i IhiLJDELIhU. ? Late AJiSShnt to Pttit't si.'. iejuu. "J) A "ER made of afttflu*. It is curious, b«t Jl i.as "not vet beciVipp/ id to lif ,: the kzi.ig >v . . ■uut • 1 o the h : kccoiac, jolt, changes from jell ;w:f> white, to flight tmge oi MiiC and wai:t>tenacity.—* Presented by Mr. ft cf* made at Boston. It is far superior in whiteness, evenness of fur face, rnd is freer of blisters than the best Euro pean glass that we know of in America. Pre / fented by Mr. Ebenczer Hazard. A number of preserved bird: from Great Bri- among them the Pheasant, Magpye, Ruflf, &c. A spear taken from a negro in the a&ion at Morn Pile in St. Domingo. Prefcn ted by Mr. Mayer. A curious (hell of a very large nut confuting of 1 lobes, holding 13 pints ; laid to be the Mai divian Cicoanut: which was hooked up in 50 fa thoms of water near Vera Cruz, in the Gulph , of Mexico. Presented by Mr. John Lawfon. | A final 1 double turtle in lpirits,found at Duck . creek, state of Delaware. Prefenced by Mr. Plankinho n. The Armidilla, or hog in armour, from south America. Presented by Mr. Middleton of Maryland. Skull, us the royal tiger, mule and female, nd of a mid Boar. Presented by Capt. Bell. A Sraladlite, a large and beautiful specimen. Presented by Mr. Sharpc Oelany. Sundry specimens of cristals and petrefaftions imong the latter are 2 Cornu amonis, or snake stones, on meaf-iring across the coll 14 inchcs, the orfier 9 inches. Presented by Mr. Leech. A Cklnrfc Jig for keeping water cool. Pre sented by Mr. Boidley. Three haudfnme Davis, from the Bahama Is lands (alive) Prtfented by Mrs. Beeflry. The Mud Inguana, or fyrcn Lizard of Geor gia Presented by Mr. Frm.tau of Sour!: Caroli- A fine fpeciuien Coril. Presented by Mr. iouty Sheathing paper, of the inner bark of pine mixed with hair, iJid a paper fit for book bind ing box making,&c made of pinefawdust; from the i>aper mill? <4 Mr. John Biddis, Northamp ton county Pennfylvani* in 1793. Prtfeuted by Mr. Jipple A Eulltt of the Birch burl, ornamented with Porcupine qulU\ Qffi. Made by a Canadian Indian, and a handsome shoot of crystal. Pre fcuted by the rev. Mr. N 'got of Baltimore. An aflignat, paper money of France. Pre ferred by Mr. Cutbufh. The King Pi*g<"i, far superior to tjie con?- mpn ones; a macaronie do. and a i:u.ill collec tion of birds eggs, amongst them the Albatroft egg, from the F lulkland iftands, South fcas. Pre sented by Mr. Ab. De Peyster, of New York. A petrefa&ion of a finall silt, like the ancho vy inclcf din a piece of rock, found on the toj of a mountain n«ar Naples, Italy; allies 1 mount Vesuvius, a piece of black coril, and ; fniall collection of beautiful ihells fir am Naples by, Mr. Mulfi. A number of Coi/is a d ATclalf. Prefcnted b' several friend-. of tile Mufcunj. BANK qJ the UNITED STATKS.P July i ft, 179.3. * »r dim mutcvr.t.vi- FfT*.««, bempES? dtfrtl tnomiir,' ' i - i' »■ r '- Dou rrr.. wits '»f M. Dou i te. afti inh«bti«t.pi du qt; rtHr ds Valliercs, 1 otl hr h>af ui ihi* of »he C.ipr on the 2C«h Junr tact. She !S igooTflW of his fate—She rc qiicfts that those w h > snay h?vc it imheir jjnw- r to give her lnfjM ;r»jiion refpcs her buf banH, ■woutci tend to '.he house of M'p Hud son, Hi^h-Qt.:r>. Bthitnore, wrier- she rrii't< s,' or i MaH. e Ot/xTTt or the ' kitea *■ States, proposes publilhint tic 1 ,ev. under thai Titje, every Evening, Sun day's Tore iOsc it iaterefting as a-D.ii'v Pu'ji carion, it flwll contain fm eig>: and domestic, commercial and political Intelligence El fayr. imd Observations, local ar.il general :— Maritijne information Current i>f, Vtercha itiize and tlw Public Fu-"l r - Alio a fumniary of the. procecdirgs of Co/igrcfs, and of tlit L.-gifluture of this State i—wijJl a !krrcn #fCungrefiional Debates, &c. /tovE*TiziNG favors wiii be g .itci'uily re ceived. TERMS. To be printed on paper of the d.my size ; but a larger size ftiaU be Aioil'tuted in Decem ber next. The pr'cc Six Dollars per Annum, to be paid bjH'Tpaiiy. When a number of Subscribers is obtained, the Publication (hall commence. In the interim, the Gazette will be publifli ed twice a week as u r ual — Sub'ci ipr os are refpeftfully solicited by the Public's humble servant, JOHN FENNO. 6ST Subs ribtions are r.-ceittd a! the C itx Tavern, South Second Sheet —h\ Mr. Dcbfov. at the Stone House— by other p/yjons nhp are rn pojjefio ofJub frip/hm pabrrs. and b\ the Ldito* at his house y J Xo. 34, j\'orih Fifth-Street. Philadelphia, Jiitv, I "93, THE t bI i vH MOST ratneftly reqnejls tt>cft oj his dijlant Sub. [crib**} who ate in arrears for Hie Gazette to wake payment as soon a\ possible.— TJi'ofe perfoijs who have receivedfibfcription money on his account are de-fired to remit the fame. The arrearage* for thf Gazette have accumulated to a serious amount—Serious t as they are tie onlxrefource to ver\ Jeiious engagements incurred in the prafeevtiov of this ex peri five publication. Philadelpbi,_Jnn<* 26. ADVERT! S E MEN T. NfiWvJrascY, ) virtue of a Wiit to me Sufjex Courtfy. IT. ) dire£tcd, ifFurri out of Ihe M>gh Court ot Chanccry of New-J 'fey, at the luit of W'Hiam Shipley agamft John M'ng ai>d o'he r s ; I (hailexpofe to faleat Public Ven due, on rh fix'li doy of -February next, b t ween the hours of Twelve and Five »n the Aiterooon of the fame day, on the Premises, the f Mowing defcnbrs (third) thence nonh eighty degrees, east one hundred and fortv-five chains, to a pr.il on tbe foJtherly fid ol Paqtiaoftv- w iver, bring also a corner ot John Reading's land (fouuh) thence north thtrtvvnine degrees w ft, one hum red and thirty-two chams to the place of beginning, containing nine hundred and thirty acres with 'he usual a lowiince for roads and high wa\s— The 'ame Picmifesaie within nulesof ihe R ver D l.'Ware, snd there is ther«r «>f Scones—a Saw Mill «n good repair, with a fufificicot ftrcarn of wairr for their use—a Dweil ng House, Store House, and fevral fma'l hu'ld rips. MARK THO MP>OIC, Sheriff. Daled a id day 4)f 1793 Stock Brokers Office, So. 16, Wdll-ftrcet, New-Yok k. SuMcrjber intending 10 confine himftlf JL entirely to the Pt'RC HA St 3c SAI K of STOCKS on COMMlSSlON,btgslcave 1001. fer his iervices to his friends and others, in the lineofa Stock Broker. Those who may please to favor him with • hrir buiinefVj may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmost fide lity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boflon, or any othei part of the United St ate*, will be ft ri fitly attended tQ. feM' LFO>?ARD BLFFCKFR. GENERAL PO S T-O FFI CE, Philadelphia, May 27, 1 793. 500 Dollars Reward. WrfEREAS a certain THOMAS SLOiS GANTT, has lately made hi* escape from Baltimore County Gaol, to which he was committed under a charge of having robbed the Eaftept Mail, on the 48th day of January fact : Notice ts nereby g'vert* that a reward of five hundred dollars will he paid at this Office, to any pci son or peifons who shall apprehend the fa Gantt, and deliver him into the cultodv <>» the k eoer of the said GaoL or into tht: ciiitniy of either of the M?" (ha s within the United S- »'f*s, so ihit the said Thomas S/ofi Gantt wi»v efte£f.uai' v secured. »nd lonh coming to aufwer the dbovs- mohf'ion-d '-ha'ge. riviOTHY PICKERING, PoJl-M\ the year, 111 eight months. For rrfqucs for fix months, in fonr months. And 'or nfqttes for any letter time, in three inon hs. 4th. Lofles will be paid in ten days after proof and adjuffment ; but if the noie given for the premium (ball not have become due with'n that tim*, the amount of it shall, never theiefs, be de duced from the loss to be paid. The Insurance Company of North-America hereby give notice to all whom it m,»y concern, thai, agreeably to the above rules, they art ready 10 receive all orders for insurance, which tnay be addrcllVd to ihem, accompanied with direc tions to some refpoofir>le house »n Philadelphia for ihe payment of the premiums within the time limited. In caf the rifques offered fhaj! be approved, the insurance (hall b immediately ess £Ud ; other wile notice (hall be given, eithei by anlwer ro the person applying, or to his agent, in Phila delphia, as may be ordered. By order of the D' r eftors, EBENEZEK HAZARD, SecVy. July 3. 4 w Albany Glafs-Houfe. The Proprietors of the nufactory, under M'CLAJLLEN, M'GREGOR and Co. BEG leave 10 iriform the oublu:, thai ifyey have now brought their WI NDOW-GLASS to luch pei feftion, swill be found, on companfon, to be equal, in quality, to the betl Loudon Crown Giafs. fixed their piierj at a lower rate than imported G ass, they arc induced to believe, that importaiionsof this article will be dtfeontinued, in proportion as their wotks ate ex ended.— They proppfe 10 enlarge the fcalc of this buli nef.<, and as the furc,e!s of it will depend on t-ht patriotic support of the publit* they beg lr«jve 10 solicit their friendly patronage in the pursuit of a hianch which \*ill interest e<.eiy iover of A«mekican Manufactures. All order* tor Wi njjow Glass, of any fire, will be rcceiv-ed at the Stme of Rhodes and MacGrecoji, No. £34, Queen.ftrte., New. York, and at the C 1 ass \Va r choufr, No. 48, Ma'ke'-ftreei, A'oany, which w»U be pun&uajly attended to. (£3** WANTED, fix smart a&ive LADS, not exceed ing 1.6 vea/s oi age, to be indented as Apprentices, and regularly in the various branches of GLU-M«king. Also, three Window-Glals Maker , to whom great encouragement will bi given, Mar 1, i 793 UNIVERSITY »_/"PENNSYLVANIA July 12, 1793 THE vacation for the Plnlofophical CIjIL-i commeocfj on Monday the ;sih instant, and 's to continue fix weeks ; and tor the tif ferent Ichools, belonging to the Inft- ution. on Monday the 29th intlau', to cotithiixcjmr weeks. The C.orplhtiicemtnt lor confeiTi nj> Degrees on the Students o< the Spnipr who have b en 9 j read y examined be fate the f<.cnk* and and approved of bv thtm, will be Jield 011 the gd of September next. As the Philosophical Profrlforj will beg*n their courses of Jcthjfes about the jft of Sep tember, to the ClaflT's under iltfir cart', enjd as it is ulual for Students Irom jlant ctrc* at tot, sf'er the JiyJl of December next, on the fohtwr-g lent', i *z. It Jhull be pubhjtied on Wednesdays and Saturdays, on paper oj the Medium'ji f s i ar & er than the bffat. The price, Three Dollar* per annum, rxelufive of pottage Su&fcrtptioMS to Me received by the rcffeßive fcJL tApJle/s fhroyg'-avt the Union. o> fycU ot'tr /e.ijups ui ma) fee proper iocolleß them. The papers to be jor warded bs ftq/l truice a veek % A 0 backets to contain less than si x papers- nvd to fuhjeriprions to he received ft* a lejs term tki- ft* months.-—Varments to h fix WQj.ihi m advance.— Tice>it\ per cmt. dedußivr from the prue ' f the Gazette, «•/•'/ be a! i owed to thyjs uno cut* iefl and forward the fubfeription move'. frer ex. penje % in Jul! oj uncharges Jor then trouble in the bujineju ihe public at ion will contain as ufujl, a vafietv oj original effays—foreign and doni jhc intelligence and a fum-iary of f>e procced'vgs of the Legjflatute oj the Union, &c. &c. Attention xnilt be paid to dijpatching the pipers with punfluaftty, and bub. jcrit>erj may depend on receiving than aj regularly t as the poJ!> arrive. June 8. City of Washington. January 71b, 1793. A NUMBER of Loij. in thit. City will be of fered for sale at au&'on, by the Commif fi<»«tct», on the 1 7th rljy of September next. One fourth pari of the purchase money is co he paid down, the refidueat three equal annual pay ments with yearly intcrefton the whole princi pal unpaid. JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to tfo Cem'rs. Extra# of an AS of the General Afftmhly ps Maryland, concerning the Territoiy ot Co- and the City of Wafhingion. •• B'- ir en a fledl, That any foreigner may by deed or will, hereafter to le made, take and hold tanas within that part of the jaid Territory whtrhhes with in this State, it> the fame mavver as if he was a citu zen of this State ; and the fane lands ma\ be con veyed by him, and transmitted to and be inheritedly his heirs or relations, as if he and they were citizens of thu State : Provided, That no foreigner Jhah', in virtue hereof be entitled to any further or other privilege of a citizen." fan. 19. tf MR SALE, BY M A T H E YV CAREY, At his Store, No. 118. Maiket.fire.ft, Philadelphia, THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, from its commencement >n January, 1767, to its termination in D cember, 1792, in twelve yo lumcs, price, neatly bound and lettered* uinc teen dollars and one fifth. The opinion of tht President of the United States, refpe&ing this w«>rk, is a® lollows : " I believe rhe American Mufeurn h*s met with rxterfive. \ may with umverfat a.p pr«b»ti?A-from conrptuiit judges'; for I am of opinion, that t he work is not only eminently calculated to disseminate political, a&ricukuial, philosophical,and otb r valuable information ; but that it been ttU/orw/y conduced wjth tafc % attention, qn4propriety, li to these important obje£fs be fupuadded the more immediate de ficit of rescuing public documents from obli vion— I will venture to pronounce, as my sen timent, that a .more usetul iitiaar^ PLAN HAS N£V|LR J} EE N UNDERTAKER 1 am erica, or one More pe&e.ryi aig of yup r Lie ENCOURAGEMENT.*' J u " e 5- "" > —" • ■ I--' '■ Hercule De Sercey, From Leogane, Jfland of St. Domingo, MAKES arid fells Ml so ts of Mugs, Jacks, Porringers, Cups, Stew-Pans, Lamps, See. in Tin, plain or j*panned—He alSo mends old tin work, fa he works cheap, he hopes for the public encouragement. No. 23. Race-street, near proni-ftreet. June 9.2. HERCULE DE SERCEY, DE Leogane, I fie Ac St. Dominque, travailje en fer Blanc, dcioote forte de manieres a com ma ode et a bon marchr. A Philadelphie, cc 27 Juin, '793- No. 23, Race-street, pres Fioot-ftreet. Gold, Coins qf France and Spain t arjd Dominions oj Spain. Grains. Cents. 1 3 » 7 3 >1 4 .4 5 18 6 B2 » * 5 8 29 9 33 10 36 »t 40 «* 44 "3 47 1 4 5' '5 55 16 58 17 ba 18 66 19 69 to 73 st 76 «2 80 *3 84 24 87 *** TABLES for receiving and pflyirrf Gold Cuvs. calculated £y the Officers oj the Rank of ike United States, agreeable to the new which the Grain 1 ables above are extraElec^ —max be had at Benjamin Johnson's. Ki&hjiretfi vczf fourih-Jlreet. Gold ( fins of Great Bri tain and Portugal. Grains. Cents. 1 3 2 7 3 11 :t 6 23 7 »« 8 ag 9 39 >° 37 n 40 12 44 »3 4? 14 .51 16 59 n 63 18 £7 >9 70 20 74 21 78 22 8l 2 3 8.5 24 89