Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 15, 1792, Page 124, Image 4

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    Tie Index and Title-Page jor the
Thin Ti'.umt of this Gazette, is vow ready to be
deliver titi those uiho intend to bind that Volume.
(£9" The price of this Gazette is Three Dollars per
anntmt —One ha]to be paid at the time offuhfcribing.
From the loft of Oitobcr next,
gST A convenient House, trior near the centre of
the City—Enquire of the Editor.
To he pMifltei h Subscription,
Old C*ony r ej.),
From September i 774, to Maich 1 789 ; —
An nuthntic and original colkftion of
written during the late war ;
And extracts from the
( For particulars, Jee Proposals at large.)
Subscriptions are received by the principal
Bobkfellers, and by the Editor,
JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pear-Street, Philadelphia.
Church Lottery.
THE peculiar circumstances of a gentleman
who had undertaken to itifpofeof a propor
tion of the tickets in the New-Brunfwick Church
Lottery, having, in his opinion, rendered it incon
venient for him further to proceed in the sale
thereof, betWCeh eleven and twelve hundred tick
ets are unexpectedly returned to the Re&or,
Church-Wardens and Vestry-men. This lays the
Managers under the necessity oi further adjourning
the drawing of the Lottery, until the fifteenth day
of O&ober next, that they may have time to trans
mit these tickets to the parts of the state where they
aie applied for, and leceive the returns. As there
are but few tickets besides these remaining on
hand, all persons who are disposed tp promote the
pious objett of this Lotteiy, or to take a chance
for the prizes therein, are rcquefted to (upply them
selves by the firft of O&ober; and the gentlemen
appointed to dispose of them, are defned to return
those to the Managers which then remain unfold,
to answer the applications of some gentlemen in
the neighbouihood, who are poltponed to this re
source for a supply.— And notice is hereby given,
that the tickets not returned to the Managers by
the eighth day of O&ober, will be considered as
at the nfk of the holders.
N. B. Robert Morris, Esq. of New-Brunf
■wick, is duly chosen one of the Managers of the
said Lottery, and has given security and qualified
agreeably to law. (cpiOi)
100 Dollars Reward.
LOST on Cartibiidge Common, Madae.hufetts,
on the afternoon of the 18th ult. a Morocco
POCKET-BOOK, with a ftceJ clasp, containing
a number of valuable papers, among which were
the following Public Securities, viz.
Massachusetts Slate Notes—No. 2,425; dated
December 1, 1782, payable to Thomas Greenwood,
for/. 23 i6j. principal—No. 22,399, dated Ja
nuary j, 1785, payable to Nathaniel Cartridge, lor
£.to 10s. principal. —No. , dated January
1, 1785, (an army note) payable to Timothy How
ard, for/'. 8 8/. id. principal.—No. , a Note
(the date, and to whom payable, not
£. 3 os. 3i. principal.—One Indent
Certificate for Four Dollars, and a New-Hamp
shire Certificate lor about 12 payable in John
and Daniel Jenks ; also a number of Notes of Hand
one of which was for £. 572 given by Nathan ,
Bond to Samuel W. Pomeroy (by whom it was en-J
dorled) dated ill May, 1792, and payable on the
nth August following,) the others were all paya
ble to the Subscriber. The Securities are checked
at the different offices from whence thev were
i {Tiled, and the Notes of Hand by the different
signers, they can therefore be of no use to any but
the owner.
The Subscriber hereby offers a reward of One
Hundred Dollars to any person or perfom
who has found the some, and will return them to
him, or leave them wiih the Printer hereof, and
no queflions will be asked.
Salem, MajTachnfetts, August 1, 1792. (eptf)
(And possession given immediately)
A Valuable FARM,
T3' EASAN7 LY Gtuated, end well improved
containing 213 acres, whereol 47 are'wood
land, 30 meadow, and 20 more may be made • [he
cleared land is under god fence, and is well
adapted to grafs,and there being so much meadow,
a large stock may be raised : it is also natural to
Wheat, and a proper attention toa well-kept stock
Will much improve its quality, and be the most
piohtahle : it has a young orchard of 200 apple
trees, a variety of peach and cher.y trees, and a
large garden. rheic areon the piemifes a hand
lome two story [tone house and kitchen, and an
elegant piazza; also, a good barn, with ftabline
cow-house Jianary,, work-ftiop!
and fmoak-houfe. The situation is high, pleafart
and h, althy, and affords some very agreeable pro-
Ipects, and is in a good neighbourhood : it lies on
the main road to New-York, about a mile and a
half trom Princeton, Ncw-jerfey, and 43 from
th s city. The till was examined and approved
byemment council before thefubl'criber purchased
For further pan. ulars apply to the fubfcube. at'
No. t 4 i, South Second-street, or at No. 81, South
TA atei-ftreet, Philadelphia.
v n c • t ISAAC SNOWDEN, Jun.
-VB. Stock for the larm may be had of the pre
lent tenant.
Also, to be Sold, and entered immediately
A two-rtory Br ck HOUSE and BAK E-HOL'SF
in Arch-IWt, N«. 3, 16 feettwo inchcs in front'
and 102 feet in depth. Auply as above
J ul
No. 118, Market-Street, Philadelphia.
1. A MERICANMUSEUM,fiom itscommence-
L ment in January 1787, to June 1792, in
eleven vols. Price, neatly bound and lettered,
seventeen dollars and three fifths.
This work, which is now conduced on an im
orovtd plan, containing the best pieces publilh.d
for and again ft the proceedings of government,
will be found to contain at least as great a variety
of political, agricultural,and mifcelianeous tlfcjys.
as any ever published in America, Pel haps in no
one work are so many valuable docuniVfits refpeft
ing the history of this country, col le£fed together.
His Excellencv the President of the United States,
has declared of if, that " a more ufeful literary
plan has never been undertaken in America, nor
one more deserving of public encouragement."
The fubfeription is two dollars and a half peV
ann. Gentlemen in the country who wish to
be supplied with this work, are rcqucfted to give
commiflion to friends in the city to fubferibe for
•nd receive it* Any of the back numbers
may be had in order to complete sets.
2. Smith's Letters to Married Women, on Nur
ing and the management of Children
"We recommend these lettrrs to the perusal ol
those to whom they are particularly addressed,"—
Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. 101 — Price, bound.
62 cents.
3- Duncan's Elements of Logic—7s cents.
4. Beauties of Fielding—so cents.
5. Beauties of Blair—so edits.
I 6. L3dies' Pocket Library, containing Miss
More'sEflays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning
ton's Advice, Marchioness of Lambert's Advice,
Swift's Letter to a newly married Lady, Mrs. Cha
pone on command of Temper, More's Fables for
the Ladies, Price 6f6.
7. Smith's History of New-York. Piice a dol
lar and a qparrer.
8. Elements of Moral Science, by James Beat
tie, 1..L.D. profeiror of moral philosophy and
logic in the Marifchal College, Aberdeen—Price
three-fourths of a dollar. Of this book the
Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay : "We
have seen nothing on ihefe fubje&s more plain,
more perspicuous, or more generally ufeful."
N. B. It is introduced into the University in Phi
9. Beauties of Poetry. Price four-fi/ths of a
10. Blair's Fermons. Price two dollars.
n. Necker'sTreatife on the importance of Re
ligious Opinions.—Price four-fifths of a dollar.
12. Examination of the Observations of Lord
[Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on very
nne paper, 5 Bths of a dollar.
13. The Conftitutionsof thefeveral United States,
with the Federal Constitution, See. Price five
eighths of a dollar.
14. M'Fingal. Pricethree-eighths of a dollar.
15. American Jest Book. Price three-fifths of
a dollar.
16. Garden of the Sou!. Price half a dollar.
17 The Doway Translation of the Vulgate Bi
ble, in quarto—Price,elegantly bound and letter
-50/2—plain, fix dollars.
18. Devout Christian's Vade Mecum Price a
19. Think well on't. Price a quarter dollar.
20. Christian Economy. Price a fifth of a dollar.
21. History of Charles Grandifon, abridged
Price a (ixth of a dollar.
22. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a third
of a dollar.
23. Select Poems, chiefly American-.-Price a
Sxth of a dollar. «<
[ Said Carey has for sale, a large assortment of
Books, European as well as American editions
wjjich he will dispose of on the molt teafonable
terms. Country gentlemen, who fa?or him with
commands, may depend upon being supplied in
the most fatisfactory manner. A liberal allowance
to such as purchase quantities for public libraries
or to fell ag.iin. '
PURSUANT to the lad Will and Ttftamcnt of
A 'rl ,^ V " Aux '»"«W.L U A» s „»,
deceased, will be exposed to Public Sale on Thurl
day, the lith of October next,at Gior getow n
on a credit of three years, the purchasers giving
bond, approved security, to bear interest from
the dat-e—That valuable Seat of Land, in Montgo
mery county, called Hayes; the late dwelling
plantation ol the deceased, containing between fix
I and seven hundred acres, the greatcft part of which
rich, heavy timbered land, exrremelv well vva
tered, and capable of affoidimg a very confiderahle
quantity ct fine meadow ;—Situated about 6 miles
from the Federal City,and the fame distance from
eorge-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a
"rt healthy part of the country,
rhe improvements are, a very elegant two ftorv
r 8 H ° Uf n (wilh lour roo '" s and a
'S )Or entry, on a floor) and the neceffarv out
ff-ntOl ( Executors.
r" I ''' THOMAS lOHNS, N
Tt-rvrtJ J OKI of CULUiviiii^.
' Hock deemed by those who have e\
States. The
a m leM he maVb 7 laCedWU '"" °<
mile ol the river Potowmac, half a mile from
mark.-, houlc in Georgetown, and one mile
from,he P.efidem', square, in the city of WT't
a fuua"on." ry '° dWd ' °" " ,e advam *g« of such
, newt ETS ~
No. 10,
Third, between Chefnut and Market Streets.
Treasury Department,
August 10, 1792.
NOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will
be received at the office of the Secretary of
the Trealury, until the twenty-ninth day of Sep
tember next inclusive, foi the supply of all Rations
which may be required for the use of the United
States, from the firft day of January to the thirty
firft day of December, 1793, both d_ays inclusive,
yt the places, and within the diftii&s hereafter
mentioned, viz.
1. At any place or places betwixtYoik-Town &
Carli(l?,in the ifate of Pennfylvania,and Pittsburgh,
and at Pittsburgh, York-Town and Cailifle.
2. At any place or places from Pittsburgh to the
mouth of Big Beaver Creek, and at the mouth of
Big Beaver Creek.
3. At any place o» places from the said mouth to
the upper falis of the laid Big Beaver, and at the
uppei falls.
4. At anyplace or places from the said upper
falls to Mahoning, and at Mahoning.
5. At any place or places from the laid Mahoning
ove r to tin* Head Navigation of the River Caya
hoga, and at the said Head Navigation.
6. At any place or places from the said Head Na
vigation to the mouth of the said River Cayahoga
and at the said mouth.
7. At any place or places betwixt the mouth of
the Big Beaver Creek to the mouth of the River
Mufkingum, and up the said River to the Tufca
rowas, at Tufcarowa.s, and thence over to
the Cayahoga River, and thence down the said
River to its mouth.
8. At any place or places betwixt the mouth of
the River Mufkingum and the mouth of the Scioto
River, and at the mouth of <he (aid River Scioto.
9. At any place or places betwixt the mouth of
Scioto River and the mouth of the Great Miami,
at the mouth of the Great Miami, and from thence
to the Rapids or the Falls of the Ohio, and at the
said Rapids.
10. At any place or places betwixt the mouth o!
the Great Miami, up the said Miami to and ai
Pique Town.
11. At any place or places from Fort Wadiingtor
to Fott Hamilton, and at Fort Hamilton. At any
places from Fort Hamilton to Fort St.
Clair, and at Fort St. Clair.
12. At anv placeor places from Fort St. Clair to
Fort Jefferfon, and at Fort Jefferfon.
13. At any place or places from Fort Jefferfon to
the field of action of the 4th of November, 1 791,
and at the said field of action.
14. At any place or places from the said field of
a6iion to the Miami Villages, and at the Miami
15. At anv place or places from the said Miami
Villages to the Falls of the Miami River, which
empties into Lake Ene, and at the said Falls, and
from thence to its mouth, and at its rr.ol -h.
16. At any place or places from the mouth of the
said Miami River of Lake Epje toSandulky Lake,
and at Sanrfufky Lake.
1 7. At any place or places from the said Sandufkv
Lake to the mouth of the River Cayahoga.
18. At any place or places from the mouth of the
said River Cayahoga to Prefque Isle, and at Prcfquc
19. At any place orplaces fromPrefque Tfleto the
stream running into Lake Erie from towards the
Jadaghque Lake, and thence over to and at the
said Jadaghque Lake, and thence down the Alleg
hany River to Fort Franklin.
20. At any place or placesfromPrefquelfle toLe
Beuf, and at Le Bcuf.
2t. At any place or places from I.e Beuf to Fort
Franklin, and at Fort Fianklin, and from thence
to Pittsburgh.
22. At any place or places from theßapids of the
Ohio to the mouth of the Wabath River'. and from
the mouth of the said Wabath River to the mouth
of the River Ohio.
23. At anv place or places on the East fide of the
River Mifliflippi, trom the mouth of the Ohio
River, to the mouth of the Illionois River.
24. At any place or places on the Eaftfide of the
Mitliflippi, bet ween ihe mouth of the Ohio and
the River Margot inclusively.
>5- At any place w places from the said Rivei
Marcrot to the River Yazous inclusively.
sC. At any place or places from the mouth of the
laid Wabalh River up to Fort Knox, and at Fori
27. At any place or places from Fort Knox, up
the fa id Wabalh, to Ouittanon,and at Ouittanon.
28. At any place or placeslroin Ouittanon,up the
said \Vabalh, 10 the head navigation of a branch
thereof called Little River, and at the said head
navigation of Little River.
29. At any place or places from the said head na
vigation ol Little River over to the Miami Village.
30. At anv place 01 places from the mouth ot the
River Teneffee to Occochappo or Bear Creek, on
the said Rivei, inclusively.
31. At any place or places from the mouth of the
River Cumberland to Nathville, on the said River
and at Nathville. '
And at any place or places within thiitv miles
of said Nalhville to the Southward, Wcftward 01
Northward thereof.
Should any lauons be required at any places or
within other diltria., not ipecificd in thele p'ro
pofals, the price of the fame to be hereafter agreed
on betwixt the public and the comrafto.
The rations to be supplied are to consist of th<
following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or A of a pound of po { k,
Halt a ]ill of rum, brandy or whilkv,
One quart of fait, \
I wo quarts of vinegar,
Two pounds of soap, r P er 100 rat ions.
One pound of candles, )
The rations are to be furnifhcd in such nu .ti
ties as that there (hall at all times, during the laid
term, be fufficient for the consumption of the
troops at each of the said ports, for the foace of at
lead three monihs in advance, in good and whole
lome provifjons, if the fame (ball be required.
It is to be understood in each cafe, that all losses
ned by the depredations of the enemy, or by
means of the troops ol the United States, (ball be
paid lor at the prices of the articles captured or de
!!| ro> l depofttions of two or more credita
le Charaders and the certificate of a eommiflion-
I r ° j": afcma,n,n S the circumstances of the
lols and the amount of the articles for which com
penlation is claimed.
. he c °" ,raft for ,he a^ove fnoplics will be inadi
ci. er or one year, or for tzuo years, as may appeal
~ /
• eligible. Pcrfon, difpoM to con,raft
fore confine their otfen t 0 onc year or rhl
Treasury Department !
i\ be "«Wd « the ofjpce.ol ,hc S« r ,'
the Treasury, until the i 3 thdaybf Ofloh,
inclusive, lor the supply „ t a || ratu , ns wh ' ***
b? required for tbe ulc of the Unued State! f"* 7
the firll day of January io the, | t
December l 793' botn dayj inclulive, at Sp Mnß fi,w
mine Statcot Maffacholeits. and ihePofl of W ft'
Pent, in thr Stare of New-Yo.k. Wt^
The rations to be supplied, are | 0 consist 0 f ih*
■ following articles, vi 7.
One pound of bread or flour ,
One p„,,„ d f or jof a poun( , of .
Hall a jill ol rum, brandy or whilky
One quart of fait, } '
Two quarts of vinegar, f
Two pounds of soap, r P er '?# ratior*.
One pound of candles. )
The propofalsmiv be made for both of tf,,
above-mentioned Ports, or separately, for S' !
field and Weft-Point,
Treasury Department,
August, 20th imo
OTICEis I.ereby given, that proposal's v'ill
be received atthe office of the Secret, ry 0 f
me Treasury unt.l the fourth day of Oaobrr
.nclufjvely, lor the supply of.h, follow,n g articl
thc Troo P s thc Service
the United Slates vie.
ro. TH. IKANTMM, artillery
46c 8 Hat. 18460 Shirts
ff-ll v™'' 7956 Pair of Sock.
fififiß w , ~ , 46 " 8 Bl "^ ; '
0608 VVoolcn Overalls 4608 Siocjct
9216 Linen Overalls 4608 Stock Clat
18376 Pair of Shoes 4608 Pair ofjrc,
"30 Pdir of Slockin
360 Coats *44° Shins
360 Vests 260 Blankets
360 Pair of Leather 360 Slocks
(Breeches 360 Stork C'a;pc ;
720 Pair of Boots 1200 .Rifle Shin?, to
360 Pair of Spurs (made of Rulfia Sheetin
The above Cloth'ng to be delivered either i
N T ew-York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, at the c
tton of the contra&or or contra&ors, or. or bclo'
ihe h day of June, 1793.
The ptopofals may comprise the whole of
before-mentioned Clothing, or any one or m
of thecomponent articles ; to be furnifticd.aeir ,
blv to patterns or specimens, which will be fh- .
at the War Office. Good security will be req> 1
ed for the puuftual and faithful performance
he contrast. The payment vviil be on the deli
ry of the Clothing, or, if necelfary, luch r.eafo.
1 hle advances will be made as the Secretary c.-f i
jTreafury (hall deem expedient.
War Department,
August 6, 1792.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all lie
Military Invalids of the United Staks, lii,
the sums to which they are intitled for fix mom
of their annual ptnfion, from the 4th dayof M#
1792, and which will become due on the sth A
ot September 1792, will be paid on the iaid r
by the Comrniflioners of the Loans within
States relpe£lively, under the usual regulations
Every application for payment mull be au- :
panied by the following vouchers.
ift. The certificate given bv the ftate,fpe(
thac the person poffefling the fame is in fact
valid, and afceitaining the sum to which as luch
is annually entitled.
2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the follow
form :
1 A. B. came before me, one of the Juflices oj
county of in the Jlate of and made oath t
he is the fame A. B. to whom the 0; iginal certrfi
in his pojjeffion was given, of which the following
J copy (the certificate given by the Jlate to be rent
That he served (regiment, corps or vepl)
the time he was difabkd, and that he now rcfidgs 11
the and county of and has jfjidc 1
therefor the lafl years, previous to which he re•
sided in
In cafe an invalid ftiould apply for payment h
an attorney, the fa id attorney, besides the ccrtr
cate and oath before recited, mult produce a fp
cial letter of attorney agreeably to the follow,
form :
I, A. B. of county of Jlate of
1 hereby conflitute and appoint C. D. oj wy lawj
attorney, to receive in my behalf oj n>v p sT 'J
for fix months, as an invalid of the United Stat
fiom the fourth day of March, one thoufm-d J'-
hundred and ninety-two, and ending the fifth da \
September, one thoujandfeven hundred and ninety-tiffv
Signed and sealed
in the presence of
Acknowledged before me,
Applications of executors and adminftlrati.
fnuft be accompanied with legal evidence of the
relpefiive offices, and alio of ihe time the invalic.
died, whose pension they may claim.
By command of the
Piefident of the United States,
H. KNOX, Secretary/
The Printers in the refpeftive States a
requcfted to publish the above in their oewfp**
pers, for the (pace of two months.
A Number of LOTS in everv fnuaron whic'-
may be c'efired in City of Washington,
will be offered for sale by the Comnv.llioners, 01
Monday the Bth day of Oftobernext. One four ll
part of the money to be paid down, the rrficuc n
three equal annual payments, with yearly inter •
on the whole principal unpaid.
to the Confimii5 in,,p ' s *
June 2, 1792,
| Witncjfcs.