St. JOHN'*, (Antigua) Maya. The fleet from England, under Admir?t Gardner, arrived at Barba dos on Friday ; the merchantmen and transports did not accopipany them. Thefollowing are the ships that cpm'poie Admiral Gardner's fqua- droit : Commanders. C Adm.Gardner, £ Capt. Huct. <. Com. Murray, £Capt. DofF. Cape. Sir J.Wallace J. T. Duckworth G. Montague Guns Ships. VI u 98 98 74 74 74 Queen Duke Monarch Orion HetSor Hannibal 74 Colpoys Culloden 74 SirThos. Rich Iphigenia 32 Sinclair Heroine 32 Allan H. Gardner Rattlesnake 16 Alexander Mouat. It is generally believed at Domi nica, that the French fleet is arrived at Martinique, GRENADA, April 19. This morning the Ichoouer Swift, Capt. Ryal arrived here froin lo bago, with the agreeable news of the capture ot that island. Weharve been favored with the following particulars by Col. Bailiie. On Sunday the 14th, at 2 o'clock, a signal was made that an enemy s fleet was off Courland, and in about an hour afterwards the Trulty, and the other veflcls in the squadron came to anchor in the bay. Gen. Cuyler immediately landed with the troops consisting of 35® men i and marched direcftly to Cinnamon hill, where he halted,and dispatched a flag of truce to the fort, to demand the surrender of the island. The governor returned for answer, that they would hold out to the last ex tremity. It was then determined to carry the hill by storm, and the recefl'ary preparation being made, the troops marched at one o'clock on Monday morning, taking the road through the town of Port-Louis. They were formed in two columns, the one under the immediate com mand of the General, the other led by Major Gordon of the 60th. The (iring began about 2 o'clock, and continued obstinate lor about three quarters ot an hour, when Ma jor Gordon with the light infantry entered the fort and made hinifelf completely master of the hill. At day-light the capture was an nounced by holding the Union flag, and firing the morning gun. All accounts agree in bellowing the highest encomiums on the cool and determined courage manifefted by the British troops on the orcafion ; and the conduct of Major Gordon in preventing the (laughter that al most unavoidably follows a (lorm, refletfts equal honor on his own hu manity and the difciplir.e of the troops he commanded. In addition to the above account, we are informed that there were near 300 men in the Fort at the time of the aflault ; that seven of the as sailants were killed ; and a few wonnded ; among the latter are Gen. Cuyler ( flightly) and Lieute nant Geyer of the 67th, who joined the expedition at Barbadoes as a vo lunteer. Philadelphia, May 22. Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Mr. Ge net, being introduced by Mr. Jeffetion, Secre tary of State, produced his credentials to the President of the United States ; he was re ceived ami acknowledged as Minister Pleni potentiary from the Republic of France to the United States of America. B) an arrival at this port yesterday in twelve d?vs from Cape-Franeois we learn (hat a frigate had arrived There in 28 days from Brest ; which brought intelligenee that Gen, Dumaurier had gone over to the Auftrians—f artillery and camp equipage. The French army continues to retreat with celerity, though in good or der. The column headed by Dumourier him {ee French bsing superior in number, forced the Auftri aus to retire, and took several prisoners." L E Y r> E N, April Z We have at last received certain intelli gence that the French garri(on of Breda, which is said to have been commanded by Gen. de Flers, delivered up the place by ca pitulation to the troops of the united provin ces, on the 2d infh It is thought that that of Gertruydenberg will soon do the fame.— Gen. Dumourier having given orders to the remainder of his troops, to evacuate the ter ritories of the republic. They will have free liberty to return to France, because, in order to prevent the ruin and pillaging of the. towns and country, it has been agreed, that all the French fVoops in Belgla and the Dutdi territory, (hould return home by way of Mechlin, Dendermond, Ghent, and Tonrnay, under an escort of an Austrian fafeguard, to the French frontier. Saturday evening last an express arrived at the Post* Office in this city, with the letters and papers brought by'the April Packet, ar rived at New-York, in 37 days from Fal mouth. The following articles are from London Papers to . the 6th of April, brought bv the Puckct. STATE PAPER; Declaration of the King of Prutlia, refpefting his taking poflcflion of the city of Dantzig, and the territory belonging to it. THE fame reatons which induced his raa jefty, the King of Prullia, to order part of -his troops to march into some of the diftri&s of Great Poland, lay him under the neccflity to secure the city of Dantzig and the territory be longing thereto. For besides that this city ne ver has a£ted for a number of years past, like a good neighbor towards the kingdom of Pruf fis, it is now become the rendezvous of a wick ed and cruel band, who heap tranfgreflion up on tranfgreflion, and who try by the afliftance of their deff*icable abettors to spread themfeives on al! fides. One of these villains, after having attempted in vain to Ipread his poisonous prin ciples, among a happ\ and faithful nation, has found nevertheless a free and public asylum in the city ot Dantzig ; and it was only by the mod urgent reprefenta; ions that hecould be ob tained from his prote&ors. Thi.« last instance, together with the numerous abuses ot a ifiiU construed liberty, and the great connexion which fubfi(l> between the faction in France and Poland, and a certain party, which by itibans of the impudcnce ot their principle*, have gain ed a certain fupeiiority above the moO ot the well-meaning part ot the citizens, and finally the great ease wherewith these conspirators pro cure all kinds of neccflanes, but efpeoally grains at Dantzig, by the help of their abettors are taken colli 6lively, as objects which have drawn the attention ot the King towards this city, and have obliged him to keep them with in the bounds of jutiice, and provide thereby for the fafeiy and peace of the adjoining Pruf f*m provinces. For which purpole his Majrf tv, after a previous agreement with the other power* ctotftotd 1 herein, ha* diredted hit Gcn. Advertijir. 407 Lieutenant Genera! £e Raumer io occupy the city and territory of Danizig wiih a fufficiettt number of troops, to m_a inuia good order and public fecUrity. It will now depend on -the inhabitants, bv their prudent conduct, to merit the good wtll ot the King, by using his troops in a triendly man ner, aud giving them all the help and afliftance they may be in want of-;' the commanding of ficer, on his pa-rt, will not fail to cause the flt ifct eft discipline to be observed, and .{<» grant, his prote&jon to all such as may find iheiTifi*i , ?es un der tbenectlTity to request the faoje. These are the sentiments of his PrufTun Mujelly, and he therefore trulls, that the magistracy ot will make no diHicuUv in conforming to the fame, in order to promote in this manner their salutary views—the good efie&s whereof will tend molt of all to their advantage. R E N N £ S, (France) March i 5. -. The royalists, and friends to the laws and order, at length triumph in this department aod the neighboring one?. They only wait lor the English at Jcrfry to make a descent on our coails to appear openly. A considerable body of armed men have, however, alTembled at No ray, about fix leagues ftpm hence, who threa ten to reduce our city to ashes. LONDON, April 16. The merchant corps of volunteers of Dublin have had their cannon rcftojed to them, upon a temperate and loyal application to the lord lieutenant. It is said that Dumourier has fcized the three Commiflioners sent by the. National Conven tion to arrest him, whtom he sent prisoners to the Auftrians; and that he afterwards marched with hisarmy to Paris. On this news Stocks rose two per cent, to day. A teller js said to have been received by a merchant in this ci»y, from a refp -ftaMe House in Amlterdam, dated the 2d of April, stating, that intelligence had been jeceived th> re of an mfurreftion at Paris that the mob had at tacked the Convention, and murdered 80 of the members. Extract oj a Utter fiom HdvoctjluyApril 3. — _ 1.. t. #> a.T - ' - 3 o'clock, t\ M. " Thr 37th regiment commanded by lieut. col. fir Charles Rofs, Bart; ami 531 by lieut. col. Symes, which arrived here from Leith on Sunday evening lalt, under convoy of the Mar tin Hoop, captain Lane, still remain on board their transports, having received counter-orders to proceed after the brigade of gua'tU to B r gen-op-Zoom, by the way of Fiuihing.—The detachment of artillery are likewise re-emb4rk ed to attend theij) : —Major general R. Aber crombic goes wuh them to command the i:d Britiftv brigade. The contrary winds preveni ed their failing for 2 days part. "The British fhipsof war, remaining here, arc the Syren frigate, capt. Manlcy ; the Chil ders sloop, capt. Bailowe ; the Echo, hon. capt. Jones ; and the Martin, capt. Lane. The sloops have orders to proceed as convoy tojhe troops thro' the Scheldt. The Syren and Expe dition fail for England to-morrow. '* Friday last a deputation from the French Benevolent Society eftablillied in this city waited upon cirizen Genet with an add reft, of which the following is a tranilation : Citizen Minijler of the French Republic. The French citizens and citizens of the United States defceudants of French, refilling in Philadelphia, hasten to prelent this mark of their attachment to the nation you of their zeal for the cause of liberty and equa lity, and of their personal regard. Many of us attracted by tbe innate love of liberty, when France still smarted under the rod ofdefpotifm, fought and found an asylum in this happy country, then the cradle of in fant equality. The cordial reception from our new fellow-citizens, the close connec tions and pleasing habits contracted among them, have rendered America a native home. But in becoming Americans, they have not ceased to be Frenchmen ; for no individual can be more intimately conne&ed with either, than the two, nations are with each other. The French citizen who has become affiliated to the American nation, and the citizen of the United States whom France has adopted have thereby only strengthened the ties of connex ion. An union cemented by the blood of the ci tizens of both nations, and founded on so so lid a basis as similarity of sentiment and prin ciple, is formed to resist the most violent ef forts of those whose interest it might be to difhirt) it : for liberty tends to unite men, as does despotism to divide and destroy them. The million with tohich you are charged, imposes on you the most agreeable duties, since it is committed to you to give and re ceive the afTurance and testimony of so sincere a f-iendlhip and so fraternal a union. will co-operate a 1; far as in our power 10 maintain so precious a fraternity and pre vent the enemies of liberty from giving it disturbance. Permit us on this occasion, as individuals and Frenchmen, to pay to our brethren of the United States the tribute of gratitude which their conduct towards us so jiiftly claims. We were strangers among them and they treated us as brothers ; they have been prodigal of the attentions and afliftance, which our situation required, and endeavored to make us forget, that we d d not owe our birth to a common country.—Throughout the whole extent of the American empiie our countrymen have experienced the effects of the f.tine benevolent spirit. Every where the citizens have been anxious to cfcetilh and the governments to protest tliem. It would be the heighth of ingratitude in us not to avail ourfelvesof fo'favorable ait opportunity of publicly exptelEng the extent of t>ur grati tude. Accept, citizen, our ardent wiflics for the Cuccefi of the glßr'tou? caule of which FraJiqp hat declared berfelf the support. We hope, that bv her generous efforts 1 berty Will soon be trindijj'iaiit tbrougijout ihe in spite of the enormous combination of despots and flaveswho wish to annihilate it. We felicitate ourselves in finding in you a citizen who has deserved well of his country, and who teaches Us to hope that he will ac quire a new claim to her gratitude. (Signed) By order, P. 3. DUPONCEAU. To this he made an answer t of which the 'following Is a trjnflatioii : "Cit'zen 'ninUt'er plenipotentiary f op. the fiench Republic, to tha French citi zens and descendants of Fienchiiien, re- frdent in Philadelphia. THE p>'ji)<;iple* and sentiments which have animated yon', citizens, do equal honor to your heads and hearts, and leave no doubt of" your patribtifm- You have anticipated the intetoti'ons'of" the French republic; her wifli is to (trengt.'ieii more and more the ties which witji.the virtuous iiation thsit has fi> julßy'ikfi.rvtd, by.her generous conduct towards you, your attachment.and gratitude. I will use my best endeavors to l.uli\l the in tentions of the republic, and am peifuaded, that you will itegleift nothing to ,ptove so the citizens of the United States, that French men now ctnificier them as brethren. I (hall take care, citizens, to communicate to our fellow-citizens in France, the address which yon have just presented, and I beg you to accept my thanks for tfie opinion which you have been pleased toentercain of my zeal and entire devotion to t?tf?-caufe ofliberty and equality. (Signed) GENET. COMMEMCEMEVr. On the 15th instant was heid at the Me thodist Church, in fourth-ftreet, a Commence- > merit of the Pupils of the Young Ladies' Aca demy of Philadelphia. The exercises com menced bv a well adapted prayor by the Rev. Dr. Sproat, the President of the Trustees ; after which a number of fele&ed pieces, suit able to the female character, were pronoun ced with judgment and p opriety. The sa lutatory oration was delivered by Miss Prif cilla Mason, and the valedictory by Miss Eli za Lafkey, each of whom, together with Miss Ann Bartow and Miss Eleanor Britton, were honored with a diploma. Extract of a letter from St. John's (Antigua J dated May 2. " A few days ago several rich and refpeft able inhabitants were butchered at Guade loupe in a manner too horrible to mention, which even the most crpel savages would have been ashamed of. The following are t'e names of the unfortunate viftiins—Madame Vermont the elder ; Madame Vermont t £ younger, and two children; Madame Meyen co.ult ; Madasne Roupelle the elder; Madame Roupelle the younger, and an intact child; the two MelTrs. Roupelle; Monf. Gondieaurt, three daughters just arrived from France, from i I to iS years of ape; Brinde u ; Madaftje Brindcau ; MefTrs. "Vaudrecourt and Buelle." Extrafl of aUftfl'frM a tfdt bfomri Ctnref ... j-_- j.i.Jr j._ a±~:i „ pendent M dated London, April 5, 17Q3. " P. S. I have not been able to procure co pies of the bill mentioned in this letter but it declares in fobftancc 1 hat any pcrfon being or residing wi'hin any of ihe dominions of his Riitaniuc Majdfty who shall dirrfctly or indi reftiy supply, or canse > dire&, authorise or pro cure anv pcrfon or performs whomsoever or wheresoever residing lo fupoly or t<* fend for the putpofe of feeing fold or supplied to any of the dominions of France or place in rhcir pof feflfion tlr to the armies fleets or.veflVls cmplo'. - ed by the French government, any naval or mi litary ftorcs, or lilver in bullion or coir?, forage or provisions of anv kind and vatious other articles shall be deemed gu'l f y of Treason, AW insurance made on any goods and vefTels bound to or from the ports under French do minion made null and void and parties guilty of misdemeanor." The declaration nf independence by the im mortal Congrcfs 01*76 —contains this sentiment. That in future the United Stales would conftder Great-Bit tain is they do the w-ft of the world— v " enemies in tear ; iti piece hitaik" Married, Monday evening by the Right Reverend Dcxftor White, George Hammonc, Esquire, his Britannic Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary to the United Stares, to Mtft Pbggv Allen, eldest daughter of Andrew- Allen, Esquire, of this city. By the Rev. Dr. Magaw, Mr. Gsorgb Washington to Mif> Ldc» Payne, of ihi» city. . Died the 18th inft. in the 85th year nf her age, Mrs. Jane Hoimi, relist of Mr. Johw Holme,-of Pennipack, Philadelphia County • a woman in whose charaQer were united tbe Christian, social and doinelkie virtues in an emi nent degree. Her funeral wat attended on Sun day lalt- and a sermon adapted to the occasion delivered by the Rev. Dr. Roger* in the flap tift Church, l ower Dublin, from these wofd«— •' Gather my faints togethtr unto me ; those that have made a covenant with mt by fdctifice." SHIP NEWS. ARRIVED 4/ (Ae PORT */ PHILADELPHIA. Brie Ami and Mary, M'Cain, v Dublin Sally,' Allen, St. Marc Jemiroa & Fanny,ConUm, Capr-Francoi» Schr. Bel fey, Willia, Hifpauioia - folly, M'Cormick, Charleston Belfry, Miller, St. Mark* Friend (hip, M'Lcan*. Virgini» Delight, <•«*«■. do. Sloop Panny, H'atchard, Bermuda Lively, Moore, Guadeloupe PRICE OF STOCKS 6 per Ccr.ts, >6/8 3 per Cents, 8/11 913 Deferred. 979 101 l fti.res Bank U. S. i per ccot. adv.