ttoa lie biLW. YORK DAILY ADVtRThLR. Messrs. Chilos IU Sw aike, Be pleated to publiib the following extract, that the liberal conduit of the revenue of ficers and merchants of I.uimluikWi ry way be made public i kxirati cj '/ fsftrr from the m\"tr of lh: fl'b MJ ry t at LvH'Jor.'ierr\ to hn in Nenv-Yofk. 44 TT7E may think ouifeives very fo r tu- VV na|e, f«»r through the imposition ol Diver, w c were near loi'inour ship. Vv J iei» he applied to yon in New-York* little did we think we had -t fmoggler to deal with ; in two of the casks which wc supposed to con tain fl;»x feed, were concealed two hundred and lour pieces of n.tnkeens f which being fuf pelted by t'*e revenue officer*, Diver went on ihore and informed that he had nankeens on board ; upon which Mr. Nswburgh, the col- Je&or, leized the ship, telling me at the lame time that he was obliged to do his duty, hut that 1 might depend upon h:s alfiftance in my unfortunate situation. 1 immediately (by the advice of the principal merchants in this place) gave in a petition to Sir Hugh Hill Bart, the principal officer of his biajefty'ff re venue, who being informed that every per foil on board th<» ship (Diver excepted) was qnjteignorant of the nankeens being on board, ordered the ship to be fold at au&oii accord ing to law ; every body being convinced that I bad not been concerned in the Smuggling, geiierouflv declined to bid against trie, and I pur chafed rhe Mary from the levenue of Ire land for ten guineas, when it was- generally expected there wouid have been a line of live fcund-ed guineas on her." From the Impartial HkraiD-i new paper lately ejlaklijked in JUtwbu ry-Pott—MaJJachujetts. r*tnft from Topographical Sketches of the County of ESSEX- PASSING over the river, we enter Ando. ver, divided into two parishes. The ge neral appearance of this place is thriving, and, for an agricultural town, the buildings, pub- Jic and private, are in a style of uncommon neatness and elegance. The land is of an excellent quality, and under handsome culti vation ; particularly that part of it which is watered by Shaw/keen river, a considerable stream which takes its rife in Bedford in the couoty of Middlesex, and, pafling through Billerica, Tewkfbury and Andover, dischar ges itfelf into Merrimack river, at this latter place. In the south parish are a powder-mill and paper-mill. From tP.e former of these, large supplies were fumifhed to the army, during the late war. The paper-mill is yet in its infancy, but has already exhibited spe cimens of its manufacture of an excellent fa bric. T! efe are both owned by the Hon. Mr. Phillips, President of the Senate, a na tive inhabitant of this town, wliofe unwearied attention to the political, manufa&ural and literary interests of his country are too well known to need an encomium here, and have endeared his name to the citizens of the Com monwealth in general, aud especially to those o the County of Elfex. Under his auspices, aid by the liberal benefactions of his father, tie late Hon. Samuel Phillips, of Andover, and of the Hon. John Phillips, L L. D. of Exeter, in the State of New Hampshire, an academy was instituted in this town, in the year 1778, and in the year 1780 an a of which are /aid to exceed ten thou fund pounds currency.—hi addition to tkcfe foundations, this gentleman has been hy far the tnofl munificent benefnßoi to Dartmouth Uhivcfjily. Such hi ft and pious diflributions of ptoperty in the life time of the pojjcjfor are tl,e mofl honorable dfplay of genuine pubiic J pint and dijint'erejled patriotism ; and the man who thus nobly triumph s over the Jordid didatcs oj avarice or a mijlaken flf-inttiejl-, has fu/e!\ a better title to be canonized, than a whole hofl of legendary J amis and martyrs. A Manufadurer of Snuff in 80/ Inn. in his advertrfe mcnt, givti the following charafler oj a particular kind, which he denominates Violet Snuff : 44 IT is made from pure clcan Tobacco, and granulated in such a manner, astoabforo al! fupeifliiou* m&fturc in the head —it docs not clog but clears it, and will raiher help than dc ftroy the forech. From which there is not that naul'eous effluvia, and ftaming the handkerchief, that proceeds from fine fnuff. " The odour which proceeds from this Snuff, ■plays around the delicate fibres of the nose, mak'S it expand to receive the grateful particles which diftufc themfvWr.i to the places dcfignrd, J) rii.rm t4nnr office, and gcnily utuin and mix with the native air." P L J N S OF THE City of Washington, Sold by the Booksellers, DO P SON, LAR&Y, YOU AG, & LRUKSHANK. TICKETS Jn lilt F6DERAL CITY LOTTKRY, *lay be had at SAMUEL CGO-Pf-R's Ftny cxrEnsny OF PEKA'SYITAKU. IT lin .'.itherto been ihs practice of tfiis S. ui ii.n v f n it >' *•; "II along the prjfrite iwtii ->ft' '- <>;d Coilege and ul'the old l/niver li;v) to exiiaire the leveral rolls * week—and, "a every lucii t« levjr fines (except wiiere corporal pwTiHSnient was to bt iiiflnjVu; on foch of the Students, as, during the preceding week, had been either late in tit 11 attendance, or abiiiut altogether, at any particular felfiun. But thi* practice, however good tlx delign with which it was ir.ftitutrd, was found to be attended wit'i iomc inconvenience*. The collection oi' Jo ni2ny petty fines wa* both ti ou!j|cloint' and degrading to tlie Protefforv Neither, after aH, could the impOfttion «♦' t'jefj fines be e*peftcd to produce Ike dffired efticl: (■><■,' if c.->-ifiilcratile, they opeiateA ra ther as a. tan upon ihc parents, tlian as a pup'fhment on tin-boy* J and, it titer: tint-T ---able, were but too apt to be e yarded— And, as In corporal punifiimeoY, the inflU tion of t lb frequently, and in so public a manner, could not but tend to wear o«t that Ingenuous sense of lhame and regard to cha racter, which it is one great end of education to etariOi and promote. At a meeting therefore, of the faculty, held April 18th, 1793, ■' * 3S unammoufly reAilvctf, '* Full, l!u-.t nl! ijncs and corporal pu• •»fli nent; for attending late, or for being absent ■Itogethei, at a> y jrarticular {ellion, shall be aboliJhed. ii And, secondly, that, on the firft Wed nefHay of every month, there (hall be J»eld a meeting.'of the feveraf frofciTofs tnd Tutors, for the "urpofe of examining'the general roll, and compa ;ng their everal particular rolls ; when an accurate ftateinent of the atterd ancc and behavior of each {Indent, during the preceding month, fliail be made out, and pre sented to his parents or dlan.". The Faculty confide, that by tints extend ing, as it were, the authority Q ** parents and guardians, tlie r e will be leis need for the ex ertion of other autho. ity : and that the ap prehension of this monthly notice will b« found to have at lead as much influence on the minds of their pupils, as the apprehension of the weekly fines and punifoments were found to have formerly. Published for the information of the pa* rents and guardians of the students and scho lars at the University. By order of the Faculty, WILLIAM ROGERS, Set'ry. Philadelphia, June 11, 1793. JUST PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, Bookseller, at the Stone-Hovfe y in Second Jlreet % F'hiladfaphia, VOLUME IX, OF ENCYCLOPAEDIA! OR, A DICTIONARY OP ARTS, SCIENCES, and MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, On a Plan entirely new : •. BY wdICH The Different SCIENCES And ARTS are diverted into the Form o< D'ftinft, TREATISES OR SYSTEMS : THIS VOLUME CONTAINS HYDROSTATICS. Hygrometer, Hiflory of Japan* lUrland, Jerilfalfm, J cvvs, India, Infr&s, Infurame, Ireland, Italy, K«infchatka, Knighthood, Language, Law, Legerdemain, with a great variety of Biographic*! and Miscel laneous Articles.—lliuiirated with thirty-one elegant Copperplaies. CONDITIONS. I. The work s printing on a fupevfine paper, and new types, (c ast tor the pu'pofe) which will be occasionally renewed before iliey con tract a worn appearance. 11. Ihe work is fumifticd in boards, in volumes or half-volumes, as fublcribers chule; the price of the whole volumes, five dollars each, ol the half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of'a dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on fub fcribmg, the volumes or half-volumes finifhed to be p&id for when delivered, the price of one volume to be paid in advance, and the price of each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver ing i he volume preceding it. No part of the work will be delivered unless paid for. 111. In the coutfe of the publication will be de livered about five tiunrired copperplates ele gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which by tar exceed in number ihofe given in any other icientific didioiiary. At the clof ? of the pub ligation will be delivered an elegant frontif piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti tle pages foi the different volumes^ It is expe&cd ;he work will he compiifed in about eighteen volumes in quarto. The fubferipuon will continue open on the above terms till the fii It day ot September next, to give opportunity to those who are riot yet fuhfcribeis, to come forward. Those who have ftibfcribed, and got only a small part of the work, are requeued to com plete their feus, as far as publifhcd, as soon as poflibk*, as after the firJl of next September, by which tune the tenth volume is expe&ed to be ready, the pnblifher will not consider hiinfelf bound to make up those setts which arc not completed up to that period. Philadelphia, fune ic), 1793. THE MEM6ERS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY Of" NORTH AMERICA, Are defrtd to take Notice, THAT the Coniliiuiion requires Payment of One Hollar on cach Share,, on tht Second Montfay (iht 8;h Day) ot July next, on Penallv ol Foiteuurc ol the Money already paid. S'ich>Sto«'khn)dcrs as have not. made their se cond lnftalnient, are informed, that Payment will be r.ceived at the Company's Office, No. 119, South Fiont-Street, either on or before the Ciid Day, as thev may find it mofl cottvctiient EMENF.ZEK HAZARD, Sec'n. June 8. 1793. 444 STATE of RHODE-ISLAND orJ PKUV I- fLANTA/lONS. hCttfl Ma) iej/ict, A. D. '793- RfcSOLVtD, That an Ast patted by this AlT' mblyafheSeflion in May.A. D. i 79'> thereby Jabi* BoweN.Efq. Cominiffioncrol L >an.., was lecntfted not to lean any Nolc.ol • certain d<,n, -ffued by the T.ea furcr oi this State for Mob*, due to the Soldier. of the late Army, in c.nfequenceof their having b en fraudulently obtained, and the (aid Lura m.fiioner was further retjueftrd lo retain said Noif, in his office until such future orders Ihnuld be therfon made.a: might confill with the prin ciple, of u;ttice and equuy, be, aDd tbt fame is hereby repealed, so far a. regard, the detention Of those Notes. It is Jut t her rejbhed, That the General Trea surer adverufc in all ijje newspapers in this (Uie, a>id in the Gazette oj the United States, adt fcnp lion of the Notes thus Irnulultiuly obtained, w. 29 19 7 William Negro do. 29 5 0 23. jofeph do. 39 12 5 Benjamin Sprague do. gq id o Peter Harris do. 38 14 6 28. Stephen Aldrich do. 22 14 2 William Mac Call do. 3.5 8 o Prince Childs do. 27 12 2 l.eiceftcr Wheeler do. ig 2 4 Pat Hackmet do. 25 14 o Abraham Smith do. 24 14 8 John Thomas do. 41 10 8 Jack Warden do. 31 o 2 John Bristol B do. 33 18 U Benjamin Reed do. 32 4 8 Cato Bnnnifter do. 27 2 7 Nathaniel Wicks do. 20 8 5 Beiioni Hathaway do. 36 17 5 Evan Evans do. 28 7 2 Joseph Merry do. 32 8 7 Pcro Greene do. 28 16 9 Nov. 5. Benoni Hunt do. 40 5 o 11. Cato Brown do. 37 5 7 Africa Burk do. 27 a 9 London Slocum do. 23 8 11 Jack Minthorn do. 27 2 9 13. TiM.rt T. Hopkins do. 41 23 8 17- Jactfb Ned do. 40 o 10 Boston Wilbour do. 42 7 Jo Tony Phillips do. 27 3 o Ephraim Rogers do. 623 Robert Goreham do. 41 o 10 24. Robert Howland do. 39 3 9 Jdtnrs Singleton do. 21 o J.imes Cross do. 35 4 6 Cato Stanly • do. 21 o »o John George do. 19 19 6 John Crandal da. 77 12 2 Prince Power do. 19 4 9 Benrd;6t Aaron do. 7* 10 8 C.T'far Shelden do. 1218 7 Caesar Wefel do. 17 17 9 Scipio De W»lfe do. 19 14 10 Biiftol Luiher do. 1-823 John HulTey do. 2811 Dec. 2. Benjamin Sweet do. 6 o 2 Silas Mawney do. 28 15 a John Willfon do. 9 ° 4 6. jame? Mac Sparrow do. 28 16 3 11. Ca.o Bourse do. 6 10 2 Prim Gardner do. 7 u q Joseph Wilkev do. 18 4 # Cornelius Drafkill do. 1848 Pero F>nch do. 69 7 6 Dublin Btiggs do. 17 4 8 Bridget Stake do. 19 16 1 1 Ed ward Eafterbrooks do. 10 4 t Cuff Arnold do. 510 3 Prime Clarke do. 53 16 6 John Mc Donnal do. 12 4 7 13. George Robbins do. 2.1 o'i t John Morris Obrien do. 25 19 2 Piirve Brown do. 41 17 i, Solomon Mathews do. 33 5 6 lack Siflon do. 40 7 8 Newport Greene do. 35 3 y Ebenczci Cxfar do. 11 6 8 John Elliott do. 21 o 3 Keubtn Thorp do. 23 o 2 Thomas Randal! do. 24 11 2 Thomas Durfee do. 22 11 6 Daniel Himmon do. 29 o Richard Hopkins do. Ac q 0 H rny Hazaid do. 25 q 9 Levi Cole do. 9 4 Allen Sonlhwotth do. 18 iq o Richard Allen do. 74 ,8 10 Dec, 23. William Ctudtev, on demand. 13 g 0 Icliabod Simmons do. 41! John Brown do. Hl9 4 John Gavit do. JO 16 4 William Ackman do. 42 ,8 c Jack Coddington do. 710 Caef..r Gardner do. 812 7 Toby Coyes do. 7, 1? 10 J 'ho Willfon do. (jo ig , 25. John Gavet do. 66 6 , John Garufon do. 57 g IN OBI.DII NCE to (he atorc recited Ast of Ihe General AOcmbly, Ido heieby cant,on all peilons from receiving any o! the above men. tinned Notes, without the most plenary proof eing made 1 hat they were obtained from the office by genuine documents from the foldters who ptrrmmcd thefcivir,, le tfc r J,,!,,, ♦ere futtnd 4at,« fmm llkii icg»l r c », tk . ■ves 01 aitoroici. "" (.iiEXRY Gti»«il.rreilurc r , Niwf/trtiflij 14. 1703, F O R 8 A L E, 1360 /teres of exeJhit FARMING be, every and necelTary aliillance or indulgence will be ren dered those inclined to ma|.c the expeiiment, it well as every other netrffary information S iv' en by the printer ot this Garette in Philadelphia or JOHN NICHOLAS. Chailottcfvillc, Virginia. GENERAL POST-OFFICE, Philadelphia, May 27, 1793. 500 Dollars Reward. W HEP. FAS a certain THOMAS SLOsS GANTT, has lately made his escape from Baltimore County Gaol, 10 which he was committed under a charge of having robbed the Eafleni Mail, on the s&'h.ilav of Ja«nary lift : Nonce is hereby given, that a ic>rtirct »l five hundred dollars will be paid at thij Office. to any person or per sons who (ball apprehend tk« laid Thomas S/vfs Gantt, and deliver him into ine custody of the keeper of the laid Gaol, or into thecuftody of cither of the Mmftais within the United S'atcs, To that the said Thomas Slof Gantt may be effcflually fecmed, and forth coming to answer the above mentioned chaige. TIMOTHY PICKERING, Pvjl-Maflfr Gtmrtf. The following is a description of itieabove namcd Thomas Sl#so Gawtt : H? llabcut fiK feet bigti, ftrail and well made, (las light ta loured hair, rtcct behind, !air complexion and has a down look when fpnken tn. Albany Glafs-Houfe. the Proprietors of the Giafs-Manufactory, under the Firm of M'CLALLEN, M'GREGOR and Co. BEG leave to inform the public, r hat they have now brought their WI NDOW-Gi ASS t