, tpdidlpate these dark calumnies by traith, and publicity I dare therefore to expert from your candor and probity an explicit declaration, that •« I have never intimated to you an intention of appealing to the people ; that it is itot true that a difference ill political sentiments has ever betrayed me to forget what was due to your character or to the exalted reputation you had acquired by humbling a tyrant a gainst whom you fought in the cause of li berty." 1 A publication of your jnfwcr will be the on ly t-Cply, which lhall be given to those party men, w ho never fail to cbnfound the individual with affairs of ilatc, which they too olten make ule of as a pretext tor real and a rcafou IcjV dastardly appearing under anommoits lijjrtatures. As tof Jnyiffcftj 1 have always opeuly dedai ed what I thought, and figiied what I bad written, and if others have supposed they could advance my views, by riewfpaper publi cations and paragraphs tliey art much deceiv ed—A good caule needs 110 advocate—Time and Truth will make it triumph in spite of its implacable enemies, and the prefcnt cold indifference at' some who were it* ancient friends. 1 have the honor, &;c- sfi.i >->-■ v, : >- Philadelphia, Angull 16,1793. SIR, THE President of the United States, has received the letter which you addressed to hitti from New-York, oil the 13th inllant, and I am delired to observe to you, that it is not tile eltabliihcd course tor the diplomatic cha racters residing here, to have any direct cor reipoiidence with him—The Secretary of State, is the organ through whfch tlieir com munications (huuld pal's. The President dots not conceive it to he within the line of propriety or duty for him to bear evidenceagainlt a declaration which, whether made to him or others, is perhaps im material,lie tlisrelore, declines interfering in the cafe. . , J have (he lipnor to be with great respect, Sir, . itri* Vojirmot obedient, . Aod must humble o fervaott, no defenders but fnch as are worthy of he r< and when we (hall have ptoved to herthat we are tier true children ; then, when we I (hall be w.orthy to combat her enemies, we will eocouncer them. It i« then to do purpose that you era ploy against us and the other republicans of our fleet, those arts and machinations of the old policy, which though t&ey might indeed be suitable to the Cabinet of * Versailles that receptacle of lies and tyianny, are not agreeable to the priuei pies of Republicans. Yon ate the Representative of there public, be worthy of your office, and do not keep us any longer at a diltance from our country r for in spite of your efforts we will go to her, and (he (hall then give her judgement of that ast, which you will not fail to fully with the name of dis order and want of fuboidictation, but which we call an ast of republicanifnj, be cause we hold if the firtland moll sacred of our duties, to vindicate out innocence before the national convention. •' On board the Jupiter, the of August 1763, the zd year of the l French Republic. Signed by the head officer of each de-" part meat.' * M. Genet was formerly secretary at Verfatlles. The condudt of the company of the Jupiter having been reprcfented to their brethren of the Ainbufcade, the follow ing address is a general jultihcation of fheir proceedings, together with a decla ration of their patriotism, and inviolable attachment to the cause which they have undertaken to defend ; the firft paragraph will oe unintelligible to those who do not know that the company of the Ambus cade, were to have been sent on board the Jupiter to disarm the vessel ; on this occaiion an address was sent to the people of the Ambuscade, to which this para graph has reference. Brothert and Friends, THE moment t>fyour arrival, convin ces us that you have not received a letter which we had the honor to address toyoa this morning ; we doubt not that your commanders have acquainted you with it, as it was addtcfTed to the ctcw —neither do we doubt the pattiotifm of Captain Bompard or his officers. Remember we are ail children of one common mother, our countiy. Remember that wc all defend the fame cause. The oath which we have taken 515 / / to defend Liberty anil equality, is furtly irrevocable. We have been painted to you in the blacked colours, and who can prove that wc nave acfted contrary to true patriotism Ah ! brethren how great, how nume ious are our common enemies ; traverse every part of the world, and you will •find in each of them beings, who under the specious mafic of patriotism devise the blacked plots against the defenders of so ber.cficent a Republic ; no foouer is one projett discovered, than they contrive o thera which, in their turn are dictated—- d.O. they, what is their last resource? jl'Rey low the feeds of difcotd between thv companies of i!r' vcfiels of that repub lic, which we have all of us sworn to matn|ain, and we now swear that we are ready to spend our lad breath in her ds 'fence. > Citizens, if we were culpable the ene , mie« of the canfe which we have bravely and Irmly defended, would readily have made us return to France, to undergo the •punilhment which the laws inflicts on all Frenchmen, who are traitors to their coun- Can there te any doubt of our pa triotism, after having combated the opi 'nrf>n4 of the tr&itdif Blanchelande, the flagitious La Volquiirt and many others whom we shaH not forget to name to the national tonyealioti. Hear fhfc language of reason, we who aadrefs yoti are Frenchmen, we are your broilfm—We'fwear to continue so, being { '^ at wllkn we (hall have ap peared before the tribunal of jultice, you Will an hundred times repeat, 14 where are our brothers the company of the Ju - pitei ." Would you nqt be surprised citizens, (liould we tell you that within 2 years we j have loft £Q, 000 men fighting to eitablifh order, in a colony, which the mother couutiy had entrufttd to out care and to our arms. But how have they died, have they j been killed bravely ? No, 'tis not the fwordalane, but Jire and poison* has de llroyed .thera ; if you seek far jnjlice you : will find it in prisons aod under the weight of irons ; such are the arbiiraty proceed ings us fhofe, who are entrusted with the ; rcins.of government^ 8 At prefeut it is imp»ffible for us to in form.yau of the wlmlf. truth, of .the affair dn#until we shall have appeared before that auglrft national conventton, it nevfcr ' can be known. For tliis reason citizens, we wi(hto let'urn to France ; that we may make known (he language of truth, (Signed) The Company of the "Jupiter. * Perhaps it is not known to every one that numbers of these brave patiiots fell a facrifice to poison mixed in their wine and victuals ; it is of some consequence, that the perpetrators of such villany should be detected. I " ' • y. Philadelphia, Aug. 24. Last Sunday evening an affray took place in New-Yoik, between (ome French and Eftgliih . Cation'; in-which foine of both nations got fe- S wonpdcd. The peace was slot restored without the of the who committed feveial of them to jail. There arc reponiln circulation, that (onie of the pet. son& concerned in the above riot, have died of their wounds, Thurfdav arrived at New-Cattle, the fhrp Ann & Susan, Capt. fruplex, with 405 p a fle ti ger*, ffom L'O.ndondei ry. She was taken pof- IrfHou of by the Democrat tc Caramagnole, for having British properly and paftcngers on boatd, and efcoited to New-Castle by the privateers, the Captains of both, we hear, aie ai rived in Capt. Duplex failed from Derry on the 12th of June, and the land the 22d, but brings papers no later than the 1 ith. The letters and paper* brought by Captain Duplex, are in the poffdHon ot ihc cotnmau dci a at the privateers. An liiiH paper of the 7th June, fays—We have feidom on any former occaiion seen a more general illumination, than that of Tuesday lad, irt this town (Belfail) in honor of his Majeily's birth. Several irautparencres appeared in the %nidnws, and the uigiit concluded with every (oniiiiday of joy. Several defoerate engagements have taken place in Ireland, betwren the military ana the people, on account of the militia a&. The American Gazette, of the 14th inft. pub lKhed at Norfolk, has the following article : — On Saturday last the fljop Hope, of Antigua, Capt. Richardson, was captured by the privateer Citizen Genet, about ten leagues off the land, and lent into Philadelphia. Capt. Richardfoti received every polileiicfs from the Captain ot the Genet. fey a gentleman who came paflenger in the above sloop we team, that a fixtecn (hip had arrived at St. Kill's in 26 days from Liven pool, with the intelligence that Peace was <.flab l.lhcd between fiautc and England. The; Proda+LUtUm oi the P:ciid#:it of th«- United States,. ucclanng their Neutrality, is . ptfbfifhvd in an Inih paper of the 7th June, f kxtijjtii of a U:tlt degrading intuits from Frenchman—nav, from the lattei, they would receive a Oajiinadoing % and lingua ira under the operation. ** At'the commencement of a war, the vcfTels of any neutral nation mutt e*prft totoe subjeCted to Tome-inconveniences* rcfuUing either, from the caution of principled men, m di(charge of their duty, or from the temerity of the unprin. ciplfd, in search of plunder—but the crimcs of the latter, cannot with propriety be laid,to the charge of authority, unless indubitable proof of faii£l)oii to such conduit is rendered luamfcft. " We have had some conhifed accounts of riots in New-York and Philadelphia—God grant that there may be fufhcient energy in the executive, and inclination in the majority of ih« people, to oppose a barrier of mi»ht to the evil designs of those who would Sacrifice the dearest concerns and intrrefts ot our couutry, to tnotivc'4 the most base and TiM t eo» tntonoxiir !t is an arduous talk for a government to pre. fei»e thr p'ace, liberty and fecuritv of . the pri pie committed to its luperintcndjince. No greater tulogiain an be paid to the administra tion of the government of the United States, thin the a£tual fiiuaiioii of iu public affairs and it it undoubtedly the of every real patri-it, AUy peace ttwtinue to reign in our borders, and profpenty in our luhitjtiani. fcvery dav's experience shews the importance of the United States keeping detached, and (tending aloof from the vortex of Euiopeau po litics. The people of this country have parted thro" the fiery trial of diforgarti jarion. May Heaven prefcrve us from a fimilai limation—and tho' Chanty, which begins at home, flaould not end there, vet the molt benevolent condutl which the United States can poffihty observe towards those who are (offering from a dilfolu tion of the bands of focieiv, *iirbe to exhibit an example of the luperior bleflinga. derived Iroin pcace, order and good^govcjonicni. Oled #t ffr».-¥wr*,-Mrr. Si. i>er, the amiable cnufon of the Kev.'Dr. B»n. ja m i n Foster, of lhat city. To JONATHAN PhVJOAk, Poet Laurent to the National Gazette. 1 'n fpiteof all your puffers fay, Your Odes forth' reading do ndtcomjieiifatri The paper, ink, and time, ar Brazil whale ciuife, has arrived here—4o© barrels whale oil. Capt, Haws had completed his cruifeafter whale, left the ground and fleered his cnurfe for Dunkiik—reached soundings—spoke with an American, who gave him the firtt intelligence of a war between France and Great-Britain. A Buii(h private,r in fight at the fame time, caused him to put away for America ; aftei 40 days pafiage. with, out once foeaking a cruiser of any kind, lu ar rived here.—7/Sij is mnmng the gauntlet without a witnefl ! . ' Arrived at Nantucket, (hip Marv-Anp, Trif. tram Folger, from the coail of Brazil—lloa barrels whale oil. C~3" Prut vf Sltnh at in car laji.