Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 16, 1793, Page 332, Image 4

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R K toL V ID,
THAT any person residing ijs Europe, who
(hall authorize the President, Directors and
Company of the Bank of the United States, to
receive annuities, or Interest arising hom the
public debt of the United States of America,
(hall from time to time have authority to draw
on the (aid President, Directors and Company,
lo4iie amount of the monies by them received,
which drafts (ball be paid without deduction
«nd free of expeoce—Or,
The Prcfident, Dire&ora and Company, if re
queued, will remit the monies by them received
to any part of Europe, free of ex pence and with
out dedu&ion, in Bills of Exchange at their cur
rent value, and at t he ri(k of the pci son to whom
the fame ihall be remitted.
By the Prrfident ind Di'fflwii
3 w [OHN KEAN, Cafliicr.
For re-printing a new, entertaining and
inftruftive Work, intitled,
Errors of Education.
TnflabUity of mind impedes our rtad to perfection;
and youth, if not animated by exam?l£,/o
illujlrate the precept f oj virtue, will
ever Jail into ERROR.
The European edition of thiii work, printed
la ft year, fells at 12s. the two volumes, (andfew
copies, tj any, so that "price ) —This jirjl
American edition, which (hall be well executed,
on an entire new type and fine paper, will be
delivered to fubferibers in one volume of about
420 pages i2mo. neatly bound, at a French Crown
each, to be paid on receiving the book, which
will be put to press as loon as a fufficient num
ber of fubferiptions are obtained to defray the
cxpenfe of the undertaking.
ffcj* Subfiriptions will be received at the Bookflores
of Messrs. T. hobfon, W. Young, 7- Crukfkank, and
B. Johnson, and at Mr. Henry KardmeVer'S) A T o. 24,
North 7hirdflreety Philadelphia; by Mejf. Ft. Hodge,
S. Campbell, and T. Allen, Bookjellers, New-York ;
by Mejfrs. Day & Co. Printers, Trenton ;
Subscriber, r* Burlington ; dm/ by others in whose
hands fubfcriplion papers are lodged.
Feb. 18, 1793. ISAAC NEALE.
By Thomas Dobfon,
Book feller, at the Stone- Houfcy in Second flreet 9
On a Plan entirely new
The Different SCIENCES and ARTS
are digested into the Form of Diftinft,
THE History, Theory, and Practice, of each,
according to the Latest Discoveries and im
provements : and full Explanations given of the
various detached parts of Knowledge, whether
relating to Natural anal Artificial Obje&s, or to
Matters Eccltfiaftical, Civil, Military, Commer
cial, See. Including Elucidations of the most im
portant "Topics relative to Religion,Morals.Man
ners, and the Oeconomy of Life : together with
a Description of all the Countries, Cities, prin
cipal Mountains, Seas, Rivers, &c. throughout
the World ; a General Hiftoty, Ancient and
Modern, of the different Empires, Kingdoms
and States : and an account of the Lives of the
most Eminent Persons in every Nation, from the
earliest ages down to the present times. Com
piled from the writings of the best author*, in
several Languages ; the most approved Dictiona
ries, as well of General Science as of particular
branches ; the Tranfaftions, Journals, and Me
moirs of the learned societies, both at home and
abroad—the MS. le&ures of eminent profeflors
on different Sciences : and a variety of'original
Materials, furnifhed by an extensive Correspon
The Seventh Volume contains a description
of Mount Etna, Eudiometer, Exchange, Expe
rimental Philosophy, Syftero of Farriery, Feudal
fyftctn, Fire, fixed Air, Fluxions, Food, Fortifica
tion, Foflxls, history of France, Gardening, Gas,
Geneva, Geography, Geometry, Gilding. Glass,
&c. with a variety of articles in natural history,
biography and miscellanies. 11 lull rated with
Thirty Eight elegant Copperplates.
I. The work is printing on a fupeifine paper,
and new types, (cast for the purpose) whtch
"will be occasionally renewed before they con
trast a worn appearance.
11. The work is furnifticd in board#, in volumes
or half-volumes, as fubferibers chufe; the price
of the whole volumes, five dollars each, ol the
halt-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a
dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on fub
fcribtng, the volumes or half-volumes finifhed
to be paid for when delivered, the pricc of one
volume to be paid in advance, and the price of
each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver
ing the volume preceding it. No part of the
work will be delivered unlefspaid for.
111. In the coutfe of the publication will be de
livered about five hundred copperplates ele
gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which by
far exceed in number those given in any other
Scientific dictionary. At the close of the pub
lication will be delivered an elegant frontif
piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti
tle pages for the different volumes,
It is expe&ed the work will be comptifed in
about eighteen volumes in quarto.
gdT Those who wish to become possessors of
this"valuable work wilf pleafeto be earlv in their
applications, as the fubfeription is nearly closed.
Jan. 03.
A large Cellar to Let,
Svjiiiently capacious tofore ftveral hundred barrels
Enquire of the ftiitiiii,
A noted covering Horse,
HE -was impoited from England in Novem
ber, feventern hundred and eighty-fix, and
is now ten years old ; he is a bright bay, with a
blaze,fifteen handsonc inch high, is well form'd,
has a great deal of bone and ftrtiigth, and his
a&ion equal to any horse. His coits are well
approved of in the different pails of the State
where he has flood, of which any person inclined
to purchase can inform themselves.-*—— Enquire
of the Printer.
February 18, 1793.
NOTICE is hereby given, That the Com.
milfioners appointed by the Board of
Tiuflees of the Univerlity of Norih-Car4lina,
will attend at the (own of HilHborough, on the
sßth v and 20th days of April mxt, for the
pur pore receiving; propofaU from such per.
sons as may he disposed to undertake the Build
ings of the University.
City of Washington.
January 7th, 1793.
A NUMBER of Lots in this City will be of
fered for sale at au£hon, by the Cdmmif
fioners, on the 17th day of September next.—
One fourth part of the purchase money is to be
paid dowft, the refiduc at three equal annual pay
ments With yearly iritrreft on the whole princi*
pal unpaid.
JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the Com'rs.
Extrafl of an A6l of the General Aflfembly
Maryland, concerning the Territory of Co
lumbia, and the City of Washington.
u Be it ena&rd, That any foreigner may by
deed or will, hereafter to be made, take and hold lands
within that part of the jaid Territory which lies with
in this State, in the fame manner as if he tvas a citi
zen ej this State ; and the fame lands may be con
veyed by him, and tranfnitted to and be inherited vy
his heirs or relations, as if he and they Were citizens
of thu State : Provided, That no foreigner flail,
in virtue hereof be entitled to any further or other
privilege of &citizen
Jan. jg.
By the Suhjcribtr, at Walnut-Street Wharf,
Madeira Wine,
Fit for immediate ule, in pipes & quarter calks,
SHERRY WINE, in quarter calks,
WEST-INDIA RUM, 2, 3 and 4 proof,
Two Bales 10-4 BLANKETS, and
A Bale of MUSLINS.
A new 13-4 Inch CABLE, 120 farhoms long.
Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1793. epim
ONE on Walnut-street, near Fourth-street,
23 feet front, has two parlours below, the
fiontone 215 by 17J feet, the back parlcur is
18 by 14 feet. The front room up stairs is 26J
by 17J feet. There are five good chambers in
this house, besides the garret is divided into
three rooms, in two of them there are fire-
The other House is 27 feet upon Walnut
ftreet, and 52 feet upon 4th street; there are two
good parlours below, one of them 2£ by 20 1-2
feet, the other 25 by 181-2 feet, and seven com
plete bed-chambers; besides the garret is di
vided into 4 rooms, 3 of which rooms have fire
places. The kitchens are good ones, and are
under the houses ; the largest house has also a
house-keeper's room. It is intended there (hall
be a communication from both of theffc houses
to a neighbouring ice-house, Sufficiently large to
supply 3 houses. Within 50 yards of these
houses, there will be compleat stables and coach
houses, for both houses ; they will be finiftied
in the moil compleat manner, ana the keys
ready to be delivered early in the summer.
On paying half the money down (if fold) the
oth' r half may be paid bv instalments, or the
whole may remain tor $ years, paying interest
and giving security on the premises.
For terms of sale or lease, apply to the Sub
Who /ids Jor SALE,
Sundry Ground Rents,
In this city, amounting to twenty-five pounds
sixteen (hillings and fix-pence, per annum.
Also, a quantity of BAGS, that will contaih two
and a half and three and a half bushels.
Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1792. ep 2 m
Insurance Company.
A T a general meeting (by adjournment) of
? Insura nce Company of North-America,
on Wednesday the i6ih instant,
It was Resolved,
"THAI the Instalments which, according so
the Constitution, will become due on thefecond
Monday of Jijly arid January next, or either of
them, may be paid by any Stockholder at an
earlier period ; and any Stockholder so paying
luch instalment, or instalments, (hall reccive a
proportionate (Weofihe Dividends thereafter
to he made, calculating such (hare from the firft
day of the month fuccecding (uch payments re
flectively, Extract from the Minutes,
Philadelphia, Jan. 23.
May be had at SAMUEL COOPER's Ferry.'
Commission rrs appointed by Government to
prepare the Public Buildings, See. within the
City of Wajhiugton, tor the reception of Con
gress, and lor then permanent rciidence after
the year 1800—
Federal City.
50,000 Tickets at 7 dollars, are 350,000 dollars,
l Superb Hotel, with bathsj )
out houses, &c.& coll J
l Cacti Prize
l ditto
l ditto
1 dmo
2 ditto
5,000 arc
2 .5
10 ditto
20 ditto
100 ditto
200 ditto
400 ditto
V,ooo ditto
15,000 ditto
*6,737 Prizes
33,263 Blanks
By this scheme at feajl the amount of the tick
ets will return to the fortunate adventurers, and
yet the federal City will gain its objefl thereby,
in a magnificent building designed both for pub
lic and private convenience.
Although some expence must neceflarily at
tend the conducing of the lottery, (which fir
pence will be taken from the principal prize) the
Commiflioners having agreed to present in re
turn a fufficicnt quantity of excellent free-ftone,
together with the bed adapted lois for the hotel
and for the out-houfes, the value of the lottery
entire may be fairly rated at something more than
far: In this important indancc it will be found,
on examination, to excecd all the lotteries rhat
have ever been offered to the Public in this or
perhaps in any other country. The keys of the
Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to the
fortunate pofleflor of the ticket drawn aagainft
its number.— AH the other prizes will be paid,"
without dedufl ion ,in one rf/onth after the drawing, by
the City Treasurer at Washington, or at such
Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced,
for theconveniency of the fortunate adventurers.
The drawing will commence on Monday the
9th of Septcmbei next, at the City of Waibing
Tickets mav be had of Col. Win. Dickens, Citv
Treasurer of Wafnington ; Thayer & BartUi, of
Charleston, South-Carolina ; Gideon Denifon, Sa
vannah ; MefTis. James Wejl & Co. Baltimore;
Mr. Peter Gilman, Boston; and at such other
places as will be hereafter published.
be given for rhebefl Plan of an elegant and con
venient HOTEL or INN, with hot «nd cold
Baths, Stables, and other out houses, if presented
on or be/ore the toth ej April next; and a pre
ference will be given to the Artist for a Con
tradl, provided he be duly qualified to
compleat his plan. The ground on which
the Hotel and out houses are to be erected, will
be a corner lot of about 90 by 200 fret, with a
back avenue to the stables, &c. Se&ions and
estimates of the expense will be expe&ed
with the elevations, See. compleat ; and 50,000
dollars must be regarded by the Archifett asthe
utmost limit in the expense intended for this
purpose. S. BLODGET,
Agent for the affairs of the City.
March 6, 1793.
War Department,
January 28, 1703.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the
military Invalids of the United States, that
the sums to which they are entitled for fix
months of their annual penfio*, from the 4th day
of September 1792, and which will become due
on the sth day of Match 1793, will be paid on
the said day by the Coromiffioners of the Loans
within the states refpettively, under the usual
rcgulatipns, viz.
, JCwcry application for psyrrwnt mult be ac.
conjpanied by the following vouchers:
i ft. The cert ificate given by the ttatej fptcifv
irig thai the person pofleifing the lame it in lȣk
an Invalid, and ascertaining the sum to which,
as such, he is annually intitled.
ad. An affidavit agreeably to the following
form :
A. B. came before me, one of the Justices
of the county of in the slate of and
made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom
the original certificate in his pofleflion was giv
en, of which the following is a copy (the ccr
tificate given by the state to be recited) That
he served (regiment, corps or veflel) at the
time he was disabled, and that he now resides
in the and county of and has resided
there for the la ft years, previous to which
he resided in
In cafe an Invalid should apply for payment
by an attorney, the said attorney, besides (he
certificate and oath before recited, must produce
a special letter of attorney agreeable to the fol
lowing form :
I» A. B. of couutv of state of
do hereby conflittite and appoint C. D. of
my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of
*v -my penfmn for fix months, ai an Invalid
•of the United Slates, from the 4th day of Sep
tember 1792, and ending the 4th day of March
Signed and Sealed'
in the Prcfcnce of
Acknowledged before me,
Applications of executors and adminiftratora
mult lie accompanied with legal evidence of
their refpcdiveoHiccs, and a |f„ oi the time lhe
Invalid dird, wbhfe penlion ■.«, , may claim,
By Command ol ihr r , ulcnt
of the United S. .u-
H. KNOX, ictar-
gT Thoje Per/on, *.*„ kavt rKtioU
tio>.Money for the Gitette, and rfcfc
mr,t*r, [„r Hef*»e,„ t nofi
*uke payment to the £4,10r n Jm, ' "
Mathew Carey
Refprfifully informs the Citurns of .h, it • .
Sute,. that the Ma,,. for hi.
edition of
Guthrie's Geography
improved 7
nflw engraving and ~ f„ on J, ,
number of them are tmfhen, f rc '
guUr fupplv during the put>li c a-,on -
w. probably be early , exl Sp '
will b« put m orefs. 5 ' 1 w<!, »
rcfpeftabl, number of Subfcbrr., T
come forward,hus early p.„on,*e ih,J?I
He ajure, them and the
he in general, that no pa„, s or e*p™f c ~f ™
spired in the execution of the work.
Tcrmi of the Work ;
i. IT shall be publilbed in 48 weeklvn,—!,
each containing ihtee (hecu, or ,™£ u '!
page, Of letter preft, in quarlo) '
new rypes on fine paper. 1
II In the course of the work willhedeli.c
ed about thirty large map,, of,he fame si* „
those m the European cditiow, vi 2. mo st Q f th
ihcet maps on post oaper.
%T Bijiic, the m ips in Me Brittjk this
work will COM*", nineor ten America, State Maps
111. The price of each number win J. '
quarter dollar, to be ptid on delivery.
Xo ajvamt req iircd.
IV. Subfcribei, wno dir.pp-nveoUfce wort
ort the publication of (he three firft nurabe.i ate
to be at liberty to return them, and shall Lve
their money repaid.
V. The fubfcnbetV ntrWle, (ball be ptefi.ed
a, patrons of ihie uadertaking.
V Subscription* received in Philadelphia by
the intended publidier; in New-York by all
tbe boo'kfellers; in New-Haven, by M, Beer,,
in Hartford, by Mr. Patten; in Bofton.liy M*lf
1 homas & Andrew,, and bv Mr. Weft; in
timore, by Mr. Rice; in Richmond,'by Mr*
J. Carey ; in Charleston, b v Mr. W. P. Youn/
and by funHr) other ftrrfon, throuofiout the
United State,. (uwt'J
so, oc©
10, coo
Dollars 350,000
Nt>. 118, Market-Street, Philadelphia.
AMER ICANMV ! SEUM,fiom itscommcncf.
mem in Janusry 1787, to Time tlqi, in
eleven vols. Price, neat IV bound and lettered
feventeen dollars and threr fifths.
This work, whici was condufled on an im
proved plan, cotitaiifs the best pieces publifttd
for and again ft the proceedings ol government,
•wi-H be found to contun at feaft as great a va/itry
of political, agriculunral,and miscellaneous tffay*,
as any ever published in America. Perhipsinno
one work arc so many valuabledocumi ntsrcfpe<i
.itig the history of thin country, collected together.
His Excellency the Piefidcnt of the United States,
has declared of it, than u a more ufeful literary
plan has never been undertaken in America, nof
one more deserving of public encouragement."
2. Smith's Letters to Married Women,on NurC
ing and the management of Children.
u We recommend theft letters to the perusal of
those to whom they are particularly addiclTcd."—
Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. ioi—Price, bouod,
62 cents.
3 Duncan's Elements of Logic— 75 cents.
4. Beauties of Fielding—cents.
5. Beauties of Blair—>s6 csnti.
6. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Mifa
More's Essays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning
ton's Advice,Marchionefs of Lambert's Advice,
Swift's Letter to a newly married
pone on command ot Temper, More's Fables for
the Ladies, Price 6/6.
7. Smith's Hillory of New-Yoik. Price adok
lar and a quarter.
8. Elements of Moral Science, byjamesßeat
tie, 1.1.0. profeffoi of moral philosophy and
logic in the, Marifchal College, Aberdeen—Pricc
three-fourths of a dollar. Of this book the
Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay: "We
have seen nothing on these iubjt£ts nnote plain,
more perspicuous, or nfore generally ufeful."
N. B. It is introduced into the Univrrfity in Phi
9. Beauties of Poetry, Pricc four-filths of a
10. Blair's Sermons. Price two dollars.
xi. Necker'sTreanfeon the importanceof Re*
ligious Opinions.— Price four-fifths of a dollar.
12. Examination of the Observations of Lord
Sheffield on American Commerce— PricCj on very
fine paper, 5 Bihs of a dollar.
13. The Confti tut ions of the several United Stafei,
•with the Federal Conflitution, &c. Price five*
highths of a dollar.
14. M'Fiijgal. Price three-eighths of a dollar.
15. American Jcft Book. Pi ice three-ftltbj of
a dollar.
16. Garden of the Son!. Pi ice half a dollar.
17 The Do way Tranfiation of the Volgate lift
pie, in quarto—Price, elegantly bound and letter
cd, 50/2 —plain, fix dollars.
18. Devout Christian's Vade Mecunp—P»«ce •
quarter dollar.
19. Think well nn'f. Price a quarter dollar#
20. Christian Economy. Price a fifth of a dollar
21. History of Charles Grandifon, abridged—*
Pi ice a sixth of a dollar.
;22. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Pricea thirl
of a dollar.
23- Si-left Poems, chiefly American-«fi»ccft
sixth of a dollar.
Sflid Carey has for sale, 3 large afiortrrent *f
Boo.ks, European as well as American editions,
which he will dispose of on the most reasonable
fertiis. Country gentlemen, who favor him with
commands, may depend upon being fupplicd m
the uj ift fatis/artory manner. A liberal allowance
to such as purchjfe quantities for public libraiin.
at War.
book s,
hintsd and sold by