Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, January 12, 1793, Page 260, Image 4

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    BRUSSELS, October 25
Address of the Reprsfentative of the
French People, united in Couvintieu,
to the Armies us the Republic.
" 11 IZENS in aiins, who com
bat for the rights of man,
you, whole courage lias injured the
triumph of Liberty and Eqtialiiy ;
your grateful country now actdrelles
you through us. Receive tlie re
compence of the dangers, fatigues,
and facrifices, which have marked,
your path towards glory. This re
compence, citizens in arms, you al
ready enjoy in the tiaitfe of the
French People. The National Con
vention declare, that you havefaved
the Republic, and that
Your Country is no longer in danger.
" The National Convention de-
1. That this reftUnony of public
gratitude (ha!! be inferibed on the
Handards afier the Roman manner,
and that these standards (hall be lent
by the Executive Power to the ar
" 9. That the honor ef be<ring
them in battle (hall be decreed by
the general to citizens who may
have had the happiness to diftin
guifli themselves by some splendid
a <9 ion.
" 5. That if the National Con
vention fliall iigain declarethe coun
try to be in danger, these Itandards
of public fafety fliall be folded up,
and the armies (hall not have the
right of bearing them in their camp,
while the danger of their country
" 4. That if through want of dis
cipline, or any a<ft of cowardice, the
arms of the republic fliall be ftaineil
in any of the armies, the criminal
army fliall be firft puniflied, by be
ing deprived of this mark of the
confidence of the people, which
fliall be carried back to the National
Convention, and fliall not be te
ftored to the army which loft it, un
til they /hall have gained two vic
tories. This standard of public
fafety (hall be sacredly guarded in
camp by a guard of honor, and du
ring battle placed in the most con
fpicuous part of the camp. The
corps to which the general has en
trusted it, (hall defend it courage
ously, and that which fuffers it to
fall into the hands of the enemy,
{hall be difmilled, and its members
declared incapable of discharging
any of the duties of a citizen.—
Their names (hall likewise be in
scribed on tablets which (hall be
fixed up in all the common balls of
the republic."
Has been published by the Emperor,
dated October 23d, in which he di
1. That none of tlie French Emi
grants in the Low Countries attach
ed to the army of the Princes, lhall
be permitted to remain any where
else, bur in the cantonments align
ed to them ; those who presume to
wander from their quarters, &c. are
to be arretted, and in cafe of resist
ance punished as perturbators of the
public repose.
2. A'l the other Emigrants,what
ever may be their rank or condition,
who do not rent a house or lodg
ings, are to leave the country in the
space of eight days after the publi
cation of the present Arret, on pain
of being treated as vagabonds.
5. All those who, in confeqtience
of the above article, may be entitled
10 remain, are to gi v e in iheir
names, pro'feffions, &c. &c. to the
officers of iuftice. Those who do
not comply wii h the above injunc
tion, or who prefuine to wear white
cockades or plumes in their hats,
ihall be obliged to leave the coun
try in eight days.
Federal City.
THE Subscriber will convey forever, by
good arid fufficient deed. Thirty Lots in
the Citv of iituated 011 South
(.Capitol Street, to any man or company of
men—provided they wiP atnee roCreft there
on good and fufficient brick houses, within
three years f om the date hereof.
DANIEL CARROLL, ofDuddirgton.
City oj Wajhingtori) Dec. 31, 1792. 6t
Philadelphia, January 7, 1793.
NOTICE »» hereby givru y thai 1 hoc wi.i be
paid at thr Bank, after the 171 h ioftant, to
lite Stockholders or their Rcprefeiuativea ciuly
authorized, the following fuiri<., being 1 h Divi
dend declared foi the laH fix mom hi, viz. t
For each (hare bearing dividend from iht- lft
of July, Sixteen Doll is.
For cacti share bearing dividend from ihe ift
of Augutt, Fifteen Dollars, 33 Cents.
J"or each fhaie bearing dividend Irom the ift
of September, Fourteen Dollars. 67 Ccnis,
For each share bearing dividend iiom the ift
of Oefob r, Fourteen Dollar*..
For each lharc bearing dividend from the ift
of November, Thirteen Dollars, 33 Cents
For each share bearing dividend from ihe Ifl
of December, Twelve Doilais, 67 Cents.
For each three-quarter share. Twelve Dollars.
By order of the Prefidcnt and D»re£)i>f«,
3W JOHN KEAN, Cashier.
That well-known Place, called
LYING at the end of Sinipuxcnt Neck, on
the Eaftetn Shore of Maryland, wuhintwo
miles of the Inlet, in Worcester County, irt the
said State, being the firft landing for veflcls that
trade in there. From the frnationof the place,
it is convenient for fifh, clams and oyftns, is
open to the sea, and has every convertiency that
could be wish d for. Tiie foil is excellent for
Indian com, wheat or flax, is natural to clover,
and has a good marsh pasture for flock.
Any person defnousof purchafin?', may know
the tci ms by applying to Asfhelon Humphreys, Esq.
in Philadelphia—Mr. Benjamin Pumell,in Indian
Town, Worcester County—or to Capt. Littleton
fiobifi.\ y near the place.
Jan. 2,
FOR Sale, a beautiful ittuaiion on the Po
towinack. adjoining the town of Alexandria
and in a line of dire&ion towards ihe Federal
Cuy and GcorgeTowrvn full view of each place,
commanding a profpi.£t of the river and adjacent
< ountry 9! Maryland and Virginia, for many
miles ; about 45 or 50 acres of Land, lying di
rectly on the uver, will be fold, with the im
provements, which are, a two-dory framed
dwelling-house, neatly fmifhed, a kitchen, office,
brick smoke-house 3nd dairy, two-dory framed
barn, a well of excellent water, and an tce
houfe, a yard and garden, neatly railed and
highly improved, with a number of other ne
ceflary improvements ; the whole of the land
cnclofcd with pods and rails, ten or fifteen adTes
laid down, with different kinds of grass. lis
contiguity to those three towns must render it an
obj< £1 worthy the attention of any per fan who
wishes to invcfl money in a property that must
enhance in value, in proportion to the rapid »n.
crease of the Federal City, Alexandiia aud
George-Town. This property lies nearly in a
central (ituatioo to each place. The Potowmack
at this spot has a fine deep shore and harbour,
capable of receiving veflels of any burden. It
may not be improper to observe, that men of
judgment think a profitable and convenient
Ferry might be erc£ted here to the Citv of
Wa filing ion and ihe Maryland shores leading to
Baltimore aod Philadelphia.— Also to fell, 215
acres of Wood-Land, about three miles didaqt,
which will suit well to supply the above in
wood and timber. The title may be seen to Ihe
3bovc property, which is indifpu'.able, and terms
known by application to the fubferiber, living
on the premises.
December 12 th, 1792.
200 Dollars Reward.
LOST, at Providence, or between Providence
and Boston, a very small TRUNK, covercd
with seal-skin of a reddifti colour, with white
spots. It contained a quantity of South and
North-Carolina State Notes t and a few of the
State of Rhode-Island ; with other papers,which
can only be fcrticcable to the proprietor. The
State notes are checked at the offices from whence
theyiffued. Any person producing the Trunk
(with us contents) to JOHN MARSTON, of
Boston, WILLIAM HALL, of Providence,
York, cr Mr. SAMUEL EMERY, in Philadel
phia, shall receive the above reward, or for any
part of the property, One Dollars.
Boston, N nv. 28
A NEGRO BOY, named Zcr£; slim and tail,
fixieen years old; came to Samuel Lipin
coi's at Bordentown on the 15th, laid his name
was Henry, and left that place the 27th May.
On ihe 27th day of June, he was taken up in
Bucks County, and carried before a Magiitrate,
fatd he was free, and that he lived on the Suf
quehannah—that a person by the nam4 of Abra
hajn Prall, took him three days journey from
home, and turned him adrift with one dollar
He asked the Justice for a pass to go to his fa
ther, and nothing appeared to the contrary—
He lived with one Thomas Paxwell till the 19'h
of this instant, and then made his escape from
him ; he called his name Peter John ft on—had
on an old G'ey Coating Round Jacket, lined
with red baize; an old pair Leather Breeches,
and an old Felt Hat. Whoever takes up fatd
Boy,and brings h:m to Jacob Me rs f r eau, on
Siaten-ltfand, (hall receive TWENTY DOL
LARS, with reafonahle charges, paid by
j aw 6w
Dec. 29.
(£3~This Gazette ispubli/hedin NorthFilth-Strcct,
A'o. 3J., between High and Mulberry Streets—where
the Editor now re/ides.
Sufficiently capacious to /lore ftveralhundred barrels.
Enquire as above.
Ihe price of this Gazelle is Three Dollars
per annum—One half to be paid at the time of Jub
To the Public.
THE Subscribers having Decn appointed >
commiitee of the Board of :be Tiullees of
the Univcrfity of North-Carolina, for the pur
„ofe of receiving proposals Irom Cuch gent.emen
,s may intend to undertake the mftruaion ol
yftu.h in that mftiimion, lake the opportunity
of making known to the public their with that
such gentlemen should fignify their inclination
to the fubfenbers.
The objecls to which it it contemplated by
Ihe Board to turn the attention of the stud mi,
on the full rftabliftimcnt, are—The study of
Languages, particularly the Englilh— History,
ancient and modern—ihe Belle-leures-Logic
and Moral Philosophy—the knowledge of the
Mathematics ana Natural Philolophy—Agricul
ture and Botany, with the principles of Archi
Gentlemen coriverfant in their branches ol
Science and Literature, and who can be well re
commended, will receive very handsome encou
ragement by ihe Board. The exercises of the
inftituiion will commence as eai Iv as poflible
after the completion of the buildings of the Uni
veifity, which are to be com rafted lor immedi
/>25 cp2m
Between ~) December \JI, 1792.
William Shipley jln the high Court ofChancc !
Complainant, V ry of the State of New-
John Meng and o- 1 Jerfcy.
thersDefendants. j Prefeni,
His Excellency the Chancellor.
THE Complainant having filed his bill of
Complaint against the Defendants '.n the
month of September, seventeen hundred and
ninety-one, and in the said Bill of Complaint did
among other things set forth that the said Com
plainant bfing fcized in his Demesne as of fee
of and in a certain Tra&of Land, said to contain
nine hundred and thirty acres, fiiuate, lying and
being in ih« township of Hardwick in the coun
ty of Sussex in the State of New-Jcrfey, did 011
the fir A of March seventeen hundied and eighty
five, bargain fell and convey the fame in fee iim
ple unto John Meng and John Henderfon of ihe
city of Philadelphia, William Goodwin and
John Town, for the consideration of One Thou
land Six Hundred Pounds in Gold or Silver—
That on the fifth day of the fame month of
March the said feoffees above named did executc
unto the said William Shipley a Deed of Moit
gage in feefimple of the said Tract of Land to
lecure the payment o'f the said fixtccn hundred
pounds, with the lawful interest which might
thereon accrue—That in the year seventeen hun
dred and eighty-fix the said John Meng and
William Goodwin did become Bankrupts with
in the intent and meaning of the a£ts of the Le
gislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and such proceedings were had against them that
in the fame month they were duly declared
Bankrupts ; and that they the said J°hn Meng
and William Goodwin did in some short time
afterwards convey and transfer all their estate
both real and personal, and particularly all their
right and title to the premises above mentioned
to John Field, Cuitis Clay, James C. Filher,
Isaac Wharton, John Kaighn and Arthur Collins
all of the city of Philadelphia, fubjftt to the
Mortgage so as aforefaid given to the said Com
plainant.—That the said John Field, Curtis
Clay, James C. Fisher, Isaac Wharton, John
Kaighn and Arthur Collins soon after bargained,
fold and conveyed all their Right and Title of
and in the said Tratt of Land unto Benjamin
Town of the city of Philadelphia, and John
Town, fubjeft to the Mortgage aforefaid—That
on the eighteenth day of October seventeen hun
dred and eighty-five, the said John Town and
Benjamin Town did execute another Mortgage
to the said William Shipley for fecuririg the pay
ment of twelve hundred pounds in certain in
stallments—That in the month c! January seven
teen hundred and eighty-fix, John Town did
bargain and fell in fee simple all his Right and
Title to the said premises, to the said Benjamin
Town, fubjett to the Mortgages aforefaid—That
in the month of Februaty seventeen hundred and
eighty-eight, the said Benjamin Town did con
vey all-his Right and Title to the said premifet,
to John Field and Curtis Clay of the city of Phi
delphua, upon certain Trulls unknown to theal
Complainant—That said Benjamin Town the
soon after became Bankrupt, and in pursuance
of the bankrupt laws of the State of Pennlvlva
nia, did convey all his eilaie real and personal
to a certain Robert Ralilou—That John Hen
derfon did alio in the month of September seven
teen hundred and eighty-seven become a Bank
rupt, and undi-r the bankrupt laws of the State
of Pennsylvania, did and convey all his
estate real and personal to David Lenox, George
Hughes, Matthew Clarkfon, Peter Baynton and
Richard Bache—And the Complainant doth in
and by his laid Bill, pray that those having
Right to the laid Estate may be decreed to pay
him what is due on the laid Mortgages, or that
the equity of Redemption be forclofed by the
: Decree of this Court.
Cp 9.171
And now upon opening this matter this day
by K ichard Stockton, Esquire, being of thr com
plainants counsel—it appearing to the Court
that the said defendants do relide in the State
of Pcunfylvania, wiihout '.he jurifdiflion of this
Court; and it appearing furiher to this Court
thai writs of subpoena have been taken out ac
cording to the course of this Court, that the said
writs oi subpoena have been duly l'erved up»n
the bid fevtiat Defendants upwards of one
vear from this day ; and that none of the said
Defendants have caused his or their appearance
to be entered m this Court 10 the I'uit of the said
Complainant : It is therefore ordered by his
Excellency the Chan ellor, that the (aid De
fendant!! do cause their appearance to be entered
to the suit ot trie above Complainant
to the ruics of t his Court in two months from
this dav, or that the Plaintiffs bill be taken pro
fonlcff.i agreeably to the diteftinns of the ast of
tire Lcfy.flarure in fucli cafe made and provided
— The Complainant giving notice and makm?
publication of (h s rule as in and by the said set
ot ihe Lf jnft-Murf is provided.
Dtcmbtr tjl, , 792 . <p J£u
Of the very fiift quality, ana liteil impnriiiioo
from Cauioc, »u New-York, by retail,ll
No. 19,
Third, between Chcfnut and M:»rke: Streets.
N. B. A jew Boxes of the above HYSON fsrfg'e.
Stock Brokers Office,
N0.45, Great Dock-llreet, Ns w-Yokk,
THE Subscriber intending to confine him(elf
entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE op
STOCKS on COMMISSION, B< gskave 10 off*t
his services 10 his [fiends and fibers, in the line
of a Stock Broker. Thole who may please to t'»w
vor him wuth their bu'.inefs, may deotnd upoi*
having ii tranfa£led with ihe ucmoft fidelity and
Ordersfrom Philadelphia, Boston, or any othef
part of the United States will be ftri£Uy attend?
Ed to.
A further Caution.
ALL per tons are hercbv cautioned from receiv
ing of Thomas Mackie & Co. or any other
person, tour Notes of Hand, given by the late
"James Gardner, of Wilmington, North-Caiolwa,
to Samuel Jack/on, of Philadelphia, all bearing date
the 19th July, 1755, amounting in the whole ta
£.2,600 13 3 Ngrth-Carolina currency; the
greatest part of which said Notes have been paid
to said r/iomas Mackie & Co. in proof of which
the fublcriber? have the depofiuon of Mr. JaJpcr
Mauduit Jackson, and other documents which will
fully and clearly illustrate the matter.
It is therefore expe&ed that this notice, with
the one advertised in this paper in May and June,
1 791, will be a fufficient caution to the public.
ROBERT SCOTT, '» gjjftiftiin.
Wilmington. (N. C.) Aug. 1, 1792. (lamgm)
B O O K S,
No. 118, Market-Street, Philadelphia.
i. A MERIC ANMUSEUMJjfiom its commcrce
jT\. mcnt in January 1787, to June 1792, in
eleven vols. Price, neatly bound and lettered,
Ifeventeen dollars and three fifths.
This work, which is now conduced on an im
prov< d plan, containing the best picccs publilhed
for and against the proceedings ©f government,
will be found to contain at least as great a variety
of political, agricultural, and miscellaneous tflays,
as any ever published in America, Perhaps in no
one work are so many valuable docun»< nts refpefcl
ing the history of t his country, collc&cd together.
His Excellency the Prcfident of Ihe United States,
has declared of it, that 11 a more ufelul literary
plan has never been undertaken in America, nor
one more deferring of public encouragement.**
The fubfcripiion is two dollars and a half per
ann. Gentlemen in the country v\ ho wish to
be supplied with this work, are requcfted to give
commiflion to friends in the city to fubferibe for
rind receive if Any of the back numbers
maybe had in order to complete sets.
2. Smiil»'s Letters 10 Mari ied Women, on Nurf
ng and the management ot Children.
" We recommend these letters (o the perusal of
those to whom they are particularly addressed."—
Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. 101 — Price, bound,
62 cents.
3. Duncan's Elements of Logic—7s cents.
4. Beauties of Fielding— 50 cents.
5. Beauties of Blair—-50 cents.
6. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Mis»
More'sEflTays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning
ton's Advice, Marchioness of Lambert's Advice,
Swift's Letter to a newly married Lady, Mrs. Cha
pone on command ot Temper, Morc's Fables for
the Ladies, Price 6/6.
7. Smith's Htftory of New-York,
lar and a quarter,
8. Elements of Moral Science, by James Beat
tie, L.L.o. ppofeffor of moral pbiKifophy and
logic in the Marifchal College, Aberd eon—Price
three-fourths of a dollar. Of this book the
Critical Reviewers -(vol. 69, p. 628) fay : 44 We
have fcen nothing on these fubj< 6ts more plain,
more perspicuous, or more generally ufeful."
N. B. It is introduced into the Univerfityin Phi
9. Beauties of Poeiry. Price four-fiiths of a
10. Blair's Sermons. Price two dollars.
11. N- ckcr's Treat ife on the impoitance of Re
ligious Opinions.—Price four-fifths of a dollar.
12. Examination of the Observations of Lord
Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on very
fine paper, 5 8 hs of a dollar.
13. The Constitutions of the several United States,
with the Federal Con dilution, &c. Price five
eighths of a dollar.
14. M'Fingal. Pricethree-eighths of a dollar.
15. American Jest Book. Price three-fifths of
a dollar.
16. Garden of the Soul. Price half a dollar.
17 The Doway Tranflatiori of the Vulgate Hi
bl ,in quarto—-Price, elegantly bound and lettei
ed, 50/2-—plain, fix dollars.
18. Deyouc Chriftian'# Vade Mecura---Piice ft
quarter dollar.
19. Think well on't. Price a quarter dollar.
20. Christian Economy. Price a fifth of a dollar.
21. History of Charles Grand ifon, abridged-
Price a sixth of a dollar.
22. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a third
of a dollar.
23. Select Poems, chiefly American- —Pricc ft
sixth of a dollar.
Said Carey has for fa le, a large afTortmcnt ©f
Books, European at well as American editions,
which he will difpole of on the mod leafonable
terms. Country gentle men, who favor him with
commands, may depend upon being fupplicd in
1 1he most fatitfactorv manner. A libera) allowance
io such as pur chafe quant, tie* for public libraries
or to fell again.
Pi ice a dol-