Federal City. THE. Subscriber will convey forever, by good and fuificieottdeed, Thirty Lots in th« City of Wafliingtoii, fitaated on South Capital Street, to any man or compMy of men—provided thoy will «g«-»e to erefl there on ami fitfiicient brick hou r , , within three year; from the date hereof. DANIEL CARROLL, ofDudd'wgtor. CityJ Wajkington, Dtt. 3«,179*- BT llie Conuniiliooeii app6ini«J w prepare l i)u- P'J&iic Building, 4cc. wiihin the City of Wiftitotfoo, tor ihc recrption of Congress «>tft 5 i• C«ftt friie' 1 ditto t ditto l ditto a ditto 10 ditto ao ditto 100 ditto 200 ditto 400 ditto 1,000 ditto 5,000 are 1,000 s°° ioo 5° *& 20 10 15,000 ditiu r. 5«,737 PfUes 33,263 Blanks $0,000 . . The Cole uefign of this Lottery being to facib |9tr other improve Hit wii\o jttbcr #hh nd who can be well re corotncrvlcd, will receive very hahdfome encou ragement by thj, Board. The exercifcs ol the inflitiui'W as early as pofiible after the completion oi the buildings ol the Uni verfuy, which are to be enntradrd for immedi acy- • SAMUfcL ASHE, A. MOORE, JOHN HAYE, DAVID STONE, SAM. M'CORKLES. £25 ep2m 200 Dollars Reward. LOST, at Providence, or between Providence and linfton, a very small TRUNK, covered with feal-flcin of a reddifti colour, with white loots. It contained a quantity of South and North-Carolina State Notes, and a few of the State of Rhode-lfland ; with other papers,which can only be serviceable to the oroprictor. The Scntij Iliad receive a proportionate Oiiirc of the Dividends thereafter to be made, calculating such (hare from, the firft day of the month fucccediog luch payment* ro fprflivdy Extti& from the Minutes, EBEN. HAZARD, See'ry. P>i!!adHph';t. -J. bank g f the united states. rHAT ilie Ca(hier be pinhoritVd to rcctrve from the propiicior of »ny number nf com* plea fhates, such Certificates, not 'n h'.s own name, a» he may be the propi ietor of; and after c»ncelliujr the fame, toiffuc a new Certificate or Cettificite* in lieu thereof, in the name of luch proprietor. , Rksolvid, Thai in all future Iranslers of compleat Chares in the capital stock ot the Bank, the Certificates of the shares transferred be can celled, and a new Certificate or Certificates r.e issued in the name of the transferee orpurchalcr. Risoiviv, That the Certificates in futuie issued, be for one or mote fl-.arei, as the pro prietor may requefl; and the new Certificate or Certificates shall be ol corrcfpondent numbers with those re lieu of which thev arc issued. epgw JOHN KEAN, Cashier. 50,000 25,000 20,0C0 15,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 iO,oco 10,000 10,000 10,000 so,ooo 150,000 Dollars 350,000 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES. PaiL*on.miA, JaUuary 7,: 793. NOTICE is hereby given, that theie will ' c paid at the i>;.nfc, alter the 17'h idftsoV ~ the Stockholders 01 their Reprefennnvec authonz. d, tin. following loM"> being flie Du.- dend declared (or the laftfi* months, viz. For each (hire bearing dividend Irom the ill of July, Sixteen Dollars. For each (hare bearing dividend from the lft of Augufl, Fifteen DolUhi, 33 Cents. For each (hare bearing dividend from the lft of September, Fourteen Dollars, 67 Cents. For each (hare bearing dU idend Irom the tft of October, Fourteen Dollars. For each (hare bearing dividend from the lft of November, Thirteen Dollars, 33 Cents For each (hare bearing dividend Irom the id of December, Twelve Dollars, 67 Cents. For each three-quarter (hare, Twelve Dollars. By order of the President and Direflnm, 3 W JOHN KKAN, Cashier. A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR Sale, a beautiful situation on the Po towmack, adjoining the town of Alexandria and in a line of dirc&ion towards the Federal Cuy and GcorgeTown.in Full view of each place, commanding v pra r pe&alth£_riv*r Mjaeet,* cduntry ot Maryland and Virginia, for many miles; about 45 or 50 acres of Land, lying di reflly on the river, will be fold, with the im provements, which are, a two-story framed dwclling-hbufe, neatly finished, a kitchen, office, brick smoke-house and dairy, two-story framed bam, a well of excellent water, and aa ice houte, a yard and garden, neatly railed and highly improved, with a number of other ne ceflarv improvements ; the whole of the land enclofcd with posts and rails, ten or fifteen acres laid down, with different kinds of grass. Its contiguity to those three towns mud render it »*> obj-& worthy the attention of any person who wifbes to invest money in a property that mult enhancc in value, in proportion 10 the rapid in crease of the Federal City, Alexandria and George-Town. This property lies nearly in a central situation to each place. The Potowmsck at this spot has a fine deep Ibore and harbour, capable of receiving veflels of any burden. It may not be improper to observe, that men of judgment think a profitable and convenient Ferry might be creeled here to the Citv of Washington and the Maryland Chores leading to Baltimore aod Philadelphia.— Also to fell, 215 acres of Wood-Land, about three miles distant, which will futt well to supply the above in wood and timber. The title may be seen to the above property, which is indisputable, and terms known by application to the fubferiber, living on the premises. RAN away on the 25th instant, a likely Ne gro Man called Laac, about twenty-three years oid, five feet fix or eight inches high, a well made fellow, fond of talking, has a large mouth, and shows his teeth very much when talking ; had on when he went away, a brown linen shirt, a (hort white kersey over jacket with a very high collar and plain breast, with buttons which appear to have been very gay ; a pair of white kersey bretches, a pair of while knit yarn (lockings, a pair of (hoes'with firings in them, and a coarfc hat ; all the above clothes are al most new. Said Negro was fprmeily the pro perty of Mr. William Thomas, late of Kent County, near George« Town Cross Roads, dt j ceafcd, and has for Several yean been emploved; in that neighbourhood, and principally by a Mr, Maxwell, and lately by MeilYs. John and James Carmack, as a waggoner, which business he is well acquainted with, and is what he prefers; and has been engaged drivings waggon from said Cross-Roads to Duck-Creck, &c. until August last. I expect he will make his way [or the neighbourhoods ot Georgt-Town, Duck- Creek, Dover or Wilmington. The above re waid will be paid if delivered to me in this place, or Thirty Dollars if fecQtcd in any goal, so that I get him again. He is an aitiul Icliow, and when taken, will make his escape, unlets particularly fecurcd. eptf. Talbot County, Maryland, Dec. 28, 1792, Resolved, BALDWIN DADE ep 2 m December t tth t 1^92 30 Dollars Reward. EAST o N , OWEN KENNAKD 284 JUST PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, StokfciUr, at the Stvnc-Houfe, i» Second jlrcct. Phi ladslphia, VOLUME VII, or ENCYCLOPEDIA: OR, A DICTIONARY OF ARTS,SCIENCES, AND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, Vn a Plan intirciy m •" by which THE Ditfekimt SCIENCES AND ARIS arc digelted into the form of Drflmtt, TREATISES on. SYSTEMS : COMPREHENDING THE H'.ftorv, Theory, »nrt Praflice, of earh, according to the Latest Difcovenes and im provement : and full Explanation! given of the various detached parts of Knowledge, whether relating to Natural and Artificial Objects, or to Matters Ecclcfiaftical, Civil, Military, Commer cial, See. Including Elucidations of the molt Im poitaut 1 opics relative to Religion,Morals,M >n ners, jrnd the Oeconomy of L»fe : together with a Description of all the Countries, Cities, p> in cipal Mountain*. Seas, Rivers, &c. throughout the World; a General Hiftoiy, Ancient and Modern, of the different Empires, Kingdoms, and States; and an account of the Lives of the moll Eminent Pcrfons in every -Nation, from the earliest ages down to the prefeni times. Com piled from the writings of the best authois, in fevcral Languages ; the most approved Dict'ona ri"e»>, as well of General Science as of particular branches ; the Tranfadions, Journals, and Me moirs of the learned focietres, both at home and abroad—the MS. le&ures of eminent profeiloft on different Sciences : and a variety of original Materials, furnilhed by an exteofive Coirelpon dtnee. . . The Seventh Volume contains a description of Mount Etna, Eudiometer* Exchange, kxpe rimcnral Philosophy, System of farriery, Feudal system, Fire, fixed Air, Fluxions, Food, Fortifica tion, Foffiis, history of France, Gardening, Gas, Geneva, Geography, Geometry, Gilding, Glass, &c. with a variety of articles in natural nili"ry, biography and miscellanies. Illufliated with Thirty Eight elegant Copperplate*. CONDITIONS. I. The work is printing on a iuperfine paper, and new types, (cast lor the pu» polc) which will beoccafionally renewed belore they con tract a worn appcarance. 11. The work, is furniftied in boards, in volumes or half-volumes, as fubferibers chufe; the price of tftte whdte volumes, five dollars each, ot the half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a dollar each. Ttfn dollars to be paid on fub fcribmg, the volumes or half-volumes fini(hed to be paid for when delivered, the priceofOne volume to be paid in advance, and the price of each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver ing the volume preceding it. No part of the wt>rk will be delivered unlcfs pajd for. 111. In the course of the publication will be de livered about five hundred copperplates ele gantly engraved in l*hiladelptiia : which by tar exceed in number those given in any other fbiemific di£io»irry, A: the fi4o£e pub lication will be delivered an elegant trontif piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti tle pages for the different volumes, It is expe&ed the work will be comprised in about eighteen volumes in quarto. (pf Those who with to become poffe(Tors of thisvaluablc -work will pleafcto be early in their applications, as the fubfeription is nearly clofcd. Jan. 23. A New Post-Road. HAVING been defued to eftabhfh b poft road from Reading, in the state of Penn sylvania, to Williamfburg, at the Great Forks of the Genefte river, Notice Ifr hereby given, th.tt proposals will be received at the General Post- Oficf, for carrying a weekly mail between Reading and Williamfburg aforefaid, by the following route, to wit : the Great Road now improving between Reading and the town of Northumberland ; Irom the latter place to Loyal Sock creek ; thence to Lycoming creek ; thence in the new road to ihe Pai*ted Post, on Tioga river; and thence to Willtamfburg. The propolaK will be received until the ijtk of March next, inclusively ; the carriage of the mail to commence within One month after- wards, NectlTary Poft-Offices are to be edabliflied on the route, and such peifons appointed Post masters as the Contra&or shall name, and the Poftmaftei-General approve. Within three months after the carriage of this mail is commenced, the Contractor is to state to the Poftmalter-General the days and hours of its arrival and departure at and from the principal Pott-office?, which experience Ihall prove to be most cohvenicnt; and thereafter ihe mail is to be delivered at the refpe&ive Poft-ofßces at the hours so fixed, unavoidable accidents excepted, on,penalty of one dollar tor each hour's delay ; and for the non-performance of a trip, the Con tractor to forfeit twenty dollars. The terra of the contrast cannot exceed eight years. During its continuance the Contra&or is to receive the rates of poilage by law ellablilhcd, and to have the exclusive privilege of carrying tetters and packets for hire, such excepted, as shall he sent by a special inefTenger, 01 which are or fliall he by law declared free. TIMOTHY PICKERING, P.M.G. Gcurat PoJl-OJficc, Jan. 22, 1793. THE Officers of the late New-Jeifey line are requclted to meet at the Houf«? of James Drake, in New-Brunfwick, on Thurlday the seventh day ot February next, at the hour ol Ten in the morning, to take into conhderation the application of different lines of the late army, now before the Congress of the United States. January i6ih, 1793. A large Cellar to Let, Sujfiucnlly capacious to fiore ftvcral hundred bands. Enqu-.ic oi ihc Pki nt er. .. A MERlCANMUSEL'M.f.omidccmmrmc •TVmcnt m January i 787, 10 Juneijq, eleven vols. Price, neally bo„i,d .„d seventeen dollars ana three fifths. ■ This work, which is now cor.tiuftrdog w jpr;md plan, containing the btft puccs piAl*ft„i [lot and agariift the pioteedrnga wrll befouiid to contim at as pm t tin.,l? 'of political,agricultural, as auy ever pubiilhcd in AiMrici, P«l>»p»i»!Z ;o- M'*, m cjuario—Price, elegantly bound and letjer ed, 50/2.— plain v fix dollars. 1-&. X> Chn ft 1 Sf> T s JOHN CUMMING, JONATHAN RHEA, books, PRINTED AND SOLD BY MATHSW CAREY No. 118, Market-Street, Philadelphia. ' 10. Blair's Sermons. Price two dollars. 16. Garden of the SotiL Price half a dollar. luirici 19. Think well on'f. Price a quarter dollar* 20. Chriftizn Economy. Price a fifih of a dollar. 21. Kiflory of Charles Gi andifon, abridged- Price a sixth of a doJlar. 22. Poems by Col. Humphreys— Price a third a dollar. 23. Sel eft Poems, chiefly American—Price a sixth of a dollar. Said Carey has for sale, a large affonrpert «f Books, European as well as American edition?, which he will dispose of on the nioft reafcnallc terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with commands, may depend upon being supplied iq r he rnoft fatisfactory manner. A liberal allowance t o such as purchafc quantities for public libraries Q r to {ell again. Stock Brokers Office, Great Dock-street, New-York, THE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASK and SALE ok STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begs leave 10 offer his terviccs to his friends and others, in theline of a Stock Broker. Those who may please to fa vor him with their bufmefs, may depend upon ; having it tranfafted with the utmost fidelity and d ifpatch. Ordersfrom Philadelphia,Boflon.orany other part of the United States will be ftriftly attend* ed to. LEONARD BLEECKER. mo RUN-AWAY FROW THE SUBSCRIBER, THE 12'h APRIL) A NEGRO BOY, named Zeb\ film and tall, fiXteeri years old; came to Samuel Lipin cot's at Bordcntown On the 15'h, laid his name was Henry, and left that place the 27f h May.— On the "?th day of June, .he was taken up »*» Bucks County, and carried before a Maginrate, said he was free, and that he lived on the SuU quehannah—that a per fan by the name ot A la ham Pr.aH, took him three days journey nom home, and turned him ad rife with one dollar- He asked the Justice for a pass to go to his fa ther, and nothing appeared to the contrary He lived with one Thomas Paxwcll till the 191 1 of this instant, and then made his efcane trom him ; he called his name Peter 'johvjion—' a on an old Grey Coating Round Jacket, me with red i>aizc ;an old pa:r Lcatlur Br tCC ,vS ' and an old Felt Kat. Whoever takes op Hi® Bo v,and brings h-jio to J a cos Mi its_B R ® au. o» Srateri»*lfland, Avail receive TWENTY 1 LARS, with reafonabte charges, oaid by IACOB MERSEREAU, Lieut. Co». Dec op 1a w 6 PLA N S Of THE City of Washington, Sold by the Booksellers, DOBSOy, CAREY, }OUNG,& CRUMHAMi-