Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 23, 1793, Page 468, Image 4

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bTUAXr&BgNteL CAXtibLL ',
Efquir/s t ' ,*f'/
Comm :ssinl fc.*i Jl»
prepare ihr Publitllic
Cny of H'ajfringtjtii, lot ftw.vfcepiuAoi Cnn
grefs, and for vheir p*fri>(iAßk rrfidtiicr *her
ilie • >4
Federal Clty.
Tickcts at 7 doli»ri,trr 350,000 dollari
s Sopcib Hotel, with baths, )
out house*, &C.&C. to cost $ '
i Cash Prize 25,000
1 ditto
10, coo
I0 ; 0C0
1 dit!o
1 ditto
2 ditto
jo ditto
20 ditto
joo ditto
200 ditto
400 di '.to
1,000 ditto
£,000 are
- s°°.
. 20
16,737 Prizes
>■ <
v 'Z'
By this scheme at leqjl the amount oft he tick
ets will return to the fortutl-ite adventuiers, and
yet the frdeiftl City will gain its ol>je£t theicby,
in a magnificent building designed both for pub
lic and private convenience.
Although feme ex pence mufl nccrfTsrily at
tend the conducing of the lottery, (which ex
pence will be taken from the principal prize) the
Coinmiflioneis having a greed to present in re
turn a fufficient quantity of excellent ftee-ftone,
tog'ther with the bell adapted lots for the hotel
and for the out-houfes, the value of the lottery
entire may be fairly rated at fowething more than
par : In this important tnilnnce it will be fouud,
on examination, to exceed all the lotteries that
have ever been offered to the Public in this or
perhaps in any other country. The keys of the
Hotel, when complex will he delivered to the
fortunate poffefTcr of the ticket drawn aagaiuft
its number. — All the other prizes will be paid,
■withoutdedufiion,in one month after the drawing, by
the City Treasurer at Walhington,- or at such
Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced,
for theconvenicncy of the fortunate adventurers.
The drawing will coinmencc on Monday the
6th of Septembei next, at the City of Walhing
Tickets mav be had of Col. Wm. City
Treasurer of Washington ; Thater & Martlet, of
Charleston, South-Carolina; Gideon Denijon, Sa
vannah ; Melfrs. James Wejl 3 Co. Baktmoie;
Mr. Peter Oilman, Bolton; and at such other
places as will be hereafter published.
lae given for the best Plan of an elegant and con
venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and told
Baths, Stables, and other out houses, if trefented
on or hc(ors the 10th of April next', and a nr«-
ference will be given to the Artist for a Con
trad}, prrvHed he be duly qualified to
compleat h;s plan. The ground on which
the Hotel and out houses are to be ere&ed, will
he a corner lot of about 90 by 200 feet, with a
back avenue to the ikables, See. Sections a«d
cftimates of the ex pen fe will be expe£lcd
wiihtbe elevations, See. com pleat ; and 50,000
dollars inuft be regarded by the Architect as the
utmost limit in the expense intended for this
purpose. S. BLODGET,
Agent for the affairs of the City.
March, 61793
At his Sicre, No. 118, Market-ftreef,
commencement in January,' 1787, to its
termination in December, 1792, in twelve vo
lumes, price, neatly hound and lettert d t nine
teen dollars and one fifth.
The opinion of the President of the United
Stare l ?, refprfting this work, is as follows -
" I bc4icve the American Museum has met
wit h extensive, I may fay, with univerlal ap
probation from competent judges ; for I am of
opinion, that the woik is not only eminently
calculated io difleminate political, agricultural,
philosophical, and other valuable information ;
But that it has been uniformly conduced with ta/lc,
Attention, arid propriety. If to thefc important
objc&s be fupri added the more immediate dc
fign of rcfcuiog public documents from obli
vion—l will venture to pronounce, as my (en
timent, that a more usetul literary
America, or one more deserving of rus-
June 5.
Philadelphia, May 27, I 793.
500 Dollars Reward.
a certain THOMAS SLOiS
VV GANTT, has lately made his cfcapc
from Baltimore County Gaol, to which he was
committed under a charge of having robbed the
Eaftcrn Mai), on the 28th day of January last :
Notice is hereby given, that a reward of fi\«t
hundred dollars wtll be paid at this OfHcc, to
any per Con or per fans who Poall apprehend the
f&i# T/JorMi S/iifj Gatiltr&*<\ deliver him into the
cirftoSy of ifr*r keeper «»f. she said G»ol lr or»into
the eullod*/ of cither of the Mnrfh.als within the
United States, so thatthefaid ThuW&t Sfafs Gantt
may be cffi iludlJy secured, and torth coming to
answer the above mentioned charge!
Pojl-Majicr General.
The following i?-a description of the above
name.'' Thomas Sit»u(?ANTT: He is ?bout
fix fee, fligh, flr;'it and well made, has light co
loured heir, iud behind, l?ir complexion and
bas a down look when fpo!;cn to.
; herehy given ihat" rc w ' ,f
i\ jprf'tl at the Uank. iiicr the i 1 10
thr v. illlMlJcrjrtTtb. tr du >
imtrii'iKtj, FOURTEEN' DfLARo ai.d
FIF I YXENTS lor each Share, '«g '«
dead dicfcieti for the last l\x uj l h*»
By order,
er 3 w JOHN C-ifliicr.
Philadilpmi J u| y '"> '7s3*
NOTICE is b< reby given members ot
the liifurancc Company' North Ameri
ca, that the Diriftors have </'a'ed a <i' v " ie "
(to this day) of fix per cent he amount of the instalment, and of one («nt p. r month,
on the sums paid towards jiccond and 1 »ir
calculating frd 6a y o
the month following that /which these pay
ments were made. The ridtnd will be paid
tfl the Stockholders or theßeptefcniativea, at
the Company'. Office, (N »>9- -° ulh F ' olU *
Stiect) at «»v time aftrr «' 7'' n "- _
fTT As llu mmlen «4" r "" much
disposed Usd the I > inters
in theJ'evcra!flate* (fre refill tit oiove a
place in their new/papers.
RU £ S
To be observed in trapping Business with the
Infu ran c e C o mp any
i ft. A I.L orders f« Jnfurance must be given
t\ in by the applicant;
and as minute a of the vellel is ex
pected, as the per foryrdrring thennfurance can
give, refpe&ing her je, built, how found and
fitted, and whether puble or fingl" decked.
2d. AH policies *H be ready tor delivery in
twenty-four hours the order tor iHlurance
is accepted at the and the policy mull be
taken up in ten da<
3d. Notrs, wiilin approved endorfei, for all
premiums, mud b f given in ten days, payable
as follows :
For Americanand Weft-India riftjnes, in
three r onths aft< the date of the policy.
For European ifques, in fix months.
For Ind<a and China rifqnes, in 13 month*.
For rifquesbythe year, in eight months.
For rifqftesfo fix months, in fonr months.
And for rifqijei for any letter time, in three
4th. Lofies will be paid in ten days after proof
and adjustment; l>ut if the note given for the
premium fliall rrt have become due within that
time, the Amouit of it (hall, nevertheless, be de
duced from tlu loss to be paid.
Dollars 350,000
The Insurance Company of North-America
hereby give notice to all whom it may concern,
that, agrerablyto ilie above rules, tbcv are ready
to rcccive all orders .for infaranc?, which may
be add re fled m ihem, accompanied with direc
tions to some responsible houfe'iti Philadelphia
for the payment of the premiums within the
tim« limited.
In cafe the rifqucs offered fliall be aporoved,
the infuranre shall be* immediately cffr&ed ;
otherwise notice (hall be given, cither by anlwer
to the person applying, ono his agent, in Phila
delphia, as mav be ordered. *
Bv order of the Dirr&ors,
4 W
J u| y 3
FACTURES, are requested to take notice, th;it
the fourth and last payment it due, and mult he
made on or before the ] 3; h day of July next,
e'ther tn tb« of the United States Bank
Office ol Discount and Depofic at Nrw-Yotk—
the Caflnrr of the Bank of New-Yoik—the
Cashier of the Bank of the United States in Pl>i
ladclphia*-or John Bayard, Esq. in the city of
New-Brunl'wick, in the (late of New-Jerfcy.—
And that the Hi.res of all peifons nefrie&tng to
nuke luch payment, and the monies by them
previously paid, tvill then be forfeited for the
common benefit of the said foeiety.
That the fubfci :ber is duly authorized to make
the requisite indoifments upon the certificates of
fliare*. and that books of transfer are opened at
his office in Front-street.
New-York, June 12, 1 7 fcpu3 )
■*. City of Waihington.
7ih, 1793.
A NUMBER of this City will be-of
£\. fcred tor sale at iuflion, by the Commif
on I he 17'h day of September next.—
One foimb part of the purchase money is ro be
paid doiyn, the refiducat three equal annual pay
ments with yearly itrtcreft on the whole princi
pal unpaid.
JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the Con'rs.
Extract of an Afl of the General Aflembly of
Maryland, concerning the Territory of Co
lumbia, and the City ot Waftiington.
" Be it en2ttcd, That any foreigner may by
deed or will, hereafter to le made', take and hold lands
withrn that part oj theJaid Territory which lies with
in this State, in the fame manner as if he was a citi
zen oj this Slate ; and the fame lands may be con
veyed by him, and tranfmittci to and be inherited by
his heirs or relations, aj if he and they were citizens
of thi) State : Provided, That no foreigner ft,air,
in virtue hereof be entitled to any further or other
privilege of a citizen."
I'n. 19.
City of Walhington,
Solr! by the Booksellers,
in ihe Federal city lottery,
May be lud at SAMUEL •COOPliK'i Ferry v
To the Public- j
EdKor oftbe GxzEtTt 1 >' K ' IFC
* States, proposes publiftiing th-» Paper,
under that Title, every Evening, Sunday's
To render it interring as a Dai.y 1 übli
cation, it shall contain foreign and domestic,
commercial and politica) Intelligence :-E,-
fays and Observations, local and general
Maritime information : -Prices Current of
Merchandized the Public Funds. Alio a
summary of m: proceedings ofCongrefs, and
of the Legislature of this State with a ,
sketch ofGongreffiortal Debates, &c.
Advertizing favors will be gratefully re
ceived - terms.
To be printed on paper of the demy size ;
but a larger rtze (hall be substituted in Decern
ber next.
The price Six Dollars per Annum, to be
paid half Yearly.
When a Sufficient number of Subscribers is
obtained, the Publication stall commence.
In the interim, the Gazette will be publish
ed twice a week as ti.fual,— Subscriptions pre
refpcftfully Solicited by the Public's humble
Sxbfcriptioits are received at the City Tavern,
South Second Street—by Mr. Dcbfon; at the sfwe
Jfoufe —by other perjons who are i" poffejjion ojjub
fcriptioK -papers, aid iy the Edtto* at his noufe,
No. 34, North Fijth-Strut.
Philadelphia, July, 1793,
MOST tarncjlly requejls thofeofhis dijar.t Svb
fcribers who art in arrearsJor the Gazette, to make
payment as soon at pvljible.—Tlioje persons zdlio have
re'crivedfubfeription voney ov his accovnt are iefired
to remit the fame. The arrearages Jor the Gazette
have accumu'jted to ajerious amount—Serious, as
t/iev are the onh resource to iifehargc very serious
engagements incurred in the prosecution of this ex
pensive pMicatiov. Philadrlphie, June -ih.
Albany Glafs-Houfe.
The Proprietors of the GUfs-Manufactory, under
the Firm of
B£C lccve'to inform flic public, t(j»' they have
now brought their WINDOW-GLASS to
fuchperfe&iotV, ai will be found, 00 comparison,
to be equal, in quality, to the bfcft London
Crown GUff.
Having fixed their at a lower rate than
imported Glass, they are induced to believe, that
importations of this article will be discontinued,
in proportion as their works are ex'ended.—
They pro ( pofe to enlarge the scale of this busi
ness, and as the success of it will depend on the
patriotic fupportof the public, they beg leave to
solicit their friendly patronage in the pursuit of
a branch which will intcrcft every lover of
American Manufactures.
All orders for Window-Glass, of any size,
will be received at the Store of Rhodes and
MacGrigor, No. 234, Oneen-ftrcet, New-
York, and at the Glass Wa'ehoufe, No. 48,
Markct-ftrert, Albany, which will be pun&ually
attended to.
-WANTED, fix smart aflive LADS, not
exceeding 16 vrarsof age, m be indented as
Apprentices, and 'regularly, inftiufled in the
variout hrjpchrsof <G)a(V.!Wakrng. •'
Also, ih»ee Window. Glaft Maker;, to whom
great encouragement will be given
(fST THE Editor proptfes to continue the
publication oj the Gazette of the United
States , Jot dijlanl circulation, after the JitJl of
December next, on the Joilvtvtng terms, viz.
It Jhall be publifhcd on Wednesdays and
Saturdays, on paper oj the Medium si
is larger than the ptefent.
The price, Three Dollars per annum,exclufive
of postage.
Subscriptions to be received by the refpidive Tell.
Majlers throughout the Union,' or such other per lons
as may fee proper to colled them.
The papers to be forwarded by pojl twice a ueek.
Ao packets to contain lef, than six papers—and no
fubjepttons to be received for a less term than fix
months.—Paymerts to be coriflantly fx months in
advance—Twenty per cent. deduOion from the trice
of the Gazette, will be allowed to thofr who ro/J
teCl and forward the fubferiptien nonev, free of ex
pense, tnfull oj all charges for their trouble 'in the
The publication will contain as rfual, a varied of
origtnal ejays—foreign and dom-Jlic
and a summary of the proceedings of the Leg,ilature
of the Union, &c. &c. Attention will be paid
to dfpatching the papers with punauality, avd Sub-
Jcrtbers may depend on receiving them as refularh
as the pofl > arrive. J
J "TIC 8.
Hercule De Sercey,
-V a- ' 'J l '"* "f st - Domivgo,
IYJLPornDgc, Cu I „,Ste w .Pa, IS , La,n,> J s , &e!
Ifn if a " r J'P=»"cd-He also mendi old
tin work. Ashe v»oiks chcap, he hopes for the
public encouragement. V *
No. 23., near l'ron.-flrcet
_ hekcule de sercey,
Tj lile de t'availle
U en fc, Bliinc, de tonte loiu de manierc'
commande n 3 bon inarchc. a
A Philadelpbic, cc« 2 J„in.
Ao. 23, Race-It,««, '
/asvrv a th ki ■■ aT.;• '.V
.wc-tias. -»
the rnmith of Big B«»»i»*J»Wti«"»
«rf Big Beaver &*A.
o. Atany Aseor .
iq The bid Bigger,
the upper frift. r " v ' r ' -.■
4, fs.Tf~e"ify pt«cc«r plw.e» 'romUWdf^fj^^^^^B
e> At any place °[ P' 0 "' f t°J"
hojlingover to the *W
Cavabrma, and at tfee fiiid
[ 6. Al any place or places
fljvigMina io the month of thejtid ™v«
II any pfo<* o?.»la«ibet*>sft
ijof the Bir io the moo<h
Ftiver MufkingotPi'JWw®.?
f Srufcaro«»s, and attWc Tufcarowv, and
lover to the Cayatmga i iter, and thence <}ov.n
! laid river ro its mouth.
.' 8* At any place or places betwixt tM
e i>f the fiver Mufkingum and the mouth of
"Stieto river, uiij at; the mouth of the said
I Scioto. . -t\c:
MQ. At any P la« o^c«^w>xt^«
i l>f Scioto river &the :nouW)f*he GHrtt MnraH^H
it the month of the Great Mi«»V * n «
! lh«tice*«> ih« £»U»of thf
■ |i ihc faiil ?apitf $. , c
* io. At any p!a*e or places betwixt
■ ,fthe Great Miami, up the said Miami toaud^^^H
■ it Pique Town.
11. At any < place or places (rom.^tt
| Ingtoo to fort Hamilton, and at Fort
f M place or placet from Fort
. W St. Crair, and ,t Fort _
12. At any place rtt PtfnSf.
•. t» Fort jrffcrfon, and al Fort Jrifetfotii' ■_ -
13. At any place or places from Fort
U the fii,Ui of action of the 4th of
1791, and at the said field ol a£li«n.
14. At any place or places fiom f *'°
■ of a&ion t6 the Miami Villages.* and At
Miami ViUagc*. - '*>•'
15. A( any plaqe or placet from the
ami. Villages to the ialls of ihc Miami
which riTiptirs Kric, «nd
. falls, and from Ul<n<Mtbils mo«J IHj ari& *t
, mnnih. -
16. At any place qr placci from
- the (aid Miami rivrr of
Lake, and Sandufky Lake. ' "
1.7. At any p!arc or places Irnm the'fiid
dality Lake, to the mmrth of the 1 iVtr Ckr
I 18. At any place from ibe
I the said river Cuyahoga to frjfquc I^e,
79 At any places ffotH*
to 'he stream running iniq Lake
wards the Lake, and (.hcfICPWC|
. and al the laid Jadaghquc L^ke,an<>
the Alleghany river to Fort Franklin. '
20. Aljiny place or places fioru f rtfflae
to I.e Beuf, and crt Le'lieuf. '
at. At any place or placet from L;£euf
Fort franklin, and at Fort FrardUin, ai)*^
. thence to Put-nsurgh. .]'
21. M,tay place rfr placet friom the .Vtjiid^
the Qhib'Mi (he mouth of the r W'abafl^h^i , , v
from the mouth ot the .said Wahafbr
mouih of the 1 ivcr Ohio. .
53.'At my place or places on theXatft
the rrv'er Mifiiflippt, from the mouth of tHe
river, so the month of the Illinois rivfr. ' '
54. At any plaee or placet from
'he la d, Wahafh rirer up to Fort Knox',
Fort Knox. .
25. At any place or places froirifojt
thefaid W'ahalh to Ouittanon, anel*atOuitt^nil4^^^^^^^|
26. At anv place or places from
up the said to the head
branch thereof called Little River, and
said head navigation of Little River.
ty. At any phre or pfacrs frontihe fold
navijatioii of Little River over to the Kiaoti
>8. At any place or placesfromthe
the river to
on the said river, inclusively. ' 'm
99. At any place or placetfrom the momhnf
the river Cumi)frland to Nafhvidlc, j>n tlw
river, and at NalhviJle., -u^
30. And at any place or.places witbttt
miles ot said NvfhvilleW'im; Soulhwarcj,
ward or Northward thereof ,yi
Should any rations be requited at any plant*,
or withtfl other diftrifls, not Fpecified in
proposals, the price of the fame to be hereafter
agreed o» betWixt the public and the eomraß<j»i«|^^^^B
The rations to be fupplted art to consist
I)ne bread or flour,
One pound ot bed, or jof a pound of pork, .
One quart of fait, V
Mwo.quartsor vinezar, /' ' ¥• ; »,''
Two pounds of soap, > per 100 rations.
One pound ofpandles, - , c..
The rations'are to be fui nidied in such toanti"*:
ties as 1 hat there Ihall at ail limes, duri»gthe'fai4
terin, be fufficient tor the eonfumpiibft of
troops at each ot the said ports, it ,"
lealt 3,mpoths in advance, in S ood and
tome provtfions, if the lame shall be rcqoirtd,' Si
r ''."'j in each cafe,that alllciSifi .
luftained by the depredations of the enemv, or by
means ofthe troopsof the L'nited Siafrs, Ifaatl '
paid for si the piicet of tbe anides wturrd or ;
deflroyea, on the deprfuK. of i w<) . „ r mot*' ,
creditable rharactcrs, a'rijjthe certificate of » ;
commiflioticd Officer, afccrtaini»'g.;cjie. tircuhi»'
lances of the lofc, and the ameuJßtfthe tHiclil '
torvvhich coßi P er,raii, m j s cliir'iiaf ' < ,'
• The contract soy the abo.ajßpolie, wiltrt ,
made either so, eve year, or M may ]
appear eli ß ,blc? Per lon, difprrfWi r„ cantraik '
will therefore confine their .Jfcrt tooncyear.or 1 '
iey may rnakethtir propoKii^ti^.foas toadrait 1 j
ln l'r '™ o1 'be terni ol iwo yea's. i
be offers may cor'prife ?l| ibe plarej whi«h f]
have l«en fpec;fr cd ; er , psn 0 , lllt " m 0Il! „. • i