ADVERTISEMENT. WHEREAS a BRIDGE is to be built over Raritan River, at the city of New-Brunf wick, in the state of Ne w-Jerfey—:o accomplish which, will require the krviceof many carpen ters and masons of experience ; Notice is there fore hereby given, that any person or persons in clining to undertake the whole, or any part there of, by applying to the fubferibers, on or before the fiift dav of May next, may have an opportu nity of comraftingfor ihefame. JOHN BAYARD, JACOB HARDENBURGH, JOHN DENNIS, Sen. Brunfwicki March 24th. cpW VinalPs Arithmetic. THE Second Edition of this work, with im provements, will speedily be put to press. The rapid sale ot the firft edition*, greatly be 3'ond the author's moll sanguine expectations, encourages him to print a second edition. He intends to have it printed upon much better pa per than the former, and with a new type. Those Booklellers who wish to take a num ber of copies in ftieets, are rcquefted to apply to the author for particulars. * 1000 Copies At a meeting of the School Committee, February 51b, 1793. The Committee, appointed to examine " The Preceptor's Afliftant, or Student's Guide," being a systematical treatise of Arithmetic, by John Vi.NyvL l, teacher of the Mathematics Sc Writ ing, in Borton r reported, that they have attended that service, and are of opinion, that the work is executed with judgment, and is as well calcu lated for the use of schools, counting houses, and private families, as any of the fame compass that has hitherto been offered to the public. Voted, That the above report be accepted, and that Mr. Vinall befurnifhed with a copy of it, whenever he shall desire it. Copy of the Records. Attest, CHARLES BULFINCH, Sec'ry. The following character of the above work, is given in the Review of the MaJJaekufctts Ma gazine, fpr Jan. 1793 : " This is a very ufcful work, and is no ill proof of thejodgment and industry of the author. The rules are laid down with propriety, and the examples annexed are fuffitient tor their il lustration. One part of the work deserves par ticular commendation. We mean that which the author ftilea " Mercantile Arithmetic." It occupies a considerable portion of his book, hut not more than its importance will juftify. We would recommend to the young Arithmetician to pay a particular attention to this branch. He will find its principles well explained And (hould he make himfelf matter of them, he will always have reason to acknowledge his obliga tion to the judicious and laborious author. We cannot but congratulate the rising generation on account of the many ufeful produttions which have lately appeared; and in which their im provement has been principally consulted.— Among those productions we must place this treatise of Arithmetic. We (hould be wanting in justice to the author, (hould we not acknow ledge that his work is in reality that which its title imports—The Preceptor's Assist ant, or Student's Guide." Bojion, Feb. 13, War Department, January 28, 1793., INFORMATION is hereby given to all the military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are entitled for fix mouihs of their annual pension, from the 4th day of September 1792, and which will become due on the sth day of March 1793, will be paid on the said day by the Commiflioners of the Loans within the dates refpeftively, under the usual' regulations, viz. Every application for payment mull be ac companied by the following vouchers : ill. The certificate given by the Hate, fpecify ing thai the person poflefling the fame is in fatt an Invalid, and ascertaining the sum to which, as filch, he is annually intitled. 2d. An affidavit agreeably to tfye following form : A. B. came before me, one of the Justices of the county of in the (late of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. tb whom the original certificate in his poffeflion was giv en, of which the following is a copy (the cer tificate given by the state to be recited) That he served (regiment, corps or vessel) at the time he was disabled, and that he now resides in the and county of and has resided there for the last years, previous to which he resided in In cafe an Invalid (hould apply for payment by an attorney, the said attorney, besides the certificate and oath before recited, must produce a special letter of attorney agreeable to the sol* lowing form : I, A. B. of countv of (late of do hereby constitute and appoint C. D. of my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of my pension tor fix months, as an Invalid of the United States, from the 4th day of Sep tember 1792, and ending the 4th day of March *793- Signed and Sealed in the Presence of Acknowledged before me, Applications of executors and adminillrators must be accompanied with legal evidence of their refpeflive offices, and also of the time the Invalid died, whose pension they may claim. By Command of the President of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary at War. TICKETS Jn t ht FEDERAL CITY LOTTERY, May be had at SAMUEL COOPER'S Ferry. Morse's Geography, Revijcdy torrefied, and greatly enlarged, with many additional Maps, well engraved. By THOMAS and ANDREWS, Faust's Statue, ANEW Edition of the AMERICAN GEOGRAPHY: Being the largest and the belt system of Geography ever pub lifhcd : Or a complete GEOGRAPHY of the WORLD, brought down to the piefent time. PART I. — Of Astronomy, ai connected with, and introdu&ory to the science of Geography : under this head will be given an account of the several agronomical fyftcms of the World, and a particular description of the true one. iA"table of the diameters, periods, See. of the several Planets in the solar system—an account of the Comets and fixed stars. Of Geography—its use and progress— figure, magnitude and motion of the Earth— Do&rine of the Sphere—Geographical circle*— Divisions of the Earth into zones and climates —methods of finding the latitude and longitude of places from celestial observations—Globes, and their use—with a number of the moA ufe ful and entertaining Geographical Problems and Theorems—Maps, and their use—sources of heat and cold—theory of the winds and tides—length of miles in different countries—natural divisions of the Earth—account of the Gregorian or new stile, Sec. America—lts discovery by Columbus— general description of the Continent, in which is a lengthy difcuflion of the question, When, whence, and,by whom, was America firft peo pled ? With a long and entertaining accpunt of the Indians,ana the late difcoveties on the north west coast, &cz.—North America—chrono logical account of its discovery and settlements, its divisions—Danish America, British America, United St at es of America— general description of them, hjftory of the late war, and many other tifefof en tertaining matters. South America—its di visions, particular description of its seVeral pro vinces and countries. West India Islands, See *** This part of-the work will be illuflrated by maps of the countnes defenbed, from the corre&eft copies. PART ll.—Containing every thing essential which is contained in the best and latest Quarto edition of Guthrie's and other British Geogra phies, with felettions from celebrated naviga tors, travellers and refpe&able authors of other nations, &c. Of Eu rope in general—its grand divisions, particular geographical descriptions of its seve ral Kingdoms and Republics, &c. Of Asia— itsfituation, boundaries, general history, parti cular descriptions of its several divrfions, &c. OF Africa—its general history, boundaries, grand divisions, See. Also, new difr.overies, Terra Incognita, Geographical Table, alphabe tically arranged—Chronological Table of re markable events, discoveries and inventions, lift of men of learning and genius, with other ufeful miscellany. *»* This part will also be i]Juft rated. mfk maps of the countries defer 1 bed. X. C. A. A. A. S THE Author is sensible that the fiift edition of his American Geography (which makes Part I. of the above work) was in many instances de fettive, in others erroneous, and in (omeoffen five. It has been his endeavour, as it was his desire, in the present edition, to fupplv the defi ciencies, correct the errors, and meliorate the offenfive parts of the last. To aflift him in 'this business, he has received many valuable commu nications from the heads of departments in the general government, and from gentlemen of re fpettability in the several Hates. The descrip tion of foreign countries (which composes Part 11. of the above work) has been carefully com piled from the moll approved writers 011 Geo graphy, and ufeful information introduced irom the discoveries of the latest Navigators, Travel lers, and refpeftable authors. Indeed, no pains nor expense have been spared to render this' Work the most complete, accurate, and ufeful of any ever offered to the public. District o/Pennsylvania, to wit. T>£ IT REMEMBERED, ( Seal. ) the thirteenth day of March, in \ J the seventeenth year of die Indepen —' dence of the United States of America, Thomas Dobsgn, of the said Diftrift, hath de posited in this Office, the Title of a Book, the Right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit. " An Enquiry how Jar the Punifhmentof Death " is necejfary in Pennsylvania. With Kotes and 14 lllujlrations. By William Bradford, Esq. 44 To which is added, an Account ojthe Gaol and i% Penitentiary House 0] Philadelphia, and of the 44 interior Management thereof. By Caleb 44 Lownes, oj Philadelphia. If we enquire 44 into the Causes oj all human Corruptions, we 44 fhallfind that they proceed from the Impunity 44 of Crimes, and not from the Moderation of Pu -44 nifhments. n Montefq. I n conformity to the Ad of the Congress of the United States, intituled, " An A& for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Chans and Books, to the Au thors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned. SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk of the Diftritt of (ps The above york is fold in CharUfton >