A further Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned from receiv ing of Thomas Mtchit U Co. or anv other petfon, l° ur Nbtet of 'Haiid, given by the latej limes C-ardntr, of Wilmingion, Norih-Caiolina, to Samuel Jacifin, of Philadelphia, all bearing da.e the 101 h July, 1785- amounting in the whole to f. 2,600 13 3 North-Carolina currency; the »reateft'p"tol which said Note, have been p-id J , said rhoma, Millie & Co. m pro"' of which the fuhlcriberf have the depoluion of Mr. Mmiiul't J.uifin, and other documents which will fully and clearly illuftrare the matter. It is therefore expected that this notice, with the one adverufed in this paper in May and June, 1701, will be a fufficient caution to the public. THOMAS WRIGHT, ) ROBERT SCOTT, > Executors. MAR. R. WILLKINGS, ) irihuiigton, (N. c.) Aug. l, 17g4- Stayed or Stolen, FROM the fubf:riber, on the night ot the 18th instant, from the inclofure of Joh n Clark, of Trenton Townlliip, Hunterdon county, Nrw |erfey, a Chefnut Sorrel MARE, about nine yeais o'd, fourteen and an half hands high, bald taced. white feet and eyes, a bunch on her left and near fide, oceafioned by a hurt, small long neck, thin mane, thortlfh tail, thod all round : Whofoevei will take up laid Mare, and return her either to John C l a'h k, of Trenton, Richard Varian, New-York, or the fubferiber in Danbury, Fair field county, State of Conneflicut, (hall receive EIOHT DOLLARS REWARD lor the Marc and Thief, or FOUR DOLLARS !or the Mare only. JAMES TROWBRIDGE. Trrnton, (N. j.) Sept. 18. 17Q2. New-Brunswick Church Lottery. THE peculiar circumstances of a gentleman who had undertaken to difpofeof a propor tion of the tickets in the New-Brunfwick Church Lottery, having, in his opinion, rendered it incon venient for him further to proceed in the sale thereof, between eleven and twelve hundred tick ets arc unexpe&edly returned to the Rector, Church-Wardens and Veftry-mcn. This lays the Managers under the neceflity of further adjourning the drawing of the Lottery, until the fifteenth day of Ottober next, that they may have time to tranf mif these tickets to the parts of the state where they ate applied for, and teceive the returns As there are but few tickets bcfides these remaining on hand, all persons who are disposed to promote the pious object of this Lotteiy, or to take a chance for the prizes therein, are requested to supply them selves by the firft of Odlober ; and the gentlemen appointed to dispose of them, are desired to return those to the Managers which then remain unfold, to answer the applications of some gentlemen in the neighbourhood, who are postponed to this re source for a supply. — And notice is hereby given, that the tickets not returned to the Managers by the eighth day of October, will be conftdered as at the rifle, of the holders. N. B. Robert Morris, Esq. of New-Brunf wick, is duly'chofcn one of the Managewof the said Lottery, and has given security and qualified agreeably to law. (eptOi) 100 Dollars Reward. LOST on Cambiidge Common, MafTachufetts, on the afternoon of the 18th ult. a Morocco POCKET-BOOK, with a fte«l clasp, containing a number of valuable papers, among which were the following Public Securities, viz. MalTachufetts State Notes— No. 2,425, dated December 1, 1782, payable to Thopas Greenwood, for 23 >6r. principal—No. 22,399, dated Ja nuary 1, 1785, payable to Nathaniel Partridge, tor £.10 tot. principal. —No. , dated January J, 1782, (an army note) payable to Timothy How ard, for/'. 8 Bs. id. principal.—No. ,'a Note (the number, date, and to whom payable, not known) for £.3 os. 3d. principal.—One Indent Certificate lor Four Dollars, and a New-Hamp (hire Certificate for about £. 12 payable to John and Daniel Jenks ; also a number of Notes of Hand, one of which was for £. 572 given by Nathan F.ond to Samuel IV. Pomeroy {by whom it was tn doifed) datrd id May, 1792, and payable 011 the 1 ith August following ; the others were all paya ble to the Subscriber. The Securities are checked at the different offices from whence they were issued, and the Notes of Hand by the different signers, they can therefore be of no use to any but the owner. The Subscriber hereby offers j reward of One llu ndr ed Do lla r s to any person or persons ■who has found the fame, and will return them to him, or leave them with the Printer hereof, and no qucfiions will be afocd. ABRAHAM FOSTER. Salem, Maffachufttts, Augujl 1, t 7 g 2 , (eptf) Stock Brokers Office, TN0.45, Grc.it Doek-ftreet, New-Yokk, HE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begshave 10 offer his fcrvices to histriends and oihers, in the line or a Stock Broker. Those who may please to fa vor htm with their buftnefs, may depend upon having it tranfafted with the utmost fidelity and dispatch. ' Orders from Philadelphia,Boflon, or any other part oftnc United States will b f ftriflly attend ed to. ' LEONARD BLEECKER. (<■'•) t Universal Hymn Book. Tobe-Soldbv THOMAS DOBSON, and other ABookfellers in Philadelphia, Collect ion of PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPI RITUAL SONGS; felefted from different Authors, and publifiied by Order of the Con vent,on holding the Dcflrine of the Salvation of alijMen, metin Philadelphia, May 25, , 7ql . Puce of a hnglc book, touad,3-Bths of a Dollar •with good allowance to those who take quantities August 4. (eplf ) ' Tat SUBSCRIBERS to lit Universal Tontine Are informed, chat a general meeting is to be held at the State-House in (hiscity, on Satuiday rhe 3d ci<3y of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. N . agreeably to the sixth article of their association. By order of the Agents, EBENEZER HAZARD, Sec'ry. Philadelphia^Sept.. 1792.. (epi X 3) NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL, HYSON&SOUCHONG, Of the very firft quality, and latest importation from Camon, via New-York, by retail,at No. 19, Third, between Chcfnut and Market Streets. BOOK S, PRINTED AND SOLD BY M A T H E VV CAREY, No. 118, Market-Street, Philadelphia. 1. A M ERI CAN MUSEUM, fiom its commence ii mcnt in January 1787, to June 1792, in eleven vols. Price, neatly bound and Uttered, seventeen dollars and three fifths. This work, which is now concluded on an im proved plan, containing the best pieces and against the proceedings of government, will be found to contain at least as great a variety of political, agricultural,and miscellaneous cflays, as any ever published in America. Perhaps in no one work are To many valuable documents refpeft ing ihe history of this country, eolleflcd together.' His Excellency the President of the United States, has declared of if, that u a more ufeful literary plan has never been undertaken in America, nor one more deserving of public encouragement." The fubfeription is two dollars and a haif per ann. Gentlemen in the country who wish to be supplied with this work, are requested to give commission to friends in the city to fubferibe for and receive if—-Any of the back numbers may be had in order to complete sets. £. Smith's Letters to Married Women, on Nurf ;ng and the management of Children. " We recommend these letters to the perusal of those to whom they are particularly addrefTcd."— Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. 101—Price, bound, 62 cents. 3- Duncan's Elements of Logic—7s cents. 4. Beauties of Fielding—so cents. 5. Beauties of Blair—so cints. 6. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Miss More'sEflays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning ton's Advice, Marchioness of Lambert's Advice, Swift's Letter to a newly married Lady, Mrs. Cha pone on command ot Temper, Mori's Fables for the Ladies, Price 6/6. 7. Smith's History of New-York. Price a dol lar and a quarrer. 8. Elements of Moral Sciencc, by James Beat tie, l. l d. profefTor of moral philofopby and logic in the Marifchal College, Aberdeen—Price three-fourths of a dollar. Of this book the Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay : " We have seen nothing on these fubjefts more plain, more perspicuous, or moregenerallv ufeful." N. B. It is introduced into the University in Phi ladelphia. 9. Beauties of Poetry. Price four-filths of a dollar. io. Blair's Sermons. Pricc two dollars, 11. Necker'sTreatifc on the importance of Re ligious Opinions.---Price four-fifths of a dollar. >2. Examination of the Observations of Lord Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on very fine paper, 5 Bihs of a dollar 13. The Constitutions of thefeveral United States, with the Federal Constitution, &c. Price five eighths of a dollar. 14. M'Fingal. Price three-eighths of a dollar. 15. American Jest Book. Price three-fifths o< a dollar. 16. Garden of the Soul. Price half a dollar. 17 The Doway Translation of the Vulgate Bi hl?, in quarto— Price, elegantly bound and letter -50/2—plain, fix dollars. 18. Devout Christian's Vade Mecura—Price a quarter dollar. 19- Think well on'f. Price a quarter dollar, 20. Christian Economy. Price a fifth of a dollar. 21. History of Charles Grandifon, abridged- Price n fixrh of a dollar. 22. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a third wf a dollar. 23- Selefl Poems, chiefly American-.-Price a' Bxih of a dollar. Said Carey has for sale, a large afTortment of Books, European as well as American editions which he will dispose of on the mofl reaforiable terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with commands, may depend upon being supplied in the molt fatisfactory manper. A liheral allowance ' to such as purchafc quantities for public libraries ■ or to (ell acr?in, ' BOWEN's FXHIBITION OF Wax-Work & Paintings, A T the House lately occupied by Mrs. Pine in Eighth-street, is now ready for the en tertainment of the Public Among a great vaiiety of Paintings, are a number of ITALIAN & FRENCH PIECES which are new and very pleasing. ' Also, a large collection of NE!V fFAX FIGURE ■] The Exhibition is open every dav, from nine! O clock in the morning, until nine in the even-i l "2,—— Admittance HufaDoli,, forl. a die S ! and Gentlemen, and hajp„ ce f or Children. tJototLZ th£ feafon ' (not For Sale, at the Exhibition Room' LIKENESSES of the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, i„ WAX, ' Sept V 2i' ety E!egant PRIN TS in Frames — (eptf) tle Tfl >R» SESSION Nn ' £oyrArL^ 152 TERRITORY OF COLUMBIA. June 28, 1792. PURSUANT to the la ft Will and Teflament of the late Rev. Alexander Wil li am son, deceased, will be exposed to Public Sale on Thurs day, the 1 ith of October next, at si uohcetown, 00 a credit of three years, the purchasers giving bond with approved security, to bear interiftlrom the date—That valuable S.at of Land, in Montgo mery county, called Hayes; the late dwelling plantation ol the deceased, containing between fix and seven hundred acre*, the greatelt part of which i rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa tt red, and capable of affording a very confiderablc quantity ct fine meadow ; —Situated about 6 miles • rom the Federal City,and ;he fame diilance from George-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a remaikable healthy part of the country. The improvements are, a very elegant two story tirick Dw&lling Hoyfe, (with four rooms and a oaffage, or entrv, on a floor) and the necefTary out houses. HENRY TOWNSEND, ) BENJ. STODDERT, > Executors. THOMAS JOHNS, ) TERRITORY of COLUMBIA July 6, 1792. THE Subscriber offers for Sale, a Mill-Seat on Rock Creek, deemed by those who have ex mined it, equal to any in the United States. The Mill-House may be placed within one quarter of a mile of the river Potowmac, half a mile from the market house in Georgetown, and one mile from the President's fqua»e, in the city of Wash ington—on tide water, navigable for veflels of se veral hundred bushels burthen. — The llream is fulHcicnt,the year round,to turn four pair of stones, and the fall may be made from 25 to 30 feet. It is unnecessary to dwejl on the advantages of such a situation. The purchaser may be accommodated with a few hundred acres of land adjoining the Mill-Seat, if that should he an objett. (ep 3 m 14 Jul) Treasury Department, Auous i 20th, 1792. NOTICE is hereby given, that propof«ils wil be received at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, until the 13th day of Oftobci next inclusive, for the supply of all rations which may be required ior the use of the United States, from thefirftday of January to the thirty-fiift ddV of December 1793, both days inclusive, at Springfield, in the State of Maflachufetts, and the Post of Weft- Point, in the State of New-York. The rations to be supplied, ara to consist of the following articles, viz. One pound of bread or flour, Oae pound of beef, or of a pound of. pork. Half a jill of rum, brandy or whisky, One quarl fait, ) Two quarts of vinegar, ( Two pounds of soap, (P" 100 ra!,ons - One pound of candles, j The proposals mav be made for both of the Posts, or separately, for Spring field and Weft-Point. War Department, August 6, 1792. INFORMATION is hereby given tb all the Military Invalids of the United States, that (he sums to which they are intitied for fix months of their annual pension. from the 4th day of March 17921 and which will become due on the sth day of September 1792, will be paid on the said day by the Commiflioners of the Loans withtn the Slates refpe&ively, under the ufu.al regulations, viz. Every application for payment mud be accom panied by the following vouchers. :fl. The certificate given by the ftate,fpecifying that the person posse fling the fame is.in ta& an in valid, and afcei taining the sum to which as such he is annually entitled. 2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form : A. B. came before mc> one of the Juflices of the county of in the Jlate. of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his pojjcffion was given, 0} which the following is a copy (the certificate given by the Jlate to be recited) That he served (regiment, cor pi or vefjelj at the time he was disabled, and that he now rcfides in the and county of ■ and has jejided therefor the lafl years, previous to which he re sided in In cafe an invalid fbould apply for payment by an attorney, the said attorney, bcfides the certifi cate and oaih before recited, mull produce a spe cial letter of attorney agreeably to the following form : I I, A. B. of county of Jlate of do hereby conjlitute and appoint C. D. oj 'my lawjul attorney x to receive in my behalf oj my pension f or J lx months, as an invalid of the United States, from the fourth day of March, one thou fund seven hundred and ninety-two, and ending the fijth day oj September, one thoufandfeven hundred and ninety-two. Signed and fealert j in the prefencc of Acknowledged before me, Applications of executors and ad miniflrator must be accompanied with legal evidence of then reipettive offices, and also of the lime the invalids died, whofc perifion they may claim. By command of the Prcfident of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary oj War. The Printers in the refpe£live States are requefteci to publtfh the above in their newfpa ers, for the space of two months. TO BE SOLI) liY THE EDITOR, AN ALPHABETICAL LIST of the Duties payable on ail Goods, Wares and Merchan dize irti ported into the United States ; exhibiting the Rates payable on those imported in Ships 01 V eileis ot the United States, and in Foreign Ships or Veflels; including the additional Duties to which the Articles are liable. ALSO, A TABLE for receiving and paying Gold— graduated according to Lav*_ Blank ManifefU-- And Blanks for the various Powers o* At:o»nev neceiTary in tranlailing Bunnefs at the Ttcafjiy ot at the Bank of the United States G-? Tlli hitj 9r of tits Gatetk i m-: ,th, all those of Us Sul'fcriben, whof'e a :au nU «„■ „/ two or, thru yars yfa thm • as pojfibte. AUperJcv) emppwereijo colled moiirs fortieth, to whom pa-,mints have been made, would ( {/, ' hmi) transmitting the Jam, received, .vdth, MKI t the Jubfcriben who have paid. While every grateful acknowledgment is due to (4f r ( whofc punctuality has enabled the Editor thus far continue the publication-kt is obliged to rifene, (tj , is the expenct attending pro/ecu,m, Ld f, large the amount ofarrearages, that untefs a cmjii at ■ He pan Ojthat amount u JpcedUy realized, it «,!/1,. impcflMejor him to continue tl, Caz,:te uuth any ference to a d'pnt and extrjue circulation. proposals FORPRtNTIMCIV Sua« very many readers of ufteand judgment have exprtikd a wifti for a Family Bible unencumbered with ad ditions. Thete still appears room for another edition on a beautiful new 'ype, fupcrior in (ut and elegance io any bible that has yet been primed in the Englilh language, and which, leaving tfS adventitious circumllances of ornament or com. ment, may exhibit the Oracles cf God in iheir na tive (implicit)'. B. STODDERT. 5 And God said, d Let there be light: and there was light. With refpeftf.ul fubmiflion to the judgment and candour of the public, the following propofais are offered : I. The work. (ball be printed with the greatefi; fidelity and attention to corre&nefs both in the text and marginal references, on a fuperfine Paper made on purpose, with an elegant new Type cafl for the work of the size of the above Specimen. IT. The work will be eomprifed in twenty number.*, making two elegant volumes in Folio; to be furnifhed to fubfoibers at one dollar each number. To prevent any complairits of want of pun&uality, no part of the work Wll be delivered unless paid for. 111. The fiift number, conrainiing sixty folio cl« gantly printed, will be furnifhed on the firft Saturday of July next, when fubferibers are to pay the pricc of the firft and fecodd numbers, and the price of one number to be always in ad vance till the work is completed. The subsequent numbers to be publ:(hcd regularly on the firft Sa turday of each succeeding month, till the whole is finifhed. ( Subscriptions will be received in Philadel j phia by the PubliOieis, Thomas Dosson, No. SouthSecond-ftreef, and John Parker, No. 259, : North Second-street ; d by all ihe jjooklellera : in Charleston, by William P. Young ; Richmond, by Aichibald Curric ; Baltimore, by Jarne- Rice; Wilmington, by P'-tcr Brynbcrg ; New-York, by Thomas Allen; New-Haven, by I'faac B«rs; Providence, (R. I.) by William Wilkmfon; Sa lem, by Thomas Cuftiing ; Boston, by David Weft, Benjamin Guild, and Thomas & Andrew^. George-Town. A Number of LOTS in every situation which / A. may be c'efired in City of Washington* will be offered tor sale bv the Commilßoncrs, on Monday the Brh day of October next. opefou/ihopefou/ih part of the money to be paid down, the rtHouf in three equaf annual payments, with yearly interel on the whole principal unpaid. ' ' JOHN' M'GAXTT,Cerk to the [eptf] Witnejjes. Sold by the nOBSON, CAREY, YOUNG, (J. &T A convenient House, in or near theccnlrdj he City.— Enquire of the Editor.