Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 13, 1793, Page 328, Image 4

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fpt Th<jt ft'fini who kavt, r*iewe<l SiJJiirip-
Hin.tbnei fir thiCaifite, and theft * T J } ,n
arrtars far t Iti fame, art mtjl tantfly rtaaffiei /»
ui; paymetl It Ike Uttf at Jut* at pafiflt.
An Ordinance forfct'uring the punOual
Payment of the Alonit* due on the
Subscriptions to the Society for efta~
blijking Ufeful Manufactures.
WHEREAS doubts have heretofore arisen
with regard tb the power of the Society
to annex any penalties to the non-payment of the
instalments, agreeably to the terms of the fttb
fcriptions. And whereas the Legislature at their
lalk fe (lions. pitted a supplement to the original
iaw of incorporation, removing the said doubts,
and fullv authorizing the Dire&ors to pass any
ordinance they may think proper, to compel the
pun&ual payment of the said fubferiptions.
See. Be it or penned, then/on, by the Governor
and Directors of the Society for ejlMJhivg Ufeful
ManufufturtSy That if any fubferiber or hisafligns,
(hall neglett to pay the second payment of his,
her, or their refpeflive fubfcrtDtions, logether
•with the lawful interest arising thereon, either to
the calhier of the United Scales Bank Office of
Discount and Deposit, at New-York, the cafbier
of the Bank of New-York, the cafbier of the
Bank of the United States, in Philadelphia, of
John Bayard, Esq. in the city ot New-Brunf
wick, in the (late of New-Jersey, on or before
the thirteenth day of April next : That then and
in that cafe, all and every fhaie ot (hares of such
pei son or petfons so ncgle&ingto make such pay
ments as aforefaid, and the monies by them pte
vioufly paid, (ball he forfeited,and forever there
afit-r veiled in the said Directors, and their fnc
ceiTors, for the common benefit of the said So
Sec. 2. Andbe itfurther or dainedby the authority
That if any fubferiber, or bis ailigns,
(hall neglect to pay the third payment of his, her
or iheir refpeflive fubferiptions, together with
the lawful interest arising thereon, on or before
the thirteenth day of May next. That then and
in that cafe all and every share 01 ihares of such
person or persons so negle&ing to make such
payments as aforefaid, and the monies by them
previously paid, shall be forfeited, and forever
thereafter veiled in the said Direttors, and their
facceffors* for the common benefit of the said
Sec. 3. And be itfurther ordained by the authority
efotejaid, That if any fubferiber, or Kis afligns,
mall neglect to pay the fourth payment of bis,
her,or theirrefpe&ive fubferiptions,on or before
the thirteenth day of July next, that then and in
that cafe, all and every (bare or (hares of such
person or persons, so neglecting to make such
payments as aforefaid, and the monies by them
previously paid, shall be forfeited, and forever
thereafter veiled in the said Directors, and their
successors, for the common benefit of the said
Society, NICHOLAS LOW, Governor.
' Passed at New - Ark, e oth February, 17 93.
(Countei fijjned j £L.ISJfcIA J&QUDIXOT,
Secretary pro tempore.
BE IT KNOWN, that the proportion of fpe-
which may be paid on the r.efpe&ive pay
ments of every original (bare, by such Stock
holders ai prefer paying a moiety of said shares
in specie. in lieu of deferred deb*»as follows:
Dols. Cis.
On the 13th of April, 1793* with in
terest from 13th July, 1792, 7
On the 13th of May, i793> * n
tercft from 13th January, 1793, 7
On the 13th of July, 1793, 8 09
Stockholders in the laid Society are hereby
notified, that I, the subscriber, am duly autho
rized to make the requisite indovfements upon
the certificates of shares which they may refpec
lively hold, and that books of transfer are open
ed at my office, in FVout-ftreet, New-York.
Filrtury 2l> i 7 q».
City of Washington.
January 7th, 1793.
ANUM RER of Lois in this City will be of
fered for fate at auction, by the Commis
sioners, 011 the 17th day of September next.—
One fourth part ot the purchase money is to be
staid down, the residue at three equal annual pay
ments with yearly interest 00 the whole princi
pal unpaid.
JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the Mrs.
JExtraft of an Ast of the General Assembly of
Maryland, roncernhig the Territory of Co-
lumbia, and the City ol Washington.
14 Be it ena&ed, That any foreigner may by
died or will, hereafter to he made. take and hold lands
toithin that part of theJaid Territory which lies with-
Hi this State, in the fame manner as if he was a citi~
ztn of this State ; and the fame lands may be con
veyed by him, and transmitted to and be inherited by
his heirs or relations, as if he and they zvere citizens
o/thii State : Provided, That no foreigner shall,
\n Virtue hereof be entitled to any further or other
privilege of a citizen."
Jan. 19. tf
£y the Subjcriber, at Walnut-Street Wharf\
Madeira Wine,
Fit for immediate ule, in pipes & quarter calks,
'T'ENERIFFE WINE, in pipes,
4. SHERRY \VINE» in quarter calks,
WEST-INDIA RUM, 2, 3 and 4 proof,
Two Bali-# 10-4 BLANKETS, and
A Bale of MUSLINS.
A new 13-4 Inch GABLE, 120 fathoms long.
Phi,'ad/If hie, Jan. 19,1793.
City of Washington,
Sold by the Booksellfrs,
War Department,
Januakv 28, 1793.
INFORM ATION is hereby given to all the
military Invalids of the United States, that
rhc sums to which thev are entitled for fix
months of their annual pension, from the 4th day
of September 1792, and which will become due
on the *th day r>t March *793* will be paid on
the said dfy by th,e Com in thinners of the Loans
wtfhin the dates refpettivdy, lender tht: usual
regulations, viz.
Every application for payment O'.ufi be ac«
contpariicd by the following voucher*:
• lft. The Certificate given, by the rkate, (pacify
ing that the person pofieflinjtihe iarpe »s in U6l
an Invalid, and ascertaining the sum u> which,
as such. he is annually intitled.
2d. An affidavit agreeably to the following
form :
A. B. came before me, one of the Justices
of the county of in the ftatfr of and
made oath that he is,the fame A. to tfhom
the original certificate in hi* possession was giv
en, of which the following is a copy (jhe cer
tifitate given by the state to be rec&ed) That
he fcrved (regiment, corps or vefleljtt the
time he was difablecl, and that he now resides
in the and county of and has resided
«,here for the Jafl years, previous towhick
he resided in
In cafe an Invalidibould apply for pyyment
by an attorney, the said attorney, .befylesthe
certificate and oath before recited, inuft pfroduc<s
a special letier of attorney agreeable to tm fol
lowing form: 4
I, A. B. of countv of state of
do hereby conllitute and appoint C. P. of
my lawfii) attorney, to receive in my behalf of
my pension for fix months, as an Invalid
of the United States, from the 4th day of Sep
tember 1702, and ending the 4th day of March
1 793..
Signed and Sealed
in the Prepuce of
Acknow'edged before me,
Applications of executors and administrators
must be accompanicd with legal evideoce of
their refpe&ive offices, and also of the tiro« the
Invalid died, whose pcnfion they may claim.
By Command of the Prcfident
of the United States,
H. KNOX, Secretary at War.
Commission ers appointed by Government to
prepare the Public Buildings, See. within the
City of WaJhiHgtorii for the reception of Con
gress, and for iheir permanent residence after
the year 1800—
Federal City,
£0,000 Tickets at 7 dollars, arc 350,000 dollars,
1 Supei.b Hotel, with baths, )
out houfcs, &c.£cc. 10 toft J
1 Cafli Prize
i ditto
1 ditto
1 ditto
2 ditto
10 ditto
20 ditto
sbo ditto
200 ditto
400 ditto
1,000 ditto
15,p00 ditto
V6»737 Prizes
By this scheme at kflfi jthe amount of the tick
ets will return to thp fortunate adventurers, and
yet the federal jCity will gain its object .thereby,
in a magnificent building denned both for pub
lic and ptivate convenience.
Although some expence must necessarily at
tend the conducing of the lottery, (which ex
pence will be taken from the principal prize) the
Cotnmiflloners having agreed to present in re
turn a fufficient quantity of excellent free-ft one,
together with the best adapted lots for the hotel
and for the out-houfes, the value of the lottery
entire may be fairly rated at something more than
par : In this important instance it will be found,
on examination, to exceed all the lotteries that
have ever been offered to the Public in this or
perhaps in any other country. The keys of the
Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered tocrfce
jortunate possessor of the ticket drawn aagainft
Jts number.—All the other prizes will be paid,
without deduflion, in one month after the drawing, by
the City Treasurer at Washington, or
Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced,
for the conveniency of the fortunate adventurers.
The drawing will commence on Monday the
pth of Septembei next, at the City of Washing
Tickets may be had of Col. Wm. Dickens, Cily
Trcafurer of Washington ; Thayer S3 Bartlet, of
Charleston, South-Carolina ; Gideon Denij'o ft, Sa
vannah > Meflfi s. James Wejl &'Co. BahitnoTe ;
Mr. Peter GUman, Boston; and at fuel) other
places as will be hereafter publifiied.
be given for the best Plan of an elegant and con
venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and cold
Baths, Stables, and other out houses, if prejented
on or tcjore the 10th of April next-, and a pre
ference will be given 10 the Artist for a Con.
ttaft, provided he be duly qualified to
compleat his plan. The ground on which
the Hotel and out houses are to be ere£ied, will
be a corner lot of about 90 by 200 feet, with a.
back avenue to the Rabies, &c. Sections and
estimates of the egpenfe will be expe&ed
with the elevations, &c. compleat ; and 50,000
dollars must be regarded by the Architect as the
utmost limit in the exprnfe intended for this
purpose. S. BLODGET,
Agent for the affairs of the City.
Wrck 6, 1793.
£,000 are
x 00
2 5
Dollais 350,000
NOTICE is hcr*l>y given, Th*t tbc Com
miflioncrs appointed by B'jard of
T>i|ftees of the Univeifity of North-Carolina,
will attend at the town of Hilllboxough, 011 the
isch, 19th and aoth days of April mxt, lot the
of receiving propofal® from fucn per
foos as may he difpoftd to undertake |hc Build
ings of the Univerhty.
ro* t|V(N OR TFN V IAI S,
ONE on Walnui-ftieet, near Fourth-ctreet 4
23 feet front, has two parlours below, the
hont one 21J by feet, the baek parlour is
18 by 14$ feet. The front room up ftdiis is
by feet. There are five good chambers in
this house, besides the garret is divided inro
three rooms, in two of fhetn there are fire
The other House is 27 fret upon Walnut
ftreetyand 52 feet upon 4th ftr*et; there are two
good parlours below, one of them 2,5 by 20 t-2
feet, the other 25 by 18 1-2 feet, and seven com
plete bed-chambers; besides the garret is di
vided into 4 rooms, 3 of which rooms have fire
places. The kitchens are good ones, and arc
under tbe houses ; the iaigeft houfc has also a
house-keeper's room. It is intended there (hall
be a communication from both c»f these houses
to a neighbouring ice-boufe,fufficiently large to
supply 3 ,houses. Within 50 yards qf thele
houses, there will be compleat (table's and coach
houses, for both houses ; they will be finifbed
in the moll compleat manner, and the keys
to be delivered early in the summer.
On paying half the money cown (if fold) the
other half may be paid bv instalments, or the
whole may remain for years, paying jntereft
and giving fecurityon the premises.
For terms of sale or lease, apply to the Sub
Who has jor SALEy
Sundry Ground Rents,
In this city, amounting to twenty-five pounces
fixtcen (hillings and fix-pence, per annum.
Also, a quantity of BAGS, that will contain iwo
and a half and three and a half bufhcls.
Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1792,
Insurance Company.
A Ta g<ncral meeting (by adjournment.) of
xJL the Insurance Company of North- Amei ica,
on Wednesday the 16th instant,
It was Resolved,
THAT the Instalments which, according to
the Constitution, will become due on the fccond
Monday of July and January next, or either of
them, may be paid by any Stockholder at an
earlier period ; and any Stockholder so payijpg
such inftalmcnt, or inftaiments, (hall receive a
proportionate (hare of the Dividend* thereafter
to be made, calculating such (hare from the firft
day of the uiomtr fucxcedlTVg~fuctr ~p>syifteff[s re
fpc&ively. Extract from the Miuutes,
Philadelphia, Jan. 23.
A New Post-Road.
HAVING been desired to eftablifti a poft
road from Reading, in thp Hate of PeriQ
fylvania, to Williamfburg, at the Great Foiks of
the Genefee river, Notice is hereby given, that
proposals will be received at the General Post-
Qflfrce, for carrying a weekly mail between
Reading and Williamfourg aforcfaid, by the
following route, to wit : the Great Road now
improving between Reading and the town of
Northumberland ; from the latter place to Loyal
Sock creek ; thence to Lycoming creek ; thence
in the new road to the Painted roft, on Tioga
river; and thence to Williamfburg.
The propofaU will be rccpivrd unfil the 15th
of March next, inclusively; the carriage of ihe
mail to commence withity one month after
Necessary PoA-Of&ces are to be eflablilhed on
the route, and fucfr peifons appointed Poft
matters as the Contractor (hall name, and the
Poftmafter-Genpral ppprove.
Within three months after the carriage of this
mail is commenced, the Conusor is to state to
the Poflmafter-General the days and hours of its
arrival and c|cparturs at from the principal
Poft-oflßces, which experience (hall prove to be
most convenient ; and thereafter the mail is to
be delivered at the refpe&ive Poft-oEfices at the
hours so fixed, unavoidable accidents excepted,
on penalty of one dollar for each hour's delay ;
and for the non-performance of a trip, the Con
tra6lor to forfeit twenty dollars.
The term of the contract cannot exceed eight
years. During its continuance the Contra&or is
to receive the rates of poAageby law eltab lifhed,
and to have the exclusive privilege of carrying
letters and packets for hire, such excepted, as
(hall be sent by a special meflenger, or which are
or shall be by law declared free.
General Pofl-GJice, Jan. 22, 1793.
Of the very fittt quality,an<} latell importation
from Canton, via New-York, by retail,at
No. 19,
Third, between Chefnut and Market Streets.
N. B. A Jew Boxes of the above HYSON f»r sale.
Mav be had at SAMUEL COOPER'S Ferry.
A TABLE for receiving and paying Go|d : —
grad uatcd according to—Blank Manifefis—
And Blanks for the various Powers of Attorney
niceffary in tranfa&ing Business at the Trealuiv
or Bank of the the United States.
By Thomas Dobfon
$*>{!< ller.jit jfe, Stone-Hnfe, » SttoU t
V.Q LUMt VII, ps
DICTIONARY of Ail(s sr 11 u*..
MiiGJ-.U AXLOi s
"TKE'V. lht Ft>rm **JF
Tuc ...
Ac d ' W" r J' J o d officii
accord ingTOTtirl.^;ri}-B T *'
: .nd full Expl W u. 10 ,S o fe
»arious detached P ,„ 5 „f JU O „, P( , X!
relating to Na,„,al* n J Ar! , firial 0 h l C h ' ,
Matters Ecclifuftical, Civil, Mi 11,,., , ' "
cial, Ac. Including Elucidations of the Topics relative tn k t l,g,„,.,M„r, s M ™*
nets, and theOeWwomy ot Lfc : el s t J „i*
a Defcriptton ofallthcCountncs, C,„e,,
w' *">• R '«". *c. throU^ o „,
/'l? *<«<"•< U4
Motfcin, of the different Euipi,,,. Knwd lm ,
and States : and arj account of .the Live* of til
most Emincut Pcrfons ia enary 4l*ii W| f, om (1k
ages dawn to the prrfciu tinges. Com
piled from tlie writing 9 I vhe belt amb,,.
Several Lan fi ua(>rs ( t h c mo st , p p lowd
ri<- ? , as well o| General Science a> of paiuuiW
benches; the I ra.nfaflions, jgurnals, and r .
moirs of the learned fucietu-., both ai homraud
on'diff - % MS ' ,CaU ' CS ° , c ' nlnem P'olelTor.
on difFcrem Sconces : and , yarirty of on^l
dencr' dhy an " lc -"f've CorrcfoJ.
The Seventh Volume contains a def.ripiio*
of Mount Etna, Eudiometer, Exehartg<, iXpe
"mental Philosophy, Svftem of Karricrv, Feudal
fyfttm, fire, hxed Air,fluxions, Food, Fortifies.
• lon.Foffiis, ihiftajy 0 f Frame,,, <;«,
geneva, Geography, Geometry, Gildin s , Glsfc
&c. with a variety of articles in natural hilt'ory,-
biography and raifcellaniej. lUuflrated wife
Thirty Eight elegant Copperplates.
I. The syorfc S printing on a fuperfirve paper,
and new types, ('.caJJior Ibe pu.polc) which
wi!i be occasionally renewed before tlt«y con.
tract a appear ajnee.
11. Ihe work is furnished ip
or h?U-volpt«{S, chute; t!*e price
ol the whole volumes, five.domrsejch.oUlje
lialf-v.olumej two dollar* ?nd two-thirds nj *
dollar each. Tf\) dollars to tje paid ne £ui).
(bribing, or hjlf-voluair>&>ifhe4
to be paid for when delivered, theprice of one
volume to be paid in advajiee, and
each fucceecling volume to' be paid on deliver*
ing the volume preceding it. No part olfhe
work will be delivered uijlffspaid for,
111. In the couife of the publication will be d{.
livered about five hundred copperplates ele
gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which sty
tar exceed in number those given in any oiher
fcicntific difliona»y. A±tfeeclnfe®(<Ktf.uh
ttMJion will be delivered an elegant frontif.
piece, tbe dedication, preface, and proper ti
tle pages for tbe different volumes,
It is expeSed the wofk will be comprised frt
abom eighteen vnluijiej in quarto.
53" Tbolje wbo wifti to becoipe pofieffors of
this valuable worltwill pleafefo be eailyintbeir
applications, as the fubffriptjiOii is nearly doled.
J an • «3-
February ift, 1793
WHEREAS foreigner* Stock in
the Bank of the United States may pret
fer receiving their Dividend* in Europe, to re
ceiving them in Ameiica,
RESOLVED, That any proprietor of tl|e
Capital Stock, of the Bank of the United States
residing in Europe, ftiall be entitled to repriye
either in London or in Amsterdam, the fo)f
yearly dividends which may be declared thcrip.
on—in London at the rate of one pound fterliijg
for every four hundred and forty-five cents, or
in Amsterdam at the rate of one guildet current
money for every forty cents and four mills—rt|>e
dividend declared in January of each year, tp
be pai f d in London or in Ainfterdam on the fcj|
cond Monday of July following—and the <Jivu
dend declared in July of each year, to be paid io
London or in Amftcrdam on the kcond Mon
day of January following.
Provided, That every such Proprietor (pre
vious to the declaring of any Dividend, so to be
paid in London or io Amsterdam) shall give au
thentic „notice to the President arid DirtcWsnf
the Bajnk at which of the said Cities he will re
ceive the said Dividend.
By the President and Directors.
JOHN KEAN, Cffliifr.
RAN away on the 25th instant, a likely
gro Man called Isaac, about twenty-three
year} oid, five feet fix or eight iqchef high, a
well made fellow, fond of tglking, has a la*"#*
mouth, and (hows his teeth very much when
talking ; had on when he went away, a
linen Ihirt, a short white kerfcy over jacket with
a very high collar and plain breast, with buttons
which appear to have been very gay ; a pair of
white kersey breeches, a pair of white knit yar«
ffockingt, a pair of (hoes with firings in them,
and a coarfc hat; all the above clothcs are
moll new. Said Negro was fprmeriy the pro
perty of Mr. William Thomas, late of Kent
County, near George-Town Cross Roads, dc
ceafed, and has for several years been employeil
in that neighbourhood, and principally by a Mr.
Maxwell, and lately by Messrs. John and James
Carmack, as a waggoner, which buftneCs he is
well acquainted with, and is what he prefer*;
and has been engaged in driving a waggon fron»
said Cross-Roads to Duck-Creek, &c. until
August last. I expc£l he w:ll make his way for
the neighbourhoods of GemgoTown, Duclt»
Creek, Dover or Wilmington. The above re
ward will be paid if delivered to me in thia
place, or Thirty Dollars if fecuted in anyggoatl t
so that I get htm again. He is an artful, fellow.,
and when taken, will make his escape, unlek
parti:ularly secured.
Tdbot County, Maryland] Dec. 28,1799.