07 ec^~ ■ From a lati London Paper. REMEDY FOR BRUISES. A COACHMAN, in a street in London, was, by a fuddenjolt, thrown off his box, and in his tall his foot fell inio a hollow in the pavement,which occasioned a sprain, attended with violent pain, and a considerable inflammation. A bro ther whip promised hiin a speedy cure. He ordered a gallon of por ter to be simmered in an earthen reflel, till, when cooled, it became of the confidence of a plaster. He spread this plaster on a thin old glove, and applied it round the an kle. In three days he mounted his box, being relieved of the swelling and pain. Another perfon,being surrounded by pick-pockeis, in endeavoring to save his money, fell down, & struck one fide of his loins upon a stone more prominent than the reft of the pavement. Considerable pain and swelling were the consequences ; and next day his back, and the thigh on that fide, became greatly disco loured. Having seen thefuccefs of the porter plaster in the former in stance, I defiled that the porter plaster might be applied to part of the back and thigh, while the other parts were treated according to art, that so a comparative experiment might be made of the effects of each. The swelling subsided nearly equal ly in both ; but the pain and the blackness of flrin went off much soon er in the parts covered with the plaster than in the pther parts. Ac cidents have since afforded me seve ral instances of similar success at tending the application oF this plas ter. Might we not expect that fuc cers might attend the application of this plaster in other fixed pains in various parts of the body ? As these accidents happened in London, where porter is the malt li quor most generally used, the plas ter was made of it; yet I doubt not but that other fermented malt-li quors, used in the fame manner, might have similar effects. Where such hurts are frequent, this plaster may be long kept in. good condition, jf it is covered with a little oil to prevent the evapora.- tion of the fluid particles. S. A. BANK OF THE UNITED STJTES. Resolved, THAT the Cashier be authorised to receive from the proprietor of any number of com pleat Ihares, such Certificates, not in his own name, as he may be the proprietor of; and after cancelling the fame, to iflue a new Certificate or Certificates in lieu thtreof, in the name of such proprietor. Resolved, That in all future transfers of compleat (hares in the capital (lock of the Bank, the Certificates of the .ihares transferred be can celled, and a new Certificate or Certificates be ifiued in the name of the transferee or purchafcr. Resolved, That the Certificates in future ifiued, be for one or more (hares, as the pro prietor may request ; and the new Certificate or Certificates shall be of correfpondpnt number* with those in lieu of which they arc ifiued. C P3 W A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR Sale, a beautiful lunation on the Po towmack, adjoining the town of Alexandria and in a line of dire&ion towards the Federal City and GeorgeTown,in full view of tach place, commanding a profpi£t of the river and adjacent country ol Maryland and Virginia, for many miles; about 45 or 5 o acres of Land, Iyln,r di rectly on the river, will, be fold, with provcmcnts, which are, a two-story framed d welling-houfr, neatly finifhed, a kitchen, office, brick fmoke-honfe 3nd dairv. two-ftorv framed barn, a well of excellent water, and' an ice houfc, a yard and garden, neatJv railed and highly improved, with a number of other nf ceffai y iirtprnvementt ; the whole of the land inclofcd with ports and rails, tenor fifteen acrcs laid down, wuh different kinds of grass Its contiguity to those three towns must render it an object worthy the attention of any person who wishes to invcft money in a property that mud enhance in value, in proportion to the rapid in. irreafe of the Federal City, Alexandria and George-Town. This property lies nearly in a centra! foliation toeach place. The Potowmack at this spot has a fine deep (horc arid harbour, capable of receiving veflcls of any burden, il may not'be improper to observe, that men of judgment think a profitable and convenient Ferry might be erected here to the Citv of Wafhing'on and the Maryland fhnres leading to Baltimore aod Philadelphia.— Also to fell, 21 r acres of Wood-Land, about three miles distant which will suit well to supply the above in wood a"d timber. The title may be seen to ihe above property, which is indifpwable, and terms known by application to the fubfciiber, living tin the premises. Dcctmbcr 12//;, 1792.' JOHN KE&K, Cashier. BALDWIN DADF, tj> 2Vt Federal City. THE Sublcriber will convey forever, by good and fufficient deed, Thirty Lots in the City of NVafhington, fitnated on South Capitol Street, to any man or company of men—provided they will agree toereft there on good and fufficient brick houses, within three years from the date hereof. DANIEL CARROLL, ofDudJington. City of Wajhington, Dec. 31, 1792. 6l BANK OK THE UNITED STATES. Phi lade lphia, January 7, J793. NOTICE is hereby given, that there wili be paid at the Bank, after.the 17th instant, to the Stockhohleis or their Reprefentativei duiv authorized, the following furns, being the Divi dend declared for the lad fix months, vil. For each share braring dividend from the ill of July, Sixteen Dollars. For each lhare bearing dividend from the ift of Augufl, Fifteen Dollars, 33 Cents. For each lhare bearing di'videiir' from the ift of September, Fourteen Dollars. 67 Cents. Forcach lhare bearing dividend from the ift of Oflobcr, Fourteen Dollars. For each share bearing Hiuirknd from the »ft of November, Thirteen Dollars, 33 Cents. For each (hare bearing dividend Irnm the ift of Deceuiher, Twelve Dollars, 67 Cents. For each three-quarter lhare, Twelve Dollars. By order of the President and Direitors, gw JOHN KKAN, Calhier. TO BE SOLD, That well-known Place, called South-Point, LYING an he end ol Sinipuxenf Neck, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, within two miles of the Inlei, in Worceller County, in the (aid State, being the firft landing for vcflils that Itade in there. Froin the fituationof the place, it is convenient for fiui, clams and oyileis, if open to the lea, and has every convenicncy that could be wilhed for. The foil is excellent lor Indian corn, wheat 01 flax, is natural to clover, and has a good marsh pasture for ftoek. Any per lon desirous of purchasing, may know the terms by applying to Asjheton Humphrey, Esq. ( in Philadelphia—Mr. Benjamin Purncll } \n Indian Town, Worcester County—or to Capt. Littleton Robins, near the place. Jan. 2, Philadelphia, January 9, 1793. Mathew Carey Refpc&fully informs the Citizens of the United States, that the Maps for his intended editionof Guthrie's Geography IMPROVED, Are now engraving—anfl as soon as a fufficient number of ihem are finilhed, to Iccure a re- gular fupplv during the publication, which will probably be early next Spring, the work will be put to prcfs. He returns his acknowledgments to the very rcfpe&able number of Subscribers, who have come forward thus early to patronize this ardu ous undertaking. He assures them and the pub lie in general, that no pains or expenle (ball b( spared in the execution of the work. Terms of the Work : I. IT fnall be publilhed in 48 weekly numbers, each containing thiee (beets, or twenty-four pages, of letter press, in quarto, printed with new types on fine papet. 11. In the course of the work will be deliver ed about thirty large maps, of the fame size as thofein the European editions, viz. mod of them sheet maps on post paper. (JdT Besides the maps in the Britijh editions, this work will contain nine or ten American State Maps. HI. The price of each number will be a( quarter dollar, to be paid on delivery. (£3" No advance required. IV. Subscribers who disapprove of the work, on the publication of the three fir ft numbets, ate to be at liberty to return them, and (hall have their money repaid. V. Th* fubferibers' names shall be prefixed as patrons of the undertaking. *** Subscriptions received in Philadelphia bv the intended publisher; in New-York, by all the boojcfellers; in New-Haven, by Mt. Beers; in Hartford, by Mr. Patten; in Bofton,by Me(T. Thomas & Andrews, and by Mr. Weft ; in Bal timore, by Mr. Rice; in Richmond, by Mr. J. Carey; in Charleston, by Mr. W. P. Young, and by sundry other persons throughout the United States. (lawtf) Seon will be publijhed, the SYSTEM or Used by Mt.Llo yd, in taking down ihc Debate! of Congress. A system io easy, that any of ordinary capacity, may clearly comprehend it in half an hour, and soon prattife it, in its fulleft extent, without any further in(lru£lion, than what will be conveyed in a few pages,— the whole ART 1 being comprised in eighteen Jim pie char after s, without any of those perplexing, arbitrary marks, with which the learners of other lyftems are oWiged to burden their me mory, 3nd embarrass their practice. Price, to Subscribers, One J)ollar—to Non- Subscribers, a Dollar andhalj. Subfciiptions received by MeiTrs. Rice, Book-, fellers, Market-street ? and by JOHN CAREY, No. og, Pear-Street. Half a Dollar to be paid at the time offubjeribing. PLANS OF THI City of Washington, Sold by the Booksellers, DORSON, CAREY, YOUNG, & CRI'KSHAKK. (P3 The price of this Gazette h three Dollars fcritin™ C 264 To the Publ*c. THE Subscribers having been appointed a committee of the Board of the Iruftees of the Uiiiverfiiy of North-Carolina, for the pur pose of receiving proposals from iuch gentlemen as may intend to undertake the inllru£lion of youth in that inilituuon, take the opportunity of making known to the public their wtfti thai such gentlemen should fignify their inclination to the (übferibers. The objects to which it is contemplated by the Board to turn the attention of the students, on the fit 11 eftablilhmtnt, are—The itudy of Languages, particularly the l£nglilh—Hiilory, ancient and modern—the BcUe-iettres —Logic and Moral philosophy—the knowledge of the Mathematics and Natural Philosophy—Agricul ture and liotany, with the principles of Archi tecture. Gentlemen convtrfant in these branches of Science and Literature, ar.d who can be well re commended, will receive very handsome encou ragement by ihe Boat d. The exercises of the institution will commence as early as poflible after the completion of the buildings of the Uni- • verfity, which are to be contra&ed (or immedi ately. SAMUEL ASHE, A. MOORE, JOH\ HAYE, DAVID STONE, SAM. M'CORKLES. D%s cp.2m ADVERTISEMENT. Between "] December \JI, 1792. William Shipley lld the high Court ofCnance Complainant , V- ry of the State of Ncw- John Meng and o- 1 Jcrfey. thers Defendants. J Prejent, His Excellency the Chancellor. THE Complainant having filed his bill of Complaint against the Defendants '.n the month of September, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, and in the laid Bill of Complaint did among other things set forth that the said Com plairtaht being seized in his Demffne as of fee of and in a certairf Trait of Land, said to contain nine hundred and thirty acres, fiiuate, lying and being m the township of Hardwick in the coun ty of SufiVx in the State of New-Jersey, did on the firft of March seventeen hund • ed and eighty five, bargain fell and convey the fame in fee litu ple unto John Meng and John Hendcrfon of the city of Philadelphia, William Goodwin and John Town, for the consideration of One Thou sand Six Hundred Pounds in Gold or Silver— That on the fifth day of the fame month of March the said feoffees above named did execute unto the said William Shipley a Deed of Moil gage in fee Ample of the said Tra& of Land to secure the payment B, j- run-away r ROW THE SUBSCRIBER, THI Hi J, . A NEGRO BOY, named Zy ; n.mandVaU, J. A. lixteen years old; came to Samuel Lipir,- cot's at Boidcntown oil the 13'h, (aid hi a name was Henry, and left that place the 27th M JV _ On the *7lh flay of June, he was taken up'i a Bucks County, and carried; before a Majriftraii. said he was tree, and that he lived on the Suf' quehannah—thai a person by the name of /Ihu ham Frail, look him three drys jnurnrv (Vorj lioine, and turrit America; Baron Trenck in chains, an Indian Chief, andifeveral beautrfu! young ladies us di&rtnt States,- etc. icc. Second Roqm—Contains eighteen large Wax Figures, which form a Sociable Clv-b, or the Oyster Supper; and tine School for Scandal, confiding of twelve feinalfe Figure;;, making their observations on a Young Lad v , who had eloped with a Footmen. Admittance One Quarter of a Dollar each Room. N,E W T E A S. IMPERIAL,HYSON &SOUCHONG :Of the very firft quality, and latest importation from Canton, ria New-Yelk, by retail,at No. 19, Third, between Chtfnui and ltd»rt'et Jiieeu. N. B. Ajiw 80-tel of the abate HYSON/cr/i^. Stock Brokers Office, No.'4si Great Dock-street, New-York, The Subscribes intending to confine himfejf entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begsleave to offer his services to hi*friend* and others, in thelint ofa Stock Broker. Those who may please to fa* vor him with their business, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the irtmoft fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia,Bofton,or any othef part of the United' States will be ftri£ll y attend* | («.g LEONARD BLEECKF.R. To the Public. THE fubferibe begs leave to acquaint the pub* lie in general, and h\s cuftomeis in particu lar, tbat he has entered into partnership with Mr. HENRY KAMMERER, and that the Print ing bufinels in the English and German languages is now carried on under the firm of STEINER and KAMMERER, No. 85, in Race-ftrect, be tween Second and Third-ltreeis. The German Newspaper will be publiftled by them, as usual, on Tuesdays, and all kind of Prim ing work done with care and exoeduion. MELCHIOR STEINER. Philadelphia, A'av. & t 179 a, . John Gould, HAIR-DRESSER, INFORMS his friends and the public in gene?- ral, that he continues to carry on his business as usual, at No. 1, Sbuth Third-Street, near Market-Street, and thanks his formercuftomers for the favors he has received. Said Gould has for Tale, an infallible cure for Weak or Sor« Eyes, which on trials has and will Ue found to answer the purpose.—He has it in viah from one quarter of a dollar to a dollar.— Any per fop trying the above, if not found to answer. the character given, the money will be [ returned. [tf] ADVERTISEMENT. f£3TThu Gazette is publijhed in North Fifth-Street f No. 34, between High and Mulberry Streets —where the Editor now resides. A LARGE CELLAR TO LET\ Sujfuiently capacious to JloreJtveral hundrtd If artels Enquire ai above.