Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, January 02, 1793, Page 248, Image 4

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    LONDON, October 11.
By advices from Cologne, dated the
6th in ft. it appears to be the intention of
the French General Cuftine, to pulh on
to Mayenee, Daimtladt, and Frankfort,
even to penetrate into the Hessian territo
ry. Tiie inhabitant* are all collecting
their most valuable effects. A yacht has
conveyed to Coblentz the Prussian mili
tary chelt, the aichives, chuich orna
ments, &c.
Letters from Manheim positively ft ate
that an at my of from 25 to 30,000 Ruf
fians will be before Landau, by the com
mencement of the month, and
that the firft column, conhfting of 6000
men, has already reached Bohemia.—
These troops will unquestionably be join
ed by the body of 25,000 Hungarians,
which is expedttd to reach the borders of
the Rhine within the above period.
By the above advices it appears that
the Princes of the Empire aie to furnilh
double contingencies, and that the King
of Pruflia has ordeied the levy of fredi
troops. In this cafe General Dumourier
has formed a very falfe opinion of the
sentiments of this monarch, whom, with
the whole of his army, he has sent back
- to Pruflia.
The disorder in the queen's feet is riot
occasioned folelv by corns, but by a fet
tled humour, which afFc&s the soles of
"both, and renders them so painfnl, and
afterwards tender as to prevent her ma
jelly (landing for any length of time with
out extreme pain. The faculty have all
agreed, that the humours (hould not be
The governors of the bank of England
have agreed, that in future, all bank notes
lhall have a line engraven across them to
ftiew where they are to be cut, when sent
by poll ; and diie&ions will be given to
their clerks to write the number on each
lialf, and also the date of .month and year
on the left hand fide of the note, as re
commended by the pod-office.
Prince Potocki has given an entertain
ment at Warfavv, in which the health of
Catherine of Rnflla was drank, under a
discharge of 300 guns. The accompany
ment would have been more suitable to
the toalt, if every gun killed an hundred
thousand persons.
At a meeting, called by tlie Lord
Mayor of Dublin, at the Exchange there,
on the loth inft. a proposal was made by
his lordftu'p, that some public means
(hould be used to obtain subscriptions tor
the relief of the French emigrants in Ire
land. The motion was negatived almolt
unanimously, for though the company
were willing to promote private subscrip
tions for the fame purpose, they would
not, by any public measure, fecm to ex
press a censure of the French Revolution.
thf pru«sian retreat.
Before the disastrous entry of the
allied armies into Champagne, the
French were taught to dread the
immense and believed invincible
Cavalry of Hrulfia.—What is now
become of it ? The horse is the ten
derelt of all animals, and the in
clemency of a in a i shy foil and inces
sant rains, have killed them by hun
dreds, Cultine has burnt the forage
jieceflary for their support, and the
French Huflars bring numbers of
thiTin in daily—Vitry is the market
for their lale ; and there the pea
sants come to buy—and bespeak the
preference of Inch as the Light
Troops may acquire in their excur
Thus, what with the neglecft of
iiccors, imprudence in their feed
ng, tlie determined enterprize of
he enemy, and, yet more than all
hefe, the inclemency of the season >
this perhaps unequalled allemblage
Df the fined troops in Europe is for
ced inrothe dilgrace of retreat, be
fore armies they have too lightly
derided, and leaders ihey feein in
judieioufly to have despised.
DUBLIN, September 21.
Patriotic Divorces.: —The French la
dies app»-.' at the bar of the Affeinbly,
offer theii U'fbands to fetve on the Fron
tiers, faying, at the fattve time, they ate
of no vfe at home.
Wiien patriotic French huf
foands offered to fend their wives to the
Frontiers the Afltmbly have always pair
ed to the Order of the Jay.
The price of this Gazette is Three Dollars
per anm:ir.—One hit] to be f»id at the time offub-
53* PERSONS Ml a djinia from this (ity whe
wi/Ji to/übfirioeJor this Gazz tt i, are injotma
that the condition */«jdvanciMg fix wonlhi JfubJcrtf
tion. or making provifiw for iti being paid hen,
muji be complied with, othgrwrjc the paper J car>not be
forwarded —The Editor having been feiereiy taxed
b\ the pvjlage oj rtquefls the ordtts by pofi
jbr the mas be fert him jree iff that charge.
To the Public.
THK Subscribers having been appointed a
commiitee of the Board of *.he Ti uflecs of
the Univerfny of North-Carolina, for the pur
pose of receiving proposals from luch gentlemen
as may intend to undertake the inilru&iow of
youth in that tnflitution, take the opportunity
of making known to the public their wilh thijt
such gentlemen Ihould fignity their inclination
to the fnbfcribers.
The objects lo which it is contemplated by
the Board to turn the attention of the ftutl nts,
on the (lift eftablilhinent, are—The Itudy of
Languages, paiticularly the Knglifh—Hiiloryt
ancient and modern—the Bclle-iettres—
and Moral Philosophy—the knowledge of the
Mathematics and Natural Philosophy—Agricul
ture and Botany, with the principles of Aichi-
Gentlemen conversant in these branches of
Science and Literature, and who can be well re
commended, will receive very handforoe encou
ragement by the lioaid. The cxerciiei of the
inititution will commence as early es poflible
alter i he completion of the buildings of the Uni
versity, which are to be coinra£kd for immedi
D 2,5 ep.2rri
Soon will be published,
the SYSTEM of
Used by Mr.Lloyd, in taking clown the Debates
ot Congress. A system so easy, that any man,
of ordinary capacity, may clearly comprehend
it in half an hour, and soon pra6lile >t, in its
fulled extent, without any furrhcr inftru&ion,
than what will be conveyed in a few pa^es, —
the whole ART being comprised in eighteen
fimpie chat afters, without any of thole perplexing,
arbitrary marks, with which the learners of
other systems are obliged to burden their me
mory, jnd einbarrafs their pra&ice.
Price, to Subscribers, One Dollar—to Non-
Subscribers, a Dollar and ha!J.
Subscriptions received by Messrs. Rice, Book
sellers, Market-ftxeet, and by
JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pear-Street.
Haifa Dollar to be paid at the time of fuhjeribing.
A GREAT bargain.
FOR Sale, a beautiful Situation on the Po
towmack, adjoining iht town of Alexandria
and in a line of direction towards the Federal
City and George Town,in full view ot tach place,
commanding a pro(pe&of the river and adjacent
country ot Maryland and Virginia, for many
miles; about 45 or 50 acres of Land, lying di
reftl'y on the river, will be fold, will) ihe im
provements, which ate, a two-story framed
d welling-honfe, neatly Hnifhed, a kitchen, office,
buck, smoke-house and dairy, two-itory framed
barn, a well of excellent water, and an tce
houle, a yard and garden, neatly railed and
highly improved, with a number of other ne
ceflary improvements ; the whole of the land
enclosed with polls and rails, tenor fifteen acres
laid down, with different kinds of grass. Its
contiguity to those three towns mull render it an
objecl worihy the attention of any person who
wishes to invest money in a propeity that inuft
enhance in value, in proportion to the rapid in
create of the Federal City, Alexandria and
George-Town. This property lies nearly in a
central Situation to each place. The Potowmack
at this spot has a fine deep (hore and harbour,
capable of receiving veflels of any burden. It
may not be improper to observe, that men of
judgment think a profitable and convenient
Ferry might be erected here to the City ©f
Washington and the Maryland shores leading to
Baltimore aod Philadelphia.— Also to fell, 215
acres of Wood-Land, about three miles distant,
which will suit well to supply the above in
wood and limber. The title may be seen to the
above property, which is indisputable, and terms
known by application to the Subscriber, living
on the premises.
December 12 th, 1792
200 Dollars Reward.
LOST, at Providence, or between Providence
and Bolton, a very small TRUNK, covered
with feal-lkin of a reddifa colour, with white
spots. It contained a quantity of South and
North-Carolina State Notes, and a few of the
State of Rhode-Hland ; with other papers,which
can only be fenriceable to the proprietor. The
State notes are clucktd at the offices from whence
theyilTued. Any peifon producing the Tiunk
(with its contents) to JOHN MARS! ON, of
Boston, WILLIAM HALL, of Piovidence,
Mclfrs, PATERSON and BRASHER, New-
York, or Mr. SAMUEL EMERY, in Philadel
phia, (hall receive the above reward, or for any
part of the prwpertv, One Hundred Dollars.
Boston, Nov. 28. eptf.
Philadelphia, November q. o, 1792.
THE Stockholder of the Bank of the United
States are hereby informed, that according
to theftatute of incorporation, a general election
for twenty-five Dne£tors will be held at the Bank
cf the Unit* d States, in the city of Philadelphia,
on Monday the fevertth day ot January next, at
ten o'cock in the forenoon.
And duj fuati to the eleventh feftion of the
Bye-Laws, the Stockholders of the said Bank aie
hcteby 'notified 10 aflemble in general meeting
at the lame place,on Tuesday the eighthday of
January uext, at five o'clock in the evening.
By order of ihe President and Directors,
JOHN KEAN, Calhicr.
Bttwur, ") Dcccmbcr .792.
William Shipley 1" ihe hl K" Coul 1 o| Ch»nce
Complainant, J- ry otthe State ol Ncw-
John Mag and o- Jcrfcy.
iiicrsDcUndauts. Prejent,
Hll Excclltncy th, Chancellor.
THE Complainant having filed bis bill of
Complaint against .he Defendants m the
month of September, fcvcuteen hundred and
ninety-one, and 111 the laid Bill of Complaint did
jmou other things let foith that the laid Coin
planum b, mg lei zed in his Dem lne as ot tee
ot and in a certain Trad ot Land, said to contain
nine bundled and thirty acres, lnuate, lying and
being in the township ol Hardwiok in the coun
ty ot Suss.-x 111 the State of Ncw-Jeitey, did 011
the ftlll ot Maich te>c«een hundied and eighty
five, baigain fell and convey the fame 111 tee lim
pl, unto |ohn Meng and lohn Henderfon ot ihe
citv of Philadelphia, William Goodwin and
lohu Town, for tlie confideratiou ot Chie T'nou
tand Six Hundred Pounds 111 Gold or Stiver
That on the fifth day of the Tame month ot
March the said feoffees above named did cxccute
unto the said William Shipley a Deed of Mort
gage in feclimple of the said Tradi of Land to
fccure the payment ot the said fixtecn hundred
pounds, with the lawful interett which might
thtieon accrue—That in the year seventeen hun
dred and eighty-fix the laid John Meng and
William Goodwi* did become Bankrupts with
in the intent and meaning ol the a£ts ot the Le
giflnure ot the Commonwealth of Pcnrifylvama,
and fucb proceedings were had against them that
111 the fame month they were duly dtclatcd
Bankrupts; aid that they the said John Meng
and William Goodwin did 111 fomc Ihort time
afterwards co.vey and tianster all their estate
both teal and personal, and particularly all their
right and title to the premises above mentioned
to John Field, Curtis Clay, James C. Fisher,
Isaac Wharton, John Kaighnand Arthur Collins
allot' the city of Philadelphia, fubjeft to the
Mortgage so as atorefaid given to the said Com
plainant.—That the said John Field, TTtinis
Clay, James C. Filber, Isaac Wharton, John
Kaighnand Aithur Collins soon alter bargained,
fold and conveyed all their Right and Title of
and 111 the said Tract ol Land unto Benjamin
Town of the city of Pniladelphia, and John
Town, fubj.-tt to the Mortgage atorefaid—That
on the eighteenth day ot O&ober seventeen hun
dred and eighty-five, the said John Town and
Benjamin Town did execute another Mortgage
to the said William Shipley for securing the pay
ment of twelve hundred pounds in certain in
llallments—That in the month ct January seven
teen hundred and eighty-fix, John Town did
bargain and fell in fee Pimple alt his Right and
Title to 1 tie laid premilVs, to the said Benjamin
Town, fubjeft to the Mortgage., aforefaid—That
111 the month of Fcbruaiy seventeen hundred and
eighty-eight, the said Benjamin Town did con
vey all Ins Right and Title to the said piemifd,
to John Field and Curtis Clay of the city ot PIII
- upon certain Trulls unknown to thcal
Complainant—That said Benjamin Town the
soon after became Bankrupt, and in pursuance
of the bankrupt laws of the State of Pcnnivlva
nia, did convey all his estate real and personal
to a certain Robert Ralfton—l hat John Hen
derfon did alfoin the month of September feven
rtren hundred and eighty-leven be. ome a Bank
rupt, and under the bankiupt laws of the State
of Pennsylvania, did afiigu and convey all his
estate real and personal to David Lenox, George
Hughes, Matthew Clarkfon, Peter Baynton and
Richaid Bache— And the Complainant doth 111
and by his said Bill, pray that those having
Right to the said Estate may be decreed to pay
him what is due on the laid Mortgages, or that
the equity of Redemption be forclofed by tjie
Decree of this Court.
And now upon opening this matter this day
by \icliard Stockton, Esquire, being ofthe com
plainants couilfel—it appearing to the Court
that the said defendants do retide >n ih« State
of Petmfylvania, without the junfdidfion ot this
Court; and it appearing funiier to this Court
that writs of fubpeena have been taken out ac
cording to the course of this Court, that the said
writs ot fubpeena have been duly served upon
the said feveial Defendant* upwards ot cie
year from this day ; and that none ol the laid
Defendants have cauCtd his or their appearance
tci be eptcred in this Court to the suit of the said
Complainant : It is therefore otdered by his
Excellency the Chancellor, that the said De
fendants do cause their appearance to be mtered
to the suit of the above Complainant according
to the rules of this Court in two munths from
ep 2 m
this day, or that the Plaintiffs bill be taken pro
contcffo agreeably to the dirc&ions of the a£t of
the Legislature in such cafe made and provided.
—The Complainant giving notice and making
publication of tb>s rule as in and by ihe said a&t
.ot the Legiflaiure is provided.
Dtctmbtr iJI, 1792. ep 30*
W ax- YV ork &Paintings,
ARE open every day and evening (Sundays
excepted) at the House lately occupied
by Mrs. Pine, No. 9, North Eighth-street
First Room—Contains upwards of 100
elegant Paintings, and about 3° Wax Figures,
\n full stature—among which are Likenelles
of a number of the principal characters in
America; Baron Trenck in chains, an Indian
Chief, and several beautiful young Ladies of
different States, &c. &c.
< Second Room—Contains eighteen larg#
Va* Figures, which form a Sociasle Club,
or the Oyster Supper ; and the School for
Scandal, consisting of twelve female Figures,
making their oblervations on a young Lady,
who had eloped with a Footman.
■ Admittance One Quarter of a DolUr each
Gazette is publijhedin North Fifth-Street s
No. 34, between High and Mulberry Streets—where
tke Editor now resides.
Sujftcicntly capacious toJlorejtveral hundred barrels,
Enquire as above.
To the Public;
fubfcribc begs leave to acquaint the pub-
JL lie in g'-neia!» and his cuHomers in p<micu r
lar, tnat he ha& entered into paitneifhip win,
Mr. HENRY KAMMtRER, 2nd thatne Print*
ing bulineli in the biiglilh and German languages
is now carried on under the firm ot STLINER.
and KAM MERER, No. 8,5, »n Race-ftrfltt, be
tween Second and Tl.ird-iheets.
The German Ne\vlp;per will be publifhcd hv
them, as usual, 011 Tuesdays, and al! k'uu ot Plim*
IniT work done wiih care and fx»« dmon.
phitudclphia, Km. 6, 17ye.
Of the very tiilt quality, and laicll importation
from Canton, via New-Yoik, by retail,at
No. 19,
Third , between C licfnui and Market Stieetj,
N. B. A Jew Boxes of the ulovc HYSON jor file.
Stock Brokers Office,
N0.45, Great DocV-llreet, Niw-Yoik,
THE Subscriber intending t« confine himfclf
entirely t<? the PURCHASE anbSALE or
his Cervices 10 hiiirientls and oih< is, in the trae
ota Stock Broker. Thofc who nuy please to la
vor him With thi ir business, may c-'rpeod upca
having it tranfafled with ihc utmost fidelity an &
Ordersfrorti Philadelphia,Bofton,orany otHrr
part of the Unitccl States will be ftriftly jtttu'd
ed to. '
No. 118, Market-Street, Philadelphia.
1. A MERICANMUSEUM,ftom itscommence
ifjL ment in January 1787, to June 1792, irv
eleven vols. Price, neatly bound and Uttered,
seventeen dollars and three filths.
This work, which is now conduced on an im
proved plan, containing the belt pitces publiftied
for and against ihc proceedings of government.,
will be found to contain at least as great a variety
of political, agricultural,and miscellaneous essays,
as any ever publiftied in America. Perhaps in no
one work a re To many valuable docurru ntsrefpe£t
ing the history of this country, collected together.
His Excellency the Prefidcnt of the United States,
has declared of it, that u a more ufeful literary
plan has never beeni undertaken in America, npr
one more deserving of public encouragement."
The fubfeription is two dollars and a.half per
aim. Gentlemen in the country who with to
be supplied with this work, are requefttd to give
commiilion to friends in the city to fubferibe tor
and receive if Any of the back number!
may be had in order to complete fels.
2. Smith's Letters to Married Women, on Narf»
ing and the management of Children.
" We recommend these letters to the perusal of
those to whom they are particularly addreflfed."—
Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. 101 — Price, bound*
62 cents.
3. Duncan's Elements of Logic—7s cents.
4. Beauties of Fielding—-50 cents.
5. Beauties of Blair—so csnts.
6. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Mif#
More's Eflays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning
ton's Advice,Marchionefs of Lambert's Advice,
Swift's Letter to a newly married Lady, Mrs. Cha*
pone on command ot Temper, More's Fables foe
the Ladies, Price 6/6.
7. Smith's Hiflory of New-York. Pi ice a dol
lar and a quarter.
8. Elements of Moral Science, by James Beat
lie, 1.1.d. profeiTor of moral philosophy and
logic in the Marifchal College, Aberdeen—Prictf
three-fourths of a dollar. Of this book the
Critical Reviewers (vol. 6g, p. 628) fay : 44 We
have seen nothing ou these fubje&s more plain,
more peTfpicuous, or more generally ufeful."
N. B. It is introduced into the University in Phi-*
9. beauties of Poetry. Price four-fifths of «t
10. Blair's Sermons. Price two uoilars.
11. Ntcker'sTreaufeon the importanceof Re«
ligioiisOpinions.—Prioc four-fifths of a dollar.
12. Examination of the Observations of Lord
Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on very
fine paper, 5 8 hs of a dollar.
13. The Conllitutionsof the several United States,
with the Federal Constitution, &c. Price five
eighths of a dollar.
14- M'Fingal. Price three-eighths of a dollar.
15. American Jest Book. Price three-fifths of
a dollar.
16. Garden of the Soul, i>rice half a dollar.
17 The Do way Trantlalion of the Vulgate Bi
blr*, in quarto—- Pi ice,elegantly bound and lctlei«*
ed, 50/2—plain, fix dollars.
18. Devout Christian's Vadc Mecuna—Price a
quarter dollar.
ig. Think well on't. Price a quarter dollar.
20. Chriflian Economy. Price a fifth of a dollar.
21. History of Charles Grandifon, abridged-
Price a sixth of a dollar.
22. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a thir4
•>f a dollar.
23. Sde6l Poems, chieily American-—Price 9
sixth of a dollar.
Said Carey has for sale, a large assortment i»f
Books, EuYopean es Well as American editions,
which he .will difpole of on the most reasonable
terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with
commands, mjy depend upon being supplied in
the most fatisfactory manntr. A liberal allowance
to fucli as purchaTe quantities lor public libraries
or to {ell ag. in.
City of Washington,
Sold by the Booksellers,
R E Y,