Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, February 23, 1793, Page 308, Image 4

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    •F O' U. s A L t,
By tie Stijtimr, *1 U'«ln»t-Street il'Urf,
Madeira Wine,
Fit for immediate "If, in P'P ci & quarter calVsi
SHKRRY WINE, in quarter cailui,
WEST-INDIA RUM, 2, 3 a"d 4 p'uo'i
Two Bali* 10-4 BLANKETS, auu
A Bale of MUnLINS.
A new 13-4 Inch CABLE, t2ofa homs long.
Philadelphia. Jan. tg, 1793. eptm
— jusr eUßLisiiiD,
By Thomas Dobfon,
ZockftUtT, the Stone-Unfit Second fireet,
On a Piun enti>(fa vw »
arc djjafled i«u<Mhc l*orm»of pttiinft,
THE Hiftyry, Theory, and Practice, of each>
according to the UlfK Dtfcoverirs and im
prove incuts : and full Explanations given of the
varices detached parts of Knowledge, whether
Natural and Artificial Objeeb, or to
Matter's Civil, Militar v, Commer
cial, &c.- Including Elucidations of the inoft inn
porianc Religion,Moi^'.s,Man
ners, and the Oeconomv of Lte : together witii
a DHoript vn of ail the Countries, Cities, pnn
cipal Mountains, Seas, Riveis, «Stc. throughout
the Woild ; a Genera! Hiftoty, Ancitnl and
Modern, of the different Empires, Kingdoms,
and Slates; and an account of the Lives of the
molt Eminent PcfJons in every Nation, from the
earlieit ages down to the prefem times. Com
piled from the writings of the best authors, in.
fevnal Languages ; thfi mod apptoved Dictiona
ries, as well of General Science as of partic.ulai
branches ; the Traufaftions, Joui pais, and Me
moirs of the learned societies, both at home and
abroad—the MS. le&ures of eminent profellors
on different Sciences : and a variety of original
Materials, fuVhilhed by an extensive Corjrtfpon
The Seventh Volume contains a defcripfion
of Mount Etna, Eudiometer, Exchange, Expe
rimental Philosophy, Svftem of Farriery, Feudal
lyflem, Fire, fixed Air, Fluxions, Food, Fortifica
tion, Folli's, h'ftoi y of Fiance, Gardening, Gas,
Geneva, Geography, Geometry, Gilding, Glals,
See. with a variety of articles in natural hiftoiy,
biography and miscellanies. 11 lui-ratcd with
Thirty elegant Copperplates.
I. The work is printing on a fuperfine paper,
and new types, (cast tor the purpole) which
will be occafjoiully renewed before tlicy con
tract a worn appearance.
11. The work is furhifbed in boards, in volumes
or half-Volumes, as fubferibers chufe;the price
of the whole volumes, five dollars each, of the
half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a
dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on sub
scribing, the Volumes or half-volumes finiftied
to be paid lor when delivered, the price of one
volume to be paid in advance, and the price of
each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver
ing the volume preceding it. No part of the
work wiilbe delivered unlefspaid for.
111. In the couife of the publication will be de
livered about five hundred copperplates ele
gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which by
tar exceed in number those givco iu any other
fcientific dictionary. At the close of the pub
lication will be delivered an elegant fronttf
piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti
tle pages for the different volumes.
It isc:opcfitfd the woik will he compiifed in
about eighteen volumes in quarto.
Thote who wish 10 become pofTclTors of
thisvaluable work will pleafcto be early in their
applications, asiiUe fubfeription U nearly closed.
Jan. 23.
FOR Sale, a beautiful situation on the Po
towmack, adjoining the town of Alexandria
and in a line of direttion towards the Federal
City and George Town, in full vjewof <*ach wlace,
commanding a profptdt of the river and adjacent
country of Maryland and Virginia, for many
miles; about 45 or 50 acres ot Land, lying di
xc&ly on ther.vcr, will Refold, with the im
provements, which are, a two-story framed
d welling-houfe, neatly finilhed, a kitchen,office,
brick smoke-house 3nd dairy, two-ilory framed
barn, a weH of excellent water, and an ice
houle, a yard and garden, neatly railed and
highly improved, with a number of other ne
ccflarv impiovcmt nts ; the whole of the land
encloftd wiih poiU and rails, ten 01 fifteen acres
laid down, with different kinds of grass. lis
contiguity to those three towns mutt render it au
objett worthy the attention of any person who
withes to invest money in a property that mull
enhance 10 value, in proportion to the rapid in
crease of the federal Alexandria and
George-Town. This property ?ies nearly in a
Central fjtu-tion to each place. The Potowmack
at this spot has a fine deep ftiore and harbour,
capable of receiving veiFels of arry burden. It
may not be improper to observe, that men of
judgment think a profitable and convfcniint
Ferry might be erected here to the Citv ©f
Wafliing'on and * lie Maryland.(hores leading to
Baltimore aod Philadelphia.—Alio to fell, 215
acres of Wood-Land, about three miles diiiant,
■which will suit well to fup,ply the above in
wood and timber. The title may be seen to the
above property, which is mdifpulable, and terms
known by application to the fubtcriber, living
on the premises.
Baldwin dade
Dtctmlir 1 ztk, 1792
By the Com:nifii.?ncrs appointed to prepare
ihe Public Buildings, dec. within the Cily
of WjfbiogioH, for the Mccprton of Congress
and for ihcir permanent rclidence after the year
Federal City.
50,000 Tickets-t 7 dotl«r« T are
1 Supnb Hotel, wifb baths, )
out h'»uft*s, See.See. to colt j
i Calh Prize
1 ditto
1 ditto
1 diito
2 ditto
10 ditto
20 ditto
100 ditto
200 ditto
400 di'.to
1,000 ditto
15,000 ditto
16,737 P r,/rs
33,263 Blanks
The Cole qefign of this pottery being to facili
tate other improvements together with thcPublic
Buildings— it is the particular dcfire of the Com
missioner* ihat thclc mav be effe&ed with as
few deductions from the Prizes as poflible^ —how
far their endeavors may be answered, ttic Scheme
of the Lottery will derr.onflrate. The keys of
the Hotel, when oompleat, will be delivered to
the fortunate poflVfTor of the ticket drawn a
againft trj number.
Ail the other prizes will be paid, without
dedufl/<•//, in one month after the dtawing, by
the City Trealurer at Washington, or at such
Bank or Bulks as may be hereafter announced.
The drawing will commence on Monday the
9th of Si ptembct next, at the City of Walhing
Tickets may be had of Col. IVm. Dickens, Citv
Treasurer of Washington ; of MrflVs. James We/l
& Co. Baltimore ; of Mr. Peter Oilman, Boston ;
and at such other places as will be hereafter
be given tor the belt Plan of an elegant and con
venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and cold
Qath*, Sublfs, and other out houses, if hrcjtnted
on or bijorc the \oth oj April next; and a pre
tcrcncc will be givm io the Artist for a Con
trail, provided he be duly qualified to
com pleat his plan. The ground on which
the Hotel and out houses are to be crc&ed, will
be a corner lot of about 90 bv 200 feet, with a
back avenue to the ftablcs, See. Se&ions and
elti mates of the cxpenfe will be cxpc&ed
with the elevations, &c. complcat ; and 50,000
dollars mult be regarded by the Architect as the
uimutl limit in the exp« nfe intruded for this
purpose. S. BLODGET,
Agent for ihe atfausbftHe City.
January lq.
War Department,
J a nuary 28, 1793.
INFORMATION ig hercbv given to ail the
military Invalids of the United States, that
the funis to which they are entitled tor fix
months of their annual pension, from the 4th day
of September 1792, and which will become due
011 the sth day of March 1793, will be.paid 011
the said day by the Commiflioners of the Loans
within the slates refpc&ively, wader the u(pal
regulations, viz.
Every application for payment mull be ac
companied by the following vouchers :
ift. The certificate given by the ilaie, fpecify
ing that the perlow poflcfling the fame is in fa£l
an Invalid, and alceitaining the sum 10 which,
as such, he is annually iniitlcd.
2d. An affidavit agreeably to the following
form :
A. B. came before me, one of the Justices
of v the county of in the (late of and
made oath that he is the fa-me A. 9. 10 whom
the original certificate in hi* pbfleffiort was giv
en, of which the following is a copy (the cer
tificate given by the (late to bfc recited) That
he served (regiment, corps or veffel)at the
time he was disabled., ana that he now resides
in the and county of and has rcfided
there for the last years, previous to which
'he resided in •
In cafe an Invalid should apply for payment
by an attorney* the said attorney, besides the
certificate and oath before recited, must produce
a special letter of attorney agreeable to the fol
lowing form :
T, A. B. of county of Rate of
do hereby constitute and appoint C. D. of
my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf c»f
mv pension for fix months, as an Invalid
of the United States, from the 4th day of Sep
tember «79 2 i a "d ending the 4th day of March
1 793-
Signed and Sealed
in the Presence of
Acknowledged before mi,
Applications of executors and adtniniftrators
in nil be accompanied with legal evidence of.
•heir refpc&ive office?, and also of the time the
Invalid died, whofc penlion they may claim..
By Command of the Prefidcnt
of the United States,
H. KN'OX, Secretary,at War.
The Printerj in the refpeftive State■> are re
queued to pubti/h the above in their NewJfMpcn J 9r
the space ej 2 months.
City of Waftiington,
Sold by the Booksellers,
ep 2 w
15, 000
10,000 -
5, cOO are
5° *
2 5
10, coo
Dollars 350,000
or THE
ONE on WafWut-fti eet, mar I r ourth-ftreet,
23 feet front, has iwo parlours below, (he
liouione 2igby i7gleet, the back parlour is
18 by u feci. The front room up liaits if
by 17* feet. There are five good clumbers in
this lioufe, besides the garret is divided into
three rooms, in two of thciu ihcic are fire-
The other House is 27 feet upon Waluut
ftreet, 32 feet Upon 4th ttrect; there afe two
goo;i purlruis below, one ot them 25 by 20 1-2
feet, thr Other ?5 by 18 1-2 feet, and seven com
plete bfd-chjitkicis » bilides the garret is di
vided into 4 rooms, 3 of which rooms have fire
places. The kitchens are good ones, and are
under the houses ; the largclt house has also a
houft-kcepci's room. It ii» intended there ihail
be a communication from both of thefc houles
to a neighbouring ice-house, fufficiently large to
supply 3 houses. Within 50 yards of these
houses, there will be conipleat (tables-and coach
houses, lor both houses; they will be finifhed
in ihe most complcat manner, and the keys
ready to be delivered earty in the Cummer.
On paying half the money down (if (old) the
oth r half may be paid by inlUlments, or the
whole may remain tor 5 years, paying intcreft
and giving lecurity on the premises.
For terms of sale or lease, apply to the Sub
Who has Jor SALF. %
Sundry Ground Rents,
In this city, amounting to twenty-five pounds
sixteen (hilling; «nd fix-pence, per annum.
AJfo, aquan'tty of BAGS, lh»it wilt contain two
and a half ai.d three and a half bufael*.
PuiUddphia, Jan. 19, 1792. efivm
February ill, 1793
WHEREAS foreigners holding Stock in
the Bank, of the United States may pre
fer receiving their Dividends in Europe, to le
cetvin? them in America,
RESOLVED, That any proprietor of the
Capital Stock of the Bank of the United States
residing in Europe, (hall be entitled to receive
either in London or in Amsterdam, the half
yearly dividends which m<iy be declared there
on—iu London at the rate of one pound sterling
for every four hundred and forty-five cents', or
in Amfterdatn at the rate of one guilder current
money fox every forty cents; and four mills—ihc
dividend declared in January of each year, to
be paid in London or in Atnderdam on the f«-
cond Monday of July following—and the divi
dend declared in July of each year, to be pa-d in
London or in Amsterdam on the {ccoitd Mon
day of January following.
Provided, That every such Proprietor (pre
vious to the declaring of any Dividend, so to be
paid in London or in Amfterdajfri) ftia!l give au
thentic notice to the Prcfident and Dire&ors of
the Bank at which of the (aid Cities he will Ic
ceive the laid Dividend.
liy the Prcfident and Dire&ors.
JOHN KEAN', Cafliier.
City of Washington.
January 7th, 1793.
A NUMBER of Lois in this City will be of
fered tor lale at auttion, by the Commis
sioners, on the 17th day of September next —
One fourth pad of the purchase money is to be
paid down, the residue at three equal annual pay
mcnts with yearly interellon the whole princi
pal unpaid.
JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the Cem'rs.
Extra# of an A6l of the Grneral AfTcmblv of
Maryland, concerning the Territoiy of Co
lumbia, and the City ot Washington.
«« Be ir enabled, 7hat any foreigner may by
died, cr pitl i hereajter to he made, take and hold lands
within that part of [he jaid Tet ritory which lies with
in this State, ir the fame manner as if he was a citi
zen of this State ; and the fame lands may be con
veyed by him, and transmitted to and be inherited by
his heirs or relations, as if he and they were citizens
of thit Statt: Provided, That no foreigner f/iatl y
in virtue hereof , be entitled to any further or other
privilege of a citizen
I hii. ig.
£0 Dollars Reward.
RAN away on the 25th inllant, a likely Ne
gro Mait called Isaac, about twem\-three
yearsoid, five feet fix or eight inches high, a
well made tellow, fond of talking, h.s a large
moulh, and (hows his teeth very much when
talking ; had on when he went away, a brown
linen tlurt, a (hort white kersey over jacket with
a very high collar and plain bread, wuh buttons
which appear to have been very gay ; a pair of
whue ketfey breeches, a pair of white knit yarn
(lockings, a pair of (hoes with firings in thern,
and a coarse hal ; all the above cloihes are al
mOst new. haid Negro was fprmetly the pro
perty of Mr. William Thomas," late of Kent
County, near George-Town Cr.rfs Roads, de.
ceased, and has for fcveial years been employed
■in that neighbourhood, and principally by a Mr.
Maxwefl, and lately by Messrs. John and Tames
Carmacle, as a waggoner, which bufincfs ne is
well acquainted with, and is wli.t he prefers;
and has been engaged in driving a waggon trom
said Cross.Roads to Duck-Creek, &c. until
August last. I expea he will make his way for
the neighbouihoods of Geoigr.Town, Duck-
Creek, Dover or Wilmington. The above re
ward will .be paid if delivered to me in this
place, or Thirty Dollars if fecund in any goal,
so -that I get him again. He is an artful lellow,
and when ta-ken, will make his tfeape, unless
parti;ularly secured.
7a/bot County, Maryland, Dec. 28, i 792. 2m
ftS" The pjicc of this Gazette is Three Dollars
per annum—One halj to ie paid at the tiac oi fui
[criomg. J
Stock Brokers Oifo
Great Dork-Utcet, N*w.Yo*j '
THt iwbCcribcr. intending to covftah
entirely to the PURCHASE acbSALK «
»n trivic»tu hisintnci anOothcn.ja ifeelVL
ot a Stock Broker. Those wbo may plejfc,
vol him with their bufincfs, may *k.'"
having it ti anfjftcJ with the utnrnft RdtKty »oi
JiTp.'ch. •
6rder» fi-o.n M.tVfdeli»hi»,B«JM,i >l ,rt4 r
[ part at tne Uilitcd wiil bVUidty jftftE*
| _cl to. ' -
(t.r.) <■
r(t I p T Z 9 # NO SOLD IV
No. 118, hUrket-Street, Philadelphia,
1. A MERlCA\MUSLU\l,rromu Sl onnn f „ r ,-.
ii mem ill January 1787, 10 June 179s , j„
eleven vols. Price, neatly hound and kacr'ed
fcventecit dollars aria thi ee fifths.
This. wotk, winch was condtlfled onsn.rfv
proved plan, contains the best pieces puilt/hid
tor and agamft the proceedings ol government,
will be found to couiain at lealt as great a variety
of politics!,agricultural, and mifiellJueous
as any ever published in America. Perhaps in m
one work are so many valuable docurriLnt?rtfpiit
tng tbe history of this country, enllcftfd togci'lier.
His Excellency the President of the Urifted SiatM*
has declared of ir, that " a more irfcful Irtcrary
plan has never been undertaken in America, nor
one more deferviiig of public encouragement."
s. Smith's Letters lo Married Women, on Nbrf.
;ng and the management o' Children.
" We recommend these liners to tfte perusal of
thole to whom they are particularly aridreffen."
Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. 101—price, bound,
6i cents.
3 Duncan's ElemcnUof Logic— 75 cents.
4. Beauties ot Fielding—so cents.
5. Beautirs of Blair—3o emit.
6. L.dies' Pocket I.tnrary, containing Miss
Mote's F.ffays, Gicgoiy'i Legacy, Lady Kmiing.
ton's Advice, Marchioncfs «l Lair, b.-u's Advice
Swift's Letter to a newly married L?d v,Mrs. Cba
pone on command fit Temper, Morc's FabUs for
the Ladies, Price 6fS.
7. Smith's History of New-York. PiiW'i'ffflfc
tar and a quarter.
8. Elements of Moral Science, by Jamesßrat
tie, 1.1.d. prokffor of moral philosophy and
lojric in t he Marifjphal College, Aberdeen-- Price
three-fourth's of a dollar. Of this book the
Crincal Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay ; 41 We
have seen nothing on these lubjdts more plain
more perspicuous, or more genet allv ufeful."—
N. 15. It is introduced into the University in Plir.
9. Beauties of Poetry. Price four-filths of a
10. Hlair's Sermons. Price two dollar?.
11. N< cker'sTreat tfe on the importance of Re
ligious Opinions.—Price four-fifths of a dollar
12. Examination of the Qbftr vat ions of Lord
Sheffield on American Commerce—Pi ice, on very
fine paper, 5 81 hs of a dollar.
13. The Conftuutions of thefevera! United States,
with the' Federal Conftiiulion, occ. Puce five
eighths of a dollar.
14. M'Fingal. Prieethree-eighthf of a dollar,
15. American Jest Book. Price three-fifth* ojf
a dollar.
16. Garden of the Soul. Price half a dollar.
17 The Doway Translation of the Vulgate lii
bl , in quarto—- Price, elrgjhlly bound and Ittlei
ed, 50/2•—plain,'fix dollars.
18. Devout Christian's Vade Mecum—Price a
quarter dollar.
iq. Think well oii't. Price a Quarter dollar,
20. Chr iltian Eco-nomy. Price a fifth of a dollar,
21. History of Charles Grandifon, abridged—
Price a sixth of a Hollar.
23. Poems by Col. Humphieys—-Price) third
•f a dollar. ,
23. S.'left Poems, chiefly American-—Pricc a
sixth *jf a dollar.
Said Carey has for sale, a large aiTci true ill of
Books, European as well as A iper/can editions,
which he will dispose of on the m'oft te'afonable
terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with
Commands, may depend upon being fuppfied iff
the molt faiisfactory maimer. A liftefaf allowance
t*o such as purchafc quantities lor public libiarit*
or to fell again.
Insurance Company.
AT a gmeral meeting (by adjournment) of
the Insurance Company of North-America,
on Wednesday the 16th inltant,
It was Refolvtd,
TH AT ihe Instalments which, according t«
the Conftiiution, will become due on ihe ferond
Monday of July and January nefct, or either of
them, may be paid by any Stockholder at an
earlier period ; and any Stockholder so paying'
such infialmcnt, or instalments, shall receive a
proportionate (bate of the Dividends thereafter
to be made, calculating such share from the firit
day of the month succeeding such payments re
fpcdlivcly. Extract from the Minutes,
Philadelphia, Jan. 23.
Of the very fir'ft quality.arid fated importatio*
from Canton, via New-Yoik, by retail,at
No. 19,
Thitd, between Chcfiiiu and MarW? Sirfffs.
N. B. AJctu Boxes of the above HYSON ftrfaft.
May be bad it SAMUEL COPPER'' Fe»r .
A large Cellar to Let,
Sujficienlly capacious to Jlore (tveral hundred barrel-
Kaquiie 01 ihu Priktia