. no ,l of mankind accompanied Mr. J 's abilities with a difpolition to make them of use for the good of his feliow citizens." It is to be lamented that he is so much altered now ; foi certainly the use to which he nozu applies his abilities, particularly his talent fur intrigue and party-work, evince a dilpoiition hostile to the good of his fellow citizens, and deltru&ive oi their future welfare. As to his being what Arijlides calls him an old meritonous public fer .vant, it is l'uppofed his eminent lervices in Vir ginia, at the time of Tarlton's invaiipn, are al luded to; and as to the crime of An American, iq attacking Mr. J during his ablence, this would not have happened had he been attending ♦lis duty where he ought to be. SCOURGE. From iht (Bojlon) Columbian (.'cntinel- *' T HAVE no manner of doubt, that X the inflexible integrity, and superior abilities of the Vice- President, in addition to his inde pendence of party views and con nexions, are the only faults he has ; and thele, I allure you, are insupera ble in the eyes of his enemies. For xhefe they never will cease to perse cute him : But may our country be wile—and still oppose him to the arts the unprincipled, as the fliield of their liberties. This, he has been undeviatingly for more than twentj years." PARIS, July 18. Speech made the 14th of July, at the inauguration of the firft stone of the column of liberty, on the ruins of the Battile : " On the ruins of the cavern of despotism, the column of Liberty e letfts iifie!t". It will no' be so %afy for tyrants to dettroy our. labors, as it was for citizens to overturn the Baltile. It is due to the Representa tives of the people to lay its founda tion—we fee atnopg thein i hree, who, with us, dared 011 this ground, the cannon of despotism : they swore with us a mortal hatred to the enemies of the people ; they ha.ie kept their oath. Since tyranny ft iII dares to raise its hideous head, let us swear together to give it a death wound. All Kings conspire to ruin the French nation. Let us then swear to detkroy the conspiring Kings. Jt is time to reap the fruit of our work, and tofee the reign of anarchy succeeded by the funthine of law and equality." Where the Ballile stood there was an iuunenfe tenr, brilliantly orna mented, and different coloured (ire works displayed ; an iminenfe group of the sons and daughters of freedom danced and sung 011 the very spot where the excetlWs of misery have for centuries been endured by the vic tims of tyrants ! The king has ordered M. M. Luck ner, Montesquieu, &c. &c. and all the Generals whatever, to refnfeper niiflion to M. Philippe Joseph Louis (the Duke of Orleans) 10 fervein any of their armies. M. Britfot, who has done so much for the Jacobins by vehemently op posing every minitter which they and he had not at leafl contributed to ad vance to public office, has fallen un der the displeasure of his colleagues. A motion was made the other night to erase his name from the books of the Jacobins, and his friends only e vaded the by moving the or der of the day, because it was unwor thy their importance to spend so much timttrpon individuals. L ON DON, July 19. The Kings of Hungary and Prussia are said each to have advanced a sum of money to the French emigrants ; but on condition, that the application of it ftial] be superintended by a Pruf lian and Auftriau cominiflary. The Prince of Nassau brings them a letter of credit from the £niprefs of RulTia, for a considerable futn. PROVIDENCE (R. I.) Sept. 8 At a meeting of the Corporation of the College on Thurl'day Jaft, the Rev. Jonathan Maxcy, Paflor of the Baptist Church in this town, and Profeflor of Divinity in the College, was elected Prefidenc of the College fro tetnpomr— and the Hon. Benjamin* Bourn, Esq. was elected a Trustee 138 1 6 Total amount /"• 49»3 01 9 4 Philadelphia, Sept. 22. ABSTRACT 0/ EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE. T he French papers mention fre quent desertions from the Autlrian army.—They fay further, that a great mutiny hps broken out among the soldiery of that army; and that it requires one half to keep the otherj in fubjeiftion. A report at Vienna dates, that the Autlrian Minilter at Constantinople had been arretted.— A grant of the liberty of the press, under very moderate retlri3 against France—these reasons are fubflatitially the fame with those contained in the manifelto ot the Duke of Brunfwick—it is however couched in more elegant and explicit terms, than the latter ; or else that of the Duke has not had jiillice done it in the tranilation.—Theanniverfa ry of ihe French Revolution has been celebrated with great eclat in Ire land and Scotland —among thenume rous patriotic toasts given 011 this oc caftpn, the name of Washington, the father of his country and the triond of mankind, is brought for ward with inoft distinguished honor and refpedt.—Blanchard, ihe cele brated aeronaut, lately performed an serial tour froni the free and imperi al town of Lubeck, in company with a young lady, for the purpose of dis playing the National Flag of France in the upper regions—compleat suc cess crowned the enterprize—This 131 .facft was ann'oumied to the National AHcmbly. it has been reported that a general aiftion h?d taken plate between ihe A ufti iati anil ft ench armies, previous to the failing of ihe Ohio from Brif tol, and thai the latter were victori ous. A vefTel from arrived here, brings accounts that the Spaniards were arming in all their pons. It has been proposed in the Jacobin Club, that a Diclaturate of 21, should fupercede both King and Aliembly,chufe nunifters, appoint generals, and conduct tne war.. It is determined, that the slates of Holland (hall not an active part in the atfairs of TVante.—A iubferrpt-ion i* open in Llngland for the succour of the people of Poland. The King notified the Afleuibjy that the Elector of Cologne, and the Duke of Wirtern berg, were preparing hostilities against France. —The important queition respeCting the DE POSING of the KING, was to be agitated on the 9th of August. The fourth anniversary of French Freedom was celebrated at Paris with great solemnity and magnificence, and without any unfortunate accident happening throughout the day. The procelLon to the Champ de Confederation was very regular and extremely grand. The King arrived on the ground about noon. He was at tended by the Ex-Miniiters and a large body of National Guards, and was received with accla- I mations the people. The following oath was then read aloud, the King, the National All'embly, the Deputies of the Departments, and all the Minilters, Officers, &c. {landing un covered, with their hands raised to Heaven : •* we swear to be faithful to the Nation, the Law, and the King—to maintain with all our power the Conllitution decreed by the National Affemnly and accepted by the King; to protect the individual and preserve his property accord ing to i.iv, : m let that there be a free circula tion of grain throughout the kingdom; to en force, with all our power, the collection of the public revenues, and to remain united to every Frenchman by the bands of brotherly love." 6,790 16 11 dut-HUs The King, the Legislature, and the people, then pronounced aloud, u I swear it." The acclamations which followed were long and re iterated. The Ruffians, in consequence of the warm re ception they met with from the Poles atZallaw, on the 17th June, have made no further progress into the kingdom on that quarter. Had l'ome of.the Polish general officers done their duty ef fefg njcant remndrt of the in furgent Jpirit maypoffibl) ex ijt m a particular town ; but the ebullitions oj rit in certain papers devoted to the worjl of causes, are a j nothing when opposed to the generalfcfe of the peo pie. Died in Charleston, S. C. Mordecai Gist, Esq. Brigadier-General in the Army of the United States. In England, Lieutenant General JohM Blrgoyne. Lord North, Earl of Guildford, Brc. SHIP NEWS. ARRIVED at the PORT oj PHILADELPHIA. Ship Birmingham Packet, Simmons, Bristol Rifmg Sun, Angus, Fame, Fraiier, Camilla, Snow Experiment, Williams, Frafer, Joseph, Brig Martha, Prance, Hoyt, Little Sarah, Charleston, Sch'r. Wevmouth, Fly', ' Dolphin, Earle, Garman, Stevens, Johnson, Leavit, Baflett, Garden, Tryal, Sloop Ann, Newp'orge, Ellis, Portsmouth (N. H.) The Britilh Packet for August, arrived at New-York on Tuesday last, 3 o'clock, P. M. tO** Price of Stocks as in our lafl. Qj' Catullus is receflaiily postponed till our next. St. Sebastians Rotterdam Dublin St. Kitts Londondeiry Amsterdam Newport Charleston N.York Charleston St. John (N." 8.) Boston Nantucket