1 By rmniAs jokmoN, djvjd STUART,& DANIEL CARROLL, Efjuircs, Commission ers appoin'ed by Government to prepare ihe Public iJujldiogr, &c. within the City of IVaJhi/igton, 'lor ihe rfcccptioh ot Con fcrefs, and lor iheti permanent r«?hdence afcr iht-year 1800— A LOTTERY TOR THE IMHtoVKMI N I OITTHE Federal City. Tickers »t 7 dollar's, are dollars. LIST OF PRIZtS., »iz. 1 Superb Hotel, with bailie, ) ■'» iwww «>u; houies, &c.&c.io.o6it) l C .'ifh Pi tie 1 ditto l ditto 1 diuo 2 ditto jo ditto 20 ditto 100 ditto 2ot> ditto 400 ditto 1,000 ditto 15,000 ditto 5,000 arc j,OOO 50b ico 5° *5 20 10 *6,737 Prists 33,263 31aaVs 50,006 By thisfehcrfte dt lecrfl the amount of th£ tick et s will return to the foitunate adventurers,• 2fnd yet the federal City will gain its objett thereby, ia a magnificent building defined both for pub lic and private convenience. Although feme eXpenee mutt necefT^rHy-at tend/the conducting of the lottery, (which ex pence * ill be taken from the principal prize] the Commifiioners having agfeed to present in re turn a fufacientr quantity of excellent free-ft one, together with the best adapted lots for the hotel and for the out-houfes, the value of. the lottery entire may be fairly rated ?Hsre than par: In this important inftancc it will be found, on exartiln'afrdu, to excced all tKc lotteries that have ever been offered to tKfc Public in thrs or perhaps in any Other eoumxy. The keys of the Hotel, when compleat, will'be delivered to'the I fortunate pc{Te{£or of the ticket drawtraagaiuft its number. — All the other prizes will be paid, , without dedu3ion,ih one monthafter the drazuutg, by the City at WaPnington, oV at such Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced, for theconveniencyof the fortunate adventurers. The drawing .will commence on Monday the 9th 1 of Septcihbdi ne'xt, at thte City of Waftiing ori. Tickets may be had of" Col. Wm. Dickens, City tTreafurer of Washington ; Thayer & Bartlet, of Charleston, South-Carolina ; Gidton Dcnifov., Sa vannah; Me/frs. James WeJl'&Co. Baltimore; Mr. Peter Gil man, Boft'otf; a"hd at fu'ch other' places as will be hereafter pubtilhed. N. B. ONII HUNDRED DOLLARS wifi be given for; thfc best Plan of an elegant and con venient HOTEL,or INN, wiih hot and cold Bat hi, Stables, and oibcr out houses, if presented on or before ilic \6th of April next ; ari'd a pra fercnee will btf giv< n to the A'rrift for a C6ri tra&, provided he be duly qualified to compltat his plan. The ground on which the Hotel and out Houses arc to be erected, will be'a cortier rorof'aboiit qb' by*2oo feet, with a back avdniie to the IkafcJe.v &fc. S££titfrfs a'rtd eftimatcs of the expenle will be cxpt&ed with the elevations, &c, compleat j aud 50,00® dollars must be regarded by the Architect as the utmost limit in the cxpinfe intruded tor tVis puTpofe. S. BLODGET, Agent for the affahs ofthfe City . March 6, 1793. City of Washington. JxSwWr'Y 7th, 1793. ANUMB£k offcotS in this Ciiy will be of fered tor fate at ab&iori, by the Cothhtifl. iiouerQ, on the 17th day of September itext:'-'- One fourth part ot the purchase money is to be paid down, the refiduc at three equal annual pay ments with yearly iutcreft'oh the whole princi pal unpaid. JOHN M. GANTT, ClerA to the Com'rs. Extrait of an Ast of the General AfTemMy df Maryland, concerning the Territory of Co- Jumbia. ?nd the City ot Washington. 44 Be it ena&cd, That any Jurcigner may by died or wHfi hitcUfttr lo'ttc made, take and hold lands within that part of theJaid Ttrritofy which lies with in this State, in the fame man fret as if he was a citi *zen of this State ; and the Jiimt lands may be con veyed by him, and traxfinitted to a fid be inherited by his heirs or relations, as ij hcefnd they were citizens of thti Stat* : Proved,, That no' foreignirjhall, in virtue hereof, be entitled to any further or other privilege of * citizen.'* Jan. 19, (f TO BE SOLD, A noted covering Horse, OF THE HUNTING BR ny fcirfe. »it"Xi/eiT 9pp*<*c&Hi}t4%tk* tfrfc w Siate wKere htr has wfctrct) an.V^s ßeclined kte pui-fhafe informt herr.felvefr.--*. ■ Erwfeire - oflbjti^ ntc u - r «_ - ', > ..... * ,' . . v -'- "\-T(I|PI6B bl tht "• . '•.» •' ' ', * ISEDERICK HARGE?3H' tkiffijaff.''" AuOrdinay.ee for fearing it': uapunCA | PcifiriiAt (J tfic Mi'tiitl due on lie I Sircfcript'ions lo tit Society for eth- ! bltfbing Vfefu! Mettiufdtt ures. WHfcKKAS doubts luvc heretolore arisen wuh Trgard lo the powrr ot the Society to anm x any ocnwitii s to iL- non-payment ot the ii Itninicnts, ?£ r rtat»ly to -.ne terms <«f the &il>- Jcr/pffnns. Ard whereas the Lfg'&ture at their '< ®on«s piffle! a fupplemrnt to the original latroi incoipyiarum, removing the said doums, andfuU}' authorizingihe Ducftorj to pass any ordinance they may think proper, to compel tke piirifiufrl payment of the Wfd fotlfcriptions. Sec. i Be it flrdatifkd, therefore, hi the Governor ard Directors oj • the. $Kttty for ejlablijhirg IJfcjvt Ma.nuJaClurei % l hat ii any (übfpriber or his .»Uigns, thai)'iicgJelfito pay the leconcf paym nt of his, her, dr their refppofit,at New-York, the c«;{hicr of the Bank of NVV-Yor k/ lite of ih< liank of the United States, in Philadelphia, ol John Bayard, ,fcfq. in tin city ot New-Brunl wick, in the state of New-Jcrtcy. on or be orc the th.rteenth day of Apul next : That then -tnr: in thart cafe, all and < very (hate or Chares of'fucti pet Ton or perforts so lo matte fucn pby merits as atorefaid, and the monies by them pie vjouflpaid, shall be forfeited, and forever there after veiled in the fa id Dirc&ors, and their suc cessors, for : the cottimcn benefit of the f.Jd So ciety. Sec. 2. And be ii jurt/ierordainedly the uforejaid, That it any I'ubfcribcr, or his afligns shall ncgledt to pay the third payment of his, he or theii\rcfp*£iivc sub for iptions, together witl the lawful inteitil anting thereon, on or bctoi the thirteenth day ot May next. That then an< in that cafe all and every {hare or lha'res of fuel person or pe sons so to make t'uc 1 payments as afore laid, and the monies by then previously paid, (Hall be aud torevc thereafter vested in the (aid Dkc&ois, and thci fiicoeff ,rs, for the common benefit ot the fat< "•> . ' ** >• ,x i ■ ' • •- 1 ?5i c< *> .. ao,ocA' ■ 14.^0 10,000 165,000 ib,'oo& tetono l . 10,000 10,009. . so,o*a_ iyf,6tid 7 < i* TTiS Dollars 350,030 See. 3. A'd fie it further ordained by the authority fort [aid, Tint if any fubferiber, or hu alligip, 11cgleft to pay the fourth payment of his, »cf,or their fertJemve futifcri ptions, on or'befofe hi'thirtet'imth of Jli !y next, that tWn and in hat cafe, ail and every share of'(harts of such uerfon or person?, so ncgh'Aifrg -lo' make such payments as afore/aid, and the monies by them previously paid, (nail be and forever thereafter velfed tn the foid ITirtflbrS,2nd their rucceffors, for the common benefit of the laid Society. NrCHOLAS LOW, Governor. rajfe'd at h'eiv-Ark % ?o(h februar }, 1 793, Counlerfigried) EL I$H A b6u DIN OT, Stfcretm y pro BE IT KNOWN', that theprbporticxn of rie which tnay be paid, on the rcfpe&ive pay ments ef every original (hare, by such Stock holders as prefer paying a rrinietV of laid (hares in Ipecie, in lieu of deferred defct, is as follows : Dolr. its. On the i£ih of April, 17-93, with in terest from 13th July, 1792, 7 63 On the 131b of May, 1793, with in tcrcft fioni 13th January, 7 Bf> On tfrt 13 hof July, 1793; 8 G9 1 Stock holders in the laid Society are iaere.by notified, that I, the fubfoiber, am duly autho rized" to make the requisite indorsement* Upon th<* certifidales of (hates' which tlicV 'respec tively hold, and that brfoks of ti an'jfei aVfcpjx.n ed at my office, in Front-Hreet, N^W-York. LOW. lawt^M. February 21, 1793. B rBD-St A T i£ecoiiie <1 ne on the sth day of Match V7Q33 will be paid on the said day by the Commifiioners ot the Loans within the flat 6s refpc&Vvely, um&f the ufiial Hgulations, viz. livery application for payment must be ac companied by the following vouchers : ift. The certificate given by'the Hate, fpecify ing that the ptfrfori pdlfelTing the (W is in Idcl an Invalid, and afcertainuig the sum to Which, as fitch, he i& annually intitlcd. 2d. An affidavit agreeably to.the following A. L. Camt before me, one of the Jufliccs of the county of in the state of and made oath that he is the fa me A. l£ to whom th« original certificate in his polTeilion was giv cif, of wt:irli the/ follbWing is a copy (the cef tifiifittc given by ihe state trt be recited) Thai hi kind (regiment, cotpsor vcffclj-st tbe time he was cfilVpiea, and that he now lefides in the arid c'oiuiiy qf and has rcfided' iherf far the lift years, previous to which he rifided in In cafe an Invalid should apply for payment by in attorney', the said attorney, ti-fides the certificate and bilh'liefore rccitid', tn'uH produce a special letter Of altolney agieeable to tHc foi-' lowing form : • ' !». A; B. of 1 cooh'tyVf Cafe of do hereby coulhtute jud appoint C. D. of my lawiul attorney, to receive in my behalf of my pension lor fix mfinthV, as an Invalid ol the United Stales, liom the 4th day of Sep tember 1792, and ending the 4th day of March >793- Signed Sealed in the Prefcnce of i Acknowledged bt foie me, Applications of executors and adminiflratoi j tnoft be accompanied with evidence oi their refpefnve nfftces, and affo of the time the Invalid nenfibn'they may claim". By ( ommand the Preftfc'itt ot ti c United States, H. K NOX, Secretary at War. Stock Brokers Office, No. 45, Great Dock-ttreet, New-York, THE Subscriber intending to confine himfel en tirely to the PURCHASE & SALE 01 SIOCKS on COIVIMTSSIO N, begsleave to of fer hisfcrvrces to his friends and others, in th iirtfc ot a St'BLEECKE R. PLANS OF THE City of Wafhin^toti, ...... Su I*7 ". le Booksellers}. >. DOUSON, CARf.Y, YOUNG., (3 CKUKSHAKK. (my r- - v -_ y j, t&i* ■*"! "bury -Street, BoH,m, ( , luo Volumes, targe OQavo WORLD, brought down to thepiefent LW The General Contents are— PAftT 1.-'Ol AllVu'iomy, a. c,n,W o( i with and Iriiroauftdry'iothe fcn-nci of undi r thu .head will aii sceciinl »t Vk ieveril jfttonanycaj fyfr m* of; jbe Work!, «no a particular defenpuon of theiru. ouc. A uf>!e of the dia'mete'rs, perils. &c. u s the f>veral Pianets" 1.1 the solar fyflftrt'-Yi iccou'ttv r» l#» Amjrjca —lil difcovfcry by CdldHibettl general dcfcripticyi of tht Continent, in whlth u a lengthy difcufiion of the quclhou, VVhcii, whence, ans desire, ijQ the present edition, tp fupplv the defi ciencies, coircft the errors, and inc)ior?t/r the offenfive parts of the last. To aflift him in this bijfinefs', be hai received many nications from the heads of department in the goyernment, and from gentlemen of re fptftability in the several ilatcs. The descrip tion of foreign couhnics (which compofa Part 11. of the above work) has bren Carefully cbm piled from the moil approved writets on Geo graphy, anctufelul information introduced fr6m the discoveries of the latest Navigators, Travel lers, and reffj'e&abfe'authors. Indeed, no nqr expense have been fpared'to fenHe'r this work the moty complete, accurate, and ufeful of any ever offered to the publi?. ■' . 4 NKW T E A S. imperial,hVson&souchong; Of the very quality,arid lateiV impcytano* from Cannon, via jN'ew-York, by retail,** No '9' , c .Third, tlctw£eh CVefnut and Marxet Streets. N. B. A Jew liorei oj the ahvc HYS OSferfulr. i 1 '