FOR SALE, Jiy the Sutjcriber, at Walnut-Street Wharfs BILL or EXCHANGE Madeira Wine, Fit for immediate ule, in pipes & quarter caflcs, TENE7UFFE WINE, in pipes, SHERRY WINE, ill quarter eafks, WEST-INDIA RUM. 2. 3 onr! 4 prool, OLD CRANDY, OI.D SPIRIT, COPPERAS, BRIMSTONE, ALLUM, Two Bal s 10-4 BLANKETS, and A Bale of MUSLINS. A new 13.4 Inch CABLE, 120 fashoms long. GEORGE MEADE. Philadelphia, Jjb. 19, >793- ep2m TO be SOLD, OR LEASED FOR SEVEN OR T f. N YEARS, THE FOLLOWING HOUSES. ONE on Walnut-flreet, near Fourth-Href t, 23 feet front, has two parlours below, the front onr by feet, the back parlour is 18 by 14 feet. The front room up (lairs is 26J byi7gteet. There are five good chambers in this house, betides the ferret is divided inio three rooms, in two of them there are lire- places. The Other House is 27 feet uprtn Walnuf ftrect, and 52 feet upon 4th ftrcet; there are twa good parlours below, one of them 25 by 20 1-2 feet, the other 25 by 181-2 feet, and seven com pletc bed-clumbers; betides the garret is di vided into 4 rooms, 3 of which rooms have fire places. The kitchens are good ones, and are under the houses ; the largest house has also a house-keeper's room. It is intended 'herefhall be a communication from bothofthefe houses to a neighbouring ice-hoiifc, fufliciently large to supply 3 houses. Within 50 yards of these houses, there will be compleat (tables and coach houses, for both houses ; thev will be finiOied in the most compieat manner, ana the keys ready to be delivered early in the summer. On paying half the money down (if fold) the oth be < te&ed, v ill be a corncr lot of about go by 200 feet, with a back, avenue to ihe ftablcs, &c. Sections and estimates of the expense will be cxpe6led •with.the elcvayops. See, ; and 50,000 dollars mud be regarded by the Architect as the ntmoft itmit in the expense intended for this purpofc. ' S. BLODGET, A orn: f(,r i lie afun i> of ihe Citv. January 19, A large Cellar to Let, Sujpciciitly capacious to 'fiore ftveral hundred barrels. Enquire oi the- Printer. Mr. JJSIIUA HARM'S, Si r, YOU will plrafc to take notice, that I intend to file a Bill in the High Court of Chancery, in the St ite of Maryland, to compel you to con vey the following Trafls of LAND, to wit— Harbin's Lot, , 1793. By the President and Dirc&ors. JOHN KEAN, Cafliicr. R E SOL VID, JOHN KEAN, Cashier. signed and Sealed in the Pixfcncc of Acknowledged before me, 292 City of Wafliington. Januaxy 7 lb > 1 793- A NUMBER of Lota in thi» City will be of fered for t'slr at au&ioß, by the Commif fioncis, on tl)4e 17th day of September . next -— One fourth pan of 'he purchase money u to be paid down, the refiduc at three equal annual pay ments with yearly intcreft on the whole pnnci .pal unpaid. JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the Cm rs. ExtiaS of an Ast of the Gcnrrai Affcmblv of Maryland, concerning the l.erritoiy of Cu lumbia, and the Citv ot Waihington. " Be it mailed, That any foreigner may by dee J or tall, hereafter to be made, take and hold lands tv'thtn that part oj the laid Territory which ties with in this State, in the f'me manner as if he was a citi zen of this State ; and the fame landt may be con veyed hy him, and transmitted to and be inherited by his heirs or relations, as if he and they were citizens of this State: Provided, That no foreigner J.'hall, in virtue hereof, be entitled to any further or other privilege 0f # citizen Jsn. 19. Federal City. THE Subscriber will convey forever, by good and fiifficient deed, Thirty Lots in the City of Washington, situated on South Capitol Street, to any man or company of nien-—provided they will agree to erect there in good and fufficient brick houses, within three years from the date hereof. DANIEL CARROLL, of Duddington. City of Wajkington, Dec. 31,1792. 6t A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR Sale, a beautiful (ituation pn the Po towmack, adjoining the town of Alexandria and in a line of dire&ion towards the Federal City and GeorgeTown,in full view of each place, commanding a profpe£i of the river and adjacent iountry of Maryland and Virginia, for many miles; about 45 or 50 acres of Land, lyingdi rc£Uy on the river, will be fold, with the im provements, which are, a two-story framed d welling-houfe, neatly finifhed, a kitchen, office, buck, smoke-house 3nd dairy, two-story framed barn, a well of excellent water, and an ice houle, a yard and garden, neatly railed and highly improved, with a number of other ne ceflary improvements ; the whole of the land enclosed with pods and rails, tenor fifteen acres laid idown, with different kinds of grass. Its contiguity to those three towns must render it an objc6t worthy the attention of any person who wishes to iiiveft money in a property that must enhance in value, in proportion to the rapid in. crease ol the Federal City, Alexandria and George-Towii. This property !ics nearly in a central (ituation to each place. The Fotowmack at this spot has a fine deep (bore and harbour, capable of receiving veflels of any burden. It may not be improper to observe, that men of judgment think a profitable and convenient Ferry might be erc&ed here to the Citv of Wafhingion and the Maryland (bores leading to Baltimore aod Philadelphia.—Also to fell, 215 acres of Wood-Land, about three miles distant, which will suit well to fuoply the above in wood and timber. The title may be fcen to the above property, which is indisputable, and terms known by application to the fubferiber, living on the premises. December 12/ A, 1792, /jo Dollars Reward. RAN away on the 25th instant, a likely Ne gro Man called Isaac, about twentv-three years oid, five feet fix or eight inches high, a well made fellow, fond of talking, has a large mouth, and shows his teeth very much when talking ; had on when he went away 1 , a brown linen shirt, a short white kerfeyover jacket with a very high collar and plain bnaft, with buttons which appear to have been Very gay ; a pair of White kersey breeches, a pair of white knit yarn {locking*, a pair of shoes with firings in them, and a coaife hat ; all the above clothes are al mcft n.'w. Said Negro was fprmerly the pro perty of Mr. William Thomas, lare of Kent County, nrar George-Town Cross Roads, de ceased, and has for several years been emploved in th ft neighbourhood, and principally by a Mr. Maxwell, and lately by Mcfirs. John and James Carmack, as a waggoner, which bulinefs he is well acquainted with, and is what he prefers ; and has been engaged in driving a waggon from said Cross-Roads to Duck-Creek, &c. until August lull. I expect he will make his way for the neighbourhoods of George-Town, Duck- Creek, Dover or Wilmington. The above re ward will be paid if delivered to me in this place, or Thirty Dollars if ftcuied in any goal, so that I get him again. He is an anful fellow, and when taken, will make his efcnpe, unless particularly fccurcd. Easton, OWES IiEXSARD, >ttHol County, Maryland, Dec. 28, «7g«. 9.m RUN-AWAY "ON THE SUBSCRIBER, THE lSth APRIL, A NEGRO BOY, named Zeb\ flimandtall, fixtecn years old; came to Samuel Li pi n cot's 31 Bordcntown on the 15'h, fa'd his name was Henry, and left that place the 27th May. On the 97th day of June, he was taken up in Bucks County, and carried before a Magiltrate, laid he was tree, arid that he lived on thr Slll q^eb?nnah—that a petfon by the name ot Abra ham Pi all, took him three days journey from hntne, and turned him adrift with one dollar He asked the Justice tor a pals to go to his fa ther, and nothing appeared to the contrary-J- He lived with one Thomas Paxwell till flic ,g,h of rhis instant, and then made his elcane from him; he called his name Peter Jo/in/lon—had on an old Grey Coating Round Jacket, lined with red baize; nn old pair Leather Breeches, and an old Felt Hat. Whoever lakes up said' Boy,and brings linn to Jacob Merser eau, 011 S'.aten-lfland,jhall receive TWENTY DOL LARS, With reasonable charges, paid bv . JACOB MEXSEREAU, Lieut. Col. 2 9- law6w BALDWIN DADE tP'm Just published. By Thomas Dobfon, Bnkfcller, at the Stout-Hot ft, in Seiend Jlrttt, PHI LADELFHI A, ' VOLUME VII, o» .ENCYCLOPAEDIA: or, A DICTIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, AND MISCELLANEOUS I-ITFRATURE, On a Plan c*tircl\ new : BY WHICH THE DIFFERENT SCIENCES AND ARTS arc digested into the Form of Diftmtt TREATISES OK SYSTEMS: ' COMPREHENDING THE History, Theory, and Prafliv-c, of rach t according to the Laic It Difcoveiits and im provements : and full Explanations given of the various detached parrs of Knowledge, whether relating to Natural and Arttficial Objcfts, or to Matters Eccltftaftical. Civil, Militaiv, Commer cial, &c. Including Elucidations of the most im portant Topics relative to Religion,Morals,Man ners, and ihe Oeconomy of L le : together with a Description of all the Countries, Cities, prin cipal Mountains, Seas, Rivers, &c. throughout the World ; a* General History, Ancient and Modern, of the different Empire?, Kingdoms, and States; and an account of the Lives of the most Eminent Persons in every Nation, f rom the earliest ages down to the present times. Com piled from the writings of the best author?, i l( several Languages ; the most: approved Di&iona iies, as well of General Science as of particular branches; the Tranfa&ions, Journals, and Me moirs of the learned societies, both at home and abroad—the MS. le£lures of eminent profeflors on different Sciences : and a variety of original Materials, furnilhed by an extensive Cdrrefpon dence. The Seventh Volume contains a dcfcriphon of Mount Etna, Eudiometer, Exchange, Expe rt mental Philnfi»phv- S-yfWei of Fst: i system, Fire, Afr,Flux ons. Food, Fortifica tion, of Fiance, Gardening, Gas, Geneva, Geography, Geometrv, Gilding, Glass, See. with a variety of articles in natural hiftorv, biography and mifcellanics. Illullrated with Thirty Eight elegant Copperplates. CONDITIONS. I. The work is printing on a fuperfine paper, and new types, (cast for the puipofe) which will be occafiorally renewed before they con trast a worn appearance. 11. The work is furnifhed in hoards, in volumes or half-volumes, as fubfenbers chufe; the price of the whole volumes, five dollars each,ol the halt-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on ful>- scribing, the volumes or half-volumes finifhed to be paid for when delivered, thepriceofone volume to be paid in advance, and the price of each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver ing the volume preceding it. No part of the work will be delivered unlefspaid for. 111. In the cow fe of the publication will be de livered about five hundied copperplates ele gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which by far cxceed in number ihofe given in any olhtr fcieniific di£iionary. At theclofe oi the pub lication will be delivered an elegant fTontif piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti tle pages for the different volumes, It is expelled the woik will be comprised in about eighteen volumes in quarto. (£3T Those who wish to become po(Te(Tors of this valuable work will please to be early in their applications, as the fubfeription is nearly c o cd. Jan. 23. To the Public. r pHE Subscribers having been appointed n jL committee of the Board of the Trustees r>f the University of North-Carolina, for the pur pose of receiving proposals from such gentlemen as may intend to undertake the iuftiu£Kon of youth in that institution, take the opportunity of making known to the public their wilh that fucb gentlemen should fignify their inclination to the fubferibers. The objects to which it is contemplated by the Board to turn the attention of the on the firft eilablifhment, are—The study of Languages, particularly the English—History, ancient and modern—the Belle-lettrrs—Locis and MofiJ Phiiofnptiy-—r'rrc the Mathematics and Natural Philolophy— Agricul ture and Botany, with the principles of Archi- tenure. Gentlemen converfnnt in these branches of Science and Literature, and who can be well re commended, will receive verv handsome encou ragement by the Boaid. The exercises of the institution will commence as early i s poflible after the completion of the buildings ol tlie t'n<- verfuy, which are to be cont rafted for immedi- SAMUEL ASHE, ately. A. MOORE, JOHN HAYF, DA VI D STOXE, SAM. M'CORKLES. D 25 r f >2 " l 200 Dollars Reward. LOST, at Providence, or between Provident and Boston, a very (mail TRUNK, covcred with fcal-lkin of a reddilh colour, with white spots. It contained a quantity of Soiith and North-Carolina State Notes, and a few of th.e State of Rhode-lfland ; with other papers,which can only be fernceablc to the proprietor. The State notes are cht cked at the offices from whence the\' ; ii\jcd. Any per foil producing the/TVo*** (with its conrt-nJs) to JOHN MARSTON, of Boston, WILLIAM HALL, of Providence, Messrs. PATERSON and BRASHER, tyew- York, or Mr. SAMUEL EMERY, in PhiladeU phia, (bail receive the above reward, or for any part of the prftpcrtv, One Hundred Dollars. Boston, Nov. 28, PLANS OF THE City of Washington, Sold t' v the Booksellers, DOSSON, CAK~£Y, ) OUNG, & CRMKS&ANK-* eptf.